White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Briefing #203

The year of giving dangerously

We will once again center some attention on the post-BTC halving, and provide a suggested short list of some very, very speculative crypto plays that could yield big numbers (perhaps 1,000% to 10,000%) by being swept up in post-halving winds.

With the approaching and ever-present realities of a new multi-polar world and the possibility of fiscal impact on the US dollar, some strategic moves into this high-risk/high-reward corner of the digital asset realm may be prudent for some of your disposable risk dollars. With the current consolidation at just-below recent market highs, it may be an opportune time to consider such a move.

We will not go into a lengthy explanation of the ideas, and would suggest that any who wish to partake of these ideas must take the time to review the details of each themselves. There are adequate details available on each product via their respective websites, or via the Internet where no site exists for a project.

Let us proceed.

Pyrin (PYR-USD): PYRIN strategically integrates Layer 1 technology, enhances decentralization, introduces smart contracts, and pioneers innovative resource management which not only boost miner revenues but also contribute to more environmentally friendly blockchain protocols.

More information about where and how to by this idea can be found here.

Banano (BAN-USD): This meme coin with real utility allows you to earn rewards for contributing computing power to medical research. Banano describes itself as a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by directed acyclic graph (DAG) technology that aims to disrupt the meme economy. Banano was a hard fork of Nano coin in 2018. Banano is fully decentralized, with no central development team, a rarity in today’s crypto landscape. This aspect arguably makes Banano one of the safest meme cryptos. Interestingly, you can sell computing power to the medical sector in exchange for Banano, a process termed “folding.” This use case alone arguably makes it the most useful meme coin, surpassing even some utility projects that barely see any activity on their networks.

More information on this project can be found here.

Blue Kirby (KIRBY-USD): A pure meme crypto on the Fantom (FTM-USD) blockchain has a tiny market cap and potential for explosive gains.

The Blue Kirby is what helped Andre’s other protocol (yearn.finance) reach $1B, it is here to help $FTM become a leader again. Liquidity comes from the top down, we will change the game and make it come from bottom up. Just a simple humble character, that’s what the Blue Kirby symbolizes. 

This crypto can deliver multi-bagger gains if Fantom (FTM-USD) takes off during the next alt season or if it finds enough attention from crypto whales. Regardless, it is a gamble, much like the other two cryptos on this list, and you should treat it as such.

Now we move on to the Global…eh, sorry…the Selective Global Refunding Project.

I always do my best to request (not demand) as much up-to-date information on this esoteric, highly-sensitive, sovereign-level, disruptive, multi-trillion-dollar, quasi-amorphous potential transaction as possible for you. A complete, end-to-end full-on summary of its entire workings is not possible, because you can all imagine that current holders of the monopolized sacred keys of nation-busting vigorish would be driven berserk at any notion that financial resources should be designed to directly SERVE, and not EXPLOIT the nation-state.

Of course, the SGRP would serve no purpose, nor deserve any support, if it were the same three-card-monte merely served up by the Gentile of our species. And hence, this project has as its natural enemy, a very dangerous external element; a threatening element that rises to provoke entire world-wars into existence, in part to protect their craps game and prevent the spread of any proven, nationally-owned funding alternative that shows, without any doubt, what a project like the SGRP can do for mankind. Germany once rose from a banking clique quagmire with a similar effort, and the world saw that bloodsucking, usurious, central-banking abattoirs were not only unnecessary, but were “serving” mankind alright…as a quartered steer!

Here is the response from Londinium to my latest present-time request for information. This is as complete as it can be, for now:

We live in a declining Western civilization where standards have gone. For many, economic hope is lost.

How to survive first, beyond thrive is the new dilemma.  The West needs a Rethink fast. Geo politically it’s  happening daily. Money for sure.  Standards will take time and Leaders even more so. 

The hardest lesson of all is a complex one. Making money, creating wealth is not the hardest dilemma you will face. But keeping it, is! 

Wealth creation in a stagnating nation. Plan B fast is what? The West is sleepwalking to disaster. CBDCs will ring fence the lot. Enslaved. Accounts blocked or locked.  

