White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #153

Unmasking A Post-COVID Future

For Millennia, Mankind has evolved under the conflicts of Religions, Hegemony, Race and Materialism. Whatever came our way, including Pandemics, we adjusted, and economies grew. We are the Global Top Primate Species. Top of the Food Chain. But Covid-19 is loose now as the ultimate Lab Bats cocktail.

The Wild Card, no courtesy of China.

We are – Defenseless. It is merciless and indiscriminate. Nations’ Borders are no barriers. The Chinese travelling mobile human Ants have carried it everywhere.

The American B-1s are now visibly carrying masses of Cruise Missiles to Guam in response ready, if needed, for war. America is taking it to them. Needs Must!

In turn, and in time, huge questions for China to answer for what has been unleashed on the world. Unforgivable. Who must die for a Chinese lie to protect the Middle Kingdom with its own Global conquest ambitions by stealth?

Knowing now what was loose, why did China not seal its Borders?

Now IS the time for Trump to rise to America’s needs and for us to support Barr for truth and justice. We need Trump reelected and Barr in place to carry on the investigations and arrests.

Why were Western Leaders so inept as not to lock out a perceived visible Pandemic of such a cataclysmic threat level? They knew, and their reaction was pitiful. Leaders today? Who can trust any published death rates? Why is Covid being so media-hyped, with no highlighting of obnoxious Bill Gates of Lolita Express notoriety, the Big Pharma opportunists, and its potential use for Tri Lateral and Zionist NWO population reduction strategies? How meekly the Sheeple assembled and locked down like Lambs to the slaughter! Why?

The world just acquiesced with a typical French Military Flag of a white cross on a white background. Come and get us?

But also, sadly note, with a virus which seems to have an actual Death Ratio now of only 0.015% of a population, (Real World!!! – One 7th of One Per Cent population deaths) why are our limp-wristed Politicians devastating jobs for 20% of Employees and greater than 30% of the Corporate population? Reality is, 30% of our companies are now at risk. Many now will never reopen. What of the yet to be unveiled multi million consequential deaths caused for those denied months of remedial treatments, for those missing months of standard Doctors surgeries Check Ups? Britain alone now has an 8 Million delayed Check Up backlog. Millions risked now, how many Real Deaths as avoidable costs?

So many cancers and life threatening illnesses will be missed, catching and treating nothing in time. Health Care has virtually closed down for half the year. Care Homes are Death Traps, currently the source of needless 30% of our Deaths. The Economic consequences of that will implode on their Solvency.

As it will for 30% of our Businesses currently facing ruin. Taxes will implode leaving decades of debt, and possibly a mass switch to Cryptos for blatant Tax Evasion. There are no Free Lunches; Welfare has to be paid by someone. You!

No other site out there offers you the help and community platform with Cryptos which WHA does. You will need it. The site is a must read now.

Question now not only the cause of Covid, but the questions of failed containment, as with Ebola. Inept Government strategies and blame to be.


Sort Border Entries testing.

Sort Contract Tracing.

Sort PPE supplies! Replace Chinese!!!!

Sort treatments. No more Chinese Lab Bat Cocktails!

Question now the roles of Gates and Soros in Wujan and why?

Trump now advocates his wish to have the Military assist deliver the Vaccines.

Gates has 60 M available, Non-Human tested, the stench of Thalidomide all over it. How have Africa’s poor Souls fared under Gates?

Boris Johnson in London claims we will be led by the Sciences. He was, under Fergusson’s alarmist projections of Bubonic plague level proportions. We just wasted Billions on the unneeded new Nightingale Hospital, not used and now mothballed? Billions – CLOWNS!!!!

Fauci, too! Fauci. Ferguson. Two F’s. 2 complete F Ups!

Misled by the Sciences! We have destroyed our Economies for this pair?

WHA has shown the way for groups to commune, help the Collective, and produce outstanding profits. A small step at a time. Save just 3 dollars a day and soon it builds to hundreds then you can start to buy Cryptos. Self help.

The Gates way, dubious cocktails, then the Chip, then the Chop!

Whatever is left in 4 to 8 weeks we start again. We will get through, it’s just the unrecognisable society then, and what’s left in the Human Zoo for You?

Money is Finite and that Bonfire of Vanities on Wall Street may ignite?

Congregate, communicate and take WHA to a new height.

© 2020 Whitehatauxiliaries.com

Wise people learn when they can; fools learn when they must. – Duke of Wellington

751 responses to “Information Briefing #153”

  1. I may have already posted this or someone here but worth a second look of how huge this is.

    JPMorgan to Unlock Trillions of Liquidity With Tech Partnership Taulia


    Taulia is partnered with IBM and in case some here do not know, IBM is partnered with Stellar Lumans. XLM 👀


    Liked by 2 people

  2. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


      Meta1 scamming faker. Abe Lincoln can’t remember the first sentence of one of the most important speeches he made, and one for which he was most remembered by?

      Correct text: “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

      Millions of dollars given to the likes of this balloon head. She can sit around and channel while those who sent their hard-earned money to this con job have to lick their wounds.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I thought I had heard that sound before. 🙂


        1. She needs more practice.


          1. And I didn’t know Lincoln spoke with an English accent, or whatever gibberish she is making up.


            1. I noticed that too. 🤣

              Liked by 1 person

    2. Oh for F sake. Give her a bloody sock please. Jesus!


  3. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Steve Bannon – always the dapper man about town.


  4. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  5. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Oh to be young again. I would be there with them to beat the living crap out of these stinking Bolsheviks.

      It’s interesting to see two groups locked in physical combat. I am picturing Roman legionaries vs. barbarians. Notice how the patriots put their big guys on the front, and easily out-flanked the puny runts that were stupidly leading the Bolsheviks. Also, notice how that one guy, after cleaning the clock of the Bolshevik, refused to hit the girl who was trying to provoke him. Good show of class and judgment.

      And love that red-haired shield-maiden beating the crap out of the Antifa child soldier.

      I am going to see if I can’t find the organization who organized this Antifa beat-down and send them some funding.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Let me know Tony… I would click on their GoFundMe!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, if I can find it I will let you know.

          Just wait until post settlements. They are going to get tons of supplies and some bath salts for that redheaded shield maiden.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Imclueless Today Avatar
            Imclueless Today

            Does post-settlements mean there’s something in the works for public plebes holding a few currencies?


    2. I usually do not like to see any kind of violence, but this made my day. The patriots are like a bull dozer coming thru cleaning up the trash.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Shivers! The adrenaline is pumping here. I don’t like violence of any sort but these guys are impressive. And I certainly do not like to see a woman involved in this type of situation but in this instance, I like her style. Good on these guys and gals for protecting their lives, their community and their country. More of this is needed. Unfortunately, it seems that sometimes this is the only way.


      1. Heck, I just watched that video again and these guys and gals were totally bloody impressive. Flattened the bloody lot of them like sticking rotten weak arse flies. Ripper job..


