White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform


Information Briefing #170

New Technology Forces Change Upon The Old Order

For many, the following will be a significant wakeup call.

In Europe, and the world to follow, after the trials of the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) with South Korea, London and China, the schedule is set for a Global Digital Currency World by the start of 2025. Whether Europe or America can sustain themselves until then, is another issue. The ever-more socialist U.S. is visibly behind this push, but the ramp-up is clear and coming worldwide.

The automated clearinghouse system (ACH) is changing to allow direct deposits from non-banks, i.e., big tech, which is, in essence, their reward for censorship efforts against the Trump campaign. On December 23, 2019, there was approval of modifications to the Federal Reserve Banks’ National Settlement Service and Fedwire Funds Service to support enhancements to the same-day ACH service to prepare for digital currencies. On September 25, 2020, the Board amended the implementation date for certain modifications. They are preparing for a new, REAL digital currency, but this means two things.

First, by this Fed expansion, they are planning for the long-term elimination of public debt (Or the U.S. would collapse), escaping their incompetence and criminality, in which case there will no longer be Primary Dealer Banks, and hence, therefore, thank God, no need to bail out the incestuous Goldman type banks when they blow up in trading, assuming they will still be allowed to trade in the future. The same thing will hold true in Europe.

Secondly, there is this belief (Modern Money Theory) that debt does not matter as with a digital currency you print to your heart’s content and no one knows, so why does it matter? The slight problem with this is that both Russia and China have told the Globalist WEF to piss off. So we can expect tensions, because they will try to subdue them by hook or crook. Even to the extent of going to war. Either party might refuse to supply any goods to the digital currency crowd, sending them into never-never land. Do you not think that there is a reason why China is building silos for nukes at a frantic pace, or why they just did a siren test in their cities for fear of attack?

This Globalist crowd needs America as the attack foil to execute their plan and will fail without it. In the end, it will not matter. Russia has the wherewithal to render America silent and dead within 30 minutes. It will do everything possible to try and avoid such a direct encounter. But pushed to the brink, they will strike, even if they take the U.S. punishment that will come. The Pentagon does not get this. Have they ever? Naïve!

What is clear is that Vaccine passports have much less to do with YOUR Health, but more to do with population control. To think you need such a passport to buy petrol from a gas station in Slovenia confirms everything. And perhaps now as people there demonstrate, they will realize they are fighting to be free. They will attempt this draconian control in every country in Europe. They will fail, but the damage of state, police and bankers tyranny with their attempted socialist state communism, will leave a long ugly scar as their systems collapse.

We can only hope sanity returns. That will require another set of changes, far different than the path we are currently on. As it is, our societies and cultures are massively damaged from their attempt at absolute control.

It will take time, planning and new levels of digital capital to rebuild. Once the Fed moves to create its own digital currency, it will no longer be the independent entity it was supposed to be. Welcome to the new 21st Century of a hybrid central bank, end of primary dealers, and the elimination of government debt. Just ponder the impact to banking in general. There is a reason why Twitter has a bank license.

Of course, you will be told this is all for your security, when in truth, it’s so that the Hoi Polloi do not revolt when their government system collapses.

Banks do not see this end coming. This is no light at the end of the tunnel; it is a freight train that will run over them. CBDCs will mean you have less privacy with respect to your money and wealth. Discretion will not be yours anymore. Just ask anyone who lived through the Soviet era. Living in a self absorbed Reality TV world. Joe Public Sheeple Brains do not see this coming. Ignorance is their Bliss. Until…Bang!

The Sheeples’ road comes to an end by 2024. You have to understand that these globalists are fighting to retain power in the middle of their unsustainable debt house of cards collapsing. Much like debt is eating China beneath the surface while their exports shrink.

COVID passes are all about control – not health. Is not Slovenia denying the right to buy gasoline about control, if you have not been vaccinated? We are confronted by a collapse in socialism and this is the real crisis – not health or climate change. Those are cover stories to alter the entire economy because the collapse would mean revolution. They are trying desperately to head off a revolution – hence unvaccinated, no gasoline. Soon enough they will try no food or medical attention. Do you really think that clipboard carrying folks in Toronto trying to get dentists to sign up for not providing care to non vaccinated people is random?

They will not stop until the public wakes up enough to give them the boot. In some countries, this will be at the polling booths (provided they do not use Dominion voting machines to alter the vote) and in other cases it will be the public mob that carries them out. Watch for sane leadership steering through this. It will be the safest places to reside. When this falls flat, we will see national currencies restored. Pay attention to Populist Candidates who want your vote, as they likely are the more honest and at least THINKING! Not one of us will escape the impact of what is coming, so please prepare yourself for the realities of what IS coming for and at YOU!

This IS the beginning of the end of socialist America, and the smug EU. Apocalypse is coming for the Goyim-hating Zionists. Deservedly. At the flick of a switch, centuries of Zionist Jewish manipulation, theft and hegemony will be removed. We can and WILL seize it all back. They will be gone! Finished. About time! There will be no return to normal, we have left Kansas for good. This will be obvious when 3rd quarter results are reported.

Technological Advancement Will Enable The End Of Monopolistic Strangleholds

Banks’ compliance tyranny will die along the new, incoming tech controlled Appian Way. On every cross, a squealing banker. We WILL collect!

The Ponzi House of Cards is coming down. Who then pays for welfare? Why? Think it through. Reality check time.

There are ways to ease yourself forward into the new era. Here is some guidance for surviving the coming upheavals as technological development impacts society, with the expected chaos that accompanies almost every significant major technological advancement in the human experience.

1. Get out and stay out of debt. Debt is how banking cartels loot the planet. If you have substantial debts, seek counseling on how to pay them off as soon as possible. You may have to run the gauntlet. Things like new cars, cable TV, eating out, booze and cigarettes, movies, expensive clothes, rented furniture, etc. may have to go for a while. A second job, of which the income from will go to 100% debt settlements, may be your crown of thorns along with ditching the new car and driving a 15 year old $800 beater. But, once you are cleared of that mortgage and/or credit card payment, that same amount now invested in a quality long term mutual fund or similar, will make you a millionaire in 10 years, aside from pursuing other avenues in the short term.

2. Maximize your ability to earn. Learn new in-demand skills. Seek more overtime. Pay yourself first from every paycheck at least 10% right into savings. Otherwise, if you do not, you are working for free as a slave to your business/employer. Be smart. Don’t work for free.

3. Build wealth by recognizing up-and-coming sectors, and get in ahead of the crowd. Today, Blockchain, Transportation As A Service, A.I./Robotics and Biomedical, are the future. Consult qualified advisors within each of these sectors and make your plan using your disposable income. Don’t use margin loans. Cash only. Earlier blockchain risk takers made billions, while others played with their poop and then proceeded to join BLM and ANTIFA. Nonetheless, we are still very early compared to where we are going.

4. Be ready for anything. Nation States are losing prestige in the minds of new generations, and may falter. Be prepared for sudden disruption in food chains, utilities, police protection, etc. If such are cut off, do you have enough emergency rations, water, arms, power generation capability to sustain your life for at least 6 months? COVID shortages were kid’s play compared to what a major earthquake along the West coast of the USA, or a major biological attack from a religious fanatical organization could do to infrastructure.