As economies, Industries and standards risk nosediving. This new perception of what’s best to invest in next, is a Chancers Starter Opportunity. To affect Self-Help. You must. As nations decline, address how to side-step sinking with coagulated Swine. The Fed is dead. Fake Jewish racketeering money is done. BRICS will break this Camel’s back. Asset-backed or fake Jewish crap? America is Usury bonded. Enslaved.  

The petrodollar is in irreversible decline. Swerve the backlash gate as the mass Goyim are assembled, to meet the Usury Herding fate.  

All State-planning algorithms for capital needs are defaulting. They all grossly underassessed age living projections. Taxes too. 

They grossly underassessed illness, disease and consequential fallout of geriatric ageing problems. COVID, too, and what’s still to come. They lost the plot. An actuarial nightmare.

 Reserves are non-existent, the system was never designed to empathize with how to meet needs, just to filter skim. 

It can’t meet escalating shortfall needs. It has no reserves. All was taken. To default the insolvent dollar now unleashes War. Wrath and Fury. 

As bank systems stand, American nationals in particular are prohibited from many emerging markets, if they can’t be US regulated or at will. US sequestrated, Americans can only play in a Federal rigged game. 

As we debate how to asset back and audit emerging BRICS currencies, it directly challenges the only hype-backed, worthless USD,  opening a dichotomy. What are the volumes we can asset back for BRICS, leverage and trade freely? There is only one remaining vast balance of AU, and that carries war risks. How did Yamashita fare? All know the risks.  But if America tries to steal this from South Korea, China will engage. Right up to WWIII. As they did with North Korea. North Korean armaments would be unleashed. Lives are cheap. There are deeply sensitive discussions in play with multi-tier Eurasian parties. Game changing if accomplished. American greed and maleficence derailed the last opportunities. Death by Duplicity. BRICS AU backed by real AU will face down and take the Face off the Fed Jews.  Debasing and neutering them. Stepping on the Rodents’ nest. Uniting Eurasia as one.

As with the Zim and Dinars, in parallel with the then Weimar Republic Marks, if the Dollar tanks, you too? They are scrambling. 

But, in the meantime what to do, as possible options for you?  

And that, my friends, is that.

The Prime Directive to all remains: be ready for anything. There is no way to predict any economic, natural or man-made disaster affecting the general population. Always ask, “What if…?”, and be ready to provide a solution to the best degree possible.

And thank you, once again, for the many varied and inciteful comments and discussions taking place. We have so many very accomplished and talented contributors that I am quite certain you will find information within that many are probably paying for to obtain elsewhere.

I will skip the general house-keeping updates for now, but be advised that the site may go down at short notice for such to be implemented. I will give as much pre-notice as possible to prevent you being unable to post a comment as the site goes offline while doing so.

The Empire thanks you for your service.


1,435 responses to “Briefing #203”

  1. Drip drip drip


  2. Gas.

    Next, this way to disinfection. ➡


  3. Enriched!


  4. The is one point that Trump really fails at…Jew ass kissing. But, they all do when you think of it.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Nuke the bloody lot. Boom.sorted. Use FEMA for the home lot. Germany has unused equipment to play catch up. You have to smile, it’s a Gas. Re Cyklon what?


  5. The Maharaja of England accelerates his plans to do away with white Englanders while bringing in more Wogs.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      We are sinking.Shoot on sight! Deport to Israel. Eat each other.


  6. I said it would get ugly in the trial of “Young Thug”.

    Recall the real life story of the crazed, incompetent and confused Judge Glanville in the Young Thug trial in GA where he held an ex parte meeting in his chambers and when defense Attorney Brian Steel found out about it and brought it to the court’s attention, the judge demanded repeatedly to know how the attorney found out about it.

    When the attorney would not break attorney client privilege/attorney client work product privilege, Judge Glanville found the attorney in summary criminal contempt and sentenced him to the max of 20 days in jail.

    Well, the GA Supreme Court slapped down Judge Glanville!

    The GA Supreme Court has granted a supersedeas bond – staying his contempt order against Brian Steel, counsel for Mr Williams Young Thug.


  7. Time to dial up the pressure. This will hopefully put an end to the bs that children were saved by the vaxx, and instead, killed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Keep up the good work, all of you.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Good for the Irish. Child kidnapping Wog gets his due.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      I love how I’ve exported the word Wog. It was almost forgotten here. No more it’s catching.

