White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #171

Be Ready For Anything In 2022


This will be a very brief article, our last for 2021.

First, let us take but a moment to review a few things.

In past articles and discussions, we predicted that:

  • Joe Biden could beat Donald Trump in 2020. He did.
  • Cryptographic Blockchain technology would continue to expand and positively affect the value of key ideas which would attract institutional interest and their capital resources. This is happening now.
  • The “revaluation” of certain war-torn currencies, and the instant wealth many expected from such, would continue to fail to materialize. It has.
  • Bolshevism would take root and grow in influence in both public and private sectors within Western and Western European nations, at the covert urging of the very same ethnocentric ideologs who were responsible for the creation of Bolshevism in the early 20th Century. It has.
  • Secluded dynastic Asiatic wealth would be prepared for release for responsible, non-usury purposes, and to, in part, assist nations with key infrastructure rebuilding. This continues to progress.

We could expand on and outline each above point with pictures and articles. But to do so would not allow brevity. So, we will not do so here. We will leave such a task to be performed in the comments section as a group effort. This is your site to experience, and, in large part, your written contributions make it what it is.

We will, instead, simply issue the very same warning to all of you which we have often times repeated in the past: BE READY FOR ANYTHING.

Anything, you say? Yes. Anything.

Disruption of utilities, food, power, police protection, transportation. The sudden shock of natural disasters as well. Always be prepared to access emergency rations, water, fuel, arms, shelter and power.

Your personal means of survival should be the foundation of your existence.

Next year we will be looking for continued digital asset gains. We also anticipate the successful commencement of key Asiatic elders’ wealth transfers.

From there, if these two activities proceed along the lines we anticipate, the combination of both continued traditional institutional cash inflows, along with newly liberated Asiatic wealth participation (via key London Trust guidance), we could see valuations of an unimaginable magnitude follow as a result.

Because we enjoy a rare, direct connection with the key London principal who works with and guides the dynastic elders as they marshal their resources for release, we are in the best possible position to hear of, and potentially act on, any significant moves that may stem from the impact of their success.

Thank you for your continued readership and have a safe and prosperous New Year.

Strength And Honor


2,324 responses to “Information Briefing #171”

  1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    It’s time to declare Twitter a public utility and regulate it under the 1st Amendment for freedom of the press. These Bolshevik c–ksuckers are getting away with stifling free speech.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Fantastic history. And we here have the distinction of enjoying company with a descendant in present time. These are heady days which we will look back on as the goals unfold from this location. Amazing.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/01/schools-in-england-told-wear-masks-in-class-as-fears-mount-of-omicron-surge

    Chest and lung problems will accelerate. Madness. Playing with fire!

    If not it’s War!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    40 US and NATO bases in Germany alone will be pounded to hell.
    Tragic for the innocent German people helpless in the middle.
    Shared from Sky News: Dinosaur footprints discovered on South Wales beach date back 200 million years, experts believe https://news.sky.com/story/dinosaur-footprints-discovered-on-south-wales-beach-date-back-200-million-years-experts-believe-12506704

    I thought it was a hoof print from Oprah.
    What the hell?


  4. Let’s be clear UK. It’s a pandemic of the vaccinated. Unlike us, y’all do get to sue when you are blatantly lied to and rights wholesale deprived.

    Use this for the first exhibit:


    Liked by 1 person

    1. .Expect real side effects and corralling the Sheeple.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Suing takes years and if you are dying, good luck with that.
        Rot permeates from the top down.


        1. Well, I’d suggest outright sub rosa sabotage… and that’s coming anyhow. The con is about to run its course.


          1. Hopefully.


  5. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. F them. Take the Italian way. Ignore them. And if that doesn’t work, since they have declared war on us, quietly execute them as they come off work. Or firebomb them. No cop has courage in front of Molotov cocktail at their feet. Or take the French approach. Spray a ton of manure on their doors…

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Sheeple Tino wont rebelle. Baaahhmy .


        1. It’s early John.

          The narrative is collapsing. The Italians are using small dollheads to game scanners.

          There are mass demonstrations in every Western nation. 27th consecutive Saturday demonstrations in France for example.

          No one will be able to spin the death rates as natural.

          Already 4 out 5 deaths is in the vaxxed even though every expert said the vaxx would protect. The masses are beginning to feel betrayed.

          Finally the concept that they have been conned is entering public consciousness. Unless the govs relent, it will move to sabotage and from there to more serious intents.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. The death rates are key Tino if even released correctly. Give time for what the hell is incubating yet.
            What the hell is unfolding inside us?


            1. Tino

              The Elite PTB want the Sheeple gone, simple as. Covid has shown to horrific levels,how many of the pointless Welfare costing Fs are loose, eating and Bleating..Pension funds orgasm at the prospect of mass reductions. Too many eating, smoking, crapping and costing. .

              Opportunities abound. So many pointless Mutts loose. Turds in herds.
              The key point is- What is the point of so many of them?
              Do they contribute F all?
              Way too often- No.
              It’s not just the Eye in the Sky which looks and asks Why?
              Reality Check is the monthly one for ” Useless Eaters”..
              Covid questions their purpose ever more now. And real world costs.


      2. Awesome advice Tino. That nailed it.


    2. I have a feeling ,many will not stay quiet.


      1. We wait to see. I see Sheeple.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Not Aurataya I hear she’s a Screamer?

