White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #169

Financial Re-Sets

A Waypoint To Competent Planetary Management

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

In greater and greater numbers, people are seeing political governments, and the growing numbers of incompetents that comprise it, as no longer necessary to manage the needs of an increasingly technologically managed society. They simply are not trained to do so, and anyone with even a modest IQ can understand that.

Other societies encountered similar situations in the past. There was a day when the last Western Roman Emperor sat on his throne. He was there, but…why? The luster of the Caesar’s robes was long ago worn through. Nobody saw value in the now powerless symbol.

The Empire, long ago divided into East and West, with the West being flanked by its enemies whom commanded far greater resources than any organized Western Roman force could now overcome, possessed almost none of its former influence, much as we see happening with the USA today.

Surrounded by Vandals, Ostragoths, Alamani, and the intermixed within its shrunken border who could manage to get there and squat, the idea of a Roman Empire in the West didn’t interest anyone anymore. The populations which once organized around the Caesars, moved outwards. All the “modern conveniences” of the former Rome (water aqueducts, sewage management systems, food distribution networks, protection, road maintenance, etc.) had ceased to effectively function. So, too, had the need to be there to obtain such things. Similarly, the calls in the USA for “infrastructure expenditures” point to the poor state of such in the present time.

The Eastern Empire had managed to hold on much longer because it commanded control over its culture, military and economic processes with greater skill than in the West, which had faltered from shear overwhelming forces, both internal and external.

Similar to that period of time, the present-day awareness of society managed by a five thousand year-old model of monarchies, presidents, congresses, parliaments, juntas, satraps, potentates, commissars, dictators, kings, etc., will also give way to a more local and efficient center of influence: The individual technically savvy person who commands at their fingers the ability to transact/produce/exist, at will, without the need to have a central parasitical authority (government) to support in the process.

The globally incoming tax increases may be the final straw for many. Also, the arrogant presumption that, “…the hoi polloi will always acquiesce without a fight to such parasitism…” may be incorrect.

Given a viable technological pathway, and by sheer weight of numbers, they will, by natural default, force onto society a method of operation devoid of the need to render unto Caesar what was not his to begin with.

This is the first period in modern history that technology has outpaced the human ability to perform tasks of societal management on the widest influential scale ever known, and the power and influences once reserved for governments, kingdoms, republics are now going to graduate along a wider sphere, with less ability (or need) for centralized command over any of it. Hence, politics will become unimportant, and eventually go extinct.

Like the Western Roman Empire’s collapse, it will not always be orderly or without consequences. But, it will happen if we do not downright destroy it all with a catastrophic war, or have a natural disaster put an end to life on Earth.

One thing is for sure. We cannot continue to survive at optimum levels at the present rate of incompetent management of our resources and technological prowess. Only adherence to outdated, obsolete ways of how we relate to the universe, and, each other, stands in the way of a more rapid-fire implementation of the most logical and effective solutions for delivering to the people of Earth the superior society they are capable of having.

This is where the present efforts by dynastic elders, and their role in the huge transactions they are presently involved in, play a key role in bridging the present to the future. A new way of thinking, entirely centered around building a new civilization, not allowing money-grubbing shylocks to squeeze it.

Be assured, behind the Elders is one very hard focused entity who will not take crap from politicos or even acquiesce to their self-serving laws or practices. Be assured, there is an agenda and it’s a Tsunami coming at the suits.

Once achieved, from this new waypoint of liberating resources for true beneficial progress, the future outlined above can more rapidly be made reality. These efforts continue, and we will bring you news about it when it is possible.

It may seem that nothing is happening, but this is not so. Often, there is frantic progress, followed by sudden halts. Then, just when it looked like prolonged delays were expected, the accelerator is engaged and things move forward again; a dynamic, emotional gamut playing out on an international stage. The pressures and responsibilities of those involved must be formidable.

So, stay tuned.

We have received many reports from readers who have used gains from our suggested digital asset plays to pay off debts, fund schooling for their children, re-invent their lives, etc. Thank you for sharing this. It’s a very satisfying feeling to know we are providing value while asking for no financial compensation in return.

Rest assured, by all indications, the largest gains are yet to be had. The path will be a very volatile one, which is expected when you are early in a new technological space which is forming its running legs. There will be more drama, more “fear”, more “expert opinions”. If you are in for the largest possible wins, simply tune it all out. Time, patience, and prudent risk management is all that is needed.

Strength and Honor.


2,726 responses to “Information Briefing #169”

  1. And another because I love the lyrics.


    1. Stevie Nicks fan are you? Luv her too!


      1. Sure am AJ. Have enjoyed her voice and lyrics for many decades.


    2. My husband met her and said she is really nice and down to earth.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lucky hubby. I am a little envious of him for that. lol


  2. I unfortunately have been given some horrible news on this day and just felt like sharing a song that I love to comfort me.

    Ignore or enjoy this wonderful recording. XX


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I am sorry to hear this, and I sincerely hope that whatever the news is, that it’s something that can be overcome in some way. If there is something we can do, let us know.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You just made me cry with your kindness Tony, thank you so much for caring and so generously offering assistance. I seem like such a drama queen these days don’t I ? lol Maybe times like these hit us to see what we are really made of.

        It’s okay, I just have to toughen up and deal with some of the more harsh realities of this life. I am such a wimp when it comes to sad situations. I am an emotional wreck these days dealing with the trials of my current daily situation. I am trying to be strong but I just do not seem to have the inner strength I used to have.

        With regard to this specific situation, what is meant to be will be I suppose. I am hoping for a good outcome because the cruelty of this going to other way would be truly heartbreaking. So my fingers are crossed and I am even saying little prayers, which is very unlike me.

        Thank you again for your kindness Tony, it means a great deal to me. XX


  3. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Tony
      It’s simple.
      If Xi and his Mobsters attack our fleet we launch. Then you get sucked in. No pissing about for 3 years as you did with WW11 while you war racketeered with us, this time you have no option but to pre empt because for sure when those silos open they are coming your way.

      Or, you sit on your arse as with WW11, and hide, and maybe Russia joins the UK to finish them because Putin knows one day they will come for Russia if not stopped. Lavrov is smart enough to work that out fast.

      Xi will warn us to go but we will stay. Their move?

      As with the Black seas and Ukraine, we sailed right in ignoring Russia’s warnings.

      Putin knows for sure now the UK will nuke. Then again, the US has to hit him as a fast first strike. Or he hits you.

      He has now warned if we enter again? We will!

      This is how any possible WW111 may start.

      Will the Brits back down? No!

      So do you follow the Brits, or go out with a whimper in the night?
      Or fight?

      Those choices may be forced upon you.

      You expect us to cower to Chinese power?

      This is a game board you can’t hide from.

      But it’s no game. Attack our fleet or Carrier and the Subs launch, so do the Carriers.
      Xi and the Commies die. His call, his Karma.

      We are visiting the Philippines South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan soon.

      China will not be happy. Try to stop us AND we are staying!

      He now has to make the calls, against British Balls.

      F his Hegemony. We stopped Hitler. We F his air force. We wiped out his Heavy Water bunkers and stopped his Nuclear game plan. Xi knows we honoured the hand over of HK.

      He knows we will honour the Death of China if provoked. Attack our fleet, you die. Those Subs go in WITH the Launch Codes. If the Fleet is hit, Boom! Do you wait as you did with the Berlin Wall?

      At least Kennedy made the call with Cuba. We miss JFK.

      But our nukes won’t miss. Then the Dogs of war follow.

      China’s worst nightmare is to mess with the Brits. So is yours if we force your hand.


      1. Geez John, I know I am not to far up there as far as world politics are concerned but from my lower level of knowledge I seriously feel that the UK is totally out for war at whatever cost and who ever else is drags in with them.

        Is there seriously no way to communicate on a more mature level rather than threatening the reign nukes down upon another nation? Don’t get me wrong, I have no time whatsoever for China but can we not allow for a little more constructive dialogue?

        And John, as little time as you more honestly have for my personal level of intelligence, I must finally say to you that I appreciate your need for dominance as far as many aspects headlining in our world but why all the antagonism?

        I’ll end this here as I am already probably way out of my personal depth.


        1. We are sailing in peacefully, threatening no one.
          China a tells us today we are a Bitch needing a walloping for even daring sail on those seas.
          Hello, they will do what?
          Be assured we are fully armed and ready.
          Hit our navy, as THEY are threatening to do, and we WILL hit back. Only by realising we mean what we say we are armed and ready, will they hold back. Knowing in 5 minutes it’s over, will make them rethink.
          Call us Bitches, we will call your hand.
          Rule Britannia, Britannia Rules the Waves,
          Britain Never, Never will be Slaves.
          Part of 0ur Heritage.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Sure. Because sailing warships onto anyone’s doorstep isn’t provocative? LOL.

            Having said that the Chinese CCP are, at the end of the days, bullies. Bloody noses do wonders for attitude adjustment. I’m sure calmer heads within will prevail.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Open Sea’s Tino, not Chinas, we are outside of lawful Territorial Waters. Our right is to Free Sea.
              Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, even South Korea all need our protection.
              We are standing up and saying, step with care. We will not have our free passage to Ally nations blocked by Commies.
              We don’t create vast Grey Screen funny money for armies, so we will just nuke.
              Knowing that it’s their call.
              Argentina tried it on. We sunk their Belgrano warship in open oceans. F the distance it’s about winning.
              If China does not mess with us, likewise. They said today they would Bitch Slap us. Really? Try it!
              We are staying, so fire or live with us. Or die?
              Unlike the USA, when the going gets rough, we do not Run Away. The English are now there to stay.
              Fire on us and goodbye China. They start it, we end it. That real.
              It will cost us a few ships. It will cost the Commies – Everything.
              Our position is clear. We are here!