      Flog a Wog day every day!

      Trump can’t even Flog his log and Biden can’t find it.


  9. Liked by 1 person

    1. Please, help me understand this.

      Are there any forensic archeologists or geologists or whatever discipline needed that can help explain why the results by ground penetrating radar do not support the accounts of both German and Jew who were there?

      The former camp commandant, Kurt Franz, openly admitted to claims of mass killing. So did at least one other German, Franz Sochemel. Dozens of Jew escapees also. What in the world is going on?

      One thing I have found puzzling is that you can’t pump diesel from an engine into a sealed room without some form of venting, as the back-pressure from the exhaust would stall the engine. Like someone stuffing a bunch of mud into the muffler of your car would not allow the engine combustion chambers to exit the gasses, thus stalling the motor.

      I hope to understand this matter but lack the expertise to solve all the problems myself. I think a good way to examine this would be to construct a similar gas chamber with engine, and install sensors into the room, and test the air for lethality as it runs. Or perhaps put pigs that are destined for slaughter into the rooms and see how they fare after 15 minutes or so. If the pigs live, they get to avoid the abattoir.

      Or use bankers.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Make it right export 1m of ours fast. Free!


  10. john2020vision Avatar

    An interesting irony emerging now is because gutless MPs allowed useless PMs and Ministers to rule, Wogs flooded in , crime rose, the Economy is taxed to hell, so now the lot will be jobless in 3 weeks. Collective blame. Starmer and Labour will be even worse, but culling these Wankers has to start somewhere. They will mass leave disgraced. Out! Losers,Failures. Ridiculed. None will be forgiven. On their Watch! Egos will be smashed. Unemployable for most. They won’t know what hit them. Their Gravy Trains will stop dead. Public ignominy! Shame exposed. Booted out. I hope it’s a bloodbath. Deserving.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Above refers to the UK and Westminster. This is what they will wake up to read on Monday. Butt whipped and Gut fragged. We just ripped them a new one. Deservedly. No mercy is deserved. Realise DC we do hit worse at home. We call it as it is. Knee tremblers will have a different meaning here soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. As if Italy could. Delusions run everywhere. Just push the illegals out you silly woman.

    “If Russia doesn’t agree to our terms we will force them to surrender” Georgia Meloni

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Just as before in the the last century. The same cartels who prop up many Western governments and dictate their actions are forcing a standoff with a country that does not want them controlling their social or economic policy. But this time, the stakes are Earth itself.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. john2020vision Avatar

    The summarised realities of what currently appears to be unfolding in the West right now.

    1. A century of a 2 to 3 Party UK Political system is about to crash. The Conservatives ( Republicans) not dissimilar to the GOP., have lost the plot, and looking likely soon to ejected from the Parliamentary Pot. Deservedly. Labour, utterly useless, will inherit the lot, not by any deserving case, just an inept Government. This party could crash from c350 seats to possibly only 30. A Route! Wiped out! Farage and his party could tear their base apart. All are one collective Puke bucket. Wogs flood in and crime soars.
    2. The EU fares no better. Socialists are being disassembled. Voted down and out.
    3. The US media cannot be trusted, nor the Polls. Neither party is fit and it’s a case of 2 demented Geriatric Trolls! Neither fit, each total Shit!
    4. The Gods of War, and Fat Arms Contracts, are pushing Russia towards a Face off. America has never faced Homeland attacks before. They may this time.
    5. We saw mass blubbering NY City cowardice for 9/11. Terrified Children in suits. Gutless. Only the Emergency and Support Services showed Bravery. Suits were a disgrace. Bush 43 hid. Pathetic. Bankers terrified.
    6. NATO 4 Squares are jockeying for a face off. All Russias S500s are in place. If it does kick off NATO bases won’t last 48 hours. Do Russia and China combined hit the US Homeland? If the UK is hit by Russia, they will MASS hit Russia and the US will be forced in. Either Biden or Trump fronting this is totally unreal. 2 Packages of Shit loose.
    7. Plan B fast! Each out! No Coward in Chief if this does erupt. Foggy Bottom must remove these Clowns. A Military takeover would be needed fast for all your sakes. DC is too stupid for this. Incapable. Push Russia at your Peril. The Same for Russia and the UK.Big mistake! All so avoidable. We could fly over and talk. As men. Not DC Arse Men.
    8. Chaos rules Fools. Why us? Nats Piss, the lot.