  6. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Dumb all over…

      Liked by 1 person

  7. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Dave Schmidt is in prison on a civil contempt order. He better see the light and cooperate or it could easily step forward into a criminal matter.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Godforsaken Bolsheviks need rounding up. Biggest mistake on the planet was allowing communism to remain past the mid 20th Century. Germanic furry should have been allowed to wipe them clean off the planet. Now, we are left with this scourge, and our young are being drawn into it by our own educational institutions, among others, which are run by it.

      Liked by 3 people

  8. https://www.coindesk.com/federal-reserve-research-central-bank-digital-currencies-commercial-banks?amp=1

    Central bank digital currencies might one day replace commercial banks. But that comes with risks, according to new research from the Federal Reserve of Philadelphia.


  9. In some parallel dimension my equivalent is starting a speech with “I would like to thank the [Medical] Academy for this honor…”

    In this dimension, there’s a short FB thread in my honor:
    The Lancet 0 NEJM 0
    Tino 1 2

    When Dr. Tino posts a take opposing an establishment source, bet on Dr. Tino.

    The apologies are rolling in from 4 countries.
    And I have one semi-suicidal doc who’s blaming himself for all his COVID deaths — because “I can’t prescribe without gold standard
    evidence”— because he didn’t intervene early. So don’t mind my absence as I talk him off his ethical cliff….


    1. Good points James and well worth watching. These F Rioters and Looters ARE hurting Afros and Hispanics far more. We have to be ONE people or NWO Dead Sheeple!

      One people, WE ARE NOT SHEEPLE!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Should have added warning about language in above vid!


        1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

          No worries. Trust me, I could have put some pics up that would have exceeded commonly held levels of acceptable site behavior, but chivalry got the best of me.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. It seems that we may actually, finally, be at the dinar rv or float. The CBI announced today that 5/21/2020 was the last currency auction that will take place. Since the dinar was not internationally recognized, they used this currency swap window to exchange for dollars. If these auctions are “officially” done, they absolutely must have a tradeable currency and soon unless they have figured something else out. Based on this news today…we may seeing big changes in short order. I’m not sure how else they pay their bills. Cross fingers!


  11. Major mistake taking chemical treated shit for a Trade deal. Johnson is simply too stupid to judge and we have our problems. Muppets rule fools.



    So what next, Twitter cuts off the Lying Kings Tweets? How can they punish a man whose so dumb he doesn’t know truth from fiction? Everyone he must think, is out to get him. Thank God for Kayleigh. She now saves his sorry Butt.



    On a lighter point, although protected by Royal priviledge, its beene made very clear tlo the Queen, that her devious, arrogant, pompous Prick of a Son, needs to be shut off from Public view, not allowed to gain any public sightings with her, and be shunned for life, the pretentiopus Ass. He’s got a life of exile now. It’s dawning on them the games up for the lot if he’s let loose again. He’s shunned by everyone. Our media crucify him weekly. He pays!



    Just a seperate investment view by others.



    Jees, blabbermouth Piers Morgan, who upsets everyone, lost the patronage of Trump, just blew it with Guliani, now quotes attention seeking Bolting B TV actress Markel, on how to run the country? Well, we knw the Bugger knows how to run for sure! Morgan is an overpaid, undertalented Blow Bag. Led by the nose by Markel whose dissed him, now kissing Butt to try to get back in. Sad Bastard.



    This is a Stupid Move in the making. Cutting off supplies to Americas closest conflict Allie, while still suppling the Pariahs in Israal, is not the smartest move. An arrogant step too far. Huawei will be sorted behind Covid and reperations. A Wise President would be working fast with the Brits to devlop 6 G then the problem goes away.
    Problem is, Johnson is not smart enough for the job to see this, and Trump is confused because he can only count to 5 on one hand. By such are we led.


    This will hurt. When Britain leaves Europe, the EU will leave the rails. Train wrecks in the making.



    The Police lashback is coming. That’s a lot of Butts cut off the payroll. Welcome to crime?

    Spending money to create a permanent job situation is better than community spending.



    Generals WIN battle with Trump as 82nd Airborne soldiers are REMOVED from D.C. after chairman of joint chiefs publicly slammed President and told his troops to ‘uphold the Constitution’

    Hundreds of combat soldiers with the 82nd Airborne were ordered to leave Washington, D.C, Thursday after retired generals and the nation’s top officer rebuked Trump over his use of the military.


    Trump is losing big in his face off with the Military, it’s a fight he won’t win. Eisenhower warned what was coming. So did JFK.



    Big Pharma comes off the blocks fast. Lunch!


    Covid killers are coming. It just needs Roach and Vermin killers to follow.



    As ever, this species encroahces and sequestrates all it encouters. It’s the F Borg loose. Diabolical abuse of a nation.



    The Big Question how far will Bitcoin go?



    Libor is about to loose its control and Butt.



    The Socialist Commies will soon have you.



    Our virus from Hell is almost gone and still we ahve lock down for another month or more.

    England’s coronavirus outbreak shrinks by HALF in a week https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8391351/Englands-coronavirus-outbreak-shrinks-HALF-week.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    This is the worry, the second wave as with Iran. If we crash the economy again, it stays down.

    Iran becomes the first country to report a second wave of coronavirus https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8391325/Iran-country-report-second-wave-coronavirus.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    What do you do when your own Campaign Team tell you our real problem is YOU?



    1. The site is alive with such a diverse range of interests and comments. A major WOW folks to all contributing.
      It’s now far and away the most vibrant issue site out there. WHA is alive!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And so am I after my morning message. LOL


    2. It looks as though this site has evolved into an anti and insult Trump platform? Quite disappointing as the name is White Hats, and as I understand it, the White Hats are not anti-Trump. I guess I will just put my VD away for now. It appears that for now at least, there’s nothing for the public to look forward to.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Not really, Jeff. John is sharing his opinion on Trump, and I can’t censor such comments because it’s his right to utter opinions on political matters. It does not reflect my opinion or that of anyone else. You are accorded the same right if you wish to make political comments.

        As to public chances, we just can’t say at this point. Even the big dogs are not paid yet, so once they are, we can then see what follows. I hope it works out.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Jeff W
        Jeff, please, do not assume Trump is your access point to RV. He’s just a Cog in a very big wheel of convoluting interests. When you have a square cog in a round hole, you modify it, or trouble hits.

        America is cursed with a system whereby an out of control Ego Tripping President, or worse, a truly and seriously dumb one, is almost impossible for you to replace him. Thank God Condi and Cheney carried Bush 43! Your in a World Order trying to assume Leadership Command fronting with a Putz. It’s a failure of your system that you can’t replace them when needed. Bad! An intelligent world does judge you and will!

        Compare your Presidents in office, however poor and crooked, to the UK.

        When Ted Heath, UK Prime Minister was considered lacking in the Gravitas needed, a meeting of disgruntled MPs went to the Tory Party 22 Committee and asked – rid us of this arrogant, inept Clown.

        He was told you have lost the confidence of the Party, Sod Off- Go, Resign!

        Maggie Thatcher was elected.

        She had her time, even moments of fame. then lost the plot.

