White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #170

New Technology Forces Change Upon The Old Order

For many, the following will be a significant wakeup call.

In Europe, and the world to follow, after the trials of the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) with South Korea, London and China, the schedule is set for a Global Digital Currency World by the start of 2025. Whether Europe or America can sustain themselves until then, is another issue. The ever-more socialist U.S. is visibly behind this push, but the ramp-up is clear and coming worldwide.

The automated clearinghouse system (ACH) is changing to allow direct deposits from non-banks, i.e., big tech, which is, in essence, their reward for censorship efforts against the Trump campaign. On December 23, 2019, there was approval of modifications to the Federal Reserve Banks’ National Settlement Service and Fedwire Funds Service to support enhancements to the same-day ACH service to prepare for digital currencies. On September 25, 2020, the Board amended the implementation date for certain modifications. They are preparing for a new, REAL digital currency, but this means two things.

First, by this Fed expansion, they are planning for the long-term elimination of public debt (Or the U.S. would collapse), escaping their incompetence and criminality, in which case there will no longer be Primary Dealer Banks, and hence, therefore, thank God, no need to bail out the incestuous Goldman type banks when they blow up in trading, assuming they will still be allowed to trade in the future. The same thing will hold true in Europe.

Secondly, there is this belief (Modern Money Theory) that debt does not matter as with a digital currency you print to your heart’s content and no one knows, so why does it matter? The slight problem with this is that both Russia and China have told the Globalist WEF to piss off. So we can expect tensions, because they will try to subdue them by hook or crook. Even to the extent of going to war. Either party might refuse to supply any goods to the digital currency crowd, sending them into never-never land. Do you not think that there is a reason why China is building silos for nukes at a frantic pace, or why they just did a siren test in their cities for fear of attack?

This Globalist crowd needs America as the attack foil to execute their plan and will fail without it. In the end, it will not matter. Russia has the wherewithal to render America silent and dead within 30 minutes. It will do everything possible to try and avoid such a direct encounter. But pushed to the brink, they will strike, even if they take the U.S. punishment that will come. The Pentagon does not get this. Have they ever? Naïve!

What is clear is that Vaccine passports have much less to do with YOUR Health, but more to do with population control. To think you need such a passport to buy petrol from a gas station in Slovenia confirms everything. And perhaps now as people there demonstrate, they will realize they are fighting to be free. They will attempt this draconian control in every country in Europe. They will fail, but the damage of state, police and bankers tyranny with their attempted socialist state communism, will leave a long ugly scar as their systems collapse.

We can only hope sanity returns. That will require another set of changes, far different than the path we are currently on. As it is, our societies and cultures are massively damaged from their attempt at absolute control.

It will take time, planning and new levels of digital capital to rebuild. Once the Fed moves to create its own digital currency, it will no longer be the independent entity it was supposed to be. Welcome to the new 21st Century of a hybrid central bank, end of primary dealers, and the elimination of government debt. Just ponder the impact to banking in general. There is a reason why Twitter has a bank license.

Of course, you will be told this is all for your security, when in truth, it’s so that the Hoi Polloi do not revolt when their government system collapses.

Banks do not see this end coming. This is no light at the end of the tunnel; it is a freight train that will run over them. CBDCs will mean you have less privacy with respect to your money and wealth. Discretion will not be yours anymore. Just ask anyone who lived through the Soviet era. Living in a self absorbed Reality TV world. Joe Public Sheeple Brains do not see this coming. Ignorance is their Bliss. Until…Bang!

The Sheeples’ road comes to an end by 2024. You have to understand that these globalists are fighting to retain power in the middle of their unsustainable debt house of cards collapsing. Much like debt is eating China beneath the surface while their exports shrink.

COVID passes are all about control – not health. Is not Slovenia denying the right to buy gasoline about control, if you have not been vaccinated? We are confronted by a collapse in socialism and this is the real crisis – not health or climate change. Those are cover stories to alter the entire economy because the collapse would mean revolution. They are trying desperately to head off a revolution – hence unvaccinated, no gasoline. Soon enough they will try no food or medical attention. Do you really think that clipboard carrying folks in Toronto trying to get dentists to sign up for not providing care to non vaccinated people is random?

They will not stop until the public wakes up enough to give them the boot. In some countries, this will be at the polling booths (provided they do not use Dominion voting machines to alter the vote) and in other cases it will be the public mob that carries them out. Watch for sane leadership steering through this. It will be the safest places to reside. When this falls flat, we will see national currencies restored. Pay attention to Populist Candidates who want your vote, as they likely are the more honest and at least THINKING! Not one of us will escape the impact of what is coming, so please prepare yourself for the realities of what IS coming for and at YOU!

This IS the beginning of the end of socialist America, and the smug EU. Apocalypse is coming for the Goyim-hating Zionists. Deservedly. At the flick of a switch, centuries of Zionist Jewish manipulation, theft and hegemony will be removed. We can and WILL seize it all back. They will be gone! Finished. About time! There will be no return to normal, we have left Kansas for good. This will be obvious when 3rd quarter results are reported.

Technological Advancement Will Enable The End Of Monopolistic Strangleholds

Banks’ compliance tyranny will die along the new, incoming tech controlled Appian Way. On every cross, a squealing banker. We WILL collect!

The Ponzi House of Cards is coming down. Who then pays for welfare? Why? Think it through. Reality check time.

There are ways to ease yourself forward into the new era. Here is some guidance for surviving the coming upheavals as technological development impacts society, with the expected chaos that accompanies almost every significant major technological advancement in the human experience.

1. Get out and stay out of debt. Debt is how banking cartels loot the planet. If you have substantial debts, seek counseling on how to pay them off as soon as possible. You may have to run the gauntlet. Things like new cars, cable TV, eating out, booze and cigarettes, movies, expensive clothes, rented furniture, etc. may have to go for a while. A second job, of which the income from will go to 100% debt settlements, may be your crown of thorns along with ditching the new car and driving a 15 year old $800 beater. But, once you are cleared of that mortgage and/or credit card payment, that same amount now invested in a quality long term mutual fund or similar, will make you a millionaire in 10 years, aside from pursuing other avenues in the short term.

2. Maximize your ability to earn. Learn new in-demand skills. Seek more overtime. Pay yourself first from every paycheck at least 10% right into savings. Otherwise, if you do not, you are working for free as a slave to your business/employer. Be smart. Don’t work for free.

3. Build wealth by recognizing up-and-coming sectors, and get in ahead of the crowd. Today, Blockchain, Transportation As A Service, A.I./Robotics and Biomedical, are the future. Consult qualified advisors within each of these sectors and make your plan using your disposable income. Don’t use margin loans. Cash only. Earlier blockchain risk takers made billions, while others played with their poop and then proceeded to join BLM and ANTIFA. Nonetheless, we are still very early compared to where we are going.

4. Be ready for anything. Nation States are losing prestige in the minds of new generations, and may falter. Be prepared for sudden disruption in food chains, utilities, police protection, etc. If such are cut off, do you have enough emergency rations, water, arms, power generation capability to sustain your life for at least 6 months? COVID shortages were kid’s play compared to what a major earthquake along the West coast of the USA, or a major biological attack from a religious fanatical organization could do to infrastructure.

5. Remove anyone close to you who constantly preach about and contemplate the ruin of things. Be Human the Solution, not Human the Problem. People who sit around and grouse about life’s hard parts are sometimes doing so because they fear if you unleash your true potential, they will be left behind as you move forward. Such people, on inspection, have been found with a history of destroying themselves as well as others around them. Get away from them – quickly, quietly, and without any regret.

6. Your health is your greatest wealth. Spend funds on good food, nutritional supplements of your choice and sane medical advice before you spend anything on other non-essential necessities. When you have good health, you have everything.

7. Do everything within your particular circumstances to reduce your tax. Once you reach a certain net worth and income, as your tax bracket gets too burdensome, consider expatriating to another tax friendly country if you are young enough for your remaining year’s tax savings to be substantial enough to pass on to your heirs, and not to worthless governments. Seek out professionals on this topic, and make sure you are well advised by someone with at least 10 years track record of assistance. It can be a huge decision, but well worth it.

Lastly, we continue to monitor the GS progress. Stay tuned for more on this as events unfold. As it stands now, unless some overwhelming compelling force causes a halt to the presently ongoing Asiatic holiday festival where they eat every stray dog in town, then it’s looking like it will all spill into 2022. We will be the first to know if otherwise.

Thank you all for your contributions to the rather stimulating banter in the comment section. We have some very, very intelligent and accomplished people who read this site, and many of them contribute to the often-times rowdy conversations. We have seen lives changed as a result of a lot of information shared here at WHA. After all, that should be the goal of any association of people who gather to peacefully seek a viable path to enhance their future survival. And, believe it or not, we are just getting started.

Remember, we are very early in the Blockchain experience:

Strength and Honor

1,507 responses to “Information Briefing #170”

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59180577

    This has to be a smoking gun

    Madness use and armed birder force a d start sinking them

    The media stoops to anything when Dog Poop has a voice

    It will get weaker and so will the EU

    Correct he is a Clown this is Politics today.
    The Brits say NO to the Covid lock downs. No More! No. No. No!

    This will frighten the hell out of the Politicos.
    Kidnapping Johnson and transplanting Thunberg’s face on him would effect a swift climb down.
    Sky News: Million Mask March protesters in Guy Fawkes masks clash with police outside Parliament on Bonfire Night with 12 arrests.

    NASA’s first ever ‘planetary defence’ mission is ready for launch THIS MONTH to test if an asteroid can be deflected by crashing a spacecraft into it at 15,000mph

    Known as the US space agency’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, it will involve sending the DART spacecraft out to the Didymos binary asteroid system.


    Sensible planning. There are so many Politicos we need to attack to the front pre impact.
    Exposing a litany of Covid lies from Israel.

    The following three commentaries are an essential read.

