White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Briefing #198

2023- Politics Blew, crypto Grew as the global settlements Aim for a coup

We come to the end of another year, our 11th with you. I once again invoke dominus privilegium and address you directly, except where indicated otherwise. This will be the last briefing of the year.

What a year! Thank you all for your incredible contributions to the discussion section. The amount of information shared was tremendous, spread across a diverse subject matter too varied to note here. Having the freedom to share whatever one wishes (within the bounds of common decency) has created fertile soil for interchange of ideas, the revealing of historical expurgations, and sharing of valuable information which many might find beneficial in their daily lives.

Some important items to review and discuss as we approach the beginning of 2024:

Global Settlements

Most of our readers know that the GS is now proceeding along a BRICS pathway. Key to this, the South Korean president recently paid a visit to London.

A recent communiqué from our London GS trustee on this visit:

The South Korean President and his wife have spent a highly successful week in London, plus full State entourage on an official State visit, where the British have honoured him with full Royal ceremonial horse driven carriages, troop guards of honour, bands, and major family turnouts at Buckingham Palace, presented at Court and attended various top level British Global Institute initiatives.

He has met the English shadow guard above the State. Shows like this are accorded to very few. Always Britain has an agenda. No more US NY bait and switch scams which derailed the last GS attempt in NY. This time the Zio snout was out! Intense dialogue has made real progress. But, it’s a geo political global cauldron of issues. Especially Defense! All issues to factor in. Off grunt’s pay grade. Only alluded to via WHA, close to seismic potential changes.

BRICS, Bitcoin, Blockchains and Cryptos change everything. Bond market volatility, bank loss planning and the pending collapse of Ukraine will lead to roller coaster rides next year. Risk management is key. Real world issues factored in. 

Why were they all in London? A prep dry run! Huge security and secrecy issues. Global game changes are coming. Is what is happening off all public radar, potential end of empires? This is so sensitive nothing is leaking. It’s above most politicos’ pay grades. What power orchestrates that vast ceremonial show and vast police blocking vehicles for autocades able to stop London? South Koreans, the last real bastions of vast Gold holdings, are not only well aware of the US Cut and Run practices in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, they now question the point of costly protectorate treaties with a visibly ailing and failing hegemony parasite nation who will cut and run as China and India take ever more of the Far East and Asia. Why keep being Greenmailed with a dying Dollar from a nation with no control of its own Jew-controlled central bank and being bled dry by the Zionists? The impact of BRICS to America will be seismic, as was the collapse of Rome. Asia is awakening and leaving. 

We have forewarned of intrigue and implications as the Zionist/Jewish usury racket worthless Dollar implodes. America now owns nothing, and with no central bank of its own, faces economic oblivion, if, as expected, BRICS takes c60% of the global economy. Britain is its own Jekyll Island in a sea of flotsam out there. Survivors.  67% of all Global Foreign Exchange trading is processed via London. Unlike the fake Fed, real bankers to the world. Culture, the Commonwealth and opportunity. That far outweighs the failing US. 

The founders of democracy, instigators of the Industrial Revolution, Saviors of Europe post WWII, with pending vast economic changes tracking ahead, as two big dogs cannot live from a meal for one, are we seeing US imperialism soon to be dead?

Gold is King. Who are the King-makers now? How long will the parasites sucking the life blood out of America remain unchallenged? Gaza has wrong footed the lot. Also exposed the reality It now travels. Will 60% plus nations lead with their feet and walk? 

Lose the Dollar – lose the plot. Lose the Dollar – lose the lot! The biggest vulture is culture. America has no concept. How long before America is BRIC-king it? Reality for the blind, at what price? Britain went Brexit. The UK is going Global. The US goes where?  

Hell is no place for a nation scorned. See clearly – the potential for a new economic order now is vast. With a glass ceiling and Zionists reeling. Change for good, not for the no-good!     

Keep in mind that we only get about 10% of GS information. We can only imagine what is transpiring within the precincts of the veiled 90%. Issues that I imagine would stun most people if known.

Take this scene from the recent movie Oppenheimer to heart, because it’s very true. There is a reason we don’t see the 90% openly.

Trust me when I say that we do not consort with amateurs on this subject. You are reading the words given straight from the top, no intermediaries or “sources”. We are very fortunate to have this exclusive association.

RVs And Other Mysterious Vehicles
Throughout 2023, a small army of parvenus continued to claim imminent wealth from a roughly 20-year-old post-war Iraq economic recovery that they claim will see holders of Iraqi Dinar make millions of dollars. No such thing happened, and as far as we know, it never will. No such plans exist to divert the limited and hard-pressed rebuilding wealth of war-torn nations into the hands of millions of idle speculators.

If you wish to partake of their endeavors, good luck.  

