White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform


Information Briefing #174

Global Settlements Planning and Real-World Challenges to Overcome

Salve Citizens!

We sincerely hope all of you are well and prospering. Thank you for the overwhelming responses to the chat section. From crypto, Covid, politics, economics and to the Ukraine, the amount of information shared, and the clarity that is brought to many subjects by our readers is truly appreciated. We know the majority of our readers do not comment, but we nonetheless welcome you.

What follows is an explanation couched in the language of reality, and various plans we hope to implement in the near future, along several fronts.

But first, let us briefly comment on the ongoing market in selling fantasy and magic goofus dust to the gullible masses.

There exists, still, many who believe of secret plans being worked on by mysterious groups of fantastically imagined persons, to widely distribute trillions of dollars to the general populations holding various kinds of currencies, or who are enrolled in some kind of program to disgorge such funds as part of a plan to “free humanity”. Such groups almost always invoke heavy new age mysticism and/or fervent religious incantations, but somehow never reasonably explain a legitimate provenance to such a rare altruistic sovereign/banking undertaking.

There indeed is a global restructuring in the works, but it is not for refunding failed political Tammany Hall types, idle wealth seeking megalomaniacs, or non-contributors and goldbricking slackers. What was true in the early days of humanity is still true today: You need to work for your own fortunes. Nobody, especially banking cartels or sovereign treasuries, is going to shovel millions in your direction for nothing, especially at the cost of a nation’s lives or economic wellbeing.

With respect to large sovereign financial transactions, what is truly coming will come in stages. A very carefully planned and realistically funded and structured series of events which will find its way to the corners of the world where need is truly present. From the very source to the end point, at no time will any one of the various self-anointed “guardians of galactic wealth” be handling such a task. Nor will the currency talk-show hosts or suddenly-an-expert bloggers.

But understand that achieving the legitimate distributions is not without an opposition which cares little for you or anyone outside their private club. We have outlined the astonishing level of theft which financial cartels have engaged in to divert funds earmarked for legitimate public good into their greedy, usurious hands. And with virtually no repercussions in any legal court; a true testament to their influence at the highest levels. One such case was the $700,000,000,000 Tropos theft, overseen by Janet Yellen, the treasury felon. These funds, issued as an ACAT Fund to the Tropos Project Account, held under Wachovia Bank, were blatantly and ruthlessly stolen in transit by the Fed intercepting the SWIFT wire to the Bank, on Yellen’s then Fed watch, where for the last 20 or so years now they have had free illicit use of vast funds meant to fund projects helping millions to do good. They are used instead for the Rothchild’s Fed usury lust.  

Appeals to the highest office in the land resulted in no appropriate action being taken to return stolen funds. For a more thorough exposé on this matter, please see White Hats Report #23.

Safety of Elders’ funds is key. This is not accomplished by invoking NESARA wood sprites or galactic forces. Such safety is achieved by being in the trenches, face to face. An iron hand is needed to safeguard such funding from a “Tropos outcome”. For at any time, if allowed, such resources would be waylaid by the claws of treasury goblins. The Elders are being counseled to reject one shady deal after another – all designed to benefit the goblins, and not humanity. The hand that rocks the cradle is ever alert to such dealings and will stop it cold. No propping up of treasury rat nests will be allowed. Such brethren will not be allowed nearby.

The Zionist cabal Petro-dollar confidence scam is ending. Worthless Zionist Fed paper is backed by nothing but hype. They have syphoned out your hard-earned wealth by stealth, as ever. America’s wealth has been stolen by a locust swarm. You will soon be handed the title to an insolvent farmland of husks, while the goblins, sated by plunder, move to their next target of opportunity. Currently, they salivate over Ukraine; standing by to scoop up the bargains while they foster and promote both sides to war. There are valid reasons why such behavior got them forced out of one country after another for 6,000 years – the good among them paying the price for the actions of the worst among them. They rape, plunder, eviscerate and move on under the cloak of righteous piety. Look at the financial statistics of the fiscal USA. Does it reflect protecting the nation from being plundered? Or does it reflect a grain silo eaten through with only a pile of rat turds left behind as a thank-you. Who let this happen? Why?

The result of this plunder is now clear. America is on an untenable course. Here is your wake-up call. Consider your plans carefully and be ready for any sudden shock. In all respects. If such-and-such happens, what will you do? Think it through. Politicians, in large part, are not capable of overcoming their own incompetence. They cannot manage the affairs of government. How, then, will they be able to help you manage your affairs?

The Elders will exchange for viable funds and programs, then working with their proven, ethical and humanitarian London parties, will expand out bringing hope where needed. The key and core ethos is to build a vast Global Sovereign Wealth Fund, protecting at all times the capital base integrity of the assets, apportioning the accrued profits toward designated Humanitarian needs and apportioning others towards long term income investment for the fund.  

