White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #168

The Legitimate Dynastic Elders And Goals of Their Releases  

This is a complex, multifaceted, multi-nation, multi-Banking, and Global Power Control Dichotomy. All have their Say and want to be in the final Game play. 

We now have Rockefellers, the Crown via the Committee of 300, and the Elders in full play. Representatives are there right now, as parties try to reach a consensus with so many self seeking special interests. One which will cater for the ever changing new Global Dynamics. With the emergence of Cryptos, Blockchain, the growing Global preference for Euros over USD, and incoming QFS, the Zionist Old Guard is seeking to hook their Claws onto something, or all will be swept away. Their problem in the new world incoming, is there is no real role for them to play or dominate. Nor a need. Parasites are trying as ever to burrow into a new Host! “Hit the Rocks, Fella”, is not what they had in mind. It’s Culture Shocking them. 

QFS can negate their entire control base, as so many accounts would fail the History of Funds Diligence Checks. How was it earned or sourced? Apply this and entire groups of cross corruption will be exposed. They seek control. We are denying it. 

“…We will raise the bar. Imagine…IF, London and the Elders bought a key Sovereign Bank, one which also facilitated Global Crypto Trading, and Metals holdings, and then forced all MTN Trading Profits back into Nation rebuilding; if we denied Offshore Banks access to QFS transfers or MTN profits…”  

Senior GS Trustee

Tough London Ethical Controls. No “Camels” in the tent. Trust! Zio Free!

The U.S. simply is insolvent, and in desperate need of an asset base to underpin its Fake Fed Base, the insolvent U.S. Zio Banks are sucked dry to cover over the cracks in the U.S. Treasury Balance Sheets to continue the Myth of Fiscal probity. We know this! 

More meetings are set for next week hoping to clear issues to be finally signed off soon by all parties. Presidents are waiting. There is a lot we can’t and won’t say in Public. Nor will we show our hand yet. Almost all the Tier One and Tier Two MTN Bank Program Profits (Vast!!!) are skimmed off into their Offshore Accounts daily, evading Taxes and denying nations’ wealth creation needs. This goes to fund an insatiable CRIMINAL Military Industrial Cabal and a vast plethora of Special Interests’ Mercenary Contractor Killers costing between $3K to $5K per man day operating beyond the rule of law, in ruthless Wars created for profits. A Million poor Iraqis died for this. How many poor Syrians have died for this?

Be clear – the ONLY reason the U.S. is in Syria is to steal its oil, and to steal its land. Look at the disgrace and suffering of Palestine. Trump, acting under orders from his Zionist Paymasters, unlawfully gifted Syria’s Golan Heights to the Kushner Crime Family and other Zionists, Cheney and Mossad’s Nutter Yahoo. Hegemony for Money!  There is no Moral Imperative or Honor in using the U.S. Military as body bags for Israeli and vast Zionists’ profits. Mongrel Dogs rented for profit. 

We will raise the bar. Imagine…IF, London and the Elders bought a key Sovereign Bank, one which also facilitated Global Crypto Trading, and Metals holdings, and then forced all MTN Trading Profits back into Nation rebuilding; if we denied Offshore Banks access to QFS transfers or MTN profits. They want amnesties? We want the vast Profits accrued daily to service Human and Ecological needs, not their greed. Putting back. Establishing a Moral Imperative.   

Wait until you see our terms. We will show our real plans only after we first get real control. We are thinking a Century forwards. Inclusive regeneration. Our objectives are going to recycle back Project Profits created by the People, into new Wealth Creating Projects and Token/Cryptos where the profits of good projects are then reinvested back into you, the people, and you all become real stakeholders in a United New Wealth Version Self Generating funds for all nations. Educating nations by Professionals, not Churches and Cults skimming off fees. No 7th Century ignorant Despots loose and demanding. Ethereal values from birth. Quality education for all children to have equal chances. Nurturing values from birth. Educating. Not allowing ever continuing indoctrination from these Mongrels and their Blood Cult Child sexual mutilations. We have to turn the tide over a century.  

Only 40% of all Taxes syphoned off from you actually goes back to fund needs for you. 60% is recklessly wasted on Admin and Bureaucratic Suits. Why? Because it’s “Their” pernicious Law? Not to serve you, but to help themselves. We will be looking to fund Humanity directly to the point of need, and to cut out their waste. Why do we need “Governments”? Incompetent, inept and crooked. Without these mediocrities over 150% more investment can go back to meet needs, without the Half Wits, Clinton sleaze, Nancys and Scammers syphoning from the pot.

What you the people create, we want to put back without Roaches on your back. Rethinking Community Development, its purpose, protective needs and how to secure Communities by the self created Community Pride of We The People protecting its own Community with pride. Where every Person’s Home is YOUR own Sovereign Domain. Your Right to be Free of persecution! To exist safely. To know, that as long as you have Humane values, we will protect your very right to exist.

Those are the objectives of the Elders and London Trusts. To make a Difference! To serve Humanity, not to help themselves.

So much is active on your watch. Vision is alive! These funds need to be used for a good purpose as endowed. To sow the green shoots of hope for Mankind to be Kind. Leaders fit to serve. Service to others is a Privilege, not a Right.

Right…is putting back.

1,389 responses to “Information Briefing #168”

  1. So good to see Tino back and firing, Biffie too now. Readership Markets got corrected and the cream rose to the top across the Blogger market. Some sites succeeded, others are now virtually extinct. Blogs survive on judgment calls, Good or Bad. Failure is unforgiving. There is no time for petulant abuse of assumed Editorial powers. A graveyard of vanities quickly, becomes apparent.

    Competition for Blogs is ever higher, with a high Churn Rate of failed quality input or vacuous direction.
    WHA rides high with consistent work from so many valued contributors. We all need to keep it this way.

    So much original media input is unique to WHA.

    WHA rides the Churn effect well. Ever new faces appearing also. So many many contribute so much.

    What a thought forum. Karma corrects.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad to be here and back John.

      I had to adapt to the new level of busy, not to mention travel to and from my father on a regular basis.


      1. Understood and thankfully you can help us all with the daily grind.
        You and your father have quality time. Immortal Brownie Points.


    2. Thanks John. I learn so much from this site with such a variety of information. Definitely appreciate the efforts of all the posters.


  2. World’s Extreme Logging Truck Haul Cedar Operator Skill, Heavy Equipment Truck Loading Climbing Work
    10 minute video. Wow!! Not sure which job I want to do…none?


  3. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Just a quick reminder for those in the US and using Binance US.

    They are experiencing tremendous backlog with their account verifications. So, if you have an account with them, and have not completed verification for withdrawals, I would encourage you to do so now before you need any cash from your positions, if you intend to withdraw in the near future. Don’t wait until the last minute, as it may take them over 30 days to get it done. Start the full verification process now, before you need the money.