5. Remove anyone close to you who constantly preach about and contemplate the ruin of things. Be Human the Solution, not Human the Problem. People who sit around and grouse about life’s hard parts are sometimes doing so because they fear if you unleash your true potential, they will be left behind as you move forward. Such people, on inspection, have been found with a history of destroying themselves as well as others around them. Get away from them – quickly, quietly, and without any regret.

6. Your health is your greatest wealth. Spend funds on good food, nutritional supplements of your choice and sane medical advice before you spend anything on other non-essential necessities. When you have good health, you have everything.

7. Do everything within your particular circumstances to reduce your tax. Once you reach a certain net worth and income, as your tax bracket gets too burdensome, consider expatriating to another tax friendly country if you are young enough for your remaining year’s tax savings to be substantial enough to pass on to your heirs, and not to worthless governments. Seek out professionals on this topic, and make sure you are well advised by someone with at least 10 years track record of assistance. It can be a huge decision, but well worth it.

Lastly, we continue to monitor the GS progress. Stay tuned for more on this as events unfold. As it stands now, unless some overwhelming compelling force causes a halt to the presently ongoing Asiatic holiday festival where they eat every stray dog in town, then it’s looking like it will all spill into 2022. We will be the first to know if otherwise.

Thank you all for your contributions to the rather stimulating banter in the comment section. We have some very, very intelligent and accomplished people who read this site, and many of them contribute to the often-times rowdy conversations. We have seen lives changed as a result of a lot of information shared here at WHA. After all, that should be the goal of any association of people who gather to peacefully seek a viable path to enhance their future survival. And, believe it or not, we are just getting started.

Remember, we are very early in the Blockchain experience:

Strength and Honor

1,507 responses to “Information Briefing #170”

  1. Thanks so much. I found him on Twitter. I’ll try to catch his next live stream. 👍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Loved that one. That is one of my favourite songs as well. Ta Tony.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/british-carrier-group-joins-huge-international-fleet-in-the-pacific/

    Watch what’s going on here as a marker to China that we are ready if needed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Good heavens, who is left defending the Island should Boney appear? 😬

      Liked by 1 person

    2. You buggers are a pack of shit stirrers but I absolutely loved this one and it is needed. F off China.


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Aren’t you glad you saw “glowing” before they did?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It is all thanks to you Tony that many of us have the opportunity to witness “glowing” before they did. Thank you so much for your magnificent guidance.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    G whiz


  6. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I will be absent for a while. My father is entering the final phase of decline. Due to a strange quirk of physiology he is stable at death’s door. I really don’t know if he has 3 days or 3 weeks but it’s coming. And he should be much weaker, but he is still clear-headed (mostly) and there is no real pain (miracle).

    Hopefully WW3 doesn’t break out on Taiwan. But that’s above my pay grade.


    1. No worries, Tino. Be safe and I hope your father’s situation can be as comfortable for him as possible.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. Tino all our respect and thoughts are with you. Clear heads are good and no pain is a good life. He will meet his Soul Guides with dignity. It’s only a transition Tino.We all make it. Time will be what it will be but the love he feels from his Son is all. That goes with him. Your both lucky. Where he is going next will be pure Rapture Tino. But Raptors for Bush and the Zios. He will always be with you Tino. Waiting also. That Bond is eternal. Real value. Soul value.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. OMG John, that is one of the most beautiful comments you have ever made. Ya could have left the Bush and Zio references out but we all know that is just you lol. Otherwise beautiful and a delight to read. Thank you.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. LOL my Inner Raptur to deal with Bush, Zionist and Deep State Critturs.


          1. Yep, I get ya there. You certainly are a unique soul.


    3. Glad you can be together at the end of this part of his journey. Many air hugs and kind thoughts Tino for you and your family.

      Liked by 3 people

    4. Tino – Sending you and your family warm regards and sympathy. May dad’s journey be a peaceful transition. Take care. ❤️

      Liked by 2 people

    5. Hey there Tino,
      I know this situation is a part of life for everyone but it does not take away the pain and sadness during such an experience. I wish your Dad a beautiful journey ahead and may your path experiencing this be peaceful and knowing. My thoughts and heart energy are with you both. XX

      Liked by 2 people

    6. Tino,, peace to you and yours.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s On Balance Sheet. You should see the Shit that’s Off! Mind blowing madness.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/04/shares-in-china-property-giant-evergrande-suspended-after-debt-payments-missed

    New racketeering games caught
    The Blairs avoided paying £312k in stamp duty for London office’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10055169/Tony-Cherie-Blair-avoided-paying-312k-stamp-duty-purchased-6-45m-London-office.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    It’s good to see the UK exposing political corruption

    This is getting damaging at all levels and Revenue will take them apart.
    Russia unleashes 6,670mph hypersonic missile from a nuclear submarine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10056467/Russia-unleashes-unstoppable-6-670mph-Zircon-hypersonic-missile-nuclear-

    Russia’s unstoppable missiles can now be sub fired evading all Defences. Rent them to Iran
    Taliban ‘destroys’ ISIS-K cell hours after attack on Afghan mosque https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10056915/Taliban-completely-destroys-ISIS-K-cell-hours-attack-Afghan-mosque-killed-five-people.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    So it takes the Taliban or Russians to kil Isis. Just close all 990 plus US Foreign bases rebuild America sack the lot.
    China flies 52 aircraft into Taiwan’s airspace in largest mission ever https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10057223/China-flies-52-aircraft-Taiwans-airspace-largest-mission-ever.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    This shows China is serious and coming
    Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are DOWN https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10057949/Facebook-Instagram-Facebook-Messenger-DOWN.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Police officer ‘raped woman and got her pregnant on living room sofa’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10057811/Police-officer-raped-woman-got-pregnant-attacking-living-room-sofa.html?ito=native_share_article-top


  10. John,

    You previously mentioned October as a key dateline for the U.S. to negotiate terms offered for settlements. What’s the status and what occurs next, more importantly? Palace intrigue is building.


    1. James I’ve already sent this to the site also. The UK has no chance. Only to kill in return. So we will. Our subs and warships are already in place right now. It’s panicking the Chans. We are giving 2 fingers to both Russia and China. Fire on us and die is our response F U!.Take out one ship and we nuke. F them to hell. Their call. Fire and die. Or get out our our face. Their choice. F Putin and F Beijing. We only die once. Then so do they for sure. We can live with that, Will they die for it?


    2. Samson

      I’ve already warned Seoul, if you don’t resolve this during October, Thanksgiving is another Pig Feast followed by Xmas and New Year. Then Chinese NY. .That knocks them into April. I have already remonstrated with them, if you can Pig Out on 8 courses a day for 10 days you can sort this. Childish minds! Like DC It’s like dealing with Chump. .A child’s mind. Will they still be here if Taiwan kicks off? Kindergarten, the lot. As Tillerson, Kelly and Mattis found dealing with Trump. The petulant mind of a Child. It’s Global. Both sides. We need baseball bats for heads. Iron will help!
      We can only be Pitchers and Catchers. Too many Forrest Gump’s.Mental Adolescents. My vitriol is daily.
      Childish minds.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. John will we still have social security here in US by January? Will they do something to replace it?


