White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Briefing #195

Qing dynasty ruler

Qing ruler Dorgon. 

China’s Qing Dynasty Collapsed For Reasons That Feel Eerily Familiar

Salve Citizens,

As we close the 3rd quarter or 2023, most would agree that the general state of society is decaying and is in need of a serious change. Central to this for our purpose, is, of course, the natural curiosity about the Global Settlements. As much as we would love to have unrestricted news on the matter, such a thing is just not possible. What you see released here, to greater or lesser degree, is as good as it can be. And it’s far more accurate and reliable than what is claimed elsewhere.

Case in point. Here is a brief comment and description of a backchannel communication between the key London GS trustee and an eager bureaucrat who felt entitled to demand a timetable on his terms:

In a world where silent hands steer the fate of nations, the Elders of Asia who live in China and Taiwan have spoken. Backed by their Trusted Brit, even Xi has to answer, and is under their watchful eyes.

“Because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not happening”, as I responded to a pushy Lord today, when I asked who TF are YOU? It’s done when we say it’s done. We say, we pay. Until then you F well go away!  Hardball, or we take them!

So, please remember, the highly sensitive nature of this process is requiring very guarded news concerning its progress and status. But, but no means are you to think that such tacitness is due to inactivity or failure.

China is not immune to the vagaries of world economics. They have a similar history of turmoil akin to that experienced by most other empires of the past. Today, however, the stakes are much higher and the penalties for failure are severe and swift. To maneuver such a hugely populated world from beneath a general collapse, while achieving and maintaining sensitive political consensus is going to take careful timing and skill. Such responsibilities are not placed in the hands of unproven, unaccomplished parvenus.

We can learn from this past example in China that great empires can falter if they do not act swiftly to events which require intelligent planning and execution. Take this as a reason that the present ongoing GS matters must be guided and implemented with great care, or we risk a collapse of unimaginable magnitude, in a world where thermonuclear thunderclaps may be the last sounds heard by man before our history disappears forever. – WHA

SOCIETY 08 September 2023


The Qing dynasty in China, despite its incredible socio-political success across two centuries, had collapsed to nothing by 1912. The reasons for the decline of the imperial system have long been debated, and a new study highlights three crucial factors that played a role – each of which are scarily familiar to us today.

Led by the Manchu people, the Great Qing took control of Beijing in 1644 and reached its greatest extent in terms of area by 1760. In 1820, the imperial dynasty had made China the world’s largest economy, but trouble lay ahead.

Qing map
The extent of the Qing empire. (Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0)

Here, researchers from Osaka University in Japan, Shanghai Normal University in China, the Evolution Institute and the University of Washington in the US, and the Complexity Science Hub Vienna in Austria, used structural-demographic theory (SDT) to chart the fall of the Qing dynasty.

The theory, which is based on mathematical models, splits societies into four sections: the state, the elites, the generation population, and an extra component that measures political instability. Each section influences the others in a dynamic way.

“We argue that the four-fold population explosion peaking in the 19th century, the growing competition for a stagnant number of elite positions, and increasing state fiscal stress combined to produce an increasingly disgruntled populace and elite, leading to significant internal rebellions,” write the researchers in their published paper.

Population growth led to overcrowding, poverty, and an overflow of qualified bureaucrats unable to rise up the ranks, the researchers say. The cost of keeping order, adding to burdens associated with depleting silver reserves and opium imports, exacerbated the problems even further.

It seems likely that the Qing rulers were fully aware of these problems – they just didn’t act smartly or quickly enough. A combination of internal uprisings and external geopolitical challengers ultimately sealed the fate of the dynasty.

“This clearly demonstrates that any economy must be vigilant as circumstances can change, and sometimes rather rapidly,” says Georg Orlandi, from Osaka University.

The team draws parallels between the conditions of the Qing dynasty’s fall and some of the issues and instabilities in today’s societies, including rising inequality and diminishing opportunities to progress – problems that governments would be wise to address.

That’s easier said than done though. These stresses often appear over the longer term, whereas governments are typically changing and evolving over the short term, and that means the fate of the Qing dynasty could well be repeated elsewhere.

“It’s crucial to comprehend the origins of such instabilities,” says Peter Turchin, from the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna, Austria. “Assuming it’s a thing of the past and can’t recur would be a mistake.”

