White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #170

New Technology Forces Change Upon The Old Order

For many, the following will be a significant wakeup call.

In Europe, and the world to follow, after the trials of the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) with South Korea, London and China, the schedule is set for a Global Digital Currency World by the start of 2025. Whether Europe or America can sustain themselves until then, is another issue. The ever-more socialist U.S. is visibly behind this push, but the ramp-up is clear and coming worldwide.

The automated clearinghouse system (ACH) is changing to allow direct deposits from non-banks, i.e., big tech, which is, in essence, their reward for censorship efforts against the Trump campaign. On December 23, 2019, there was approval of modifications to the Federal Reserve Banks’ National Settlement Service and Fedwire Funds Service to support enhancements to the same-day ACH service to prepare for digital currencies. On September 25, 2020, the Board amended the implementation date for certain modifications. They are preparing for a new, REAL digital currency, but this means two things.

First, by this Fed expansion, they are planning for the long-term elimination of public debt (Or the U.S. would collapse), escaping their incompetence and criminality, in which case there will no longer be Primary Dealer Banks, and hence, therefore, thank God, no need to bail out the incestuous Goldman type banks when they blow up in trading, assuming they will still be allowed to trade in the future. The same thing will hold true in Europe.

Secondly, there is this belief (Modern Money Theory) that debt does not matter as with a digital currency you print to your heart’s content and no one knows, so why does it matter? The slight problem with this is that both Russia and China have told the Globalist WEF to piss off. So we can expect tensions, because they will try to subdue them by hook or crook. Even to the extent of going to war. Either party might refuse to supply any goods to the digital currency crowd, sending them into never-never land. Do you not think that there is a reason why China is building silos for nukes at a frantic pace, or why they just did a siren test in their cities for fear of attack?

This Globalist crowd needs America as the attack foil to execute their plan and will fail without it. In the end, it will not matter. Russia has the wherewithal to render America silent and dead within 30 minutes. It will do everything possible to try and avoid such a direct encounter. But pushed to the brink, they will strike, even if they take the U.S. punishment that will come. The Pentagon does not get this. Have they ever? Naïve!

What is clear is that Vaccine passports have much less to do with YOUR Health, but more to do with population control. To think you need such a passport to buy petrol from a gas station in Slovenia confirms everything. And perhaps now as people there demonstrate, they will realize they are fighting to be free. They will attempt this draconian control in every country in Europe. They will fail, but the damage of state, police and bankers tyranny with their attempted socialist state communism, will leave a long ugly scar as their systems collapse.

We can only hope sanity returns. That will require another set of changes, far different than the path we are currently on. As it is, our societies and cultures are massively damaged from their attempt at absolute control.

It will take time, planning and new levels of digital capital to rebuild. Once the Fed moves to create its own digital currency, it will no longer be the independent entity it was supposed to be. Welcome to the new 21st Century of a hybrid central bank, end of primary dealers, and the elimination of government debt. Just ponder the impact to banking in general. There is a reason why Twitter has a bank license.

Of course, you will be told this is all for your security, when in truth, it’s so that the Hoi Polloi do not revolt when their government system collapses.

Banks do not see this end coming. This is no light at the end of the tunnel; it is a freight train that will run over them. CBDCs will mean you have less privacy with respect to your money and wealth. Discretion will not be yours anymore. Just ask anyone who lived through the Soviet era. Living in a self absorbed Reality TV world. Joe Public Sheeple Brains do not see this coming. Ignorance is their Bliss. Until…Bang!

The Sheeples’ road comes to an end by 2024. You have to understand that these globalists are fighting to retain power in the middle of their unsustainable debt house of cards collapsing. Much like debt is eating China beneath the surface while their exports shrink.

COVID passes are all about control – not health. Is not Slovenia denying the right to buy gasoline about control, if you have not been vaccinated? We are confronted by a collapse in socialism and this is the real crisis – not health or climate change. Those are cover stories to alter the entire economy because the collapse would mean revolution. They are trying desperately to head off a revolution – hence unvaccinated, no gasoline. Soon enough they will try no food or medical attention. Do you really think that clipboard carrying folks in Toronto trying to get dentists to sign up for not providing care to non vaccinated people is random?

They will not stop until the public wakes up enough to give them the boot. In some countries, this will be at the polling booths (provided they do not use Dominion voting machines to alter the vote) and in other cases it will be the public mob that carries them out. Watch for sane leadership steering through this. It will be the safest places to reside. When this falls flat, we will see national currencies restored. Pay attention to Populist Candidates who want your vote, as they likely are the more honest and at least THINKING! Not one of us will escape the impact of what is coming, so please prepare yourself for the realities of what IS coming for and at YOU!

This IS the beginning of the end of socialist America, and the smug EU. Apocalypse is coming for the Goyim-hating Zionists. Deservedly. At the flick of a switch, centuries of Zionist Jewish manipulation, theft and hegemony will be removed. We can and WILL seize it all back. They will be gone! Finished. About time! There will be no return to normal, we have left Kansas for good. This will be obvious when 3rd quarter results are reported.

Technological Advancement Will Enable The End Of Monopolistic Strangleholds

Banks’ compliance tyranny will die along the new, incoming tech controlled Appian Way. On every cross, a squealing banker. We WILL collect!

The Ponzi House of Cards is coming down. Who then pays for welfare? Why? Think it through. Reality check time.

