White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform


Information Briefing #172

Comes the Hour. Comes the Man

88 BC. General Sulla Arriving in Rome Under Arms to Bring Order. Never the Emperor – Always the Emperor Maker.

Another year is upon us.

What we can disclose at this time is that we cannot disclose anything in great detail. But, rest assured, what you cannot see is looking back at you.

A dynastic alliance, formed to reshape the future without the need for profiting off of human misery, is in possession of the means, the advantage and the guidance to assert itself on the world’s stage.

These alliances are also building in other directions. A recent message for our leading key German supporters is as follows:

Kommt die Stunde.

Kommt der Mann.

Das nächste Mal werden sich Mutterland und Vaterland vereinen und nicht gegeneinander kämpfen

(Comes the hour. Comes the man. Next time, Motherland and Fatherland will unite and not fight against each other.)


While almost the entirety of Earth is laboring under a Kakistocracy which itself is under the influence of a parasitically oriented, international clique of rootless opportunists, the aforementioned alliance is tasked with offering an alternative. Only significant power can overcome a significant problem. Anything less capable of doing so is doomed from the start.

Presently, more details are not possible. Hopefully soon they will be.

But, overseeing all of this is a special collective group also advancing Trans-Humanism planning to have life expectancies reaching to c200 years, so as not to lose such valuable knowledge and wisdom, in order to take humanity forwards to a new level of ethereal and cosmic consciousness. With the applied sciences of those 200 years, what will then be possible? Formal Religions will fail and fall. But, will be replaced by a higher consciousness of being more, and soul values.

So much is unfolding.    

The current scene society is faced with is disastrous – bordering on catastrophic. You all see it. With applied research, you will find the malignant hand of the Goyim enslavers all over it, and their Talpiot tentacles burrowing deep into most critical structures and information hierarchies.  Spying on all they presume to own as masters of the Goyim web; the nations they covet and the damage they do. The tracking oversight knows all.  Scheme as they may, there will come their day. 

Increasing energy and healthcare costs pushing people out of their homes. Pension funds are facing a looming crisis. Most plans were structured for actuarial function up to around 70-75 years. People are reaching into their 90’s and even 100’s in greater numbers. Who will make up the differences?

Military spending is absorbing resources which could provide for the education and healthcare of many who otherwise go without. What good is funding large standing armies when drones and precision nukes have rendered their open maneuvering virtually obsolete? Waste. Ending the Military Industrial Cabal to instead focus on excellence and trade, would lift the world out of poverty.  Trillions are mass wasted in pursuit of warfare hegemony. Why is money not instead focused to aid the living and so needing? 

Why is the unelected Deep State outside of the rule of law and ethics? Once the Petro Dollar fails, who will fund them? 

Banking is being forced to change, as ever more decentralized financial technologies pressure them to become competitive. SWIFT will be gone soon, along with their rip-off fees.

Even the most benevolent political leadership is becoming ineffective by default. Even without all of the conspiracies, the plots, the power struggles, the infighting and debate of which politics is comprised of, its effectiveness when set against superior technological means of societal management is outclassed by miles. Politics is visibly failing, and new powers WILL emerge. 

It’s time for the political horse to be led to the glue factory, and more effective and reliable means utilized to meet the needs of society.

While such will most likely not happen by a sudden burst of sanity on the part of the political classes, the passage of time and the realities of technology and its inexorable effect on the way people live and work, will see to the glue horse’s fate. But this is for future generations to consider. Presently, we are facing a far different reality within which we must survive, notwithstanding the progress in present time.

To close, thank you all for your continuing contributions to our discussion sections. The incredible work all of you are doing to bring together such a wide array of facts and opinions for reader consideration is exceeding our expectations.

Be ready for anything. Always.

Something enormous is in play and moving forwards which will only uncloak when ready; stealthily shielded and being readied to swoop down on the known enemies and poisoners of mankind. 

More when possible.


1,797 responses to “Information Briefing #172”

  1. Surf boarding anyone?


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  3. Target the illegal boats for Gods sake Save Fishermans lives feed the crabs.


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Sheesh. Helmsman was probably watching porn.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not Hillary for sure.


  5. https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1549778/vitamin-d-supplements-when-you-should-stop-taking-sunshine-tablets-evg
    More good info as the UK gets very little sunshine. But plenty of incoming illegal Wogs. Eat them?

    And just what have the UK and US done for centuries?
    Double standards. They are taking their turn
    It’s Important that you know and recognize this.

    Doomsday clock remains unchanged for the third year in a row https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10423401/Doomsday-clock-remains-100-seconds-midnight-year-row.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    And so the madness goes on

    New evidence of military build-up within striking distance of Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10422411/New-evidence-huge-military-build-striking-distance-Ukraine-emerges.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    WHY?????????????? Helping stop Bases armed with Nukes and Crooks on their borders? Hello? Isn’t keeping the Khazarians out also enough?

    Boris Johnson says ‘disaster for the world’ if Russia attacks Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10423119/Boris-Johnson-warns-disaster-world-Russia-invades-Ukraine.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Biden’s press conference was an utter disaster

    Poor, Poor America. A Global laughing stock.
    A global joke and they wonder why his poll numbers are dropping. In Europe there is little belief in anything being said.


    Hello, would you take a Covid Cruise now?
    London-bound American Airlines flight turns back to Miami an HOUR AND HALF into journey because ‘disruptive’ female passenger refused to wear a mask

    The American Airlines Flight AAL38 came back to Miami International Airport and was met by police. A woman in her 40s, was escorted off the plane, according to authorities. She was not arrested.


    This Dumbo will now find she will be Dep Plaine listed and never allowed to fly again. A brain is for using. Life ban to fly? Airlines keep a shared Compliance list.

    See even they have had their Chips.
    Drone wars: Race is on for unmanned aerial supremacy – Asia Times

    As I’ve warned what was designed for Wog control will also be used in the Ukraine. Boys and Toys?

    This is the new air superiority race as robotic drones will be the wingmen of tomorrow in combat situations or even in intercepts.


  6. It is obfuscation to give cover for Domestic Enemies. The GDP destruction and debt is of warfare level. The disease impact will be with us for at least 5 to 10 years. IT IS TREASON.

    Take the ONS to task on both deaths and the t+14 stats collection that pushed ~50% of death and adverse events onto the unvaccinated.

    Folks need to hang for these transgressions.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not a member…sure the article will show up somewhere.


    2. Before Trial Tino you can not trust US Justice. Take failure to answer in the trial as proof of guilt.
      Military Councils of wise men. Decide and take out. Justice fails us. Dead Traitors don’t betray again
      Like Rapists.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I hope this image shows the pic. If not, it is worth it to see.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. From Jimstone today:
    This was real easy to fact check, it is legit
    I have fact checked this, it is legit. In-flight emergency sqwaks, (sqwak 7700) have indeed increased by about 124X (12,400 percent) since the vax. Gosh, that matches the previous percentage increase of pilot deaths too. Pretty soon we are going to start having planes with both pilot and co-pilot disabled.
    A while ago I posted a list of all the commercial pilot deaths post vax. Pilots are quite healthy so usually the list only has a few per year. However, after the vax there were hundreds on the list for 2021, and now we have THIS from a pilot:
    “Something HUGE and really scary is going on with aviation. You can see for yourself. I am a former airline captain, I am out of the industry but I still keep tabs of what is going on. I have an app on my phone, it’s a free app that you can download yourself, it is called flightradar24. One of the really cool features of this app is you can have alerts set up so if an aircraft somewhere in the world declares an emergency, in the industry we call it squawking 7700, you can get a notification. I’ve had this app for years and usually you would see one to four emergencies pop up every month. That’s how it’s always been, aviation is pretty safe, there’s not a whole lot of emergencies worldwide on the monthly basis. But over the last couple of months I have been getting notifications sometimes up to 10 times a day. I’ve already had four this morning! Something huge and scary is going on out there and nobody is talking about it. I am seeing so many aircraft declaring emergencies on a daily basis, and I don’t know what is going on. You don’t have to believe me, you can download the app for yourself and set up the notifications. A lot of emergencies happening these days, I don’t know if I want to fly commercially anymore.

    My comment: Posted anonymously but was VERY EASY to confirm. I frequently look at flightradar24. so I suspected this was legit and sure enough, there really are that many planes declaring emergencies. I did not know how many was normal, so I looked for precedent and found it. Normally there really are only a few sqwaks per month, here is a post from six years ago where a pilot is wondering why there were suddenly 1-4 per week. I wonder what he would think of 10 per day. This is on Aviation.stackexchange. before the shot, a few a week was a lot. WTH is going on????


  9. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    We are raising our buy-up-to-price for Curve (CRV) from $0.95 to $5.00.

