White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #153

Unmasking A Post-COVID Future

For Millennia, Mankind has evolved under the conflicts of Religions, Hegemony, Race and Materialism. Whatever came our way, including Pandemics, we adjusted, and economies grew. We are the Global Top Primate Species. Top of the Food Chain. But Covid-19 is loose now as the ultimate Lab Bats cocktail.

The Wild Card, no courtesy of China.

We are – Defenseless. It is merciless and indiscriminate. Nations’ Borders are no barriers. The Chinese travelling mobile human Ants have carried it everywhere.

The American B-1s are now visibly carrying masses of Cruise Missiles to Guam in response ready, if needed, for war. America is taking it to them. Needs Must!

In turn, and in time, huge questions for China to answer for what has been unleashed on the world. Unforgivable. Who must die for a Chinese lie to protect the Middle Kingdom with its own Global conquest ambitions by stealth?

Knowing now what was loose, why did China not seal its Borders?

Now IS the time for Trump to rise to America’s needs and for us to support Barr for truth and justice. We need Trump reelected and Barr in place to carry on the investigations and arrests.

Why were Western Leaders so inept as not to lock out a perceived visible Pandemic of such a cataclysmic threat level? They knew, and their reaction was pitiful. Leaders today? Who can trust any published death rates? Why is Covid being so media-hyped, with no highlighting of obnoxious Bill Gates of Lolita Express notoriety, the Big Pharma opportunists, and its potential use for Tri Lateral and Zionist NWO population reduction strategies? How meekly the Sheeple assembled and locked down like Lambs to the slaughter! Why?

The world just acquiesced with a typical French Military Flag of a white cross on a white background. Come and get us?

But also, sadly note, with a virus which seems to have an actual Death Ratio now of only 0.015% of a population, (Real World!!! – One 7th of One Per Cent population deaths) why are our limp-wristed Politicians devastating jobs for 20% of Employees and greater than 30% of the Corporate population? Reality is, 30% of our companies are now at risk. Many now will never reopen. What of the yet to be unveiled multi million consequential deaths caused for those denied months of remedial treatments, for those missing months of standard Doctors surgeries Check Ups? Britain alone now has an 8 Million delayed Check Up backlog. Millions risked now, how many Real Deaths as avoidable costs?

So many cancers and life threatening illnesses will be missed, catching and treating nothing in time. Health Care has virtually closed down for half the year. Care Homes are Death Traps, currently the source of needless 30% of our Deaths. The Economic consequences of that will implode on their Solvency.

As it will for 30% of our Businesses currently facing ruin. Taxes will implode leaving decades of debt, and possibly a mass switch to Cryptos for blatant Tax Evasion. There are no Free Lunches; Welfare has to be paid by someone. You!

No other site out there offers you the help and community platform with Cryptos which WHA does. You will need it. The site is a must read now.

Question now not only the cause of Covid, but the questions of failed containment, as with Ebola. Inept Government strategies and blame to be.


Sort Border Entries testing.

Sort Contract Tracing.

Sort PPE supplies! Replace Chinese!!!!

Sort treatments. No more Chinese Lab Bat Cocktails!

Question now the roles of Gates and Soros in Wujan and why?

Trump now advocates his wish to have the Military assist deliver the Vaccines.

Gates has 60 M available, Non-Human tested, the stench of Thalidomide all over it. How have Africa’s poor Souls fared under Gates?

Boris Johnson in London claims we will be led by the Sciences. He was, under Fergusson’s alarmist projections of Bubonic plague level proportions. We just wasted Billions on the unneeded new Nightingale Hospital, not used and now mothballed? Billions – CLOWNS!!!!

Fauci, too! Fauci. Ferguson. Two F’s. 2 complete F Ups!

Misled by the Sciences! We have destroyed our Economies for this pair?

WHA has shown the way for groups to commune, help the Collective, and produce outstanding profits. A small step at a time. Save just 3 dollars a day and soon it builds to hundreds then you can start to buy Cryptos. Self help.

The Gates way, dubious cocktails, then the Chip, then the Chop!

Whatever is left in 4 to 8 weeks we start again. We will get through, it’s just the unrecognisable society then, and what’s left in the Human Zoo for You?

Money is Finite and that Bonfire of Vanities on Wall Street may ignite?

Congregate, communicate and take WHA to a new height.

© 2020 Whitehatauxiliaries.com

Wise people learn when they can; fools learn when they must. – Duke of Wellington

751 responses to “Information Briefing #153”

  1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Man gets beaned by a statue, and they seek help from…?

      The police.

      Dumb all over.


    2. Animals it needs machine guns disgusting rabble. The filth of society. What low lifes. The Founders would freak.
      Russia would Gulag the lot.


  2. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You tube and facebook have started removing videos of Trump exposing Hillary, and anything else offensive to Dems or DC. Police state!


  4. sektor is in our group… ______________

    *Dum Spiro Spero* ~ *While I Breathe, I Hope*

    On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 7:04 PM WHITE HATS AUXILIARY / INFORMATION CENTER wrote:

    > sektor1952 commented: “Question doesn’t the us have to have an asset > backed currency in order for the anything to happen, because then it won’t > be worth it?” >


    1. what does this mean? Is this code?


    2. Personally speaking, I do not know if the US dollar has to first be asset backed for anything to proceed. I tend to think not.

      However, I hear from many places that such is in the works but I don’t know timing or final shape and form of the arrangement.

      Many theories are out there. Then, there is the interest in digitizing the payment system of which many news articles have pointed to.

      Modern technology is being adapted in the private sector, so I presume the governments of the world will follow suit.


  5. Interesting bitcoin analysis.



    While I , like most Westeners , have real concerns about the Grey Matter between the ears of Trump, not only do I also totally support renewing him to stop Biden. but I make damn sure the excellent work of Kayleigh as Press Secretary gets full Global publication. Great for America.- Great for Americans. Be so proud of her. She’s out there batting for a cause and all of you. Kayleigh for President, if only?

    Watch her go for Slimy Joe as the Dems Ho. Watch her fight to keep you Free!


    Everything has a price. One hell of a one if we defund the police.

    I wonder if people understand that when you rid a city of policing, that vigilantes take over, and you get anarchy. Socialists often believe their way is correct, not withstanding the 100 million or so people died to prove that the concept does not work.
    The real scary part is that many young people really think this is the way forward. Or worse, many people simply do not Think!



    With c350M not exactly a life killer is it?

    ‘100,000 more people will die from coronavirus in US before September’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8410159/100-000-people-die-coronavirus-September.html?ito=native_share_article-top


    Now this needs real investigation because if true, what have we done to the economy?
    Coronavirus deaths could be HALF the official toll https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8409677/Coronavirus-deaths-HALF-official-toll.html?ito=native_share_article-top



    America be so PROUD of Kayleigh. Huge accolades. What an Ambassador for you all.

    This is so sad. But we can’t risk her at her age. But we need William not Charles.

    Queen’s reign ‘effectively over’, royal biographer claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8410335/Queens-reign-effectively-Covid-19-royal-biographer-claims.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    It’s deplorable that when we show a Good Trump speech taking down Hilderbeast, a historical Fact, they take it down on You Tube.

    So we hit back. The President’s Inauguration Day. for all Patriots, let’s give Tribute toTrump for providing this and Be Proud to Be a Free American!
    You deserve to be heard. Watch it again, Your voices matter. We bounce back and give Trump falr support today.
    And Lee Greenwood who put you all first!

    Our gift to you , your nation’s voice. please watch this video.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Shortest books!… reality and funny!


  6. Candace Owens
    Wow this video is really important and every person needs to watch and share it. Black Lives Matter donations go directly to a superpac called “ACT BLUE” that has given hundreds of millions to Democrats running for President.
    How is this legal? #BLM is LITERALLY a shell company.


  7. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  8. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  9. Question doesn’t the us have to have an asset backed currency in order for the anything to happen, because then it won’t be worth it?


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Many are expecting an asset backed currency, but the details have not been officially released if this is the case. Forecasts and predictions abound.


  10. How much we all want to see Barr take them all down.
    Obama must do time, hard time, with his Sissy Boy boy on his arm. Somebodies bitch.


    BLM are tearing down monuments. Its crazy. Look what they have done to poor NY.



  11. “Vechain”


    These new assets include, in alphabetical order: Aave, Aragon, Arweave, Bancor, COMP, DigiByte, Horizen, Livepeer, NuCypher, Numeraire, KEEP Network, Origin Protocol, Ren, Render Network, Siacoin*, SKALE Network, Synthetix, and VeChain.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. John
    Just to clarify are you saying the groups in the current processing pools have cleared and will now go through and it’s the public that can still fail, or can both still fail? Many thanks


    1. John F

      No, they have NOT yet cleared , it’s all processing. It could still fail, but many parties are linked with Bankers and Generals facing hell from Her Indoors if it fails.

