White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #183

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

As Europe and the world was ever more divided, millions were dying in cruel, hostile conditions. None knowing why, and the mustard gas was yet to follow. 

Like now, it needed a new season for reason and for the Souls of Humanity to stop this profanity. 

As Germany, Sweden and Europe are being overrun by these mass-ignorant, crime-ridden, raping hoards, it’s time to unite and lead a common fight for each other. To keep our own nation’s humanities and hope alive. To work as one, to keep our homelands and motherlands.

Political incompetence has failed us all, and will. Truly evil forces manipulate us all behind the scenes, with a vested agenda to divide all, mass cross-breed chaos, and rule. Having bought our political orders and ruling all banking, they now seek to create their own mutant, subservient and dependent race under their own NWO false flag, where their elites take and rule all, as nations fall and bankers sequester. Never more did we, and the world, need a new Munich Agreement to save the souls of our nations, our heritage and our RIGHTS to be free.

Man, and we, need to unite and fight for good. We have no worthwhile leaders, just manipulative publicly funded suited bottom feeders. Munich II, it now needs you. We are at war for survival of our own kind. Mankind. 

As ALL will go West to a multi-polar new world, have YOU yourself even thought it through? What it means for you long-term? It’s coming – enormous seismic changes towards the pending and complicated Global Settlements outcome. Most of the West are sadly just brain dead; clueless. You cannot build a value-based democratic democracy based on greasy pole, non-achieving, inept political mediocrities. Just eight key Zionist Jewish families own the Federal Reserve, BIS, US Treasury and BOTH Houses for political control. Do you understand the battles coming?

The world you think you are in is just an illusion. Left to them, you will own nothing but just be owned by them. A Goyim Chattel. Believe it. Their way, you lose it all. Serfs! Taxation and Zios are taking it all. The Zios are driving you all towards their melting pot of racial cross-breeding mud-people drones flooding Europe until it blows, to serve only their order. Borgs! They own America and the Governments. They own and manipulate both Houses stolen by stealth and fraud while you blindly did nothing. You next? Will the public all only care when it’s too late. Thank the gods for the coming global split, and our chances to unite, rethink as independent human beings together, and stop what is unfolding. Rallying the nation’s carers and raising the bar!

Thank God for WHA, all of you worldwide united, and the radical unity we need when the GS comes. If we can stop the Rotts and Zio DC Cabal stealing the lot, all can rebuild. We need to swerve the US CBDC version. It’s a skunks chain for all to be taken at will. BRICS will help smash the global and WEF Zio plans. This they fear and with reason. 

BRICS is our New World Order battleground, political as hell, but the basis for global change to suit a new emerging Human species. We will not become Zionist or WEF feces. 

People, worldwide, given a chance, are good. Most of our problems are because of Zionist usury, global chicanery, political avarice, or Agency manipulation – the cause of most wars feeding the gross military industrial cabal. No NWO and no WEF. Feed need. Educate.

When will we learn, it’s all about nurturing souls. No one is “special”. Just be a good and humane being.  Not Goyim as slaves to the truly evil doctrinaire Zionist species scavenging the planet. 

Eight scurrilous and duplicitous Jewish families own it all! Why allow this oppressive lie? Oh what webs they weave, those who practice to deceive! How many world wars have these scheming, evil bastards been behind, and who, combined with the Khazarian Mafia, is scalping and skimming Ukraine? Who are most of the infiltrated, thieving, criminal Russian oligarchs having their stolen assets seized worldwide? These Weevils are human parasites. Gold fever, they come. Each with second Israeli passports and their hole-in-the-wall bolt-hole. Take off the blinkers. 

Every child has a right to life, education and family love. To belong. Every person here has right to try to fulfill their destiny, free of oppression, and the liberty to grow and each in turn, contribute towards a better world for all, with true Ethereal Values and not false religions.

It’s your one time pit stop here in an endless journey of cosmic life, to experience carbon life form in this beautiful world, in a world we all share, to each evolve, not pollute and despair. You came here as a cosmic life Being Soul and this existence, how you live, is your own Book of Life and all you take with you on your endless life journey. Guard it well and with pride, it’s all about you and the values inside. How will you present when called?  How can we teach Mankind – to be kind? 

A new world is evolving. We need to make a difference. Hemispheres are reshaping now. Hegemony bases will be faced down. Emerging new people are not manipulators’ sheeple. 

At the last count, NATO, America’s war-making machine, had 48 major warfare bases and c3.5 million personnel. Why? Poor, passive Germany and Poland will be erased again if played as passive pawns on a board by Washington.

Australia has no chance if China comes. Real world, understand where you are. We European nations need to rethink Europe, protect our cultures, our histories – poke Woke and toss the Human Rights Act so we can block illegals.

Block, arm and defend our borders. Germany must NOT go into the night. Aryans and Teutonic, as one we must fight. One people, not hegemony sheeple. 

The GS Overview Alone – Other key issues to follow. All as important to you. Understanding, places you apart. Then Above! Only WHA access gives you this. Your own supported site. 

China and India as the 2 Major BRICS economies, are each beyond wary of each other. Neither will accept subservience. Thrown also into the pot are Russia, South Africa, South America and Asia. Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and the Zionists Mafia, are fully engaged in Trade missions seeking access and power there. Hooks! Washington dreads the EU adopting BRICS, while we really assess the best UK option. We will deal with our own best, hands free of Washington’s knee.

The Chinese Elders are slowly coming to terms with a possible BRICS solution, where the Chinese Communists and criminal Beijing Mafia with others, are allowed to be BRICS minorities, as a controlled part of the future mix, and problem fix! Resolution takes understanding and time. Huge cultural mind steps as each position for best advantage. All is in play, so many collective self-interests. Its own witches cauldron.

China’s case is that it’s their money, stolen by the Elders Dynasties. Not true. Our belief is that it’s also part Japanese, but theirs was also looted from other nations, including old German gold held for safekeeping, which we will not expand upon. All being re-smelted. But all chains were compromised and each “sequestrated” anyway. Chinese and Elders’ revulsion at historical Japanese brutality, and mass genocide, rape, torture and inhumane experiments, requires consummate diplomacy. Japan seeks to forget. Ravaged China cannot. Memories are long. Japanese outreach parties offering key London Trustee Advisors large emoluments to help influence their bars to be redeemed, will never be accepted by London. Trust and ethics are. Unbuyable!

America, sadly, via Zionist chicanery as usual, blew their chance of a real deal in December 2021, and the incoming BRICS alternatives evolving now changes all equations and balance of powers. London will be the focal protectorate arm for the Elders. So many witches covens are in the mix, each with boiling cauldrons of dissent and avarice. It needs the wisdom and experienced Judgment of Solomon. Daily. Evolution of each to remove Western political pollution. We think above as a Global imperative.  

If we go via BRICS, the Petrodollar will melt down. Saudi, Russia, China, India and the EU will call their dollars. Economic war. The rest – you know. Each has re-geared down their economies to only now face a maximum 10% exposure to the US, and India grows ever closer to Asia, Russia and the EU. Each has opted out of Dollars and ejected SWIFT. If we go via BRICS we don’t need LBMA or London clearance on the gold; via cryptos and Blockchain we can cut the West out in entirety where we so choose. 

It can get better, as we are now exploring visible potential to create our own project and trade linked cryptos, Blockchains and our own bank vehicles and facilities, outside of London and US DC regulatory domains. Pestilence free. New ethical entities, with interfacing HealthCare and pension retiree planning as investment bundles, cutting out the state, City Platform Managers, and all offshore skim-offs from usury offshore bank leveraging margins. Once peoples’ chosen vehicles participate and share in real wealth created platforms, not Agency defense rip-offs feeding cabals for wars, where does your cash flow? Yes, if desired, they can, and may, can Japan. What is cooking? 

This is not just the GS, it’s a re-think of all. Tables are loaded. 

As for the Japanese, if told by BRICS, “You cannot participate in BRICS or our GS releases, while continuing to base foreign military bases hostile to and threatening our own Eastern domains for hegemony games, nor sell into our markets“, how will that go down? Australia, 5 eyes and all, will get an unpleasant wakeup call. Protection starts with BRICS domains. Home-free of US brutal self interest manipulative hegemony. Reshaping of the East and Asia is unfolding. Snouts out. It’s all on the table and all in the pot. One collective plot. Go home time? 

Those who stole everything may soon end up with nothing. Checkers playing chess? Don’t underestimate the severity of this. We, who lost Empires…know. Memories are long. But we maintained cultural relationships and global banking. The US just prostituted the children and can’t understand “Why the hatred?”. It will reshape the future. 

Power is transient – illusionary. People migrate, lest we forget. As Americans you once also did. But then, sadly, you lost both the plot and pot. How will we cope with the endless locust swarm border crossings of freeloading interlopers bringing debt, crime, rapes, diseases, scavenging and crippling our health, educations and housing systems? Left unchecked they will destroy all, as with Rome. Empires end. Barbarians come at a price. Today, we expose more reality for you. You all matter, as connected humanity. Being free has value. Watch if we come out of the Human Rights nonsense. 

Work with WHA as we think for you all, outside the box, how to challenge, focus on and protect the key to all our futures. WHA has been invaluable on COVID. Huge credit and our thanks to all.   

Will you be left with the dummies and soothers, holding the baby when it all goes South? Wake up time then is too late! Nothing lasts. Look at the last 5,000 years. Only the Roaches and Zionists types remained Teflon. However many times we scourged them, they dug in like weevils. If only for Cyrus the Virus then. Pestilence removal. More consider now it’s the only realistic way to remove bloodsucking Roaches, as they themselves visibly aspire and worse, via the Zionists’ Mafias, seek to do for all Goyim. Two can play, but their malignant roleplay needs to go away. Or they will! For Humanity’s good. The point of the truly evil bio warfare labs in Ukraine has not been lost on others, especially malcontents.

Radical Islamists and Iranian extremists cross conspire; it could be dire for all. 9/11 was just the opener. They now all see the way to succeed in a mass attack. Their presumptions of taking out a “bad and must-go genetic seed” augurs danger for all. Try to tell the battered, ever-suppressed and murdered Palestinians, the destroyed Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, and intelligent but cross-wired Iranian Mullahs, and well-educated, patriotic Republican Guard, not to unite against a common foe, and not to unite in research to weaponize against the invasive Zionist Ho. Worldwide! Nations all destroyed by their asset-stripping by stealth. So many minds could become cross-deployed to unite, to right the past and DNA weaponize against the common foe, the ruthless and parasitic Zionists. Upcoming bio genetic tech advancements are not missed by ever growing vengeful fanatics. They envisage an easy way to knock out many millions and not cost trillions. Payback loose? Oil money and despotic rulers, if cross-combined, may seek to remove the oppressive swine. 7th Century cults with a Zionist and Islamic death wish. With an envisaged global Khazarian Mafia Zionist target of probably 25 millions, they presume none have human rights, but what of at least the good and harmless Jewish half, decent people harming no one, who will be innocent good family values Jewish members of each society? Contributing as normal people, serving as innocent Jews in sciences, healthcare, the arts and education.

