White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #154

Life Energy Creates The Future And Learns From The Past

In a world of Chaos, Racial Riots and Killings, where is Leadership now? Beyond the closed mind borders, after the chaos of Covid 19 will we learn anything of becoming a Better Humanity? Or have the mass mIndless Sheeple given up and lost the whole point of this wonderful life privilege they won? When will they rise above the Dark Ages after the Covid pandemic? Man Up! If 30% Job losses hit, everything changes. We need your life to have meaning, not be demeaning. Time to rethink Real Values – of Living Beings!

We do nothing as rabid Mobs riot trashing cities, looting, mugging, drug dealing and pimping. They riot because we have offended them? En masse? These are race conflicts no one needs. It will backfire. Mandela would never have gone forwards with BLM. I know, I was there. I pushed the Afrikaners to set him free, or all perish if he dies in jail. That is what permeated their Nazi skulls. Not one of you will live! That got Ministers on side. Saving their own butts. Fast! His release was historic. Wonderful.

Mandela alone saved South Africa. And the whites. He brought forgiveness. He healed wounds. BLM is not about healing, just looting and stealing. Nelson was truly one of our Greats.

How Empires end and Heroes turn out to be sorted Possums, who flattered to deceive. Post Covid we will have such enforced change and stress. Many businesses will not cope and fail. Jobs all gone. Society is currently in freefall. Chaos rules.

There is not even a Collective Leadership able to reach out and share a Global vaccine, if even merited as safe, to save our whole world of nations. Without it, Covid will just keep on recycling as a virus, and returning ever more mutated. Instead, we see China and the US trying to buy up Vaccines at source as pure Self interest greed. Me, Me, Me!

This is no way to advance Humanity, just selfish Vanity! When do we come together as a Collective entity of Beings all in this together and reason ways forward together? Wouldn’t that reduce conflicts?

If, in fact, either Oxford or Imperial Colleges are first, it needs to be Democratically overseen as our gift to humanity. You all – Matter.

But where is that Leadership now? Me. Me, Me is no Humane Destiny!

Have any of you taken time to reflect on the real purpose of your journey here, as a carbon life force? Yes – You. Do you ever think, Why?

Let’s think outside of the box together. Time to reflect, and question why? Thinking time – the importance of that Unique One Off Being – that is YOU! What can YOU achieve?

In such a messed up world run by either rapacious Zionists, Political misfits and deviants, or seeing a surge in Radical Islam, a semi itinerant mad dog tribe left over clueless from the 7th century, is a rabid threat to all. Now, oil is almost gone, surges of them will run West, polluting all where they settle. They bring nothing to the Gene pool. Under-educated, ignorant trash as waves of illegals bring only surging welfare costs and social threats. Where are their great successful Islamic States to go to?

Or the other lot, the Genghis Khan Zionist Cult pox pool. Look what they have done to America. Integration – Not Sequestration. 6,000 years and still they don’t get it. Roaches!

At the moment of that race for the creation of life, between 400 million to 1.2 Billion sperms are released where it’s the race for life – or death. At best, one succeeds, or usually, all die. Again the miracle of conception, you alone made it. You won!

You had no religion then, or need. So who brainwashed you, and why, for what Lie?

You out-swam the interceptors, and vast millions of others competing for that one chance of fertilised life competing against such impossibly high odds. You won bigger than any Olympian. You alone now exist in full living human life form. A Miracle in itself. Your right to be- Free! Why did you win, and how are you living this life? Winning, or Whining?

This life is YOUR Journey, so why allow any predatory Zio Trash Cult, or NWO Elite like Gates or the Tri Laterals take it from you? Do you have a clue what is in play for your future? To even exist? Rights are not free! Will you abdicate life and go into the night?

They are few, you are many. Before they population deplete you, think, for once, and act. This wonderful life is your right, not to be sent into the night. Say NO!!! To NWO.

Will you give Gates and the NWO viruses the right to chip you, to inject your coming children or grandchildren now at birth? Chipped, tracked, and when no longer needed, Whacked! You will be first for their compulsory flawed nano-technology vaccines.

Will you walk willingly to your State demanded annual Vaccines, knowing once tracker signaled, the Off Button in nano technology units will be triggered for you when they judge you superfluous to need? Which aged 65 plus, is at their call? What is happening to our Right to Life? Not harvesting up your pensions. Do you even think outside of that bubble they cocooned you in? You all start equal. Who takes it from you? When you don’t control your own money, how can you win, when you’re not even In – The Trough System? Work it out.

Do you have any concept of what’s coming soon? Their macabre plans for you?

You were born to live, to achieve your destiny, not in a Human Zoo. It’s on record what vile War Criminal Soros did to his own people and glorified his profits. Why has he not paid for his disgusting crimes? The Bushes, Clintons and Zionists?

America, the UK and Commonwealth are full of so many highly qualified, experienced and motivated Professionals, leading in the Arts, Sciences, Engineering and Medical fields. Empowered by such collective abilities, yet deceived by greed and political depravity.

Why can we not all, at this time of Hubris for all, contemplate in this time, our new opportunity to focus our time and lives on being – a better Human Being?

Why can’t we all assess what’s left the rails in Leadership?

To reassess what’s brought us all to this mess. No one is owed! Life is your road, to bear!

Education should be integration, not segregation. Each child deserves a chance to develop and for a life of meaning, not racial or poverty demanding. Look now at the wealth portals of Corporate powers. It’s time to rethink need, not Jewish Greed.

History repeats itself, and Zionism will bring its own Apocalypse. Deservedly.

People need to have a sense of belonging and need. Not farmed clones to Zio greed.

Human beings need to feel inclusive, not excluded from a chance to evolve and succeed, but denied by race or Creed. Cults Segregate, and segregated tribes annihilate. Ask the Romans how that went?

