White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #176

Clearing the Rot and Cleaning Out the LOT! Where Do We Start?

Almost 5 years ago I singularly authored, and graphic selected, this full big picture overview report on the past, then present, and the now future events and core issues.  

Little has changed. The same corrupt Political deviants still run free. Law has failed. So much reality needs to be factored in to understand the big picture. Reason beyond inept Politicos. 

The fake Catholic Church Kiddie Fiddlers still feed their Coffers on the backs of a gullible congregation. Wills, seized land holdings and the voracious State sourced income to run Church Schools with a pedophile record second to none which would have stripped any Corporate Licensed Entity of its licenses long ago. The Vatican and Jesuits are UNFIT to manipulate and enrich themselves from State Education Budgets and no one seems to have a clue what to do. So many Neros fiddling while Rome is burning.  

Leaders are still variations of inept and appalling Jerks, while the Sheeple still mindlessly shuffle to oblivion. The report and oversight were ever truer then and is now. 

Who’s in control in this Global Political Sink Hole? 

At least they took down Maxwell. What about the rest?  

Transhumanism can only work if we have Humans left.  

Birth Rates are falling, and new Pandemics are calling. No thanks to Fauci and Gates. 

So, WHA has permitted a re-publishing of this article, with some up-to-date revisions, so we can revisit the issues within and perhaps determine in whatever way one wishes to use, if society is getting better or worse in your immediate vicinity. And based on that determination, you can perhaps plan your way forward with a better understanding of what you may encounter.

Thank you,


All this is needed to give YOU a new life fit for purpose. Freeing YOU from the Cabal and Zionist Kazakh’s Zoo! It’s them – Or You!

Self-Help is Humanity’s only solution! Switching on reality.

Looking at the emergent current human species, most of what can go wrong… has.It will continue until we remove the Khazars. 

Is the only thing which switches on what passes for US Intellect, the question of – “When can I get My Dinars cashed, Food Stamps or Welfare Checks?” First, understand the bigger picture and what YOU can help us all do. From Dinars to false Religions, to UFOs, what do you know? Has Covid taught you nothing? 

Where is your quality of judgment calls with so much bogus nonsense perpetrated as history?

Don’t believe those who practice and flatter to deceive.

Before trying to eulogize powers and actions needed, first even try to understand part of the Big Picture reality Rot problem as all interrelate.

Millenniums of Tribal Warlords, Despots, Feudal Monarchies, Dictatorships, through to the current convoluted mess of an unholy alliance between the scurrilous Vatican Jesuits scheming, and the US criminal Military Industrial Cabal and Criminal Agencies controlled war machine nation, with its attendant Zionist Oligopolies of Banking, Media, Law and Federal/Treasury Zionist infiltrated mass malpractice, which combines to control all. Sloth, greed, duplicity and criminality perverts the entire infrastructure. A truly unholy alliance of Perverts, duplicitous Zio Tapeworms and Zealots sucking this gullible humanity life species dry. Why are Epstein’s Lolita Free riders not in jail? Maxwell now is. 

Parasites and Despots rule, all unchecked. None are fit for purpose. How could a person as loathsome and deeply criminal as Clinton ever have challenged unchecked for the US Presidency, and still, she walks free? Clinton has more baggage than a camel train. But so do most of them.

What of the unreleased volumes of corrupt perverts names attending Epstein’s Island where depraved and loathsome men preyed on these young girls. What happened to publishing the list? When??? Who?  How about naming and shaming, letting Justice free for the world to see? Values? Who needs to be named and shamed? Who are they all? Including dirty Bill Clinton with his 23 plus trips to Epstein’s depravity hole. How can you eulogize this slime as Heroes? Who were the rest? Exposure time for the lot! The Zio MSM protecting their own again. Watergate was the end of US Press integrity.

Who sweeps out these ugly human excreta of an unfit, self-assumed ruling species to initiate a new planetary start? If not, has your whole existence been for nothing?

What can go wrong has. It’s ALL unfit for purpose. Stop- The- Rot!

Crime pays in America. Look at Obama, the Bushes and Clintons. Bribed Biden. Hunter’s crimes. 

Where, among all the Leaders is any one visionary candidate, one with a sense of purpose and recognition of a new direction to enable Man to emerge as a creative new Cosmic Species? Who has an exhibited perception of Justice, Morality and Ethereal Soul Values? Look at the Despotic corruption of the Vatican. Godless! An Evil Perverts Charter. 

Who can lead? Feed needs and not greed.

JFK tried. JFK died!

MLK had a dream. So did Clinton, but his was wet. Daily!

Mandela emerged and saved a nation from an ugly Civil War. Where are the new Mandelas?Certainly not Con Man Soetoro.

Who then as emergent Leaders, possess a collective ethos of values, able to redirect the emergence of a visionary new Global society fit for purpose, to emerge from our blinkered, delusional life, enabling you to take up your role in the greater Cosmos as Kinetic energy aided beings? Transhumanism is coming, but to what end? Who leads as the emerging Superpowers compete? Who is left behind, and how do we address the unholy alliances of Sloth with the current dysfunctional and unworthy misfits in office today?

So much is evolving and leaking. But what is Mankind’s priority list. What is YOURS?

The escalating Military risk of the unelected Deep State raised tensions with Russia and China, leaves America and the world exposed to a narcissistic Elephant Gut Yahoo touring Asia posing like an empowered Caesar, but of such little visible intellect as to fail to understand that it is the Cabal Agency which propounds tensions with Russia and China further. How does it help Americans understand the lies, aggression and mendacity for power, will be paid for by their lives, for Cabal lies?

Trump was trying to build a bridge of understanding with Russia, but like Brutus before him, the knives in his back risked bringing him down protecting Cabal agendas which benefit no one but the Bankers and Vatican. The real enemy is often at home as Emperors found with the Roman Senate. Betrayal and treachery abound.

The new Soviet Satan 2 Stealth missile is of such power that only 12 of their almost unstoppable stealth radar shielding missiles penetrating will suffice to wipe out the entire US. Just one even launched will erase the UK or France. An awesome weapon and more to come. Russia has such advanced and sophisticated robotic and electromagnetic weapons as to negate opposing armies, neutering their electronics and guidance systems. Sitting Ducks to mop up in a Russian Turkey shoot.

Forget the claims and aspirations of the US Skunkworks. That’s Yesterday’s news. Russia may now be one or even two generations ahead of the US, and with a highly refined Soviet secrecy network, keeps its own secrets close for the nasty element of surprise, while the KGB are plundering America’s. Meddle at your peril. Reverse engineering can get the jump on all of you. The US still denies Roswell. Yet Russia’s crashed 7 are on record. How advanced is Russia now? 

Still, they probe and poke the Bear. Despite that, Russia and China are scooping up the entire Middle East and Asian economies, escalating also to South America. China has taken Africa. So why continue this wasteful funding of the nearly 1,000 costly US Hegemony bases no one wants? Apart from a flatulent military and Toys for the Boys. Trillions wasted has got them where? From such waste, you got what? A crippled US economy and a world at war. Homeless, jobless and Washington DC – pitifully Hopeless!

You ran away from Afghanistan as with Vietnam. America has lost the Middle East, China and India will tackle the Far East, and Europe is gone. 

Yet during this allegedly unsettled period for Russia, Soviet Food Harvests are booming with record export sales for Russia. Each major Russian sale is another American loss. Where is truth in a sea of confusion and State lies?

In terms of visible new Soviet Weaponry uncloaked or hinted at, whilst the US has two or more alleged post Roswell crashed UFO crafts, Russian intelligence tracking sources indicate 5 or more UFOs were allegedly recovered from Soviet territory UFO crashes, such are being reverse engineered in Kapustin Yar, and also have been since the 1960’s. What technology and weaponry from the far greater Soviet Intel Treasure Trove, has now emerged hidden from the West? How far ahead is Russia now? Generations? Russia has a newfound confidence. For a reserved nation, why? Calling that card may now be terminal. Russia has caught up and surpassed the West militarily. They don’t need 1,000 four square meals bases. America has lost the plot, and its pot. America has lost its role now as Global Leader and can only delay the inevitable. America needs to cut its vast military waste costs. Just Butt out! Feed and employ Americans first. On his tour of the Chinese Wall, how he must have wished to ask President Xi – “How can I build one of these across Mexico?”