“Such changes can indeed happen because the underlying mechanisms bear surprising similarities.”

The research has been published in PLOS ONE.

Stay alert, and be ready for anything.



746 responses to “Briefing #195”

  1. Never forget what these bastards were up to


  2. He pulled her??? Not in this Universe and its sociosexual hierarchy…


    There’s no such thing as a “former” CIA officer.



  3. Not only do we need severest penalties, we need laws protecting those who will inevitably defend themselves. This bs has to come to an end.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Waffen SS needs a rebirth.


  4. Like

    1. Hopefully , end the Nuland Jewland. Kikes on their bikes.


  5. The Bolsheviks were clearly reaching and fell short. Just an obstructionist tactic ahead of the election cycle.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Finally! That bitch got her commuppance. Ya moved the football one time too many!🤣😂😂


    1. AI is barely becoming useful for some things…


    2. No Joe this is not how to Bang the Babysitter.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. This is so… very sad… beyond infuriating… must everything in Clown World be false? Now Clown World attempts to shore up the failing narrative of the mRNA vaxx by Nobel Prize enshrining it…

    The mRNA vaxx is a complete, total, patient-killing failure! It is in no way meritorious of the Nobel Prize. The flaw with the concept was apparent from the moment of ideation, when I first heard of it or its analogue DNA vaxxing. There is literally no solution to the autoimmune issues, whether they be of attack (think myocarditis) or tolerance (loss of viral response) or original antigenic sin (potentiation of the disease for which the vaxx was given).


  8. I have been watching these accusations about inflated property values and I can’t understand it. Since when do banks just accept any borrowers word on valuation, pre-loan? Banks have appraisers and accountants that review property before just loaning what is asked for. How can a borrower be accused of such a thing? Are banks that stupid with billion dollar loans? Has Trump ever defaulted on the loans in recent times? Did the banks take losses on his account?

    I used to work as a RE appraiser in the 1980s for a brief time after I left the computer industry. Our appraisals were routinely reviewed by bank staff and were never just accepted out of the blue. I had many banking loan reviewers call me to ask questions about the appraisal. They didn’t care what a borrower claimed on his loan application. They could have stated a house was worth 100K more than it was, or asked for 100K more than the appraised value could justify. That was not a crime, it was a claim which the banks simply ignored.

    How can Trump be accused of overstating value when banks send armies of people to verify these things before they issue loans? Trump hires lawyers and accountants to attend to these things. Aren’t these people the ones who should be held to account for any attempt to commit loan fraud? Should he not be counter-suing them for damages?

    As it stands now, all I see are armies of Bolsheviks out for blood.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Note it is neither banks nor the tax authority that are the plaintiffs. James has made claims that are unsubstantiated at all levels. I believe Trump has 2 of the Big 5 Consulting companies handling all this real-estate paperwork as adjuncts to Trump.Org. Yes, there are legions of adjustors, private and State, that swarm over all these transactions. The idea that Trump could underball or be allowed to underball, is just plumb stupid on its face.

      The devil is in the details. The case would collapse instantly if it was based on the filed motions. This is why the judge manufactured fraud thru judicial notice and established as fact what is to be established by trial.

      Court observers do not believe James can prevail except by corruption and expect higher Court to reverse almost instantly, and go possibly as far as the ultra-rare directing verdict with prejudice in reversal.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/ivermectin-and-cancer-it-has-at-least
    A critically important article that further reinforces this Substack’s thesis that Ivermectin may cure turbo cancers; for example:
    See article for more. A lot of information here.


    1. The data on it is somewhat contradictory. HOWEVER, the overall safety of ivermectin and under the supervision of a medical professional, IT SHOULD be attempted as a cancer med. Along with fenbendazole…


  10. Grab what you can while you can…


  11. Of course.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Of course they wanted all this to happen before the election. His poll numbers are only rising as a result. If he is convicted, he can issue pardon for himself as president. Then the Hottentots will really be howling.


    1. He got so many bad Jew Crooks to pay him for theirs.


    1. FFF Animals!


  13. Liked by 1 person

  14. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/01/russia-ukraine-war-latest-news-slovakia-shapps-shutdown/

    FFS strafe the lot
    Can Europe survive Trump 2.0? – POLITICO

    Costs and consequwnces of Trump. Now the questions.

