White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #185

Germanic Warriors Attacking Romans At Teutorburg

Germany Will Not Have A Third Chance At Recovery If The Next “War To End All Wars” Successfully Ends All Wars…And Everything Else

In the 20th Century, in excess of 200,000,000 people died from warfare or effects from it. Germany, a country that was central to two world wars in that period, twice recovered, but let us consider her present reality and how it may not be possible to have a third post-war recovery if the events in Eastern Europe worsen into a non-conventional war. Historic truths need to be clarified so that causes can be learned from. And unless the true causes are studied in total, from both sides, one cannot adopt accurate preventative strategies to rid the environment of the actual causes of conflict. America itself is now possibly on the very same path to self destruction, with the parallels and causes eerily similar to Germany’s past Weimar collapse. Saving Europe and Germany as a long term part of Eurasia is possible. Saving America may not be.

Sadly, undeservedly, Germany is currently being derailed right now, swamped with endless flows of Illegals, their mounting crimes, and drowning in usury and Federal debt as vital industries collapse under racketeer energy prices. Its banks such as Deutsch (CIA Agency racketeering bank) are being US Jewish Fed bailed, but at what price?  If Deutsch goes, contagion will run riot affecting the EU and America. The economic powerhouse is fast running out of power. The US parallel is both! It’s always the vanity of leaders and fine print which ends empires.

Be clear. If Germany fails, the EU goes with it. America will then hemorrhage from the contagion erupting like Vesuvius.

NATO bases are needlessly alienating Russia by favoring the criminal oligarchs’ Ukraine, its Agency vanity, and more wars for the same festering Cabal whores. This was all avoidable. The US Mainland may easily be the front line, and not just Europe as Nuland has clearly stated US policy which could make us a target. Sadly, as is evident, Nuland and her Neocon and Zionist associates will also gladly sacrifice millions in Germany and Poland without an ounce of remorse. This carnivore cabal, with its NATO arms and costly protection racketeering front, really needs to be re-thought out in Europe. If the EU needs real defense, let it be self-funded as self help!

Are we repeating how blindly and indifferently we walked unprepared into WWII? Post the Potsdam Armistice of WWII we gave away the very nations we were fighting for to the Communists. Millions fought and died for nothing. What was the point of giving Poland an unsolicited war guarantee when being incapable of defending that same territory? And now, “F the EU”, says Nuland! “F the US”, say some, as Ukraine is ready to fall to Russia, after billions of dollars and NATO on the edge of all but repeating these same “war guarantees” that eventually handed Communists half of Europe and plunged the world into a cold war costing billions more and hundreds of thousands of lives. Both Poland and Czechoslovakia wound up under Bolshevik rule for 50 years. Why did Britain turn a German-Polish conflict over Danzig (a 95% German occupied region under Polish control that even most British cabinet members agreed should never have been separated from Germany after Versailles) into a world war? Can we afford to start another world war over similar issues, with hypersonic nuclear armed nations?

Get the US out of Europe – ever funding their military industrial Cabal killing the world and playing with nuclear fire. Wars will end and even larger ones can be averted. End poor Germany’s time as an expendable pawn on Washington’s gaming board. Tel Aviv at its worst is seeking the New Jewkraine. At what cost? America has lost the Middle East and the petrodollar will founder.

Do we really want an out-of-control nuclear armed, money laundering, arms-selling, drug, child trafficking crime syndicate pushing for a Zionist Greater Israel expansion right on Europe and Russia’s borders, swamped with the Khazarian Mafia threatening everyone? WWIII guaranteed if so. And that WILL take out America’s mainland head on. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Mogadishu, Syria – they win nothing but mass kill millions. A badly flawed and failing criminal Washington DC empire in retreat while Nuland seeks to ignite the world. We need to unite it without US hegemony!

To strategic thinkers in the U.K. currently working on needed Global and EU restructuring needs, it is gratifying to see the first foreign visit made by the new monarch, King Charles III, has been to Germany, not Paris as originally intended. France has lost control of its borders, but is now losing cities to anarchy and insurrection. There is growing anger from those forced to work additional years to fund mass illegal immigration needs. It will be interesting to watch the solution to this new French Revolution. 

But the warm hand of friendship extended by Charles to our German EU Allies, gives us all hope. Germany and the UK need to join, and plan a new Europe. As real industrial leaders, we will effectively deal with illegals, basket cases and bottom feeders, removing all as needed. A new  powerful gaming board of hope is now there for our combined nations. The respect and goodwill of our hand of friendship extended. Both, let us build on this. The EU needs us both ever more and our markets of Treasure Island await.

Germans are currently being frozen out of humane living in hostile conditions. Fellow Europeans are doing nothing to help. Merkel lost the plot. The Governing parties she presided over encouraged and allowed in mass illegals swamping their national identity, then sadly lost both border and economic control. As are the EU and America. All playing with fire!  All part of the Neocon Washington NWO Zionist gaming board agenda. Soros, Israel and the CIA have a lot to answer for. Europeans have the energy, capability and capacity to protect their fellow Europeans. Yet our self-serving interests are failing our own brother Europeans. So short sighted. With a visible dearth of quality leadership in the EU, we do nothing. What a sad collective. England itself is now run by a dodgy Indian and Scotland has fallen to a white-hating Pakkie radical. Then, even lower, we have Biden running America – into the ground!

Why should England and Germany unite this time to save Europe? Because history (the correct and complete version of it) teaches us what happens when hidden parties, who smell money and skulk around in dark corners of political halls, make deals to keep nations struggling under the boot of usury and not prospering on their own productive merit with a sound capital framework made to serve the economy and not exploit it. For example, the end of WWI and the resultant events which affected Germany. Post the tragedy of WWI, the alliances of France, the US and UK alongside the Russians, raped Germany with unmerciful terms which all but guaranteed another war over lost territory. How did this come about?

The war started in 1914. By 1916, Germany had essentially won the war. Her submarines had removed all convoys from the Atlantic. England was deprived of ammunition and food supplies and her armies were within weeks of starvation. The French army had mutinied, having lost 600,000 men thus far. The Russian army was revolting against the Czar and made peace with Germany, and the Italian army – well, let’s just say that nobody really feared going up against Italian soldiers since about 450AD. Not a shot had been fired on German soil; not one yard of her lands taken.

Despite this, Germany decided to offer England peace terms, which in the summer of 1916 they were seriously considering, as they had no choice. While this was going on, in October of 1916, Zionist interests in Germany went to the British war cabinet and offered them a path to victory by using their influence to bring the United States into the war on the side of Britain. The price: Palestine for Jews, after you have won the war.

After successfully using their political and banking interests to get the US into the war, the Balfour Declaration memorialized this agreement to give Palestine to the Jews in payment for getting the US into the war. With German press now issuing defeatist Homefront-demoralizing rhetoric, and banking support being withdrawn, Germany eventually could not economically compete with the US on a war footing and asked for an armistice – despite never failing to defend her lands. General Ludendorff urged the army to fight on, and was relieved for insubordination. Two weeks later, the Kaiser abdicated. Germany was at the mercy of the allies.

The original Treaty of Versailles on June 28, and the Treaty of Saint-Germain on September 20, started the great humiliation of Germany. Large eastern territory won from Soviet Russia was lost. Huge sums were to be taken to pay off the debts of France and Britain which were borrowed from American banks. The Rhineland was to be demilitarized. Germany’s army, once the largest in Europe, was to be cut to 100,000. Hardly enough to defend a country of that size let alone start a war. No advanced weaponry was allowed. Alsace-Lorrain was to become French, Posen and West Prussia Polish, and Memel became Lithuanian. An economic blockade was imposed on Germany to enforce payment of reparations, which resulted in the death of 769,000 Germans from malnutrition and sickness, with another 150,000 dying of Spanish Flu. The price of reparations was set at 226 billion Marks. Germany was forbidden to export goods, but required to accept imports.

British Prime Minister Lloyd George wrote on Versailles:

“The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians and journalists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.”

The tensions which had started the war not only remained, but were now amplified.

A rather noble idea that was developed was that states should be decided by nationality. For instance, Poland should have a country of its own, rather than the Polish living as minorities in, say, Germany, Russia or France. But in redrawing the maps of Europe, the concept of nationality was not applied to Germany. The new Poland was given access to the sea via Danzig, separating millions of Germans who were to be a minority in Poland – the very thing they were trying to avoid by assigning state populations by nationality. The new Czechoslovakia was to be given borders which also included millions of Germans, referred to as Sudeten Germans. These inexplicable, disastrously planned arrangements were almost waiting for a strong nationalist Germany to arise and set right. Many in the Britain delegation were against the idea of separating so many Germans from Germany by the Danzig corridor, and they were very prescient in their concerns.

Straining under the Versailles and St. Germain treaty shackles, Germany fell behind on their reparations payments. French troops moved into the Ruhr Valley and occupied German factories to seize payments for themselves. With no effective standing army, Germany could not stop them. They cordoned off districts and demanded papers for movement as if these districts were foreign countries. As hatred for the French built, the seeds of a nationalist revival in Germany were planted.

The Weimar Republic in Germany functioned on American loans, and when the stock market crashed in 1929, the eventual massive bank failures and loss of credit caused the German economy to collapse in 1931, and, by 1932, unemployment reached 35% and inflation began to spiral out of control.