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Well, if we all die, it was a true pleasure conversing.

                Since I live these days within the blast radius of a 10 megaton war head centered on Manhattan, it will be quick.

                See you on the Ethereal.

                However, if we have to play brinkmanship, I only trust the British anyhow!

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Tino
                  Be assured we WILL nuke irrespective of the end game, including self annihilation
                  That single fact of facing down the bully is what can avert war. Knowing it’s no win with the Brits.
                  Try and die, and we finish you Xi.
                  Knowing the ethereal reality, it’s just a journey which ran out of road and came to an end.
                  A choice for Xi to die for a Commie lie?
                  No prevarication, total fragmentation. Try and Die.
                  That is focus. A stance helps peace. Knowing it’s a No win for the Commie Czars because unlike the Brits, they won’t die for their lie. Peace, or they won’t leave in one.
                  The Brits don’t run, we take our chance. Nukes level the field. We can only die once, will they bite that bullet?
                  Knowing it’s game on and game over for China is the best leveller.
                  A respectful peace, or they won’t leave in one.
                  So Yes, we will sail past their false Islands. and the US having lost all Moral Authority and Trust, for many the Brits are their only hope. We dont cry or need Shrinks, we dig in and sort it. If the going gets tough we all know DC will abort it.
                  China will howl but they know where the line is. It’s clear.Cross it and you will disappear.
                  Big Dogs need a Big Stick.

                  Liked by 1 person

    2. Excellent article and certainly questions for the US to ponder.

      I am very surprised Duterte is giving in so easily. He is a loud mouth and usually such a defending of his land and rights.

      Anyway, what gives China the right to take over land owned by other countries? They pick on other countries that cannot fully defend themselves. F China as far as I’m concerned. I have no time whatsoever for Chinese commo bs. Time has come to teach these pri??? a lesson or two.


      1. Another spastic typo. Should have read ,” and usually such a defender of his land and rights.”


  4. https://home.solari.com/employer-school-disclosure-form-for-covid-19-injections/

    In depth legal letters to use if employer or colleges require vaccines.


  5. This is absolute crimes against humanity. They don’t care. The Brotherhood is going for it all now.



    1. HIW
      Correct. They don’t care! Fact!
      Post mass masking and mindless Sheeple spooked, contempt is now total. .
      Mass – Manipulation. End game, reduce human pollution.


      1. F them all.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. Latest Israeli data. 84% of new infections are in the vaccinated.

    Can we now call the Pfizer vaccine a total failure?

    And since everyone is getting an arbitrary computer model of the S1 protein, which has no bearing to the reality of the S1 protein, you have a poisonous analogue of the S1 running around your bloodstream that provides ZERO true immunity.

    Remember: The immunes system, for natural immunity, does NOT key off the S1 protein. It keys of the nucleotide capsid….


    1. Not just failed Tino.
      What are the Non Coincidental consequences now evolving to mass attack vast millions? Dead is dead! Covid is a max 5% risk. The other 95%, No Thanks Pfizer, will be an exponential Death Rate Risk. But very real.
      How many will die from the Pfizer lie?
      Will Gates and Fauci be arrested?
      Why not?
      Over the next 5 years, what will phase hit in consequences?
      So I’m denied the 5 miles high club? Where is justice?
      A crime with sacrilege.


  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And we are paying this person a salary, pension and perks. That strucks me as odd. 🤪

    Wow…a real man, with a track record, is running for office in Biden’s home district.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Re the second link. I am not normally into muscle men who talk tough but at this stage in life and times and considering the current circumstances, this bloke has the goods. Go kick some arse for the US people Bro. I am all for ya.


  8. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-gop-biden-bipartisan-plan-b1892944.html

    Are they all so stupid? Don’t answer

    Beijing threatens to ‘expel’ British warships as Big Lizzie arrives in the disputed South China Sea

    Chinese state media has said the navy will watch HMS Queen Elizabeth’s route through the South China Sea closely and will ‘expel’ any British ships that stray near islands it lays claim to.


    A Truly stupid move. We will Atomise them! The UK will not shadow box. Just dead!

    Whoahh hold the war, our Aircraft carrier crew are all down with Covid.
    Our Pilots wont fly because of Blood Clotting risks.
    Our Health Minister is now sick with Covid pulling a Sickie.
    90% of our population are now pinging up with the new system designed by IT IDIOTS!!!!!!!

    Subject: Britain’s new aircraft carrier is full of COVID-vaccinated sailors who are now testing positive for the virus – NaturalNews.com

    And you want to hope there is no hostility outbreaks… are pilots fit for duty .. how many will die ? If flying affects clotting they are most at risk. Being prepared takes on new meaning.
    Complete madness is vaccination for military or any civil personnel
    China must be grinning ear to ear

    ‘We’re f—ed’: Dems fear turnout catastrophe from GOP voting laws – POLITICO

    How do we save America from itself?

    If there is voter ID then the Democrats can kiss their ass goodbye. They will lose across ten broad.
    Astronomers detect light behind black hole for first time

    What,What,What Trump and Biden went in for Brain Scans together?

    The difference between America and the UK in standards.

    Our Health Minister was caught in an Affair with his Advisor. The party goes ballistic. He get a vote of No Confidence and thrown out.
    In the UK, dont be 2 faced You will get found out and thrown out. . Standards. In the US anything goes. In the Uk they terminate Hos.

    Local politicians pass vote of no confidence in their MP Matt Hancock https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9836653/Local-politicians-pass-vote-no-confidence-MP-Matt-Hancock.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    The Mad Mullahs again. Animals!

    Navid Afkari could have been an Olympian for Iran, but they hanged him https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-9761469/Navid-Afkari-representing-Iran-Tokyo-week-instead-country-hanged-him.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    They have no other way than to steal 2022 with federalization of elections. And if so America will become so divided that it will split up.



    Can you believe this CRAP the US Military is spewing out for the Army? FFS Cali-fornicate again.
    Can’t we send the Russian Military to that place and Roger the lot Face Down?
    F some sense into them.

    The world has gone mad. Whoever released this needs a jackboot ramming up to the knee up their Arse!
    Is America becoming a Pussy Kingdom?
    If the Russians come, you are ALL Face Down.
    Then the Chinese will Organ Donor you.
    Why are these IDIOTS speaking for you? Why are you not running right through these Freaks?

    DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’

    Where now ? Who in Pfizer is charged?



    1. For aircraft carrier and troops. Immediately deploy 12 mg Ivermectin with zinc Q 2 weeks to all asymptomatics. To all symptomatics add doxy or z-pack. In a pinch use indomethacin. Test everyone for d-dimers and troponin. Anyone with clotting use low-dose baby aspirin to counter. Get a correct census by running PCR antigen at 25 cycles. Given how brain-damaged my profession is right now by guidance and false narratives, just bitch slap whoever the Medical General Staff is and force the issue. Use the America Frontline Doctors therapy flowcharts.


      1. What, joined up thinking Tino?


  9. Posted this before in vid form… here is the write up…

    Dr. Charles Hoffe issues Vaccine warning… Deep dive on endothelial damage to blood vessels…

    But here’s where the problem comes. In a virus, in a Coronavirus, that spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule. In other words, the cell wall around the virus, called the viral capsule. But it’s not in the virus. It’s in your cells. So it therefore becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium. Which means that these cells that line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that blood flows smoothly, now have these little spikey bits sticking out.

    So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form. Because your blood platelets circulate around in your blood vessels. And the purpose of blood platelets is to detect a damaged vessel and block that vessel to stop bleeding. So when the platelet comes through the capillary, it suddenly hits all these all these Covid spikes that are jutting into the inside of the vessel, it is absolutely inevitable that a blood clot will form to block that vessel. That’s how platelets work.

    So….just as [inaudible] is absolutely predicted to cause cancer because it is full of carcinogens, these spike proteins will predictably cause blood clots because [inaudible] they are in your blood vessels. Dr. Bhakdi then said to me the way to prove this is that we need to do a blood test called a D-dimer test, um..to find out of this is really happening. So…the problem with…the blood clots we hear about through the media, that they claim are very rare are the big blood clots. These are the ones that cause strokes and clots in your brain…those are the ones that show up on CT-scans and Angiograms and MRIs. The clots I am talking about are microscopic. These are tiny…they are literally on a capillary level and they are scattered throughout your capillary network. They are not going to show on any scan. They are just too small and too scattered. So the only way to find out for sure if this predictable mechanism of clotting was actually happening was to do this blood test called a D-dimer. And so the D-dimer is a blood test that shows a recent blood clot. It doesn’t show anything else other than a recent blood clot. It won’t show an old blood clot. It only shows new blood clots. And so I have been now doing that on my patients…um finding people who have recently had their Covid shot within the previous seven days…it needs to be between 4 and 7 days, and doing a blood test on them called a D-dimer.

