White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #170

New Technology Forces Change Upon The Old Order

For many, the following will be a significant wakeup call.

In Europe, and the world to follow, after the trials of the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) with South Korea, London and China, the schedule is set for a Global Digital Currency World by the start of 2025. Whether Europe or America can sustain themselves until then, is another issue. The ever-more socialist U.S. is visibly behind this push, but the ramp-up is clear and coming worldwide.

The automated clearinghouse system (ACH) is changing to allow direct deposits from non-banks, i.e., big tech, which is, in essence, their reward for censorship efforts against the Trump campaign. On December 23, 2019, there was approval of modifications to the Federal Reserve Banks’ National Settlement Service and Fedwire Funds Service to support enhancements to the same-day ACH service to prepare for digital currencies. On September 25, 2020, the Board amended the implementation date for certain modifications. They are preparing for a new, REAL digital currency, but this means two things.

First, by this Fed expansion, they are planning for the long-term elimination of public debt (Or the U.S. would collapse), escaping their incompetence and criminality, in which case there will no longer be Primary Dealer Banks, and hence, therefore, thank God, no need to bail out the incestuous Goldman type banks when they blow up in trading, assuming they will still be allowed to trade in the future. The same thing will hold true in Europe.

Secondly, there is this belief (Modern Money Theory) that debt does not matter as with a digital currency you print to your heart’s content and no one knows, so why does it matter? The slight problem with this is that both Russia and China have told the Globalist WEF to piss off. So we can expect tensions, because they will try to subdue them by hook or crook. Even to the extent of going to war. Either party might refuse to supply any goods to the digital currency crowd, sending them into never-never land. Do you not think that there is a reason why China is building silos for nukes at a frantic pace, or why they just did a siren test in their cities for fear of attack?

This Globalist crowd needs America as the attack foil to execute their plan and will fail without it. In the end, it will not matter. Russia has the wherewithal to render America silent and dead within 30 minutes. It will do everything possible to try and avoid such a direct encounter. But pushed to the brink, they will strike, even if they take the U.S. punishment that will come. The Pentagon does not get this. Have they ever? Naïve!

What is clear is that Vaccine passports have much less to do with YOUR Health, but more to do with population control. To think you need such a passport to buy petrol from a gas station in Slovenia confirms everything. And perhaps now as people there demonstrate, they will realize they are fighting to be free. They will attempt this draconian control in every country in Europe. They will fail, but the damage of state, police and bankers tyranny with their attempted socialist state communism, will leave a long ugly scar as their systems collapse.

We can only hope sanity returns. That will require another set of changes, far different than the path we are currently on. As it is, our societies and cultures are massively damaged from their attempt at absolute control.

It will take time, planning and new levels of digital capital to rebuild. Once the Fed moves to create its own digital currency, it will no longer be the independent entity it was supposed to be. Welcome to the new 21st Century of a hybrid central bank, end of primary dealers, and the elimination of government debt. Just ponder the impact to banking in general. There is a reason why Twitter has a bank license.

Of course, you will be told this is all for your security, when in truth, it’s so that the Hoi Polloi do not revolt when their government system collapses.

Banks do not see this end coming. This is no light at the end of the tunnel; it is a freight train that will run over them. CBDCs will mean you have less privacy with respect to your money and wealth. Discretion will not be yours anymore. Just ask anyone who lived through the Soviet era. Living in a self absorbed Reality TV world. Joe Public Sheeple Brains do not see this coming. Ignorance is their Bliss. Until…Bang!

The Sheeples’ road comes to an end by 2024. You have to understand that these globalists are fighting to retain power in the middle of their unsustainable debt house of cards collapsing. Much like debt is eating China beneath the surface while their exports shrink.

COVID passes are all about control – not health. Is not Slovenia denying the right to buy gasoline about control, if you have not been vaccinated? We are confronted by a collapse in socialism and this is the real crisis – not health or climate change. Those are cover stories to alter the entire economy because the collapse would mean revolution. They are trying desperately to head off a revolution – hence unvaccinated, no gasoline. Soon enough they will try no food or medical attention. Do you really think that clipboard carrying folks in Toronto trying to get dentists to sign up for not providing care to non vaccinated people is random?

They will not stop until the public wakes up enough to give them the boot. In some countries, this will be at the polling booths (provided they do not use Dominion voting machines to alter the vote) and in other cases it will be the public mob that carries them out. Watch for sane leadership steering through this. It will be the safest places to reside. When this falls flat, we will see national currencies restored. Pay attention to Populist Candidates who want your vote, as they likely are the more honest and at least THINKING! Not one of us will escape the impact of what is coming, so please prepare yourself for the realities of what IS coming for and at YOU!

This IS the beginning of the end of socialist America, and the smug EU. Apocalypse is coming for the Goyim-hating Zionists. Deservedly. At the flick of a switch, centuries of Zionist Jewish manipulation, theft and hegemony will be removed. We can and WILL seize it all back. They will be gone! Finished. About time! There will be no return to normal, we have left Kansas for good. This will be obvious when 3rd quarter results are reported.

Technological Advancement Will Enable The End Of Monopolistic Strangleholds

Banks’ compliance tyranny will die along the new, incoming tech controlled Appian Way. On every cross, a squealing banker. We WILL collect!

The Ponzi House of Cards is coming down. Who then pays for welfare? Why? Think it through. Reality check time.

There are ways to ease yourself forward into the new era. Here is some guidance for surviving the coming upheavals as technological development impacts society, with the expected chaos that accompanies almost every significant major technological advancement in the human experience.

1. Get out and stay out of debt. Debt is how banking cartels loot the planet. If you have substantial debts, seek counseling on how to pay them off as soon as possible. You may have to run the gauntlet. Things like new cars, cable TV, eating out, booze and cigarettes, movies, expensive clothes, rented furniture, etc. may have to go for a while. A second job, of which the income from will go to 100% debt settlements, may be your crown of thorns along with ditching the new car and driving a 15 year old $800 beater. But, once you are cleared of that mortgage and/or credit card payment, that same amount now invested in a quality long term mutual fund or similar, will make you a millionaire in 10 years, aside from pursuing other avenues in the short term.

2. Maximize your ability to earn. Learn new in-demand skills. Seek more overtime. Pay yourself first from every paycheck at least 10% right into savings. Otherwise, if you do not, you are working for free as a slave to your business/employer. Be smart. Don’t work for free.