    1. Jay
      The US is broke. It is grossly irresponsible to keep on borrowing to pay Welfare when bankrupt. It needs to stop. There is no magic panacea to fund Debt cases. Cease works! CBDC’s will block it. It’s all a mess. When the US blows, what then? The Treasury has no money nor the Fed.We once had Work Houses, you worked to eat or starved.
      America is awash with uncontrollable amounts of Wookies flooding in. You have NO MONEY! Cease!
      Let the free spenders fund them with their own money, but they never do. Ideas are cheap but they never pay the bills. Always others. Platitudes? .
      When the Petro dollar implodes, what then?
      America needs to get real. Stop crazy borrowings. the herd is too big.
      How can you keep funding social security bankrupt? .Why? Take jobs wherever, go to them. Work to eat. That works. Welfare kills nations, I see it. All lose from it.
      .Rebuilding economies will take time, and work planned economies are blue sky right now. Today is reality ,No Money no Honey,. There are jobs .
      America has lived a lie for 50 years. It’s coming home. Stop breeding Welfarians.
      Think Tanks above now talk. Surely you know how this will end? It’s coming.
      The Have’s,the Have Nots and the Hottentots. There will be blood.


      1. John,

        Thank you for the response. My mother has social security, She worked 40 years and retired at 68. This money is hers, they took it out every two weeks for 40 years.This money will need to be paid back to her. There will be an uprising from the children of their elderly parents that worked and have social security now.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Fully agreed Jay. Everyone wants to throw around the term “free money” when referring to social security but neglect that people collecting it PAID into the system 30 + years. I’ve been working now 35 years and have paid into that all these years. Its s8t BS to tell me it will not be available and the US is “broke”.
          Noooo, they’re some overspending idiots. Dumping money into BS, such as billions to gender study programs overseas.

          But it is what it is. I get the elite have stolen from the people and abused the system. And now the retard wants to increase taxes on middle class to pay for 3.5T proposal. What garbage. But lets bash on Trump some more.


          1. Let me, with respect spell this out,
            There is NO MONEY. You only ever paid in to clear others needs. Ponzi schemes and theft.
            The $3.5T won’t even scratch the surface of the Military and Infrastructure needs. Fund your own needs not via Jackals. They don’t care. They took you all. They now see the Sheeple are mindless. No threat. We all do.
            It’s gone on Ponzi deals. The cupboard is bare. Population reduction will come. Independent savers have assets. State Scroats Red Pill or Blue? That $3.5T is still not for you. Can you handle what’s coming? Mugged by the State is not Self Help. Sorry but? Can you handle what’s coming? Dreamland will get popped.
            The US is not Broke, it’s bankrupt, OK? A giant Ponzi scheme. Nothing left to crossfire with. Disneyland.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. John – Social Security is not welfare.

        So they siphon the money out of each paycheck (with no choice) for retirement, misuse the fund that’s supposed to be there when you no longer able to work (old age) and the poor elderly is considered a have not? That’s messed up.


        1. AJ
          Sadly Yes. Zios? The Beltway?
          I feel they steal. The gullible suffer. Always have.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. How are the elderly who rely on social security going to live. It’s so unfair. People who have worked their whole life being treated like this.

            I’ve got a soft spot for the elderly John and this infuriates me.

            We have the most evil vile people on this planet.

            Liked by 1 person

  12. Like

    1. Facebook and Social Medias are down again. What’s going down? All out is not coincidence.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/10/03/there-it-is-study-finds-predominance-of-antibody-resistant-sars-cov-2-variants-in-vaccine-breakthrough-cases-in-san-francisco-bay-area/

    The California study finds that vaccinated individuals are more susceptible to COVID variant infections than unvaccinated. Geer Vanden Bossche has been warning that vaccine antibodies would suppress natural antibody responses. The vaccine antibodies take control of the immune system and defend only against a targeted virus.

    Among vaccinated individuals, a COVID variant virus is not recognized by the specialized antibodies provided by the vaccine, and the natural antibodies have been programmed to stand down.


  14. The latest Russian hypersonic missiles take less than one minute launched from Subs 100 miles out. We have no chance. We could not even raise the alarm in time. Russia will supply China and Taiwan plus Australia both will get hit. Japan also. Unstoppable! China is mass overflying Taiwan’s airspace now. China has just warned Australia if you interfere you will fry!
    Crocodile Dundee can’t sort this. It’s building. The question now is when? Aussies take care if this kicks off get 150 miles inland fast. A 50 miles blast radius is no place to be.
    No one needs a Gobby Oz PM mouthing off. You don’t need or want this if it comes. Stay out. Stay safe and watch the news if it kicks off. There are no heroes in a 50 M blast radius.
    Launch Arataya missile loaded and a monkey wrench to hand. . .


    1. Launch a nuke… lets all launch nukes… fry it all and see what is left!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Be clear, if China attacks Taiwan they will have nukes ready. Any threat to China and Oz plus Japan goes.
        Respond to that and its WW111. 4 Iskanders finish the UK.
        But then our Subs will erase Russia and China.
        We will be dead but 120 nuclear missiles hiding on the sea bed will be payback,.In turn we then kill both Russia and China knowing the US has to follow up. The wild card is the UK. Knowing we will. For sure! Who then dares pre empt?
        Let China take Taiwan or it’s WW111. The pragmatic price of peace. Trade offs.
        Oz is the innocent Turkey in the middle. Be safe, kick out the US bases. Don’t fight their wars on your shores.
        990 plus US bases threaten peace. .Let war be on Americas shores for once. See how fast it stops then.
        The Whores of Wars are the cause of Wars. De- Claw the Whore. .


        1. I was serious with my post… just my view… sic of all the games and threats… I really do not give a crap… looks to me the roots of evil are so deep through out the system nukes might be the only way to freedom… free the soul!… they should quit playing chicken or shut up about them!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Should read… quit playing chicken and fire them or shut up about them.


          1. James I’ve already sent this to the site also. The UK has no chance. Only to kill in return. So we will. Our subs and warships are already in place right now. It’s panicking the Chans. We are giving 2 fingers to both Russia and China. Fire on us and die is our response F U!.Take out one ship and we nuke. F them to hell. Their call. Fire and die. Or get out our our face. Their choice. F Putin and F Beijing. We only die once. Then so do they for sure. We can live with that, Will they die for it?

            Liked by 1 person

        2. You know John, you say “kick out the US bases” but this stupid MF of a country here in Aus has relied on the US to assist us in times of need. As much as I like and totally respect the US people, we have allowed ourselves to become puppets here. This will be our end, which is pretty bloody obvious.

          So bloody be it. Sometimes ya just have to learn the error of one’s ways. Looks like we may well do that here in Aus.

          I do always greatly appreciate the support we have been offered here by like minded countries, but it always comes at such a high price. This is our mistake. We have never had the bloody balls to sort things out as they needed to be. We always bowed down and let others manage our interests and theirs. I am so pissed off with the governing of Aus. These arseholes deserve to fry for what they have done to us but unfortunately they means many of us fry with them. I am prepared to pay that price.