Do you really want Population reduction, and where do you think you will be in that pecking order? Covid will bring ever more pressures to cut Welfare costs as Beings.

Who then decides your Right to the Life you beat up to a Billion to win? So – You are Special. Start there.

Where is Ethereal leadership, Ethereal values? Who even elevates to aspire to an evolution of purpose where life – Is more?

Post RV’s you will do what?

We now live in a Toxic world. Millions of lives will be lost because of deferred Hospital treatments, or checking processes. Toxic Debts will devastate economies. Tax Collectors – Want! How can the Hospitality sector meet its overheads with the impact of Social distancing. Ever more stores will now fail. How will economies cope with escalating unemployment and losses? Back to work, when there is none? If Covid strikes again in Winter? Shut down again and switch off the lights?

The road ahead may be littered with dead. Where are the Inspirational Leaders?

Kennedy reached for the Stars. This lot is more likely to reach for your Rrrrs!

Time to think Integration not Segregation?

Who is thinking, a Life Purpose Mission? Not assume it!

If we release the RVs, we will do what?
© 2020 Whitehatauxiliaries.com

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller

389 responses to “Information Briefing #154”

  1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    Liked by 2 people

  4. Why Banks Stopped Selling Vietnam Dong (Regional Manager Answer)

    Regional manager said a shortage a possible pending rate change and until further notice not selling them anymore.??


  5. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-tweet-us-2020-election-mail-in-ballots-twitter-today-a9578951.html

    First wave of Britain’s coronavirus outbreak ‘will be OVER by July 13’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8447007/First-wave-Britains-coronavirus-outbreak-July-13-study-claims.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    So when does the hype end?


    India sees record 15,000 daily coronavirus cases https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8446175/Virus-cases-surge-US-worldwide-slow-China-Korea.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    This virus is mass killing Indians. For God’s sake give it directions to Pakistan next door

    Now this is Justice working, thank God.
    But the system is still rotten, how many more?

    Subject: Watch “SENT TO Prison For 37 YEARS! An Audition SIMON COWELL WILL NEVER FORGET! America’s Got Talent 2020” on YouTube


    While we are hopefully getting clear of Covid, look at the terrible impact of htis CHINESE DISEASE!!! on the Third World. China must pay for this.

    Check out this great article I read on WIRED: “CIA Exhales: 99 Out of 101 Torture Cases Dropped”


    It was all covered up, it still stinks, and so many should be jailed for their parts. But, after genoicide against poor Native Americans what’s new?
    What it can not terrorise and loot, it kills. Deep Stated filth.


    Looters chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ during Stuttgart’s worst ever riots that turned the city into ‘a battlefield’ – as police reveal those involved were ‘mainly young people with a migration background’

    Of the 24 people arrested in Stuttgart, 12 were foreign nationals while three of the other 12 were German nationals with a migrant background, police announced on Sunday.


    Stop letting these Bloody Nutters in!


  6. This is part of the interview between AG Barr and Maria Bartiromo. Excellent interview.


    1. Terry

      This is a key dilemma for thinking Americans. Well spotted and thank you for contributing. Americans- Thinking heh?


  7. While the optics are horrible, I doubt the validity of the murder narrative of George Floyd.

    In the autopsy they detected roughly 16 ng/ml and one report suggests 30ng/ml. If they had simply sat the man in the cruiser he would have been dead at 15 minutes.


    1. Tino
      Was there ever a case less deserving for unleashing low lifes to mass revolt into anarchy? This taking the knee is madness. 2 Fingers for him! We don’t need a false front to assist stop abuse but then stop looting Raping, Mugging Drug dealing and Pimping! Then look at the corrupt I Want My Lick Crap in Office? Not doing badly are they?
      Justified cases don’t need Anarchy. For Gods sake next time floor Soros. They got the wrong man!
      This route will hurt good minorities. It will needlessly divide us.


    2. Should have read : In the autopsy they detected roughly 16 ng/ml of fentanyl and one report suggests 30ng/ml. Overdose territory.


  8. Hi John,

    Is the virus potency down?

    Given how they have bulloxed the data, I cannot answer the question definitively.

    What I can say is that, as a general rule, the strength of virii reduces in time. But in a world where the CDC lies and the WHO is co-opted and unreliable, how in hell is anyone to determine how dangerous this bug is? Certainly here in the U.S.we have a bug that is roughly twice as dangerous as the regular flu. Nothing more. Given that the dead are over-represented by false accounting it’s not as bad as the Federal data suggests. Hospitalizations have cratered. In the face of increasing tests and cases. The only rational conclusion is the test is garbage or the virus is very weak. At some point the reality of the garbage tests will settle in. They are trying to invent a second wave out of whole cloth.

    Amusingly, the latest nonsense is the idea of 30% fales-negative results so that they can up the numbers by 30%. In a test that has flagrant false-positives too, given that anybody exposed to a coronavirus over the last few years will almost certainly test positive on the antigen test from exosomes.


    1. Tino

      1.We failed to react when it was clear Covid was a reality, and we failed to block Chinese flights.
      2.We failed to interject masks and hand washing for months. That would have stopped 90% of it.
      3.We failed to establish contact tracing. We STILL Have!
      4.We failed to get PPEs supplied. We allowed China to monopolise it and still sell faulty knock offs. .
      5.We have allowed Gates to profiteer and worse, rig Vaccines for God knows what in future.
      6.We have closed down our economic infrastructure, and the State cost in lost taxes could take 30 years to recover losses. Why?
      7.We have created a feckless loss of c20% of established jobs and boosted the Welfare pool demands- While crashing the economy?
      8.Any thinking person can determine, as we in turn have determined, the depths of inept stupidity and hopelessness of the Political Representatives. Mass mediocrities, now questions their point?
      9. Trump has tried to raise core issues, but your system of Governance does not allow him to lead, but instead allows systematic frustration by an obnoxious pool of Self Interest Weirdos like Nancy, Nadler, Clinton and like types. One eyed Cretins in a Kingdom of the Blind.
      10. We have crashed the Educational process, who now qualifies for Universities and who Graduates? How?