The smarter Drug traffickers will just tunnel under it, and far worse, supplying not just vast increasing quantities of drugs, but renting out safe passage not just to millions of illegals to pass through, but the day when they start taking money for the Terrorist groups to start bringing both WMDs and even toxic bacteriological WMDs of such power as to kill millions unchecked, for distribution throughout American cities and towns. Plagues unleashed. The US has wiped out entire civilizations throughout Asia. Millions have died, and vast millions are homeless. Stateless and swamping Europe. US Policies have been the biggest F Up the world has ever seen and still they keep on arming and funding this Brutal land stealing, mass genocidal Kazakh Terrorist Ghetto Israe-Hell for its endless Arab aggression programs.

These are no God’s chosen! They are Lying, thieving, murdering Kazakh spawn marauders hidden inside Judaism. Jews always lived at peace in the Middle East, these are Kazakh swine who stole Palestine, who want it all, and like the Zio spawn in the world, nothing is ever enough.

How long before the anti-American Asians organize and set up God knows what distribution tunnels, bringing into America their own fanatics determined on vengeance. Thank God for US Border protection, the ones Gunrunning Obama did not get killed. When will he be brought to account for that? Plus, the vast Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, he allowed into America. Problems grow. Enraging the world is not a smart thing to do. Nor is poking a bear! Without consultation or sense, so much has been done by the Cabal in your name. All greed for Zionist and Agency Demon seed. Payback?

How is the world now a safer place with angry millions – Displaced?

Yet the biggest priority in US conceptual thought, is – “When can I cash my Dinars?”

With such, Empires are lost. Supremacy has been lost to Political and Educational Degeneracy. Welfare now owns the disposable Slaves.

Putin had his “Make my Day Punk” moment when he invited the illegal Usurper Con Man Barry Soetoro/alias Obama to go for it over Syria if he felt lucky, and in turn then gloated at Russian bombers power erasing US Battleships electronics systems as a salutary warning, which sent them scuttling away in terror as sitting Ducks. No heroes there, as with Vietnam.

From such rapid Soviet/Chinese evolution, is evident US confusion. Butt-whipped in Vietnam, the Soviets stole a lead with the first Dog in Space, followed by Russia putting the first man in space, with no comprehension from the US they were about to be outfoxed and outperformed by the Soviets. Russia won the Space race.

It may well now have won the Arms race. Russia has a defense pact with China and an aura of confidence. What gives him such an aura of supremacy now? It’s clear.

We can only progress in our efforts as one people of all mankind to conquer space when we share in costly technologies and create intellectual product R&D for the benefit of all mankind. Otherwise, we fight a pointless, minion species, costly Feudal war. The greatest barriers are the dearth of real Leaders today. Political Skanks now so ineptly rule fools. Few challenge such mediocrities. Why not? None are fit for purpose.

Trillions of critical US and world restoration capital has gone missing, and nothing is done. Now we even have a US approach to the House of Lords from a US WH connected party asking, “Please, can we have our $15T back?” $15T would rebuild America and stabilize the EU. A Debt resolution to ease the confusion. But it’s not theirs. These were funds ‘Created’ under the Pureheart operation, by the US Fed, Treasury and Homeland Security, acting to Treasury appeals to the criminal relinquished Bar License Usurper, illegal Alien Barry Soetoro O’ Bumma, to create $15T of mythical funds to cover over a vast $16T shortfall on the US Balance sheets about to bring the whole US Cabal Ponzi scam crashing to earth. Sleight of hand, and a fast-conjuring fix was actioned out of Congressional, Public or media oversight. Albeit deeply criminal and the worst money laundering case ever. They got away with it. 

Fact, FACT!!! The US Department of Homeland Security, acting in conjunction with the Fed, US Treasury and working with, also sheltering, known Filipino Con Man Wilfredo Saurin, coerced a series of major US and UK banks to create, then Launder, $15T of US funds against an entirely bogus asset of nonexistent AU holdings. A duplicitous scam perpetrated between criminal elements of the Jakarta Indonesian Fed, a complicit Indonesian Bank, Cabal banks in the US and two UK Banks who really should know better. SWIFTS were issued between the Fed, two US Banks of substance, and processed via well-known alleged Money Laundering Bank HSBC and RBS in London to cross pass such funds and reintroduce them in apparent cross balance sheet transfers, enabling them to enhance a depleted Treasury Balance Sheet, confusing the system and Banks colluding from the top in crime. But who now has that $15T? And where is the Chairman, posing under the false pseudo-name of a dead boy, since he fled from Pureheart to a then Scandinavian CIA Safe House, until we again blew that cover, as we did with Herzog? The greatest fear of SIS was that if we expanded it further, we risked shattering the Atlantic Alliance. Let the sleeping dogs – Lie!

Who is enriched with those funds? An approach has been made from the WH to the Lords for help trace them. Please Sirs, we have lost our money. How do we get it back? Can we have a copy of the Discs you hold? Leaders – Children lost in a sea of confusion! No! Not unless this time we both share AND when recovered, it ONLY goes to use fit for purpose! No more Cabal grandstanding. They lost the plot and the Pot. Their move. But on Public watch this time. With integrity! Those who deceive and steal must be brought to heel.

An alcoholic mediocrity Junker was the ineffective Leader of the largest Economic trading block, that of the European Union. He was absurd. A drunken buffoon and a joke. But as are most of them. Merkel is hostage to unstable coalition collaborations in German society, with no clear Leaders. Its borders now overrun and choking with Illegals. Merkel? No clear direction, hindered by ruinous Socialism. As an East German Commie, she was indoctrinated by Leninist dictates, and simply processes a subservient cannon fodder directive to entrapped Germans. Merkel has no clear majority Mandate, and rules simply as the Leader of the largest minority coalition party. Chaos rules fools. Progressive Germans are very frustrated, seeing Illegals flood in as unstoppable aliens robbing and raping. Not unlike Americans under Cabal political rule, entrapped in a Zionist monetary enclave. The EU is a collective Rat Pack of mediocrities. America is not alone. It just has more Rats in power than the rest.

Most EU Leaders are indoctrinated, and power control placed Jesuits, marching to the orders of Rome, and the Jesuit Vatican. But under the Knights of Malta, Masons and Skull and Cross-bone Society, America also rots from within. Indoctrination being ruination. All inept as with the Cabal!

Clearly that very transient species now seeking their future transfer to newly enhanced transhuman aided super beings, will create a new directional species. But, what of the rest? Who decides and what criteria? Who travels the new road, and who is to be left behind? See for God’s sake, beyond your Dinars and Freeloading.

Assume you and your children will be left behind, what then? Do you even start to comprehend the implications of this?

Elongating the lives of the Bushes, Clintons, Bidens and Zio like type trash, will produce a truly malevolent subspecies with unchained havoc! Bush himself bred, but all just kids like Trump, all brain dead. What is the point of enhancing this type of train wrecked misfit, why not delete each such Elite? Bush, Clinton and Trump families are cross marrying Criminal Zionists, or in the case of the Clintons and Trump, entire criminal families. Why perpetuate such an ugly species? What a complete Klutz Kushner is turning out to be. One from another Zio’s criminally convicted family Shite house to the White house.

Good Juduaism can be a blessing on nations. Truly a number of good, albeit mislead Jews, do seek to conduct themselves as a God’s humanitarian people.

But the Zios are a degenerate curse. To Judaism also.

America has allowed these malevolent Kazakh Zio roaches to breed millions in an orgy of uncontrolled, wanton greed. Now they also own the lying media. Time to de louse the entire Zio infestation house! Good Jews are invited to assist. Who needs these corrupt Temple Money changers?