    Also, as an added bonus comment, I am looking at the patterns in the market and I am seeing that sometime after the 22nd of June and into July through August, the general indexes in the US markets are going to start to soften from their current surges. My estimation is that the correction could be around 30% at most.

    I am not urging anyone to a specific course of action. I am merely pointing out what may happen.

    I continue to believe, based on observations and continuing institutional interest, that the latter half of 2021 will see a digital asset increase beyond the recent highs of the past. Your safe position sizing is what carries you through the storms, and your ability to hold in the face of all manner of hysterical maximus vomitoria excretia will give you the chance to arrive at your next destination in fine shape.

    Now, while i am not able to comment in depth about the G7 and peripherally relevant emanating effects therefrom, (because I simply don’t know), we earlier saw a post on this site pointing out the fact that a Royal Navy Carrier Strike Group is currently making its way to Korean and will arrive in August. We can all rest assured that they are not going all that way to order Kimchi and Fido brisket.

    One can only imagine what is going to transpire that would include the need for a nuclear armed task naval group of that size and capability to ensure a successful protection of their intended mission.

    It’s clear that the need for protection is beyond critical.

    We have been told here in previous comments that the old banking cartel overlords are chaffing at being excluded from future plans, to keep their usurious claws out of the mix. One can only wonder what the Royal Navy is going to accomplish on this trip, and doing so with such firepower, that those previously mentioned claws have no chance to stop it.

    Whatever is happening, and whatever is going to happen, we will leave to others closer to the operation itself to share in the details when the time is right, if at all.

    For now, remember how you read the above here, and from what I can see, only here.

    What an amazing time to be a witness to this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tony are you saying the crypto market will be heading up soon and get verified quick to take profit ?


      1. Not specifically that.

        I simply wanted everyone who plans on withdrawing at some point in the future, when the opportunity presents itself, to have their account ready to process such without delay.

        You can always easily exit any crypto into cash within the brokerage, It’s getting that cash to your bank account in a timely manner that you will need your account fully verified to do so. That’s the point I was making. The timing of when you would want to exit any position to cash is totally up to the person. But getting the cash to your bank account is up to the brokerage, and they won’t do so if you are not fully verified.

        The markets have been heading up since March of 2020, as it anticipated the halving in May. I believe they will continue to head up from now until at least the end of the year.

        As for when to exit any of the positions we have suggested, I will indeed announce when we should do so at the best time. That time is not now, in my opinion.

        Liked by 3 people

    2. For firepower consider the most advanced Aircraft and Helicopter carrier in the world. Laser weapons. Cruise missiles, Battleships, Cruisers, Frigates, Nuclear subs shadowing, missile armed Drones and a c300 miles intense radar shield. Nothing gets near, any threat will be obliterated. Armed to the teeth, shielded and deadly. Rule Britannia! As we change the Khazar and Zio Mafias usurping role of our freedoms., hopefully soon a stopover in the Gaza strip in Palestine can feed and cloth those poor, desperate Souls, and British power can sweep Mossad and its vile Khazar Thugs aside. The sooner Iran gets its own Nukes the better. We need to kill the Zio Mafia in its lair. Saudi, the Israeli /US lap dog will be knee trembling soon. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, Palestine and more have scores to settle with Israel. Mossad is America biggest Spying threat. The Zionist Mafia is a Global curse and Tyranny. A Pariah Pestilence.
      It’s not just a currency reset needed, it’s Power! Standards, raising the bar, and removing the Zio Rodents. Annihilation of the Khazar Global nation. Humanity need to be freed from their toxic Leadership. Raise the Bar and No Khazar! Expose them worldwide. The Alien Nation!


    This video is from a pharmacist. Wow. Shows a pic of the package insert from the box of vaccines that came in and it says “intentionally blank”.


    1. Which is an automatic violation of informed consent.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. V passport commercial.


  7. Now what may be about to get unveiled in the low life Obamas Mothers birthing history? Whose his real father?
    Thanks John,
    Very interesting information here. The truth always comes out.


  8. Just sayin’


  9. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    More is better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good grief…what a flippin idiot!!!!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Biden, Good God what is this Fool doing to America?

      America KILLED LIbya, America trashed Syria. Then Failed. YOU caused all this crap. Just as with Iraq.
      Don’t moralise YOUR Screw Ups, just get out!
      You seriously put this Geriatric fool in Public, in our faces?
      The Escort next? Culture is not for Klutzes!
      He’s gone down at the G7 like a leaking Floater!
      But his wife did OK.
      This is like showing your bare Ass to the world.
      Time to rethink America?
      Stop funding and Arming these Mossad Zionists. The UK also! Palestinian Lives for profits? Why?


    1. at 25,800 deaths, this would far worse than the 19,141 annual homicides committed in the USA


  10. Our Gift for you all to fight the Socialists.

    New Lee Greenwood, Written For President Trump! – Rumble

    Wile many people may be right to say disparaging things about Trump and his past and his connections and ties, he still is a populist elected President, not seen since Kennedy. And Kennedy was no saint, he was a rogue similar to Trump, but was a populist President who went against the club. I imagine even Robin Hood had his faults and warts.
    When comparing Trump’s voiced desire to make America work for Americans he stands tall in comparison to what we just saw at the G7.


    This is what is panicking many now.
    Watch “Taiwan’s foreign minister says China is ‘preparing for war.’ Here’s Taiwan’s response plan” on YouTube

    Major Bombshell Exposes China’s Role In Global Pandemic | Sons of 1776

    Things are getting ugly for China and Gates.
    Why does anyone believe in or fund the the WHO, their major funders are China and Gates and pull their strings?


    Now what may be about to get unveiled in the low life Obamas Mothers birthing history? Whose his real father?
    Prince Harry ‘On Verge Of Total Breakdown’ After ‘Huge Fights’ With Meghan Markle?

    Thomas Markel is acquitting himself well for America and decency. He sees and understands the damage this ever bolting, attention seeking F Hottentot is wantonly doing doing to cultural relations.
    Harry is a weak, pathetic Wimp. She must despise him by now.
    He needs to Go Home! Tail between his legs. The Bolter will be chasing Democrats next. Is she the next Wallace Simpson? It’s looking so. Three marriages?
    She can’t handle Class, and she’s shown her Ass to the UK. We don’t want her back. Hopefully the report is correct and it ends. Tossers?

    Joe Biden heads to Windsor for afternoon tea: Queen welcomes US President and First Lady

    It’s nice to see that Americas President, vote rigged or otherwise, was still accorded a Royal visit, and Jill as First Lady handled it with Decorum.

    Unlike the Gross, Cheap and Klutz Trump Family who assumed the honoured role of Presidency allowed him to invite his Zio trash family and the rest, to Palace affairs UNINVITED!!!