    And so I am still trying to accumulate more information. But on the ones I have so far, 62% of them have evidence of clotting. Which means that these blood clots are not rare. It means the majority of people are getting blood clots that they have no idea that they are having. So Laura Lynn, the most alarming thing about this is that there are some parts of your body like your heart and your brain, and your spinal cord and your lungs, which cannot regenerate. When those tissues are damaged by blocked vessels they are permanently damaged. So I now have 6 people in my Medical practice with reduced Effort Tolerance, which means that they just get out of breath more easily than they used to. I have one fellow that used to walk to my office every week for actually for an arthritis injection and told me that he could walk two miles without any problems, and now after a quarter of a mile he is absolutely out of breath and it has been like that for five months.

    So on the basis of this D-dimer test which proves that the majority of people are clotting, these six people who now have Reduced Effort Tolerance, actually what has happened to them is that they have plugged up thousands of tiny capillaries in their lungs. And the terrifying thing about this is not just that these people are short of breath and they can’t do what they used to be able to do. But once you block off a significant number of blood vessels to your lungs, your heart is now pumping against a much greater resistance to try and get the blood through your lungs. And the problem….so that causes a condition called Pulmonary Artery Hypertension.

    It’s actually like high blood pressure in your lungs because the blood can’t get through because so many of the vessels are blocked. And the terrifying thing of this is that people with Pulmonary Artery Hypertension usually die of right sided heart failure within three years. So the huge concern about the mechanism of injury is that these shots are causing permanent damage. And the worse is yet to come. Because, you know, there are some tissues in your body like the intestine, liver and kidney that can regenerate to quite a good degree but brain, and spinal cord, and heart muscle and lungs do not. When they are damaged, its permanent. Like all these young people who are now getting Myocarditis from these shots, they have permanently damaged hearts.


    1. Thanks, James. Curiously, just yesterday I heard a discussion between “Dr Been”, Pierre Kory, and Paul Marek of FLCCC discussing this alleged mechanism of clotting. They all said that the spikes can’t stick to epithelial cells like that. Now, I believe that the d-dimer test should correctly be showing clotting, which is the key fact of this, but they would argue that it would be from a different mechanism.

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wPsAa2V0bg starting at 50 minutes.


      1. Either model predicts the clots. A finite subset of the endothelium will have spike proteins which as the immune response kicks up will be antibody tagged for nuking and reclamation, the latter cause endothelial inflammation and then in come the platelets to plug the damaged endothelial wall, rinse wash repeat into a clot.


  10. You want to protect the children now?… how can people not see through this BS?… you want to protect the children then stop telling them to wear a feaking mask!

    400 deaths of children since the start of the pandemic, a number that has reportedly grown more rapidly since the delta variant first emerged.

    Those deaths represent just 0.0005% of the 73MM American children, and just 0.07% of all COVID deaths.

    But Dr. Fauci and Dr. Walensky are insistent that this represents an emerging crisis. Will COVID soon become a “crisis of child mortality?” The way things are going, we wouldn’t be surprised…

    While it probably doesn’t matter to Dr. Fauci, research published by the Lancet back in March showed that children and young people remain “at low risk” for COVID. That may have been before delta became so widespread, but there’s no new data to suggest that child mortality has increased since then.


    1. The infertility wave will be the price to pay for the jab in kids.

      Back of the envelope, you have to vaccinate 200,000 to prevent 1 death. Who in nether hell vaccinates at that rate?


      1. Pfizer for the Profits.


  11. Like

  12. From Robert Barnes’ Blog:

    A common pattern I am seeing is employers, educators, and governments making broad, big, boastful claims of “Everyone Must Get the Vaccination”, but then, buried in the small print, is a big, fat loophole. Usually, this entails alternative mitigation measurements (Covid test, masks, remote work options), a right to request an exception (usually includes both religious and medical exemption requests), and a limitation on actual punishment (e.g., referral to human resources rather than actual termination or suspension, etc). As just one example, as multiple board members noticed yesterday, the much ballyhooed DOJ opinion letter green lighting vaccines (a letter without any legally binding effect, by the way) actually had a huge loophole mentioned in a footnote: basically making clear that the ADA may prohibit such a compelled vaccine for anyone other than the federal government. Here is just one such recent example identified by RFK’s Children Health Defense site, which is a great site to stay updated on these issues. A university letter “deliberately omits any reference to a student’s right to submit medical and religious exemption requests, thereby giving the false impression that such requests are no longer valid or able to be considered” when compared to the actual university policy. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/julio-c-gomez-rutgers-false-emails-students-covid-vaccine-mandate/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tino

      Irrespective of Justification, for which there is NONE, the real world world position currently, is a Global Administrators nightmare, where the Suits want you jabbed,or bagged.
      No one is listening. Soon, no jabs no access.
      They have their lists and they will come for you. Enemy of the State.
      Rights won’t apply. You have none. What’s coming is the Covid Gestapo will arrest and jab you. At your home, in your home.
      The Public are too indifferent and simply Stupid. Mass stupid.
      Reason?There is none.
      They don’t debate, just dictate? Who gave them the Right.? No one, they took it. We can- So we will.
      The Walls are closing in Tino. Superstates are emerging. Then Merging! Media Stamping the Plebs. Chipped next? Gods of the Animal Kingdom? Human?
      The Constitution is dead. Like Rights. Sequestration of the Nation.
      It starts with your Rights.
      It ends with your Lives.
      Live long, but not to prosper.


      1. Hope you are wrong about that John… I see more and more pushback daily… we shall see I suppose.


        1. I used to live in a semi-rational world James. John isn’t wrong but not wholly right either. If the vaccines had worked, it would be a head long dash into the nightmare. But the vaccines are whopping failures. Mask pushback has started and it will end with vaccine recall and the largest settlement for damages the world has ever seen. Then, we’ll see if we can push Nuremberg on top of it. The next shoe to drop will be this winter when the vaccinated come down ill in the tens of thousands with Delta while the unvaccinated, at herd immunity, enjoy Winter sports laughing. VAERS was apparently just taken off line north of 12,000 dead by vaccine, illegally I might add. No this is going to blow up. Big time.

          Liked by 1 person

  13. SO…. Florida.

    I have been reliably informed something is going on.

    Constant low volume stream of double-vaccinated patients under 65 sick to very sick with the so-called Delta variant. Epidemiology of the situation is showing cluster effects of previously completely healthy individuals. This means, just as we skeptics all worried about, that it is the vaxxed that are becoming asymptomatic super-spreaders. (This does NOT happen in the unvaxxed. There it is a PCR garbage test illusion)

    This may be bad. It also blows all vaxxing justifications out of the water.


    1. Tino and all.
      Every chance the blood clotting issues and more will accelerate by next year. A rush job, we all pay.
      We now are the Lab Rats while the Rodents are Elites.
      Scientific Advisors rule the Zoo.
      Lab Rats are expendable.
      I question, tongue in cheek.
      The end game is not good.


      1. Well John, from what you have stated previously , you decided to be a lab rat. And you were telling all of us to get the bs injection.

        You want to be a part of this world….. then get the frickin bs vazzine. You will not be able to go anywhere without the bs vaxxine. (yep, I spelt it that way intentionally.)


        1. Your words buster.


  14. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  15. An entirely new nurse Has spoken out about the jab catastrophe
    She says she has never seen anything like this in all her years of practicing medicine

    Liked by 1 person

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  17. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The time for talk and half measures is over…

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Record-shattering heat becoming much more likely, says climate study

    We walk towards our own Armageddon and pathetic Leaders can not communicate.

    Snowden blows the truth on the hidden microphones inside your phone. WHAT?????????????????

    UK government backs scheme for motorway cables to power lorries | Travel and transport | The Guardian
    A massive move?

    Now let’s see Syria send 20 Iskanders back? It’s time brutal these bloody Khazar invaders got a taste.

    Subject: Russia says its air defense systems in Syria intercepted Israeli missiles | The Times of Israel

    This will get interesting.

    One of our readers views.

    This is what its all about.

    In Britain, Graham Brady, Chairman of the Tory 1922 Committee and member of Parliament, has written an op-ed for the Daily Mail where he made it very clear that the purpose of the lockdowns is to impose social control — not to reduce COVID. He has pointed out that this is approaching what is known as Stockholm Syndrome, where the greater the control to which people are subjected, the greater the dependence people develop.

    By fall expect upheavals as this mess gets worse as they will try to break the back of the economy. Socialism or communism call what you want is a disease that destroys and does not build. Already it is clear that they are trying to pit the vaccinated against the unvaccinated as a means of division within society. It matters not what supply chains get crushed or broken or who dies as a result. They have bet the farm and now there is only a win or loss to come for them. These same clowns are labeling anyone connecting dots as a conspiracy theorist and are actively silencing all narrative contrary to their propaganda. This is a sight one would have thought would never happen in the west, but it has.

    In Europe, this madness which started with taking interest rates down to zero has destroying their economies of Europe to the point the pension plans are running out of money to pay. It is commonly accepted that pension plans need to make 7.5% or more to adequately support payouts. This is impossible when rates are at zero. The hourglass of time is running out as it also is for the politicians who bought into this flawed thinking. And the pension crowd would do well to recall that history tells is that under communism pension funds get invested into government debt and how Did that turn out? More recently in the Soviet Union when it failed pensions turned to shit in a hurry. In Europe it is a race against time and I think time will win.

    The reason you are seeing capital flow into real estate today in North America is more of flight risk mentality that is rapidly losing confidence in government and that includes the US one. This is why the move into private assets over public ones. And even though America has many issues, it remains better a risk than Europe or Asia. This trend into private assets over government ones is very real as money will not go with public agendas given a choice. And we already see pension funds being directed to invest in the so called “green” projects to the detriment of returns in favor of policy.