Another area of high-level focus is the alternative currencies. How we credit line AU, and how we trade out accordingly. What and when. That is ever tasking us to get the balances right in a fast-evolving global marketplace.

Hydroponics is being explored to feed and sustain areas where food production is too low to prevent starvation. Medical technologies which include organ cloning etc., and other vital health services, such as hospital mercy ships that can be dispatched to areas where there is great need are also being looked at. Aquifer expansion and a plethora of similar project options. Prioritizing which and when. Instead of shielding it all in some tax haven to escalate self-wealth, such will be legitimately registered for proper tax reporting where required by law and openly and closely administered to ensure no political graft can seep in.   

12 just men are all it needs to be administered, and they are there. Good hearts, good men. A true Round Table of Honor. Quietly have hope, it’s coming. Amazing!

And now, let us correct some impressions about jolly old England. Conspiracy theories about London lizard queens and other deluded nonsense serves no useful purpose. There is no singular global elite ownership cabal, and nor does some Galactic overlord control what transpires in the U.K. Such is delusional thinking, pure and simple.

London has no total global power over the planet. It competes like everyone with standards and relationships under ever-growing competition.  All of London’s think tanks and City Liveries are subjected to constant ethical monitoring and priority. Professional elites set high standards or decline as a meritocracy. Rothschild powers were removed long ago. They have no London standing nor would their inclusion be condoned. There simply is a dearth of high-quality political leadership out there with chaos ruling fools, but this applies worldwide. So, rest assured. The English make their way in life just like everyone else, without assistance from outer space.

The world continues to move towards a Blockchain economy. With that move will most likely come significant chaos as old paradigms give way. The wise will continue to acquire quality blockchain projects and hold them throughout the severe volatility which will continue to manifest as a side effect of increasing adoption and economic uncertainty, both on a local and international level. This is not the time to call it quits or yield positions to dubious forecasts of doom and gloom. Once again, the goals lie far out in the distance. We will continue to add any new projects to our suggested list of ideas as they arise. Our approach will be as always – to hold value and wait; to remain calm while others frantically try to predict highs and lows.

And, as has been mentioned before, post releases, there may be potential opportunities available via a very strict selection process. We have very little details on this at the moment. But rest assured, if and when the time comes to proceed along these lines, you will be given proper notice by lawfully appropriate means. The goal will be to empower the capable, the strong, the talented and consistent achievers amongst us to go out and assert a positive effect on society. The carping critics, the complainers, the fantasists, the indolent, the delusional and the indecisive will have to be gently set aside and hopefully given the rehabilitation they require and will have no place at the table being set.

It’s time to re-orient oneself to the present and focus on the future and what we want to make of it.

Continue to be ready for anything.

Thank you, and please stay tuned.



823 responses to “Information Briefing #174”

  1. Mook Testifies That Hillary Clinton Personally Approved Trump-Russia Disinformation To Media | ZeroHedge

    So what’s new nothing ever gets done.

    Creditability tanks and likely seals her fate of running again as being too tainted. However, it also puts into question the creditability of people in the current administration like Jake Sullivan.

    Russia Rewrites the Art of Hybrid War — Strategic Culture

    As is coming to all.

    Have no illusions Hybrid War has been declared and we are all participants like or not and for better or for worse.

    Ethereum Price Prediction: ETH will sweep the lows at $1,50

    Mountains of grain left to rot as Vladimir Putin ‘blackmails the world’

    Man Kind is NOT





  3. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This bugs me.

    How do you like your worm cooked?


    1. Czech Russian microwave it.


    2. Frankly disgusting!! I would never want to eat something that lives off of food waste. You are what they eat. yuck!


  4. Ex-Russian spy says it is ‘meaningless to hope for victory’ in Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10836379/Ukraine-war-Ex-Russian-commander-says-meaningless-hope-victory-Donbas.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Sorry but with an open mind and evidence I can’t publicise from beyond credible and competent authorities, whose perception of reality does not comprehend this is like 150K Mexicans trying to retake Texas full of Gun toting Patriots who will ambush forever

    Tragic all of it

    Green mailing Wogs?
    Bucha CCTV provides fresh evidence of Russian war crimes https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10836767/Ukraine-war-Bucha-CCTV-gives-new-evidence-Russian-war-crimes.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Beyond reprehensible so make Putin accountable. Adolf Putin..
    This horrifies me and sadly is typical of Russian history. Scum, Farmyard Filth. Animals! They need to be in the Hague for the world to see what Russians do. Abominations of humanity. Look at how many of this sub human trash are sanctioned. Major criminal scumbags. Did Europe ever need more its own SS to track down and rid us of this filth. Inhumane pollutants. They and the Zio trash co entangled evil weevils. Intern them all. Pack them off.

    Ukraine claims baby, one, died after being raped by Russian soldiers https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10837971/Ukraine-claims-baby-boy-one-died-raped-Russian-soldiers.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Differing views from a contributor associate to discern all sides. .