From God’s house to a rampant louse! Zios are Child and mind rapists in the Temple.

The only finite limit of our abilities is the inability of the nonentity Elites to understand that all human life is born equal, but most are denied equal opportunity. We hold back the emergence of the majority of our species, by the restraints self-imposed by the failing order of a Society lacking vision, integrity, morality, or sense of purpose and direction. Education denied. Guidance denied. Progress denied! So many children’s potential denied.

Every Child should have a right to life, a Right to Love, Protection and a Right to fulfill their full potential and hopes.

But under Cabal and Zio trash rule – denied! These are the true enemies of hope and the destiny of man. All Rights – Denied, as Kazakhs lied, the future for each life form – Died!

Time to De Louse this Godless House under Kazakh subjugation.

A key part of our post release agenda must be to take schools back from the Jesuits and Catholicism, then to create a new, Pedo free syllabus intent on focused education for all the children, and mixed schools will be a key step forwards, to bring back Muslim and Jewish children away from the platitudes of headbangers. All children need to be educated free of Abrahamian diatribe. Who needs the ramblings of a Schitzo Paranoid Delusional, confusing all children? Free children’s minds to grow with culture and reality. Or follow a Nutter and stay in the gutter?

Step up and determine your own children’s futures not as Church grooming fields.

Citizenship and Ethereal values are key for the new world. Education is the key for the future.

Today, chaos rules, led by fools. Nothing changes, it has been this way for Millennia. Even now, why do we not question as a species, the clearly dysfunctional failings of a lost society led by such fools. How did Indonesian passport holder Obama ever clear vetting?

Moses allegedly was lost for 40 years leading his collective tribal rabble, on a journey a non-idiot with a compass, could have tracked from Mt. Sinai in just 11 days. Where are desert signposts when you need them? So, their God lost his way? Really? Do we never learn? History shows no one reads the nation’s Leaders heritage of His Story! How then can we ever learn what to avoid next time if no one recollects the failures of the past, and why? Hubris, the arrogance and pomp of failed Hubris. Look at the sordid criminal Bush family. Degeneracy and corruption overcame all, as they bribed, extorted, betrayed and corrupted their nation. A Traitor’s Crime Family!

Sadly – it worked!

America, from the first Federal breaches of trust, breaches of Treaties, betrayals of the Native Americans, and practiced mass genocide, was a fertile breeding ground for the Mafia, Zio corruption, bribery, extortion, and Luciano who, as with the Cabal today, owned Justice, or at least the Judges and police. The Mob owned the system. All we have done, is merged it, re-clothing whores, Pimps, Shysters and Fraudsters, as Attorneys, Senators or Congressmen. They just re-suited the Trash and cross bred it as Clinton’s and like type.

Currently, so many are in a pursuit of a free handout from the speculative opportunism following the genocide of nations. Entire countries, and ancient civilizations have been wiped out by the deviant Agencies, and Arms plus money supplies funded to ISIS and the like, by the US and Israel. The Middle East has been decimated by Cabal regime change ploys, and the duplicity of the vile Kazakhs seeking their mad conquest for a greater Israel. Millions of innocents annihilated. Who cares? Is there any moral perspective left to any of it? Looking on, looking in, any Ethereal watchers see only degeneracy of a species. Self-serving, none deserving.

Where is hope, humanity and moral conscience in any of it now? It’s a Global dilemma. Humanity is losing its Soul. Japan needs to stop its cruel, mass destruction of annual Mink hunts. Save the Whale, harpoon Trump! Moby Dick is lost at sea.

Reality indicates that the Sovereigns appear likely to currency convert and go to CBDCs first. That in itself will suffice to underpin and capitalize the relaunches.  Banks can just sluice out the ambulance chasing street holders, selecting first those instead, who have shown between the sites, the will and goodness of heart to support Global restoration as a Thinking and Caring Global Task Force, willing and able to create new projects systems and help deliver and install in new or deserving communities. One people, one Global nation of need. We need Hands out across the Oceans, helping brother Man, not hands out as more Gimmes. Time we think as a single human species and feed / house those in real need.

Time, to start to rethink purpose. Funds Fit for Purpose. People willing to help others, not just themselves. What kind of society do we want to emerge? Where is Your voice?

We – The People?

 Restoring nations and civilizations we have so wantonly destroyed. Replacing the Cabal Hegemony bases, with Trade and Educational centers. Humanitarian aid teams. Reaching out to our brother mankind. Atonement for the Millennia of cultures we have destroyed. Successful new integrated redesigned and planned communities can lead the way for others. We need an agenda, a purpose to be a better, more enlightened species. Time to rethink and plan balanced and structured new communities with sound values to enrich all. Time for the US Military and Agencies to F off back home! Go! Stop funding and arming Terrorists. Stop funding regime changes. Look at the carnage caused.

Who will weep for America if the Fanatics come through those border tunnels? Payback? WMDs can take many forms. Each horrific.

We instead need. to educate and liberate.

Truth to break free, to educate and expose false religions.

We did nothing as Lenin emerged, communism thrived, and vast millions died.

Now we sit neutered again as the filth and disgusting despotism of the ugly Cult of Islam can only be eradicated with education, where 9- to 13-year-old girls do not have to suffer arranged, forced marriages of carnal hell to ignorant, mutant 40 to 70 year olds, ending the untold misery and beatings from this medieval and perverse gutter trash.

Time to expose, punish and end the numerous vast numbers of Church pedos. Withdraw their pointless Tax shelters, take back their land holdings for community use, sequestrate the Vatican’s vast manipulated fortunes extracted with the enforcement of the murderous Inquisition and their kind, and end their 2,000 years of lies peddling to a naive humanity blindly following false concepts of Gods which the Vatican, as the known Mafia’s Bankers, does not follow. Close down the Vatican as a false State! Blinkered Nonsense! We need to take away their schools, then we sever their tentacles. These Perverts are bloodsucking nations with their fake Godless Order. 

Explore beyond, think out Ethereal reality, expand each human’s own consciousness, to emerge from this Caterpillar Deep State of most of today’s sub species of non-thinkers and help mankind emerge to fly to a real destiny as Ethereal Beings. It’s time to think and be… More!

As the first of the major PPs start to release, how they are ring-fenced, and kept safe to use accrued profits only to restructure society in achievable steps matters. No more following outdated Mantras of false ideologies.

Just 12 mainly unconnected men, over 3 centuries, attempted to challenge and expand each person’s concept of humanitarian, moral and family values, and to question the purpose of living, to being more. They challenged the Feudal despots, iniquities of each conquered species, false States and raised the concept of human values for all. 12 men converted and lead 1 billion to believe in something more, at terminal cost for many of the 12. Just the concept matters.

Armed with funding, and a valid cross funded agenda, what then could 120 or even 1,200 of you from the sites, correctly focused, achieve today with 7 billion so much in need? Raising the bar is the start. You don’t have to get cashed out from currencies to make a difference. Contributing time while waiting could open so many more personal opportunities, when the projects start. Self-help and helping others in such need is the key to all. Pulling together as one nation of all to put back.

The Chosen One is not coming, nor is Democracy from any State. It’s ALL down to us each to conceive and achieve fundamental change. No more passing the Buck. We each need to take responsibility for all actions and refuse subjugation.

Funds are too finite, and discretion is likely to rule.  Tens of thousands of loose cannons, grasping Wannabes, is not an appealing concept or sight. Money needs to be channeled. It will all be phased to first feed need with organized groups. Priorities will come first.

Elders will cooperate for Selective AU transfers, but only to such groups as can be evidenced as worthy, who will pay for it, and who will use the new platforms to trade up using profits accrued for a fitting agenda. To enhance humanity, ecology and nature. All life is sacred. All living organisms are inter bound as a Cosmic matrix of life. Understanding purpose is phase one. Understanding yours even more so. A true agenda, fit for purpose, fit for all, is what we aspire to.