Currency Group Hugs

I would like to offer a brief mention on the topic of currency groups. Currency groups – the legitimate ones – pooled funds to aggregate into a trading mechanism in order to generate their profits, and are not using some unreal rapid increase in value of currency to do so. Otherwise, why bother with a group organization if so?

Illegitimate groups took the money and ran.

This issue of whether or not your particular group is, in fact, legitimate, is something you will have to determine on your own. A legitimate group would most likely have been sanctioned to operate legally, and would have reachable points of contact for assistance and any questions. It is those points of contact that you should, at all times, rely on for accurate status. And that, again, is a private matter, and those points of contact are responsible for giving you accurate information and addressing any concerns. Not us.

One well organized group has been, by some, essentially accused of having failed and willfully concealing this supposed failure from its members – a very serious matter if true. This accusation was rapidly and flatly denied by the group’s administrator, and vigorously so. An activity of this nature can’t be valid and viable, and failed at the same time. When presented with such contrary facts, it’s obvious that there are deceptions at work. To get to the truth you will need to deal with the correct source so you know that related facts are known.

Presently, legitimate group internal matters are publicly unobservable, and thus, indeterminable as to outcome. Judicial-level notice of default, only, would prove failure where there is oversight of counsel to wind up the matter in a responsible manner. Payment to members would obviously prove legitimacy. Right now, we have neither of these outcomes. From this we can reasonably conclude that, insofar as legitimate groups are concerned, the matter is somewhere between the two – that is to say, still working on it.

It’s reasonable to understand that given the inordinate amount of time this activity has been without success that a tag of failure can seem appropriate, or perhaps “obvious”. But, project length is, in and of itself, not conclusive of failure.

Conclusions have to be arrived at by observation of facts, not by guess work, rumor intake, bias, viewing chicken bones in a bowl or auguries from a YouTube marketer.

So, if you are in a legitimate group, keep your communication private, between yourself and your contacts and fellow participants. WHA will not interfere in the operations of private affairs or attempt to influence anyone’s behavior concerning same.

Good luck.

Crypto Through The Tulips

My goodness – how far we have come from prior concerns about “South Sea Bubbles” and “Tulip Mania”. I often wonder how many people in the early days, who had thousands of BTC, sold out from peer pressure or because of something Warren Buffet said. Some of the worst advice you can follow will often come from the most “credible” of sources.

As we go to press, Bitcoin has shown a c160% gain this year. Ethereum, about c88%. A BTC ETF is reportedly very close to approval. With this, Wall Street will no doubt start offering many crypto products and we expect the highest quality projects will benefit from this. It will allow ownership of BTC without the technological challenges that the less computer skilled among us face, or the fear of mistakenly sending your nest egg holdings to the incorrect address. Trillions of dollars of investment capital will then have an easier on-ramp to gain exposure to this market. There have been signs that many nations may follow El Salvador’s bold move to adopt BTC as a nationally approved exchange medium and sovereign wealth pool.

Predictions of BTC prices for next year range from $150,000 on the low to $500,000 at the high. No matter the price predictions, BTC, at this time, remains a buy.

Our list of suggested crypto ideas has been updated as of this last quarter, and is presented as a guide to help you with your long-term speculative wealth-building efforts. Short of a nuclear holocaust, this sector is expected to perform very well in 2024, notwithstanding Elizabeth Warren’s gas, and probably more expected bogeyman headlines from places like Forbes, like this one in December of 2018:  Why Bitcoin Crashed And Why It Will Crash Again.

Setting aside the hysterical shrieks of media harpies, let’s look at some factors that would suggest that staying in the market right now is probably a smart move:

The anticipated approval of a spot bitcoin exchange traded fund in the U.S.

Institutional players (BlackRock, Fidelity, and Invesco) integrating DeFi  applications into their client offering.

The bitcoin halving, which is scheduled for April 2024.

The adoption of Bitcoin as a reserve asset by governments, central banks, and institutional investors

Tokenization of equity, real estate, and other real-world assets on blockchains – a $16 trillion opportunity, according to Boston Consulting Group

Integrations of crypto into global applications, which is Elon Musk’s big vision for X.com

The eventual approval of spot Ethereum ETF.

And the beauty of it all is that taking a piece of the action now is relatively inexpensive to do so.

The bull market that essentially started in 2021 is far larger than the last one in 2017.

And there is one more piece of the pie that is not factored into the above points. And that is…GS/Elder participation, which is the unknown piece of the puzzle that only the trustees and their colleagues and our readers know of. When you take this into consideration, it adds another layer of frosting to the cake. The resources commanded by the GS are staggering. So, too, would be the impact of their taking a position in this sector. We will certainly watch this aspect with great anticipation!

