White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #184

Understanding The Global Settlements By Seeing Beyond The Masks

For comprehending the Global Settlements, first understand its background and real issues before you look for answers. Don’t bite on the disinformation hooks. Fake information is fallow ground.  Also, it’s not happening as portrayed by the Plebs and Rednecks. Start by understanding the subjective, real-world judgment calls we have to make to protect our interests and nations. Raise your own consciousness reality awareness. The GS reality versus the mythological broker version which is not going to happen.

Future American control is delusional. Hegemony is ending. Perhaps with a blast for the whores of wars. 

A taxing dilemma for us in the settlement process is having a clear tacit agreement. In December of 2021, we were insistent that Elders did not sign off on anything less than a phased table top distribution where only 20% per tranche could be completed at each stage limiting the Fed’s ability to syphon off and steal the assets (as the Fed did when intercepting and syphoning of a multibillion ACAT wire transfer sent by SWIFT to Tropos, but misappropriated at the bank by Yellen’s team). No one has ever been paid out, ranging from Marcos, the M1 Principle in Indonesia, Ryadi and many more. Wild West rules – they steal everything – which is an alarm bell to continue with the US process.

Then, we did not have BRICS and yet still refused them. Now, we do. A major new alternative, and we have increased beneficial use terms to deal with us, encompassing a strong ethical agenda. Allowing the cabal and Zio Jews access to sequestrate funds again is anathema to us, and an issue we watch with care. They cannot help themselves and yet always help themselves. That is the endless dilemma. With BRICS we can have autocratic ethical oversight control. With the US, it’s on a par with being sealed naked within a sack of avaricious sewer rats. If we are able to achieve a sensible BRICS solution, it enables us to allocate funds by choice to service good US causes and projects. Directly to pre-cleared good people of approved standing.  A varmint check. We are focused on helping Americans. But even more focused on stopping the US Jewish banking mafia helping themselves. BRICS will change the world and end Fed tyranny. Britain’s arming of Ukraine to kill Russians is not helping our process; our own knee jerk politicos. But, if done, all nations will line up for benefits. Money greases wheels. Intense dialogue continues daily; it’s a multi-party process keeping the weevils out. 

The entire world is now separating into new trading hemisphere zones, as the dollar and US hegemony are being ever more contested and rejected. Asia is breaking away, as is China and Russia. Hemispheres are polarizing, leaving the US as incursers and predatory Zionists up in lights. Jewish hegemony usury banking has enslaved the world, to become totally subordinated to their predatory usury schemes, and the true fiscal consequences of allowing this rodent species to take hold of the world’s money supply is now under global separation hemisphere reviews. The split is coming as c5 billion people will leave the US hegemony umbrella. BRICS will break America. Eurasia IS coming with BRICS and vast markets. It will be forced to choose – or bankrupted. Look at Germany, straddled with costly NATO bases which won’t last 48 hours but will kill vast numbers of innocent Germans in US inspired hegemony conflict.  Now they freeze to death. Some partnership. Body bags for DC.  

Even Eisenhower forewarned of what was coming down if not checked. Zionist forces sit like carrion with Washington’s Military Industrial Cabal and its Agencies, encouraging them to squander evermore with reckless abandon. Every turn, the Jews earn from your own avaricious recklessness. Goyim! A nation now owned by the Zionists and Israeli ringmasters are gaming you all. Like Soros, all are loathsome. They are gaming America blind. This species has form. Millennials of it. To achieve anything, where is the money coming from to pay you out first? Show me the real Money! They never give back, only sequestrate and take. Users run usury banking! They do NOT have the money. 

Why would the Far East, Asia, Russia, South America and Africa want to be paid in USD when these monies can be sequestrated at any time?  They are re-planning hemispheres and cutting America out and off. Alarm for the Fed and Zionists. They face losing their gaming board. Losing a lot. 

Same carrion, same games. Goyim never learn. Understand the past to see them in operation now, same games played over 5,000 years.   