We at WHA have established a selective Global following. A voice of all people who test the boundaries, and who dare challenge the cause of human despair. The Global contributions daily, show that hope lives, in all of you. We will be considering who from the Readership can help join Response teams to make a difference. If 12 good men can change a world, what can 1,200 of you achieve funded? In the corridors of power, you are read. They fear you are a Real, Thinking Democracy in waiting. People power, growing by the hour. You – are hope!

Free Will – Use it Well! Will you if asked, step up? I will? Only We, The People, can MAKE it happen. Self-help. Your call, or calling? What call will you make?

Thank you, and please be safe.

Stay tuned.


1,204 responses to “Information Briefing #176”

  1. “The FDA failed to convene an expert committee and failed to appropriately weigh the risk-benefit profile of this vaccine for this age group.” — Mary Holland, CHD’s president + general counsel


    Head-Spinning’: FDA Quietly Grants Full Approval of Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine for Adolescents


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  3. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Someone found a way to conquer the West. Just walk, fly or boat in males of military age while the cuckholds in government do nothing.


    1. Machine gun the bloody lot. Infestations!


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    John is treating us all to lunch…in the Metaverse.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No lunch required. No Metaverse for me, a private wine afternoon during the sunset will do me just fine LOL. Look out Johnny Ha Ha. Heck, I had better watch my step, Munich gal may start chasing me lol.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. A walking gift for Zio wives.


  6. Biden’s Incompetent Woke Military: Wind Blows Fighter Jet Off Carrier into Mediterranean Sea

    The Navy announced Sunday that a F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jet was blown off the deck of the USS Harry S. Truman into Mediterranean Sea on Friday due to “unexpected heavy weather” during a replenishment-at-sea. The Navy is considering a salvage operation to retrieve the lost jet. One sailor was reported to have incurred minor injuries in the “unexpected heavy weather.” No one was in the jet when it was blown into the sea according to the Navy.

    211203-N-DH793-1113 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Dec. 3, 2021) An F/A-18F Super Hornet, attached to the “Red Rippers” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 11, lands on the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75). Truman is operating as part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group in the Atlantic Ocean in support of naval operations to maintain maritime stability and security in order to ensure access, deter aggression and defend U.S., allied and partner interests. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication 3rd Class Bela Chambers)


    1. Word to the wise. Unless you are Special Forces and well-trained in hand-to-hand, just RUN. Forget pride, forget standing up to bullies, squelch the testosterone and RUN. You will be alive, and the police can handle finding the weapon-bearing knuckle dragger.

      A zillion years ago, when I was ripped and fast with too much testosterone, I got lucky. I had my back to a wall, he threw a punch, and I dodged. Fist met wall, 270 lb line backer went down with multiple fractured wrist. I was stupid. I should have ran.

      Learn from those who survived these situations and didn’t deserve to.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Oh my bloody god. These Pri??? are sub human, thick headed, moronic animals. This type pf behaviour is utterly disgraceful and most certainly not acceptable to me as an Australian or human being. I will not use my usual description of this type as it may offend some but as far as I’m concerned, if you wish to behave like this, then you have no place whatsoever in my/our bloody country. Get the hell out and go back to where you came from.

      How dare this type behave in such a fashion. They are not fit to reside among good and decent people. Get the bloody hell out dickwads. It is about bloody time we took this country back from the trash that has invaded us. There are a few of us decent people left in society and we have had enough.

      Special note. I know this country originally did not belong to the likes of me and did belong to the First Nations people of this land. But we are here now and I know that people like me can work very harmoniously with the original people of this land if given a real and honest chance. People can work together when each are prepared to consider, respect, include, understand and be truthful with each other. I can most certainly deal with that and all can prosper.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m unaware of anyone who disagrees with you!! These people are everywhere in every country. The problem is that no one wants to give up their country for this lot to destroy themselves in… We The People are a proud and patriotic lot. It isn’t an easy LEGAL plan to come up with for how to rid the world of this scum (including politicos). I keep praying for the rapture 🙂


        1. Young men with testosterone will engage in alpha male confrontation instead of running for the hills. Note that the last lunge by the knifer is what caught the victim. The victim, had he simply ran or even refused to pursue/taunt, would have left with his life. This is in now way blame the victim. It is merely the reality of the dynamics. Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight, don’t bring fists to a knife fight. There are always only 4 choices, to talk, to fight, to run, to hide. That’s it.

          Liked by 1 person

  7. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/356245

    New study: COVID booster significantly delays end of infection
    31% boosted people still contagious 10 days post-infection vs. 6% unvaccinated.

    [Tino Comment: The idea that it is 6% in the unvaxxed, is actually not believable. While possible, it is probably PCR crappola being detected.]


  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Future model citizens in training. Imagine what kind of parenting impresses this kind of behavior on such young kids.


    1. A head smack so hard the wax leaves town!.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Heavens above. So incredibly sad. Seeing such possibly allows me to understand John’s words on some occasions.


  9. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



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      Nation NewsDesk 11 July 2022 Hits: 24164

      ***** BULLETIN ***** — URGENT — New York City Begins Preparing Population for NUCLEAR ATTACK

      The New York City Office of Emergency Management has issued a video TRAINING NEW YORKERS FOR WHAT TO DO WHEN A NUCLEAR BOMB HITS.

      The ninety second video was released this morning, July 11, 2022, appears below. It is widely believed they have put out this video because THEY KNOW what’s coming . . . . because it is the government that intends to cause it.

      They are pushing Russia so far with economic sanctions over Ukraine, that the Russians will have no choice but to launch a full nuclear attack because what we are doing is now an existential threat to Russia.

      Rather than stop what we’re doing, they intend to keep pushing and THEY KNOW what the result will be.

      Here’s the video:


      In the video, they tell New Yorkers to get inside. Good advice . . . if there’s anything left standing to actually get inside of!

      Then, in the height of utter stupidity, they tell New Yorkers “If you were outside when the blast hit, take off all clothes, shower and shampoo to wash the radiation off immediately.” THERE WON’T BE ANY RUNNING WATER. The water mains will all be ruptured from the blast and the electric that powers the water pumps will all be off for miles.

      But wait, there’s more . . . idiocy . . . . they tell New Yorkers “stay tuned to local media and don’t go outside until authorities tell you it’s safe.” THERE WON’T BE ANY LOCAL MEDIA. It will all be blown up. All the TV and radio transmitters will be wiped out!

      As if to add insult to injury, they tell New Yorkers “Sign up to NYC-alerts” (with your cell phone). . . THERE WON’T BE ANY CELL PHONE SERVICE. The towers will all be knocked down, the transmitters fried by electro-magnetic pulse, and the electric will all be out. THERE WON’T BE ANY INTERNET SERVICE. All the Internet lines will be blown up and the wireless all offline from EMP or no electricity!!!


      Government does not do things like this for no reason. In this case, THEY KNOW what’s coming because it is government that is causing it.

      They’ve been planning a “take-down” of Russia, for decades. They expanded NATO when they promised Russia they would not move “one inch eastward” upon the re-unification of East and West Germany. They broke that promise in stages, moving little by little closer to Russia’s borders.

      When they got to Ukraine, they wooed then-President Viktor Yanukovich with promises of riches and wealth for Ukraine if they departed from Russia’s sphere of influence, and joined Europe and the United States sphere of influence.

      Yanukovich thought about it. He consulted with his government officials. He spoke to businesses in Ukraine. He spoke with many average Ukrainians. In 2013, Yanukovich told Europe and America “Thanks, but NO THANKS.” Well, that was an answer that Europe and America just wouldn’t accept.

      So the US and Europe began pouring money into Ukraine to foment and facilitate violent protests; riots in every major city. Within a year, in 2014, rioters burned government buildings. Snipers were shooting people on both sides to foment more violence. It got so bad, that Yanukovich had to flee the country and the Ukraine government collapsed.

      Who was right there to finance new political candidates? Europe and America. So they were able to install a puppet government favorable to the West.

      When Russia saw this taking place, they were stunned. This was happening right at their own border. The west was overthrowing Ukraine’s government because they need Ukraine in NATO. You see, they want to put American missile defenses on Ukraine territory. By positioning our missiles there, they would have a flight time of only about five minutes to Moscow. They would also have a flight time of only 7-8 minutes to Russia’s strategic nuclear missile silos.