Why should they also, by mass DNA weaponized viruses, die?  It won’t just be collateral damage taking out c10 million in America, and 5 million in fake Israel. Islamists care little about collateral damage. Nor does Iran. They just want Zionist and Khazarian mass dead.  But – be alarmed and wise. It will species jump. Has COVID taught us nothing, from the Fauci and Gates swine? Still, no one carries the can for Fauci and Wuhan! Trust the sciences? What a politically naïve fools mantra. Ignorant and political turkeys, like Johnson, gobbled and eulogized as we mass jabbed billions. What are we unleashing upon gullible humankind? Have you seen the vaccine side effects? What the hell have we allowed loose? COVID was science and species meddling. Now it’s incubating and mutating. So much for our capability there, as Fauci hides and denies, but Gates ruthlessly lies and profiteers. Thank God for the views and caring informed contributions of WHA. 

Changes are coming, and must. Or the West WILL go bust! As Western hope and democracy sinks, the whole system stinks! Led by shallow, talentless mediocrities with no concept of what it needs to run an effective democracy. Hope dies under political lies. None merit office.  

In the old Centre Democratic Mother of Parliaments in London, the system, as we know it, is on a fast track towards melt down now. Evolution or revolution, but it’s starting now. 

Our people can no longer make sense of how to pay their own heating and housing bills, or meet needs for key monthly needs. Yet we do nothing about insatiable and escalating bankers and City traders’ wanton greed. Inflation is loose, and ripping up our lives by the roots. Banks all plot to swallow the lot. Then what? Watch the EU riots if they catch on. 

Once the dissenting German people were united to fight back. How did that go? They almost achieved it.     

For the first time in maybe 40 or 50 years, mass public strikes in the UK are starting, caused by the desperation needs of our people. We have no public pot left, and it will follow in the US and EU. Yes, it’s coming to YOU! Or, the lot goes. Then it’s Mad Max and the ho’s.

Train strikes are stopping cities from functioning and chaos.Growing corporate losses will follow with no employees to earn.

The total National Health Service failure faces us as they are coming out on phased strikes. No ambulances, cancelled operations, treatments, or nurses gone. Doctors’ GP surgeries, too. 
The teachers, schools, universities, civil servants and state, are all coming out. Desperation rules, but the state has no money. Pay with what? And the strikers don’t get it. Each has lost the plot. We all need to rethink America’s asset-stripping for wars!

But, here is the big one. We have allowed bankers to rig, racketeer and weaponize water and energy, our basic building blocks of life. We were told, assured, in fact, by these gas charlatans, that to start we would have to pay more to fund it, then costs would decline, but they never did. They racketeered it, greedily monetized it when profitable, then stole the lot and saddled us to fund vast dividends we first paid for. As inept governments flounder, as now in the UK, the calls to nationalize energy and water will grow, and rightly so. If this current government falls, as expected, then the even worse Labour (Democrats) will scoop the lot. Devoid of anything, low intelligent grunts with an ignorant lust for power, at any price, we may be opening the doors to Soviet-type Socialism as in the early 20th Century.  

We have the mass hooligans and rabble rousers waiting to unite. Just as Lenin did. Dreams ruined by rabble rousers who co-enjoined and got over-promoted. The rest we know, but we now may have the same sinking despair. An evolving melting pot, heading for trouble. 

As the economy falls, costs rise, inflation soars, homes and jobs are lost, they see endless City bankers bonuses and mega-yachts, and unstoppable illegals taking the homes and welfare of the ever-distressed nationals – it won’t take a lot to flashfire and unite. If Labour moves to fully nationalize water and gas, it sure as hell will have the support of the masses. Socialism ruled by worse grunts at what price? If Europe then unites on the illegals, what blows?      

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the plotting Zionist, Khazarian Mafia, NWO and WEF monstrosities, still left unchallenged by a blind media, owned and suppressed by these bastards, already plan to negate our cash, passports, driving licenses and even bank cards with a catch-all bio genetic sheeple corralled intel chip. Vaccines still head your way, to put the sad and breeding mass-stupid away. Trigger the chip and your lifeline is a blip. Corralling sheeple. Be clear: Elites despise the zoo. They see only one end for 90% of you. The CFR is clear. You need to disappear. 

For distressed and soon to be dispossessed US patriots, who are themselves original one time immigrants, illegal weevils are forever coming to rape it. As with Europe. Unsustainable.   

America’s inhumane plantation past is itself awful. Europeans also enriched themselves and cashed in sadly. We all carry culpable blame. Brutal inhumanity. Even worse, sadly, many Jews got rich themselves as they mass-trafficked for slavery profits. Money laundering went wild. Same old usury Scum! Empires founded, lives lost and tossed. As was America with the Founders, its Statue of Liberty and Constitution. So aspiring and such considered, well meaning intent. Now, sadly, all has failed. Betrayed by these ruthless racketeers within. Zios and ever pernicious corrupt racketeering greasy pole system politicos. All want their lick. The Afros and Hispanics also now mass aspire.  Zionists and the Cabal, having looted and vacuumed the world, and all that will be left soon is to bail-in YOU and anything else not bolted down. Western states are not Meritocracies. Nor welfare meccas.  Anything not robustly protected, they will sequestrate. Shield your assets, or lose them. Taxes are NOT criminal rights, but impositions of inquisitions.

Cryptos are a thinking person’s way to keep state and bank snouts out of what is morally yours. London is opening Crypto doors. Beware Zionist and DC Snouts. Same claws around every cradle. It’s all about sequestration. Tapeworms loose. Look at what they seek to do via the UN. One world games to enslave all. We need China, India and Russia to reject it. Western morality and values are gone. The enemy is now our best friend, our hope. For Asia and the East to combine, reject Western hegemony and defeat the Zio, Khazarian Cabal oppressive warmongering beast. They need to make it go West! But then who reforms what is left? Who stops the endless Islamic and African locust swarms impoverishing all? America and the West are on a precipice edge. Naïve lemmings. Products of a Jesuits knee!

Across the West, you are now witnessing multiple nations simply not able to pay the freight of welfare needed with nonexistent funds, to fund and feed the parasitic illegal swarms, welfarians or aged. All cupboards are now bare. Get real! Get it at last. The game is soon up. Your hope and bankers’ mass betrayals has saddled you now birthing a new society of Hottentot mongrel pups. 

The masses, and media chattering classes, escalate more Union inspired strikes, each low brain mass demanding, ignorant of the hard reality as nations are stripped bare.  There is no money. Pay with what? Every nation is now its own Titanic, heading for the berg. Non-achievers in governments have spun you all webs of deceit. We are all often horrified at the mutant, Neanderthal braindead representatives we see espousing their abysmal and visibly pathetic ignorance in both Washington Houses. Suited, mass-ignorant gutter trash! Why is the bar on the ground? You dare aspire to this dripping gorilla snot and claim to be fit to lead? Woke – Wake Up! Dreams are not free! Then you have Biden? Are you for real? You lead with that? It’s an ageing hooker re-tread twat! Clueless DC. 

By the end of 2024, Russia will have an economy outpacing both Germany and the UK’s. They have rearmed with high-tech, leading edge weapons; focused on highly advanced technologies and new generations chips. They have re-structured global non-US or SWIFT banking, and planned new industries. Semiconductors are in mass production, and their own new, highly advanced software industries will not only outperform Silicon Valley, but will have their own safe mineral and metals supply sources, which will be simply denied to the West. We will get locked out of c75% of the Asian and Eastern markets. Try warmongering from that! Chess versus checkers. 

Merkel’s naïve leadership failed to grasp Germany’s long-term secure energy supplies needs, or strong border protection. What a loser! She mass-flooded poor Germany and the EU now with diseased, mass-ignorant child meddling, thieving and raping illegals, running drugs and straddling the women. Feeding and housing those incoming masses – what a real crime! Commies heh? 

What is stalking Europe and US hegemony now?  Trigger fingers are ready. What becomes of political mediocrities losing power? If the illegals ignite Europe, what follows? America next? Who will leave the tracks? What do the mass strikes tell you now? Uniting for what? Worse – who and what agenda?  

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. And thus is passing the glory of the (unipolar) world.

Stay tuned.


917 responses to “Information Briefing #183”

  1. Like

    1. INTERVIEW with Odessa Orlewicz – COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines are Damaging Immune Systems & Hearts of Canadian Children…

      INTERVIEW with Odessa Orlewicz – COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines are Damaging Immune Systems & Hearts of Canadian Children… – The Post & Email
      by Dr. William Makis, COVID Intel, ©2023 (Mar. 1, 2023) — This is a video clip from my most recent interview with Odessa Orlewicz


      1. https://icandecide.org/press-release/cdc-admits-it-has-no-data-to-support-recommending-covid-19-booster-shots-for-12-to-49-year-olds/

        CDC Admits It Has No Data to Support Recommending COVID-19 Booster Shots for 12- to 49-Year-Olds – ICAN – Informed Consent Action Network
        ICAN asked the CDC to produce its data that support the efficacy of COVID-19 boosters for 12-49 year olds. The response? Shocking


  2. https://palexander.substack.com/p/not-so-fast-dr-aseem-malhotra-not?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
    I admire that you have come, crossed over & welcome you, but you are being made a hero when you were part of the harms that accrued, so start by explaining how truckers knew more than you!


  3. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-03-03/democratic-mayor-college-park-md-arrested-56-child-pornography-charges

    Democratic Mayor Of College Park, MD Arrested On 56 Child Pornography Charges
    The acolyte of Pete Buttigieg was heralded by the left as one of the nation’s most promising mayors.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      I give you, Butt kisser!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Teen Volleyball Star Lost Her Legs Because Of Soros Prosecutor Kim Gardner’s Pro-Criminal Policies

    https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/02/teen-volleyball-star-lost-her-legs-because-of-soros-prosecutor-kim-gardners-pro-criminal-policies/ • @FDRLSTT


  5. I’m thinking execution at dawn, but your mileage might vary…



  6. Fmr. Houston Methodist Reg. Nurse Jennifer Bridges Exposes the Hospital’s Appalling Behavior

    “I’ve seen text messages, I’ve seen emails where Methodist Hospital threatened their doctors. You cannot sign medical exemptions. You cannot report adverse reactions to these vaccines. And then if you do…there were other people higher up to erase those. Those were not allowed to be on record.”