        Liked by 2 people

    3. We are tired of endless BS in London. So many causes causing chaos.


    1. I do not agree with animals being used in such circumstances but the other side have other weapons too, they should remember that.


  6. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Poor fellow may not get his title…?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bloody good job. Crush the lying corrupt mongrel.


      1. Its turned 300k signed now. He is hated.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Have you seen the Rhinos Arse on her? She’s huge.Eating for 10! It’s a Hippo! God its ugly and he wakes up to it.
      Love it he deserves her.
      She’s appalling. And a Scouse accent. Grunt Class of the worst kind. Pure hippo. Potto Mouth!


  7. The truth is turning out to be so simple even the public health experts and the media can’t hide it:

    Omicron is less dangerous if you’ve been infected before, and less dangerous if you haven’t. It’s less dangerous if you’re fat, and less dangerous if you’re thin. It’s less dangerous if you’re old, less dangerous if you’re middle-aged, and less dangerous (as in probably so not-dangerous its dangers can’t even be measured) if you’re young.

    It’s a cold. The only risk it represents is that our massive testing infrastructure is now disrupting society. If we made everyone with a cold test and quarantine during the winter, we’d have lots of unnecessary economic, educational, and medical pain too.

    The solution isn’t to pretend it’s dangerous. The solution is to stop testing for a cold. — Berenson 01/02/2022

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Like

  9. The Denninger Proposal. Let’s do it:

    1. You have the right, and no physician may refuse, to demand prescription on a treatment or prophylactic basis of any drug currently licensed in the United States subject only to the limitations of this statute. A physician or pharmacist may not refuse to provide such a prescription or fill said prescription, nor may a pharmacy intentionally obstruct in any manner obtaining such a prescription including but not limited to by refusing or failing to order same from a distributor so as to prevent it from being filled.

    2. A physician who judges, in their professional opinion, that such a prescription medication is unwise, unfounded or will not treat or improve the condition for which the patient desires the prescription shall indicate on the prescription that it is being provided “AMA”, that is, against medical advice. Such an indication shall absolve both the physician and pharmacist, along with any employer of either, from all liability whether civil or criminal associated with the outcome of its use by the person to whom it is prescribed.

    3. Any health insurer may, at its option, refuse to cover any prescription written “AMA”, however, all non-insurance discount cards or certificates (e.g. “GoodRX”) may not condition their use on the lack of such an “AMA” designation and no discrimination on price is permitted based on the presence of absence of an “AMA” designation on the prescription.

    4. A pharmacist or physician who determines, in their professional opinion, that drug interactions between the drug prescribed and other drugs, supplements or other pharmacologically active substances being consumed by the patient are present and potentially harmful shall cause the prescription in question to be so-indicated prominently on the label of the container dispensed.

    5. Exceptions: Federally scheduled drugs that are habit-forming (e.g. opiates) may be refused a prescription if, in the sole opinion of the physician, the requested prescription is (1) in excess of medical need or (2) is intended to, or is likely to be, diverted to another person or entity.

    6. Violations of Sections #1 or #2 of this statute shall constitute criminal felony assault upon the patient so-impacted, shall constitute a civil cause of action including derivative suits for harm should any disease or condition impact said patient who has had such a prescription refused, and shall operate to immediately and conclusively revoke the acting party’s medical and/or pharmaceutical license, which is deemed a publicly-available record. No pharmacy, physician practice or other medical entity may employ any person who has suffered a revocation of their license for such a violation during the revoked period, and said revocation shall be for at least a period of one year. Each and every patient so-impacted shall constitute a separate and distinct offense and all revocations shall be served consecutively.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thanks Tino. Will print this one out and keep it handy.


    1. Beyond needed!


  10. The amount of vaXX injuries and deaths reported on these 2 channels is astounding…
    If you try and scroll back to the start of these threads you better take vacation time…
    I only post for info purpose… no way to verify all this info… I would bet the ranch these compilations are original and unique…




    1. Roberts is corrupt as is Kavanaugh. Coney-Barrett is weak. Thomas is about the only judge left that isn’t owned by someone. I would not count on getting help here. Most are brotherhood or have been compromised.


      1. Roberts has been blackmailed for years. Bent tas a hairpin.


    2. It will be an interesting test of the SCOTUS. With the CDC rental suspension adjudicated against CDC, in theory, by precedent, you take the same ruling, put a line thru CDC and write OSHA, and then rule again, this time writing in CMS.

      If they don’t do this, kiss the Rule of Law completely goodbye.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Frieda
    She’s worth leaving home for.


    1. The real one, behind the milk drinker, was awesome. But not for sharing. 16 /10!


  12. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/vladimir-putin-warns-nato-everyone-25759453?utm_source=mantis_rec&utm_medium=amp&utm_campaign=more_like_this

    Putin and the Kremlin now have the S500s on place across all borders so any missiles or aircraft coming in will be destroyed instantly. Every NATO base or ship will be atomised by Iskander hypersonic missiles meaning Germany and Ukraine will be destroyed in minutes. Israel and the Zionists want Ukraine and are stoking up a war so they can steal the land and they did with Palestine and surrounding states. Russia will leave Germany and Poland as dead States as warnings to the West. Soros is destroying Germany with Muslims. Russia will wipe it out with Iskanders. Poor Germany its innocent people have no chance the only Warning they will get is dying.