    As the public comes to understand this more fully, we should expect more civil unrest and true chaos as supply chains breakdown causing not only delays but the absence of timely cash flows. And it is too late for any stabilization as the inertia of decline has its’ own weight even if things change today, which they won’t as the fall will continue. Thus you will continue to see more effort into capital stability and safety than return becoming more primary of a objective. And while the is inflation now and will be more measured time the likelihood of severe deflation is more a threat on the horizon as agendas collide in the nit too distant future.

    Travel this fall will carry more risk of delay and change and one should be prepared to accommodate change and be ready to incur more cost as a result. And Anyone traveling this summer already knows that everything from car rentals to hotel rooms is premium priced and getting into a quality restaurant is no longer a causal affair.

    JUST IN: Democrat Donor and Hillary Clinton Pal Ed Buck Convicted in Meth Overdose Deaths of Two Black Men at His West Hollywood Apartment

    Finally a turn in the right direction Clinton Cronies.
    China’s latest conquest in America is buying up farmland. Will Washington stop it? | Just The News

    Well the Arabs and Gates have.

    MEDICAL BOMBSHELL: Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells from round to tubular, causing them to stick together – NaturalNews.com
    This goes from bad to worse.
    An email I just got in.

    This is truly crazy stuff. This is playing Russian roulette with your life for as long as this stuff is in the body.
    I wonder if you oxygenate the blood and filter it on a external machine whether there would be a change? In the Meantime, of you have a jab or two taking natural aid for the heart might be a astute move. Because whatever one does or not the reality of what is in the body has to be dealt with.
    It is also likely that there will be personality changes in people with a jab where there is an effect.

    NYC will require COVID-19 vaccines or weekly tests for all municipal workers | TheHill

    Unleash the Tino Missile.
    Goodbye New York.



  20. So… isn’t this interesting. Nurse talking about “crisis next week with COVID” that she has been alerted to. Corruption!!!

    hat tip HEMP HOBBIT


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  25. There is NO SURGE of ANY KIND in the UK.


    1. Tino

      It’s dropped 6 days on the trot. Fake hype!

      Big Pharma fake!


  26. If you think it’s just me — it is getting to the point that even the medical laity is picking up on the fraud. See if you recognize any part. This applies only to the US as far as I know. But be careful for this switcheroo elsewhere.

    And there it is, the fraud lies in plain sight. If there was ever any doubt that the whole thing was a charade and a vaccine-pushing conspiracy, the articles below should dissipate any such remaining doubts. Quietly, and without a single “honorable mention” in MSM, on May 1, 2021 CDC changed the guidelines for both the PCR CT threshold and the definitions of what constitutes a COVID-19 case…but only for those who are vaccinated. In other words, the new guidelines make it virtually impossible for a vaccinated person to be labelled as having COVID-19, but for non-vaccinated people the older, looser guidelines (that virtually guarantee a COVID-19 diagnosis) remain in effect. The new guidelines for vaccinated people are to use a PCR CT count of <28 and to not report asymptomatic or mild cases as an actual COVID-19 "case". This is laughable, as CDC is actually asking doctors that a (vaccinated) person with a positive PCR test (even with a count of <28) and with symptoms not be counted as a COVID-19 case! For the unvaccinated, the guidelines remain absurd as before and the journalists who wrote one of the articles confirmed that in their state (Kansas) private labs continue to use PCR CT count of as high as 45 and the state lab used to use a count of 45 (which even Fauci recently admitted produces meaningless results) but has now "generously" lowered the count to 35. This change by CDC comes a few months after WHO changed its guidelines on PCR CT and symptoms as well (and are actually almost identical to the WHO guidelines) except that WHO did not specify who those guidelines should be used for while CDC explicitly states that those new guidelines should only be used for vaccinated people. So, with the stroke of a pen (or keyboard) the CDC ensures that vaccinated people will almost never be found to have COVID-19 (thus ensuring vaccine effectiveness of 99.999…%), while new COVID-19 cases will continue to skyrockets in the future (especially in the fall/winter) and will only be found in the unvaccinated. The latter ensures ONLY the unvaccinated will be blamed for any future "pandemic" and causing the collapse of the "health" system. It looks like the blame-game is already starting, as the thread below by @Pina shows.

    Liked by 2 people

  27. https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2021/07/26/covid-vaccination-california-counties/
    A new analysis finds several counties with above-average vaccination rates also have higher COVID case rates, while case rates are falling in counties with below-average vaccination rates.
    Are you confused, and wondering why all of a sudden the entire Biden admin is telling all the vaccinated people to wear masks?

    According to the report vaccinated individuals could have higher levels of the virus and may be infecting others and causing this new surge.


  28. Like

  29. So, as ever, the Gutsy Brits sale right into Chinas No Go Zone the South China Seas. Here we are,. take your shot?
    But know, take out our Ships – Beijing, Macau,Shanghai and every base will be gone once our subs open their launch codes. Be assured, hit our ships and it’s over. Your choice. Fire and Die! China threatens to Nuke Japan.
    We don’t threaten, hit our Ships we WILL Nuke China. We have no real choice.
    The first 30 missiles will come in minutes. Where do you want them? Within one hour of attacking our Ships China will be gone. Atomized. Xis last sigh. Too late to regret. Dead don’t!

    Understand Mr Chan. If the Brits slap 30 multi warhead missiles into you,America will be forced to join us. Self survival because they know your silos will open and missiles will come at them. Damage limitation.

    The vast might of the British Empire folded over time. As did Rome’s. All World Leaders.of their times.
    Each were beaten by the will of Colonial Nations subordinated, the wild will of Mankind to be free. Free Will!

    China is following the same old failed Commie mantra. Domination Dogma. Don’t get excited, we don’t eat Dogs.
    The British will enter those seas and we WILL stay! Attack, we fire back. Attack, we NUKE!. Yes, we WILL!
    So why all die for a Commie, Hegemony lie? Old thinking. Failed thinking.
    Why can’t we co exist? Trade together. Expand together? Share our fragile world together. Educate- Not Annihilate. Work as Man to be Kind?
    Or nuke? Be profound, there is no middle ground with Global domination.
    Right now China shows only the Culture of a Vulture. Their lick?
    But the price?
    The Brits are here. They are staying. Fire, and Die!

    Liked by 2 people

  30. *Who carries the liability for these junk-jabs? *

    Conventional thinking
    Govt – no
    Pharma – no
    Govt doctors – no
    Private doctor/nurse – yes
    Mandating company – yes
    Victim – absolutely

    Nuremberg code
    Govt – leaders – yes
    Pharma – leaders – yes
    Govt doctors – as individuals – yes
    Private doctors – yes
    Mandating company – leaders – yes

    Liked by 1 person

  31. No catastrophe in DC either.



  32. Dominion Subpoenaed

    How long has it taken now?

    This is interesting if true …. Because it really is about 2020, because if one cannot correct the fraud committed there and then what chance does a vote have in 2022.



    1. Will they comply?… because they have the all the gov 3 letter agencies on their side.


  33. Get some!

    Warren has got to be the stupidest thing that politics has ever produced.


  34. Why O why is this non-entity, a complete failure at his chosen profession, with worthless models, speaking?

    Additionally, it is false. The reason there is no big deal right now is seasonality. This will reverse come October with a flood of vaxxed folks clobbered by Delta, Gamma and Lambda variants. If you do nothing, Farr’s Law ensures that it will be the end of it. If you instead go crazy with boosters it will never end because the vaccines are worthless, but allow 32x the viral load prior to symptoms. This WILL create asymptomatic spreaders, something which previously never existed in URIs. All previous prior-to-vaccines so-called asymptomatic spread was an illusion of PCR testing.



  35. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/covid-vaccines-emergency-status-doesnt-bar-mandates-doj-says

    The Covid-19 vaccines’ status as an emergency product—which has fueled lawsuits against vaccination mandates—doesn’t prohibit employers, universities, or other entities from requiring inoculations, the U.S. Justice Department said.


    1. Well, I for one disagree with the DoJ. By EUA statute , it is NOT the EMPLOYER or OTHER ENTITY that gets to decide. The law CLEARLY says I do, and the “consequences” in the statute are OBVIOUSLY “Health” consequences. Otherwise the statute is read over-broadly. Otherwise, the Statute should be void for vagueness and then you *certainly* don’t get to mandate.

      What is meant is that Employers can provide said shot — nothing else. Certainly not mandate, in obvious violation of informed consent, and experiment drug. It is absurd to right a statute that tells me I get to refuse – e.g. acknowledging the principle of informed consent — and then violate that by coercion by going “the shot or your job”, “the shot or access” or any of the myriad violations of Informed Consent.



      1. ” DO NOT COMPLY”?… I hope someone with balls stands up who has the position to do so… many peeps I know around here work at the VA Hospital… this is one example of forced to take the vaxx… the VA jobs are much higher paying with better retirement and benefits around here… you think those people are going to lose their job?…
        I am also in the healthcare industry… will I be forced to choose the vaxx or my job?…

        I can plainly see the vaxx is more dangerous than Covid… I do believe it is about way more than the virus… but, what will I have to do?…
        I can plainly see the Presidency was stolen…
        I can plainly see the Jan 6th hearings are loaded bullshit to weaponize the gov even more…
        and so on, and so on,… we can all see what is happening right in our face…
        I could go on listing so many more things, but we all here know and see…

        The question is, what will I be forced to do?