  9. I just saw the most horrific pictures of Iraqi’s being tortured during the war. I can’t even post them here. The pics shared were the safe ones he could post. I can’t even imagine what the other photos are like, nor do I want to. Very disturbing.

    Something to think about while people are calling the potential RV a blessing. I’m guilty of it too, only thinking about how much money I may make, but seeing those pics have given me a whole new perspective. I have tears in my eyes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tony – if you think what I wrote is not appropriate to post, I understand. I just wrote what I felt at the moment.


      1. As far as I’m concerned A Johnson what you expressed above is absolutely appropriate and I thank you for sharing your opinion regarding that subject.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you Aurataya. The man who posted the photos also described some of the torture done to these people. I cant even repeat it. It’s that bad. Unimaginable.


          1. I know sweetheart, this truly can be a wicked world. I’m sorry this has distressed you so badly but unfortunately, this is the world we live in and are part of.

            I am not one who can stomach this type of information either, so you are not alone. Just continue to be the beautiful and decent person that you are and continue to fight for your rights and also for those that need assistance.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Yea, I was pretty upset yesterday. People can be so cruel.

              But today is a new day – carry on! 😘

              Liked by 1 person

    2. A Johnson.
      A Million were killed, untold thousands inhumanly tortured, and 3,00 years of history raised to the Ground because a bullying No Nazi Thug, Alcoholic and limp brian Bush 43, wanted to impress Arch Criminal Thug Neo Nazi Bush 41 for his own failures, and mindless Grunts were unleashed to commit vast genocidal war crimes. Disgusting!


      1. Yes – INHUMANLY tortured. I didn’t know it was that bad until I saw the images. I couldn’t help but think, what if this was my husband, wife, mother, father, child, friend or myself.

        I feel very sad right now. I still have tears in my eyes thinking about it.


        1. They were all someones child, and subjected to inhumane violence. As were the poor little under age Girls sold to disgusting GI Rapists in Vietnam. They will pay dearly after this life. For Millennia.


          1. I’m sure I don’t know the half of it. Poor babies. I feel like adopting an Iraqi child and show them love and kindness.

            I’ll never look at a dinar note the same way again.

            Liked by 1 person

    3. There are many people, and so many innocents being viciously and inhumanely tortured in hidden US Torture Centres all over the world. No one gives it the right, and what is done is too terrible to be charged within US Borders, so its vile filth is carried out hidden from Public oversight, and innocents dumped badly injured in countries far from home. Named Rendition Centers, appalling acts are carried out by the CIA with no redress. The CIA is a truly disgusting and foul criminal autocracy. They shame America.


  10. The collapse of our economies and sheer mindlessness of Covid mass over reaction, questions, are the Plebs simply too thick to think for themselves in this new Welfare raised generation of wasters and spoiled Brats? Time will tell




    What, Nadler the human Ape calls Republicans corrupt. Seen any clean Democrats?


    92% of Brits surveyed want the UK to walk away from EU red line demands. Madness.
    We want freedom to deport illegals and terrorists . Screw ridiculous Human Rights laws. No to EU Fleets plundering our fishing waters. No to parasitic EU laws and taxes.

    Satoshi Nakamoto Kidnapped, Tortured by NSA to Destroy Crypto in New Movie


    Mohammed Ali was idolized the world over. For exactly as above


    One of the four ex-cops charged in George Floyd’s ‘murder’ is confronted by a furious shopper in a Cub Foods and tells her ‘I’m sorry you feel that way’ as he buys groceries while out on $750K bail

    Former officer J. Alexander Keung was confronted by an angry woman as he shopped for groceries while out on bail for charges linked to George Floyd’s death in Plymouth, Minnesota


    They all have to fear the knives now.

    No need for Russia or China to manipulate our elections when we have Google and Facebook.

    This is a video of a chronic US mass manipulation of votes and they will go all out to stop Trump.
    This video is appalling.


    They just don’t get this is opening a racial divide when Education and Diplomacy could have achieved far more. Stop Pimping their damn sisters, and try real jobs not Dope dealing or Mugging.

    Who fills the prisons? Why? A wish list needs to aspire to more than a Joint, a warm lavatory seat and loose shoes! Raise the bar don’t end up behind them! Do the Crime, do the Time!


    Is it just more old Bull?



    Is the Lying King fooling himself?


    No ethical standards in Arms trading

    Joe Biden sets up presidential transition team under close adviser



    This is yet another bad run for Trump if it runs loose



    Another Psycho loose it’s beyond sad for poor Koreans


    Barrs integrity and truthfulness is under ever growing fire.


    Coronavirus ‘has withered from an aggressive tiger to a wild cat’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8444151/Coronavirus-withered-aggressive-tiger-wild-cat-Italian-scientist-claims.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Validity? Tino.

    We’ve heard it before but is this credible?


    Germany’s coronavirus R rate soars to 1.79 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8444411/Germanys-coronavirus-R-rate-soars-1-79.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    The Huns are getting the second wave. Serve them right for open borders on illegals


    A message to Soros and Antifa. Come and get it!


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      I think I see John.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. “Tucker Carlson tonight said, unequivocally, there is no way to vote ourselves out of this mess. Once a revolution starts, voting becomes meaningless. We’re way past the point of a political solution. He seems to understand this. That is good. Wonder how much longer he’ll be on?”