3. Build wealth by recognizing up-and-coming sectors, and get in ahead of the crowd. Today, Blockchain, Transportation As A Service, A.I./Robotics and Biomedical, are the future. Consult qualified advisors within each of these sectors and make your plan using your disposable income. Don’t use margin loans. Cash only. Earlier blockchain risk takers made billions, while others played with their poop and then proceeded to join BLM and ANTIFA. Nonetheless, we are still very early compared to where we are going.

4. Be ready for anything. Nation States are losing prestige in the minds of new generations, and may falter. Be prepared for sudden disruption in food chains, utilities, police protection, etc. If such are cut off, do you have enough emergency rations, water, arms, power generation capability to sustain your life for at least 6 months? COVID shortages were kid’s play compared to what a major earthquake along the West coast of the USA, or a major biological attack from a religious fanatical organization could do to infrastructure.

5. Remove anyone close to you who constantly preach about and contemplate the ruin of things. Be Human the Solution, not Human the Problem. People who sit around and grouse about life’s hard parts are sometimes doing so because they fear if you unleash your true potential, they will be left behind as you move forward. Such people, on inspection, have been found with a history of destroying themselves as well as others around them. Get away from them – quickly, quietly, and without any regret.

6. Your health is your greatest wealth. Spend funds on good food, nutritional supplements of your choice and sane medical advice before you spend anything on other non-essential necessities. When you have good health, you have everything.

7. Do everything within your particular circumstances to reduce your tax. Once you reach a certain net worth and income, as your tax bracket gets too burdensome, consider expatriating to another tax friendly country if you are young enough for your remaining year’s tax savings to be substantial enough to pass on to your heirs, and not to worthless governments. Seek out professionals on this topic, and make sure you are well advised by someone with at least 10 years track record of assistance. It can be a huge decision, but well worth it.

Lastly, we continue to monitor the GS progress. Stay tuned for more on this as events unfold. As it stands now, unless some overwhelming compelling force causes a halt to the presently ongoing Asiatic holiday festival where they eat every stray dog in town, then it’s looking like it will all spill into 2022. We will be the first to know if otherwise.

Thank you all for your contributions to the rather stimulating banter in the comment section. We have some very, very intelligent and accomplished people who read this site, and many of them contribute to the often-times rowdy conversations. We have seen lives changed as a result of a lot of information shared here at WHA. After all, that should be the goal of any association of people who gather to peacefully seek a viable path to enhance their future survival. And, believe it or not, we are just getting started.

Remember, we are very early in the Blockchain experience:

Strength and Honor

1,507 responses to “Information Briefing #170”

  1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    The judge rips the left-wing Bolshevik fruit loop prosecutor a new asshole. Sending Kyle some more money today for his defense.

    Judge, I will tell you why he would do something like that…because once a Bolshevik, ALWAYS a Bolshevik.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I am happy to contribute to Kyle’s defense as well. Do you have a trustworthy link Tony?


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


        Set up by his family.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you very much Tony.


  2. Liked by 3 people

    1. And in case you are too young to remember Beneath the Planet of the Apes, the reference image is here: https://planetoftheapes.fandom.com/wiki/Alpha-Omega_Bomb?file=Mutant_service-0.jpg

      Liked by 1 person

  3. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Who is funding and provisioning these columns of humanity to invade Europe?


    1. One guess.


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Just love it when the Bolshevik media is brought to full froth by a 17 year old’s marksmanship.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Could not listen to their bs beyond a few seconds. F them. Go Kyle. Wish we had you down here in the land down under buddy.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. this media pisses me off.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Like

  6. Watch “Everyone associated with the Steele dossier ‘is in criminal jeopardy’” on YouTube

    But this is America. No one at the top ever pays. Corruption and ROT is too deep. Shameful.

    New study shows vaccines have plunged from 88% effectiveness against covid infections to just 13% in mere months – NaturalNews.com

    What was the point of it all? Boom for Big Pharma. Death for the masses. .

    Displayed in window in Indiana


    This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in Whiting, Indiana.

    You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement. However, we are a society that holds Freedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest liberty; and after all…. It is just a sign.

    You may ask, what kind of business would dare post such a sign?

    Answer: Owen’s Funeral Home
    (Gotta love Midwest Humor!!!)

    It’s not Rocket science try Non Jews Moron!

    She went meddling despite warnings now she’s crying like a smacked arse

    It’s a big Yes!

    Here you go 100k in sight

    Liked by 1 person

    1. definitely love that midwest humor.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. A combination of studies. The first (Cohn, lower three lines) shows the vaccine effectiveness over time assuming fully vaccinated on Feb 1. The second (Gazit) is from a preprint study out of Israel which compared natural immunity to the Pfizer vaccine over roughly the same time frame as the first study.

    By fitting a power law equation (y=ax^b+c) to data from Cohn, an estimate of the time at which the vaccine reaches zero effectiveness can be estimated.
    Moderna: 12.09 Months
    Pfizer: 9.86 Months
    Janssen: 7.54 Months
    Natural immunity remains >90% effective at least 1.5 years out.

    [1] cohn_2021_sars_cov_2_vaccine_protection_and_deaths_among_us_veterans_during_2021
    [2] gazit_2021_comparing_sars_cov_2_natural_immunity_to_vaccine_induced_immunity_reinfections_versus_breakthrough_infections

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tino,,,, supposedly, this is Robert Malone and his Telegram channel…

      I question some of the Telegram channels that are supposed to be official…


      1. We’ll see. If 7 days comes and goes, we know it was false.


  8. https://thefederalist.com/2021/11/09/biden-puts-another-pipeline-on-the-chopping-block/

    Line 5’s shutdown would deal the biggest blow to Michigan residents, where the project supplies 65 percent of the Upper Peninsula’s propane demand and 55 percent of the entire state’s propane, according to Enbridge.


  9. China now has the world’s largest navy – with
    carrier set for launch https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10182259/China-worlds-largest-navy-new-aircraft-carrier-set-launched.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Soon China will take over the Far East and deal with Japan

    Yes the hard truth of Boris Johnson is that he betrays everyone in the end.


  10. Hey, investigative journalists! There’s a story here. Go HUNTING!

    Why They Didn’t Stop the Trials by Vox Day

    A science insider reveals how the Moderna vaccine managed to pass the human trials despite serious adverse reactions that exceeded the limit required to shut them down by a factor of more than THREE.

