White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #173

The Ukraine Pain Comes Mainly From The Insane

By John2021

Time for the Auxiliary to Become the Regular Legion the World needs.

Time for Mankind to Man Up and Stop Bolshevik Barbarism Head On! Or fail as we did with Munich and pay the consequences. Last time we lost c20M within the EU and a further ruthless Bolshevik genocide of c20M plus. Look what they did to the Czar’s family. Savages!

Czar Nicholas II, Family and Retainers Murdered by Bolsheviks

Under Putin, what is now emerging? Did Chechnya and Afghanistan teach them nothing? Even bringing in Chechnya Muslim mercenaries has failed as they have been tracked, intercepted and captured or killed. Drones now watch all. Invisible eyes in the skies. Many weaponized to strike. All under his Leadership, and Napoleon he is not.

Putin Is Being Seen as The Aggressor. He Claims to Act in Defense Against NATO Encirclement.

It’s so sad, because what was coming together with calm and responsible Diplomacy was NATO being prepared not to go into Ukraine; it was all coming good. Now what the hell has been pointlessly unleashed, costing lives, displacing so many people and facing Russia off against the world? We know the root causes of problems, but it was really coming together. It’s so sad to see this mess now. Losers’ moves.

This invasion will accelerate more NATO bases in fear now. Not less. The new Road Map is IEDs everywhere. Why? Russian planes and helicopters are being shot out of the skies. Its tanks and supply lines are being hit by rockets. So many are now dying needlessly on both sides. All lives. All Wrong! This is a complete Russian tactical SNAFU as Putin now rages in his heavily protected mountain lair, as did Hitler with the failing Reich.

If the Ukrainians can just hang in for 10 more days, it then starts to become unwinnable for Russia. 

While MI6 and UK Defense reports indicate Putin may survive between one and 10 more years, simply because he’s dead meat if he doesn’t, he can’t hold Ukraine with 44 million patriots holding Molotov cocktails and tank busters behind every wall and hedge. 

1,000 more anti-tank missiles will ship every few days. More guns, more weapons. While we teach them how to make IEDs, every disabled tank off its tracks, or truck with a wheel blown off, is a sitting duck for the rocket launcher now zeroing in on it. SMGs and ammo magazines are pouring in. Mines will follow. A lot of Russians will be maimed or killed. That IS a tragedy. Truly. Putin is digging himself into a nightmare. He’s failed to capture Ukraine and now every day gets harder. It will get so ugly. His image is in freefall.

Putin and Lavrov are now becoming Untenable as Lepers, as the genocide builds up and hundreds of thousands of innocent Ukrainians are now becoming displaced fleeing Russian atrocities and fear. Another nation displaced. 

Humanity is losing its Soul, as both Putin and Lavrov are now sanctioned as Pariahs on the World Stage. Each will now risk being demonized to live in Infamy.  Disgraced Human Souls. It need not have gone this way. This may become another Chechnya. 

The world looks on aghast. Our world now sees Russia at its worst. Putin is portrayed now as a Ruthless Despot! Lavrov has been unmasked as a snarling Bolshevik Dog. What a pity. He had been the good face of Russia until now. All nations are recoiling in horror from these deaths, and those to come. This is back to Stalin’s era. Russia now owns it. Moscow’s Butchers. Playing for the world live, and Vile. IGNOMINY!

If Putin unleashes Thermobaric Weapons the world needs to recoil in horror and co enjoin to stop this rapacious Bolshevik regime. Now he threatens Finland, Sweden and Poland. We have been here before. How do you negotiate with your head in the Bear’s Jaws?

Do we have to redraw the new European map? The Europeans on one side, and the Russians, Communists on the other. Split. Poland now stands threatened. As do others. NATO, the UK and America have moved in to protect the EU. While the world sleeps, we are as ever, only 48 hours from Nukes if he crosses those lines. Madness of Despots and Fools. The world is ringfencing Putin, Lavrov and the Communists in.

In the UK, all Higher priced luxury Elites’ homes owned by Russians are about to be seized and sold off as proceeds of corruption or crime. They will freak! Their Yachts are being targeted for seizure from Spain to Monaco. Their children at Elite schools and Universities will be declined. 

Putin and Lavrov’s Foreign Assets Are Being Subject To Freezing

All their bank accounts frozen. Their Visas and work permits are about to be cancelled.  In the last 80 years no one has had such mass Global condemnation and Class Action! What hole is he digging for himself now? Ukraine may be his end game. Or more. He now is like Capone with Elliot Ness and the Untouchables closing in, but that is the world recoiling. The System is now gaming him. 

We need a world of calm, and focused professional reasoning. Not fantasizing, rambling garbage of shapeshifting Bloggers. Constructive thinking. Intelligent communicators.

For the last 5 years we have been building plans for meaningful Silk Road Plans tracking from Beijing to Tehran and Beijing to London with Frankfurt in between. Creating new infrastructure along the way for Cities, Industries, Schools and Healthcare. Developing and enriching communities. All the high and real aspirations of the WHs and old OWON team as we all reached for the stars. It still has back catalogues and good thinking as we achieved so much. Rich aspirations. It opened new boundaries. It Blazed a trail. So much creative thinking to ease tensions, share projects between nations, to educate and take care of humankind.  Real aspirations of value putting back. Integrating people and serving their needs. Meaningful thinking. As is pursued by all, and so many good people now at WHA. They equally blaze new trails and have led thinking relating to COVID and so many more issues. Creative minds and sound community values. 

