White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform


Information Briefing #158

America’s Free Dinars Are Not Arriving This Year

Overprinted, Overhyped, Oversold

Who puts food on next year’s table? How are they Gaming You? How many were coerced into recklessly investing in Demonetized notes, by greedy Promoters and Gurus?

For Agency sideshows and scurrilous parties holding the Dinar Printing Plates, why work when you can just hype a gullible Jerk? Easy money, now the Wannabes howl like Banshees! “Aaahh was Promised- Aaah want maaahh money!”

But, no one is listening. Still, the Gurus are pumping the Muppets.

We will be at the bank next week! (Sorry, I mean, I will be at the bank, thanks to you!)

The Sterling Group are still awaiting sentences for their crimes, but they alone appear to have taken in well over $600M from you and screwed you Royally funding a high life for themselves betraying your Trust. Reno was awash with Brokers cross trading your notes. When will the Sterling parties do time, and how much?

In such confusing times, we see a new Mistress of the Universe, who with an assignment of Broker paper, pontificates to the naïve camp followers. She and her beyond dubious shark circle associates, will save the planet, having practice of hyping the poor Wannabes via Swissindo along the way. Our planet is ever more encircled by these mediocrities. Empty promises! Empty Pots!

Post real settlements, how can we help feed those genuine cases so much in need?

How can we help you reassess and restructure your portfolio to start with a better game play from next year?

But, first start with a simple Reality Check. How can you expect to make a Judgment Call, when you don’t understand the rules or moves of the Board you are now on? Which direction do you need to reassess next on an ever moving and evolving Board? Especially Pawns, all being faced off by Financier Chess Grandmasters. Where is Justice, when for decades the Cabal and Bankers have owned the lot?

Which position is best for next year in an ocean of information confusion?

How do you re-position in Cryptos and Blockchains? How can you gain guidance and help this time to help you succeed next year? WHA site information guides you daily.

A vast plethora of daily news and moves right on target each day.

America’s own lawfully elected President is facing the constant humiliation of a hostile and deeply corrupt media. The Lying King outlied? Ballot fraud and corrupt manipulation in Televised debates. It’s only your lives being manipulated.

The Banking system is now in disarray, having denigrated and denied Cryptos and Blockchain, realizing their game is soon up, they now scramble to get on board and control the exchange mechanisms.

Confusion is rife, and the mass gullible still can not comprehend who will pay the redemptions or GCR from an empty pot. Zionist Bankers and the rapacious Military Industrial Cabal have syphoned the lot. Unless you have a hot line to a Jesus creator force, you won’t be feeding the masses from an empty pot.

Be clear, wake up time, the role of the masses is simply to serve as Body Bags for Bankers’ Military conflicts, or Worker Drones for fast depleting industries, where jobs were long since exported to Asia for greater short term profits. The economy is tanking, yet still feeding Banking, and the Military Industrial Cabal, who care nothing for the human Zoo. What they want, they take from you. But, what should be concerning those thinking, is what skills or assets you have to deploy in a fast changing new Techno drive world. What now, if you no longer fit, or are fit for purpose?

Immune from authority or Oversight Control, Agencies are treating Presidents as disposable, as JFK found seeking a face off, where they took his head off instead. English Kings in conflict were beheaded.

The US society is simply mentally lobotomized. All your wealth sequestrated. Gaming the system. So how do you reposition to play? Even Presidents are not safe from the vortex of power, sweeping Deep State and the Old Guard away as the emerging Blockchain promises to drain all they have away as the world is polarizing towards Hemispheres, new Power Makers, and the emergence of new generations of weaponry, generations ahead of Public awareness.

A world where all you knew, is about to be taken from you.

How can you aspire to Fame, when you don’t even understand the game? As they line you up masked, ready to be re-tasked. Subservient sheeple acquiesce.

For the Public, who will bypass mass confusion, to see past their illusion?

How do you judge your own tactical moves on a Game Board you can not see? Clearly, with the impending partial disbursements of certain highly controlled Special Party Redemptions, and the coming togetherness of a viable GCR, is there a position for you? Time is not the issue. All will come in its time. It’s whether or not you will be part of the chain for the distribution solution. Why, what do you bring for such inclusion?

Clearly, with the impending partial disbursements of certain highly controlled Special Party Redemptions, and the coming togetherness of a viable GCR, is there a position for you?

The Global Welfare Mantra espoused by the unworldly is simply, under current Fiscal reality strategies, both unaffordable, and unsupported. Welfare budgets simply drain from others, resulting in a barren Golden Goose. As has become the US economy.

Disneyland permeated thinking, while the Never Real Dream was sinking.

Rumours abound of desperation moves by a sinking Deep State, ordaining alleged multi mercenary teams tasked to dispatch your last hope of a Democratic process, the current US President. You have historical form as a nation for this. Forsaking all reason, to switch to hunting season, life is bought! Wet work! Democracy dies with Deep State lies. Now, ever more challenged, with sinking Bankers, where is this going?

Why will the organized Big Battalions or Special Interest Private Redemption Parties wish to bail you? Armed with their Pot, they will seek to keep the lot, as would you.

The future is moving towards Blockchain and Cryptos. Leaving you new landed, or stranded? Will you have time to be well positioned, or laid out as Losers to “Assume the Position”? Thinking starts now! But so does the Countdown Clock!

 “The central bank is partnering with Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers to build and test a digital currency.”

Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard

Is your role to be part of the new world, or sink with the old? No one is Owed!

Accredited to Bob Wrigley, Revising Kipling: “Time to be keeping your head, when all around are losing theirs”.

How will you re-plan your life ahead of the curved balls fast coming? Because if you fail to read and position for this, those balls sitting free in your hands, will be your own.

In the next installment, we will suggest where to focus your spare risk funds to give yourselves a better chance with what many of you were hoping to do with failed war-torn demonetized paper.

To Be Continued…

The infectiousness of crime is like that of the plague.
Napoleon Bonaparte

307 responses to “Information Briefing #158”

  1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    I was introduced to Onecoin years ago, and decided to ignore it because of the referral fee structure – which is often a bad sign when dealing with an investment that is promoted in this way.

    I warned people to stay away. There were others like this one as well, and may were scammed. I hope they find this con artist and make her pay. Someone may have already caught up with her and smelted her along with some old Yugos.

    A valuable lesson here.


  2. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  3. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Biden has bigger problems, I hope what is in this video comes to fruition. We must get the truth out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QF1JtpVPbs


  4. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  5. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  6. There now seems to be growing poll support for Trump. We all need to pitch in and help. Biden needs to be exposed. Fully!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The sniffer needs to be snuffed.


  7. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Go Marine.


  8. Biden and Harris hold a campaign event in Arizona and the local news can’t believe that not one supporter showed up!

    My question is, who are they waving to?



