White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #187

Fall Of American Empire & Descent Into A New Dark Ages

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog

Editor’s Note: In wanting to more deeply cover the subject matter of present day realities surrounding the new multi-polar world and the consequences to established empires, during the research phase the work of Jim Quinn was discovered to have done the job in a most excellent fashion. To save time (which is currently in very short supply) we hereby present his fine work on the matter. -WHA

“The story of its ruin is simple and obvious; and, instead of inquiring why the Roman Empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long. The victorious legions, who, in distant wars, acquired the vices of strangers and mercenaries, first oppressed the freedom of the republic, and afterwards violated the majesty of the purple. The emperors, anxious for their personal safety and the public peace, were reduced to the base expedient of corrupting the discipline which rendered them alike formidable to their sovereign and to the enemy; the vigor of the military government was relaxed, and finally dissolved, by the partial institutions of Constantine; and the Roman world was overwhelmed by a deluge of Barbarians.” — Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 38 “General Observations on the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West”

“After a diligent inquiry, I can discern four principal causes of the ruin of Rome, which continued to operate in a period of more than a thousand years. I. The injuries of time and nature. II. The hostile attacks of the Barbarians and Christians. III. The use and abuse of the materials. And, IV. The domestic quarrels of the Romans.” — Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 71 “Four Causes of Decay and Destruction.”

The moniker of my website originated from a quote by David Walker, then Comptroller General of the U.S., in 2007. I wholeheartedly endorsed Walker’s viewpoint and become politically active in trying to get Ron Paul elected as president in 2008 and 2012. It was a fruitless effort, as the uni-party in Washington DC, controlled by the dark forces of the Deep State, do not allow men and women who truly want to reduce the size and scope of government to ever get elected. His warning sixteen years ago is a perfect example of being right but being early. When talking about the decline of empires, you are really deliberating about a process, not an event. The Roman Empire did not fall on a specific day due to a specific cause. It collapsed in stages over hundreds of years due to numerous reasons, each triggering events which compounded upon each other and ultimately led to the final collapse.

Walker said, “The US government is on a “burning platform” of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon.” He believed we were resting on the laurels of being the sole superpower, as our empire built on debt was slowly and methodically crumbling. He cited three reasons for the fall of the Roman Republic that resonated in 2007 regarding the American Empire (formerly a republic):

  • There has been a decline in moral values and political civility at home. Examples include the devaluation of life, greater self-centerdness by individuals and increased partisanship and ideological divides in Congress.
  • We now have an overextended military around the world. While the US military is unmatched as to its capabilities, it is under stress and stretched very thin.
  • There is fiscal irresponsibility by the central government. Our debt ratios are set to increase dramatically when the baby boomers retire.

It’s almost humorous Walker was issuing these dire warnings when the 2007 annual deficit was $160 billion. At our current rate of debt accumulation, it takes only one month to reach $160 billion. In 2020 and 2021 it only took 20 days to accumulate $160 billion. The national debt in 2007 was $9 trillion, up from $5.6 trillion in 2000. Today it stands at $31.8 trillion. Interest on the national debt will approach $900 billion this year, exceeding defense spending.

Walker warned about our debt ratios skyrocketing when the baby boomers retired. Well, the debt to GDP ratio has doubled from 62% in 2007 to 124% today, and most boomers can’t even afford to retire. U.S. unfunded liabilities total $188 trillion. Personal debts total $25 trillion, with $1.8 trillion of student loan debt and $1.3 trillion of credit card debt. The fiscal irresponsibility of our government and its citizens is breathtaking, unsustainable, and ultimately fatal to our empire. Walker may have been early, but he certainly was not wrong.

The current Kabuki theater farce regarding the raising of the debt limit is a perfect example of how spineless politicians blatantly deceive the public, with the full support of the regime media, in proclaiming spending cuts and fiscal responsibility, when the CBO projections show the national debt growing to more than $50 trillion in the next ten years, as most of the spending is on automatic pilot. And this is before the coming recession/depression provokes the usual political response of fiscal stimulus, which will drive the debt higher.

Threats of government default, hysterical articles in the regime media, and last-minute deals are nothing but a show for the ignorant masses, while the true globalist agenda of one world order, where the peasants will own nothing and be happy, is rolled out at an accelerated pace. They know the fiscal sustainability of the western world is dire, therefore they are acting in a reckless manner, which imperils the world with a potential global war.

Walker’s first point about the decline in moral values and political incivility has reached civil war instigating levels of degradation, deviancy, and treasonous political activity. Not in Walker’s wildest dreams did he envision the grooming and trafficking of children, drag queen story hour for toddlers, pushing children to be mutilated and propagandized into believing they are the opposite sex, promoting deviancy, and having this degenerate behavior jammed down our throats by the government, corporations, and the media.

Destroying our culture, promoting abnormality and sloth, tearing the fabric of our society to shreds, encouraging lawlessness, looting and murder, and persecuting normal white Americans who dissent, is actively promoted, and funded by Soros, Gates, and the rest of the Davos – WEF globalist psychopaths. The devaluation of our lives was never more evident than during the covid plandemic, where the annual flu was weaponized to lockdown the world, create havoc and chaos, institute totalitarian measures to abscond with our liberties and freedoms, destroy the lives of vaxx dissenters, and ultimately destroy the lives of millions who obeyed and were injected with the untested, gene altering, spike producing, Big Pharma enriching concoction.

To put a Roman Empire slant on it, what has been wrought by Clinton, Obama, Comey, Wray, Brennan, Clapper, Pelosi, and their gaggle of treasonous co-conspirators since 2016 has marked our current day crossing of the Rubicon. Politics has always been a dirty game, but the machinations to bring down a duly elected sitting president, which continue to this day under the direction of Biden’s handlers, is reminiscent of the plots, coups, and murders as the Roman empire descended into corruption, madness, and deviant behavior.

The Durham report documented the unequivocal facts regarding the relentless coup attempt against Trump, but the complete coverup by the regime media and the toothless non-existent prosecution of the criminal Deep State characters involved in this treasonous act proves there no longer is a representative government looking out for the citizens of this country. We are a corporate fascist oligarchy, ruled by the few, for the few. We are nothing more than serfs, peasants, and useless eaters to the ruling class, as they continue to pillage and plunder what remains of the Treasury.

Walker thought our military was stretched thin in 2007, as the neo-cons had us fighting a two-front war in Iraq and Afghanistan to enrich the military industrial complex, based on false WMD claims and a fruitless effort to find our CIA created global terrorist mastermind – Osama bin Laden. Little did he know that twenty years after invading Afghanistan to destroy the Taliban, we would conduct a disastrous retreat and hand the country back to the Taliban, with a gift of about $10 billion in military hardware.

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” ― George Orwell, 1984

The defense budget in 2007, while fighting two wars, was $700 billion. Today the budget approaches $900 billion when we are supposedly not at war with anyone. With the Deep State firmly in control of both political parties, the arms dealers will always be swimming is your tax dollars, whether they are shipping their murderous wares to Zelensky, Israel, Taiwan, or any other country fighting our current mortal enemies – Russia, China, Syria, and Iran.