  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    They must be running out of laws to pass up there.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bit late.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. You want a Witch, look at the Hag in power. Nicker less Sturgeon.


  14. So, finally found out what the impact of the vaxx mandate on total hospital beds. The unvaxxed fired staff losses have wiped out 50,000 beds.

    Peak catastrophe and overwhelmed hospitals occurs because omicron is taking out another 50,000 beds via sick vaccinated staff losses.

    Even so, deaths are ~17x below delta peak.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep. Full vaccine failure.

      Liked by 2 people

  15. Came across this surfing today. Started reading all the old white hat docs from 12 years ago. Amount of theft is just staggering.

    Justice has been replaced by JUST US.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bill died last year broken hearted they stole the lot. We were his London Trustees helping him try to get Justice.
      This is the tip of the iceberg its wa,y way bigger. .

      Liked by 1 person

      1. He was undocumented which made it so hard he took their word. Crooks!


  16. When Prince Andrew loses his case with Two Ton Tess Giuffrie he needs to be stripped of his Royal status and Titles, Parliament needs to demand it. Conduct unbecoming. He’s a Bum. Put him on it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How about we remane PA as ten ton pr??? Good for one, good for all.


      1. Yep and deserved even more now

        Liked by 1 person

  17. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ben-shapiro-eviscerates-covid-cult-and-authoritarian-lockdown-nonsense-thats-destroyed
    1. Cloth masks are ineffective against omicron (Leanna Wen, CNN);
    2. The vaccinated can spread and get covid;
    3. The death rate is comparable to the flu (Chris Hayes);
    4. Many people are entering hospitals with covid, not from covid (Fauci);
    5. Natural immunity is a reason omicron hasn’t been as virulent (Fauci);
    6. We have to take into account societal needs, not just spread prevention (CDC);
    7. The asymptomatic should not be tested (NFL);
    8. We should focus on hospitalizations and deaths, not case rate (Biden);
    9. Children are not at risk and schools should remain open;
    10. Covid is predominantly an illness affecting the immunocompromised and elderly and we should not shut down society.

    Those of us in reality have been saying all this for months and most of it since May 2020. But your political priors were more important than the data. You had to have your demonization narrative.
    So welcome to reality. And f*** all y’all for pretending you didn’t know this so you could have fun crapping on Trump and DeSantis and all your red state relatives.
    And btw, AOC and all you Leftist covid fanatics — those whose virtue signaling authoritarian lockdown nonsense that has resulted in millions of lives destroyed — stay in your states and leave mine alone.

    We chose data and freedom. You chose alarmism and unearned moral superiority. Stay in NY, NJ, CA, and the rest — and enjoy the actual paranoid nanny state you created among your friends who reward you for telling them they will kill their kids and grandma if they don’t panic.

    Oh yes, and Happy New Year to all.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bloody ripper statement.


  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I would not shag this demented Bolshevik, even if her privates were crafted by Stradivarius.

    This is what we pay salaries and pensions to?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes you would if gagged. And blindfolded? And told it was Kayleigh?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Maybe up until the point I sense those horse teeth with my tongue.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Sorry Tony,
          The first time you will detect those teeth is when shes latched onto the little Fella and you find she’s a Cannibal!

          Liked by 2 people

            1. You two are cracking me up!!!

              Liked by 1 person

  19. Liked by 1 person

  20. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. The above is Global! Kids with knives are now Feral.


  21. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10359873/Britons-suffering-heart-failure-cured-thumb-sized-patches-cells.html?ito=email_share_article-top

    This is so needed now and asap for so many F your Black Budgets you Creeps. Life must be first not taking it,

    We will fast track this for funding. Hard driven. Tino please watch and track this for the site.


    Nearly one million Britons suffering from heart failure could be cured with thumb-sized patches of cells that can be stitched onto their damaged organ

    Scientists have developed a way of growing tiny amounts of heart tissue in lab
    They hope that this will provide the first ever cure for debilitating heart failure
    This affects nearly 1million people in the UK and tens of millions worldwide

    Millions of heart failure patients could be cured with tiny patches of cells that can be stitched directly on to their damaged organ.

    British scientists have developed a way of growing tiny amounts of heart tissue in the laboratory, which can be observed ‘beating away’ on their own in Petri dishes.

    The Cambridge University team hope this will provide the first ever cure for debilitating heart failure, which affects nearly 1million people in the UK and tens of millions worldwide.

    The thumb-sized patches are made using stem cells, which can be grown into any type of human cell, and are constructed into tissue using tiny ‘scaffolding’ made of the protein collagen.

    They have been tested on rats and will soon progress to human trials which, if successful, could lead to the mass- production of millions of heart patches to cure heart failure.

    Professor Sanjay Sinha, who is leading the pioneering research, said: ‘When someone has a heart attack, their heart muscle is starved of vital nutrients and oxygen.

    ‘We can lose a billion heart cells in one heart attack and the human heart doesn’t regenerate itself. It heals by scarring. The muscle that you lose never comes back.

    ‘This means the heart just doesn’t pump efficiently and patients are breathless and struggle with things they used to take for granted like walking upstairs or getting dressed.