There are ways to ease yourself forward into the new era. Here is some guidance for surviving the coming upheavals as technological development impacts society, with the expected chaos that accompanies almost every significant major technological advancement in the human experience.

1. Get out and stay out of debt. Debt is how banking cartels loot the planet. If you have substantial debts, seek counseling on how to pay them off as soon as possible. You may have to run the gauntlet. Things like new cars, cable TV, eating out, booze and cigarettes, movies, expensive clothes, rented furniture, etc. may have to go for a while. A second job, of which the income from will go to 100% debt settlements, may be your crown of thorns along with ditching the new car and driving a 15 year old $800 beater. But, once you are cleared of that mortgage and/or credit card payment, that same amount now invested in a quality long term mutual fund or similar, will make you a millionaire in 10 years, aside from pursuing other avenues in the short term.

2. Maximize your ability to earn. Learn new in-demand skills. Seek more overtime. Pay yourself first from every paycheck at least 10% right into savings. Otherwise, if you do not, you are working for free as a slave to your business/employer. Be smart. Don’t work for free.

3. Build wealth by recognizing up-and-coming sectors, and get in ahead of the crowd. Today, Blockchain, Transportation As A Service, A.I./Robotics and Biomedical, are the future. Consult qualified advisors within each of these sectors and make your plan using your disposable income. Don’t use margin loans. Cash only. Earlier blockchain risk takers made billions, while others played with their poop and then proceeded to join BLM and ANTIFA. Nonetheless, we are still very early compared to where we are going.

4. Be ready for anything. Nation States are losing prestige in the minds of new generations, and may falter. Be prepared for sudden disruption in food chains, utilities, police protection, etc. If such are cut off, do you have enough emergency rations, water, arms, power generation capability to sustain your life for at least 6 months? COVID shortages were kid’s play compared to what a major earthquake along the West coast of the USA, or a major biological attack from a religious fanatical organization could do to infrastructure.

5. Remove anyone close to you who constantly preach about and contemplate the ruin of things. Be Human the Solution, not Human the Problem. People who sit around and grouse about life’s hard parts are sometimes doing so because they fear if you unleash your true potential, they will be left behind as you move forward. Such people, on inspection, have been found with a history of destroying themselves as well as others around them. Get away from them – quickly, quietly, and without any regret.

6. Your health is your greatest wealth. Spend funds on good food, nutritional supplements of your choice and sane medical advice before you spend anything on other non-essential necessities. When you have good health, you have everything.

7. Do everything within your particular circumstances to reduce your tax. Once you reach a certain net worth and income, as your tax bracket gets too burdensome, consider expatriating to another tax friendly country if you are young enough for your remaining year’s tax savings to be substantial enough to pass on to your heirs, and not to worthless governments. Seek out professionals on this topic, and make sure you are well advised by someone with at least 10 years track record of assistance. It can be a huge decision, but well worth it.

Lastly, we continue to monitor the GS progress. Stay tuned for more on this as events unfold. As it stands now, unless some overwhelming compelling force causes a halt to the presently ongoing Asiatic holiday festival where they eat every stray dog in town, then it’s looking like it will all spill into 2022. We will be the first to know if otherwise.

Thank you all for your contributions to the rather stimulating banter in the comment section. We have some very, very intelligent and accomplished people who read this site, and many of them contribute to the often-times rowdy conversations. We have seen lives changed as a result of a lot of information shared here at WHA. After all, that should be the goal of any association of people who gather to peacefully seek a viable path to enhance their future survival. And, believe it or not, we are just getting started.

Remember, we are very early in the Blockchain experience:

Strength and Honor

1,507 responses to “Information Briefing #170”

  1. Like

  2. Weapons and how to arm in the coming new Wild West lawless America as the old Empire is ending badly.

    1. Use that Right to Bear Arms and use it well. Fast. Before they take that away also.
    2. Know and think through the small arms difference.
    Automatics have a nasty risk and habit of jamming when you are most at risk. Revolvers don’t.
    Plan your. bullet loading.
    But with care.
    An automatic with normal 38, 45s or similar are ok for extended lead bullet magazines for whatever you need.
    But if serious threats and close up think of loading up with cross head Dum Dums, they will open up inside and exit the size of a saucer. Or lodge inside with vast organ damage. Just aim fast, a controlled 2 handed stopper shot for the middle. The bullet does the rest. Revolvers are best to carry Dum Dums. More control.
    Hollow heads also are stoppers. Asses your risks and needs. If Mad Max times get real and nasty. But be sure don’t hit innocent civilians with those. A small 22 is for head shorts. Ghetto conflict think Dum Dums. Animals also. A Dog with a limb blown right off can’t follow though an attack.
    ( Nor Wives!) or Angry Husbands.
    Dum Dums are good for Politicians, Jewish Bankers, and Lawyers, or mad Dogs.
    If drawing your weapon you have a 2 seconds window to use it or lose it. Targets move.
    If in real danger, think fast and blast.
    If wives Rubber Bullets only.


    1. Tino is going to freak when speedo prices go up 400%

      I know it’s sensitive timing Tino but a smile right now helps you.


  3. SF Driver
    If, and I only say, IF TSHTF, money will have no value. Material assets only, food, health products. and clean water, right up to valid metals. Negotiable. assets. Useable assets.