    This is reality in the Donbas quite contrary to what the lying cartoon character called Zelensky says for his handlers. He is a selfish traitor to Ukrainians and the Ukraine having sold out for money. He will soon see how Ukrainians deal with folks like him if he does not run away to England or Florida with his ill gotten gains. What is of interest is why he has British and American status at all? Perhaps, it is because in reality we have been watching a proxy war all along with much more reveals to come in the future. It is well acknowledged the Brits had 2 naval facilities being built blown away day 1 in this so called policing action with stand off missiles. One supposes that none of this matters as the reality will be decided as it is on the ground where men fight and die and where it is clear by techniques deployed who is training who.

    Over time, I have often written about the Absolute futility of a direct confrontation with Russia. For better or for worse, Russia today is unparalleled and unequaled in its missile defense systems and anyone attempting a direct confrontation needs to accept real hurt.

    Let’s touch on this remotely discussed fact: there are ONLY two countries which have a state-of-the-art ISR complex, from satellites in space to massive optronic and signal intel. Right now it is US and Russia. China is trying but it is not there yet and will not be for some time. Modern Russian ISR is cutting edge and I written on the issues of such things as legacy MKRTz Legenda or newest Liana, but those two are just a few tools in the vast arsenal of Russian recon and targeting complex–NO other nation with the exception of the US has anything comparable. And even the US does not have the hypersonic missiles Russia has. Yes, i know that people question the value of using hyper sonic missiles to take out buildings and the like. However, please appreciate you are seeing the first generation missiles being used. No this is not a typo. The 2nd generation hypersonic missiles are already in serial production reportedly with speeds of Mach 10. I personally do not see the difference as both are unstoppable, however speed allows more rapid coordination on a battlefield and a theater war forcing real time reactions by all participants where delay hurts and kills. So yes, on a integrated coordinated battlefield seconds and minutes do matter.

    Russian forces are completely integrated in the art of a ISR complex of warfare having trained extensively. Remember that the Russian and LDNR forces were vastly out numbered like 3 to 1 and not the other way around. And no matter how many foreign special forces are put into Ukraine you cannot integrate at a combat level because the tools do not exist for Ukrainians. They like are used by the foreign boots on the ground to ambush and the like but are pointless in direct contact because there is no integration and the Russian control the skies. I have repeatedly written that the real technology battle tested in Syria and improved or discarded was not used before. However what you will see in the pictures is some of the higher technology being now used for combat training experience. Hence the futility of dying Ukrainians and a corrupt leadership willing to sacrifice the last Ukrainian for profit, and foreign meddlers with no better or higher purpose. You would think we could learn something from history to become more intelligent and purposeful to our fellow man become a brother’s brother instead of a brother’s keeper using the blood of innocent people to further agendas. And with the mess countries have domestically, one would think looking after one’s own citizens might trump foreign costly escapades. Because every dollar spent abroad is one dollar not spent domestically.

    While i am not a fan of what is happening when other options existed the sooner this carnage is over and a new relationship occurs the better off the world will be as will the Ukrainians who have been thrown back many decades in development and are reduced to being a rural farming area much like the Canadian prairie provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. And one should not rule out what will be left in times ahead of the Ukraine maybe broken up into smaller pieces as many eager fingers reach forward. And for expectations of great crop yields, i suggest that one counts no more than 30% of last years’ yield this year and it doubtful that the 20 million tons of wheat will leave the Ukraine because Ukrainians will need it to feed themselves or face hunger. Russia will see to it that that grain does not leave by sea so what is smuggled out and sold will be by rail should it be allowed. I suspect if this happens in any great quantity, hypersonic missiles will come calling.

    As i wrote the other day the narrative is shifting to the Pacific and China, so watch for the news shift as this Ukrainian fiasco fades away.

    Original article title:
    Ukrainian crash: Largest Russian advance so far – Occupy territory – Capture 25,000 Ukrainians
    They crushed the Ukrainian defenses

    By WarNews 24/7
    Translated from Greek

    The Russian and allied forces made the largest advance so far, smashing the Ukrainian lines in Donbas, reaching as far as Soledar on the Lysychansk-Bakhmut highway.

    This is a development that no one expected to happen today.

    The Russians used Popasnaya as their central advance and occupied Druzhba, Trypillya, Vladimirovka, Stryapivka, Nova Kamyanka and Troitskoye. Information speaks for other areas as well.

    In the morning the Russians occupied the town of Toshkinvka next to Severodonetsk and Dovhenke northwest of Slavyansk!

    This means that 16,000 Ukrainians have been stranded in Severodonetsk-Lysychansk while an estimated 9-10,000 Ukrainians have been trapped in Zolote-Hirske.

    There are suspicions that this was the main reason why the two A / GEETHA Russia-USA communicated tonight. For the fate of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers.