    From Sen. Ron Johnson’s COVID-19: A Second Opinion Senate Hearing in Jan 2022


  7. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/david-martin-uncovers-the-continuing?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
    Martin references a research paper published in early 2016 whereby the scientist team and their funders implicate themselves by their very own admissions. They confess to performing illegal Gain of Function (GoF) research during the GoF moratorium.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Now your hitting the G spot. Plus your seeing these animals plan to move Nukes into this new Jewish conclave, right on Russia’s border, right in Europe threatening everyone as they do Iran and all. These Todger slicing Rodents need removing as vermin. Slicing the rain cover off a child’s flute is its own madness. God ( Evolution) gave you a foreskin for a reason, it’s time to put the skids under these Yids. Letting them loose to expand their Child trafficking, Drug running, People trafficking and Prostitution, Money Laundering and Fraud, Tax Evasion with Dirty Banks, armed with Nukes is madness. Oligarchs hideaways. Look how many of the Russian nations asset stealing Oligarch vermin are Jews . Another nation is torn apart, as was poor Palestine to house these Swine. Time to stop Housing them and to start lead hosing them. It’s an InHuman race bringing nothing but pestilence. Wherever they go, the Rodents flow. They cluster and erupt like HIV.
      The Real War is against the Khazarians and DC Cabal, and we are all caught up in it. 990 plus Global bases bringing Hegemony and Tyranny. The joint source of most warfare on the planet. China, India and Russia are saying No. No more to these DC Whores. Boot them out and close the doors. DC now is fully Israeli, Zionist and Jew control. They have stolen you blind! There can be no peace with Jew and Mankind unless you are enslaved as Goyims and they are almost there.
      Yes to Iran having its own Nukes. Time to deal with Pig Swill Israel. Let Palestine, and Humanity free. 10M of these Vermin have seized America. They took it all. If we can , as so close before, clear the GS for the Elders, NATO will go and we will deal with these Ho. A clean sweep of every creep. Yes to Russia now finishing Jewkraine. Hard. Collect Zelensky,put him on trial in a Russian Zoo as a Naked Caged Dancing Queen. Time for America to look at its own 10M and ask WTF have we done? The Founders turn in their graves at what you have done. Fill the FEMA Camps. Then Process the lot.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        He is correct!


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Good find James thank you. Munich Girl needs to read it. Tony?


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        I am sure she will read it. She’ll love the Zio camp/process vibe.


  8. https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-03-02-big-pharma-kill-ivermectin-cutting-profits.html
    Nagao says that India’s dozens of ivermectin producers are in the crosshairs of Big Pharma, which does not like this tried-and-true remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) and other health conditions because its widespread availability and affordability are cutting into their profit streams for other drugs.

    “Generic plants are making it, and Merck is getting more and more of them,” Nagao says in the video. “The biggest one, Fanfan, Merck is buying them. Ivermectin production is coming out. It’s being discontinued now. And now these giant pharmaceutical companies are coming out of India.”

    (Related: Pfizer also wants to ban ivermectin just like Merck does in order to make way for its new “Pfizermectin” ivermectin rip-off drug.)


  9. Like

  10. FAUCI UNDER FIRE: British Scientist Given $1.88 Million Grant, $16.5 Million in NIH Funding After He Changed His Story and Came Out Publicly to Lie for Fauci About Origins of COVID | The Gateway Pundit


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Needs jail if true


  11. Big Pharma Is Unopposed In Its Domination Of Medical Education

    https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/02/big-pharma-is-unopposed-in-its-domination-of-medical-education/ • @FDRLSTT

    Big Pharma Almost Completely Controls U.S. Medical Education
    The American Medical Student Association has played a central role in Big Pharma’s takeover of medical education.


    1. This vid is spot on… why would an extremely advanced alien race want to come spy around on earth?… they enjoy playing games and laughing at us while doing it?… should be advanced enough to spy on us from their home…


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      The above pic would be Tony’s eyes if they cut his off by mistake.


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        I avoid hospitals like the plague. Even a doctor once told me that your risk of death increases by many fold just by being in one. The average age of an ER doctor is 58 at death. If mine is ever cut off, it would be by my own hand in a Van Gough moment, or by a girl who was so impressed she wanted to take it with her.


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Imagine waking up next to Clinton and self inflicting


  12. ‘Worse Than a War’: An Estimated 500,000 Americans Have Lost Their Lives to the C19 Injections

    “If we use standard under-reporting factors from our vaccine event reporting system, the current tally now is 509,000 Americans have lost their lives to the vaccine.”

    Dr. Peter McCullough (http://t.me/c19expertchannel) is an internist, epidemiologist, cardiologist, and our Chief Scientific Officer at The Wellness Company


    1. And that is being optimistic… it could be as high as 1.2MM. And we probably have 2-3x that in long-term cancer, cardiac and auto-immune consequences. Not to mention idiot consequences from the lockdowns, and COVID infections proper. One consequence of the omicron infection, which I suffer from, is that now I get tachycardia when I get sick. It’s an autonomic dysregulation that the infection gave me. And on some far flung day, if I get to my 80s, it will kill me. Nothing to be done of course and something is bound to get you, it’s just annoying to know the probable final aspect. General denial of death is one of the many things that lets us mortals put one foot in front of the other on a daily basis.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Will we be charged with animal abuse if we max out and go out banging Pussy?


        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          If doing so with Joy Behar, yes.


          1. john2020vision Avatar

            Expect clawed balls from that one

            Liked by 1 person

  13. USPS Purchases Ford EV Vans To Electrify Nation’s Largest Federal Fleet

    After facing criticism from some members of Congress and receiving a $3 billion funding boost from the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act, the postal service changed its approach in December. The organization then announced a new plan to acquire 66,230 electric delivery vans by 2028, costing $10 billion.


    1. Most stupid decision of the year… wait, no 2nd most stupid decision… Ukraine policy remains the most stupid along with bombing of the gas pipelines….

      Liked by 1 person

    2. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/miss-car-payment-ford-patent-181119638.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFOyV2iYQhIBjm0-SALbp8SR8oH60vc5EBct3wiRW1YNnWV8f7uY8Qf9H0VIXWIWFY1HDwaybmexAPOzjeYz_HrhP7Bxos-QULAG-APcwiFAJMIjiQQC3xMjOg4G8Ug5hdTtkcyzN5ss1srp4hxdurlFApwDD_cCAetxWytF4Adf

      What’s that aggravating beeping in your car? You might have missed a payment.
      Ford Motor Co. has filed for a patent on technology that could remotely shut down your radio or air conditioning, lock you out of your vehicle, or prompt it to ceaselessly beep if you miss car payments. Ford said it has no plans to use the technology, contained in just one of the many patents filed by the auto-making giant.
      The use of technology to aid repossessions isn’t new, but the patent application is wide-ranging, even proposing the idea that an autonomous vehicle could drive itself to a “more convenient” location to be collected by a tow truck.
      According to the Ford patent application for repossession-linked technology, cruise control and automated windows could be disabled if a consumer doesn’t acknowledge a notice of an overdue car payment. Ford could also shut down key fobs, door locks — even the accelerator or the engine itself.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Sadly, if America is to survive James, it can only do so under the umbrella of Democracy the Founders sought to endow you with.
      Since JFK, who tried and died for America, as forewarned by Eisenhower, it’s become a Federal Feudal Monarchy of corruption and Global vicious, cynical Hegemony. Body bags for Israel and the Zionists and crooked Jews. None of the values espoused by Visionaries. America now, has rightly, sadly, earned the contempt of the world. Bush 41 , Greenspan and the Jewish Bankers, robbed the Elders Trusts. Also America!
      The new Multi – Polar break up, will evolve towards Eurasia, and in time a Face Off. So many?
      So many of your sons have died- For What?
      A Democracy you have never had?
      Until you can limit the size of Political Contributions, excluding Foreign, background and IQ Diligence check all candidates by independent panels, slime like Pelosi, the Bushes and Clintons, Bidens and Pardons bought by convicted Jews from a disgusting slimy Skank like Trump will continue, leaving the country riddled with Rot. This America sadly, is rotten to the core. The world looks on in disbelief and disgust. We see an out of control Tinkers Camp of depravities. The rest are blind to reality. I find it hard to condone a Skunk like Trump as the best current choice.

      The Standards of Bandits, and all nations laugh at the US tourists. Clueless and Classless. Tacky, are they bred from Whakkie Bakkie sessions?
      Seceding must end Federal powers. Or back to Zio Central. The Pledge of Allegiance to Israel must go. Also the Jewish Fed. No more Jews controlling the US Treasury. Expel the lot. Clean up this Cesspit.Clear them out of both Houses and the WH. America for Americans and the Founders gift of standards. How dare you detour?
      James, truly from the heart, and with respect, re align with the good standards in the hearts of your people, cauterise DC and CA.
      Clear out the Ghettos.


      1. John,, from my heart… my mind is always thinking about the road our country is heading down… I see people around me everyday that have no clue, or do have a clue but choose not to think about any of it or speak out… for the last 15 years I have dreamed of certain events becoming reality that might give me the resources to possibly effect some type of change… all my friends and family that I have conversations with get plenty to think about when we speak of politics or health… having all the ammo one needs to whip out factual info stored in a tiny space like my brain size is a problem… I post here daily to do a small part in spreading info for all to see and come to facts, but to also educate myself, and I need much education… more and more people are waking up, I can see it… the powers that be, as you have talked about many times, have a grip on power, but power is also in truth and unity… as Tony has said many times… strength and honor!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. john2020vision Avatar

          If the Elders clear the GS we once negotiated for them, watch this space.
          London will fund a very serious new Anglo/ German Alliance and their combined economies, by declining free riding EU Cling Ons, then only our cross funding new terms will sort Europe out with tough new Agendas. Wogs will not cross, and mass returns will follow. They will go home. We will reverse Settlement allowances. Bank and City Traders Racketeering will have deep consequences and fast tracked penalties. They will do time as we sequester all in bottomless fines, seized homes and damages. Wives can go and remarry a New Mohammed while the Varmints do 25 years time.
          We will directly fund suitable US Projects with approved sources. China, India, Russia and others will be re approached with economic Trade initiatives. Culture. We have the Commonwealth. Vast. Over 2.5 Billion people alone with its London HQ. Peace in many time zones. We may also rediscover Obama’s Birth Cert as a true copy of the one Phony Tony Blair procured from Kenya for George Bush. Phony Tony’s and Phony Kenyans clutching Indonesian passports. Todger Testing Michelle may come into this. It’s rumoured “She” outhangs him. If so, does “She” get an Aussie Kangaroos passport to go?

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Seeing this happen would be a miracle of change… ” Bank and City Traders Racketeering will have deep consequences and fast tracked penalties. They will do time as we sequester all in bottomless fines, seized homes and damages.”


            1. john2020vision Avatar

              Prior to gaining the Elders commitment in London, the Temple head of the Buddhists came over with a full group of 14 to assess all, and mainly the one man, above known Lords, who headed it all. To assess if worthy.
              He saw John harassing and shouting at inept service with Lords and Ministers and all, if service was poor, calling a non performer a useless C, and meaning it. Full Military put down if they were remiss in front of all attending. No nonsense. He and the team who attended were made to walk/Climb the 1,000 steps to the Whispering Gallery in the Global ceiling of St Paul’s Cathedral led by John up front on the steps. It killed them. Massive respect, this guy is F tough.
              He saw John holding back the groups walking between the Ministries as he gave money and time to the Homeless and poor, Ministers agitated, while John on a bended knee gave them time, money and hope, to be told when inquiring that John does this all the time. Even in the wind and rain. He noted John holding the hands and heads of the homeless as he gave them hope. He saw rattled and pampered Ministers and Lords tremble if abused. He came for 3 days and stayed for 3 weeks. Temple Master H is no fool. He knows all. He stayed to disqualify this man as he had all others. No favours were done. He saw all as is. When he asked about Johns language, he answered do we want him fighting for us , or against us? What we see is what we get. In 30 years of my time, not one has even come close. Only him. Do we wait, and waste another 30 years? I find no fault with this man and all our checks are good. We do or we die.
              Is this who we want fronting for us and our funds?
              Who else can lead for us with integrity and trust.? He has saved us fortunes and sought nothing.
              Faced down with $5T on the table in NY, when John said NO to the terms in December 21,,the Elders left and the US were gobsmacked. Integrity has no price. London will not be bought. We will make a difference. Starting with change. It’s all about infuriating Integrity James, and the curse which goes with it. The City has a lot to fear. Integrity would be imposed. No favours. Make out here time matter. Our Book of Life is all. That apart I have a hot Female Doctor also. She’s beyond hot. Damn the Oath. We can’t win them all. But I try. Lol.

