White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Briefing #201


Two thousand and sixty-eight years ago, today, Caesar entered the east portico of the Theatre of Pompey (the temporary Senate House) and was stabbed to death by men whom he called friends.

These men feared that Caesar has acquired too much power for himself, and had to die. They could not imagine that their act of killing one man’s desire to rule with unlimited power would result in establishing that very thing from that time forward, in various forms, until the fall of Constantinople in 1453.

Sometimes, you become what you resist.

Caesar was a brilliant military strategist and a shrewd politician. But he never thought he would live to see the day that knives would be produced in the Senate for an assassination – his own.

He was not stupid, and he knew there were plots against him. Why, then, did he travel that day without a body guard? We will never know.

But there is something to learn from this. A leader, whether he is granted sole ruling power as a dictator, ruler, sovereign, etc., or seizes such power, only maintains that power because those who surround him agree that he should hold it. If at once the majority backers of any leader decides he is to be removed, there is little to stop it.

Caesar’s Body Carried Away From The Senate To His Home

The idea that one man, alone, can decide the fate of anything, is false. Life is a group effort. Perhaps Caesar tragically considered this a bit more clearly as he lay bleeding underneath the statue of his former friend and triumvir, Pompey Magnus – himself killed by betrayal and also lacked a body guard in the process.

Marking this day is probably not important to many, except for a few history geeks and probably many Italians in Rome, who, to this day, continue to venerate Caesar with flowers on the location where he was cremated after a dramatic funeral oratory in the Forum, all those years ago.

But, the Ides of March has worked its way into the lexicon of our language as a form of foreboding or curse warning. So let’s pause this day to remember that the wise citizen will be prepared for anything, and to experience anything as best he can. Do not rely on the mild social veneer around you that gives the appearance of stability in access to whatever you need. All of that can vanish in an afternoon. There are too many scenarios to discuss how.

Just be ready.

Get out and stay out of debt.

Stock up. Be able to sustain life locally.

Ignore those who preach that a “NESARA Nirvana” is coming. This only fosters laziness and mental indolence.

We are already one quarter into the 21st Century and centers of power are shifting rapidly from a uni-polar world to multi-polar, and any time you engage in a reorganization of this magnitude, a tremendous amount of confusion and instability is bound to result. Power will not change hands easily, especially when planet-wide in nature.

Again, just be ready, if so.

As for the Global Settlements, a recent communiqué on this was as follows:

With the pending BRICS market impacts, the Elders are under renewed pressure from the East to bypass America, and underpin new Fiscal Empires. See already the impact of Gold being sold in China’s exchanges at Higher prices, bypassing London’s control and price locks. Volumes too. If China mass-sells in volumes, LME Prices will Freefall. It can become a weapon. Suddenly the Emperor has no clothes. If the Elders go East, the US goes West! London too. Heady days. No bottom to Free-fall if unleashed.  Is a Carnival Ride coming? No shortage of Clowns in DC.  Whose news, if Jews lose? 

If the East focus on a Fiscal face off, all the US will be left with is a bottomless surge of illegals , impossible to contain welfare  budgets, escalating crime and a nasty backwards swerve towards an Islamic banana Republic, Feckless Leaders swept aside by Wogs, mindless madcap Protestors and bottom feeders loose and breeding. 

Be assured our German Allies, When the Elders break, we talk and Wogs walk. Next time, make no mistake, we finish the job. We unite, we fight and Europe walks with us. Meddling madcap laws and scavenging Socialists and tree huggers, will burn, serviced  by Buggers. Big Bubba for Greta. 

All US  meddling Laws tossed, or Europe is lost. Our Lands, OUR Laws, the WEF toast with Mussolini Gender bending endings. Spring clean and remove each Queen.  Burn the lot each Hottentot.  Sink the boats of Gorilla snot.

Whichever way it goes the London team are on board and ticket collecting.    