        2 very good friends have taken the vaxx, both with no side effects so far…
        one friends mother took the vaxx and 2 weeks later she was in the hospital with heart problems… no previous heart trouble…. and still going throgh trouble with her heart, but, no relation, so they say and believe…
        I run into people all time who have taken the vaxx and are surprised I have not…
        the MSM and Social Media have done the job on many…

        Sunday I discussed, very sternly, we will say, the whole mess, with another friend who works in a local hospital…
        I showed him the studies done on masks from years ago… he said things change….
        he brought up the 1918 pandemic and the mask thing… I asked him if he knew Fauci did a research paper on the out come of masks and that he concluded that masks did more harm than the pandemic itself in his report… he had not seen it or heard about it… he said, things change and research changes…
        I showed him many vids and posts on the spikes on genes from the protein and how it slows blood flow…
        showed him much more…
        Just saw a moron on FOX telling everyone they are selfish if they do not take the VAXX…

        Point is, what will it take to reverse what is happening?… what is it going to take to stop the madness?…
        will it or can it be stopped?…

        We have all sat here and watched this all unfold for a long time… and we still see more and more piled on… nothing is changing for good, its only changing for the worse… we have been sold out!..

        We do not have representation in our gov that is for what is right, they are wonderful actors!

        as John might say, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!


        1. DO NOT COMPLY — since when is a job worth more than a clearly injurious and lethal mRNA shot?

          DO NOT COMPLY — Let them fire you and sue for breach of contract and of the plain vanilla wording of the statute EUA

          DO NOT COMPLY — Demand to see the vaccination of every other employee for all infectious diseases, especially HIV, TB, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Typhus

          Half the Nation has not taken the shots regardless of bs blathering from the government.

          It’s a tight labor market, reinvent yourself and go make bucks amongst the rational.

          I have been self-employed for this very reason since May 12, 2012.. Some days are hard, but I’m not even dependent on a license since I consult not with patients but with doctors.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Tino,,, excellent points… asking for the info on everyone’s infectious diseases is the way to go, for sure!… if and when the rubber meats the road I hope all will take that stance… me and my son have talked about it at length… I know my son is ready to tell his employer no… I reserve further thoughts for another day!
            Thank you Tino!


            1. I will quit my job of 18 years if my employer demands the jab. I will of course fight like heck and use our union and all of my gained knowledge on this issue, but in the end, my health is mine!
              Thank you all for the education on this sight. Priceless!

              Liked by 2 people

    1. Lars Larson radio show played a clip on fauci’s about faces since the beginning of this mess. Back and forth lies over and over. Lars says they call him dr. falsey.


  36. Look who’s running for Governor of Arizona! 🔥 🔥 🔥

    Liked by 1 person

  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Good point.

    When it’s my time…why not?


  38. Liked by 1 person

  39. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-stop-search-police-b1891317.html

    Cut the Radar Trapping and Speed Car Highway Bandits get them off their arses tacking crime. Defund Radar Police.

    What happened to Fergussons half a million dead?
    Why have we wiped out millions of jobs? Bankrupted how many?
    Yep, the UK leads out of this mess.
    IMF says UK will have joint fastest growth in the G7 this year https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9830977/IMF-says-UK-joint-fastest-growth-G7-year.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    No Vaccine No Admission almost anywhere.
    Absolutely horrendous, disgusting and all too typical of Pakistanis allowed into our country and the filth they bring
    Most of us want them gone. Land fill sites are an option! No one wants them here.

    Child abuse report reveals victim was raped and forced into marriage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9831797/Bradford-child-abuse-report-reveals-victim-raped-forced-Islamic-marriage.html?ito=native_share_article-top


  40. Hahahahahahaha!

    May we be fortunate enough for a quantum collapse of the vaccine narrative and all it entails?

    Liked by 2 people

  41. Illinois hospitals were NEVER overwhelmed:


  42. Varian crash course.

    Variants are important only because as the variants mount, Farr’s Law more or less guarantees a weak virus. (Yes, Victoria, that means had we done nothing, since the vaccine came after peak, we’d be done by now.) This weak virus has no clinical important at the population level. In fact, with Delta, Gamma and Lambda you’ve reached 0.2% to 0.4% CFR which while not insignificant, is pretty much of no consequence to the population at large since prevalence is unlikely to break the 10% threshold. To those that are worried, get the trifecta (HCQ,Zn,Z-pack) or 12 mg Ivermectin Q 2 weeks, with zinc and up it with doxycyline if PROVABLY exposed — eg not a “ping’ — somebody hacking up mucous or looking like death warmed over, within your visual field or in eye range.

    Unlike influenza, which reconfigures its surface markers all the time, coronavirus don’t do it so much. Additionally nCov2019 variants however, are NOT, intrinsically, a new virus. They are at most 0.3% genetically different. Their surface markers are fundamentally the same as nCov2019-Alpha. If variants were cars, the differences would be the paint jobs and the windshield wipers. Whether you have natural immunity from infection, cross-immunity from childhood infections, you are done. No variant will be able to pierce you natural immunity regardless of the hand waving/hand wringing/submissive corruption of Infectious Disease experts. Being Year 0 every 10 days, everyone has forgotten Virology 101. Infection and survival with URI ALWAYS provides life long immunity. The immune system is a wonderful thing.

    Which brings us to TWO very important facts.

    FACT 1 – When we started this ride population-wide immunity was 80%. See Stanford and Diamond Princess. The “novel” coronavirus was NOT novel. Herd immunity has been achieved across the board. In the unvaccinated, nobody is going to die in droves. Yes, here and there some poor Soul will go to his Maker, but we are not going to lose hundreds of thousands of the unvaxxed.

    Fact 2 – The vaccines are not vaccines. That’s just corruption of the language of medicine. They neither prevent disease nor prevent transmission. Most importantly, long-lasting sterilizing immunity CANNOT be provided by the shots at all because the wrong target was selected — the spike protein. (Reminder, spike protein is toxic in of itself and thus all the mRNA jab side-effects and deaths,) Immunity to coronavirus is provided by the capsule nucleotide proteins NOT the spike proteins. It took me 5 minutes on PubMed to learn the nature of coronavirus immunity in humans. It is NOT POSSIBLE to make this error innocently. This makes every mRNA jab and those who manufactured them and all the politicos and regulatory systems that went along as criminals guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
    Since the mRNA jab is non-sterilizing the majority of mutant strains of COVID will originate out of the vaxxed. The vaxxed are also suffering poor immunity against the variants because of the mRNA jab obliterates proper immunity to coronavirus. This also means the vast majority that will get sick this winter will be the vaxxed. Data in this regard is mounting very rapidly and by definition sinks the vaccine passport idea. This decreased immunity all but guarantees a horrific hospitalization wave and some death. It is IMPERATIVE to get out from underneath this that NOBODY be vaccinated with mRNA. Use Novovax or Covaxin, both traditional vaccines not likely to induce variants, or other serious side-effects like mRNA. Prefer Covaxin to Novovax, as the latter still targets the spike protein.

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    1. Jesus F Christ! I refreshed the browser and it showed your post. I will be using that data.

      PS. The Twitter warning is ludicrous. The Big Tech needs to be shattered in non-existence.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Constitutional Crisis of Illegitimate Gov coming our way!


      1. Tino

        ONLY if some Dufus is prepared to act. Obama? It can’t get more illegitimate than that. He is prohibited by law from even running. Chicago Con Man, Indonesian passport bearing Kenyan born illegal?
        They did what? So who will move?


        1. I hear you but, Someone is. Otherwise Lindell wouldn’t have a 34 Terabyte snapshot of the Election traffic. Since nothing in Politics is accidental, Something is afoot. Also Lindell’s efforts are trending. At some point it does reach critical mass. And 2021 is WAY different than

          This is NOT what happened with the Obama Birth Certificate. Which meandered here and there since sometime in 2008 (?) with a few peaks.

          I’m no PsyOp specialist, but the Obama Birth Certificate was presented to the Nation without a foundation. It built on nothing, and lacked unfortunately, legs in terms of credibility despite Advocates, precisely because of that lack of foundation.


          1. When he presented the Fake Cut and Paste one the US did what? He lied in Office. He usurped the role. The world knows it. So does DC. DC did what?


            1. DC is totally corrupt… the people in charge anyway… repubs and dems are corrupt… that is why nothing was done John… the patriots that are in place under these POS need to start speaking out… listened to the Patriot radio show today… the man was playing quotes from the Jan 6th, so called, commission… the person speaking at the hearing said there were 9 thousand terrorists there that day… the radio announcer came back from a break and said he had many Capital Police calling in to the show talking about how much BS was going on at the hearing, but they did not want to go on air… they are scared… what they are trying to pull is outrageous… they want to shut down any opposing view… the hearings, or commission, or investigation is a farce… it is all about gaining control in the name of fear mongering… it is sickening!


              1. And another thing about Jan 6th… why did the national guard get rejected 6 times to come help?… Pelosi is over the Cap police… will real questions be asked?… hell no!… why were people let in?… will all 14 k hours of video be released?… who has a commission run by the people in charge of the entire incident?


                1. I heard early on that pelosi’s brother in law was in charge of jan 6 situation. pelosi knows full well all about it and let it happen. Sure would like her to be gone!


    1. Yep — and AFIK, the bastards didn’t pull the trial. Even though 48,000 healthy children allegedly got COVID and ZERO died…


  44. Curious about the following post… some peeps are very interested in this… I can not imagine real exposure though…


    1. It’s an impossible quagmire. If a run started God help them. A weapon of mass destruction. There is no Lender of Last Resort to cover it. Zio Scammers again. Greed and scams.