    The aftermath of America destroying Iraq and unleashing hell. Real world it gave birth to Extremists and displaced 50M to cripple Europe. . Illegal Wars caused by Washington Whores.

    Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots | The Spectator Australia

    Wild news breaking the MSM now. Many of you here have helped pioneer it.
    War cost and cripple Empires.

    The costs of Russia’s war are about to hit home https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2023/09/28/the-costs-of-russias-war-are-about-to-hit-home

    This Blowhard Lunatic would never clear a Psychometric test. Even the first assessments of him indicate he’s a Buffoon.
    A Rogue Judge!!! He’s killing his case. Mentally unstable, screws loose. He is not a sophisticated Thinker.
    His Attorneys must cringe his mouth in on the Fringe. He must think he’s Jesus’ role practicing for his Cross.
    LUNATIC loose!


  15. Watching this bombastic Orange Oaf lambasting all pre-trial is his possible Temple of Doom. Beyond unwise, a complete Cretin loose. No discretion, dignity or Poise, just a Flubergutted Moose loose in the Hoose. Neanderthal Trump with the Hump.


    1. I’ll see where his polling is in 2 days… it’s a strategy that has paid off so far. And will continue to do so. Rhetoric has its purpose.

      Meanwhile, in other news, the Supreme Court …

      Liked by 2 people

  16. Like

    1. Not that the case wasn’t open-and-shut to begin with, but with 277,000 hidden vaxxed cases, I think that really does put the kibosh on the vaxx… begs a re-analysis to see if there was any protective effect at all. I will bet that in a few days we will hear that there wasn’t…


    1. Perfect, well said! And the future nancy pelosi.


  17. Twat


    1. Hmmm so do Londoners, F off back is the start. All Wogs!

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Shall we pool funds and buy one for John this Christmas?


    1. Please Sir, I did not know it was your wife.


    2. I think he already has one I bet you.


      1. For sure, and a sense of humour. Needed.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Did you like the FKJ pics on the attack Dog? Border patrol.


        1. Yes very cute. And so was your video sent. Inge of course smiled and said it must be from John. 🙂


          1. Always pushing the boundaries with Zany humour. Remember it’s still Special.


  19. It makes you wonder…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It surely does. The numbers and logistics never turned properly. Even allowing for the fog of war one should be able to come up with non-contradictory numbers and downstream evidence supporting matters.

      This doesn’t mean horrible evil was not committed. I have met both Jewish and non-Jewish camp survivors and the tragedy was there. It however, did NOT happen as the common narrative would have us believe because there are far, far too many anomalies and contradictions…


  20. In much lighter fare: We finally got a high resolution image of the coat of arms on the Palazzo Cicchetti, which my wife’s extended family still owns. The Palazzo, some 10,000 sq meters, today is split in thirds, with one third rented to act as Town Hall, and the other two third still inhabited. There is also a personal chapel. You should see the mausoleum at the cemetery. A dozen or so generations. It’s a long convoluted story, of about 6 centuries, the Cicchetti’s acted as lawyers, adjutantes, and trustees for the Pignatelli princes of the Principality of Naples. My wife’s grandmother, youngest of 4 sisters, in oh-the-scandal, ran off with the town blacksmith, got disowned and came to America just after WW1. The fact that she couldn’t marry until the elder sisters did just might have had something to do with it, also the decimation of eligible men in the elite families caused by WW1. Also there are suggestions from certain historical and situational anomalies, that it is perfectly possible that the Cicchetti’s are in fact, illegitimate Pignatelli. Put it this way, would you put your lawyers and trustees on the 3rd floor of your Palazzo? QED. There’s DNA testing if I can procure samples in the future.

    It turns out that Cicchetti, had integrated the last surviving female DeClaro, and thru the DeClaro tree my wife’s lineage rolls all the way back to the Roman Empire patricians. At some point I’ll visit the University of Rome and see where and when they show up, sometime shortly after the Caesar upheavals apparently.

    Her other lineage rolls back to 1100 Assisi, contemporary to St. Francis. The main branch threw off quite a few [famous] priests over the generations, so I guess a side-trip to that neck of the woods will need to be done.

    In an answer to the obvious question, I had no idea that I was marrying anything other than a beautiful, sweet, honest, kind and caring woman. Most of my wife’s family had ignored the story of the family as a fabrication until folks in Italy tracked down my wife.