It was estimated by Josephus that the Romans slaughtered or sold into Slavery c100,000 Jews in the early years of record to contain these volatile itinerant Gypsies’ dogs. By c70 AD there were so many Jewish uprisings, forcing them to adopt ghetto tactics to divide and rule. Just look at Palestine today. How they sequestrate everything in sight as they have done with America. They seek a Greater Israel and now Jewkraine. Tapeworms loose. The concept of an enlarged Jewish Khazarian homeland encamped on Russia and Europe’s borders is anathema to all. Nuclear missiles delivered by Israel, Khazarian Mafia flooding in along with America’s worst Zio/Jewish Crime families. A country 4 times the size of the UK and the size of Texas, vastly rich in minerals, and farming capacity. If then crooked Ukraine is absorbed by a Greater Israel, it would be a giant carbuncle on the backside of mankind. Money laundering, drug trafficking, people trafficking, child trafficking, and arms trading loose under their control. Crime Inc., unleashed. OUT of control. Now we are refocused on Russia, realizing the greater good is for them to win in Ukraine and to clear this land mass of US Black Operations Labs, corruption and Jews. Clear out the lot. We cannot realign the new nations as trading blocks leaving this mass corrupt cow patty in the center. France and Germany aligned with the US, lied to and deceived Russia. Any trust has gone. The UK arms and weaponizes Ukraine killing ever more Russians and antagonizing Moscow. Every indication is that we could have WWIII within 3 to 4 years, with truly dreadful consequences.

The world today parallels the old Roman/Judaic conflicts with never ending Jewish incursions, temple money changers, and their endless rabblerousing. From 132 to 136 CE, the Bar Kokhba revolt brought mass Roman anger. Emperor Hadrian, between 117 to 128 had endless revolts and just lost it with them. He booted all Judaic Jews out of Jerusalem, with Roman legions effecting brutal mass genocide, where hundreds of thousands died, and this viral species were slaughtered by Rome suffering their anger and frustration. Others left alive were dispersed throughout the Middle East and across into Europe or Asia. Like HIV or weeds, they spread and mutate. Egypt and the Romans found it was an uncontrollable blight on humanity. They are!

“50 of [the Jews’] most important outposts and 985 of their most famous villages were razed to the ground. 580,000 men were slain in the various raids and battles, and the number of those that perished by famine, disease and fire was past finding out. Thus nearly the whole of Judaea was made desolate.”

Cassius Dio, History of Rome, 69.14.1-2

Assessing that, how can we have a GS underwritten by worthless American dollars, led by predatory Jewish bankers with a known sequestration trait? No enlightened nations seek a new usury hook, or currencies backed by nothing but hype.     

Look at Europe today and America. They infiltrate, sequester and dominate. Almost all Russian Oligarchs running from the law are Jewish. They stole, defrauded and looted Russia blind. As with Ukraine. China is deeply immersed in strategizing new BRICS hemisphere structures, and conceiving a free landmass with no US hegemony warfare bases in Japan. Taiwan, South Korea and Australia, are all under review. As are NATO bases which cannot contain a Russian assault for more than 2 days. If we are polarizing, as is, why do we need America at any level? BRICS, if endowed then with c$15T of Elders AU, can bank leverage that 10 fold, and underwrite a whole new economy.

The US can’t fund a GS. We can.

Polarization of the East/West territories now needs the new incoming BRICS currency to fund the split. Or have America cut off the money supply. 

The EU will fail and needs to realign with Eurasia. All Middle Eastern energy will then be sold to the Far East, Asia and Europe. America is already being circumvented. Without hegemony, the entire incestual US Military industrial cabal, will fail. 

The key now is to redesign a full stage phased Eurasia as its own fully integrated trading and economic block, free of DC and Zionist usury fake moneys. Europe must face East to markets exceeding 5 Billions, and let the US go West.

Can a new Paul Revere wake up America? The dream has gone West. Now, it’s the whole world marching down on you. Karma and angry gremlins. Stealing the world is now over. Like Rome, the world is coming home. Self-sufficient Eurasia is coming.    

Unleash innovation to save this once great nation.  

