White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #165

The Ides of March – A Lesson

2065 years ago today, an accomplished Roman general and politician arrived at the east portico of the Theatre of Pompey, in Rome.

Shortly thereafter, he laid dead.

Surrounded by several senators, many of which he considered friends, they acted on a pre-arranged plan to kill this man because he had come to power by force and concentrated such power in himself for the duration of his life.

Or so they claimed.

Power is a dangerous commodity. Mishandled, it can lead to what poor Caesar experienced – being dispatched by many whom he had granted titles, rank, forgiveness, and favor to. Even his closest friend in the Senate, Brutus, is said to have struck the last, and most likely, the only fatal blow.

Throughout his life, Caesar overcame many severe, life-threatening situations. From being captured by coastal pirates – to being targeted for proscription by Sulla – to commanding outnumbered legions in Gaul – to nearly drowning in Egypt (when forces there rebelled against his presence forcing him to jump from his quarters and swimming away to escape) – to fighting a civil war, again, outnumbered.

His skill and talent to command people kept him alive and he captured for himself the rulership of his people. He lost it for one reason only: He simply refused to arrange a proper body guard. He never imagined that there would be knives leveled at him, in, of all places, the senate.

His ultimate successor, his nephew and adopted son, Octavian, consolidating his power upon the death of Marc Antony and the brushing aside of Lepidus, established the Praetorian Guard – the first organization of official body guards for the protection of the emperor.

Octavian, having done so, and having the skill to keep them well paid and occupied, ruled for 40 years – the most successful reign in the history of the Roman Empire. And, he most assuredly had many enemies as well.

So, on this day, remember this as many of you are starting to see your financial lives improve substantially, especially for the first time as your digital assets take root and provide for you the means to expand your own power and abilities – even if not quite to the level of a Roman dictator. It’s still a significant achievement to acquire the means to be self sufficient, and today, it’s easier than at any time before to do so.

The means to acquire information, to put that information to work, to create value from almost nothing more than an idea in record time, is fast-tracking the human experience for those who can harness these skills.

Just remember – it’s the one detail you may overlook which can have you down in no time.

As your lives become more and more centered around digital asset management, never forget your personal digital “bodyguard” is necessary to prevent on-line “assassination”.

Acquiring digital wealth is one thing, but remember to guard it well. One slip, and lives can be forever affected in a very negative way.

As things heat up, and valuations are being forecasted to ascend significantly higher than even now, please, take proper steps to protect what is yours. Learn proper cyber security basics and perform an assessment of your digital life and make sure your “Praetorian Guards” are on duty and effectively protecting you.

We thought it would be best, on the anniversary of the death of Julius Caesar, to remind you of what a simple oversight can result in.

We have received many messages from readers who are enjoying significant increases in their speculative digital portfolios, and we thank you so much for sharing them. It’s very satisfying to see so many people, after years of struggle and disappointment in currency matters, finally winning!

To be sure, there will be corrections and volatility, both up and down, ahead. Be ready for it if you are in for the long haul, and if not, it’s no shameful act to cash in if you have achieved the numbers that make things better for you.

We continue to monitor the Global Settlements progress. We hope to have more news concerning this monumental undertaking as soon as it’s possible to publicly share it. For now, rest assured that we are in the very best of hands when it comes to the accuracy of information concerning this transformational process, and whatever can be shared will be when possible.

As always, be ready for anything.

Thank you!

Leggio II Avgvsta

Terrorism, War & Bankruptcy are caused by the privatization of money, issued as a debt and compounded by interest. Napoleon Bonaparte

195 responses to “Information Briefing #165”

  1. WARNING VERY GRAPHIC! Very explicit filthy sexual language, violent acts/murder, bad language (F-word used throughout.) Pray for protection for your own emotional and mental health prior to watching.

    This is truly horrible. Tony, if you don’t want this here, just delete it.
    But I just feel that so many folks do not understand what child trafficking really means. You hear glimpses, but this video tells real story. So sad. Such uncaring folks.
    This was on Parler.