          And in saying what I have above I will still say F Commo China just to make sure everyone knows how I feel lol.

          Liked by 1 person

    2. Well, I would agree, we certainly cannot defend ourselves here in OZ. And that is thanks to our weak arse governments not looking after our own defense systems and relying on every bloody one else to look out for us. When will we have the bloody guts to take care of ourselves? Never it seems, as we are now waiting for UK & US subs. Far out, Australia should be totally ashamed of our conduct. Totally disgraceful.

      And the chinkas want to fry us do they? Well go ahead, but please do not be under the false belief that the commo chinese that reside here will survive. Those that are left that have not been nuked will ensure that every frickin one of those mf’s will bleed badly.

      I totally agree too John, this f’ing PM needs a bullet. He is an absolute pr???. Yes, he sure does mouth off. So typical of a deadshit with quarter sized balls without a brain.

      Well heck, I sure hope I survive along with all the bloody rebels that are left in this country. Loaded and locked, with the tools that are available to me anyway lol.

      And btw, F China forever. Commo pri???.


  15. https://twitter.com/_evelynrae/status/1444780746535669760


    1. Those cute rhymes were not really working with those kids. Total aresholes. They can shove this shit where the sum don’t shine.


      1. “sun don’t shine.”


  16. Hi SF Driver – what is the name of his channel? The one you call montagraph. I tried to find him on YouTube. I’d like to follow him.

    Thank you


  17. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-58772572

    Sensible planning and power sharing


    You hear me now it’s asking?

    Latest Covid reports:

    Click to access Salus_Humetrix_VE_study_2021_09_28.pdf

    PETER HITCHENS: It really is time to scrap the police and start again

    PETER HITCHENS: How does a person such as Wayne Couzens, a known drug user with an unconcealed taste for ‘extreme’ pornography, become a police officer in the first place?


    A huge YES to this. Arrogant, brash, offensive and inept!
    Re task the lot.
    Cargo ships anchored near Los Angeles and New York ports face a 4-week delay to dock, raising further fears over the global supply chain

    This will hurt small business a bunch

    Container ships not being allowed to dock by order of Biden administration! (video)

    What are Biden and his Commie Czar handlers up to?

    This is likely true … just like no warning of the potential risk of La Palma.
    They do want submission on behalf of their handlers.

    Breaking: Lights at Bagram Airbase Turned On – Chinese Military Planes Reportedly Seen Landing at Abandoned US Airbase in Afghanistan #BidenEffect

    China says Thank You Very Much. Dumb Americans.

    After all the money spent there and lives lost one might have thorough they would blow the place up.
    Instead a gift to China, what a insult to the American public and America’s allies!


    Huge ‘Pandora Papers’ leak exposes secret offshore accounts of politicians, celebrities and billionaires
    A new trove of leaked financial records show 35 current or former world leaders, 130 billionaires, as well as royalty, athletes and celebrities who have held assets in or through tax havens.

    Read in CBC News: https://apple.news/Ac3ZZbY5rTgCcU84DYxaICw
    Watch “PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t”” on YouTube

    What is barreling down on us?
    Secret offshore wealth of world leaders revealed in huge data leak https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10054929/Secret-offshore-wealth-world-leaders-revealed-leak-14-MILLION-files-dubbed-Pandora-Papers.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Now at last the MSM wakes up and starts exposures.

    The Brits face down China again
    Met Police officer David Carrick, 46, is charged with rape https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10055205/Met-Police-officer-charged-rape.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    If guilty both he and the Police are in so much trouble.

    One of the great questions of science: Are we alone in the universe?


    Send them all 0ur Zios. One way tickets only.


  18. All we know is in a race against time, are we facing revolution, or Apocalypse now?

    The stench of Feudal Monarchs and hereditary Fiefdoms resulted in the French revolution, the Barricades and the Guillotines. Money Lenders, Gender benders and uncontrollable corruption. The presumptive yet rapacious Aristocrats ( Elites!) were mass collected, tried by Citizens Committees, carted to the Guillotines and all dispensed by Summary Justice.

    Something had to give. Public Debt just as now, had risen beyond all accountable levels of Debt. The Nobility and Monarchs just as today, declined restraint further impoverishing the “Peasants” to the State of Penury where the system simply blew. Not dissimilar to the Cabal, Deep State, Zionist Bankers, and Big Pharma today.

    When a fuse is lit, when does the **** hit the fan?

    America right now, is France Pre Revolution, Ignite the mass but Patriotic people, and stand back.
    History repeats itself. The EU will blow also. How far, can the great Fed lie continue? Corruption mass rules Fools.
    Or the Beltway Federal abuse and lies?

    Cryptos and CBDCs are a fuse. Slowly being test lit.

    In London, Guy Fawkes and the Plotters tried to blow up Parliament. Leakers betrayed them. If not they would have changed history. The barrels were all in place. The Feudals would have gone. In a Bang! All in place ready. So close.

    How today, do we play such Disarray? How long?

    Look around, remove the Blinkers.

    It’s a knife edge with Alternative Thinkers.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. La Palma

    Lava flow now the size of 20 football fields in ocean .. more vents suggest unstable land mass …Let’s just watch it play out. It’s killed all property prices now for the Island. Empty hotels follow.

    Dr. Matthews: “Those who die from COVID-19 are Vitamin D3 deficient” – The Chicago Crusader

    The value of D3

    The End of China’s Rise | Foreign Affairs

    Now this will take handling for China.

    It is not just China as a nation that is hitting the wall, but also the existence of the CCP. Control within China is not a constant because various provinces will sever their ties with Beijing given a chance.
    A pertinent question is whether Exporters who have relied upon China are ready for the lesser demand that will come forth. Is China facing its own Tail Spin?

    Joe Biden deliberately ‘shielded’ from scrutiny as White House siege mentality grows

    How do you hide and shield the Village Idiot, Naked, posing as President? Be Ashamed America THIS is what you have in Office.


    Editorial proficiency, or temperament…sorts the good from the Losers Blogging.
    Egos heh? Sinatra has the last laugh. As we all do over at WHA as it goes from strength to strength.
    Sinatra says it all. . .
    ‘Pedophile’ accused of 45 sex crimes is beaten 15 times in jail https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10054437/Pedophile-accused-45-sex-crimes-beaten-15-times-went-jail-court.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Real Justice just Lynch him?