    It does not and was not, well received. It demeans America’s Cultural standing, but from the grossly tacky low class Trumps what can you expect? A Brothel running Grandfather, A Slumlord Father, Grifting and Eastern Block Mail Order brides, his low Class shows. America has so much better.

    Jill handled it with dignity. That is good for America.
    We had Cat expulsion aromas added to the Queens Hair Spray to keep Sniffer Joe at bay, and the kids were not on display.

    As ever, this fake President could not keep his stupid mouth shut. and blabbed off about the Queen questioning on Putin and Xi. WTF? But the world knows he’s a Moron.

    This is a run. Are you going for a Triple on the next? Ron and JFK had Class. Since then?
    But overall it was nice to see the US doing well, all allowed for Mindless Sniffer Biden.
    First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 – ScienceDirect

    Submitted by a supporter.

    Holy shit!

    This is the 2nd time, I have seen such a report. The first one being a Russian one which had an identical conclusion. In short even after 1 dose the spike protein was in all the organs. There is no telling who or how each person will be affected by the so called vaccines. Perhaps the vast majority will be fine, but I speculate that there will be a significant number of people who will experience various problems including early death related to these jabs. Even if only 10-15% of the population has a negative reaction, what is the impact on society as we know it? And what if the same percentage of young people experience issues, what is the impact on society moving forward ? It may well be this will be a much greater influence on future daily life than the Covid could ever be.

    And it will be interesting to see in time, who really gets sick from the variants; the folks with the jabs or those without. And it will not be surprising to see those vaccinated having to take other drugs to counter the spike proteins and their impact. Let alone what will be needed to fend off future variants.

    And now I am seeing on several occasions from various sources, that airlines will require special insurance to fly from vaccinated parties if they are allowed to fly at all. This by itself makes one question the numbers really vaccinated or not because airlines would not have such conversations if the majority was vaccinated.

    So, armed with more Scientific Fake Results he’s going to destroy how many wedding days, how many mroe hotels, how many more jobs? A WEEK and inept dittering idiot!
    Fury as Boris Johnson is set to delay Freedom Day for a MONTH https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9682559/Fury-Boris-Johnson-set-delay-Freedom-Day-MONTH-amid-fears-lockdowns-drag-on.html?ito=native_share_article-top


    1. There are alot more than that. Over 150000 deaths have been pulled from VAERS and they are replacing those chronological case numbers with new reports from people that had adverse events but did not die. Huge coverup.



      1. That article I posted below on the history of vaccines since the 1700’s has some pretty eye opening statistics in it and more.


        1. Few know or understand that 96% of infectious disease was eliminated thru sanitation, movement off the farm and pasteurization.


  11. “Headache and runny nose linked to Delta variant” — BBC UK

    ROTFLOL! It’s a goddam cold you ninnies. It plain vanilla nCov2019. It’s NOT more lethal, contagious, blah blah blah ad infinitum. Nor is it “skyrocketing”… you haven’t bothered to change your PCR setting or worse you’ve reset them to 35…

    India annihilated this variant by using ivermectin.

    Just stop it. Lockups don’t work. A cheap drug does.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/uk-charity-teaches-staff-white-women-reporting-rape-black-men-support-white-supremacy?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    In the wake of sex scandals that have rocked the British charity, an Oxfam staff training document says “privileged white women” are supporting the root causes of sexual violence by wanting “bad men” imprisoned.
    The Telegraph reports that the four-week ‘learning journey’ states that: “Mainstream feminism centres on privileged white women and demands that ‘bad men’ be fired or imprisoned”. Accompanied by a cartoon of a crying white woman, it adds that this “legitimises criminal punishment, harming black and other marginalised people”.

    “The message seems to be that a woman who reports a rape or sexual assault to the police and presses charges is a contemptible ‘white feminist’,” said Ms Cunningham.


  13. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/g7-communique-waters-down-china-abuses-white-house-preempts-separate-statement?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    It appears the final G-7 communique on China was a bit watered down for Washington’s taste, after it become clear the Biden administration hoped to make the summit in Cornwall focused on China China China! …but the uncomfortable irony that remains is that the very parties at the G-7 table that are most reliant on Chinese trade (Europe) have proven themselves least willing to crack down on Beijing’s reach and influence.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. https://www.wnd.com/2021/06/west-point-to-quarantine-returning-cadets/
    A number of cadets are rebelling against an effort from the Biden administration and military brass to force them to take one of the controversial COVID-19 vaccines, the National File said.

    Some 700 cadets who initially refused the vaccine were brought to a meeting room and briefed on its benefits. Since then, amid allegations of daily pressure by senior academy officials and rumors of reductions of leave, some cadets have relented and been vaccinated. Others have left West Point due to the pressure.

    Cadets who refuse to take the vaccine are forced to wear masks, distinguishing from those who are vaccinated.


  15. There are some interesting clips in this video middle to the end.


    1. And that’s how the whales make a market for themselves. They love buying the coin they get others to sell cheaply.

      Think like they do.


      1. It’s so obvious what their doing. We little fishes will swim with whales and then become one in the future. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. First it’s AJ Simpson, whoever that is and now Alex Jones.


  16. Damn cowards.

    Never trust the science by Vox Day

    It’s hard to “trust the science” when the science goes into hiding as soon as it becomes obvious they were completely and utterly wrong. And by “science”, of course, I mean “scientistry”. The editor of respected medical journal The Lancet has refused to reveal if he still supports a controversial letter debunking claims that COVID-19 started in a Chinese laboratory.

    The letter was published in The Lancet last February and was signed by 27 eminent public health experts who described speculation about the origins of the virus from a Wuhan laboratory as ‘rumours’ and ‘misinformation.’

    When MailOnline contacted The Lancet’s editor, Dr Richard Horton about the decision to publish and support the letter, both he and his office declined to comment.

    It’s informative to see how scientists are perfectly happy to issue authoritative pronouncements right up until the moment that the facts actually begin to arrive. Then they clam up and go into hiding.

    Never, ever, “trust the science”. Because scientists are corrupt. [Tino: At this point in our history;] Science is just another word for engineering that doesn’t work.

    Tino: I don’t know if I agree with Vox’s final statement here. But it is worthy of thought.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Last drive-by of the day.

    Someone IS awake in the UK.


  18. Proper vaccines almost never fail in the sense that they DO protect you from infection.

    mRNA vaccines do no such thing. In fact, they should be called amelioratives. It’s also why ‘vaccine passports’ are futile with this mRNA strategy. It doesn’t prevent transmission or infection.

    And speaking of vaccine failure — Oracle engineer dies of COVID 2 months after getting vaccine.

    This is why legally changing the definition of vaccine to encompass mRNA shots was nothing but deception.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. While I am in many ways sworn to fight death, I confess — death can be a great metric.