    1. Like I’m fond of saying. Both views cannot be true simultaneously. View A -The Russians on the ground keep getting territory and they don’t need to carry all of Ukraine to win. They need only the putative breakaway areas. View B -The Western MSM keeps publishing that the Russians are on the brink of collapse and cannot win.

      Into the mix, let us throw the fact that tail-chasing Intel agencies cannot proffer useful support and fail at their primary function of useful intelligence and useful prognostication. Which means not one word out any Intelligence Agency can be trusted as accurate. Agendacy colors all.

      So, with the most recent developments, the “Donbass as new Stalingrad battle” narrative just collapsed. Tell me again how those supply lines got fragged… See the problem on the outside folks?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Factor in that both sides are politicising truth.
        Factor in the sheer number of Generals to Colonels who have died and it’s ugly reading. Tank and APC losses are real, as was stepping back from the capital. The sheer scale of collateral damage of this war has truly alienated the West. Havoc rules. The world has united to sanction them. Europe is now arming. It’s now beyond ugly. Zelensky as a Hero moreso. Russia is now being ring fenced in. Politically demonised. Russia is so much in play. Putin has boosted NATO. Rapes, all ugly. Children FFS? Don’t play their games denying that. Wanton Armageddon. Russia has lost the moral imperative here. Entombed!


  5. I met a nice young man yesterday while walking the dog. I asked if school was out already and he said he was home schooled. Smart parents.



  6. IRAN: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using Biometric IDs amid food riots


  7. Liked by 1 person

  8. https://telegra.ph/NATIONALISM-FOR-EXPORT-05-19
    In recent months, the United States has been increasingly pumping Ukraine with various types of weapons in order for the acute phase of the conflict to last as long as possible. As they say, “to the last Ukrainian.” But this is far from the only and, if viewed from a strategic position, not the most important article of American exports. Washington has been nurturing Nazi movements in Ukraine for many years and regularly supplies homegrown National Socialists to create a “new Reich” in the center of Europe.


  9. As ever, it’s sad to see any site parties here needing to be removed, but it’s however necessary to maintain equitable standards and to maintain the credibility and integrity here for like minds. Almost all contributors here are responsible. We may disagree on certain issues, but it helps refine,even amend decision taking when more cogent argument is exhibited. What does not help is deserted standards. Hate sites are no answer. Puke buckets.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. NY Governor Announces New Gun Control Plans After Buffalo Shooting, Signs Order On Domestic Terrorism



  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  12. Good move on your part Tony. Glad you do not let this site fall into a state of chaos. There was something not right with that rockville character.

    How soon until you will consider adding any new crypto ideas? Thanks again your pal C.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I am not surprised at the outcome. We have offloaded quite a few troublesome types and I am only happy to oblige them. I do not intend to run a mental ward. Not on my dime and my time.

      I should have some new ones very soon. The lower prices are opening good buying ranges for ideas that were previously priced too high for safe entry. Stay tuned.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. https://www.westernjournal.com/red-alert-breaking-dem-legislation-end-gun-sales-current-firearm-owners-forever-require-doj-license/
    Acquiring or buying a new gun would require a lengthy licensing process through the Department of Justice — every time you purchase a new firearm.


  14. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Lower prices could not have come at a better time.


  15. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  17. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    rockville2 is now banned for making threats and gross remarks in reply to a comment. No such behavior will be allowed here, and no recourse to atone for such behavior is open to them or anyone who decides to make such remarks.

    The comment in question was removed and is in archive.

    For such offense, damnatio memoriae is now in effect and all posts by rockville2 will be purged from the site in the next 24 hours.

    This is not a sudden observation or display of questionable behavior. Such defective character traits have been observed for a while and this most recent display has confirmed the decisions which will be carried out.

    Forthwith: rockville2 is banned. rockville2 is being subjected to damnatio memoriae. rockville2 has no recourse or path of appeal.

    This decision is final.

    Leggio ll Augusta

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tony – I have to ask. I haven’t been on the site all day. Was Rockville upset because of the comment I made about the Loser Japanese leaders in Hawaii and mostly Asians there?

      I assume everyone here knows that I am half Japanese. My other half is German. I lived there for twelve years! I think I would know.

      It was not a racist comment and I’m sorry if anyone took it that way.


      1. No. He made highly inappropriate comments to another reader concerning the abortion thing. Very threatening and displaying a rather obvious mental instability.

        Nobody is going to use this site to act in that way.

        I am not really concerned about what anyone thinks is racist or not. But when someone posts what rockville posted, that will end their stay here.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Sounds like it was really bad. I feel for the person it was directed to.

          Glad I did not check in on the site today.

          Thank you Tony


          1. AJ

            You have Trust and Respect with the assembled group here. Relax.

            Liked by 1 person

  19. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    He was a genius, and his talents will be missed.