    Just like Trump we have yet another overrated, bloated Buffoon in power. Unfit for Office and a Joke. The state of our world today, when Jerks rule.
    Some Questions About America’s “Wealth”

    Here is an interesting take on “wealth.” I certainly think we have greatly discounted the value of the rule of law and freedom of speech:

    Some Questions About America’s “Wealth”

    It is a supremely tragic irony that while the corporate media ceaselessly tout America’s soaring financial “wealth,” the nation’s true wealth — its social order — is fast unraveling.
    While we’re encouraged to cheer billionaires blowing a tiny sliver of their wealth on space tourism and $500 million yachts as evidence of “prosperity,” our media and leadership (ahem) seem to be mystified by the unmistakable signs of unraveling.
    In my analysis, the social order is comprised of all the intangible social elements that serve to bind a nation’s people beyond their legal rights. The social order includes, but is not limited to, social (upward) mobility — the ladder to advancing one’s agency (control of one’s life) and opportunities for improved security and well-being.
    The social order also includes civic virtue, the willingness to share the sacrifices of one’s fellow citizens for the common good in proportion to one’s wealth and power and equal treatment before the law, not just as an abstraction but in the real world of the judicial system.
    The social order also includes the moral legitimacy of the governance system: Does the state (government) serve the citizenry, or is it the other way around?
    Lastly, the social order manifests social cohesion, which is the capacity for shared values and purpose and common ground, all of which generate a concern for the well-being of other citizens and a willingness to focus on shared interests.
    The Rot Starts at the Top
    America has lost all of these elements, as self-interest is the only value, purpose and goal that guides behavior, starting at the top: How do politicians acquire fortunes in excess of $100 million (cough, Pelosi, cough)? Through public service? (Don’t bust a gut laughing…) How do billionaires gain additional wealth so effortlessly (cough, Federal Reserve, cough)?
    The rot starts at the top and then seeps down into every fiber of the nation’s economic, social and political orders. America is now a moral cesspool, and “democracy” is merely the public-relations cover for a neofeudal autocracy.
    Behind every PR narrative lies the corruption of self-interest. How is it that day traders now rabidly follow Pelosi’s stock portfolio and super-wealthy Federal Reserve “leaders” front-run the Fed’s policies to further enrich themselves while claiming the mantle of “public service”?
    How does a child molester like Jeffrey Epstein end up entertaining Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, the Harvard elite and a veritable who’s who of America’s wealthy and powerful players?
    The evidence of irreversible social decay is everywhere: Violent behavior is now ubiquitous in aircraft and other social settings, common ground has vanished and the willingness or even the capacity to identify common interests has vanished.

    Charles Hugh Smith is an American writer and blogger, and serves as the chief writer for the blog “Of Two Minds”. Started in 2005, this site has been listed No. 7 in CNBC’s top alternative financial sites, and his commentary is featured on a number of sites including Zerohedge.com, The American Conservative, and Peak Prosperity.


  20. Like

  21. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/indias-ivermectin-blackout-secret-revealed?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    Therefore, the reader must now ask why two magnificent independent reviews from two different continents, coming to the same conclusion, are both ignored by our world’s medical leaders?


  22. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/covid-19-detention-camps-are-government-round-ups-resistors-our-future?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    Moreover, as a New York Times editorial warns, you may be an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) in the eyes of the police if you are afraid that the government is plotting to confiscate your firearms, if you believe the economy is about to collapse and the government will soon declare martial law, or if you display an unusual number of political and/or ideological bumper stickers on your car.


  23. Liked by 1 person

  24. I have no idea of fact what the cause is… I believe the following though…

    We are facing MAJOR supply chain shortages in my industry and it is not getting better. We expect it to extend through all of 2022 minimum. We are having suppliers get put on rationing by their suppliers.
    We just had a major price increase from a supplier that will reduce our margins by about 10% on our best selling items unless we pass the price increase onto our customers.
    Hearing rumors that container ships trying to dock and unload at US ports have a 6-12 month wait time because there are not enough truck drivers to unload and haul off loads.
    Joe Biden has totally messed up our country’s economy and its only going to get worse.

    These shortages appear to be fully orchestrated by this System to squeeze out and bankrupt all small to mid-range businesses, and to create chaos.
    Link to video —-> http://www.gettr.com/post/pcwrm041e5


  25. 21-Yr-Old Med Student Found DEAD In His Room ONE Day After Getting Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine…Cause of Death Is Not Yet Determined
    Oct 1, 2021



  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The falconer realized he was just the falcon all along.


    1. CBDCs will cause Zios hell. Good!
      Pestilence and Vermin control is needed.
      Zio Nanobots to Go!
      6,000 years coming- To a head! Gone= Roach Sanitised!

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Some people have no sense of humor.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It must be me I can’t stop laughing.

      Liked by 1 person

  28. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. The good Iran can do once it has its own Nukes. Russia or China or Pakistan need to help. That Roach nest needs dealing with. Test the nanobots first and Boom what is left.


  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Ridley Scott to do a movie about Napoleon? I can’t wait.


  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  31. How Kate Middleton is ‘Queen in waiting’ and ‘being prepared for two future roles’ – Mirror Online

    The Queen has been exceptional as a Monarch. Outstanding.
    Now Catherine is training up and shows the clear difference between the Bolter Low Class Markel and what it takes.

    Markel blew it but then she has form for blowing things. She even featured in a film about it. Fame hungry No Legs- No Class. Big ass.
    How China’s energy crisis is making the global computer chip shortage even worse

    We are all feeling the ill wind blowing up China’s Butt.

    Youthquake will drive millions of Africans on trek towards Europe

    We need strafing drones

    Met officers investigated over Couzens WhatsApp group are still on duty

    As ever the Met Police are bent !

    Nick Hudson on Twitter: “Resigning Covid tsars may become a meme.” / Twitter

    How many more Politicians are be paid off?
    Inquires should be the norm to determine the truth.
    Today, Merck announced a new pill for Covid after Pfizer announced their’s earlier this week. If everyone took ivermectin this would have been yesterday’s news long ago. After all India proved it works.



    The Afros and Muzzies will love this.

    Wow! This is unreal! Be careful where you put your bags and purses.
    Keep them in sight or this could happen to you! 😎



    1. They would never get hold of my bag. Whenever I sit at a table in public I rap the strap around my leg. They would have to take me with it lol. Thieving bastards. I cannot stand a bloody thief.


  32. Liked by 1 person




  34. https://thefederalist.com/2021/10/01/we-dont-care-that-a-vaxxed-brett-kavanaugh-has-covid-because-covid-is-no-longer-news/

    Honestly, unless Dr. Fauci dies of COVID, the entire pandemic is no longer a story. Mentions of it should be relegated to news briefs: “The U.S. is averaging 100,000 positive COVID cases per day. The vast majority, close to 98 percent, will resolve themselves without incident, especially if they’ve received at least one dose of a vaccine. In other news, Britney Spears used her first moments free to post some tasteful nudes on Instagram…”


  35. P Faker, what a pointless jabbering Buffoon. IDIOT! Don’t watch, he’s a Moron! Waste of Space.


  36. Key developments as they are playing out.

    1. As the Elders have now finished their extensive, endless eating holiday spree, we can now get back to focusing on the Global priority program needs. It’s beyond needed.
    2. Taiwan waits to see when China will move and if the US protects them to avoid war, or not.
    3. Biden is on the brink as the world now ridicules this fool. 3 more years, you can not be serious. Harris FGS???
    4. CBDCs will shred the Banks and Zionists.
    5 But China right now is facing Economic Fiscal Freefall. What if China implodes? What if? It’s messy for sure.
    6. Covid is reaching a face off soon. Global Chaos.
    7. Western economies are in free fall. Energy, Food, Health Care and Welfare benefits face implosion.
    8. Will the Taliban now assault America with more Heroine for money? What a Terrorist’s Sucker Punch.
    9. Africa is on the move towards the West. Unlimited illegals are coming.
    10. America soon has to cease its own uncontrolled Pentagon Grey Screen Bank Trading Programs. Global Contractor Fake War Games have to stop. Cease the Killing games.
    11. Once new Safe Standards are agreed for CBDCs, Cryptos take off.
    12. What IF Americans migrate to escape Pernicious Taxes and Political Corruption? When Founder Immigrants Re-Emigrate ? Who then feeds the “I want My Lick of the Afros and Hispanics?”.
    13. Covid is a Test Run to what may be coming. Designer DNA nanobots, what then? Retaliation, who is left?