    Israel was the first nation to be doubly vaccinated and the first to undergo the booster shot. The world anxiously waited to see what would happen to Israelis’ with respect to injuries/death from the vaccination. If nothing would happen to its citizens then we would know that it would be safe for us to take.

    However we now know that Israel’s vaccine efficacy data was faked. A group of Israeli scientists just blew the whistle with severe concerns after they warned the FDA. It fell on deaf ears at the FDA level.

    Israel’s version of VAERS, is on the MOH (Ministry of Health) web page. For some reason, this data was wiped clean. Myocarditis cases not reported amounted to a 400 x increase to what was initially reported. Many other injuries where just not reported. Pfizer played a big roll in covering up the injuries and death as Pfizer’s jab was the only one to be used in Israel

    On top of this, we heard that the USA VAERS data shows just 5% of the vaccine lots had 100% of all serious injuries/and death. The data was compiled by the UK daily EXPOSE. These lots went to 13 USA states and all of them Republican states. Not only that but Pfizer and Moderna jabs had identical levels of deaths/severe injuries(5% of all lots) and these two BIG PHARMA giants distributed these lots to the same 13 RED STATES in an attempt to cull REPUBLICAN citizens.

    This is a massive crime against humanity and all the actors in this crime should meet their ultimate reward:

    the directors at the FDA, the NIH, the WHO, the CDC, all the vaccine manufacturers especially Pfizer and Moderna, the USA government (Democrats), and some upper establishment officials who knew the real story behind these vaccines.

    Watch “‘The Evidence Is Mounting There’s Been A Cover-Up’: Rand Paul Blasts Fauci Over Possible COVID-19” on YouTub
    Keep up the pressure. Topple Fauci.

    Watch “David Starkey Absolutely OBLITERATES ‘Religious Nutter’ Greta Thunberg for Shaming Britain” on YouTube

    I called her a Gargoyle. Starkey calls her a Religious Nutter.
    Either way she’s got no place in this fight. Its just an irascible child.


  2. Incoming Info-Nuke on Pfizer… detonation minus 7 days:

    Hello Americans, Hello Anti-vaxxers.
    I am Former Researcher and Vice-President of Pfizer Inc.

    I was recently banned from Facebook and Twitter so Telegram is currently the best and most secure communication app so I’ll share here, everything that they denied me. But first, I would like to ask you to share my channel so that as many people possible can gather here.

    In 7 days i will start sharing SECRET documents, human trials and everything Pfizer Inc. has been hiding from the public.

    If you are ready for the truth JOIN and SHARE this post everywhere you can.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I can find no cross-confirmation of this in the main Med rags…


    1. Have a link to his telegram channel?


      1. Hmmm… let me see what I can do…


  3. On October 15, American Airlines Flight 2740, an Airbus A320, was enroute from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport to Fort Meyers (RSW) when the unthinkable happened. As the plane began a gradual descent toward southwest Florida, the pilot in command (PIC) began convulsing and had a cardiac arrest. Fortunately, the aircraft was still on autopilot, giving the co-pilot time to evaluate the situation, unharness himself, pull the PIC from his seat and try to administer CPR. But his efforts were in vain.

    The co-pilot returned to his seat and squawked 7700, the international transponder code for “I have an emergency.” The plane landed safely, but the co-pilot was put on administrative leave for having left his seat and endangering the aircraft, our source said.

    “It was later determined that the PIC had a fatal heart attack caused by myocarditis, a known side effect of the Covid-19 vaccinations. He had received his second dose of the vaccine two weeks before that flight. His last full physical was three months prior, and his doctor had given him a clean bill of health,” our source said.

    The second fatality took place a week later, and it, too was a DFW departure. American Airlines Flight 971, an Airbus A321, departed DFW for LAX at 8:00 a.m. Midway through the flight, the co-pilot complained he had chest pains but chalked it up to having eaten a spicy meal before departure. He told the PIC it was indigestion. As the plane flew at 32,000 ft. over the New Mexico/Arizona state line, the co-pilot started convulsing and vomiting on the flight controls. At that point, the PIC contacted Air Traffic Control, requesting permission to swing around and make an emergency landing in Albuquerque, NM, but ATC, after apparently consulting American Airlines, denied the request and compelled the PIC to complete the flight to LAX.

    The co-pilot died in his chair, also from acute myocarditis. He had gotten his second vaccination—Pfizer—21 days ahead of that fateful flight.

    “The PIC was put under a gag order and told not to discuss the incident with anyone under threat of losing his job,” our source said. “There is a systematic effort going on right now to prevent the public from knowing about pilots getting very ill or very dead in the air. The airlines don’t want to lose money, and the administration doesn’t want the public to know the true dangers of the vaccine. I know for fact that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg ordered the airlines to classify incidents involving pilot deaths.”

    Liked by 2 people

  4. SF, I sincerely thank you for sharing the Aus videos that you have.

    I currently find myself in a severe state of internal trauma knowing how to handle what we are facing as a nation and that which I am facing in my personal life, which I unfortunately advise, is at a critical and most delicate point. I am consumed in my attempt to ascertain what I should be doing. I am finding it difficult to allow my personal responsibilities to outweigh my responsibility to this country and humanity. My personal life is a minute portion in the overall picture. But when does one refuse to be selfish and so dreadfully self absorbed and cast aside the personal for the greater good?

    I have a choice and it is not an easy one. My age and current physical restrictions are hindering my ability to do what I believe I should be doing and need to do. Pain can be overcome with strength of mind if one decides that is to be. But in this crucial point in my life and those involved in it and that on this country and world I lay awake and wonder if I truly have the courage, strength and determination I need now. That is the courage to cast aside my personal needs, wants, desires and responsibilities. How does one do that? I do not think it is any longer possible to sit of the side lines and worry about ones personal situation.

    I am aflame in my anger. We can no longer sit here and talk about it. The time for action is well overdue. BIG decisions need to be made NOW.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Government’s Pretending Not to Know the #Vaccines are Killing People in Mass


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tino

      We have Lords wives for which a mask should be Mandatory for life!
      Johnson also only chases ugly women. Less resistance? High Yuk factors.
      Masks can have a value.


  6. I know, I know… you know masks don’t work… do they? Yes they do… this is just compliance and virtue signaling nonsense to have mask mandates…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Like

  8. Brilliant!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I am not one for violence but times are a changin and that shrieking piece of lunatic meat needs a good smack in the mouth.


      1. Tino

        We have Lords wives for which a mask should be Mandatory for life!
        Johnson also only chases ugly women. Less resistance? High Yuk factors.
        Masks can have a value.


      2. Aurataya
        Most husbands would agree.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Adoption from Ipanema.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Now, imagine these impenetrable protocols used to administer well intentioned and focused dynastic assets which bypass the usury claws and go directly to building social betterment systems that keep people engaged in being productive and creative, and not struggling to pay inflated vigorish to a bunch of rootless, money-grubbing opportunists who have appointed themselves the central scrutinizers of every dime going in and out of your pocket. No more vanishing money transfers because some treasury rat wills it.

      Liked by 4 people

  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



    1. Jesus Christ! What the hell was that? The old grey matter ai’nt residing in that sphere no more. Take it to a vet and put it down for gods sake.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. very drunk

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Heck Biff, even when I am classed as very drunk I can still put a reasonable sentence together lol.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. “V: Good evening, London. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereby those important events of the past, usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night I sought to end that silence. Last night I destroyed the Old Bailey, to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you’ve seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tino

      Tino the 5th November is a national celebration every year. They were caught, betrayed, ended up in the Tower, Hung Drawn and quartered, Horrific deaths. Had they not been betrayed the whole of Parliament, the Lords and King would have gone. The lot! That would have changed history. If only heh?


      1. It would certainly have been a hell of a wake-up call!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Especially sitting above it.
          A whole new meaning to you will see your Arse
          Some wake up call for guys with blocked pipes.


    2. I truly loved that. Thank you Tino.


  13. This frankly silly and obnoxious, needlessly offensive sour grape faced runt, is distracting delegates from the seriousness of the issue. The runt brings nothing of value. Jumping and chanting like a bloody Gargoyle, and as ugly. Muzzle the Mutt.

    Children risk their PARENTS getting fined by marching at Cop26 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10169489/Cop26-Children-risk-PARENTS-getting-fined-marching-Glasgow.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Ozone treatments REVERSE blood cell clotting, lumping caused by covid vaccines – striking visual evidence – NaturalNews.com:

    This maybe helpful.

    That’s unexpected.
    Train hits group of migrants walking along tracks near Calais https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10168465/Train-hits-group-migrants-walking-track-near-Calais.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    While the French do nothing round them up and deport the lot. Or more trains!

    Wild thinking .. goodbye Alberta

    Another LA rapist hiding all the time. The Jewish Mafia ruled all.
    COVID-19: Alpha variant seen in four cats and two dogs for first time https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10165807/COVID-19-Alpha-variant-detected-four-cats-two-dogs-time.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    We spread death across the species
    New COVID-19 pill cut hospital, death risk by 90% https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10169007/New-COVID-19-pill-cut-hospital-death-risk-90.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Truth or more Pfizer hype?