  45. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Enoch was right.

    Every day, I need the IMF in my life to live. Such a vital organization which innovates life supporting technology. They are looking out for me. How could humanity get out of bed without them? 🚽🧻


    1. Beyond, we need tanks! Tianamen F Square Day! Waste the Wog Year. The lot.
      then they breed and O h Shit! How many?
      We need a Wog Virus!


  46. Ally on Twitter: “The people of France shot the presidents house of with horse shit. 😂🤣 https://t.co/vVFV1iTv15” / Twitter

    The French public sending a message
    They do like their use of manure

    Bye-bye, bitcoin: It’s time to ban cryptocurrencies

    The top secret Tube stop that doubled as a London flood defense: How mothballed North End station under Hampstead Heath became control room to prevent network being left under water by Cold War nuclear blast

    The floodgate system (pictured at Waterloo) was installed in the Second World War on the Tube network to prevent water from the River Thames gushing into stations after a bomb attack.


    Gravitas: British warship to challenge Beijing in South China Sea

    As all the world backs off Chinese aggression in the South China Seas, the Brits sail in loaded for Bear. We gave them Hong Kong. Touch our ships and we will nuke them. Give them Hell if they touch our Navy.
    If they wipe out our ships we wipe out 30 cities and bases. The world will follow and finish the rest. Even Putin would have to follow the Brits and nuke them.

    Young North Koreans ordered to stop speaking, dressing and dancing like South Koreans – or else

    Now if he does invade South Korea, albeit with 500k Chinese in his uniforms, this is Vietnam all over again. Hell on earth if he fronts the lot if South Korea falls.

    After Vietnam, Afghanistan and Syria, America really does not need to get sucked into another unwinnable war. Defending for what? The US can’t even defend an lection result.

    How the hell can it face off half a million Chinese overrunning them. They are still wetting their beds over Vietnam. Trump was so scared he paid for a Heel Spurs indemnity and Clinton hid in London.

    Enough wars for America. What about the battles raging in Chicago? Imagine sticking Soetoro Obama in a uniform, a gun in his hand, and sending those Chicken bony legs to fight for America. If captured how would that Sissy Boy cope in a North Korean POW Camp? What would they make of him? Mind freaking. Time for Hell No, We Won’t Go.
    Let’s clean up America first.

    https://news.sky.com/story/young-north-koreans-ordered-to-stop-speaking-dressing-and-dancing-Time for Hell No We Wonty Go. -south-koreans-or-else-12359078


    1. Hey John, you note “we gave them back Hong Kong” but that was a forcefully signed agreement from the little I know. I watched a show the other night and it seemed to me that it was a strong hand move by the UK, as you were such a mighty force in the naval sense during that period, which related to the forced opium/tea trade during that era and the difficulties, objections and need of such trade by the Chinese. Is that correct?

      Do not be mistaken, I unfortunately have no time whatsoever for the Chinese. I do like the Chinese people I have personally known. I have no time for that commo mentality either. And they are like frickin octopus where the land down under is concerned.


      1. Aurataya
        We honoured a deal. Unlike America with the Elders treaties. They lied and looted, spent and stole the lot, now it’s coming home. Payback!
        That said, let Xi go for it with our ships and it’s game over. We are sailing through the South China Seas with our F U flags flying. Xi demands we stay out or else.
        Our answer is try and die. We faced down Russia.Whats a billion or so Chans?
        We Brits don’t carry Diapers in our Battle Bergens. Nor do we carry Shrinks or Soothers.
        So does Xi want WW111? We are sailing into the seas and STAYING! Protecting you for one thing.
        Plus South Korea! Protecting our Domains. It’s now clear to Beijing, we don’t need a major fleet showboating. Attack us and we nuke you. That finite. His call. We are coming.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. And exactly how would N Korea move 500K? Only by surface is it feasible. Last I looked S Korea has more than sufficient area clearing weapons. I doubt N Korea would get much past the DMZ. This isn’t the 1950s.

      And what’s the point of N Korea invading S Korea? It’s not like anyone invading has a ghost of a chance running any aspect of the S Korean economy in a putative victory. The 50K or so essential personnel that make the S Korean economy spin will all be long gone with the requisite intangibles, and the second-handers that will be put in charge will devolve it over 5 years…


      1. Slave labour for China. Cheap goods.


  47. Tino – Real close to the study you suggested a few days ago:

    More details from the thread …..
    They found spike protein is still circulating 5 months from vaccination in 100% of patients tested (6 people; random pick).
    One of the 6 had spike in 15% of his monocytes! The 6 were randomly picked. They wanted to use them as “healthy controls.” Then the researchers freaked out when they found this.
    The antigen (in this case spike) is SUPPOSED to disappear in 2 weeks. So this can explain long-term vaccine symptoms (along with permanent or temp damage from the inflammation and blood clots caused by the vaccine). Permanent damage is from scarring caused by inflammation.
    The 6 had Pfizer and Moderna. Malone said “that should NOT be happening.” So MAJOR problem.
    If you know any people who have published papers who are willing to write up our key evidence showing the vaccines are dangerous, PLEASE DM us! We have VERY compelling evidence on this we want to publish in medrxiv but need an “academic” to write it up who has time to do it ASAP


    1. Well, I for one have been cancelled and shadow-banned across the spectrum. Your best bet is to go directly to https://covid19criticalcare.com/ where I am sure someone would volunteer if the evidence is compelling enough.


  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The energy demands of a rapidly advancing, technologically based society, are exceeding the stupidity supply of those attempting to manage it by outdated means. The brontosaur is attempting to organize a tea set. Brawn, but no brains.


  49. Chicago may be the 9th Level of Hell, but not for COVID.

    No catastrophe in progress in Chicago


  50. Like

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  52. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



    1. Ahh crypto, it truly is the best roller coaster I’ve ever been on. In true Elon Musk fashion Amazon flips it’s stance on crypto. Next week or month they will flip back.The demand is too strong. 1 billion in BTC shorts liquidated. Dollar cost average with safe amounts and HODL, as WHA has suggested. You ain’t seen nothing yet!

      Liked by 1 person

  53. Like

  54. UK. Knock it off on the lockups — they are provably useless


  55. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  56. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This Tether thing is very curious…I have really never used Tether, nor did I ever really care for the project. But…there are wide differences of opinions on the real story of their financial status.

    Rather than comment on this at length, I am personally going to do nothing with my portfolio, as I do not like to make decisions based on inspection-before-the-fact. One key thing that many are not considering is the wide disparity in market cap between Tether and BTC. Tether currently sits at 61.8B. BTC, at 745B. That’s quite a difference. In my opinion, even if Tether should be torn apart, it would certainly cause a blowout of the weaklings, and once the dust settles, it’s bargain basement time for cash accounts to dine on, and BTC has enough steam to absorb the impact, panic sellers notwithstanding.

    But…since there is no clear consensus on Tether’s true financial status, and with the huge market cap in favor of BTC, I would hold positions for now and avoid selling into panic, or even perceived panic, and not cause a tax loss on top of it.

    Let’s see what happens.

    We are deep into Terra Incognita.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely NOTHING will cause me to weaken into selling where my crypto holdings are concerned. My holdings are not large but I’m sure one day they will make life easier. Thanks Tony.


  57. UK’s daily Covid cases drop for the SIXTH day in a row: Infections plummet 38% to 24,950 and deaths fall 24% to 14 – but No10 warns we’re ‘not out of the woods yet’ despite virus declining in every region of England

    The Government and its scientific advisers had been expecting cases to rocket to at least 100,000 every day this autumn. But cases have started to decline in every corner of England already.


    All this hype over Covid and its dropped 6 days in a row!

    Brain dead Mutants. Masked in the streets. Breathing in their own Crap, they so need a slap! Sheeple? Hello, Agenda 21 calling?
    We have reason to believe you qualify.
    Just turn up at Walmarts with your case in your hand, and we will give you a Free trip to the Promised land.


    It’s getting messy for Covid now.

    A terrible typhoon has destroyed China! | The force of the wind blows people and machines away! – YouTube

    How can this not affect supply chains or china’s ability to manage debt? But also. when are we going to accept that rising temperatures are going to total out nations from increasing Freak Weather chaos.
    Where is common sense?

    Shared from Sky News: COVID-19: US ‘going in the wrong direction’ on coronavirus as cases almost triple, Dr Anthony Fauci says https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-us-going-in-the-wrong-direction-on-coronavirus-as-cases-almost-triple-dr-anthony-fauci-says-12364429

    Is Fauci Right, or a Stooge?
    Prince Harry ‘ghostwriter’s dream’ because he ‘talks about feelings’

    Real all too similar typical Windsor Selfish and whimping Pricks. Charles, unreal!. Andrew gross selfish and shamed. Edward, complete Wimp. Weak, pathetic.
    The Queen magnificent. Thank God for William and Kate or its all gone.
    In the hands of a User what will this whining Prick unleash. He and Markel are Gross. Grasping and shallow parasites. Ignore their crap. Who cares? Free loaders. Markel is a User. Parasite!

    Prince Harry ‘ghostwriter’s dream’ because he ‘talks about feelings’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9823617/Prince-Harry-ghostwriters-dream-loves-talk-feelings-says-author.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    The Cabinet are very unhappy at Boris stance. Trouble is brewing.

