White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #173

The Ukraine Pain Comes Mainly From The Insane

By John2021

Time for the Auxiliary to Become the Regular Legion the World needs.

Time for Mankind to Man Up and Stop Bolshevik Barbarism Head On! Or fail as we did with Munich and pay the consequences. Last time we lost c20M within the EU and a further ruthless Bolshevik genocide of c20M plus. Look what they did to the Czar’s family. Savages!

Czar Nicholas II, Family and Retainers Murdered by Bolsheviks

Under Putin, what is now emerging? Did Chechnya and Afghanistan teach them nothing? Even bringing in Chechnya Muslim mercenaries has failed as they have been tracked, intercepted and captured or killed. Drones now watch all. Invisible eyes in the skies. Many weaponized to strike. All under his Leadership, and Napoleon he is not.

Putin Is Being Seen as The Aggressor. He Claims to Act in Defense Against NATO Encirclement.

It’s so sad, because what was coming together with calm and responsible Diplomacy was NATO being prepared not to go into Ukraine; it was all coming good. Now what the hell has been pointlessly unleashed, costing lives, displacing so many people and facing Russia off against the world? We know the root causes of problems, but it was really coming together. It’s so sad to see this mess now. Losers’ moves.

This invasion will accelerate more NATO bases in fear now. Not less. The new Road Map is IEDs everywhere. Why? Russian planes and helicopters are being shot out of the skies. Its tanks and supply lines are being hit by rockets. So many are now dying needlessly on both sides. All lives. All Wrong! This is a complete Russian tactical SNAFU as Putin now rages in his heavily protected mountain lair, as did Hitler with the failing Reich.

If the Ukrainians can just hang in for 10 more days, it then starts to become unwinnable for Russia. 

While MI6 and UK Defense reports indicate Putin may survive between one and 10 more years, simply because he’s dead meat if he doesn’t, he can’t hold Ukraine with 44 million patriots holding Molotov cocktails and tank busters behind every wall and hedge. 

1,000 more anti-tank missiles will ship every few days. More guns, more weapons. While we teach them how to make IEDs, every disabled tank off its tracks, or truck with a wheel blown off, is a sitting duck for the rocket launcher now zeroing in on it. SMGs and ammo magazines are pouring in. Mines will follow. A lot of Russians will be maimed or killed. That IS a tragedy. Truly. Putin is digging himself into a nightmare. He’s failed to capture Ukraine and now every day gets harder. It will get so ugly. His image is in freefall.

Putin and Lavrov are now becoming Untenable as Lepers, as the genocide builds up and hundreds of thousands of innocent Ukrainians are now becoming displaced fleeing Russian atrocities and fear. Another nation displaced. 

Humanity is losing its Soul, as both Putin and Lavrov are now sanctioned as Pariahs on the World Stage. Each will now risk being demonized to live in Infamy.  Disgraced Human Souls. It need not have gone this way. This may become another Chechnya. 

The world looks on aghast. Our world now sees Russia at its worst. Putin is portrayed now as a Ruthless Despot! Lavrov has been unmasked as a snarling Bolshevik Dog. What a pity. He had been the good face of Russia until now. All nations are recoiling in horror from these deaths, and those to come. This is back to Stalin’s era. Russia now owns it. Moscow’s Butchers. Playing for the world live, and Vile. IGNOMINY!

If Putin unleashes Thermobaric Weapons the world needs to recoil in horror and co enjoin to stop this rapacious Bolshevik regime. Now he threatens Finland, Sweden and Poland. We have been here before. How do you negotiate with your head in the Bear’s Jaws?

Do we have to redraw the new European map? The Europeans on one side, and the Russians, Communists on the other. Split. Poland now stands threatened. As do others. NATO, the UK and America have moved in to protect the EU. While the world sleeps, we are as ever, only 48 hours from Nukes if he crosses those lines. Madness of Despots and Fools. The world is ringfencing Putin, Lavrov and the Communists in.

In the UK, all Higher priced luxury Elites’ homes owned by Russians are about to be seized and sold off as proceeds of corruption or crime. They will freak! Their Yachts are being targeted for seizure from Spain to Monaco. Their children at Elite schools and Universities will be declined. 

Putin and Lavrov’s Foreign Assets Are Being Subject To Freezing

All their bank accounts frozen. Their Visas and work permits are about to be cancelled.  In the last 80 years no one has had such mass Global condemnation and Class Action! What hole is he digging for himself now? Ukraine may be his end game. Or more. He now is like Capone with Elliot Ness and the Untouchables closing in, but that is the world recoiling. The System is now gaming him. 

We need a world of calm, and focused professional reasoning. Not fantasizing, rambling garbage of shapeshifting Bloggers. Constructive thinking. Intelligent communicators.

For the last 5 years we have been building plans for meaningful Silk Road Plans tracking from Beijing to Tehran and Beijing to London with Frankfurt in between. Creating new infrastructure along the way for Cities, Industries, Schools and Healthcare. Developing and enriching communities. All the high and real aspirations of the WHs and old OWON team as we all reached for the stars. It still has back catalogues and good thinking as we achieved so much. Rich aspirations. It opened new boundaries. It Blazed a trail. So much creative thinking to ease tensions, share projects between nations, to educate and take care of humankind.  Real aspirations of value putting back. Integrating people and serving their needs. Meaningful thinking. As is pursued by all, and so many good people now at WHA. They equally blaze new trails and have led thinking relating to COVID and so many more issues. Creative minds and sound community values. 