        Members rebelled, our Leader is a Plonker, and she got the knock on the door, Maggie, they have no confidence in you any longer – Sod off! She resigned, in tears she was pushed- Out!

        John Major took over. When he could not cut it he was forced to go to the country and lost. Booted. Tony Blair and Tony’s Cronies took over.

        Again, in time he lost the plot, helped murder over a million innocent Iraqis with alcoholic Half Wit Bush 43, lost the confidence of his party, got the nock on his door, Sod off, and was replaced by Gordon Brown. A Scots grunt who lasted a year and was forced out by a vote of NO Confidence.

        They were forced to go to the country for an election and lost.

        David Cameron took over, lost the plot over the EU and Brexit, the knock on the door, time to go you muddled Ho, and he was replaced by Theresa May.

        The EU ran rings around her. The nation was furious. MPs were told Ditch this Bitch or lose!

        Boris Johnson replaced her and dragged us out of the EU.

        Now he’s really out of his depth, lacks the Grey Matter or ability, and is facing trouble.

        We don’t tolerate Muppets for long. We shaft them. However bad, you don’t. Why not?

        Democracy should say, if you’re a Crock it’s your Head or C on the block.

        We don’t carry Crocks for long. You can’t be perceived as a World Leader if you’re visibly mentally impaired, and let’s face it, Trumps got real shortcomings. His Executive Command turnover is worrying, He appointed them!!! As they resign claiming he’s got the IQ of a Child. Visible to the world.

        He’s your problem, don’t expect us to remain mute for a Muppet. We use our voices not cower like Sheeple. We are not dumbed down. Our Parliament is a Bear Pit.

        The world is evolving fast. Your losing face and power everywhere. Look how I commend JFK. But few since. With good reason!

        You’ve lost the Middle East and Asia. You’ve lost Europe. You ran screaming in terror from Vietnam. Russia has booted you from Syria. You’ve made absolute Balls of poor Iraq. Iran faces you down. Afghanistan has increased its Dope many times and your Agencies run the rackets and Launder the money. It stinks. Does he not read? No!

        You don’t have your own Central Bank, the Zios cream you and he’s a Puppet surrounded by them. So Yes, we have issues of real concern with him. You want to lead, be up to it. See what we do to our deadwood.

        When will he drain the Swamp? We fear Biden getting elected. You’ve lost the Petro Dollar and plot. Next the Pot?

        Revolution is coming by evolution. We act on ours. You got mugged by a Chicago Kenyan Con Man. So, November??????????????? Biden, a terrifying thought! But so is Trump at each Press Conference alone.

        Jeff W. You have many, many excellent people in America. Get them to run. Drain the Swamp.

        The currencies are moving do not confuse them with the Chump. Build American excellence with us.


      3. I agree with you Jeff, and it is disappointing. John used to be on owon, maybe he still is, but it looks as though he has switched locations, to bad. Such talk about our president is sickening to say the least. So I like you will fold.


    3. Gen Dempsey had no right to speak on the topic. (Yes, I realize he arrogated to himself the authority. It’s still wrong.)

      Posse Comitatus provisions were repealed in 1967.

      The President does have the lawful authority to use the military.

      He’d have it even without the Insurrection Act. It is an enumerated function of the Constitution: We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote


  12. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Adoption and integration continues…

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  13. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      I feel for this man. He obviously is a hard working guy, and as usual, the rioters burned down their own neighborhood businesses and homes. Brilliant.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Heartbreaking

      Liked by 1 person

    3. More than happy to help this gentleman. Thanks for sharing this Tony, much appreciated.

      Liked by 2 people

  14. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  15. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    You never know what you are going to see in the desert while prospecting.

    I think some of John’s breeding stock got loose. lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Looks like a few escaped the Senate?

      Liked by 1 person

  16. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Scary Tony.


      1. Some of this is going on right now. Exerts of the XFiles 2018.



    2. I have been wishing to find some time recently to look into what this whole antifa business is all about. Have not found that time yet. So based on the above, they are commo’s. Hmmm, well why don’t they all go to fricking China then? That should suit them. Bye bye.


  17. Last drive by of the night:

    Yes, Virginia, the lock downs were probably never necessary.
    (By extension, we don’t need immunity passports and all the other IATA bullshit being proposed,)

    I believe the Professor is correct:



  18. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Well well well. Quite interesting.


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Dumb all over.


      1. Warning – some cussing in this.

        american idiot (short version)

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Oh dear me. Maybe it would be far less embarrassing if one was to stay home.


  19. The Lancet should hang its head in absolute shame. It’s peer review is a shameful joke.

    I took exception to the study results as just being bad science. Berated it herein (thanks WHA). Thankfully those whose mind is more suspicious have broken the case. Total fraud. How many studies world-wide did this Lancet-endorsed piece of **** stop?

    The headline alone is sufficient. If you have the guts you can Google or DuckDuckGo the gory details. I will leave you with the Headline over at Natural News:

    The Lancet study on hydroxychloroquine exposed as hilarious SCIENCE FRAUD
    – Company providing data for the study staffed by science fiction author and adult content model.
    – Hospitals that are claimed by the study to have provided data have NEVER HEARD of the data company.
    – Total fraud and junk science fakery to trash hydroxychloroquine and clear the way for VACCINE PROFITS.


  20. Forget “the Boogaloos” and the “murder” of George Floyd by police. Now the people behind Antifa are trying to fake killings by the National Guard:

    An armed man was arrested overnight for allegedly impersonating a National Guard member. As FOX 11 first reported, authorities told us 31-year-old Gregory Wong was taken into custody on assault weapon charges after being found with a cache of weapons.

    The Los Angeles Police Department said Wong was arrested near the intersection of E. 1st Street and N. Main Street in downtown Los Angeles around 1:30 a.m. Tuesday. Several protests over the death of George Floyd have been held in the area.

    Sources told FOX 11 investigative reporter Bill Melugin that Wong got dropped off by an Uber right across LAPD headquarters. He then tried to get into formation with a unit of National Guard soldiers who were defending downtown LA from looters.

    However, he was quickly spotted out by soldiers based on the gun he had.

    Officials told FOX 11 that Wong was carrying an AR-15 rifle rather than an M4 or M16, the typical gear the National Guard carry. Officials also say Wong had other high end tactical gear like night vision goggles and a sidearm.

    This illustrates why the Trump is doing the right thing by refusing to take the bait and forcing the state and local authorities to either deal with the situation themselves or have their complicity exposed in the full glare of the public eye.

    Ex-New York City Mayor Giuliani has come right out and stated that the current mayor has been personally calling various police chiefs and telling them not to enforce the law or make arrests.

    [11:29 AM]


    1. Hhhmm, got that Wong didn’t he?

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Now these IDIOTS in Parliament see the STUPIDITY of their policies first hand. It wont last long. We need to vote 5 times some days. This can last? Not a chance. In the wind and rain- Please?



    Just for your interest we DO get asked to take back the US as a failing Colony. Behind the scenes, not bloody likely, that lot on Welfare?