With millions unemployed, the revolutionary Jewish Communists leaders Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg attempted a “red” revolution in Germany. Political parties of all kinds were in the streets vying for power.

By 1933, in the midst of the continuing great economic depression of the time, Germany was continuing headlong into bankruptcy. Economic production in both Germany and the US was scarcely more than half of what it had been in 1929. Millions of Germans were unemployed. In every town were homeless, starving and desperate people. 235,000 a year were committing suicide. Foreign elements positioned themselves in places of power within the government to open paths for opportunists to line their pockets from the misery of a now dying social order.

The Daily Mail reported on July 10, 1933:

“The German Nation was rapidly falling under the control of alien elements. In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime there were twenty times more Jewish government officials in Germany as had existed before the war.”

Franklin Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler began their respective political offices at this time and would hold them for 12 years until each died in April of 1945. Both set to task to solve the economic woes their nations faced. Although there were some striking parallels to the solutions implemented, the results were very different with Germany having a far more effective attack on the problems of unemployment than any other country.

Hitler Assumes Hindenburg’s Post

The National Socialists had now come to power in Germany via an election. Their banners rose out of the desperation of a nation which had fallen as far as it could short of total collapse. If Versailles had been structured with an ounce of humanity, it would have ensured Germany protection against the international hyenas that were set loose to feast on its bones. But there was no money to be made from a nation free to devise a system of economics that would exclude the money jackals. It would fall to a man of modest education, a former decorated lance corporal in the army, to unite Germany under one banner and start his country on the road to recovery in a way Versailles never came close to doing.

In an address to the nation, two days after being appointed Chancellor, Hitler addressed the nation:

“…The misery of our people is horrible to behold. To the misery of millions of unemployed workers is added impoverishment of the whole middle-class and the artisans. If this collapse also finishes off the German farmers, we will face a catastrophe of incalculable dimension, for that would be not just the collapse of a nation, but of a 2000 year-old inheritance of some of the greatest achievements of human culture and civilization. The task that we must fulfill is the most difficult that German statesmen have had to face in human memory. But we are all filled with unbounded confidence because we believe in our people and its imperishable values. The new government will achieve the great task of re-organizing our economy, by means of two great four year plans. The German farmer must be rescued to maintain the nation’s food supply, and in consequence, the nation’s vital foundation. The German worker must be saved from ruin with a concerted and all-embracing attack on unemployment. Within four years, unemployment must be decisively overcome…”

After years of the usual approach to “solve” economic problems, a new government now rose to address the matter. Without a detailed explanation of the economic mechanics, by using a national credit system (which denied international banking cartels the chance to profit from) and using its labor and productive capacity as the basis of its economic wealth, by 1935, unemployment was at an end in Germany, and one small aspect of the Versailles Treaty had been overturned by plebiscite with the Ruhr Valley being returned from French to German control. By 1936, higher incomes were pushing up prices, or making it possible to raise them. By the late 1930’s, Germany had full employment and stable prices – in the industrialized world, a unique achievement. It was now clear that National Socialism was not Marxist Socialism. Many took notice of this. Especially those who saw it happen without their “help”.

As the new nationalist government grew, resentment towards Jewish monopolies in press, business and entertainment also grew. The Frankfurt School, which the government considered a vile foreign perverse sexual influence on German culture, moved to Geneva, then later New York City, joining Columbia University, Berkley, Princeton, and Brandeis. Their printed materials were ceremoniously burned in Germany, and the headquarters burned down by Hitler Youth.

The Zionist interests responded and launched an economic boycott movement against Germany while just 500,000 or so Jews lived there with many enjoying the economic ride upwards to greater prosperity as a result of the new economic policies. Contrary to most versions of this time period, most of the atrocity propaganda (including outright lies and exaggerations of such) happened in spite of Hitler, not because of him. Yet, historians tend to condemn the Germans for what was to take place ten years into the future; that they could not do anything just and right in 1933-39. In fact, Hitler bailed out a large Jewish-owned department store chain and then strictly forbade mass arrests and harassment of businessmen and industrialists, as it was during this time they needed to address the severe unemployment problem, and many Germans worked for that store.

Many such acts to prevent reprisals against Germany’s Jews were implemented, despite the Zionist economic war declaration. Acts of violence were prohibited; Hitler promised not to boycott German Jews only after world Jewry stop boycotting the Third Reich; Goering ordered mass arrests of dissident NSDAP party units who violated such boycott orders, including a death penalty order for threats of atrocities towards any Jews. Jewish subculture and Jewish orthodoxy was not to be interfered with. There was no benefit to Germany to do so.

Great strides were being made. New innovative highways were built, new housing developments and advancement in sciences and engineering far outpaced any other nations’. Workers were given state funded vacations. The 40 hour work week was devised with overtime pay, paid vacation and holidays. State subsidized cafeterias were installed in many workplaces. Cities were cleared of vice and public acts of debauchery. Affordable home loans were made available, and for each child born, 25% of the loan was forgiven.

After the war, most Germans recalled these times as the best Germany had, before or since.

With all this prosperity being achieved in such a short time, without resorting to foreign banking debts or fractional reserve debt usury, it was only a matter of time before the incredibly powerful influence of financial cartels would be brought to bear on the political classes of other nations which were controlled by, and in debt to these same cartels. Since they lost this controlling ability within Germany with her now strong nationalist government, they could not use political bribery, press or financial weaseling to stop the popularity and spread of this economic volt-face. Jews had been removed from any ability to hold state political offices, state educational posts or state media and state financial control. They would now use their political and financial interests to get other nations to exert pressure on Germany.

With the Jewish declaration of economic war against Germany (with some key Jewish leaders calling for Germany’s complete destruction), and the increasing anti-German rhetoric being spread by Jewish dominated press interests across the globe, it was decided to remove the Jews from Germany over time, and let each respective peoples live as they chose.

Coin commemorating the Haavara Agreement

In good faith, the German government and Zionist leaders in Germany worked out a process by which Jews in Germany could be sent to Palestine to live and take all their wealth with them by transferring it to Palestine as German export goods. The process was outlined in the Haavara Agreement. In an ironic twist, Germany was taking a part to create what would later become Israel. German Jews started emigrating to Palestine in 1933. Only the outbreak of war stopped the process from being carried out to completion.

In March 1938, a referendum of 99% in favor of German union (Anschluss) with Austria was passed. German troops marched into Vienna and were immediately attacked with…flowers. Because of this, the German annexing was also called the Blumenkrieg (war of flowers). Hitler entered Vienna and was warmly greeted. It was his first time back in the city where he struggled for many years as an artist and common laborer.

Chamberlain And Hitler At Munich

The Munich Agreement of September 1938 set forth the peaceful solution to the plight of the Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia. And indeed, Czechoslovakia was territorially fragmented as a result. But the result was no war, and while some call this appeasement, others would call it better than war. But what happened as a result? The Sudeten Germans were returned to German rule, as most had wanted and certainly would have voted for if a plebiscite had been undertaken. Poland moved in to annex the tiny disputed region of Teschen, where thousands of Poles lived. Hungary’s ancestral lands in the south of Slovakia had been returned to her. The Slovaks had their full independence guaranteed by Germany. As for the Czechs, they came to Berlin for the same deal as the Slovaks, but Hitler insisted on and granted a protectorate. Upon returning home, Prime Minister Chamberlain received many warm and effusive letters thanking him for averting war. Memories of WWI were still fresh in their minds and the British people were hungry for peace to prevail.

It would appear that with the Ruhr Valley back, the Sudeten Germans back, that only Danzig remained to reverse the harsh proscription of German territory via Versailles.

Winston Churchill, who would later become Prime Minister, wanted to go to war over Munich despite not having the military force in Europe to do anything about the events there. The idea was that such a move by Germany was only the start, and they would take over the world if not stopped. But was that really the concern? If Germany was intent on world domination, why did they not prepare for such an undertaking? With no superior surface fleet or troop transports and only 29 oceangoing submarines, a navy that couldn’t get out of the Baltic Sea and two engine bombers that could not even reach London from Germany and back without running out of gas – was this a force set to achieve world military conquest?

Could there have been other reasons he pushed so hard for war with Germany? As history shows, behind all wars are interests that profit and gain from such. There can be third parties identified as the bearers of influence for war among nations, providing financial and other support in return for declaring need for or causing such conflicts. Simply identify those who will benefit from the outcome if the horse they back, prevails. We will now explain one such party and its role in pushing nations to war against each other in the mid 20th Century, and see who benefited from the horse that won.

In the pre-war years, Churchill, like Hitler before 1933, was adrift and without firm career underpinnings. He had previously served as First Lord of The Navy in WWI, and after, between 1930-39 he was a member of Parliament earning £500 per annum. He was beset with large expenses, having a large country house with gardeners, secretaries, nurses, chauffeurs, etc., so he performed several jobs to earn extra funds. A gifted painter, he did works of art in oil, six of which he then sold via an art gallery in Paris in 1921 using the nom de plume of Charles Morin. Except…there really was a famous painter named Charles Morin who died in 1916, whose post-impressionist paintings were worth quite a bit. He also used his considerable writing skills to write condensed novels for the Chicago newspaper syndicates. But soon, political fortunes would turn for him.