Be Ready For Anything

When considering who holds sway over our fiscal and monetary policy, it’s not surprising that the U.S. now has:

1. Record $17.29 trillion in household debt

2. Record $12.14 trillion in mortgages

3. Record $1.60 trillion in auto loans

4. Record $1.08 trillion in credit card debt.

Total mortgage debt is now more than double the 2006 peak and mortgage rates are nearly 1.5% higher than the 2008 peak. Meanwhile, student loan payments just resumed for the first time since the pandemic with an average payment of $500/month. This is all while new car loan rates are at a record 10% and credit card debt rates hit a record 25%.

Clearly, national plunder and opportunism are the order of the day; capital used to exploit and NOT serve the economy. No nation that engages in a socially beneficial focus would permit this kind of thing. Very few nations, in past, or recent times, have been permitted to operate otherwise. Just look up the debts of nations if you need proof.

Something has to give. And when it does give, you best be ready for it.

Be capable of producing the basic staples to sustain and protect life on a moment’s notice. COVID toilet paper hysteria was just a small sample of the social panic that can arise from disruption of resources. Imagine when water, food and fuel are suddenly cut off by whatever means may cause this.

The smart citizen will stock up. The smart citizen will work very hard to get out of debt, and stay out.

Be mindful that a Trump re-election in 2024 could once again trigger the unstable masses that peacefully burned down their neighborhoods last time. But, this time, if Trump assembles the Guard to stop it, who can say just how far out of hand it may get before things are brought under control. There are millions more uneducated, unemployed, unskilled undocumented military-aged men running around in this land than 4 years ago, and who is to say just what they may do if given the chance under conditions of chaos.

House Keeping

I apologize for not meeting timelines to return to the old site format. However, January is probably going to be the month we do so. And, it will be even better than the original, with added capabilities. Returning to the old format has to be done right or else the database could be lost, so there may be some days of downtime. But rest assured we will be back.

Unfortunately, some rather contentious partnership issues which I was trying to divest myself from, initially agreed to the terms, then crawfished. This has caused me to divert time away from site matters and the added benefits, which I will not elaborate on here, to commence. But, as of this week I am happy to say that the matter seems to be almost concluded to everyone’s satisfaction, so I will do my best to accelerate things in January.

To conclude, thank you all, again, for your participation and readership. We have some very, very intelligent, creative and accomplished readers who spend considerable time presenting news and information that they feel is important to know, and, in the process, stimulate thought, banter and arouse passions, challenge settled beliefs, uproot fixed ideas, warn of impending impacts, and correct false impressions. I personally have learned a great deal from all of you. More than you know.

We also thank our London friends for their kind and generous assistance to provide the most accurate and available information on the Global Settlements possible. It may not be unreasonable to say that the slight edge we enjoy here, as to possible impact of the GS on the future, gives our readers a rare and uncommon chance to be one step ahead of a crowd that knows nothing of what may possibly be coming as a result of it commencing.

We will be back next year with several new feature articles and a whole lot more!

Be safe, stay healthy, prosper, help yourself and others. The Empire thanks you for your service!


1,229 responses to “Briefing #198”

  1. Love it when they trip themselves up…



  2. Not the worst i have seen… but this pretty bad… for the programmers among us…


  3. https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-trump-calls-for-all-willing-states-to-deploy-national-guard-to-texas-border
    BREAKING: Trump calls for all ‘willing’ states to deploy National Guard to Texas border and start the deportations

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Like

  5. Maybe it’s time to ease off on Fossil Fuels for heating. Burn the Wogs and save on Welfare, Drugs and Crime. Eureka? Win, win, win. Low cost.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The woke world is so unnecessary. Regular reality is just fine…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. More clown planet…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Clown world…

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  9. A baby impersonating j bidden

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  10. States that are heavily populated by border jumpers will be the new Yankees.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Good, then remove the Federal State and form a new America. Exit the Zios, Usuries and Cabal.
      YOU clear out that Zoo. They are not for you. Let a new Phoenix arise from the ashes. Clear out the trash. Face down and put the Skids under the Yids. No more Slimy Hymies.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. I know John loves these Wog vs King’s Guards videos. This one obviously does not understand the King’s English.


    1. F Wogs, shout louder!


  12. Hold my dong…

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Limited Military Draft — September 29, 2024? | Armstrong Economics

    So we need a War to cull our Deadwood? Frontline the illegals and Wogs. With weapons firing blanks?