    Liked by 1 person

  12. “Way of The World” reflects on the protests across the US, what they tell us about the West, and what it all means for our people.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Sent by reader A Johnson:


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      It’s easy for Occasional Cortex to push for job losses for political gain, when it’s not her job on the line.

      This stinking low-IQ piece of crap Bolshevik needs to get voted out.

      Liked by 2 people

  14. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. I was thinking about deactivating my account this morning. Anyway – done!


  15. I don’t know what to think about this. John??

    A Chilly Summit in Hawaii Spotlights Escalating U.S.-China Tensions



    1. Going crazy right now with a war is really not the right idea. Despite disparities and asymmetrics, if push went to nuclear and USAP project shove, we can open China down to the mantle for the price of the West Coast.


      1. Not a bad deal in the Big Picture and you lose Nancy?


    2. China’s Concentration Camps and Organ taking from unwilling Donors gives you the lead?
      These Commies view life as cheap, but not theirs. They seek to expand, and conflict is a nuisance in their path waiting. Big dogs face off, one rolls over or they fight. WW111 has always been in the option pot.
      Bottom line, the UK, and US, raped the world, China now? They have to expand to feed their masses. China is polluted to hell. They need land,.Whose? What did you do to the Native Americans?


    3. What about this? Something doesn’t make sense to me. (Reposting)

      Trump, Putin and Jinping together stand for a global Blockchain based Currency System

      View at Medium.com


      1. So they agreed on a global blockchain currency a couple months ago and now we’re on the brink of a war?


  16. Having worked tirelessly with Paladin and others fighting to expose corruption, it gets ever more frustrating to see misquotes and the mindless aspirations of the Wannabes and Delusionals. Worse by predatory Blog Gurus. Bottom feeding Skanks!

    Be clear, funds ARE finite. What has not been wasted funding illegal wars on the planet, and orchestrating Genocide for the Deep State and Israeli Ringmasters to grab, has been siphoned or stolen by the Zionist predators, leaving nothing to feed howling Wannabes. When does a Pig ever leave a half empty trough?

    So many Blog aspirationals are delusional. Just who do you think is paying, and why? With what? There are No multi T’s to waste.
    Funds are finite. How many times do we have to keep repeating this?

    Elders are owed vast T’s but won’t be getting it.

    It’s called a Lewinski, they Blew it!

    So, reality, we get what is possible. Reality!
    There are parties out there talking Quad T’s. Hello, spaces at Belle Vue?

    Silly Season starts after July 4th. So, after next Saturday how lucky do you think you will be?

    Any deal will be based on what’s achievable, not Disneyland. The battle is to the wire. Daily, we know.

    If we get some, we can do a lot. But next week is our moment of truth?

    Who get their calls, or a kick in the…?

    The Pharaoh’s made a huge mistake. They unleashed this plague mistaking them for Locusts. Shapeshifters ?
    6,000 years and still at it!

    So, next week, who makes the Cut? They cut everything else!

    We take it to the wire. Diplomacy. Once we Brits made it Gunboat Diplomacy. that worked. We got soft. Mad kings!
    There are some delusionals dreaming they are new Heroes, miscalculating the Zeros.
    Let’s see if common sense, can get many over the Fence?

    We daily are dog-fighting in the Trenches. Not enough goddamn hot Wenches.
    If Paladin starts looking good, I will quit! Lol.

    Let’s see if any can break free. We know how critical it is. Cool nerve, calm hands.
    There’s a lot in the melting pot. Wednesday/Thursday, they break deals or hearts?

    Liked by 2 people

  17. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  18. Russia report: UK MPs condemn ‘utterly reprehensible’ delay | Politics | The Guardian

    Trump and Pence drop plans to address outdoor rally crowds amid reports of low attendance


    Now this is how the Brits deal with the BLM lot. We have voices and oh how we use them.


    For Donald, imprisoned in a Toxic bubble beyond his poor metal capability, the last week has not been good for him. Attacked on all sides by a Media, Military, and Political establishment who want him out at all costs, His ego is visibly bruised at such mass hostility and rejection. The Lying Kings Ego is bruised. Now he sees, and perceives, all could be lost in November without big Public wins.

    Where are the Arrests ? With the powers and influence of the Oval Office, I suspect if we only had real access to his School and College records, they would read the only reason he is here, is because his fees are paid, it’s sure not for academic merit of which he publicly exhibits a woeful ignorance of any educational attainment. In short, he’s.Thick. Woefully lacking in visible intellectual capacity, and an Ox in the Box with attitude.

    But America’s danger is not Trump, it’s Bribe Taking, sleaze bag Biden, and far worse who will follow him as VP, when it’s seen his mental deterioration makes him unfit for Office if elected. What would his election unleash on America?

    Where is the MSM now? Unleash Acosta to seek truth? Some hope, that crude Dope! Biden would secure the Deep State and more Commie Czars!. The Chump or them? What a choice for America.
    It’s not about protecting Trump. It’s about protecting America.



    I found this Acosta mutant thuggish conduct disrespectful to the viewers, and his inconsiderate, constant interruptions of Kelly, annoying. Very! He’s not a quality reporter but a Cheap Political THUG, of visibly LOW IQ and I question in turn, why is this Pleb allowed into Press conferences? He’s a MORON!

    Kelly is a bright, articulate, highly Patriotic and wonderful asset to all Americans. A shining star voice of reason, and a Fine American Patriot who cares. A Young Lady with values. And unlike Acora- CLASS!

    Why does the WH not rethink who qualifies, and No, it’s NOT about Free Speech, it’s about a Cheap, Free Loading Turd like Acosta, abusing his privilege, with no sense of decorum or standards. who does not give Kelly or her Office, the respect she merits, or has the visible intellect to respectfully listen to her response.and so merits the Big Question. Is it not time to pull his Press Admission, still allow CNN an option of alternative representation, but NOT Acosta? No one has the right to be an obnoxious Thug and disrespect the WH. Bring this Mongrel Gypsies Dog to heel.