    I have a friend who does laser-engraving, and I’ll have a replica of the coat made. Interestingly, birds DO have a serious affinity for my wife…

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Great story Tino, Thanks for sharing. Awesome that her linage can be traced back that far.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. The Empire thanks you for your family’s service.


      1. I’ll pass it along!😊❤


  21. Reality
    Piss taking a Narcissist Grifter.

    Go Clooney Lol

    It’s looking ever more dirty for Trump.

    Oh Honey it’s ALL about the money! His ticking time Bomb. Gimme, Gimme.Gimme

    RFK seems the only Clean candidate out there. SAVE America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Melania, Hooks or Hooker?

    No its about Stopping You Fks warmongering you ARE the problem. 30 per cent plus of US Funds or weapons are stolen by Zelensky and his mobsters.

    Trump and Hilderbeast, 2 of a kind. Vile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A Hilderbeast and Mc D Beast. Gross.
    http s://youtube.com/shorts/-p49NrqcvMc?si=cRgzZjw6ypNuRI42
    We are flooded with these which Is why I tease our Genuine Munich girls. I leave Gold Diggers to ? No way, go away.
    At least take note of Dissent and why



    The German army suffered brutally. Most innocent conscripts. So many good lives lost. Then came the Bolsheviks. Beyond awful.


  22. Where am I…who are you people??


    1. Dementia and unravelling.


  23. Refugees my ass.


    1. Torch the lot.


    2. FFS GPMG the LOT! Cross head slugs! Cyanide tipped.


  24. Border control practice.


  25. We’ve seen this accounting done before. This is the latest numbers…

    A good kick in the head for anyone still believing tolerance is the way to go…

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Oh so very creepy


    1. One known War Criminal who should be castrated, hung, drawn and quartered.


  27. Like

    1. And why it is causing GS delays.


  28. Pilots! Pay attention!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Irregular heart rhythms and altitude pressure? Boom!
      50,000 ft is no place to find out! If the pilot blows and the Co flaps?
      500 on board will get a nose dive dose of the craps.

      Liked by 1 person

  29. So vaxx – unvaxxed heart inflammation scans have now shown that essentially all vaxxed have or have had heart inflammation. This data is reasonably conclusive,

    We can draw certain inferences from this.

    The first is that there is an inevitable tsunami of heart disease coming. Every vaxxed person, regardless of age requires screening for heart disease on a regular basis for 5 years post vaxx and it has to start immediately.

    The second is that if you have heart disease to begin with, overt, subrosa or incipient, the vaxx will most likely blast it into the open as the high probability scenario. Heart disease, specifically coronary artery disease, is inflammatory in nature. The vaxx, due to the autoimmune component, will turbocharge damage at the arterial level wherever the inflammatory process is running. The pahto-physiology logic is inescapable.

    We have endangered 2 billion human beings with the vaxx. Estimates at the 34-million dead level will turn out to be low. In terms of life-years a better measure of this disaster, we are looking at possibly at billions of life-years lost, possibly more. This will amount to a life lost impact greater than the 2 World Wars.


    1. Imagine the risk now post Triple Bypass and triple Covid vaccines. Irregular heartbeats!!!
      You make good points, and more so, do NOT Triple Vax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      There is a War of Attrition when you refuse the 4th! Keep up the fight Tino and James.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Wrong link above…
      Anthropology Session On Importance Of Biological Sex Canceled To Appease LGBT Advocates


      “Anthropologists around the world will quite rightly find chilling this declaration of war on dissent and on scholarly controversy


  30. Americans once presumed that the parties competing for the Presidency of the US would aspire to show with Pride, the honour of office and integrity to serve.
    JFK was a Democrat and won worldwide acclaim. Albeit with a dirtbag sex addicted family.

    Bush 41 was a Republican who dismantled the Constitution, served one term before being rejected by the voters, yet in Cahoots, with the CIA and Greenspan plus the Jewish Mafia, diminished America by Blackmail , greed, corruption and escalated the power of the Cabal.

    The Clintons, Gut Rotten Democrats on every level, tarnished the office.

    Bush 43, the idiot son, was minded by Condi while Cheney and Bush 41 robbed the store.

    Obama as a Usurping Kenyal / Indonesian illegal, Marxist and corrupt. Democrat.