    This is an intervening and curious part of history in the making.
    September is the month when millions of 20-35 years Americans will find themselves being reported to credit agencies over missed student loan payments.
    All manner of default will occur as a result as Credit Scores tank. Add to this civil unrest with immigration and cities like Chicago becoming shit holes pressure to put a lid on unrest will explode. Do you think keeping migrants warm in buses is practical ? To do a draft means there needs to be a war to justify such action. And these folks along with unchecked migrants make for easy soldiers to send into battle.
    In Kiev behind the curtain, talk has already taken place on moving the Capital to Lviv as Kiev will likely be part of Russia by the end of summer. Kiev is the original capital of the Kievan Rus much to the chagrin of those who deny history. The NATO so called 90,000 strong military games west of Ukraine in May of this year maybe the excuse to send these troops into Ukraine because of upcoming Russian advances. If that happens many of those troops will meet the same fate as Ukrainians have found, death. Over a million have died already and more will die in a fruitless and needless effort.
    Be aware that come June through October will be an eventful time where turbulence will exist and impact everything.


    Absolute Yes slap these F WOGs hard

    These bastards want you silenced and enslaved. No voice, no free mail. No dissent or off to jail.
    They all need to go. Mussolini style.
    Disgusting Rats
    More than 9,000 child victims are feared to have been abused in German Protestant church sex scandal going back decades – but number may be ‘tip of the iceberg’

    A new report commissioned by the church in Germany found the incidence of abuse since 1946 was much higher than previously thought.


    Truly sickening Arrest the lot. Charge those guilty and LIFE! Plus servicing Markel daily!
    Taylor Swift is ‘furious’ about explicit AI pictures and is considering legal action against deepfake porn site that published the images: ‘The door needs to be shut on this’

    The singer is the latest target of the website, that flouts state porn laws and continues to outrun cybercrime squads.


    Taylor tries so hard to give back so much to the audiences. Like Dolly, a GREAT Trooper. Protect her, arrest them!!!! Taylor is a huge credit to America! Protect her. Respect her.
    Deservedly this SHIT Govt deserves to go!


    The Democrats are going Deep and Dirty to STOP Trump. Stop Dreaming he does profile badly. a real risk of being blocked. The Coward ran, he may not run again now.


  14. Speaking of, agriculture is, almost by definition, a net carbon, net nitrogen sink. It’s all absurd for the even more obvious reason that home plantings are net positives no matter how you look at it. And of course, carbon emissions are meaningless re climate change.

    But look at what the crazies are up to:

    “The EPA declared carbon, the building block of life, a pollution and federal courts have ruled the EPA has the right to do that. If home gardens can be tied to the creation of carbon, a pollution, than the government can create legislation to regulate home gardens. I don’t like where this is going.” —reader comment

    Carbon footprint of homegrown food five times greater than those grown conventionally,https://news.yahoo.com/carbon-footprint-homegrown-food-five-200247599.html


  15. Somebody should inform HHS that their rules do not change the law. The law IS informed consent, at all time and in all place. It is, in fact, outside their purview to regulate into a de minimis standard.


  16. Did we miss one?


  17. There is some merit to the idea that delusional people have certain looks. If you spend your life lying, the default resting state of the facial muscles does in fact, get distorted. This then affects overall face muscle tension which leads to the look shown below. It’s only a heuristic of course, YMMV.


    1. You missed Clinton????


    2. Hikki Naley probably does enough coke in the morning to keep her up for days.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tell her Tony would stay up without!

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  18. Vaccines as presently implemented need to be relegated to the scrap heap of history. Best news of the day:


  19. Since a vaxx shot is provably playing Russian roulette at unacceptable odds, how about we Nuremberg the lot and hang them all? Let’s start with Macron! Of course, with France’s history how about we guillotine him? At Noon, on a closed-to-traffic Place Charles de Gaulle.


  20. The idea that the “manufacture of food is unsustainable” when the food is meat is as much a hoax as the idea we are running out of water.

    Unsurprisingly, the origin of the noxious false idea is a UN report from 2013.


    1. Also, let me add that there is no solution to insect-borne parasites, the eggs of said parasites being nearly impossible to kill in normal food preparation. The pandemic size of the ensuing parasite infections would cripple millions.

      The idea of using insects as a food-source is prima faciae insane in all events. Even IF there wasn’t a parasite problem, insects are chock full of substances that are not compatible with human metabolism or gut metabolism.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nor incoming illegal Parasites! The Fks breed and species jump with our own bottom feeding stupid. .


  21. Liked by 2 people

  22. Given how horrifically wrong, ineffective and downright dangerous the AstraZeneca vaxx was, why is this man being given a 2nd bite at the apple?