    ‘Of people who develop heart failure, half will be dead within five years. So it is just as serious as having various types of cancer.

    ‘At the moment all we can do is give them tablets, but that doesn’t cure the underlying problem, which is the lost heart muscle.

    ‘The only real treatment is a heart transplant and this country only does 200 a year. We have come up with a new solution – using the power of stem cells to mend damaged hearts – which could restore their heart function and their lives back to normal. There are hundreds of thousands of people who could benefit.’

    Professor Sinha said the research was ‘tremendously exciting’ and that if human trials, which will monitor patients over several years, are successful the patches could be used routinely on the NHS within 15 years.

    He said: ‘Every time I go into the lab with my team growing little heart patches and look at them beating away it never ceases to amaze me.

    ‘We’ve created this floating batch of beating hearts. These heart cells and little patches are like babies, they need to be fed every day with nutrients.’

    Early trials by his team were successful and found the cells grown in the lab can be injected on to damaged hearts in rats. Professor Sinha added: ‘The next challenge is scaling it up. For the rat patch, we might use a million cells but for the human patch, we might want 100million cells or 500million.

    ‘The goal is to be able to have patches we can stitch directly on to damaged hearts when patients come in for surgery. We want a production line where you can make tens of thousands of patches, then a surgeon just picks it off the shelf and gives it to a patient.’

    Professor Sinha’s work is funded by the British Heart Foundation, which is aiming to raise another £3million for research into regenerative medicine through being Charity of the Year for the 2022 TCS London Marathon. Professor Sinha is running the marathon to help fund his own research.

    Professor James Leiper, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said: ‘Growing patches of real heart tissue from stem cells may sound like science fiction, but it is at the cutting edge of the life-changing research that the Foundation funds. Nearly 1million people in the UK are living with heart failure, for which there is no cure.

    ‘Heart failure is a debilitating condition, making everyday tasks incredibly difficult and causing a huge decrease in quality of life.

    ‘These heart patches could be a giant leap forward for regenerative medicine and the answer to finding a desperately needed treatment for heart failure – offering hope to the millions of people affected.’

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Will track with pleasure.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hire a not PA for that Lol


        1. Hot PA typo



    2. Indeed, thank you both and all the rest of the posters, for such an interesting and diverse site to learn and share on. May 2022 be progressively safer and calmer for all.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Personal Greetings to All!

    It’s great to be back home. I hope all of you enjoyed your holiday festivities and are safe and healthy.

    I thank you all for your individually distinct contributions to our comment section while I was largely away, and I am very pleased and proud of the fact that the discourse here is mostly of a mature and self-regulated nature among adults who are without a doubt very talented and valuable to each other.

    When this effort started, I had no idea that we would have the present responsibilities we have to be the platform from which a direct relationship to the halls of power would be crafted and maintained. Personally, this was new territory for which I had to learn to talk less and listen more so that we would not screw the pooch and lose such an advantage by becoming a group of posers and fake intellectuals, as many such groups devolve into.

    Here we are in 2022, and our position has only grown in all positive manner. The future added responsibilities that may be placed on our shoulders will require hard work, dedication and sacrifice. Nothing is achieved otherwise. This will not be the domain of the dimwitted or the dilettante. That is “dinarian” territory. They can have it.

    No doubt you have read the recent updates here which outline the GS progress. No doubt, you can only imagine what has NOT been shared but which is also in play. We are seeing the tip of the mountain through the clouds. What moves beneath is gargantuan in its form, and the power behind it is formidable. Dynasties forming alliances which have not existed before in modern times, and we are here to see it and understand it before 99.99% of humanity even knows about it, or otherwise has a false and embellished understanding of some warped fantasy version of it.

    Let that sink in.

    As for digital assets…I will reserve my personal comments for now. Let’s watch.

    Be ready for anything and thank you again for being the backbone of our site.

    Let’s see what 2022 has instore.

    Strength and Honor

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Be proud Tony of what you have achieved. Huge accolades. The site is so needed.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you, John. I know how busy you are with the effects of your office.

        I tell ya, folks. This man gets all the girls. I get hosting bills!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hear! Hear! A million time over.


        1. “A million times over.” Bloody typos, I hate them lol.


    2. Thank you so much for this message Tony. I can never say thank you enough to you for everything you have done. You are an amazing man that I deeply appreciate having the opportunity to know. THANK YOU.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you too! Glad you are with us to keep J2021 in check. You know those poms… 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        1. All to well lol.


  23. Well said on all above.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Must be truly hard to some of the normies… major whiplash….


    1. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/were-never-going-to-learn-about-how

      I’m shadow-banned across Medscape and Medpage, but this unmitigated moron is not only an FDA Advisory Panel member, he is Harvard professor and Editor-In-Chief of the NEJM. A
      vaccine for an age cohort that has roughly a 99.997% survival rate… correction — removing those compromised by severe diagnosis — a 99.999% survival rate.