The sites need to be complementing each other as used to be. Not the demonic rants we see. How can a So-Called Jesus Follower call for the callous destruction of Washington, London, NATO, Ministers, and so many of good standing? It has been noted. Also, that OWON has now become sadly, a one man’s Soap Box Hate Site. So much for Jesus’ beliefs?  This is no way forward.

Thou shall not kill… You shall not Covet… Mass destruction of so many? What an ethos.

Hopefully as Putin and Lavrov now realize, the Global repulsion of their standing, and consequential actions they have brought down on themselves and Russians worldwide that they will grasp a meaningful Peace Settlement for the Ukraine as soon as possible. 

We need this year to be a Season for Reason. Is Putin losing the plot? All his Oligarchs are about to lose their Pot. Then see them turn on him. Everyone has turned on Moscow. No one wants this. Stop the Invasion and killings. If he’s not stopped in the Ukraine now it will spread, then how many will be pointlessly dead? This will tear Europe apart. Why not find a way to live, not die together? This is so close to a Flash Fire and then it’s game over. This has put Russia back 25 years or more. Don’t glory in these killings. Now the EU will arm, and NATO will grow. All will want the NATO Umbrella now.

If they hold him off for 10 more days, he’s in trouble. Such a bad move. He’s just unleashed a Wasp’s nest. With 1,000 more Stinger missiles coming any day now. This must not escalate. This is not a game for verbose Keyboard Desk Warriors to mouth off, it’s real people’s lives lost. Thank you, Poland, for helping. Hungary too. More will help. Stay safe. So sorry it came to this. The world is watching all. If he touches those Thermobaric weapons, it’s game over. Barbaric is a NO!

STOP Putin from using Thermobaric BARBARIC weapons against Ukraine. Close Russia down!

Russian Heavy Bomber and Thermobaric Device

Stay tuned and continue to be ready for anything.

2,366 responses to “Information Briefing #173”

  1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Noel Ignatiev, a Jewish “scholar” who managed to become a professor at Yale without even having an undergraduate degree, and who made it his life’s work to abolish the White race, died at Banner-University Medical Center Tucson on Saturday, of an intestinal infarction, a life-threatening condition that literally causes you to become “full of your own s**t”


    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s a strange, strange cult that generates these individuals. Knew many Jews in college, all good kids, and of course the Orthodox were a little separatist but for the most part decent human beings.

      And then folks like Noel Ignatiev exist, with these totally irrational missions… exactly how upside down is the Torah…?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That was a truly decent comment Tino, thank you for bringing balance.


    2. So the saying “:shit killed ya” works perfectly in this specific instance. Give what you get mate.

      There is nothing wrong with the WHITE race, it is just others from other races and those programmed with demented thought patterns that desire you to think in such a manner.

      Guess what? Kiss my white ass/arse, cause it ain’t going anywhere bucko.


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And when these shortages become even more pronounced, when Wall St is given a go for a BTC-settled ETF and miners decide to hold their coin, imagine what the BID/ASK figures will be to get those coin.

    All we have to do is hold it safely in our own cold storage wallets.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aren’t the exchanges in a fiduciary role? Isn’t even the suggestion that they’d seize coin by any method massively illegal? And any preferred cold storage wallet?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Generally, yes. In the US, Coinbase, Uphold, etc., are regulated and subject to the banking laws that govern deposit holdings. I would not be too concerned with such places to hold coin, but still, I would cold storage significant amounts.

        The issues of seizure are, in my view, greatly exaggerated. Either by internal or external means.

        Crypto Casey recommends BC Vault. I know a few who have it and love it. Ledger is pretty good as well. I would view Youtube videos on each and get to know the basic features of each before deciding.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. All I can say is, thank god I got into crypto when I did thanks totally to Tony.

      I have unfortunately had to sell some holdings recently to assist my older sister that is in a bad situation. Thank god I have the ability to do that as I have not been in a position to earn and income in the fashion I have known for 7 years now.

      Thank you Tony.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Define ‘rare’ for me


  4. Georgia finally getting around to investigating the ballot harvesters (the third parties that gathered the ballots, or DSouza’s “mules” in his new film) we identified back in 2020.
    via Barnes



  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10751017/Elon-Musk-seize-Twitter-TODAY-talks-reach-final-stages.html?ci=518565
    Twitter staff have been told that their jobs are safe for at least six months, until Elon Musk takes over under the terms of a $44 billion deal to take control of the company, agreed on Monday.

    Six months is plenty of time to sabotage twitter. Some say Musk goofed up on this part of his deal.


  6. Yoda Explains the Force to Luke – from Empire Strikes Back 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. “Keep on with the force, don’t stop
    Don’t stop till you get enough” 🎶
    💃🏻 🕺🏻

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  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    “Texans always move them!” – R.E. Lee

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  9. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  10. Pandemic Treaty comes later. This below is the imminent danger

    ⚠️ The United States has proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations which will be voted on by the World Health Assembly scheduled for May 22-28, 2022.

    -The International Health Regulations (IHR) are legally binding and supercede the United States Constitution. All the nations of the world have already agreed to the existing International Health Regulations.

    -The United States has proposed amendments to the legally binding International Health Regulations that will be voted upon at the next World Health Assembly this May 22, 2022 to May 28, 2022. CLICK HERE FOR OFFICIAL DOCUMENT

    -These proposed amendments will cede additional sovereignty, control and legal authority over to the World Health Organization.

    -These amendments will NOT require approval by 2/3 of the United States Senate. If they are approved (as submitted by the United States) by a simple majority of the 194 member countries of the World Health Assembly countries), these amendments would enter into force as international law just six months later (November 2022).

    -The amendments will give the Director General of the WHO the power to unilaterally declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) even over the objection of the country dealing with an outbreak of disease.