      The first direct Elders have cleared, and that’s already coming to us in London. I have been conferencing with them since 3.30 this morning.
      A major Chinese Elders HK Foundation is fronting for major US and Vatican interests, and that’s still all in play.

      So many hungry rats in that sack.

      Most of it also comes to us once done. We need No Zios here. Rodent free.


  13. You are black…I am white….and who cares baby! Always loved this one.


  14. It takes one Trump to do this.


    Whoops, there he goes again.


    Now, to be fair to Chump let us give him fair air time when he did have a good night and Hillary was really exposed for what she is. The Dems also. but WTF has he done since? Beyond the bluster, where are the arrests you IDIOT? Do the day job! 4 years and you nail None? Only to keep Biden out must we put you back in.
    This video is a credit to Trump. Positive.
    If only he matched up to it. Blind hope will not carry a Dope.
    We dread Biden turfing him out. The Deep State back in and all doors closed. Drain – The- Swamp Moron!
    When does he get it? Jail these criminals. Then retire him to Belle Vue where he belongs.
    4 more years to do what? Why is Comey not in Jail? Clinton? The US has 2 choices of useless. Tragic.
    America has so many good and excellent people. Time to clear the trash out. Elect the best. Raise the Goddam bar high! Not dropped to the Sty!


    An American on the other side of the Pond and a much better life. Welcome if moving.



    Dr Fauci admits coronavirus has become his ‘worst nightmare’ and ‘it is not close to over yet’ as infections near 2 million in the US with more than 110,000 dead

    The bleak admission from Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, comes as states across the US continue with their gradual reopening efforts.


    Fauci wants again.


    Tony Blair calls for new ‘digital ID’ so people can prove their coronavirus ‘disease status’ alongside test and trace programmes as world eases out of lockdown

    The former Prime Minister said that only if people can show easily whether they are clear of coronavirus will industries like international travel be able to restart.


    Blair ( B- Liar)is on the payroll again!


    Click to access safari-jun-9-2020-at-7-37-pm.pdf


    1. Fauci needs to be taken out back and shot. For incompetence if not sedition.

      First, ALL the graphs show cumulative plateauing. There is ZERO evidence of a 2nd Wave. Hell, we barely had a 1st Wave. Let the infection spread a little more so Farr’s Law can kick in and rid us of the pathogen. Plus, at this point, not one of us is going back to “lock down”, not after the Floyd protest insanity.

      And W.H.O. can’t have it both ways on transmission. However, their first take here that asymptomatic transmission doesn’t happen at any rate of significance is the correct one on a scientific basis. Which by implication, means the “lock downs” were meaningless. Note the narrative now of “millions of cases avoided” to justify what they did. Nobody with a lick of sense believes that at this point.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. A respectful moment of thought for all of you with RV expectations.

    1. All notes have to be electronically checked for counterfeit.

    2. You MUST only take your notes to a Bank which physically has the scanning machines on site, That way YOU physically control and safeguard your own destiny. Ring fence YOUR money. Otherwise Wild West Rules will Rip Off Fools! Wake up to reality. Or settle for being a loser. Your destiny, like your money, is in your own hands. Control it.

    3. Cease whining about difficulty. No one cares! Get those Butts to the Banks with the processing and scanning machines and do not let your notes be switched for SKRs until at that site. For sure if so, counterfeit notes will get switched for many. Mugs and money, fools and money? Control your money. Some just need a serious Shambocking. Boo Hoo I have to travel or fly to pick up millions. Barf bags?

    If in groups, if your groups are in the current processing pools, it’s already in play. If only a Joe Public role learn to play the game and risks. It’s YOUR responsibility. Solely yours. Banking is a Thieves Paradise, got it? A den of Vipers. There is no honour among thieves. Why the hell do you think Wells Fargo rode with a shotgun?

    Even now, there still is no guarantee that events so far forwards will still cash out. It can still fail, as it’s done before. Way too many Simpletons have no idea of the processing and regulatory links and conflicting issues. We have parties who still think they will be allowed to leave the Banks with cases full of cash to carry back to their little Credit Union Bank in Palookerville. I guess Gabby Hays bred after all. Beverly Hillbillies here we come.

    We hope it clears for you all, but for Gods sake, if you have to go alone know the rules and game plays.

    Stop Whining and start Winning! Go to where the Validating machines are. Got it? Switch on brains and motivate Muppets. Or join Custer. Control, the links and risks. Go to the source. Do not get suckered into sending off notes. You’re lunch! A bunch of low life’s suckered you into the Fed over a Century ago. They took you for vast Trillions . Will you ever learn? Let go and trust some Banking Ho? Think it out.


    1. John we have waited years and years. Whatever bank needs to be driven to will be done in heartbeat and all request complied with.

      We are lucky to have this opportunity and a humble compliant attitude is a must.

      Thnak you for keeping us informed.


      1. Jay
        We do care and have your backs. We will help guide you


    2. Nancy Strickland Avatar
      Nancy Strickland

      I know this is a dumb question but how do we find out which bank has the machine to check for counterfeit bills? Sincerely Nancy from Pookerville ( state.. I dun no )

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        You can bet that a major bank with a currency exchange desk will have that capability. Be prepared to go to such a place if you see a rate change. We have been told that small town banks just won’t cut it.


        1. I was told by 2 Chase banks today that are Forex branches that no one has DeLaRue machines. I also sent an email to the commercial Forex side of Chase and they referred me to customer service, which referred me to a local branch that was a Forex branch. They both said it’s online and they just look at the photos to make sure that it’s an accepted currency by name and photo. At least in Arizona.

          I’m thinking that the only way to find out this information is through the private/wealth banking side.

          BMO also has no machines. They have a central hub that all branches send their currency to for validation.


          1. HIW
            Once it clears we will ask which banks will give a public processing facility. Banks have to counterfeit check notes before paying for them. Only Banks are allowed to Loot, Steal and Defraud. They hate competition.


      2. Nancy

        Its not a Dumb question. When the time comes WHA will publish procedures for you all, we are just keeping it off Broker blog sites right now. Banks can not take in Billions in notes they can not check. Its being worked on.


    3. “ Get those Butts to the Banks with the processing and scanning machines and do not let your notes be switched for SKRs until at that site.“

      So even after they validate notes, we will receive SKRs? Will the money be in the account? Trying to understand what this means.


      1. With large amounts highly possible the Clearing banks will need to give you an SKR in the morning or for overnight while they draw down funds for you Banks don’t keep Millions in Front Tellers tills. But at least being at a nominated key branch you don’t face high theft risks in transfers in the system.


      1. Surely that’s where you adopted Orange Shrek from? That for sure carries a fully certified Pallooker passport. He rates on a par with Popeye over here. But we still have to get him over the line in November to stop Biden.
        Thank God for Kayleigh and Barr. Real hope , real Class operators.
        Now let’s try to clear this real RV? Time to try to get most of you Debt Free.
        Sorry for the macabre humour. See what we do to our own Numpty Politicos in the UK. It’s a bath of fire for them daily. Exposed and shredded by the media. Ridiculed by the Public. And- Booted out at Elections! Here it’s a baptism of fire if they goof up speaking, or on policies. But WE- Would have checked Soetoros Birth Certificate and Passport application for a visible Wookie. Why the hell does Trump not unseal his files and get it? Tony Blair delivered it for Bush 43 which both Bushes took to the WH, walked in uninvited, and showed him – You’re now our Bitch- or else! The world knows he’s a Ringer. Time for Trump to give him the long finger. Time to sweep the Stye.


  16. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 3 people

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Well, the RV after-party won’t be as exciting as some in D.C. were hoping.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So now the Senators and Wall Street do Cold Turkey?


  17. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I must have missed the answer. Sorry for the repeat question if it was answered. The news of the possible RV. This signals an asset-backed currency for the US?


    1. The asset backed currency for the U.S. has not been definitively answered.


  19. Tony
    If there is a public release please inform us here in Canada where to travel to and who to exchange with here. I am installing my winter tires now just incase. Will I need chains ? Lol


    1. Hi Martin,

      I do have a key Canadian contact who might be able to assist with this, but at the moment I can’t approach them on this because we are way before the fact. But I will do my best.

      Don’t know about chains, but those beavers get cold and find a way to warm up, right? lol


      1. Beavers just need plenty of warm lubication to keep them happy, and they never get cold.


  20. Please watch this it helps bring this whole Black White nonsense into perspective. For Gods sake, be ONE People!


    BLM now wants to tear down more statues in the UK. Our heritage.
    Our limp wrist Government is confused and asking for direction.

    Revisit history?

    No one wants any of this. But someone has to draw the line. Where? When?


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well that last pic certainly was not in good taste.


