White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #162

Do You Want Global Reality Or Guru “Truth”? You Decide

Before we start a new year, it’s probably best to convey the following now and prepare to move into 2021 with a fresh perspective.

Out of public sight, little understood, game changing moves are taking place in the major league. We will explain further a little later on.

Life is a game board where, in this case, too many pawns presume to be kings.

WHA raised for you the specter of false guru visions and fake Dinarian hope propagated yet again by the mercenary currency gurus. False gods deflect you from both reality and a new life direction. We promote nothing for profit. Just reality.

Too many innocent, needing and desperate people were sucked into the glib assurances of the fake Dinar paper promoters. Armed with sequestrated Iraqi Dinar plates, with $20 of printing and packaging, the promoters offered multi-hundred million dollar returns from a demonetized currency which was neither of valid intent to be redeemed, nor of credible commitments, for just $500, or more. The promoters and pumpers went wild!

Bait and switch. The bait was your greed. The switch was your money.

Promoters got rich and rode the wild tiger market fueled by middlemen and fake gurus. Anyone attempting to challenge truth, questioning their impossible dreams, unleashes waves of vitriol by naïve wassocks who “know it all”, but, mainly, the f— all variation.

Suckers really are born every day. Fools and their money...part.

Chumps continue to pontificate how they will be paid, from the land of brokers’ dreams, while you got laid!

How many years, false dawns and failed promises? When does it dawn, Custer’s not coming? The amounts of quadrillions of dollars in future revaluation claimed are delusional. Of course, Iraq’s not backing it, nor able. Do you want a South Seas bubble?

Read now, the reality:

No nation has the money, interest, or even the will to bail these gullible, albeit innocent and mainly well-intended high gambling wannabes sucked in by the pumpers’ hype. Each, failed fantasies, but not for the pumpers who scammed your money! Why don’t they pay up and make good their promises? Every month, every year, never ending flatulent hype. More gurus’ fake news. More tomorrows. Ambulance chasing is fraught with failures. So many “M1s” and “empowered ladies” from high density low cost homes in Palookerville alleging authority to draw down the funds, but can’t – ever!

Indonesia is awash with “M1s”. Not one can raise a dime and some are scamming up-front fees against more false, illegal get rich fast promises. Again – trusting, good people, get hurt. The most needy are victims of the pariah greedy.

The reality is this: One high-profile, publicly protected future global refunding project, a nations reshaping plan, is very much in play. Very much so. But, not for brokers or ambulance chasers.

Contrary to tiring claims of ever more “elders’ assigned masters”, or lady gurus of the universe, a very high level real and authorized economic/humanitarian project is actually progressing, with cross-U.N. finance ministers and collective elders’ true representatives, whereby all the genuine AU holdings, from all elders’ nations, (albeit often without full, or some even any LMBA registered and evidenced bundle packs) is now being cross-assayed as a special project undertaking. All holdings are being computed up to a cross-collected value, and will be allocated to a U.N. controlled Global Nations Redevelopment Program fund. The game of hidden metals, illegally concealed from use, benefits no one. Any unauthorized transfers now become money laundering with huge bank penalties. We refuse to touch such transactions. Crime is time and not for us. All nations’ holdings are now being, at last, coagulated for global beneficial project funding for c200 nations to be allocated monitored development-only-funds as approved. Not for get rich quick shysters.

None of this is coming to street traded demonetized paper. No functioning duly authorized competent Iraqi Government ever was empowered or had rights to authorize this quad T debt fantasy. Why argue with fools? There is not the money in the world to fund such ridiculous claims.

Nor even interest!

In London, the Elders’ key Trust advisors will shut down any such errant attempt. The key U.N. party about to take control will do nothing without London oversight. It will not clear appropriations. Dongs are safe. Iraq has limits on what will be allowed and authorized. The rest is “Whakkie Bakkie”. Quad T’s? Get real! Mass printed, unauthorized source currency, is not real money. But, why argue with an opinionated gullible rabble fool?

Think, those funds flowing back in cryptos now and starting again?

A senior, real Elders authority is being appointed with the U.N., to head up, supervise and monitor the allocation of approved project development capital to 200 nations. Rebuilding the world. Effective use. Phase funded with professionals.