    Whatever you gift or give to the masses, they will just Pig Out and waste it. Pigs Trough! Wake up time would come soon enough. A gun is fine, but can YOU pull the trigger? Hesitate, you die, it’s that simple. That real.
    Just take care of your immediate family, that’s enough. If Mad Max time comes then the S ‘Really HTF! Nightmare zones. There will be no Humanity with Sub Humanity. So far, and hopefully it stays that way, it’s JUST conjecture.
    The current version of Socialist Weaned, all too many Wastes of Space Mankind, could not cope with such a reality. Pandora’s Box would erupt. The Institutionally Corrupt System will not protect you Nor corrupt Cops with guns. Law the, what Law? S-U-R-V-I-V-A-L!
    Water purification kits! First Aid Kits. Pain Killers. Seeds! Thermal Blankets and Clothes. Night Sights!
    Learn to ride horses, -Fast if so. Just hope you don’t need to find out.

    Now its calm, just watch. Conjecture.


    1. Correct on above. Hope not. But prepare. That fantasy that was the dream is over whatever.
      Crime families like the Bushes and Clintons stole from America and the Jewish Bankers gutted you.
      When the Afros and Hispanics take over for their lick, all you will be left with is their P ! Collapse is coming.
      Both Houses are a Disgrace, Bribe taking Biden or the Orange Shrek ? What a sad choice for America. Empires end and the failure of Infrastructure still does not permeate through Thick Skulls. Welfare Hogs, treacherous Beltway, Military armageddon. Where do 10 M Jews run to next? The EU will do a deal with Russia to process via the Gulags first. The EU will not take them back. The Afros and Hispanics have “Views”.All coming to America,
      The Reality Check – Mate.


  4. Sussexes could return to UK to attend party celebrating Princess Diana https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10074589/Prince-Harry-Meghan-Markle-return-Britain-attend-party-celebrate-Princess-Diana.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Two sad, attention seeking, scavenging Creeps. England does not want you Bolter, or the Weak Chin hiding Wimp your now stuck with. Stay away you sold out your country for that LA cable TV Airhead and she struck for a Royal Role she had no Class to handle. England is better off without you stop cashing in on the Royal Family you failed 😀 do one! Creeps!

    And SOON! Run America Run!
    Watch “Atheist Asks God “Why Are Humans So Dark and Doomed?” He Was Amazed By The Answers He Received” on YouTube

    What is after life? Watch. Your call.

    The ONLY two ways to stop French Duplicity, is to either stop all subsidies instantly, or reinvade the Bastards and savage them.

    At the Battle of Waterloo, Marshal Blücher rode the attack line of the Prussian Cavalry and stated to all that No French Man must be left alive on the field, and that he would run through any Prussian showing Mercy to the French in the Battle.
    Napoleon had ordered killed any Prussians in battles before, including Women and Children. Memories are long. The Normans slaughtered the English from 1066.. We came back. We repaid their cruelty.
    France is devious always. Trust None!

    Lifeboat carries migrants including a 16-day-old girl ashore in Kent https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10075541/Lifeboat-carries-migrants-including-16-day-old-baby-girl-ashore-Kent-amid-warm-weather-surge.html?ito=native_share_article-top


  5. Crashes come like thiefs in the night.
    Make sure you have liquid cash, food and a good water source.


  6. Like

  7. Like

    1. Her here is the video going over the about the USPS becoming a bank, he mentioned. Starts around the 3 min mark,


      1. Suppose to read going over the bill about the USPS becoming a bank.


      2. Sorry for all the typos. I was typing with one hand lying down with the phone up in the air.


        1. Put the PA down pass her over?


  8. Financial Times: 136 nations agree to biggest corporate tax deal in a century.

    A step at a time first we get a Global uniform tax net.

    So, more truths about the lying, Con Man Grifter, is anything about the Skank not Fake?
    An absurd Orange Turd, only Biden is worse.
    America deserves and needs neither,


    1. Definitely need a Go Fund Me Campaign for Tinos Speedos if La Palma goes. What a Bronx Buster.


  9. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The Yenta smells money.


    Liked by 1 person

  10. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    A few comments for the weekend.

    The last few weeks I have been watching the evolving saga of the possible approval of a BTC ETF. Key analysts predict this is likely to happen either this quarter or the first quarter of 2022.

    For those of you who have crypto positions, be prepared for the impact of such. One ETF approval would signal to Wall St that more crypto products are most likely to follow, and with millions of eager stock investor wanting to participate, their onramp may soon be opened. It is unlikely that this will have a negative affect on prices. However, there may be intense volatility between now and then as the strong continue to acquire from the weak.

    Prepare yourselves for “what should I do now?”. There is no one answer. Everyone’s life is different and depending on your goals, and needs, the actions you take will be based on such.

    I continue to get e-mails from readers who have done very well and have taken profits to make a difference in their lives. Fantastic! I do think that in the months to come, we will see more of such messages as the early positions we have taken will most likely prove to have been very prescient acts ahead of a world that is transitioning to a blockchain economy. It is unlikely that we will regress backwards from it. Doing so would be like declaring we are going back to vacuum tubes.

    Efforts to get Elder transactions done, continue behind the scenes. We understand that the window for 2021 is still open, but closing fast. It is tragic that so many resources which these transactions represent are continually delayed by things like holiday revelries, ritualistic food ingestion and political greed and avarice. If by some assemblage of miracles a success is achieved, this will hopefully signal a new era of using such resources for other than Kabalistic exsanguination of nations via usury.