So, the key takeaway here is: Don’t fall for false and highly embellished “intel” about what the valid Global Settlements are going to be. Such is often falsely sold as “mass debt forgiveness”… “dinar or other currency millions from public revaluations”… “NESARA”… “galactic intercessions”… “a world which will instantly be free of problems”… “one or more blogging bums in a shanty or rented apartment is going to be handed trillions to save you”, etc., and;

The real-world necessities for the GS will be addressed with real-world solutions based on real-world agreements that avoid the very problems that were brought on by the current cartels. There will be no room, nor funds, for indulging indolent megalomania, or something-for-nothing profiteering by freeloaders. The future multi-polar world will now demand far more skilled contributory value to maintain past living standards. There are now new “players” on the block.

As outlined above, the changes ahead may not be easy for many. We must also not ignore the unknown or the unpredictable.

So…be ready for anything.

More when possible.


1,604 responses to “Information Briefing #184”

  1. I’m done with the FDA. They have zero credibility.

    Read the below. Integrate it. Laugh at them. Follow your own heart from here on out.

    While the principals behind CAALM are experts and offer the FDA valid points in their comments, the FDA flatly rejects the organizations requests, declaring that a licensed vaccine doesn’t need to demonstrate that they prevent infection or transmission nor does a vaccine authorized under provisional emergency use authorization need to demonstrate infection prevention or transmission.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Don’t forget the Swine Flu vaxx back in ’76

    Liked by 1 person

  3. NEW – Yuan overtakes dollar to become most-used currency in China’s cross-border transactions for the first time in history.



  4. 🙏💜🌈

    “A story of kindness, friendship, courage and hope for viewers of all ages in a heartwarming, hand-drawn animated film based on the children’s book by Charlie Mackesy.”

    32 mins.



  5. Can someone not rid us of this troublesome woman?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She’s competing with Clinton, Nancy and has ” The tainted Bloodline!”.


      1. I’m surprised black ichor doesn’t bubble out her veins… with folks like Nuland around, who needs to worry about wayward AI’s…


        1. Look at Nuland’s husband she follows his Mantras.


  6. Bill Rice Jr. wrote a paper in the past showing that for the majority of UK children, the risk of death due to COVID was 0.000; it remains so in April 2023; the data has been stable for 3 years but CDC, SAGE, NIH, FDA, PHAC etc. ignored it, their doctors & scientists were just too academically lazy, intellectually sloppy, inept, corrupted, cognitively dissonanced to read the available data

    APR 26


  7. https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/breaking-whistleblower-to-expose-us-govt-involvement-in-massive-child-trafficking-operation-paub/
    “I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes. Instead, I discovered that children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network that begins with being recruited in their home country, smuggled to the U.S. border, and ends when ORR delivers a child to a sponsor – some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members of Transnational Criminal Organizations. Some sponsors view children as commodities and assets to be used for earning income – this is why we are witnessing an explosion of labor trafficking,” Rodas will explain.


    1. The horror for those helpless little Souls James.


    2. This truly is sickening.


      1. It needs Mandatory Death Sentences for ALL involved.


  8. Japan’s lunar lander appears to have crashed.
    The private company behind it has lost contact with the spacecraft. (CNN)

    Given that governments don’t want the competition, I say sabotage.


  9. “You wonder just how filthy and dishonest our news media are. How bad are they? Ask yourself, is any news organization you know so corrupt, that it’s willing to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertisers? Anyone who would do that is Pablo Escobar corrupt and should not be trusted”

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The fallout continues

    Liked by 1 person

  11. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/explosive-new-study-finds-face-masks
    Explosive New Study Finds Face Masks May Increase Stillbirths, Testicular Dysfunction, Cognitive Decline IN KIDS


    1. But the other side is that Clinton, Nancy and Nuland deserve masking!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m still partial to decapitation… after appropriate due process…


  12. This Cabal and Zio moves to “Get Trump” may blow up in a lot of faces.
    The world sees the almost bottomless depth of US corruption, and DC is the visible Pit of Corruption and Treason. Yet nothing is done. Why is Hunter Biden still free? Why are Clintons and Obama free? The FBI, CIA and DHS are tarnished beyond belief. So is the Senate. Congress tries valiantly to expose them all, but no teeth. No European nation of standing could carry corruption the way America does. No one cares. Sadly, US corruption is endemic. Rotten to the core. And the Wogs will keep flooding in. Watching from afar, but seeing daily, and with a Global perspective, America is visibly imploding. All Standards have gone. You are shambling towards WW111.