    1. No rule, regulation, amendment or treaty may suspend Rights under the Constitution.

      In other words, Treaties while recognized as Supreme Law of the Land by the Constitution, may NOT void the Constitution. Despite claims to the Contrary, you can’t void the Terms of Senators by Treaty, or the 2nd Am or the 14th Am, or the 3rdAm prohibition of quartering troops in the home.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Like hell. Get the guns out.


  11. https://100percentfedup.com/flashback-bin-laden-documents-taken-by-navy-seals-include-order-to-assassinate-obama-then-keep-biden-alive-because-he-would-lead-the-us-in-to-a-crisis/

    Yesterday, an Islamic scholar discussed the details of the hundreds of thousands of documents that were captured by Navy SEALs from Osama Bin Laden’s compound. The letters and documents included plans for a second terrorist attack against the United States and Bin Laden’s mindset before and after the 9/11 terrorist attacks were carried out.

    The documents also include orders to assassinate President Obama, with Bin Laden labeling him the ‘head of infidelity’.

    The instructions included an order not to kill President Biden, who Bin Laden believed to be incompetent. Bin Laden said that Biden would lead the United States ‘in to a crisis’ if he took over.


  12. These so-called Elites are more delusional than dope fiends even when they’re completely sober. They’re more out-of-touch with society than a man stranded on a desert island. They have absolutely no clue, no comprehension of the struggles that ordinary people face. They are actively contemptuous of those who oppose their grand plans, because they think we’re too uneducated and ignorant to even begin to understand what they’re doing. Meanwhile, our wages stagnate, our currency is being inflated to the point of uselessness, opportunities for gainful employment are slipping through our fingers, and our once-decent societies are being strip-mined by an indifferent overclass of aristocratic thieves who seek to rob us of our private property while telling us it’s for our own good.

    Ivory-tower Elites appear actively hostile towards the idea of us being comfortable and financially secure. They’ve taken to casting things as their opposites. What they call equality and “stakeholder capitalism” is actually just aristocracy by another name. What they call “democracy” is the uninterrupted control of society by a neoliberal, materialist uniparty that thinks human interactions can all be measured and quantified and directed in the most minute, most asinine of details. — written by Spartacus

    Liked by 4 people



  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  14. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Yea, that’s it. Let’s keep on sending more arms to the cross-dresser. Let’s destroy the entire planet over a crook who stole billions of dollars. We have people sleeping on the streets, people walking into our country without end, and this faggot gets the funding priority?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Exactly Tony… this war would have been over long ago if the puppet scum was not put on a pedestal by the MSM and their handlers as a world symbol of good!… the evil Nazi regime would have been taken out and the world would be a better place!

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Spot on Tony. I could not agree more.


  15. Liked by 3 people

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      It does my heart good to see our readers getting to the bottom of true history. The history that is denied our people by the liars in academia.

      In college, I went toe to toe with some of those strutting, blowhard liars. It was my first exposure to the rigid lanes those so-called “professors” are told to stay in, or risk having their funding and grants cut if the students learn to think for themselves, or step outside their mandated course of mental implanting.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. The mental implanting is so very deep.

        Liked by 5 people

    2. WOW! Thank you so much AJ.


      1. One never stops learning.


  16. Joe Biden’s Weakness Encouraged Putin’s Invasion Of Ukraine


    Joe Biden’s Weakness Encouraged Putin’s Invasion Of Ukraine
    Vladimir Putin would not have sent his forces into Ukraine in the first place if President Biden had not demonstrated such weakness.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. https://miriaf.co.uk/science-sold-out/
    Internationally renowned scientist, Professor Chris Exley, has been forced out of his longstanding university position because his ground-breaking research challenged vaccine dogmas. Researching vaccine safety has lost him the support of standard funders, attracted malicious media smear campaigns, and, eventually, cost him his livelihood. Here is the full report of how it happened, how I got involved, and why it is critical we expose this shocking story of corruption, injustice, and science sold out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I attended several of Prof. Exley’s lectures and I’ve read all the aluminum-related papers, as he unraveled the mystery of how aluminum travelled from injection shot location to the brain. I’ve met him personally. The person funding the clinic I administered was also a funder of Prof. Exley. Prof. Exley’ work was excellent and rigorous . It should be replicable with little effort by a scientist properly schooled in the art.

      Liked by 2 people

  18. Are they all vaXXed?.. is anyone asking that question?… it would be real science to ask ALL questions!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The kids having rare hepatitis of unknown origin are for the most part, unvaxxed.


      1. So Tino, are they getting this from being exposed to the vaxxed?


  19. Media’s Collusion With Executive Branch Destroyed Trust In Public Health: Dr. Ben Carson

    “There is no justification for getting rid of Title 42 on the one hand, and telling us we need to extend the mask mandates,” said Carson, adding that the public has to push back for agencies to actually follow the science, instead of ideology.

    “If you have an executive branch that just begins to dictate, without any pushback, we’ve got to a very bad place. It’s too bad that a federal court system had to come in and bring some common sense into the discussion,” said Carson. “But the fact of the matter is, we all know, from multitudinous data, that the masks aren’t doing very much, particularly in things like airplanes that already have HEPA filters.”
    “[Hydroxychloroquine] was roundly criticized by our government officials. So was ivermectin and some other therapeutics that work perfectly fine in other parts of the world. Why would they work in other parts of the world and not work here?” said Carson. “Why is it, in Western Africa, there’s almost no COVID? Because they take hydroxychloroquine as an anti-malarial. Why in southern India is there almost no COVID? Because they take ivermectin. Maybe they’re not taking it specifically for COVID, but look at the results.”