  21. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Smart money seldom stays where it can be lost so easily, especially when Bolsheviks work to remove police protection.

      Dumb, Dumber and the Dumbest are rising on Bolshevik orders from Soros and other Central Committee members.


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Get ready for white riots across the nation. Ready? Let’s go!!

      A day later…



      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oahu had a large BLM rally this past weekend. Holding signs to end racism and police brutality.

        Where were they when the white “haole” woman was tortured by the police a couple months ago? Crickets


        1. Also, just want to say that I am half white/Japanese. A “hapa haole”. I’m exotic looking and because of the way I look, I get better treatment then the people who look white.

          At the deli counter, I will be served first, even if there is a white man there before me. I was speeding one day and the Hawaiian cop drove up next to me and when he saw me, he drove off. If I looked totally white, I would have gotten a tix.

          My husband is white and he said he notices better treatment when I’m with him.

          End racism doesn’t count for the Caucasian’s apparently.


          1. I had a girlfriend in trade school years ago as a youth. Alice. She was Japanese/White, and a stunner.

            Her father lived in Rio de Janeiro and was a US citizen, and a key executive for a major importer. Her mother was a Japanese national. The birth took place in Japan, and her father had been out of the US too long to confer citizenship on her. In Japan, they do not confer citizenship on any child born to a non Japanese parent (or at least did not at that time). She was literally a citizen of no country, and she was in the US on sheer luck on a student visa as a refugee.

            She left a modeling job with a top Tokyo agency (earning as much as $5K a week) because clients who hired models to attend corporate functions were starting to ask a little more than she was willing to do to meet the requirements of the job. This was commonly done to the girls who were edging towards the end of their usefulness in the industry. They got less photo work, and the agency pushed them into such “work” to squeeze every last Yen out of them.

            So she decided to learn a trade in the up and coming tech world, and that’s how we met.

            She wanted to marry to be able to stay in the country, and like a dummy, I didn’t. She married a music executive and last I heard is still quite beautiful.

            Asia produces some painfully beautiful women. I often wonder if John got all these transactions shifted there for that reason. lol


            1. Chinese/Japanese ladies “Appreciate” a cultured Western Man, and know how to service our needs. It’s a welcome part of their Culture. Why disappoint them? East meets West, you know the rest.

              If you had a Korean, you know the rest.


              1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

                Never dated a Korean. Chinese and Japanese/Caucasian, yes. Korean women can be very beautiful as well. When I worked downtown Los Angeles as a technician, years ago, I saw some Korean beauties that worked at the Commercial Bank of Korea that were stunningly beautiful.


                1. My grandmother said I would meet my life mate in Rome.

                  That’s why I hesitate to go there just yet. lol

                  Liked by 1 person

                2. Nah Tony. I got some advice form the Meta1 gal and successfully channeled your Grandmother this evening and she told me that you would find your life partner in Australia. LOL LOL LOL LOL

                  OMG, I’m sorry just can’t help myself from being cheeky when I’ve had a few drinks. Don’t worry Tony, I am determined to stay single for the remainder of my life. Although, if I did change my mind that poor dude would have to love talking one hell of a lot, among other things. LOL

                  Actually Tony, your Grandmother could very well be right. Don’t be scared of going home to Italy and meeting someone. Would you not find it comforting to find a beautiful lady who is a pleasure to be with? Not some bossy boots but someone kind, caring and loving. Imagine the beautiful days you could spend together. The comfort of someone that loves you and wants to care for you. Make sure to maintain the ground rules though. LOL

                  Heck maybe a convo for another day. I have had too much to drink. LOL

                  C ya later alligator. Ta Ta.

                  Liked by 1 person

              2. Removed at poster’s request – WHA


                1. Tony, I am so sorry that I posted this comment. Could I please ask you to remove this one for me. Thank you and my sincere apologies for writing that foul mouthed comment.


            2. She is very pretty Tony – you would have gorgeous babies. 😊 a quarter Japanese.

              My girlfriend In cali is german/Philippine and is drop dead gorgeous. Her husband is polish but their children are absolutely beautiful.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. With your luck Tony it will be a Nun!

                Liked by 1 person

  22. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      With some luck, we may just squeak in with paper exits (assuming they go) before institutional capital inflows blow the crypto prices into the stratosphere. This means that even if you get out of paper with minimal returns, you can sidestep into well-selected digital assets and experience a possible magnification that the man on the street usually cannot experience with such small capital outlay.

      I don’t know if we can survive three weeks of sphincter-lock. Having all this go into next year will be too late for such a two-step scenario.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Tony

        If your readers get lucky and paid out this month, it may be worth a few days helping and suggesting safe ways for them to go forwards. Also then to look at ideas to help those not able to cash out.

        Lets see if any of the Public cash out first. All the BSDs are howling for Magog right now to get them paid.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Indeed! I am trying to put together an organized primer on this. Most know already and have digital positions.

          Wall St brokerages will probably make the process even easier, but I don’t think that will happen in June. Later in the year, but not this month.

          I am at the Temple with the priests right now as well…


        2. Lets go!!! I am packed in the car with engine on…I just need to know what direction I need to start driving!!!


        3. John2020 – you are so generous.


          1. And Tony too – thank you so much.


          2. My Koreans tell me that.


  23. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Of course. Because that’s what you do when you infiltrate a nation you wish to destroy.


  24. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      There is a concept of the “tiger”, which I think originated in intelligence circles. A “tiger” is someone who is very convincing, capable, articulate and occupies a place of responsibility. Yet, they move in a way to forward the work of another group with the aim of destruction.

      This woman, a through-and-through Bolshevik, is, in my opinion, a “tiger”. Her answer to the Alderman was totally inappropriate, arrogant, unprofessional and most likely was her true inner nature spilling out.


    2. I moved our family out of the city about 10 years ago. The problem with living in IL is that she and the Chicago-machine has long tentacles. Just the way she spoke to the reporter is what she thinks of her residents.
      She and Governor Fat-A$$ work in tandem to keep us locked down from the COVID 19 pandemic.

      Looking back, Daley was crooked as old hell, but when he got caught, he knew he was. She and the Governor have no conscience.

      What can you expect? Obama and Hillary hail from IL. Lucky us lol


  25. Message for the Readers re RVs and PPs:

    First, please realize a lot is highly confidential and will not be exposed or elaborated on. Sensitive.

    1. We have at best 3 weeks left then it’s Silly Season. Squawking Brats, whining Wives and vacations. Feeding the ego of Her Indoors.

    2. If it fails to break before then, next expect even next year. Covid has Bank staff away and it’s chaos. We have a short window.

    3. There are very intense discussions right now, there’s a lot of collation and paper checking right now. Time IS finite.

    4. A private Elders Block via the UN has been done. No, we won’t release details, but it’s a phased deal. It’s coming in via London.

    5. A lot is being attempted over the next 2 weeks via Currencies and Bonds.

    6. If not done in 3 weeks it’s highly likely to be next year then.

    7. Those cleared and paid, first clear all your debts and rethink life. Keep it quiet and maybe, if needed, re think a new other half? Either side, don’t lose half your pot dumping Gorilla snot. Keep quiet and keep walking.

    8. Those not paid out, you need to recall your notes and wait alone. Many groups were dodgy people, be careful. Many Brokers lived in Reno selling off assigned notes to survive. If you’re not part of the next 3 weeks recall your notes, as many groups not paid may not survive, and you need to get out safe. That is- If they respond! If you can even reach them. Get control of your own money. If not paid out, pull out.

    Once funds do RV we will see if we can help the rest where we chose, via a Correspondent Bank. And N0- You’re NOT going to find a correspondent bank in Nashville, and if you can’t travel to a major city, we have a waste of space problem. To cash out you move your Ass, or pass!

    Real world. Aaaa can’t move out of Nashville. Bang! Tracking Leg Tags?


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Well, I don’t know about all of you, but my lower alimentary canal won’t relax for three weeks now.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. does anyone have any clue to a rate? Also will the Indonesian country also be included?


      1. Tony please, is he saying that no major bank will do the cash out in Nashville, its a major city. JPM is here.

        Is that literal or a possibility? meaning an investment bank that could be in Houston, or Atlanta major hubs?

        I am not trying to annoy just understand., would the bank cash out for pubic be within that 3 weeks also?

        Thank you very much. Prepared to travel to another city if thats the way it rolls.


        1. Jay, John will see this question and clarify for you. It would be inappropriate for me to answer for him on this particular issue.


          1. okay Tony, I understand, and thank you. I will wait for John.


