White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


  • Briefing #203

    The year of giving dangerously We will once again center some attention on the post-BTC halving, and provide a suggested short list of some very, very speculative crypto plays that could yield big numbers (perhaps 1,000% to 10,000%) by being swept up in post-halving winds. With the approaching and ever-present realities of a new multi-polar…

  • Briefing #202

    The Greatest Spoils Are ahead With the latest Bitcoin halving behind us, it may be wise to center some attention on a few crypto projects that are centered on A.I., which is a potential multi-trillion dollar industry that may offer those who see it a path to considerable wealth acquisition. We will take a look…

  • Briefing #201

    CAESAR IGNORED THE WARNINGS Two thousand and sixty-eight years ago, today, Caesar entered the east portico of the Theatre of Pompey (the temporary Senate House) and was stabbed to death by men whom he called friends. These men feared that Caesar has acquired too much power for himself, and had to die. They could not…

  • Briefing #200

    Handing you million$ for nothing is not part of global Settlements planning Post the Dynasty Elders GS, and coming East/West Polarization of BRICS Markets, there will be a new order – Stopping the Zionist and Agency Vulture Culture. Focused on Mankind. To see the Stars! Reflecting back, what we predicted many years ago is unfolding now.…

  • Briefing #199

    TO GO FORWARD WE MUST BYPASS THE BACKWARD How can we plan for the future if we don’t understand the past, and, or, present? How will we ever learn, or does society just keep blowing bubbles of fatuous stupidity in this polluted Goldfish Bowl of Human life? Ever- diminishing circles of mediocrities run nations today. Few are…

  • Briefing #198

    2023- Politics Blew, crypto Grew as the global settlements Aim for a coup We come to the end of another year, our 11th with you. I once again invoke dominus privilegium and address you directly, except where indicated otherwise. This will be the last briefing of the year. What a year! Thank you all for…

  • Briefing #197

    Where is the Appliance of Science in a Vatican Jesuit WEF Anti-Christ Collusion? First, be assured, the Jesuits are a truly malevolent and despotic Evil Bunch. Just read the Jesuit Oath. Cross that with the vile perverts selling their Myth of Papal Supremacy to c1.3 Billion unquestioning and gullible Congregational followers, so trusting and so deceived. …

  • Briefing #196

    THE GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS: PLANNING FOR A FINANCIAL CIRCUMSCRIPTION As this is an issue entrapped and encircled within Global Circles of predatory special interests, it needs time for the competing and now heavily conflicting worlds of power and influence to secure a new role. Nuland and the Power Group of Zionist Commie Jews sought to dominate and break…

  • Briefing #195

    Qing ruler Dorgon.  China’s Qing Dynasty Collapsed For Reasons That Feel Eerily Familiar Salve Citizens, As we close the 3rd quarter or 2023, most would agree that the general state of society is decaying and is in need of a serious change. Central to this for our purpose, is, of course, the natural curiosity about…

  • Briefing #194

    The Gracchi Brothers and modern parallels: Donald Trump as Tiberius Gracchus In November of 2024, there is some chance that Donald Trump may be re-elected president. If this happens, there is, more likely than not, a real chance of return to street violence which will exceed levels seen after the last election of Trump. Some…

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