    Not good news. Covid wont die?


    Faucci has economically ruined vast millions. When does he pay? IDIOT! 


    Yes, the BIG Reset will take until next year, but here are moves now to get a partial release and that would help.


    Wirecard frauds will cause many to think again.


    Australia is not alone. The Chans are at it everhwhere.
    We can expect more of this from China

    This will open up more investors.


    The bitcoin Miners are missing.


    Can we trust a Fox poll?


    Huwei caught out again.

    The Bitcoin rally is coming.


    Until squashed they will keep pushing anarchy.

    Black Lives Matter protesters to march on cities for fourth weekend https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8442239/Black-Lives-Matter-protesters-prepare-march-UK-cities-fourth-straight-weekend.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Too dam right because America will help keep it safer. it just showed , along with Islamic fundamentalist Trash, what will happen if the US allows this crap to emerge on its borders and inside.
    It wont rule the world, but its helps the Commies think again!


  19. Hi John,

    Is there anything you can this weekend?

    Thank you!


  20. Be in no doubt, we Non Moronic Thinking Europeans truly frear for all Americans if Bribe taking Biden, and some obnoxious Commie Czar or Deep State Thug, gets elected in November. Don’t fear our voices rejoice we are there for you and care. We don’t drink the Kool aid. As with wars when it’s just the Brits and Yanks standing alone together, against the enemy, our voices matter. We are not Deep State Supplicants. We come armed with attitude?

    Unless he gets some heads arrested, deserving Traitors, he is in trouble. His low mental faculties brought him to this and we have forewarned about it. Kelly and Barr are great assets. Hope. But he needs Wise Heads! Why are Comey and the whole gang not already arraigned? WTF!!! are the Deep State still roaming free? Traitors to a Deep State Cause! How much stink do you want as evidence? Man Up!

    Trump needs to to challenge and demand Justice starts mass debating not Mass Ta Bating!

    Get Scalps or loose! Jail this trash! Including Mueller. Why is Clinton still free? Why has he not ripped open Soetoro’s records and Birth Certificate? It matters! Do the Job! If he loses in November it will be in ignominy. Take them down in shame! Or they will take his down.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. John,

      Seriously, you are up to your ass in deep state in the UK. They are everywhere. You probably crossed path with a few epsteins this week in the circles you run in.

      Bottom line, The Brotherhood has fingers everywhere.

      The spying, unchecked immigration, forced vaccinations, forced home confinement, pedophilia, etc., etc. all just as prevalent in Europe and the UK. Like it or not, you are in as deep a pile of doo doo as the rest of us.

      You won’t be spared when this transhumanistic freakshow nightmare comes in over the next few years.


      1. HIW
        See how fast we disembowel and poke ours. You can’t. Ours get the Bums rush. But we have our Plebs for sure.
        After what I’ve seen over Covid, those needles have a case! Look how many we cut and ditch.

        You can take as given, racial profiling is coming. With that we will deal with ,mass breeding. Read NOT!
        It doesn’t take Einstein to calculate we can’t afford our Welfare pack rats. Worse cross breeding the worst .
        Nothing is lost here. Selective needles are coming. Real world. Many will make the list. Highway to Heaven. We will give them wings, then Pigs can fly. We don’t have Racial issues, just ability.
        Too many have lost the plot, so we will.


    1. Unreal!… Covid tracker is on my Samsung phone… I did not accept a download for it… can not delete it!


      1. It’s on my phone also


  21. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Things continue to go against the Meta1 “billion dollars in assets” company.

    Click to access 04-19-00488-cv-order-6172020.pdf


  22. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  23. An astonishing fact is transpiring in the statistics of the CDC relative to infant mortality.

    It has dropped an astonishing 200 infants per week. Unintended consequences leading to exposure of the vaccine fallacy?

    Since a well-baby visit consists only of measurement, physical exam and vaccines — this is a terrifying indictment of vaccines. Given the slope of the drop it will be close to zero in another 15 weeks, making the (D) States a veritable test of the hypothesis. If baby deaths keep dropping in (D) States, then we are needlessly killing possibly up to a maximum of 50,000 babies a year. That’s a lot of white coffins!


  24. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Episode 4: An interview with Critical Think – BLM, Cultural Marxism & Subversion


  25. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  26. There certainly seems to be something happening with the VND. Last week I placed an order at BMO Harris where I was told it would take 48 hours on Saturday. On Monday I was told they didn’t know when they could get it, but it would probably takes weeks because of increased demand.

    Subsequently, I went to my private bank, Midfirst Tuesday. They ordered it and said it should be in within 48 hours. So I went to the bank to make another quick order order today before the weekend and now they said effective yesterday it’s no longer available.

    I have been ordering the Dong from them since 2013 off and on, never a problem and always 24-48 hours delivery. Now 3 days after my last order, their desk says it’s no longer available.

    Something is definately afoot. What that means for us is anyone’s guess, but I’m getting a feeling this ride may almost be over.

    For better or for worse!


    1. Why HIW a never ending ride is every guys dream.


      1. This is the song I thought I posted the other day. It popped in my head while reading you’re comments.

        Don’t stop the dance

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Episode 4: An interview with Critical Think – BLM, Cultural Marxism & Subversion


    2. John are we close?


      1. Everyone is asking the same. I have Elders Attorneys getting (Not Dry) dreams.
        We play by the day, but cant say.


    3. Wish the “ride” would end also… where ever it is going!


      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        If it ends where that elephant lives, I would be happy.