    Curve has risen several hundred percent from the approximate entry price when we suggested a position in this idea, and there is likely much more upside ahead.

    As this is posted, the price is about $4.20. Recent forecasts call for a high of $13 as a possibility.

    Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much Tony.


  10. https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/20/so-its-ok-to-question-election-legitimacy-now-as-long-as-youre-not-trump/
    Biden’s ‘illegitimate’ election comments are setting the stage for Democrats, who have a history of contesting elections, to blame the system when they lose.


  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 2 people

    1. definitely lost in space

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  12. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  13. Britain should stay well out of Russia’s border dispute with Ukraine | Simon Jenkins

    Well at WHA give John one thing, he’s never afraid to speak his mind and expose false claims or Gods.

    No favours, attract attention for a wrong move, or false front, and you’re lunch! No protecting the Brits either here. Inept calls get Called! Stop- Kids- Dying!

    No Politicos get protected, nor nations. If you’re wrong, it gets called or challenged. As it should be. WHA speaks for all.

    The UK and US should not be engaged selling weapons of mass destruction for profits here. Ruthless hegemony. WRONG!

    How many innocent Patriotic kids, victims of one Propaganda source or another, will be getting themselves eviscerated by High Tech weapons they had no idea were ready and waiting for them? It’s YOU Frying tonight!

    We were incensed by French indifference selling Exocet missiles to the Argentinians, which burnt us alive in the Falklands. Payback for Waterloo and rescuing them twice from the Huns.

    So, irrespective of open waters, we ordered our patrolling Royal Navy Sub to track the Belgrano in open seas and sink the Bastards. Payback. No one saw that coming and over 300 Argentinians died horrible deaths that night, drowning or the sharks. War?

    Ukraine is going to be a Whores War if not stopped. Fought for fake and hidden agendas. Liars mass deaths of the gullible or innocent.

    It’s so avoidable by reasoning and listening. Not to facilitate the scheming Khazarians with their new Promised Land agenda, plundering the Goyim for Zionists profits again. For GAIN. Or our Arms Sales.

    Or for Ras” Poisoner” Putin to show off his Boys Toys on a world stage. Must do better. Human lives are the currency here.

    Not some ranting, ignorant adolescent child Peasant Pissant Soap Box Commie Feces. Know nothing, say nothing.

    The West being beholden to either Biden or Johnson, is too bad to be true. Each the worth of the dog foul scrapings of a Khazarian shoe.

    Laverov is the only one cognizant of reality out there. He’s batting for Mother Russia. But remembering Stalingrad.
    And 20 million Russian lives lost. Followed by 20 M more to Stalin’s purges.

    We are fielding Mutt Crawling Johnson and Child Sniffer Biden? WTF? Get REAL!

    Russia’s case is – No NATO bases in Ukraine and their Missiles within easy reach of Russia’s bases or cities. Not unlike Cuba. What’s not to understand. Are our Leaders all Thick? Intelligent, reasoned debate.

    Also, the blatant Criminality of Ukraine’s own Ruling Proletariat. A Den of Thieves on their borders. If then to be sheltered by NATO? Wake up!

    Brain cells here?

    Reasoned Debate, not a nuclear fate. Nor for Pissants to rant.

    Simon Jenkins gets it. As do I fully. Now you. Who profits from this? Again!

    Do you want Global Armageddon? To all die for a Khazarian set up lie? Why? One trigger finger away from All Out! Know the board!

    Know your real Enemy. Mass ignorance is no excuse to be obtuse.


    Just who TF does Sniffer think he is?
    The world’s no longer interested in Washington’s aspirations or wishes. Putin will do what Russia needs to do and their response will be F u!


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Actually, there should be no wars. Wars come about through greed and power hungry a’holes. All nations need better leaders that actually have a certain level of intelligence and that actually give a shit about their country and this world as a whole. I am fed up with men and their bs power games playing with their latest toys.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. 7 Proven Reasons to Eat More Blueberries

    Eating even less than a cup of blueberries a day helps fend off heart disease, cancer, brain aging, and much more. Here are seven great reasons to eat more blueberries every day

    Spring and summer are prime seasons for fresh blueberries. But there are good reasons to eat them all year round. Blueberries pack huge health benefits in a tiny package.

    Research confirms that eating even less than a cup of blueberries a day helps fend off heart disease, cancer, brain aging, and much more. Here are seven great reasons to eat more blueberries every day.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks John. I do eat them every day. And am going to be planting 4 plants soon. They are expensive, but poor health costs more.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. i no one thing, they don’t lower your cholesterol by my much especially if yours is hereditary but i have too huge plants and consume those berries every summer. Every nite after work you have to pick them and find stuff to fend off the birds,


  15. Liked by 1 person

  16. If you can’t make it to the Anti-Mandates rally in D.C. this Sunday, you can contribute to defray their expenses. FLCCC this week announced that it will be attended by firefighters from DC, NYC and LA. Also, it has been coordinated to start right after a similar rally in Belgium finishes, so that a live feed will be passed from the Belgian rally to the DC rally, showing unity of both continents against mandates. https://www.givesendgo.com/mandatemarch

    Liked by 1 person

  17. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10417951/Six-Russian-landing-ships-sail-past-Britain-sparking-speculation-bound-Ukraine.html

    Of course, they are. And letting us know.
    Black hole is spotted ‘giving birth’ to stars in a nearby dwarf galaxy https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10421851/Black-hole-spotted-giving-birth-stars-nearby-dwarf-galaxy.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    All crapping out more illegals to send to America

    What, you are blaming them for copying Cabal tactics?
    Sajjd Javid admits PM has been ‘damaged’ as MPs delay coup bid https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10421805/Sajjd-Javid-admits-PM-damaged-MPs-delay-coup-bid.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Is Johnson on borrowed time there’s no doubt he’s a pathetic flop. Whitehall knives are sharpening
    US Navy challenges Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea

    Cruising through the high seas is one thing,, apart from Sabre Rattling Ras Poisoning Putin when needed, it’s not the best idea often. We all need to co-exist.
    No surprise, how many times and his Gay Boyfriend sits exposed in Australia for all to see. Another bastard exposed on a Vatican knee.
    Shut this F Big Council of Nicea Con down with its Fake Tanatalus Crucifix racketeered false Gods conjured up by Empress Helena to subjugate the masses. Look how many or worse just ignorant gullible Dumb Asses have bought into this false Fantasy. Childs minds.

    Former pope Benedict accused of misconduct over four sex abuse cases https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10422121/Former-pope-Benedict-spotlight-explosive-report-child-sex-abuse.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Fauci’s Arch-Nemesis, Dr. Robert Malone, Posts Irrefutable PROOF Of Effectiveness Of Ivermectin – enVolve
    As the site well argues, Fauci is a Fake or a Flake. Or both!

    To accept this one must conclude that public safety went out the window in favor of the shots distributed



    1. The UK has a 2011 official and sanctioned influenza and other pandemic response plan that it threw out the moment CoviD hit. Shouldn’t some precious MP sink their teeth into the why and wherefore of such abandonment for absurdities likes masks, social distancing and lockdowns, not to mention the false Imperial models, the false indictment of effective early treatment and the vaccine-mania.

      We have NOT forgotten the NHS CMO that banned hydroxychloroquine and the further banning of ivermectin by others. At a minimum the CMO should be hauled in front of an appropriate Board to explain his why and wherefore before being stripped of title and licensce.


  18. Israeli Ministry of Health, it’s time to admit failure

    In the end, the truth will always be revealed, and the truth about the coronavirus policy is beginning to be revealed. When the destructive concepts collapse one by one, there is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the pandemic – we told you so.

    Two years late, you finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated and that any such attempt is doomed to fail. You do not admit it because you have admitted almost no mistake in the last two years. Still, in retrospect, it is clear that you have failed miserably in almost all of your actions, and even the media is already having a hard time covering your shame.

    Despite years of observations and scientific knowledge, you refused to admit that the infection comes in waves that fade by themselves. You insisted on attributing every decline of a wave solely to your actions, and so through false propaganda, “you overcame the plague.”

    And again, you defeated it, and again and again and again.

    You refused to admit that mass testing is ineffective, despite your own contingency plans explicitly stating so (“Pandemic Influenza Health System Preparedness Plan, 2007”, p. 26).

    You refused to admit that recovery is more protective than a vaccine, despite previous knowledge and observations showing that non-recovered vaccinated people are more likely to be infected than recovered people.

    You refused to admit that the vaccinated are contagious despite the observations. Based on this, you hoped to achieve herd immunity by vaccination – and you failed in that as well.

    You insisted on ignoring the fact that the disease is dozens of times more dangerous for risk groups and older adults than for young people who are not in risk groups, despite the knowledge that came from China as early as 2020.