              Liked by 5 people

  14. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-sen-hawley-exposes-biden-archivist-nominee-her-own-past-partisan-tweets
    The Senator continued, “I have never seen a witness blatantly lie under oath like Dr. Shogan has just done to this committee, stonewalled this committee, and just repeatedly refused to answer my questions about her own posts that are in public.”

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Is the U.S. Preparing to go to War Against China? – Vaccine Impact

    Worth a repeat , American Foreign Policy is so broken The state the world is in and this goes Public. DC is beyond F in the head. Sadly, either re electing slimy Grifter Trump, or Nuking DC and Maryland , seems the only way to keep America becoming a giant Cinder bowl, c370M, of which most are harmless families, gullibly driven to Armageddon voting for this shit and dying from mass ignorance will pay. Now is no time to be advocating this shit. Take on China and your on your own. We at least get the chance to live. Take on Russia and we plus the EU, are gone. From what I see, only the new Advisors guiding and speechwriting for the ignorant lump that is Trump, appear to get reality to save America from the Cabal and itself. The masses are clueless. Eisenhower warned you what was coming left to the Cabal and how they will end it. America with it.
    In part, such an able and proud People. The other part, so F in the head mass ignorant that this happens. Look at what passes for MSM in America. Utter brain dead shot! You swallow! Its a long way from the Wisdom of the Founders Such good ideas lost to these F brains in DC.
    Get it clear, DC is at war with America and the world. DC, under Cabal and Zionist control, will F it all. DC, Israel, Zionists and the Cabal are our greatest real Public Enemies. Enemies of Mankind. Is a world to die ignorant from an ignorant lie?
    India gets third squadron of S-400s from Russia; Missile systems may guard border with Pak – YouTube

    Russia changes the balance of Power helping India facing the Pakkies.

    Subject: India gets third squadron of S-400s from Russia; Missile systems may guard border with Pak – YouTube

    Deliveries continue on time.


    This Bribe taking Piece of Shit is so dangerous for America.


  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  17. How about revoking her tenure for abject stupidity?


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Only sadly now, in America. And Woke!


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Total F brain loose with the kids. DC too!


    3. john2020vision Avatar

      In all fairness that F thing needs a mask. Would you???????????????????????


  18. Ludicrous nonsense of infection theatre:

    NBC “Today Show” host Savannah Guthrie had to rush off the set of the program after she got some jarring news. It happened during Tuesday’s show when Guthrie was told that she had tested positive for COVID and had to leave the show, Today reported.

    “By the way, it has been an interesting morning for us. As we said, Savannah left early, she wasn’t feeling great, so she took a COVID test,” Sheinelle said. “It came back positive. So, as soon as we found out, she rushed home to rest up. So Savannah, we love you, and wish you a speedy recovery.”

    The Today Show reported: “The TODAY co-anchor previously tested positive for COVID in May 2022, resulting in her staying at home for five days to isolate. That was her second positive COVID test of the year. She called into TODAY from home at the time, saying she ‘just had a little cold.’ Savannah said she used the opportunity to get some sleep, do some reading, watch some TV, and get some cleaning and “organization projects” done. Savannah, who is vaccinated against the virus and received a booster shot, first tested positive for COVID in January 2022.”

    This is the third positive test for Guthrie, who is fully vaccinated.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      I have the same problem with my own multiple Doctors, all have had it and some now Long Covid.
      I am Covid free.


      1. Everything right now is broken. Ayn Rand was right when she said that force and thought are beyond opposites, and one cancels the other. And since docs rolled over and ignored both informed consent and First, Do NO Harm , revealing themselves as coward enabling quislings, we are all in hostage situations and prisoner dilemmas due to the high cost of healthcare.

        Due to health insurance constraints I cannot decline referral to specialists without possibly losing benefits. Approximately $200K in covered bills to this point. So there has been a parade of docs. I cannot tell you the boring drudgery this is. 5x the expense too since I am consuming the time of 4 extra docs for no good reason as my case is plain vanilla and any *good* Internist should be able to handle it. Yesterday was endocrinology to tackle the damnable diabetes. The idiot, and he is an idiot, walks in double-masked with a high-end, super-form-fitted, N99 mask. My wife looks at me with her glacial “Say Nothing” look. I am, and she is too, forced to wear useless surgical masks of zero utility in the exam room.

        What I wanted to say, and which I managed to keep to myself, was “And exactly how does the N99 protect your eyes from blinking into the nasal pharynx easy multiples of the mean infectious dose of an aerosol of coronavirus…? ” and yes, four inspirations thru an N99 will result in full infection as well…

        Infection prevention theatre continues.


  19. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Lock in the F illegals!


  20. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  21. https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-03-01-80-percent-blood-contaminated-spike-proteins-mrna.html#
    Politicians in the state of Montana are pushing a new bill that would make it a crime for those who have been “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) to donate blood.


  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      End this farce Bunker Bust Zelensky and the Asovs, save lives MOABS to go!


  23. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am very concerned about this. I live in a county that is not included in this. Bummer!!
      It is very frustrating to vote knowing the same counties of oregon will just get their way no matter what. I completely understand why the red counties want to go with Idaho. But for those of us who are red and left here, it won’t be good. Plus, I am concerned that our taxes will go up even more to support what is left of oregon. Moving elsewhere is not in the cards right now.


  24. https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-03-01-researchers-turn-seawater-hydrogen-fuel-no-desalination.html
    The team skipped the need for desalination and its associated cost by splitting seawater directly into hydrogen and oxygen. Their method conserves energy while minimizing carbon emissions, which is a win-win situation.
    According to an announcement, what makes this new process unique is that it does not produce any chlorine as a byproduct – meaning no possibility for chlorine pollution and the potential creation of dioxins from the incineration of that chlorine pollution.

    “The biggest hurdle with using seawater is the chlorine, which can be produced as a by-product,” Mahmood said.

    “If we were to meet the world’s hydrogen needs without solving this issue first, we’d produce 240 million tons per year of chlorine each year – which is three to four times what the world needs in chlorine. There’s no point replacing hydrogen made by fossil fuels with hydrogen production that could be damaging our environment in a different way.”

    “Our process not only omits carbon dioxide, but also has no chlorine production.”

    Instead of using traditional electrolyzers to split water into hydrogen and CO2, the Mahmood team’s method uses a special catalyst that requires minimal energy to run and works at room temperature.

    Most other seawater splitting methods are complex and difficult to scale, but not this one.

    “Our approach focused on changing the internal chemistry of the catalysts through a simple method, which makes them relatively easy to produce at large-scale so they can be readily synthesized at industrial scales,” said PhD candidate Suraj Loomba.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Innovation we need Biffie.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Chemical Weapons In Ohio Train Wreck For Genocide By Drones In Ukraine

    This is breaking even in the Jews News.

    If this is actually ever done Russia will remove America from the planet.

    US preparing false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine – Moscow — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

    If this is used it will send Russia to escalate once and for all. It really is best for the world if Russia ends this. One big Bunker Buster Bang.
    Russia has the exact coordinates of where Zelensky’s bunker is and the depth is no issue.

    The United States is modernizing two air bases in Romania, located near the Russian Federation and Ukraine

    Never ending expenditures that degrade America. Meddling F Hegemony again. Get TF out of there. The cause of 98% of all Wars. Nuking DC and Langley will end it all. Peace at last.



    1. Rense is not a rational or reasonable or reliable source. Given the chemical mix on the train I have no doubts we are getting positive chem class signals, which are incidental and not actual.


  26. Hypocrisy Unlimited: Hollywood’s Secret Counterfeit Vaccine Network

    The celebrities for whom this person made these counterfeits were almost uniformly liberals or progressives, at least publicly. In other words, if you asked them, they supported mandates, masks, and so forth, sometimes adamantly. Behind the scenes was another matter.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Once Cyrus arrives it will be one big open for sale housing estate,at fire sale prices as Banks repossess and the lot is in free fall. This was not the Promised Land. Each Defaulting Banker standing there with his C in his hand. Wailing Walls and we will take their Bs! La La Land will get panned. Joe Black – I’ve come for you all.


  27. john2020vision Avatar

    Good news for today is that Harry and the Minger Markel have been told to throw their hooks on the Free use Frogmore House in Windsor Park and leave. Slob Andrew may be downsized to that. He’s also screaming.
    Next we need to cut Harry’s Royal Keep from $500K a year to zero. He and Minger Markel no longer fulfill Royal duties so need to go. That will keep 20 families, not wasted on whinging Harry and his Ho. Both betrayed the Uk and family. William will not forgive this piece of shit. Harry has lost the plot and F the pot for a low grade, low class showgirl Minger. The UK now gives both the finger.
    Rescind and go you Areshole, and when she bolts again, what then? She’s just a Monkey in a tree jumping branches to new Monkeys. With Form sad Harry! The Mother too. He’s lost the plot for LA Gorilla Snot. Sad Git. Nowhere to run back to now you treacherous piece of shit.


  28. -Virginia Dems claim that teaching about evils of communism will offend Asian Americans. How offensive



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Return to sender!


  29. CDC Pledges It ‘Will Not Be Tracking’ Reasons Why Americans Refuse COVID-19 Vaccine, but Dodges House GOP’s Questions About Process

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hasn’t responded to House Republicans’ request for information about codes recording a person’s reason for refusing a COVID-19 vaccine.



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      James this is a growing battlefield. Coming your way. I can no longer travel freely without. I now use IT to communicate and let the world instead come to me. They block Refuseniks.


      1. Meh, any Nation still stupid enough to require a vaxx that doesn’t stop transmission or illness, is too dumb to be involved with anyway. Plus at this point the data is stark, the more vaxx, the more illness and the more Sudden Death.


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          That quantified risk is the key. Based on evidence even to date, the risk is too high. Plus as yet vast incubating unknowns.


          1. 100% correct. No mRNA for any reason.


            1. john2020vision Avatar

              I am Covid free and my call, 3 shots and no more. Refusing is head on now. Arma Heddon for me.


  30. john2020vision Avatar

    There are more mass strikes today in the UK. Unions run riot, but being totally thick, don’t understand there is no money, it’s blown and printing more only cranks up higher inflation in prices. It’s Catch 22. Unions? Yesterday’s bad news. Mutts can’t think. Eat less . Adjust or the lot goes bust.
    There is no more money to bail them out. It’s becoming a Global pandemic as the Western Well runs dry. Wasted by the Cabal and syphoned by the Jews. Hemisphere changes do not augur well for the West. Adjust or bust. Wogs will keep coming.


    1. They sure will.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Border Flamethrowers, bullets and cages to contain them before returning. Super Glue 10,000 at a time together and throw the lot overboard off the African coast disguised as an Oil Slick. Or Crab food.
        No more free meals here. Post the GS time to all march. Scoop up all this unwanted EU shit and send it back. Once you marched and achieved wonders, but the little Corporal lost the plot. Next time the new Bluchers will lead. That’s how Napoleon saw his own Waterloo. Or we would have lost.
        We owe you. We know, and we will not stand aside. When the time comes, we stand together. Wogs to go. United we beat the French, next the world. The Khazarian HO and Wogs to go.