    1. Why the Hell is the MSM not showing this? How can nations, including our own, take positions based on fabricated stances? Give Americans truth!
      They slid that slippery Usurper Soetoro in this way.Their Manchurian candidate, and still not one has sought redress. Obtain his REAL Birth Certificate and expose it. Expose him!
      This Weevil is still running Harris and Biden. Who is running Soetoro?


  9. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  10. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  11. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  12. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Couple this to our exposure of the Trump / Biden campaign turn outs and whats does this tell us is reality?
      The MSM are contriving to affect your consciousness of attendee reality. It’s all a muppet Show.
      Vote Biden, Get Harris. Obama and the Commie crown behind.
      Hopefully if re elected Trump send Obama to Gitmo! With his Terrorist crew. Timed to sweep out the Trash!
      Never has America been more at risk.


    2. Imclueless Today Avatar

      Lol. Hillarious. Howcome no afros? Lol, like John says. Lol


    1. Seems like nonsense to me!


  13. For Tino and all of you.

    Subject: MSM will ‘never show this

    A succinct question of Tump / Biden attendances.
    It casts spurious doubts as to Polls.
    In fact it shows and alarming lack of Biden support, and raises if the MSM are collectively lying with Polls also, on a purposefully engineered stage?
    The trouble with Media is that it shapes minds and Governments.
    Ours are already reaching out to Biden, who will do nothing for us. We need Trump and this is no time to be riding 2 horses.

    As Allies now is a time we need to be with you exposing truth.
    These attendance figures need to see the light of day and expose a vast public difference.
    If correct, it would indicate a Trump landslide and this we must fight to try to achieve.
    Americans need Trump right now. So does the UK, and while we have issues, the Big Picture is a clear choice.
    Re electing Trump matters. Hugely.
    These statistic indicate a giant MSM lie at work again.
    Tinos concern and mine. Where does Truth- Lie?


    Pedos beware

    The Epstein phone logs and people involved. How many are now getting wake up calls?

    North Korea’s mega missile will kill 2.5M in seconds.


    Serious Push In US House To Remove Speaker Pelosi

    Absolute Yes Please Pelosi OUT!


  14. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  15. Coronavirus stays on banknotes and mobile phone screens 28 days https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8828323/Coronavirus-stays-banknotes-28-days-thrives-cold-Australian-research-finds.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Power struggles entangle the Vatican

    Slimy creeps!


    The coming GCR and why you all MUST Elect Trump now .
    The whole world waits now on the American Election. What are the REAL issues? Democracy or the Deep State CORRUPTION?

    Whatever the current, lawfully elected President seeks to achieve, he is harassed, bombarded and abused daily, by cynical vested interests. The Unelected, Draconian and Criminal Deep State abominations stripping off the wealth hard earned by Americans. Global disgusting Contract Mercenary Killers of humankind, and an utterly corrupt Geo Political system owned and beholden to Bankers and the vast Military Industrial Complex, funding Black Operations bottomless Budget Contracts, and a loathsome Secret Army of Contractors and myriad of Agencies spawned solely to protect the Military Industrial Complex and the Banking stronghold, abusing the dumbed down and mass ignorant Population. Most bred to serve a now no longer needed lost Industrial base, undereducated and visibly clueless, leaving the Tri Laterals with the problem of what to do with 350M Population where 100M at maximum will do. For the Tri Laterals the conceptual planning problem is how to get rid of the rest? The Neo Nazi Con Bush Family with its strong Germanic Nazi roots were totally committed to the NWO and Agenda 21. As are the Deep State. These brainless stooges with a Biden vote will bring this down upon America. DemoRat Voters are brainless Turkeys voting for Thanksgiving. Misguided or worse, Moronic low lifes, these Simpletons are giving Biden a Gulag vote. The PTB use Simpleton Dumb Joe only as a Stalking Horse. Bribe taking Biden, the Clintons, Pelosi, the Usurping crook Obama. How could you? What is more important than life?

    Trump is trying to protect you from the abuse and conniving deceit of Big Pharma and the genocidal plotting of Gates and Soros. We need now to help and protect him.

    Trump, for all his many faults, is trying to break America free of the vicious Zionist Bankers, their Tyrannical and Oh So Crooked Fed, and to get a settled base into the new American economy, pending his reelection. Elect Biden- Lose America!

    Trump is trying to restore hope for you and your family. Freedom to be American. Freedom to be Free of the Shackles and Tyranny the Rodent Zionists have imposed upon you, their Lying MSM Propaganda machines, their Fiat Banking, syphoning off all you have, leaving you indebted from Birth to Death. Shylocks rule. Carrion posing as Americans. Even as Humans.

    So, while poor Kayleigh is entrapped in a Lock Down scenario we will try to help you all as a Voice of America, get enlightenment to the masses, and to awaken the Sleepers on our Watch. To help you reach for and support the GCR, ending the Zionists reign. As compensation, a one way ticket to the Siberian Gulags for all of them. Soros bound and chained to go first as a Freebie for Vlad the Impaler. Gift them to Putin in turn for “ Processing” 10m of the other lot. Return this blighted seed to Genghis Khan in Hell. Humanity will be well rid. The DemoRats also gifted as BioFuel.

    While gullible, utterly brainless Airheads in LA Opine. Rope a Dopes, scripted to talk, Puppets now assuming they matter? The opinions of Plastic Faced Sock Puppets, who cares? Let us help you with a GCR video. It’s one step. More will follow.


  16. You can’t make this **** up. WHO reverses itself on lock downs.

    Really? They got this so wrong that nothing less than the complete eradication of this organization, with the torching of its building and salting the ruins, will suffice.

    Also, when in God’s Green Earth did guidelines from whomsoever, carry the force of law? Time to completely rethink the regulatory apparatus — restore front-line individuals to the center of authority.

    Have we forced the resignation yet of the NHS Chief Medical Officer whose actions in banning the trifecta cost thousands of lives? It’s not like anyone has forgotten…


  17. It has now been determined that Covid stays on banknotes for 28 days, the same for Door Handles, cutlery, doors and containers.
    If so- Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But if so, why are we not all down with it?
    For most, the other half is far more Toxic.
    We must get Aurataya to sanitise these RoosTails!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh good grief. Not this “permanence on surfaces” bull-crap again. And now it comes out… when we have a full out war on cash and coin… color me skeptical.

      As to banknotes in particular, I seriously doubt infectivity at 28 days. I bet, like the discredited cruise ship studies, it will turn out that they didn’t do a true infectivity study, but a time-to-negative-detection study. As with the cruise ship studies, it will turn out that they are detecting inactive snippets of RNA.

      In any event, the idea that the virus is “resilient” is pure poppycock. Small changes in temperature and humidity kill it. Anyone that is concerned about their banknotes can simply throw them in the dryer for a standard cycle.