      “We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines like the rotavirus vaccine. And I do think we should vote to approve it.”==Dr. Eric Rubin, FDA advisory panel member, Harvard professor Editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine


      1. How can it be safe without the justified field tests? Look at the side issues already. Worse will come.

        Liked by 1 person

  25. OMG! I could never make decisions that quickly lol. I would be a dead duck within seconds of that ride.


  26. Happy New Year to all!

    Liked by 2 people

  27. Happy New Year folks.

    Let’s make 2022 the year we take it all back.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Tino

      After the board meeting with the NY Bank Jan 4th, we will. Let it play out.Then we hold all the cards and need only collapse one of theirs to collapse the whole pack. None have seen it yet. The Silver bullet. Timing.
      All Empires end Tino.They have a fatal flaw inbuilt Tino. It’s all a House of Cards. One pull and watch. . .


  28. Why does anyone listen to you? You need to be brought up on Crimes Against Humanity. Omicron has mortality 10x to 25x less than delta. Who the f cares if it spreads fast?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have the time right now, as I reinvent myself (again, aaargh!) due to the devastation COVID brought to my revenue stream. I prefer being a help to the small communities I serve despite being shadow-banned across Medscape and MedPage. Sometimes it is thankless and heartbreaking, like the time someone brought me their medical record for a long-standing but benign issue. On the basis of the record I ended up diagnosing missed renal cancer, confirmed rather quickly by the professionals when the proper items were highlighted. Other times, well, who would know how successful the use of cacao powder would be in atypical vaccine-induced vasculitis? A Hail Mary pass that has now worked 3 out of 4 times… Plus, who says no to chocolate when miserable?

      I’m one step behind the leading edge because right now I have little patience for data analysis when back-of-the-envelope conclusively shows the same thing. (e.g. If the under-reporting-factor of VAERS is 41, then the vaxx has killed a minimum of 400,000. Period.)

      Here, of course, there is a different exposure than my other efforts.

      Liked by 4 people

  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Happy New Year from WHA!!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That looks like such a great place to be right now.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmmm… I bet they don’t even see the irony…

      Liked by 2 people

  30. Once we clear with the Elders, as I have already given Deutsche Bank and JPM key roles in NY, and London to come, we will reach out to Deutschland to rebuild with the Klein Englanders, a Teutonic Empire like never seen before. When Marshal Blücher came to join us to smash Napoleon at Waterloo, we won the war and lost the plot. Germany let that bloody Corporal wreak havoc in a wrong turn. If Teutonic Knights united, not fought each other what is possible? It’s so needed now. New times, new Knights and Teutonic valor. Germany can be great again, shared values and united. Hands across the nations to the Klein Englanders. Together unstoppable to save Europe and cage the Bear. United? Germany has many excellent people waiting to come again. Unite. The Socialist EU – is not for you. Let it go.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Stop the Illegals flow.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for all John…. and HAPPY NEW YEAR!…. HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone here at WHA!…
        And,,, I look forward to the possibilities!

        Liked by 4 people

      2. John you are wonderful. Europe needs more alliances like this. Save our sacred soil from this and you will have our everlasting gratitude. Mine as well. 🙂

        Not me, but you get the idea?

        We are in good hands everyone. There is hope.

        Happy New Year from Munich WHA!

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Jee did I just fill that? Not guilty.


          1. Dream on mate. LOL


        2. Concorde and a parachute.

          Liked by 1 person

    2. I want to wish many good things to all the Patriots here at WHA on the upcoming 2022. I want to thank Tony for his leadership and for keeping the site clean and real and for his insight on Cryptos opportunities.
      And huge thanks you to Big John for his day and night tireless efforts on this journey. God bless you John and May God protect you from the dark forces (as you mention earlier).

      Happy new year!!!

      Liked by 4 people

  31. Prince Andrew alone in Windsor after Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial ends https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10358079/Prince-Andrew-remains-Windsor-bolthole-Ghislaine-Maxwells-trial-ends.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Good it’s right that he faces real interrogation. Nowhere to hide.
    Sadly, pre Covid, there was once more of a propensity to live and let live, and goodwill to fellow man.

    In just 2 short years we have been witness to an unimaginable scale of beyond asinine but outright moronic mass Sheeple stupidity, suffice it to say, others now question what is their point?

    On the site you debate, reason, advise, inform, all creative thought. Like minds and a good place to be.

    But now the abusive Grunts confront us,”He’s not got his mask on- His mask is not covering his nose,”. Rabid, mindless offensive Vermin. Cart the lot to the Gulags nonstop. One Way!
    We have unleashed Excreta Flies in hovering storms. Rancid Runts!
    No question TPTB now see, the need to question, “What is their purpose or point any longer? ” Bills are real. Methane emitters, Welfare funded. Bhaaaamy Sheeple.
    Lemmings marching themselves to the Abyss. How they flock.

    There will be selective segregation coming. Forced and enforced over time Fiscal realities.
    Beyond sad. The Karma factor – For every decision or action there is a consequence. Born stupid is one thing. But for the increasing ever Dumber masses to practice it until perfect?
    Where is the line of feed or no need?
    Educate the innocent kids with hope, segregate the rest with none. Get real. Shambolic Sheeple queues will unleash their own payback.
    When all around are losing their heads, who soon decides who needs to? It’s getting ugly. Lemmings!
    What the hell has China unleashed and why no Global action? Chans need to face what they have done, As for Fauci and Master Gates?