    As ‘Bones’ McCoy used to say on Star Trek — “He’s dead Jim”. Pretty final. I wonder what good ole Bones would say dying-while-positive. “Ignore the phaser blast hole in the chest Jim. The tricorder registers COVID.” — not.

    Remember, the old standard was 25-50 dead on a rushed vaccine and it used to be pulled.

    If we just accrue those who died within 4 weeks of the shot, we number in the thousands. And that is separate from the other reason to pull a vaccine — serious adverse events — SAE. And those are at least in the tens of thousands.

    So, let’s see what song and dance the CDC gives us on its Emergency Meeting June 18th. What flavor of it’s all coincidence nonsense will they use? At what point does the FDA and CDC lose all credibility?

    CDC holds Emergency Meeting on vaccine deaths and adverse events


  20. Liked by 1 person

    1. I know Pamela, this is very real.


  21. https://www.wakingtimes.com/5-historical-vaccine-scandals-suppressed-establishment/
    Well, well, well…it seems that vaccines have a very poor history of effectiveness since they started in the 1700’s. Great history lesson. Interesting read.


  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  23. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/13/mistrusted-johnson-feels-full-force-of-eu-fury-as-brexit-wrecks-g7-summit

    For God’s sake Johnson stick it to them you gutless lardarse.

    All true and they won’t do a damned thing. Empty talk.

    It won’t be Trump the poor Rocket would never get off the ground. Poor Besso, poor Me and 300 lbs of McD Burger Guts.
    Shared from Sky News: Joe Biden’s meeting with the Queen at Windsor Castle will be ‘huge honour’ for US president https://news.sky.com/story/joe-bidens-meeting-with-the-queen-at-windsor-castle-will-be-huge-honour-for-us-president-12331337

    It’s no easy life having to smile, meet and greet that Bribe taking, ;election rigging, Scumbag whose son needs to be in jail. Just like Andrew!
    Riot police are pelted with bottles at park close to London Eye https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9680499/Riot-police-pelted-bottles-park-close-London-Eye.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    For God’s sake guys, use molotov cocktails,!
    Moscow orders ‘non-working week’ to stop the spread of Covid-19 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9680753/Moscow-orders-non-working-week-stop-spread-Covid-19.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Now Moscow locks down for a week.

    Note the Red Arrows multi colour flags. The French can only do White!
    Shared from Sky News: Brexit: Dominic Raab calls for ‘respect’ from EU figures amid Northern Ireland Protocol row https://news.sky.com/story/brexit-dominic-raab-calls-for-respect-from-eu-figures-amid-northern-ireland-protocol-row-12331428

    Give them a Slap Dominic. Scavenging bloody Socialists. We are 40% of their Exports. Close that door and they go into freefall. Germany and Holland would tank.
    Fill all our cargo planes with illegals. Overfly France and throw the bloody lot out. Fertilize France.

    Boris confirms G7 will donate a billion Covid jabs to poorer countries https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9681725/Boris-confirms-G7-donate-billion-Covid-jabs-poorer-countries.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Britain would fund a billion jabs to Pakistan and Ziostan also. Sorted!
    Thomas Markle breaks silence in explosive 60 Minutes interview https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9681517/Thomas-Markle-claims-Meghan-Harry-treating-like-axe-murderer-60-Minutes-interview.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Sadly I feel for Thomas Markel his daughter is a User and Harry’s a whining selfish bastard. People heh?
    Dominic Raab dashes June 21 ‘Freedom Day’ hopes https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9681123/Hospitality-bosses-warn-pubs-restaurants-lose-3BILLION-sales-lockdown-easing-delayed.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    What a complete, ridiculous limp wrist Prick we have as a PM. He was the same with his wives and mistresses. A sleazy, untrustworthy Tosser.
    Scientists warn of dangers from our efforts to contact aliens https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9682163/Scientists-warn-reckless-endangerment-comes-efforts-contact-extraterrestrials.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    The reality is that if these are robotic scouting vehicles they already know now we are grossly technologically inferior and open to attack. Or annihilation..


  24. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/reporter-who-broke-clinton-lynch-tarmac-story-and-received-significant-death-threats?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    The body of a Birmingham, Alabama journalist who broke the story about the controversial 2016 tarmac meeting in Phoenix between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found on Saturday morning of an ‘apparent suicide,’ according to AL.com.


  25. The Texas Methodist Hospital decision came down this morning for the hospital via dismissal of the suit. The legal system here is now completely non-functional on this topic. How is ‘your job or the shot’ not a violation of informed consent under EUA?

    The judge who handed the ruling was clearly a case of shopping venue by the hospital.

    A Reagan appointee who has had a very bad track record. Repeatedly cited for misconduct. From Wikipedia: Lynn Nettleton Hughes (born September 9, 1941) is a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas. His federal judicial service has been hallmarked by being one of the most reversed judges in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. His repeated misconduct was noted by the Fifth Circuit on May 6, 2021, in an appellate opinion that sua sponte reassigned the case in addition to reversing Judge Hughes. See United States v. Khan, __ F.3d __ (5th Cir. 2021).


  26. Like

  27. Like

  28. Funders beware. Watch the big Funds.
    Huge funds are moving into Property portfolios. Long term inflation protected income, also asset enhancements.
    Watch what’s tracking as they mass vaccinate, then start the State Income Game unfolding, for which you, the Plebs, will be given your State free lunch income, but assign over your property rights as home owners. The Ethos being, if WE the State, are funding the properties, on your deaths they rightly pass to us.
    And with this you are snagged. Or a similar sounding word.
    Of course if you don’t own a property, and are welfare only, there are other ideas for you.
    Vaccinating the Sheeple, has quantified State thinking now. Unreal stupidity. Sheep to the Slaughter.
    Once you have assigned your properties on death,Pandora’s Box! Think it through?
    Post Covid all views on the Sheeple have been adjusted. Also with the Tri Laterals.
    You are now ONLY worth, what you are worth. Covid has defined your maliablity.
    Elites now see the Sheeple differently. Populations can be shaped. Vaccine adjusted.


  29. Facebook Prepares To Meet Its MAGA Doom | Patriot Edition

    This nasty Agency creation needs to be brought to account and sued heavily. Suckemburg has a lot to answer for.

    Should be broken up with money to the people .. after all it is a agency creation

    G7 summit: Spending plan to rival China adopted

    China has planned wisely. It has focused on building trade Empires.
    The US is totally Arse About Face backwards destroying everything to fund its outdated and ridiculous Military Industrial Agency complex. Nations make money. America makes War. Wars are for Whores!
    America is losing the plot. It’s too late when you have lost the lot.
    Crypto: will the bitcoin dream succeed? | The Economy

    Ethereum’s $1.5B options expiry on June 25 will be a make-or-break mom

    Biden DOJ Announces War On Election Audits As Arizona Set To Expose Fraud

    No surprise Dirty Joe, and Scumbag Central don’t like truth.