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  20. Liked by 1 person

  21. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    That’s not Soros. He was never in the SS. He’s a Jew for heaven’s sake.

    That is Oskar Gröning, an Auschwitz low-level bookkeeper who died in 2018.

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  22. Liked by 2 people

  23. Liked by 1 person

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  24. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MXia4OtRgZ6G/

    If anyone has ever heard of “Looking Glass” you will find these videos (purportedly to be from military and intelligence insiders) extremely interesting.

    They claim they are posting to help change a negative timeline that culminates in an event in 2030.

    Start at the 1st one and work to the newest.

    The 1st one had to do with stopping a bomb in New York April 18th.


  25. https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/google-rolls-out-feature-corrects-you-woke-inclusive-language-report
    The article, headlined Big Brother (sorry, Big Person) is correcting you on Google, outlines how the company is to implement ‘inclusive warnings’ on Google Docs, suggesting that users refrain from using terms such as ‘policeman’ or ‘landlord’, because they are gendered.
    The warnings will alert users that what they have typed “may not be inclusive to all readers,” while suggesting users should “Consider using different words,” offering woke corrections like ‘police officer’ or ‘property owner’.


  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  27. Pulled from the Berenson substack:

    Yesterday a longtime Team Reality member pointed me to an anti-lockdown piece in “The Dispatch,” a conservative newsletter that is supposedly one of Substack’s most popular (though I’d never heard anyone mention it before).

    “You have been vindicated without ever mentioning your name,” he wrote.

    I didn’t know what he meant.

    Then I read the piece, which is called Our Failed COVID Response.

    It explains that “even those who earnestly supported and complied with COVID measures have begun to wonder how much of it made sense – ” a blinding glimpse of the obvious. Then it laments the “values and principles we tossed aside, seemingly without scruple, in early 2020.”

    For readers wondering how “we tossed aside” those values, the piece focuses on three drivers: the apparently successful lockdown in Wuhan, Italy’s panicked shutdown, and the report from Neil Ferguson and Imperial College on March 16 predicting millions of deaths and hospital collapse without an immediate and total lockdown.

    It was at this point in my reading I realized what my Team Reality friend had meant.

    And my blood pressure started to go up.

    Because if the article’s focus on those three points seems familiar to you, it should. Especially if you’ve read PANDEMIA, which makes exactly the same case.

    The Dispatch article even includes this paragraph about Ferguson:

    Professor Neil Ferguson from Imperial College later spoke of having copied China’s model in advocating for lockdowns… “We couldn’t get away with it in Europe, we thought… then Italy did it. And we realized we could.”


    Funnily enough, I wrote in PANDEMIA: “Even after the Chinese lockdown, SAGE [the scientists advising the British government] hadn’t thought Western countries would tolerate lockdowns. ‘Then Italy did it. And we realized we could.’”

    Amazing that Virginia Hume, the author of the Dispatch piece, stumbled upon exactly this line from Ferguson. Which I have never seen mentioned anywhere else.

    Just a coincidence, no doubt.

    There are no coincidences.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. May Ian Ferguson burn in Hell.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I knew a “tom boy” as a kid… and I can tell you that person is a proud WOMAN today, with kids!… a boy wanting to put on a dress, or a girl wanting to do boy things is called curiosity, it is not a sign they need to be on chemicals to change themselves… a child is a boy or a girl, and if they want to change that they can do it when they are old enough to go into a bar and get drunk, which they might need to do because of bad choices!

      Liked by 2 people

  28. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Some time ago I made the statement that “Biden won the election”. Many took exception to this, some stomping their feet and leaving. However, I don’t think I made myself entirely clear.

    Biden was certified by the Senate, and once that is done, you have won the election. But as they say, it was a government job from start to finish – behind schedule and twice the budget.

    But, the manner in which he won was not by an honest tally. It was because his supporters were able to circumvent the system safeguards against cheating. The globalist agenda, again, requires the destruction of national pride through various means. This includes corruption of the voting process, because they know they do not have the will of the majority behind them.

    So, Biden “won” in that respect.

    Now comes the details.

    Liked by 3 people

  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. An oddity: the areas outside of the French continent that vote in the elections — Martinique, etc. — all showed massive swings toward Le Pen that nowhere on the continent showed. Places she lost by 3 to 1 margins in 2017, she won this time by 2 to 1 margins. Yet, that did not happen anywhere on the continent itself. Seems a little off.

      Liked by 1 person

  32. https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/donald-trump-slams-embarrassing-prince-26787910

    Totally agree with that each is using the monarchy and Markel is a pure ruthless manipulator.

    Great news space and high-speed flying here we come

    That’s an interesting move

    Correct they are now ridiculed in defense circles. A lot of poor conscripts will die and that’s sad for their families. NATO now has no fear of this ragbag army. Every week Russia is humiliated.
    This war was badly planned.
    We were building real bridges with Russia before this happened. It’s tragic we need to co-exist and this will wall Russia in. No one wins here.
    Putin was warned by his Generals not to do this. He could and should have sold it better
    Our next battle will be building bridges once the war ends but we need parties ever more exposing, corruption, bio labs and money laundering in Ukraine
    Don’t let that be covered over. Expose them all plus the nation’s racketeering in the bio labs. Including our own if found. No mercy. Expose them we will take it up. Name who with evidence. All sites need to work together focusing on and exposing corruption. You are the best hope not the MSM.
    Donald Trump says it’s ‘terrible’ Harry didn’t go to Philip’s memorial https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10750273/Donald-Trump-says-terrible-Harry-didnt-Prince-Philips-memorial.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Totally correct Harry is a pampered whining Bastard and Markel has proven she’s got no Class and has lost UK support she’s a callous Hustler. The Queen and monarchy deserve better than 2 arrogant shit flies free loading and scavenging with Net Pricks

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Those “free money is coming in bushels” reporters are dropping like flies now. The attrition rate will accelerate quicker with each year.