    Now he’s found another big earner to exploit

    The media Brat is tripping again.. she needs education

    Desperate for a Buck again
    Duchess of Sussex invited to dinner with ALL female senators https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10169081/Meghan-Washington-Duchess-Sussex-invited-dinner-female-senators.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    This Rabid self publicist will drive half wit Harry into conflict with Westminster and we will eat him alive. The man’s a dam fool. The sooner LA loses its fetish with these loose end attention seekers the better.
    If she continues threatening the Monarchy she and the Ginger Minger will be cut loose.
    She’s naive and gullible. He’s just a talentless man child. A long since bypassed spare. Redundant.
    With half a brain they could have done so much for both nations. Sadly they have the empty half. What a waste .
    Born with a TAIL: Brazilian baby gets 12cm-long appendage chopped off https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9997843/The-boy-born-TAIL-Brazilian-baby-gets-12cm-long-appendage-chopped-off.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Tony!!!!! You been at Dogs again?
    Kissinger warns AI race could trigger conflict between China and U.S. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10168759/Henry-Kissinger-warns-race-trigger-confrontation-China-U-S.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    I totally concur with this. The Pentagon Cabal is simply too arrogantly stupid to understand the nuances of Cultures, offences , risks and consequences.
    The same clowns who came screaming from Vietnam, who got swept aside in Syria, butchered in Mogadishu and out gunned in Afghanistan may overreach one fatal time with China and Xi wil launch.
    These 4 square fake medal desk jockeys in the Pentagon never get it and next time, cross China wrong and China will pre empt and F you off the planet.
    You keep arguing reciprocal losses.
    What part of China nor Russia don’t care does not permeate those skulls?
    DC games are over. F off out of the Far East and live. Or meddle and die.
    The world is so at risk because of the arrogance of the Cabal. The Russians and Chinese have a 3 years lead on you and the window for Maxim damage is now. They fully factor that in. For 3 years you are out gunned.
    How lucky do these Punks feel with YOUR lives? You die for the Cabal lie.
    But try telling this to Flag waving gung ho blind arseholes lacking 3 brain cells.
    You can’t win this fight and China does not care. How many are too seriously stupid to comprehend this risk?
    Way too many sadly. Why should 300m die for these arseholes? Dead is dead there is no right.
    Get a grip of these Clowns or one wrong move and both China and Russia will blast you apart.
    What apart of their losses does not permeate your skulls it does not matter if YOUR dead.
    How can you outthink China with Brasshats who lose?
    Staple lips and step back from this brink. Too stupid to see the precipice. Lemmings rule it seems. Why follow them . Atomised at 3 in the morning and you don’t know why.
    For Gods sake America give it the needle!


    This video doesn’t exist


    Man’s penis rots after being bitten by a COBRA while sitting on the toilet during a safari tour in South Africa

    The 47-year-old Dutch man nipped to the loo while visiting an unnamed nature reserve in South Africa. He was diagnosed with scrotal necrosis or ‘flesh eating disease’ after the bite.


    Some wife has house trained it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Shared from Sky News: Britain tracked Chinese submarines and was ready to intercept jets in South China Sea, officers reveal https://news.sky.com/story/britain-tracked-chinese-submarines-and-was-ready-to-intercept-jets-in-south-china-sea-officers-reveal-12460378

    Be assured if the QE 11 comes for you, you’re dead.

    The Bribe Taking Fascist Nazi Chief.

    Fascism on display… historically thugs happens with all leftist regimes as it is a totalitarian approach that always leads to collapse as a end.


    Comply – Or Die!

    Crazy. What does that say about the state of mind towards people living there regardless of choice.
    A time for capital to leave along with residency. Expect capital to flow away from the state.



    The new ivermectin with a highly inflated price …. Is this not what big pharma is about ????
    No doubt it will be a best seller next year, with weakened immune systems.

    China will let the West die.
    They will smile and let the west sink without a care.


    Will this help find any more? Heat is coming. Global focus.


  14. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Fertilizer shortage engineered for global starvation, 2022 harvest will be decimated

    We now know that the globalist genocidal war against humanity is a multi-vectored assault on every system that sustains human life: Biology, energy, economics, freedom, self-ownerhip of your body and so on. Now, we have new information that reveals the food scarcity attack vector is targeting the fertilizer supply chain in order to unleash massive crop failures in 2022.

    Fertilizer plants are being shuttered and freight trains that deliver fertilizer are being sabotaged. Energy prices are also forcing many plants to close down around the world, while China has put in place a phosphate export embargo against Western nations.

    Crop production for 2022 is going to be catastrophic. The famine is “baked in” and now cannot be reversed until energy supplies are restored (and that’s not happening).



    1. Correct.
      But the Public has no idea of the scale of contempt the Elites have for the mass Sheeple, following the mindless way OTT Masking adoption and the social distancing adoption has impacted, where the moron element among them jump 10 feet if entering a space within 6 feet..
      Something stupid takes over the truly stupid, initiating the big questions. Why feed, house and subsidise them, mainly on welfare anyway?
      As money runs down towards,out there will be moves towards reduction of liabilities, Them!
      As the Electorate simply has no say in determining policy, mindsets now will become action policies in years to come.Neither Russia nor China came to the Global Warming Disaster Warning Conference. Neither care .Elites are disinterested in disastrous Ecological consequences. Money today; Population reduction is already in their minds.
      It factors into policies.
      Asia is most effected and,along with the US,the key polluters. Expect little real action.
      As we move ever more towards advanced IT, enhanced Robotics, then Cybernauts, in their minds the future is clear. Robotics and IT will replace menial tasks. Therefore the lower orders lose viability. Or purpose of being
      Humanitarian Ethos has little value in a Self Serving Plutocracy, where there is no synergy to co exist.
      Social need is being factored out.

      There is visible contempt for the masses, in the Political Houses. Plebs! Representatives – Self Interest!
      Serving a need- is theirs!
      Indifferences rules towards the fools who put them there. Look at the Clintons. Teflon Criminals. Nancy?
      Look how Obama has lined his pockets.
      Your in play. Your neither consulted nor considered. Kubuki Pawns on the board and it’s not your hands which determine the moves. Sleepwalkers?
      Life ever more will become Pay to Play, or Go Away,

      The masses whine they’ve paid into the State Pension Pot and are owed.
      They haven’t. You have paid into a Ponzi Scheme paying for current retirees. Not for yours! It’s all predicated upon the younger population to pay in and subsidise you. Ever more unemployed, they can’t. So won’t!
      The shortfalls are known. The problem is Buckapsed to the next generation of Political Leaders in 4 year cycles, It’s insoluble bar reducing the Herd,or new systems. No one is contemplating new systems. There is neither vision nor appetite for it Worse no aptitude. Lemmings march to the Cliff edge.
      Retiree Private Pension Funds are underfunded, and the Retiree Algorithms are wrong. Put simply, your living too long. Early deaths generate a Profit for Pension funds. a long life is a loss. So Big Pharma and Pensions funds combine. Think it through. In the corridors of power, you have no idea of the synergy which directs and binds policies.
      Power is coordinated by the powers above. Shadow Leaders. Overlords! .Politicos work to order. The Public are treated as Mushrooms, fed S*** and kept in the dark. It has always been so.

      WHA is giving you the chance to Crypto trade yourselves towards a funded future. Or the Lemming herd?
      Self help – Thinking Futures. Self Survival.
      Reality Checks. Self help and great comments plus articles daily. A great site and respect to all.
      Self help! Custer is not coming. Nor Santa. Your life, your problem.
      When the system tanks, God help the Banks. Try bailing in Cryptos as they bail everything in sight.
      Catch up with the Culture or go into the night. Self help – don’t Welp. No one hears you. Think reality.
      Small Crypto steps, the green shoots of hope. Or the blind Malaise of Rope a Dope. Your life – Your call.
      Or sit there as a Retiree, funded with F all. Good luck with that. Those not too bright, will go into the night.
      You have about 5 years to make a difference to your life. Use it- Well!.
      Self help. Start soon. Plan action.Dreams don’t fund reality. That’s your call.
      But for the site there will be help moves coming. More later.


  16. Banks to Seize Your Money in Coming Financial Crisis Warns David Morgan
    Interesting 20 minutes. August 2021 video.
    Reading fine print of bank accounts and who really owns the money in there.
    Explains FDIC protected amount in bank account.
    Invest in gold, silver, cryptos.


    1. Biffie
      Your a great help, thank you for the input. Your read. Most are. Real issues the MSM simply ignore.


      1. Thank you John. Sure appreciate this site and the opportunity to learn about so many subjects. Thanks to everybody that posts here and invite many more to do so. Great community here Tony!


        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  17. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/groundbreaking-israeli-study-shows-how-covid-proteins-attack-heart-and-blood-vessels
    The researchers have become the first on earth to identify which 5 of the 29 proteins that form the SARS-CoV-2 virus are responsible for damaging patients’ blood vessels’

    …[A] team of Tel Aviv University researchers have identified the five proteins of the 29 that form the virus which are responsible for damaging blood vessels.

    “We see a very high incidence of vascular disease and blood clotting, for example, stroke and heart attack among COVID patients,” says Dr. Ben Maoz, lead author of the study published in the journal eLife.

    “We tend to think of COVID as primarily a respiratory disease but the truth is that coronavirus patients are up to three times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack,” he added. “All the evidence shows that the virus severely damages the blood vessels or the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels. However, to this day, the virus has been treated as one entity. We wanted to find out which proteins in the virus are responsible for this type of damage.”

    The study was carried out using novel methods: researchers came together to insert different sequences of viral RNA into human blood vessels in a lab, and observed the reaction. In this manner, they were able to deduce which proteins caused the most damage to tissue from the vascular system. In particular, they found which proteins are responsible for doing the most damage to the human vascular system.

    “When the coronavirus enters the body, it begins to produce 29 proteins, a new virus is formed, then that virus produces 29 new proteins, and so on,” Maoz said.

    “In this process, our blood vessels turn from opaque tubes into kind of permeable nets or pieces of cloth, and in parallel there is an increase in blood clotting. We thoroughly examined the effect of each of the 29 proteins expressed by the virus, and were successful in identifying the five specific proteins that cause the greatest damage to endothelial cells and hence to vascular stability and function.”


    1. And this result is not natural. Every science instinct in me screams “biowweapon”.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. I am so excited. I just heard on the radio that the campaign team that helped Younkin win Virginia Governor is coming to Oregon to help us Ride The Red Wave and bring in a Republican Governor. I want a t-shirt that says “Ride the Red Wave”. The ones that are running as Republicans are talking more like Younkin did in his winning speech and like DeSantis of Florida. All good news. We shall see. Heavily Democratic in the larger cities.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Let’s invite them to parachute down on Chicago. That would be a real challenge.