With the current Crypto markets on fire, be cautious about the volatility that will most assuredly accompany rapid price changes. As always, do not chase higher prices.

Lastly, the long-delayed technical upgrades for the site are just about over. The reasons for continual delay are not bad ones, so please do not think that. While I have completed certain projects of a local nature, others of a longstanding and broader nature have suddenly arisen to require my attention, much to my delight and surprise. It should not be much longer, so I appreciate your patience.

And speaking of upgrades, many of you have noticed by now that your banks have placed you on notice about new digital banking upgrades due this coming week. Just what this will result in will be revealed very soon. Rumors are all over the place.

Thank you all, once again, for the lively chat in the discussion section. The information and comments there are most interesting and welcomed without any restrictions other than common courtesy and respect for each other. It is becoming quite a place of learning.


1,324 responses to “Briefing #201”

  1. yeah, that’s gonna work…


  2. Liked by 1 person

  3. Liked by 1 person

  4. DEI hire…


    1. Nightmare…


  5. Liked by 3 people

  6. Misguided Mandates: The Hidden Agenda Behind New Title IX Changes

    How transgender bathroom mandates exploit the transgender community to promote a Marxist agenda.



  7. Like

  8. SELL to CLOSE the SPY calls for about a 30% gain.

    That is all.


  9. https://vigilantnews.com/post/kids-vaccines-and-autism-what-youre-not-being-told/

    Kids, Vaccines and Autism: What You’re Not Being Told

    The government is hiding the truth about what’s been happening

    Liked by 2 people

  10. The Epoch Times finally catches up to WHA.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. john2020vision Avatar

    Protestors are just not showing up now in numbers for Trump. He’s peaked, appears to be declining, and soon the Court PR will expose truths they had not heard.

    Is Melania standing by him?

    No, she’s out flogging Jewellery. For a Cause? No, just for profit.

    The Kushners took the Fool. His kids are losing the group Freebies.

    His teams are in jail. Yes, he will appeal,, but by then, his cover, and credibility, will be blown.

    Not even by Stormie. Well, would you?

    Each day now, more exposure.

    Where is Melania?

    Stand by this Can?

    He can only Butt Choke on Coke.

    80 years eating his Shit? His Guts will be shot. Dripping Diapers. Commode in Chief to be.

    3 more months will do what to his Vote? What a Crock, with his tiny Limp Cock. Did Stormie expose all? How can a 3 incher be sighted under a 12 inch overhanging Gut? Will he, like Elvis Die on the Throne? Shat his load? Every day, how much support drains away?

    Like Nero, he Fiddles. But not with his Todger. He can’t find it. Melania flies Solo. Baron too.Death of 10,000 cuts. Space on his triple level overhanging Butt.

    Each day this Fool and his money are so soon parted.

    He paid 10K for a Private Can and only farted. Trump to go.

    Tony stop pulling the birds in  Birmingham. Even worse Friedas.

    Karl gives you no Marks for that. Lol 



    Soul brother take note 


    Katie live 


    Blymey she got wasted by a Hymie


    Another bell rings for Bill 


    Jeez a simple nudge and it collapses like a spent turd. Try being kicked. Mutts near horses. Plebs. 


    Former president Donald Trump rips ‘hush money’ jury on eve of contempt hearing that could put him in jail for violating gag order

    On the first day of his New York ‘hush money’ trial, Donald Trump appears to have breached his gag order by criticizing the jury during an interview.


    Just JAIL the Fat Bastard for 7 days to muzzle that Gob, and make it clear the next time will be 30 days, or months. 

    The Shit is a Moron. Mind of a Child. Slap it shut.


    How did Hitler so misunderstand the British determination not to be enslaved. Hitler really should have come he missed the boat. We WERE open for the taking. Big mistake.


    It’s only time before Israel gets hit.


    Something just does not smell right with Trump. He’s building up to a head crash. Shit happens.