    You refused to adopt the “Barrington Declaration”, signed by more than 60,000 scientists and medical professionals, or other common-sense programs.

    You chose to ridicule, slander, distort, and discredit them.

    Instead of the right programs and people, you have chosen professionals who lack relevant training for pandemic management (physicists as chief government advisers, veterinarians, security officers, media personnel, and so on).

    You have not set up an effective system for reporting side effects from the vaccines, and reports on side effects have even been deleted from your Facebook page.

    Doctors avoid linking side effects to the vaccine, lest you persecute them as you did to some of their colleagues. You have ignored many reports of changes in menstrual intensity and menstrual cycle times.

    You hid data that allows for objective and proper research (for example, you removed the data on passengers at Ben Gurion Airport). Instead, you chose to publish non-objective articles together with senior Pfizer executives on the effectiveness and safety of vaccines.

    Irreversible damage to trust.

    However, from the heights of your hubris, you have also ignored the fact that the truth will be revealed in the end. And it begins to be revealed. The truth is that you have brought the public’s trust in you to an unprecedented low, and you have eroded your status as a source of authority.

    The truth is that you have burned hundreds of billions of shekels to no avail – for publishing intimidation, for ineffective tests, for destructive lockdowns, and for disrupting the routine of life in the last two years.

    You have destroyed the education of our children and their future. As school principals around the country attest, you made children feel guilty, scared, smoke, drink, get addicted, drop out, and quarrel. You have harmed livelihoods, the economy, human rights, mental health, and physical health.

    You slandered colleagues who did not surrender to you, you turned the people against each other, divided society, and polarized the discourse. You branded, without any scientific basis, people who chose not to get vaccinated as enemies of the public and as spreaders of disease.

    In an unprecedented way, you promote a draconian policy of discrimination, denial of rights, and selection of people, including children, for their medical choice. A selection that lacks any epidemiological justification.

    When you compare the destructive policies you are pursuing with the sane policies of some other countries – you can clearly see that the destruction you have caused has only added victims beyond the vulnerable to the virus.

    The economy you ruined, the unemployed you caused, and the children whose education you destroyed – are the surplus victims as a result of your actions only.

    There is currently no medical emergency, but you have been cultivating such a condition for two years now because of lust for power, budgets, and control.

    The only emergency now is that you still set policies and hold huge budgets for propaganda and consciousness engineering instead of directing them to strengthen the health care system.

    This emergency must stop!

    Professor Udi Qimron, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University

    Liked by 1 person

  19. So he follows American moves, Why not? Jewkraine or Ukraine, he’s choosing.

    US-Russia nuclear war would kill 34 million people within hours and is increasingly likely, Princeton study concludes | The Independent | The Independent

    The madness of Meddling where noses are not wanted.

    US Air Force chief details gripping second-by-second response if Vladimir Putin launched a nuclear attack on America. We say it in seconds as most of the Plebs can’t or don’t read.

    Death Toll Continues To Rise: Putin Warns Israel, Netanyahu Says Russia Is Close to Attack
    These Bastards need to be stopped. Armageddon head on.

    About time these Bastards got a taste of what they have done to Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and threaten all if not stopped. F expanding Greater Israel, ISRAEL IS THE PROBLEM. It does NOT belong there. Which is why they are trying to undermine and take Ukraine. Get real, Get Rid!

    How else can they stand up to and stop the Khazarian Interlopers and Fake Assimilators?
    It’s only time before the Middle East hits back. Genghis Khan’s scum have no place in the Middle East.
    Nor among humanity. Vermin seed anywhere they go. Look what they did to America. Vandals inside.

    How else can they stand up to and stop the Khazarian Interlopers and Fake Assimilators?
    It’s only time before the Middle East hits back. Genghis Khan’s scum have no place in the Middle East.
    Nor among humanity. Vermin seed anywhere they go. Look what they did to America. Vandals inside.

    Sad, mad Vlastimil


  20. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10420387/Disgusting-moment-Brooklyn-woman-SPITS-boy-8-hurls-anti-Semitic-abuse.html

    Now the New York invective releases it’s bile on the Children. This woman can expect the full force of the Jewish lobby as it’s going to be ugly.
    How to Explain to Your Child Why They Should Never Be a Democrat – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics


    Likely to gain traction in other countries as the narrative wears thin and falls apart and politicians try to get off the Covid narrative train. We will see more countries put this behind them over the next 2 months.

    Yes but now Gates and his Fauci Weevials are lining you all up for Smallpox cash ins.

    I have been arguing this for the last year.

    In fact 20! None are fit for office.

    Mediocrity in Power
    By Jacob Fraden
    American Thinker
    January 16, 2022

    The power of government rests on ignorance of the people, and it knows this, and therefore will always resist enlightenment. Leo Tolstoy

    Every nation has its fair share of people with no useful abilities, yet harboring considerable ambition and an insurmountable craving for la dolce vita. The longing is there, but with no means for its realization. So, what are they to do? Sooner or later the mediocre find a workable solution: they go into politics.

    A sufficiently high position in a government structure that doesn’t require any special abilities or talents gives a nearly assured opportunity to receive lucrative benefits, including money, respect, and influence. There is a famous saying: “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” There is a corollary: Those who can’t teach, govern.

    This is how the selection process works: mediocrities float to the top. Thus, government agencies accumulate several bureaucratic politicians for whom the main goal in life is to hold on to their positions and, if possible, move up the career ladder. The good of the country and its people becomes secondary and intrusive. Many professional bureaucrats possess just one talent: seizing and holding onto power.

    Until recently, leaders of many countries had a clear understanding that the intellectual potential of a society can be of exceptional value to the state and for the preservation of their power. Even such bloody dictators as Stalin and Hitler allowed a certain degree of free-thinking and independence of ideas in scientific and technical academia. They were well aware that quality education and the existence of an intellectual elite were among the cornerstones of the foundation of their power.

    This understanding seems to have been lost in America.

    Nowadays, our ignorant leaders don’t understand the importance of studying the sciences, which has led to the systematic destruction of education on all levels. In colleges, the ability to play football is valued far above mathematics. Children in secondary schools often don’t study physics, chemistry, biology, and other basic subjects. These have been replaced by an ephemeral discipline called “science,” which, like a salad, comprises little bits and pieces of everything.

    When high school graduates go to colleges and universities, many of them take what is called “liberal arts.” Today’s highly politicized version of these disciplines don’t develop strong analytical and critical thinking, nor entice creativity, and thus don’t prepare students for a productive life. The vast majority of liberal arts graduates cannot find jobs in their fields, so they work as baristas or in other semi-skilled trades or live off their parents and occupy themselves with nonsenses like fighting climate change or protesting all kinds of things, no matter what, as long as they are “against.” Due to the collapse of education, young Americans en masse have become mediocre — which is exactly what the ruling elite wants. It’s easier to govern such people.

    As a result, science and technology are deprived of domestic human resources, and the country’s intellectual elite is disappearing. Engineering departments still exist in colleges and universities, but enrollments lean heavily toward those not born in America. Go to almost any school and you will find a disproportionate share of students from Asia or of Asian ethnicity, while many of the faculty and researchers are immigrants. Going to almost any high-tech company much of the intellectual and creative work is done either by recent immigrants or foreigners. In Silicon Valley, almost three-quarters of the professionals are from other countries. The native-born Americans work in marketing, sales, customer service, and other positions where highly specialized education is not a job requirement. This forces companies to outsource R&D and production overseas.

    Because of a high standard of living (which was created by the previous generations), people live well in the U.S., better than in many countries. Thus, young people have little incentive to study or work hard. Why bother when you’re doing just fine, and the “old folks” readily provide enough freebies? The result was the decline of intelligence, degradation of morality, destruction of work ethic, and decrease in the intellectual and moral quality of the U.S. population. Mediocrity becomes the norm.

    One can see that today’s upper echelons of government are bad managers and inept businessmen. Everything they touch turns to ashes. During the first year of their direct rule under the figurehead presidency of Biden, there has been a sharp decline in all economic indicators, and inflation has reached levels not seen since the failed presidency of Jimmy Carter. The worst thing they have done to the country is the distribution of freebies — massive “stimulus” payments, even to those who don’t need them, a form of universal welfare.

    To keep the populace on a short leash, the mediocre have turned on the printing press and now are spending money like a drunken sailor. The national debt is skyrocketing. Fuel prices have doubled since 2020, everything becoming more expensive, and a situation unseen in history has arisen: millions have dropped out of the labor force and most businesses cannot find workers. Apparently, people prefer not to work but to live on handouts. Today, in a country with millions of idle hands there is an acute shortage of labor.

    Free cash has destroyed the foundation of Americanism — the incentive to work and strive for personal success. Why work when your government pays you to stay at home and do nothing?

    What about the other areas?