    UK Activists Urge International Court To Act Against Fauci, Gates, Big Pharma Over COVID-19 Vaccines – National File


  32. Stop the madness.


  33. The pandemic hysteria needs to stop, along with all restrictions. There is no nexus of any kind that justifies the existence of vaxxports for access to any service, gathering or job. Add to that omicron is essentially a “backfire” virus with minimal mortality that will provide true immunity to the masses.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Both Kerpen and Skeptic are correct. Omicron is not a killer statistically and Biden IS a murderer.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. The stats below ARE NOT A CRISIS! Get a grip!


  36. Flip the script

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Mr. Tracey is correct. All these doomsayers, most of which can’t think themselves out of a paperbag, should suffer serious consequences for their missed predictions. Complete ridicule comes to mind… just for a start.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Like

  38. Fauci is what you get if one were to combine Joseph Goebbels with Shiro Ishii,
    head of Japan’s notorious Unit 731.

    Liked by 2 people

  39. The CEO of the local hospital that demanded all medical staff, employed or affiliated, get the jab or get off the staff, has OVER 100 employees out with Covid DESPITE THE FACT THEY ARE 100% VACCINATED & BOOSTED. Yet her response is….drum roll please….MASK [useless], JAB [total vaxx failure] and wear PPE [useless].

    The cognitive dissonance here is unbelievable.

    Liked by 2 people

  40. We are now availed of news from the MSM that 25% of the UK had Covid last last week.

    Total UTTER Lies and BS! Fake! There are no signs of it anywhere. Flake claims. Un F True!
    What is getting worse is that you can’t access anywhere or go anywhere without proof of 3 jabs. They will own you. How many laid out on slabs, will be caused by those jabs?
    Significant medical advise on the site makes it clear. this is not merited and risks outweigh the jab.
    Why inject such alien toxins unless yinto yourselves unless you have to?
    Bush 43 ate Stupid Cookies look at him?

    Mindless Sheeple line up. Mutants. I concur with the Tri Laterals we do need to look at Sheeple numbers now whats roaming free is frightening. Why feed those we don’t need? . Covid has proven we so need to do a few real Baaahh tests! Round up for many is over Jue.

    Liked by 1 person

  41. _______

    A huge Yes to this being tested in Court if he’s done this, he’s abused our trust as a nation and that’s not a smart move. Already he is totaled out by society closing ranks against him. It will get far worse.
    NO need for new lockdown measures to tackle Omicron says NHS boss https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10357367/NO-need-new-lockdown-measures-tackle-Omicron-says-NHS-boss-despite-record-UK-infections.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    At last common bloody sense
    Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother claims she was ‘denied’ a fair trial https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10357921/Ghislaine-Maxwells-brother-claims-denied-fair-trial.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    The father was a Czech Zionist Mossad Agent fraudster scumbag who conned and robbed the Pension Funds and just another example of the infection this Zio filth permeates across the planet unless stopped. Goyims or Golums the two cannot co-exist. That nasty little Demon Spawn infects all it touches. The bastards even look like Golum bred from the Anal passages of hell. Everything they touch they infect. Europe wanted non back. Look what they have done to America. Create a Cyrus the Virus to set humans free. Anti-Demon Spawn

    Good now what about the Abusers Clinton made how many flights to Dip his Diddly? The rest?

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Correct the grammar Rockville2
    The word is Ziotrash! Singular.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Vid is under 2 mins… he also talks about many many other pilots that have problems but are afraid to speak out!


    Liked by 2 people

  44. This might bring NASCAR some needed popularity again… maybe that is why they are allowing it…
    One thing about the article, I do not think the reporter “misheard”, I think she was covering for TV… not sure though


    NASCAR Driver Reveals ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Themed Car
    LGBcoin was created this past fall by a group of conservatives after the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon!” took off in popularity as a sanitized way to express dissatisfaction with the mainstream media and the Biden presidency as a whole.

    The coin has had some success, and the phrase is more relevant than ever. As a result, “BMS driver Brandon Brown will sport an eye-catching red, white, and blue livery with the logo and wordmark of LGBcoin aboard his No. 68 Chevrolet Camaro for all 33 races of the NXS season.”


  45. No,, you have a freakin COLD!… peoples lives have been crushed for a cold!… want to see people hang!

    “Hey my name is Benoit Paire, and for the 250th time I tested positive for Covid!!” he said on Twitter. “Honestly I can’t deal with this Covid s*** anymore.”
    “How am I doing? Because of Covid, I got a runny nose but because of all these quarantines spent in a hotel room halfway across the world, I don’t feel good mentally,” he continued.

    “Last year was tough, and this year starts exactly the same way!!”

    Paire, who is vaccinated, added that he is “100 percent for the vaccine,” but urged people to “just live as before Covid, otherwise, I don’t see the point.”

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Harmonizing Benefits of the Egyptian Science of Biogeometry

    Immunity in the Age of Information

    Biogeometry and Its Health Benefits


  47. The Ancient Technique to Making Tough Decisions

    Liked by 1 person

  48. Even on her wedding day, he still looked like the reprehensible piece of shit he is. Dirtbag Mongrel eyes.
    As for Liverlips- Who’s your Daddy? Momma has form.


  49. Rockville,
    This is horrible, but that’s where this world is headed.
    Where are moral and real values? Do we as society care no more?
    How come these type of news don’t come on the 6:00pm channel news anymore?