      If you want to be beyond sure, just spray isopropyl alcohol on them.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I agree with what Tino has shared re this comment. I do not believe this 28 day surface crap. But you know me Johnny, always ready with my tool kit when needed. Just give me a holla. LOL


  18. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Will someone talk sense to the youngling? Move it to Britain….


      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        Right into John’s office. Fully functioning XRP with a Zio filter. A dream come true.


  19. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  20. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  21. https://theconversation.com/bitcoin-the-uk-and-us-are-clamping-down-on-crypto-trading-heres-why-its-not-yet-a-big-deal-147775

    Be clear this is a Nasty Contractor in it for Profit. The worst of the Deep State who defile America worldwide now turning against Americans

    Anti-Encryption Bill Introduced in House of Representatives – Is It an Attack on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency?

    What’s their game now this is serious
    Masks are harmful to your health.
    We as species have survived many things. Surely we can rise above the narrative to think for ourselves and choose our own health Over the noise dysfunctional Politicos and idiotic So Called Scientific Advisors create . To think that wearing a mask will bring or contribute to dementia in adults or ruin the brain development of a child is too much to ask.



    Once it goes viral, the cult owned Wikipedia will remove the line: oxygen depravation causing damage from the list of problems.

    Parts, if not all, of the UK are facing a new economy ruining lock down again. Who gives these Clueless Politicos the right? The Sheepless line up as clueless Morons and allow it. We now have a sub species about to become Faeces. If there are mass uprisings , If they can even get off their brainless arses!!, Politicos deserve no mercy. But dumb sheeple will self corral.
    Boris dumps Trump? Downing Street ‘writing off president’s chances of being re-elected in November and turning attention to wooing rival Joe Biden’ amid fears for a US trade deal under Democrat

    Downing Street are said to have turned their sights to the 77-year-old amid signs that he is developing a commanding lead over Mr Trump in the polls.


    Sad, Bumbling pathetic Boris Johson is writing off the Orange Chump as a hopeless lost cause. Yes, we know hes a Dumb Buffoon but Biden is way worse.
    We all need to try to help Trump win.


    1. Re your mask notes above John.

      I was stuck in a hospital situation today, which I always dread btw, hate those places. Anyway, they would not permit me entry with my friend who needed urgent assistance, without putting a mask on. I advised them at the front door that I cannot wear one as it makes me feel very unwell quite quickly, they said I had to if I wanted to accompany my friend. I gave in as my friend was in serious trouble and freaking out a bit. Within 10 mins of having that bloody thing on my face I started overheating, perspiring and not feeling too good at all, feeling a little faint too.

      I took that stupid bloody mask off and did not give one shit what anyone said to me. I must not have looked too good as the doctor rushed over to me carrying a seat to sit on and told me to keep the mask OFF before I ended up collapsing. He said, “I understand, do not put that back on your face or you will end up in a hospital bed next to your friend.” I happily complied. Within minutes of not wearing the mask I felt so much better. Masks and I do not go well together, I need air.


  22. Courtesy of Vigilant Blade on the White Hats’ Discord site:

    Video of Trump and U.S. Flags installed



  23. 538 (pollster, popular) currently assesses the chances of a Biden landslide at 36 percent, with an 86 percent chance of winning the electoral vote. Of course, at this time in 2016, 538 assessed Hillary Clinton’s chance of winning the Electoral College at 86.9 percent.


  24. Like

    1. These people are disgusting. I’m going to have nightmares after seeing the clown devil. What was that thing?


  25. At this point, all I fear in this Election is fraud, dirty tricks and False Flag.

    The lies are so pervasive… however, it’s like the immune system acting up. The MSM has lost all credibility with the people. The MSM has made so much noise. Please note the absurdity of NY Times reporting on the Whitmer kidnapping plot. First, it turned out to be the usual FBI informant play. Second, even though MSM reported it to be a “right-wing” assemblage, it turned out in reality to be the usual bunch of left-wing morons, that were Trump-haters to boot! This has not past unnoticed… Virtually every play by the MSM/DS is back-firing.

    If the Election is fair, it will be TrumpSlide 2020. It will be massive. It will be completely one-sided. It may be the largest turnout in a full century. It will probably turn out to be the largest turnout of the modern era, measuring from the Kennedy assassination. I am putting in an estimate of 145 million voting.

    In no particular order:
    — I expect Nevada to go (R) contrary to the pollsters.
    — California will be close. Gov Newsom has severely alienated the population.
    — New York will be close. Gov Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio have killed half the elderly via COVID and destroyed business far and wide. The 5th Ave parade for Trump was not an accident! of numbers.
    — Florida is going full Trump. Period.
    — Midwest is going full Trump. Again.
    –Texas will go Trump.
    — Washington State — sorry (D) — you blew it in Seattle and Portland burning down the business districts. Trump.
    — Michigan — sorry Whitmer — you are just a petty tyrant — I expect a surprise Trump victory in the State

    Okay. I’ve put mine in writing. How about you? Just reply to the missive and put your calls in….

    Liked by 1 person

  26. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  27. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  28. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  29. Here is the link to the 35000 private server Clinton emails that were released today….

    Real Question…..

    Is anything good there?



    1. Almost everything is censored out.

      When will Trump demand that Barr gets and actions on all of this?

      Is Barr just a Deep State Stooge as has been strongly forewarned by many, or is he a Patriot we can trust to act and now? Why so late and why is he still delaying. A Stooge? Do we need to drop the Bar on Barr?

      Trump may well be out on his Butt if not.

      If Trump loses, what comes then will be the end of the American dream.
      If Trump loses, the Barbarians WILL come for you.

      We don’t have to like him, but right now he’s America’s ONLY hope.
      4 years and the Republicans are so totally F inept they can not even find and support a high quality Candidate to take over now, right now? Lose to Biden and it’s over for the Democracy for all of you.

      Then for sure Agenda 21 will come and you will deserve it. Wake TF up America! You are sleepwalking to the Cliff edge. F Brained Lemmings.
      We need to Butt Kick Trump to get America awake fast. Someone needs to show the Orango Tan Man what will happen if he loses. Happen to him! Debt Collectors, Divorce and Ignominy! Disaster will follow.

      4 years and no arrests. 4 years and WH Seniors ran screaming to get free of the WH madness.
      But- he’s all we’ve got. Biden is the trap door to the big drop.

      This is sure No Jebb Bartlett West Wing Team, If only! Just a phony and his handlers.

      How did it come to this? Bush 41 has a lot to answer for. The retarded Son let the Clintons in. Trash ruled followed by the Chicago Con Man Usurper. 20 years of garbage caused this. Have we lost America?

      The Bubble will burst if you let the Biden Prick near. Is this your final curtain? A Biden win is game over.

      Is no one awake? Biden will be the Deep State, Microchips and population reduction. The Dumb asses who will be primary Populations Reductions Targets will be voting him in. Walmart’s best! The same Swine will die in the Sty.