    1. It applies to ALL of them, one Conspiratorial Con. Like recommending a Blow Job with a Rattler?


      1. You know me, I would’ve Nuremberg’ed their sorry asses by now with rope…


        1. And not fed the Rattler?


  23. Liked by 1 person

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  25. Liked by 1 person

    1. We need to be Fertilizing with the Shit of Governments.


  26. Careful what you wish for.


    1. Yes, Yes, Yes, Go for it. Toss the Federal Crooks and Zio Mafia.


      1. Liked by 2 people

  27. Statesman.


  28. This is just a love tap. Wait until the long overdue 9.0 or more big one hits that area. With all transport stopped, no water systems, power systems down, natural gas lines burning, cars unable to move with no fuel, no traffic lights, no street lights, 12 million on the streets…a nightmare that the woke city managers have not prepped for. You could not get me to move to Los Angeles for all the poontang in Beverly Hills.


    1. OK
      Then give me a vertical take off Harrier Jet and I will move into Poontang Hills and take up the slack.


      1. Make sure you carry a vial of cocaine on your person at all times. If you walk into a party in “Beeverly Hills” without it, you will not get to first base with the chicks. And try to speak with an American accent or else they will think you are the butler. lol


        1. If you insist Tony I could put on a Butler apron and service all of them? Humbly?


  29. Munich Girl

    1. Tell the Stormtrooper to stop being greedy and allow an English Camel to drink.
    2. So much detail I cannot yet release re the Elders, but suffice it to say, if all goes as hoped, and we are at a very advanced complex but positive negotiation stage, but suffice it to say, if the so many deviant special interests can be bypassed, the Klein Englander will be allowed both the Call, and the Power, to arrive as Blucher did, at the Epoch time in England and Germany’s need. Aryans to sweep out the Hairy ones. Rodents too! We literally had at best 4 hours before Waterloo was lost. Like the Wogs, they had already broken through our lines, and in a few more hours would have split our forces, then selectively annihilated us. Like the Wogs now seek in our Cities and Towns. The rallying call of Blucher before the Cavalry attack was launched. ” Let no man here show Mercy to any Frenchman today or I will run him through myself. No Frenchman is to leave this field alive. Attack! No Mercy! ” That Epoch arrival saved and changed Europe. As we hopefully can do both for you and ourselves. In the hands of the key Trustee, Administrating all, is his Call. and he, for sure, will launch a joint attack to have the lot by the Balls. Hymies and Raghead Ho to go. Dug in like Crabs, we need the lot on the slabs.
    3. See the bigger picture, with these funds we can bypass the Politicos. We can fund our own Sanitation relief marches. If we are to save Europe, and create Eurasia, it starts with a new Martial ( Blucher) Plan. Let No Man Show Mercy on This Field Today – 0r !!! No time for talking, time for all Wogs and Khazarian vermin to get walking. Sanitation of the Alien faeces species.
    4. Chinese new year will cause chaos for 2 months, as they eat 8 times a day, but the Trustees plans are well on the way.
    5.Armed with the funds, and fast tracked massive projects too, as with Texas, Strong Leaders to sanitize, and drive out all the Genghis Khan Marauders spawn, plus Wogs as Ho to go. No more Merkel limp wrists. Gladiators united, with a cause, and all pissed. Keep Inge off the Lowenbrau we need it to feed our attacking forces. Not Inge on the Grog laying down all for Divorces. ( Lol)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Frieda, there is a new feature coming that we are sure you will enjoy. Historical details of the past we can banter about all day long, but what matters now is how to go forward without allowing the same warmongering cretins, who skulk around in dark halls sewing their influence to stoke the war flames, to do so again.

      We have to know true history to learn from it, yes. That is very true. But what is even more important is to learn from those past events and NOT repeat them. The success of EUROPA THE LAST BATTLE is very heartwarming. People will watch that and hopefully not fall for the same lunacy that our ancestors did in the last century. This time around the nuclear fire is available. As we pointed out in the report you mentioned (185), WWIII MUST be avoided. There is no choice, or the planet goes down for hundreds if not thousands of years.


    2. Careful with those Blücher remarks, John. He’s back. lol


      1. Few know, how much we OWE Blucher, and I always have a special Bond for Germans. I will be honoured to help payback what they did for us. Without Blucher we would have lost at Waterloo. We got false credit and fake history. They deserve more. We owe them!
        If only Adolf had listened to his own Generals not to invade Poland as there was a British Protectorate Agreement. The first slip. He did a great job with the economy. Stress blew him out. Too much for one man. He got overloaded and lost the good Generals.

        But all history now, I for one want to see Germany protected, and high on my agenda will be to help provide , when ready, major projects which we will help the AFD get Credit for and to get the peoples support. Germany is for Germans, more Hermans not Abdullah’s or Mo Ham Heads! Germans are bred through the front door, not the back!
        When the time comes we will try to help. German pride matters. To be Free of the Socialists knee.. Blockchains will break the Usuries banks. Free the Hermans!
        Frieda and Inge are good Patriots for their nation. Batwoman and Robemall Lowenbrau.
        Lol. Joking is good. Relief.