    1. I would expect nothing less.


      1. Arm them with a full guarantee of immunity, with a head bounty, and we will santise that whole rats nest for you. Starting with the Political Rats.
        Unlike Vietnam, Mogadishu, Syria and Afghanistan, we don’t run away. How did the Argentinians fare over the Falklands? The Belgrano? Surrender came fast.
        Al those 4 squares a day just to play. Too much Hollywood. Marching Bands and hype. Fake news.
        As America falls apart, who will stop the rot? Not the Dems for sure.
        Wait until trade and the $ Tanks. When you can’t afford Imports.Welfare will drown you. Madness.
        WHA is a Thinking Site for those who can handle truth. That will limit its size. Lol
        But, with the BEST of Americans, and BEST of the BRITS, we CAN make a difference.We do. Better together.
        Zio and Wookie Free.


    2. Canberra too please.


  20. Surreal…

    Liked by 1 person

  21. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/04/ghislaine-maxwell-jail-lawyers-hannibal-lecter-bail-request

    Good and If Found Guilty give her LIFE locked up like this. Life! Mossad Bitch her father was scum also.


    No Joke he needs the Poke.

    Better hope they don’t get into power in~America.
    Imagine them in LA SF, NY? Then arriving in DC.

    Taliban ‘have a ‘kill list’ of gay people in Afghanistan’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10160047/Taliban-kill-list-gay-people-Afghanistan-forcing-hide-says-LGBT-group.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Again this meddling, attention seeking, ego tripping Mutt breaks the basic rules of the Monarchy. No using Royal Titles for Poltical Meddling!
    What an ego ridden Mutt.

    Meghan Markle called senators to urge vote for paid parental leave https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10163679/Meghan-Markle-called-two-senators-lobby-vote-favor-paid-parental-leave.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Immune systems of the vaccinated are deteriorating at around five percent per week.

    This is a real wake up call !!!!!
    What on earth will people do as winter colds and flu comes a calling or should i say culling??
    Add to this the boosters which will likely be of no benefit but more likely to harm people and what will be left???? This also implies that vaccinated people will actually be carriers of illness, knowingly or unknowing as people who have aids like immune systems have no control over what they get or what they can spread. And God knows what else will be released through the winter.
    We run the risk of watching a true collapse of social order as we have known it because if more than 5% of the working population gets sick, the social systems will break down. As it is, it appears that at least 5% of the population is getting out of the work force whether it is by choice or by mandates due to being unvaccinated. This is already causing breakdowns in airlines and transit systems where there is not enough qualified people availed to maintain service.
    Now more than ever it is important to maintain your own immune system.
    I wonder if the so called elites really understand that by reducing the scale and size and wealth of the population they reduce their own need to exist. As Stalin said everyone is useful until they are not and then they are dispensable. And as his Henchman Beria said, show me the man and i will show you the crime.

    Hundreds Of South Korean And U.S. Warplanes Are Conducting A Secretive Exercise In Korea

    When Arthur Burns met with the Russians, did he tell them that Biden is not in charge. And if so did he tell them who is? People may want to remember Burns that is from the Bush era. And his timed visit was more than accidental.
    Does that explain why Biden was suddenly whisked away from visit attendance to return to America or was it the defeat that the Democrats took in Virginia? I guess not enough dead people did not show up.


    Now, it is clear that the Russians perceive the risks of the US acting in a way they cannot see or understand which is why they may be inclined to think that relations are truly worse than when the Cold War existed.
    You may know that Russian shipments stopped as of the 1st to the Ukraine with them having few choices which is why they are going nuts and the sudden shut off in the Yamal pipe of gas through Poland remains curious or a serious shot across the bow as a warning. Like or not Europe faces a long cold winter and without adequate gas it will be a frosty one. If there is a wood stove, extra firewood is in order.


    Now we see large scale drills in South Korea which pleases no one except the pilots. Is this a signal to China? China is faced with a serious shortage of coal for power and heating and is paying top dollar for coal wherever they can get it. One is reminded that even if you have supply at a mine, your ability to move is limited to rail cars that can carry it. No matter how one looks at it certain nations are going to experience a coal availability shortfall. This will likely cause a Asian crisis come 2022 and even India is desperate for coal.

    SCIENCE HORROR: Vaccine spike protein enters cell nuclei, suppresses DNA repair engine of the human body, will unleash explosion of cancer, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders and accelerated aging – NaturalNews.com

    My God, people have no idea of what has happened to them with these so called vaccinations.
    While the body is a amazing gift of creation, the question is whether this damage can be undone and if so through what means.
    Sadly i imagine that if one does not take quick action and use some of the protocols out there, permanent damage will be done with lifetimes shortened and made miserable by suffering that did not need to occur. And this is while big Pharma pockets a $100 Billion this year from these jabs. And what of those who remain unvaccinated, will they be overwhelmed by the so called “shedding “ that occurs.
    A true horror story being written.

    China Likely to Have ‘At Least’ 1,000 Nukes by 2030, Pentagon Estimates – Defense One

    What part of both Russia and China are tooling up for WAR do you not understand?
    990 plus US Gobal bases will be gone. One coordinated hit, Bang!
    ICBMs; and Sub missiles smashing down. Bombers follow.
    This is total US Wipe OUT Planning.

    And no one saw this coming ??? How do you spell incompetent????
    Not to anticipate or not know in advance is border line treason. In a private setting you would have been fired long ago. What is the purpose of a defense department that does not know, perhaps a reaction department is a more fitting label.

    US Navy conducts live-fire ground test of hypersonic missile motor

    Playing Catch Up Years behind!

    Study: Whales Eat More Than Thought, Are Crucial to Marine Ecosystem

    Does this equate to their US relatives?

    Biden plays up positives but frustrations apparent after Cop26 talks

    No one listens to this Mutt.

    Tories do their best to trash what remains of their reputation | Owen Paterson | The Guardian

    A Political Clean Up is happening in London.

    Thu, 4 Nov 2021 at 10:02
    Subject: World’s largest trade deal will come into force in January. The U.S. won’t be part of it

    Reality Check the US is OUT of Asian trade deals. Next the EU will follow. Who feeds those Butts then?
    Read- Reality. The Curtain is falling.

    Drones go up against British aircraft carrier

    Naval power at work.



  22. https://www.ntd.com/biden-admin-sets-jan-4-vaccine-deadline-for-large-employers_697428.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram

    The Biden administration has released the new rule from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requiring 84 million private sector workers to get vaccinated for COVID-19 by Jan. 4.

    The administration has also announced its rule from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Assistance (CMS) requiring 17 million healthcare workers participating in federal health programs to be vaccinated.

    The White House is also pushing back the deadline for workers in those sectors as well as federal contractors to get fully vaccinated to Jan. 4, 2022, according to a senior administration official.


    1. Just read an email from my company that says they are at 66% countrywide and is awaiting for OSHA ruling to further advance this. I may be retiring sooner than I want. I will not pay anybody to get tested for a lie. Even if the company ends up paying for it, nobody is sticking anything up my nose. They can all go eat worms and I will get a side job to make ends meet after retiring. There is always a way.

      Liked by 2 people

  23. No comment necessary


  24. Death Sport
    Nov 3

    Written by: Diana West
    Wednesday, November 03, 2021 4:19 AM

    Reports from the playing-fields-turned-killing-fields by “safe and effective” C19 injections:

    Avi Barot, 29, Saurashtra cricketer suffers cardiac arrest, passes away.

    Abou Ali, 22, professional footballer collapses on pitch during game.

    Fabrice NSakala, 31, Besiktas defender collapses on pitch during game.

    Jens De Smet (photo above), 27, footballer collapses on field, dies of heart attack.

    Jente van Genechten, 25, footballer collapses on field due to heart attack:

    Frederic Lartillot, French footballer collapses in changing room, dies due to heart attack after game:

    Benjamin Taft, 31, German footballer collapses after game, dies due to heart attack.

    Rune Coghe, 18, Belgian footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch:

    Helen Edwards, referee taken off court during World Cup qualifier due to heart issues:

    Dimitri Lienard, 33, FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game.

    Sergio Aguero, 33, Barecelona star striker admitted to hospital for cardiac exam after match.

    Emil Palsson, 28, Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game.

    Antoine Mchin, 31, French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna and announces end to his career. Wishes he had not been “vaccinated.”

    Luis Ojeda, 20, Argentine football player unexpectedly dies.

    Greg Luyssen, 22, Belgian pro cyclist ends career due to heart issues.

    Pedro Obiang, 29, ex-West Ham star suffers myocarditis post vaccine.

    Hat tip: Robin Menotti + Dr. Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar Telegram account.

    Cienna Knowles, 19, equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots.


    1. Doctors have been unable to save a hockey player who suddenly collapsed on the ice during a game in Slovakia. Boris Sadecki was playing for the Bratislava Capitals, of the Ice HL, when he fell to the floor during a match against the Dornbirn Bulldogs on October 29.

      Medics are said to have spent several minutes attending to the 24-year-old, resuscitating him before transporting him to hospital, where he had spent 11 days before his passing was announced.


      1. And Proof , Joe Biden shat himself under pressure during a meeting with the Pope. A Pfizer Gusher.
        Shit happens with Pfizer. A Biden blast.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. This we are watching but low serious Tsunami risk.


      1. Glad to see that the rational members in the UK have wrapped their head around the actual risk.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Give us time, Tino the sheer scale of Data we process daily is huge. Judgment calls. Ours is a Global watch domain.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I didn’t mean you John!!! LOL!

            YOU actually change your mind on logic and preponderance of the evidence.

            It’s the rest that give me heartburn. Imperial College computer models should be wholesale ignored they are soooo baaad.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Positions too if the Lady is hot enough. Lol


  25. The mRNA s**t doesn’t actually work. They gamed the trials. Remember, Pfizer only had1500+ suspected cases in both arms of the trial. But somehow that got swept under the rug despite the Editor to the BMJ calling attention to it.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Liked by 1 person

    1. We have unused major pandemic hospitals to attest to this. Billions wasted and mothballed.


  27. Just stop… you’ve already damaged the DNA of millions. Thankfully half of them are not breeders. You think autism is bad? Wait till we get the first true round of mutants… Now we might get very lucky. The fertilized ovum has an uncanny ability to fix things.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Hmmm… could it be that PCR test just piled in the false positives?