      But how is it fair to take you with them? Who will motivate Americans to get out and vote?

      America never needed you more.


      1. One theory on why we have seen no arrests yet…When it all comes out, all roads point towards Hussein, no avoiding this. You think the riots were bad after George Floyd, imagine what happens when the MSM announces that Obama has been arrested. Kiss every major city goodnight. Very delicate situation obviously.


        1. Can’t the military force law and order if so??


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  31. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A definite eye opener there Tony. Well worth watching. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Actually, the video by George Gammon, recommended in the Mike Maloney video is definitely worth watching as well. And it certainly is rather disturbing.

        Government Digital Currency: Why You Should Be TERRIFIED!


        1. Aurataya- thanks for posting this. I got side tracked and would have forgotten to listen to this. Haven’t yet – plan to later.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. No worries beautiful.

            Liked by 1 person

  32. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  33. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. Pompeo needs to release them at least 2 weeks before Election Day to allow time to sink into the seriously Thick Plebs who vote. It’s only the undecided Floating Voters we can get too. The Dems have the c45% brain dead Socialists and Bottom Feeding Crap who will vote for them whatever. It’s just that 10% floating block to carry to keep Trump and America safe.

      If he does scrape in, I just hope to Hell this time the limp brained lump goes after Biden, Obama, Clintons and the corrupt Agency parties. Also time to take out the Deep State. Sadly, his empty promises apart, in 4 years he’s done nothing. If he’s thrown out, his legacy will be swept aside and he will have let everyone down so badly. Denigrated as a Loser, watch then when Melania files for divorce as is coming once he’s out. Then that charade can end and she can get a life of meaning, not demeaning propping up that.

      Trump is just not committed to an ideal, just his Carnival Barkers Pleb mind set. America is not alone. Way too many deeply flawed misfits now run Politics worldwide. So many unfit for Office and way too many, too thick to vote.

      Democracy is failing us all. It’s riddled with Deplorables.

      If somehow, Trump can stay in Office, who will motivate this vain, narcissistic and shallow man, to focus on the clean up? He so, so needs a deeply committed Chief of Staff, but who will work with him? So many who tried left screaming he’s got the mind of a child. We all know that, but who will serve America and manage the fool?

      Who will force or switch Barr to start the indictments ? Is Barr just another Deep State Plant as concerns many?

      Trump is the only chance to clean out the trash. Why for Gods sake, in 4 years, have the Republicans not found a Patriotic candidate of substance and experience? Is no one thinking for America? The talent is there! We despair.


      1. Trump will be remembered as the greatest leader in world history.


        1. I hope so DK!


  34. Go figure (as if readers here didn’t know) but another zinc nail in the COVID coffin:

    New research presented at the 2020 ESCMID Conference on Coronavirus Disease (ECCVID) suggests that lower levels of baseline plasma zinc are associated with poorer survival outcomes in patients hospitalised with COVID-19.

    The study by Dr Roberto Güerri-Fernández, Hospital Del Mar, Barcelona, Spain, and colleagues, involved a retrospective analysis of symptomatic COVID-19 patients admitted to a tertiary university hospital in Barcelona, Spain from 15 March to 30 April 2020.

    Fasting plasma zinc levels were measured routinely at admission in patients admitted to the COVID-19 unit and computer modelling and statistical analyses were used the assess the impact of zinc on mortality.

    Mean baseline zinc levels among the study cohort of 249 patients was 61 mcg/dl. Among those who died (n=21, 8%), baseline zinc levels were significantly lower at 43mcg/dl vs 63.1mcg/dl in survivors.

    [[ Tino — So, what if we gave everybody two bottles each with 365 pills — 1 bottle of Vitamin D3, 1 bottle of Zinc and Copper bioavailable. How much death would that have avoided at baseline.]]

    Liked by 1 person

  35. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  36. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  37. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Talk about election interference.


  38. Please,
    I want you all to read this. It encapsulates what many of us think about Americas dilemma. The reality of the Chasm both Americans and we all, are facing.
    We need you to PLEASE get this out to thinking and divided Americans.

    If we can just check and convert of few of the undecided, and even those too thick to think, it’s the small steps by which we can save America from Biden and the Deep State Socialists.

    It echoes my own concerns. And more more feel the same.
    You either choose and elect Trump, or you GET Biden. It means YOU all getting out and voting for Trump. It means you pushing families , friends and neighbours to vote for Trump.

    It means YOU helping us all, save America, and from those too stupid to know what Biden will mean.
    For all Trumps faults, God knows there are many, Biden is not a step, but a whole 10 miles too far.

    Please, get this out as far and wide as you can.

    So, it’s not our battle.

    We are your closest allies! Its ALL our battle to help you swerve a bullet.
    So, Please, help is all save America from more Socialist Trash and Traitors.

    4 more years to have any hope of taking out the trash, because if Biden and the Deep State take over, it’s the end of America.
    One hour of you time to vote is beyond your Duty. It’s the right millions died for to give YOU that right.

    We care. We want to Keep America Safe, and you children’s futures.

    Never has America needed you more.


    I was unfriended
    ON MY BIRTHDAY by a very close friend of 25 years over
    my support for President Trump.
    I told her how shocked I was that she did that… but much more hurt that she would erase me from her life over this.
    All the years…
    The holidays….
    Involved in each other’s lives forever high and low….
    I’m so taken aback by this…..
    She said “ it’s not that you’re
    Pro Trump…. it’s that you’re
    PRO PRO Trump.”
    I just can’t see erasing
    25 LONG years over “ politics “
    Amazing…. SMH
    But it’s not my
    “ love “ for Trump.
    It’s my DISTAIN for what the
    Democrats have become.
    If you can’t stand Donald Trump, and cannot possibly fathom why anyone would ever vote for him, let me fill you in. It’s not that we love Donald Trump so much. It’s that we can’t stand YOU.

    And we will do whatever it takes — even if that means electing a rude, obnoxious, unpredictable narcissist (your description) to the office of the Presidency — because the one thing we find more dangerous to this nation than Donald Trump is… YOU.
    How is that possible you might ask?

    Well, you, knowingly or unknowingly have done everything in your power to destroy this country. From tearing down the police, to tearing down our history, to tearing down our borders.
    From systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids, to promoting and glorifying abortion, thug culture, socialism and violence.. While demonizing faith, family, decency, normalcy and grace.

    From calling everyone racist 24/7 to gaslighting us about 52 genders, grown men sharing public locker-rooms with little girls, and normalizing the sexualization of young children. You simultaneously ridicule anyone for having the audacity to wish someone a “Merry Christmas”, or hang a flag on the 4th of July, or stand for the national anthem.