For nations there will be project benefits and jobs. Not funding whakkie backie papers. Nor political or military/agency kickbacks. Iraq can afford at max to issue c$7T in notes. No more. But to whom?

Who repays Iraq trillions for the VILE “Shock and Awe” bombing of a defenseless nation? A million innocents unlawfully killed – 5,000 years of culture erased.

So, facing down the needs of 200 nations, where are you in the queue?

Real help, with an ever growing economically literate WHA readership, look how many have followed and profited from the site over the last few years, even doubling funds and more. If you start small, achievable real objectives and rebuild, in 5 years from now what could you then be worth? No free dinners from 20 years of fake Dinars! You have a vibrant community, common interests.

New concepts are under consideration for next year. Economic global community development. Not a bad ground floor position to restart is it? Real assistance is planned, so stay tuned. When the aforementioned projects are completed, look for future details on what this may mean for the truly able, capable, intelligent and prepared.

The rest? For those who scoff at the content above, sorry. But truth is, if you can handle it: Custer is NOT coming. He simply relied on poor information and charged in, but couldn’t charge back out.

Thank you. Please have a safe Holiday.

Men in general are quick to believe that which they wish to be true. – Julius Caesar

204 responses to “Information Briefing #162”

  1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  2. This is interesting.

    Trump administration bolsters order barring U.S. investment in Chinese firms



  3. Robert The Bruce Avatar

    John2020 wrote: “We have days before Jan 6th.Where is his Deep State War Plan?”

    I will let Candace Owens give you a little peep into what weapons Trump has:

    Take note of the conclusion at the end of this discourse below when you see the words “patriots in control”. Also note these words: “He baited the Deep State into staying in DC, so they can be arrested.” Also, Candace wrote: “He gave the Deep State the chance to come clean and try to fix things. They chose Treason! They will all hang, as the result.”

    Here we go…..

    Candace Owens:
    “ At the moment, POTUS is sitting on a stack of Trump cards that he’s just waiting to unleash…a royal flush!

    He has court cases that will go to the Supreme Court and thanks to the Texas case, he’s now aware how to file them properly…under article 3 not 2…so the SCOTUS will be forced to listen…..
    He now has the DNI report. Barr stepped down and can now be a witness…..he did his job. Durham is special counsel and can prosecute, in any state….

    He’s letting civil, criminal and federal courts fail to handle the situation properly…..so he can use military tribunals. He has ALL the data from the NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer and likely many more computers, unknown to us….

    He has the dueling electors from 7 state legislatures. He has VP Pence, as the final arbiter of which ballots to accept…..

    He has the Insurrection Act, the NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the Declassification of everything, people swearing affidavits by the 1000s.

    He has all the statistical data being analyzed….along with the videos, emails, phone calls and bank transfer statements…..showing the coordination of the coup d’etat.

    He has RICO and he has the crimes against humanity videos. Wikileaks just dropped extensive information and Assange will be pardoned. Assange can then openly discuss the murder of Seth Rich….

    Now that the governors and secretary of states certified and Biden accepted….they each committed and knowingly agreed to acts of Treason….

    Solar Winds was literally just raided and Dominion is closing down, as well. He has the CIA servers, used to change dominion machine votes from Trump to Biden…and he will soon have access to the actual machines, themselves….

    He baited the Deep State into staying in DC, so they can be arrested. Biden hasn’t accepted any transition money and Harris has still not given up her seat on the senate….

    The military has infiltrated Antifa and BLM. He has all their financial records. He knows which politicians took Chinese and Soros money….both Republican and Demorat….

    He positioned Christopher Miller as secretary of defense and Ezra-Cohen Watnick as assistant secretary of defense. He literally just wrote an executive order, regarding the military line of succession. Many suspect Watnick to be Q.

    He is defunding the CIA. He just replaced Kissinger & Albright on the National Security Advisory Board…..with men loyal to him.

    The military has been flying planes, far more than usual, all over the country. The Navy just parked mega fleets on both coasts. The 82nd Airborne is preparing for an operation….which is the same group that General Flynn & AG Donoghue were enlisted.

    Pieces are finally falling into place. POTUS has it all! He is just laying out the pieces and building the narrative. He knows he won and they committed Treason! He set a trap and they walked right in, without hesitation.

    He gave the Deep State the chance to come clean and try to fix things. They chose Treason! They will all hang, as the result.