  50. Rockville,
    This is great stuff! Great thing you’re sharing here.
    Even though I don’t use precisely this type of chart, in concept had to adjust my life to a similar format.
    I, as a young woman had to learn the hard way to survive working since my early teens. My parents thought me values and fiscal responsibility and even though there weren’t charts like this back then the culture back in those days was to save and not get asphyxiated with debt. Nowadays I don’t see parents teaching fiscal responsibility to their kids, because they’re part of the problem as well. That’s why almost everybody is inundated with debts.

    On the beer chart, bravo! Stouts, browns and Irish are my favorites.
    Thank you dear!
    Cheers! And happy new year!

    Liked by 1 person

  51. Well kiddo’s, the New Year is here in the land down under in about five hours.

    I know we don’t all get into the personal messages shared here at certain times regarding standard celebratory events during the year but I am going to offer you all one anyway lol.

    Personally, I think the year ahead will be a very tough one. My hope is that each of you experience precious and beautiful moments within that space of time that you find comfort within and that you cherish. I do not believe any of us truly know where we will land in the period ahead so I have decided that I am going to map out a little path for you all. See below.

    All gathering here at WHA know you have a special soul and spirit. That tells me that you each will be ahead of the field when it comes to living a good life. You will each move forward with strength and knowing to find the path that leads you to where you should be. That path will include precious moments, further awakening and the gaining of deeper wisdom. That journey is under your control and I know many of you well enough to know that journey will be worth every single bit of effort you wish to place into it.

    Please remember each and every single one of you is a magnificent human being with a gorgeous heart. I truly love and respect each of you for that and your generous, respectful and kind spirits.

    Thank you every one for sharing your gorgeous hearts and souls with me throughout the year, it seriously means a lot to me. Stay strong kiddo’s and never forget how worthy each one of you truly are. XXX

    Liked by 4 people

  52. Yep… damn pandemic of the unvaccinated… not! Total vaccine failure.


    Liked by 1 person

  53. Really? REALLY? REALLY In what #@!#(4!!! Universe are we? This is Max Clown World.


    1. Surprise Surprise. Nothing is a surprise re this matter.


  54. Now on the weird side of things.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/the-fda-wants-to-hide-pre-licensure
    The FDA Wants to Hide Pre-Licensure Data Until You’re Dead and Now the CDC Wants to Hide the Post-Licensure Safety Data

    Liked by 1 person

    1. F ’em. This is absurd. There is no reason to restrict this data except one: It shows without a doubt that EUA decisions were unwarranted, that the vaxxes are in fact, dangerous and ineffective.

      Given the FDA and CDC recent pronouncements, it is clear that we were lied to across the board. Really? Now the CDC admits you can have a positive PCR for 12 weeks after infection? How many people were prevented from returning to their lives due to this alleged oversight? How about all those Brits trapped by positive PCRs overseas — dangers to no one, but treated like pariahs? Just to pick one lie and its consequences.

      Never mind the PCR is a manufacturing technique — not a diagnostic technique. There’s no real evidence the PCR ever detected anything other than exosomal sequences from activated immune systems that bound to the computer model primer, artificial in its entirety, since there was (and apparently still isn’t) a properly isolated and purified standard of reference for nCov2019. On top of that — it is blatantly admitted that the tests could NOT differentiate influenza and nCov2019. So did influenza really take a powder via viral interference or was it just all ‘re-diagnosed’ as COVID via the faulty test?

      What really burns me is we knew, before this all started that PCR was a bad idea. https://cormandrostenreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Em8OxCXWMAImr-d-2.jpeg You see that second peak — a pseudo epidemic. Since we know that the cycle counts used were >>35, we are looking at a minimum 97% false positive rate, we know — with the same certainty the sun rises again — only 3% of the reported cases were true. Everybody was deprived of rights without reason.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Beyond valid concerns.


  56. Ghislaine’s minions: Pressure mounts for enablers to face charges https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10356335/Maxwells-henchwomen.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Good to see this making the MSM
    Sad there’s no Justice all over it.
    Virginia Roberts’ tells of relief at Ghislaine Maxwell verdicts https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10354231/Maxwell-did-not-act-held-accountable-Prince-Andrew-accuser-Virginia-Giuffre.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Giuffre sucks for Bucks. Always dubious when Sluts chase the money chain with jackal lawyers coercing them for Bucks. Two Ton Tess is dubious baggage.
    Jeffrey Epstein’s past settlement with Virginia Giuffre to be made public next week

    So Two Ton Tess is back to eat for 4 again?

    Watch “Robbery of the century 😂 #shorts by Ospen4iki” on YouTube

    Damn Tony just your luck

    Liked by 1 person

  57. https://www.wnd.com/2021/12/aaron-rodgers-bombshell-nfl-secretly-administering-derided-covid-drugs/

    Treatments for COVID-19 incorporating hot-button drugs such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are being secretly adopted by National Football League teams, according to one of the NFL’s biggest stars.

    “I do know, behind the scenes — this is 100% true — there are many teams who are recommending a lot of the same treatments that I got for their players,” Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers said in an interview Tuesday with Pat McAfee’s SirusXM show.