    You want to take away the 250 year old right-to-bear-arms against a tyrannical or ineffective government because you can’t get the violence in the cities that you manage under control. Or worse, you are instigating that violence. You want free-speech tossed out the window, and that those who disagree with your opinions are fair game for public harassment or doxing. That spoiled children with nose-rings, tats and man-buns who still live in their mommy’s basement should be allowed to destroy cities and peoples livelihoods without repercussions. That chaos, and lawlessness, and disrespect for authority should be the norm. This is your real agenda, despite the occasional cringe-worthy efforts to disguise it.

    And you wonder why we find you more dangerous than Donald Trump?

    Your narrative is a constant drone of oppressor/oppressed race and gender-baiting, intended to divide the country in as many ways as you possibly can. You sell “victim-hood” every chance you get because it’s such an easy/lazy sell, compared to incentivizing people to stand on their own two feet, take personal responsibility for their own lives, their own communities, and their own futures. But you won’t do that, because you know you will lose control over a free and independent people who actually think for themselves.
    This is why we vote for Donald Trump.
    Not because he is the most charming character on the block.
    Not because he is the most polite politician to have ever graced the oval office.
    Not because he is the most palatable choice, or because we love his moral character, but because we are sick to death of YOU and all of the destructive crap you are doing to this once beautiful and relatively safe country.
    Your ineffective and completely dysfunctional “leadership” has destroyed our most beautiful cities, our public education system, and done it’s damndest to rip faith out of people’s lives and out of the public square.

    However bad Donald Trump may be, and he is far from perfect, every day we look at you, we feel that no matter what Donald Trump says or does there is no possible way he could be any worse for our country than YOU.

    We are sick to death of your destructive, intolerant behavior and beliefs — posing as “wokeness.” We are beyond sick of your hypocrisy, group-think and coerced ideological conformity.

    We are fed up with your unrelenting harping, whining and first-world crybaby complaining while living in the most wealthy and privileged nation to have ever existed on Planet Earth. Making literally zero contributions while focusing on ripping everything down and never building anything up. There is something fundamentally wrong in the psychology of people who choose destruction as their primary modus operandi. When Trump is reelected, don’t blame us, look in the mirror and blame yourselves.

    Because you are responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. You are the ones who have created this “monster” that you so despise, by your very actions. By your refusal to respect fellow Americans, and the things that are important to them:

    You make fun of the “fly-over states,” the people who “cling to their guns and religion,” the middle class factory workers and coal miners, the farmers who feed us, and underprivileged rural populations that you dismissively call “yahoos” and “deplorables.” You have mocked their faith. You have mocked their patriotism. You have trampled on their flag, insulted their veterans and treated first responders with contempt, hatred and defunding. Then you lie and pretend like it’s Trump doing it.

    You have made environmentalism your religion, while trashing every city you have ever taken responsibility for. You scream from the rooftops about “global warming” and a “green new deal” while allowing tens of thousands of homeless people to cover your streets in literal shit and garbage, needles and plastic waste without doing a single thing to help them or solve the environmental crisis your failed social policies have created. You leave a trail of depravity and trash wherever you go. But we’re supposed to put YOU in charge of the environment while gutting our entire economy when you can’t even clean up a single city?

    We the quiet citizens see all of this, and we will do our rioting in the voting booth. When Donald Trump is reelected it will be because you and your “comrades” have chosen to trash the police, harass law-abiding citizens, and go on rampages destroying public property that we have all paid for, which you have zero respect for.

    How does it feel to know that half of this country finds you FAR more despicable than the Donald Trump you are endlessly describing as the devil incarnate?
    Let that sink in.

    You are more despicable, more dangerous, more stupid, and more narcissistic than Donald Trump.

    Maybe allow yourself a few seconds of self-reflection. This election isn’t about Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden. This election is about Donald Trump vs YOU.
    So if on the morning of November 4, or more likely January 19, by the time the Supreme Court will weigh in on your stupid mail-in ballot fiasco that we are headed towards, and Donald J. Trump is reelected…

    The only people you will have to blame is YOU and your media drones .

    Hopefully, when that day comes, Donald Trump will then act decisively and unhindered by the need for re-election, to dismantle all of your institutions of depravity that you have been trying to impose on the rest of us for years now in your creeping cultural revolution. You may not believe in God, but you better pray that Trump is re-elected.

    So you’re either PRO America, or Anti. This election isn’t about Trump or Biden, or the left vs right… This election is for your rights, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to get back on track, for YOU have stripped that from all of us for FAR too long!!

    I hope you’re on the right side, no pun intended, for only one side will make your dreams come true. America will always have your back, but do you have ours is the question.

    America 2020! Trump 2020!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Wow – the libs really have gotten so bad but I’m not surprised. I had a similar experience twenty years ago.

      I was kicked out of a so called friends house because I called Al Gore a wooden Indian while watching the presidential debates at her house. I I thought she was kidding but NO! Dead serious. How dare I! It was abrupt and she never spoke to me again.

      GO TRUMP! 🇺🇸


      1. Go A Johnson. Stuff her darlin. If she did not respect your right to your opinion then she certainly was not and never would be a decent friend to you. Good on you.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Absolutely awesome post. Thanks John. So very true. .GO TRUMP.


    1. HIW

      I can’t say a lot we are trying to get a major consensus on many fronts. We need to re think metals values if we are going to seriously think asset backed currencies or Cryptos. A lot is in play right now. Assume we are all over it. But not for publication yet we need at least until the month end.

      Metal- Values? Got it? It just ” May” be an angle for you to contemplate. ????????????????????


    2. Are we going to see the dollar tank?


    3. Here is an article I read a few months back about XRP and Silver price correlation. Very interesting….



  39. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Just a little housekeeping note:

    The follow-up to our last post will be pre-empted by a special election briefing which will be posted as soon as possible. After, we will post a second part to our current article.

    I have received some very interesting feedback to our current article. It’s clear from the language and tone of the replies I am getting, back channel, that many are going through a kind of withdrawal from the currency drugs they have been ingesting. I am not talking about the issue of whether or not these currencies will ever pay off for the man on the street. That’s something I have no power to know for sure (although I doubt seriously that any success in this area will be the huge cash gusher that people have been told they would get).

    What I am seeing is an almost sublime departure from rationality, and the struggle to get back to it.

    Any one of us would seek expert advice on taxes, auto repair, travel, medical issues, business etc. But when it comes to currency speculation in the war torn currency markets, some people depart from this expected rationality, and seek advice from convicted MLM hustlers, washed-up businessmen, out of work donations floggers, oil workers, truck drivers; anyone and everyone except verified persons with proper credentials holding key positions in international finance. People who live and breathe the very essence of nations’ financial affairs.

    This is not to knock the occupations mentioned, but let’s face it. If you were seeking advice on a serious illness, would you talk to a sewer worker, or a shoe salesman?

    There seems to be a parallel universe of the truly bizarre which too many have fallen into. It’s tragic and very painful to watch.