        2. These will be non standard currencies. Banks at best will ONLY deal with them via 2 or 4 Hub Points. It needs special teams. Inter branch is madness, it’s asking for Note to be lost in transit. You get the Forex Branch and hightail your Butts to it. Cash out fast once signaled. So, for some it’s a Day off Flipping burgers in McD’s or delivering Moonshine from Redneck stills. Substitute your notes for Your Weanies in your hands and hightail it to the nominate Forex Branches. Get rich as a Bitch.


          1. Imclueless Today Avatar
            Imclueless Today

            I’m a long time BofA customer. Also Chase Bank. There’s a BofA financial center nearby. John, do you think , if lil dudes get some crumbs, BofA financial center or Chase will be ok? I’m about an hour outside of LA so can hightail down there if needed. Maybe jump into a BLM protest while i’m there…I KIDD I KIDD..:)


            1. I don’t know about B of A for this but JPM will be pigs at the trough. But go ONLY to their designated Forex Branches for this do NOT follow Dumb Asses waiting for them to be sent inter branch. Are they born stupid or a lifetime of ;practice? Go to the Forex Centre dealing with it. How many thieves are in Banking ? Hello FFS. Trust no one Clueless. Lol. Protect them like your Dong. I hope you make the Swill trough. And all of you.
              But first let’s see if the Groups get cleared. So many need. There are so many overlapping interests and hands.
              Think right now of Rats in a sack.

              Liked by 1 person

      2. So HIW’s post of Trump coded RV message could be true?

        To be honest, I wrote off the potential for a cash out long ago. Now I can’t help but get a little excited.

        Tony or John2020 – I bought all the currencies. It’s all in my name. Would it be possible for my husband to travel and do the exchange?

        Is this for dinar and dong?


        1. Oh boy, you opened a can of worms asking John to comment on husband vs. wives doing an exchange. lol

          Community property laws in your State will most likely apply in terms of right of ownership.

          As for whether or not they will make an issue over due diligence and history because of the name on the receipt is something John will have to help with as I truly don’t know.


          1. LOL – but he did say keep the good ones.

            The only thing I can think of is having him bring a notarized letter.

            Our currency is safely on the mainland. We are in Hawaii so it will be a few day trip.

            If it’s not possible, then dam that sucks, but can’t leave mom. No one to take care of her.


          2. Yes, but don’t step in any feces on the way in.


          3. Make it a five day trip now for us. I wonder how long the window will be open?


          4. A Johnson

            There are now strict money transfer and exchanging rules. Anti Laundering, History of Funds, How earned etc, and Compliance Diligence to be satisfied.
            Today’s real world you are planning to walk off the street asking to exchange in excess of $10K and walk out. At 10K they ask a lot questions. Now for millions? Try to show how you bought the notes. receipts etc. Evidence.

            Just walk in with boxes of notes and no history or evidence and be ready for possible seizure. A lot of Moonshine Hillbillies bought volumes for cash. That will be interesting.

            However on a brighter side, I’m sure, as a good Christian, your husband will raise no objections to your holding his Dong, and Auratara may offer to help a few neighbors burdens for the same.

            Key, these will be windows which may only be open for a few weeks. No one wants the costs and complexity of keeping non standard Forex positions open with no future trade. Worse, if hoards or Rednecks arrive en masse, Spittoons and Big Mommas in queues, those tatooed arms, hairy chins and wild conduct will get banks jumpy.

            Even worse when their husbands arrive.

            If getting to the bank, have with you your Passports, Driving licences, evidence of Voters registration in a State, evidence of State Bills to your address, Taxes, Health Insurance cards and Phone bills etc. All the usual BS to open an account. Satisfy those and it will be easier. If not they may hold the notes until you do. They are likely only to give you a Bankers draft cheque, or wire funds for you to a designated account so funds are tracked.

            Criminals and the Bible Belt Grifters bought many. That will be interesting! I’d love to see Danny de Vito in that queue.

            If these are joint holdings you may need other parties to sign an affidavit, Notarized stating that you are acting for both. If your cashing out for millions, a Lawyers letter who knows you may be worth carrying certifying your OK. Times have changed it ‘s a BS world now. Forget walking off the street with suitcases of Jungle Bunny notes.

            Try to get a times appointment ahead with an identified Bank Officer and confirmed, Keep it all professional.

            Try to avoid allowing your Notes to be couriered between branches, its inviting trouble. Like they were checked, found to be counterfeit and have been destroyed, Yeh, sure. Goodbye millions. Ride shotgun on your own money.

            Good luck.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thank you! Understood.


    2. [Comment removed at poster’s request. -WHA]


      1. Sky Pilot. I have to be careful with words. or smacked arses errupt if not in.
        Over the next 3 weeks, if it’s going to be this year, your either paid, or not! After that Silly Season.
        We front for major funds via London. I have strongly advised them to stop ambulance chasing every last Dime, thats for Arsholes. Cash out, get out and Cash n Now! 90% of a cake or no cake? Some go overboard, tough luck Collateral losses. Cash in- Bucks in! There’s only one Funding Source, but multiple Pigs at the trough squealing.
        Good luck.
        It’s with the Gods and Silly Sods.


    3. What is it about summer “silly season” that makes completion impossible?

      I can think of some things, but overall, It seems that with something so important the time of year wouldn’t matter that much.


      1. Perhaps every key brainless Dick Head on vacation?


        1. That was my first thought. However, many of us forego vacation or delay vacation when critical matters come up and think nothing of it. This completion is world changing, earth shattering stuff. Humanity is at stake. Would I give up my vacation to assist this plan? Would any of us? That just seems such a trivial thing to hold up something so huge. You work 24/7/365.

          If that is the case, then they ARE Dick Heads and much worse. I guess that is not a surprise to any of us.


          1. Even worse if you marry one.


      2. John has called it “silly season” for years – it’s when all the bankers etc go on vacation for the months of July and August …


  26. Mayor Bill Deblasio of New York City had his own daughter arrested by NYPD for throwing objects at police officers. She was arrested for it under a week ago and is charged with multiple counts of facilitating in the mayhem. But Deblasio came out in support of his daughter, saying he was proud of her.


    “How can the NYPD protect the city of NY from rioting anarchist when the Mayors object throwing daughter is one of them. Now we know why he is forbidding Mounted units to be mobilized and keeping the NYPD from doing their jobs,” read the Sergeants’ Union tweet.

    After the tweet was removed, the union again responded.

    The SBA was outraged that the tweet was removed.

    “[T]he purpose of twitter and social media is to allow a free exchange of ideas as long as it’s lawful speech…not only did they shut down our account because of something that is already out there but this is a union social media account that we use to communicate to our members but also to mobilize our members and keep them up to date on issues,” Mullins said. “This is a time we need to communicate with our members and public….and is an attack against union issues and the relevant events going on.”


  27. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. No Thanks to Obama!


  28. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  29. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  30. If you can spare the hour it is worth listening to.

    I did work in the 80’s where technology wise using certain software, we could control you and your thoughts and evolved robotic personalities to comfort and challenge you. At that time, I could remotely control your computer even if it was not turned. All that was needed was that computer be plugged into an electrical socket. So imagine how far such technology has evolved. And I could access everything on your machine without leaving a trace.

    It has Know for a very long time common knowledge that life can be extended by technology on a nano technology basis to the point that nano particles can assess life needs and communicate them from within . In fact Blackberry did some published works in this area. The idea of a debtor chattel is not new and perfection of charter of title comes with understanding how to control and keep you living to extract the maximum value from your life existence. Today, fitness trackers are common and serve a purpose individually but also serve to deliver collective data for the database to determine a model of costing to determine life value over time and the characteristics Of health to clearly understand whether lending based on profiles works out, which will be tried. Even now the monthly fee based apps do much more than feed you personal data as it all about understanding what it takes to have health, thus value. The idea of dying with debt one day will not exist.

    While this sounds terrible on one hand it can be put to good intent. What will determine this is public awareness to institute laws to protect humans. Otherwise we will definitely enter the world of transhumance moving quickly within a decade to cyborgs and the like where the differences between humans and machine will be blurred. After all once you have the right vaccine marker, updates to life and longevity is up to the creator or the vaccine and not you.
    We are indeed into a brave new world, not understood by the public at large.



    Idiot Politicians needs to be redirected fast and hard. Time to step back from Beijing. Sorry but- The Silk Road just became Shit Street! China lied too many died!
    This is an article worth reading over a glass of good wine and ponder 🤔.
    How can China control 62% of the vitamin C market? It makes no sense for them to have this market.




    It’s a worrying time for Thinking Americans.
    Dirty Joe will cash in on the racial vote, and God help your taxes as he and the Deep State help themselves.




    A must have because spares will cripple you.,



    Americans man up and F Up Anifa as a Go For It Punk Moment. You think it can slread to the Senate as Citzens march in before a meeting with Tar and Feathers?



    Now the EU faces reality as the Brits walk.



    Covid rebound



    What a bunch of Useless Bums run UK Borders.