Mr. Walker was naïve in his assessment about the U.S. military’s strength. Winning wars to protect America has never been the goal. War is big business and keeps the politicians on both sides of the aisle satiated with political donations (aka bribes). The ruling class had no issue using a few hundred thousand poor patriotic useless eaters as cannon fodder in Iraq and Afghanistan to further enrich themselves. But it is much easier to create chaos and war in other countries and let their poor suckers die for a forlorn false cause, while providing weapons to both sides. I wonder if Walker was blindsided by Obama’s creation of wars in both Libya and Syria in 2011.

We killed Ghaddafi and left Libya a smoking chaotic ruin, with Islamic terrorists running rampant. Obama created ISIS so we had a reason to destroy Syria and Assad. Russia obliterated ISIS and has successfully kept Assad in power, infuriating the neocons and provoking the next move on the global chessboard. All the NPC Ukrainian Flag waving dolts who believe everything the regime media regurgitates, as instructed by their masters, are clueless as to why Biden and his neocon handlers are pushing us towards a direct conflict with Russia. Obama, Clinton, Victoria Nuland, John Brennan, McCain, Graham, and a slew of other Deep State lackeys overthrew the democratically elected president of Ukraine in 2014, because he was friendly towards Russia, initiating a domino effect in the Ukraine which has left us at the doorstep of World War III.

The Roman economy was basically a rapine economy. Like all slave-owning societies, Rome had no middle class, a debased currency, and no export production – it lived by conquests, slave trade, and plundering the conquered provinces. Such economies can exist only as long as they expand; when the expansion ends, downfall is inevitable. See any resemblance to the American economy? When the Fed stops printing, it all comes crashing down. By the third century their currency was worthless, and a barter economy sprung to life.

By 451 AD the empire was bankrupt, taxes were 40% to 60%, and there was nothing left in the coffers to pay the military or keep the infrastructure from crumbling. The barbarians applied the final blow with the sacking of Rome, and the Dark Ages were born. Slavery and serfdom were the fate of Roman peasants. The collapse of Mediterranean trade meant the collapse of papyrus imports, and the means of writing disappeared. Literacy dissipated. The Roman civilization was kept alive only in churches and monasteries, which could afford parchment and vellum. What will the bankruptcy of the American empire entail and how will the city dwelling welfare recipients’ fare? My guess is not very well.

Just as the Romans became fat and happy, enjoying the fruits of efforts, innovation and sacrifices put forth by prior generations, Americans have grown to believe they are the richest, freest, and most powerful nation on earth. They believe it is their privilege to rule the world. Just as the Romans hired mercenary armies to fight their wars because it was beneath their citizens to defend their vast empire, the U.S. used paid mercenaries (Blackwater) in Iraq and Afghanistan to fight their wars. Now we just outsource the dying to Ukrainians, Libyans, Syrians, and Somalis, while providing them the weapons, technology, and logistics to wage endless war on our behalf.

Next up will be the Taiwanese, as we provoke China into our next war. As documented earlier, the fiscal trajectory of our empire is on a course towards Armageddon, and the tens of billions in weapons being handed to the most corrupt nation on earth – Ukraine – is simply insane. Biden acts like a Roman emperor dictator (with dementia) during the final stages of Rome’s collapse, while the feckless politicians in the House & Senate sit idly by, cheering on our descent into national bankruptcy.

The final collapse of the Western Roman Empire was mainly triggered by the weakness of its late-stage emperors, failure of its civil administrators, disease, epidemics, and the unceasing invasion of its lands by the barbarian Visigoths and Vandals. Military failure and monetary weakness were the final nails in the coffin. The parallels with the American empire’s late stages are uncanny.

Can anyone conceive of a weaker emperor than Dementia Joe Biden? He is a low IQ, lying, corrupt to his core, bumbling, child sniffing fool, acting on behest of the Deep State and their globalist cabal. His administration is crawling with deviants, dopes, and those seeking the destruction of our country. The barbarian hordes are streaming across our southern border and being ushered into communities across the country by government sanctioned flights and bus rides. These mostly male Hispanics, Haitians, Somalis, Muslim terrorists, and Chinese nationals are not going to strengthen our country, but contribute greatly to its fall. But at least the ruling class will have maids and gardeners, while Big-Agra will have cheap labor to pick their crops.

Edward Gibbon’s discernment that the number one cause for the ruin of Rome was “The injuries of time and nature”, is more profound than it might seem. Its ability to be sustained for almost one thousand years is remarkable, but as with all large entities it succumbed to entropy, currency debasement, deviancy, corruptibility of its ruling class, and apathy of its citizenry. Everything trends towards disorder, chaos, and ultimately collapse. Pleasure without pain, glory without sacrifice, indolence without work, degeneracy disguised as creativity, and treason portrayed as politics, led to a slow spiraling disintegration of their society and culture over the course of centuries.

These exact same characteristics are rearing their ugly head in the late stages of the American Empire decline. It is fascinating that Roman historian Tacitus was documenting traits of a declining nation state during the first century, while it took until the fifth century for the Western Roman Empire to finally collapse. The timing of the downfall is always in doubt, as grains of sand are added to the pile until entropy wins and all comes crashing down.

“You have not tasted servitude. There is no land beyond us and even the sea is no safe refuge when we are threatened by the Roman fleet. We are the last people on earth, and the last to be free: our very remoteness in a land known only to rumor has protected us up till this day. Today the furthest bounds of Britain lie open—and everything unknown is given an inflated worth. But now there is no people beyond us, nothing but tides and rocks and, more deadly than these, the Romans. It is no use trying to escape their arrogance by submission or good behavior. They have pillaged the world: when the land has nothing left for men who ravage everything, they scour the sea. If an enemy is rich, they are greedy, if he is poor, they crave glory. Neither East nor West can sate their appetite. They are the only people on earth to covet wealth and poverty with equal craving. They plunder, they butcher, they ravish, and call it by the lying name of ’empire’. They make a desolation and call it ‘peace” ― Tacitus

It’s as if Tacitus lived among us today. His description fits perfectly in describing the psychopaths controlling the U.S. Empire, along with most of the western world, as they rape, pillage, plunder, and desolate foreign lands in the name of freedom and call it peace keeping. The U.S. Empire is willing to fight Putin until the last Ukrainian is dead on the battlefield. How noble. Slaughter and seizing natural resources under false pretenses (WMD) are hailed as spreading democracy to third world countries.

It took the Roman Empire about 1,000 years to fall. The British Empire fell in approximately 300 years. The United States has been around for 234 as a nation, but only an empire since 1946, a mere 77 years. Has the advancement of technology, speed of communications, monetary manipulations, and level of military firepower coalesced into accelerating the demise of empires? It certainly appears so, as the American Empire is on course to fall by the end of this Fourth Turning, within the next ten years.

It is commonly believed the Dark Ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire. Of course, the definition of the Dark Ages has been debated for centuries, with the time frame sometimes set from 500 AD to 1000 AD, and sometimes until 1500 AD. They overlapped with the Middle Ages and some scholars contend they weren’t even that dark. I find it interesting as we enter a new Dark Ages, the regime media is busy writing articles contending the previous Dark Ages weren’t so bad after all.