The sites need to be complementing each other as used to be. Not the demonic rants we see. How can a So-Called Jesus Follower call for the callous destruction of Washington, London, NATO, Ministers, and so many of good standing? It has been noted. Also, that OWON has now become sadly, a one man’s Soap Box Hate Site. So much for Jesus’ beliefs?  This is no way forward.

Thou shall not kill… You shall not Covet… Mass destruction of so many? What an ethos.

Hopefully as Putin and Lavrov now realize, the Global repulsion of their standing, and consequential actions they have brought down on themselves and Russians worldwide that they will grasp a meaningful Peace Settlement for the Ukraine as soon as possible. 

We need this year to be a Season for Reason. Is Putin losing the plot? All his Oligarchs are about to lose their Pot. Then see them turn on him. Everyone has turned on Moscow. No one wants this. Stop the Invasion and killings. If he’s not stopped in the Ukraine now it will spread, then how many will be pointlessly dead? This will tear Europe apart. Why not find a way to live, not die together? This is so close to a Flash Fire and then it’s game over. This has put Russia back 25 years or more. Don’t glory in these killings. Now the EU will arm, and NATO will grow. All will want the NATO Umbrella now.

If they hold him off for 10 more days, he’s in trouble. Such a bad move. He’s just unleashed a Wasp’s nest. With 1,000 more Stinger missiles coming any day now. This must not escalate. This is not a game for verbose Keyboard Desk Warriors to mouth off, it’s real people’s lives lost. Thank you, Poland, for helping. Hungary too. More will help. Stay safe. So sorry it came to this. The world is watching all. If he touches those Thermobaric weapons, it’s game over. Barbaric is a NO!

STOP Putin from using Thermobaric BARBARIC weapons against Ukraine. Close Russia down!

Russian Heavy Bomber and Thermobaric Device

Stay tuned and continue to be ready for anything.

2,366 responses to “Information Briefing #173”

  1. The Vaxx was Our Vietnam by Vox Day

    Except the vaxxes killed considerably more young Americans than Vietnam did.

    [[Begin Quote]]

    More than 61,000 Millennials and record numbers of Gen-Xers died in 2021 alone, after the Covid vaccines hailed as miracles were rolled out, leaving an unprecedented wake of mortality in the last quarter of the year. The Millennial generation, aged about 25 to 40, experienced a staggering 84% increase in excess mortality in the fall of 2021…

    These deaths, which amounted to more than the number of deaths from the entire Vietnam War compressed into a single year, occurred in tandem with spikes in vaccine and booster shots that were mandated in August 2021.

    [[End Quote]]

    Safe? Not so much. Effective? That raises two questions: for whom and for what?

    But at least all those dead Millennials and Gen-Xers have the consolation of knowing they died keeping democracy safe for Grandma. Or something like that.


  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/severe-hepatitis-kids-dozens-cases-reported-us-europe-rcna24553

    Dear God, can we do the [insert swear word] obvious?

    We need to immediately rule out some ingested, international food product or ingredient that has entered the supply chain of children-targeted food. There is no new hepatitis virus, and the kids are not in an infection-style cluster. So find exactly what these kids ate prior to symptom onset. If it is a one-off toxin insertion we will have a burst of cases and that’s it. If cases keep going up at random, then we have to redouble efforts to find what the substance is.

    Adenovirus 41 is probably a wild goose chase but I’m not in the arena and we’ll wait and see.

    Children and adults have different livers. At puberty there is a systemic shift in enzymes. So something that a kid liver cannot metabolize is metabolized by adults.

    If this is not a food chain accident but a deliberate cost-cutting measure somewhere, I fully support the death penalty for those involved. Remember the melamine scandal in China. The CFDA Agent involved got a bullet to the head.


  3. https://dailytelegraph.co.nz/news/silent-no-more-the-story-that-must-be-told-about-the-covid-vaccine-in-nz/?fbclid=IwAR0WgfXyCdrpJlRyGpKA3hVNz0-5YJJ8t5rm3MF07DyPYeGuxvLU54qxJz8
    Is this the biggest scandal in New Zealand’s history?

    This is a question that can only really be answered if the full truth and the full evidence is known and assessed by the people of New Zealand. Thankfully that may be beginning to happen now. But one thing is for certain. The biggest victims of this situation are now coming together, they are uniting to support each other, they are uniting to tell their stories, and they will be SILENT NO MORE.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Man o man, I am all for due process, but killing this guy and putting his head on pike Roman style, gets more tempting every day:

    Anthony Fauci appeared on the soon to be trashed CNN+ to declare that the CDC and scientific ‘experts’ like himself should be above the jusrisdiction of courts.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. What a POS tyrannical scumbag… science is all about questioning science!… he wants no one to question, only follow and obey!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Actually, allowing for compounding, hidden tax, overt tax, restrictions and monopoly price-points, it is 7/8ths of income that is taken by government at all levels.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 4 people

    1. This is good stuff Tony!
      Thank you.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I like this idea very much, but the hand-waving around how a resource is allocated is a possibly insurmountable problem. Unmeddled with prices can provably be shown to allocate goods effectively so that the vast majority can afford almost any good required for daily living. Politics and agendacy currently has us living in coffin-corner unstable economies.