  37. Reports are coming in alleging that Irans nuclear faclity has been attacked yet again, and no secong guess for who. This Vile Species is a pestilence anywhere on the planet.
    Iran needs nto work with Russia and China to jointly create advanced Khazar DNA Nanobots. Sort it. We will have to wait to see what Iran says or does in response.

    A secret nuclear facility by the IRGC has been attacked near the Iranian capital.

    Earth remote sensing satellite recorded an attack on a secret nuclear facility located near Tehran. An unknown missile successfully struck a facility where nuclear weapons could be stored and the corresponding development of the latter was carried out. Taking into account the location of the Iranian capital, it was assumed that the attack was carried out from the side of the Caspian Sea, and it is very likely that we are talking about the Israeli Air Force, which initially operated in the airspace of Azerbaijan.

    On the satellite images presented, you can see that the secret nuclear facility of the IRGC visually received quite serious damage, however, it is reported that the missile was supposed to strike not at the building itself, but at the underground complex located just below it.

    Official Tehran does not comment on the attack at the moment, but it became known that this nuclear facility is covered by long, medium and short-range air defense systems. Therefore, at the moment there are quite a few questions about how the attack went unnoticed and why the air defense systems of the Islamic republic failed to repel it.


    For sure


  38. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  39. This is the type of shit that makes people snap.



  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Now comes the after-gluttony post-Asiatic holiday entertainment.

    Last call for dog! 🐶


  41. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/breaking-fbi-arrests-retired-green-beret-jeremy-brown-attending-jan-6-protests-standing-outside-capitol-refused-informant/

    Breaking: FBI Arrests Retired Green Beret Jeremy Brown for Attending Jan. 6 Protests and Standing Outside Capitol — AFTER HE REFUSED TO BE THEIR INFORMANT!


  42. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  45. Welcome to the USA…


    New guidelines promulgated by a top Biden administration official on Thursday advise immigration enforcement agents that being in the country illegally is not by itself enough reason to arrest somebody.


  46. Burger King – no vax pass – no food

    Idiot Corporations forcing customers to have a vaccine which can kill them???????????

    I would exit this stock… and fast

    From a friend in Hong Kong

    Hi Robert!! I am stuck in a tiny hotel for 14 days (even though I am fully vaccinated, had several negative covid tests) can’t step out of the room even to get a delivery or they immediately arrest me! 3000 USD fine and 6.minths jail..no warning..they have cameras in the hallway!! Very Draconian measures here !! Hope you are well?

    Who wants to go there ?
    watch this 3 minute clip from “My Dinner With Andre”
    Freedom then?

    This movie was written (and filmed) in 1981.
    ‘Narrative Collapse’: British Media Finally Appear to Be Questioning Biden’s U.S. Election Legitimacy – Becker News

    When the British press weighs in on an American election as to whether the incumbent is legit, you know the narrative is falling apart.
    And one might imagine such an action can only be seen a betrayal of trust and some might say it is treason. And that would encompass the entire crowd that went along with the narrative.


    The world of the McDonald Whopper.

    This is about right, so STOP spending what we don’t have. No more Furloughs. No more lock downs you Clowns!
    Really, a Turnip springs to mind.

    Trump dismissed Stephanie Grisham suggestion he go vegan for charity


    Sorry but he’s way beyond fear. Lose his last one and he’s for an autopsy.
    La Palma volcano: Acid-flecked plumes of steam rise as lava reaches the sea

    Typical Tino he now wants his Lobsters boiled before they reach the Bronx. Labour saving?

    China flies 25 planes including nuclear bombers into Taiwan’s airspace

    Now be clear, this is CLEAR Intent.

    China flies 25 planes including nuclear bombers into Taiwan’s airspace https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10049283/China-flies-25-aircraft-including-nuclear-bombers-Taiwans-airspace.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    UK Government Report: Vast Majority of Delta Variant Deaths Are VACCINATED People, NOT Unvaccinated People – National File

    When the thick wake up, it will raise issues.

    What more needs to be said ?

    Durham Targets Clinton Campaign Law Firm In Fresh Round Of Subpoenas – Conservative Brief

    Is the noose tightening ? So much talk AGAIN, but will anyone act in Palookerville?

    The Scheller Case is America’s Dreyfus Affair – American Thinker

    So much dirt, it never ends.

    This really is a tragic time in American history where the divide is growing midst the insanity of demented politicians destroying what America once stood for.



  47. Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh has tested positive for C19, eyes on pending cases they could be hearing without him.

    Also worth noting all of SCOTUS has been vaccinated too.


  48. From a blog:

    Actually, Australians and their politicians should have taken notice of the reality that those who get this Communist Chinese Bioweapon Flu that is named Covid-19 and that as yet has NEVER been isolated, purified, or subjected to Koch’s Postulates to confirm a causal agent, IS SURVIVED BY 99.86% OF THOSE WHO GET IT.

    That level of death NEVER WARRANTED THE DRACONIAN EDICTS AND MANDATES THAT ARE BEING ATTEMPTED IN AUSTRALIA, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHERS. This whole Global Healthcare Mafia’s attempt to sell their “Vaccines Only Protection Racket” while denigrating and purposely thwarting the use of previously approved and effective therapeutics, is rightfully called a “Scamdemic.” It’s first purpose was to change political outcomes in the United States wiith “Cheat by Mail Ballots”, but having attained that goal, it’s creators have moved on to conducting “The Great Reset” and a “New World Order” that promises to enslave people, steal their wealth, and deny them freedoms long ago attained with blood and treasure.

    But of course, those who secure facts and truths not to be found in the Far Left Communist Media Complex that operates Worldwide, know what this is really all about: Control of people while cleaving away freedoms and rights in exchange for the false promise of protection from Government for a fictional disease boogeyman that is no more lethal than the Annual Flu even with all the padded data and attempts to prove otherwise.

    Truths about the “Big Lie” of the Covid-19 are leaking out and attempts to defend it are plummeting.

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    – Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Dr. Joseph Goebbels

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for posting this link Tino. I just finished reading it and found it quite fascinating.