The level of gaslighting produced on a daily basis by the propaganda peddlers doing their assigned task of keeping the masses ignorant and confused, is beyond the comprehension of average Americans trying to make a living and trusting their government. In reality, the Dark Ages coincided with the cultural decay and decadence of Rome in its late stages, as the vices of gluttony, lust and greed became the root of their civilization and functioned as chains enslaving and weighing down their culture.

During the glory days of the Roman Empire, they achieved tremendous advancements in the areas of science, literature, philosophy, government, and architecture. The fall of the empire left a vacuum in these areas for centuries. The death of a culture is not an easy event to recover from. Record keeping during the Dark Ages was minimal, leaving historians in the dark as to what happened. After the fall, feudalism emerged, and the Catholic Church gained increasing power.

The intermingling of the church and state contributed to the lack of cultural advancement. The uneducated peasants were fearful and superstitious, living lives of subsistence and want. The Renaissance Age of enlightenment, which followed the Dark Ages, provided the inverse paradigm to the Dark Ages. Italian scholar Petrarch, who lived in the 14th century referred to the time period as ”those men of intellectual prowess as living cloaked in darkness”.

I would contend we have already entered a new Dark Ages, based upon the collapse of our culture, ignorance of the masses, failure of our educational system, celebration of deviancy, lack of civility, and lawlessness in our cities. Most Americans would scoff at the notion we have already entered a new dark age. Everyone (including the desperately “poor” illegal aliens swarming across our border) has a super-computer phone in their hands 24/7. Every piece of knowledge ever conceived is available at our fingertips through the internet.

We spend tens of thousands of dollars per student per year in our public schools to educate our children. Our universities are world renowned. We are the wealthiest nation in history. We have tens of thousands of laws, regulations, and rules, to keep us safe. And supposedly, the American dream is attainable by everyone born in this country. Sounds like we should be living in a new age of enlightenment. But nothing could be further from the truth. Mistaking technological advancement and passage of laws with cultural and societal advancement is a complete fallacy, as described by Albert Einstein and Aldous Huxley almost a century ago:

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” ― Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means

In case you haven’t noticed, our culture has descended into the gutter, societal norms which kept the country relatively cohesive since its inception are being attacked and obliterated by deviants and degenerates, and any semblance of a unified vision of what America stands for is actively being destroyed by the globalist Davos crowd seeking to implement their Great Reset agenda of technocratic control over the lowly peasants, while they feast, plunder and pillage the planet – the true psychopath barbarian billionaire horde.

The perversion of normalcy into glorifying pedophiles, drag queens, transgender freaks, drug addict felons, race hustlers, and organizations promoting lawlessness, looting, and killing, while persecuting and prosecuting normal, hard-working, civilized white people has left the country on the brink of chaos. Technology has done nothing but make us dumber, distracted and easily manipulated by the Bernaysian masters of manipulation.

Multiple generations have now been socially indoctrinated by government schools to obey, emote, believe, and fear whatever (Covid) and whoever (Putin) they are commanded to fear. What they are not taught is how to think critically, question everything, and make their own decisions based upon actual facts. Test scores in reading, writing and math are at all-time lows. The solution is to continually lower the standards and never hold anyone accountable for results.

We are a nation of morons led by a cadre of psychopaths. Children are encouraged by their parents and doctors to cut off their breasts and penises due to peer pressure and deviants controlling the schools and media. Groomers make toddlers watch transgender freaks perform sex acts on stage. Library books for 8-year-olds describe anal sex, masturbation, and other perverted acts.

Statues portraying our history are torn down by mobs, while what passes for art and architecture today is perverted, frivolous and inconsequential. There are no masterpieces of literature created in our rotting society. The only thing that matters is monetizing content and number of eyeballs. Quality is non-existent, overridden by quantity and replaceability. Movies and television programs are created by untalented hacks, responding to focus groups, and required to insert the required racial and homosexually woke storylines into every program.

There are no Godfathers or Casablancas being produced. There are no novelists writing masterpieces on par with Steinbeck or Hemingway. But we do have Cardi B belting out her best-selling song WAP (acronym for Wet-Ass Pussy) and Sports Illustrated with transgender and obese swimsuit models. Based on TV commercials, 90% of Americans are either black, in an interracial relationship, gay, or transgender. We are an epically unserious society. Anyone observing America and most of the western world in an impartial manner would have to conclude we are already living in a new Dark Age of ignorance, superstition, and degradation, even before the final collapse of empire.

While doing research on the Dark Ages I was surprised to stumble across some climate related information which puts the current hysterical climate change narrative in perspective. The current war on CO2, cow farts, petroleum powered vehicles, farmers, and human beings living in peace, is nothing more than an agenda to depopulate the planet, make our lives miserable, and further enrich those controlling the narrative, flying on private jets, vacationing on enormous yachts, and living in 50 room mansions in the Hamptons.

The green agenda is built on taxing you more, with zero impact on climate, while virtue signaling success. Meanwhile, the sun and power within our earth’s core will dictate our climate, despite all fruitless manmade efforts to have an impact. George Carlin’s The Planet is Fine diatribe captures the hypocrisy of humans thinking they matter at all when it comes to the planet.

“The planet is fine; the people are fucked! The planet isn’t going anywhere; we are! We’re going away! Pack your shit, folks! We’re going away and we won’t leave much of a trace either, thank God for that.” – George Carlin

As you can discern, Rome flourished during a warming period and the Dark Ages coincided with a cooling period. Neither was due to human activity, petroleum products, not recycling enough, or cow farts. It was due to solar and volcanic activity, which may have gone hand in hand in creating the dynamics that made the Dark Ages dark. The Little Ice Age coincided with the Maunder Minimum from 1645 to 1715 when sunspots were at a minimum. Major volcanic eruptions in the 13th century, dimming sunlight across the planet also contributed to the cooling of the planet.

It seems recent studies of ice cores by real scientists confirm the period around 536 AD may have been the worst time to live on our planet in history. A cataclysmic volcanic eruption in Iceland in 536 AD   spewed ash across the Northern Hemisphere, producing a mysterious fog plunging Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia into darkness, day and night—for 18 months. Snow fell during the summer in China. Two other massive eruptions followed, in 540 and 547. The repeated blows, followed by Bubonic plague, plunged Europe into economic stagnation that lasted until 640.

Humans will always be at the mercy of Mother Nature, the sun, and the volcanic activity within the bowels of our planet. Taxes, recycling, and electric cars won’t have one iota of impact on the future of the planet. The impact of little or no sun over the course of years led to crop failures, famine and plague, bathing sixth-century Europe in darkness and despair. Crops cannot grow without sun. Hunger and lack of vitamin D left the populations susceptible to disease. The bubonic plague killed half the inhabitants of the Eastern Roman Empire during these dark days, hastening its collapse.