    When the hell does the FISA Rat Run get actioned?



    Yep, a true Pigs Breakfast right now. But not alone. Look at the EU. China?



    How many Sr figures who left really despise a Numpty like Trump ever got elected,? November is no certainty. They will be out in force to stop him.



    We need to keep the likes of Gates, Rothschilds and Soros well way from Nano Particles, These can become destroyers of all life was we know it.



    Ex-head of MI6 Sir Richard Dearlove says coronavirus ‘is man-made’ and was ‘released by accident’ – after seeing ‘important’ scientific report

    Sir Richard Dearlove, who was head of the MI6, a role known informally as ‘C’, from 1999 until 2004, said he believes that Covid-19 is man-made.


    At last some Bloody Hard Truths.
    China and Funders must pay.



    You would think and hope they now get into their bloody THICK Heads why this Social Distancing B******s is never going to work.


    Be VERY Clear, Kayleigh McEnany is the best Press Secretary America has seen in a very, very long time.

    She’s precise, focused and has brought huge credibility to the Trump campaign. Waffle free and clear hard facts.
    America BE PROUD, Kayleigh is a Real American Patriot. Shes doing what half wit Judges and Politicos have failed to do for a decade.
    She’s making a half wit Bum look a Class act. She’s way out clear in Washington, shes wiping out limp Medias.
    Kayleigh the new Terminator! What a Team Player. Kayleigh for VP next? A dream team then!

    Make them SWALLOW it Kayleigh! She’s the ONLY Class act in DC. Huge credit to America.



    Pain in the arse Kids again!



    Deplorable – When will Big Pharma pay for this?



    Now, Billions will be spent masking up. For Clinton, Pelosi and that Scots Hag PM it should be compulary for life anyway! What a change to our world heh?

    Face coverings to be COMPULSORY on public transport in England https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8388955/Face-coverings-COMPULSORY-public-transport-England-June-15.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    Britain announces 176 more coronavirus deaths as daily data shows Covid-19 is still killing more people in the UK than in the rest of the EU combined

    The death toll is now on the brink of passing the 40,000 mark, but Britain’s outbreak has slowed dramatically in the past few weeks.


    So, the UK Govt makes the front pages on Competence- Not?



    What if Batman does not defend Crime?
    But Police rotten practices do have a lot to answer for.


    Piers Morgan dissed Trump and now has a hissy fit with Giulliani. Next he will get banned from America for speaking out.


    The hunt is on for Crypto Man



    What a Turd they paint him as. This is no JFK for sure.

    As the utter chaos caused by rioting Black Lives matter hits London, the worlds gone mad.


    Whatever your political persuasion, it would appear that Public perceptions of him are changing. We all remember the ” You would be in Jail” interactions with Clinton. Shes not!

    He came in on a huge wave of political hope to drain the swamp.
    To date, he’s done nothing, bar arrogantly steal Syrian land for his Kushner Crime Family Son in Law, and the Israelis.
    Yes the Poltical system and Media is against him. But ours only dislike him because he’s basically way, way, way too thick and uncultured to hold the role.
    His CIA meetihg was a Global PR disaster. We looked in abject horror at a train wreck leaving tne rails.

    He may still win, but not nearly as well as last time.
    Biden is a dreadful option, But so was Clinton.
    He didn’t win the election. Clinton lost it!!!

    All Biden needs say, is nothing. The Lying King has only to keep opening his mouth and ?
    Still 5 months to go, but are 2 Losers, each totally unsuitable, posturing, the best option for a nation as great as America? Chose either version of Crap?
    It hardly looks a run in right now. Thank God his Press Secreatary is so Patriotic to America and the Class Front he so badly lacks. Kayleigh Rocks.
    God I miss JFK. But Kayleigh is a breath of fresh air for the Grifter and hopefully Barr will get some scalps in time. Will they lift him in time? Hopefully!



    Clearly, there is an organsesd presence to get the Police off the backs of society. The lashback and its working now. They gave the excise for Global riots, always the Minorities.



    The Bitcoins surging to pass the $10K mark.



    1. It never gets tired watching her beat up the White House Press Corp….

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We made sure she got full cover today as the REAL voice of America not getting a fair airing.

        He needs to take a vacation and let her step in to run the show for 3 months! Way out clear in DC. Clear out the trash Kayleigh. Well done America!!! You need her voice, we all do. Slay a Bum a Day.


    2. I agree. Kayleigh is brilliant.

      And yes, China must absolutely pay a big price.


  22. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  23. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  24. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  25. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. View at Medium.com

      VeChain has finalized the terms of a strategic partnership with BitOcean. BitOcean is an ATM solution selling cryptocurrencies nationwide across both China and Japan.

      Liked by 2 people

  26. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. Please all keep a close eye on the above issue.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. WOW! Thanks Vince. That’s big news. Welcome too btw.


  27. Hi All,
    Shall we take a short break from all that weighs us down. A child will lead the way.

    Have a blessed day!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That was lovely MN, thank you. Nice change.


  28. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/02/donald-trump-coronavirus-george-floyd-normalized?CMP=share_btn_link

    Trump has certainly got Black Lives and LOOTING into focus. Unruly Mobs causing chaos and anarchy, great way to build empathy to a cause. Not!



    Thank God it’s not the world who elects him, because the media see him as very, very bad news to run America or to mix with other nations.



    At last these Dog Poops posing as UK Ministers are about to be overruled and hopefully sense prevails, as Johnson sees his own head and Butt detaching this year if not sorted soon.
    The UK knows how to dump Leaders.


    Now, at last, standing in the cold and wind, thse F half wit MPS at last start to get what their Social Distancing B*****s is doing to the economy. They so don’t like it when it comes home. Idiots got a taste.


    Boris Johnson says he would ‘willingly’ offer all THREE MILLION people from Hong Kong visa-free refuge in the UK if China erodes human rights in the former British colony

    The Prime Minister said last night that a proposed new national security law in Hong Kong would ‘dramatically erode its autonomy’ and breach the terms of its treaty with the UK.


    China is about to see its own Arse if 3 M Hong Kong Chinese move to the UK. Total collapse of its Financial base. The Commies face a Whammie.


    Covid will break out again as infected patients in care homes unleash hell.



    The Chinese Digital Yaun will blow Bitcoins apart.



    How can any President deal with so much Media hatred? They want him out at any cost.


    They have been after President Trump from day 1

    “You cannot turn back the clock, but you can wind it up again”
    Bonnie Prudden


    In the interests of truth another US Citizens views of Police makes a lot of sense here. A good little video.


    A good country is in ruins because of these arrogant low IQ Bastards, The world is revolting. Facing 40 years is good.
    Three other George Floyd cops are CHARGED https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8385201/Minnesota-AG-expected-announce-decision-charging-cops-George-Floyds-death.html?ito=native_share_article-top


    1. John

      Anything you can share on the FL deal, now moved to a safe location?



      1. JJ

        Wait please it’s very sensitive right now, plus the Elders have optimistic news as we Lobby daily.