    The innocent are suffering, and corruption rules with disdain,Teflon to Justice.
    It’s like watching 350M Lemmings tottering on the Cliff Edge. Blind to the drop. Gimmes with hands out. Grasping Goffers.

    Right now only Trump seems to be tuned into the depth of problems, and need for change. But DC and the entire, fabricated, utterly corrupt Politicised Agency Neo CON system is throwing the kitchen sink at him.
    It is clear he has no Democratic protection accorded. Trump is no Angel, I am well aware. But neither were the Bushes, Clintons, Obama or Bidens.
    Why is the system united and dedicated to stopping Trump running if he’s got the support of the People?

    I see, motivated, intellectually competent and sophisticated Congressmen , many good Patriots, trying to expose corruption and expose Truth. But denied.

    To be clear, I don’t like Trump, nor do I support what he is. But we respect his Right to be Heard and for American justice. If he only gets the chance to adopt and enforce what he espouses, that can transform America. BRICS, the Yen, rejection of SWIFT, and CBDC,s are growing side issues of world rejection of the US Cabals Hegemony, the sheer scale of organised corruption, Endemic corruption Rotten to the Core. America has both lost the Plot and forced Polar Hemisphere Breakaways. It’s like watching the Fall of Rome, or South Africa.

    Whilst Yellen and the crooked Zionists seek at all costs to Corral and dominate the US the US Treasury and Fed, ─ the US Justice system and the economy, the Free World is walking.
    When the Dollar goes. it’s over. Ask Germany how hyper inflation went down Post WW11?
    Now, it’s all unfolding and coming at you.

    Has Trump got the perspicacity to follow it through? Who will Speak for Americans?
    Who else is there right now? Who will be a new Chief of Staff for Trump if he wins? How can he get fair votes? They will rig it all without remorse.
    Don’t Cry for Me Argentina. Substitute America?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. https://www.gbnews.com/royal/prince-harry-meghan-markle-royal-family-news

    Ditch the attention seeking grasping bitch pay it off and go home.
    Russian Army has started the combat use of newest tanks T-14 Armata against Ukrainians. In the warm-up mode for now:

    МОСКВА, 25 апр – РИА Новости. Вооруженные силы России начали применять новейшие танки Т-14 “Армата” для ведения огня по украинским позициям, сообщил РИА Новости информированный источник. “Российские войска начали применять новейшие танки “Армата” для ведения огня по украинским позициям. В прямых штурмовых действиях они пока не участвовали”, – рассказал собеседник агентства.Он уточнил, что “танки Т-14 “Армата” в зоне СВО получили дополнительную защиту борта от противотанковых боеприпасов”. Начиная с конца прошлого года экипажи Т-14 “Армата” проходили боевое слаживание на полигонах в одной из народных республик Донбасса, добавил источник. Впервые в боевых условиях танки “Армата” опробовали в Сирии. Основной танк Т-14 “Армата” разработан в Уральском конструкторском бюро транспортного машиностроения (входит в УВЗ). Особенность его компоновки — необитаемая башня, три члена экипажа находятся в изолированной бронекапсуле, расположенной в передней части корпуса. Танк имеет комбинированное многослойное бронирование, новую динамическую защиту “Малахит” и комплекс активной защиты “Афганит”. Основное вооружение машины — 125-миллиметровая гладкоствольная пушка 2А82-1М, способная применять новые управляемые ракеты с дальностью восемь километров.