In 1936, around a dozen top ranking dissident politicians who were once in office and were willing to do anything to get back in, set up a secret group called The Focus. They initially sought to challenge the governments of Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlin to get Churchill installed as PM. The group suddenly became most active in July of 1936 with a large cash fund of £50,000 set up by The Board of Deputies of British Jews in London. Churchill was tasked with pointing his guns at Germany and Hitler from then on. He continued to warn of rising German power and the threat he claimed it posed. All other state problems for him – India, the economy, unemployment, were not a priority. A brilliant writer and orator, he was very effective at his mission using press and media to turn people against Germany. When war broke out he was politically elevated once again to First Lord of The Navy and suddenly turned his back on The Focus.

But just before the war started, in February, 1938, as the Austrian/German issue was heating up, Churchill received a letter from his stock brokerage, Vickers Da Costa, informing him that due to a collapse on the American stock market, his shares had become worthless and a margin call was in effect. He would have to come up with £19,600 or the account would be liquidated, putting his estate in danger of being sold to satisfy the debt. He immediately wrote to his friend, Brendan Bracken (later, Lord Bracken) and asked for help, else he may have to leave political life and take up regular employment in The City to pay off the debt. He placed his house, Chartwell, on the market in April of 1938, for £25,000.

Then, out of The City came an Austrian-born millionaire, Sir Henry Strakosch, whom Brendan Bracken had found as a solution for Churchill’s financial ills, which by this time also included having to cover his son’s gambling debts. Strakosch wrote to Churchill announcing that he would buy up all his debts at Vickers Da Costa, and paid him £20,000. Any future profits to the account would go to Churchill, and any losses would be covered and absorbed by Strakosch. What a deal. His immediate problems were solved for the moment. But he still needed to cover his expenses for running his large estate.

Next to step in and assist Mr. Churchill’s finances was the Czech government, for now the matter of the Sudeten Germans had arisen in Europe and their country was on the line. Historian David Irving did extensive research into the Czech archives, and stated of this time:

The Czech government started paying not only Mr. Churchill but also every member of his political group, The Focus, colossal sums of money we’ve heard before – about £500, £2000, £20,000. The Czech government sent a payment in July, 1938, because obviously Czechoslovakia is next on Hitler’s menu, to their Ambassador in London, Jan Masaryk, for about £2,000,000. Two separate payments, not exactly £2,000,000 of course. It was the equivalent number of Czech Crowns. All these payments are recorded in the Czech files and I’ve actually seen the checkbook stubs. They were paid into a special account that Jan Masaryk set up in the Midland Bank in London, not even the proper embassy account. After Czechoslovakia had vanished at the time of the Munich Agreement in September and the subsequent entry into Prague in March 1939, when the subsequent Czech government sent investigators to London to find out where the money had gone, Jan Masaryk refused to answer. He said he used the money in the interests of Czechoslovakia and he didn’t consider himself bound to answer to the new government as to whom he paid the money to. But we know who he paid the money to from several sources. Firstly, the principal Czech intelligence agent in London was a Catholic priest and he wrote a report in October 1938 after the Munich agreement ended Czechoslovakia, and this report is in the Czech files. This principle Czech agent says it wasn’t until the £2,000,000 came in the summer of 1938, in July, and made available by our ambassador in London that I was able to begin active, subversive work among the opposition members of Parliament, the Conservative opposition MP’s, the Labour and the Liberal members of Parliament, with all agreeing to overthrow Neville Chamberlain if they could. That made my work much easier – the funds made available through Jan Masaryk.

Closer and closer the hidden hands were guiding events to their desired conclusions. The final piece on the chessboard for Germany to close the Versailles wound, was Danzig. Here is where it would spiral out of control into an avoidable conflict that cost 60,000,000 their lives.

After Munich, it was obvious to Britain and the world that Germany was keen on regaining control of Danzig, a city of 350,000, and 95% German, taken from them at Versailles so Poland could have a seaport. As if in a panic, the Chamberlain government issued to Poland an unsolicited war guarantee that if Germany used force to take back Danzig, and if the Poles resisted such, Britain and France would come to her aid. This gave Poland and her leaders (a junta of Polish Colonels) the spine to resist all offers from Germany to solve the matter without force. Hitler had instructed his military and diplomatic corps that he did not want a military solution to Danzig. He had other goals for Germany, and ultimately he needed peace in the West so that Germany could establish allies on all her borders and become the center of a strong economic Central and Eastern Europe. He considered England a natural ally, and respected and admired her empire, seeking no conflict with it. He also wanted Poland as an ally, and had a good relationship with Josef Pilsudski, the de facto Polish leader who warmed to the idea of returning control of Danzig to Germany, but he died in 1935. Further, in an effort to keep peace with the West, Germany abandoned any idea of taking back Alsace-Lorrain, and other smaller territories lost at Versailles in that location.

Germany offered Poland several solutions, some which were so magnanimous that the diplomats who read them were stunned. Germany would settle for a German flag over Danzig, political control for the Germans with Poland keeping economic control, no demand of the Danzig Corridor back, and a quarter mile wide road and rail across the Polish corridor connecting East Prussia to Germany, which had been cut off at Versailles by placing a strip of land between them. This agreement would make Poland an ally and part of the pact of nations he wanted to build as a bulwark against any idea of Soviet incursions into Europe. But backed by a war guarantee, Poland would not even discuss it.

As a diplomatic move, Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Russia on the 23rd of August, most likely a maneuver to get the British to back down and insist that Poland work out their problems with Germany, since such a pact would certainly divide Poland in event of force being used to subdue Poland over Danzig on Russia’s natural border. But instead, inexplicably, on the 24th of August, Chamberlain re-issued the war guarantee to Poland. Hitler backed down, again, not wanting a war with Britain. Further attempts were made at diplomacy. All failed.

On September 1, 1939, minutes after the order was given, Stukas of the 77th Dive Bomber Wing were airborne. More force on land would follow. Pandora’s Box was opened. On September 3rd, Britain and France declared war on Germany. On September 17, Russia invaded Eastern Poland. Britain did not declare war on Russia.

Historian and political commentator, Patrick Buchanan, said of this time:

The Polish corridor and Danzig were not worth a war by Great Britain. Secondly, Great Britain could not defend the corridor and Danzig. Third, they had no plans to defend Danzig and the corridor. Fourth, they thought the Germans were right on the issue.

What I’m saying is they should never have issued the war guarantee to Poland. They should have told the Poles the truth. We can’t defend you, and there’s no way we can defeat Germany in the amount of time it’s gonna take them to defeat you. You’ve got to decide this yourselves.

What the British should have done, and the French, after the collapse of Czechoslovakia is draw a line across the Low Countries and across the front of France. A red line, and tell Hitler if he crosses it, he’s at war with Great Britain and France. Hitler would never have crossed the line. That is what the Americans did when Stalin had control of all of Eastern Europe. We didn’t say you’ve got to get out of Poland, or if you move into Hungary as they did in ’56, you’re at war. We said if you cross the Elbe River you’re at war with NATO and the United States, and Stalin didn’t cross it. That is what I’m saying, that Hitler didn’t want war with Poland. He didn’t want war with Britain. And had there been no war guarantee, there would have been no war in the West, in my judgment. And frankly, all the people, all the Jewish people and Christian people of Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece would have survived the war. There would have been no war in the West.

In two weeks, the Polish army ceased to exist as a fighting force. Warsaw fell soon after.

Churchill, as First Lord of the Admiralty, made plans to move into neutral Norwegian waters, in violation of their neutrality, to seize ports from which Germany was taking on trans-shipped iron ore from Sweden. These plans were leaked and Germany was made aware of the move. They moved quickly and seized all the ports with military force one day before the British arrived. For the Brits it was a debacle of which Churchill was famous for ever since Gallipoli had seem him sacked from his first term as Lord of the Admiralty in the first world war. Former PM Lloyd George called it “…a series of debacles which were Churchill’s responsibility…”

The Narvik disaster saw Chamberlain’s government fall, and as he left office he suggested the King send for…Churchill. The very disaster Churchill had planned in Norway caused the removal of Chamberlain and Churchill’s elevation to Prime Minister. On May 10, 1940, he took office, and on that same day, the Germans invaded France and Belgium, where the allies were assembling in preparation to invade Germany in Spring of 1940. They were no match for the lightning speed and surprise of the German advance. The Maginot Line was bypassed in ways thought impossible, and soon 300,000 allied troops were trapped on the beach at Dunkirk. The Luftwaffe swept British planes from the skies. Then, to everyone’s astonishment, Hitler ordered his panzers to halt in front of Dunkirk. The Germans let them go in a move to allow peace another chance to prevail in Europe. Otherwise, nothing stood in the way to annihilate the Dunkirk forces.

Peace proposals were sent to England which were seriously considered by some in the Cabinet. Germany made no demands on British territory. Germany offered to come to Britain’s aid if any of her lands were invaded by a foreign enemy. Germany offered to withdraw all forces back to the frontier borders in exchange for a free hand in the East to see to German affairs. But a crisis in the British War Cabinet soon developed. In view of the debacle in France, Foreign Secretary Halifax urged the Cabinet to accept the proposals, which were brokered through then neutral Italy. The stated goal was “…to secure European peace for the century…” and not just an armistice.