        We just need to keep it off radar. Huge implications. Especially for Zio trash. We’ll leave them reeling as they hit our Glass ceilings. No “Camels” in the tent here!


    2. “Sent by a source I trust, from an NYPD officer on the streets last night.”


  29. So, taking a break from Drug Running, Looting /Raping, Muggings and Fraud, they march? Burning looting and destroying peoples stores and lively hoods, great co Citizens heh? They will all disappear on Welfare Check in day. What a way to lose public sympathy. Race relations will be set back decades. Badly! They vote, and Biden will play this.


    1. They loot and destroy in places they know they can get away with it… like NYC where the mayor is a moron!… we had some protestors here… it was peaceful… they know in this town/state people tote guns and will defend themselves and property!… every police officer I know would do the same… I was not raised to judge someone by skin color and never will!… I do believe there is and has been racism… do not attack that problem by attacking me.


      1. James these race riots will put relations back years if we are not careful. Extremists have no concept of the damage they do. I welcome the police unit getting 40 years for this. Cops must honour and protect the law not abuse it. Those guys need to get life!


  30. So hard to stomach this.

    Growing Concern Over Spread Of Coronavirus Among George Floyd Protesters | NBC Nightly News


    1. Maybe we can work in some bubonic plague, Ebola and a new strain of Polio.


      1. A dozen helicopter gunships with a machine gun velocity of over 350 bullets a minute per gun can soon sort it.

        Look at the vast Welfare savings. No Brainer. No Cross infection. A NWO dream run.


  31. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  32. Debt Jubilee: Reset to a New Reserve Currency and Gold Standard



  33. John:

    I am commenting and questioning, based on your recent post that I have copied and pasted below here.

    You are overlooking something sir.

    There is a legit group connected to Reno, and every member of that group had their assets flown to Hong Kong.

    Fact: Hong Kong is now being taxen over by the communists, and the communists are likely to seize all of those assets of the members of that legit group, and the members of this legit group will lose everything unless you can help them via the Florida exchange.

    I know you have the connections to help, and I trust your kind heart will open a way. Thanks my friend.


    See your post below that inspired me to comment and try and rescue this legit Reno group or at least give the members in it a chance to send more currency to Florida for exchange.

    john2020 says:
    June 2, 2020 at 12:46 am

    If you’re not in the few real groups in Reno being processed via Florida right now, it’s time to see the rest as probable lost causes and recover your notes to try new angles.

    Way too may Con Artists got loose in Reno and for many, your notes were long since sold by Hustlers to pay the costs of Dreamland in Reno and you got taken. Recall your notes and see what transpires. A lot of those Con Group Promoters need to go to jail. Hopefully they will.

    End the lies and false hopes roping Dopes and the Desperate. Is your group processing in Florida right now or not? Why have you not been told?
    Get your notes back by formal written demand or go the FBI.

    Round up the False Scoundrels. Some overstayers may flee soon. Written evidence your in the Florida deal or recall your notes. Reno has cost everyone too much. End it! Get real, get, paid or get out. Let the FBI sort it out. Jail the Rat packs.


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Sorry, but this comment went to spam and I just now approved. I believe we addressed this issue in private.


  34. FYI Why isn’t Soros hung?


    It’s long overdue. Now get the Guns out for disgusting Looters. Shoot to kill! Shoot the lot! Stop breeding them!



    Why are we cruelly murdering the Elders? What happens when you reach 65 plus? Do you want to be left to die?


    Forget Covid this is what America has been breeding. Nike stores looted 😅




    Ways to kill and kill big. Like swarms of Zionists.



    Conjecture is rife with Trump.



    No wonder people are avoiding hospital when its the killing ground. Care Homes have been so let down.



    We so much want Barr to take down the Deep State.

    This is an important step forward. We need Barr firing hard now.


    Listen to vile Gates, his time is coming now. What a disgusting low life. He, Soros, Clinton and like types need to go- hard action!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. POTUS just walked out the front door of the White House and into Lafayette Square – the epicenter of the DC protests – to visit historic St. John’s Church, which was set on fire last night.


      1. As a matter of fact – going down do bunkers was not a coward running into hiding…it was accepting a war situation and declaration of real war scenario to what Biden announced on Trump….walking then down in front of looters and riots was a gesture …I am in lead and have no fear…..

        This is how to read situations and interpret them properly..


    2. I think it’s disgusting how the elderly are being treated. When I see elderly people, I want to give them a hug and sometimes I do. Lol. Sometimes I give them a smile and walk up to them, talk to them and hold their hand. They are precious to me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Obviously, not lately. 😷


  35. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  36. For John
    WHAT PANDEMIC The new CDC estimates for the severity, complications and deaths of COVID-19 bring down the numbers much lower making the overall scenario very optimistic. There is an ever-growing confusion between the two terms used for the death (fatality) rate. Read the addendum to understand the difference between the two numbers – CFR vs IFR. The original WHO numbers give an estimate of Case Fatality Rate (CFR). The new CDC numbers represent the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR). For the first time, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has given a realistic estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, which in its most likely scenario is 0.26 %. They estimate a 0.4 % fatality rate among the symptomatic cases. If you consider their projection that 35% of all infected cases remain asymptomatic, the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) drops to just 0.26 %. This is almost exactly what the Stanford researchers had projected in April 2020. John P.A. Ioannidis, a professor in medicine, epidemiology and population health, biomedical data science, and statistics at Stanford University had earlier calculated the reasonable estimates for the case fatality ratio in the general U.S. population to be in the range of 0.05% to 1%.

    This is from Fluzone vaccine trials which is the predominate flu vaccine used Fluzone High-Dose recipients and 1442 (9.0%) Fluzone recipients experienced an SAE. Within30 days post-vaccination, 204 (1.3%) Fluzone High-Dose recipients and 200 (1.3%) Fluzone recipients experienced an SAE. The majority of these participants had one or more chronic comorbid illnesses. A total of 167 deaths were reported within 6 to 8 months post-vaccination: 83 (0.5%) among Fluzone High- Dose recipients and 84 (0.5%) among Fluzone recipients.
    https://www.fda.gov/media/119856/download package Insert

    You See the flu vaccine is killing more people than COVID


    1. Scott

      I have calculated 0. 03% which is the same ballpark. Global strategies make no sense.
      We are going to cost Global economies Trillions.

      c35% of populations will lose jobs forever. Why?

      Banks can NOT take these hits. Nor Economies. Killing the Elders won’t fix it.

      We need to redesign new economies with Leaders who are simply too stupid to comprehend any of it. Fact! Ours too!
      Halving space to sell wont work, and maximizing social distancing will cripple the hospitality industry. Then whatever happens to Staff? Mouths to feed, Momma and 3 kids at home? Jobless- Hopeless? Crime calls!

      Home Workers – won’t! Idle buggers.

      We are going to end up with automated economies and a lot of spare bodies at the troughs! All on Freebies. See why the push is on for Compulsory vaccinations. Colour coded, productive assets get the gold star, and the rest get the special cocktails.