    Vangelis dead at 79.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. He also did the awesome sound track for the movie Francesco which was a fantastic take on St. Francis. I had the privilege to read the shooting script with/to Director Cavani, and my father had a 1-minute role as the hangman in a scene where St. Francis pleads for the life of robber/murderer. That was 37 years ago…

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Beautiful music and video!


  20. Another Ukkie twist in the saga.

    Hilarious! Now the boys in the band will see what this was all about .,.. control energy and you have control …
    Russia thought this through far better than the actor and his handlers in Kiev… what Zelensky should ponder is whether the Nazi crowd will let him escape with his ill gotten gains to England ( oligarchs have their own justice) or die from a lamppost in Kiev. Shit storm is coming.

    Footage of hypersonic metallic UFO shown by Pentagon officials at historic hearing

    When are the Dumb F masses going to show an interest?

    New Research Shows “Harvesting Blood & Body Parts of the Young” Could Help Achieve “Immortality” – Summit News

    One can imagine how this will be abused. Nancy and the Clintons will be switching on, as will all Feral Zio trash.

    Russia says 900 Ukrainian troops sent to prison colony from Mariupol

    How did they think this would go?
    As for the women caught, brace yourself Sheila. 20 are coming in.

    Julian Assange should not be extradited to US to face espionage charges, Council of Europe tells Priti Patel

    Piece of human dirt as he is personally Justice is not best served this way. Hes a token Lab Rat for the Pentagon.

    Watch “MASSIVE CRAFT SHOCKS MAJOR CITY! Multiple Eyewitness VIDEOS! 2022” on YouTu
    They keep on coming.
    Who, what and why?

    Joe Biden poised to force Russia into debt default

    The US will try all possible to Debt Trap Russia.

    Rat runs
    Russian pol detained for ‘illegally’ crossing U.S.-Mexico border https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10833531/Russian-politician-opposed-Ukraine-war-detained-illegally-crossing-U-S-Mexico-border.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Ukraine war: Putin’s top security officials know the war is lost, analyst says

    Forget Blogs and Lap Top warriors, listen to what credible top Defence Ministers tell us all. So much I can’t reveal or risk others. Thank God Putin’s top Generals wont let him go nuclear. They will kill him first. As it should be.



  21. “There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see” – Leonardo da Vinci

    Liked by 3 people

    1. There are those who see and know but go along!… they are guilty!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Leonardo lived in a simpler time when the Elites were known and not hiding behind multiple corporate and national veils….

        Liked by 1 person

  22. Interesting….

    Ripple Signs New Partnership With International Money Transfer Firm To Use XRP for Cross Border Payments

    Ripple Signs New Partnership With International Money Transfer Firm To Use XRP for Cross Border Payments


  23. What an ignorant statement 😖 Very offensive.


  24. What!?!? Where do you get this information?? Soooo not true. Anyone who is truly pro-life cares about people from the womb to the tomb. So NOT funny!!!!!


  25. https://thefederalist.com/2022/05/19/how-the-left-has-poisoned-what-it-means-to-be-healthy-and-why-it-matters/
    In a little public school on Capitol Hill, kindergartners are banned the campus nearly every single week. School policy on the matter is simple: If a child in a class tests positive for Covid, every unvaccinated child in that child’s class must quarantine at home for 10 days — or return “early” if their parents produce a negative test on the morning of the sixth day.


  26. Mortality Among White Collar Workers Jumped 24 Percent Between 2020 And 2021, Life Insurance Data Show



  27. Global warming is one of their main excuses for all sorts of norms, regulations, industry changes and control!
    A total scam designed by the Club of Rome to perpetuate fear and make you feel guilty even about existing! 🤮


    Liked by 1 person

  28. https://thepoliticalinsider.com/justice-clarence-thomas-hammers-the-media-ill-leave-the-court-when-i-do-my-job-as-poorly-as-you-do-yours/

    Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas hammered the mainstream media during a recent event, stating he’d be willing to leave his seat on the court when his job performance was as bad as theirs.

    “One of the things I’d say in response to the media is when they talk about, especially early on, about the way I did my job, I said ‘I will absolutely leave the court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours,’” he recalled. “And that was meant as a compliment really.”

    The audience erupted in laughter.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Freudian slip?

    Liked by 2 people

  30. I found this YouTube channel that narrates some amazing books. The Kybalion, The Prophet and many others.

    Sharing with whomever may be interested.



  31. rosa looks like Keith Richards.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. So absolutely beautiful!