  49. “A new series of cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) linked to the adenoviral vector COVID-19 vaccines has been reported, confirming the severity of the reaction and the associated high mortality rate. … ‘This is a reliable description on the clinical condition of these patients with CVST associated with COVID-19 vaccination. It is striking that this a much worse condition than CVST not associated with COVID-19 vaccination, with a much higher rate of intracerebral hemorrhage and coma and a much higher mortality rate,’ senior author Jonathan M. Coutinho, MD, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, told Medscape Medical News.” ( https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/959992https://archive.ph/ebFqC )

    Via JAMA: “Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine–Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia … In this cohort study of patients with CVST, a distinct clinical profile and high mortality rate was observed in patients meeting criteria for TTS after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.” ( https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaneurology/fullarticle/2784622https://archive.ph/D9YCo )


  50. Critics Pop Champagne As New South Wales’ Premier Gladys Berejiklian Resigns

    “With her eyes red and teary after a night spent obviously crying, New South Wales’ controversial Liberal Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced her resignation due to her entanglement in an investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption related to a “close personal relationship” Berejiklian had with a local MP who was forced to resign over his own alleged misdeeds.”

    Liked by 1 person

  51. https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/cryptos-soar-start-october-chamath-charm-fed-flip-flop-visa-vindicates-el-salvador?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    “It’s very hard for me sitting here to give you a price prediction, but I can pretty confidently say that Bitcoin, I think, has effectively replaced gold,” Palihapitiya opined, speaking to CNBC’s Scott Wapner at the Delivering Alpha conference on Wednesday.

    “For the first time, I think we’re seeing the initial versions of the solution that we thought Bitcoin was supposed to be,” he told Wapner. “Smart contracts, better savings accounts, better insurance, better credit scoring.”

    Asked about Ray Dalio’s recent comments on regulators potentially “killing” Bitcoin if it becomes really successful, Palihapitiya said it would be “very difficult.”

    “I think it’s very hard to kill. So technically, it’s very difficult. Just the way that it’s architected, it is the most profound iteration of the Internet that we’ve seen,” Palihapitiya argued.

    Liked by 2 people

  52. Like

  53. Like

  54. https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/ny-hate-crime-board-features-ccp-advisor-and-xi-fan/
    EXCLUSIVE: NYPD ‘Hate Crime’ Task Force Includes Chinese Regime Propagandist Who Says Xi Jinping Is ‘Doing A Good Job.’
    Chinese state propagandists have wormed their way onto Marxist political NYPD groups.


    1. That is disgraceful. Little bloody worms. I think we all need to take up sniper training.


  55. For Tino Re Assange
    1. The US Military and Agencies want him. Each seeks to make an example of him, as a marker not to cross them , ever!
    2. They will get him ! It’s only process.
    3. Watching him hissing and squealing like a frantic, terrified piglet being extracted and dragged from the Embassy, with no manly dignity, any affinity as a “Freedom Warrior” was gone. Utter cowardice was personified. That sticks. Abject terror. He will be processed accordingly.
    4. Assange will be handed to the US once the process is over.
    5.As can be determined from the Global Covid fiasco, all Human Rights have Gone! Mankind now has NONE! All now are just to be defiled Pawns on a Board, to be played and dispensed as T:PTB determine. Ugly, banal, and for those consciously protesting State or Military abuse, sacrificial Pawns on a Gaming board. Bred to die, not knowing, or understanding Why. This is the concern, for each, no right to be- the thinking Being and Soul of Me?
    6. Belmarsh, where Assange is held, is its own deep underground Metropolis of Hell, for lost Souls and societies discards. No place to be. No place to die.
    7. The US Military will get delivery of Assange, who in turn will get the full works of new “Experimental ” interrogation cocktails of drugs, waterboarding, stress induction, “Electronic stimulus”, his card is marked. A caged rat waiting to end his days on a treadmill of horror.
    8.Assange will be processed with indifference. But far worse, this now happens worldwide, to the very soul of humanity. A slow, caustic mass destruction of Being- Human. To each, our loss of the right to be.

    Covid personifies what is coming unchecked. Assange is just a marked card. For all. To each his fate to cross the State.
    From the 12 Apostles of a new consciousness, to this?


    1. And we can thank the UK and Mereno for facilitating that.

      I wonder if a stint for Andrew in Belmarsh would rid him of his wicked ways? Then he could be shipped off to the US where some of his alleged crimes were committed where he could face some of the treatment you mention above. Don’t think he would last as long as Assange has. That pompous weakling would crumble within minutes.


      1. No argument from me but let Andrew be tried first. Truth?
        The foundation of law?
        Assange is now a pawn in play.
        But also a grubby little man in his personal life. Maybe it’s his Karma.
        I know he’s an Aus, but he’s also a Woos who played fast and loose..A real low life who crashed to earth. .


    2. 1. Yes
      2. Yes
      3. A judgment that is valid only in rarefied circles. The rest of us did not expect him to be a rock-solid giant. He is only human. It was never about the man in the wider scope accounting.
      4. Yes
      5. Without Rights there is no Rule of Law. Without Rule of Law there is no Society and no future whatsoever. Kiss your 100-year plans goodbye.
      6. Belmarsh, why does the UK allow it to exist? Nothing to be proud of.
      7. Nothing whatsoever will happen within the military penal system to Assange. The UCMJ consequences if anyone even stubbed Assange’s toes would land them in Leavenworth.
      8.Wishful thinking of the Evil

      COVID is only the opening salvo of this Elite idiocy. It will take time and their effort is prone to quantum collapse.

      What 12 Apostles? Nothing about liberty and compassion properly harkens to them. All they did was get people eaten by lions in the Colosseum. We suffered almost 18 centuries of feudalism after them, all because of the imbecility of Divine Rights, as Above, Below and the zero productivity of the feudal system.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Feudal has been replaced by Feral and they now rule. Elected by None. All now All Powerful.
        There has been a silent Coup Tino,and we lost.
        As with no Judicial Process for US Political or Banking corruption, there will be no retribution for abusing Assange.
        He’s lunch.


      2. As for Belmarsh, it’s so we can expunge those deserving outside of Public sight. As you have hidden Rendition Centers, we have Belmarsh. Ours is to show Hell is payback.
        No one escape from Bellmarsh.
        Watch the new James bond film.This is how we contain you.
        We each “Render”! Interrogation. .


        1. Neither should be allowed to exist. It’s the moral hazard that corrupts all.


          1. China and Russia have the same.
            Leaders have no Compassion.
            But I would not deny Belmarsh being used to process Zionists, the Gulags too.
            Rodent sifting.


  56. Today I’ve been asked multiple times about the below:

    1) DVT, heart attack, Pulmonary Embolus. All 3 in a 42 year old? I want his lottery tickets. It was the damn ClotShot. Also as another doc pointed out — wait — an arterial problem (heart attack) AND a venous disaster, at 42??? WTF!

    2) The NBA player is 100% correct.


  57. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    There is no such thing as a “secure e-mail”.
    You can bet that almost none of these will be e-mails from ANTIFA or BLM operatives. Most will be “white supremacist’s” e-mails.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And there goes Proton.

      I have had a free account with them for some time and was just considering a paid account but not anymore. I’ll stick with the other swiss one I have for now. Thanks for highlighting this matter Tony, much appreciated.


      1. I would go out on a limb and say, they already have access to all email, phones, and any other type of communication there is… in the name of safety!