        1. john2020vision Avatar


          Post Blucher, why the hell did we EVER fight as Motherland and Fatherland? I hope we both NEVER again do that to each other. Our hands are out to you all. Real Friendship. One people. Next time, fight together as one, all together and we will win. As at Waterloo. Our old Bonds and Cultures. Families. Knights values. Only we know and respect these values.
          As with the film and Otto. We are one. United none are better. Aryans and Teutonics own Europe. Not Khazarian Mafia Slaves. Let our Labs unite to free us from this Vermin plight.
          Why suffer this endless Temple Usury Farce, for a Mongrel species bred through the Arse?


          1. Yes brave Knight you speak to truths that very few will ever dare to look for. We have discussed this before and how fortunate we have this forum to openly do so without banning. Instead of going over it again I will just insert a picture that does so to talk for us. Yes, never again!

            Liked by 2 people

            1. john2020vision Avatar

              I’m sad for the collateral damage as parties unleash payback. It’s a real numbers game, only applied science can help hit the numbers. But it has to be focused targets. Or they breed. Everywhere they colonise and exclude. Clustered Oligopolies exclude the Goyim.


  31. john2020vision Avatar

    NATO is ONLY a Front End Sales Outlet for the US Military Industrial Cabals War Machine for profit. It’s all about US Hegemony control and Profit.
    Russia has not attacked Europe. Putin was ruthlessly betrayed by Macron and Merkel. His Cabinet know that and if Putin goes, it’s ever more going to become dangerous.
    Zelensky sending armed drones to mount attacks inside Russia may unleash Hell.
    If America arms Zelensky expect rentibution. One overreach and the US will get Nuked for real. Zelensky is right on the line now. Russia needs to shut down Kiev, encircle and no flights allowed in or out. A few planes shot down will bring it home. The same for the Asovs, the time to finish it and them now. Encircle and tighten the noose. Putin is running out of time so it’s only how long before they nuke. Face down the US. Slot Zelensky, no flights out take him in his bunker as with Adolf 1945
    Russia won’t tolerate much more. Blockade Kiev, stop the lot. When the Rat can’t run watch him try.
    If Russia nukes it needs to be DC and Israel totalled as warning shots. DC gone will help the world, and Armageddon for the Ho. It’s beyond tenuous right now as the world sleeps on. One morning you may wake up, if the Earth moves, and DC has gone, then you will get it. DC is a small price to pay for Global Hegemony. Langley too. End the Cabal.


  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I am starting to warm up to this Cyrus Virus concept.


    1. We are too.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        You are now. Lol Happy for you.


    2. There is only one way to deal with this mass Roach infestation All 25 M need to go. Unleash Cyrus the Virus, the Reaper as a Sleeper. Let DNA show the way. 12 Tribes, Wallop. Let Cyrus flow to this Ho. Get the Labs to work, BRICS can fund the end of these Abominations. Appliance of Science. Faucis last Project priority before hanging. Post the GS uniting BRICS to prioritise this project. Let the Labs find the solution to remove this pollution. Let it flow to this Infestation of Ho.
      Cyrus the Virus tongue delivered by Miley.


  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Beetlejuice heads for the relief queue.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting article!


  35. A life ends, ignobly, by the Suddenly… This is why Nuremberg 2 must happen..



  36. That pretty much a wrap the idea that COVID is behind the death of athletes via the Suddenly…


  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    If I had kids of military fighting age, I would send them to shovel shit in Saskatchewan before fighting for a worthless cross-dressing maggot like you pal.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Which is why we need the Virus to stop the lot


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Does a species ever more need Smoking?


  38. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



    1. clown shows


  39. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/cruz-abominable-fauci-has-hurt-millions-kids

    Also: It emerged earlier this month that Fauci is now profiting handsomely from speaking engagements months after leaving his position in the Biden administration, to the tune of up to $100,000 per appearance.


  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  41. https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-mrnas-jabs-may-have-caused?publication_id=363080&isFreemail=true
    Covid vaccines are linked to a 20 percent rise in new diagnoses for at least three months after vaccination; a second report finds even higher risks for people with preexisting autoimmune problems


    1. Introduce US Obesity taxes, that will fund the lot


        1. My finding this funny (it is, fat shaming aside) is tempered by the fact that this could have been quite a severe injury….


          1. I agree. A fish could have been killed.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. What a Bummer Tsunami coming down river fast.


            2. Y’all have to stop it! It’s to early for me to laugh this hard!

              Liked by 1 person

        2. john2020vision Avatar

          Could have been worse had she bounced off the side and caused a landslide.


  42. https://youtube.com/shorts/eDHku6BdymM?feature=share

    The Well-Hidden Truths About The Khazarian-Engineered Ukraine War | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

    An article worth reading From Gengis Khan and 6,000 years of Ho to go. Understand how always they Steal th9eir Promised Land. Rome really should have done the world a favour. Teach them genocide. Hopefully Iran will.

    The Well-Hidden Truths About The Khazarian-Engineered Ukraine War


    If Putin. Goes risks really moves up


    YES to more of this and hope America now gets this.. Someone does as the Blob reading the auto queue shows.
    We can live with this thick Grifter as long as good people do his thinking for him like this.


    Should have been Bush 41and more.
    How defenceless Iraqis did vile Bush 43 and Blair kill?


    This will not go down well in Moscow
    Horrific moment man casually loads his gun and executes homeless man https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11803869/Horrific-moment-man-casually-loads-gun-executes-homeless-man-St-Louis-sidewalk.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Fly him to the UK we will pay
    Meghan and Harry branded ‘selfish brats’ as US host Megyn Kelly savages the Sussexes

    Kelly just needs to refer to them as the Posing Twats.Do it until it catches on and they will be gone
    Then Harry and Meghan
    Simpson, Barts family. Ridcule each fool

    Fears Russia is planning false flag chemical weapons attack in Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11801889/Fears-Russia-planning-false-flag-chemical-weapons-attack-Ukraine-blame-West.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    End Ukraine ASAP. So be it take out the Zio Shit. The Asovs and Zios both. Need to go.
    Точки невозврата | Мнения | Известия

    America please read this, at last understand and LIVE! Or die for a thieving Zionists Khazarina lie. All Genghis Khans scum stealing and breeding.
    A travesty of injustice is unfolding in Ukraine. Stop – Or YOU kill the world. Smash Jewish Power in the US give Americans a chance. It’s a Rodents gullible Goyim Slave Colony, have you no Shame or intelligence?

    We have to simply lobby the Russians to Nuke DC, not Europe. Atomise that and warn if those Silos show firing, the lot goes. They must Atomise DC and Israel at the same time or those F Hymies will scream for War. ,
    This is the cost of Greater Israel and the F Hymies loose. Let Russia finish Ukraine, clear it of scheming Jews and the world can live and breath. Bunker Bust and rat poison Zelensky. .

    Today being Monday in Russia Medvedev warned that the West is risking nuclear war if they continue to supply Ukraine with weapons. This time the warning was published in an op-ed piece that appeared in the Izvestiya newspaper. This is far more meaningful than what he writes on his Telegram channel. Medvedev will eventually replace Putin is much more hardline that Putin. Putin is more of a historian and thus has had respect for Kiev for that was the birthplace (Kievan Rus ) of the Russians. And this point has been made to him by Krill as the leader of the Church. To Putin, nuking Kiev would be like Washington nuking London. Although today who knows with these DC fools. The Neocon crowd has no friends, only interests. In any the case, the Russian hardliners wanted to nuke Kiev long ago, to make the point to NATO and America. And it has been Putin who has held them back, playing for time as the Russian factories spit out modern weapons to be field deployed to protect the Russian people. It is why the latest defensive weapons have been deployed in plain view as a distinct warning of readiness to fight.

    Medvedev has constantly been warning Putin, that this was NEVER a war with Ukraine, it has always been a proxy war with the USA and NATO. Putin has finally understood how badly he was fooled by the likes of Merkel and Macron over the Minsk Accords. And there is zero trust of anything said by the Ship of fools. The Ukrainian people have also been fools. Zelensky has sold their country as cannon fodder for a pocketful of silver and a luxury home waiting for him in Miami. Good luck to him in the enclave surrounded by Russians.

    Medvedev is currently the deputy chairman of the powerful Security Council of Russia and today Putin can no longer be the historian but will be the leader he needs to be for his people.
    Putin realizes his time to finish what has been started is shorter than longer and he will act, not waiting for succession. And this is not a good thing for the West. Because as much as crazed Neocons in DC believe Russia will not use Nukes, they are dead wrong. Many millions will perish for their hatred and insanity.

    This march to a nuclear exchange is pointless and unnecessary. The problem is leadership and its vacuum. Sadly, all signs point a step too far.



  43. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/02/whistleblower-signals-he-will-reveal-explosive-information-on-the-biden-crime-family-after-being-arrested-on-politically-motivated-charges/
    Now Luft is ready for payback. Luft’s lawyer told Biden’s DOJ that his client will submit a letter to Congress containing the information Luft previously gave to the FBI during the Trump Administration on the Bidens.


    1. Good work James please keep it up.
      ( The wife will be happy!)

      Liked by 1 person

  44. https://www.westernjournal.com/court-gives-conservative-mama-bears-last-laugh-brutally-punishes-school-board-trying-keep-porn-stash-hidden/
    A school district in Georgia was forced to pay $100,000 in legal fees to a group of mothers who were barred from conducting out loud readings at school board meetings of the porn-infested books the board had approved for kids to see on school library shelves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jews with Angles!


  45. This is a lil bit older…
    Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus


  46. Pfizer doesn’t even call it a “v@ccine” they call it a prototype, a counter measure by the Department Of Defence, they aren’t required to do clinical trials or get the FDA approval or even give you informed consent. They got the code from the CCP to make the prototype for both Moderna and Pfizer. This is Brook Jacksons lawyer who has filed a 2 billion dollar lawsuit against Pfizer and three other companies. Steve Turner

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It needs Class actions worldwide! Vast punitive damages Estates taken. Criminal sentences too. Lives lost or impaired.

      Liked by 2 people

  47. Dr. Wakefield on Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed: “Children Who Are Unvaccinated Are Extremely Healthy” If the CDC were to ever conduct a long range wide scale health outcome study of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children, the entire vaccine industry would end. WATCH: https://stopmandatoryvaccination.substack.com/p/dr-wakefield-on-vaxxed-vs-unvaxxed

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This James I fear and concur. What the Hell have we naively and gullibly unleashed upon our future generations. We are mutating the gene pool. Thank God Israel was mass vaxxed. That spawn needs the hit. But not just the world’s Children, again that will now incubate in all age groups, with untold consequences. Fauci and the Vax companies need a Genocide trial. I see Fauci as a slimy, arrogant, money grabbing Mengele, who badly needs a Nuremberg public trial and the Rat Bastard dangling from a rope. A big No to the drop, strung up and hauled up for this gut rotten Weasel, and let Nature take its time as it chokes, screaming for breath and mercy. Video it! Did the victims get any? Millions of them! Throw Gates and all others in too. Time will show what we have done.
      I have multiple face offs for refusing the 4 and 5 stage issue vaxes. Not just my dissent, but aborence for their gullible naivety. Who am I to argue with the Sciences? Alive!