With no wheat, there was no bread, a staple of the diet in those days. The people of Europe were occupied with survival, living a brutish existence, leaving little time for cultural advancement. The trials and tribulations documented throughout history are determined by a combination of controllable human actions and uncontrollable natural causes.

Under dark skies, St Augustine brings a message of Christian hope to 6th-century King Ethelbert of Kent. Photograph: Popperfoto/Getty Images

Our helplessness at the hands of nature happens every day across the globe, with the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami and the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami deadly reminders of our vulnerability and powerlessness. We already know Schwab, Soros, Gates, Tedros, and the rest of the Great Reset New World Order cabal are actively attempting to bring down the American Empire and replace it with a global oligarchy, where we own nothing, and they own it all. Using climate change as their cudgel, they are already conducting a war on farmers, purposely restricting the output of food for the masses.

Combined with rampant raging central bank created inflation across the world, wars being conducted in breadbasket regions of the globe, and extreme drought conditions in key agricultural regions, the landscape is already in the danger zone. With Mexico’s Popocatépetl volcano showing signs of a major eruption, and hundreds of other dormant volcanoes around the world capable of eruptions on par with the 536 AD eruption, it’s only a matter of when, not if. Many scientists postulate the Sun has entered into the modern Grand Solar Minimum (2022–2053) that will lead to a significant reduction of solar magnetic field and activity like during Maunder minimum, leading to noticeable reduction of terrestrial temperature. We have zero control or influence over these events.

Quotes from Tacitus nearly 2,000 years ago are proof human nature never changes and the cycles of history repeat themselves across empires. Biden’s illegal executive orders, disregard of the Constitution, and blatant corruption, along with the regime media suppressing legitimate dissent about Fauci’s lies, Pfizer’s falsification of trial data, and the FDA colluding with Twitter to censor doctors, fit perfectly into Tacitus’ view of the world.

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”  Tacitus

“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticize.” ― Tacitus

The traitorous acts of Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, Brennan and the entire FBI and CIA complex in conducting a coup against a duly elected president and then covering up their treason with the full cooperation of the regime media was and still is an audacious crime. These crimes are fully detailed in the Durham Report and on Hunter Biden’s laptop, but no one will go to jail, because half the country supports the crime the other half is apathetic and uninterested, and our elected leaders are in on it. Two thousand years and nothing changes.

“Crime, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity.” ― Tacitus

“The worst crimes were dared by a few, willed by more and tolerated by all.” ― Tacitus

The American Empire is displaying all the worst attributes of Rome in its death throes, as the oligarchy grows more audacious, knowing they are illegitimate, but unconcerned with being brought to justice because they control the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government. They fear no one and dare the peasants to try and stop them. The oligarchs provoke crisis, chaos, fear, and strife. They hide in the shadows, functioning as an invisible governing power, manipulating the minds of the masses, in their psychotic belief they can control and rule the world because they are superior in intellect, integrity, and ability to envision the future.

This relatively small circle of psychopaths, who have gotten the empire into this mess, grow ever more powerful as they lead us on a path to disaster. Their hubris and an arrogant disregard for the wishes of the people, belief in their own invincibility, and not fearing any retribution for their crimes of treason, leave them at the top of a crumbling empire – so they will have the farthest to fall.

Everything about our empire is unsustainable. Ultimately it will collapse financially under the weight of its unpayable debts. With psychopaths running the show who believe they can win a two front war against Russia and China, we will be lucky if our empire isn’t just a pile of smoldering ruins when they are done with it. There is absolutely no way to vote ourselves out of this because the Deep State counts the votes.

The dissenters are not united enough to shoot our way out of this. You can run, but you can’t hide from the impact of the coming collapse. The unknown ingredient to this toxic mixture of death is nature’s influence. If a volcanic eruption, or several volcanic eruptions on par with the 536 AD occurrence, were to happen concurrently with economic collapse, the earth’s population of 8 billion would be drastically reduced in short order.

At this point, the best we could hope for is a relatively non-violent collapse where the critical thinking self-reliant people would migrate to rural regions and learn to live off the land again. The simple life of thriving day to day based on your own efforts, along with the efforts of your small homogeneous community, is the likely destiny for millions. No one is coming to save us. We’ll have to save ourselves. We happened to be born at a juncture of history where a Fourth Turning crisis ended an empire. We didn’t choose our fate, but we need to prepare and make the best of our situation.

I find nothing more appropriate to visually represent our clownworld empire falling than a picture of a dwarf clown, smoking a cigarette while holding a bouquet of wilted flowers in the pouring rain in front of a defunct circus tent. If the clown shoe fits, wear it. The season is turning.

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under Heaven

 – The Byrds

The Fourth Turning could mark the end of modernity. The Western saecular rhythm – which began in the mid-fifteenth century with the Renaissance – could come to an abrupt terminus. The seventh modern saeculum would be the last. This too could come from total war, terrible but not final. There could be a complete collapse of science, culture, politics, and society. Such a dire result would probably happen only when a dominant nation (like today’s America) lets a Fourth Turning ekpyrosis engulf the planet. But this outcome is well within the reach of foreseeable technology and malevolence.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

We thank you for your readership.

Remember – be ready for anything.


764 responses to “Information Briefing #187”

  1. https://www.rebelnews.com/regulator_seeks_to_suspend_chiropractor_and_fine_him_tens_of_thousands_of_dollars_for_mask_non_compliance

    Regulator seeks to suspend chiropractor and fine him tens of thousands of dollars for mask non-compliance – Rebel News


  2. Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Good thing, but sadly. too many times he videos as thick, and can’t string cogent sentences together. Irish DNA no doubt. A True Steer and Bullock race. Better than Biden, but still too thick to Lead America. But brighter than Trump for sure. That is America’s dilemma. Dumb and Dumber.

      If RFK does get nominated, which seems likely, Trump has a real problem with Votes.
      The balance of probabilities is that IF RFK gets the nomination, he may reach the WH.
      Trump just may not get the votes.
      As a Liar, Grifter and Skank, that’s no bad thing.

      As a slimy scumbag who took multi bribes to pardon many bad Jewish criminals, abusing his Office, a Son in Law and Daughter who took $1B Kickbacks from Saudi, and a Crook who stole the Golan Heights for Israeli Thugs, the Kushners and Cheney, he’s undeserving of Trust again. Events may catch him out.

      RFK or Trump, smart money will back RFK. The Skank may see it Yanked again. Grifters and Butt Lifters, DC is not for me.
      If Trump gets jailed he could end up sitting on Big Bubbas knee. Destiny? Grifters and Butt Lifters.
      Lol, Jeez only in America! Trash rules Mules.
      Because of Stupidos, the world is now Polarising. No Real Silverbacks, just Gorilla Snot.


  3. John’s favorite dinar chick is back, and nuttier than a pistachio plantation. She seems to think that within all that Iraqi news there is some secret code that means Iraq will spend trillions to bail your paper.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Trailer Trash!


  4. Like

  5. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/breaking-joe-rogan-asks-dr-fauci
    BREAKING: Joe Rogan Asks Dr. Fauci Protégé & Fellow DEATHVAX™ Shill to Debate RFK Jr. On His Show

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Either Hotez is acting maliciously or in willful blindness.