    Post releases, when the reality of what truly is legitimate is settled and reflected in the real world, we will probably behold a rapid onset of mass anger of those who are forced to realize that their $1000 in dinar didn’t make them a multi-millionaire. I wonder who they will want to see about that?

    We will find out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 1K invested in Cryptos would have done.
      Instead the Pond life got loose, the Bible Belt Hustlers syphoned collection money, the Mormons pawned a couple of wives, Bush and Cheney could not believe the sheer scale of stupidity rife. Rednecks traded more hooch and got in for the boom, even Pimps traded 2 for one to book a slot.
      But no one sought to ask, who will pay for this lot? So, while the Big Boys may hustle a fix, Joe Public has no Champions.
      WHA at least gives readers a chance to line up for Crypto 2.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Actually, Joe Public does have a champion or two and one of them owns this blog.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Thanks for this message Tony. I look forward to your future followup articles.

      I can only speak for myself here but I am totally over the currency/paper matter. I suppose I was sucked into the whirlwind of the quick easy buck without really considering the reality of that matter. Live and learn I say. I am more than happy to move on and learn about new avenues of improving life and thanks to you I am doing that,

      Enjoy a fab weekend Tony.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, mate. You too.

        She’ll be right.

        Liked by 1 person

  40. ‘If you don’t, I won’t forget it’: Trump’s threat to Bill Barr to charge Joe Biden and Obama over spygate – and he wants Hillary Clinton indicted too

    President Donald Trump said Thursday he has spoken to Attorney General Bill Barr about the evidence in John Durham’s probe of alleged FBI misconduct and called for his rivals to be indicted.


    At last Heel Spurs Coward is waking up to the reality his days may be numbered, it’s only taken him 4 years????????????

    Every Dog on the blocks knows Biden, Clinton and Obama need to be in jail. With all the power of the Oval Office, why has this Mutt not scooped them up long ago?
    JFK in his day would have taken them down in his first year.

    If he, in fact, the Dumbest Putz America has ever had as President? His only hope now is the American Public see that Biden is even worse.
    Yes, Dumber than Trump may be Trump’s saving grace.
    So, will the Burger Gut Draft Dodger, actually at last wake up and demand Barr indict them before this election and act as a Leader?
    As the Leader damn well long overdue time he directed Barr to do it or fire him! The worry has always been that Barr is too close to the Deep State, and is a Justice Blocker fronting for them.
    INDICT these Bastards and Man Up! End it!
    Joe Biden is the Subject of Federal Criminal Investigation Into His Role in Spygate and Activities in Ukraine – Stillness in the Storm

    How can he still be running ? Why is the Lump not ram raiding this is he so thick? He’s almost out of time. Will he get the poke as a joke?

    Pelosi sets stage for NEW way to oust Trump – using 25th Amendment to rule him incapacitated amid his bout with Covid — RT USA News

    Crazy business

    Yes to lashing out and use a heavy stick,!
    If Barr does not indict put him into the night. Indict!

    Every day the guns are out by a Global Media determined to get him out of office at all costs. They hate him.
    No President has ever been so reviled.
    Or, sadly, so Stupid, but they for sure have had a few Woosies.
    If Trump loses the Media will trash him forever. Reviled until death as a sad, One Termer Loser and Chump.
    Trump has to win this election, Biden and Pelosi are even more unthinkable. But its a war of attrition with the media daily.
    We have to help Trump win this election. Yes, hes got his issues, but God help America and the world if Biden gets in.
    God help the world if Biden gets in. Biden and Pelosi running America. Unthinkable.



    1. There may be a lot I don’t like about Trump but I have to say the bloke has balls. How many could stand up to what he puts up with every single bloody day from every bloody angle one could imagine? Not many in my opinion. And I think his ego assists him through this process because without it he would probably collapse in a heap from the endless attacks.


      1. It’s either that or a grand illusion. I’m voting for Trump regardless.

        Liked by 1 person

  41. London’s Muslim ego mad Major is now demanding a draconian lock down for London. Madness!!! Insanity!

    Buffoon Boris is being run over by the French in Brexit talks. The fat Buffoon needs to walk! No Deal!

    Biden right so, is refusing to allow Trump more time for Debates. Turn up, show up, mask up, Put Up or Shut Up!
    Man Up Trump damn you, just mask and show you Big Woosie! There is no more time. Real Men die trying not crying and lying. Man Up!

    It’s looking ever more like Masks for 2 years.
    Children are being bought into a scary mask world of no recognition. Fear of Elders. Fear of life. WTF are we doing?

    Who will bend a Barr over Barr’s head and tell him indict next week or be fired? Barr is Em Barr ising America.


    1. I read more and more people in higher places asking if Barr is compromised….. you have to wonder….. if you are in a position to act then you have the responsibility to act…. DO YOUR FREAKIN JOB MAN!

      Liked by 1 person

  42. What did we learn from the Pence-Harris debate? Clear, concise, and reasoned. Worth the 5-min. watch.
    https://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=6198975120001&w=466&h=263Watch the latest video at foxnews.com


  43. An example of voter fraud….. I think this happens a lot….. only way I can surmise some of the people out there I see get elected….
    OCT 8th report….


  44. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/case-you-missed-it-standford-professor-talks-about-disaster-covid
    Stanford professor argues “disaster” COVID lockdowns harm children, other patients
    In short, “Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal,” is a statement that sums up much of the document’s sentiment.

    Do masks work? Should they be mandatory? Were ventilators improperly implemented? Were people who were not at high risk for the spread unfairly locked down, causing irreparable damage to their lives and families? These questions and more are discussed in two exclusive interviews.


  45. _______

    Thanks the Sciences, you just totally F up over 60% of Tourism you Retards!!!! But as the world loses their jobs, you bunch of complete F Brains keep yours?????????????

    According to the UN travel tourism organization we have experienced over 60% a collapse in tourism started in mid-March with the lockdowns. One can assume the loss in tourism will lead to civil unrest, as at least 100 million jobs if not more have been lost in countries like Greece, Spain and various island countries have lost not just a major driver of economic stability but also have seen the indirect impact on real estate values and thus the liquidity of such holdings as Travel has ground to a halt, resulting in stranded assets. Where capital losses have not yet shown their true extent. The real extent of impact will take a year or two to flush out, with such assets experiencing a pronounced decline in value. As without travel the value of such assets no longer provides easy access nor continued stability of value. And one does wonder what major destination cities like Barcelona who experience more tourists than residents will do to keep their cities vibrant? Let alone what changes to life will occur for those dependent on vanished tourists. And cities reliant on business travelers from Las Vegas to London will experience very real losses that will and are widespread.