    Patriots in control! Nothing can stop what’s coming.”.


  4. As I see it, the underpinning of our political discord is neither Trump nor the Democratic party. Rather, it is the mainstream media (controlled by a mere handful of billionaire owners (and like-minded board members) who have their own undeclared political agenda). And, unfortunately for our country as a whole, those motives have nothing to do with journalism.

    Cheered and supported by The Deep State, the mainstream media, enraptured by their own self-righteous presumptions, have become the daily juice feeding this terrible emotional divide between friends and within families.

    The working blindspot for most of us can be fixation and assumption of facts in hand. If I am constantly reading and listening to sources A, B, and C while you have been reading and listening to sources D, E, and F with all six of those SOURCES implying that their information is sacrosanct yet the data provided by A-B-C is the polar opposite of D-E-F then we have paralysis, even war.

    Woven into this mess is the ongoing use of intentional and sophisticated lies-of-omission which, in effect, is the peripheral poke-in-the-eye. It becomes harder to see clearly … for any of us, for all of us.

    There are, of course, exceptions within the morass: real journalism, determined digging for the ‘greater truths and awareness,’ courageous frontline calls for a reunion.

    We will rise as a country, stronger for the experience … more determined than ever to listen well, to see our illusions of separation.


    1. It will be hard to rise nailed down by the Deep State and NWO. Trump was your best hope unless America reverts to JFK models and processes Real Leaders. Since Bush 41 there have been none.
      Biden will release havoc and chaos. For America 2 sad choices. Yet a nation full of capability, and quality. Just not in Politics.


  5. While I understand that both Russia and China may have some powerful weapons, they do not have decapitation power. Which means the retaliatory strike will glass Russia including each and every individual in the population bunkers, and we will open China right up to the mantle. Of course, the USA will be a cinder, but NO ONE is rebuilding out of the ruins in either China or Russia. 300MM will not survive in China. They will be lucky if 300 do.

    If the rumors of dimensional delivery of nukes is true, the last and final strikes will be ours. Which means no aspect of the China or Russian leadership or progeny will survive the final blows.

    MAD remains supreme. Nobody will be going into any of the radioactive wastelands to check. There will be no troops available to do so. Maybe a couple submarine crews from all sides might surface some time after the holocaust and die when their supplies run out.


  6. All Trump’s hype apart, where is his move to nail his standards to the Mast and fight like a man for Justice?
    No doubt the election was rigged. But surrounded by mediocrities and family critturs of dubious meaning, who has the Professional skills and standing to appeal this election? Even Pence visibly wants to jump ship.
    Trump needs to get his message out with power. Now is his last hour.

    Or be just a Blowhard, give up without a fight and go into the night. The Lying King is fast running out of time. Worse, walking headlong into 4 years of new litigation and possible criminal charges. He needs a quality legal team and Zippergate Rudi is simply way too low caliber. He seems to profile like possessing the collective firepower of a Muppet.
    Pardoning Contract Mercenary Killers for vile Genocide does not read well for Trump.
    Nor loathsome Kushner Senior. Is it possible to score less than Zero out of 10 for Tact or Diplomacy?

    The tragedy for America is that it IS only between Trump and Biden. Sadly, neither are fitting. Both gross.
    America’s Bar is way too low, and stepped over by Barr as the Deep State Plant Fixer.
    Two weeks to go, when will Trump’s big game play show? He needs to call their hands now. His legacy is at risk of free falling. 4 years of Covid type lock downs and similar yet to come, may well bring Trump’s Debt ridden hotels crashing to earth.
    Denied flagrant abuse use of his vast State funded entourages being dragged out to boost occupancy in his flagging hotels, facing oncoming Deutsche and other loan redemption demands, how will he funds his alleged large scale litigation defense bills? Is the game up for Trump? Either he makes his move soon to game that board, or gets nailed to it.
    Never in US history, has a President been so MSM reviled, or obtuse with his abuse of the Pardon process.
    Is there a week when Shrek is not loose in a cascading China Shop? Who saves him from himself so he can help save America from Biden and his low life conspiring Cronies?
    Sadly, he visibly lacks a sophisticated Executive Support team, is there still time?
    Biden, Obama and the Clintons smell a feeding kill. Parasites are gathering.
    If Biden’s installed, expect a lock down, there goes the economy.
    We so much need Orange Shrek to make his move. He has right on his side, sadly just not Justice.
    They have him ringfenced, like a hyena pack snapping at his heels, waiting for the kill. Devoid of State protection, if he bows out, so many want his scalp. I’ve sat in safari wagons watching a lion pack and Cheetahs move in for the kill. Does Trump have a scintilla of what’s in store for him to lose now? The country even more so. America’s last hope is Trump. If Trump falls, China and Russia will confer for the spoils of a war.
    What will it take to save Trump now? We will evidence to you the dirt.