  34. Joshua Yoder, an airline pilot and co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers said during an interview Wednesday that a cardiologist told him that if the airlines were conducting certain health screenings, 30 percent of the pilots currently flying would probably be disqualified due to vaccine-induced heart conditions.

    Cardiologist Says 30 Percent of Vaccinated Pilots Would Fail Health Screenings Due to Vaccine Injuries

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The return of common sense.

      Recently in Italy, which has some stupid shoot the felon in your living room, get charged murder, someone was sentenced to 17 years in prison for doing just that.

      Crime hit an all time low when we are allowed to keep our Castles inviolate.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. The use of Executive fiat to do the seizing is in fact unconstitutional — just pass Legislation.


    1. So absolutely beautiful.


  35. ” the Biden administration sanctions imposed on Russian and American persons and businesses are profoundly unconstitutional because they are imposed by executive fiat rather than by legislation and because the sanctions constitute either the seizure of property without a warrant or the taking of property without due process.” https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/04/andrew-p-napolitano/using-war-to-assault-freedom/

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  36. A Massachusetts (MA) state FOIA response shows that Massachusetts’ Governor Charles Baker’s administration knew in April 2020 that the masks recommended by the CDC do little to prevent airborne transmission of the SARS-COV-2 virus. Baker ordered population masking anyway. He lied to the people of Massachusetts in COVID-19 Order 31, Order 55, and in every Motion to Dismiss court filing, media engagement, and public conversation about masks. There is no nice way to put it. He lied.

    Baker’s administration contracted with a team led by Professor Gregory Rutledge of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to test masks in March and April of 2020 prior to Order 31 issued in May to mask the population.

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  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. The only question is how he cheated to win.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Spot on Tino.


    2. I was so incredibly disappointed to learn that moron got in again. I really was hoping for a Le Penn landslide. Imo, i consider the true vote was manipulated. But hey, what is bloody new in this world these days.

      Liked by 4 people

  38. Hi Tony. Say we had our meeting this morning and one of our members pointed out that big J is not so present. He is posting news but hardly any personal comment. We were just wondering if he is okay.

    Otherwise all is fine over here and we look forward to the new article that was mentioned some time back. Okay that is it for now. Great stuff found here and Munichgirl thank you for such courage. We wish you well in Germany and to save European culture as you are not just waiting for others to do.

    Thats it, thanks. C

    Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


      John is intensely engaged in very private issues giving us full support when he can as ever. He is still in touch. He just cannot devote as much time to comment as he would like at this time. In time he will be back to regular commenting as soon as possible. He is still reading the site.

      A new article is being written and will be released as soon as possible. I will also have a personal video update as soon as I can. So much on my plate.

      MunichGirl recently got married and is now on honeymoon. We wish her well! That’s one sharp cookie.

      Take care.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Must admit, I miss my personal interactions with big J. But, as the saying goes, distance makes the heart grow fonder. He is busy doing what he does and I am also overwhelmed with life most days. How do the two compare one may ask? Little world / big world. It is what it is I suppose.

        So incredibly looking forward to the new article Tony. But feeling a bit sad for you with the tremendous load placed upon you these days. Thanks a bundle mate. XX


  39. Given that there is no difference in principle between vaxxed and unvaxxed (vaxxed still spread disease and silently, and the vaxxed protection is pure illusion), WTF — when are you going to lift useless restrictions Canada?


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    3. That absolute twat supposedly leading Canada (ha ha) needs to get the hell out of dodge fast.

      When I visited Canada in the late 80’s, early 90’s, if my hopeless memory serves me correctly, was how much I loved that place. I was so appreciative of the sweet, kind, generous, polite people I met there. I still remember the gorgeous young lady that waited our table in a cafe one day. I must have been saying thank you way to much each time she came to our table as she kept say to me how welcome I was lol. Such a polite young woman that was given a tip beyond expectation for making my morning so delightfully blissful.

      The one experience there I will never forget was standing alone at the base of a glacier, (after temporarily getting rid of the psycho dork I was holidaying with lol). It would have to have been one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. I could feel the life beneath my feet. I felt so small compared to such magnificence but also knew, I was a small part of it in some small way. Treasured experience.

      What a total bloody shame Canada has gone down the drain so badly with that twat in power.

      Liked by 1 person

  40. https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-russia-investigating-reports-of-sas-sabotage-in-western-lviv-region-12597027
    He poisons and people in UK territories. Expect us to stick one up him any time we can catch him unaware

    Fur sure, the West is United and strangling Moscow in a vice grip.

    If true this will hurt for sure
    Security guarantees will make Ukraine ‘impregnable’ to Russian attack

    Welcome to Zug. A canton so reserved that excitement there is watching paint dry on the wall. Then you understand why the Swiss are the world biggest Porno TV customers. The land of the ever-active hand.

    No question the one dimensional Shithouse Skip Rat belongs in jail . A truly repulsive puke but this is America where anything goes.
    Putin brags new nuclear missile ‘can defeat ALL modern defenses’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10747929/Putin-brags-new-Satan-II-nuclear-missile-break-modern-defences.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    What an arsehole it’s time to warn him head on to STFU and realize if one hits us we will launch all our sub nukes and drop hundreds on all Russia. Targets. To make it clear we will bury Russia forcing NATO to follow and the US too. If Britain nukes the Shite out of Russia America will have to follow fast to reduce Russia’s attacks on all. We will die but for sure the Bolsheviks will be atomized to hell.