      Be sure of one thing, these bloody silly Riots will do them no favours. Soros leads them to the Gulags.


      1. The riots are a false flag distraction for the fact that Covid is swinging and Obamacare is just getting started


  37. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Just some more comments on groups, and the limitations I have on assisting with vetting same.

    (Sorry for the wind noise!)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If you’re not in the few real groups in Reno being processed via Florida right now, it’s time to see the rest as probable lost causes and recover your notes to try new angles.

      Way too may Con Artists got loose in Reno and for many, your notes were long since sold by Hustlers to pay the costs of Dreamland in Reno and you got taken. Recall your notes and see what transpires. A lot of those Con Group Promoters need to go to jail. Hopefully they will.

      End the lies and false hopes roping Dopes and the Desperate. Is your group processing in Florida right now or not? Why have you not been told?
      Get your notes back by formal written demand or go the FBI.

      Round up the False Scoundrels. Some overstayers may flee soon. Written evidence your in the Florida deal or recall your notes. Reno has cost everyone too much. End it! Get real, get, paid or get out. Let the FBI sort it out. Jail the Rat packs.


    2. That was very kind of you to share that message Tony, thank you. Always great to see and hear your video messages. The lake looks beautiful too.
      Enjoy a fab day.


      1. Thank you! I am getting the exercise my doctor said I should to keep my leg circulation up. I don’t have a serious problem, but once in a while I get a little stiff from sitting on my bum too much. So, out I go to hike a bit, swim a bit, and stretch my legs before it gets too hot to do so regularly.

        Lake Mohave is a jewel. Tranquil and unspoiled. For now.

        Hope you are well!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tony

          I never nave a problem getting my leg over?


          1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

            Tally ho! 🙂


        2. Pleased to know you are taking good care of yourself Tony. You must feel pretty good making all the smart moves you do where your health and well being is concerned.

          Lake Mohave is gorgeous. When I first looked at the land surrounding the lake I thought it looked a little barren but continuing to look at it I realized how beautiful it actually was. I normally like very lush green environments or the purity of ice and snow type environments but am learning to greatly appreciate other types thanks to your videos. Strange coming from a gal from a country like Oz. I should get out more. LOL

          I’m doing okay thanks Tony. So much happening at the moment re the relocation. Hopefully life should settle down a bit in a few months. I’m looking forward to a little time to relax and do what I feel like doing for a change.

          Keep smiling, stay happy and watch out for that new pommie dude on the site, I think he is leading you astray. LOL


          1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

            I am hoping that chick magnetism will rub off on me a little. Darn diamond encrusted Rolex. lol


            1. LOL.
              I don’t think you need a Rolex to get the chicks Tony but a Rolex might gain a few extra ones for you that like the shiny pieces.
              Hope you enjoy a good day.

              Liked by 1 person

  38. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      John, I think I have Corona.


      1. Nooohhh Tony.
        Just clean your tongue with an electronic toothbrush and it will all go away.
        Those kinky pics and videos say look dont LICK!


        1. Darn, I almost had you fooled. 😂


  39. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  40. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2020/may/31/george-floyd-protests-latest-news-riots-us-cities-donald-trump-police-brutality-live?CMP=share_btn_link

    The great Commander in Chief gets Heel Spurs ( Again!)as he flies to the Bunker, just as he did with his Call Up Papers.

    History repeats itself, you cant keep a Coward down. A War Hero he’s not. A Peoples Champion,- With a Limp Wrist? I will drain the Swamp. How many arrests?

    Soros , a genocidal, homicidal, War Criminal who funds treasonous acts runs free and wild. Rent a Mob with Soros.
    He illegally sequestrates and gifts Syrian land in the Golans to Bennie, the Kushner Crime Family, Cheney and others.

    Multi parti Agency Treason and Clinton sleaze. 4 years in office, he’s rounded up how many? He APPOINTS Heads of Justice and Agencies for Gods sake.

    Mobs riot, loot and now attack the WH itself.
    Commeth the Hour, Commeth the Man. Our Hero to lead.

    Whoops, the great Commander is hiding out in the Bunker. Heal Spurs, once a Coward?
    A sad time of Political times. Your not alone, the world has problems, but Putin is smarter than all of them. And Richer!

    Bunker down, hope there are enough toilets down there. Oh for another JFK. It’s been a long time. Heel Spurs for a Donkeys Derby.



    Send in the Military Riot Control Squads you bloody Clown, Put them down! Lead, Heel Spurs Commander.



    We truly DO all feel for America right now., led as it is by a vain, intellectually limited and naive Carnival Barker with a dubious Moral Compass, so out of his depth.
    The real tragedy for those who do remember JFK, ( and Nixon!!!) is how long its been and we now see a November run off between 2 complete Muppets as choice.
    Was there ever a time when America needed one of its so many able,. experienced and visionary Leaders parachuted in right now.
    Who needs more more years of the Heel Spurs Lying King, or worse Biden.
    An interesting article which to an open mind says a lot.



    Even China is laughing at the Heel Spurs Commander, no shining armour, just Brown Trousers. The Bunker Leader Bottom Feeder.


    Let’s get the news out there?



    Tino and Co. If real a game changer. But how much is real?

    Russia approves ‘game-changer’ antiviral drug to treat coronavirus https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8375619/Russia-approving-Japanese-COVID-19-drug-roll-game-changer-week.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead



    1. This was painful to read. Truth hurts


      1. Is there a bigger plan?

        AG Barr Calls Antifa Violence and Riots “Domestic Terrorism”



    2. Devin Schindler, Auxiliary Dean and Constitutional Law professor at Western Michigan University, notes that “A federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 3056, however, ‘authorizes’ the Secret Service to protect the president and his immediate family. The law essentially forbids the president from refusing Secret Service protection. As a practical matter, a series of rules have developed over the years to protect the President from potential harm.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. An Intelligent President, with Guts, knows when to stand down the SS, and when to run.
        Right now, he just looks a bloody silly Wimp and Putz!


        1. Hummm! Consider, Sun Tzu The Art of War .


        2. It doesn’t play like that here… Plus it was overcome by tonight (6/1) events…


    3. Love the Texas tan line pic!


    1. Just watch thinking break free if new Spikes occure


      1. We should just ignore spikes. The tests are garbage so any increase in upper respiratory issues will lead to increased testing, which will defacto, thru false positives, show increased cases. Time to lift all restrictions.


  41. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      She had the right to bring deadly force against her attacker. A .45 would have done the trick.

      Oh, that’s right. New York.


    2. The words that I desired to express after watching that video would not be acceptable to write here.


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


      If we do not start turning this around it will continue for months.

      Military, your oath is on the line. Time to protect the US from all enemies, and those domestic ones are pretty much running rough over the key US cities.

      Mr. President, CALL IN THE GUARD and mechanized infantry.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The F’s hiding in the Bunker how can he. Heel Spurs Commander and Golans Thief, with Brown Trousers.