    Until that day, we will focus on what tools we have at hand which are currently on the move and make the most of it.

    Currency RVs, galactic NESARA money fountains, ZAP’s zillions, Goguen’s gazillions, Mark Z’s millions, etc., continue to produce nothing. Yet, people line up to “thank [them] for what they do”, and send them donations. A more pathetic mass propitiation there never was on this earth.

    Be safe, and be ready for anything.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much Tony. Appreciate you taking the time out of your current hectic schedule to share this message with us all.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



    Liked by 1 person

  12. Covid did NOT originate in infamous bat cave, French study says https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10072881/Covid-did-NOT-originate-bat-cave-six-Chinese-miners-struck-mystery-flu.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Like anyone believed it did?
    Thu, 7 Oct 2021, 23:36
    Subject: : From a friend in Hong Kong replied by a friend in Australia

    If you think this is not coming elsewhere, think again. This is not what we have wanted for our countries, no one asked and no one voted for this nonsense. This is not about fighting one another or victimizing one person over another. In each country, we are all equal citizens and we do need to come together and say NO, for ourselves, families and friends, and those less fortunate. And in some countries like Canada, even the police have the public’s back. Whether average Canadians have theirs remains to be seen. I know of several provincial and local forces who are determined to fight for freedom lawfully to stop what is happening. Otherwise, we will find ourselves in very dark times and there are very few nations we can go to, that are not damaged, or fallen into similar conditions as Australia and Hong Kong. Each of us will make a choice whether we want to or not and whatever the choice, the consequences will occur. Even now we see citizens of various nations leaving nations behind to places never thought about, out of fear of what they see. And the worse in certain countries will be experienced this winter as high gas and food prices take their toll. This is certain as there is nothing that will stop those horrid headlines that are already written.
    As we come to a thanksgiving weekend, may we all give thanks and pray for better days ahead.

    “We have had that here in Australia for 6 months. Every shop every public place, hospital, doctors, buses, trains nowhere is not under surveillance .
    Now they match your face to the signing in with the government app to check it is the right person .
    Welcome to the NEW WORLD ORDER “
    “I got out of Jail ( his hotel room) a few days ago!! But get this…the HK government has an app you have to download and this app scans bar codes at every single venue in the city so they can track your movements. If one person in that venue (eg a restaurant) get covid..they round EVERYONE up who was present and throw them into a quarantine jail for 14 days!!!😲”
    But does this sound like what we are hearing and starting to see now? You download your info every time you visit a restaurant so how long before one will need an app that tracks all your movements including when you visit a store.
    By the way, this is a Canadian originally from India who also tells me he is not sure he will return to Canada as there is more freedom in India than Canada and he trying to convince his wife who is a lawyer to leave.
    Climate change: More than two feet of rain fell in Italy in half a day, something not seen in Europe before – CNN

    So now Italy is really Pissed off.

    A sign of global cooling. 

    Supporting Prince Andrew is damaging Queen’s image, says royal expert

    Whether the Queen likes it or not, Andrew will land her head on in public fury if she continues bailing his Ass to escape trial.

    It’s too public now he must answer to the Police and Court. He and Fat Fat Fergie are both obnoxious sleaze bags . If he’s done the crime he may have to do the time;
    Him with the Slags in the showers will be some picture. New Meat on the Block. Face down for this Royal clown. Grind your teeth they are coming in;.

    If he’s innocent free him, if guilty ??????????????????????????? She can’t shelter him now. What is the Truth? It’s calling Fat Boy.

    Supporting Prince Andrew is damaging Queen’s image, says royal expert https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10072443/Supporting-Prince-Andrew-damaging-Queens-image-claims-royal-expert.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


  13. Liked by 2 people

    1. How cool was that? Thank you all so very much for standing up for us down here. I personally appreciate it greatly and I know many other Aussies will too. Cheers mates.

      Liked by 1 person

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  15. Let them walk… way to go Coinbase!

    Coinbase is now “much more aligned” and has even increased the number of its employees a year after the company announced it would focus on creating an open financial system for the world and disengage from social activism and political issues, prompting some workers to walk out.


  16. My thoughts are with Tino the week end.
    No place to be, but life. Time heals. Time to be, in Grace with more. The Soul of the Universe is with you both.
    Respect and compassion.
    When the time comes be at one with God. Goodness awaits. His Soul will be blessed.
    Such valuable time now Tino. It matters. Good call.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. https://conservativebrief.com/biden-uses-52403/?utm_source=CB&utm_medium=ABC
    Joe Biden is literally using a fake White House set to conduct business.


    1. Fake President , Fake Son, Fake Bribe denial. He’s not alone. Time to dethrone.

      Harris cocked more times than John Wayne’s rifle, loved it. Did she?
      What a mess. What a farce.
      It’s time for both, to see their Arse.

      Liked by 3 people

  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tony – I don’t want Kamala to feel left out.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Time to have a National Raffle
      The Winner gets the choice to either Cock John Wayne’s rifle or Karmella?

      Liked by 1 person

  19. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  21. https://www.dailywire.com/news/report-man-dies-from-covid-19-after-hospital-rejects-court-order-for-ivermectin

    A 75-year-old New York man died last weekend after a hospital refused to give him the drug Ivermectin in a last-ditch effort to save his life, despite an order from a judge, an exclusive report from News10NBC’s Jennifer Lewke revealed.
    Although Jeremy L. Carter was vaccinated against COVID-19, he still caught the virus at the end of August, Lewke detailed. He became sick enough to be hospitalized at Rochester General Hospital and continued to deteriorate to the point where he was placed on a ventilator.