    The inept government doesn’t know how to deal with the tsunami of illegal immigrants besieging the southern border. History has seen this before — ancient Rome collapsed because of an influx of barbarians pouring into the empire for free bread and circuses.

    Think of the staggeringly botched withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan when scores of billions of dollars worth of the most advanced military hardware were abandoned.

    Think of the FBI persecution of dissenters who dare to disagree with critical race theory and political correctness.

    Think of the rampant crime: record-setting murders in Democrat-run cities, smash and grab shoplifting gangs, and the passivity of intimidated police.

    Think of stifling freedom of opinion in academia. Shall I continue?

    Only a year ago, under Trump’s presidency, the situation was diametrically opposite: prices were falling, for the first time in decades the country became energy independent, unemployment was noticeably lower even amid pandemics and mass quarantines (3.6% at the end of November 2020).

    Trump must be called anything but a mediocrity. Yes, he is a bull in a china shop, but he was doing what was good for the country with little concern for his reputation. Unsurprisingly, Trump’s actions went against the interests of the inept bureaucrats, and they did everything they could to replace him with a vegetative puppet, which led to the degradation of the American way of life. They declared war on him and they won. Even a year after Trump’s departure, they continue to persecute his supporters — the fear of a “Reconquista” is too great.

    Over the past half-century, our political system has been transforming into a form of governance that I would call “dexiosocracy,” which in Greek means “the rule of the mediocre.” Consequently, the country is heading toward the abyss.

    The mediocrities have seized power, and we are reaping the rewards.
    We watch the slow melt down of America as the most pathetic Woke Grunts take over as a wrecking ball.
    Will Oprah’s arse even fit in those extended chairs?

    Conspiracies as Realities,
    Realities as Conspiracies

    By: Victor Davis Hanson
    American Greatness
    January 17, 2022

    American politics over the last half-decade has become immersed in a series of conspiracy charges leveled by Democrats against their opponents that are happening because of them and through them. The consequences of these conspiracies becoming reality and reality revealing itself as conspiracy have been costly to American prestige, honor, and security. As we move away from denouncing realists as conspiracists, and self-pronounced “realists” are revealed as the true conspirators, let’s review a few of the more damaging of these events.

    Russians on the Brain
    Consider that the Trump election of 2016, the transition, and the first two years of the Trump presidency were undermined by a media-progressive generated hoax of “Russian collusion.”

    The “bombshell” and “walls are closing in” mythologies dominated the network news and cable outlets. It took five years to expose them as rank agitprop.

    Robert Mueller and his “dream team” consumed $40 million of Americans’ money and 22 months of our time—to find the nothingburger that most of the country already knew was nothing. Yet the subtext of the 2018 Democratic takeover of the House was the media narrative that Trump, as Hillary Clinton put it, was an “illegitimate” president, due to Russian collusion.

    Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper claimed on national television that Trump was a “Russian asset.” Former CIA head John Brennan assured the nation that the president was “treasonous,” due to his supposed “lies to the American people.”

    All sorts of politicians, retired military, and news anchors echoed the charges. The lies and myths of has-been British spy Christopher Steele made him a leftist hero. They were repeated ad nauseam as truth.

    FBI grandees like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, and others destroyed their careers in their obsessions over Trump. In the process of destroying themselves, they also nearly wrecked the reputation of the FBI. The Pentagon has the lowest popular support in modern memory. The CIA is more feared by millions of Americans than by our enemies.

    Steele could not produce any evidence to back up his scurrilous charges. The inspector general of the Department of Justice found little evidence to substantiate any of the charges. James Comey and Robert Mueller under oath both pleaded either memory problems or denied any knowledge about the FBI’s use of Steele and the role his fake dossier played.

    Most of the televised accusers, when under oath before Congress, admitted they had no evidence for their flamboyant charges. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who claimed the dossier was authentic and that Trump was compromised, has repeatedly been revealed as a liar. In various televised House hearings, he kept getting caught either fabricating, misrepresenting, or warping evidence before his committee.

    No matter. Hillary Clinton and the Left kept pounding “collusion.” The more it was proven false, the more they shouted the lie.

    Finally, special counsel John Durham’s investigations, some authentic media investigative reporting, and the preponderance of evidence showed not only that Trump did not collude with the Russians, but that the entire charge was a sick sort of projection on the part of Hillary Clinton and her vassals.

    Steele concocted the election-cycle fantasy using a former Clintonite totem in Moscow. Another source was the now-indicted Igor Danchenko ( a “primary sub-source”), who was working at the leftist Brookings Institution while feeding Steele.

    A cynic might look at this sad chapter and conclude that Hillary Clinton sought to destroy her opponent by paying Christopher Steele to manufacture fantasies fabricated from left-wing and former Clinton associates. Then she used the media, the FBI, the CIA, and the Justice Department to seed the farce while hiding her role behind three firewalls including the DNC, the Perkins Coie law firm, and Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS.

    The ultimate irony?
    Hillary Clinton did collude with those claiming to have Russian connections to warp an election, and she projected her likely illegal activity onto the target of her attacks. No conspiracist could trump such reality. Will Merrick Garland look at her role in this episode as he conducts his insurrectionist investigations concerning efforts to undermine an election?

    What was the post facto cost when such former “conspiracies” became realities, and former realities became the true conspiracies? The damage done was considerable.

    We once realistically used the Russians to balance the Chinese. But the Left, which appeased Vladimir Putin with “reset,” now flipped to create a climate of hate indiscriminately against all Russians.

    In this tortuous process from reset to collusion, we have empowered Putin among Russians as the heroic American resistor. We lost leverage against the Chinese. We ended up in a situation today where we are talking tough but are sinking in a quagmire of fake collusion, the Afghanistan debacle, the Biden train wreck of 2021, and the woke hysteria. All that is making the calculating Putin wonder whether U.S. deterrence is now a phantom. In other words, we look ridiculous.

    The Lab We Dare Not Speak
    Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the level-4 security Wuhan Institute of Virology lab has been central to all narratives about the origins, nature, and spread of the pandemic.

    There have been four cycles of these fantasies and realities. First came the frantic denials of a connection by the Chinese government, most of the Americana media, a consortium of scientists mostly dependent on Drs. Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci for generous support, corporate grandees with lucrative concessions in China, and the federal health apparat itself.

    Second, the iron-clad denial of a human-engineered virus waned by the weight of its contradictions. Evidence, at first circumstantial, later nearly overwhelming, seeped through the Wuhan denial wall of social media, traditional media, the Chinese government, and the U.S. establishment. Those interests all shared a common purpose of seeing Trump, the supposed Sinophobe, gone and the bat/pangolin fiction conspiracy seemed yet one more way to achieve this goal.

    A third phase then emerged, as the true role of Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance was revealed, as the pathetic international and Chinese-fed “investigations” collapsed in conflicts of interests, as interagency emails emerged from the CDC, NIH, and NIAID, and as a hothead, Dr. Fauci protested too much in his paranoid denials before the Senate of his role in any subsidized gain-of-function research. The American people and some media began to resist the intimidation and look at the evidence.

    Now we are at the fourth and final stage of the catastrophe. A once esteemed Fauci has been reduced to a cranky apparatchik. At best he will soon retire with some disgrace, and at worst he will be subject to years of investigation and litigation once his left-wing defenders in Congress, who once found him so useful, lose their majority.

    Most others who fiercely denied the human genesis of the supposed “bat” virus have either retired or resigned from their posts at the CDC and NIH. Democratic politicos have stopped slandering those who argued there was no natural origin to the pandemic.

    Indeed, they are now parroting the once reviled advice of Dr. Scott Atlas. Stanford immunologists and epidemiologists are no longer smeared but quoted with approval. The Left now seeks to ease the lockdowns, to admit that thousands died “with” rather than “because” of the virus, and to concede that natural immunity is valuable. It agrees that there are therapies and carefully targeted quarantines other than just serial booster vaccinations and mass lockdowns to lower the death toll of the COVID strains and the never-ending mass quarantines. That Biden, not Trump, is suffering from the lockdowns offers added incentive to its revisionism.

    As the authority, power, and reputation of Fauci, Inc. waned, several scientists and government investigators are now liberated. They are demonstrating why the engineered virus is wholly different from its natural cousins, and why its manufactured nature is so infectious to humankind. We are getting close to learning, despite vestigial Chinese and U.S. government pushback, how SARS-CoV-2 was birthed, why it spread so quickly, and why so many denied its origins and nature.

    Pause for a minute and consider: The origins of the greatest pandemic since the 1918-19 flu—one that has killed millions, occurring at the zenith of global scientific progress, world cooperation, and technological achievement—were simply hidden from the global public.