    And the WOPS did a whole GreenPass and other imbecility for 4K dead? Blinding stupidity of the worst kind….


    Liked by 2 people

  29. An unbelievable sense of freedom: why Americans are quitting in record numbers

    There are many in the US who need to think UK now. Smart money does.

    Face it Israel and the Jews own America now
    A line of utter Skanks have been Presidents. The Cabal won’t back down on waste. Corruption rules.
    The Racial Melting Bowl is brewing. What the Zios have not stolen they will take. My Lick?
    Go back to your roots. Weather cyclones are coming. Plus tax rises and Bail Ins.
    No place to be. A Military who lose everything. Disneyland Mugs fools. Brain drain to Europe. Culture and Class, Non existent in the USA. Your life. Use it well.
    Mossad owns Congress. The dream has been stolen. The usual culprits. Let the Afros and Hispanics clean out the Sewers and come back in a Century. The dream is over.


    1. you are kidding , right ? London ? don’t think so . I am an American and we will not take your opinion that we are done . At least we can protect ourselves as we all can shoot and shelter our families from attack . Your socialist healthcare system chooses who lives and dies . I know that from personal experience. You guys come here to get your dental work done . You continuously trash us but time will show that not only did God create this country , he will maintain it to his glory , and reconfirm this land to be a refuse for Christians worldwide . I agree that we are being wounded right now with Marxists , but that is a wide wide movement that raises its ugly head and always gets that head cut off by liberty seeking people . I will live free or die in my own country , and refuse to stoop to the level of daily trashing yours . May God bless your country , as God will surly sustain ours .

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thanks for that comment.

        Please stick to one username. You have used three so far.

        This is for member security and administrative continuity. Thanks so much.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That reminds me of my Mother spanking my butt and making me think I got a good deal.


        1. A lot of our Bankers and Judges will pay for that.

          Liked by 1 person

      3. GJ

        Good luck finding your God. Never been seen yet. Focus on finding a Leader with 2 eyes.
        Did Biden just see God when he shat his pants with the Pope?
        Clearly , reality is not a check you contemplate making in America.
        Sounds like Bible Belt talk to me. Look at your coming eco issues and think?
        Look at your economic malaise and think?
        Look at your staggering scale of Political corruption and think?
        I hammer ours.
        Israel and the Jews own Congress and America.
        You don’t even have an American Central Bank of your own. They also control the Treasury.
        Whose God, your Goyim hating Overlords, or your imaginary one? You own what?
        God Botherers bother me, always have. Ethereal realities are way different to Kindergarten fantasies.
        God for most is Escapism. Fairy tales.
        Stick to economic realities. . Please. Facts?
        You can’t even protect a border. Or win in Afghanistan
        Or Vietnam, Syria,Mogadishu, or the Arms or Space race.
        Leaders, or bottom feeders? Reality coming home will be tough. It’s coming.
        Those Bills will be bitter pills. Where’s your version of God then?
        God does not fix countries,people do..Reality visions. People make it happen. Thinking people.
        Bible Belt Gods? Snake Oil Salesmen at work. People fix problems. Not Jehova’s.
        This is the 21st century. A world awake. And marching.


        1. John
          May I hold myself in compassion.
          May I meet the suffering and ignorance of others with compassion.

          Gautama Buddha


        2. I want to clarify. The quote from Gautama Buddha was not focused on GJ post above. He said he is going to stay and fight for this country. That does not sound like someone waiting around for God to fix things. What is so wrong with people gaining strength from a higher power? Not everything is going to think the same way. Everyone is on a different levels of awareness.

          I really appreciated what GJ had to say.


          1. “Everyone”


  30. WONDER DRUG: New International Ivermectin Report of 64 Studies Shows 86% Success as Prophylaxis and 67% Success in Early Treatment

    Are governments listening?
    And if not we all need to ask why???? How many are on Pay Offs not to?

    Billions go on schemes that barely make a difference, writes JCB boss LORD BAMFORD

    Innovatin will wave each nation. Hydrogen does not make Gazillions for Oil Moguls.

    YES IT CAN!!! It’s about Leadership. Stop all Chinese Trade until they toe the linel Shut them down they dont need emergy then. Burn the body piles.
    Cop26: Beijing bursts optimism with warning over 1.5C climate target https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10158633/China-crisis-rocks-Cop26-Beijing-bursts-Boris-Johnsons-optimism-warning-1-5C-target.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Groom, 45, appears in court for first time over murder of his new bride, 52, whose body was found stuffed inside a suitcase four days after their wedding

    Dawn Walker, 52, was found dead close to her home just four days after she tied the knot with Thomas Nutt, 45, and police arrested him on suspicion of murder over the killing in Halifax.


    She marries a guy named Nutt and sees no problems ahead?
    Spain energy crisis: Soaring bills hamper recovery from Covid

    Its only just starting lock down is not free. Furluughs are crazy.

    Countries in Europe could suffer 50C ‘Lucifer’ heatwaves if carbon emissions keep rising

    Its already happening. It will come to the US also. Crops burn livestock does, car tires melt, roads melt. It burns your feet to walk on the roads. You cant . Lakes dry up so do rivers.
    Rail tracks warp. Pay air conditioning how? Have the masses any idea what is coming? Consequences come home.
    Our gas prices are over $8 Dollars a gallon and rising. Yours? It’s coming. Energy prices are up 50% plus here already. Food and water will be hit hard. So will supplies. Taxes will rise. When the dollar drops 35% in value what then?
    Who is awake? Who can count the coming cost? Welfare – With what? The numbers dont add up and the free loading illegals are flooding in

    Meghan Markle news: ‘Skeletons in her closet’ will shock the Queen

    Not as much as Caught Out Posing Markel. Harry You Fool!



    1. Blair, don’t believe the Rat Weasel.

      Liked by 1 person

  31. I’m truly not concerned about Leaders private flights for so important an issue but as for the Global consequences coming. Whatever the costs, it works for me. I do it all the time. If it helps get solutions, it’s worth it.

    My flights are for trade and help create wealth for nations to keep the masses.If we fly to African game parks it creates jobs, feeds the communities and promotes conservation. Animals live. Win Win.
    But I’m not one of 200K on cheap Booze flights to the Med, really polluting the skies and seas. Booze, in Booze out. Fish please don’t swallow! They eat it.
    I pay not to waste my life in 5 hour Customs queues. Time is money .My call. My time. My Dollars.
    I pay to play. Power rules. time is money! My choice I pay.

    Now these cheap Booze flights are ending. Polluter routers. Homebound now. No bad thing. Life changes.
    Cheap flights are ending It’s not a Right, it’s money. Pay to play.
    Private flights are not the issue here. That’s Chump change. It’s 200,000 a day Bums on seats choking the Ozone which matters. But energy costs and Taxes will sort that soon.Reality will impact.
    Getting them to this conference at least we are trying. Beats procrastinating crap doing nothing..
    Who will face down China,the Real Polluters. Who will lead America? Harris offering Freebies won’t sort this.We have vast waters supplies and irrigated lands. It’s not us with the problem. But, we are trying. Who else is?
    Doing something, or doing nothing? Trying matters. Planes welcome. It’s merited. Your paying.
    We don’t need Greta Grunt or the Demo Weirdos Ego Tripping.We need Intelligent Debate and action. Unity.
    We need Solutions. Action matters.


  32. Edward Snowden: CBDCs Are ‘Cryptofascist Currencies’ That Could ‘Casually Annihilate’ Savings

    He called CBDCs “a perversion […] of the founding principles and protocols of cryptocurrency—a cryptofascist currency, an evil twin entered into the ledgers on Opposite Day, expressly designed to deny its users the basic ownership of their money and to install the State at the mediating center of every transaction.”


  33. This is just a reminder to everyone that may be feeling a little lost these days.


    Apologies if Shirl is not you era. But it does not take away from the message. Stay cool kids.

    Shirley Bassey

    “This Is My Life”

    “This Is My Life”

    Funny how a lonely day, can make a person say:
    What good is my life
    Funny how a breaking heart, can make me start to say:
    What good is my life
    Funny how I often seem, to think I’ll never find a dream
    In my life
    Till I look around and see, this great big world is part of me
    And my life
    This is my life
    Today, tomorrow, love will come and find me
    But that’s the way that I was born to be
    This is me
    This is me

    This is my life
    And I don’t give a damn for lost emotions
    I’ve such a lot of love I’ve got to give
    Let me live
    Let me live

    Sometime when I feel afraid, I think of what a mess I’ve made
    Of my life
    Crying over my mistakes, forgetting all the breaks I’ve had
    In my life
    I was put on earth to be, a part of this great world is me
    And my life
    Guess I’ll just add up the score, and count the things I’m grateful for
    In my life
    This Is my life
    Today, tomorrow, love will come and find me
    But that’s the way that I was born to be
    This is me
    This is me

    This is my life
    And I don’t give a damn for lost emotions
    I’ve such a lot of love I’ve got to give
    Let me live
    Let me live

    This is my life
    This is my life
    This is my life

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Trump: ‘Israel Literally Owned Congress

    And America! Trump did what? Released a whole bunch of convicted Jewish bad criminals for money Disgusting cheap Skank. Son of a Bitch and Grandson of a Whore House Trader.

    So Yes the Jews own AmeriCANS!!! Goffers!

    ‘Like watching a horror thriller’: Moving tentacled object, metallic fragments found in COVID jabs – LifeSite

    This is a horror story of what is happening inside you now with these vaccines. .
    Indeed scary Read and think.
    https://www.lif esitenews.com/news/like-watching-a-horror-thriller-moving-tentacled-object-metallic-fragments-found-in-covid-jabs/


    1. The above is to help you fully understand Tino and others valuable and challenging contributions.
      Think Spider Crabs loose inside you, Metalic and then what? Replicators?