    1. Well, absolutely nothing can happen until the Jan 6th antics play out…


      1. If only he had a focused, top calibre Executive Team to expose the mass corruption for him and for the Patriots.
        Again, the one legged man in an Ass Kicking contest dithers and flounders. We have days before Jan 6th.Where is his Deep State War Plan? We all look in disbelief that America is stuck with either.

        Let’s not presume Logic when seeking to quantify Politburo and Kremlin strategies. As Hitler found , the Russian Death Wish carries all policies. Just knowing they totalled the US is justice enough for them if push comes to shove. It does not equate to US logic. Prime WW111 territory if the spark is lit, if conflict is allowed to unleash, wild card moves will trigger the board game.
        War with Russia will suck in China and No War Games will matter. Russia and China may risk taking their chances hoping their Bunkers stand. They both know their only hope is to render America defunct irrespective of consequences.Since when did logice permeate the policies of war? Desk Jockeys will not rule, Kremlin Hawks will. Putin has little say if the Kremlin Hawks say go.

        A war is not likely yet, so it’s praying Trump has parties ready to act, and a game plan to take down Biden yet.
        All we see is the Lying King posturing with ever ill judged moves and comments. Seriously street smart Military and Agency Deep State activists have him constantly in play. He IS the War Game. They want him gone.

        The Biden cost is dreadful. With so much evidence of treachery, how has Trump used it?
        Pardoning Contract Killers for Genocide has won him few friends in the Global communities. Gross! How does a slimebag like Kusher merit a pardon? Trump kills his own credibility. Hopefully, not the world.


        1. While I agree 98% of the above, Kremlin Hawks need to think twice, as well as the Chinese Chicken-Hawks. Nobody cares, really, if Taiwan goes back to the mainland, and really, nobody gives a damn about the South China Sea. Australia — well, we’ll see.

          Plus, if this is because China wants new land because it fouled its own, well, guess what — there is some prodigious tech over at Dept of Energy that can reclaim it fast and cheaply. Really new stuff.

          Plus, the genie is out of the bottle. It’s not like the pressure that has been applied so far did anything other than show to, say about half the population, how corrupt everything is. It WILL crystallize and then we will have another quantum shift — and it won’t be in the Elite and Powerful’s favor.


          1. Imclueless Today Avatar

            Australia has the Yowie.


  7. Remember — the garbage antigen test is useless. At common settings here (40 cycle count) it is generating a whopping 97% or higher false positives.

    If you follow the vaccinated subjects with the garbage antigen test, since they are making viral peptides from the mRNA, and since exosomal homologs will be excreted from cells, especially in those exposed to previous coronaviruses, the vaccinated will begin to test nCov positive in spite of their vaccination.

    In which case, isn’t that a political disaster re: the vaccine?

    And it begins RIGHT NOW: https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/er-nurse-tests-positive-for-covid-19-eight-days-after-receiving-vaccine

    Please remember that the media and literature is wrong (again because of the garbage test) — the incubation of this coronavirus is the traditional 3 to 5 days. Now, it’s possible that the guy got sick — but not with COVID. There is no COVID anymore. With exceptions ( much less than 1%) virtually ALL cases called COVID are reclassified other regular URI. Farr’s Law took care of the contagion in March to August 2019.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tino.


  8. Simon Parkes update:


  9. Dear Valued Customer,

    Effective J‌anuary 1‌9, 2‌021 at 10a‌m U‌TC (5a‌m E‌ST), XRP will be delisted and trading suspended from the Crypto.‌com App in the U.S. Below please find how the delisting of XRP will be handled across Crypto.‌com’s products:

    Deposit and Withdrawal
    U.S. based customers won’t be able to deposit XRP into the Crypto.‌com App as of J‌anuary 1‌9th, 10a‌m U‌TC (5a‌m E‌ST). Withdrawal of XRP from the Crypto.‌com App will not be affected.