      Either way, he needs, metaphorically speaking, to be put down for the dog he is. I’ve lost all patience at this point. Beyond the unconstitutional concept of mandating a shot in violation of informed consent, the shot is manifestly unsafe and doesn’t work at all.

      The idea that any lives were saved is utter unmitigated horse manure.

      The mortality and hospitalization benefits re Covid is non-existent. T

      he clear safety signals mean it is killing in droves and may when all is said and done, will kill multiples of those killed by Covid. We are 12 standard deviations to the right in all-cause mortality and the cause is the vaxx.

      Every person involved in this fiasco needs to be Nuremberg’ed and hanged at dawn on national television.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        The long term deaths and damages have yet to be quantified, but real indicators are worrying.
        We need to be assessing numbers, then try informed consent.
        Incubation may yet flatline this nation.


  6. Hmm…


    1. Kids have been doing stupid things for centuries now. The only difference is we get it all in video now documented forever. But until you’ve had a fizz bomb you haven’t lived! LOL.


  7. Perspective… I do not have the facts to back this up,, but I would bet it is accurate…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good article James. Thanks.


  8. There is a wild-card variable that the author is not aware of. And that’s potential GS terms to set this mess right as a condition for fiscal rescue.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      We all need to get OFF the Jews Usury Dollar SCAM! Throw the lot out!¬


  9. “…It’s Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin that are now running the multilateral, multipolar show. Western exceptionalists may deploy their crybaby routines as much as they want: nothing will change the spectacular optics, and the underlying substance of this developing world order, especially for the Global South…”


  10. Neanderthal senator continues to explore the limited regions of his limited cortex. Every nation needs a president who is committed to infuckture.


  11. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/irs-agent-uses-fake-name-enter-taxpayers-home/
    What a flippin’ nightmare!!!!!!!! Lies, threats, fake names and allegations. These guys will do anything and say they are entitled to according to law.


  12. Shocking plan of the WHO exposed…

    What we can share with you.

    A Virologist from the World Health Organization revealed that they have a official plan for 10 years of infectious diseases

    A virologist from the World Health Organization revealed on Dutch television that the WHO has a plan of 10 years of infectious diseases, starting from 2020 to 2030

    – Evidence for the following info is presented in the film THE PLAN –
    Marion Koopmans is a virologist from the Dutch government, who also worked in the notorious Wuhan biolab. During an interview on national television in The Netherlands, she had a revealing slip of tongue…
    Koopmans stated that for several years the WHO had a plan for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030.
    That the WHO had foreknowledge about the first pandemic, is proven by the fact that a few months before the outbreak they sent a document to governments around the world, instructing them to get ready for an imminent outbreak of a respiratory pathogen.
    How could the WHO know that a pandemic would start within a few months? They even knew what kind of disease it would be! According to WHO virologist Koopmans it’s a plan which they had for many years…
    “This is the first pandemic” she added…
    They all knew it!
    Fauci also knew what was being prepared. In 2017 he stated: “There is no doubt in anyones mind that there will be a surprise outbreak during the first term of the Trump administration”. How could he predict such an unpredictable event with full certainty?
    A few months before the outbreak a video was published by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, showing how a corona virus starts spreading from Wuhan, to the rest of the world.
    Again: they published this right before it happened, describing the exact type of pathogen, and its precise origin.
    A few months before the outbreak, Bill Gates organized an exercise for this pandemic. Their slogan was: “We have to prepare for what will become a pandemic”. They discussed how they would have to control the media narrative, and tell the world that vaccines are the answer. Right after this exercise Gates tweeted how excited he was about selling a lot of vaccines, the coming year.

    What is really mind blowing, is that in 2017 and 2018 most nations in the world suddenly started distributing countless C0V!D-19 test kits. One year before the pandemic, every country was stacking up on PCR test kits, that would be used during the pandemic.
    A Vision of the Future?
    It gets even more weird, as we look at the movie “V for Vendetta” that was released in 2006. This film stated that it was “An uncompromising vision of the future”. It depicted a pandemic that results in worldwide tyranny.
    The year of the movie was set in… 2020!
    In 2013 a musician composed a song about a corona virus pandemic that would happen in… 2020. When asked if he was some sort of prophet, he replied that he had done research and found that there is an agenda of pandemics, starting in 2020.
    In 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation published a “Scenario for the Future of Technology”. Interesting… a scenario for the future! What does it say? It describes a pandemic that results in worldwide tyranny.
    The 2010 “Scenario for the Future” envisioned exactly what we have seen in 2020.
    Amazingly, right after the outbreak the Rockefeller Foundation already had an in depth guide handy, that shows step by step how a new society of total control and surveillance is “the way out of this crisis”. These types of manuals take many months to prepare. How come they had it handy?
    A second “Futuristic Scenario” was published by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, which is sponsored by Bill Gates. This Futuristic Scenario also describes a pandemic with a “novel corona virus” that originates in Asia.
    Over and over again we see that these people announced the imminent outbreak, knowing its exact origin and what type of virus it would be. How is that possible?
    There is even a video of Fauci taking part in a panel discussion, where they talked about how a global crisis was needed to disrupt the system, to convince humanity to accept a new DNA altering experimental vaccine. One of the panel speakers said a virus could come out of China, to cause this worldwide crisis, paving the way for these new vaccines…
    The evidence for this information, and many more shocking facts, are revealed in a phenomenal video: THE PLAN.

    Help us wake up the world!
    Once humanity knows what is really going on, the agenda of the criminals fails. Your support helps us more than you can imagine. Use the link below to make a donation. Thank you so much!

    Share this
    Share this message by going to the online version (see link below), where you find sharing buttons. Or copy the url below and post it on social media. You can also forward this email to others.
    StopWorldControl.com is a ministry by Hope for Humanity PMA. Our goal is to build a better world, by bringing truth and hope to people in every nation. Therefore we provide a platform for world leading scientists, lawyers, physicians, journalists and other experts that reveal critical information that humanity needs to be aware of. We reveal criminal activity and corruption in the high levels of our society, so the people can defend themselves against these criminal practices, and build a better world together. David Sorensen is the founder of Hope for Humanity and StopWorldControl.com David is a strong believer in a loving Creator who has a beautiful plan for our world, and who wants to fill us with love that overcomes evil.


    Now this is how we need to deal with the Wogs,Flakes and Woke! Irish Pervs also.
    ‘Non-human spacecraft’ found by US ‘for decades’

    We have been recovering crashed Craft, both unmanned surveliance monitors, and those species controled. Yes, we reverse engineer and also study their communications, propulsion and weaponry systems. Also their metabolisms.
    We all have deep underground military bases. We are all in on it. Need to Know!

    I’ll Asker


  13. Like

    1. This is so wrong. Just go after the real criminals, there are plenty of them, and leave the law abiding citizens alone. This countries gun ownership is one of the only things keeping the real bad guys at bay. Without guns, they can run over us all like in other countries who have given up their guns. Contact your representatives in your area and let them know to fight against this and remind them we still have the power of our vote.