    Last week I caught up with a friend who worked on some of the first Moderna vaccine human trials in the US. He revealed to me that it is indeed as bad as we thought it was. He had worked at a research center 6 years testing various drugs and was in charge of describing and filing reports for serious adverse reactions (SAEs). SAE’s include anything from getting hit by a bus to having an anaphylactic reaction to the drug at the center (basically any serious health event has to be recorded and investigated for any link to the clinical trial for the duration of the trial.) For a normal week, he’d have 1 or 2 SAEs to file and report. When they started the Moderna trial, within a week he was having to come in early and stay late to get through stacks of SAEs.

    The normal acceptable threshold for SAEs is 5%. Once you cross that threshold, and more than 5% of your patients are reporting SAEs, you have to stop the trial and investigate for cause. Well, they had a rate of at least 16% after a few weeks. So, confused as to why the trial had not been flagged and halted, they looked into their SAE database and found that the majority of the ones they had reported to the agency responsible (I think FDA) were missing.

    They called said agency and were told that there were a high volume of SAEs being reported from multiple centers, so they were going through and removing the “irrelevant ones.” They claimed that the state of the pandemic warranted an unconventional approach to research. Obviously this is insane, even to the trusting individuals my friend worked with so the head of his clinic called a conference of the other 20 or so sites in that region and they all were having the same experience. In other words, this wasn’t a fluke.

    Things eventually got so bad that my friends’ boss told the company he was contracted with that he was going to discontinue the trial because people were having so many SAEs including seizures, clots, myocarditis, death, etc. The contracting company told him that he was obliged to finish the trial, from what I gather because the official number of SAEs was below the 5% threshold. Friend’s boss said “go take a hike, I quit.” Walked away from his head job at the research center where he made millions.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Well done on the fight back Tino. Here it’s mandatory at the top, but it’s wrong.
      You saw first hand the side effects on the case we sent you. They are clueless how to treat it. It’s vicious
      By choice I would advise do NOT have the vaccine if possible.
      Side effects alone can be devastating. Ugly red open rashes and weals breaking out looking like a Leper. Terrifying for their families. Damage is very real. What damage is hidden but will erupt over time ?
      More will die from these vaccines than will be saved. Rushed botch jobs. Now they suggest Steroids to treat you so will sterilise you as well. Some cure heh?
      Be that candle in the night Tino. Lives you can save. Voices matter.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Pfizer committed fraud in their trial.
        Moderna committed fraud in their trial.
        Can Janssen be far behind????


        1. They all need to take it up the behind!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. And not the gentle version either.


            1. Stop practising with Donk!

              Liked by 1 person

              1. NEVER LOL.


  11. Liked by 1 person

  12. Biffie: 2 minutes If we could just get employees to walk off of jobs for a few days, it would send a powerful message. I know it would be very impactful in our company.

    A stunning anti vax video has been released by the emloyees of Proctor&Gamble
    They outline how the vax mandate is not mandatory, and that being forced to get it is coercion. They then state that if you think the supply chain crisis is bad now, what is going to happen if they shut all of Procter and Gamble’s factories down by walking out.
    They then say “you may not care about us, but you WILL care when the products you buy are missing from store shelves, everything from toothpaste to tampax”.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Good points Biffie.


  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I hope our British friend can get a quality OTC brokerage set up for our use very soon…because when it comes time to exit, we’ll need it, and the closer such is to the key banks with liquidity and ethical dealing, the better.

    You’ll know when to exit. It will be about the time when most everyone at the Christmas dinner is just becoming aware of and wanting to get into crypto, and you will be an old salt with a smile on your face. We will sell them our tokens and exit like Madoff, but an ethical, legitimate Goyim version. 💰

    Liked by 7 people

    1. A dream finally come true lol.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Think major Bank? All part of planning. All under review. Long since. Global accounts then to follow. Its under review waiting. No flies on us.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. This man must hang at Nuremberg II.


  15. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    We prepped for this attraction. Watch for large financial concerns to be swept up in a vortex of decentralized organization. Look inside your local bank these days. The numbers of staff in the shop are down about 75% in some cases.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This female Dracula Bolshevik is a good example of why a coup d’état is badly needed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Geez, I wonder where she came from? One guess folks. Piece of trash.


  17. 1) “Vaccine” is not a Holy Word. They are just drugs, intracellular drugs, never used before for good reason. See the history of mRNA drugs.

    2) Civil, Individual, Constitutional RIghts are not dependent on being vaxxed and indeed, cannot be dependent on being vaxxed.

    3) mRNA jabs are not vaccines. A vaccine prevents infection and prevents transmission of a disease. mRNA jabs neither prevent infection nor prevent transmission. Additionally, they fail 100% within a finite time frame.

    4)mRNA jab manufacture can be shown to be suffering from “tolerance stack” manufacturing problems at scale. ALL manufacturers suffer this. Approximately 5% of the lots cause more than 99% of deaths and adverse events. The implication: the mRNA jabs are unsafe out the box and “mandating them” amounts to telling individuals to play Russian Roulette.

    5) All mandates presently violate Nuremberg Informed Consent. Informed Consent applies to all medical procedures, whether experimental or not. There is NO exception to Informed Consent. ALL school age immunizations violate Informed Consent despite alleged utilitarian justification. It is time that the Law catches up.

    6) There is now evidence that Pfizer and all Big Pharma manufacturers gamed their trials. Robert Barnes is representing the Whistleblower and the BMJ cross-confirms. This means that the “95% efficacy claims” are wholly bogus. This explains why even though at vaccination levels far superior to what is needed to have “herd immunity”, vaccination shows no relationship to COVID prevention or the course of the pandemic. This is FRAUD which vitiates all legal immunity claims.

    7) There is now evidence thru VAERS analysis that the CDC, Pharma, knew that a whole constellation of danger signals have been ignored. And they had to know.

    I’m tired of this s***. How about you? And more importantly, get between children and the vaxx any way you can.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Been tired of it!… and they still push it!… the real domestic terrorists are running our country…


      The Biden administration is asking companies to follow through on the vaccine mandate, despite a court temporarily halting it. Deputy White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “We say: do not wait to take actions that will keep your workplace safe. It is important and critical to do, and waiting to get more people vaccinated will lead to more outbreaks and sickness.” This comes as President Joe Biden is asking the court to lift the order altogether.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Liked by 6 people

  19. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    You paid for it. So, have a look.
    In Roman times, Emperor Joe would have been dragged through the Forum for this, and anything left would have been fed to the dogs.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. https://thefederalist.com/2021/11/09/while-losing-wars-u-s-military-celebrates-pederast-harvey-milk/

    The leaders of the U.S. military have learned from decades of their failed wars that diversity is strength. So they’ve named a shiny new ship after known predator of underage boys Harvey Milk.