    1. Tony- what’s your take on this?? Looking for another opinion. XRP downward spiral. Sell or not?


      1. I am planning on making further comments on this at a later date, but since you mentioned it…

        If your tolerance for volatility is high, I would simply hold onto XRP. If you cannot stomach one pick in your portfolio getting hammered, then by all means, act as you see fit.

        This is a prime example of why you do not go heavy into any one idea.

        I am holding for now. Ripple has a lot of cash, and good lawyers. The SEC will not get an easy battle here. The idea that they let Ripple sell XRP for 5 years or so before acting on this “violation” is a complete joke. XRP is not a security, and they know it.

        I will comment further down the road. I am traveling right now so stay tuned.


        1. I’ve got a strong stomach. I’m holding.

          The Global Islamic Economic Summit 2018.
          Quote from Dillip Rao (hope I spelled his name right)

          I’ll post the video as soon as I am able for those interested. Phone acting up again!

          “The bulk of XRP sales were to institutional investors and as this starts to transition away from the retail to institutions, that’s when we’ll start to use it for wholesale financial usage. That’s when the turning point will come.”


        2. Imclueless Today Avatar

          I decided to dump a few hundred $ into XRP. Now if only dongs would sing a song..


        3. For anyone interested. Here is the video of Dilip Rao speaking at the Global Islamic Economic Summit 2018.


        4. Grayscale increased #XRP position by 8.5% as of yesterday. Go to Grayscale Twitter page to see it.

          What do they know that we don’t?

          Tony, can’t wait to read your take on everything. Thank you!


          1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

            I am taking stock of it all and will make further comments next week. For now, I am holding onto XRP.


  10. Dear Valued Customer,

    Effective J‌anuary 1‌9, 2‌021 at 10a‌m U‌TC (5a‌m E‌ST), XRP will be delisted and trading suspended from the Crypto.‌com App in the U.S. Below please find how the delisting of XRP will be handled across Crypto.‌com’s products:

    Deposit and Withdrawal
    U.S. based customers won’t be able to deposit XRP into the Crypto.‌com App as of J‌anuary 1‌9th, 10a‌m U‌TC (5a‌m E‌ST). Withdrawal of XRP from the Crypto.‌com App will not be affected.

    Crypto.‌com Earn
    U.S. based customers with XRP Earn deposits will have their XRP unlocked and moved to their Crypto Wallet on D‌ecember 2‌9th, 2‌020, 10a‌m U‌TC (5a‌m E‌ST); interest will be paid up until this date.

    If you have any questions, please reach out to us via the in-app chat. We’re here to help.

    Best regards,
    The Crypto.com Team



  11. https://cryptomensan.medium.com/time-traveler-2025-bitcoin-becomes-the-global-reserve-currency-6af31307eaa1

    This is very interesting. Someone has a very detailed imagination, foreknowledge or who knows?


  12. High-cycle PCR tests do not properly diagnose covid-19, were weaponized to terrorize nations and deprive personal liberties
    Monday, December 28, 2020 by: Lance D Johnson

    Bypass censorship by sharing this link:
    Image: High-cycle PCR tests do not properly diagnose covid-19, were weaponized to terrorize nations and deprive personal liberties

    (Natural News) If you suddenly come down with symptoms of severe acute respiratory syndrome, you will not want, nor will you need, a covid-19 test to prove it. The infection will be prevalent and you will naturally want to stay in bed and recuperate.

    But common sense is no longer a virtue. Fear, panic and anticipation of sickness has become just as infectious, just as dangerous as the disease itself, driving people to line up and take invasive DNA swabs and nasal probes to see if they “have the virus.” These tests are not intended to diagnose covid-19 and they routinely give off false positives, but they continue to be the measurement to justify lock-downs and the suspension of civil liberties.

    PCR tests being fraudulently and unlawfully used to suspend civil liberties and sow discord.

    These PCR tests for covid-19 cannot distinguish between “live” viruses and inactive (noninfectious) viral particles. These faulty instruments were never intended for diagnostic purposes and are unable to determine whether SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent, even when clinical symptoms are present.