  30. Then don’t expect anyone in the UK to take your word on your calculations or base policy on it without a lawsuit. See you in discovery phase.


  31. https://twitter.com/jamesokeefeiii/status/1750265547860689404?s=61&t=33UahCaZRxWlu0zhHDh9OA A Capitol Hill intern reveals how members of Congress are coerced to vote a certain way through blackmail and extortion after affairs & sex parties: “Cawthorn wasn’t lying neither”

    Liked by 2 people

  32. Like

    1. Contractors are expendables.
      It’s not just the US, we all do it.


  33. Nothing like a closet black supremacist that was handed a Ticket (via Roots and Star Trek:NG, experiencing the schadenfreude of having a white ancestor.

    Black Actor Finds Out His Great Great Grandfather Was White Confederate Soldier

    Liked by 1 person

  34. I wish my state had a Governor like Texas instead of being a kiss ass.


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  36. JewTube “strikes” again.

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  37. UCLA professor: ‘Hindus serve in IDF to kill Muslims, Israel broadcasts porn on Palestinian TV’
    January 21, 2024

    UCLA law professor Dr. Khaled Abou el-Fadl said on a YouTube live stream on the Usuli Institute channel earlier this month that “some of the worst massacres committed against Palestinians in Gaza are by Indian soldiers serving in the Israeli army,” Memri TV reported.

    “Indian Hindu nationals are volunteering to fight in the Israeli army for the joy of killing Muslims,” he explained in his Friday sermon.

    “Hindu nationalists openly and loudly celebrate what Israel is doing to Palestinians: ‘Israel is giving us lessons in ethnic cleansing because this is precisely what we are going to do to Muslims in Kashmir. We will send Hindu fanatics to fight side by side, raping, killing, and murdering because this is what we intend to do to Muslims.’”



  38. A great two minutes on the Texan fight for our border control.

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  39. BREAKING REPORT: ⚠️Texas Governor Greg Abbott issues statement DEFYING The Supreme Court, The Invasion response “SUPERSEDES any federal statutes to the contrary.”

    “The federal government has BROKEN THE COMPACT between the United States and the States.

    “I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and SUPERSEDES any federal statutes to the contrary.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Damn right the State of the Alamo makes its own Call. Not some F Brains from AC/DC!

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  40. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/britain-war-russia-putin-nato-b2483837.html

    Absolute nightmare. With today’s technology most will die.

    A fair and balanced assessment of future America. Trump’s key moves.
    Aircraft carrier fiasco as the UK REFUSES to deploy either of its £3.5bn warships to help tackle Yemen’s Houthis: RAF jets are forced to fly 3,000-mile sorties while vessels are anchored in Portsmouth

    Former defence ministers and Royal Navy chiefs tonight expressed dismay over the UK’s refusal to deploy either of its £3.5billion aircraft carriers to the Red Sea.


    We call it a real Bugger’s muddle.

    But Germany had Heroes

    The media is so out to get Markel.

    It’s coming for Biden

    But again, the humanity issue demands my Soul saves lives. What a dilemma.

    Been there. I went on the line for them. Now look how they turned out. Look what they do to Gaza. The world. I tried humane. Not again.

    No heroes left in America the Crooks won

    Why are these clowns not talking peace. They fight Russia nukes and Europe burns. All for the F Cabal


  41. Utter horse manure. Like John said, they are out to constrain the water supply. Insanity. The propaganda psyop has begun…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Total scam
      We have enough clean water Global Aquifers to supply the planet 10 times over. 10% of Defense funds would supply it all.
      It is solely to milk you and have the power of life and Death over you. They will bleed you dry to drink. Water is the Building Block of Life. They then own yours. Comply or Die?
      One Giant LIE!

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  42. The crazies are coming for the coffee, because climate change.

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    1. Swiss banker and World Economic Forum “agenda contributor”, Hubert Keller: “The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee… Every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere.”


        1. It IS laughable.

          Why do we have to take all these crazies seriously?

          Carbon emissions are of no consequence whatsoever to the world’s temperature or the global carbon cycle. Nitrogen emissions, likewise, by humans, has little or no consequence on the global nitrogen cycle.

          It is all crazy talk.