      Liked by 2 people

  48. There is now confidence that NATO will ensnare Ukraine, an ex-Russian territory, into its web. NATO Nukes right in Russia’s face. Have they learned nothing? If Putin is replaced, this walks us straight WW111. Nuland and her Greater Israel Mafia want this. Greater Israel! 100M of the Bastards will breed and the Khazars too. Demon F seed! They will not stop until stopped. Forget reason with this lot. The total Ho needs to go. Hell Spawn, send it back. Use the Labs, track Zio hell from their smell. Way to go, target eyes like pissholes in the snow. Has DC not been bad enough. No one needs these Critturs loose. Iran Russia and China, let DNA lead the way. Start there. Look how fast Covid got loose. Unleash the Cyrus Virus. Vermin seed to go. Let Cyrus replicators loose. Eat that bad meat. BRICS fix this Vermin seed.


  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Lavrov tells us what we already knew.


    1. In violation of our own BioWarfare Treaty. There’s a time when a government would rightfully have fallen over such a matter.


      1. That requires Honour , that fell since and with Nixon / Peanut Carter and Bush 41.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Time to retrack to Hymie DNA . Well needed.


  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Are you not entertained?


    1. Marcus Aurelius would have had him crucified long before all this damn trouble…

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Or the Iranians with a Fatwah. Russia needs to make it clear, he’s for the block. Look at the number of dead. Have a Moscow Nuremberg in his absence then send out an edict, he hangs. He will be on daily Diapers. Encircle Kiev, nothing gets in or out. No planes. SAMS take out anything trying to land or take off. Encircle, cut off power, blow the water, starve and missile them out. Drones to spot targets.


    2. Think, That Weasel, is drawing down Weapons for Carnage, yet taking out $10M a month plus kickbacks from Govt funds, plus God knows what from Weapons sales. That Weasel Runt is killing both sides, and settling his family in Luxury in Khazarville. Left to run as mini King Rat he WILL turn Ukraine into Greater Israel, Nukes will move in from Israel, and that land mass will become Lex Luther’s own Gotham City. Crime Inc will thrive and the State will then threaten all. Zios breed, look at what they have done to America FFS. Look at DC, and the WH. Both Houses and the MSM. LA! Only the DNA virus will rid us of this vile, Vermin Ho. Follow Covid and let the Pestilence Killer Flow. Russia,Iran and China need to cooperate, a Global pollution solution. Re track the Ukrainian Labs and use the Zios as the Test Cage Lab rats. End the Ho. Let it flow. Goyims payback.


  51. And I like that he has the peace flag painted on the wall.


  52. The Washington Post advised Americans Sunday that instead of a traditional season dinner, which now is unaffordable for a quarter of families, they should instead look to eating bugs.



    1. Study shows edible insects carry parasites that can be pathogenic for humans.

      “Our research indicates the important role of these insects in the epidemiology of parasites pathogenic to vertebrates. Conducted parasitological examination suggests that edible insects may be the most important parasite vector for domestic insectivorous animals.”



      1. A West Australian sweets company has begun selling chocolate coated insects in what they claim is an Australian first in a bid to open people’s ‘minds and taste buds’ as globalists push to normalise bug eating.



      2. Yes, the parasite problem is nigh unsolvable. Even if I had ideas, I find the idea of using bugs as food so repulsive I would actively pretend not to know any which way to solve the problem.


        1. Chocolate coat shredded Zio flakes. 10m in the US alone. Use them for Animal food. Talking of repulsive.


    2. Maybe it’s time the American people tell the Washington Post they can eat are f__cking lead and brass

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Deliver it.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It may come to that. But I expect the middle third of the Nation would just secede from the two insane Coasts.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. 90% of this nation can neither spell secede nor understand its concept. Beyond dumbed down and its Welfare breeding. Try teaching those total Mutts?
            Then they end up in both Houses.


    3. Eat the Woke, bred for it.


  53. Western Leaders Privately Admit Ukraine Can’t Win The War

    The private communications are at odds with public statements from Western leaders who routinely say they will continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes until it achieves victory on the battlefield.


  54. Has John written this script for the new Trump Video. Johns words for 10 years.
    Bring it ON! Watch the video please.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right on! Sure would of saved america a lot of money too.


      1. If only he follows it so we can rebuild America.


  55. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Surveying hopeful future conquests.


  56. Meghan was ‘disappointed’ Harry ‘had very little money’, expert claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11798925/Meghan-Markle-surprised-disappointed-Prince-Harry-little-money-expert-claims.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    But of course the mercery Bitch was Fanny peddling all along exactly what he was warned. There’s a word for her.
    Could not agree more.

    Energy Department concludes Covid likely leaked from Wuhan virus lab

    You reckon. So mass ignorant of the vast and valiant contributions and regular alerts from ths site, some are now waking up? Why not all WTF up!
    Thank God we are now read in Australia, .India, China, Africa, Europe , Canada and the US. Moscow also.
    Of COURSE it came from aF Lab. Are you Bat shit crazy!
    So now please, create Cyrus fot the worst pestilence breeding seed on the plant, and heal our planet. Scourge the Rodents. All these Ho need to go. INbreeding will help us mass trace the bad seeding.
    Track it and whack it.

    Energy Department concludes Covid likely leaked from Wuhan virus lab https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11795757/Energy-Department-concludes-Covid-likely-leaked-Wuhan-virus-lab.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Meghan and Harry forced to ‘scrounge’ as millions dry up – new claim

    Talking of Rodents, Payback is coming, as two slimebags are bumming. Treachery does NOT pay!


    From a contributor.

    Russians have encircled Bakhmut and there is no way out now for the troops trapped there. Another Zelensky lie of victory exposed. While we can feelings for the poor soldiers trapped who will have to decide whether they surrender or die.
    The bigger problem is already manifesting. Zelensky has been kept in power by American money and the batshit Azov crowd who act as thugs sending innocent men and children to die in vain. This is same NAZI mentality that should have been extinguished at the end of WWII when this crowd was allowed to return to the Western Ukraine. This group has been at the center of arms smuggling paying off where needed. However, the problem is that they have made sure their fellow brothers of mindset in Europe received weapons provided.
    As it becomes more clear that Zelensky is waning as a useful tool for them makes them dangerous because they have started to find a new scapegoat which is the ordinary Jewish people in Ukraine and not the oligarchs plundering out of Israel. Jewish people in Ukraine should think hard about staying because they will be the next to suffer the horrors inflicted upon people in the Donbas. Now that the Donbas front rolls Westward. In the end this same crowd will turn upon their financiers and enablers.
    Smart nations allowing immigration from Ukraine want to look carefully at who they let in became this group will always cause issues where ever they land.
    CIA director says Russian counterpart ‘understood’ warnings against using nuclear weapon | The Hill

    Russia is really misunderstood. They will never roll over for the Bankers who want to loot their country. They would rather die first. And WILL if pushed. But the rest for sure will be hit.

    Meghan and Harry forced to ‘scrounge’ as millions dry up – new claim

    This makes my day. Traitors get exposed, yesterdays news. Half Wit Harry, it’s all about Me, Mel Me, is about to see his Arse.
    When they tire of you scavenging low life pair, you are gone!

    Some Covid experts think that over-use of sedatives and opiates caused the increased deaths in early Covid. They even go as far as suggesting euthanasia was committed. I strongly disagree. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
    A Contrarian Opinion Regarding The Massive Increase In The Use of Sedatives And Opiates In UK Nursing Homes In Early 2020
    Some Covid experts think that over-use of sedatives and opiates caused the increased deaths in early Covid. They even go as far as suggesting euthanasia was committed. I strongly disagree.
    Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
    Feb 27

    I am not disturbed by the data or reports of massive increases in the use of sedatives and opiates in the UK and elsewhere in early 2020. I believe people are interpreting these data malevolently, which is uncalled for and frankly, in my opinion, this shows an astounding amount of ignorance as to how those medicines are used in real life situations. I need to admonish some colleagues to “stay in your lane.”
    Before we get to the issue of increased use of these agents in the UK “care homes” (i.e not ICU), I think it is instructive to review what I observed in regards to their use in New York ICU’s in the Spring of 2020.
    When I left the University of Wisconsin (which, like many places, was not terribly overwhelmed with Covid in Spring 2020), I did so on what I called a “humanitarian leave.” I took a leave of absence of my leadership position at UW to take over my old ICU at Beth Israel Medical Center in lower Manhattan (as a New Yorker I couldn’t stand not being on the “front lines” of my hometown during their massive “surge”). I arrived to find my old colleagues over-worked and exhausted. The hospital was running six full ICU’s (there were three just prior to the surge) with four or five of them full of Covid patients on ventilators.
    Now is probably a good time to address the “controversial” issue of whether hospitals were really “overwhelmed” in Spring 2020 or whether it was all just media “fear porn.” In talking to so many people throughout the pandemic, it is my belief that Covid surges were extremely variable – many places experienced only a slight uptick in admissions and ICU needs, others had empty hospitals due to people’s fear of going to the hospital or because they stayed severely locked down etc. But in New York City it was literally like a wartime catastrophe in the ICU’s. Perhaps you had to see it to believe it. But, I will agree with the naysayers that the media never showed videos and pictures of quiet ER’s and ICU’s to balance out the “chaos” the media was constantly blaring from hard-hit areas like Seattle, NYC, Detroit and New Orleans (and other densely populated urban areas). “If it bleeds it leads” but for sure it wasn’t “bleeding” everywhere. But In NYC it was hemorrhaging. Another data point that people don’t realize when they look at admission and hospital capacity data is that almost all hospitals shut down “elective surgeries” for weeks to months which are the bread and butter of a hospital’s bottom line. Thus a huge cohort of patients no longer were in the hospital because it was filled with Covid patients. So even if it “looked” like a hospital was not at capacity, this overlooks the fact that the patient population in the hospital was suddenly inverted with a massive increase in the need for ICU beds, ventilators and ICU experts. That is why I went to New York.
    The patients I took over the care of when I arrived, were, as you know, not being effectively treated (because nothing was “proven” to work yet at that time, so everyone was afraid to try therapies, ugh). Further, I saw something I had never seen before outside of an ICU at Beth Israel- a separate, “regular” hospital ward full of patients on heated high-flow nasal cannulas and/or non-invasive ventilators, two devices which were, prior to Covid, almost never used outside of ICU’s for prolonged periods. The degree of respiratory distress I saw in patients outside of an ICU was unprecedented. (Remember this sentence when we get to the care home discussion).
    Many of those patients were on those devices for days, on the precipice of end-stage respiratory failure. I called that floor the “Wild West.” Every shift, emergency calls to my ICU team would go out from that floor because one or more patients needed emergent intubation so they could be placed on a ventilator. Then we had to find them (or rapidly “create”) an open ICU bed to transfer them there.
    In the ICU I took over, many were in late phase disease, in a condition called Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and their lung mechanics on the ventilator were severely disturbed with many in a state of what we pulmonologists call “patient-ventilator asynchrony.” Plus they had severe encephalopathy and delirium. In order to sedate them so we could synchronize them with the ventilator (i.e help them to not “fight” the ventilator, this required, for whatever physiologic reason in that first Wuhan variant, much higher doses of sedatives than what we typically used in vented patients). Unprecedented doses in fact.
    I can recall one patient who needed three different high dose sedative infusions to keep them comfortable and their lungs safe/protected (and to keep them unconscious because they were also on a paralytic agent – you never want a patient conscious who is being paralyzed as it would be as distressing an acute condition as you can imagine). I had never seen a patient who required such levels of sedation to achieve this state.
    We weren’t trying to “kill” them using such doses, we were trying to save them. In my opinion, the massive doses of sedatives required during that time simply resulted from the widespread insufficient or non-treatment of the underlying lung disease with corticosteroids and anti-coagulants (foreshadowing – it was not from a deficiency of antibiotics).
    In the below charts showing the overlapping of the excess death spikes with spikes of sedative use in the UK care homes is, to me, completely unsurprising. The main question to answer is, was it the chicken or the egg? I am making the argument that it was the increased rates of respiratory distress from Covid that led to a need for increased use of medicines to keep patients comfortable. Many/most seem to be arguing that increased use of these medicines caused all the deaths. I find this notion absolutely preposterous and trust you will too by the end of this post (if we ever get there).