    Symptoms such as fever, chills, sore throat, cough and loss of taste and smell can be the body’s reaction to a variety of causative agents. There are hundreds of pathogens that circulate in humans every year, and the body is always adapting to this microbial environment. The deadliest pathogens are most often acquired in hospitals; for example, drug resistant tuberculosis has claimed 4,408,519 lives since year 2000. Drug resistant streptococcus pneumoniae, Clostridium Difficile, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococcus are just a few more hospital-acquired pathogens that have killed millions of people in the 21st century. Covid-19 is one piece of a much larger puzzle, a sign that human immune systems are weak and ailing, malnourished and compromised.

    No amount of diagnostic testing, separation, isolation and deprivation of rights will stop this process; therefore, testing for covid-19 is a waste of energy — a lost cause. The most important approach to facing the world is to take steps that strengthen innate immunity, using nutrition and plant-based medicines to counter viral load. After all, respiratory symptoms aren’t just caused by covid-19. They are also caused by orthomyxoviridae (which contains dozens of influenza viruses), paramyxoviridae (which contains the parainfluenza viruses), human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and human metapneumovirus (hMPV.) The same overlapping symptoms of covid-19 can also be caused by picornaviridae, rhinoviruses, enteroviruses (such as coxsackieviruses and many more enteroviruses), rhinovirus (including at least 100 types). Not to mention, there are various mutations of human coronaviruses already in existence including (HCoV) 229E, HCoV OC43, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV), along with viruses from the family Adenoviridae, and the newly discovered HCoV NL63 and HCoV HKU1, and the ssDNA virus from the family Parvoviridae.

    High cycle PCR COVID-19 testing has been used as a weapon in 2020
    PCR testing has been used as a weapon in 2020, to terrorize people and take away their liberties. These instruments of terrorism have been used as the basis to torture small business owners, lock entire industries down, unlawfully detain people and quarantine them in their own homes. These tests have been using a higher-than-normal cycle threshold to detect for covid-19. The FDA and CDC have recommended that the tests be run at a CT of 40 from the beginning of the “pandemic” even though a CT over 35 is scientifically unjustifiable and guaranteed to generate 97 percent false positives. When the number of amplification cycles is increased to this level, the test is more likely to return a “positive” result, even if the person isn’t sick. High cycle PCR tests were the reason why so many people tested positive without showing any symptoms, driving the false narrative that the virus can be spread by “asymptomatic carriers.”

    In Europe and America, case counts of covid-19 were inflated for both the living and the deceased because amplification of RNA particles was conducted at 34 cycles or more. Once this threshold is passed, the likelihood of a true positive is near zero. Dr. Lee Merritt warns that the term “case” has been arbitrarily redefined to include people who tested positive for the presence of noninfectious viral RNA. Merritt says, “That is not epidemiology. That’s fraud.”

    A Portuguese Court recently ruled similiarly that high cycle PCR tests above 34 cycles are medical fraud and are illegally used to deprive people of their civil liberties. The European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases revealed in April that, in order to get 100 percent confirmed real positives, the PCR test must be run at 17 cycles. Florida is currently leading the way for scientific transparency and are requiring all labs to report the number of cycles they are using for their PCR tests.


  13. In no specific order:

    PCR test for nCov2019 — pure garbage, false positive rate 50% to 100%, probable fp rate 97%. WHO knows full well that you have a false case-demic just as in the 2009 real and false swine flu peaks. They did this deliberately. Errors of this magnitude are NEVER innocent.

    Ivermectin — If given at start of infection, virus(es) of all kinds, undetectable at 48 to 72 hours. Give by injection. 93% index of effectiveness. For doctors — if you can’t get your hands on ivermectin, now that the insane politicos are restricting it too, indomethacin 50mg BID will put a 1,000x-5,000x damper on the viral rise. Great work by the Italians. You’ll find the PubMed reference easily using indomethacin and SARS as search terms. — Nota bene: Indomethacin is a coronavirus specific therapy. AFIK, not effective for influenza A and B. However, Singulair and Xzyzal at doube/triple regular dose, IS effective in influenza (and putatively coronavirus).