  27. PayID to Make Sending Ripple’s XRP as Easy as Email



    1. Here is the payID white paper for anyone interested.

      Click to access whitepaper.pdf

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  28. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Holm is away.


      1. He also played in the original ALIEN (Ridley Scott)

        That was where George Soros popped out of John Hurts stomach…..

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Then went on to cross breed Netanyahu


  29. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not without his execution!


  30. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Possible next tourist destination. I love Poland.

      Who gives a flying F__K what the media thinks. They know who is behind the idea to flood Europe with mongrel third-world refuse, and they won’t have it.


      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        American colleges are too busy turning out Bolshevik commissars and not skilled technical workers, which is why we have to import them from places like Poland. They are not invading, they are needed and allowed to come in. Quite different than allowing the military-aged male dross of humanity to enter and bring nothing but agitation, rape and pillage.


        1. I will go one further…

          People love to say that “America was founded on capitalism”.

          This is incorrect, and most people don’t even understand the subtleties in the meaning of words to know enough to stop freewheeling into a cosmically sized ball of confusion. We were founded on free enterprise, bereft of unfair taxation.

          First, let’s consider capitalism. What is that? It’s capital from capital, largely usury, when applied to loans. This is the problem here. We have allowed a relatively small group of cult-like, bloodsucking money changers to apply to our system a parasitical pecuniary machine that makes it hard for common people to get a loan without having to spend their entire life to pay off. Our government should not have a treasury that borrows money at interest. From there, it goes downhill and makes everything more expensive than it should be.

          Our treasury should utter credit to the states at 0%, and they should loan it at 0%, less a fee for the administrative costs of making and servicing the loan. Instead, banking cartels pad their wallets on the labor of our nation. No student, once qualified and completing a course of study to a degree award, should pay interest. Further, once they have a job for several years, the balance of the loan should be forgiven, and could be, if parasitical, money-grubbing, weasels were removed from money changing altogether. Our treasuries should NOT be money-making institutions. They are dispensing the capital of our nation to the earners of that capital.

          Instead, the fat, usury bloodsucking parasites are allowed to gorge. Then, people wonder why our country is not producing educated people like the socialist countries do. The problem is, in places like Cuba, North Korea and others, they have to pay for those things, and they do so by sacrificing private enterprise and forcing everyone to live at a low standard; everyone except an even smaller elite than our system.

          I would be all for state paid education and medical, but we would have to get rid of the bloated military and the bloated leech banking system to do it. Further, those colleges and medical institutions would have to remain privately run, not state run, to maintain competitive motive for quality.

          However, it’s too late now. The march towards a world without money or politics is now going to accelerate as technology trims the menial labor fat from the bone and casts it to the street. Intermixed with this transition will be the confused marching Marxists who want to regress to a system that their dork professors have convinced them is the way.

          Be prepared to ride these times out, because in many places, especially where the lower skilled dwell in large numbers, the environment will be like tinder. Even more so than Seattle, Minnesota or NY.


      2. I have always wanted to visit Poland. I think it would be quite interesting.


        1. Beautiful country. Beautiful women. Available land for rodent banker removal, with proven statistics.


  31. https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiEOQniNsQJZ1OeqMGAoZZtfAqGQgEKhAIACoHCAow0Ij8CjCRwIgDMOSMzAU?hl=en-GB&gl=GB&ceid=GB%3Aen

    Slowly they are getting there

    – Coronavirus can survive for TWENTY YEARS in temperatures of minus 20C, claims Chinese COVID-19 expert another twist to the story



    Just a reminder why President Macron is visiting London today!


    China is cruising for a brusing with their nasty Commie game.s

    Huge cyber attack is aimed at the Australian government https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8438205/Huge-cyber-attack-aimed-Australian-government.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    Is this how they have to get tneir message home?



    That is the diabolical plan because they have a series of shots ready, 1,2,3,4…& before you realise it you would probably be an automaton



    Just another alert view



    The French have form for losing their heads. The whole country is in free falls as the F Illegals riot. Napoleon would have guillotined the lot.

    In the French city of Dijon, Chechens and North Africans are fighting with assault rifles and other weapons. How the Chechen refugees get their arms is interesting. But this is the global rise in civil unrest I have warned about due to the unemployment caused by blanket shutdowns while certain parties try to remake the world In what is being championed as Reset. These elitist fools think they can shut down sports, close all gatherings for plays, movies, athletic clubs, and prohibit even vacationing in Europe without consequence. This will worsen through the fall As the lack of tourism bites.

    They do not understand Mob rule when there is nothing to lose. It is how all revolutions start and the boys in the band lose complete control if not their heads.


    Republicans you cant take them anywhere.

    Tony’s applied for a stand in slot.



    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      That was me in an elephant suit.


      1. Stop using my trunk!


          1. That used to be every week end in the Discos in my time.


  32. If you watch the sheer scale of Comments growth on WHA,its flying daily, outperforming anything in the market.
    Your views have lit up the net.
    Everyone is reading you all.
    With each new full article we double response.


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      And with every elephant video, probably triple.


  33. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  34. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  35. The headline on Medscape was the need for a hold on antibody testing. I’ve been repeating that both antigen and antibody testing are garbage. I realize I am in the minority saying so. But it seems that finally somebody has done the math and we simply don’t have the accuracy in the current antibody tests. In a nutshell for those interested, the latest bullet points with rhetorical comment in [] :

    Whether the presence of antibodies to COVID-19 grants immunity remains unknown. [Of course, it does, it is still class coronavirus yes?]

    People are probably not getting reinfected, and any positive results on retesting are more likely a result of residual viral RNA. [Well, duh, and will you finally reach the conclusion that exosomes of all those previously coronavirus infected of the last 10 years are your vast asymptomatic “patients” are false positives?]