    Bach – In Harmony With The Sea [Full album at 432hz]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I dig it. Thanks for the heads up. 🤗


  33. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) scientist Dr. Stephanie Seneff Ph.D (biophysics, electrical engineering and computer science) connects the dots between the mRNA vaccines and brain disease:



  34. Like

    1. “At least 4 billion” useless eaters “will have to be eliminated by 2050 through limited wars, epidemics of fatal and quickly communicable diseases and famine. Energy, food and water will have to be reduced to subsistence levels for the non-elite population, starting from population of western Europe and North America, and then spreading it to other races. The population of western Europe, the United States and Canada will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world population reaches the optimal number of population of 1 billion, of which 500 million will be of Chinese and Japanese race, selected because they have been adequate to the regime for hundreds of years and accustomed to obeying authority without asking questions”

      Klaus Schwab

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s true. Look at Hawaii! Mostly Asians there and with loser Japanese ancestry leaders.

        Liked by 1 person

  35. Very interesting.


  36. Mild good news


    1. Like

    2. So creepy… 1984


  37. Like

  38. “Secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy … censorship. When any government, or any church, for that matter, undertakes to say to it’s subjects, ‘This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,’ the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.” –Robert A. Heinlein, “Revolt in 2100” (Pg. 68-69, Baen Books paperback edition, 1999 printing)

    Liked by 3 people

  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    All those 7-11 franchises paid off.


  41. Nothing like this where I live…… yet


    1. I bet the food prices will not lower. Just more profit for the business.

      Liked by 1 person

  42. From a Covid Contributor.

    Well this is shocking! it is commendable that the UK government finally admits that the COVID-19 vaccines have damaged the natural immune system of those people who have been double vaccinated or more.

    What is said in here is that the people who are double vaccinated + will never be able to acquire full natural immunity to Covid variants. What is even worse is that this writing suggests that there is a drop in antibodies which is permanent. So if you really take this as it is said, what it means is that people who are vaccinated are far more susceptible to mutations of the Covid spike proteins even if they have already been infected and recovered. This also means such parties will have to be much more careful in the future to viral exposures.

    There has to be a public accounting of the failure of the big Pharma and health officials and government who have allowed this to happen to a believing public. This will also serve in countries like America as simple can fodder to incite lawsuits against employers. This is truly a no-win situation for everyone. Because we will all have to deal with the consequences, and hopefully for most people it will be a minor inconvenience factor.

    Click to access vaccine-surveillance-report-week-42.pdf

    Endless deaths. They will keep dying, invading others lands. When do we learn?

    Russia loses ANOTHER colonel: Officer dies in river-crossing ambush https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10828505/Russia-loses-colonel-sent-field-replace-previous-one-Ukraine-killed.html?ito=native_share_article-top


  43. Why now? Surely there are more important issues in the world in the world right now. 🤔

    Congress holds historic public UFO hearing, as military struggles to understand ‘mystery’ flying phenomena



    1. Sorry for the typo.


  44. A brand new level of absurdity…

    Research Finds That Mingling With Vaccinated People Can Make The Jabs Appear Less Effective!

    Some studies have suggested that vaccinated individuals are becoming infected at higher rates than unvaccinated individuals, but these studies are likely to involve statistical errors, particularly if they did not account for different contact patterns among vaccinated vs unvaccinated people, said Korryn Bodner of St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto.


  45. Unreal…
    Wisconsin middle schoolers accused of sexual harassment for using wrong gender pronouns


  46. Karine Jean-Pierre is quite obviously unqualified but hey… she’s black, she’s gay and she’s an immigrant… at least the important qualifications are covered.



    1. It’s Atlas Shrugged x 1984 x Dune with a smattering of The Stand. If I had known 35 years ago I would have proceeded directly to the Bahama’s and opened a dive shop. Or maybe a Tibetan monastery. Or gone exploring a la Indiana Jones.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s child abuse with intent to do gross bodily harm.

      The American Academy of Pediatrics needs to get in there and get all the docs doing this s**t charged with crimes. Gender dysphoria is, at worst, mild mental illness that is self-correcting for the majority. For the truly homosexual, the condition has been with the species since the dawn of time. Get over it. The ancient Greek attitudes towards sexuality were always the most sensible.

      Liked by 1 person

  47. For the women, sadly, Raping is now a high risk. Multiples! No UN or Red Cross here.
    Beyond sad, all of it. As for the millions displaced?
    Zelensky will really cash in. Justice?