      Russia had to act in its own defense. They did what our own President, John F. Kennedy did, when Kennedy found out the then-Soviet Union had placed medium range and intermediate range nuclear missiles in Cuba, with a flight time of only 5 minutes to Washington, DC: Kennedy blockaded Cuba and began massing troops for an invasion.

      Thankfully, both sides negotiated a peaceful settlement to what became known as the “Cuban Missile Crisis.” That was in 1962-63.

      Today, the situation is exactly reversed; it is the West trying to put missiles withing 5 minutes flight time of Moscow, and Russia said No.

      When Ukraine decided they were actually going to join NATO, and allow those missiles . . . and even began preparing for a NATO naval base on the Black Sea, Russia had enough.

      By November of last year, NATO had trained the Ukraine Army for eight years under the West-installed puppet government. The Ukrainians had also massed about 80,000 troops on the borders of the eastern states of Luhansk and Donetsk (collectively called “The Donbas”) – and both states directly border Russia. So Russia knew Ukraine was prepping its military and its land for a confrontation. Russia thus had to strike first. Russia entered Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

      Instead of backing off, the West upped-the-ante . . . they imposed crippling economic sanctions upon Russia specifically designed to crush Russia’s economy. The sanctions backfired and are harming the west more than harming Russia.

      So what is the west doing now . . . . massing troops in NATO countries along Russia’s border.

      Russia has said that if NATO and Russia go to war, NATO has superior conventional forces. Russia admits that. But Russia also said “Russia is a nuclear power and Russian nuclear forces are superior to NATO.” President Vladimir Putin said publicly, “It will be a war that no one will win.”

      The only war that “no one will win” is a nuclear war.

      NOW, the NYC Office of Emergency Management is publicly telling New Yorkers what to do when a nuclear bomb hits.


      Because they know what’s coming . . . . because our own government is the cause of it. That’s why, in the first few seconds of the video above, they actually tell you ‘don’t ask why, or how . . . .” BECAUSE IF YOU START ASKING WHY, YOU’LL FIGURE OUT THAT IT IS OUR GOVERNMENT THAT IS CAUSING THIS! ! ! ! !

      It is now clear that the US intends to engage in a nuclear war with Russia. THAT is why NYC OEM is putting out these warnings.


      I cannot even begin to describe to you, the heat I have taken over the past few months, for warning my web site visitors and radio audience that nukes are going to fly. I was called “crazy” by the public. My stories were smeared as “click bait.” My sources were derided as “fear mongers.” My radio show was attacked as “scaring the public.”

      So now that the New York City Office of Emergency Management is actually telling New Yorkers what to do when a nuclear bomb hits, I wonder if folks might figure out that I’ve been right all along?


      1. Jay
        You have a population so dense and mass thick they don’t get that at least 3,500 missiles will come over minutes taking out all bases, cities ,power plants, rail tracks, airports and docks. They will be headless in just 10 minutes. EMPs will mass hit. All Refineries and Fuel Depots are gone. Water will be irradiated. All coasts. Ships scuttled. 10 Pearl Harbours. All coordinated. Optimum timed for between one and four in the morning dead in their beds. Then the ICBMs arrive over the Pole. Game enders. Too thick to understand it will be everywhere at once. Mass blanket hit. Then China will follow. A war of no world left. The tiny UK will be atomised for sure. No chance to survive. But our Subs will mass launch, our fleets and Bombers too. Hit us, they go for sure. It’s a No Win War.
        They start it, we will end it and them.


    2. Very simply not acceptable.


    1. OMG! Is there an island where all the decent people can go? Then again, why should we leave.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. A bullet costs a bloody Quid! Sorted!


  10. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    What? Has Krispy Kreme Carstens seen the light? They should at least allow the reserves up to and including his body fat percentage.


  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  12. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Good gods, I hope the elders don’t bank there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We will be buying our own. This I have pre-warned.


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Just be sure to not hire the same wogs who ran this one into the ground.


        1. We have Porton Down now working on Wog Viruses.


          1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  14. https://coinpedia.org/bitcoin/another-market-crash-upcoming-during-mid-of-july-bitcoinbtc-price-may-slash-below-15000-soon/

    Others too seem to feel bitcoin will drop to c15K. As my gut indication was. Buy time

    Tony prowling for hot chicks again

    Political leaders?
    ‘Twelve officers killed’ in Ukrainian strike on Russian command post https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11001617/Twelve-Putins-officers-killed-Ukraine-strike-Russian-command-post.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Again he keeps losing men as Ukraine hits back . It’s called Freedom? He will lose so many more yet

    From a regular contributor
    The economic geography of present-day Ukraine is curious. The territories lost as a result of the SMO are home to 15 million people and generate 49.89% of Ukraine’s GDP. The loss of the Odessa and Mykolayiv regions would leave only 25% of prewar GDP under Kiev, meaning that postwar Ukraine’s GDP would be less than $20 billion, taking into account its decline during the conflict.

    There is no way forward for this potential rump without a collapse of currency and total default on all debts and obligations. It is why the oligarchs are looting the banks before it all goes down. One does wonder how all this magic printed money going into this sinkhole will pan out? It is nothing more than the laundering of money into illicit pockets. The supply of hardware off is a laundry game that is fraud on the taxpayers of nations supplying such hardware because their equipment is largely sold off to profit illicit parties seeking to gain from their largesse. This is really a form of genocide of Ukrainians who are thrown into the meat grinder of artillery to die for thievery and foreign profit. So why is this any different to Rwanda or the killing fields of Cambodia? Who holds people to account for such bloodshed?
    Is it not time for true sovereign national currencies vs the over printing to satisfy Central banking control at the expense of the pubic? Do not believe for a second that these so called Digital currencies free anyone other than to mask the mass theft occurred and occurring and to exhibit control going forward. If the farmers figure it out they will starve the cities on mass and trigger the street mobs of change who will not care for order or past positions of politicians as they are sacked or killed. Ponder the French Revolution throughout Europe because it is coming far sooner than people know.
    Who will bring this piece of filth, like his father, to justice?

    Hunter Biden spent $30k on prostitutes within FIVE MONTHS, docs reveal https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10966153/Hunter-Biden-spent-30k-prostitutes-FIVE-MONTHS-documents-reveal.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


  15. The Barnes Brief: Monday, July 11, 2022

    Top News Summation: Hunter Biden hack continues to reverberate with Biden himself named “Pedo Peter” in the contact list…

    Twitter asks for November trial for Musk lawsuit, as some wonder if Musk used Twitter to mask Musk selling nearly $10B in Twitter stock…

    Russian hackers expose Ukranian military secrets about massive Ukranian military casualties (70K dead, 50%+ of best units lost)…

    Saudis turn down Biden’s begging for oil production increase…

    After assassination, Japan gives current regime strong majority in legislative elections that may lead to Constitutional reform there as economy badly lags…

    Masters’ lead expands in Arizona…

    rush to place abortion on state ballots may backfire on abortion supporters while Biden tinkers with emergency powers to protect abortion access in pro-life states…

    payroll still 6 million jobs short of pre-lockdown economy while Fed stats suggest already in recession…

    James Caan of The Godfather, Elf, and Thief passed away this past week…

    woke films continue to collapse while traditional fare continues to dominate the box office…


  16. John. Okay Mr cheeky Britisher. Here I am and my fingers too. You are so bad!! Now you are promising 8 nights a week?? Such a kidder you are. I obviously received your cheeky messages. 🙂

    Very sorry I am unable to get back to you in a timely manner as I have been very busy with my work.

    The struggle continues and on many fronts there have been victories and defeats. But Europa is waking up and realizing what is at stake if filthy pigs like Barbara Spectre and Klaus Schwab prevail. You better work hard at your tasks John because your opponents are as you know a clever bunch of scoundrels who have fooled many into thinking they are a poor lot of innocents who seem to be hated for no reasons. As you say. Hooks in everything though.