  14. Sorry Lionel — the vaxx is worse than useless…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      And MORE than Dangerous! Do NOT Triple vax!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Like

  16. Thank you John for your reply earlier. Always we wish you the very best of all luck with your very important project. We support your goals and look forward to hearing of you successes. Yes we will pass to Inge your kind word.
    Gott Mit Uns


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      With a smile, and curved ball humour. As always. Take no hard ball humour at face value.
      I am formatting a Saturday morning Political call. Interesting overtones.

      But always Know, when we were about to lose and get Run over at Waterloo, which would have totally smashed the Empire’s power, just as Wellington and his team were contemplating Napoleon would have them torn apart limb by limb, at the top of the Hill, our backs to the Wall. the Black Prussian Flag arrived and their Cavalry. Never forgetting the French genocide towards the Prussians and Germanic people, out went the Rallying order from General Blucher to all his Troops and Commanders,
      ” Let No Man here today show Mercy to ANY French Soldiers on the Field, or I will kill any of you myself. No Mercy. None must leave this field alive!”.
      We got the credit for Waterloo, but YOU saved our lives, and turned the tide. History heh?
      The Klein Englander, who knows, seeks only to save yours. Respect! I WILL try to help you.

      We had long Political discussions today regarding real intent. Part of the Soros subterfuge. and involved Sealing Germany’s Borders and sending Wogs back. Screw Brussels directives, US Meddling and Soros evil subterfuge. Germany is for Herman, the German, Not Mo Ham F Head and his Cult. Money talks. Yes, we CAN Return or Burn. Those Population revelations are devastating.
      Merkel was a Mule and a Fool! Yes, We Care! Yes, We KNOW!
      To me it’s a Huge help to see the French talking of Joining BRICS. We need to take back Europe.
      So much needs to play out and we need to get the WEF and NWO OUT!
      We need the cards to play Frieda. Hands to unfold. It’s intense and Yes, we are focused.
      The Harball humour I suspect fried Inge. No place for the meak, mild or naive. It’s harball.
      The bones of History are littered with losers. We fight or we all go into the night.
      His Story has to be OUR Story. No fake corralling of the Sheeple. We are, and must be One.
      A Ringmaster fights for you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        And I still have the snow girl pic. Treasured. Plus others lol.
        Nothing is lost or forgotten.
        Nor standards dropped.


  17. Liked by 1 person

    1. The chess board John speaks off


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Once the GS starts, if John switches USD for BRICS, and leverages, they are So F!
        We fried many minds here today Saturday. I will advise later.


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          But note I will increase the Boards to multi level, and play 6D chess.


    2. Indeed, this is the world I want to live in. Good message!!


  18. Why JFK Was Deemed A Threat To National Security

    Keep in mind something else. Kennedy would never have permitted the Pentagon and the CIA to go into the Middle East and begin killing people

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks James. Good article. Always nice to be reminded of the good that could have been and that we still need to stride for.


    1. Sickening… they treat a pedophile much better

      Liked by 1 person

    2. john2020vision Avatar

      A test run for Zio trash!


    3. Shameful and just so wrong.


  19. NEW – Irish Green Party politician boasts “hate speech” bill will “restrict freedom” to protect transgender people from “discomfort.”

    The controversial bill could jail citizens in Ireland for merely possessing material criticizing “gender identity.”



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      They have a Queer and his Toyboy for PM. FFS?


    2. Bizarre, now you have to hide your magazines or comments.


  20. NEW – UK army is considering replacing centuries-old ranks such as rifleman and guardsman with “gender-neutral” terms “because they are too masculine” and to make “regiments more inclusive.”



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      A Tart can’ t carry and run with a heavy gun and a 60Lbs Bergen plus ammo packs. Get F real these idiots!

      Liked by 2 people

  21. Hey, I think someone here called them on that first.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      2 Treacherous Wannabe mediocre Skiprats who soon won’t be able to afford the High Life, or a baig arsed, boney legged, buckle nosed pretentious Wife.
      Grifters! Soon Butt Lifters! Deserving for each.Creeps.


    1. good point!


  22. Liked by 1 person

  23. There’s no business like Shoah business.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Go woke, go broke.

    Now…play with your balls!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Liked by 1 person

  26. Like

  27. The divergence between Gen. Petraeus’s predictions for the Kiev counteroffensive and the apparent results does not bode well for NATO strategists.

    Russia is going to win this.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      If he’s losing Moscow will go Nuclear.


  28. Ivan is not shuckin’ and jivin’.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No knowledge there. Scary to think these folks will be running this country some day.


  29. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Machine Guns!


  30. John thank you so much for the recent messages all received. The information send on EU immigration rates is something we live with and suffer. Our poor country which one time lifted up from disaster on our own effort and labor. showing the world that giant money capitalists suck the life from those who build and enrich themselves by chaos. We did it without that. It shocked them into panic. By labor and creating value alone a society can expand with natural balance. We think your fine work to once again use wealth to create social bettering and not suck the guts from usury by the buying and selling of the economy is very much what we did once but were not permitted to have for very long. We hope you and your teams can make it work and at the same time keep it going and guided safely for the eternity. It is not a shock that Soros is behind all the chaos in our immigration invasion. It is in his nature. 109 countries speaks to truth yes?
    Thank you again for your good will and Inge thanks you for speaking so highly of her. We sent her back home for a few weeks the poor girl was sick for her home.
    Gott Mit Uns
    Good night
    Frieda .,


    1. john2020vision Avatar


      Read between the lines.
      The Primary Trustee gets to call all. On the first $2T allocation whilst that is for Africa, the Trustee can first leverage it 10 fold. Which means $20T free for whose call?
      Their Trusted London Party faced down and forced out and up a second block up from $3T offered to $5T despite Threats and Fury. Then declined to take fees from the Elders for the help. Try to break that Trust? That next $3T if planned well can leverage up to to $30T.
      In good hands that recovers the EU but if converted into BRICS blows the USD.
      So, the”Chancellor” if deciding he wants Border locks, Wogs Out and our own people Fed and warm, how will that go? Broke and with empty hands you will argue with what? Why are we feeding and housing Wogs when our own people are hungry and homeless?
      When that time comes you will be part of it. Respect earned and loyalty repaid . Nothing is missed. Ethics rule.
      Your own State Patriotic Militia and Reservists need to be funded to secure Germany and its people? Pride restored, Caring and sharing New Hope? Innovation to save this Great nation?
      The Klein Englander cares.

      Soros needs to be on a plane to Moscow bound and gagged in a Freight Crate!
      To meet his F Rodent Fate! Rotten to the Core.
      Russian Roulette! As they did to Eichmann.
      The Primary Directive is to do Good! Unbribably safe hands.
      Remind the lady John said Hands across the Seas, not Hans across Inges knees! Lol
      Each day we try and care. You all matter. Leaders, no more Bottom Feeders. When free we will unleash Erika. Walking as one for Freedom back! As one. Let it play out, many are in need. That we need to Feed! As one family of Man- Kind!
      Tell the little one she is missed. Curved ball Jokes. With a smile.
      The Knights did not go into the Night. The hands who rock the cradle of Mankind.
      We talk daily. Tell the little one I said Thank You for all. She has good qualities.
      As do you. So much.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a most excellent example of someone with what is best described as “clout”, in the truest sense.