      Only on WHA not the MSM. Truth lives here.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And lest we not forget.

        His daughter married a zionist jew and his namesake son left his wife for the ex-wife of California Governor Newsom (He’s obviously bloodline brotherhood) and Trump is a Freemason.

        He was allowed to be nationalistic on anything he wanted but Vaccines and 5G.

        Ask yourself why?


  35. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  36. Sorry kids. The doc is right. The vaxx is a Crime Against Humanity.

    Click to access slides_Dr_Rose_talk.pdf

    Liked by 3 people

  37. Really? REALLY? REALLY???



  38. While we are on the topic of the climate holocaust coming to a city near you let’s see what these elite dipshits that care so much about the planet have in store for us….

    To heal Mother Earth’s climate change diagnosis, a European study suggests Americans would need to cut their lifestyles.

    Like, to the bone…

    According to a study spearheaded by the University of Leeds, Americans would need to reduce total energy consumption by 90% to achieve a “low-energy society.”

    The footprint of housing for a family of four? Get this: no more than 640 square feet. (Seriously….you can’t make this garbage up)

    “With respect to transportation and physical mobility, the average person would be limited to using the energy equivalent of 16–40 gallons of gasoline per year.” (About 2 fill ups)

    And air travel would be restricted to one flight… every three years.

    “In addition, food consumption per capita… would be 2,100 calories per day,” cutting about 900 calories from the average American’s daily intake. (Actually, they want way less since meat goes bye bye for crickets)

    Researchers even went so far as to set a “clothing allowance” per person — equal to nine pounds annually — and restricted doing laundry to just 20 times per year. Or once every 18.25 days for non-leap years. (I guess smelling like shit is better than cows taking one and releasing all that deadly methane)

    How did University of Leeds sustainability researcher Jefim Vogel and his collaborators draw their conclusions?

    Easy….they made the crap up!

    Go Earth!


  39. The Queen has been an exemplary Monarch and first class woman She does not deserve the damage this scavenging Me Gain Markel is bringing down om her life’s work.
    Marketls past will go public. Eventually Harry will leave. Megain will be toast.

    Express: Meghan Markle has ‘skeletons in closet’ as family holding back on ’embarrassing stuff’.

    Same for the GOP with Trump also. Raise the Bar. So many are better. Clean up the WH.
    Financial Times: Democrats must look beyond Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for 2024.

    An open mind does Pence have a case?

    Shit happens


    1. Very powerful article Tino. I watched the funeral home director video from the UK. Wow. He spelled it out from his perspective very well. Will watch more videos later.

      Liked by 1 person

  40. The Pfizer Pivotal Phase III trial is… almost certainly a criminal sham. Which may imply the others are as well.


    Every Nation on Earth should dump the Pfizer shots.


  41. What is the timeline of human civilization? With ancient descriptive writings, geological and archeological evidence, underwater structures, and lost civilizations .. how far back does this incredible story of humanity’s past actually go? We are much older than we have been told. Has this information been suppressed? Is our history correct? There are many holes in the main stream versions of history with which we have been presented.

    200,000 Year Old Timeline of Civilization
    Part 1

    Part 2

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have not watched the videos shared as yet AJ but hope soon.And do thank you for sharing this info. I will say though, that I do not believe anything we are told from the regular sources, regarding history, is correct. Just my take at this point.


  42. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

  43. Do the right thing and glue the floors guys


    Britain stands by its own

    Will they actually do a dam thing in real world interests?

    She hates being near him. No surprise there.
    ‘Stop the Shot: Caught on Tape’ – LifeSite

    Very relevant, please read.
    VAERS Reveals DEATH BY LOT NUMBER: Specific States Get Certain Vials – Rumble

    If only the Arabs control Israel’s allocation.

    Are they killing by lot number by state? What gives?


    You have to read this.

    WHO IN THEIR right and informed MIND WOULD TAKE A JAB NOW ? This is exactly what the Nazi did … and that is why they cleaned out the elderly from retirement homes
    Who were not connected ……


    This is very very interesting: 100% of the damage from the jab is caused by only 5% of the batches. This is totally unprecedented!!! Unbelievable!!


  44. Karl Denniger, in an attempt to shut down tinfoil hat conspiracy on so-called “hot lots” of vaxx injuring individuals discovers that the lot-injury graph is a power function. This is true in both death and adverse event distributions. The analysis is a simple as it is devastating.

    For those of you not familiar with manufacturing-at-scale, this distribution says
    (1) There is an uncontrolled manufacturing variable
    (2) That the variable is lethal
    (3) It is impossible as things stand to make this a safe shot
    (4) If you get the bad lot, you are screwed

    Basically — stop it now. The shots are manifestly unsafe.



    1. Tino,
      I posit this is on purpose.

      If everyone died immediately after taking the shot it would be too obvious.

      There are most likely varying levels of whatever is in these jabs to depopulate.

      This is the reason for boosters. You slowly add more of the toxic shite into the masses and by 2030 you have your 80% population reduction.

      Plus you can continue to use the deaths to push the COVID scam.

      Actually, quite brilliant, in a psychopathic kind of way.

      Liked by 2 people

  45. New Secret Service Memo to all Presidential Squad Agents.
    Never say Oh Shit in front of this Clown!
    Or Your wiping his Butt and changing his pants.


  46. What all was said about Trump?… so called journalists had no worry over that… these so called journalists are showing what they are really about more everyday… our MSM is a crock of crap!… ” LET’S GO BRANDON ”


  47. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/americans-who-received-1-dose-jj-jab-35-more-likely-develop-rare-blood-clots?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    It’s starting to seem like nary a day goes by that the world doesn’t isn’t confronted with new research raising safety questions about either the mRNA vaccines (mostly Moderna) or the adenovirus-vector jabs like the AstraZeneca and J&J jabs.

    On Monday, the bad news focused on the adenovirus jabs, particularly the J&J jab, as researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, who published their findings in JAMA Internal Medicine, compared data from the general population before the pandemic to data gathered from reported vaccine side effects suffered by Americans.

    What they found was disturbing: a person who received the vaccine was 3.5x as likely to develop brain blood clots as an average person before the pandemic.


  48. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/brits-who-post-false-information-about-vaccines-could-be-jailed-two-years?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    Yes, really.

    The Online Safety Bill, described as “the flagship legislation to combat abuse and hatred on the internet” has faced fierce criticism from civil liberties groups for its broad overreach.

    The law would create a “knowingly false communication” offence which, according to the Times, “will criminalise those who send or post a message they know to be false with the intention to cause “emotional, psychological, or physical harm to the likely audience”. Government sources gave the example of antivaxers spreading false information that they know to be untrue.”

    Given that authorities have deemed all kinds of information about the pandemic and vaccines “false” that later turned out to be true, this is a chilling prospect.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. I tried often on the old site to raise the reality of Global Warming and consequential damage.
    Always Editorially attacked by One who would Opine ignoring Coastal Erosion. rising Sea levels, freak winter conditions, Increasing record heat, out of season storm cyclones, tidal surges, storms tearing trees out by the roots, visibly melting Glaciers, and melting Permafrost in Siberia. Nothing mattered, it was just allegedly Sun Cycle patterns, Really, look now!
    Tell that to a nation facing record 50 degrees plus centigrade heat, burned crops arid land becoming deserts, dry baked Reservoirs, dried up riverbeds, melting road surfaces, rail tracks warping, animals dying, wildlife becoming extinct, and a visible threat to Trumps Quad Burgers.

    America loves to eat.When it’s gone? With no world left to fleece, who feeds the obese? When water then sells
    for more than Gasoline, who pays? All water is now being bought up by who?

    Can you afford the coming energy costs of coming air conditioning Bills?
    Gas/ Petrol prices are now over 8 dollars in the UK and across the EU. It’s heading for you. Electricity prices will rise and then it hits you. Do you freeze in the winters? Who will feed Need? Yours?
    At last what passes for World Leaders are meeting and talking. But China and Russia are No Shows. China is the biggest Polluter and won’t cut back. Without real Leaders who threaten and mean to block China’s trade unless they toe the line, who then feeds the Wests Gluttonous Swine? If French and Californian wine grapes die shrivelled on the vine, who cares? As Barley and Hops become scorched crops, who explains no beer for the masses? The chattering classes.

    No farm feed stocks to feed livestock, who feeds you?

    Where then do the starving Illegals move to?
    As Russia is visibly preparing for a war on its borders, and China has a liquidity crisis,.who reasons with bad news and Water plus Food supplies bought up by Opportunist Jews?
    When we can’t feed those in so much need, what’s to lose to stop each regions Mad Max arising.?
    Will we stand by and Opine, it’s just Sun cycles with a world in free fall? More Fake News claims Chump. Such an ignorant, dangerous Crock.

    For the next week we must hope that World Leaders – Do!
    The survival clock is rapidly running.down. It needs focus to act. JFK would have done. Biden just craps himself. So will you with the consequences if this is not sorted. Voices need to be heard, from the mass Herd. Time to wake up the masses. Mass Ignorance is not Bliss. Biden or Harris, you are taking the P***!.
    Take -Responsibility.
    Or follow the old deserted site. Leadership? Or Billy No Mates?
    WHA is alive with Vibrant Thinkers. . You Matter!
    The clock is visibly running down fast, but your all worth our time!
    Water is the building block of life. To be owned and Racketeered by Zios? .


    1. Seriously…

      The same elite that are meeting to make these so called changes think it’s fine for them to arrive on 400 private jets and buy their way out of real change for themselves with carbon credits.

      And by the way, we ARE in a solar maunder minimum, which does effect climate. So plan on global cooling for about 15 years. These BS studies they use to justify shutting down the world are based on data from about 75 years. As usual, they doctor the science to fit their agenda. There are ice core drill samples that show this planet has had way more CO2 in the atmosphere at various times in it’s billion years of existence. Plant life needs CO2 for christs sake.

      We do have REAL pollution problems, but electric cars and eating crickets won’t solve this.