    Worse, anyone with legitimate questions about the official Chinese and Fauci narratives of a naturally occurring bat or pangolin virus that leaped over to humankind, one with no relationship to the nearby Wuhan lab and without prior animal infections, was targeted for character assassination.

    Again, we are left with the real conspiracy that blamed the realists as conspiracists. The Chinese and Anthony Fauci played the role of Hillary Clinton, in accusing others of anti-scientific conspiracies as they wove scenarios that were dubious but aimed at aligning powerful figures in a conspiracy of sorts to smother the emerging and astounding truth of their culpability.

    The January 6 “Coup”
    Finally, we come to the third case of projection, yet another conspiracy to create conspiracists.

    The January 6 riot was disgraceful. But it was a one-day spontaneous, chaotic, illegal entrance in and desecration of the Capitol by assorted buffoons.

    We now know that even according to the FBI investigation—that was and is eager to prove a coup—January 6 was not a carefully planned putsch as Joe Biden so blatantly lied recently.

    New insurrectionist indictments—by Attorney General Merrick Garland in response to left-wing pressures—targeted a disorganized and psychodramatic group of self-important Oath Keepers wannabes and poseurs. In contrast, serious insurrectionists do not leave their guns behind to abide by strict D.C. firearms laws. They do not ride to their rendezvous at the Capitol in golf carts. And they do not stage an insurrection by being unarmed as they scatter about, yell, confront police, raise hell, and meander through the Capitol.

    If these had been serious insurrectionists, they would have followed the Antifa model: arriving stealthily in the many hundreds if not thousands, melting through crowds to assigned locations, in black with padded body armor, helmets, various clubs, and carefully coordinating their weeks-long and sustained violence on approved social media.

    Or if they were serious about using extra-legal means, they would (to take some non-random examples) encourage retired officers to pen a letter calling on the military to use force to remove a president and advocate in national journals that the military plan for a coup against the elected president, or write op-eds suggesting the president leave “the sooner the better,” or brag about a “conspiracy” and a “coup” of CEOs, who coordinate with the rich, with street activists, and with leftists to “stem the flow of information,” to modulate violence in the street, to flood voting precincts with subsidized ballot workers, and to warp the allotment of resources—and post facto brag in TIME magazine about the successful effort. Or finally, perhaps they would just do as Hillary Clinton did: advise their preferred candidate (as she did Joe Biden) never to accept a ballot count that goes other than his preferred way.

    Then there is the work of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who created a January 6 investigation committee. In an unprecedented move, she vetoed the House minority leader’s nominations to the committee. She instead picked her own.

    Only two Republicans were willing to serve. They had to fulfill her three criteria of voting for the Trump impeachment, of being so unpopular with Republican voters that their congressional futures will end in 2021, and being on record as praising Nancy Pelosi.

    The committee has one left-wing agenda: ferreting out any statement by an elected Republican official deemed too ambiguous about the riot being an insurrection. It seeks to cast them as Jefferson Davis-style Confederates, deserving of removal from Congress for plotting “insurrection,” along the Civil War standards of the 1868 14th Amendment.

    The committee members are not interested in reopening the investigation of the officer who shot Ashli Babbitt, a man who may not have ever been sufficiently interrogated by investigators.

    They seem indifferent to the likely presence and use of FBI informants.

    They care not a whit about the treatment of some uncharged suspects in solitary confinement or detained in primitive jail conditions.

    Nor are they concerned about the asymmetrical and weaponized federal reaction to January 6 when compared to general government indifference about the summer 2020 planned riots.

    As far as entering federal property to do damage to sacred sites, in May 2020 hundreds sought to break into the White House grounds, injured dozens of secret service agents, and posed such a threat that President Trump was removed to a bunker. All that is now forgotten.

    Nor is the committee concerned about the role of prominent Americans in encouraging that summer’s violence, looting, arson, and rioting.

    Current Vice President Kamala Harris boasted during the summer 2020 riots that such organized violence would go on and on, and would and should not cease:
    They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. And everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up and they should not.

    Had Trump voiced Harris’ encouragement of street violence, he would now be indicted.

    In investigating a supposed conspiracy, why does the committee conspire to ensure that thousands of hours of videos are not released that might give a more accurate picture of the culpable who prompted the Capitol riot, who participated, and the reaction of the Capitol police?

    Why conspire not to force the attorney general and FBI director in closed session to list all FBI informants involved in the riot or any intergovernmental law enforcement communications about their use?

    Why not simply have a comprehensive investigation about 2020-21 domestic violence of all sorts, and begin with summer 2020 and continue to January 6?

    Why not allow the nominated Republicans skeptical of the official January 6 narrative to vie on the committee in the pursuit of truth with their opponents? Instead of equating the riot with the Civil War, Pearl Harbor, or 9/11, why not issue a report about the long history of violence in the Capitol to adjudicate comparisons with the January 6 riot?

    The answers are obvious. A midterm election looms in fewer than 10 months. Given Biden’s current historic unpopularity, given the failure of his policies, given generic anger at the Democratic Party, the campaign talking points are not going to be the border, Afghanistan, inflation, energy, race relations, or the build back better multitrillion-dollar fiasco.

    Instead, it will be Trump! “Democracy dies in 2022!!” and “January 6!!!”

    Ponder the costs of this January 6 exaggerated narrative. The U.S. Army is now running war games designed to defeat fantasy right-wing domestic terrorists. The FBI is monitoring PTAs and schoolchildren’s parents.

    As it searches for “white supremacists” and uses indoctrination educational methods to ensure the end of “white privilege” and “white rage,” the military polls record lows in public support. More than half the country distrusts it. Efforts at recruitment are stalling, despite generous bonuses.

    Vaccination mandates apply even to those with acquired immunity from past infection and are also winnowing the ranks. The military failure in Afghanistan and its diversity, equity, and inclusion cannibalism have stirred China and Russia to recognize an opportunity. In tandem both now increasingly salivate over Taiwan and Ukraine.

    January 6 has been used to slander anyone supporting voter IDs, which are common in Europe and most of the states.

    Joe Biden—who in his earlier career wished it known that officials like segregationist George Wallace, Fritz Hollings, and James Eastland were friendly to him—has a long history of racist “gaffes.” He knows he will either not be reelected, or will not run again, or he will be removed from office, or resign. For a failing Biden and a soon to be thrown out narrow congressional Democratic majority, it is now or never.

    The Costs
    The collusion, COVID-19, and January 6 narratives have been terribly costly to the nation.

    Conspiracy projection has split apart the country. The Left has fought efforts to learn the full truth, as they project conspiracies to disguise conspirators.

    They have grievously weakened the reputation and authority of the U.S. government here and abroad.

    We are lectured that “democracy dies” if the Democrats lose elections and “voter suppression” requires drastic counteraction—even as the Left goes after the Electoral College, the nine-justice Supreme Court, the filibuster, the 50-state union, and the constitutional primacy of states to set voting laws.

    All this is as pathetic as it is fatal to the survival of the American project.
    Brace yourself for Impact: Luciferian elite launch ‘Great Collapse’ of Western civilization – LeoHohmann.com

    Trudeau or not to Go. Jump ship or sink with this Cretin.

    Canada is a captured operation … there is no doubt that Trudeau knows exactly what harm he will do to America.

    Brace yourself for Impact: Luciferian elite launch ‘Great Collapse’ of Western civilization

    Andrew’s servants ordered to arrange his teddy bears on his bed every night or Screaming fits followed.

    Andrew, Harry, Charles, the F lot need culling. Leave the Monarchy to William and the Queen dump the rest. Pathetic jokes who need the poke.


    What a total and complete Prat how can anyone take him seriously again? No wonder he needs prefunded Bunnies.
    Truly, totally pathetic.


  21. Liked by 1 person

  22. Insane… still pushing the booster…
    36 deaths with Covid were recorded yesterday in New South Wales. In a press conference today, NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant stated the following:

    “And of the 36 people, 33 were vaccinated against Covid. Generally they’d had two doses. Three people were not vaccinated.

    “Of the three people who died under 65, one was vaccinated against Covid and had two doses, and two people were not vaccinated. All three of those under 65 had serious underlying health conditions, and of the older people, only a handful, four, had had their boosters.”

    Liked by 1 person

  23. If you are going to protest you might leave the child at home…. this is still very very wrong!… everything I have read this morning talks about complete failure of the vaXX crap…

    The girl was with her mother as part of a protest against the unprecedented Vaccine Mandates that have swept New York City. All children over the age of five are required to have a Covid vaccine in order to enter indoor spaces such as the museum.


  24. https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/19/in-defiance-of-youngkin-fairfax-public-school-demands-high-schoolers-participate-in-privilege-bingo/
    In the school district’s latest move defying Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive orders banning “inherently divisive concepts” from public education curriculum, Oakton High School, which is part of Fairfax County Public Schools, asked students to participate in a “privilege bingo.”
    The exercise titled “identifying your privilege” is littered with bingo spaces accusing students who are a “military kid,” “white,” “male,” “cisgender,” “Christian,” and more of being privileged.