      If one argues that this is post-scarcity, the efficient allocation problem still exists, in different form.

      I don’t have a solution, just pointing out a bug in the program.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        It’s been a while since I have read up on the VP outline, but I think the issue of allocation of resources was to be solved by producing in abundance, in excess of need. Advanced planning for anticipated demand. Not everyone will need all things all the time. Some will need certain kinds of medical care, certain kinds of recreation, certain kinds of living arrangements, certain whatever, and others may not need much at all. It will all be managed by a central computerized database to allocate resources where needed. And if there are demands in excess of availability, then the task will be to produce more of whatever is needed.

        In a world without extreme waste, there will be no loss due to profits over quality. Nothing will be made or produced for maximum profits, but instead, to fill needs. Standards of living will be high, for all.

        All processes will be monitored by advanced artificial intelligence systems, and adjustments made in real time. Technology will serve mankind. It will be our slave, as it should be. No human will be able to, nor need, to determine what another gets or does not get. We will simply produce what is asked for, according to the capacity of the earth to provide it.

        It won’t be perfect, but it is projected that a 90% reduction in crime and violence etc., and virtual elimination of all want, will be worth the pain that such a transition will demand. It won’t be easy to re-educate society to rid itself of the present mindset which is deeply implanted by those who benefit from chaos, but since there is a better way, we better hope future generations move in this direction.

        The billions of galaxies in this unlimited universe have probably seen millions of cultures come and go down the tubes. If ours goes down to dust, it won’t matter to the universe, but to each of us it certainly might. We might as well try to make the best of the time we have left. And the present system is not the optimum one within which to do so.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. I like the way you think Tony.

          Liked by 2 people

  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Proving again, the system is rotten to the core:


  10. Moby – Porcelain in 432 hz


  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  12. Mathematician says government officials manipulated covid data to manufacture “crisis”

    A mathematician and professor of risk information management at Queen Mary University of London (https://www.qmul.ac.uk/) is sounding the alarm (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/officials-manipulated-covid-data-mathematician-tells-rfk-jr/) about how government officials manipulated data and lied to the public when implementing testing, lockdown, mask and vaccine protocols throughout the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic.

    Dr. Norman Fenton, PhD, says that almost from the start of the ruse, he could see that health officials were seeing what they wanted to see and manufacturing “proof” of a crisis in order to mislead the public into accepting wide-scale tyranny and medical abuse.



    1. Fenton is one of my personal heroes in this debacle.


  13. https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/british-nuclear-submarine-loads-up-on-tomahawk-cruise-missiles/

    Loading for use if Rasputin keeps threatening
    Satellite images show extent of Putin’s carnage in Mariupol https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10740519/Satellite-images-extent-Putins-carnage-Mariupol.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    This is the conduct of Ras Putin
    This is again an ego driven agenda and how many more will die plus he will resort to ever greater brutality. This is a no-win long term because Ukraine’s population will never stop, and Russia will face new weapons with savage consequences.

    Is Trump the best Chump America can put up?

    Bad bad bad decision and it could get much worse
    Putin orders his men NOT to storm ‘liberated’ Mariupol steelworks https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10738453/Putin-orders-men-NOT-storm-Mariupol-steelworks-declares-city-liberated.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    The needless butchery of a shallow bastard
    Study Shows MOST People Now Have Microplastics — Found in Disposable Masks — in Their Lungs

    MOST People Now Have Microplastics — Found in Disposable Masks — in Their Lungs

    Cannot imagine the damage this will do.

    Cancer breakthrough as scientists find genetic clues https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10739095/Cancer-breakthrough-scientists-treasure-trove-genetic-clues.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Wonderful news and Tinos views


  14. The World Health Organization is the only institution in the world empowered to declare a “pandemic” or Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

    The Director-General of the WHO – an unelected position – is the only individual who controls that power.

    But all of that could pale in comparison to the legal powers potentially being handed to the director-general of the WHO (or whatever new “independent” body they may decide to create) to punish, rebuke or reward national governments.

    A “Pandemic Treaty” that overrides or overrules national or local governments would hand supranational powers to an unelected bureaucrat or “expert”, who could exercise them entirely at his own discretion and on completely subjective criteria.

    This is the very definition of technocratic globalism.

    “Pandemic Treaty” will hand WHO keys to global government


    1. In a more rational age, one would point out that the Constitution cannot be over-ridden by Treaty, but we are no longer in a Rational Age.


  15. If anyone buys that, I have a bridge I am looking to sell.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The lady above wearing the mask and bringing “sass” would be a candidate for that bridge!… just tell her the CDC said it was a bargain!… SOLD!


      1. [[initiates face palm]] she’s too stupid to talk to. Imagine being a professional epidemiologist and subscribing to this bs [[completes face palm and shakes head]]

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Like

  17. The brilliant, brilliant Dr. Prasad. It’s an older piece but drives the myocarditis angle home perfectly. On that alone the mRNA jabs should have been pulled.



  18. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/so-not-even-fly-can-escape-putin-declares-mariupol-liberated-orders-besieged-steel
    Putin further declared Mariupol, which prior to the invasion had a population of about 450,000, is now “liberated” – and congratulated the defense chief on the military “success” – at a moment Russia has launched a broader major offensive to take the whole of Donbas.