On May 26, Halifax told the Cabinet to face the fact that:

“…it was not so much how a question of imposing a complete defeat upon Germany, but of safeguarding the independence of our own empire, and, if possible, that of France. That peace and security in Europe were equally our main object, and we should naturally be prepared to consider any proposals which might lead to this, provided our liberty and independence were assured…”

Churchill urged the War Cabinet to await the final outcome of Dunkirk. Halifax disagreed, urging that the best possible terms were to be had by accepting the proposals immediately. After appearing to consider this, Churchill, ever the clever one, outmaneuvered Halifax by calling a meeting of his 25-man outer Cabinet and in ending his speech to them, said:

If this Long Island story of ours is to end at last, let it end only when each of us lies choking in his own blood upon the ground.”

And yet, not one German bullet or bomb had fallen on England. Peace was not to be. After Germany signed an armistice with France, Churchill issued orders for the British Navy to destroy the main French battleships anchored at Mers-El-Kabir while in port, to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Germans. In doing so, they killed 1300 Frenchmen, some of whom were only weeks before assisting Britain in evacuating men from Dunkirk.

Operation Reinhardt, between October 1941 and November 1943, transported millions to their deaths from gassing and disease at the hands of psychopathic elements of the SS. At the same time, the British diverted food supplies from Bengalis to British soldiers in Greece, and killed up to 4 million when famine swept their country. “It’s their fault for breeding like rabbits”, said Churchill. Genocide and mass civilian casualties are a part of warfare, and even the angels of history partook of it.

German POWs at Stalingrad

Germany’s fate was ultimately decided by June 1944, when it became a two-front war which became unavoidable after poorly planned Operation Barbarossa’s failure to secure a hoped-for victory in the East and after Stalingrad saw 300,000 ill-supplied troops of the Sixth Army surrender. By now, Hitler was suffering severe setbacks for which he could not easily make up in manpower or materials (all the while, Roosevelt sent the communists $11,000,000,000 in war aid). He became increasingly argumentative with his general staff, many whom vehemently disagreed with his sudden changes in strategy in Russia. Plots against his life culminated in the July 20th bombing at his East Prussian headquarters, which he barely survived. He became increasingly paranoid of plots, and whatever humanity he had left in him was starting to diminish.

He signed execution orders for downed Allied airmen, in clear violation of war conventions. He refused to consider any talk of an armistice or surrender, instead choosing to fight to the bitter end, and ordered his Armaments Minister, Albert Speer, to conduct a total destruction of the Ruhr Valley factories and all critical infrastructure in Germany. Speer pretended to accede to his wishes, but secretly refused to carry out the orders. Orders to destroy Paris were also previously ignored.

As the end drew near, he berated his general staff, calling them cowards and traitors, furiously claiming they learned nothing about war, and only how to hold a knife and fork at the academy. He ranted that Germany had failed because it was not worthy of a victory, and they should all drown in their own blood. Goering, from outside Berlin, informed Hitler that if his communications should be cut with the outside, Goering would assume command of the Reich. This was considered gross insubordination and treason which infuriated Hitler. Himmler commenced to seek peace talks with the West without authorization, and upon being informed, a furious Hitler told an aid that it was truly the end. When Himmler’s adjutant, Herman Fegelein, who was Eva Braun’s brother in law, went AWOL, Hitler suspected he had run to the West and had him tracked down and returned to the bunker where he was ultimately shot for desertion.

Adolf Hitler was now a broken man. Shuffling around in the bunker, stooped over, and afflicted with Parkinson’s. After giving awards to a few Hitler Youth for bravery, he dictated his last testament, married his mistress, and a few days later committed suicide. His dream of a unified Germany unfulfilled.

Before doing so, his valet, Heinze Linge, asked him, “For whom should Germany fight for in the future?” To which Hitler replied, “The coming man.”

And whose horse came in to win? Certainly not the British. They would end the war bankrupted, bombed and bled. Her empire in Asia, India, the Mideast and Africa coming apart. Twenty years later it would all be gone. The Poland for which Britain had gone to war was lost to Stalinism throughout the Cold War. Churchill would be forced to accept Stalin’s annexation of half of Poland and its addition to the Soviet Bloc.

How about the French horse? France would end the war occupation after five years, lose her African and Asian empire and then sustain defeats in Indochina in 1954 and Algeria in 1962.

The Americans? They ended the war with the least losses of any great power, but as part of the West, was the loser of the world wars of the last century.

The Soviets? They clearly won. They occupied Berlin, annexed the Baltic states, and took Eastern Europe, courtesy of Western inability to make peace.

What happened in 1939 was essentially a civil war in the West, one that was guided into existence just as surely as one guides a car down the road. And the reverberations from that catastrophic debacle continue to this day, with the West being flooded by the inhabitants of its former colonies and seemingly bereft of any ability to manage its own borders despite overwhelming calls from its citizens to do so.

The West – with the Frankfurt School in its schools, sewing a debauched curriculum defying natural instincts that does not belong in the educational halls of any nation that calls itself a nation at all. The West – drowning in ruinous debt and infected with a cordyceps-like financial cartel of Jewish central bankers directing the plundering in ways Versailles architects would envy.

Germany has twice recovered from world wars. A third world war in Europe will most likely involve Germany again, but there will not be a post-war recovery. The apocalyptical outcome will leave almost nobody alive to decide if Germany or whatever other country should pay reparations. Those reparations will be paid for by the lives of all of humanity.

Do not ignore the highly suppressed true facts of how the last world war started, because we are witnessing the same mechanism in motion in the present. Ukraine may be granted membership in NATO, and this is essentially a war guarantee once again, brought to you by the same influential Zionist financial cartels in league with military arms industries who set Europe ablaze in 1939.

NATO was originally set up to defend Europe against Soviet expansion. Now, it’s clearly an expansionist force of the military industrial complex and Western financial cartels. And they are going to possibly dangle Ukraine’s NATO membership in the face of Russia and what…expect them to go along with it?

We have failed to learn that war guarantees simply guarantee war. Even worse, most are educated to believe in the cause of war to be something like a fairy tale of good vs evil.

As Winston Churchill pointed out to Lord Robert Boothby: “The unforgivable crime of Germany, before the second world war, was her attempt to extricate its economic power from the world’s trading system and create its own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit.”

200,000,000 corpses in the last century may be a fraction of what this century may see die if we continue to let a minority of psychotics in powerful positions push nations into world war. World War II could have been avoided. World War III, must be.

Lastly…remember that for may years now we have been told the Global Settlements will not allow access by any of the same cartels which were instrumental in diverting resources towards war in the past centuries. Knowing the long history of these influential forces and their tactics, we can now fully appreciate the tasks ahead to keep these large financial GS resources out of their hands, and also appreciate the level of courage it is taking to do so.

It won’t be easy…as Germany learned.

Stay tuned, and always be ready for anything.


997 responses to “Information Briefing #185”

  1. Like

    1. No, the Greed of the Zionists is coming home. They have stolen it all, as De Santis kisses their Butt and Wall. Disgusting. Silver Bullets to go to remove this Ho.


  2. Like

    1. Agreed and Beyond. As with the Congress, the Lords look at the low grade Dogshit in the House of Commons the MP’s, a truly sad bunch of Chancers, misfits and greasy pole Wombats, and ask, who let these Dogs in? Not a leader among them. Unelected by the Public, an Indian with a dubious and contestable past, now rules as PM. Biden is the same, as is Macron in France, and just look at how badly Merkel misled Germany, a Power House now straddled Out of Gas at the roadside.
      The Jews have stolen America and De Santis flies in to publicly kiss their Wall and Butts.
      Trump looks dangerously likely to be found guilty in a Rape charge, the sheer scale of Bidens sleaze, corruption and stupidity defies belief. Hunter, deservedly needs to be in Jail. Corrupt Sniffer Joe who married his Babysitter, with him.
      The Death Rattle of the Zionists, demanding an Oath of allegiance to Israel, is truly appalling, and they own both the Media and Presidents. The West heh. What can go Wrong? It ALL has!
      The West has gone to Israe HELL!
      The East is coming. The West, like Hunter, has gone to Pot!
      Roll on BRICS, let’s remove all these Pricks.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Dammit. Stop injecting pregnant women for a disease that doesn’t kill them.


    1. Good work Tino, keep it up.
      But with that hot lady, you probably do. Lol


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  5. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/cryptocurrency/why-g20-summit-may-be-a-historic-event-for-crypto-in-india/articleshow/99862979.cms

    Trump and his Thug Attorney will piss off both the Judge and Jury, if he’s found guilty he’s toast. You can’t put a Convicted Rapist in the WH.

    Reality/ he’s in trouble.

    A tribute for all the trouble coming at you. If the Vermin goes, so do your problems. Clear out the Trash!

    Watch “Why did the British chose not to Assassinate Hitler?” on YouTube

    It happened and Yes we had him in Scope sights.

    Reality of political parties today

    Do you know that in China today, Children are taught with computers measuring their attention to lessons being taught, with scoring sent to parents and recorded by schools? Childs are being taught to group think. Sad really, because creativity gets destroyed stifling innovation.
    Today in Western societies it is not just thinking that is being banned but also the expression of free thought. It is why the push is on for digital currencies and the social scoring that will follow. Just like it has been done in China.
    It ONLY works if CBDCs can not be seized by the State.
    Zio Raptors have to go. They are worse than HIV.