    “Each of those times we were successful and those people went home. In this situation we sued, we got a court order and the hospital refused to administer the Ivermectin,” the attorney explained.


  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Ohhhh Canada!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    “Present thine arse for thee to kiss”, said the banking giant to the geek BTC army.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗


  25. It’s been all planned out from the beginning.


  26. Los Angeles could be 1st major U.S. city to get a public bank


  27. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

  28. The Looming Energy Crisis: People Are Going To Die This Winter – Blain’s Morning Porridge

    Between high energy costs and crazy food prices coupled with a lack of Lorry drivers this may well be a tough winter in the UK.
    Big Pharma payola scandal erupts in Australia, takes down six corrupt officials and Australian Premier Berejiklian – NaturalNews.com

    If they did this in Australia, you can be sure it has been repeated elsewhere. And no doubt more such disclosures are to come in other countries. We just need to wait.

    Totally disgusting, leading one to think that all politicians who endorse such vaccinations need to have their finances closed examined to see if they should be believed or their dictates even listened to. After all within article 7 of the UN Convention on Human Rights is this sentence: “ In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation”. Can we see long term studies on the effect of these MRNA vaccinations ? And under Article 12 of the same Convention it is made clear :” Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that Territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence.” Seems like you should be able to get on a train, bus, or plane without restrictions.

    It is apparent that lockdowns, travel restrictions and the forceful pushing of these vaccinations is contrary to the UN Convention on Human Rights and the question of the fidelity of politicians who are doing this must be asked. The same goes for the Health Officials pushing this agenda.

    This is what they are pumping into you. Madness!
    Dr John B. on Twitter: “(1/n) A microscopy analysis of a Pfizer-BioNTech #Covidvaccine sample. The analysis was performed with bright field and phase contrast microscopy and applying rigorous scientific and hygiene standards. Two samples were analyzed from the same vial. These are the results: https://t.co/FoHDS3p5rE” / Twitter

    Crazy stuff Do NOT have the Pfizer Vac. DECLINE! …

    Watch Azerbaijan

    As Iran does a test war for Israel, watch what comes down. Israel at some stage will follow.

    Rumors float that Iran will launch an attack on Azerbaijan soon. They have 3,000 or more large speed boats that can be used as attack drones against enemy boats and ships. Azerbaijan does sit on the Caspian sea where Iran has those boats. But anything that happens there will be with the pleasure of Russia, who can shut it all down in minutes, if they choose.
    An official with Azerbaijan stated today that when they go to war with Iran they will totally defeat them and split them into four regions .
    Since Azerbaijan is not even close to having the force to defeat Iran, with around 100,000 troops against Iran’s hundreds of thousands…it is likely that the official spoke out of turn and gave away the plot. In other words, if and when a war starts with Iran – Azerbaijan will likely have the back up of Turkey, Israel and perhaps the US to defeat Iran. Although with a Biden any promises made are empty.

    It seems obvious that something is being planned in a conflict against Iran, and Iran is taking the bait so far. Whether it is to discredit them or really have a longer term war is not clear.
    As far as Russia is concerned, it is not known what they will do. My guess is that they would sit it out unless their interests were threatened. China may be more inclined to interfere, except that would require the to put Taiwan on a back burner and most unlikely with their internal financial and economic issues. They can ill afford a foreign affair, although they are occupying Bagram in Afghanistan which they may use as a operating base to assist Iran.
    Why use them at all ?
    Fauci, Bright, and Daszak Caught Wargaming COVID Virus and mRNA Vaccine Rollout –

    Why is Fauci still not arraigned?

    Sure looks like crimes against humanity!

    HMS Queen Elizabeth to visit the South China Sea

    Two fingers to China. Britain WILL protect its Dependencies. We don’t run away! We are coming through. Try and die. Simple enough. Their call. We don’t Spook, we Nuke!

    Compulsory viewing for all Americans. Wake up time in the Zoo.

    Now this Video tells you why every American who voted Biden or Obama, is TOO STUPID TO EVER VOTE AGAIN. TOO CRASS DUMB STUPID, WATCH IT MORON SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!
    We need to Gift YOU lot to the Taliban. You screwed up, F Up Morons are the problem. Stupid Vote! People die, and Hunter Biden is still not in Jail? WHY MORONS,WHY NOT?


  29. “Keyword Warrants” – Feds Secretly Ordered Google To Identify Anyone Searching Certain Information

    “An accidentally unsealed court document reveals that the federal government secretly ordered Google to provide data on people searching specific search words or phrases, otherwise known as “keyword warrants,” according to Forbes.

    According to the report, the Justice Department inadvertently unsealed the documents in September (which were promptly re-sealed), which were reviewed by Forbes. In several instances, law enforcement investigators asked Google to identify anyone searching for specific keywords. “


    1. Ben Goertzel from Singularitynet talked about this in a tweet this morning. Read thru his thread. Interesting


  30. Key witness in FBI case against Assange held in custody to stop his ‘crime spree’ in Iceland – media

    “Testimony of the Icelandic criminal, identified as “Teenager” from “NATO Country 1” in court papers, was cited by US prosecutors to prove a pattern of hacking activities by Assange. Thordarson earlier this year told Stundin that he made false confessions to the FBI after he contacted the US Embassy in Iceland and offered to help them build a case against Assange in exchange for immunity from prosecution and a monetary reward.”