  43. Munich Girl.
    Assess a new Reality Check on Germany’s standing and need.

    1. The last Electoral standing last July 2023 assessed the AFD as being second in the polls at c23% , placed second behind the leading party at 27%.
    2.As mass, unchecked Illegal Immigration flows, Deutschland is fast deteriorating from the EU Leaders, to becoming a Limp Wrist Bottom Feeder. Time was, when Blucher saved us at Waterloo. Old families know, revere and do respect you. We know, we “Owe” You. Culture will repay and save your day. It’s beyond Plebs Pay Grade.
    3. Churchill was a lone voice, howling at the moon and ridiculed by a comfortable, so out of touch Elitist meritocracy, who one day woke up facing their own head in the Tigers Jaws. Then Churchill, by demand and the hour, was swept to Power . Needs Must, or Bust!
    Deutschland now, would probably vote at least 30% AFD, and with incoming support, more!
    Politicos are simply Lost, and if not re-tracking soon, will be Bust. Reality is- That you have lost track of it! Brussels now Rules Fools. Unelected Socialists, the Fat Cats of Brussels, will flatline the failing EU. No place for YOU!
    4.Alice and the Party, simply make ever more sense. Be Sound, Stand Your Ground! It’s your Right to Fight. Save your Culture from the Muslim/ Afro / Zionist Vultures! Life is your Right, not to go into the night.Socialists only EVER, spend and waste other people’s Hard Earned Money! Caring is NOT Sharing what is NOT Yours to take! That leads to the ruination of each Nation. Basket cases should not be feeding from Yours! Nor sliding Germans into the conspiring Zionsits Jaws. Now, again they control Office and Power. How? Madness!
    5. Behind the scenes, on a giant 5 D Global Gaming Board, if the Elders and US agree on new initiatives in play, London will then lead the new Game Play. London will have the major say.
    6. The Agenda for those funds, Jackal Free, will be to re-track selective Nations destiny. Selective Anglo German joint projects, will rebuild Industries, Fabrication Factories, Jobs, Homes, Rail Tracks and Rolling stock. Voters will switch to follow the money. Bluecher came through for us At Waterloo. Old families, when the time is right, are planning when ready, to come through for you. Culture out of sight, like Blucher, hopes to come unseen in the night. You truly are not alone, facing a sterile Socialists throne. Out of Public View high games are in play. We are focused EVERY Day!
    When all hope was lost, in the 1930’s you found your way. Innovation will save your nation.
    7.At Waterloo with our backs to the wall, about to lose all, Blucher arrived and we reshaped Europe. Brothers in Arms. Culture. The Rothschild’s made all at Waterloo. Double dealing cashing in on War. It really unleashed the Zio Whore! The world has been ruthlessly bled since as the Usuries have used all! Their Greed Cometh Before their Fall.
    8. Only families who understand, once the game is won, will reach out to protect and rebuild Deutschland. Honour among Comrades in Arms. Respect is honour earned. Cometh the Hour, Cometh the party. Timing is everything. Just when Napoleon thought he had won it all, behind his back, he heard and saw, the Prussians Black Flags and the Bugle Call.
    Stand your ground.Believe. To be right, is to be Alone! Leadership!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very late feeding storm trooper, but I wanted to thank you John. We appreciate your good will and your desire to see Germany preserve her heritage. Alice is very brave but there is still a very hard fight ahead. International cartels have choked the life out of what 90 years ago was a prospering and united Germany. They have flooded our lands with people who are here to plunder and erase us. You are experiencing the same.
      Now as to Churchill and the tiger. He must have had too much whisky that morning making such a remark about Germany. There was a peace offer on the table. Negotiating with a tiger? Not one German shell had landed on English soil. How did that make us the tiger? England bombed Germany 4 or 5 times before we replied.
      Churchill was rescued from bankruptcy by financial backers and did their bidding. Payment to him was well documented. Your report 185 nicely explained this. Churchill had previously warned about Bolshevism after 1917 but aligned England with it once his pockets were filled by Zionists. Then the Iron Curtain speech once he no longer depended on their money.
      We will have to agree to disagree on history. But thank you again for taking an interest in German politics and we look forward to hearing more about your global settlements and wish you the best with it. Based on what you have said over the years it is an idea that the world needs. Placing capital to serve and not exploit the economies of the world. As you called him, the “F Corporal”, would strongly agree with this. He has accomplished a similar thing before International Jewry sent mad dogs from all directions to tear it apart. So we know what you are up against and the dangers existing to you in doing this. Your crashing in the rotary is I am sure not the only time they warned you.
      Inge says hello! 🙂


      What victory? Let’s get it right this time yes?


      Gott Mit Uns


      1. Tell Inge 3 in the morning is better timing.


  44. America’s truly SICK direction has rejected their creation from Adam and Eve,
    replacing it today with pervert driven Adam and Steve!
    Assholes are for sick Perverts and Politicians to talk through.
    Strong Leaders, waste these Bottom Feeders!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Like

      1. Like

        1. The Frankfurt School came to the US after the NSDAP German government threw them out of Germany in 1933 and burned their materials. No need to fact check that claim. You are seeing it being slammed into the heads of our kids from the youngest grades on up.