    Biden, corrupt to the core Democrat.

    Trump, a Grifter/Skank and Shyster, cheated out of office, Independent unfit for office.

    It seems that RFK, Democrat, the cleanest of all will be denied office. Why?
    Will Trump survive the escalating Criminal and Fraud charges? If not, then what?

    Why not give the Cleanest new Kennedy a chance. Raise the Bar.
    But of course the Cabal,CIA and Jewish Mafia fear Kennedy. Obama Ringmaster, fears Kennedy. Cause enough. Raise- The- Bar!!!!! Kennedy seems the only Clean Skin out there.
    Why not, you want Gorilla Snot? Again!!!! Slow learners. If Grump is found Guilty, will a Kennedy save America? Dirt Free, or Dirty? The real choice. America’s standing now? If Trump loses under RICO? Hello? Biden again, too dreadful to be true.
    Let FRK run as an Independent and give the people a chance. Give truth a chance.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Germany also had many Heroes but knowledge denied to you

    Russia will be forced into supporting Belarus and that is nuke risk
    Zelenskys abuse of money again.

    Now we know where US taxpayers money is going… 😡😡😡

    Aircraft No. 1 (Airbus A319), which Vladimir Zelensky uses, was overhauled at Tallinn Airport.

    The airliner’s fabric coverings, interior lining, executive seats and sofas, carpets, laminate flooring and other parts of the cabin were updated.

    Specialists also developed a project for integrating a new entertainment system (IFE) into the presidential aircraft, updated cabin management systems and certified these changes.

    “Certainly, this was one of our most complex and ambitious projects. We are grateful to the state airline “Ukraine” for their trust and to our partners Magnetic MRO for their support in this project. We also express our deep gratitude to our team for their hard work and many sleepless nights,” commented the CEO of J&C Aero, which carried out this work, Laurynas Skukauskas.

    Dumbo should help him see his arse and CUT him off!

    Excellent SUPPORT Portrayal well said.

    The blood and tears of real faith

    So many smacked arses

    Border patrol stopping WOGs

    HORRORS of war

    Roman innovation

    Use it now for Wog walls

    Real American Heroes

    America’s last real President

    Marriage Tony


  32. Want to quite coffee? This may help.


    1. Inges Prince on show.


  33. The Bolsheviks are trying to re-write history with lies…and many are buying it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Can the 300M Numbskulls among the rest get this Irony? Obummer and Co won.


  34. Press Conference: The New Economics of Water – Launch of Global Commission | Davos
    WEF topics for next Davos meeting.


    1. This was for 2022 meeting. But it is still relevant.


  35. Come on People. Let’s save some lives. We have lots of drugs. Let’s identify those with the markers, with the arrythmias. Let us treat. There is no reason the young have to suffer and die. And let’s stop vaccinating them please. Anyone under 39 has an IFR that is infinitesimal.

    No masks. No goddam mRNA vaxx. No social distancing. No threatening jobs or travel or any other bs. Let us return to living.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tino for the lives you seek to save. They matter.
      Wasters will get wasted. Reshaping man kind will not be.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Never underestimate, for every one life you save, they in turn save more and ongoing. They are the thinking readers we need Tino, they save economies and projects.
          The scale of the difference of what you do is unseen, but effective. Be Proud. Be Loud. Be There. and Here! Unseen hands rock the Cradle Tino. Safe hands.


  36. Like

  37. 3 minutes of the brilliant gavin newsome for you. Certainly don’t ever want this nothing burger to be our president!


    1. He won’t be charged. He’s oppressed.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Next time use a torque wrench.


  38. I will have more to say on this problem later


  39. Robert Kennedy’s Latest Move Could Sink Biden’s Chances at 2024 – Report
    I hope it does. He is being treated very unfairly in trying to run his campaign. Being shut out and not protected as he should be.


    1. It’s him, Biden or Trump Biffie. 2 are not Fit!


  40. Every plea deal sells out Trump and creates precedence.


    We have to change jobs Tony.

    Getting real.

    Then she moved TO MUNICH

    The dumb Fks are always doing it. Blue on blue contact has killed many of our troops.. Fks need stringing up and sending back less balls. Only way they will learn
    Notorious never let the Yanks fly in from behind 0

    Russian engineering destroys US interfering
    When Russians mention

    The reality is that these systems exist and soon will be tested in Ukraine. Previously you learned such systems were in testing stages. This is a modified version of what was used on the Donald Cook destroyer.