    59% US sex trafficking victims were recruited on Facebook in 2020, report reveals | Daily Mail Online

    So much for their concern about socially appropriate behavior.
    They should be forced to pay the victims.

    China has been preparing for WW3 with biological weapons for last six years, US investigators say | Daily Mail Online

    If you are worried about Covid, try pondering air borne Ebola.
    What will people do?
    It is called war by another means. Look what China did to the world with Covid?
    China needs to be to told CEASE, release any of this and
    China will be atomised!!!
    CulturalHusbandry on Twitter: “Thread. Blackrock is buying every single family house they can find, paying 20-50% above asking price and outbidding normal home buyers. Why are corporations, pension funds and property investment groups buying… https://t.co/uTagTOQQgI” / Twitter


    Liked by 1 person

  30. An interesting fact. I’ve been following the data rats, and the data rats keep finding the same pattern — again and again.

    All mass vaccinations kickoffs were followed by exponential case expansions and by a death spike.

    The data is clear. It happened everywhere. Including island nations that could not have achieved the rate rise just by ‘air immigration’. When it happens everywhere, it is not an accident.

    The death spike, by eyeball, doesn’t correlate to the exponential case expansion. It seems to correlate with the vaxxing of the ‘at-risk’ groups.

    So, after surviving the actual SARS-COV-2 wave… a whole bunch of folks bought it on the vax. As to the case explosion, assuming the data is truthful and not another aberration of the PCR, then 1st shot was immunosuppressive, and the 2nd shot kept that state going for up to 3 months!


    1. Be assured Tino, when the time comes , those spikes will be laced!
      Covid is ONLY a Test Delivery System. Now they see a year for Population reduction. Will China move or the Tri Laterals?


      1. I guess there is nothing better than democidal giga-murder to make a TriLateral sociopath laugh in the lonely night at the witching hour. As if their 500MM Georgia Guidestone utopia won’t be a living inhuman hell of the most unhappy humans ever. Not to mention the 6 generations that will know, and not suspect, that they are survivors of a deliberate democidal murder spree. I’m sure when the inevitable glaciation wave hits everyone will wonder why the planet wasn’t saved. (Hint: No such thing as human-caused global warming.) Do they really think they will escape both terrestrial and multi-dimensional multi-verse justice? Even if we are just passing thru, why make it a living (or dead) hell?

        Nonetheless, they simply don’t have control of the boomerang. It would be suicidal. And I realize the war-fighters think their DUMBs are biohazard-proof, but the reality is humanity is pathetically bad at controlling anything below 2 microns that’s living. Our control volume is literally a BSL-4 room. (And… it still got out… you really think it won’t get in a DUMB?) As a mentor once said “Source control of a virus is impossible”. I hear the UK setting up that very type of institute to prevent “zoonotropic transfer”… while we are at it, how about we modify the rotational speed of the planet? Where the hell is the research into invariant universal therapies, which mind you, is the only way out of this mess? (Well, scientifically at least)

        OK. Let’s roll with the Test Delivery Platform Idea. We don’t have an accurate estimate of the Wuhan wave. The disappearance of millions of functioning cell phones doesn’t track with the ludicrously low death estimate from China. I think they got caught with their pants down. They’ve been set back 5-years. I think they discovered their BSL-4s are just as incredibly bad and insecure as every Western viral research blogger has said. I think that eliminates China as bio-provocateur short-term.

        The Tri-Laterals are a different story. It’s clear they fanned the hysteria and saw how far they can push it. Of course, where the hell are the sane people? 8th grade physics says surgical masks can’t work, 60 years of epidemiology says lockdowns are destructively worthless, and social distancing was based on the droplet bs medical dogma. All of which the frontline MDs managed to say within the first 6 weeks of the pandemic. In the same time frame the HCQ/Zinc/Z-pack trifecta had been found. A month later, in the Ecuador wave, ivermectin was identified as working. An Ecuadoran ICU doc had been giving a shot to every single patient coming thru his facility. (I have the text message from the doc. I had briefed Ecuadoran first responders so he had the group chat number on WhatsApp.) Similarly the NYU intensivist along with a similar luminary in Switzerland identified that key to survival on respirators was oxygen partial pressures and not absolute pressure. The Brits then confirmed steroids work and clever docs immediately switched in budenoside due to ease of use. With the advent of fluvoxamine, you have near 100% survival in all but the 70+ age range with comorbities.

        Instead of properly stampeding to the therapies under use, we got a wave of hysteria, a wave of faked and designed-to-fail studies on HCQ, followed by useful idiots like Gov Cuomo and the UK NHS Chief, that went on to ban what we knew had to work. It is a point-blank Crime Against Humanity. Never before has this level of interference been seen. What’s even more astonishing is that it became a matter of law! Even now, that pesky beast of informed consent keeps being ignored. I’ve just watched an imbecile Judge in Texas rule the vaccine “safe and effective” even though as a matter of law here vaccines are inherently unsafe which is why there is a vaccine compensation fund. And he ruled the vaccines are not experimental despite them clearly dictated as so by the FDA EUA. So, along with everything else we have complete collapse of the legal system in this matter. Because informed consent requires lack of coercion. Short of a gun to the head, what is more coercive than take the shot or it costs you your job?

        Liked by 2 people

  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Dough vs. The Volcano

    Liked by 1 person

  32. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/11/jilted-johnson-biden-in-beeline-for-macron-and-symonds-at-g7

    A creeps charter. Macron moves in on Biden bypassing Johnson yet again.
    Johnson is such a wet Tosser.

    Big Brother is so watching you

    What a childish ridiculous Muppet she really is.


    Wow unleash the force Guys.

    This Sacoolas Bitch needs extraditing to the UK or stop the Crime treaties. She MUST do time!

    Urgent’ British Report Calls for Complete Cessation of COVID Vaccines in Humans
    “It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest include thromboembolism, multisystem inflammatory disease…”

    Received this morning

    Well done Arizona. Who will bring Biden down?

    “Let us, as Arizona lawmakers, be very clear with the Biden Administration and its minions: The Constitution of the United States expressly authorizes our legislative oversight and control of elections. Stay the hell out of our way.”
    Who the hell will Muzzle these so called Scientist? Way past time this game was stopped. .

    Freedom Day WILL be delayed another FOUR WEEKS to July 19 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9679171/Freedom-Day-delayed-FOUR-WEEKS-July-19.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    A huge relief her brave sister put it all on the line get her free. A horrific nightmare, the only thing I can think of worse is caught in the vice grip teeth of a Jewish Money lender. At least with Crocks you can escape.