    MOSCOW, April 25 – RIA Novosti. The Russian Armed Forces have begun using the latest T-14 Armata tanks to fire on Ukrainian positions, an informed source told RIA Novosti. “Russian troops have begun to use the latest Armata tanks to fire on Ukrainian positions. They have not yet participated in direct assault operations,” the source said. He specified that “T-14 Armata tanks in the NVO zone received additional protection side from anti-tank ammunition”.Since the end of last year, the crews of the T-14 “Armata” have undergone combat coordination at training grounds in one of the people’s republics of Donbass, the source added. For the first time in combat conditions, Armata tanks were tested in Syria. The main tank T-14 “Armata” was developed at the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering (part of UVZ). The peculiarity of its layout is an uninhabited tower, three crew members are in an isolated armored capsule located in front of the hull. The tank has a combined multi-layer armor, a new dynamic protection “Malachite” and an active protection complex “Afganit”. The main armament of the vehicle is a 125 mm 2A82-1M smoothbore gun capable of using new guided missiles with a range of eight kilometers.

    With some new artillery shells the actual range is 12 kilometers. These tanks are in serial production and are available in quantity as needed.
    As for Bakhmut, it is effectively in a cauldron. So consider it fallen as it is only days before it falls. Meanwhile the clown Zelensky has order troops to fight until May 9th. In a cauldron there is no supply and all retreat all ground is under visual fire control. He has no conscience in sacrificing these troops for headlines.
    The reality Is that NATO or American troops are about to enter the Ukraine. Body bags will flow back to Dover. Perhaps then Americans will wake up. Better still what fools will die for this nonsense? So do not wonder why Ukrainian troops started to give up and side with the Russians to fight Ukrainian against Ukrainian.
    ‘Caesar’s Prisoner’: The thrilling story of the Gallic rebel Vercingetorix, his Roman guard and the notorious dungeons of Mamertin

    How the Romans dealt with WOGS and how to stop the illegals flow.

    The lying, shameful, politicised FBI. Dismantle it.

    $.7 Trillion in new Biden Taxws hidden, but not now!

    How the Elites all new about and hid Epstein.

    Shameful DHS lying about Illegals and Security. They Lie!

    The Ruthless Witchhunt to stop Trump and protect the Corruption.

    Trump IS the Voice of the masses.

    Tucker exposes UFOs, how many deaths and this is worth watching.

    Give Megyn Kelly a voice the MSM won’t

    Exposing the NWO.

    Another voice against the MSM lies and Fake News.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. A lot of good facebook reels today. Thanks.


  14. The chaos engulfing the Sudanese capital of Khartoum became significantly more threatening Tuesday when one of the warring factions seized control of a national health lab that contains biological material, according to a U.N. official who called the development “extremely dangerous.”

    Dr. Nima Saeed Abid, the World Health Organization’s representative in Sudan, said one of the parties fighting for control of Sudan – he didn’t say which one – “kicked out all of the technicians” from the lab, where measles, cholera and polio samples are held.

    “That is extremely, extremely dangerous,” he told a U.N. briefing in Geneva by video call from Port Sudan. “There is a huge biological risk associated with (such) occupation.” — USA Today


    1. Note how many MORE Bio Labs are being Found? Worldwide!!!!!!!!!!!
      US Funded and conspired!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Too many. Which means lots of second-hander scientists trying to find a good population killing virus.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Focus on Zio testing first.


  15. World Wide Waste… Re_used


    1. Thanks. Another great example of mother nature providing and in this case helping a good man and saving trees. Glad they are replanting those trees.


  16. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2023/04/23/syrian-migrant-arrested-over-german-gym-stabbing-attack/

    ‘A suspect has been arrested over last week’s stabbing attack at a gym in the western German city of Duisburg in which four people were seriously wounded, authorities said Sunday.

    Prosecutor Jill Mc Culler said the man, a 26-year-old Syrian citizen, was arrested shortly after midnight, German news agency dpa reported. He was to be brought before a judge on Monday to determine whether he can be kept in custody pending possible charges.

    Further details weren’t immediately available.’


    1. Wogs loose to kill. Don’t Import, Abort the lot!


  17. Source: Barnes Brief

    Biden formally declares 2024 candidacy.

    China expands espionage law in ways that could lock up foreign dissidents easier.

    Trump show trial in NY begins.

    YouTube profits falling

    More biolabs in Sudan.

    Systemic risk signals rise.

    Harry Belafonte passes away.

    Biden admin targets Musk’s Starship program for political payback.