    What will America do when Poseidon planes fall from the sky along with Reaper drones?

    The Russian Alabuga complex is said to be “more potent than a nuclear bomb.”

    The Russian Federation is developing a missile equipped with a high-frequency generator of immense power, intended to neutralize the enemy without firing a single shot.

    In the West, Alabuga is referred to as a “secret weapon” described as “more potent than a nuclear bomb,” capable of “disabling entire armies.” This electromagnetic missile has the capability to disable all enemy electronics within a 3.5 km radius.

    “The military intends to install these weapons on the latest Russian drones to deter enemy aircraft. Additionally, such a system can be used to destroy missile warheads and communication devices on airplanes. Furthermore, it can block the automatic loading of tanks, detonate artillery shells inside the gun turret, and eliminate enemy soldiers hiding underground at depths of up to 100 meters using radiation,” as reported by the Daily Star.

    Vladimir Putin recently mentioned that Russia is working on weapons based on new physical principles at the Eastern Economic Forum.

    He stated, “Even when considering security, weapons based on new physical principles will guarantee the security of any country in the near historical perspective. We are well aware of this and are actively pursuing it.”

    Furthermore, this summer, Russian troops have already received remote clearance vehicles called “Listva” (Foliage). These vehicles can detect and disarm radio-controlled land mines using ultra-high-frequency radiation.

    This won’t go down well in Russia Peter.

    Those were the days when a Britain ruled the oceans.
    Then Twats became politicians

    New views on Ukraine
    These were the days when a great nations army won it’s battles with focus and professional conduct
    If the latest Trump allegations are accurate, he faces real trouble. The next 6 months will sort it all. Truth is coming. Whatever will be will be.



  41. Like

  42. Liked by 1 person

    1. Love it when the truth starts coming out and boy is it ever from all around the world.


  43. Good Evening

    I am happy to report that this week we made significant progress on several fronts. We should be back to the old site format next month. Along with it, we will have an expanded media capability. I will also try to add things like stock/crypto tickers and other ancillary niceties to be determined later.

    Much research was also completed in the way of providing more frequent trade ideas, so please expect to see those pick up in the month of October as well. We will shoot for an overall win rate of 80% over time. With proper money management, you should see positive results over time as well. This month we hit about a total 50% return on average, depending on your specific timing it may vary of course.

    Because NYSE trade hours are from 6am to 1pm PST M-F, it’s very expedient to limit our trade picks to stock option plays at this time. This makes it easy to know when alerts will come both to enter and exit positions. Crypto and currency markets are open for much longer time periods so that will take some careful planning later on.

    More news later…

    And now, by request from our German friends, a song. This is from the girls to John. (with affection I am sure).

    Have a good weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Backing off and giving our Munich Lady withdrawal simptons?


      1. Homer symptoms lol.


    2. Sounds great we look forward to the new trades and new site!

      lol on the song!


    3. Once you put a Ring on that Finger, high risk it becomes a Minger.


  44. WTF!


    1. Your case on this has been clear now for years. Huge consequences and mutation impact is still to be experienced. The HIV vaccine elements are causing serious adverse side effects.
      The clear and visible skin issues are horrific. What is unseen, inside?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well we know some. In descending order of frequency, viral insufficiency, heart disease, turbo cancer, auto-immune disorders. And since I don’t put it past them to have smuggled in a few DNA plasmids, some unknown changes, as you say.


        1. Factor in the Useless Eaters policies and risks of adverse use. Brain dead line up.


    2. ‘There is a very real hazard,’ he said, that the contaminant DNA (😱) fragments will integrate with a person’s genome and become a ‘permanent fixture of the cell’ leading to autoimmune problems and cancers in some people who have had the vaccinations. He also noted that these genome changes can ‘last for generations’.


      Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots | The Spectator Australia
      Early in 2023, genomics scientist Kevin McKernan made an accidental discovery


      1. Another 30 years of CRISPR advancement we’ll probably snip out the damage. But it will take a couple generations.


  45. He just secured my vote. Now, back it up if you win.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That sadly, is the case. Empty promises. Sound bites, kike strings.
      A Silver Back McD Glutton, but a Coward and fake. So sad for America.
      That said, if he can hold out he looks likely to get in. But still, a limp brained crock of shit peddling sound bites. It needs a brain blast.