  6. Keep the discipline. I clear any weapon I handle. Always.


  7. Go woke, go broke


  8. Like

  9. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/04/oregon-democrats-propose-bill-that-would-decriminalize-camping-allow-homeless-to-sue-if-they-feel-harassed/
    Getting uglier and more unsafe to live in oregon all the time. Thanks to the 3 cities that rule the vote in this otherwise red state. Some folks are insane…


  10. (Bloomberg) — The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has asked banks including JPMorgan Chase & Co., PNC Financial Services Group Inc., US Bancorp and Bank of America Corp. to submit final bids for First Republic Bank by Sunday after gauging initial interest earlier in the week, according to people with knowledge of the matter.


    1. Once BRICS is unleashed , the Yen will take out the Dollar so expect a probable Domino effect.
      c60% of the world will turn its back on America. Stop funding NATO Arms Sales Rackets. Close the bases or get nuked. Just cease Hegemony it’s now so passe! Quit and rebuild America. Charity begins at home. Wogs are taking over. As happened with Rome. The Jews have scammed the lot and your Pot. Usury YOU got Used as Suckers!


  11. Like

  12. Never forget. May their reputations be destroyed and names reviled for all eternity.


    1. Fauci is like the Clintons, Obumma and Bidens. Shit does not stick. The American way.
      No one fails. No one accounts.


  13. Possible UFO/UAP flap over Las Vegas. A51/S4 deny as involved. Photo follows.



    1. Clinton and Nancy on Broomsticks.


  14. Liked by 1 person

    1. Or, at last, eliminated. Neutering their breeding capability is a start. Constructive lab work. Jaffa Oranges have no seeds. Hello? 109 countries said enough and Go! Now they own America and Western Banking.
      Eurasia will deal with this Vermin. The Ho must go.


      1. Concorde we must HIT the seed. Labs go to work. A DNA Nutts Virus for each Cyrus. Firing Blanks they lose the Banks. 25M Ho to go. Time up for each Devils Pup. Neuter the seed.


  15. Thought I posted this earlier… get in a rush sometimes… loved this vid… this guy nails it with facts and real science!
    Odysee (https://odysee.com/@LauraLynnTT:9/DrByramBridleDismantlesBonnieHenry:f)
    Dr. Byram Bridle Dismantles Bonnie Henry

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tony,, very sorry… see the other post of the above with double links in it now… sorry for any aggravation or time caused.


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        No worries. Posts with certain attributes will go into queue for security reasons but will eventually be released.


  16. Like

    1. You mean Mass Genocide. Agenda 21 is building. It has focused support.
      We are running out of Pleb Funding and time.


  17. https://odysee.com/@LauraLynnTT:9/DrByramBridleDismantlesBonnieHenry:f

    Odysee (https://odysee.com/@LauraLynnTT:9/DrByramBridleDismantlesBonnieHenry:f)
    Dr. Byram Bridle Dismantles Bonnie Henry


  18. Liked by 1 person

  19. Like

  20. Please, pay care towards your choice of Banks in future.Ever more are failing. Ugly, fee grabbing money shops, not investing with care behind solid assets, but speculating with Wild Shysters, losing the plot and your Pot. Whakkoes rule. When the Bank goes, so do your savings and possibly pensions. Many WILL! Never mind their arrogant Diligence BS on you, it’s your clinical assessment of them which matters. If your kids ask for a Cowboy outfit for Xmas, buy them a Bank.
    Screw US lockdowns on your money, it’s YOURS! Don’t let these Jewish Shysters control or take your assets. Research offshore and build YOUR fortunes Offshore, with care. Do NOT Trust Banks. Wassock Gamblers and you take the bath. Look how you, treated Native Americans. Karma is coming down. America Jew controlled, Jew Banking Usury Laws are ONLY to F you over. Always. How many Rodents are jailed? Shysters. They have stolen America. Hello???????????

    I saw and predicted South Africa was coming down big time and fast. Everything rotten is paralleled in America. FFS get your money out if you have any! WHA is giving you real Crypto help. Go Off- F-Shore with profits. Research how. Stop sitting like Lemmings with a hook in your mouth. Gawping Goldfish. Do we have to set Danny de Vito on you? The old Empire is coming down. Nations are dumping Dollars and you. Does no one read and think? So many good people are sleepwalking . Get the Blinkers off.
    When the Afros and Hispanics take control for their lick, bend over here comes the P!
    Investment Clubs go Offshore! Take control soon or it’s the Black Hole.
    Who Madeoff with gullible, trusting Wall Street funds? Weevils at work!

    Liked by 3 people

  21. TOP 25 QUOTES BY WINSTON CHURCHILL (of 1272) | A-Z Quotes

    Winston Churchill – “Study history, study history. In history…” | Churchill quotes, Winston churchill quotes, People quotes

    Winston Churchill Quotes: The 31 Most Biting And Shocking

    Winston Churchill Quotes II

    Government work quotes Winston churchill quote on socialism people do not work in | Dogtrainingobedienceschool.com

    Winston Churchill quote: Christopher Columbus was the first socialist: he didn’t know where…
    Meghan Markle’s father Thomas reunites with her half-sister Samantha and half-brother Thomas Jr for new documentary featuring unseen footage of Duchess to air before King Charles’ coronation

    Meghan Markle’s estranged father, half-sister and half-brother have banded together for a new documentary, in which they divulge details about her early life.

    What a supercilious Bitch.


    1. Be assured, the dollop of Public Shit now dumped on scurrilous, attention seeking, one way street Markel, will be seen by all in LA and result in her being “Disinvited” to higher echelon events. What a truly nasty, shallow, Pumpkin faced freak she is. Man Child Harry will wake up to the farce, as both scheming Users will see their on Arse. I feel for Markets father, her Bolter Mother was as bad. Low breeds and apple seeds. Users, and tacky. Both.


      1. Oh my John you made me laugh because I am looking like pumpkins more now 🙂 And yes I would roll down hill easy also.
        That was quite a collections of Churchill. Be careful with the chunnel now we can get there faster. 🙂 Tease!

        Your recent article has been circulated around Bavaria with approval. people here know the truth has been hidden from them. Our country is being tied down by idiots. Soon a change if we can increase our numbers. You would no believe who is on our side. We value your good will very much! good evening to you.
        Gott Mit Uns


        1. Forget the We just make it I!
          You have seen who is at the Inner Circle Table Head in the Lord’s pictures. Who holds the contracts? Who presents and leads? You have no Higher power or Friend. But teasing is good.
          Just don’t roll over in London until 50 kgs comes off. Lol. Joking!
          We are all in this together. We will show you more in stages.
          Together all is possible.
          Dweebs and Illegals to go.
          Wir verstehen alles.


  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Salve citizens…

    Taking a brief moment to update a few matters which due to my crazy schedule have fallen by the wayside.

    First, the new portfolios. I have completed most of my research and have identified some key sectors which will be ideal for the occasional play. In the next few weeks I will commence to test run these to evaluate proper expectations and also the feasibility of how to present the alerts so that a timely communication can take place. I flirted with a twitter feed for this, but after some thought, I will simply keep this communication on the site, perhaps on a new link on the main menu. I am sorry it has taken so long, but the earth under our feet has undergone quite a shift, and what was working a year ago may not work well now, but other doors open to take the place of such. It has been worth it to take time to slowly let events point to the direction they want to go. We can then just follow the giant footsteps of those who move markets.

    On cryptos, the news has been amazing. Despite the fact that governments hate things like Bitcoin, Ethereum or anything that is developed by people that are not flunkies who make a living in politics because they failed at anything really challenging, the blockchain economy is going to get larger and larger. And in fact, it is.

    With recent bank failures and with more on the way, people with wealth, who didn’t acquire it by being stupid, realize how important it is to hedge their holdings against downturns which could cause severe loss. They are going to turn to Bitcoin and other quality ideas as part of that hedging plan. We know this because despite the oratory vomit from regulators who are always “cracking down”, the large commercial interests are shrugging of such things and use this sector to acquire safe levels of exposure to protect their holdings.

    They are very much aware of how a measured risk can explode upwards as a fulcrum to offset market risks due to wild interest rate variations and other currency devaluations from Fed printing presses running amok. Gold, while a common safe haven against such things, is fine, but BTC is far more lucrative a vehicle than gold has been and is becoming almost like an insurance policy to protect wealth.

    I continue to dollar cost average BTC. I am not worried about it being banned. Nothing in America can be banned that easily, especially BTC. And while they are indeed making it harder for banks in the US to accept crypto deposits and withdrawals, they are only going to shoot themselves in the foot long term if that keeps up. Not all banks will cease dealing with crypto products, and with blockchain technology making its way ever deeper into the economy, I anticipate that many banks will reverse themselves to not miss out on that sugar teat.

    We can see what an idiot Gary Gensler is. The guy is a complete joke and Wall St is getting tired of his gas. Just remember one thing: the future economy is going to be built on blockchain. The short term news may be a shambolic assortment of scary soundbites from a fractious disorganized bunch of grabastic politicians who all need high colonics. But the long term aspects are solid and I see no reason to give up and bail. Not now.

    BTC is wildly underpriced, as is ETH. If right for your circumstances, continue to dollar cost average both of these at every downturn in price with your disposable speculative dollars. The rest of the ideas on our list are fit for rational position sizes and should enjoy price appreciation based on their use cases in the new blockchain economy.