      1. Sic!… I am sure that it has been proven a 2 X 4 to the face will do a lot of damage… and in some cases, it is warranted.
        BTW, allowing a child to decide if they want to rip out their penis and put on a dress is ok also, BTW.


      2. These are women saying this? For gods sake where the hell did any decency, morals and grey matter go with these pieces of trash? Their throats need slicing.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG bloody god.


      1. That was meant to be OM Bloody God.


  21. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/top-nih-scientist-opposes-vaccine-mandate-will-host-live-nih-ethics-debate-next-month?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    The Dec. 1 ethics debate was set up after a senior infectious-disease researcher pushed back against the growing drive for mandates. Dr. Matthew Memoli, who runs the clinical studies unit within the Dr. Fauci-controlled NIAID, both opposes vaccine mandates and has declined the vaccine himself, arguing that jabs should be reserved for the vulnerable, the elderly and obese Americans.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I’ve reserved my wheelchair for the event. 👴


    1. A water bed and 2 PA.s is better get organised!


  23. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  24. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  25. Liked by 1 person

    1. Unreal!
      Alice through the Looking Glass with a Hooker as VP.
      Only in America.
      Where a Kenyan born, with an Indonesian passport, defrauds and Usurps all, but nothing is done.

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Trump may try to move to Israel. The Zions Gangster hideout. Jewish mafia only. .Rumour is he’s converted


    1. Politics is a dying institution. Politicians are a dying class on one hand, and dangerous vipers on the other. Even the well-intentioned ones are incapable of addressing the proper management of a modern technically oriented society. Look at the recent crypto legislation they passed…it shows that 99% of them do not understand the technology at all, and are simply trying to shake down the sector, as all governments do when they see a fatted calf.

      Compounding this are the points you made. The country is owned and run by Jews or those working for Jewish interests.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Secession of states was agreed upon at the ratification of our US Constitution and guaranteed to be protected. That was the point of free and separate states – so if one didn’t like the arrangement, they could leave. Otherwise, why have separate states? Why not just one country; The United State, if such were to be disallowed?

        Thanks to his majesty, King Abraham Africanus Lincon-man the First, the Federal Government became a leviathan that has exceeded even the wildest notions of dictatorship imaginable at the founding. A president organizing an army of “volunteers” to invade his own country? Imagine that being thought possible in 1776 and normalized as a process in law. Any president considering such would have been banished to England at the mere mention.

        We don’t even have borders now. Free and independent states is so far from reality as to consider the livery that each state wears among its law enforcement, as well as the state flags, as just fancy emblems to delineate gang territory.

        It is my understanding that at formation of the Republic of Texas, they wrote into their charter that their compact with the Federal government would renew each year. And if they didn’t want to remain, they would simply not renew it. Let’s see if they are the first to try. Because, I am quite sure before too long at least 1 of the 50 will seriously consider it. A Kamala Harris Central Party Headquarters in the White House may do the trick.

        Liked by 2 people

  27. Japanese hospital used toilet water for drinking for almost 30 years https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10182591/Japanese-hospital-used-toilet-water-drinking-30-years-pipes-wrongly-connected.html?ito=native_share_article-top


    This man has zero authority to administer so-called vaccines to people. He is not a doctor or has any medical degree/training. He can’t pull this nonsense in the Western countries, so he goes to countries he can get away with doing this. Leaving thousands of injured and dead children and adults in his trail. Some countries have barred him from entering after they woke up to what he did to their people. Over 500,000 girls in India got paralyzed (legs) after getting his polio vax. Over 30 000 women in Africa became sterile after receiving shots from him.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Amazon Packaging

    Wow! No humans. So, as most of our manufacturing jobs have been sent to China – more & more .. warehouse jobs are dead end …
    companies are using robots…. so where are the customers with money coming from with money to purchase the goods? Is this the WEF dream of a Universal income for those desired vs those not needed??

    Unsustainable greed….just my opinion….. or will they tax robots ???? In any case the world is changing quickly and with such change comes disruptions…. Anyone still in doubt about the need to adapt to AI thinking is a Dino. There many ways to stream line processes… imagine the day when you make a appointment to service your car and intelligence causes all needed parts to be on the ready in cart at your appointment time at the mechanic’s reach … a computer diagnostic checks in to tell every thing about your status …… missing a part no problem ordered for your next visit and reminded by text … coming in no big deal ,… your phone telegraphs the dealership within minutes of your arrival so that you are greeted by name and info is sent to deliver your parts for your appointment while your favors coffee is being readied and more … it is coming … those who be ready will win and those are not will wither away.

    And same goes for Dentists and many other professions that will be changed by connecting to the customer.


    1. I would not mind packing a few things with Larysa… 😇


  29. https://thefederalist.com/2021/11/08/democrats-so-called-bipartisan-infrastructure-bill-erases-sex-and-hurts-women/
    Under section 60307 of the recently passed deal, American institutions that receive funding from the infrastructure legislation are denied the ability to acknowledge scientific facts about sex.

    “No individual in the United States may, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity that is funded in whole or in part with funds made available to carry out this title,” the infrastructure bill reads.

    The use of the word “perceived” automatically punishes entities for acknowledging sex in areas such as sports, where men who claim to identify as female try to play on women’s teams.

    Institutions that do not comply with this woke carve out risk oversight and legal action from the administration.

    As Federalist contributor Rachel Bovard noted, 13 House Republicans and 18 Senate Republicans OKed the bill when it came across their desks but got played in the process. Multiple GOP members claimed they simply wanted money for “roads and bridges,” but they ended up compromising on one of the biggest culture war items in the process. Bovard wrote:

    So to claim that a vote for the infrastructure legislation was merely a vote for ‘roads and bridges,’ devoid of any other major political context, is just willfully ignorant of the obvious and openly stated politics at work. A vote for the infrastructure bill was very clearly a vote for the reconciliation legislation.

    This reconciliation legislation, which has already undergone cuts following massive feuds between progressives and holdouts on the Democrat side, seeks to codify radical climate law and other leftist wish-list items.


  30. We have stopped treating or checking outpatients for years now in the NHS. Hundreds of thousands will die for sure now needlessly. No preventive check ups. No NHS access. Covid has turned tbe lot over. Covid needlessly infects the mainstream hospitals just by processing them there. Take the Covid cases out of mainstream wards and take the lot to specialist isolation hospital units. Cross mixing the Mainstream, even in isolation units, infects the lot .It’s madness.
    Get back to treating the masses with real issues. At worst we will lose 10K Covid’s and that’s twice the projected deaths now. But what of the hundreds of Ks denied check ups, now backlogged for 4 years because of chaos. 10k at worst for c200K or more to die. Does that make sense? Any of it? So much BS out there. Way, way way OTT.
    Lungers out to their own Covid Centre Hospitals. .Plague ships. Save the masses. The cost will be far worse if not. Backlogs will mass kill. Why? Applied thought zero.
    These Non Covid staff are picking up Pay Checks doing what? Zero Patient care. Don’t treat, don’t eat!