      2. If this continues, it could cost the Brown Trousered Heel Spurs Coward in Chief the Election. The world looks on and sees a befuddled Lying King clueless. Find a JFK. The world is with you.
        The UK has an equally befuddled IDIOT in Johnson. Your not alone, 2 great nations with Muppets on the Throne.


      3. where are the dogs?


        1. Some poor Devils are married to them.


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Bring it on, commie. Locked and loaded. Hollow points in the .380 and plenty of double 00 buckshot in the 12 gauge. Please. Try it.


      1. Use cross cut heads Dum Dums, it takes out a plate sized hole on exit. If it hits a limb its fragged. A Single Dum Dum on a central target and his lunch will exit with it.


    1. Tino
      Just watch thinking break free if new Spikes occur

      If they can’t even handle Covid, imagine if the real big one hits. It only needs one that’s 100 times worse, as speculated among the Chicken Factory Farms, with a rapacious killing finality which take out 50% of mankind. The end of all civilisation as we know it. Everything gone. No Government, no Health Services, no Schools, sewage, waste disposal or even water supplies. No stores, no anything and the entire food chain chain gone.

      When the only thing left to eat, is each other?


      1. Well, I’m sure they’ll taste like chicken….


  42. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    The $9 Million Crypto Scam Backed By a State Senator and a YouTube Psychic

    “…Per the complaint: “Bowdler told the audience that Metatron and Abraham Lincoln revealed to her what would happen in the world’s financial and economic structure over the next 20 years…”



    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      I don’t think the driver accepts ATMs for payment.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Only in America.
        Back door job?


  43. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Spoken like a true Bolshevik. Working to weaken the security of the US. There is a word for that – TRAITOR.

      I say we pour in 10 lbs of concrete into that ugly pie hole of yours, and drop you in Lake Michigan.

      Liked by 2 people

  44. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      I think most situations like this can be avoided by simply not getting confrontational with police. Don’t argue, don’t resist, don’t get attitudinal. Just talk in a normal voice, or exercise your right to remain silent. You will have your day in court if you are arrested. Then, you can speak your peace with a lawyer assisting you.

      Or, you can make things worse and risk getting roughed up, maimed and beaten by a cop who may indeed be looking to use you as his stress relief. The point is, don’t be the cause of such an incident.

      I have run into many bad cops in my lifetime. And my white face was NOT going to give me a pass. I assure you, there were times when I could have been in serious trouble as a youth had I not kept my mouth shut. But, my father, bless his departed soul, a combat veteran who knew what drove men to forget themselves, pressed into my head that when you are dealing with cops you just answer the questions (if the answers are not incriminating), keep calm, don’t argue, don’t claim you “didn’t do anything wrong”, just shut up, and go with the process. If you didn’t do anything wrong, screaming and yelling at a policeman is not going to benefit you. If you did something wrong, then be quiet and don’t speak until you have a lawyer present, if you are arrested. If he wants to cuff you, let him. Instigating a physical struggle with a policeman is idiotic. He’s not just going to let you go because you won’t stay still and be cuffed. Are you kidding?

      By staying calm, you will take away 99% of the reasons for a seriously bad outcome with law enforcement, especially if you are dealing with a bad or incompetent officer.

      Not all police are bad people. Not all civilians are good people. But you can control your interactions with law enforcement and determine the outcome of contact with the police if you simply act properly and get to the end of the interaction as soon as possible.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Hitting the “like” button was not good enough for this post Tony…. so on the money!


      2. I waa once arrested because a warrant waa issued for failing to appear at traffic court. I had received three tickets in a short period of time and I forgot to attend court for one of my citations. I am 6 foot 2. I had a hard time fitting into the squad car so they called the paddy wagon. The paddy wagon provided more space, but it was still a tight fit.
        George Floyd was 6 foot 6. Please allow for the possibility that George Floyd had a difficult time getting into the vehicle with his hands behind his back. Maybe that’s why there was a struggle. I don’t know what happened, but George Floyd did not deserve to have a police officer’s knee placed on his neck for over 8 minutes.
        As an African Amerixan male, my problem is that we are only hearing about this incident because it was on video. The jogger in Georgia was on video. Rodney King was on video. How many times does this happen when no cameras are around.
        I live in Baltimore. I am 54 years old. I grew up at a time when we had over 300 homocides per year. I did not believe that I would live to see 21 or 25. We had over 900,000 residents back then. Now we have 600,000 residents, but we still have over 300 homocidea per year. I am pro Law Enforcement, but this type of behavior needs to end. We need good police officers, but this behavior needs to end.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. homocides should be homicides… Fat fingers and bad eyes.


  45. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      ABOUT F___ING TIME!!

      And ANYONE funding or providing material support thereto? You better hope you covered your tracks. Ex Post Facto will keep you safe for the time being, but you better watch it after they enact that law. Listening, Soros?

      Liked by 3 people

  46. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Arrest Warrant for Dave Schmidt has apparently been executed.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Excellent news.


  47. President Trump was right when he placed blame Saturday for the riots tearing apart cities around the country on Antifa and other radical left-wing groups. He should now go one step further and declare Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. | Fox News


    These protests have flared up all over the UK with Black Groups rioting and causing real trouble.
    Between Muggings, Rapes, drug dealing, child trafficking and so many other crimes, I’m surprised they can find the time?


    I have many American Friends. Good Friends.
    I have good, Really Good Afro American Friends, Italian America friends, and more.

    But, there is something really, truly Sick and Macabre about Racial Injustice in America.
    Watch these 4 videos please, this is YOUR Nation.
    Be ashamed, be F WELL Ashamed it is disgusting, and its part of the Corrupt Political and Dirty Copy. /Dirty Judge System while you moralise the F with the world, killing all you touch.
    These videos ARE America and the world sees and condemns it.
    Who will clean up this filth? Is it even recoverable?
    America is fast becoming a Pariah State, as bad as Israel!

    This is disgusting. This is how the world sees you today. Are you ashamed, or so Dumbed down it can’t permeate in?
    Even man is a Human Being (Apart from Zios – this should be them!)
    This has to stop! Now?


  48. Very Disturbing

    Via Natural News: On April 24, OVG scientists announced that a small macaque study proved the vaccine effective. OVG quickly recruited 510 healthy volunteers for human trials. Pre-publication data released on May 13th reveals the vaccine is less promising than the OVG team implied.

    All vaccinated macaques sickened after exposure to COVID-19. Edinburgh University’s Eleanor Riley told Forbes the vaccine provided “insufficient” antibodies to prevent infection and viral shedding. Vaccinated monkeys spread the disease as readily as unvaccinated.

    Pollard used his power and deceitful puffery about the monkey trial to bulldoze his COVID vaccine into human trials. He shunned inert placebo tests and restricted safety studies to three weeks to hide long-term injuries. [[John, feel free to raise bloody murder about these two shortcuts]]

    Andrew Pollard strikes again

    The OVG is politically wired. Lead developer Andrew Pollard juggles scandalous conflicts that allow him to license, register, and mandate his own untested vaccines to the masses. Pollard is Senior Advisor to Britain’s MRHA Panel which licenses vaccines, chairs Britain’s JVCI committee that mandates them, and advises the European Medicine Agency (EMA). He takes payments from virtually all the big vaccine makers. In 2014, Pollard developed GlaxoSmithKline’s notorious Bexsero meningitis vaccine, and then mandated it to children despite significant safety signals for Kawasaki Disease and the rarity of meningococcal B infections. The package insert says Bexsero may cause Kawasaki disease in as many as one out of every 1000 children based on reports in the clinical trials.