    Terrified is the understatement. Heel Spurs Coward cant cope with the reality he’s about to face real Justice. He’s a piece of shit who’s always got away with it- Until Now! Shit for Brains is sinking.


    Looks like they are cross targeting his bought Cannon. They are blocking her shields. She’s now in public headlights. Put up or Shut Up Trump. No more Time SWINE!


    We watch Melania waiting for proof. It’s coming, What then? Melania is keeping her own Career marketing out of Creeps reach. Is she getting ready for Post trump?


    Now how bad is China for the US Dollar?


    It’s now clear this compulsive Liar, and convicted Fraud, who is too thick NOT to lie on the stand, is too dumb to be risked because opening Shrek’s big Mouth opens him up to known lies and Perjury. Be clear, each day Homer Trump sinks deeper.


    Jews news Iranians best military units got erased in Iraq and Syria. Bad news for supporting Russia.


    Oh No, wait a bit, is this evidence of Trump deeper now in the Shit? Child IQ Clown wrote the fixing down? Do they have him?


    Bad news for Chump Meadows just got shafted. They are now using Law to get them. clearly, there is an agenda to take them down. They are taking down Meadows, Trump is co Partner.


    Clearly now the Judges are united to STOP Chumps railroading games. 

    Already the muzzles are on and he faces even being disbarred from his own Trial.  .

    Frankly, no one cares any longer about what Mega Turd says or does.   

    He is now the Turd of the Absurd. 

    Politically we acknowledge that Trump is the Dumbest Mutt America has ever foisted upon us. Diplomats are now pre warned, don’t be alarmed,  Yes he really is as Thick as a Brick. 

    Dog Shit Stupid.  

    His Limp Dick and Brain reputation precedes him. We’ve had some US Doozies, but he caps the lot. 

    Every week now there will be revelations. How did this  Mutt with the Mind of a Butt ever get this far? 

    Week, after week, after week they will peel away the layers of his sheer,gross stupidity. Each Day, Orange Homer is in Play. 

    Each will take turns to make him pay. Bear Baiting a Masterbator. 

    Weeks of this may just affect his votes. Endlessly exposed as Stupid? Playing to a Full House, the Turd of Absurd. 

    This trial is only for the Minors so far yet. Each case will build. 3 months to go, we wait and see. Open minds.  A world watches this visible Jerk Off. 

    All are Laughing at him. Only in America. He’s a pure Wallmart exposed Fart. Each week to ridicule this Fool, so Cruel. Mutt Baiting.

    Who sits downwind?  Who checks his Diapers? Shit happens for him. Poor Melania. Baron too. Israel plots. What to do with these American Hottentots? 

    A House of Absurd Stacked Decks of Cards. A Trump plays the Joker. So much can go wrong for this Prince of Pong.  



    We warned you Trump would be muzzled in Court. He’s such a Mutt! Jurors will see through him.


    The ESF are playing Trump. Of course they are rigging it. He’s being played.


    Correct America the world wants you gone. What part of that do you not understand❓



    1. 🤣🤣🤣

      Sorry but no. So I will be the usual Minority Report.

      The Harlem bodega turnout was spectacular. They sang the Star-Spangled Banner in his honor for Christ’s sake.

      300K+ were going to turn out in North Carolina but it got severe weather canceled.

      Nothing is ‘declining’. Nobody gives a s**t of what the Establishment says in the Trump trials. This isn’t just my ‘opinion’. I have 100,000 member legal board that says same. In the highly (D) Bronx here , the sentiment is identical. (D) has overreached and it has blown up in their faces.