    2. He has my vote. He does not have to be perfect. What he need to know in order to fight is knowing what his enemies are thinking.

      If all else fails, people will eventually fight for themselves as is seen in the video just posted. Don’t discount the human survival instinct.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. RFK does not have the Trump baggage. Safer hands. You need a Plan B. Trump is under siege. What if they tag his Todger by then?


        1. For now he has no baggage. There is no reason yet to bury him under a lot of baggage so to speak. He is not a threat yet.

          If he does become a threat, watch how quickly all the baggage comes out. Whether true or lies the establishement will find a way to destroy him.

          I am not closed minded to not consider a better candidate but right now only Trump has a fighting chance.


          1. The Military Boys, Agencies, Bankers and Politicos want him gone, you NEED a Plan B just in case. It’s like watching Neanderthals attacking a Mammoth. Litigation is tough on Brain Dead. Then Melania turns up the Screw with Gimme more. Eastern Block Mail Order brides. Melania, Stormie , lost sex cases, and more paid off by Cohen. RICO now starts, and those are MINIMUM 5 year cases.
            Plus more sex cases incoming. This Tank is Wank. A Pygmy facing Hannibal the Cannibal. This week new cases get Real. Criminal charges. Genghis Khan style. But a known Coward who can’t run a mile.

            He has barbed wire wrapped around his neck for Insurrection. Multiple cases. Lose one and it gets harder. The Mean Machine is building. If they get him on the stand it’s no Promised land, Bear Baiting a Master- Bator. A Prostitute facing Prosecutors.

            He has 2 years of backlogged Criminal cases yet. The Cream of the Legal Crop and a Silver Back staked by his Cock. Every day, is a death of thousand cuts. They will stake his Ass. Look at how many of his team are now copping a Plea. Sydney has sold out his Kidney. Cohen wants him In the Pen. Now the embittered Kike will strike.

            How did the Romans deal with Vercingetorix?
            They publicly garroted the F in the Coliseum. Expect no less.

            Now they will all close Ranks on this Wank. Hated by so many. Fighting City Hall?
            There may not be “only” Trump in 6 months. Plan B! Or Biden. A train wreck.
            Think of your fallback if they castrate the Silver back. Caged Apes?
            What Fate awaits? Don’t assume he will walk on appeal. Karma awaits for the Jew Crooks he pardoned for money. Grifters may get Iced and sliced. Billy No Mates! DC does not want him Free.
            I just suggest RFK to keep you safe, not “Siden” with Biden. Plan B, Chimp free.
            After all they hustled in a Kenyan, Indonesian passport bearing illegal Usurper.
            Life is a Bummer and you rigged one for 8 years. Trump may have his Cock on the Block and No Key for the lock. Surrounded by Legions.
            Plan B? Find one.


            1. RE: How did the Romans deal with Vercingetorix?
              They publicly garroted the F in the Coliseum. Expect no less.

              Actually, the Colosseum was not built until 79AD. He was ritualistically killed at the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus after six years of imprisonment, in 46 BC.


  46. Military…where are you??


    1. Send in FKJ on a Gypsies Dog to fire the borders.


  47. Activists Work To Stop New College’s Gains For Students With ‘Misgendering’ Complaint To Feds

    New College of Florida in Sarasota is ground zero in the battle for the future of American higher education.


  48. Please erect a statue to her

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bout time!… more please!


    2. Poetic Justice, add a few Politicos and Zio Bankers.


    3. This is what happens when people get fed up.


  49. Shoot me now. Shark escapes Zoo in NY. So we literally have sharks swimming in the streets


      1. But not about this


        1. Incredible!… sad state of affairs this country is in… where are we going and how fast!


          1. Its Global James, GP’s need a major wake TF up call. All paid by Big Pharma.

            Liked by 1 person

        2. Good work.


  50. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/shocking-report-details-how-elites-use-cartels-blackmail-to-control-usa-sarah-westall-interview/

    Here is an eye opener for you. Start at 6 minutes, skip the hosts ads and just listen when Sarah talks and it will be shorter to listen to.


    1. All accelerated Biffie by Bush 41 and the CIA. Study the Ultra projects.

      Liked by 2 people

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