    Brit rescued from crocodile by twin speaks about attack for first time https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9679279/British-woman-28-rescued-jaws-crocodile-speaks-time-attack.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    China claims to have found 24 different previously-unknown coronaviruses in bats as it fights back against growing lab leak suspicions

    The Chinese scientists claim their findings in a small region on Yunnan province, southwestern China, show that there are is a ‘remarkable diversity’ of bat coronaviruses which could spread to humans.


    Are they sure these are not even more Pakkie illegals? A curse of a species.
    Long-term crypto threat: quantum computers hacking bitcoin wallets

    The problem with being smart enough to use IT to make your money., is that even smarter ones will work out how then to take your money.

    Wallet crackers. The new pick pockets.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Go Arizona!!! 🤠

      Liked by 3 people

  33. Hi Tony, it’s been a wild ride with the cryptos. I increased my positions on the last dip. I hope they just recoverd to where they were. Patience is the hard part. I thank you so very much for helping me and many others. Do you think it’s still likely the vnd will revalue. I still hold a little with hopes, it’s the only way I could buy more cryptos. Hopefully J can enlightened us. Thank both of you.


    1. As we mentioned many times, this will be a very volatile ride to the top. You safely navigate such with proper position sizes which are built with risk capital only. This will keep your nerves calm and allow you to weather the storms.

      The issue of “recover” is a relative view depending on where you bought in the cycle. Many bought BTC at $3500 in the last accumulation cycle. The move to 60K then down to 35K is still leaving them fat and happy. But, I can understand that those who bought at 55K are now “worrying and hoping for recover”. Again, this is where position size is important. Never should you place too much money into a position if a drawdown in value of that capital is going to force you to your knees and “hope”. Rather, the amount should be completely disposable. That way, if it goes to zip, for example, you have plenty of reserve capital to seek out another position.

      Patience is indeed the hardest part. Time will do the work, despite any worry. All we have to do is take our place and wait while tons of scary news, endless blabbering, parades of “experts”, throngs of kamikaze traders, flood the airwaves with so much confusion and psychotic rhetoric about cryptos that you will be tempted to drink a quart of Glenlivet every day to make it stop.

      J2021 will have to advise on any possibility of the VND revaluing to a significant amount for the public speculator. I personally am not aware of any such thing on the horizon at this time.

      Thanks again, and be safe.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. There are far too many higher priority needs right now than focusing time on RV’s.
      Retro active fitting a brain to Biden is one


  34. Enough of the idiocy, the agendacy, the gaslighting, the fools and the politicos on masks, lockdowns and social distancing. Just use ivermectin with zinc, vitamin D as a first, effective line of defense.

    TO WIT: In their May/June 2021 issue, The American Journal of Therapeutics published the following statement about the use of Ivermectin in COVID-19:

    “In summary, based on the totality of the trials and epidemiologic evidence presented in this review along with the preliminary findings of the Unitaid/WHO meta-analysis of treatment RCTs and the guideline recommendation from the international BIRD conference, ivermectin should be globally and systematically deployed in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

    Liked by 2 people

  35. The CDC is a joke. DIagnosis must be a uniform activity.

    [[From 1 May 2021 the CDC stopped monitoring community PCR positives in the vaccinated population, focusing only on hospitalisations and deaths. Hospitalisations with a positive PCR test were no longer counted as a COVID-19 case in either of the following 2 cases: firstly, if there were no COVID-19 symptoms, or secondly if the patient was admitted for another diagnosis (even if they had COVID-19 symptoms). This is a laudable approach to diagnosis but must be applied to all patients as well as retrospectively. Its application only to vaccinated cases is likely to skew the perceived efficacy of vaccines in preventing so-called “breakthrough” infections.]] Source: HART


  36. I have had a Youtube subscription for some time now… been neglecting to cancel because I like the music ease… after reading this I canceled…wish there would have been a space to say why I was canceling…


    YouTube Suspends Sen. Ron Johnson From Uploading Videos Over COVID-19, Hydroxychloroquine Claims

    “YouTube’s arrogant Covid censorship continues,” he wrote in confirming the development. “How many lives will be lost as a result? How many lives could have been saved with a free exchange of medical ideas? This suppression of speech should concern every American.”

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Hi Tony – I’m changing my name to simply AJ instead of A johnson.


    1. No worries. Thanks for the heads up.


      1. Careful AJ is AJ Simpson.
        AJ is synonymous with a murder weapon.
        A 6 ft 4 inch Spade.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      This bald-headed gargoyle would just as sooner have Jimmy Hoffa drop out of his ass than be able to do such a thing.


  38. https://www.ntd.com/biden-administration-uses-term-birthing-people-not-mothers_626557.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram

    There’s a push to use gender-neutral language in the United States—they, them, zer. But how do people feel about the government using “birthing people” to describe mothers? A senator noticed this particular change in President Joe Biden’s budget request.


    1. James Darrin- this reminds of the series The Handsmaids Tale on Hulu. It’s been on a while. Here is a trailer for the first season.


  39. 40 passenger drone bus?… I can see this in the future, or something similar… but as so many commenters pointed out, there are so many hurdles… and the specs do not add up… cool though… one day.



  40. Interesting to see how the Sad, vacuous, Wannabe Bottom Feeders still opine rubbish about GCR’s, Dinars and Resets like they will ever be part of it.

    When will they get it? Having suckered them into parting with Chump Money, for Chump worthless currencies, their Childlike mentalities still can’t grasp it’s over! They don’t even understand Mug Money, now they opine on GCR’s and RV’s. Intelligence flatlining as living proof.

    The President of South Korea is in the UK with the G7, the British War fleet is completing Exercises in the Black Sea planning for Russia, then heading to the China Seas, ending with a stop collection in South Korea. Hello?

    Muppets jabber. Those, In the Know, Know. Rodent life opines.

    Suckers and baited hooks.

    Bottom Feeders always bite. What’s happening is for those in the loop, not pontificating Dog Poop.

    Hungry Bottom Feeders, Aaaah want Maah Dinar. Sucker punched. TNT Tony Go Get Them. Scoop this Poop.


  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Glad they didn’t remain neutral this time.
    God, even this zip is spouting Bolshevistic regressive cultural claptrap.

    Give it time…soon they will start sniffing each others asses.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s about their level anyway. A Creeps convention.

      Liked by 2 people

  42. Oh Dear God in Heaven…

    A red-pilled Theresa May made more sense today than Boris Johnson ever did… un-freaking-believable. (Just google for the video, it’s everywhere)

    If another Hell-mouth were to open on Earth now, I would just take in stride. We’ve entered full crazy town.