    No Chan – ce ?



    Hope for the Elders.



    Well of course they will, what part of Economic War do they not understand? Its a battle for supremacy, and may parties, including Soros and Rothschilds, wamt the end of America.

    When are Americans giong to wake up and get it? Soros broke the UK pound he now wants to break America. Wake – Up!


  31. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Of course. If you are not a Bolshevlik and march lock-step to comrade Soros’ Commissar drone army, you will be denied fair access to any service owned and operated by same.

      Let’s hope she opens a Bitcoin wallet, or similar.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Well stuff Go Fund Me from now on then. Big mistake.


  32. What do you think Bitcoin is really worth ?
    (This man says over $167,000 right now)



  33. The Recovery Trial doesn’t change the facts on the ground. In fact, one can argue that the trial was designed to fail. Also, everyone omitted to report the honest Investigative Chief that said the Recovery results should not be used to disparage other uses of the drug earlier in disease course. Bravo! for understanding the limits of the study.

    We, on the ground Docs, have been giving a trifecta [HCQ/Zinc/Zpack] to patients to a cohort that didn’t require hospitalization but was clearly on a trajectory to land there, as said patients universally had shortness of breath and had slowly dropping O2 saturations, and before circa day 5 on average. The trifecta almost universally reversed trajectory in everyone under circa 70 years of age in a 4hr to 24hr range. And no, we’ve seen enough patients and reports to know that this is not chance, but treatment effect. Yes, the odds are they would have survived anyway, but why make anyone suffer an additional 14 days plus adverse outcomes when we can put an end to it? And did. Plus, we’ve gone completely around the medical dictators here in the U.S., literally having the prescriptions filled out of Canada by overnight delivery. [See parentheses at the bottom of post.]

    You, the Medical Establishment, keep testing in cratering patients with multiple comorbidity, an HCQ monotherapy, and telling us the drug is useless. HELLO? Anyone HOME? If any of you had a lick of pharmaco-physiology in you, we keep telling you zinc status matters! And clearly azithromycin plays a role, although there is reported success with other antibiotics. When NYU Langone reported that it changed patient trajectory in hospitalized patients by giving the bifecta or trifecta to patients, did NO lights go on? Were you asleep that day in med school where dosing, timing,baseline patient selection mattered in drug administration? Is it true, giving you the benefit of the doubt, that Investigators gave an HCQ dose which is considered to be fatal or near fatal, 2400 mg over 1st 24 h. Total dose was 9600 mg/10 days. It’s highest ever used and typically ~1800 mg/ day requires immediate admission to the ER. The cohort was highest risk – middle age and elderly patients with advanced stage of Covid, HTN, diatetes, low K and Mg, hypoxia, etc. even more vulnerable to overdose related deaths. If all the above is true, least some treatment group participants were killed by overdose.

    And for crying out loud: Not one of you are testing indomethacin even though the Italian data from a decade ago shows that it is potently anti-SARS in vitro and IN DOGS. Dogs being a great model animal. Thankfully Ecuador reads the literature and the anecdotal reports remain very positive, as does the use of ivermectin. We’ll see when all the data is in.

    (When the insanity is over, the pharmacy boards will need to be over-turned, Governors and legislators told they have zero authority in a crisis to regulate medicine, and heads at the FDA will have to roll because BY LAW they have NO SAY in the Practice of Medicine. All have acted egregiously. Same for the UK in different degrees. The NHS Chief Medical Officer DOES NOT get to dictate to a Doc how to practice in a crisis. If any Doc came into my Office and tried that crap he’d be laid flat out on the pavement. Even Chiefs of Service here tip toe around this issue gently and with a light touch unless it is a malpractice issue)


    1. There will be questions, and hopefully heads roll after this ends Tino.
      But remember, it needs Leaders not Losers. Now there is our joint problem.
      Excellent points and read. Thank you.


    2. Tino

      You may not be aware but you are being read in the US, UK, India and Australia daily.
      We tried in Irealand but teaching the Buggers to read every morning is quite a job.


  34. Media’s ‘Racial Injustice’ Blind Spot: Over 30 Shot In Another Deadly Chicago Weekend

    Part 2.
    /Thread By Amir Pars

    I found this information incredibly interesting and also quite shocking in some cases. I would sincerely appreciate it if others possibly have the time to read this lengthy article and share their opinion. Thank you.


    1. In reference to Black Lives Matter, initially I was not in favor of the group. My reasoning was similar to the author’s… In Baltimore we have over 300 homicides per year… Mostly Black on Black crime, but we are protesting the killing of one man by the police. I wasn’t feeling it. Over the course of time I came to the opinion that the young people chose the easier issue to deal with. Black on Black crime will not be solved with marching.
      My personal solution to turning around Black on Black crime(homicides) would have three components
      1. Fathers in the home.
      2. Families together
      3. Jesus Christ in our hearts
      Not necessarily in that order.
      In my opinion, that would lay a foundation that may change things.
      In my opinion we are witnessing the result of a failed social ecperiment called Welfare. Where the government gave girls money if they had children out of wedlock. They were given money if there was no man in the home.
      So here we are generations later with young men that have no respect for authority and no regards for life. We have you women that don’t realize that they have value beyond their physical attributes.
      Having a daughter helped me realize that girls need paternal love. It gives them a foundation of being loved by a male for who they are. A lot of young women in the Black community are missing paternal love, which leads to a more promiscuous lifestyle at a younger age… Which leads teen or out of wedlock pregnacies . In my opinion.
      In addition to the three points that I mentioned earlier, I would teach young children the importance of family, and the importance of waiting until after they are married before having sex.
      There are no overnight solutions to solve Black on Black crime. The ideas that I have would probably take a decade or more to make a difference.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Terry

        I have a lot of friends, good friends from the Afro Community. Creating false guru marches, muggings, drug dealing, pimping and looting does nothing to help integration. The Problems are understood. The cause agreed , needs serious education. Or we keep on repeating the endless cycle. But it needs good Afro Leaders to front up.


      2. Terry, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to firstly read the article and following up with such a well considered lengthy response. You have made a great deal of sense in your comment and I agree with you.

        As I have aged, I have come to realise that a stable family environment is critical to healthy development. I was not one who had that opportunity and consider that a great deal of my crazy behaviour in early life was a result of not having a solid stable loving family environment. I also think that even as I became a young adult and was entirely responsible for my actions, much of those early thought and behaviour patterns were ingrained in me and very hard to rid myself of which I still may not have fully done, even at this age.

        Terry, you seem like a genuine, intelligent and very decent man so maybe the example you are setting in your own life will reflect on others in your community as being a better way. I honestly cannot imagine what it would be like residing in a city where 300 people were killed each year. I would personally find that extremely frightening. You have a great deal to contend with and I am sorry you are having to endure those circumstances.

        I am extremely pleased to know that you cherish your relationship with your daughter and are guiding her well. A beautiful father daughter relationship is an incredible blessing.

        I do wish you a most beautiful day Terry and thank you again for sharing as you have and for being here with us offering your sincerely appreciated perspective.

        Liked by 1 person

  35. What a cheap hustling Skank Biden is.
    Joe Biden to meet the family of George Floyd and record a video ahead of the funeral in Houston as he criticizes Trump for ‘stoking the flames of hatred and division’

    Democratic US presidential candidate Joe Biden will travel to Houston, Texas, on Monday to meet with the family of George Floyd and record a video for Floyd’s funeral service



    Under prerfect control.Really? Or Heel Spurs ran away again.



    What a Crock and we have trashed ecjonomies for this?

    As more People publish and awareness grows and cities suffer the consequences of blanket shutdowns changing the face of what they used to be. One cannot help but wonder where the resulting frustration and anger will be directed and who will attempt to steer it for gain. And this is not just America as the world was sold the False study by disgraced Neil Ferguson of Imperial College in London who was a useful idiot until he was wasn’t. Perhaps te. Same fate awaits Fauci and Dr. Birx Today we still have people trying to sell the false narrative of blanket shutdowns until fall while every week new evidence suggests otherwise.

    > https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/sorry-america-catastrophic-mortality-rates-sold-us-dr-fauci-dr-birx-huge-scam/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=weeklyam&utm_content=weekly

    Its right to pursue Justice here and Andrew will find Truth will cone out. One way or another.

    Prince Andrew vows ‘to fight back’ after DOJ officially demanded the UK make him available for questioning about his links to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein as part of their ongoing criminal investigation

    Prince Andrew will launch an extraordinary public fight back Monday after US authorities made a formal request for him to be quizzed over the Epstein affair.


    The violence is getting out of hand with these protesters, its not about freeing a Mandela type of man, but a viloent thug with a long record and it will all backlash soon. This is harming race relations, No good will come from this.