  19. Meanwhile, outright criminality and every authority is nowhere to be found


  20. Careening into the abyss…


  21. Frightening

    The 2020 increase cannot be attributed to the vaxx. That’s due to the insane policies… The differences between 2020 and 2021 can be reasonably attributed to the vaxx…


  22. https://thefederalist.com/2022/04/21/how-social-justice-policies-are-causing-mass-violence-and-injustice-in-new-york-city/
    The deterioration of New York City’s subway system shows us what happens when we confuse “social justice” for justice.


    1. I have strictly forbidden my wife to ride any of the subways even at peak times.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Almost simultaneously. This is engineered. Deliberate creation of food shortages.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Every pediatrician that pushed the mRNA jab for any child under the age of 18 should lose their license and be sued into oblivion for violation of informed consent, stripped of liability protection and found guilty of battery with aggravated intent to do harm.

    Why? Because even IF the vaccine was 100% effective (for real, as in ARR of 100% instead of 1%), the pediatric population was NOT at all at risk – 99.997% survival — so you are guaranteed to have more risk from the mRNA than benefit.



    1. And the VAIDS is becoming clearly visible. Viral infections galore. Now when will the cancer shoe drop?



  24. Moderna plans to submit an application to the U.S. health regulator for emergency use authorization of its COVID vaccine among kids between the ages of six months to five years by end of the month


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sickening. nCov2019-whatever-fing-variant is completely endemic, has an IFR 10-fold lower, and no more impactful than the common influenza before this sleigh ride began. THERE is ZERO medical reason to vaccinate this cohort, as survival re nCovid2019 is greater than 99.997%.


  25. The only reason take away guns from law abiding people is control of those same people…
    New gun owners of all backgrounds are voting with their wallets when it comes to their values of lawful firearm ownership.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We are rapidly approaching the point where it would be safer to have anarchy.

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Liked by 1 person

    1. Like

    2. They’ve lost their minds. The CDC has no jurisdiction over air travel for the same reason they don’t get to have authority over rents or what I do when I paint my door frame. Their implementing legislation does not cover said authority.

      And Kerpen is right. This is about preserving an authority they never had for the future. Never mind masks short of a P100 cannot work because of physics.


  27. Liked by 1 person

  28. Green solutions to anything simply trade opportunity costs to the negative….


  29. https://www.city-journal.org/the-failed-covid-policy-of-mask-mandates
    The graph tracks the results of a natural experiment that occurred nationwide during the pandemic. Eleven states never mandated masks, while the other 39 states enforced mandates. The mandates typically began early in the pandemic in 2020 and remained until at least the summer of 2021, with some extending into 2022. The black line on the graph shows the weekly rate of Covid cases in all the states with mask mandates that week, while the orange line shows the rate in all the states without mandates.


  30. Although big J will disagree with me, that movie was horrific. I do not understand and never accept to absolute torture of a human being to make them into some sort of killing machine. It is not human to be that way.


    1. One has to go back to when, despite training, men would refuse to kill enemy soldiers in war situations. We then had to remediate that, and so bootcamp changed radically in the modern era. I am not fully up on the history of that change.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Jesus Christ. That was the last thing I needed to see this evening after the day I have had.

      F’ing filthy rotten, putrid pig f’ckers. How dare they treat an animal like that. F’ing putrid pigs a’hole’s.
      My god, where is the humanity? Bring an end to these types please.

      I do not think I belong in this world anymore. But then again, if people like me are not here then how are we to protect such innocent creatures from such horrid a’hole abuse.? I could slash their bloody throats with ease. F’ing dirty, filthy f’ing rotten putrid shit.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. You have to wonder, why any God who created the Universe, would need a sacrifice. And by extension, why an atonement ritual would require, of all things, a chicken.

      The unsanitary conditions deserve severe sanction given it is crap like this that breeds, literally, new strains of infectious disease. And no, I for one don’t care one whit which sect does this. Get your chicken at the store like everyone else.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Even Colonel Sanders, who kills millions with heart disease, does it cleaner.

        Liked by 1 person

  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Red Light Therapy increases testosterone if genitals are exposed to it a few times a week. Also increases collagen, and with injuries exposed to concentrated red light can heal faster and scar tissue minimized. No UV rays in Red Light Therapy. That promo saying tanning your balls is incorrectly specifying the use of UV rays but showing a Red Light LED panel.

      The gym I go to has 3 different types of Red Light Therapy and a Far InfraRed Therapy along with Blue Light Therapy. I’ve seen scar tissue reduced by red light LED panels.

      Liked by 1 person

  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  33. Die from the sky and never know why
    China Flaunts Its Hypersonic YJ-21 Missile That Can Knock-Off America’s Mightiest …


    Whichever way Russia turns the West is throwing curved balls and closing doors. Putin is being walled in. He will feel real costs soon.

    US, UK and Canada walk out of G20 meeting over war in Ukraine


    Such vast killing power on show. What about focusing on living?
    Fears of tactical nuclear strike grow as posturing Vladimir Putin flexes military muscles

    To avoid capture, this $325 million superyacht of one of Russia’s wealthiest oligarchs sailed at full speed for 18 days to …

    CNN: US unveils latest sanctions targeting Russia.