    The FDA’s relaxed standards and emergency use authorization for antibody testing was “a disservice to us” because of potential cross-reactivity with other coronavirus antibodies. [No kidding!]

    For antibody testing to work in a disease that affects 2%-3% of the population, we need a test with at least 99.7% specificity. [And really, exactly how certain are you that you even got the right pathogen let alone the right antibodies?]


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


      Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      They don’t even try to hide it anymore. They have Soros’ money behind them, and with a 50,000,000 death record at the hands of this pestilential ideology, they will not hesitate to bring such resources to bear to once again do away with anyone that they see as deviating from the works of Marx.

      The biggest mistake we made was allowing this ideology to remain past the mid 20th Century. It still sickens me that we fought on the same side as these cutthroat Bolsheviks.

      Now we have to contend with this highly suggestible and gullible low IQ hoard.

      Mercy was given to the serpent. No mercy will be received from it.


  36. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  37. @travers33 Could you kindly tell me how you wrote the executive director of the usps and they got your parcel to you. It sounds like I need that. Thank You in advance.


    1. Terrance, it was a while back, but I do recall that I tracked down his contact address quite easily through the USPS website and either called to find his address or found it on the website. In any case, I wrote him directly, snail mail, using a $.43 stamp.


  38. An older article but This is what the whole Flynn matter is about. Will he now take down Mueller and the ex POTUS Traitors?



    The signs of kneeling madness. Sad, nad Sheeple. Cease damn it. They are so playing these dumb F’s!

    We can laugh at it but with tears of sorrow 😇



    Looking Stupid which he is., Bolton states Trump did not know the UK had nukes, Yes, he is That Goddam Stupid!
    We all know that , just not Disneyland. Shrek is feted. Alice in Wonderland.


    The REAL reason Boris Johnson is so fearful of ditching two-metre rule: Doom-monger advisers led by grim private polls, and the terror of being blamed for a new spike are paralysing the PM, write RICHARD KAY and ANDREW PIERCE

    RICHARD KAY and ANDREW PIERCE: The dilemma for Boris Johnson is that every time the two-metre rule comes up he gives every appearance of dithering.


    Dithering Johnson holding his Johnson again!


    There may be as many as six BILLION Earth-like planets in our galaxy capable of hosting alien life, new astronomical model reveals

    Scientists have estimated that there are as many as six billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy capable of hosting alien life.


    More for the US to plunder?


    We need a World Crypto and Hacker Force able to hunt down and Execute this scum.Hack or steal Cryptos you die. End of,.



    No we did NOT say Thank You Gates.
    Remember what happened to John Lennon,. You will run where?

    If these vaccines are made voluntary you will have a choice, and even if there are mandatory, you have options.
    Your body, your history of vaccines, your risk and your life or death are all within your choice to make. Vaccinate and die?


    Bolton has them running for cover fast. Rats run!

    Is the DOJ being cleansed ? Exposed now he runs.



    This STINKS!


    1. Why would you, at any time, take Bolton’s word for anything?
      So, the truth is coming out. First adverse events — and any adverse event rate unless minimal, will condemn thousands upon thousands to serious long-term disease. That’s just math. NOW, since vaccines in general don’t convey true life-long protection, they are discovering the antibodies go bye-bye after some short time. So, are we going to vaccinate, and vaccinate, and vaccinate… and modify passports, again, and again, and again, year after year for a nonsense bug?

      Liked by 1 person

  39. Liked by 1 person

    1. Dismantling police infrastructure is de facto dismantling national security, something for which the military is sworn to prevent from happening.

      This is Bolshevism working through indirect influence.

      Like this well-spoken woman just said, “Don’t resist arrest”.


    2. Who would be a Cop now?


  40. Like

  41. WOW John-Paladin said tonight 0 chance for RV for public, don’t know how if the rate changes on screen. How can that be? so I guess this week and next will not do anything.


    1. He said that if it did happen, it may be pennies or low amounts, but doubted it would be $3.50 per dinar for street people, etc.

      We really won’t know until the brontosaurs tramp through and leave their giant turds as confirmation.


    2. Paladin previously announced an RV which did not happen. Dangerous territories.

      0 chance for the public yet is wrong. I think Paladin meant 0 right now for the Public which is right. Give it time!

      First it will be the majors. Of course they are NOT going to RV quad Ts of BS. That has only ever been Broker fantasy. BS! Too many complete arseholes think they will get T’s and won’t. Some will get nothing!

      Final reality is in Ts. NOT quad Ts. Crap! There is no money for such stupidity. Reality will rule. But so will majors greed. What is Affordable rules Fools.

      A lot is in play to try to beat the July 4th Silly Season drop dead point. Let’s TRY to even get that done first.

      Whenever it does happen, it opens doors. Ignore fantasy rates and and Brokers. Iraq is not funding a bunch of Ambulance Chasing Stupidos. Nor Vietnam. They will fund what they can carry. First they have to rebuild their own poor shattered nations raped and ruined by Mad Dogs or war. Neither Cinderella, the Funny Feller or Custer will ride in for fast fixes for Stupidos.

      Wait for real facts which WHA will give you when it’s done. Reality will rule on rates. Not BS peddling Blog Gurus.

      What is affordable? Too many are getting a zero or two wrong. Dreams are free. Reality will rule.


      1. Deleted at poster’s request – WHA


        1. Tony- would you please delete the above post? It’s not the right video.
          Sorry 😐


            1. Domo arigato!


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  43. Liked by 1 person

    1. Good shot, officer. One less mental case on the street.


      Liked by 1 person

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  50. Trump, Putin and Jinping together stand for a global Blockchain based Currency System

    View at Medium.com

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  51. Gates’ Insanity, is on full display with slimy Politicians falling over themselves to play on his stage. You may think that certain of the vaccines picked will do different things as a depopulated planet is their clear goal. So it is not far fetched to think that certain specific vaccines will be used dependent on gender, race and age. As this is real control. Older people death will be accelerated. Racial groups WILL be target for sure. Agenda 21!