    Difference between us? The Brits HAVE Standards. It differentiates us from Savages and MAGA. Culture. You can’t explain it. Just have it.


    We Do CARE About America, and we WILL do all we can to get this Dogshit out of power. No But, it’s A F Mutt and must go. We will NOT stop the onslaught he’s truly THICK! Yuk.


    The Conservative party WILL deservedly get wiped out at the Polls. They let the WOGS in and did nothing. Now the parties over for them. 3 weeks from now on the street The Brits will be ruthless.


    Good to see lets see them go down! Take down the Hang Ons. All Clowns to go. They may miss the bloated Hog but the rest can go down. Do it.


    If there’s more substance Launch it. Bring them down! No more bloated Mutts skipping Justice. String up the noose. Keep the charges coming. If there’s substance launch it.


    Tony hunting Inge


    Even the Dems have got it and are planning to switch Biden for their Plan , When will the GOP go to Plan B and be rid of this so F Dumb Monkey! Too dumb to be true.


    Inge on Lowenbrau. Lol


    This I fear is true. Butt F by Trump and the Jew. Nothing left for you. He’s shat in your nest.


    A level of reality and todays REAL WORLD danger. 

    Many months ago we wrote that this would be happening.
    Neocons with personal agendas have control of the helm of the ship in the West and do not care about consequences.
    Perhaps blind, stupid or ignorant is not the point, because it should be clear to any thinking person that Russia will fight. It will fight not when it is advantageous to Neocons but in the last moments of defense posture availed. It will strike in a surgical manner and wait for a response. All targets are well identified and practiced.  The S500 systems nos deployed and in place, are 2nd generation as 1st generation has been given to China who already has the S400. And yes, the S550 is also in serial production
    Meanwhile China too is readying itself because it must. They know both will have to hit America. Hard! China has secured the weapon systems it needs from Russia. It is called collective defense where the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Fight now its 2 fronts! History? 
    What the West decides to do remains to be seen. Europe is the sacrificial lamb in the eyes of Neocons. Perhaps change will coexist with a swing to the right, if time permits. Know that passing new drafts for the youth of 18-26 years olds is pointless because conflict if it erupts will be over within one hour. Hypersonic missiles do not drift aimlessly but come quickly with their calling cards. No one this time will let America play theatres not in their back yard. This time hundreds wil come to the mainland, Have to. The ONLY way to thump it home. 

    So as much medicirity as as the media tries to stir up a Cuban missile affair.Who cares? The real danger lies in the nuke bearing subs deployed in the Atlantic and Pacific. As always the public is the last to know their deaths cometh without warning. And yes, Poseidon has been in place for many months awaiting orders for the fanboys of war. Because old memories of hegemony glory mean very little in today’s modern warfare. And as we have said many times, the West lost the arm’s race 10 years ago. Now is not the time to prove the point as millions will die in illustration of this reality. Puffers will be atomic dust!  You put Gut buster to face this? The world is taking the ****! 



    Sadly beyond True. God help America this piece of Shit is Teflon. The world sees, it’s truly sad.


    Absolutely Deport the lot.All go now!


    Kayleigh kept this tub of Shit credible. The GOP needs her behind a serious contender. Kayleigh is a good Patriot American. Huge Credit to her. Pity she had to package shit.


    Good now Trump gets Ass Whipped again NOW PAY. Take his assets he’s all FAKE! All lies. Good to see his getting flatlined. Huge yes.


  14. This is hardcore evidence upon which Pfizer executives can be convicted on and the company dissolved. This is murder and battery with intent to cause major injury. CDC, NIH, FDA folks that knew need to go down as conspirators and accomplices.


    1. Peeps who do leave Idaho because of this would probably pass many many more coming in from places like Cali and NY… with a ratio something like 1 to 1K?


      1. Perhaps it can form the nucleus of the Idaho Confederacy, where the middle third of the country tells the Coasts to go their own way?


  15. Like

    1. If you assume 1 million potential locations, a 1-yr time bucket, ignoring distribution, 4 events, it’s a number on the order of 10^e24. Yes, if you see her, run!


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