    It can read from a teleprompter
    YouTube: Vladimir Putin Is Now Purging His Own Over War Failures.

    Will they step up and purge him?
    Putin’s Chechen warlord vows Mariupol will fall ‘by lunchtime’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10737489/Kadyrov-says-Mariupol-fall-lunchtime-Zelensky-vows-Russian-forces-trial.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    It’s taken how long?


    1. Please excuse my language but F China. Commo dimwits.

      Liked by 1 person

  34. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Exit planning. All used up, and it’s on to Eurasia via Ukraine.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    All that matters now is Bitcoin. It is our destiny!!

    Liked by 1 person

  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    That’s it, good, good, inhale and stay stoned. Easier to manage a heard of potheads that way, isn’t it Shlomo?


    1. Weed? I’m not too sure about it.

      I was a very heavy drug abuser for a good portion of my life. It was about 2002, if memory serves me correctly ha ha, when I quit taking drugs and booze. I think it was about 17 years I stopped all that crap. I woke one day and realised that I was just hiding my true self from the world. That day I decided to say F you mate. That day I quit drinking and abusing more than one type of drug. I finally understood why I was doing such. I was hiding from the world. I was too scared to be me because I did not think I was god enough. Ha! What an f’ing joke.

      Now, I have decided that you like me or you do not. And if ya don’t, then take a bloody hike. I am not perfect and never will be but I KNOW I have a good heart and try so hard to be the best person I can be. I will never measure up in some eyes but ya know what? I do not bloody need to. If a good person does not recognise me for who I am then that bugger is the one with the problem, not me.

      Okay, I am still a bit of a boozer but unfortunately I find a use for that currently. Call me weak, I do not give a shit about names anymore. Yep, I am a bit weak I know that but until you are in my shoes do not think you have the right to lecture me. There will come a day when I will free myself from all this shit but that is not now. I will be the bugger that chooses that date. God bloody help me lol.

      Liked by 2 people

  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    USA: 50,000? Hold my beer.


  38. This is the last 30 minutes of the ancient knowledge #6 video I posted a few days ago. It was very long discussing the nine code, Fibonacci and vortex based math. In case you didn’t make it pass that, the man talking has some interesting insight. He stated he was able to work thru his corruption and can be done. Who is he?? I’m assuming from the sound of it, he is an ex Free mason.

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XDmSXV-mIgc all


  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    As goes a nation which lets financial cartels rape and pillage its citizenry.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is a very sad state of affairs. But with correct education and management and most certainly a willingness to overcome such a situation one can survive.


  40. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/bidens-emergency-spr-oil-release-is-going-to-europe/
    Joe Biden’s decision to release 180 million barrels of oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve – one million barrels per day for 180 days, ending just before the midterm elections which the Democrats will lose in an avalanche – was meant to help lower US gasoline prices. Instead, it is heading for Europe.


  41. Yes, Dr. Berg is good, I also follow Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Sten Ekberg. All are low carb, keto , ketovore and carnivore advocates. I have been ketovore for quite awhile now. It is amazing how we are taught the opposite of what is true about nutrition and disease. Our bodies are designed to run on good sources of fat.

    Liked by 3 people

  42. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/apr/20/putin-ukraine-russia-humiliated-military-intelligence-war

    Truly, whatever your leanings towards Putin or Russia, the western Alliance subjects him to ever more ridicule and Russia’s standing is in freefall
    This is a Cossack Tragedy which will impair Russia for the century.
    Wimbledon BAN Russian and Belarusian players from competing this year https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-10734475/Wimbledon-BAN-Russian-Belarusian-players-competing-year.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    All these steps build up and hurt.
    All I can tell you knowing from the inside is that Russia and Lavrov were making real progress getting a buffer zone and I was one arguing with NATO it was sensible to concede it. They had the moral high ground. It was understood. This was way too far the way it was done. If only they had focused on corruption and the Bio Labs, they would have gained support. I’m no fan of Zelensky and he’s being mis-sold to the west but I’m politics it’s selling your case. Russia sadly failed and we will all pay for it. Top many Disneyland views on Russia. Just not real it’s going to hurt them ever more. Expose Zelensky not the Allies. Wake up the West Zelensky is a paid Zionist stooge. This is where focus is needed it’s all a mess.
    This is the danger and political risk Putin has taken. It could now cost him everything. He’s got the world lined up against and that’s bad news for him. Very. He doesn’t understand the politics facing him and what it will build to.

    Believe it. As a global rebuff this really hurts Russia
    ANOTHER Russian colonel is killed in Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10735477/Ukraine-war-Russian-colonel-killed.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    More heartbroken families
    Russia tests new intercontinental ballistic missile https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10735901/Russia-tests-new-intercontinental-ballistic-missile-provide-food-thought-enemies.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    We still keep spending on mass living each other. Why don’t we spend on living?
    The pressure is building


  43. I’m apoplectic right now. After making a mockery of informed consent, violating the primary tenant of said informed consent — to make medical decisions free of coercion, duress and false choice — They have the temerity to blame us!