    News of key witness lying is ‘devastating’ for US case against Assange; it must be dropped, WikiLeaks co-founder’s ally tells RT

    ” The US’ case against Julian Assange must be dropped after a key witness confessed to lying, as the reputation of Western law and the future of journalism depend on it, UK journalist and friend to Assange Vaughan Smith has told RT.

    The news that WikiLeaks volunteer turned FBI informant Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson fabricated some important parts of his accusations in the indictment against the site’s co-founder Assange “was not a surprise,” Smith pointed out. Those close to WikiLeaks have long known that the man “had behavioral issues,” he said.”


  31. https://www.foxnews.com/media/ron-johnson-no-fda-approved-covid-vaccine

    Sen. Ron Johnson: There is not an FDA approved COVID vaccine in the US
    Johnson explains the FDA approved the Comirnaty version that’s not available in the US


  32. Like

    1. The face of pure evil.


  33. Like

  34. Like

  35. Take a minute and watch this FANTASTIC video by John McAffe
    Everyone should watch this, it is not only about porn. This really lays out the security dilemma extremely well.
    8 minutes malware, keystroke, data stealing, money, bitcoin wallet, etc.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Boy, I am glad I kept my VCR and my tapes from the 90s. 😇

      Liked by 2 people

  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    My pronouns are F–K Yea!!! 🚀🌛

    Liked by 4 people

  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    A future George Floyd in the making.


  38. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Why settle for less? Adoption. What’s in your wallet?

    Depends sales are up at the Fed.

    Liked by 2 people

  39. BIDEN EPIC FAIL: China Taking Over US Bagram Airbase, Military Assets Moving In, Deploying Military Planes to Forward Position – Geller Report News

    America Vietnam- AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! China will make Trillions from the Minerals, what a vast Free Base you left them, and you will never, EVER be trusted again.

    What a insult to the many soldiers and their families and a f#$K you to the American taxpayers and a real piss off those all those nations who send aid and assistance. And a real forget me not to the Afghanistan people who aided the troops there or those who tried to westernize.



  40. Hi tony yesterday we had a meeting and someone mentioned that Ridly Scott will be directing a movie about Napoleon and you had posted a tweet about it. We learned that Juaquin Phoenix will be cast as Napoleon. Seems odd but perhaps the star quality is what they were after as he does not look like Bonapart at all.

    Our crypto portfolios are bursting! We are at the point where we dont even flinch at dips anymore. do you think we will see an etf this year?

    Thanks again from your enthusiastic supporters in NY. Your pal C.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Yes, I read that about Phoenix, and my feelings are mixed. He’s a fine actor, and his dark persona may suit the role as Bonaparte was known to be very cold and temperamental on the battlefield. With the pressures he was under, that’s understandable. But, I agree with you in that he bears no resemblance at all. However, I can’t think of anyone who really does, except Armand Asante, but he’s too old now, and too tall.

      Bonaparte was known to be highly strung, intense, always on the edge of exploding. I can’t see Phoenix acting that part. But, Scott is no idiot. So let’s see what they produce in the end. I hope to see some decent representation of his brilliant strategic mind in this film. It’s ironic that some of his best tactics were during the final battles on French soil where he was outnumbered sometimes 3 to 1, yet managed to deliver a pasting to the allied forces, who in the end, developed a strategy to never fight a battle were Napoleon was in command, but instead, targeted units under his subordinate commanders. His former Marshal Bernadotte, who defected and led Swedish forces, knew Napoleon well and suggested such a strategy, and it worked. Bernadotte himself, was no dummy in command and knew Bonaparte’s ways.

      In any event, I am looking forward to the movie. Hollywood produces so much garbage these days, so I am hoping they will end up with a quality project in the end.

      Just hold those crypto positions! Imagine where things will be once we get an ETF, and when the top 5 retailers start accepting BTC, etc. There are billions of people waiting to play, and once Wall St gives them an easy on-ramp, look out! And, when you consider possible elder assets inbound, hopefully, then the numbers become unimaginably huge.

      We should know how it all shapes up in the next 6 months.

      Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And inside the IMF, they are going berserk. I bet the thought on their minds is, “This could put us out of business!!!”.


    Liked by 2 people

  42. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/10/05/royal-navy-submarine-jousts-japanese-show-strength-aimed-china/

    The British and Japan show a face off against Chinese expansion.

    Brits show a power display again
    China warns World War Three could be triggered ‘at any time’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10063171/China-warns-World-War-Three-triggered-time.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    One arrogant misjudgment is all it takes

    Real wealth is who. ,,?
    Watch “They Were Enormous.. The Russians Saw Something In Space That Is Totally Beyond Explanation” on YouTube

    ‘Conveyor belt’ of rape and torture in Russia’s prison system exposed https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10063881/Conveyor-belt-rape-torture-Russias-prison-exposed.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    How they deal with Islam and Zionists
    France ‘stole’ five million AstraZeneca vaccine doses destined for UK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10063153/France-stole-nearly-five-million-AstraZeneca-vaccine-doses-destined-Britain.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    The UK should have stopped all EU payments and brought the bloody lot down. Subsidising Bastards makes no sense.
    We are all with you in Spirit Tino. In Gods hands. From Star Dust to the Stars. A journey we all chose to make. Your father is blessed also Tino. And so proud of YOU.