    1. Tino

      Johnson has the articulate level of consciousness of a pile of Dog Poop. He is the sad face of Politics today. Only, the useless run. Worse , get elected.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The real sadness now is an opportunity to discuss a Global currency approach. They are clueless.
        Now a uniform Covid approach.Clueless.
        Now a Climate approach.Clueless.
        Now how to avoid the coming Chinese onslaught. Clueless.
        Now how to deal with the illegals and swamping tides of Muslims. Clueless.
        Technology sharing, Clueless.
        The UFO escalation.Clueless.
        Global education. Clueless.
        Population increases.Clueless.
        Political integrity, Clueless.
        Integrating the vast Commonwealth.Clueless.
        Space integration. Clueless.
        Pollution. Clueless.
        Global IT hacking crimes,Clueless.
        Global Scammers. Clueless.

        G-Good God what’s the point of any of them?


        1. It seems to be a massive push for socialism/communism… take away the dominant male factor… sheeple, fall inline, assimilate.


          1. In the above I am referring to Boris “We must build back better in a greener, more gender neutral, and perhaps a more feminine way” – Boris Johnson. #Hopeless 🤡.. is this not asinine?… and John… as for the opportunity to discuss a “Global currency approach”, it seems to me these peeps like Bumbling Boris, as you call him, and Biden and others we see in front of us, am I not right when I say they do not come up with any approach?… they follow what they are told?


  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    If the audited states start to de-certify the win for Biden, and declare Trump the winner, will the Senate act to install Trump? Or will Bolsheviks like this disgusting shit-bird start another phony witch hunt to keep Biden in play?

    Are we heading towards a rapid-fire re-shuffling?

    A blockchain voting system would forever prevent this paper counting circus from happening again.


    I would ask, “Hey Siri, why is every country the IMF tries to help, so fucked up?”

    Liked by 2 people

  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    A key point. Consolidation of prices along a rage for an extended period of time is usually what precedes a significant, supportable price rise. We saw this from 2018 to 2020. This allowed a price stability from 30-40K at the moment, up from the lows of 2017-2018. Whales are accumulating, and the metrics currently show this.


    Liked by 1 person

  45. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    People always wonder why we go to such expense to go back to the moon.

    While I am not an expert in space travel or Moon geology, I do believe the discover of frozen water ice at the poles, as well as Helium3, has a lot to do with it. With both elements in abundant supply, the establishment of a permanent colony/base there is going to be key for getting people to focus on making our civilization a true cosmopolitan one, developing skills to live and exist on a broader plane; not focusing on Bolshevik poison from a minority cultish clique who consider us all a herd of animals for their consumption.



    Big News potentially for all Americans. What is truth in this America?

    A constitutional crisis in the making. This is for all our Allies and Readers. It’s for Justice. It’s not ours, but the choices of the American people, who they chose to lead as a Democracy,

    But not to have votes stolen and rigged.

    Thinking people worldwide do not believe Biden won this election. It stinks.

    Please, all forward this to Kayleigh McEnany. She’s a so professional and a great US Patriot. Let’s help her get it all out there. Truth is all we ask. Your vote is all you have left for integrity. We all have to stand for something.
    Who will stand over this?


    Liked by 2 people

  47. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Sadly correct Jim.
      But, how the Hell do you expect to fill all those fat Guts, Welfare Wasters, illegals, and pointless Federal Suits choking America.
      Who the Hell keeps funding this bottomless War and Agency machine? Why FFS? To gain what?
      This was never conceived by the Founders.
      Why are you swearing Oaths of Allegiance to that murderous Pariah abomination Israe Hell? You are not Khazars and they are not Jews. Why do you have over 990 Global bases plus Illegal Rendition Centres?
      Who cleans up the Beltway of such obnoxious corruption?
      When will you boot the Zios out of the Fed and Treasury?


  48. Covid vaccines rollout steams ahead but curbs could stay https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9674301/Fears-four-week-freedom-delay-Covid-vaccines-rollout-steams-ahead-curbs-stay.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Up to their bloody games again
    Tinder sex cult killer, 54, is sentenced to death for murdering woman https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9676525/Tinder-sex-cult-killer-54-sentenced-death-murdering-Nebraska-woman.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    WTF is it with Yanks? If it’s not Trailer Trash like Clinton or Freaks like Epstein and Weinstein, or raping forced sex trafficked little girls in Vietnam, it’s deranged public massacres or Cult nutters. Is there a nation anywhere as seriously F up as this?

    Sure, until your electric car won’t start in freezing weather, or the damn thing Zaps out on you at 2 in the morning, miles from anywhere and freezing cold. Good luck with that but I promise you. If her Indoors is with you a lot of whining heat is coming free, but if her indoors is waiting at home some hot Chiquita is in the car , don’t call home to be rescued.
    The results will be electrifying for sure.
    I talk to breakdown services and Electric cars are a swine when breaking down and can be as tricky to diagnose.
    This could be a tricky transition period and in a few years replacing a battery’s may cost more than the cars then residual value. Technology has some way to go.

    No question about that we all do.

    Beyond sad Thomas.
    She’s a self serving, callous little Bitch . Her Mother bolted leaving you to fund bring her up now she’s Queen Bee, 2 Bolter’s together. Gratitude heh?
    Harry is a disrespectful little Shit. !
    Don’t grovel Thomas it won’t work. 2 Users! Selfish little Shits.His father is the same.
    A Real Media would be impaling the bastards for this Thomas. Justice heh?
    The next world will re unite you and Justice will flow. Karma catches up Thomas. Both these shits will face the music at some stage.
    Be assured we will ram it up the Ginger Tosser here. He’s blown it here.


  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Someone in NY actually did not have their Bolshevik head up their Leninist ass.

    Liked by 1 person

  50. https://thefederalist.com/2021/06/11/youtube-bans-sen-ron-johnson-for-discussing-early-treatment-of-covid-19/


    A memo of key takeaways by the Republican members of the House Judiciary committee argued that the McGahn interview was a waste of time and money in the hopes of finding something that the special counsel’s extensive investigation did not. The memo pointed out that the investigation took two years, cost more than $30 million in taxpayer dollars, had a team of 40 FBI agents, interviewed 500 witnesses, issued 2,800 subpoenas, and executed more than 500 search warrants.


  51. Awesome!…

    ” My daughter’s prom was cancelled “because of Covid”, but me and a couple friends decided that we weren’t going to let Fauci & Biden take one more thing from our kids. So we organized our own
    Prom – “Footloose-style” – at another friend’s barn. Here’s what it looks like when parents start taking things into their own hands. No one will love or care about our kids as much as we do – so let’s keep fighting for them and our rights to just be Americans, live, breath freely, and have fun!”