    OMG — 330,000 thousand dead of COVID. NO. You have 330,000 that have died with an nCov positive test. A spot check by a professional pathologist of the deaths being reported show that 40% have no basis to be a COVID death than a positive nCov antigen test. What do you want to bet the remaining 60% are given the garbage antigen test? Yeah, something other than COVID or UPPER respiratory. The year is clocking out at 2,855,000 dead — which allowing for population growth and random death, is what we experienced the last 3 years in the U.S.

    HCQ — Sorry naysayers, HCQ+Zinc+Azithromycin, given first 5 days, works. See Congressional Hearing. (I STILL see the NHS Chief Medical Officer has not been removed for his wrong call in banning HCQ… How many did that decision kill?)

    Immunity Passports — Are empirically useless. Farr’s Law will eliminate COVID like it has all other diseases within a year. Even now, less than 1% of all putative COVID meets the clinical definition of the condition. Several thousand recent nCov+ samples were tested privately, and found to be nothing but Influenza A + B. It’s all reclassification of regular seasonal crap. When the next contagion hits, X-Virus-2022, it won’t be on the passport anyhow. So, what’s the point? Not medical control of contagion, that’s for sure. If you notice, it’s not like after SARS showed up, it continued — it disappeared without a vaccine, without any political decisions needed, because it doesn’t have a true reservoir.

    The vast majority of us, maybe as high as 90%, have cumulative immunity to coronaviruses or to most coronaviruses due to prior exposure. I suspect the SARS variant never made it past August given that there is very little true clinical CoVID in hospitals today.

    With the large 10MM population surveillance study out of Wuhan, showing that 300 so-called asymptomatic patients, spread it nowhere and that the resulting 10,000 contacts DID NOT get the disease, can we now just f’ing stop the “asymptomatic spreader/super-spreader” nonsense. As a Chairman Emeritus quipped “URIs, including coronavirus, cannot spread ‘asymptomatically’ in any significant degree”. By extension, lockdown, social distancing and masks — UNWARRANTED AND USELESS. You are, in fact, safe at the 99% level, if the person across from you has no symptoms.

    Masks — Because of the droplet study that showed a 100-fold drop in droplet spread with masks, the mask users think that is somehow definitive science. Please… How much aerosol do the 2 micron pores of a now wet mask produce. And don’t forget, zillions of submicron and larger particles spread out from the mask. ( Ritter et al., in 1975, found that “the wearing of a surgical face mask had no effect upon the overall operating room environmental contamination.” Ha’eri and Wiley, in 1980, applied human albumin microspheres to the interior of surgical masks in 20 operations. At the end of each operation, wound washings were examined under the microscope. “Particle contamination of the wound was demonstrated in all experiments.”)

    Masks — Masks have driven influenza to zero. OK Sherlock. Then WHY is COVID skyrocketing simultaneously? The two can’t be true. Exercise left to the reader.

    The whole “mandatory” thing: OK. If the vaccine works, the vaccinated are NOT in danger or a danger to you. What do you care if I’m vaccinated? Leave me to my own life.

    Employer nonsense: See asymptomatic spread results above.


  14. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    More reasons for GS delays?


  15. Robert The Bruce Avatar

    This is exciting and tells you in detail how the Pence card works. But if Pence is threatened that his wife and children will be killed if he chooses to do this then we need the same spirit of bravery that William Wallace had to reside within the bosom of Pence.

    GO PENCE GO !!!



    1. You know what happened to Wallace. We hung, drew and quartered him, removed his sexual organs and hung him off the spike in the Westminster Hall of Parliament. We keep it wall mounted today to remind the Scots. Pence may be scared of the same or similar.
      You did NOT have a fair Election and the MSM are gruesome.Re vote or reject Biden. Fail and it’s over.


  16. The ‘SPARS PANDEMIC 2025-2028’ Simulation of Oct. 2017 Details a New Coronavirus PLANdemic That Will Follow COVID-19

    Covid was just the test run. Now they have seen you mask up and lock down they know the unreal scale of Banal stupidity out there. Unreal mass ignorance.

    Crazy stuff . Be aware, the Wolves will be back. Ugly times may be coming, as states get ever more empowered now. There will be no more funds for Useless Eaters in their minds, or Retirees. Those needles will retire you.
    Watch “Japan fight for Trump” on YouTube

    The Japanese are outfighting for Trump. Why are no Americans All Couch Potatoes?