    America never had a chance with this flotsam skimming it for self interests. Daddy Dork scandalously released so many convicted serious Jewish criminals. Disgusting!


  43. UK Data Shows COVID Infection Rates Higher Among Fully Vaccinated – Big League Politics
    Can we really still call it a “breakthrough” infection?



  44. Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed
    Sept 28, 2021


    Liked by 1 person

  45. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Good heavens, are the elders unloading some of their gold to cover the catering bills?


  46. Thought I would share this video link for those that may have inflammation issues or maybe just for overall general health. Definitely worth watching the entire video imo. This type of info has been around for quite a long time but certainly noteworthy for those that may not have come across it before. Some fab personal stories shared as well. Can’t hurt to give it a try if you are suffering any discomfort.

    The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary)

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Remember I posted about a friend of ours in Maui who works for BMW?

    Thought I would give everyone an update.

    He was placed on suspension for not taking the vaxx. They didn’t fire him cuz they did not want to pay Unemployment Benefits.

    He went down the street to the Mercedes dealership and they hired him and said they don’t care if he is vaccinated or not.

    This thing is all over the place. What a joke? Happy Mercedes hired him though. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the update AJ. I hope he blasts the sales of Mercedes right out of the ball park now. That will teach the twits at BMW a lesson.

      Liked by 1 person

  48. One of my sons lives down there. I have been sending him information on vax and swabs, etc. for awhile now. He has 3 children. I sent him The Spartacus Letter yesterday. He says he is keeping a close eye on this. Too bad California and the rest of the west coast has such crappy governors. Wish oregon had DeSantis!


  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Find this man and put him in charge of the border.


    1. How could anyone ever forget that photo?


  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I wonder if they have acquired nukes on the down low? I don’t know how they would fend off China otherwise.


    1. Love to see them fend off China!

      Liked by 1 person

  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The Yenta works the room.


    1. Of course more for them to skim interest from loans. It’s a Skanks game as always. She took the Tropos funds and scammed them. Zios again! Guillotines?


  52. _______
    Shared from Sky News: Estimated 330,000 victims of child sex abuse in French Catholic Church since 1950, commission finds https://news.sky.com/story/estimated-330-000-victims-of-child-sex-abuse-in-french-catholic-church-since-1950-commission-finds-12426390

    This I believe, filthy scum.
    Nuns used crucifixes to rape girls during decades of abuse carried out by clergy in France’s Catholic Church that saw attacks on 330,000 children covered up ‘by a veil of silence’, damning report finds

    At least 330,000 children were sexually abused in France’s Catholic Church between 1950 to 2020 with the attacks covered up for decades ‘by a veil of silence’, a damning report has found.


    More Vatican filth! Get them OUT of Schools!


    1. Not only get them out of schools but put a bullet through their heads and rid this world of such filthy dirty scum.


  53. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Imagine this, plus Elder capital, and the feeling of being ahead of all of them?

    Liked by 1 person

  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Vibrant cultural enrichment

    Liked by 1 person

  55. Thank you all for the messages of support.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Community value Tino. Earned.
      It’s a hard time coming, but trust and believe it’s ONLY transition. The Soul TRULY is its own Being. Both one and part of all.
      He’s grateful he’s got you. And vice versa. Family values at their best Tino. All carries forward, you, will see.
      You are now bonded forever. What a Book of Life? Your both lucky. Values that matter.

      Liked by 2 people

  56. Worrying and expected.


    They can’t hide the internet is blowing their cover

    What a superficial dog he’s turned out to be. When Markel ditches him, and she will, please keep him in the US on welfare. No one in the UK wants him back Markel will tire of him. Both are freaks!
    Vermont Woman Fired, Denied Unemployment for Refusing Vaccine, Becomes Homeless and Flees to Florida

    Totally sad to see this in America. What has become of Liberty?
    Masses of innocent people are now getting this from the Covid vaccines. What the hell? Come clean! You have done What

    A Few Covid Vaccine Recipients Developed a Rare Blood Disorder – The New York Times

    Liked by 1 person

  57. https://dailysceptic.org/2021/10/01/deaths-among-teenagers-up-56-since-vaccine-rollout-began/

    A post on the Daily Exposé on Thursday showed concerning statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicating that deaths among teenagers over the summer have increased significantly on the previous year, coinciding with the vaccine roll-out.

    I dug into the data a bit and I have to say I agree that it looks worrying. I’ve plotted above the deaths among 15-19 year-olds by week for 2020 and 2021. (Unfortunately the equivalent data isn’t available for previous years as prior to 2020 the breakdown was into 1-14 and 15-44 year-olds.)

    The marked divergence around week 23 broadly corresponds to when the vaccination programme among the age group was being ramped up, as indicated below.