    It Was Your Own Choice


    1. Are they saying this now because they can not hide the calamity the vaXX has and is causing?… unless they say we screwed up what else are they going to say?… Mr. Scott Morrison needs justice brought to his door!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Please excuse my language James but this piece of utter corrupt, manipulative, brain dead, f’ing piece of shit needs to be dealt with. What an ignorant, self serving bullshitting arsehole this prick is. Piece of utter shit. If this bastard thinks he is getting in again in the upcoming election then I will be the worlds biggest fool. Maybe so, due to all the brain dead f’wits that reside here. That piece of crap deserves noting but a good bloody kick right up the arse for being a sneaky, corrupt, dumb arse, manipulative prick. Filthy rotten corrupt bastard.

        He sure is about to get justice. You rotten piece of crap. Totally incompetent shit face, bullshitting arsehole.

        Hopefully, there are enough of us in this god forsaken country that have enough brain power left to work out what the hell these pricks are up to and have the bloody balls to get rid of them. F the bloody lot of them.


  44. Like

    1. Hope they all give them a BIG F U!
      National Debate League Bans High Schoolers From Competing Unless They Get An Unnecessary Covid Shot


      1. James, I am not on point as to your post but one interesting development here in the shit whole land down under is that these so called governing wankers in some states have decided that it is now critical to rehire the UNVAXXED to keep this fricking Aus economy going. Dumb arse pack of dickheads.

        The unvaxxed must save the bloody day to keep this shit whole country from going down the drain. Ha, who would have thought that? What dickheads. We are not all brainwashed morons that have succumed to your bullshit you pricks. Ya want us hey? Then get a grip on reality and bloody well pay dearly for all the shit you have created. Kiss my arse, I come at a huge price and so do the rest of the people with some grey matter left in this country lol.

        Please don’t get me wrong here. I am not asking for a personal monetary government payout of any sort. I am not one to accept a single bloody cent from any government and never will, I will always survive on my own efforts no matter what I just want them to pay with their bloody lives for what they have done to this country. That is all the payment I need.


  45. https://summit.news/2022/04/20/black-hole-cnn-admits-us-doesnt-really-know-what-happens-to-weapons-sent-to-ukraine/
    The US has sent a total of around $15.2 billion in military aid to Ukraine since the war began in February.

    The Biden administration is preparing to announce another $800 million package later this week, five U.S officials told NBC News.

    “Two officials said the package is expected to include more artillery and tens of thousands more artillery rounds,” according to the report.

    However, where all the weapons are actually going is apparently one huge mystery, according to CNN.


  46. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-61157670

    It’s hard to know what truth is but Russia has its own Vietnam
    Bank of England stumbles over FX trading gold mine

    Go Nuclear Goodbye oil


  47. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    It makes sense for the top financial center in the world to take a leading role in this sector. The US, as usual, is thick and slow to move on a good idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  48. Mask mandate removal too popular for even policy elites to ignore: “now the pushy, demanding bio-authoritarian anxiety brigade is flummoxed. because it was not supposed to be like this. they thought they were in the majority and the people were with them. and they were badly, badly wrong.”


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will NEVER accept wearing a mask. It is utterly horrific to me to wear one. I WILL NOT. It makes me feel seriously unwell. Stuff their mask mandates. Wanna pull me up for not wearing one? Look out lol.


      1. My brother-in-law is in charge of a major venue. At some point the vazis tried to keep him out of his own venue. He tossed the lot out, in a major blue city. Chalk one up for We, the People

        Liked by 2 people

  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This Bolshevik twat needs to cut the psychobabble and find a job in a carnival.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She must be a miserable soul!


      1. It’s just acting. She just says lines.


        1. And she should be shot for being so f’ing stupid thank you very much. Ya wanna give advice like that? Then you do not belong on a stage mouthing off shit like that. Be gone moron.


    2. No, this stupid brain dead twat needs to get a grip on reality and then go and put a f’ing bullet in her head for being a total f’ing moron. Stupid f’ing evil bitch.


  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Time is very short, but an earlier conversation with Big J today is worthy of mention. He and I cannot discuss such things in recorded form, but I will summarize in writing.

    There continues to be far too much fantasy and not enough understanding of what the real world is made of, and the nature and scope of the obstacles that need overcoming to establish a more ideal scene from which society can improve its disposition.

    London is diametrically opposed to the WEF and NWO promoted “solutions” and no reset of that nature is being contemplated by them. Instead, with the confidence and support of the Elders, once agreement to convert starts in stages, their agenda is totally about putting back for a better world, in steps.

    Even earlier today John commented on cleaning up the Tax Havens and putting wealth back to fund need not greed. Financial energy needs to be focused for creative purposes. Not used to exsanguinate nations by usurious vampirism with profits diverted into idle pockets of planetary slave masters, who see the goy as their labor force.

    Bloggers without the access have it so wrong and fantasists will find their dreams are not free. Nothing has changed. No galactic banker is coming to dispense free, unearned wealth or to create an instant overnight perfect world. Yet, people in huge numbers flock to, and financially support these circus tent charlatans as if cutting their own throats in the process gives them joy. The low-IQ, the not-quite-bright, the parvenue, will never have control of, or access to, the exclusive valid means of planetary redesign. These financial resources are vast, but closely overseen by those who have earned the rights by years of hard work and earned station. Such resources will not be dispensed to Mr. Ed and the retards of Earth to spend on indolence. Access to such will be earned; it will be granted to those who can use it to make an effective difference.