  31. Like

    1. Stop buying their newspapers. Simple as. .I have., You have all the information you need on the internet. Truth..
      The MSM today are pathetic. Weasels. Cut off their feed pots.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. CNN apparently makes more money from its concessions worldwide in airports than its viewership. CNN averages less than 1MM viewers a day in its core shows, yet somehow keeps trucking…


  32. https://nypost.com/2021/11/07/this-looks-like-biden-doj-persecuting-an-opposition-journalist/

    You don’t have to be a fan of James O’Keefe’s style of journalism to be worried about how the government is reacting to it.


    1. And even now, O’Keefe is going to get the Court’s Revenge on this. Legal Eagles at the fringe of my network inform me that O’Keefe did everything by the numbers, including turning over materials to law enforcement. PV will certainly win in Court, and you can bet, will harden its protocols to withstand raids too.


  33. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/media-outlets-report-fake-news-uk-covid-hospitalizations-are-14-times-higher-last-year?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    Maybe news outlets should have bothered to check the figures before turning Pritchard’s erroneous claim into a blaring headline.

    As we previously highlighted, news networks have largely been ignoring the fact that COVID cases have been dropping in the UK over the past two weeks, after previously seizing upon a short term rise in cases to lobby for restrictions to be re-imposed.


  34. On Friday, a transparency activist group known as Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets) posted a 1.8-terabyte trove of police helicopter footage to its website. “DDoSecrets cofounder Emma Best says that her group doesn’t know the identity of the source who shared the data and that no affiliation or motivation for leaking the files was given,” reports Wired. “The source simply said that the two police departments were storing the data in unsecured cloud infrastructure.” Techdirt reports:
    The DDoS release shows law enforcement agencies aren’t just deploying choppers to keep an eye on suspects in motion. They’re also using them to engage in extended surveillance of people suspected of nothing, hovering over large gatherings and deploying infrared cameras to peer inside of buildings just for the fuck of it. Putting your stuff in the cloud means opening up additional attack vectors for those seeking your secrets. That appears to be the root source of this new leak. What a time to be alive!


    1. Sorry.

      The above is just an absurd political statement. Cross check


      1. These claims are palpably BS. Hype.


  35. MILITARY INSIDER: They Panicked When They Saw The Future


    Liked by 2 people

    1. This recorded over ten years ago.


  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Don’t you all feel cool that you saw the future before The Economist?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Too right. And thanks to you Tony, most of us are in such a position. Thank you.

      Liked by 2 people

  37. I saved this tweet in my bookmark. I thought it was an interesting perspective.


  38. Like

    1. The poor kids.


  39. Li-Meng Yan: Chinese Defector Reveals COVID Origin
    We all need this guy to tell us what is truth about Covid

    Then to ACT!
    Check out this story on Mercola.com: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/11/07/li-meng-yan-covid-origin.aspx?cid_medium=etaf&cid=share
    Wristbands, fences and 3G: How will Christmas markets look this year in Austria? –
    The Little little Austrian Hitler is coming again.

    Smacks of Nazi Germany. Europe is on the way to a dark chapter in its’ history being written.

    As it should be there is no room for Gender deviances in the forces Get Real!

    Gay soldier who sexually assaulted teenager kicked out of the Army https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10177707/Gay-soldier-26-sexually-assaulted-teenage-male-colleague-Cyprus-kicked-Army.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    It’s already here!
    The Russia Lie… And How We Told You So.

    How any read these? This shit happens because all these dumb Fs are asleep.

    Biden Incest and Pedophilia Confirmed: Ashley Biden’s Diary Legitimate, FBI Cover-up Exposed

    Be clear this is a storm building for Biden. If true he’s down. The MSM has it.



  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    That hits the spot.

    Liked by 2 people

  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Stupid Bolshevik weasel…Fully admits, after first denying, that he was pointing a pistol at Kyle before Kyle then acted in self defense, and blew a chunk out of his right arm with a 5.56mm round. Why is this Bolshevik ANTIFA bastard not being prosecuted for assault with a deadly weapon? If I point my pistol at anyone, without just cause, even if I don’t fire, I could be charged with ADW. That Kyle is being prosecuted at all, is just malicious prosecution to satisfy the howling mobs of Bolsheviks both in and out of government in Kenosha.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. And better!


    1. Fox news just now… they had a doc on that said the only way to stop the pandemic is through vaccination…. everyone should get the vaxx… in response to hear problems he said those with heart problems should absolutely get the vaxx as it would protect against Covid causing more heart trouble… am I crazy?… are all the doctors and reports I read wrong?… how in the world do you speak out to people around that hear this and believe it… this is a FUBAR situation!… where is this all heading?


      1. For right now, we let them over-reach, and then slam their hands in the cup-board.

        The legal system is catching up. 5th circuit has a stay in place and it is going to go permanent stay. The govs reply is pathetic. They’ll try some en banc bs but it is too soon to obliterate the rule of law. Another great appeal filing happened in the 9th on social media which is seismic. The 9th would have to ignore all their precedent to go against the appeal, so it is them that have no wiggle room.

        Politically the (D) got creamed in the off-prime elections. And they show no signs of abating their stupidity. This will be overwhelming come 2022.

        Liked by 2 people

  42. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/courageous-la-county-sheriff-tells-truth-about-covid-vax-mandates?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    The Sheriff of LA County, Alex Villanueva, proved his courage this week with a public media address covering the destructive effects of the covid mandates on his own department, using cold hard data to show that thousands of personnel and deputies, 30% of the Sheriff’s department, will be leaving or will be forced out of work by LA County if the vaccine mandates move forward in January. He also faced down a torrent of some of the dumbest and most vitriolic questions I have ever heard from a crowd of clearly biased “journalists” (i.e. leftist activists) scrambling to cast doubt on the sheriff and his data.

    I recommend watching Sheriff Villanueva’s even handed and rational presentation in full here:

    I applaud his reserve and calm demeanor in the face of such rabid stupidity, and I applaud his bravery in standing for truth in an era when truth is vilified.

    Liked by 3 people

  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The Zionist-planned eradication of the native European is still in process.