    Liked by 2 people

  58. Allow for Year End chaos in New York it may be 10 days of frustrating problems yet. No shows and Covid are issues also. Beyond frustrating. After Friday we are sidelined for 5 time wasting days. No place to be. So much stress is evident. Endless pressure. Damned holidays! Bankers will quit midday Friday because they can’t handle her indoors. Get a whip! Man up! B (W) ankers? We need Twat Sticks and Tommy Guns in NY. Bite their knees!


    1. The timing seemed a little suspect to begin with knowing how things shut down here during the last week of the year. All this to accomplish the equivalent of a 4 hour meeting? You were right to stay put. Hoping your team isn’t stranded for too long, John.


    2. I can’t wait to read your book!


    1. Biffie: Great comment found in the comment section of this article. Stop the testing.

      For God’s sake, please tell people to stop getting tested. Why isn’t this being said more often? No tests, no pandemic. “Cases” are fiction. Stop the testing. You know when you are sick. They are doing behavioral modification to convince people they might be deadly sick with no symptoms; that you now need a doctor to tell you you’re sick; that the doctor will then prescribe a ‘cure’, which of course doesn’t work, but hey, money! Your body has a natural intelligence. Listen to it. What happened to years and years of ‘go to bed, drink fluids, it’s just a 24-hr bug’? People die every year, but now we can’t tolerate death? Stop driving if that’s the case, as there are lots of deaths from auto accidents. All of a sudden, we need tests for cold or flu? Please will someone with influence speak up? If they are right and you can drop dead without symptoms, the human race would have gone extinct long ago. Just sayin….stop testing.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Although Tony passed me a distinct photograph of a German woman to die for.


        1. Beyond! I need some Hun Fun.


        2. I have stacks of German relatives. I may have to start teasing you lol.


    1. Thank you!! Also notice the post about licorice earlier… Amazing stuff. Something else to note: *Your body doesn’t “absorb” Active Vitamin D3 through the digestion process. You can ONLY get Active Vitamin D3 from being in the sun. It is actually a molecular process in our bodies that takes place IN THE SUN (kind of like plants and photosynthesis)!
      Stay Happy and Healthy my friends!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Amladenka, I got lab tests this year and one of the tests was Vit D. High levels are at 79. Mine tested at 83.6.
        I stay out of the sun year round, long sleeve shirts, long pants, big floppy hats, and cotton gloves with the finger tips cut out to avoid getting melanoma, which I have killed several spots of with an herb. I got way too much sun in my younger days. I take 5000IU vits d twice daily with food and my last brief illness was years ago. So my thoughts are that something is working. Thank you for your information though. I will do some more research.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Biffie: I’m thankful that your body has enough vitamin D (not so happy that you have too much…) but like Vitamin B, there are multiple variants 🤗 Vitamin D is a broad term, just like saying vehicle. I’m happy to know Mother Nature is someone you trust! Best to you!!


    2. Excellent article. Nice to have such good information handy. Thanks


  59. Shes a Zio Crook she will sing. Look at the father. Then Epstein, All carrion. All Shite humanity. Give her a week Cough or do 65 years.

    Will Ghislaine ‘start naming names’ to get a shorter sentence? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10332169/Underage-orgies-possible-pregnancy-key-moments-Ghislaine-Maxwells-sensational-trial.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Really??? Now check his pants!

    Attorney says ‘Prince Andrew should be quaking in his boots’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10354629/Attorney-says-Maxwell-verdict-makes-Prince-Andrew-close-friend-child-sex-trafficker.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Ramjet Propulsion and the Near Impossibility of Interstellar Travel

    Trust technology. It exists! They are WRONG!

    How The U.S. Fell Behind In Hypersonic Technol

    Game and power changers.

    A totally confusing F up again! Gorilla Glue their F mouths!

    Government scientific adviser issues warning over NYE parties https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10355217/Government-scientific-adviser-issues-warning-NYE-parties.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    They have been testing it on Trump for the last 20 years. It works on him the Shrek Big Lump controller.
    China working on ‘brain-control weaponry’ to ‘control opponents’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10355211/China-working-brain-control-weaponry-paralyze-control-opponents.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    I thought they were all seconded to the US Senate.
    92 terrorists could be released from jail in the next year https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10353667/92-terrorists-released-jail-year-pressure-mounts-parole-board.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Stop using Evasive slimy Attorney tricks, it’s simple. If Thick Nasty Andrew had sex with trafficked naive 17-year-old in US jurisdiction he goes to trial. End of! Democracy!
    Send us Sack of Shit Sacoolas or you get no backing here. None.! Sacoolas for Assange and Slimy Andrew. Hard ball! Trade Sacoolas!

    Ghislaine Maxwell’s conviction ‘doesn’t bode well’ for Prince Andrew https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10355115/Ghislaine-Maxwells-child-sex-trafficking-conviction-doesnt-bode-Prince-Andrew.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Settling Texan traffic disputes Mexi style.
    Get in the queue damn you. Tino has just flown in and is looking for a rental car to cruise. Follow Tony! Jeez was that AJ unleashed?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Andrew should have more than SKID MARKS at this point 😀
      We’ll send all of the crooks from EVERY continent straight to John… Judge/Jury/Executioner! LOL! I feel like there should be no extradition treaties… If you committed the crime, you shouldn’t be able to seek assylum in another country! On the flip side, so many are corrupt in the court system; just because you didn’t commit the crime doesn’t mean they won’t pin it on you anyway… $h!t happens.


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