    Outside the real world, no one understands the pressures, what it takes, the focus and enormous stress. It’s not just London; they have a worldwide team of top echelon humanitarian supporters totally on board and all united. They have no egos, and don’t need the free riders, and beyond understand the need to make a difference. The intricacies they face daily with calm understanding is beyond the comprehension of most. Be assured they beyond care and to them, clown barbs apart, people do matter.

    Trust me. You do want them to succeed. Again, they are against the NWO/WEF bug farmers. They are the bulwark against such will be fought and prevented. They have the financial energy to roll right over their plans, as WEF is a shell of an organization. Only political nutters hear the WEF call. The rest run from it.

    If you are reading these words, you are not going to see this anywhere else online. Only here. A rare glimpse into a world rarely seen in the retail news outlets or blogdom.

    The changes are going to come rapidly in this century. Be ready.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Tony and John your efforts are very much appreciated. I can’t even imagine what your days consist of. I have too much pressure as it is for me. Hang in there and know we care.
      Thank you

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I want them to succeed because they are against the NWO/WEF agenda!!..

        Thank you the info Tony… hope something goes in the earlier part of the century,, I would like to be around to see it.

        Godspeed John!

        Liked by 4 people

    2. I agree let’s get it on. Our circle’s are getting smaller and new blood is hard to find that think the same way as we do. The time is short Tony. Thanks for the update!

      Liked by 3 people

    3. Okay, well that sure was a message and a half. Thank you Tony and John.

      I am in a bit of a mood tonight so I shall just thank everyone for their huge efforts. We have no more time for dickheads pretending. I personally have absolute trust in John and Tony. Where that leads us, in this moment I am not too sure. But heck, it has to be better than where we all are now. THANK YOU both of you so very much.

      I think I am ready, hopefully anyway. I deal with what comes no matter what. Cheers Bro’s.


  51. Never overwhelmed as a system:


  52. It is time to raise the alarm.

    It is too early to say with certainty if the mRNA shots cause permanent immune system damage beyond facilitating nCov2019 infections and related viral surveillance.

    However, the viral surveillance mechanism overlaps with the cancer surveillance mechanism. It is apparent that cancer remissions are ending abruptly upon vaccination, that the new onsets are brutal, aggressive and in some cases unbelievably fast and kill in 2 to 3 weeks.

    The problem is de novo cancer is happening earlier and the rate seems to be rising. After circa 40 years of age the body make cancer cells all the time, and a combination of factors plus the immune system, more or less stomps on them.

    If we have nuked the surveillance mechanism, we may be looking – on a 10 year time horizon – maybe 1 in 3 getting cancer. It is not, as yet, outside the bound of reason that most of the mRNA jabbed WILL get cancer. We desperately need to initiate public cancer surveillance and keep a close eye on the numbers.


  53. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/full-embargo-russian-oil-would-send-brent-185bbl-jpmorgan

    Armstrong wrote this morning we could see $250 oil by end of year.

    It’s pretty obvious this is the WEF’s build back better in action. Sanction to destroy all western economies.

    Brilliant….just brilliant


  54. Never, ever forget.

    Liked by 2 people

  55. https://eurasiantimes.com/chinese-plan-for-a-third-aircraft-carrier-stuck-in-a-limbo/

    Shit happens they must have a Chink in their planning

    No bad thing although it will bugger our Banks Global capital, need is more important and it’s time to end overnighting capital for tax avoidance and start putting back. Nations matter. It’s time to review wealth management in national interests too. Time to move on and work with nations as one.
    It’s very much part of our plans. Putting back. Feeding need not greed.
    Russia offers ultimatum to Ukraine troops holed up in Mariupol https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10731013/Two-hours-surrender-die-Russia-offers-ultimatum-Ukraine-troops-holed-Mariupol.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Be clear, if miniature Ras Putin 🤠 fails to secure it by the week end. His credibility will be in ruins with global military and when the sanctions shortages do really hit home Russia has form for revolution.
    He’s playing a dangerous game with Generals lives and endless servicemen dead.
    Fact FACT, we were making real progress with NATO concessions and serious beneficial plans to help strengthen Russia and its economy.
    This is a war no one should be fighting and every life lost is one too many. Families hurt. Hatred will build and trust will be lost for a generation.
    That said all be careful of ulterior motives also from Zionist Zelensky and the scavenging Israeli rat pack behind him who seek to steal the lot as the game will be up in Palestine once Iran gets their own nukes. The Republican Guard with nukes will deliver Armageddon. The rat’s nest will go.
    Russia has more to fear from those Rodents taking over Ukraine and bringing nukes with them.
    Putin’s lack of military experience lead to him overriding Generals and overreaching . So many needless deaths on both sides. Really good things were coming for Russia. He’s trashed the nation for decades. Where does he run to if internal resentment build,? Russia was really coming on from the Cold .
    Poor judgment by the Thief of the St Petersburg Community Funds and his crooked Commissars. 😎
    9 Generals and Senior Colonels dead now. Double that and like worms the guns will turn.