    New York Post Tells Trump to 'Give It Up' Over Election Claim

    So, the New York Post wants Trump to fold? No surprise there.


    Britons overseas have no right to our help, says Foreign Office

    Too right, you dont put in, you dont take out.


    Mathematician Bobby Piton Finds More Than 500,000 Unique Last Names in Pennsylvania: ‘Sophisticated State Actor Was Able to

    Optimize Desired Outcome’

    Who will investigate the rigging?

    “Come on man” your claim to victory is a joke … as more and more of this comes to light the average person in America will become more angry and hostile over the election steal.


    ‘Nashville Christmas Bomber’ Was a Patsy, 2 Separate Explosions Were Triggered at the Same Time – ERBN

    So whose really, going to face the music for Nashville?


    Bitcoin price to grow ‘ten times by end of 2022’ as JP Morgan estimates value of $650,00

    Kiwi Tests positive for Covid-19. If you don’t have an accurate test, you don’t have a contagion, nor a pandemic, nor even a case-demic. (2 min 15 seconds)

    Chris Christie says Trump’s pardoning of Jared Kushner’s father Charles ‘doesn’t overshadow his extraordinary work’ in prosecuting the real estate mogul who hired a prostitute to seduce and extort his brother-in-law

    Christie, a longtime friend and ally of Trump whose known for his brash persona, insisted that he didn’t have much to say about the motion during an appearance on ABC’s This Week.


    The Kushners are filth and this is an abuse of power by Trump demanding the Presidency, But Clinton sold pardons. Sadly this will be part of Trump’s legacy.

    That said, with only he or Biden as choices, we have to hope Trump survives in office.

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  17. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


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  18. The Big question for 2021 is- Does Trump run, or does Heel Spurs run away?
    Better to man up fight, than be seen a Coward who slinks off in the night.
    Trump Runs, but will he run for a second term invoking Insurrection powers
    Does he have a clue what will come for him if he falters now?
    For Trump, it’s all in, or the trash bin.
    Lose the fight of his life, and then lose the wife. He has to stand this time. His legacy stands on it all.
    Trump or Biden is all that’s on the table. America has come to this.

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  19. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  20. Covid: Post-exposure antibody protection trialed

    Now another one? Big Pharma is booming. We cant fix the Cold, Flu, Sars or HPV, but Covid we can do in 9 months?

    Can we just run this as is.

    So, the Dominion machines and whose who. For Biden, no Hidden!
    Donald Trump’s pardons must not obstruct justice

    Absolutely right Trumps louch ways to pardon the guilty as hell must be overturned

    H.G. Wells’ Dystopic Vision Comes Alive With the Great Reset Agenda — Strategic Culture


    What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election

    How Zuckerberg used his spare billions to corrupt the election process – described below – must not be allowed to happen again. Not by either political party.

    Zuckerberg, what a Scumbag. Gitmo calls for him.
    Professor Neil Ferguson: People don't agree with lockdown and try to undermine the scientists

    The people say Hell NO!!!! to Ferguson.

    AstraZeneca boss says firm has worked out ‘winning formula’ to boost Oxford vaccine’s efficacy with jab set to roll out next week – as ministers target 15million people to vaccinate to end cycle of lockdowns by February

    Pascal Soriot, chief executive of the British-Swedish pharmaceutical firm, told the Sunday Times that a two-dose method can push the vaccine’s efficacy rate towards that of its rivals.


    Here’s hoping, the lock downs have to end.
    Fauci spouts the obvious again. We all know that. But we also know the death projected are BS! Far more will die from the shattered economies and treatment closed hospitals.

    Dr. Fauci warns Americans the ‘worst is yet to come’ in COVID pandemic https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9090733/Dr-Fauci-warns-Americans-worst-come-post-Christmas-surge-COVID-cases.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    So much for the threat, while the threat of economic disaster is very real.



  21. Very insightful video. This is not the world I want!

    Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown


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  22. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Nutsy Pelosi…imagine, she’s what…third in line for the presidency? Worthless hag.

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  23. Painful waiting on this guy to get to the point, but its very interesting!
    Nashville bombing…


  24. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Bolshevism – the scourge of Earth.

    Buffet…smart investor, but the personality of a Roomba.

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  25. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. Brilliant video. Absolutely essential viewing for anyone dabbling in crypto. Thanks so much Tony.

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