        Liked by 1 person

  31. What??


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      So many Queens now in the US!


  32. You paid for it…might as well enjoy the end result.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Go Russia Go, Mow these Ho!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Way to go usa, great waste of usa tax dollars.


  33. Neanderthal Senator continues to surmount the English language.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      And Biden??????????????????


  34. I predict nothing will come of this. Not in time to affect the elections anyway.


    1. I sure hope he gets what is coming to him and his family soon! Otherwise he will build that railroad from usa to india. lol


    1. So much corruption and too many lies!!


    1. At least put a sock on it…


    1. Definitely alarming. Time to restock again before more soaring prices and shortages.


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Tino add Energy

      1. They will force you to go Electric and recharge every 60 miles IF you have distance permission to go further. If not, good luck.
      2. You will be hit by mileage charges and high.
      3.Flying? Forget it that’s going. Cheap Tourist Flights are for Cheap People, and Pleb Waggons will not get clearances.
      4.An era is coming when you will not travel more than 60 miles from home unless approved. WEF Mandates.
      5.Soylent Green is coming. The Zoo is here. You can’t even control your own Political Criminals, The masses will not get passes. Drone Zones next?


      1. They will try no doubt.

        It is wishful thinking on their part.

        There is literally zero possibility of implementing this scheme at the present level of technology. It is impossible to generate sufficient energy for even a fraction of the required electric cars even on a reduced basis. Have a flunkie do the math.


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Sadly Tino, when Fools Rule Mules, chaos follows. A collective platform of Grifters, Welfarians and Butt lifters who make even Lemmings look smart.
          Look sadly at our world as it’s coming apart.
          Remember Tino, it’s ALL Kabuki.
          I will format later for you, A Day in the Life!
          Saturday, a call will highlight all. Kabuki Tino, Political Chancers and Real Ring Masters.
          What is Destiny in the life of Pond Life?


  35. Love it when the numbers kill the narrative… and it is a narrative!

    Liked by 1 person

  36. 🐂 💩

    Liked by 1 person

  37. *
    Nationalist MEP blames Soros for EU migration crisis – http://www.euractiv.comhttps://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/nationalist-mep-blames-soros-for-eu-migration-crisis/

    The mass Illegal swamping of Europe is destroying National Identities, Economies and fueling Crime from which Soros and his Zio Scammers are making vast Profits with Soros Tripling his Fortunes, as he selectively destroys Nations. Germany’s Immigration is alarming. Shame on Merkel. Already more than 50% of Newborns are Non German. What the Hell has Soros done?

    Crooks, Liars, Deceivers, Nutters, War Criminals and More | Dr Vernon Coleman

    Straight talk .. Sunak is a Clone of the WEF. A Poodle kept by his Wife and Indian In Laws controlled via Moscow. Hello?????? It all stinks to Hell!



    The Skank Croc does it again.

    WEF parties need to be jailed.


    Why not Self Defend their own interests.

    Which FBI Traitors should be in Jail?

    Expose these creeps


  38. Like

  39. Liked by 1 person

  40. https://palexander.substack.com/p/drudge-cancer-rates-climbing-among
    DRUDGE: ‘Cancer rates climbing among young people. It’s not clear why…’ ok, I will tell you why!


    1. Well, yes, it is the vaccine.

      But it is far more the abnormal pseudo-uridine-based mRNA than the spike protein. Though, in scientific fairness, pegging any protein at continuous production will FUBAR the cell,

      The injected mRNA doesn’t degrade, and causes a mRNA logjam — exactly as with the river, logs and metaphor of same name. This logjam is both precursor to — and is — cancer.

      Worse, to the extent the injected mRNA does degrade, and releases pseudo-uridine in the cell, the pseudo-uridine may be recycled in the regular cell mRNA, pegging some other protein, whose unbalanced production is just as likely to trigger cancer as it is to kill the cell.

      We need autopsies of all vaxxed deaths. From The Suddenly to the turbo cancers to sudden auto-immune cardiovascular deaths. We need series of autopsies, time from vaxx to death, gene profiles, and done by the thousands. Each and every death for next 6 months. As well as targeted exhumation of the initial deaths for completeness.

      We need to spend like drunken sailors on this until a clear picture emerges.

      And then hang all the pharma execs, the regulatory officials, and every clinical head that was “just following orders”.

      Lastly, we need to re-enshrine informed consent as the sacred axiom of universal law that it is. A ‘mandated medical procedure’ is a contradiction in terms.

      By extension, it must be completely against the law to bring any limitation of activity, employment, travel, transit, commerce — anything — as punishment/reward for vaxxing of any kind.

      Vaxxports — vaccine passports — have no basis in fact, law or reality. They are an arbitrary instrument of control to induce compliance in violation of informed consent.

      Remember, 95% (sometimes 99%) of infectious disease went away on its own long before the associated vaccine ever appeared. Remember scarlet fever? There has been no scarlet fever epidemic in Western countries for the better part of 50 years (I think) and scarlet fever has NO vaccine.

      Vaccines have been an over-rated modality since their inception.


  41. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Mass Jab ALL Illegals. And one to stop the Lil Fella ever rising again.


  42. It’s old, but as it is going viral again… live by the sword, die by the sword


    1. Barber did not survive. The killer was on a shooting spree and had shot others prior to being taken down by the cop in this incident.



    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Mass Jab ALL Illegals. And one to stop the Lil Fella ever rising again.


  43. Liked by 2 people

  44. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Nadler is a sick Psycho F Gonad!
      He needs his Naddlers ripping off!

      Liked by 1 person

  45. Look at these Chi-com hotties. Not a fatty in the bunch. Not a gender-bender trans freak as far as I can tell, either.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Yep and all really go, like a Ho to the Flow. Go limp and lose it. Everyone springs out hot to trot.
      All schemers and most Screamers. Your wife will freak at the claw marks. Yep they feast, and unleash the Beast. Octopussy is loose. Lol


    2. We are doing just fine on the Right.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Mmmm, responding to Tinos play on the Right. As long as enough Real Hetros keep doing it Right!


  46. Liked by 1 person

  47. Oops!

    Liked by 1 person

  48. Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      So no Fox allowed in the Box?
      But how about being banned for Lies?
      Or Dickless?


  49. Action moving on Trump case. If Bidens corrupt DOJ lose fireworks will follow


  50. john2020vision Avatar

    You have no idea how far we are reaching with BRICS and how we plan to Free and serve Each Nation. The Zios are mass panicking. With cause, these cancerous Whores!

    Post the GS releases we need to rethink the Human Plan and coming Man?

    A Chancellor overreached and his Plan was breached.
    Fighting on 2 Fronts always fails. But it saved England.

    New releases coming we will only BRICS Bank leverage for our plan, not for the Zionists, Cabal or avaricious IRS to steal. Dollar free.