      IF these elite wanted real change they would switch over to clean burning hydrogen by splitting water molecules. Cheap, almost free. This could power cars, homes and businesses efficently and more important very cheap.

      But…..there is no money in that. And god forbid the useless eaters don’t have to pay for the right exist.

      What’s sad is technology like this and Tesla free energy machines exist, but have been completely stifled by these same people in the name of profit.

      Who currently owns these polluting car companies, oil companies, factory farms, fertilizer companies, coal plants, nuclear plants, etc. etc?

      It’s not the man on the street. It’s these same people spouting on about climate change, while they all meet in Davos for drinks.

      Be careful what you wish for. Their green new deals will be used to enslave everyone along with their CBDC cashless society. Once these things are set in motion the chains are hard to unbind.

      Since you are so spiritual…In your next life, will you be the king or the slave that is bound by these edicts. Reincarnation is like a wheel. What was once at the top is soon on the bottom.

      Supporting the garbage they spout is building your own future prison.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. All scientific studies have long factored in the Solar issues, that’s old hat.
        Their case is simple. Either make the changes needed or lose habitable scales of 40% fertile land mass and vast agri crops. Our choice. Your choice.
        The UK is fine. Water surpluses, food capacity for all and a channel of sea meant to keep us Wog free.
        We just need armed drones. A Muzzie virus will follow.
        Housekeeping. The Brits will Spring Clean over time.
        But so will the Tri Lats and that’s another story. It won’t be pleasant.


  50. Thank you SF!


  51. Tony the crypto markets are on fire.

    Thank goodness for WHA. Free space with brave people who dare to share what some are too afraid to speak of. The future will not belong to cowards.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Indeed they are…

      I do appreciate what you said. We certainly welcome truths, no matter how difficult it may be to digest and accept. The veil comes down at WHA.

      I saw this just a short time ago and thought of your young ones who are pursuing blockchain development careers. Their timing could not have been better. Thanks again.

      Liked by 1 person

  52. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And to think…the rank and file Wall St investor still does not have easy access or insured custody yet…and when they do…?

    I think I heard Big J’s private pilot in there…

    Liked by 1 person

  53. yeildedandstill Avatar

    I really don’t like the idea of having to stand outside alone in NYC while the kids and grandkids eat inside! My granddaughter and I are the only unvexed. I’ve fought getting it, but if I had to…which one? I’ll learn my antibody status tomorrow. Deblahzio won’t care. He demands vexing😞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is a good question. I have had others ask me the same thing. I personally don’t have the answer. Hope somebody does.


    2. Hey Yieldandstill,
      I hope I am not being too bold but I personally would never stand outside for anyone, no matter what the situation. Hope all goes well for you.


      1. Especially not if an orgy with Donk and his twin brother is going on inside.


        1. You make me out to such a crude character John, when actually I am quite the opposite. Actually way more than I think most realise. I am quite the prim and proper bugger in my aging years and probably always have been when that suited me lol..

          I love a joke, as you know and will always jump in when we need some humour. I still believe you need one almighty good smack on the bloody arse though you bugger lol.

          Just setting the record straight is all. Just in case I scare off any potential gorgeous human beings that may enjoy the company of the fruit cake I am known to be. LOL

          Stay cool Bro. OMG, I am speaking like a Kiwi. What the heck does that say about me lol.


      2. yeildedandstill Avatar

        Thanks Aurataya! I agree but only for the kids and grands, I gave it a thought. Hope they move to Texas soon!!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Sweetheart, thank you for your reply, I appreciate your time.

          I was unable to sleep last night as there was so much more I wanted to say to you but hesitated in case I overwhelmed you with my personal opinion. BUT, I will say it now and I hope that is okay.

          Beautiful, the powers that be want you to feel exactly how you are feeling just now, as reflected in your comment. They want you to feel like an outsider. They want you to feel guilty and afraid. They want you to feel like you are poison to the rest of society and your own family, who have possibly be brainwashed into getting the vaccine impo.. This is their game. You need to make sure you understand the bigger picture at all times. DO NOT GIVE IN TO WHAT YOU HAVE DECIDED IS NOT THE AND YOUR TRUTH.

          If I was to offer you my personal opinion, I would suggest you stand strong. DO NOT ACCEPT THEIR VAXX.

          If, when you visit family, they expect you and your grandchild to stay outside the property due to you both not be vaccinated, then, my dear friend, it is time for you to take a break from those family members imho, or atleast a different course of action in your method of communication.. They have been brainwashed into thinking what they are doing is right. We must learn to accept this attitude/stance, as those that take such are of a different mindset to you. This is understandable and unfortunately, must be accepted by those believing this is the correct manner of thinking.

          I understand this is difficult and you may feel like you are traumatising your grandchild. BUT, you are protecting that child imho. DO NOT GET CONFUSED about this. You bloody well stand up for your human rights and DO NOT let others convince you otherwise. YOU ARE DOING the right thing for yourself and your grandchild omho.

          If you need a form of communication with those family members that are making you stand outside their home when you wish to visit, then you must seek another avenue of communication if you desire to stand up for and protect your personal rights. What is the point of visiting if those buggers make you stand outside?. It may not be the same but for now, maybe it needs to be. I know there will not be the physical hugs and kisses but we can all do without those for a period of time. Just continue to love that grandchild you are protecting and give that child all the comfort and love that is needed, as I know you can and will. No one could do a better job of that than you have already shown you have done by protecting that child as you have.You are the only one that can do that in this moment from that which you have described.

          Sweetheart, I am often incorrect in my personal thinking and advice, which I will always accept when real knowledge is presented to me, but I believe I sense you enough to know you are a good person wishing to make good decisions. Those decisions are ultimately up to you but please, always ensure the decisions you make are your own and not based on pressure from those around you, or those that may not be based upon wisdom. One motto I have always lived by is, NEVER FOLLOW THE CROWD.

          Sweetheart, you must do what you need to do for your own comfort and that of you grandchild. All I would say, is make sure you have the knowledge to make that decision and the wisdom to make that on behalf of yourself and your grandchild. ALL is attainable. And I believe you already know that. DO NOT GIVE IN TO PRESSURE OTHERS DECIDE IS APPROPRIATE TO PLACE UPON YOU. NEVER.

          THE ONE WHO STANDS ALONE IS OFTEN THE ONE WHO SUCCEEDS IN WHAT ONE MAY PERSONALLY CONSIDER SUCCESS IN THAT MOMENT AND SITUATION IN TIME. That last sentence, they are my words and I strongly believe in them. NEVER allow this life to drag you to a place you do not wish to be. The road will be tough and there will be many many hurdles to overcome but your integrity will always be in place if you stay true to yourself.

          I hope I have not gone on way more than I should, which I usually do in such an instance lol. You be safe beautiful and you stand strong according to your own beliefs. XX


          1. OMG. So many typos and all the other errors in my avove comment. Please excuse me. Sometimes I just do not type too well. And I am crap at punctuation too lol. That’s just me. Like it or lump it as they say lol.


            1. yeildedandstill Avatar

              Oh my…I must clarify. It’s NOT my family that requires a vaxx before eating inside. It’s NYC’s mayor. Boo him!! If I had family like that, I wouldn’t visit them. I appreciate your insight and passion . Thx Y&S

              Liked by 1 person

              1. No worries Y&S, I apologize for my misunderstanding. Well, that is a different story then. I am pleased to know your family are not involved. Stay well beautiful. XX


    3. I had to make a similar choice for family, and went with Pfizer, as it has only 30 ng of mrna, whereas Moderna has 100 ng. The Pfizer load is much less, so seems like the better choice to reduce vax exposure.

      Then, thanks to taking 12 mg IVM daily for a week, I didn’t have even a hint of a symptom. The ivm was on top of some things that may be easier and quicker to obtain, which I think are equally important. Vit’s C and D, Zinc, NAC, quercetin, lysine and aspirin.
      N-acetyl-cysteine is so popular that it may be hard to get locally, but here’s an online source that has plenty: https://www.lifeextension.com/vitamins-supplements/item01534/n-acetyl-l-cysteine
      I’d recommend 2-3 pills a day (1200-1800 mg) for a week or two while vaxed, then 1 a day for general anti-oxidant health and covid protection.
      Quercetin should be available locally. I suggest at least 250mg/day, perhaps 1000 while vaxing. Also good for general covid prevention as it can bind to the ACE-2 receptor, thus blocking covid spike proteins attaching to your cells.
      Aspirin helps prevent blood clots, which spike proteins can cause, and the vaxes make spike proteins. If you go with “baby aspirin”, that’s 1/4 the dose of adult aspirin, and you could ramp up your dose gradually if your body is ok with it and you feel inclined.

      Actually, thanks to Daniel Horowitz and SevenCells, ivm just got a lot easier to obtain:

      Liked by 1 person

      1. THANK YOU PETE!!!
        Amazingly, I am very close to following the regimen you have suggested already. Everything except the lysine and IVM is already in my daily routine. I work in healthcare and our small clinic had half the staff out at on two occasions due to the virus, with another individual testing positive a 2nd time (at a several month delay). At none of these events was I tested as positive to my amazement. I also take a fruits and vegetables supplement (for 12 years). I leave in just about 48 hours. Therefore, probably won’t be fast enough for the IVM. Your input is very appreciated! Thank you for the time invested. Y&S


      2. Pete, hey there buddy,
        That was really good info you have shared their to offer our concerned member a balanced and alternative approach in her decision making process regarding this matter that is causing her some concern. Thank you.


  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Extra ketchup and onions…hold the fiat…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Beyond embarrassing this Mutant fronts for America. He even makes that 11 year old IQ Trump look smart,
      America really needs to get a grip of vetting!
      What an option faces America. The pooping, dribbling Imbecile, or the Shady Lady of Escort past, who could be pushed into the role. How the hell did Harris pass vetting. There’s enough dirt on her to fill a recycling pit.
      Pooping on the Pope, unreal. Trump himself thinks he’s a Genius, with the visible IQ of a moron.
      Who the hell vets this Crap?
      Be assured the world judges and America’s tarnished image freefalls yet again. It matters.
      Since JFK why have you not got one smart one with the standing and Class to show the best of Americans?
      It’s NOT smart to front an Ex Tart.
      What a Blooper to front a free off loading Pooper.
      Must be taking Hunters Dope.
      Can you keep this visible Idiot in play to block Harris? The alternative could be Nancy- O-M-G!