    One European country said “NO!”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Get the machine guns out and tanks. Flame throwers if needed.
      Tell Israel if this continues Iran get their nukes. Cage and ship Soros to Moscow.


    2. Blackhawk Gunships are needed. Fast results.


  44. Get me the Twat Stick!!!!!

    Cambridge University luvvies warns Rapunzel panto has ‘kidnap’ scenes https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10178561/Cambridge-University-luvvies-warns-audiences-pantomime-Rapunzel-contains-kidnap-scenes.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Slowly the bombshells in the vacs are appearing. So much has been hidden from you Like the Luciferase tracer inside them. Ask DARPA about it. This is the entry weapon to track and kill you with future releases.

    They are coming and selective population reduction will follow. The malaise and stupidity of the Sheeple invites herd reduction. The financial system is failing. The test vehicle for mass reduction is here.

    Read this and work it out. Your future, in a vaccine.

    Be grateful for the Truth Seekers on site who help us all. Read absorb and listen, to live. Or live as Sheeple, your Choice but you won’t have a choice when it comes to the consequences of the next releases.

    Lucif ERASE is for you if not stopped. Track and whack. Herd Reduction. Lemmings to the Cliff edge and push. How to kill billions. The ultimate WMD and the mutated mind set masses walk right into it.
    Ignorance is not bliss.

    Being Thick is a choice. Keep vaccing and what is coming won’t be.

    It’s ALL about cost effectiveness. Contributors and none contributors. Dead weight will be Dead

    Lucif EREASE. Do YOU want to be erased? .They laugh at you with impunity. And now IMMUNITY!
    This site gives you life. Is reading too big a price.? So many here are trying for you. . .

    ‘Tory plotters gather to throw Boris Johnson on bonfire in beginning of the end for PM’

    Unlike the US we Can and Do get rid of Buffoons in office. The Bell is tolling for Johnson. A tolal Buffoon.

    Few willing to change lifestyle to save the planet, climate survey finds

    Correct the Sheeple are THICK!

    UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System

    Spot on
    Biden administration sends over 70 flights of migrants to Florida

    He sells out America for Demo votes!
    Why is this not called treason ???

    Camilla Parker Bowles keeps talking about Biden fart at COP26

    He made an impression for sure. Incontinent Moron loose

    One way to leave a lasting impression. We will bottle it for Mob Dispersal
    Why?????????????????????????? Think?

    China builds US aircraft carrier mock-ups to prepare for naval strikes https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10176811/China-builds-aircraft-carrier-mock-ups-naval-strikes-triggering-growing-fears-Washington.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Hal Turner Radio Show – FBI Raids James O’Keefe’s (Project Veritas) House, over Ashley Biden Diary – And its allegations that Biden may have RAPED his own daughter

    Nothing would surprise me this is Clinton and Bush territory;
    This is our on various sites since yesterday with actual quotes by photo from the diary
    Is this what will be used to remove the guy?

    Brits act before the attack happens Some shock for the bad guuys.

    Armed police swoop on two men just 500 yards from Obama speech https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10177667/Dramatic-moment-armed-police-swooped-two-men-just-500-yards-Obama-speech.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Satellite images show China has built mock-ups of US warships

    Just as we did mid WW11 to fool Hitler.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. OMG! That last video was a total ripper. LOL


  45. Netflix will sensationalise lies and trash both the Queen and Diana.
    Half Wit Harry needs wire up Markelts Wannabe Jaw, or be dumped from titles both cut off.
    God She’s a Minger. Time to cut loose this grasping Woose.
    A vile woman. He’s blown it here. She’s detested. Previous life pics are waiting to unleash Harry has no ethics, stupid besotted child. She will bore of him because he IS Boring. A Plonker. A mediocrity.
    The Queen needs to strip both of titles and eject them lot. Parasites.


  46. Tony

    Re video.
    Smiling about the uncomfortable remarks. It certainly upsets a few when we tell them their chocolate box ideology of raw life is unreal, and their heros are worthless Grifters and Skanks of low order. Some have not yet factored in what was the point of Afghanistan and your horrendous dead and crippled kids bills. China has moved in and taken over free control of a Trillion dollars worth of US funded bases and weapons. What a Coup.What a Dufus!
    The Taliban now control the Heroin production which lined the CIA’s pockets and which now kills your US addicts.
    White powder to die for and the Banks still launder the money.
    You lose again. How are your dead sons heroes giving their lives for the Cabal? The Cabal gets ever richer, your sons are just dead, or crippled for life. Limbs gone, arsing around. How smart is that? Bred to be Body Bags.
    Sometimes it’s like talking to Shrek. Now they are just vaccine targets. Oh to be State Welfare fed in the land of the blind. Until the feed bowl stops.
    They will howl for their Rights as they go into the night. You have no Rights and the Beltway is not working for you. Soon you will have no purpose, what then? Who will feed you in a soon to be Bankrupt Zoo?

    Unless your paying your way, your in the way.
    The God Botherers won’t pick up the tab,
    So the State will just give you the Jab. Sorted. Another Useless Eater aborted. Bush 41’s own words.
    Quit dreaming, get wealthy and stay healthy. Stay -Alive. But pay to play. Or go away.

    Follow the site. Or go into the night. Follow the money.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I changed “White power” to “White powder”, which I think is what you meant in the context. White power certainly does not control the banks. lol

      We do indeed touch on many subjects, and we have some very awake, enlightened and bold people who will share material that is actually a crime to share in some countries. Imagine that. Our overlords have managed to criminalized the sharing of differing opinions in history. Is it any wonder they have succeeded in thrusting COVID “mandates” at us? If they can criminalize open opinion and criticizing of the past, what else can they do?

      We remain open and free here. Let’s hope the ultimate goals we have set and watch for will be met, and that we can continue to operate without hindrance from those who consider us insects to be used as grist for their mills.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks Tony
        Some don’t get I am actually on their sides. You should see some of the emails I get for attacking THEIR Fed. I had to explain to one JAG Lawyer, it’s NOT YOUR FED you F Moron it’s a Jewish Mafia Con to Rip YOU Off and you don’t actually own Shit! It’s a direct RICO level Fraud machine which has gutted you for a Century.
        Americans can’t run the Fed or Treasury, because the Jews and Israel have you stitched up like a box of kippers.
        Dumb Fs have let this happen. Idiots! Israel and the Vatican have sucked you dry for a Century. I actually want to set you free and take your Children off a Vatican knee.
        We want to let the light into enlightenment. I want to set you free. . And to get Non Jewish Owned Patriots as Presidents. Mossad out! Snouts out! America for Americans and not body bags for Israel

        Liked by 6 people

  47. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Tapas and a touch of adoption…

    Liked by 2 people

  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Brief video update. Last for this year.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. So very good to hear from you Tony. Thank you so much for the info you have shared in this video. And for taking the time and expending the effort to do so. XX

      As annoying as I can be ha ha, you know what stood out to me personally? How incredibly relaxed your voice was. Your tone has changed in this video. I like it.