    For now, as we get closer to bringing more portfolio ideas on line here, I appreciate your patience and your continued interest in all matters which are brought to the floor at WHA for discussion and consideration. All of you deserve a lot of credit for what you each share here. We have some very, very smart people here…creative thinkers and doers. People from all ranks of society, from common labor to surgeons, to captains of industry and even politicians who tacitly read and probably smile a lot when they do. We have political activists of a most fascinating assortment. I am told that a significant number of politicians in Italy, Germany and Britain have found our content very interesting.

    And of course, the highest levels of the old guard in The City have graced us with invaluable fellowship for which we could not have the accuracy in our understanding of the GS that we do.

    This place is what you all make it.

    Be safe.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Tino

    What you are seeing now is still the calm before the Storm for a nation now built on depravity, sleaze, corruption and mind bending Gender Benders. Once the Dollar gets declined by the world, and imports denied, all that Fake La La land will obfuscate its very existence to be anyway credible any more. I’ve seen its sad decline over decades, and no longer fly in. I feel for what so many have built as a great Industrial Power, as it visibly now degenerates into an ageing seedy Tarts Parlour of depravity and sloth. You can’t turn back, a nation now mainlining on Crack.


    1. Unfortunately all too true in the large.


  24. We are rapidly approaching an unlivable world…


    1. Thankfully someone jpeg’ed the tweet. So in context…

      Liked by 1 person

  25. That’s the end of that. Well done Supreme Court.


  26. Like

  27. The ‘Golden Age of Gaia’ blog is once again requesting monthly donations & financial subscriptions.

    It is a Galactic/RV/NESARA/New Age blog. It has been doing so for about a decade now.

    It is suggesting that ‘farm claims’, ‘bonds’ etc have been ‘paid out’ to a certain excent, as well as that the GCR/RV is just around the corner…next month maybe etc.


    The blog does not allow a comment section, but does have a ‘Contact Us’ option.

    Is there any current information, as of today’s date – from contributors of this WHA site or others like it who can share up to date truthfull information about the current situation regarding currency revaluations/GCR etc?


    Many thanks.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


      I am in a very tight time crunch for the next week or so. GCRs and currency matters are John’s area of expertise so hopefully when he has a moment he can enlighten you on this. Thanks!


    2. Tiring. How many times do we have to explain reality. How many times do we have to elaborate on reality? No one has ” Invested”. Shit Flies of the lowest order speculated on demonetised currencies, with None entitled. Not One showed conscience or regret for the 1 MILLION innocent, defenceless poor Iraqis, Murdered by Bush 43’s manic Shock and Awe, relentless bullying, and Contractors as DOG SWINES of War. A Mongrel Bush Dog family, Nazi funding and conspiring SCUM from WW11 Treason families ordered this Genocide. The alcoholic Bastard belongs in The Hague on trial for Genocide with Blair. US Hegemony. Again!

      The Child minded, gullibles queued up to service naive greed, or brain dead desperates, all got sucked into a major scam. The greed of gullible bottom feeders. Mindless. Sucker punched.

      1. Iraq has no money, it needs 2T to rebuild its own poor smashed nation, victims of an ILLEGAL WAR! More US Bullying and Hegemony caused that. More depravity. At best the IMF will grant Iraq c $2T as new currencies to build its own economy. Internal use. Any notes held, or printed to scam gullible Suckers, are all subject to seizure as trafficking currency proceeds of crime. No one can show how any currency was lawfully earned by their History or Lawful Trading. Blood Money! No one is going to allocate real money to redeem those ambulance chasing Varmints, grasping bloodsuckers. The US has no money. Neither Russia nor China will bail you, and any attempt to get the Elders to bail parasites will be vetoed instantly and blocked by London. Not a chance. So who else will bail this worthless shit? It’s all a fantasy. Zims are worthless Bongo Land paper. Not a chance. China owns Vietnam and will never allow the Dong to appreciate and wreck its exports.
      Whackie Backy is loose again.

      2. The GCR’s are to rebuild Nations, Projects and Infrastructure. Not Grunts handouts. Why should we? Sensible use only.
      3. Fear more Population Reduction. We can’t fund these pointless masses on Welfare.
      4. WW111 if launched will help cut the numbers. It’s tempting many Strategic Thinkers. Lose a few B? Pollution down. Illegals booted not Free Suited?
      Behind the scenes it’s all in play. Sell all that worthless Crap to Suckers. Bail.
      This is not worth WHA time, it’s for Whackie Bakke Flakes. No more dialogue on it please. Fantasies!
      America is Bankrupt,. Hello??????????????
      China is buying up Africa. Europe also. The US just wastes the lot on DC, Agencies and the Military. Zios blooduck the Rest. Usury bloodsucking the Plebs. Stop reading Grunt Rags.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. True, True and True. Thanks for your update Tony and Thanks John for your wise counsel and patience.


  28. Like

    1. Sigh.

      I guess we will have to make history repeat. It’s a real shame. As a man consecrated to Life, I think it would take a true Act of God to make them see the Light. Or perhaps the religionists are right and for all the Yahweh blithering they prefer Lucifer. Hell’s bells, if they just abided by the identifications in Cicero’s Six Mistakes of Man we’d probably have no wars nor major economic crises. It wouldn’t be utopia, but beats what we have.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Jewkraine just like poor Palestine. How to deal with a Rabid Dog?


  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  30. https://rumble.com/v2kx2qi-founding-member-of-greenpeace-dr.-patrick-moore.html
    “Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but is actually a nutrient necessary for all lifeforms”
    “Nuclear energy and natural gas is preferable over wind and solar energy.”

    “The scientific method has not been applied in such a way as to prove that carbon dioxide is causing the Earth to warm.”

    “I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication.”

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Lee Fang: @pfizer in 2021 made numerous grants to medical associations, consumer groups and civil rights organizations for the purpose of creating the appearance of widespread support for COVID-19 vaccine mandates. #courageousdiscoursehttps://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pfizer-funding-promote-covid-vaccine-mandates/


  32. They cut the feed… beyond belief… disgusting… amoral…


    1. All media needs to be licensed by an Independent Committee. Editors and Publishers licensed too. If adjudged to be corrupt, pull their licences. Crash and burn.


    2. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/the-covid-jabs-have-created-millions
      by Dr Vernon Coleman

      I believe that the vaccine pushers knew that the inadequately tested and unnecessary covid jab was going to kill huge swathes of populations around the world.


      1. Of course they knew. I screamed bloody murder on day 3 when it was obvious that based on the incoming data it neither prevented illness nor prevented transmission, despite media claims. Thus the shot was useless out of the gate. Then data emerged that it didn’t ameliorate illness. Busted on all 3 angles. So how the F did Pfizer data show different? And if it didn’t, then the issues of autoimmunity mean the shot is all risk — with teenagers dying in their bed from cerebral central vein clots! All for a disease that has 99.9985% survival in teens.

        Nothing about the pandemic makes sense unless seen thru the gaslighting. And the gaslighting logically implies a nefarious purpose(s). Death and control being just the top two items on the evil agenda.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Imagine how the Jewish owned , CIA Mockingbird Media will deal with Trump’s run now?
      Can America be more rigged? They do it with such an arrogant impunity.
      If he does get in. License and fire the lot!
      But as already quoted, they WILL rig 60% of votes with total disregard for Americans Rights.
      Tax Farmed Animals.
      Those able, with a Brain, really need to start thinking of Europe or the Far East.
      Quit dreaming, it won’t be alright, try standing downwind of the stink.
      You only have one life, live it, or they will take it from you.
      This is in No Way the America we grew up with. Sleaze, Corruption Inc rules all. Wake TF up.
      Your right to Be Free means the world awaits. Waiting for what?

      Liked by 1 person

  33. Hal Turner Radio Show – Europe Reveals Map BREAKING-UP RUSSIA into 41 new countries

    This is beyond stupid! Already this is blowing right up. Russia needs to hit hard and big. Israe Hell and NATO are key options. See how fast the US bottles that. Peace at a price.
    This a public declaration of war against Russia. You wonder why Putin was rushed into the Kremlin?
    To even dream about this is crazy but to draw up such a map makes it clear that there are no relationships with the West for Russians and Russia. And a public declaration is a declaration of war to break up a nation.
    Expect matters to harden in Ukraine and elsewhere as we are headed for nuclear exchange sooner than what one imagines. Neocons want war and war is what they will get. Only we can be sure they will be confronted and exterminated. And those poor folk’s already in positions and those headed there short are expendable cannon fodder.
    The only question is which Western countries stay out of the chaos that is coming.

    Argentina drops dollar in trade with China — RT Business News

    Below you will see a trend emerging. Once the USD is ousted, we can have the Cabal ousted Arse First as is so needed. BRICS, CBDCs and the end of SWIFT, the Real GCR released, will being in Global Democracy and the Fate of the DC Zionist Rackteering State. The Ho has to go.

    The reality is that in order to balance trade they choose to import a similar amount to what they export to China in order to balance. This requires a choice of preference in trade and explains why in North America imports of their goods are declining as trade goes to China …. Chinese will as easily eat blueberries as Americans.