  48. Sadly, from a case with so many merits to intervene, Russia has put itself into Global Pariah status, its own crooked Oligarchs are all on the run, and it’s decimated its export base. The expansion of NATO will be costly to counteract.With what funds? It’s all about money. Or none!.
    How far has the Thief of the St Petersburg Community funds overplayed his hand? The entire stinking corrupt Russian money laundering system is crashing to earth. Properties, Yacht, Planes, Mansions, Corporate funds worldwide are being seized, Proceeds of Crime!
    Doors are closing everywhere. Persona Non Grata.
    Whe the UN shuns you, the G7 and G20 disinvites you, and Global delegates walk out on Lavarovs speeches, it’s the ultimate insult. Viewed by all as Barbarians and Pariahs, the wheels have come off.
    Russia is in a lot of trouble. Beyond. This has put them back 25 years or more. They are on a par with HIV right now.
    Yes Ukraine had major Corruption issues , Child Trafficking. the Asovs and Money laundering. Why was that not presented first through the proper Channels instead of blundering in and losing the moral high ground. Progression on the NATO bases was already well forward and concessions being made. Russia has support and the Silk Road was progressing. All was coming good.
    Then Petulance. The Thief of the St Petersburg funds allowed petulance to rule. Ukraine is in disarray. Crooked Weasel Front Man Zelensky is now perceived as a hero. Russia is now perceived beyond the pale.Oligarchs scattered.Mainly Jews.
    The nation is now so badly impaired. Walled in.
    An economic Blunder of catastrophic proportions. Millions of Ukkies displaced. Why?
    Israel and the Khazar Zionist Mobsters will steal the lot now aided by Zelenky. A Cluster F.
    So much blinkered vision out there. So the world is wrong? Hello? Russia has lost the Moral standing perception here. As for the Oligarchs? A Diplomatic SNAFU which only Washington could better. Where is it going? Perceived as Pariahs, where now? So unnecessary, a Pawns move. Is Putin now in play?


    1. While I understand the Khazarian dynamic, one has to wonder on choice of territories. Israel was always an incredibly poor choice of location strategically. The Greater Israel plan was always a non-starter. Eventually adversaries WILL get nukes, and it only takes 3 10-megaton warheads to completely end Israel. Which then brings us to Ukraine. The Eastern half is Russian. Nobody there is going to fight Russia to the death, they might fight to the death the Khazarians once that threat is properly perceived. That leaves the Western half, which by all accounts has no love for Jews even allowing for the contingent already there. Not good for settlement…

      The general narrative of the information superiority war though is riddled with holes and poor logic. Repetition of said narrative doesn’t make it stronger.

      With the seizing of assets of those not indicted domestically roughly 100 Nations no longer trust the West on property rights. One wonders what the UK would do if it went to war somewhere and the other top 50 Nations seized the wealth of Imperial expatriates. What’s good for the goose and all that. How much squawking would we hear?

      Unless I misunderstand international law, the providing of weapons and aid made both the UK and US belligerents. Historically the average time between doing that and overt war as opposed to proxy crap is 1 to 2 years. No one goes to war on petulance. Putin didn’t wake up one morning and say “I think I’ll invade Ukraine today.” Therefore what was it? What bullshit happened behind the scenes that pushed Russia to war? Like the US, the UK and any other military-industrial-complex, a lot of factors have to align to cross the Rubicon.

      The UN can shun all it wants, Russia is a permanent Security Council member and when the UK, among others, had a full quorum to expose alleged War Crimes, y’all ran when confronted. Do you think nobody noticed?

      The West boasted about destroying the ruble. It’s not the ruble that is in rubble.

      The MSM keeps telling me Russia is losing. I don’t see Russian troops surrendering to the Ukrainians. I don’t see a map with decreasing Russian-controlled territory. The Russians do not have a 10,000 per day attrition rate, Ukraine does. Supply line issues? Hand-waving of the worst sort. Russians have zero trouble moving across Russia proper. The areas in Ukraine controlled by Russia border directly on Russia. The Russians have full air superiority. Who, exactly, is interfering over continuously controlled Russian territory on the 500-mile range? And when, as a matter of history, has a major power failed to hold or take back territory abutting its own when boots from afar cannot be placed in home territory?

      So doors are closing. So what? Historically y’all did that with Germany and you still had WW2. Furthermore, Russia has been preparing for at least 7 years, counting from Neuland’s Ukrainian coup. 11 time zones people. Wake up and smell the coffee. They don’t need us.

      In final analysis, poor as dirt they may be but they do nuclear mega-tonnage. You don’t need an army of analysts to state the following:
      (1) You cannot and will not put boots on the ground in Russia
      (2) You cannot and will not if you could, put sufficient pressure on Russia to break them
      because they will launch and you are guaranteed to lose everything.

      Having said that, the two greatest errors have already been committed. Y’all have made it about Putin. That has already back-fired world-wide in roughly 120 Nations. And you’ve made it impossible for Russia to back down and the West can’t win, in any sensible definition of the word. Which means you are stuck in escalation. And where does THAT ultimately lead?

      Liked by 1 person

  49. Sadly the chart for Afro Americans and average white Americans is not good reading.


  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The China FUD circles back as a dud.


  51. Like

  52. The vaxx is completely worthless and extends the pandemic by damaging immune systems and by generating new infectious variants of COVID.

    Liked by 1 person

  53. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/missouri-lawmakers-pass-bill-prohibits-pharmacists-questioning-effectiveness-ivermectin-hydroxychloroquine/
    According to this bill, “The act of lawfully dispensing, prescribing, administering, or otherwise distributing ivermectin tablets or hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets for human use shall not be grounds for denial, suspension, revocation, or other disciplinary action by the board.”