      Toward the end of your video you speak of the pic we see in the image you concentrated your video on. You offered us a verbal and blissful imaginary glimpse of days gone by, which was so terribly unfortunate imo. The portion of the image that I personally found to not only be quite noticeable but dreadfully unfortunate, was the white plastic bag caught on the shrub flapping in the breeze. Humans have had such a horrid impact in so many ways.

      I am a little on the sad side that this is going to be your last video update for this year. I know your schedule does not permit the luxuries those like me desire lol. You have managed another year doing what you do so increbily well. How do we ever thank you for everything you have done? You are such a rock to so many of us.

      Who really knows where 2022 will head? Who even knows where 2021 will end? As hopeful as I would like to be, I find myself expecting the worst. Things may be a little different for you guys in the US but here in Aus things are not looking too bright. I am sensing it may be time for us in the land down under to capture the last moments of that which we desire to occur. Although, in saying that, I am not beaten to a pulp just yet lol.

      I had grand plans to participate in repairing this world and this country but my ability to do so, on a more personal level seem to be dashed in this moment. I am horrified bearing witness to what I am seeing occur in Aus. I am not normally one to give up too easily when facing a’holes like we are but being on the outer fringe of this burrent society is such an isolating, yet fascinating experience. Don’t get me wrong, I will personally never give in no matter what. I don’t mind being or standing alone, actually that is my preferred stance, with that comes strength.

      People like me seem to be a very slim minority here now but I am staying very aware of all the games and brainwashing. I am actually ready to face the music in a fashion, not without one almighty fight btw lol. One thing to be assured of, is that,people like me are ready to take their last stand. That last stand means many things to different people. I have plans which shall remain on the quiet for now. But trust me, I will never go down alone. The so called mighty need to be shown that they will not win this fight no matter the cost to one individual.

      Well, bugger me if I have not babbled on way too long again. I think it is time to shut the hell up and thank you again Tony for your video, you advice and support, your sharing of wisdom and really for allowing us to engage with you on such a personal level. That has been an enormous contributor to my personal well being, comfort, happiness and feeling of knowing I could always count on you for support and good guidance. Do you have any idea what that means to someone like me?

      So see ya latter alligator. Stay chilled mate.

      Our future will be determined by people like you and John that struggle and fight in the echelons most of us are not within. BUT… Never discount the impact some of the shit kickers like me are prepared to tackle and ensure our impact will be felt by those that have wronged us.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. And btw Mr.Tony, do you really think I am going to let you off the hook for one last musical contribution for 2021? I suppose I’ll have to if you decide so, but how wonderful it would be, time and energy permitting to offer your favourite reader lol, one last little piece of musical magic to watch the sun set on the end of a year that will be a final goodbye to a’holes thinking they will win. Come on mate, hit me with a good one LOL.


        1. I will certainly find one as soon as I can and post it for you. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

      2. Hey, thank you so much for your kind words and your thoughtful reply.

        As for me sounding relaxed…well, those beautiful California girls have that effect on me. 😈 At least the ones I could tell WERE girls.

        Hang in there, okay?

        Yes, the trash blowing in the pristine desert is very sad. I was parked close to a truck stop and I think refuse you saw was blown out of a large trash receptacle that was missing a lid.

        Stay close and let’s see what a few more months will bring.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Perfect! Spot on.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Tony,,, thanks so much for all!… Want to say again, you are the reason I am debt free and still very much in for the ride to come… people with integrity and honor are here at WHA!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Fantastic!

        Do good things with that economic energy now flowing into your hands and not into the pockets of the slime of humanity.

        Well done, and thank you for sharing! Let’s hope we can do even more next year.

        Liked by 2 people

    4. This site is the best. A place where we can learn and grow to become better in all aspects of our life, no matter how uncomfortable the information is. Knowledge is power. I appreciate WHA very much.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you AJ. Your participation is a good part of the benefit here.

        Yes indeed, we may share information which re-shapes the understanding of many who, among other things, had their minds molded by academic texts and Hollywood fantasy in such a way as to be impenetrable to change by even the most obvious evidence presented. We don’t fall for that mental implanting here.

        The correct understanding of where the problem lies will lead to a solution.

        We appreciate you too!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tony – that was sure a sweet thing to say.

          Now I don’t regret posting a few things here, which I did regret. I thought – oh crap, people are going to think I completely lost it. Lol – I’m used to it though ever since I was a kid.

          So thank you for that but you’re going to regret saying that because there will be no holding back for this girl. 😝

          Liked by 1 person

          1. No worries. Please, never hold back from saying anything on your mind.

            Liked by 1 person

    5. Thanks Tony, that is one of the many things that I appreciate about this site. The fact that we can share so many controversial topics. Its is such a great learning community. I would like to invite more readers to contribute. Would love to see what interests you all and hear your perspectives.

      Liked by 3 people

  49. https://www.brighteonstore.com/products/allertrex
    South Australia says no

    It’s coming. No Jabs, No Flights, or Boats, next No Trains. No Jabs No Travel. Clear? No exceptions. You will be turned back at Airports and you will forfeit holidays.
    Blair. Bushes poodle for hire by anyone. Despised by the Brits opines yet again.
    The Rent Boy needs a dose of lock jaw


  50. 3 part on Jan 6th narrative… take the time to watch…


  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    It could have been far worse…💩


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember a School associate who entertained us letting one go over a bunsen burner. The laser speed blue flame which penetrated his nether regions left me assured he won’t try than again.
      Strike a match near Joe.
      Can’t take him anywhere.
      He could have won the high jump.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Vaccinations not only fail to stem the pandemic in the most highly vaccinated countries, they fail to do so across the board.

      “Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States,” the title of a study co-authored by a Harvard researcher and published in the European Journal of Epidemiology, found that, if anything, vaccinations lead to the opposite of intended results: “Countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people,” it found.