    Now, although I realize that the above charts reflect care home use only, just stick with me for a bit.
    In the ICU, patients with end-stage Covid ARDS on ventilators were wickedly difficult to sedate. When patients are deeply sedated, the ventilator does the work of breathing for them. So you can’t “kill” (ugh) someone on a ventilator with sedatives because the ventilator always has a back-up rate, so even if their breathing is completely suppressed, which, in those patients, we often had to do with paralyzing agent infusions but they do not die. In fact, they become much more synchronized with the ventilator and thus more comfortable and less distressed. The “synchrony” that results between the patient and ventilator helps avoid a condition called “Ventilator Induced Lung Injury.”
    Life support devices like ventilators, acute dialysis, and ECMO (heart-lung support machine) are “double-edged swords” in that, yes, those interventions can and do save lives by affording patients time for their failing organs to recover. Many patients in such states will respond to treatment and their organs recover in time. But sometimes those devices simply serve to prolong dying. Thus my use of the term “double edged sword.”
    Overall, depending on the ICU, despite use of these tools, an average of about 10%-20% of ICU patients will die. People die. It’s life. The machines do not make us immortal. These machines cannot “save” everyone. In those that continue to deteriorate or enter multi-organ failure, the patient becomes “irrecoverable” and enters into what I call the “actively dying” phase. Prolong the actively dying phase with life support machines means you are actually prolonging suffering. This happened a lot and was one of the reasons why I myself had a career-long “love-hate” relationship with ICU work.
    Further, in patients at the end-of-life who are being removed from a ventilator to allow them to die more peacefully, it is absolutely required to sometimes use high doses of opiates and sedatives so that they experience no significant respiratory distress. Opiates are particularly well-suited for such situations since one effect of opiates is that they blunt or relieve the feeling of “dyspnea.” The definition of dyspnea is a “sensation of difficulty breathing.” In patients dying of respiratory failure, it is perfectly appropriate to use such medicines when removing them from the ventilator so they can pass comfortably without experiencing severe dyspnea, a procedure called “terminal weaning.”
    My experience in the ICU I was running in Spring 2020 was that many patients were dying from irrecoverable lung injury (they hadn’t been treated!) such that they had to be terminally weaned which required even more sedation. This is actually something that I would even call “best practice.” But medicine is complex and some patients, even in advanced Covid, could stay in an advanced state of respiratory failure for prolonged periods without further deteriorating and they instead benefited from a tracheostomy (a stable and more permanent airway) with prolonged weaning at a ventilator facility. So, I am not saying that every patient on a ventilator died, but a very high proportion did while others required prolonged weaning over weeks to months in ventilator facilities.
    However, once the decision has been made with the family that life support and critical care should be discontinued due to a collaborative assessment that such interventions were “prolonging suffering,” rather than providing a reasonable “opportunity for recovery”, terminal weaning is completely ethical. Our core responsibility as a physician is to relieve suffering of our patients and not to prolong their suffering and dying. The latter is what happens when life support interventions are used in inappropriate situations.
    In my entire career, I was almost always physically present in the patients room during “terminal weans” to support not only the family but also the nurses in giving enough sedation (some young nurses were sometimes too timid with dosing and the patients would experience distress). Again, the goal was to allow the patient to pass comfortably without respiratory distress. This is NOT euthanasia, this is humane care of a patient at the end of their life who is suffering terminal breathlessness. We are not “killing” them, we are simply stopping a medical intervention that is failing at its purpose and doing it in as humane and comforting way possible. Everyone has the right to refuse medical care (or did before the vaccine mania, ugh) and the families were asking us to stop life support. Removing someone from life support in this way is a core skill of a palliative medicine specialist (and palliation is a core skill of an intensivist).
    Okay, I am going on a tangent here, but know that NYC is a place with one of the most diverse populations in terms of cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. Many different ethnicities in New York had either personal, cultural or religious beliefs which left them either unable to discontinue life support in their loved one, or their religion supposedly forbade it (I say supposedly because no religion has a precept regarding the absolute need for always providing life support in all situations, but many adherents of certain religions interpret their religious precepts in such a way).
    Often, despite the extensive amounts of time I spent with families in what we called “end-of-life” discussions, the family decision maker would disagree with or simply not accept my assessment and recommendations. They would instead insist that we keep “trying.” So, in many dying patients, they would remain on life-support for days to weeks in a state of single or multi-organ failure with their heart still beating as a result of the devices. That is, until, despite all the organ support, the heart would finally somehow stop on its own. To make matters worse, in such situations, due to New York State (and many other states) laws, we were forced to do CPR unless the family agreed that it was not indicated. CPR, so you know, is indicated for acute, reversible causes of cardiac arrest and was never intended to be used in… dead people or people who are dying after weeks of what is essentially CPR (life support).. But we often were legally forced to do CPR in dead people despite our professional opinion that is was clearly not indicated. The issue of CPR laws is an ugly one to me but let’s not go there right now.
    It would take an entire separate post to explore the obvious “grey areas” I am not addressing, like.. “how do you know they are irrecoverable?” Have you ever made a “mistake” in your assessment of their prognosis? The answer is that I can recall one or two cases where my assessments were proved somewhat incorrect. Why do I say somewhat? Because, in those cases, although the patients ended up recovering function to a degree that was unexpected, they still remained gravely and chronically ill. If you want to argue that had I kept all the dying patients alive for longer, I may have seen more recoveries, that is certainly a possibility and is one I struggled with emotionally throughout my career.
    However, as a NY ICU doctor, I gained extensive experience providing life support to dying patients because families often insisted on it “to give them every possible chance” (I completely empathize with this sentiment). Thus, I was being forced to do exactly that due to the “families wishes.” My experience caring for hundreds and of patients in critical illness states that were beyond saving made me an expert at “pattern recognition” and thus I could get highly accurate at prognosticating. But to say we could claim 100% accuracy is delusional. However, based on these experiences, ICU physicians, especially if you practice in NYC, develop a keen sense of “futility” because, again, I provided way more futile care than I could emotionally handle at times. But keep in mind, if I had any “grey area” or uncertainty in a patient’s prognosis.. I either did not initiate an end-of-life discussion or I communicated that uncertainty to families. Period.
    Weird fact: I will never forget a discussion I had with my early mentor Dr. Paul Mayo right before I left New York to start my new position at the University of Wisconsin. He told me that my life as an ICU doctor would be transformed in the Midwest because I would no longer be constantly forced by families to continue life support in the dying to the degree this occurred in New York.
    He was 100% correct. I quickly discovered that end-of-life conversations were much “easier” in Wisconsin as I found that families more readily accepted my assessment that their loved one was dying. When I would explain to them the medical situation in great detail, they generally agreed and accepted my assessment and guidance. In New York, this occurred a minority of the time whereas in Wisconsin this described the majority of my end-of-life discussions.
    Why is that? To be honest, I don’t really know but my two theories are that, in the Midwest, people seemed to be much more deferential and respectful of my expertise and guidance as a physician whereas in New York, many patients families challenged me and seemingly discounted (disrespected?) my experience, knowledge, and expertise. It seemed like they “knew better” than me, which certainly may have been the case in certain situations, but most of the time it was not. Another reason is that they didn’t “trust me.” Who wouldn’t trust a doctor? (I know, I know, it is a terrible joke, so sorry).
    So, end-of-life discussions in New York were challenging, leading to more situations than I can count where families accused me of wanting “to kill their grandmother” or “to save the hospital money” etc. Another theory explaining the cultural difference towards death between NY and Wisconsin is that Wisconsin is more rural and more people have experiences on farms and caring for animals. Thus, they are much more attuned and knowledgeable about the “cycle of life” and thus understand that all animals, no matter how we/they have lived, will come to the end eventually, and that at some point, “it’s time.” In New York, death was a four letter word and families often wanted to fight off death, no matter how futile the medical situation was (I can tell you stories my gosh). Now you know why I said I had a “love/hate” relationship with my specialty.
    Now, lets get back to “terminal weans.” One of my mentors said to me early in my career that he felt that ICU’s were the “best place to die.” One of the reasons why I came to completely agree with him is that I have had friends with parents with terminal illnesses on home hospice, with sublingual morphine and sedatives in the fridge, and even an emergency hospice nurse on site to administer the medicines during their final minutes/hours.. yet the descriptions of those deaths were quite distressing and traumatic to the family (and the patient). That is why, although we think we want to die at home peacefully, home deaths are not always so “peaceful” depending on what the patient is dying from – respiratory failure is not a pleasant way to die at home. Thus, ICU’s can, for some, be the best place to die in that we have so many resources and meds and IV’s etc. It can be accomplished in a highly organized, controlled, and even peaceful fashion whereby the patients (and the family) experience no such distress or trauma.
    Now, lets get to the issue of what was happening in the UK care homes. One Substack author interpreted the problem as follows:
    It seems that starting in April 2020, 10,000s of elderly were designated as “at the end of life” and euthanized with an opioid (Morphine) and benzodiazepine (Midazolam) combination.
    The evidence of United Kingdom’s “Midazolam murders” in Long Term Care homes is damning. Overall, it paints a very dark picture: in the UK, it appears the elderly in Long Term Care homes were euthanized by the 10,000s in order to drive up the COVID-19 death toll in 2020.
    We need whistleblowers to tell us.
    Notice the interpretation that “murder” and “euthanasia” must have been committed to explain this. This is their reasoning: since lots of sedatives were used and lots of deaths were recorded this meant that health care providers must have been murdering or euthanizing people.
    How about this reasoning instead: People in care homes/nursing homes often have what are called “advance directives” which stipulate that they do not want to be intubated and placed on a ventilator to die a slow death in an ICU at the end of their life. They stipulate this because they understand that life support interventions are not only unable to return them to some previous state of health, but mostly because ICU care in frail, elderly patients with significant co-morbidities very rarely leads to even the possibility that they can be returned to even their present diminished health status. Thus, such patients often have orders stipulating things like “do not hospitalize,” “do not intubate,” (no vent), and “do not resuscitate” (no CPR). Their own (or their families) assessment is that they are at the end of their life and instead of seeking “extraordinary measures” which will not achieve what they desire, they instead elect to die peacefully.
    So, I maintain that another explanation for the increased need for opiates and sedatives is that patients were falling ill with Covid, then entering the pulmonary phase, were not being treated with corticosteroids or anti-coagulation, and thus becoming increasingly breathless with falling oxygen levels. Focusing on symptom control in these patients by using medicines to blunt what is often severe dyspnea is entirely appropriate in such situations.
    Now, lets review some definitions:
    Murder – The killing of another person without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing a person with malice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life.
    Euthanasia, also called mercy killing, is the act or practice of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from painful and incurable disease or incapacitating physical disorder or allowing them to die by withholding treatment or withdrawing artificial life-support measures.
    Palliative care at the end-of-life: actions taken to provide comfort and support to patients who are facing the end of their life.
    Let’s address murder first. I realize that the medical system has lost its way over almost all aspects of diagnosing, preventing, and treating Covid. The fraud and corruption by those in power who have used propaganda and censorship to manipulate doctor’s thoughts and actions does smack of depravity given the consequences that those actions caused. But to argue that, early in the pandemic, before the propaganda and censorship reached the heights they would eventually reach, suddenly health care providers in those homes just started to arbitrarily murder residents under their care is just not credible.
    Now, what is the difference between administering medicines to euthanize someone versus administering medicines to make patients more comfortable, given that in both situations, you are using medicines which suppress the respiratory drive?
    Answer: intent.
    When you euthanize someone, the dosing and administration of the medicine is done with the sole purpose of ending their life. Quickly I assume (I don’t know, I have never euthanized someone).
    When someone is suffering from terminal breathlessness (i.e they are approaching the end of their life) the primary intent of the medicine is to make them more comfortable, it is not to end their life. Their life is ending already, and you are trying to make that transition from life to death a more peaceful and less distressing one.
    Where people get confused is that, in both cases, the opiate will suppress their breathing, so people think that, even in the latter case of providing comfort, that doctors are “hastening” death. Not true. The dose of the medicine used is titrated to the patients appearance, not their breathing or their pulse like in euthanasia. In comfort care, the doses are repeated or increased as needed until the patient is not gasping, rapidly breathing, or showing any other signs of distress like tightening of the facial muscles that suggest pain or discomfort. Typically, by the time your medicine doses achieve a state where the patient “looks comfortable”, the patient is unconscious, and yes, their respiratory rate has slowed. But they appear comfortable. Your therapeutic goal has been reached.
    Question: do patients die faster in this situation? Answer: it depends. I will admit that yes, the time until the heart stops can be shorter in many cases, but again, that was NOT the intent, it is instead a secondary effect of the medicines, the primary effect was to relieve respiratory distress and make them more comfortable. Now, can it happen for instance that a nurse, after giving a few IV pushes of a medicine, does not achieve the state of comfort she is trying to, and then maybe gives a double dose as the patient is still struggling and she is trying to further relieve their continued distress. And lets say, for whatever reason, that that dose suddenly leads to a severe decrease in the patients respiratory rate, their oxygen drops, and then they die. This can happen, but it is NOT murder or euthanasia as that was NOT the intent. The nurse was trying to help someone get more comfortable at the end of their life! No nurse or doctor I have ever met (save a few serial killer documentaries I have seen), want to KNOWINGLY kill patients! Jesus man, come on!
    Weird fact: I have seen a fair amount of cases where, after the morphine and sedatives are given and the patient appears more comfortable with breathing slowed… their oxygenation status actually improves.. and the dying process paradoxically lasts longer. Weird right? Why is that? Well, when patients are struggling with an increased work of breathing, this creates an oxygen demand. Once that demand is lessened from being made comfortable and their work of breathing lessens, the oxygen status improves. It takes longer for them to die, but they die comfortably. Similar with my nurse example above, you could accuse me of violating a core precept of a physician which is not to prolong dying unnecessarily. In this situation, in order to get the patient more comfortable, I used medicines which paradoxically prolonged the dying process. But they died comfortably, and the prolonged dying was a secondary effect, not a primary intent.
    So, lets finish with the care home business. The other rationale for why people are suggesting murder or euthanasia was occurring is because apparently family members have reported that they “feel” that the medicines being used hastened their family members death. I am unsurprised that certain family members felt this way. Why? Because to explain all that I have explained above, is well beyond the capacity of providers in a crisis. Even in normal times, many physicians are poor communicators as they are overworked, poorly trained in communication, pressed for time, and thus often cannot explain the nuances of incredibly complex topics like care approaches at the end of life.
    I promise you that if a doctor or nurse started giving doses of medications that were inappropriate or not indicated and patients started dying under their care as a result.. they would be immediately be reported by a colleague, lose their license, or even go to jail (maybe not too).. But, you cannot tell me that suddenly the whole staff of a care home collectively and simultaneously started euthanizing or murdering the residents. Not so fun fact: Although I dont know the reimbursement sources of care homes in the UK, if this happened in the U.S, all those workers would soon be out of a job. Why? An empty bed in a nursing/care home.. brings in no money. Last point – do you think providers at care homes have any experience or training in the care of the dying? They absolutely do.
    Thus, I believe, on no granular direct evidence (find me a whistleblower that will change my mind), that they were doing the best they could, in a difficult situation of rapidly spreading Covid in those care homes, in frail, elderly patients that had advance directives that they were not to be hospitalized or ventilated, and, due to their age and frailty and the fact the first Wuhan variant was such a beast, were rapidly succumbing to various degrees of respiratory failure and the providers were trying to keep them comfortable in the only way they could which was to treat symptoms (no effective anti-viral or anti-inflammatory treatments were “approved” remember?).
    Two more issues to address, this “vial” issue where the sedative vials only came in 5mg or 10 mg strengths or something. Who cares? Nurses and doctors know how to dilute any vial, yeesh. You draw up the vial into a syringe, then draw in saline to dilute, and you can carefully titrate to any dose you want. You are not “forced” to only give 10mg or whatever. Absurd.
    The drop in antibiotic use. Yes, I am sure it is because they wanted all their residents to die of secondary bacterial pneumonia. Nonsense. It was a viral induced pneumonia, no antibacterials were indicated in the majority, and so many in care homes died from a viral pneumonia quickly, that I don’t find it that weird that total antibiotic use dropped. “Secondary bacterial pneumonia” certainly occurred, but it was relatively rare, even in the ICU! To suggest that everyone was dying of a secondary bacterial pneumonia (like in 1918 Spanish Flu where a bacterial pneumonia actually was the proximate cause of most deaths) is absurd. I would start antibiotics in the ICU any time I felt something “new” was going on, or they were getting “worse” and I couldn’t rule out a bacterial pneumonia, so I empirically treated them with antibiotics.. Didn’t matter.
    Please everyone, stop interpreting these data as evidence of mass murder or mass euthanasia on the part of committed health care professionals trained in the care of the frail elderly, who were experiencing an unprecedented catastrophic situation in some places, particularly care homes. Although I have been exposed to increasing levels of depravity and absurdity in the actions of authorities in many fields and countries throughout the pandemic, the time period we are talking about is Spring 2020. Not everyone in Medicine had lost their minds… yet.
    US Military Aid To Ukraine Exceeds The Costs Of Afghanistan | ZeroHedge