    But thank you for the continuing flattery, it is what women like yes?

    Europa Invicta!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Frieda, I want to feed her. How many hearts now flutter? Stay “Special”. For Eight, don’t say Nein!
      Missed you.
      Lol. Humour as ever.
      The issues are huge. We know. We need a whisper to become a Roar. It’s happened before
      You matter Munich. We don’t sleep.


  17. Good to see one UK MP in the PM Contest stating a wish to identify the need to highlight all Russians and Russian criminals or dissidents and to clear the lot out. Europe also needs them gone. The Czechs have started. Vermin seed. Send them back..As bad as Zionists. Good man, he gets it. Good to see. Wake up the Plebs. Vermin out.


  18. Faith Washington Avatar
    Faith Washington

    Amazing! I am not even certain how I arrived at this beautiful article but I am delighted! We must focus all our collective energy on what WE DO WANT to see and achieve. Cities of repurposed buildings with plants and wildlife, growing local gardens, MedBeds within these cities to heal ALL (that is my project), teaching peeps about their internal gifts and how to amplify them, and taking down the old guard of nonsensical khazarian cabal evil. Courts will be demolished and retooled with only those willing to be trained in Constitutional Law, no more politicians but local reps who are equitable within small areas. Funding for purpose for the greatness of humanity. Open to our greatest possibilities minus the negative evil will prove fruitful and powerful, it is our birthright.
    Thank you for writing this article!


    1. Keep the faith. Good to see you get it. Good values.


      1. Good to see you here. Like minds. It’s a great Community.


        1. Your contributions help. Thoughts, wisdom. Applied thought


  19. On the Inversion of Science
    “Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”
    Nikola Tesla

    “One of the most depressing things about the last two years has been how silent almost the entire academic community of statisticians/mathematicians has been in the face of so many obviously flawed statistics/studies that promote the ‘official narrative’ on Covid and the vaxx.”
    Professor Norman Fenton

    Scientistry has now separated itself almost entirely from scientody. Which is why what scientists do can no longer properly be called “science” since their activity would be more accurately described, in dialectic terms, as “government-funded rhetorical cover for the dynamic techno-medical Narrative”.

    Regardless, the fact is that what passes for science in the media is now reliably wrong. Like so many other institutions, it has been converged to the point of being inverted.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Like

  21. Overpopulation, like global warming are unfounded myths. If you want to know how the overpopulation myth started check out this website:


    Liked by 1 person

  22. As Americans Struggle, Our “Leaders” Have Spent More on Ukraine This Year Than the First FIVE YEARS of the War in Afghanistan



  23. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/biden-admin-wasting-106-billion-pfizers-covid-19-paxlovid-flop

    Biden Admin Wasting $10.6 Billion On Pfizer’s COVID-19 Paxlovid Flop
    “Why did the White House commit to and cut a blank check of taxpayer dollars before obtaining conclusive findings?


  24. https://metro.co.uk/2022/07/08/why-did-i-like-so-many-others-of-my-generation-fall-for-crypto-16951062/

    Really. And you expected what? Less flights. Double cost and rising

    The world is funding killer drones for Ukraine
    Sky News Australia: Prince Harry will ‘get dumped’ when he ‘no longer serves a purpose’.

    Beyond doubt she’s got massive form for bolting on everyone just like her mother. She bolted on her first husband. Friends and father she bolted on the Royal family and for sure he will follow. She’s only using him for Netflix when they fail to draw viewers it’s over.
    Geo News: Queen having Prince Andrew ‘pack up and run away amid growing fury.

    Away with the Twat.


  25. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Our case as ever! Clean up this STY!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. When TF will America ever get this? They have Stolen America. You are enslaved now to this scum. Get RID!


  27. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  28. Iran announces completion of transport of Russian goods to India through INSTC
    Another twist in the tail for Iran and Russia.

    This is much bigger a deal than people recognize. A new trade route is shaping up.

    Top Trader Says Massive Unexpected Bitcoin (BTC) Rally To Take Place This Year – Here’s His Targe

    Worth watching Folks.

    Top Trader Says Massive Unexpected Bitcoin (BTC) Rally To Take Place This Year – Here’s His Target

    Unable to even fix its own tanks, Russia’s humiliation is now complete

    Real world as Russia hurts.

    ‘I’m out millions of dollars’: Thousands of crypto investors have their life savings frozen as Voyager files for bankruptcy protection

    Custodian nightmares.

    Dreadful inhumanity and cruelty. Both should be dosed with gasoline and ignited. Karma!

    Shocking moment woman, 48, pours gasoline over man setting him on fire https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10999107/Shocking-moment-woman-48-pours-gasoline-man-lights-fire-argument-park.html?ito=native_share_article-caption#i-ff88e4eb3c8ac085
    It’s not only Britain. The West needs honest, trustworthy leaders to deter Autocrats

    We all suffer from the weak and inept in power now.

    ‘Wait for your mind to be blown’: James Webb Space Telescope to show the universe as it has never been seen before | Science & Tech News |



  29. The farmers’ actions are world news. There is much more at stake than most Dutch people realize. In an interview with The Epoch Times, Thierry Baudet points out the farmers’ revolt from an international context:


  30. An NYC Bodega Worker Defended Himself During an Attack. Now He Faces Murder Charges.



    1. It’s a Global People’s revolt needed next. Stop WEF Enslavement. Stop Jewish Bankers. Stop Illegals .Dead!
      Stop Brussels BS!. Debag State Suits! Stop vaccine rackets. Stop Petro and Gas Barons . Stop the Cabal.

      Liked by 2 people

  31. America has to be ramrod forced into Basle 111 controls. No more reckless USD over printing. Once CBDCs come in, a culture shock will hit. Waste has to stop Meddling and War games have to stop. No more Grey Screens and double dealing.to fund that voracious Cabal complex and its Agencies.
    US Welfare spending is insane. Unaffordable and unsupportable.Madness. CBDC oversight has to stop you dead. Children in a candy store are loose.

    There is currently a firm $2.5B lock on Fed transfers for pre approval. $2.5B is the safety wall. No money!
    How TF do these gobby, whining fantasy chasing Fake WORTHLESS Currency train wrecks think they are getting T’s? $5B will stop you. Use the Grey Cells, T’s won’t happen it’s OVER. Sorry but Santa’s not real either.
    Reach for the Soothers and Diapers and rebuild a real life. Stop funding Blowhard sites. Iraq will be refunded in B’s per justified nation case. Prudently. Blood money skip rats not at all. CBDCs will now have oversight. Basle 111 also. Again it’s like a bad marriage to a Drunk. No one home between the ears. Custer is not coming, nor will a Hog Feast be funded any more by the world. BRICs is building, Petro dollars will implode. Hegemony is over. The Far East, Middle East and Asia are walking to their own domain. The US snout will be out. No more looting. No more fake paper. Iraq needs to be freed to grow in its own time and needs. Not to fund free riding Vipers. Only THEY are owed. over 1 Million murdered! Shock and Awe Genocide. T’s of overprinted sucker paper is Counterfeit and Money Laundering. Proceeds of Crime. Howling Banshee Wannabes. Boring Kindergarten Muppets. Re think a new life without. Sorry, but? 1 M Iraqi dead come first. .When the recalls start, Pumpers will run. Slow learners? How many years of fake news? Same old tiring Mantras. Never rush a Con? They did. So many gullibles. Neither the IMF nor BIS can sanction it. . CBDC’s will be controlled. The PetroDollar is failing. The world is bailing on America. Woke and BLM now rules America. Look at China’s build up. Hello? A new Pearl Harbour will be some call.


    1. John,
      Who will control the CB’s who control the CBDC’s?


      1. Looking like the Basle BIS which is Rotts! Worrying and we raising it. The US has no Central Bank and we have to throttle the Crooked Fed. Rotts out! The UK threw the Rotts out.


  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Dumb all over…

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Will there be room in Argentina for all the Vaccine Genocide Criminals?