  25. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/illegals-can-now-use-arrest-warrants-identification-fly-tsa
    Responding to Republican Texas Rep. Lance Gooden’s Dec. 15 inquiry about illegal migrants flying across the country, TSA Administrator David Pekoske explained that certain Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents may be considered acceptable forms of alternate identification for non-citizens, including a “Warrant for Arrest of Alien” and a “Warrant of Removal/Deportation.” -Daily Caller


  26. So, No compliance means …you can’t pay taxes, which means (they) can come take all your stuff (home and vehicles), and you are in the streets, …. just assuming here….. We’ll see how all this will evolve…..!!

    NEW: The IRS says by mid-2022, the only way to login to http://irs.gov will be through http://ID.me, an ID verification service where applicants have to submit copies of bills/ID documents, & live selfies via a webcam or mobile.



    1. Do not comply. Stuff them.


  27. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/
    Let’s learn about 5G….


  28. https://nypost.com/2021/12/30/us-gives-firm-137m-to-make-covid-test-materials-before-2024/
    And the money keeps flowing.
    And now we know who will profit the most from the sales of these test kits. Check out this list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. RUMOR: Biden’s “4 free covid tests” are “smallpox blankets”
      Who needs to be told that??!!??
      Forget about the dime, I’d bet a penny to a dollar this rumor is bedrock FACT. You can’t trust these people and Gates did indeed say we’d get the next one soon, sort of like Fauci saying all of this would start during Trump’s administration, all the way back in 2017. I don’t think there is going to be a two year lag this time around.


  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Anyone know where AJohnson is? Have not seen her post in a while so just wondering.


    1. No Tony. I have been wondering the same thing. Thought she may have desired to have a break or that her Mother may be in need of more of her time perhaps. Hope all is well whatever the case. I miss her.


      1. Polishing those red shoes for hootin tootin. Scouting eye candy.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Only space geeks like me would know what SCE to AUX referred to.


  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 3 people

  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  32. More evidence from Scotland: “vaccines are not stopping spread.”


    1. Sheep S******s


  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    I think Big J has been insisting that Boris read Tino’s posts at WHA. It’s working. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ah, that explains the unmarked Fed van across the street. (Kidding).

      Liked by 1 person

    2. No masks from next week, no more schools masked and all employees told, back to work!
      No more Homeworking Go to Work! Hospitals Open TF up! Cut the backlogs and do your jobs F U.


      1. “I don’t have to wear a mask or much else…”

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Too much on for me already.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Maybe something left to the imagination might be a touch more stimulating initially. LOL


            1. Past imagination, now procreation!

              Liked by 1 person

              1. OMG! You, dear Sir are beyond saving lol.


  34. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10417219/We-fraud-Trump-Organization-New-York-AG-seeks-subpoena-Trump-Don-Jr-Ivanka.html

    Now this I have always claimed would be truth. Standard low life Grifter tactics.

    Of course, they are going to Ukraine it’s the new Cuba.
    Jewkraine unfolding live
    Hal Turner Radio Show – WAR Coming Fast; U.S. Navy Sorties 22 Warships, 4 Nuclear Subs in ONE DAY

    Drums best away How many will die each day?



    Married men get the same
    Mystery dog illness sweeps the UK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10418943/Mystery-dog-illness-sweeps-UK.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great video lol.


  35. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/bidens-infrastructure-bill-now-signed-law-mandates-vehicle-kill-switches-2026
    The rumors we first reported on back in December have turned out to be true: the United States federal government is apparently in the process of trying to force automakers to install kill switches in their vehicles that authorities can use to shut down any newer vehicle.
    Which, of course, is code for some kind of device that is constantly on and monitoring your vehicle – and will likely have the power to shut down your vehicle anytime it wants.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Also film and listen in to all you say and location track you. .

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Good luck with that. Hackers anyone? Perhaps the easiest way to put an end to the nonsense is to generically hack the system so that once, oh say 20% market use is reached, on September 18th of that year, we can make our version of The Day the Earth Stood Still and stop each and every vehicle, for 92 minutes. If we do it right, the electronic dashboard can run the movie, after all, not like they’d be going anywhere.

        (The Day the Earth Stood Still was released September 18, 1951 and has a 92 minute runtime)

        Liked by 2 people

      2. No noisy naughtiness in the back seat then lol.


  36. Key Real news for you from the Real Fronts.

    1.They need to lobotomise a mentally dysfunctional, clearly deranged jabbering halfwit Jesus Freak / Commie from the old site, spewing garbage which got him booted before. Sad to see a site which pioneered so much in its day, is now down to that. Bottom feeders?

    2.Real world past garbage disposal.

    Be clear Lavrov is a very competent Foreign Minister, the best out there. And Russian. A Top man. Better than ours or the US.
    We don’t need loose cannons or Commie psychos running off at the mouth. Biden is enough.

    Be clear, this whole Ukraine mess is Mossad and the Khazar Zio RATS Gaming poor Ukraine, with their corrupt Politicos and the US Contractor Companies seeking wages from Wars for Whores.

    As Khazar Gang Israel is running out of land and minerals to steal., like America, they did with so naive America
    (Although Kushner, Cheney, Criminal Benny and Trump just STOLE the Golan Heights off Syria for them) they still know that Armageddon is only a stone’s throw away for the brutal Khazar Zionist interlopers. Genghis Khans marauding seed needs somewhere viable to steal to feed and house its rapidly expanding Locust swarms. As infestations do. The Zio Vultures have identified a new Promised Land to conquer and sequestrate. With Dupes like low IQ Turd Brain Trump taking a payoff for the Golans, the new target Jew – Kraine, is now more accessible to the Khazars to follow through. Minerals and Wild West Banks also. Khazar Bankers too. For the Zios the new Frontier. They have already stolen Palestine, part of Syria and the Lebanon, America is now fully conquered and bought off from the inside, so poor Ukraine fits nicely. Gaming the new Jewkraine. War devastates it and buy it for 5 cents on the Dollar. Like the Russians own Jewish Oligarchs have done inside Russia. Their Vermin seed is everywhere. War Criminal Soros, and his kind, are Teflon in America.
    The whores of War. Rotten Childs!

    This is Russia’s own Cuba. They know they cannot allow it. Tens of millions of assimilated Mongols on its borders breeding, looting and scheming. Poor, innocent Ukrainian nationals are just helpless Pawns in play. Dam right they are watching. What TF business is it of Americas? What good has Washington done anyone in 60 years? Mogadishu sorted them. Russia cleared trash out of Syria when the US failed. Afghanistan, Great result How many of our kids needlessly died for the Agencies and Bankers profits and lies on those Poppy fields. Defoliation calls, yet who will? The Agency still has its cut. Behind the scenes deals are cut, and for you, they really don’t give a F!

    I talk on Projects for good at the highest level with Iran’s Heads of the Republic Guards, while outside are the Agencie’s Bag Men in two faced queues., all waiting to cut deals. Duplicitous Dogs. We joke together about them, unprincipled, forked tongues and No Standards. The Public have no idea of what’s real. Childlike Serfs. Like the US JAG Lawyers trying to tell me “This is MY Fed you are denigrating.”. Seriously Dumb F’s. clueless, like Clockwork Soldiers loose on the gaming board of Real World Dynamics. How we shatter those illusions. Your ALL being played! Israel owns you. As for their US spying?

    You did what in Iraq? Total chaos. Far worse and more totally inept, than Saddam ever was. I know far more than you will ever know. I was there, my neck right on the line, but our PM, when I got back with Saddam’s good offer to stop this war happening, was too gutless to face Jr down. He had promised Daddy!!! Poppy! A travesty. A million innocents needlessly and wrongly died for that ugly and cruel travesty, so did both sides, kids of our kids. Dead for a Bush Lie! Stop another! We can try.

    Vietnam’s shame will live forever, now so will Afghanistan’s. Learn, Butt out.
    Syria waved the long finger, as has Iran. Ukraine does not need the US meddling. Nor for a war to become Mossad’s Jewkraine!

    A number of issues are worrying, and a lot of real lives are at risk. Human’s kids. No idea, just both sides being naively Patriotic. The UK’s very advanced High-Tech weaponry is being readied to unleash and will eviscerate vast number of incoming Tank boys and infantry. All someone’s kids. No chance. It will be a Turkey shoot. Are we still no better than this. Arms sales to display. The Profanity of Humanity.

    Followed up by the F Khazars buying up all for Nickles, the Rotten Childs and Co gains of war. Gains not justice! Pawns on the Board- again! This should not be fought but aborted. How can we win for what Israeli Covets? Ukraine needs to boot the lot out.