    Game changers


  56. Why you can’t believe the Ukraine Propaganda Machine

    Contemplate the significance of the two subsequent statements:

    15 March 2022
    Former US commanding general of the United States Army Europe, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges said on Monday that Russians are about 10 days away from reaching the “culminating point” . Once they reach there, the US commander said, the Russian troops will be “forced to stop their assault on Ukraine due to a lack of resources”. According to Lt Gen Hodges, “Russians are about 10 days away from what is called the culminating point, when they just no longer have the ammunition nor the manpower to keep up their assault.”

    Russia has shown no signs of halting its assault on Ukraine despite the sanctions being imposed on it by the Western countries. However, experts are of the opinion that Russian forces will soon run out of resources.

    It’s now 34 days later, more than three weeks after the Russians ran out of ammunition and manpower, according to the US military experts.


  57. We knew ivermectin worked from the Ecuadoran experience (newly hospitalized patients injected with ivermectin rarely progressed to ICU), the Peru experience, the Uttar Pradesh experience, bracketing the time frame from April 2020 to Nov 2020.

    Willful blindness and outright suppression of ivermectin by media, health authorities and so-called “medical experts” kept sowing doubt. The tyranny of guidelines, the fact that doctors are just employees, the fact that Chief of Service — ostensibly experts, but in practice bureaucrats — over-ruled top-down the common sense of rank and file docs, all conspired to suppress it use. Not to mention the cognitive blind spot in medicine that the only reputable evidence is randomized controlled trials. Thusly, the absurdly compelling epidemiologic evidence was ignored.

    In even greater absurdity, Steve Kirsch funded a randomized placebo controlled trial for Luvox, and showed without a shadow of a doubt Luvox as a first line therapy would lower hospitalization and death a whopping ~93%. Similarly, a brilliant Italian dog trial for the original SARS which showed indomethacin was fantastic in viral suppression, was ignored and not applied SARS-2.

    McCullough and others point out that early intervention, instead of the criminal therapeutic nihilism, even without the mRNA shots, would have prevented possibly 98% of the deaths in the under 80 population. Incidentally, there IS a witches brew of drugs, that if used early DOES protect the elderly. Nursing homes that used the drugs had huuuge survival rates!

    Liked by 2 people

  58. https://thefederalist.com/2022/04/19/doctors-biden-administrations-dangerous-push-for-trans-treatments-for-kids-falsifies-science/
    The nation’s public-health establishment lost all credibility during the Covid era by either ignoring or politicizing scientific data. But health bureaucrats seem to have learned nothing. With respect to the highly charged issue of gender dysphoria, they continue to substitute politics for science when necessary to advance the leftist narrative.


    1. The American Academy of Pediatrics needs to point blank disavow all gender transitioning bullshit, state unequivocally that gender dysphoria is a transitory mild mental disorder for 99% of pubertal children and under no circumstances should any patient with gender dysphoria take actions prior to the full age of majority (1) to affect their sex. Furthermore, complete rejection of the idea of gender identity, in all its flavors, needs to happen. And doctor sanctioning this bs and treating patients for “gender reassignment” need to be stripped of license AND prosecuted for child abuse.

      If, in fact, someone ends up in the 1% of the population that is homosexual, this is something that has been with humanity since time immemorial. As a general rule, this subset has never bothered anyone. Everyone else needs to get over it

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Google owned YouTube has removed a recent interview Tucker Carlson produced with a woman who ‘de-transitioned’ from gender conversion and is now speaking out against the promotion of the ideology among young people.



  59. We are now beyond full 1984

    To wit: Russia “seized” Crimea in 2014. The news showed a map and everything with those exact words, it must be true!

    As a pure matter of historical fact this is absurdly incorrect.

    Crimea was annexed by Catherine the Great in 1793 and has been “Russian” in one form or another since then. Even the outcome of the Crimean War didn’t change this significantly.

    In further absurdity, the MSM is spinning a yarn that Putin was inspired by Catherine the Great to seize Ukraine…


  60. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/3-factors-which-are-about-make-coming-food-shortages-even-worse
    A confluence of circumstances has come together to create a “perfect storm” for global food production, and now that “perfect storm” is about to get even worse. For months I warned that this crisis was coming, and in recent weeks I have been documenting how dire conditions have already become all over the globe. The head of the UN World Food Program is warning that this is going to be the worst worldwide food crisis since World War II, and even Joe Biden is admitting that the approaching food shortages “are going to be real”. Unfortunately, there have been some new developments which threaten to significantly escalate things.


  61. Politics,,, corruption and the MSM are what make it different…seems that is the summary.


  62. https://dailyhonker.com/mrna-vaccines-produce-persisting-spike-protein-likely-causing-clots-heart-inflammations-cancers-dr-ryan-cole/?utm_source=dh&utm_medium=tg
    “[In] normal mRNA, you have cells making messages all day long … mRNA is generally broken down within minutes to maybe an hour or two. mRNA should not persist,” Cole told EpochTV’s “Facts Matter” program during the Global COVID Summit held in Houston, Texas, on April 8.


  63. https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/04/17/gov-refuses-publish-vaccinated-suffering-ai-ds-ade/
    The UK Health Security Agency is refusing to publish any further data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status because previous figures show that the triple vaccinated population are on the verge of developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, and the double vaccinated are suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement.

    Liked by 1 person

  64. The day people are told the truth and the real casualties from these deadly ‘vaccines’ are known people will suffer from PTSD!


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