White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Briefing #196

Gaulic Chieftain, Vercingetorix, his last stronghold surrounded…surrenders to Caesar


As this is an issue entrapped and encircled within Global Circles of predatory special interests, it needs time for the competing and now heavily conflicting worlds of power and influence to secure a new role.

Nuland and the Power Group of Zionist Commie Jews sought to dominate and break up Russia, also to stop the Russian/Chinese Alliance as well as activating Arms Sales and Banking Controls on all nations via the Jewish Federal Reserve and the BIS (Rothschilds) spiders web. All Jews shrews and Israel. Soros meddling. War Criminals and Banking Shysters. 

As US policy moves and games have failed while BRICS emerges, who controls who now in Jew Nu Land? Just note the visible backlash starting towards the WEF and its Pariahs. The Deep State sinks in despair.  Ever reckless, ever there!

Gold is the new panacea to underpin BRICS, and competing against the Fake, worthless dollar. The US has none. It’s all been syphoned and stolen. Wasted by DC or Zionist Bankster whoremongers. Now they cannot even redeem debts owed and have defaulted on redemptions for years.

As such, as BRICS is now emerging as its own Global cooperative Trading  and Financing source, the US plays pass the parcel with a Global ticking bomb. Denying SWIFT to Russia has resulted in a new, faster and cheaper cost alternative Jew-free and US Hegemony-free system setting free 80% of the world.  An almighty Zionist Nuland F-up. The Deep State is now deep in it.

Untangling an Octopus. The Fed is visibly scrambling playing Catch Up with Digital currencies, but with all the clear dangers of Fed and Banking hooks under the Deep State oversight. 

The vast gold assets of the old Chinese Dynasties, M1 Money markets and contractual long overdue reneged US Fed Treasury Theft of Chinese/Asian assets, has created a schism as it’s all coming home. 

Two years ago, key London Elders Trustee Advisors had hard-negotiated a new Fiscal alternative and key Bank Directors had flown in from Asia and Germany to settle a Platform deal out of Public Sight in NY over Xmas, and off market radar. The inevitable greed and subterfuge of the Zionists and Deep State duplicity derailed the venture as DC failed to realize the depth and Ethical power of London oversight as they sought, against all warnings and advice, to pull off yet another Bait and Switch deal, and failed. They always do this. The Elders, seeing firsthand what a collective scam the predatory JEWISH US Treasury Fake Thieving Fed Con Game is, facing a cynical US Bait and Switch scam trying to force a single day Table Top Switch, (not the London designed 5 tranches protecting the entire venture against US fraud, the cynical Shell Game yet again being perpetrated) caused them to panic and fly out the next day, deal undone. Spooked! 

Now there are new rules to bypass fools. 

BRICS and many nations will now switch c80% of all Energy and Global banking away from the US and USD.  American hegemony fried! The Dollar and America is being Dumped. Still too blind to see it. Lemmings to the Cliff edge.  

Blockchain is evolving with Cryptos/Bitcoin emerging worldwide. The world does not need the US for Cryptos. The Fed is panicking. The losses and costs to America will be cataclysmic. Banks, too. Out with the Jews. Energy costs for Americans will soar. Imported goods at what price? Paid for, how? With what? Catch-22 and the Perfect Storm is building. Money is flooding out of cashing in. The dollar will nosedive and living costs will escalate. Paid, how? Take back control and sack the Jew Shrews. 

c$17T of precious minerals and Afghan metals have been gifted to China, along with bases, by more failed US Hegemony. Twats in freefall. Unreal stupidity. DC and Israeli subterfuge presumes the right to command. What now, with the growing, rebellious Hottentots? You fail, you bail.

There’s a hole in the US bucket. Asleep at the wheel just like with Pearl Harbor, but the new, emerging world does not harbor good for America. It’s coming home, as with Rome. Clueless.

Asset rich nations and Trading Blocs are leaving the sinking ship, the Hegemony Snouts will be out. With it, encircled Israe-hell and its deviant games. JFK died seeking to control Israel’s Nukes. These Carrion threaten the world. 

America’s vast Global Base Deep State and CIA agency Self-Serving Fortress is simply no longer affordable. Four squares and padded butts perpetuates Arms sales.  

Between all Nations is a need to rethink purpose and service to all. Fit for Purpose. It’s coming. 

Those Khazarian and Deep State snouts are coming out.  WEF- WTF!!!!!??? 

Human Kind needs to be kind to all. Or what is the purpose? Hottentots and crime? Who feeds these Swine? Post GS there will be focused moves to fund needs directly. WEF and Politico-free. Funds at what price? 

A UN fit for purpose and NATO rethought. Abort Wars. 

Money is power. Next time not gifted to this vacuous Political power.  What is coming down the Potomac will be a bubble of trouble. 

What you do not yet see is the new emerging UN – one refocusing on Global reformatting, nation rebuilding, and needs. Power!

Where East will meet West, but with terms at whose behest?  As China’s power diminishes, who will be pulling the strings to unite the new world?

The UN still needs Funds – and the terms? Hope is alive! The hands which rock this cradle, are stable. Be assured. Focus and Purpose is all in play. But those who Pay will have the Say! 

America has deep, deep convoluted problems. BRICS is terminal for America. As is unchecked immigration. The problem with voting in America is that c70% are too thick to make informed choices, and the Democrats are howling welfare-ridden voices.

Biden has signaled his intention to run again in 2024. Will his party agree? He’s clearly starting to deteriorate. Trump is being assailed from all directions – yet his poll numbers are climbing with every new charge against him. If he wins back the presidency, we may be in for a seismic revenge tour that has not played out on the world’s stage since Sulla marched on Rome and dispatched his enemies without letup until the blood ran into the Tiber.

Is it time to look again at RFK? A Clean Skin to lead the way? 

In any event. Let us be adults and live in the real world…and always remember…


And how ironic that a man who many thought simple and a fool went on to become one of Rome’s most effective and successful emperors.

Be ready for anything.


786 responses to “Briefing #196”

  1. Moderna Batch 2

    Moderna doc dump
    11000 page adverse event report -somehow published by may 2021?


  2. G’day mate


  3. Usually happens when you are loud and proud on a battlefield.


  4. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/eat-ze-bugs-major-meat-producer-tyson-invests/
    Tyson Foods and Protix envision an insect protein processing facility on American soil that seeks to transform food manufacturing byproducts into insect proteins and lipids.

    According to CNN, “that facility will use animal waste to feed black soldier flies, which will then be turned into food for pets, poultry and fish… Those flies are not going into human food, at this point.”


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