    1. No, we want this kind of thing. People need a cold slap in the face. The colder the better.


  2. Hi Tony, seems like cryptos are retreating a bit. I’ve added to my holdings, I truly believe this year is my chance to finally get some financial independence. I thank you for helping us all. I know you have sacrificed your time and used your contacts for us and for that god will bless you.


    1. Yes, we are in a correctional phase- the price will always seek equilibrium. Like a heard of wildebeests retreating from the shore after a few of their kind are picked off by a crocodile. They tend to back up and wait at that point.

      Most agree that the largest gains are still ahead. From all I hear and see, this is very true. Your safe position sizing will carry you forward, crocs and all.

      Thank you for your comment and I am very happy you are prospering. It should get even better.

      Stay tuned, because other things are brewing which will make cryptos seem like a drovers dowry.




  4. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  5. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    The American people are getting visibly acclimated to a Kamala Harris presidency. A new directive from the White House is one of the most concrete developments that federal officials are getting warmed up for the Harris takeover, as well.


    In short, their kind of recovery.


  6. _______

    Ask Whiity, Fauci, Ferguson and all of them how many millions do EACH get from Big Pharma? Research my Ass!
    I believe Bitcoin will get to at least $500,000 in this current bull cycl



  7. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar




    1. Why bother he’s already got that job in the Windsor Family. Apart from the Queen and William,
      the rest are the Munster family!
      This is their Bart Simpson.
      Selling His Ass for Megan’s ambitions. Megan, Nancy and Clinton?


  8. France and the EU having totally failed to plan for vaccines are now threatening to block any Astra Zeneca vaccines leaving for the UK manufactured under licence to us and produced to orders for us. It’s OUR Patent Product. Designed and funded by us. Now the want to steal it. The EU’s SS.
    So Yes please do. The minute that happens the UK needs to stop all Subsidy transfers to Brussels immediately. Put a 25% Tariff on all German and French Cars and products coming to the UK, and let them pay Brussels .
    This is part why we left the EU. Its horrible run by Socialists. Scavengers. .Let their Exports and economies collapse. Break them! Money will hit them hard. Euro Crats? Bang!


  9. Market Alert.
    Google, Gmail and other services linked to Android phones crashed last night.
    Yet another Goddam Bug
    If your phone wont link to Google Searches or access your emails., don’t panic your not alone.
    Typical of Tekkies,. rather than fix their Shite they start babbling on about how to re route via God knows what route. It’s not our problem YOU fix it Dam you. If we fine these companies starting at $50M a day and doubling each 2 days, see now fast they move it. Hackers and Virus creators simply need chopping, Judge Dreads – caught and bang! No Courts. Track and hack them out! No mercy. . Nightmare times .
    Android users are hit badly.
    It’s a nightmare again. It’s a bug! Wait for the excuses. Will they fix it?


  10. Myanmar military seizes George Soros’ bank accounts, issues arrest warrants

    ” (Natural News) The military government that was established in Myanmar following accusations of voter fraud earlier this year has reportedly seized the bank accounts of numerous Open Society Foundations owned and operated by billionaire provocateur George Soros.

    Along with the seizure came the issuance of arrest warrants for 11 members of Soros’ organizations who are believed to have given “financial support to the civil disobedience movement against the military junta.”


  11. The 15th Century Medici Bank Is Getting A 21st Century Re-Launch And Also Will Serve Crypto Firms
    “The Medici Bank name, most notably associated with the 15th century banking giant in Italy that, at the time, was the largest and most respected banking institution in Europe, is getting a reboot by one of its descendants.

    Prince Lorenzo de’ Medici, who is part of the same Italian banking family that ran the original Medici bank, has opened a new Medici Bank in Puerto Rico. And it’s getting a 21st century upgrade as a crypto-friendly institution.”