    1. They will go to Israel at a price.


  34. The Australian Federal Health website shows that there has been a 10-fold increase in death from covid since August 2021. That’s 1,000 deaths as at Aug 2021, which was 18 months after the pandemic began and 4 months after vaccine rollout, 10,000 deaths as at 30 June 2022, which is almost half that same time frame.

    A paper was recently published on NSW Health data (a State within Australia) showing the same trend


    From Dept. Health:

    “As at 3pm on 30 August 2021, a total of 52,612 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Australia, including 1,002 deaths, and approximately 18,039 active cases.”


    “As at 3pm on 30 June 2022, a total of 8,132,210 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Australia, including 9,897 deaths, and approximately 243,760 active cases.”


    Liked by 1 person

  35. TAIWAN June Birth Rate Cratered by 27.66%!
    Compared to June 2021, birth rate in Jun 2022 is down by -27.66%. This is far worse than the previous month (May) drop of -23.34% and indicates a worsening birth rate trend.


    1. Frightening implications. Transpose the same reduction to the West. Hopefully ten fold for Israe hell.


      1. Well, something is bound to happen there. You can’t double shot and double boost and not pay a price….


      2. Israel: New study links COVID vaccines to 25% increase in cardiac arrest for both males & females; Study based on data from emergency services.

        Increased cardiac arrest follows the rollout of COVID vaccines, among both males and females.

        No similar increase was found due to COVID infection alone.


  36. https://americasfreedomfighters.com/breaking-obamas-own-climate-scientist-breaks-ranks-and-shreds-barry-exposes-the-climate-emergency-says-this-3/?fbclid=IwAR05fTCKNhRRqkGOX8odir-DcxTFz2B8cD2bCrl9SV1-81_4RXANiEBNIQQ
    A climate scientist who served during the Obama administration is pushing back on current claims that there is a climate “emergency” requiring immediate policy and legislative action, adding that modern heatwaves are “no more common than they were in 1900.”

    Liked by 3 people

  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Need weapons for your war? Ukraine is the west’s most prolific distributer.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Alexander The Great’s progeny in action.


  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This is not the time to quit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Correct and worth the gamble. Call time on Toilet paper currencies and re build with cryptos. Smell the Roses? No, because it’s manure! Rethink, free of the stink. 20 years of that BS,Hello?


  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The emperor who keeps on giving.


    1. He gave us a Wall for the Scots. An EU one for the Illegals next and Mexicans.

      Liked by 1 person

  42. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    A remarkable find.

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Reality is that he’s getting his troops slaughtered in Ukraine.
    So now he’s scraping the barrel for reserves. 60 Colonels alone dead. A complete and utter Cluster F up!
    So, what does he do when the news Western Arms arrive, long range rockets, more drones, more US and UK satellite imaging and more guided missile hits, Depletion hurts. They will frag his reserves, then what next? They only die once!
    It’s a stupid war and way too many good men are dying on both sides. He’s lost the momentum and his core troops. His tanks are trashed. Russia has trashed its Western outlets and trade. If the US and EU tell China and India to back off supporting this runt, or we will blow your trade tariffs here, Putin will see his own Anus. Wise up, the West will serve him up his own Butt. He’s being toyed with in play. He doesn’t have the resources after Winter sets in. This was how Hitler and Napoleon failed. Freezing kills! The West is playing him for a fool while we weapons test. How many more of his poor troops must die for this Midgets delusional lie? Runts heh?

    Putin ‘prepares attacks in Ukraine’ moving reserves to its border https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10998159/Putin-prepares-fresh-attacks-Ukraine-moves-reserves-Russia-Ukraine-border.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Russia’s plans are now ‘doomed’ as Putin ‘awakens sleeping giant’ with threat to Europe | Science | News | Express.co.uk

    What Putin has done is to awaken, alienate and unite Europe against him. A STUPID move It has badly backfired now he’s opened up an arms Race. Pillock!

    Thats a NO win for Russia as their arses are now in Biders in worldwide Banking. Blocked and assets sequestrated Muppets end. It was so unnecessary.
    Ignition… Lift-off! – Kunstler

    Change is coming, if not by design, then by need of a populace tired and fed up with current bureaucracy.
    When farmers cut off cities from supply, mobs form and riot and governments fall. It is simply a repeat of history.

    Crypto volumes take a hit after new tax rules; what’s the road ahead

    The thieving Bastards have new voracious hooks into your cryptos. Take care out there.

    Under-the-Radar Metric Flashing Green for First Time in Years Could Bode Well for Bitcoin, Says InvestAnswer

    Under-the-Radar Metric Flashing Green for First Time in Years Could Bode Well for Bitcoin, Says InvestAnswers

    Putin loses his 60th colonel in Ukraine as paratrooper buried

    These all-conquering Russians keep dying.. Soon he will be scouring Moscow then its Coup time.

    Putin loses his 60th colonel in Ukraine as paratrooper buried https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10997521/Putin-loses-60th-colonel-Ukraine-Paratrooper-buried-honours-latest-senior-officer-die.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    So what is Covid Truth?



  45. Oh Tony,
    I wait to see.
    Your face when she tells you John has already guaranteed me 5,
    So no one with less leaves here alive.
    Between the day and night jobs she covers as Miss Whiplash, and Scissor sisters.
    Too late now to start plea bargaining blisters
    Really dont let her get the hump,
    Take along your fully charged up bike pump.
    What an aggressive Aryan Girl car crash,
    If you, fade out at 3 here comes the lash.
    Don’t you know she comes from the Dynasty Tribe of Hannibal,
    And every bloodline Blond Munich Girl is a full on Cannibal?


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      That’s some clever Haiku. But, don’t quit your day job. lol

      Not sure she would like to be called a descendant of Hannibal. Probably more like one from Arminius’ line. A real Teutoburg Forrest rebel.

      The Wind Blows, The Mountain is Unmoved. Stick to English Girls, The Married Ones Are Well-Grooved.

      Liked by 1 person

  46. Trudeau Panics as his Government reveals the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 COVID Deaths in Canada since February

    Trudeau Panics as his Government reveals the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 COVID Deaths in Canada since February


    1. Nice. It’s about freaking time this number came out. Governments worldwide saw the trend lines and stopped distinguishing vaxxed vs unvaxxed deliberately to obfuscate. We, in the true science-side said ‘Really? The most important numbers are not going to be reported? That stinks to high heaven’. So, UK, we going to resume measuring or retrospectively dig this number out? Or are we going to emulate Canada and take the the Truth Hit later? And will any heads roll at the Office of National Statistics in either country?


  47. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/white-house-readies-400m-more-military-aid-ukraine-marking-15th-package

    White House Unveils $400M More In Military Aid To Ukraine, Marking 15th Package
    Now over $7 billion given since February, but who’s counting at this point?


  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Wait until your energy prices at home shoot up 30% more and Gas for your cars hits $11 dollars a gallon as in the UK. How many Dummies will keep giving free cars and phones to free loading Welafarians.? Next they will be buying Dinars. Ahh am owed. only in America. One giant Hollywood.


  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I like this man. He fights.


  50. Pilots are having events at unprecedented rates, but the airlines are refusing to screen the pilots for cardiac issues. When American Airlines Captain Bob Snow had a cardiac event right after he landed, he didn’t even get a call from the CEO of American Airlines. The FAA won’t require pilot screening. They know exactly what they would find. So they look the other way and say nothing and pretend these events never happened. The pilots know. Any member of the public with a working brain can figure this out. But we assume that the FAA is honest and will do the right thing. Big mistake. The FAA was officially put on notice and they have done absolutely nothing about it. They just ignored it like it never happened. Congress is doing the same: they aren’t holding the FAA accountable since they know it would make them look bad. Everyone is banking on nobody ever finding out. After all, they covered up the fact that the US government created the virus in the first place so the reasoning is that they can cover up all the cardiac events and pilot deaths.– Steve Kirsch


  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Some comments to end the week.