  52. props to whomever wrote this:
    Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
    Lou: ‘Why not?’
    Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
    Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
    Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
    Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
    Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
    Bud: ‘Yes.’
    Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
    Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
    Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
    Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
    Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
    Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
    Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
    Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
    Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
    Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
    Bud: ‘Ok.’
    Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
    Bud: ‘That’s right.’
    Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
    Bud: ‘Certainly.’
    Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
    Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘I’m not asking who’s vaccinated or not!’
    Bud: ‘I’m just telling you how it is.’
    Lou: ‘Nevermind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
    Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
    Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
    Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
    Lou: ‘But I have a mask!’
    Bud: ‘Doesn’t matter.’
    Lou: ‘I was able to come in here yesterday with a mask.’
    Bud: ‘I know’
    Lou: So why can’t I come in here today with a mask? ….If you say ‘because I’m unvaccinated’ again, I’ll break your arm.’
    Bud: ‘Take it easy buddy.’
    Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
    Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
    Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
    Bud: ‘Correct.’
    Lou: ‘Why not?’
    Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
    Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the germs from getting out.’
    Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your germs.’
    Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
    Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
    Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
    Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
    Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
    Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
    Lou: ‘So how in the heck can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’

    Bud: ‘Third base.’

    Liked by 2 people

  53. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/immigration/biden-sent-70-secret-night-flights-of-migrants-from-border-to-florida
    Texas and Florida are really getting bombarded for being so ‘red’. Stand with and support these states and others that are spreading the truth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Biffie… I had heard about some epic charge for cattle but had no idea the amount… AOC’s new green deal needs to be filed up her methane azz… this is a perfect example of not working on the actual problem but servicing the agenda…
      The new bill has a 6500.00 methane fee PER dairy cow in America,,,, 30 mil dairy cows in America…
      4500.00 PER beef cow,,, 93 mil beef cows in America…
      2500 per hog…
      All due to AOC’s new green deal.


      1. I know a LOT of people that buy a half of a hog or a half of a cow from local farmers… or they buy from someone who has a full time job and also has cows or hogs… I have not seen the direct impact this might have on this type of service, but, it appears that would be gone under this new bill… the price would be so large they could not sell… some people have a butcher service they do as an addition to income, gone…

        Look at how much has changed, and is trying to change, in only 9 months of Biden!… incredible!


        1. Now they want to tax Animal farting?


    2. This is why the key Elites are buying up the Water and Farming land.
      Control that, you control everything.
      It also decided which nations live or die.
      As America is forecasts to lose c40 % of its Agri Crop capacity through Global warming , and become Arid lands, who feeds that Giant Welfare Zoo? The key Elites question will be Why? Who cares? They don’t..

      Then look at South America, China and India. Their vast population explosions. Poor Peasants can pay with what?
      Importing food how when your broke?
      China’s only access to vast land banks is to try to take Russias. Armageddon awaits.

      How will America feeds their masses? The Elites question will be why? Unemployed, non contributors, just draining wealth, how do you see that ending? States are not Charities.
      Wealth Creators – Keep it! None are Philanthropic. Token illusions
      Real world, we are running out of money No Money No Honey. Cibernaughts are coming. As is Transhumanism.
      Those sidelined will become a Zoo.
      Hunting parties? Captive animals.
      Revisit History Elites Game Parks?
      Having destroyed Wild Life, what’s left to Hunt and Shoot is you. Naivety rules the Plebs.
      1% own 99% of all.

      Will 1% want to carry 99% when the game changes? Just think about it? Outside the box.
      Rights, You have none it’s a Fools Illusion. America rigged the last votes.
      Votes are an illusion. A token gesture to the masses. Kubuki all of it. Pawns on a Gaming Board.
      WHA is to get you thinking. Mind power. Use it.


    3. Like I said the other day…..they want you eating insects and their Beyond Meat synthetic garbage.

      This is why the EU passed legislation regarding the consumption of insects.

      The “Brotherhood” wants you dead by 2030.

      Plain and simple.


      1. HIW
        Covid was the test run

        DNA targeting viruses may follow. Nations are tracking it. But so are terrorists! It’s a known potential WMD.
        Dam Jewish Khazarian blood is so cross spread across Teutonic nations and populations, it jumps the species.There’s a bit of Jew in everyone it seems
        Getting the DNA Algorithm right is key. But eyes are on it. It’s a weapon some may abuse!

        Many forces are at work. Evermore conflicting.
        World tensions are rising. Islamic terrorism is growing. They have access to Labs.
        China is a Global Wild Card. Dangerous as hell.
        Many nations want pollution reduction. People cause it? So Ethics matters.
        These are dangerous times. Joe Public is clueless of the circling sharks.
        Political half wits are incapable of resolving most issues. Mediocrities. Can you believe Biden is on pole position for America? Johnson for the UK – Really? Saddle Tramps. Think Tanks want Population reductions. It’s a Fiscal drain also.
        Cigarettes here are about $13 for a carton of 20. When I see older women here buying hundreds of dollars worth of cigarettes in the stores, our Pension Tax money is going up in smoke and that waste does not amuse me. Why are they allowed this money?
        We form views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Ours matter. Changes are coming. .


  54. Hmmm…..
    Turns out it’s the richest, most elite that are causing 80% of the global carbon problems.
    Wouldn’t have guessed it, what with 400 private jets sitting in Davos.



    1. Elites flights are tiny in comparison.
      We pay huge fees to land and refuel. Vast airport profits
      It costs me as much to land for one or two, as a Cheap Booze flight for 450 economy booze tourists on Cheap Flights. We subsidise them,. We are bringing in trade and money . They are just a F nuisance causing constant Flight backlogs. Cheap flights will end soon. With Covid controls, so will booze locations. Where now to park the vacating masses? Expect flight costs to soar. Hotels too. The days of the Global Ants are ending . They are the cause. Flying methane vehicles. Hog carts in the way of Real Trade.
      Davos is a small 4 day window. Also becoming yesteryears power.
      The real power is the Royal Institute, CFR., Tril Laterals and Bilderbergers, The rest are Chump Change.
      Your votes have no access there. Nor invites. Elites rule. Enrich and join?


    2. E-mail me any links which the spam software of Word Press is stopping. I will see it is posted for you at the place you designate.


      1. The Zios are all bent people!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I may be possibly be classed as bent lol. BUT only when I want payback.


  55. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Adoption of the adoption…

    Vibrant cultural enrichment.


    1. I warned the Swiss not to let them in. This always follows.


    2. “Migration background” is the polite term for these utterly filthy, putrid, low life, sub human, parasitic scum. May their journey beyond earth be deserving.

      Liked by 1 person

  56. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just heard this on the radio today too. Let’s hope they win and sets the precedent for the rest of the country.

      Liked by 2 people

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