  12. John and everyone else. You may have missed this video Tony shared the other day. It is a total crackup,
    Never shared anything from twitter before so I hope the following link works. If not, scroll down to the comment Tony made on March 21 at 12.21pm. It’s the RyMac twitter link.

    The one at the end kills it


    1. Aurataya I did not miss I packaged her forTony.


  13. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Now that’s the Paris I remember…


    It’s like trying to ban sex. You can, but it always comes back stronger.

    Let’s organize. Call Cigna right now and tell them you will buy their insurance, but only if you can speak to a white man. 😂

    It’s about time, Time.

    No word yet if they would provide free insulin for the diabetics who go into ketoacidosis after eating the donuts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tony – I hope you don’t mind that I am posting this again up at the top of your blog. This is so huge, I did not want anyone to miss it.

      Cardano + SingularityNET Partnership = Trillions in Marketcap!
      View at Medium.com

      Watch Charles Hoskinson and Dr Ben Goertzel discuss SingularityNET and Cardano in great detail. Must watch to the end!


  14. In stages the new QFS will unfold, but it’s a two edged sword.

    One almighty battle engaging right now is the death rattle of the US Fed and its Zio/Jewish racketeers.

    They and Israel own America and have the EU Banks as dependents. When QFS comes in, they go, and they know it.

    Skewering these Sewer Rats will take time. They stole America, but the world ls not so gullible.

    Ron and JFK were great US Patriots, they did well for America and were accorded huge respect.

    Since Nixon, Bush and the Clntons, it’s been all downhill. Crook after Crook.

    Bush 41 was the single worst thieving Mongrel Crook ever to hold office. That says a lot after the Varmints who have. Yet he’s Eulogized.

    We hold files with named KGB Generals who first held meetings with Bush 41 to racketeer in Global finances. Then, even the KGB found him too crooked to trust and withdrew.

    Romney with his forgotten Offshore Billions and Tax evasion. As for the Clintons?

    Under QFS, these sort of low life parasites will be exposed, and all funds, if sought, recovered and nowhere to hide. Drug Dealers, Criminals, Corrupt Politicians and Tax Evaders, will find all files and assets transparent to all.

    They will light up the Global screens. Histories and source funds plus all connections will be traceable and show. No more dirty secrets. All recoverable.

    So, they are resisting. Worse the Zios know its time out for them. Bank transfer costs and currency change rackets will get flattened with a universal currency. Transfers and values will be immediate. Why then do we need Banks?

    This is all playing out. SWIFT is facing annihilation. As is Forex. Monitoring will be far better. Crime will take a hit as funds histories are displayed to all, and all linked Beneficiaries shown.

    Blockchains will drain banks dry. The Fed will be fed to the Dogs. But the coming run on America will expose the cracks. Where then do the Zios run to? Always they have and they covet Ukraine.

    Once the Afro Hispanic majorities take over America, who then funds and arms Israe-Hell? Who funds the Politicos? Who will funds the vast Agency powers and waste? The Military? Who then cares?

    Once Americans break free of the IRS, what then? Your money, your choice. QFS will free you and scuttle the parasites. This is why a consensus is taking time. Not for Dinarian Half Wits. Real assets, real people.

    China is using their version of QFS to scuttle America. Why not? Gaming the lot. Smart. It’s coming. Convert or Collapse faces Banks. As for Revenue?

    Stage taxes and AI will rule. Quantum Economics.



    1. “blockchains will drain banks dry” Hi John – do you think xrp and xlm will have a use case when that happens? I think they will both go up significantly higher. Get in get?


      1. Sorry – the last sentence should read “get in get out?”


        1. The get in and get out always awakens me. Big Yes. Lol.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. In and out urge! LOL
            Tony is from California. He knows what I’m talking about.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Sure do! And I sure did. And still do, even though I am in Arizona now. lol

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Me too! Remember the bumper stickers? People would cut the B and R off and stick it on their car.