    Police are injured as missiles at London Black Lives Matter rally https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8397019/Police-injured-missiles-London-Black-Lives-Matter-rally.html?ito=native_share_article-top


    America has to understand the world sees Trump differently to many of you.
    Let the video explain why. Created by Americans.


    The Deep State are out to get Trump out. When does he get arrests made? We look at him and think what a ???????



    Now this is interesting if onlyTrump were even part literate. Maybe he can get tbe village idiot to explain it to him.


    Ethereum has wings.



    Fauci is taking heat and its going to get worse. When the Mutts in Politics wake up to the Ts lost. there will be scapegoats.



    This is gross stupidity!!!!!!!



    A real Covid issue for all to debate.

    The dangers of altering your RNA and DNA 🧬 are not known, nor can they be identified by any short term testing. To go down such a path is both reckless and irresponsible, especially when long consequences are not established science.

    Even if there were no unknown consequences, most people will suffer related illness requiring yet more drugs in a body altered with no cure. Why would you wish to do that to yourself? Just ask anyone who has inflammation be it arthritis or celiac etc. what life is like with constant inflammation and pain.

    “the mRNA vaccines being developed against COVID-19 will alter your RNA and DNA, which is of tremendous concern. The idea behind them is to turn your body into a protein manufacturing plant, and if your immune system is hypersensitive, it could overreact, causing severe problems. Considering how many people have autoimmune diseases and allergies, these vaccines could have devastating effects for many.

    “When you try to stimulate strong inflammatory responses in the body through the use of genetic manipulation, squalene oil-based adjuvants and nanoparticle technology — one vaccine is even using electricity to try to hyperstimulate an immune response — what is this going to do to people who don’t resolve inflammation in the body and become chronically inflamed and chronically ill and disabled?

    This is what vaccines do. They stimulate inflammation in the body. They have to in order to provoke an antibody response, but this is atypical. When you’re trying to do this in the body, this is not a normal way that the body mounts an inflammatory response to a microbe.”



    The bicycle: A teaching moment

    A Priest was about to finish his ten-year tour of duty and was leaving his Mission in the jungle where he has spent years teaching the natives about the Bible and Christian values, in their own language, when he realizes that the one thing he never really taught them was how to speak English.

    He reasons that the most efficient way to encourage the tribe to learn would be to give a crash course to the smartest man in the village and to leave an English Bible with him. So he takes the chief, whom he had befriended, for a walk in the forest. He points to a tree and says to the chief, “This is a tree.”

    The chief looks at the tree and grunts, Tree.”

    The Priest is pleased with the response.

    They walk a little further and he points to a rock and says, “This is a rock.”

    The chief looks and grunts, “Rock.”

    The Priest was getting quite enthusiastic about the results when he hears a rustling in the bushes.

    As they peek over the scrub bushes, they see a couple of natives in the midst of heavy sexual activity.

    The Priest is really embarrassed and flustered. Not knowing what else to do he quickly says, “Man riding a bike.”

    The chief looks at the couple briefly, pulls out his blowgun and kills them both right in front of the Priest.

    The Priest goes ballistic and yells at the chief that he has spent years teaching the tribe the virtues of Christianity, the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and how to be civilized and kind to each other. So how on God’s green Earth could he kill these people in cold blood that way?

    And the chief replies, “My bike.”

    Enjoy your day and remember to keep off the main roads when riding somebody else’s bicycle!


    Who takes down the Deep State? It’s them- Or YOU!


    Exposure right on Q?


    This is the perception, and not a good one to have.


    Absolutely right we give Trump a fair PR shot also.


  36. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Hey Mitt, what about Ed Falcone’s stolen funds, does that matter?

      I bet you would have sicked the dogs on Floyd had you seen him within 20 feet of your front lawn at 2 AM.

      You cheap, flimsy, empty, spineless, backstabbing, excuse for pond scum.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. HEAR! HEAR!


  37. Like this going to go well… I feel sorry for the decent people who live there.

    BREAKING: Minneapolis City Council votes to “dismantle” the police department, vows to replace it with a “community-based public safety model”


    1. History repeats:

      From Wikipedia:

      The Reign of Terror, or commonly The Terror (French: la Terreur), was a period of the French Revolution when, following the creation of the First French Republic, a series of massacres and numerous public executions took place in response to revolutionary fervour, anti-clerical sentiment, and spurious accusations of treason by Maximilien Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety.

      There is disagreement among historians over when exactly “the Terror” started. Some consider it to have begun only in 1793, giving the date as either 5 September,June or March, when the Revolutionary Tribunal came into existence. Others, however, cite the earlier time of the September Massacres in 1792, or even July 1789, when the first killing of the revolution occurred. There is a consensus that it ended with the fall of Maximilien Robespierre in July 1794 and resulting Thermidorian Reaction. By then, 16,594 official death sentences had been dispensed throughout France since June 1793, of which 2,639 were in Paris alone.


  38. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Following the dictates of General Secretary Soros. Bolsheviks are as Bolsheviks do.


    1. We have asked this many times Tino. Anyone bar a complete Jugg Head in the WH would have sorted her long ago. She’s a disgrace to America. Most of my US Special Forces retiree buddies want her hung. Rightly so and Chicken legs with her.


  39. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    When someone asks me, “What’s going on in the Far East?”. (Inside joke)

    Liked by 1 person

  40. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  41. Inteldinarchronicles posted your #153 atricle and placed their own cryptocurrency ads amidst the patagr ad phs. Cheap ploy con game.


    1. If he were alive they would be long gone. Most Brits strongly agreed with him. MSM Arseholes!!!!!


      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  42. Did somebody mention an RV….curious that Trump says it 5 times in 30 seconds.




    1. Interesting but where is the whole video? This is just a splice. Anyone can take this out of context. I like it though. It’s makes it more fun. 😊


    2. I’ve had this question on my mind the entire weekend. This “news” about a possible RV, how does this play into Paladin’s remarks about asset-backed currencies etc? He also talked about something similar to NESERA but not exactly like that. I for one never believed the NESERA thinking, but hey, I’ve been wrong in the past.

      I have heard others talk about when our currency goes to asset-backed some debts would be wiped out, while others dramatically reduced.

      Just curious as to your thoughts on this. Thank you in advance.


  43. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I would do well with the altcoins mentioned but 1 dollar VET would be sweet!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I’m tempted to sell some of my link and buy more VET! It’s already made some nice gains but VET is just getting started.

          234 LINK – 1000 dollars can buy roughly 140,000 VET

          Future price 200 Link vs one dollar VET seems a better return.

          Dam these articles. Lol

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Sorry backwards – one dollar VET vs 200 dollar LINK a better return.

            Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        I am very proud that we suggested many of those projects long ago, here at WHA.

        Now, if we can only clear paper, it could allow additional increases in such positions (up to safe limits) and just in time to stay in front of the anticipated upward wave.

        Our approach has been to position for the long game and to bet on the entire industry and its anticipated impact on values as implementation continues. The world is going to turn round on a more efficient and secure engine, and now is the time to take a piece of that engine.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. I can’t thank you enough.

          Liked by 2 people

  44. Where are the F arrests??????? Indicte damn you!



    A currency speculation?



    The breakthroughs are coming.



    How long does this farce go on?



    These mindless mutants are a risks to all. All are breaking lockdown rules for nonsense. Time soon to get tough.

    How do you hint to the Public Brain Dead this may become reality? Have you seen the over reach of Police during lockdown? How do you think thee will conduct themslves for vaccines?

    Tagged for life!



    These nasty, rabid Mobs are out of control. Time for both we and the US to unleash the Military. Shoot these F Vandals! End it soon with force.


    Let’s hope this is real.

    The trouble with legends is what are you marching for? Be careful if the bubble bursts.


    1. So now, what the Bloody Hell s are these nation destroying markets for? Who riots for this piece of work?
      Killing him was wrong, but marching for this? What damage will this do now to race relations?


      1. John2020.….you should really leave this alone. I do not agree with the riots. Geoge Floyd’s murder at the hands of police officers was captured on video. If it wasn’t on video, it would have been classified as a man resisting arrest who died because he had underlying health problems. The state coroner did not list asphxiation as the cause of death initially. He changed it after a private autopsy was done. Sad!
        One police officer killing an unarmed black man may be a incident of a bad cop. Three police officers standing by alludes to a culture of racism. It is similar to the times when pictures were taken of black men being lynched and castrated while dozens of people stood around and watched.
        This reminds me of the biblical account of Jesus raising Lazurus from the dead.

        John 11:14 – Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.
        John 11:15 – And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe;

        I am glad for your sakes that this was captured on video. How many times has this happened? When does this end? It ends when people like you rise up and say enough!!!
        George Floyd is not a martyr. The rioting is not going to solve this problem. I am pro law enforfcement, but these incidents need to end.