    How to destroy a nation by spending on war it cannot win.
    Just imagine what benefits would accrue to America if this money was spent on infrastructure in America.

    Ben Norton on Twitter: “50,000 protesters came to the huge peace rally in Berlin, Germany today. They are demanding an end to Europe’s escalation of the NATO proxy war in Ukraine and immediate peace talks” / Twitter

    Germany is waking up. Hopefully it will spread.
    With what comes maybe a grassroots movement will toss out the Governments one day.


    Offener Brief – FREE PEOPLE

    We need to get 62M off their arses, and onto the streets demanding they go.

    It is a start as 62,000 signatures have been obtained in Germany to get out of the conflict. But to make a difference there has to be a greater groundswell which may come as things worsen.

    Bidens Buffoonery Has The World On The Edge Of Annihilation

    Dirty rotten Devients, the lot.
    Bet on Zelensky having the goods on Biden over his illicit dealing in Ukraine and no doubt his oligarch buddies do as well. And clearly the Neocon crowd takes full advantage.
    Perhaps this is real reason for the blank cheque for Ukraine.

    Woman cuts off boyfriend’s penis after he threatened to leak sex tapes https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11797881/Woman-cuts-boyfriends-penis-threatened-publish-sex-tapes.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Jesus Tony select with care. Imagine pissing off Frieda.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I let her keep the copies just to be safe.


      1. oh boy now I have two cheeky boys to deal with! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Mandate joke my ass! The monologue nailed the mandates to the wall.

      Liked by 2 people

  57. Jim Bovard: TSA Still Molesting At Warp Speed


    Despite squeezing millions of butts & boobs, TSA has never caught a real terrorist.


    1. TSA has always been security theatre…

      Liked by 1 person

  58. https://www.foxnews.com/us/la-mayor-bass-calls-root-out-right-wing-extremist-police-signals-lowering-bar-new-recruits

    LA Mayor Bass calls to root out ‘right-wing extremist’ police, signals lowering the bar for new recruits


  59. https://dailysceptic.org/2023/02/21/study-finds-zero-loss-of-antarctica-sea-ice-but-bbc-spins-as-new-record-low/

    Study Finds Zero Loss of Antarctica Sea Ice – But BBC Spins as “New Record Low” – The Daily Sceptic

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep… there’s never been either an Arctic or Antarctic ice crisis — just the natural, chaotic melt and laydown of snow and ice. If anyone needs to verify it for themselves, the easiest way is to look at the Northwest Passage being open or closed…

      Liked by 2 people

  60. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. This I had not known:

      Another fact previously unknown to me was that one of Hersh’s first major projects had been his investigation into the Pentagon’s development of chemical and biological weapons. When his AP editors refused to publish much of the explosive material he had uncovered, he quit and instead produced a series of articles on the topic for the New Republic, the New York Times Magazine, and other periodicals, while also writing his first book on that subject.

      Soon after that book’s release, his work gained public attention when the sudden, mysterious death of 6,000 sheep near the Dugway Proving Ground army base in Utah revealed that a military testing mishap had occurred. A cloud of powerful nerve gas had been accidentally released 85 miles from Salt Lake City and according to Hersh’s sources, it remained lethal to a range of 394 miles, so if the winds had blown in the wrong direction, probably thousands or even tens of thousands of Americans might have perished. The subsequent public hearings and media pressure led President Nixon to officially end all American biological weapons programs the following year.

      Liked by 1 person

  61. Well an OB/GYN’s wife, our former neighbors, just got out of the hospital for sudden chest pain with no risk factors, and all tests negative. Triple jabbed, however. Is now on a blood thinner in an abundance of caution.

    In her extended circle however, 3 have dropped dead ages 37, 43 and 52. Heart attack and stroke as official causes. All in otherwise good health, but double and triple jabbed. Odds against this by chance is on the order of 1 in 45,000. Add in the Bayesian of all being below typical heart disease age with minimal risk factors and we head into astronomical chance territory.

    The Suddenly has struck again.


  62. Liked by 2 people

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