    Every week one reads of hotels in trouble and devastation in the airline industry with countless jobs being lost and it is likely such jobs will not return causing a pronounced impact and affect on everything from consumption towards transporter purchases going forward. Try flying direct to San Francisco for a weekend and see the bizarre routing, as it no longer is a simple exercise. It is likely that we have not seen the true extent of the airline bankruptcies which should become more evident by the summer of 2021. This further translates into real impact on travel agents and travel related businesses like American Express which no doubt is experiencing a profound impact along with other credit card companies. Some people tell me the travel industry has been set back 45 years, while others share horror stories about the ability to find connecting flight to reach destinations that in the past were taken for granted. This said new meaning to the term “road warrior”.

    These times have certainly become ones of upheaval in constant change with twisting realities affecting far more people than one would imagine. Stability and normality although just months ago seems very distant and is unlikely to return anytime soon as this fallout works its’ way through to some end point. It is no wonder, that many people are willing to find peace and tranquility in this storm of of upheavals in their homes which are becoming the new sanctuaries forgoing what once was.

    Liked by 2 people

  46. Ok.

    At this point, there is NO correlation between antigen testing, real cases (ie. folks showing symptoms), hospitalization and deaths. Complete and absolute desync.

    There’s no second wave. This is all chimera. An illusion caused by a PCR test that should never be used for diagnosis as it has ZERO prognostic value. At best, the antigen test is a population proxy for a stimulated immune system by either bacteria or virii. We are now reclassifying the regular ill with upper respiratory issues as COVID due to the bogus test.

    I will not repeat here what I have been saying, and what competent virologists, have seconded independently. That the PCR is being run at a sensitivity cycle level that basically produces noise proportional to immune system activation.

    The COVID debacle is a complete anti-human manual of what NOT to do in the case of a pandemic.

    And while there are some folks, undoubtedly still dieing from the contagion, the number is minimal and of no public health consequence.

    Farr’s Law has executed as it always has before.

    It’s over.

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Trump says he told Barr ‘we’ve got plenty’ to indict Biden, Obama https://mol.im/a/8819875 via http://dailym.ai/android


    1. HIW

      Its been a tragic waste of 4 years. Total Numbskulls.


  48. Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Publication of Cryptocurrency Enforcement Framework



  49. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  50. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  51. CIA Director Haspel And The Anti-Trump Conspirators | Zero Hedge

    America and thus the world need to know the truth. But if Biden gets in, this all gets buried. 4 years on the job and all this was known, but a Present too thick to get his act together and take them down.
    Two Morons, one choice. The tough choice for America. The Liar or the Crook? Some choice

    So late, its all been known for years so why has the Chump not acted as indicated.

    Hillary Clinton behind plan to tie Trump to Russia, CIA warned FBI’s Comey, Strzok – Washington Times

    Amazing! Trump is right “crooked Hillary “. The trouble is we have a President too thick to organise Enforcement to take her down.

    The sickening consequence is we, the world, are at risk of Biden and Harris getting in because the Lying King cant cut it.


    With our blessings, extradite, try and Capital Punish these Bastards . The Chair works for us. Their own prep chairway to hell
    Covid vaccine ‘rolled out NEXT MONTH’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8816703/Covid-vaccine-rolled-MONTH-tens-thousands-getting-jab-day-Christmas.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    The Banks are blocking your options and Governments are scared


    Top Crypto Trader Explains How He Turned Handful of Bitcoin Into $100K, With 4,000% Returns in Three Weeks


  52. Thanks


  53. Fun.

    You can feel the happiness and good times of all gathered. Not only the ‘young piper’ [camera zooms in on him at 6:53 mark] but very young lass beating a couple of bass drums … other lasses proudly and skillfully playing their drums … mallets twirling and flourished. [8-min]

    Liked by 1 person

  54. Thank you John and Tony for your continued guidance which is always greatly appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. Be clear, we can only try to help by commenting on what is, in ever changing conditions. Just look at the state of the world now, and even the US Presidency. The Deep State is running wild, self protecting. As are the Banks now climbing on board fast with Blockchain and Cryptos.
    So we try to help guide and guard you as best we can.

    But sometimes it’s like Pheidippides running his marathon to report on the state of the battle and being killed for it in our world if the truth was not wanted.

    With a world in free fall, truth dies first. Not that that will ever bother Trump, but Biden is worse. Far worse. Some choice heh? When ” God” gave free choice, it was not intended you keep making the wrong one.

    Reality in Palookerville. Circa 49% plus will still be voting for Biden and the Deep State. Frightening. Hopefully no more.

    Post, what we hope will be the release of new Capital for the Real Elders, in conjunction with a deal pending with a a real Global Agency, and the release of certain Private Placements where parties who brought Real Money into the system, against assurances, since rescinded by corrupt Administrators, if they also are now redeemed, those combined forces WILL cross combine towards partial reshaping of our world where possible. No one can fix it all overnight.

    But these are the Genuine sources, truly owed. Not the Cling On Assigned Wannabes, day dreaming they have power or authority on funds not under their control.

    Not Pumpers, or Delusional Assigned Prevaricators of Paper Promises, now long since defunct, wanting a seat at the table, in a Roman type Senate, Bare Assed and Broke. Good luck with that. Propounding to the world, I have the key to Power here, look upon my Trojan Horse as my gift to free you. While their associates take your contributions.

    Pied pipers pumping themselves and the Delusional. God help those bearing truths. Ever changing as it is.

    We are indicating to you the current state of reality for this year. Also probably the first half of next although the US Presidency can change all of that. The current President’s team are working to try to get the Real Elders genuine assets, under THEIR control, into a new operation before the votes. Real people, Real entitled verifiable parties, all engaged in sophisticated negotiations, but all with good intent. Funds which can help Projects, Infrastructure and Human needs. Parties fit for the roles. But it’s still a melting pot. There are no Done Deals yet. But parties Fit for Purpose are trying. Hard!

    Subject to that being accomplished, and subject to Tony’s willingness to continue to serve in a role reporting on and guiding with Cryptos etc, there are aspirations to create and entire new series of genuine Project based Wealth creating Cryptos already pre funded by the Elders, but where you, the WHA readers, will be getting a chance to be in on the ground floor. You missed the first Cryptos, you don’t need to miss the next.

    No site even now serves you better, but post what is coming, there is light in the tunnel that is not the Biden Train wreck coming at you. Just a wake up call with the lights on to try to help you choose the right direction.

    If our aspirations can be achieved, a monetised Crypto not a De Monetized note from printing machines working overtime fleecing the gullible and desperate, would be an innovation you can aspire to, how long has it been for Dinarians? We so much wait to see the Sterling Sentences.