        1. Terry

          I don’t condone the incident and said so. But the false marches and riots will deeply harm race relations. The looting and crime is inexcusable.


        2. Hi Terry601,
          I’m sorry to be so rude and butt into your conversation with John but I wanted to ask you something if you would be so kind to indulge me please.

          I found an article on Zerohedge this evening that I found to be extremely interesting. Some of the figures noted in the article truly shocked me. I reside in Australia, so I personally am not aware of the exact situation in the US where these specific matters are concerned other than what I read from the news sources I follow. Basically, I would very much appreciate it if you could read the article for me and share your opinion if you have the time to do that and feel inclined. No worries if not, I will understand.

          I sincerely appreciated you sharing your personal experiences and opinion the other day on WHA, and I thank you very much for doing that too.

          I’ll pop the link at the top of the comment section so others will see it too in case they feel drawn to read it as well.

          Thanks Terry. Hope you enjoy a good day.


  45. Behind the scenes the REAL Action playing out.

    Target Currencies and Bonds are being mass assembled and funds coagulated ready to RV selected targets.

    Those in approved groups should be OK and be carried through. The building release volumes held in Asia are taking time to coordinate. It’s ALL about volume, maximising the exchanges. There will be phased exchange releases. You need to be in groups and the right groups.

    The exchanges are not going to take place in the US with thieving IRS and Bankers hands. Vast Asian assets will support the exchange via a credible Banking territory. Then it’s rethink time for many lives.

    At least with a currency and then new Forex platform and index set, you will have a base to trade out some way if not in groups. Major Banks may help you, if not you may have to get your Butts on planes and fly out to Iraq or Vietnam, 2 poor countries you bombed to hell, raped Vietnamese children, and hope to exchange domestically. Karma then? Be careful to declare that you are carrying over $10K in value, or they will take the lot as money laundering. You will have no US protection on arrival. In countries you destroyed.

    Getting it back to the US will be interesting. How do you declare the history of funds and how earned even when leaving?

    If you’re in a group and being paid outside, why do you want to bring them in?

    If not in a group and traveling alone, be aware of customs restrictions both at Port of Entry and Departures. You will be targets. Iraqis and Vietnamese will see you as Vulture opportunists who destroyed their homes and nations, and now are coming bloodsucking again. They may, in principle, sequestrate your funds at point of entry as Pariah funds. Or seeking to leave. It may be best to seek Bank help using banks with a Baghdad correspondent Bank.

    It’s going to be tricky if not in correct groups. Do your groups still exist? Many gullible speculators were scalped in Reno or Rogue Trading scams. Be ready soon it’s progressing. If it’s to be this year, it may be soon. China and Russia have signed off. The Vatican, as ever, is in! Slimy vandals.

    No more detail. Think it out now. Others are. What’s out – stays out! Those with minds will not hand their pots to Zio Jackals. There’s a big world out there for you. With money, YOUR money, live it, live well, use your heads. Head to a Tax Haven, the money you will save will fund your homes free. If you’re not in groups, you may have issues to overcome. Forex is a vortex of problems and scammers.

    Good luck to you all. Clear those dam cards and loans first if paid. Keep it real! Do NOT blow it. A world of chaos and taxes is coming. Vegas is waiting!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tony and John

      In all seriousness will I as a simple person not in a group be able to go to Bank Of America in downtown Nashville to the foreign currency desk and exchange? I have an account with them. I cannot travel anywhere. Please tell me there will be ea way for us not in a group to cash out. what about setting a brokerage account and trading them out. I don’t know but please tell me we can exchange. I have nt come 10 years to be knocked down now.


      1. Same here Jay. Thanks for asking. I don’t have currency from Iraq. I purchased my currencies through Chase. I would think they would exchange them. At .least that is what they told me when I purchased them.


      2. Tony can you give some advice or thoughts on how to exchange?


        1. Jay, assuming there will be a public exchange opportunity, in the past we were told simply to use a major bank with a currency desk, and to be quick about it.

          We have been warned of limits as resources are limited.

          In the end, what anyone does is up to them. There are so many opinions and claims about how to do exchanges. They talk of waiting for a “higher rate”, or simply asking for a “contract rate” and you will get it simply for asking. Etc., etc.

          I know of no codified rules on how the public is supposed to exchange. I personally think that we will have to wait for the RV and if there is a public exit, the rules and procedures will be pretty much what the banks say they are at that time.

          I hope it works out for all.


    2. Silly season starts in 4 weeks so they really need to move their airses soon to complete.
      We’ve already advised those not in just cut off after next week. Enough is enough. Time to go with what is.
      It will still have major impact.


    3. I take your point of speaking so authoritatively as a healthy sign of progress. Fingers crossed. Thank you, John.


      1. I’m waiting to see current activities progress.

        1. We have full UN Elders clearances for one of our principal family groups. That is for Global redevelopment. The UN are all in Korea because I have refused to support any latitude for any AU releases until old Debts are redeemed. Elders make the final decisions, but they concur you can not trust a Thief or a Zio Rat! It’s been a hard battle and we will not blink first, or at all. They pay, or go away. We have the Elders trust and confidence.

        2. Providing they redeem what is owed, and release as demanded, we can ask certain banks to take up Forex Platforms. Your problem is that we will not deal with the Zio scum who have seized the US Banks and Treasury. These rotten scum and Israel control your country. Vermin run free. So, we have to see ways to help you later. JPM albeit a Skunk Rat Bank, may be your best US option short term.

        But it’s an issue to think about. If they miss the next 3 weeks to part RV, it’s into Silly Season and chaos. We may expand one of our UK Banks for the Elders into the US as we will not deal with Zio Trash. You’re riddled and rotten with them. A slime bag feeding frenzy. They own the Presidents and both Houses. We just keep a strong Glass Ceiling in the UK. Not a Dime of our Elders UN funds goes near them. No Rats in the tent.

        3. We need to rebuild a new world with them gone. Turds in our soup!

        Post Covid we need to rethink life and controls. No more debt servitude to Rodents. Zionism is the new Mafia. Worse! Public Enemy No 1! What we will put back is for humanity, for the people, not for the Todger cut Cult scumbags. A rethink of future needs, not robbing Demon seed. No Cults running our Treasuries. Or your lives.


  46. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Napoleon brought grapeshot to the riots.

      Problem solved.


  47. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Well, the low IQ army of BLM and Antifa mutants have had their way. They burned their own communities, looted and stole everything except red hot stoves, and set their public perceptions back 50 years. This will be their legacy – one of stupidity, lawlessness and violence. More blacks have been killed by blacks than by white officers, yet in this rare instance is created a justification for destroying your own cities?

      Good luck getting any investment back in your communities. Good luck getting insurance for same if any do return. Good luck getting any federal assistance if you de-fund your police departments. Who will live in a community devoid of police response?

      Dumb, dumber, and the dumbest of all the dumb.

      Soros and his Bolshevik apparatchiks are playing you like a balalaika, and a cheap, used one at that. He ordered you to march, and, like lemmings, you marched against your own interests.

      Don’t go crying that you can’t find a job in six months. Don’t give us that shit that you are oppressed by white men. You did a very good job of oppressing each other, under your own banners, and not even under the tired old rubric of slavery and white privilege.

      The new frontiers of technology will have no room for the unprepared or the uncivilized non-contributors. In time your herds will be culled by reality. You just accelerated that process by causing billions in losses that could have funded schools to give you a chance to become valuable. Now?

      You chose to march with the Bolsheviks. Next stop for you…Chernobyl. The incompetence that caused that disaster is just about equal to what you display. However, instead of nuclear contamination, you have spread anti-intellectual contamination, and people who are seeing what you are all about will cordon you off and let you fester in your bad choices.

      Before you continue to shove that “Black Lives Matter” mantra in the faces of the rest of us, you better learn to practice it within your own culture. Otherwise, the only thing that matters is what one needs to do to sustain lives, no matter the race. And quite frankly, “BLM” is a pathetic slogan for a cause. It reeks of inferiority and is degrading. Being black is focusing on race when at the same time you are crying to be “treated equally” as humans. So, what does skin color have to do with human value? We are humans first are we not?

      Don’t cry if powerful forces come to reduce your numbers. You have just given them ample reason to act on their plans for those reductions.

      You reap what you sow. What really matters now is who can prove they are fit to occupy the space for the resources they consume. Those with bricks and Molotov cocktails in their hands, won’t prove such.

      Better change your tactics, or life itself will change them, and to some form that won’t be to your liking.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. 👏👏👏👏👏


      2. A succinct analysis Tony. What, make sense in this world ? But do Plebs read?


        1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

          Yes. But most, sadly, at a 3rd grade level.

          The only thing that needs de-funding are the college professors who turn out such street-rabble.