    2024 may reveal that Vice President Harris is the most consequential veep in modern history amid her unpopularity and riding a ticket with a president who will be 81 on Election Day. | Fox News


    She is universally disliked. This ex Political Afro Dodgy Politico Rent Girl is a joke.

    Useless American Politicos have really shit the nest
    Get rid of this F Military complex.


  34. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. This is very old news and many diverse cases used to create a concept of an organised structure which does not exist. Most are dead or decades old cases. Most have been prosecuted. Far worse is the Catholic Church and schoolchildren which has not. Those numbers are frightening. Catholic schools are Bait Traps for the Priests and Monks. Look there for a real hidden minefield of Depravity.


      1. For some reason it was trending on Twitter yesterday. Go figure. Thanks…


  35. https://news.gab.com/2023/04/ron-desantis-flies-to-israel-to-destroy-free-speech-in-florida/

    The legislation came about after activists from a group called the Goyim Defense League made headlines for several years for their activism efforts. The Goyim Defense League’s activism takes the form of distributing flyers that contain “uncomfortable truths” about the individuals who control the mainstream media in the United States. These flyers have been handed out across multiple states, including Florida, and have been met with mixed reactions from the public.


    1. A Zio owned Bum who needs Horsewhipping. This clown cried under pressure in front of Trump.
      A F Wombat. Butt lifting for a Zio Rat. Shameful.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. He was also getting his ‘wall kissing’ in.


      1. What a Shill Creep!. Trump does not need him around. Trump’s a big enough Human Turd himself.


  36. Like

    1. Liked by 1 person

  37. Like

  38. Like

    1. #1: Pfizer knew their gene-based injections had negative efficacy as early as November 2020

      #2: Shortly after the release of the COVID injections, Pfizer moved to hire 2,400 full-time employees to process the paperwork of the injured

      #3: Pfizer and the FDA withheld information that the shots cause heart damage in youth for four months while an aggressive propaganda campaign drove many thousands to get injected

      #4: Rather than staying in the injection site, Pfizer knew the shot’s dangerous lipid nanoparticles quickly distribute throughout the body to the brain, liver, and adrenals, and accumulate in the ovaries

      #5: Pfizer documents acknowledge more than 42,000 adverse events, including 1,200 deaths, in just the first three months, including strokes, hemorrhages, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, dementia, guillain-barré, bell’s palsy, myalgia, and more

      #6: Prior to it being legal, more than 1,000 children were injected, and Pfizer’s documents indicate a high rate of serious injury

      #7:Available records of study participants who conceived children show 80% lost their babies

      #8: Pfizer knew there was a danger to fertility. Lipid Nanoparticles damage the placenta during pregnancy, causing early deliveries

      #9: Pfizer docs show that lipid nanoparticles also enter breast milk, stunting, injuring, and sometimes killing babies

      #10: Pfizer docs show 3 to 1 of AEs sustained by women, 16% ‘reproductive disorders.’ ‘What kind of monsters look at 16% reproductive disorders and keep going?’ Results: ‘13% to 20% drop in live births’

      #11 Pfizer documents reveal that LNPs “degrade baby boys in utero” by traversing “the testes of fetal baby boys” and damaging “the Sertoli cells and the Leydig cells, which are basically the factories of masculinity”


  39. Complete utter nutjobs


    1. 3 years of BIden?

      Liked by 1 person

  40. Poland Vs EU: New Survey Shows Poles Reject Cashless Society, Ban On Combustion Engines, & Restrictions On Meat Sales


    Liked by 1 person

    1. James,

      Italy needs to be part of the new incoming Eurasian Block. US pressure on Meloni is causing her to lose track. Fiscal threats as Italy is now forever a Fiscal basket case under Fed dominance.
      This once Great Empire has a role to play in the future. Eurasia is coming and unstoppable.
      Italy needs to help shape its role. Be a part, not a used Fed Tart!


  41. Like

  42. China denounces US plans to send nuclear ballistic submarine to South Korea

    Who gives the US the right to meddle again? Roll on and out BRICS. Bankrupt their Ponzi Piss Pot. Fund American needs you F parasites.

    The UK Crypto Industry Is Booming, Outpacing the US, Germany, Japan, Canada
    Bitcoin price prediction: Cryptocurrency tipped to be worth a record $100,000 in just months
    6 Top Crypto Tokens Of April 2023


    Cohen is coming for Trump


    1. Under mental pressure Trumps mouth always purses up like a Hookers Quiff until paid!
      Or so I imagine lol. Never been there!


  43. https://palexander.substack.com/p/what-federal-public-health-in-canada
    What? ‘Federal Public Health in Canada ‘Knew’ the Vaccinated Could & Do Carry the Same COVID Viral Loads as Unvaccinated Before Mandates Imposed’; so why the hell was the COVID vaccine MANDATED?


    1. Because they think they own you and can do whatever they want, informed consent and reality be damned.

      Literally everyone who engaged in this travesty of law needs to be Nuremberged…


  44. Like

    1. Corrupt shills. All of them.


    1. HIW
      Thank you, great find.

      Huge issues, but let me quietly allude a few key facts to you.

      1. The Committee of 300, has been surpassed. Old families, most are now defunct. At best 15 have access and power. Less to Horizontalize asap. They report through a special London Group. I can say no more. HM the Queen was Chairperson. Now it’s just the halfwit Son as Chair. He’s as much use as a sterile Wet Dream.
      2. For sure,Russia will NOT just go into the night, and blasting 15 NATO bases , ATOMIZED!!!, will soon show who’s up for the fight. Any retaliation and make it clear, within just 10 minutes at least 25 US Cities and all bases plus all Fleets will just disappear. See how fast they fold. Denver Airport Elites Bunkers to go. Bunker Busters in waves.
      3. It’s really time for a Test Case. Vatican City and Israel to go! A whole new meaning to knee trembling. Just Neutron so the properties are safe for reuse. Perv’s and Khazarians sorted.

      The site is alive today . Thanks to all of you.

      Liked by 1 person

  45. The Reality of Carbon Capture.
    It’s good to know people out there are thinking on how to improve our lives.


    1. 25 Million Zio Rodents works. Justified.


  46. SHARYL ATTKISSON highlights that illegal border crossings are surging ‘while we sleep’, up 200,000 in March; Obama flooded us with jihadists, Biden doing it with illegals (& jihadists & Chinese too)



    1. Look. The way out is simple. Do the opposite of what all the current globalists want. They inverted reality. Invert it right back.

      Start simple. Thoughts follow, not in any specific order::

      Put the military in charge of Elections in 2024 with massive civilian witnessing to guarantee an honest outcome.

      Remove all liability protection from pharma. ALL of it.

      No more illegal immigration. Deport all immigrants here illegally. Now.

      Government shall NOT silence critics. In the open, sub rosa or covertly. Anyone found doing so, shall hang. The standard of proof need be no stronger than an email or confirmed conversation.

      The Right of the People to Speak (in any form) against the government shall be supported at all times and in all venues.

      End the Fed. End the FDA. End the CDC. End the IRS. End the BATF. End the FBI. You go quietly or we hang all of you. With or without due process.

      Extend the 2nd Am everywhere. Let us return to An armed society is a polite society.

      Global warming/Climate Change/Greenhouse Gas rules. Zero them all out. It’s a scam to impoverish you and control you.

      Decentralize everything. Make sure that communities have as few single-point-of-failure’s as possible.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. If only Tino. A huge Yes, but Raptors will block it all. Crime Inc now runs America. Vile, all of them.
        If Russia Atomises NATO, Khazarville and the Vatican Perv Centre, then it has a chance. Plus release the Cyrus virus. If half go, it’s less Ho! NATO is nothing but an Arms Peddling and Protection Racket front. 4 Squares, Fat Pensons, and full of C’s.


        1. We have to start somewhere. We need value creation wars, not value destruction wars. It’s time to wake up, smell the coffee, and remove or neuter all the damn sociopaths.


          1. As above! Rip out the Roots.


  47. https://resistthemainstream.com/democratic-lawmakers-caught-on-hot-mic-mocking-parental-rights-as-garbage-stupid/?utm_source=telegram
    Democratic Lawmakers Caught on Hot Mic Mocking Parental Rights as ‘Garbage,’ ‘Stupid
    Despite such fanciful ideals about the enlargement of the “democratic project,” many parents may be uneasy to find that this project entails giving their children unfettered access to online pornographic materials and medical gender interventions.


  48. Amazing Farms

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, I love this. And those cows look like they at in a spa!! These farms should be everywhere. Awesome bridges. I like the mobile farms that can be moved near markets.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You can spot many in Wallmart, BLM and the Senate.

        Liked by 1 person

  49. Agri Voltaics. Alternative energy and agriculture.

    Liked by 1 person

  50. Enjoy Being Poor by Vox Day

    The British people are told to shut up and accept their national impoverishment. But at least they’ll have the satisfaction of knowing their poverty was caused by choosing the wrong side and backing a certain loser:

    [[British households and businesses need to accept that they are worse off and should stop asking for wage increases and pushing prices higher, the Bank of England’s chief economist, Huw Pill, said on Tuesday. According to Pill, “a series of inflationary shocks” generated by the pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, and crop shortages have sent prices in the UK to a 40-year high. He claimed that in response to surging bills and other rising costs, workers and businesses are attempting to transfer the impact of inflation onto each other.]]