    We can’t be accountable for De Monetized notes. Whatever the outcome, you reached for that Pied Piper, but parties of truly good intent are looking towards viable Project funded and Wealth backed Cryptos, to help you achieve a better future, and see where the investment is going, Zionist free, No Roaches allowed in. No Pumpers or false Gurus. Just a new ground floor vehicle, where humanity may for many mean lying in the gutters of reality, but at least with WHA you can see and hopefully then, as with JFK, reach for the stars. A new journey of hope and discovery. Deep State and Roach free.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Very exciting for sure!….. hope the releases come thru!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. “…Subject to that being accomplished, and subject to Tony’s willingness to continue to serve in a role reporting on and guiding with Cryptos etc, there are aspirations to create and entire new series of genuine Project based Wealth creating Cryptos already pre funded by the Elders, but where you, the WHA readers, will be getting a chance to be in on the ground floor. You missed the first Cryptos, you don’t need to miss the next…”

      I wish to comment on these words from J2020.

      For the foreseeable future, I will continue to serve and bring our readers value, which, if I am correct, will outpace many other sites, which would charge pretty hefty fees for doing what we do here.

      I could EASILY convert this site to a member’s only site, and charge access to the information we give. Many have told me to do so, and that I should not work like this for free. But, so putrid is the stench in my nose from seeing so many promoters fleecing people, I won’t do that.

      Once we see a major release, it will get better from there. I will continue to self fund the effort for now. Post releases, I will be able to turn over many business responsibilities to others and focus more on what John has been referring to.

      And, John is correct. Many missed the first run up in crypto digital asset wealth creation, but the next run up is coming, and if what I see brewing in that sector does play out as I think it will, you indeed will not need to worry about missing it. The digital ideas we have shared have real traction and critical use cases in key sectors. The information on those projects was acquired at significant cost, and passed on to our readers, gratis.

      And on top of that, we now are told there is a new crypto project being conceived via the REAL elders and their London power? Holy mackerel!

      Many thanks, John.

      Pax Londinium

      Liked by 3 people

      1. WOW Tony, thank you so much for sharing this message. You never cease to amaze me with your kind and generous heart. I know I tell you quite often how much I appreciate your daily time and effort but I do really hope you believe that and know they are not just empty words uttered. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

        Far out! This is all really starting to excite me now. Holy mackerel alright.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. What a big heart you have Tony.

        I notice you are not signed up on Brave Browser to recieve tips in BAT tokens. Some of us may want to send some your way to show appreciation for the site, if you would let us or should I say me.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I do appreciate that, and I have Brave installed but have yet to use it or set it up for tips. haha. That was a nice thought and again I appreciate it but of course we will have to politely decline.

          I will have to check John’s browser for tips and be sure he reports his tax to the exchequer. lol

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Under a quarter BAT token can get John in a lot of trouble. Lol

            This is not like any other site but it’s what it’s for though. Tip content creators if you want to or connect Uphold wallet directly to Brave browser and every month will automatically go there.

            You generate BAT tokens if you wish to receive ads. You don’t have to open them and you get free tokens. The browser is fast and commercial free when watching YouTube videos. It’s just for fun Tony but who knows how much those tokens can be worth in the future.

            If you had a membership only site, I would most definitely pay for WHA membership. I understand why you don’t want to go that route. We are very fortunate here. There are not many Tony’s and John’s in this world.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Don’t mention “batting” to Johnny, it’s sends him nuts. LOL

              I 1000% agree with your last paragraph A Johnson.


    3. Now that truly is an awesome comment Johnny. Thank you so much for sharing those words with us.


    4. Wow, This last post from John are very informative for all of us, for know where we are in this flight. I think captain John is asking permission to land this big ✈️🛬🛬. Thanks so much.


  56. Subscribed.

    Thanks Tony and John & all the posters.

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Thank you Tony for another amazing article.


  58. SUBSCRIBED!!!!


  59. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Do NOT vote by mail, if you can avoid it. Go to the polls on election day.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Yes – can’t take any chances. 👍


  60. Well, I guess you believe that settles it. I have been following and listening and was always told not to give up on the Dinar by you, but it appears I should not follow anymore as you have said what you believe. Thanks for your information.


    1. I don’t recall ever telling anyone to “not give up on the dinar”. But, I understand your feelings.

      Travel well, and good luck.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I could go back and find the thread but who has the time? Maybe it was another writer. I was told not to get rid of the dinar and not to give up on it. You did say if it came to that you would tell us. And you did. I have no other investments as that was a one time thing. Hopefully you are wrong!


        1. Remember that the article specified “this year”.

          Will next be any different? I have no idea.

          The decision to hold onto paper is a personal one.

          We called it for this year – a big NO. With that, your decisions on paper are yours. I am not postulating against anyone’s chances to “cash in”. But, the realities of what is, is. Bill Clinton will back me on that.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Oh and btw, I did catch the title but not putting my hopes for the next year. Too many years has gone by. Other opportunities abound. Speaking for myself.

            Liked by 1 person

        2. Tony – I for one have never read anything about you saying to hold on to the dinar. You have always stated that it was not guaranteed.

          And had I bought Bitcoin years ago instead of the dinar notes, I would have had my RV in 2017. Could of and should will not happen a second time for me. I’m positioned now, thanks to this site.

          At this point, I’ve moved a long time ago. If dinars RV and we get a shot, great. If not, Oh well, you win some and lose some.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I agree. Win some, lose some. I wish I knew enough about Bitcoin to have invested. It was a little intimidating to me and I couldn’t find anyone who helped me understand it. If the dinar happens, great! If not, I trust God with my life and finances, so I am not worried. If you know of a great website or blog to learn more about Bitcoin, please fill me in!


          2. Moved “on”

            Tony the btw comment went in the wrong place. 😟


          3. No disrespect but earth to Julie!!! 😊

            What do you think Tony has been posting here for the last few years. Also, YouTube has many tutorial videos on how to set up your wallet, etc.

            I have very little Bitcoin. I feel I missed the boat on that one for the massive gains. I do think Bitcoin will do well but selective altcoins are going to do really well as far as percentage gains. IMO

            Tony has posted some crypto ideas and some are under .50 cents. Even under .10 cents and one in particular is in the penny range. With these prices, you can keep your dinar and put some money in cryptos. Not investment advice. That’s what I’m doing besides, I can’t sell my dinar from my state, so no choice anyway. I’m stuck with them. Lol

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Honestly I am baffled by the words responding to my comments. I can assure you I am fully “awakened” to God who I trust with my finances and my life. I simply commented I receive your comments about the dinar and that I am not in fear nor do I worry about it. Weird that you heard something else. No worries. Thanks for your postings. God has me and my family and I am not worried! Blessings to all! Peace.


              1. Blessings to you too Julie. XX


  61. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  62. is my thinking correct that we might be able to get rid of some dongs and be able to position into cryptos?


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      If you are referring to a post RV of the dong, sure. You have that option.

      If you are referring to doing so now, sure. The dong is internationally traded and liquid at most major currency desks.

      The choice is yours.

      Our London power player will have to, if he wishes, comment further on any potential for the dong to hit the mark for public, this year, or the next.


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