    Once again, the issue of currency groups has been discussed, and naturally, the outcome presented by j2021 is that it’s all over, you ain’t gettin’ paid.

    Of course, this is certainly nothing to be discounted as he is expert in the field of international finance and is tuned into sovereign financial affairs in ways that few are. The problem is that all the group leaders, be they in well-structured groups, or in questionable broker chains many layers deep, have not issued any such news that, “It’s all over folks!”

    Where these two camps meet, there are train wrecks, and most of the time those train wrecks are in my e-mail inbox.

    I have received several inquiries asking me for my take. Well, rather that reply to each, and wear my fingers to the nub, let me give you my perspective here, openly and for all to see, so we can put this issue to rest as a group.

    The first thing to try to clarify is that not all groups are equal in form. I have personally witnessed the processes of groups that have provided meticulous detailed entry processes, with notarized receipts, legal counsel and accounting offices to escrow the funds.

    I have also seen examples of dubious broker chains who maintained almost no accounting or receipting of funds, and issue newsletters containing the most unbelievable reasons why the process has not started or what needs to happen so it can start. Everything from “we must have a digital dollar first” to “the military has to declare martial law and close the Fed” and everything in between.

    And then we have Seminar Dave, who openly claims that if you attend one of his workshops, you will be able to participate in “Round 1” of his group’s “dong exchange”. A process he claims is set up to help those enlightened in society to “shift and change” the world for the better. Here is his latest show.

    Within the first 10 minutes or so he claims that things are just great, and the process is moving along towards success, but he has to be careful because he has signed an NDA. He then plays a video from someone who lectures on “duality consciousness”, but I had to stop it a few minutes into her talk as I was becoming suicidal listening to her.

    Now, the point of this message is this. Each of you have to be responsible for the decision to remain in or attempt to pull out of any group currency arrangement you are in. I do NOT want you to make that decision based on anything written here at WHA. This steps into the bounds of almost giving investment advice on what to do with your existing investments. This is NOT THE CASE, I can assure you.

    YOU and YOU ALONE are responsible for what to do with your currencies, whether they are in your hands, or in the custody of a group, no matter how well or how disorganized your group arrangement is.

    Now that this is made clear, please remember this as your prime directive. ALWAYS present your concerns on group currency matters to the leaders of your respective groups. THEY ALONE are making the claims for a final outcome, and THEY ALONE are going to be the ones who have to provide you with the answers to your questions. And it is on THEIR WORDS ALONE that you must make your decisions to stay or quit, or to determine the legitimacy of your arrangements.

    We will not take on that responsibility here.

    That being said, anyone here, including j2021, is FREE to express their opinion on the matter. There is no problem with that whatsoever, and I am not trying to express any concern over what has been written so far by him or anyone. Such opinions should be welcomed in fact. What I am saying is, the final decision is YOURS and not OURS as to what you do.

    I do agree that the entire “currency community” has so far resulted in nothing but a lot of oratorio vomitoria. Talk, talk, talk. No results. No assistance. No help has come from it. The promoters take money in from selling their wares, and the people in the wings foot the bills in return for a golden dawn.

    Slowly now, actuarial realities are thinning the herds. In the end, this currency group thing will work, or it will simply fade away over time as people drop off, little by little. it will never announce that the matter had failed. If it did, a lot of people would be due refunds or will demand their donations back.

    I don’t know about the promoters, but I would not want to be in that position. That’s an expensive process – to mail back thousands of dollars’ worth of currencies. It’s clear to see why no currency groups will ever admit to failure. They will have to keep the show looking healthy, either because it really is, or because they can’t afford to admit otherwise.

    Whatever you decide, it’s on you.

    Thank you and have a good weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A wildcat Idiot Child Bush 43 illegally trashed Iraq. Let the US pay for it. But the US is broke. The EU has no money to pay for it and any move towards the Elders will be vetoed instantly. The BIS won’t be able to allow CBDCs to fund this insanity.This was a Bush foul up, as for the plates used mass printing that huge SCAM,. let those responsible fund it. Let the IMF help Iraq start fresh, new notes only and a clean start. No racketeering Camel baggage. Why would the world part with Trillions bailing this Hustlers orgy of greed? War Criminal Bush murdered Iraq. Unlawfully. The world has moved on. There is no will, nor money. Every month, every year the same Self Delusional Guff repeats. Show me the Money idiots will give away? We have a London Bridge for sale. Idiots welcome to buy. When do you get there is NO Leprechauns Gold waiting and No Rainbow.?
      Time they get a life. Boo Hoo they took away my $5m I paid $500Bucks for. Mammie. How long does the Delusion last? Get- a- Life. Kansas has imploded. Let the Pumpers implode. Still new Idiots are born daily.
      So many Biden’s out there! Know when to fold and walk away. Boo Hoo Mammie, I was promised. Jesus Wept.
      Rebuild, triers do. Yes, YOU can! How many years? Santa has retired. Start new. Life is too precious to waste on empty pot fantasies. Dinars are like a bad marriage. Call it.


    2. Thank you for taking the time to share this message Tony. I for one am very happy that discussions re this matter are ending here at WHA.


  52. Another HUNTER Biden story.


  53. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I don’t know how anyone can stand to be in the same room with this senile old bastard.

    Liked by 1 person

  54. A Dynamic Duo of Young Billionaires to Prevent Crypto from Collapsing
    Small so far, but so was Covid. Close their F fligts now! Plague Ship rules!

    Fears over fresh outbreak of Marburg virus that kills 90% of patients https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10994271/Fears-fresh-outbreak-Marburg-virus-kills-90-patients-Africa.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Indonesian man, snaps his penis and during ‘vigorous’ sex with wife https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10994771/Indonesian-man-44-snaps-penis-vigorous-cowgirl-sex-wife.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Jeez Tony I thought it was you and Munich Girl
    Uganda’s Discovery Of ’31 Million Tonnes Of Gold Ore’ And What It Could Mean For World Gold Market

    Wow !!! This will transform the Gold Markets and Uganda.
    Huge lift for the country …Huge lift for the world



    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Impossible. Mine was made by Stradivarius.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That was You Know Who with a G string!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Haaaahahahah!! That little exchange looked very funny on our wall projector. Poor MunichGirl is going to be embarrassed!

        So Tony we are again asking for what you feel the bottom of this currency BTC cycle will be. You earlier said about 15-18K. Still? Thank you we are prepping more buying power in the group today and appreciate your view. C


        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          She’s a trooper. She will get a good laugh.

          I do not like calling tops and bottoms in markets because it’s a gambler’s mentality. But if you are going to press me on it, I would offer the following view.

          Bear cycles usually end with all the contrarians standing on their soap boxes and shouting “See I told ya!” Full on egomania. We see that now.

          Bear cycles usually end with the collapsing of every ponzi scheme, bad idea and over-leveraged crap-shoot. We see that now.

          We should see negative futures funding rates first, before the end of the cycle. And it has to appear like the markets are never coming back. Hopeless. Dark skies. Failure all around.

          And then, that’s when the big dogs will move in, and scoop it all up, and they will laugh as all the panic sellers scramble to buy again at higher prices. They make their fortunes on those who buy high and sell low. The manic traders and gamblers are their prey. And they take none alive.

          I think Alts have aways down to go yet. As much as 50% lower. BTC still has a ways down to go as well, in my view. Perhaps somewhere in the $14-16K range now. I would consider those prices as excellent buying ranges.

          The next ride up will be in an environment much unlike the last time it rose from the depths. There is no telling what the new highs may be, but I am most certain they will exceed the last highs by some margin. All across the ecosystem of quality alts as well.

          You know the drill. I play the long game.

          Wealth lies out thar matey, and dragons be thar too.

          Good luck and now we wait for MunichGirl’s reaction. lol

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Just how does this onion faced sour grape know nothing Child, think we are going to house and feed millions this year? Tape its mouth, what a pointless Mutt! Shut off its sound bites. Grete Grunt, what a media created Gnome ? Sound bite its head off. An attention seeking runt. Boring.

      Liked by 1 person

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