  58. Ivermectin Opposition Ramps up as Big Pharma Begins Marketing Expensive Copies of It
    October 4, 2021


    Liked by 1 person

    1. sold their soul to satan

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  59. Let me correct a key misunderstanding for you. State Pensions should be OK within limits.
    The Welfare we refer to is that vast Homogenous flotsom group of State grasping Arsholes who wont work, live off benefits, and all of us, as bloodsucking Parasites, who need to be used as landfill or as Organ Donors. Non Contributing Social Scammers and Welfare Bandits. Trolleys loaded with Wallmart Junk Food, sized 42 dresses and 66 inch arses.
    Males, never working, whole sole role in life is loose shoes, a Joint and a warm lavatory seat to wiggle their feet.. Aaahh want me Maah Benefit Check and my free phone.Part time Dope dealers and Petty Crims. The underbelly of failed humanity. Aaaah want Maaah benefits. Bang! Sorted!

    Females who factory farm kids for Benefit Income, 6 kids via a possible 36 different fathers combination.
    Cross breeding trash in a vicious cycle. We need to rethink this herd species. Or it expands. Hands out grasping.for their ” Entitlements”. WTF? What is the point of this species of Low Life? Waster disposal trucks are needed. Why keep breeding this species? It’s just a garbage pyramid. Who pays- You DO!
    Maybe we do need a short term war to stick this Herd Turd on the front line with faulty ammo.Sorted.It’s like watching amoeba replicating in a life Petri dish. Stash your cash or it goes to this trash.
    Thank God for the valiant and good Border Services. Great job Guys. Thank you. The world needs you.
    We cull our herds on farming estates. Why feed pointless, and why cross breed it? Do we learn nothing?

    So No Guys – Retirees should be OK,it’s this Free Riding layer needing sorting, badly.
    But there still is no Pension Pot for Retirees, it’s still Ponzi. But morally supportable.
    The other lot is just Free hanging Gorilla Snot.
    Retirees should be Ok, it’s the other lot which needs thinning and binning. Action needed.

    Liked by 5 people

  60. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/ag-merrick-garland-instructs-fbi-mobilize-parents-oppose-critical-race-theory-covid-mandates-public-schools/
    The Biden Regime is targeting political opponents and using the might of the federal government to abolish the First Amendment by classifying dissent as “domestic terrorism.”

    US Attorney General Merrick Garland has instructed the FBI to mobilize against parents who oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Covid mandates, citing ‘threats.’


    1. Please excuse my vulgarity but F Biden.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Aurataya he thinks that’s a ” Promise!”.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Yucky. Not from me mate lol.


  61. https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/10/pa-democrat-to-introduce-forced-vasectomies-for-men-with-three-kids-or-turning-40-whichever-comes-first/
    PENNSYLVANIA – Democratic state legislator Christopher Rabb has announced his intention to introduce legislation to enforce “reproductive responsibility” for men.

    “Rarely is there a meaningful dialogue,” a memorandum from Rabb said, “around public policy focusing on the personal responsibility of cisgender men in this sphere.


    “Therefore, I will be introducing legislation that will require all inseminators to undergo vasectomies within 6 weeks from having their third child or 40th birthday, whichever comes first.”


    1. And please excuse my vulgarity again but F Rabb. Who the hell do these pri??? think they are? F the lot of them. It is well beyond time we the real people take a strong stand against these F’wits.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Jeez Aurataya you want an orgy now?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Might as well go out smiling lol.


    2. I don’t agree that this is the thing to do. But, when I was younger and riding the bus to school, there were 2 families of catholics on our road that has very large families. The road is 3 miles long and by the time it went up and back down the road, our bus was full. One family had 13 kids, one had 11. It just seems very unnecessary to has that many children. Please adopt locally first before having more children has always been my thought about this.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I hear you on that Biffie and agree in a fashion.

        I always believed one should be entitled to have as many children as they desire on the condition that they can FULLY SUPPORT them with ALL needs until the age of 18. That includes good nutritious food every single day, a solid moral environment, comfortable permanent housing that is at all times safe and secure, a sound, quality education, access to and funding available for top level healthcare when and if needed and all the other stuff that children need during the years of birth to 18 years. I also believe it is important to have both parents in the life of a child.

        I believe, in consideration of the above points, there would not be too many people these days that could actually afford those things if they were to have more than two children. I absolutely do not agree with people having children for the sake of governments handouts. Many do it and it utterly disgusts me, particularly when one sees the environments many of those children are born into. Many have no hope from day one. I watched a doco regarding this situation a long time ago and witnessed a mother feeding a baby McDonalds. I was so furious over that, I could have chocked her with my own hands..

        I know some kids make it in life even when they have come from difficult circumstances but I consider it a parents job to ensure a child has the very best start in life when considering starting a family and that means all avenues need to be addressed, funded and covered in every aspect to ensure that is the case. Maybe I seem a little over the top but it is just how I feel about children being brought into this world.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. My mom was the youngest of nine kids,,, she is now 79 young years old… in those days the more kids you had the more help you had to work the garden and the animals, it was your food, and damn good food… it seems to me the system is what is wrong, not the amount of kids you have…when I was a kid we would go to the store and fill up the trunk of the car with bags of groceries for 20 bucks!.. the value of the dollar?… I do not like the idea of ” allowing” anything, much less the amount of kids you can have… I like the idea of getting rid of the evil pos scum in our system and actually have elected leaders that work FOR the people… there is plenty for all on this earth… GOV does not help anything, they take and create more diversity and need… the majority of people wlll make the right decisions when they are in an environment that promotes such… we have been conditioned to accept a way of life that is way below what it could be.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Absolutely magnificent comment James. I sincerely thank you for sharing this information with us all, very much appreciated.

            Liked by 1 person

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