    Germany, right call, is staying neutral. Ukraine is not a NATO nation so hopefully stays out. If this unfolds, after the first skirmishes and bad losses, Iskanders will unlock. The S500s and others will be readied. All the fleets will be sitting ducks Crustacean food served at water temperature as they mass drown if not atomised. Clueless kids used as Puppets. We are in it for arms sales, so is the US. Russia is in simply not not to have Missiles pointed at its cities. Ukraine is just a gaming board of helpless pawns being played by the Khazars and mass resident Jews in their midst, helping bring them in for the new promised land of Jew Kraine. Is no nation safe from this manipulative, scheming Khazar Spawn. Assimilators! Replicators! Deny their lie. Dead people, why?
    There are no Heroes if mutilated, Ask them.

    We have weeks let’s try to use it. Reason? A truly immoral war unfolding. Wrong!

    We, behind the scenes, are on the verge of a deal which can re plan and re purpose Mankind to become enhanced life forms, humane, to reach for the Stars with no Khazars up our Rrrrs!

    Putting back, not going backwards. This is a war without justification to avoid for all.
    No More Shock and Awe inhumanity. If a serious warning shot has to be fired, let it be into Israe hell, the real Luciferian spawn behind all.
    Boys with toys are loose.

    At what cost now? Get into those F thick Head, Russia WILL preempt and China too. Why die for this extra Khazarian lie? Russia needs to roast the Roach nest. Armageddon Head on! Take out the Viper spawn.

    A new dawn. No more killing fields. Naive kids, Pawns on a Gaming board. Look at how we rose as one Mankind for JFK and Cuba. Why are we bystanding this? National interest, or Humanity. Stop this travesty, ask Why? Russia is just protecting its own borders from Khazar marauders. Chess masters. Not Checkers playing with their Peckers. Help stop this needless war! Where’s hubris? What happened to No, No We won’t go? An immoral War to be avoided. Laverov is the best hope, calm, sophisticated, experienced and reasoning. Try ” Listening?”

    Stop Gaming the Board for Ghengises hoard. One Being- Human!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Number one order

      Get the Gold!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. James
      I regularly try to fresh flow out. Doing my duty for each new beauty. Rude not to don’t you think?Waste not.


      1. Yes,, for the greater good!….


        1. Share the load?


          1. Lol… I’m bailing out of this conversation now.


            1. Dammit man! Show some stamina!🤣

              Liked by 2 people

              1. As Tinos wife keeps telling him. Lol


  37. https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/19/california-school-district-promotes-white-privilege-conference-and-being-race-conscious/
    The list isn’t exclusively focused on race, however, also promoting left-wing distortions of sex with quotes like “You know, some people are born with penises but feel like girls on the inside and some people are born with vaginas but feel like boys on the inside. We can’t always tell if someone is a boy or a girl just by looking at them and that’s okay.”


  38. https://covid19up.org/panel-covid-19-vaccines-treatments-robert-malone-peter-mccullough-pierre-kory/

    🇺🇸@COVID19Up: Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson is bringing together an expert panel of scientists and doctors to talk about COVID-19 vaccines and early treatments from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET on Monday, January 24 in Washington, D.C at the Russell Senate Office Building, Kennedy Caucus Room 325.

    The discussion—titled “COVID-19: A Second Opinion”—will feature many of the same medical experts speaking the day before at the Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming protest on Sunday, January 23, where thousands of Americans from across the political spectrum will march in unity against federal government overreach during the pandemic.

    Among those scheduled to speak at Sen. Johnson’s panel are Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Bret Weinstein, and more.

    According to the press release from Sen. Johnson’s office, “the panel discussion on the global pandemic response” will look at “what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.”

    “The panel will also discuss censorship from Big Tech and the mainstream media, pandemic response effect on children, and vaccine mandate impact on worker shortage,” the statement said.

    Liked by 2 people

  39. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/new-west-charter-school-la-caught-abusing-young-unvaccinated-girls-denied-chairs-forced-sit-outside-pavement-not-allowed-use-restrooms/
    This is child abuse.
    Several young girls including four freshmen, one sophomore, and a junior were abused at their school New West Charter LA because they chose not to get the COVID vaccine.

    The girls were denied chairs, forced to sit outside on the pavement behind warning tape, and were not allowed to use the school’s restrooms.


    1. Disgusting pigs. They’ll get theirs soon enough.


  40. The Verge: Jared Kushner floated the idea of a federal cryptocurrency, documents reveal.

    Any fast buck brings in Zionists
    Thousands without power as US and Canada hit by winter storm – BBC News

    Laverov is the best Foreign Minister out there he needs no advice from Milken

    Let us hope sense emerges

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are too many senseless idiots in power… While I pray for sense to emerge, realistically, I’m not feeling it!

      My most sincere thoughts with those without power. Hopefully most were prepared!


      1. Your parents gave you a nice and distinctive name.

        As for Trump? Lol

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you! Mom was a Stone’s fan so it couldn’t be spelled like Abbey Road! LMAO! Also, not short for Abigail (yuck… I’ve known too many of them and I don’t fit that bill!)
          As for Trump… The only good thing I feel he is doing (as baffoon as he is) is pulling this country together. I feel we do need a better leader! It’s just hard to trust, hard to know… I agree with the IQ test being necessary! Along with that, a personality test! We need someone humane and humble. I told my daughter yesterday that if the world isn’t laughing at us right now, they should be.
          I’m really sick and tired of being misrepresented! I’m NOT the same, nor would I wish it on anyone, as those “leading” this country. I am glad he won in 2016 simply because of the alternative!! I can’t imagine I’d have the luxury of you lovely people had Hillary won (Holy Mother of PEARL is really all I can say!). I’m certain we’d already be in the 4th year of war right now!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. You need a new JFK but one with Pecker Discretion, and not slob brothers like Teddie. Or a father like Joe.

            Liked by 1 person

  41. My home state…


    The West Virginia treasurer’s office raised issues with the firm’s commitment to “net zero” emissions investment strategies at the expense of the state’s workers who are reliant on coal, oil, and natural gas. Moore also cut the state’s relationship with BlackRock over the group’s escalating investment in Chinese interests.

    “The Chinese government’s blatant interference and controls over businesses and markets creates a tremendous amount of uncertainty and risk for anyone attempting to invest there,” Moore added.

    “I know several other states are looking at this as well,” Moore told The Federalist. “I think this is the beginning of a big pushback.”

    Liked by 2 people

  42. One of the most well-regarded doctors who challenged Big Pharma, co-authored RFK’s book on Fauci, successfully led the only previously successful effort against a forced vaccine on the military, now faces a suspended license and forced psychological exams for her dissident opinions. Note also the Daily Mail repeats the Big Lie about Ivermectin in the report. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10411699/Doctor-treated-COVID-patients-Ivermectin-license-suspended.html


  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. WOW! That was pretty up front, good on them. Always enjoyed listening to Sacha. Thanks Tony.


  44. You goddam low life. It wasn’t a strategy, it was a Crime Against Humanity , an experiment in Prior Restraint.
    Israeli medical leader admits vaccine passport was a mistake, and a useless strategy. https://unherd.com/thepost/israeli-vaccine-chief-we-have-made-mistakes/

    Liked by 2 people

  45. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  46. All for Jew Kraine now. Their new Phoenix Motherland. So sad, so wrong. Such a total lie. Boys with Toys will torch all beyond recall. 

    Russia has removed its’ diplomats from Kiev and Lviv today and their families have left by bus back to Russia. Russia has accelerated the timetable for American diplomats to leave Russia and the embassy in Moscow will be on a skeleton watch or completely empty. The same is happening in Washington as Russian diplomats are leaving. It is apparent that when diplomats leave war comes soon after. There is a reason why Belarus called up its’ reserves several days ago.

    Europe has less than 50% reserves of natural gas and there is NO GAS booked for February through the YAMAL pipe. How it is expected to maintain industry and heat through February into March is a mystery. And with war beckoning, whether supply will be availed by Gazprom is a worthwhile question? Either those LNG ships are coming faster or there will be gas shortages and no doubt prices will skyrocket for gas. It is not possible with the current availed ships to supplement Russian gas nor is it cheap. As every with LNG boat load is taking full advantage for a quick buck.

    Meanwhile the Brits are feeling lucky and are sending additional troops to complement their existing forces in the Ukraine while the Germans have politely declined saying this is not our fight or in our interest. We will wait to see what the French do. The Germans are aware of what awaits and will not play. The Americans are not sending troops but have positioned their Carrier group in the Mediterranean as a strike force to attack Russia with airborne missiles at the appropriate time and shortly the British naval carrier group will be positioned in the Baltic.