    Liked by 1 person

  52. https://thefederalist.com/2021/06/11/chris-bedford-fear-is-a-tool-that-means-power-in-washington-d-c/

    “All that is to say that over the last 20 years this complex has been feeding and feeding and getting bigger and bigger,” said Bedford. “And who’s been standing in the way of it? You have a lot of leaders of the GOP as well as a lot of the leaders of the Democratic Party that are entirely in favor of this. The fear gets them votes. The fear makes people money.”

    “It means power here in Washington, D.C. So you look at what’s the difference between January 6 and the riots — the hundreds of riots we saw that actually killed dozens of people across this country — is that January 6 is a useful tool for that fear and that power. So, he’s going to make a lot of money on that,” the senior editor continued.


  53. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/professor-historians-will-look-back-lockdowns-most-catastrophic-event-all-human-history?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    The professor previously told Newsweek that COVID-19 lockdowns are “the single worst public health mistake in the last 100 years,” adding that “We will be counting the catastrophic health and psychological harms, imposed on nearly every poor person on the face of the earth, for a generation.”

    Liked by 2 people

  54. https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/frontlinenews/interview-listen-to-ny-pharmacist-discuss-his-refusal-to-administer-experimental-biological-agents-without-informed-consent/

    After receiving no answer to address his concerns, Wood addressed a formal complaint to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). On May 11th, he received an answer that read: “At this time OSHA has no standards or jurisdiction when it comes to COVID-19 concerns or complaints. We have been told to give all complainants these 3 numbers to contact if you so choose:”, listing the New York State Governor’s office, the New York State COVID-19 hotline, and the New York State Department of Labor COVID violation hotline. Wood was subsequently fired from his position at Kinney Drugs.


  55. https://welovetrump.com/2021/06/10/new-video-shows-antifa-breaking-into-the-capitol-building-before-the-insurrection/
    New Video Shows Antifa Breaking into the Capitol Building Before the “Insurrection”

    If it was truly Trump supporters, then they should have no problem sharing the video evidence with the world.
    Yet, they are refusing to release the evidence.
    Could it be because it destroys their narrative?

    Liked by 1 person

  56. British Carrier Strike Group arriving in Korea in August

    The South Korean President is here in the UK right now.

    He’s also been invited to the G7. Does China mess with the Brits fleet once it leaves South Korea, knowing then that Beijing, and all major Chinese Cities and bases will have been Shanghaied off the planet in one hour if so?

    Chinas nightmare, British nukes and subs. Plus our Asian Bombers and missiles.

    Coincidence? Really?


    Liked by 1 person

  57. I pre warned you this would happen. The guy is so Senile he’s a laughing stock here. WFT is wrong with you sending a Lunatics like this overseas? He’s taking you down worldwide. He’s a F Dimwit flying a lunatic flag for you.
    Then look at his criminal son. .

    Hilarious and sad that he is even there / so many good people in America.

    COLLATERAL DAMAGE: New Study CONFIRMS Trump Was Right – And Fauci, Democrats, Media, Tech Giants, etc. Lied About HCQ and AZM to Damage Trump and MURDERED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS in Process

    Will Fauci take down Biden with his lies?
    How can Americans have any faith in a administration that supports and condones Fauci ?
    And perhaps the best question is how can anyone believe the Covid narrative based on such lies and the jabs that go with it ?

    Line of galaxies is so big it breaks our understanding of the universe

    Like an LA wives Alimony chain.

    Joe Biden should keep his sneering anti-British, anti-Brexit views to himself

    What your not seeing it is not going well for him.

    Joe Biden REVERSES Trump’s executive orders targeting Chinese-owned TikTok, WeChat — RT USA News
    The trouble with a Bribe taking Scumbag, and a Coke sniffing, child molesting, bribe taking Son, is who now protects Americas interests?
    He sold out Falcone.

    What did you expect? They did not pay Hunter for nothing.


    Billionaire banker Ken Moelis compares bitcoin to the 1848 Gold Rush


    Liked by 1 person

  58. How about we stop using models from the various Universities? They really have no clue what they are doing…


  59. Liked by 1 person

    1. Really good to see Kayleigh back firing.
      A great American asset. America needs her on side.

      Liked by 1 person

  60. Collateral Damage.

    How do we reign in a reckless America over false Covid reporting , Drugs controls and were YOU the Lab funding cause of Covid which has crippled the world now?
    Has American Lab money caused this?


    1. Yes. Fauci funded gain-of-function research, illegally and treasonously, since he didn’t inform that Administration that he unilaterally made the decision in conflict of interest with his wife, and sought the new chimeric virus.

      The chimeric virus was created by the literally and figuratively batshit crazy Wuhan scientist Shi Zhengli.

      We know that Wuhan lab personnel where hospitalized in October with COVID symptoms, and being that there is no goddam way precautions were taken, that is when the pandemic started. Even the timing is right for 2nd and 3rd generation infections to start in the Wuhan hospitals.

      China lied about the first death wave. I believe they lost in the millions. Otherwise there is no explanation for the millions of post-Wuhan spike cellphones that went silent….

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you Tino I’m raising American awareness and sticking it to Fauci. .
        Plus our people here will be flagging John is sticking it to Fauci again.


        1. While Biden is here we raising it with his team. Pointless with Joe direct, he’s visibly retarded.

          Liked by 3 people

  61. Gas-lighting in real-time the medical profession.


    And this
    Deaths in India Hit 6,000 in a Day
    The Delta variant was first detected in India in December 2020 and has now spread to 60 nations, the CDC says. The World Health Organization has designated it the fourth global variant of concern, along with the ones first identified in the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Brazil.

    In India, the variant is thought to be behind a second deadly surge of infections.

    The COVID-19 death toll in India was more than 6,000 on Thursday, a world record daily high, CNBC reports.



    1. Remember, the issue isn’t New Dehli numbers vs India-at-large.

      The issue is that the COVID surge has been crushed in New Dehli, so why is NOT crushed elsewhere. What’s the agendacy?

      So reporting 6,000 dead in a 1.366 billion population, don’t you think we need the adjusted rates per 100,000 and the geographic locale of said surge — and why ivermectin isn’t being used to crush it to the ground?


      1. I have a senior, long term sound relationship, with a high level Indian Medical Doctor who assures me he sees none of this, and is scathing about the Press and Fake claims, As regards bodies in the Rivers, this is normal for the Peasants, Pissants . Forever reckless breeding and forever broke. Fake causes, and with a surging B plus, plus population, who cares? No one can keep them! Too bloody many. Ask the Tri Laterals!


        1. A long time friend who works in a local hair salon has an Indian couple who are close friends… I went in today… my friend told me the couple speaks with relatives in India daily… they say the deaths shown on TV are the older and peasants, as you say John… they are not Covid deaths… confirms exactly what you just posted John… our media needs jail… I know its the owners, but how do the people sitting in the chairs in front of a TV camera live with themselves?… they know they are feeding an agenda!

          Liked by 1 person

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