        Liked by 1 person

  58. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mystery-rise-in-heart-attacks-from-blocked-arteries-m253drrnf

    There is no mystery. It’s the ClotShot. There is no way in hell this is lifestyle, etc. We vaxxed ’em, and they are starting to die. The first danger-signal at population level statistics is beginning to show.

    Liked by 1 person

  59. Yes. Buried deep in Biden’s 3 trillion dollar spending fiasco are increases in OSHA fines. Essentially he is attempting to give Osha the power to fine small businesses that do not comply with them, out of existence by increasing the fines tenfold.
    This tyranny cannot pass.




    1. It’s all massively absurd. Market Ticker shows that the narrative and the reality are very different.
      I’ll dig it up and post it here.


  60. article in August printed in the World Tribune:

    “I’ve seen more patients die from the vaccine than from Covid,” said a board certified occupational therapist who worked in three Covid units in Hawaii.

    I’ve seen 32 elderly people pass away immediately after taking the Moderna vaccine,” Abrien Aguirre told Hawaii Free Speech News. “None of that is being talked about on the news. It doesn’t fit their narrative.”

    “The people moved to the Covid unit, didn’t have Covid. They tested positive with the PCR test, but most of them were asymptomatic and only suffering from their pre-existing conditions,” Aguirre said, adding that people with terminal illnesses were put on the Covid death lists, which he says is “complete fraud.”

    He works with the geriatric population in the largest skilled nursing facility in Oahu, said the major media is misrepresenting what is happening with hospitalized Covid patients.

    Aguirre said that he worked as a “Director of Rehab” in one skilled nursing facility for 5 months, and he saw where the billing department would have his therapist change medical diagnosis codes from things like pulmonary disorder to Covid because of higher reimbursements. He said this even happened with cases that were not only asymptomatic, but sometimes they did not even have a positive PCR test result for Covid.

    “It’s just fraud on every level,” he said.

    Aguirre said he has reached out to politicians, including the governor, in Hawaii to expose the fraud, but none have responded.”

    Aguirre has a video on Rumble.

    Liked by 2 people

  61. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Boy, she went on a bender last night. 🍸

    Liked by 1 person

  62. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    They couldn’t if they tried.


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  63. Last of the day. H/T to Vox Day. Insightful on how we are getting shafted.
    Michael Hudson: Well, George Soros’ dream is that China would do what Yeltsin did to Russia – that it would privatise the economy, really carve it up and let US investors buy control of the most profitable heights. In that way, the foreign investors would be able to sort of get the profits of Chinese industry, Chinese labour, and it would become the darling stock market of the world, just like Russia’s stock market was the leading booming stock market of 1994-96. China would be run to benefit US investment bankers. Soros is furious that China is not following the neoliberal policy that the United States is following. It’s following a socialist policy wanting to keep its economic surplus at home to benefit its own citizens, not American financial investors. For Soros, this is a clash of civilizations. His proposed strategy is to stifle the Chinese economy by putting sanctions against it, to stop investing in it so as to force it to do to itself what Yeltsin did to Russia.

    Ross: Let’s hear it in his words. He says: ‘The BlackRock initiative imperils the national security interests of the US and other democracies because the money invested in China will help prop up President Xi’s regime, which is repressive at home and aggressive abroad. Congress should pass legislation empowering the Securities and Exchange Commission to limit the flow of funds to China. The effort ought to enjoy bipartisan support’. He’s not mincing his words, is he?

    Michael Hudson: He thinks that China actually needs American dollars to build its factories and invest. He thinks that somehow China’s balance of payments is going to fall apart without the US market, without US investors telling President Xi what to do. The Chinese government won’t have a clue as to what to invest in and how to let the ‘free market’, meaning George Soros and BlackRock and other companies, operate. So he’s living in a dream world where other people need us. It’s like a guy who doesn’t realise his girlfriend doesn’t need him anymore….

    The United States is driving Europe, Asia and now Africa as well, into a unified, consolidated unit outside of itself. It’s very self-destructive. It thinks like George Soros, that if we stop investing in Asia and other countries, that will force them to knuckle under to the US. But what it’s doing is it’s driving them altogether into the Belt and Road Initiative.

    What China’s doing is creating a precondition for a profitable industrial economy over a large area to benefit from. It’s participants are going to need transportation. You’re going to need ports. You’re going to need roads. You’re going to need pipelines and is focusing on the interconnections, on the infrastructure.

    America doesn’t build infrastructure these days unless it’s monopolised. This is the political fight going on in the United States now. President Biden has a infrastructure plan that he’s scaled down from six and a half trillion to three and a half trillion. And essentially the bulk of the Democratic and Republican Party said if we can’t privatise infrastructure and make it a rent-extracting monopoly, we’re not going to do it, and we’re going to block the government from doing it. So in the United States, they’re going to have high priced infrastructure, high-priced health care and high-priced education while China is going to have low-priced transportation, low-cost infrastructure, free education, public health care. And you’re going to have a very high-cost United States unable to compete with the rest of the world. All it can do is make military threats or financial threats. If it tries to impose sanctions as it’s imposed on Russia, China and other countries, these are going to serve as protective tariffs for foreign countries.

    When President Trump put sanctions on agricultural exports to Russia, it was a windfall for Russia. They developed their own agriculture and Russia is now the largest grain exporter in the world. Senator McCain characterised Russia as a gas station of atom bombs, but it’s a gas station with the largest farm sector in the world, and is developing an industrial integration with China and the rest of Asia. It’s a Eurasian world island as Mackinder called it a century ago, and it is becoming the economic focus of the world, leaving the United States as the high cost economy with no visible means of support, because we’re not doing our own industry anymore. We’re not competing with China. We’re letting China do all of the industry, and all of a sudden we’re dependent on it. This does not bode good for prosperity in the United States or Europe and other areas that are satellites of the US economy.


  64. The Nurses Know
    by Vox Day

    That’s why they’re not getting vaccinated, even at the price of losing their jobs:

    Minnesota State Representative Erik Mortensen recently conducted a Town Hall meeting in his district due to the number of healthcare workers who were contacting him about COVID-19 vaccine mandates, where most of them were about to lose their jobs for refusing to receive a COVID-19 shot.

    He also heard a lot of things from these nurses that were not being repeated in the corporate media, so the Town Hall meeting was recorded and published on AlphaNews recently.

    Some of these nurses reported that they have been in their field for over 20 years, were treated as heroes last year as frontline workers in COVID wards, but were now being ridiculed and ostracized for not wanting to take a COVID-19 vaccine.

    One of the reasons they do not want to take the shots is because they have seen first hand how these shots have killed and injured people, including family members.

    One nurse explained how the media is actually lying by stating that most of the healthcare workers are now fully vaccinated for COVID-19. She said this wasn’t true, and that she knew of departments that were only about 20% vaccinated, and that ER workers had an especially low percentage of workers who were fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

    “Why aren’t people asking the nurses why they don’t want to take the shots?” she asked.

    She said she ran an ER department, and that it was tragic that they were seeing so many heart attacks and strokes, and that it is obvious that they are related to the COVID-19 shots.

    At this point, you’d have to be literally retarded to get vaccinated, or get a booster to stay vaccinated, or even to permit anyone to get anywhere near you with a needle unless it’s absolutely necessary.

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