    What a stupid way to live get rid of these Nukes fund Nike’s so we can run faster

    Putin brags new nuclear missile ‘can defeat ALL modern defenses’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10747929/Putin-brags-new-Satan-II-nuclear-missile-break-modern-defences.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    I’m not gloating I don’t care about the equipment but th loss of lives on both sides is horrific and was avoidable. Yes to the exposure of the war machines and criminal Oligarchs plus Zionist racketeers who used it as a laundering machine. It’s exposed you to what’s been going on with the Bio Labs and that needs debate. Also world revulsion at those responsible. I’ve no illusions about crooked Zelensky or the Mafia around him but how about the West getting behind the 44 million nationals losing their homelands.
    Or the 10s of thousand Russian dead from guys ordered to Ukraine with no idea why. Expose the war crimes and total out Russia’s Oligarchs and Putin’s rotten Bolsheviks running Russia as his Fiefdom. He’s finding this was a huge mistake and it will get worse for him

    Stop the killings!

    Good luck with that maybe this is a battle Putin can win. Send him on horseback to fight the Samurai as a real leader.


  41. The vaxx is a complete and utter failure.

    The absurdity of putting restrictions on the unvaxxed, the absurdity that the unvaxxed should be differentially taxed to “pay for the costs to the health system”, the absurdity and absolute violation of Informed Consent of mandates — it all has to stop and legislation outlawing all NPI, all mandates, all restrictions and absolute prohibition on companies mandating any health procedure are needed to move forward.


    Liked by 1 person

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  42. We are seeing unprecedented twists in medicine now. The mRNA jabs destabilize cells which leads to organ dysfunction and extremes of response at the organ level. This is a fibrous clot of some kind that shouldn’t even be possible in the lungs. It clearly came out in one piece which is extraordinary in its own right.



    1. Stew Peters had a mortician on his show 2 months ago showing these.

      He said about 80% of the deaths he sees now have these. Showed video of him pulling one about 5 feet long out of a guys leg.

      Looked identical


  43. Like Trump or not,, he woke people up!… where would we be if Hitlary would have won?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’d be a smoldering nuked cinder of a dead planet circling a common G-class sun in the reaches of a near-deserted spiral arm of a common galaxy.

      Liked by 2 people

  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. BEYOND AWESOME. Payback dickhead thieving, corrupt brain dead morons.


  45. Gottcha!
    2 minute video trying to get a definition of a woman from a trans

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well worth watching Biff, thank you very much. Most educational. I am totally jacked off with this utter bull shit, please excuse me.

      One, as a man can flutter your bloody fake eyelashes and your silicone filled duck lips at me as much as you want but if you are a biological man, then you are a bloody man imo. These dorks have no idea what a true and real woman is all about because they are fakes pretending to be what they are not and never will be. You sure can pretend to be what tickles your bloody fancy in this woke bullshit world these days but to me, a man is a man and a woman is a bloody woman.

      I absolutely feel for those in certain cases that may have experienced a biological malfunction at birth that has caused specific issues, as well as those that may have other issues that I do not fully understand in total. But I will not cop this bloody ridiculous fake trend of trying to be the latest trendy item that normal society is supposed to bow down to, to enable such claimers to be recognised with monetary gain and some crap form of notoriety.

      These buggers will never be allowed to change my world and what is normal to me. I do not care what a demented society may choose to succumb to. My world is my world and that will not change no matter how much the dickheads wish to try and brainwash me. Not happening mate.


      1. And, in addition to that. They cannot answer the question of what a real women is because they have no bloody idea because they are not women. Does any one wish for me to tell you what a real woman is? Probably not because that would be a very drawn out statement lol. Heck ya would get the aussie version of that ha ha.

        Come on. Let us get back to reality, not down to crazed channel of airy fairy bullshit. We need to get back to basics whilst also recognising an acceptable degree of explainable phenomenon as far a true science and fact are concerned. Just my opinion anyway. take it or leave it.


    1. Bloody great video. How convenient was the timing of that take down? Stuff all the criminal corrupt bastards everywhere in this world.


  46. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And you think western banking cartels, controlled by these types, think any higher of you?


    1. Well, lets refer to the Bible for a minute . ALL things are summed up in Christ . HE is the creator of all things , the author of life in every form , and the inheritor of all things . HE is the exact representation of the FATHER and after HE provided purification of our sins on the cross he sat down at the right hand of the Father in Heaven . He is the way, the only truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father expect by HIM. This scum has the same spirit in him as the Saducees . They claim to be sons of ABRAHAM , but CHRIST CALLED THEM A BROOD OF VIPERS , and said YOUR FATHER IS THE DEVIL. So this clown is as lost as a turkey in high wind . Just reporting the real truth and nothing but the truth .

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you GJ. I am not into the bible but I certainly appreciate you sharing what you have here. Thank you very much. Vipers? Spot bloody on.


    2. Please excuse me again but that utter piece of brain dead shit needs a nice shiny bullet. Who the hell does he think he is telling other who deserves to live in this world? I would enjoy ripping that frickin bs skull cap of his head with half his zero gray matter skull attached. What a dirty, filthy, ignorant and unintelligent piece of crap.

      How have we allowed opinions like this to survive? Okay, I must admit, I am a bit anti certain folks from certain regions at the moment but I only state that in a general sense due to what is happening in my own country and from my personal experiences to date. I don’t really wish to hate anyone no matter where they are from. I would much prefer to experience people on an individual level and assess my opinion from that point.