  55. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. So much for the so called “Lucky Country.”


  56. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Bloody right.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Farage should be leader of the UK from my perspective.


  57. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/nov/01/boris-even-manages-to-turn-up-late-to-the-last-chance-saloon

    Sadly this is the complete Joke the UK is saddled with. Put in to stop a Marxist we now are saddled with an inept half wit.
    Not too dissimilar to Trump stopping Clinton. Perhaps it’s time to add a third box stating vote for neither as totally unworthy .
    Johnson is a rotund Buffoon. As with the US Candidates of high quality simply chose not to join the Flea Circus Amphitheatre.

    Thomas Markle Jr. ‘wouldn’t be surprised’ if Meghan ran for president https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10154193/Thomas-Markle-Jr-wouldnt-surprised-sister-Meghan-ran-president.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    America gets even more crazy so from Bottom Feeder to Leader achieving nothing in between. Arrogant, naive stupidity.

    Jeez more illegals?
    Judge denies Ghislaine Maxwell bid to include certain evidence https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10152655/Ghislaine-Maxwell-pretrial-hearing.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Good, nail this Mossad Bitch and force open her Mossad links. Force out names of all the Perps who attended and who had who.
    Population control.

    25-storey skyscraper collapses in Nigeria burying ‘more than 100’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10153459/25-storey-skyscraper-collapses-construction-Nigeria-burying-100-inside.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Greta blasts leaders for ‘whatever the f*** they are doing’ at Cop26 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10153055/Greta-Thunberg-denounces-world-leaders-f-doing-there.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Serious questions, serious issues, serious people.
    We don’t need this attention seeking runt doing a Markel on us all. Throw Greta Grunt in the pound and ship it home. She’s got nothing and is a sideshow distraction . Pointless child.
    Fascism at work … poor Australians

    What the hell is loose in Oz?

    • State Penalties Enforcement Register chasing $5.2m in unpaid Covid-19 fines
    • Queensland Health is using SPER to crackdown on 3,046 unpaid penalty notices
    • 2,755 fines were from individuals & businesses accused of flouting Covid rules
    • SPER also to collect $5.7 million in repayments on overdue hotel quarantine bills


    Queenslanders who received fines for breaking Covid-19 rules risk having their homes seized and bank accounts frozen in a government crackdown to collect $5.2 million in repayments.
    The State Penalties Enforcement Register is expected to collect 3,046 unpaid fines from the pandemic on behalf of Queensland Health.

    More than 2,755 fines were from individuals and businesses accused of breaking Covid-19 restrictions and the rest either still under investigation or pending payment.

    The State Penalties Enforcement Register is chasing $5.2m in unpaid Covid-19 fines from individuals and businesses who are accused of flouting rule during the pandemic
    About 56.4 per cent of fines have already been paid in full or are being paid off on a payment plan.

    SPER said enforcement for people who failed to pay their fines ‘may include garnishing bank accounts or wages, registering charges over property, or suspending driver licenses, according to the Brisbane Times.

    The drastic measures would be used to collect 18.4 per cent of outstanding fines, worth a total of $1 million.
    Queensland Health also called on SPER to recover more than 2,045 overdue hotel quarantine bills which have racked up a state debt of $5.7 million.

    More than 2,755 fines were from individuals and businesses accused of breaking Covid-19 restrictions and the rest either still under investigation or pending payment.
    ‘Queenslanders rightly expect travelers will pay for their hotel quarantine stays and not leave taxpayers to foot the bill,’ Queensland Health said.

    The commission debt collectors will make from recovering the unpaid fines is not yet known.
    Before Queensland required upfront payment for hotel quarantine stays, 44,350 invoices were issued by October 8 with 10.8 per cent of bills outstanding.
    Those unable to foot the bill can apply for a waiver but others will be referred to debt collectors.
    All this at time when military personnel are being trained for door to door searches for teh unvaccinated to cause forced vaccinations.
    If this is not fascism what is?


    Is this the new OK Corral?

    The right way to go

    Then give them clear facts Stupido!
    Johnson is too thick to be leading this. .a gibbering half wit like Biden

    Why not disarm Israel then Iran will cease.
    This is a beyond serious issue. How can a Gibbering buffoon or an ex F Escort be taken seriously????????? Has no one vetted Harris? For Christ’s sake get RID!

    Biden arrives in Scotland for make or break climate summit talks https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10151977/Biden-arrives-Scotland-make-break-climate-summit-talks.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Take Climate issues seriously!

    I had enough backstabbing with this on the old site.

    Euston: Passengers forced to sleep in station overnight https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10151785/MAYHEM-Euston-Passengers-forced-sleep-station-overnight-engineers-fixed-lines.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    So a Banker is caught leaving Deposits in the wrong receptacles? It’s so good to flush them out What about the rest? Publish ALL Mossad Epstein’s Shabby list. Name and SHAME!
    sh AJKner visotors.

    Barclays Bank boss Jes Staley QUITS ahead of Jeffrey Epstein report https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10151827/Barclays-Bank-boss-Jes-Staley-QUITS-ahead-Jeffrey-Epstein-report.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Ivermectin | Excel Well LLC
    Dr. Zelenko – We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight It

    When will the Mutant Sheeple wake TF up? We need Twat Sticks applying hard.

    Nancy Pelosi’s Devastating Poll Numbers Show Her Drop Double Digits In Popularity – Conservative Brief

    We have known of Dirty Nancy for Decades. Only in America!
    Time to retire
    The ‘Rumor in Rome’ is That Biden Pooped His Pants When He Met the Pope – Becker News

    Shit happens in the WH daily. Look at the Son and the Bribe Taking Sniffer Ho.

    No this if True, and I suspect it is, is what has become of both America and the dream
    So sad … when you see the pictures of the G20 you will see Biden to one side .. who wants to stand next to the guy who craps himself … and you wonder why America is seen as not relevant ????

    10 Potential Cryptocurrencies To Become The Next Crypto King In 2022

    When are we going to get it Muslim Wookies are a 7th Century Evil Plague. They have NO PLACE in the West. Renounce or stay out!

    Gunmen claiming to be Taliban kill three guests at Afghan wedding https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10152447/Gunmen-claiming-Taliban-enforcers-kill-three-guests-Afghan-ceremony-playing-music.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    It’s time this was brought to a head and TRUTH exposed. Much as I dislike Andrew for the arrogant ,self serving Slob he is, I feel for the Queen if Failed Hooker Giuffie is falsely greenmailing him.
    Time to expose the truth.
    We know she Fs for Bucks, so why not lies for pay offs. She’s not exactly starving is she? Rent her out and fly her as a Blimp?

    Prince Andrew breaks cover after lawyers try to dismiss US rape case https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10152391/Prince-Andrew-breaks-cover-civil-lawsuit-Duke-seen-driving-near-Windsor-Castle.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    This I support, Johnson is a Buffoon. Not fit for Office. Are any of them?

    Not good but how many more will die from the vaccines?
    Sadly, Charles has no credibility for this meeting. Betrayer of the faith and betrayer of his children. Not fit for the role. So no point in him spouting off. Unwanted by all. Like Harry,, pointless.

    Prince Charles arrives at COP26 summit with Camilla before his address https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10152581/Prince-Charles-arrives-COP26-summit-Camilla-address-world-leaders.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


  58. I don’t think any understand the undercurrent of European views on them. Or what is coming as China and Russia become ever more powerful, like an unstoppable Juggernaut, and America’s decline continues.
    With its excessive and wasteful Military Agency spending, further compounded by mindless Socialist Welfare waste, Crime and drugs of control, Political skullduggery, and Zionists leaching off you all, a one eyed man will rule in the failing Kingdom of the Mindblind, then Vermin sanitisation will start. Afro’s and Hispanics will have views on them, as with the French revolution. Once the EU fails, they and the Mussies will feel heat. They have form. It’s rife again in Germany and France. Payback is coming to America. The Cabal and their pensioned off fat cat lackeys will be roasted. Afros and Hispanics will not carry them. Sewer Rats will be sanitised. History always gets to them. It’s visible now. It’s the Cult again. Sequestration followed by their annihilation. Unaffordable selfish baggage. Their circle of life. Cause strife- pay.. Fascism will erupt again. It’s building. Leaders are so woefully inept. Who will fill the gaps of need , to dispose again of the Vermin seed.? I feel for their innocent.


  59. We need a vaxx passport to buy a meal, but we need no ID to vote…
    Pull out the race card when it is needed…


    The bills—Senate Bills 303 and 304, and House Bill 5007—would have prohibited election officials from accepting donations, toughened in-person voter identification rules, required people to provide additional information on absentee ballot applications such as their driver’s license number or state ID number, instead of only a signature.

    The measures would have also banned the Secretary of State’s Office and township or city clerks from providing absentee ballot applications unless specifically requested by a voter, and removed a $10 fee to obtain or renew a state ID card.

    “These bills would disproportionately harm communities of color. … Non-white voters were about five times more likely to lack access to ID on election day than white voters,” the Democratic governor wrote in a letter to lawmakers on Friday. “Voter restrictions that produce such a racially disparate impact must never become law in this state.”

    Liked by 1 person

  60. Funny the Vaccines don’t agree?
    Covid is virulent there. A taste for Khazarian shit? Once Iran goes for them, game over.
    We need to strip them of Nukes before they unleash. Mad Dogs and Rats trapped in a corner.


    1. About time the wanking kangaroos woke the hell up.


    1. Thanks James for the eye opening article. Sure tells the real story. What a mess.

      Liked by 1 person

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