      None of his ‘teams‘ are in jail. Two individuals are. One executive (Allen Weisselberg) and one lawyer (Peter Navarro) are. The former was intimidated by NY authorities, the latter will win eventually as Jan6th Committee didn’t have authority to question him. Sydney Powell is in the clear; by getting 100% vindication with “no evidence of wrongdoing” as part of the judgment. As I said, she strategically plead out in Georgia because she read the corruption there 100% correctly.  Manafort landed in jail for 7.5 years for shenanigans in Ukraine, nothing to do with Trump. Everyone else is out on plea, served sentence or was pardoned (Roger Stone). Bannon was sentenced for contempt re Jan6th committee, is out pending appeal. And being indicted for being “Trump associated” is now playing out as a badge of honor.

      Plus, Alina H will go down in history for playing the dumb brunette putting appealable issue on the record by questioning the judge(s). Word on the street by those who read transcripts is they expect her to win close to 100% of issues raised. Which is why despite public MSM ridicule she remains Trump’s lawyer. There are lawyers on the legal board who can’t believe how stupid prosecution and judge have been in front of her. I quote “On appeal, she will eat them alive.”

      Trump gets another $1 billion in stock this week. So much for running out of money. James was told to pound sand on the bond issue and Habba made James and Engeron look like the fools they are. The bond issue hearing was a 100% Trump win.

      Melania was seen 10 days ago doing a fund raiser for him. I don’t read the rags so I wouldn’t know if she is selling jewelry. Know nothing of the son so I won’t comment on that.

      Kushner, I agree needs to be exposed for the Israeli agent he is. Where’s Michael Corleone to take out the trash and free the daughter despite her negative nature?

      Yeah, he’s fat — so what?

      I think that covers it…

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you Tino for providing much needed truth and balance on these obviously farcical and blatantly political court cases. Trump derangement syndrome seems to be rapidly progressing disease. No amount of truth or reason can cure it. How these court cases can even happen in the US very disturbing. I have a feeling the day of reckoning is coming for all of these corrupt AG’s, DA’s and judges. Thanks again

        Liked by 2 people

  12. Like

  13. Given all the ‘safe and effective’ crap, here is an ‘impossible’ graph that shows the vaxx is nothing but harmful. If the vaxx worked, there shouldn’t be a follow-on death/hospitalization curve. Not to mention the deaths happened after peak pandemic!!!


  14. For those like me that learned assembly language and much more on the venerable Z80 microprocessor, it is the end of an era. I guess the dead Model III TRS80 in my father’s basement will never get repaired now. I’ll make a retro art piece out of it.

    Zilog has announced it is halting production of its standalone DIP-packaged Z80 CPU models — a move that could spell trouble for vintage computing enthusiasts looking to build Z80-based systems or repair existing machines with new parts.

    Zilog launched the original eight-bit Z80 CPU in 1976 as its first product, designed by former Intel engineer and company co-founder Federico Faggin and early employee Masatoshi Shima. Designed to offer improvements over Intel’s 8080 and built with embedded computing in mind, the Z80 quickly rose to become one of the most popular CPU choices for microcomputers — going head-to-head with MOS Technology’s rival 6502, launched a year earlier, and appearing in devices including the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Tandy TRS-80, and Namco’s Pac-Man arcade cabinets.


  15. The media will never tell you about this.


    KENNEDY: “The cost of autism is now a trillion dollars a year. My generation, I’m 70, you’re 60.” BECK: “I didn’t know anybody with autism.” KENNEDY: “No, we knew nobody when we were a kid.”

    Liked by 1 person

  16. RAY EPPS EXPOSED: Never Before Released FBI Interview Call Uncovered – J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Exposes James Ray Epps Breaking Federal Law, LYING To The FBI Multiple Times [Part 1]


    Liked by 1 person

  17. Banned: Health Fan Favorite Becomes the Latest Victim of Trudeau’s Canada

    “Eventually, the government is going to take away all supplements, all healthcare products, anything that you’re using to make yourself well and to restore your health.”



  18. I’m sure Dante Alighieri would have something to say about this… meanwhile The Suddenly strikes!

    Do I mention that it is a clear violation of informed consent to bribe or reward, in any way, the vaxx?


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