    1. Thank you Tino take it as done!

      See what I’m raising today also about Police brutality it’s coming over.


  49. Tino and others,
    Please read the potential Chicken farm pandemic article 100 times worse than Covid.
    A Canadian associate reports Chicken farms are feeding waste to Fish farms. Your eating it! Now what could go wrong?


    1. 😂 People are funny! Thanks for the laughs


    2. Shoppers ridiculous gear? Hell, I thought it was Michelle Obama, the most clueless, tacky and gruesome clothes horse on the planet. Tasteless, tacky and so very low class. I guess you can cross the tracks with the woman, but her poor taste stays with her. No style, no class, just a big Gut and Fat ass.


  50. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Congratulations to SpaceX and NASA for their successful launch today. It was quite a thrill to see us back in the lead in space flight. The Dragon capsule really is the true epitome of technological simplicity. To see those large touch screens inside a spacecraft was quite a contrast to the old Apollo capsules.

    Speaking of Apollo, let’s not forget those amazing men of that program that paved the way for our eventual return to the Moon in 2024.

    Where did we get such men?

    Liked by 1 person

  51. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  52. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  53. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No excuse for the Cop killer, BUT, it’s no excuse sure as hell for tens of thousands of Low Lifes to annihilate a life’s work for many building up communities only to have this wanton TRASH loose and trashing . Shoot now, shoot to Kill! Riot Control, squads, set the Rubicon line and open fire. A buck each bullet. Millions saved in Welfare then. Use your heads a Bullet for a Buck, millions saved. Hello?

      Now where are Soros and the Extremist groups linked? Arrest the Funders and organisers.
      The way to stop the fire, is to Open Fire! Why let Trash, Trash these Communities?
      Send a message, – Bang!


  54. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Right out of the Soros/Bolshevik playbook. You don’t want to get bashed in the head by a cop? Then stay home and stop following your commissar’s orders to pick fights with law enforcement so you can then order your running dog press to report “police brutality”.

      Bolsheviks in action. With the right knowledge of their history, you can see them coming a mile away.

      Liked by 1 person

  55. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/schools-south-korea-close-coronavirus-a4453936.html

    This is the danger of new Spikes. If Korea is getting tni heaven help the West. Korea was organised and pro active from the beginning The West was inept and useless.


    Expect US deaths to double or even treble yet.


    Soros is loving THIS!

    White House goes into lockdown amid protests over George Floyd’s death https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8371389/White-House-goes-lockdown-amid-countrywide-demonstrations-death-George-Floyd.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    The apocalyptic virus that would make COVID-19 seem irrelevant: Leading scientist warns of the danger of a pandemic triggered by chicken farms that could kill half the world’s population

    This apocalyptic warning comes from Dr Michael Greger, a scientist, medical guru and campaigning nutritionist. His conclusion is that our close connection to animals makes us vulnerable.


    Covid 19 is only the forerunner to a 100 times greater killer in process evolving somewhere.
    One so bad it can wipe out half of humanity, the food chain, and civilisation as we know it.
    Please read this report, the big What IF?????

    Time surely to plan now? Time to end Factory and Chemical farming. Pharma Chickens and Cattle can kill us.
    Time to rethink – Life! It is that big an issue.


    The brutal way, way, way OTT US Police violence is ugly and out worldwide. Awful PR it shames the nation. Rabid dogs unleashed. .


  56. Just great. What English major made the policy decision????

    To wit: The BBC has a little section “How did George Floyd die?” that they’ve put in multiple stories (e.g., https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52857334 ). The last paragraph is, “The Minnesota police handbook states that officers trained on how to compress a detainee’s neck without applying direct pressure to the airway can use a knee under its use-of-force policy. This is regarded as a non-deadly-force option.”


  57. A while back (months) that the AI capabilities were not what was claimed. Not addressing possible USAP stuff, the commercially available stuff has been stagnated for a decade. Slashdot gives a 2 paragraph synopsis:

    A story in this week’s issue of Science.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) just seems to get smarter and smarter. Each iPhone learns your face, voice, and habits better than the last, and the threats AI poses to privacy and jobs continue to grow. The surge reflects faster chips, more data, and better algorithms. But some of the improvement comes from tweaks rather than the core innovations their inventors claim — and some of the gains may not exist at all, says Davis Blalock, a computer science graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Blalock and his colleagues compared dozens of approaches to improving neural networks — software architectures that loosely mimic the brain. “Fifty papers in,” he says, “it became clear that it wasn’t obvious what the state of the art even was.” The researchers evaluated 81 pruning algorithms, programs that make neural networks more efficient by trimming unneeded connections. All claimed superiority in slightly different ways. But they were rarely compared properly — and when the researchers tried to evaluate them side by side, there was no clear evidence of performance improvements over a 10-year period. The result [PDF], presented in March at the Machine Learning and Systems conference, surprised Blalock’s Ph.D. adviser, MIT computer scientist John Guttag, who says the uneven comparisons themselves may explain the stagnation. “It’s the old saw, right?” Guttag said. “If you can’t measure something, it’s hard to make it better.”

    Researchers are waking up to the signs of shaky progress across many subfields of AI. A 2019 meta-analysis of information retrieval algorithms used in search engines concluded the “high-water mark … was actually set in 2009.” Another study in 2019 reproduced seven neural network recommendation systems, of the kind used by media streaming services. It found that six failed to outperform much simpler, nonneural algorithms developed years before, when the earlier techniques were fine-tuned, revealing “phantom progress” in the field. In another paper posted on arXiv in March, Kevin Musgrave, a computer scientist at Cornell University, took a look at loss functions, the part of an algorithm that mathematically specifies its objective. Musgrave compared a dozen of them on equal footing, in a task involving image retrieval, and found that, contrary to their developers’ claims, accuracy had not improved since 2006. “There’s always been these waves of hype,” Musgrave says.


  58. Correct Tony, and we stand by ready to see if it’s possible to carry over the 2 linked Reno groups to the new location, IF the current Currency discussions are successful. No more explanation than that. The Wild West Gobshite parties will get no invitation. Quiet, low profile, no Broker chains. Yahoo free!


    1. I like it, Off the radar.


  59. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      You could take all the sincere concern over Floyd’s death contained within these mobs, place it in your navel, and still have room for 10 pounds of yogurt, granola and a few cherries.

      Order has to be restored. Mobilize the Guard. Curfew lock down. Looters shot on site.

      Maybe COVID will spread within the ranks of Antifa and other such balloon head armies of Bolsheviks, since they are all practicing anti-social distancing.

      Liked by 1 person

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