    The neoliberal world order’s promised benefits to the nations of the West are failing at a remarkable rate. Remember, all of the nations of the West are suffering massive invasion and crime because importing foreigners was supposed to be good for their economies. Only it observably hasn’t been while the societal costs have been catastrophic. The end results have been the complete opposite of the shiny happy seculatopia that was promised.

    And yet, there is an easy fix for most of the problems of Clown World, from the economy to the environment. And that is mass deportation on a scale that has seldom been seen before. It may be unthinkable at the moment, but it is inevitable because the alternative is chaos and violence that will ultimately produce the same results at a much higher price to everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well said Tino, Mass Deportation, and the Appian Way for Zios who hide away.
      Let the best of Germany and the UK unite, and send the bloody lot into the night.
      A Dodgy Indian runs the UK, a Pakie runs Scotland, what’s to lose?
      Correct left breeding, they will swamp us all. No one wants them here. Sunaks family were booted from Uganda. Their Family Corporate HQ is in Moscow and big WEF supporters. FFS????????


    2. https://palexander.substack.com/p/censorship-in-the-uk-big-brother
      ‘Censorship in the UK: Big Brother is watching and punishing in the former cradle of free speech’. By John Leake


  51. Interesting conjecture and a recurring rumour back in play. Following the public disasters of Biden and Harris, will Hilderbeast re- enter for a Clinton / Trump run off in 2024. Egos of the Vanquished?
    Be assured, Bill wants that power back. Curb crawling benefits.
    2 entirely crooked combatants. Americas final demise? Clinton, for sure, would trigger WW111.


    1. Just one point, IF Clinton does run, with all the guaranteed ballot box stuffing, fake postal entries, and Dominion (Soros) counting machines, Trump has multiple mountains to climb to stop her next time. They were shocked when Trump won.
      With all the dirt and baggage she will throw at him in a campaign, plus the support of the Military Industrial Cabal, the Agencies and Zio Bankers funding her, she has every chance of running him over. This is the Clintons, Skunk Rat standards, nothing too low. The Hilderbeast Ego? Count nothing out. She is a Big Gun for the crooked Dems to play. How many fronts can Monkey Trump fight on at once? You know they will have 60% of Votes rigged for sure. Trump is a real danger to crooked DC. He failed to drain the Swamp last time. Can he get the real votes and beat the Ballot Rigging? Be assured, with Clinton you have a very real danger of WW111. Russia won’t take her. Nor China. The world is moving on, only so long before the US , as a power, is gone.
      Elect Clinton,Fry and Die? Play it Trump. A vote for Clinton is a vote for your life, and with Bill in the background, a move on your wife.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I don’t think she can physically handle running, even if they bring in body doubles. The last time around she needed so many drugs she was in a performance coffin corner. Remember the video of her staggering and being helped into a van. That’s the moment when drugs conspire in their supraphysiologic interactions to make one non-functional. 8 years is a long time. If we were there then, where do you suppose we are now.

      As to WW3 you are absolutely correct. This inanity on wanting to kill Russia in pursuit of the absurd hegemony and an anti-life transhumanism has just got to stop, by any means necessary.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Tino

        I was 10 years forward with Russia and London for Elders Fiscal support for a Eurasian rapport with rail tracks from Beijing to London. Vast new trade in cordial planning for all connecting nations, and then this bloody Jewkraine fiasco started. It resulted in Germany freezing, its Industries collapsing, and Wogs in Free Flow. A Lose, Lose, Lose scenario. Back to basics.
        Post Elders, be ready for surprise EU changes. BRICSs, CBDCs and a new Yen, is all to play for.
        Be assured, if agreed where it matters, the entire Gaming board will change. Even just $15T of Elders Assets backing BRICS and Bank leveraged 10 times, will suffice to cover Global needs twice over. No Jew Banks, not a Roach in the Mix, and Zios banned, is not what they hoped for their Promised Land. For sure they will get Passed Over, but substitute the A for an I. Clear policy. Reparation and Repatriation. We will sequestrate all they have stolen. Starting Eurasia matters.
        109 countries got it Right. These Fs must all go into the night. No more practice runs. Siberia has the Gulag housing. Mines to go. One way trips. Arm Iran and Syria.

        Arier,wenn wir uns vereinen, werden wir das Los in die Nacht schicken.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. They knew Biden was a Crock and still rigged it. Bill would use her as a Puppet front. As they did with the Bummer Obama. The STUPID just tick boxes. More Cannon Fodder illegals


        2. Into the night, indeed.

          Thanks for the insights and history. Let the 2nd Renaissance begin.


  52. Illegal migrants fueling crime and prostitution, warns Suella Braverma

    WHA has been telling you this for years. Now, at last, our Politicos are waking up.
    Stop allowing our crooked Lawyers to get rich from Legal Aid defending these Bastards. No Papers, No Entry, send then back.
    Build Stalags on cold, Wet, windy Scottish Islands, Cage the lot until they ask, or agree, to go home. What use is the EU if it cannot even man its Borders? No Wogs wanted here.

    Meghan Markle, Harry’s closest ally teams up with Piers Morgan in shock blow

    Now on of disgraced Prince Andrews, weird and pointless daughters, sides with the Media against Cry Baby Manipulative Markel and the Ginger Whinger.
    Pathetic Harry needs to stay away. She will ditch him once she’s got a money making brand. She’s a low grade F Shickster of the worst kind. Prick Bait.

    Isn’t it good how Congress lady Green fights for America?
    Launch a new Greene Toilet paper. No Shit sticks to her. Big Yes to Congress!

    Jewboys trying to rig the system again Boo Hoo, poor you.

    Trump makes his point, the Rot is within!

    Growing up in America, what chance, what life?



  53. An outstanding job as always! Thank you for the good will to Germany and for being true to facts and causes. It is very rare to see especially here where you can go to jail just saying you do not like your Jewish landlord. We have come to the truth that it may all be gone in a flash if we are attacked. So we are sure to live every day to appreciate life itself.

    And John I did see your post about rolling around in the grass. 🙂 I do not roll well right now sorry 🙂
    Gott Mit Uns

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Munich Girl
      Remember, when all was lost in the early 30-s a little Lance Corporal Austrian Patriot rose to fight a cause and turned back the tide. One man.
      Once the final Politically devious balances for the GS are achieved, the Elders will ONLY follow the London lead, and Politicos will learn to draw down from that source of Power will come at a Price, Our Price!

      Money rules, money is Power, and our Agenda is to restore Human Kind, and make new Man Kind.
      Corruption to go, along with the cause of Wars.
      Germans, the Aryan and Teutonic nations need to unite, and fight for Right.
      Your Right to be Free!
      Your Right to Fulfill your own Destiny.
      Your Right to fulfill your Dreams and Destiny, free from Usury oppression and Weevils in the Food barrels. The Ho all need to Go!

      Post the GS, a new Order is coming, uniting Right, and building Might to free all from Khazarian
      and Political Corruption Bondage.
      Hands across Nations, and around the throats of Scroats. Vermin to go!
      Money will be the Power, and will be used to clean Human infections.
      There will be a Real Agenda, not a Butt Bender! United, we win. Unite we will!
      The Khazarian Mafia will be extricated from all systems, and sent to join their own kind.
      A new Cyrus Virus to go.
      A new Order is coming, and that order will help strengthen your Borders. From a Whisper will come a Roar. The Faeces species will all be shown their own exit door.
      Armed with the money,Dreams will not be for Free Riders.
      Economic Slavery will be restructured. We will rethink the purpose, and Duty of Care of being Human- e! Being More!
      Can we do it? Yes, we can!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. See my message to Tino above. It covers you.


    2. At least in the Alps in Summer, if you do slip, you won’t be a Winter 10 tons Tess Snowball bearing down on us below.


  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  55. Massive number of deaths of young US military men & women due to the COVID mRNA technology based gene injection ‘vaccine’, other nations too!; Korean military prove recent military recruit’s death

    Pfizer mRNA vaccine linked, declaring the primary cause of death was determined to be myocarditis, causally-associated with the Pfizer vaccine; sudden deaths under 25 is NOT normal (Choi et al.)

    APR 26


  56. Shared far and wide! We agree the true history is how we learn. No more war!! C


    1. We’ll see how many friends run for cover when I share this one…


      1. Lol An Anal Firecracker. Waking up the Wookies.


    2. Thank you Concord, the next war WILL be the last!
      All for the bottom line Usury Weevils who want it all. One Usury Ho to Go!

      Liked by 1 person

  57. Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons FIRST in World War Three, former PM Dmitry Medvedev warns | Daily Mail Online

    How many times does Russia need to tell the West they will NUKE first if pushed and pissed?
    This, if triggered, will be no 9/11 and for sure, Cinder Rella you will not be going to an atomised heaven.
    Most, intelligent, articulate , experienced Commanders are seriously worried we are close to that button being pushed, and this time, the 9/11 will be 9,000 Nukes dropping in. Mega Boom. Sorry now?

    Ladies, we Real men support you 100%. Let Wrongly wired Wierdos compete with their own kind.


    1. https://rumble.com/v2kqrni-its-a-mental-illness-and-should-be-treated-as-such.html
      It’s a mental illness and should be treated as such… this young man obviously has a screw loose. These girls at Riverside Adult School share that he’s gone into the girls locker room, exposed himself and started fights.
      Where does this end???


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