  45. NEW – German chemistry professors call for “mRNA technology to be stopped” as “the problems of mRNA-based vaccines are becoming increasingly obvious.”



  46. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/just-democrat-arizona-secretary-state-says-voter-registration/
    Another supposed error in Arizona’s upcoming Presidential Preference Election was recently discovered to have flipped voter registrations from Republican or Democrat to Independent or “other” in the statewide voter registration system.


    1. Basically it is the concentration camp IBM tattoo scaled to planetary level.

      It should be perma-banned for that reason alone. Not to mention it will get abused and turned against the populous.


  47. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/europes-top-border-guard-calls-open-borders
    The new leader of Frontex, the European Union agency tasked with securing borders, has called for open borders and vowed to appease left-wing pro-mass migration activists.


    1. Whoever it is add them to the list.

      Liked by 2 people

  48. The question remains: Do the boards, trustees, and donors of America’s most exclusive private schools stand behind the secretive musings of these educators, no revealed on Project Veritas undercover video? Stay tuned for Part Two.
    “Some of their parents would be outraged if they found out that their kid is doing gender identity stuff. And so, we have to keep confidence and never tell the parents that this is happening.” – Helga Zambrano, Humanities Teacher, The Webb Schools, Claremont, CA


    1. Horror stories James. We are creating Monsters. Sacrificing children. These False leaders need to be shot. The lot. When standards drop, Society is lost. These are our Children, young minds!

      Liked by 4 people

  49. Tune in…turn on…and high school drop out.


  50. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/travel/news/the-safest-countries-in-the-world-if-ww3-break-out/ss-BB1h3LSC?ocid=hwminus&appid=hwbrowser&ctype=picture_gallery

    Where to go, Tony asks but do they have Ho?
    Prince Harry ‘not allowed to speak to Princess Kate without Meghan Markle’s … https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1858307/prince-harry-princess-kate-meghan-blessing/amp

    What an Utter Psycho Bitch Harry has thrown his life away for.
    F off Markle, BOLT again you scrag bag.

    Still heartbreaking.

    We are tracking the AFD closely. Germany needs a Real Leader. Change is coming. Big Yes to leave the EU.

    This mediocre little Indian is in freefall. Expect bad Government losses.

    Sorry But, My Conscience and Soul says No! We have to trust our Souls. It’s all we have.

    Sounds like Washington!

    That WOULD have been Trump on his knees! Cowards – ARE!

    How to deal with the Fkkrs!

    Age does not negate ability and experience.

    Endless F Morons! Mindless Shit!

    Slash an arm off the Chan!

    Had these Top Generals been left to run the Military and not meddled by a F Corporal, WW11 would not have been lost. Adolf won WW11 for the Allies.


  51. Their suffering is special.


  52. https://twitter.com/Europa_Activism/status/1749984838776496175?s=20

    Brave men who are not ashamed of their service to fight communism!
    Gott Mit Uns!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Germany needs a new and good Leader.Give Alice a chance. She’s making more sense than all of them. We need a renewed Germany. Wog and Merkel free. She has courage, commitment, and we are both- Into to women.


  53. Trump wins NH despite a slew of voters not being Republicans.

    BREAKING: New Hampshire exit polling shows that a majority of voters in the Republican primary tonight are NOT Republicans.


    1. Joe, or his test crash dummy replacement, is going to get slaughtered, if they can keep cheating down.


      1. All indications appear that way.


  54. Good gods what a tragedy for England.


    1. I am beyond appalled. We wiped this out this in Western Civ except for a few recessives in the Jewish population (Tay Sachs, lethal) and in remnants of the old aristocratic orders.

      And the commenter is correct — didn’t some doctor explain when it happened the first time? And having identified this, isn’t cousin intermarriage illegal across the civilized world? I count 4 (!) crippled Souls there with near no quality of life.

      My heart was already broken by the existence of autism, do we need this kind of inanity on top of it?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Wogs Tino and all they bring. It’s not just Muslims it’s Afros and Jews too.
        Jews were saved by cross breeding with the Khazarian Mafia. One breed of dirty rotten low life counter breeding another. There are still many Jews, who as they age, on sight, are F well beyond ugly. Just look at Old Kirk Douglas. Gross. Afros can have such issues too.
        Species selection will be coming. Behind closed doors, Judgment calls. Control nets will tighten. Wogs now run free all over Europe. Look at the Creeps spooking the Kings horses and Guards. We need Light Sabres. Need to splice and cauterize.!

        Liked by 3 people

  55. ??


    1. Oh just shoot me.

      I suppose next we’ll get beat up for indoor plumbing, inner spring mattresses, two car garages, the Interstate Highway System and Wimbledon tennis.


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