    “The board shall not deny, revoke, or suspend, or otherwise take any disciplinary action against, a certificate of registration or authority, permit, or license required by this chapter for any person due to the lawful dispensing, distributing, or selling of ivermectin tablets or hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets for human use in accordance with prescriber directions. A pharmacist shall not contact the prescribing physician or the patient to dispute the efficacy of ivermectin tablets or hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets for human use unless the physician or patient inquires of the pharmacist about the efficacy of ivermectin tablets or hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets.”

    Liked by 1 person

  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Poor wretch.


  55. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  56. Will crypto go back up? What experts say about if Luna, Bitcoin and Ethereum will recover after price crash
    A little help from your friends?

    Ukrainian devastation of Russian military supply lines is tipping balance of war, data suggest

    The hard fat is that Russia is getting its Ass fragged in supply losses. It’s a costly and messy war. Yes, they will win areas, but at what cost? They have now lost the WORLD! Russia is now viewed as a Pariah Nation If they keep mouthing off about nuclear threat. they ask for a Preemptive hit.

    The Azov fight is ending In Mariupol

    For the Azovs it looks to be a one-way Gulag run. If Russia, then goes for Zelensky hard on? If so, then he will run. A flawed Fake Hero of the West. Media Fakes?

    Wounded out to hospital today and likely the rest will surrender tomorrow
    No food, water and no ammo make resistance futile. Regardless of what Zelensky wants .. for his handlers
    2000 Mules Just “Tip of the Voter Fraud Iceberg” – Michigan Investigators Reveal Mountain of New Evidence of 2020 Election Fraud

    Does anyone ever care in Bongo Land?

    The smell grows just like a rotting fish

    Take Note China: The Navy Is Arming Its Submarines With Hypersonic Missile

    America knows a face off is close.


    The moment Russia fires thermobaric missiles on Ukrainian troops https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10823273/The-moment-Russia-fires-thermobaric-missiles-generals-try-save-flailing-war-Ukraine.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Putin’s propagandists simulate NUKING Europe with missiles hitting in 200 seconds and ‘no survivors’ in angry TV outburst at UK – as ex-Nato chief warns Russia could declare ‘all-out war’ in days

    Hosts on Channel One’s 60 Minutes programme announced the cities of London, Paris and Berlin could be hit within 200 seconds of nuclear missiles being launched.


    Why in such sensitive times are these lunatics goading their own Armageddon. What world are these fools living in

    If attacked, our first 6 Polaris Subs surrounding Russia would unleash.
    30 missiles per sub. 5 or more per sub will be City or Base destroyers 500 times worse than Hiroshima each .Moscow, St Petersburg atomised, Gone.
    Each missile remaining breaks up into 16 independent missiles, each with fixed targets.. 6 subs. 2,400 armed Nukes coming down on you. Our ICBMs launch so do our Bombers. NATO follows.
    We would annihilate Russla, no one wins. Total death. Point? Point- Less! ALL Gone! Foolish threats. Foolish thinking. All Die! Are they learning nothing, getting Ass kicked in Ukraine?

    Where is Peace? The Global damage to Russia’s standing is already incalculable. Shite- Hawks. Israel is loving it. Circling Vultures. Millions displaced now. Point? Statesmen?
    This is ONLY the start there is so very much more. What about the USV’s?

    Pentagon shows videos of mysterious objects in UFO hearing https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10825303/Pentagon-shows-Congress-two-videos-mysterious-objects-UFO-hearing-50-YEARS.html?ito=native_share_article-top


    1. No. There is NO “hard fact” that Russia is getting fragged on the supply side. That is simply NOT true and no amount of MSM-repeating changes the fact that supplies, are, in fact, reaching the Russian troops. Am I the only one that remember the statements of “logistical collapse of the Russian forces in 10 days” bs? Enough of the goddam MSM bullshit. Russian territory is coextant with occupied Ukrainian territory. Western operational reach simply doesn’t extend there and no, there are not sufficient ops to make such a statement believable? Who the F is making these assertions? A few artillery assisted by drones, does not equally destruction of supply lines.


      1. Tino… ” Enough of the goddam MSM bullshit”…
        Goddam right!


    1. We need to know, desperately, is the rate of death of babies from vaxxed vs unvaxxed mothers…

      Liked by 1 person

  57. https://www.revolver.news/2022/05/biden-minster-of-truth-nina-jankowicz-and-the-secret-nato-funded-cabal-to-subvert-western-democracies-using-disinformation-as-cover/
    Busted: Biden’s “Minster of Truth” Nina Jankowicz Participated in Secret NATO-Funded Cabal to Subvert Western Democracies Using Disinformation as Cover


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