    Row over Boris’ ‘Beijing-style’ Covid passports in universities https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9827241/Row-erupts-Boris-Johnsons-Beijing-style-Covid-passports-universities.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Sadly it appears Palace Staff who allege huge abuse by both of them will unleash vitriolic attacks in the media. The media is a 2 headed sword.
    DAN WOOTTON: Will Harry’s book free Palace staff to speak out? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9826893/DAN-WOOTTON-Harrys-book-free-Palace-staff-reveal-survived-working-Sussexes.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    1. The feeling I would like Harry to have is my boot hard up his Prima Donna F arse! He needs a good horse whipping, self seeking Wimp. Shameful and led by the Parasite Bolter.
      Her Mother was a Bolter. Her father was dumped like her Husband and friends. She’s a shallow USER!.
      She let America down. She let us all down. Look at Kate then Markel. Class and Trailer Trash type as it now profiles. Harry for Gods sake shut the F up and leave for good. Stop free loading you F Sissy Boy! What a Nob End! Ignore him he’s weak! Pathetic. Mammie! Stupid Child, Shut Him Down.


  58. Like

  59. Without releasing much yet, as I am watching the whole game board, Britain, and the Vast London Capital Market, is very close to unveiling its own Central Bank Digital Currency.

    Once that happens, the US will be forced to follow, so will the world. Then with instant transfers, tiny fees, no meddling highly intrusive Compliance BS from Banks, who needs them? A colossal Game Changer Cryptos will roar.

    Policing Cryptos however, is an impending nightmare. Hacking and Cyber crimes will necessitate a Global Cyber Crimes Agency, but who will initiate and direct it? Politicos are too thick to grasp any of it, and without Global control, Cyber crimes will roar. Global Crime Gangs are coming. Money Laundering will boom like post Prohibition booze.

    As Banks Tank, what becomes of the Thieving, Rapacious Zios?
    The vast Stock Markets and City infrastructures?

    Tax regimes will be circumvented to hell. Deservedly.

    The Fed- Is so dead. The Rotts and Rockefellers will be rocking. All Empires end.

    As Americas Global wealth is so tied to its Dollar dominance, how does it cope when it runs out of rope?

    With the sheer scale of Cyber Crimes to come, expect Khazar Thieving State Israe Hell to be right in the middle of it. They will thrive and steal you alive. The new Hole in the Wall Gang Banging you all. Parasites like Fleas on a Dogs back. Politicos cant handle it. But an Iranian Nuke can. Restore Persian Might and send these Khazars into the night. How can you expect Politicos to comprehend any of it? Basket case mediocrities.

    Once CBDC’s flow, everything changes.

    But how long can Governance by Mongrels, and Mutts last? Why be dictated to be Mediocrities?

    I can’t wait for the power of the Banks to go. End carrying a daily meddling Ho.

    Cryptos are coming.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. John,

      Will that somehow accelerate the GCR and or settlements once that occurs?


      1. Once the UK goes CBDC’s and the Elders clear, it’s life rafts for the rest.

        I lived in South Africa as Apartheid was ending and the ANC were coming in.

        Every Township Black was so F Brain dead they could not grasp why when Mandela took over, they were not given a Big White Mans Home, their own Mercedes, millions in the Bank, and servants.

        Totally F in the head. The GCR fantasy is like that. Brain dead the lot!

        So Santa is coming all Debts will be forgiven. And you will all be given millions in freebies?

        Where from?

        1.Any settlements will be project oriented. No Freebie Hand Outs for the great unwashed for sure. State Bail outs only.

        2.The Chairman of the Elders Global Trust will not fund Freebies for in many cases, a bunch of failed and free riding Floaters. Get real time for many.

        3.Yes, Community Development we will fund. Job creation; Education, Health Care, and Humanitarian. Many good things as merited. Good people good hope. Floaters with hooks will get cut loose. Dreamers. No one is owed. Project help where merited!!!

        4.Far more important is what will come post releases for the Elders. The delay is because we have demanded more. Much more! Not for Public discussion. But, post agreed releases, we will take up to 3 months to assess our own Investment Platforms, and damned right get in first and hard, then if WHA gives you a real break of insight, Follow it fast! Real world we bite first. Forget all this mind fragged currency BS, it’s been how long?

        As for WEF? Gnomes Dreams.

        With luck WHA can do you a real favour. And for Fs sake teach American kids to put a U in favour. It’s our language not to be Dumbed down so far just because you breed Trumps and Bush 43’s. You also do have so very many highly intelligent Americans and many on this site. Thankfully. Great people. Teasing Sampson. Smiling! Brits?

        Respectful answers for you. Reality. You asked.


        1. This made my day. Thank you John. I have not been feeling my upbeat self lately. The world is a bazaar and scary place.

          When filling out new patient paperwork at the doctors office, the first question was, “what gender do you identify yourself as”.

          I asked the receptionist wtf is this?! She said they were federally funded. She knows it’s ridiculous.

          It’s going to be glorious when the settlement funds come. Not that I fully understand it but F the commie governments.


          1. Isn’t it fun to be a contrary Bastard when merited? Tongue in cheek.
            Truth hurts. But not as much as missing out on a seriously sensual woman to a known limp brain and low life. Worth ethics takes our time. We break free they have gone.
            Like Mick in Crocodile Dundee.
            Have you ever been married Mick?
            Yeh I had one once . What happened?
            I just went walkabouts and when I got back she was gone.
            Funny things women.
            How long was he gone Wally?
            Oh. about 4 years.
            Yep, funny things women. Who can work them out?


            1. Are you serious John. What a comment. Yep, I took the bait you bugger lol.

              I know you joke around a lot but sometimes I really want to give you a good smack to knock some sense into you lol.

              Why would you feel loss when, as you say, you have lost out on a sensual woman to some limp brain twat? Well, there may be two sides to that specific situation but from a perspective in general I would say stuff her. If a woman can not recognise a quality man and desires to drown in the driftwood until she wakes up to herself then so bloody well be it, that is bloody life in this big city mate. Do not let those with stunning looks con you forever. Then again, I know you guys like your quick fancy flings and I suppose we have all enjoyed those one night delicacies but in the long term the flings are not the stayers but then again maybe you do not desire the stayers. I don’t know. Oh shit, here I am thinking I am giving big John advice again.

              And women are not that hard to understand either. Sure, they can be a handful and certainly difficult to decipher but so can you men. Shit fellas, open up and allow us to understand you. Personally, I am an absolute nightmare in a relationship lol but I think that comes down to never finding the right style of partner. Nothing is impossible if two people fit well and are prepared to give all in honesty but that is certainly a hard task for most of us. We remain so guarded and scared of rejection. And it all comes down to respect and communication in my opinion but not too many are prepared for such honesty and dedication. So be it, I will remain single so it appears and that’s okay with me as I am now too bloody old to expect anything anymore. I’ll just continue to grow my veggies and herbs and enjoy a drink while to sun sets lol, that will do me I think, for now anyway. Maybe? LOL

              And going walkabout is not too bad of an idea sometimes. We all need that I believe to ensure the non suffocation feeling. Isolation and quiet is imperative to each at times on occasion to ensure that as an individual we enable ourselves the opportunity to breathe and recognise who we are in that moment in time, what our current needs may be in the present moment and future. And then have the balls to voice that if one is in a relationship. If no understanding and acceptance is gained from such expression upon realization then that situation is not clicking mate.

              OMG! I will shut up now. I’m sure everyone is sick of my bs. Night kids, have a good one. Yep, too many Tennessee whiskey’s on this damn fine evening. LOL Who the bloody hell said life is not worth living? Not me today anyway. LOL


              1. Tongue in cheek with me Aurataya. It was joking not me losing. But some guys do. I do- understand Women.
                I always carry a honey pot .Never fails.


                1. OMG John, you really do need a good smack you cheeky bugger lol.


          2. Bloody hell AJ, I know what my answer to that question would have been. And they would not have considered my physical response too appropriate either. I have had enough of this gender crap, although I do accept a minority have some issues. We either have a vagina and breasts or a penis and balls, there is nothing else in my opinion. Sorry to be a tad upfront if that bothers anyone.

            Sweetheart, do not let the craziness currently smothering this world get you down. They are doing everything they can to crush the normal people. DO NOT let them win. Please continue to live your life in whatever manner you consider appropriate. NEVER let them change you in ANY manner. WE WILL WIN if we do no give into this bullshit coersion.

            And reach out if times get a little difficult to deal with. I’ll pep you up with everything available to me. You are a force to be reckoned with when you are in full flight and that’s the gal I know and love. But I also love you when you are feeling a little weakened, so you are in a win win situation with me beautiful. XX


  60. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. If only there were one for Brain damage.
      We could do both he and Trump as a 2 for one.


      1. Stop picking on Trump you bugger. He may not be the sharpest knife in the old block and certainly has done some dodgy stuff but he can harness one hell of a lot of energy from the people. He just needs frickin good management and guidance.


        1. And a good slap.? Who ran and hid with the DC march? Heel Spurs Creep.Again!
          He is what he is- Wind and Piss.


          1. He may well be John but he has something that should be harnessed for the good of the people in the US. Power should always be watched carefully and you cannot deny he has a certain power with the people.

            You may call him dumb, you may also call the people that follow him dumb but his gift to the US is most unusual and not to be ignored. Harness the power and direct it intentionally to where one desires to be. All be it with a great deal of control lol.