      GOD bloody help us.


    3. No moral compass. Let’s never forget that the roots of Judaism are in a people that were put in bondage because as beduins they raided the trade routes to Babylon, and it was Babylon that imprisoned them, not Egypt. Somehow I don’t see the 10 Commandments saying “Murder the Graven Image idolaters”….


  47. One must ask the obvious, is this what is a prime motivating factor in the conflict with the Ukraine. The corruption in the Ukraine is so bad that i would not put them past this to engineer this to cause newfound wealth for the Ukrainian oligarchs who could give a damn about the people there.
    Who benefits if this were to happen and who loses? Israel cannot be thrilled at this prospect nor Turkey or Iran and even China loses. Does Europe win with a failed nation run by merciless oligarchs who have no scruples about how they profit?

    Chilling new satellite photos show second mass grave near Mariupol https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10746001/Chilling-new-satellite-photos-second-mass-grave-near-Mariupol.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    How can anyone not sensitive to the needless killing here
    China is moving full steam ahead to circumvent the Biden Administration entirely. THIS IS A REALITY BEHIND THE CURTAIN! And it has ramifications which political stupidity ignores at its own peril and that of respective citizens and thus traditional national prosperity.

    China and Russia have now struck a deal where China will buy ALL Russian energy payable in yuan, exchanged for gold via their gold exchange. Meanwhile, Russia is advising its people to transfer dollar-based accounts to yuan-based. This is critical because it reflects the trend, and it is pointing to China eventually taking Taiwan. Then, we will see that China will control 75% of the entire world’s supply of computer chips.

    Has anyone been able to explain to the delusional bunch what this means? America is no longer certain to lead in technology going forward. And many American Corporate leaders have already sold their soul to China over national interests and may be around long enough to learn they were played as fools to Chinese ambitions. Thankfully, the brain trust behind most chip design is in ARM in England and not America. They likely will get it sooner to understand technology leadership. Everyone from Apple to Samsung depends on this little understood company. However, they lack capital with a long view, otherwise they would be building British controlled Chip foundries from India to Africa. Perhaps tomorrow such new companies and the foresight will develop. The game is about new chip designs without a legacy cost of redundant assets with a focus on technology and not quarterly returns.

    The delusional bunch has destroyed the global economy in just 13 months. The age of globalization is dead. There is no going back. This arrangement between Russia and China dealing in yuan is also the prelude to the invasion of Taiwan. If anything, this will significantly impact technology and drive inflation significantly higher which will only lead to more civil unrest internationally and more nations to see their governments overthrown for the economic stupidity committed.

    This is the reality of global affairs today that is so hard for people to see or even comprehend. And yes, we are entering a new age called decentralization, if one is to prosper in these changing times. A decade ago, i told a friend of mine who was a Spooky sort, that this would happen. And the solution to actually prospering was via decentralization. His comment to me was that it required a Central bank loss of leadership and that is what we are seeing now in very rapid form. The game of Central banking is over and, in its place will come new solutions to trade settlement and wealth creation. Rather than worry about these times it is a once in a century opportunity to position for change to make new dreams come truth in a new changing reality being formed before our eyes. We can pull together to make new thresholds of success and societal progress by bridging our understanding to go the distance without fear.

    Carpe Diem!


    1. In reference to that last pic, I agree. BUT let us never forget the REAL people of the US that are decent and that are true freedom fighters, that are armed thank god and that will fight for their country and that which is right and proper. I am with them to the end.

      Liked by 1 person

  48. Thank you to Metatron:

    The “safe and effective” vaccine hypothesis is rejected.

    In fact, according to the evidence, the obvious conclusion is that COVID vaccine has caused more death, not less, so much more in fact, that it has actually wiped out the expected natural declines and caused yet more death still.

    The signal is significant in terms of temporal proximity and consistency across countries regardless of geography and demographics.

    This is a global public health failure of truly unprecedented and epic proportions.

    Liked by 2 people

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  49. Meanwhile in the UK, at the grass roots….

    Mary Ann Dowrick 6 hr ago

    I live in the Devon. So very many we know, friends, neighbours, family have now all had covid, post triple vaxx. Most having what appears to be a cold with fatigue. Many of these same people are rushing to take the fourth jab! Many of them unfriended me when I told them the vaxxes were unsafe and didn’t work and to please not take them. Some even refused to travel by car with me because I was unvaxxed. So very many people we know now have debilitating musculoskeletal complaints as in severe pain and difficulty walking, sepsis, shingles, strokes, heart attacks, sepsis, vertigo (quite a few), a fib, serious lung infection, racing heart, blood clots, cancers (ovarian, pancreatic, lung, breast). I am a retired family NP. Given the lack of safety and efficacy data, I cannot understand how any medical professional would even consider administering these experimental biologicals. But they did.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Very sad.
      One motto I believe is to be lived by is that even if one must stand alone in the sea for truth, one must do so.


  50. Given regulators (bad as they are) had rejected mRNA shots for ~18 years, yes, if Pfizer had spent the money, the disaster is 100% orchestrated.



    1. She’s right… it is even worse if you consider mass and surface area of the children vis-a-vis adults. A suspicious mind might think one wants to kill all the kids long-term…



  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  52. https://www.forbes.com/sites/billybambrough/2022/04/21/massive-2022-all-time-high-bitcoin-price-prediction-comes-with-a-serious-ethereum-bnb-xrp-solana-cardano-luna-and-avalanche-warning/

    It’s treachery everywhere
    Putin’s inner circle’s shrinking writes biographer MARK GALEOTTI https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-10744763/Putins-inner-circles-shrinking-stakes-rising-writes-biographer-MARK-GALEOTTI.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Exactly as predicted he will become ever more isolated. He’s running out of advisors and Generals.
    So many dead. Russia has been out back decades. Politically ostracized.