    Sweden has sent additional troops to Gotland Island and there have been deliveries by US aircraft of presumably missiles. If NATO troops deploy there, it will become a real target quickly. It is likely that this island will be used to attempt to contain the Northern Russian fleet. And if rumors are true that an assault on Kaliningrad is planned it will not end well for the aggressors. Kaliningrad may fall but it will not be without a fight and response will be devastating to the aggressors with no mercy.

    Several days ago i wrote; Russia’s Pacific Fleet’s 155th Naval Infantry Brigade is crossing the entire breadth of Russia to deploy near Ukraine/Belarus. This is taking place along with several regiments from 4 armies of the Russian Far East. I have told you about a number of mile long trains carrying equipment westward from deep in eastern Russia. Of which there were 7 and I explained earlier that mobile railway-based launchers were deployed around Russia and surrounding countries. Today, the troops arrived at the various staging areas they were directed to. In coming days, one might assume they will be matched up with equipment arriving by rail for deployment. Lavrov listened to Blinken’s call today but it was meaningless to deescalate matters. And no amount of flag waving will substitute for concrete action to change the threat Russia perceives.

    Complete madness, modern war offers no winners and the last thing Europe needs is a war, a needless war. And those folks who think that war invites a progress of agendas will discover the folly of misguided delusions.
    Travelers to Europe should exercise caution or avoid travel to the region entirely and that includes Turkey.
    Michael Douglas health: Actor warned he could lose part of tongue and jaw due to cancer

    HPV cost of tongue jobs on actresses. His wife now?



  47. https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/18/why-ruling-class-minions-are-so-suddenly-doing-damage-control-on-covid/
    So whenever you see truth escaping from the lips of liars like steam from a pressure cooker, you should assume something bigger is cooking (possibly explosive) under cover. But what’s behind the fearmongering?


  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  49. White House and UK Foreign Office state that a „Russian Invasion“ could now happen at any time.

    The UK Foreign Office also told it’s staff to be ready for „Crisis mode“ at very short notice.

    White House now also state that it’s a possible step to exclude Russia from Swift in case of a invasion/aggressive act (contrary to the reports from yesterday based on the German gov)

    courtesy palerider


    1. Just heard was would kick off with Russia in next days or few weeks.


      1. Good thing they got everyone jabbed!

        Liked by 1 person

  50. Mega fat dysfunctional lying Boris Johnson is under the knife to be ousted. He’s always been a Greasy little Oik, unfit for office, or command. A real Rat Fink of a part man.
    Stick it to him.
    Pressure increases on Boris as TWO ministers slam him over Partygate https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10412641/Pressure-increases-Boris-Johnson-TWO-ministers-slam-Partygate.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Too many shared Hand Jobs in the Vatican it seems. Heavy breathing, congregation deceiving.

    Pope’s right-hand man in the Vatican tests positive for Covid https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10414779/Popes-right-hand-man-Vatican-tests-positive-Covid.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Boris Johnson’s fate hangs in balance as Truss, Hunt and Sunak plot https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10414319/Let-jockeying-begin-Boris-Johnsons-fate-hangs-balance-Truss-Hunt-Sunak-plot.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Scheming Carpet Baggers line up to debag Johnson


  51. Liked by 2 people

    1. Tino,,,, that just made my day!… she summed it up in a 1:42 wonderfully… ground swell is erupting!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It was all stupid shit from the start that nobody should have taken seriously. Even remdesivir — the simple fact that Fauci endorsed should have been enough to kill it. However, they went all off to use a triple failed drug with a penchant to destroy kidneys. When conclusive evidence emerged that it was a failure with a 20% renal failure case rate, it should have been thrown out.

        Hell, at this point, fluvoxamine, Pepcid and Benadryl are a winning consideration. Ivermectin, z-pack and budenoside are a winning combination. It would obliterate 95% of the folks progressing into hospitalization and ICU.


        1. sigh… obliterate Covid in 95% of


      1. Caution: Paxlovid Interacts With Many Heart Meds

        Liked by 2 people

  52. https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/18/california-politicians-debate-raising-taxes-to-fund-health-care-for-illegal-immigrants/
    In other words, California’s Democratic supermajority wants to have an unlimited tap on raising taxes and spending to fund its socialized medicine scheme. Make no mistake: Raising taxes on a regular basis would be necessary to fund a single-payer health care system. As a 2014 paper examining single-payer in Vermont admitted, “We would need to accept some increases in tax rates in the same way that we accept increases in insurance premiums today.”


    1. So long as CMS, formerly HCFA, sets prices the system will continue to degenerate.

      Liked by 1 person

  53. Laverov is the most effective Foreign Minister out there. When he talks for Russia and tell the Jewkraine and NATO you have until Wednesday to meet our wishes, or else, it’s time to listen.
    They can’t say they were not warned.
    Laverov is not into bluffing. Nor Ras Putin.
    Hasn’t America shown us all the days of meddling Hegemony are over, and time to F off home.
    Coffee, Burgers and Doughnuts NATA fight? You must be joking. Desk warriors meeting hard Russians, sorted Boom.Over! Our meddling again- Really? What gives us the right? Leave Jewkrain and its corrupt Leaders to sort their own mess. Time we all Butt Out.
    Why should innocent Germans pay for this mess? Israel wants Jewkraine, Keep out! Is stealing Palestine and Syrians land not enough? Why should anyone die for another Mossad US Agencies lie?
    Laverov please Molotov Mossad’s Sewer Rats nest.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deutschland we are helping give you backing. No more innocent dying for Zios Lying! Zios out of Europe is a start. Let Germany have its own army now for its own safety. No more account racketeering.Why should Germans die for a NATO Mossad lie? Did we learn nothing from WW11? Now we are sucked into War games again. All because Israel Covets Jewkraine. Get real, again the Khazars just want to steal. Take it home to Israe Hell. Hit the Rat nest.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Americas Food Troughs, you think?


    2. And so it begins…

      Liked by 2 people

  54. Ok. Two patients in their mid-80s. Married couple. I get tagged. Why? THE BASTARDS AT THE HOSPITAL IN VERMONT SENT THEM HOME DESPITE HER O2 SATURATION BELOW 85% AND HIS O2 SAT IS 90% because freakin’ Biden can’t be bothered, after seizing ALL the monoclonal antibodies, to make sure there are SOME in “temporal equity” for the freakin’ State of Vermont. Never mind that they SENT THEM HOME WITHOUT OXYGEN.


    So at this point an acquaintance in common reaches out to my wife and we’re on the phone in 10 minutes. I list all the drugs available and dosages to tackle COVID. Their physician does give them ivermectin and budenoside. We thank this doctor for his courage. Both patients are starting to recover. He’s doing well, and she has bottomed out and it’s getting better but is not out of the woods as her O2 Sat is still uncomfortably. low Why the HELL was an antibiotic not given?

    Medicine in the Age of Depopulation. Therapeutic nihilism. Why is anyone at that hospital still allowed to practice?

    Liked by 4 people

  55. Well, the Great Walk Back had to start somewhere…

    Liked by 1 person

  56. https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/53-dead-in-gibraltar-in-10-days-after-experimental-pfizer-mrna-covid-injections-started/
    Gibraltar is a British Colony at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula attached to the country of Spain. It’s population is just over 30,000 people, and it is best known for its huge “rock,” the “Rock of Gibraltar.”

    I have been contacted by residents in Gibraltar stating that 53 people have died in 10 days immediately following the roll out of injections of the Pfizer mRNA COVID injections, and calling it a “massacre.”

    Local media reports confirm the deaths, but blame them on COVID, and not the COVID injections.

    However, prior to the roll out of the injections, it is reported that only 16 people in total died “from COVID” since the beginning of the “pandemic” about a year ago.


  57. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  58. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60030615

    Poke the Bear what do you expect?
    Rather the Bear than many of their women..lol


    1. They just keep cratering…


  59. And the pebbles start to roll…

    Liked by 3 people

  60. Well, can we all give up the insanity?


    1. Latest article referencing the Great Barrington Declaration. (Yes, I signed it.)

      The Great Barrington Declaration

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      1. Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.

        Liked by 3 people

  61. An avalanche of miscarriage’s and stillbirths.

    Repeat after me: Pregnant women are to be touched only with flowers


    Liked by 2 people

  62. Always good advice:

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

    -Robert A. Heinlein

    Liked by 1 person

  63. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/union-pacific-bashes-las-social-justice-reform-threatens-leave-city-soaring-train-thefts
    A top Union Pacific Railroad official threatened to leave Los Angeles over the District Attorney’s progressive measures to lower criminal theft offenses amid a wave of criminal gangs looting rail cars.

    Liked by 2 people

  64. Keystone Docs (as like in Keystone Cops)

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