  61. Has crypto just started the second half of the bull market? Looking strong on Sunday night!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I think some are sensing an ETF is getting closer. And, Amazon’s interest is certainly going to push.

      In other words…adoption. ADOPTION is everything.

      Now if we can only get these goddamned settlements done, ahead of a really major run-up…imagine the outcomes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes. I think this article is the reason. Amazon Readying to Accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and Bitcoin Cash, According to Insider https://u.today/amazon-readying-to-accept-bitcoin-ethereum-cardano-and-bitcoin-cash-according-to-insider

        Liked by 2 people

        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          Either that, or J2021 really, really overdid his Las Vegas BTC expenditures at the Spearmint Rhino, and hit up his OTC desk contacts for a refill. lol

          Liked by 1 person

  62. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Their policy is an open border… they took down all of the Trump policy’s that had the most secure border we have ever had… it is not failed policy IMO… it is exactly what they want.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. More Demo WOG voters.


  63. They knew.

    Given I and many were excoriated for stating the obviousness of death-while-positive will be made whole how?

    And now they admit it, shall we downsize the pandemic by 16 to 33 fold in terms of numbers?


  64. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

  65. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for sharing this one Tony. This video was seriously educational and a must watch video. This gal knows her stuff. I just wish I had more time to concentrate on everything crypto. But, what will be will be.


  66. MEDIA BLACK-OUT: Jihad-Rep Ilhan Omar Brags at Global Communist Meeting, ‘Biden is Giving Us Everything We Want!’ – Geller Report News

    Welcome to Hell= Again!

    It is clear. Vietnam again. Cut and run. Mammie!


    How the Plague of Corruption Is Killing Mankind

    This is insanity…. Health is a gift not to be squandered or taken lightly, and requires informed decision making in a world full of lies and Charlatans, which also demands critical thinking ability. Cross Biden off that one.


    The World Will Run Out Of EV Batteries By 2025 | OilPrice.com

    I would not count the internal combustion engine out just yet.

    Costs of this Crap Shoot are off the Richter scale.

    How about – The Unseen Hand?
    For Tino and all of you. Questions?

    An inconvenient truth: Experimental covid injections are what’s driving the spread of “variants”

    Despite what the fake news media is telling you, most Americans have not gotten injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And those who have, it appears, are the ones getting sick with and driving the spread of the “delta variant.”

    There is zero proof to suggest that non-injected people are the ones now functioning as “viral factories” as the government claims. To the contrary, the injected have been marked with toxic chemicals that are mutating into new forms of illness that are sending people to the hospital with “covid.”

    An article recently published in Quanta Magazine warns that just like how taking antibiotics breeds antibiotic-resistant “superbugs,” taking these so-called vaccines contributes to the breeding of new variants that send some people to the hospital – or worse.

    The piece discusses the history of the anti-Marek’s disease vaccine for chickens, which was first introduced back in 1970. It has had to be reinvented some three different times now because the virus continues to mutate to evade the vaccine.

    The reason for this, of course, is that vaccines produce fake immunity, at best – fake meaning the type of immunity that wanes over time. Real immunity, which is produced by the immune system, lasts a lifetime.

    A 2015 study published in the journal PLoS Biology also looked at the anti-Marek’s disease vaccine for chickens, revealing that unvaccinated chickens are the least likely to shed more virulent strains of the virus into the wild. Vaccinated chickens, on the other hand, are basically walking disease carriers.

    “The findings suggest that the Marek’s vaccine encourages more dangerous viruses to proliferate,” the Quanta Magazine article explains. “This increased virulence might then give the viruses the means to overcome birds’ vaccine-primed immune responses and sicken vaccinated flocks.”

    Viruses mutate all the time, and vaccines make things worse

    How does this all relate to Fauci Flu shots? The answer is simple: The jabs are causing the Chinese Virus to morph into ever-new variants, which then turn into more new variants.

    Vaccinated people are walking disease factories, in other words. Their damaged immune systems are now prone to spreading more illness, typically to other vaccinated people whose disease defenses have also been degraded.

    While the mainstream media wants you to believe the opposite, the fact remains that injected people are the worst off when it comes to the risks involved with variant spread.

    Even partially vaccinated people “might serve as sort of a breeding ground for the virus to acquire new mutations,” warns Paul Bieniasz, a Howard Hughes investigator at The Rockefeller University.

    This, of course, runs contrary to media and government claims that unvaccinated people are somehow responsible for the vaccine-induced spread of new Wuhan Flu variants.

    Richard Harris, NPR‘s science correspondent, warns of much the same. He says there is intense “evolutionary pressure” at play that renders vaccines unable to “completely block infection.”

    “Many vaccines, apparently, including the covid vaccines, do not completely prevent a virus from multiplying inside someone even though these vaccines do prevent serious illness,” he alleges, toting the government line about the jabs supposedly minimizing the risk of serious illness.

    One thing the fearmongering media is not telling people is the fact that each new variant of the Chinese Virus is becoming increasingly less dangerous, even if some of them are allegedly more contagious.

    The risks to an unvaccinated person are almost nil regardless, while those who took the vaccines are now coming down with new infections that are sending many of them back to the hospital for treatment.
    Plan to tackle ‘pingdemic’ impact on food supply ‘is a disaster’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9822991/Emergency-plan-tackle-pingdemic-impact-food-supply-disaster-warn-industry-chiefs.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Reckless amateur arsehole bloody stupidity. Why are we electing such dross Crap to power?

    Again, again. Again politics is not working.
    Morons rule Fools but who protects the rest the real wealth producers?
    Start by bringing in IQ tests before these Cretins can even run.
    That gets rid of 80 % of them
    Taekwondo star Bradly Sinden guarantees Team GB’s second medal

    A Brit kicks the shit out of the Olympic Champion.

    Taekwondo star Bradly Sinden guarantees Team GB’s second medal https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/olympics/article-9823061/Tokyo-Olympics-Taekwondo-star-Bradly-Sinden-guarantees-Team-GBs-medal-Games.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Once more we are lions led by donkeys – Britain deserves better than Boris Johnson’s ship of fools

    Being totally A -Political, and having to work with too many complete arseholes, who should never be in office, chaos does not amaze me. Dreadful, unemployable Mediocrities. They and these So called Scientific Advisors, need chaining together. taken to the Cliffs of Dover and throwing off the Cliff into the raging storm seas below. As with a bag of rats.

    Covid chaos strikes Olympic golf tournament with No 1 Jon Rahm out

    Its everywhere, but are the readings real?

    Covid chaos strikes Olympic golf tournament with No 1 Jon Rahm out https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/olympics/article-9822535/Tokyo-Olympics-Team-USA-golf-star-Bryson-DeChambeau-tests-POSITIVE-Covid.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Truth be told : From one of my favourite Professors


    Why doesn’t Gutless Boris knock it into their Thick, Whining Heads, you’re NOT going so Shut It! This year YOU Holiday at Home.
    They need to be told, Westminster Fashion, we really don’t give a damn what you want. The nation comes first. You don’t!
    We are at War with Covid. Put them all on cruise ships armed and firing at Illegals in the Channel. $100 dollars a head bounty. Good hunting. Fire at will.

    How can an OIK as Thick as this presume to lead A joke of a Jack ass.
    ‘Something’s seriously wrong with Joe’: Ex-White House physician Ronny Jackson says he believes the president, 78, will be forced to resign or will face the 25th Amendment because he is NOT fit for office

    House Rep. Ronny Jackson (left), who served as the top White House physician under the Obama and Trump administrations, predicted President Biden (right) won’t finish his term.


    How can Biden Resign, he doesn’t even know he is the Fake Rigged Vote President? Bribe taking, Child Kiddie Fiddling Sniffer Ho.

    Step with Care Harris is no step.
    Lilibet still missing from line of succession seven weeks after birt

    Why the Hell should she be listed , Harry the Mental Case and Megain MInger Markel ran , deserting his role, and cheapening the Monarchy with Flatulent Oprah both publicity scamming the world? Cheap Hustlers.
    The Half Wit and the Bolter need succeeding. Andrew too. Clean house Charlie Boy. Or William must. He blew Easy Street for the Hottentots.

    Lilibet still missing from line of succession seven weeks after birth https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9823223/Meghan-Harrys-daughter-Lilibet-missing-Royal-line-succession-SEVEN-weeks-birth.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    ‘Tucker you are the worst human being known to mankind’: Moment abusive fisherman confronts Fox News host in front of his daughter at Montana bait store and brands him a ‘fascist’ over vaccine ‘misinformation’

    A Montana fly fisherman confronted Tucker Carlson on Friday at a fishing supplies store in Livingston, Montana, where he called the Fox News host ‘the worst human being ever.’


    Oh Tucker,Tucker you truly Nasty F?

    Dr. David Martin: Daszak and Fauci committed acts of domestic terrorism with coordinated release of covid bioweapons – NaturalNews.com

    Can we send this to Trump and Faucis sites. Also Diapers to Fauci.

    If this factual, and true, then China has declared war and everyone supporting these vaccines within their respective countries is guilty of treason.

    “A computer-simulated, synthetic, chimeric, computer-generated code was given by China to Moderna to put into an injection so that your cells, in the case of mRNA vaccines, would produce the S1 spike protein synthesis, not the actual virus, the way we used to do vaccines. This was a computer code uploaded by China to inject a pathogen stimulant into the American population.”

    The drug that cracked covid

    Click to access fauci-research-on-highly-pathogenic-h5n1-influenza-virus_-the-way-forward.pdf

    Look at the faces

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