    Unlike Washington any politicos caught trashing the system in London are out. A simple multi party drinking session during lock down has resulted in Johnson fined and parties wanting him out.
    Compare that to the sleazeball and corruption of DC Teflon parties
    The Independent: Boris Johnson news – live: Fresh Partygate fines ‘issued’ as PM warned no-confidence vote ‘inevitable’.

    Any misconduct in London and politicos are gone
    Why Argentina is embracing cryptocurrency


  53. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Europe needed such vibrancy.


  54. Who Are the – Benefactors of E.T. Advanced Technology?… Timothy Good on The Amicizia Project



  55. Who is banning all these books: There’s an odd game going on right now where both the left and right really want to say the other side is doing book banning, which these days just means removing titles from school reading lists. And, well, it’s both sides. One Florida county is pulling 58 books from the school library. The list was posted by Attorney General candidate Daniel Uhlfelder and books on it range from reasonable-to-remove (“50 Shades of Gray” was in the school library???) to totally unreasonable (“The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison). Meanwhile, a new survey from the School Library Journal shows the top books teachers wanted to remove from summer reading lists, and here’s that list: “To Kill a Mockingbird,” all of Shakespeare, and “The Great Gatsby.”


    1. And in the Completely Disconnected From Reality Club:

      And former senior Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett seemed to think masks had been made illegal: “Wearing my mask no matter what non-scientists tell me I can do.”


  56. I hear you Rockville2, I’ve been waiting on a prosperity program since 1998. Waiting on a currency swap since 2015. Always something stopping it, yet everyday trillions get transferred. But it is “unsafe” to get us our money, someone will steal it ,we are told, or a new system must be installed, Or all current evil must be removed from the world, I just want to help those in need. I have only a tiny shred of hope left. Thank God for crypto’s, We are on the right site for real information about these two subjects, Have a great weekend!


  57. “They’re suffering from “mask dependency,” as this psychological affliction is termed in Japan, where a long tradition of mask-wearing during flu season has left some individuals afraid at any time to expose their faces in public.”


    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are no democrats or republicans….

      There are only members of the brotherhood (Freemason Illuminists) or nationalists…..period!

      Liked by 2 people

  58. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10739749/Russian-state-TV-hosts-giggle-discuss-NUKING-New-York-Putins-hypersonic-missile.html

    Seriously dangerous mind games which can only be seized on by Agency Hawks.
    Never have we been closer to a nuclear outbreak. Madness!

    Please keep open minds and just watch the Gaming Board of Life as it plays out for Russia now. It’s going to undermine confidence in Moscow like a wrecking ball

    Shows how a mobile phone and mobile resistance fighters will bring havoc to unwanted invaders

    These men will all have to be extradited to the Hague before sanctions are lifted off Russia.

    Everything is cranking up on Russia’s regime

    This is Vietnam all over again..just the napalm left .
    Satellite images show extent of Putin’s carnage in Mariupol https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10740519/Satellite-images-extent-Putins-carnage-Mariupol.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    A Hague extradition warrant will stop his games
    Vladimir Putin’s ‘lover’, 38, reappears with a ‘new look’ in Moscow https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10742327/Putins-lover-reappears-new-look-Moscow-amid-rumours-hiding-Swiss-chalet.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Now she’s the new Eva Braun.

    Not happy Bankers

    Germany has a reality check to face up to. They have to stop dependency on Russia gas or face sanctions.

    Sorry but Putin is going to batter Ukraine but get pussy whipped by the West. What a cost to Russia
    Putin’s TV propagandist warns of war ‘against Europe and the world’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10742513/Putins-ranting-TV-propagandist-warns-war-against-Europe-world-Ukraine-invasion.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    A sad mediocrity. Forget all the side taking BS. Facing off NATO the US or UK is mindless. We would each slap thousands of Missiles into all key sites and finish them
    We know it totals us also but if we’re under attack we WILL unleash and neither win . We know it’s game over for us but we will make sure we total Russia so if they get to their bunkers there will be nothing to emerge too. Russia knows better than to mess with us. It makes no sense for them. If he attacks NATO same follow up.
    Ukraine is a bad failure of Russia to see how far forward they were it’s all been thrown away.
    Google Doodle marks Earth Day 2022 with dramatic time-lapse images https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10741429/Google-Search-data-shows-people-climate-conscious.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    No one has cogent control
    Pope Francis scraps his planned meeting with Russia’s Patriarch Kirill https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10743337/Pope-Francis-scraps-planned-meeting-Russias-Patriarch-Kirill.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Even the Pope is rejecting Putin now.
    Council to tear down 250-year-old Cotswolds ‘racist relic’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10742609/Council-tear-250-year-old-racist-relic-depicting-black-child-club-leaf-skirt.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    All the woke need the poke
    Russian forces are STILL bombing Mariupol steelworks https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10742225/Defiant-Ukrainian-soldiers-holed-Mariupol-steelworks-vow-fight-Putin-sealed-in.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    What part of Genocide is not computing how many will it take.
    Piers Morgan shares clip of Nigel Farage criticising Donald Trump https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10744113/Piers-Morgan-shares-clip-Nigel-Farage-calling-friend-Donald-Trump-angry-one-geared.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    How to shit the nest with he who will never forgive.
    Farage badly misjudged this. Game ender!


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