    1. Protect our Borders, decide who stays, protected and respected, or goes. Throw out all meddling Brussels and US Laws.
    No expensive hotels, for unwanted, uninvited looting and raping Illegals. Protecting Europe for all. Stop pampering Illegals. It’s Madness! Muzzle the Left. Off to the holding camps and return the lot. Forcefully. Mass illegals climbing over border walls and fences to be warned then shot on sight as invaders. Boats sunk! Invaders! Border guards to guard and open fire! Summary! People and Drug traffickers to be executed. Child Traffickers to be interrogated and hung. Stop the Rackets. Summary Justice all States. Dealing with Crime before they get loose in our nations. National Forces to serve Nations! Serve them Right!

    2. Build our own Security and out with Warmongering Cabal Hegemony and Agency bases. We need to build, with Pride, our own National European Militias. With Reservists also. To serve with Honour. Eurasia does not need hypercritical Hegemony Cabals creating dissent then Warmongering for profit, No more Dying for their Lying! Integrity to rule. Decency.

    Stop enslaving poor Germany to the Jackboot heel of DC and threats of the US Fed. Soros and his Rodent Zionist Jackals who want Germany Islamic and African bred out and enslaved forever. Vile hate. Wogs are easier to control. Cheap to breed. New Plantation Nations? The Klein Englanders Homelands may be the last safe bastion and home for the Aryan and Teutonic people. Surrounded by waters protecting our Daughters. Uniting as one. Absorb our own kind and rule the Borders. Our Nation State for our Nationals. That is our Right, and for the rest a Kristallnacht! Let that light shine Bright.
    The illegal Barbarians need to go into the night.

    3. Make Peace with our neighbours. Reduce tensions. Low cost energy for our nations and Industries. Making lives better. No Cartel Racketeering. No Wealth skimming Jewish Oligopolies.

    4. Open up the Eurasian Silk Roads from Beijing to London with vast Infrastructure Cities along the way. Sharing wealth, building and binding Communities. Project sharing, community serving. Innovation. Bonding each nation from the old Bad States. Reshaping all Politics to serve community Need! Out with all Zionist Greed. Banish those who do us harm, Bloodsuckers to go. No Compensation, repelled from each nation. Will we ever learn? How many times now?

    5. Not new thinking, but Reality Thinking Out our Real Educational Needs. Seizing all vast Lands held for Profits, buildings, Schools and All Financial Assets sequestrated by the Churches over Millennia, all to be handed back to Nation States to benefit the people. No compensation. Retribution. No more Churches leaching off the nations. No more Churches accruing vast fees to monopolise and control our Schools, then Kiddie Fiddle our Children. For Perpetrator Priests and Like Types, Justice! Professional Educators, well thought out Programs. Respect and Values, Community spirits. No Woke or Marxists. No Freaks or Perverts. Highly Educate all well. Out with all Woke, Trans, and Marxists, the lot is all to be gone! Spring clean out each Queen!
    We need to GET Organised and it’s coming. Take Responsibility! So much need! So much Greed!
    2 Million plus attend UK Football/ Soccer matches alone each week, At least 20 M across Europe Angry voices to awaken and unite.
    5 Million Europeans on the streets, Unstoppable. Play Erika

    6. No Agencies or Foreign Forces War Meddling in our Lands. No Diplomatic Immunity for Agents.

    7. No Zionist Manipulation of the Fake MSM. Re-assess, Re License only approved new parties, and ALL Roaches out. Let Truth breathe not Deceive. Independent License Media Monitoring Boards tracking manipulating liars. Abort all caught! Free Speech!

    8. All State and POLITICAL Employees, Political Representatives, to be background checked, full vetting. pre IQ tested. Any parties found to be practicing Treason or Corruption, to face the Full Force of the State. Any Attorneys or Lawyers knowingly hiding or concealing the guilt of their Clients, to be stripped of Licenses and RICO charged. All Corruption to be to RICO. Triple sentences. No Plea Bargaining. Hard Time or Summary! Hang bad Crooked Lawyers. With the power of BRICS and Eurasia Yes we Can!

    9. End Usury Banking. New BRICS Community Funding Financial Institutions to take over and serve the countries needs. Not Bankers Bonus Greed!

    You get the gist, there is more, so much more. Ideals to fight for. It’s coming. Post GS, Fighting Funds. Fighting for the Right to our lives. Injustices are known. It’s the corrupt Justices we need to dethrone, What is the price for a Life? Yours? With Humility and Integrity we need to rebuild to serve real suffering peoples need. Rethink Leaders we want Removing those unfit. Start with America. The worst Puke Bucket in the First World. Third Rate! Unfit to lead!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you John. A must needed ideals to continue fighting the DEBT-BASED SYSTEM. Blessings to you and to all in the WHA.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Thank you Roel we try daily so hard.
        We need BRICS to get the Jews out of leaching the West to death.
        I fear what they plan for poor Germany. Munich Girl is a true Patriot and deserves better.
        Real world, its needs a huge clean up.


      2. john2020vision Avatar

        Also please note Tony does a marvelous job maintaining the site for all and keeping it Rodent free.
        Huge credit to him. The site beats the MSM out of sight.


        1. The Empire thanks you for your service.

          Help yourself to a Vestal Virgin on the way out. But…keep it quiet.


          1. john2020vision Avatar

            Bad when a Vestal Virgin gets pre sprung. Lol


  51. john2020vision Avatar

    Munich Girl
    Watch for what is coming.


  52. Yep

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Which explains in part the SEC action. I’m sure BlackRock wanted a better deal from Coinbase. It will be interesting to watch and see if the SEC takes a quiet powder in 2 or 3 months with an ‘undisclosed settlement agreement that bring Coinbase in compliance’


  53. Norman Fenton might not even bother to kick Oxford in the teeth. I would, but Norman is a gentleman.

    Plus, he clobbered the UK version.

    The reason Oxford used US data is because Fenton had destroyed the case in UK claiming similar precursor nonsense.

    You can read the gory detail here:


    Claims the unvaccinated were at higher risk of hospitalisation and death were based on deliberately murky record keeping. Again, another statistical illusion of efficacy was manufactured by simple miscategorisation


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Jews will! Again!


  54. Uh no


    This is statistical cretinism of the highest order to feed the narrative.

    I’m sure Norman Fenton will enjoy ripping into Oxford on this one.

    Children are bulletproof relative to covid. In the so-called ‘child waves of death’ associated with alpha, delta, other variants, ultimately leading to omicron, upon inspection of the actual death certificates during alpha/delta something like 90 out 100 certificates showed the child was severely ill with some other lethal illness prior to PCR-determined covid *respiratory illness* — e.g. pneumonia. This actually means the death rate from covid is down at 1 per million in reality.

    The assertion in the article that the vaxx was protective is wholly without statistical foundation, as to see divergence you’d need to vaxx and follow literally millions of kids at the 1 death per million level. Did we mention how unreliable PCR is in this diagnostic context?

    Liked by 1 person

  55. How convenient


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