    Fox Corp suffers half-a-billion stock blow from losing Tucker.

    When the emergency never ends.

    Wisdom of the Day: “The few sincere liberals left, the ones actually fighting corporate power, seem like bewildered relics from an earlier age.” Tucker Carlson.

    Evidence: Daily Library

    Bank nervousness rises.

    A take on Tucker’s future. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/04/24/thoughts-on-tucker-carlsons-firing


    The betrayal of diversity.

    Much like the past, the liberal elites turn against democracy itself. https://www.discoursemagazine.com/politics/2023/04/21/are-some-forms-of-populism-more-equal-than-others/

    Ukranian embezzlement.

    Donor pressure on DeSantis. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/25/us/politics/ron-desantis-ken-griffin-2024.html

    Sudan civil war background.

    Credit crunch coming to China.

    As requested: China’s dollar debt problem documented. https://www.bostonfed.org/news-and-events/news/2022/12/china-dollar-funding-denominated-debt-spillover-effects-leslie-shen-boston-fed.aspx

    Closing Argument

    The institutional left celebrated. The corporate right toasted. The Deep State breathed a welcome air of relief. They all welcomed the removal of Tucker Carlson from Fox News. But they may wish they never witnessed it.
    The institutional left deluded itself into believing Fox News originated conservative critique of their policies, priorities and public personalities, when Fox News merely reflected, and often diminished, the public outrage toward those liberal elites, while redirecting populist critiques away from the citadels of power – the corporate collusion with politicized law enforcement, intelligence and military personnel. Big business needs big government to keep the free market away, and both needed Fox to divert and distract criticism from their board rooms. Fox’s real role has long been to keep the Overton window quite closed while cheerleading the contest between Coke & Pepsi as a “real choice.”

    The corporate right equally deluded itself into believing that the problem was Trump and Tucker, not a growing populist rebellion amongst the people, who witnessed a government unanchored from its Constitutional harbor and divorced from its empowerment of the people over elites. Trump reflected populist outrage, not created it. Tucker channeled the populist critique, not originated it. They both echoed Alex Jones because Jones increasingly captured the zeitgeist of the political moment.

    The Deep State’s control over the populace increasingly slipped away without the Cold War to unite the right behind its cause, often disguised as anti-communism. The “humanitarian” neo-liberalism of the Clintonites and the 9/11 for Bushite patriotism only birthed a short break from public skepticism of a military industrial complex long foreign to America’s founding principles. The W coalition died in 2008 on the backs of broken promises, a disastrous war rooted in lies, and a banking bail out masking the cartel of global banksters running our economy for their profit at out expense.

    Just as Trumpism will long find a voice after Trump, Tucker’s audience existed because Tucker listened to that audience, not because he created that audience. He met an appetite for populist critique, not originated it. And now populism’s prime patron in the court of the press and public opinion no longer has the gatekeeper of Fox Corporate to quiet his voice and shackle his opinion. His harshest critics may rue the day Fox Corporate took out Tucker Carlson.


    1. Let me see. Musk, Tucker, Kelly, O’Reilly plus. What will we call it.


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  20. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Potty-mouth makes sense. Politics and politicians, in a technically advancing society, are nothing more than an inflamed boil on the buttocks of society.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Watch it, I did!


    1. I also heard a radio host say that in Tuckers contract, he would be allowed to say what he wanted to say. And when he did, he started getting pressure, and finally was ousted.


  21. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12011009/Haiti-Gang-members-beg-mercy-vigilante-lynch-mob-stones-burns-alive.html

    When enough is enough, and the Authorities are useless or coopted, People will take matters into their own hands… Despite my love of due process and systems of ordered liberty, I accept that desperate measures sometimes must be taken. All reports are that the guilty, and only those and the aligned with the guilty, faced the flames.


    1. From the Movie Millers Crossing: The mob boss says “a bullet in the brain always works for me.”


      1. So much for laws against tortious interference, which are never mentioned…


  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  23. The extraordinary bs of the Right/Left narrative and the complete loss of common sense on the Left yields articles beyond the pale, as the one below. The Clown World insanity is not bounded.



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