                And for the people out there thinking it was something other then burgers, you should be ashamed of yourselves. hee hee

                Liked by 2 people

      2. It’s profiling like a surge for probably 2 years and if so grab profits big. Good luck.


  15. Jeremy Clarkson calls Meghan Markle ‘silly little cable TV actress’ in defence of Piers Morgan

    Clearkson calls it right, and the silly little bessoted Man Child throws away his culture for this Wannabe Bit Part Bolter.

    Why Anthony Scaramucci makes the bull case for bitcoin

    Now the Mooch wants to make a name for himself, not just Loser.

    Global shortage in computer chips ‘reaches crisis point

    China has control

    Trump will use ‘his own platform’ to return to social media after Twitter ban

    If it works he has control, If not he’s blown.

    EU’s southern states step up calls for ‘solidarity’ in managing mass migration

    Its a desperate sign and they stop coming they are just over breeding too many

    Bitcoin takes a dip as Ripple creates waves

    Watch Ukraine and Russia

    The madness is coming just like when Austria was the dupe behind WW1.

    Assets are being moved into place by both sides
    Russia will act and the question is whether NATO will as well/. Russia is Eons ahead in technology and Laser power. Plus shielded.
    As with the bullying, brutal US Shock and Awe Campaign on a helpless Iraqi Civilian population, Russia will annihilate the UN and any US forces linked.
    Then hope they dont turn on the EU. Be assured of oine thing. If any US forces attack Russian forces, Russia will pre empt. Boom!
    The US still cant grasp this. Simply knowing they got the US first is enough, Armageddon will be paid. They don’t care. America will be dead. End of.
    China’s digital currency poses a threat to the West
    Once Chinese Digital currencies are bought, that’s money out of the West. It empties Western Banks and it tanks.

    Protesters smash police windows amid ‘Kill the Bill’ march in Bristol https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9386167/Hundreds-chanting-Kill-Bill-protest-Bristol-controversial-Police-Crime-bill.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    The shape of things to come. Freedom from lock downs are being fought and deaths will follow. It’s called resistance to State Tyranny. Revolting and building.

    Good man William a thinking Monarch.
    AstraZeneca vaccine 100% effective against severe Covid, study finds https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9388099/AstraZeneca-vaccine-100-effective-against-severe-Covid-study-finds.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Cut through the BS and take your shots or face the consequences. Without your travelling nowhere and refuseniks will simply be blocked from Flights, Hotels, Sports venues and theatres.
    If you get the dam thing it may be too late. It’s mutating as fast as the Zionist Mafia.
    Watch “ALL AROUND THE WORLD ANTI LOCKDOWN PROTESTS / Hugo Talks #lockdown” on YouTube

    People are waking up to this Lock Down BS and protesting in anger.
    Police are now getting hurt. But, its only when the Politicos get manhandled, tarrred and feathered, that it will end.
    Scientific Advisors, are any more qualified for a Gulag?
    The trillion dollar quest to create a virtual universe.

    Who needs reality this is America?

    US has ‘secret evidence of UFOs breaking sound barrier without a sonic boom and performing moves humans don’t have the technology for’, says Trump’s Director of National Intelligence

    The Pentagon and intelligence agencies were in December given a 180-day deadline to produce a report into UFO sightings, meaning it will be released by June 1.


    UFO truth is coming Folks. The dam will burst.
    Even no deal might make more sense than this unstable Brexit agreement

    The EU Parasites still do not get the FACT that the UK WILL walk with a NO Deal if their games continue, and we will cut off all subsidies instantly. See how that goes down. Pigs at an empty trough!
    You need to watch this.




    1. Thanks Aurataya! Glad I own Cardano. Yipeeeee!!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Here’s a great interview of Charles Hoskinson explaining Cardano. ADA has huge potential, smart contracts coming very soon!
      . In this 1 hour + 20 minute conversation, Charles breaks down the #Cardano roadmap. https://youtu.be/HhSMtcxHkrs

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know of one company moving to Cardano blockchain

        Cardano + SingularityNET Partnership = Trillions in Marketcap!

        View at Medium.com

        Liked by 1 person

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