    Europe is embracing his agenda where people will not be able to even leave their house without a digital certificate from Gates to prove they were vaccinated. As we wrote last week, former disgraced British Prime Minister Tony Blair is on board with the Gates agenda. A paid Lap Dog. A Mongrel Dog! That in of itself should speak volumes about what Gates is doing. Recall this is the same Poodle B Liar!!!!who said there were weapons that needed to be destroyed in Iraq to support the invasion and destruction of that country for Bush 43s ego to kill a Millon .to impress his Nazi father.

    Europe is isolating itself from the world, because if their own citizens will be restricted in their movement, what hope will there be for a tourism ? Watch the value of hotels and vacation properties crash in the fall. As it is as of next year you will need a visa to enter and it would not be a stretch to think proof of being Gates’ vaccinated will not be required. The question is how many tourists will bother. Perhaps, other countries like Argentina will see the potential for European hunger tourists to be diverted. Apparently In Britain, you can leave your house and take a drive, but you must return and are prohibited from staying anywhere else. And if you as a Foreign National are visiting on business or pleasure, a mandatory 14 days first quarantine is in force. How many people will do this? All of this for a virus they make out to be the new Black Death to fear, when the death rate is 0.0003% of the population. This is all about redesigning the world economy by deliberately crashing it to destroy all businesses they feel are unwanted for the zero CO2 world, at a time when the planet is headed for a Solar Minimum, which will produce much colder temperatures. We have said before the climate change gang, and the likes of Gates are on the same page with their agenda, and not paying any attention to the reality of cycles of history of the planet. And it does not matter if German car companies fail or that millions will be displaced and ultimately suffer as a result.

    Europe is headed for complete failure, if it continues to go down this path and competent asset value thinking will avoid Europe as a place of investment for a long time. We may well see Europe decline dramatically in living standards as a result and capital flows out of Europe will accelerate. Current pension plans are most unsustainable with this occurring and this too will have a impact. It is only a matter of time before Europe sees perpetual bonds as debts become impossible to roll over.

    Dreams of a consumer market for Eurasia and China are misplaced as economic decline becomes more obvious, especially as real estate continues to decline and capital that can leaves. It is a total mess.
    Goodbye to Chan’s Eurasia. You just BLEW IT IDIOTS!




  52. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Torpedo the bloody things.


  53. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  54. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  55. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  56. Neurological problems by seeing him walk down a slippery ramp?… really!!!… horse manure!…. fear porn!…

    I Watched the vid… watch me walk down a slippery ramp with my wore out knees!

    Liked by 1 person

  57. The Mc Donalds story should be played out as an Advert with Danny de Vito in the front car.
    Then the back- Karma.


  58. So much constant Belligerence from China.
    A new word for Commie Mafia Leaders- Nin- Commie- Poops!


  59. Johnson, Train wrecks follow the Muppet! LOl.


    Very tough times for poor Brazil.

    Brazil records its biggest ever jump in coronavirus cases https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8429373/Brazil-sees-record-daily-coronavirus-cases-official-says-outbreak-control.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    So how big is the Chinese Lie?

    China’s real coronavirus death toll ‘could be TEN TIMES higher’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8431493/Chinas-real-coronavirus-death-toll-TEN-TIMES-higher-official-statistics-show.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    What the hell is CNN doing here?


    So now they will export the bloody thing as they go raiding and trading carrying God knows what . Time to shut India down fast . Wake up?

    India records 2,000 coronavirus deaths in a DAY https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8430761/India-records-2-000-coronavirus-deaths-DAY.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    Not good for we back pain users.

    Ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen ‘may worsen Covid-19’, study warns https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8431111/Ibuprofen-aspirin-naproxen-worsen-Covid-19-study-warns.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Anyone with a fundamental awareness of DARPA Transhumanism and animal mutation experiments gone wrong, will know what a Zionist backed invasion of this sector can unleash upon a so gullible mankind.

    Gates is one sick guy. The Lolita Express bandit needs to leave this world.



    Why has bitcoin gone flat again?


    Here we go again.The $1M Bitcoin hype.



    If theres one thing the Maxwell Freak does not want, its this attention. Hello Maxwell.


    Yes Apple, you WILL pay your F Taxes!



    At last, the UK ends this bloody Silly Cashpoint Terminal for Foreign Aid Nations Leaders to scam. Charity begins at home Sod off!


    Trumps health again is raised.

    Apart from his confused ramblings which we have all long since raised, now his inability to even descend a few steps cogently is raised. It’s an issue.Churchill went loony also.



    Where else but WHA could you get a laugh like this today?


    Again, China threatens the UK. In one move we can cut of their Finances and hammer the buggers back into the stone age. But of course, with a useless Muppet as PM we wont.

    New Years resolution – Stop hiring Tossers in Politics.



    A big Yes to trade talks with New Zealand. Lovely people and strong old country links.



    All more rhetoric from that Gobshite north of the border. We have a simple and workable solution. How about we just close the border, cut off your begging bowls and nasty rhetoric, Your a conquered people and pain in the arse.
    How about you drunken , whining little Tams go build an economy and pay your F way for a change, Sod off the lot of you. Distance is simple – stay home!



    More Nuclear Threats by the Chinese Mafia.



    Now this, if true, is truly nasty Chiinese Commie games in play. As power passes the US wil have penetrated Asses!



    Why not ground all their flights, they are Global spreaders dam it Chinese lies caused this mass spread. Every time they offer a solution there’s always a bloody Chink it it!



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