          1. They turned out Trump! He visibly flattened out at 11. You can’t make a Silk Purse from a Sows Ear.


  48. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Not endorsing Fulford or Steele, but there are probably some truths in this video. Are we approaching the time when all who proclaim that the releases are here are finally correct?

      Time will tell. All we can do is wait for news and watch.

      Still chuckle at the Ninja thing.


      1. The danger is off radar we make the deals. Somewhere God has humour and makes the Fruit Cakes.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Haha….It seems Ben has adjusted his Zoloft doses a bit.


          1. Fulford is Big Pharmas test model. Does he know what hes snorting nowdays? People pay to read his deranged powder feed?


  49. _______

    If the US wants Social Breakdown its at risk of happening. No one seems interested in Justice, just Fake agendas.



    A good article on how to go after Antifa using Organised Crime tactics.



    Now lets help America, Americans and go after Soros.

    See link to article on Soros that might be of interest: https://www.city-journal.org/html/connoisseur-chaos-14954.html


    Here’s a first class reason for population reduction.

    Black Lives Matter protesters pack into Parliament Square https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8394281/Priti-Patel-calls-Black-Lives-Matter-protesters-stay-home-Covid-threat.html?ito=native_share_article-top


    Gates, opines whines and manipulates.



    Come into hospital sick for treatment then die of Covid. Health Care you have a problem! We want you to cure us not kill us.



    So, whats the obvious?



    Defund the Police seems to be growing. Who then controls crime and the mobs?



    These mindless Mobs are trashing cities. Put this trash and their lights out!



    Really, I can think of many cases for Lynching.



    Suckenberg again!



    Now Brussles wakes up to the shafting that’s coming.



    This is getting nasty because another lock down will really get the Mobs out and interfering police will get hammered. .



    This is a nightmare in waiting. No testing and its going to be forced into populations. A Zombie world will emerge.

    Subject: Read this: Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca reveals it is ALREADY manufacturing Oxford University’s experimental vaccine in India, the UK and Europe amid plans to distribute 2BILLION doses as early as September if it works

    Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca reveals it is ALREADY manufacturing Oxford University’s experimental vaccine in India, the UK and Europe amid plans to distribute 2BILLION doses as early as September if it works

    AstraZeneca’s chief executive, Pascal Soriot, said the firm has started to mass-produce the AZD1222 jab, developed by Oxford University, at factories in India, the UK, Switzerland and Norway.


    We already know it’s flawed so why pump us full of this crap? Thalidomide here we come.


    The Lancet is forced to accept Big Pharma Doctrines. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!



  50. There’s a lot of clear Media mischief whipping up attention seeking Protestors as this Black Lives game play goes Global and attracts so many low lives to get PR and create chaos.
    This is a time to get tough, just as they think they can take liberties and wreak wanton destruction.
    This is an ugly movement, with a very dubious agenda. The media can be so very, very Dodgy. Kayleigh take a Rhino Whip with you!
    Judges and Bankers will queue up to pay.


    1. Kayleigh For President! She’s literate! She’s intelligent and Gets it all.

      Change because it’s needed!


      1. John

        Is it posdible the US gets left behind on the financial deals

        Because large high profile ppl have not been indicted yet?

        How is that indictment part or lack of infivtments going to work?



        1. JJ

          The major new RVs will not be in the US, because we want it Pariah and Zio free.

          But, once accomplished, we will be co enjoining US, UK and Global interests integrating the talents of our nations to help make a better world. Zio Roach free and no corruption.

          If we have 25 years, we may even be able to teach Bush 43 to read and write.

          Liked by 1 person

  51. A bit of Gun humour for you today.




    Cops do their job and take flak?



    There are times we all wonder what’s in his head because his judgment is seriously flawed. Let Kaleigh be his mouth please?


    Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca reveals it is ALREADY manufacturing Oxford University’s experimental vaccine in India, the UK and Europe amid plans to distribute 2BILLION doses as early as September if it works

    AstraZeneca’s chief executive, Pascal Soriot, said the firm has started to mass-produce the AZD1222 jab, developed by Oxford University, at factories in India, the UK, Switzerland and Norway.


    We already know it’s flawed so why pump us full of this crap? Thalidomide here we come.


    Donald Trump’s former chief of staff John Kelly joins the generals’ mutiny saying ‘I agree’ with Jim Mattis, warning ‘the president is never a dictator’ and questioning his ‘character and ethics’

    John Kelly, the retired general, joined the list of high-profile military officers criticizing the president, suggesting people should at a person’s ‘character’ and ‘ethics’ before voting for them.


    Americans, your ex COS makes a sound case.
    As I and many keep doing!!!! Sorry if we don’t do blind subservience. Sorry to be awake?


    Michael Jordan to donate $100 MILLION over the next decade to organizations dedicated race equality after joining George Floyd protesters in demanding end to police brutality

    Michael Jordan has announced he will donate $100 million to organizations that fight for race equality in the wake of the George Floyd protests that have gripped the United States.


    Let all voices be heard.


    NASA set to pay Russian space agency $90 MILLION for a seat on the Soyuz rocket to take a US astronaut to the ISS despite the SpaceX launch

    NASA is set to pay the Russian space agency $90 million for a seat on the Soyuz rocket to send an astronaut to the ISS in October, despite the success of the Falcon 9 launch this month.


    Heh Buddy give me a ride huh?
    How the mighty have fallen!


    Hydroxychloroquine does NOT treat Covid-19: Biggest study into the Donald Trump-backed anti-malaria drug is ended with ‘immediate effect’ after researchers found it made no difference

    Oxford University scientists pulled the drug from the Recovery trial today after results showed hydroxychloroquine had no benefit on NHS patients hospitalised with the virus.


    Now the debates start.


    Now The Lancet weighs in on Covid vaccines.


    Please, watch Kaleigh re the First Amendment. It’s real! She’s a real front for Trump. With Brains!


    Buffalo mayor says 75-year-old man who was shoved to the ground by police was an ‘agitator trying to spark up crowd of protesters’ and won’t fire two cops amid the ongoing investigation because it’s ‘very important they get due process’

    Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said the 75-year-old man who was shoved to the ground by two cops on Thursday was an ‘agitator’ and had been asked to leave the area ‘numerous’ times.


    This is an important challenge to truth and needs to be read and tested.
    If he’s a fake Agitator no Arse Whippinis too strong. Use a steel end loaded horse whip.


    America must not get sucker punched by this there are forces at work to shame America.

    Yes, its time to get RID of Thugs and Dirty Cops, the FBI is tarnished forever, but many good US Officers do put it all on the line daily with unpredicabe Low Lifes roaming loose.

    We can’t trust the MSM to go for balanced truth. If true that 75 year old Protester yesterday was setting up the Police he needs to be charged.

    These damned riots and marches are everywhere. all orchestrated- Soros?





    With all the madness and violence surrounding the riots continues, as you vadalise and destroy peoples lives and businesses, as you loot and Mug with impunity, so in between your Drug dealing and Pimping, 3 simple questions.

    And this is from a man who was there taking on the Afrikaaners, using his OWN money to build Schools for South Africans, his own money to pay for medical care. for Africans, and who has really good Afro American parners. and WHO does Value all nations right to be free and for Justice. So watch video and give us the answers? Stop – This- Crap!


    1. Mattis is and remains a globalist shill. His resignation letter was inappropriate in the extreme. Kelly just aligned with the wrong side, so I view him equally as a treasonous seditionist. In a fairer world, Mattis would have already been hung at dawn and Kelly would never have had the gall.

      Now, not to put too fine a point out, but the legislation preventing domestic use of the military went bye bye in 1967. Some similar provisions were sunset or outright removed by Obama. Lastly, a few seconds thought says that if it were unconstitutional, there would not have been a need for explicit legislation to corral it. What makes it explicitly Constitutional is that the Preamble actually states it as a purpose of the Constitution: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States


  52. New UK research suggest Covid many burn out naturally soon so a vaccine may not be needed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We just gave you the key news issues of the day before even wake up time.


    2. Trump said back in May that Covid would go away on its own…. as with anything he says he was ridiculed.


      1. James
        Fair play we should credit him with one Intelligent Observation. But what about the other 99?


        1. The other 99 if not mangled by the MSM would have been found to be mostly truthful statements.


          1. If not mangled by Trump possibly. Let us agree to differ, but we are both committed to the same real agenda. I just have deep reservatlons about Shrek.


  53. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  54. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Good. Put them to work hunting Antifa on our streets.

      Liked by 3 people

  55. At first I thought this was Vechain, but Amazon is partnered with Ripple. Also, Hyperledger is a Ripple partner. So Ripple it is. Huge!

    Amazon Secures Patent for Track Supply Chain via Blockchain


    AWS Partner Profile: Ripple



  56. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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