White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #171

Be Ready For Anything In 2022


This will be a very brief article, our last for 2021.

First, let us take but a moment to review a few things.

In past articles and discussions, we predicted that:

  • Joe Biden could beat Donald Trump in 2020. He did.
  • Cryptographic Blockchain technology would continue to expand and positively affect the value of key ideas which would attract institutional interest and their capital resources. This is happening now.
  • The “revaluation” of certain war-torn currencies, and the instant wealth many expected from such, would continue to fail to materialize. It has.
  • Bolshevism would take root and grow in influence in both public and private sectors within Western and Western European nations, at the covert urging of the very same ethnocentric ideologs who were responsible for the creation of Bolshevism in the early 20th Century. It has.
  • Secluded dynastic Asiatic wealth would be prepared for release for responsible, non-usury purposes, and to, in part, assist nations with key infrastructure rebuilding. This continues to progress.

We could expand on and outline each above point with pictures and articles. But to do so would not allow brevity. So, we will not do so here. We will leave such a task to be performed in the comments section as a group effort. This is your site to experience, and, in large part, your written contributions make it what it is.

We will, instead, simply issue the very same warning to all of you which we have often times repeated in the past: BE READY FOR ANYTHING.

Anything, you say? Yes. Anything.

Disruption of utilities, food, power, police protection, transportation. The sudden shock of natural disasters as well. Always be prepared to access emergency rations, water, fuel, arms, shelter and power.

Your personal means of survival should be the foundation of your existence.

Next year we will be looking for continued digital asset gains. We also anticipate the successful commencement of key Asiatic elders’ wealth transfers.

From there, if these two activities proceed along the lines we anticipate, the combination of both continued traditional institutional cash inflows, along with newly liberated Asiatic wealth participation (via key London Trust guidance), we could see valuations of an unimaginable magnitude follow as a result.

Because we enjoy a rare, direct connection with the key London principal who works with and guides the dynastic elders as they marshal their resources for release, we are in the best possible position to hear of, and potentially act on, any significant moves that may stem from the impact of their success.

Thank you for your continued readership and have a safe and prosperous New Year.

Strength And Honor


2,324 responses to “Information Briefing #171”

  1. http://www.voterig.com/area51.mp4 2 minutes
    CONFIRMED: Area 51 play station game from 2005 has the entire Covid plot laid out verbatim.
    I thought this had to be bunk so I set out to prove it wrong, only to find the complete set of “secrets” that say this and ten times more.
    The entire plot is there, including chips in a DNA vax launched as a result of the New World Order attempting to get the world population to submit to a global government. The few clips in the video below are only part of the story, I found the rest of the clips from the game and they lay out the ENTIRE PLOT we are going through now sans mention of Covid, but lots more no one knew anything about is there. It is possible that in the 17 years since this game was released some of the details have changed, however, They HAVE TO tell us what they are going to do to us as part of “the deal” which, if we accept it, makes us willing accomplices in our own demise and what is in this game still qualifies for that. Watch this video below. It’s only 5 megs worth, all the clips that lay out every last detail of what is happening NOW take 46 megs which I cannot serve to everyone from here. It is on the voterig server if you can guess your way to it . . . . . No doubt this is going into the censor bin as soon as big tech figures out people discovered this. I have embedded a short version here.
    This has to be the actual plot, because the CDC and WHO are called out specifically as helping the plot, and Sony would have been sued for this if it was not provably true.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. From jimstone site


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Fascinating history.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This picture needs to go around the world. The picture along is so shaming and telling.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That’s his best look yet…face diaper!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. 5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned _ ElectricSense.pdf (fcc.gov)
    The above article was written in 2018.
    This one is 2020.
    another from 2020.
    This one is 2021.
    These articles have both sides and also bring points regarding 5g, covid, china.


      1. in just skimming the articles it seems to have gone from “OMG we should fear 5G” to “it’s not that bad” to “WTF?! There is no connection to 5G and COVID-19”

        It’s hard to “trust the science” these days… what to believe? Time will tell I suppose!


  6. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And then they invented the Pub. At once, all united!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  9. Great Album!!! Thank you for sharing!!


  10. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/manhattans-new-soros-funded-da-lays-foundation-next-crime-wave-will-no-longer-seek-prison

    Manhattan’s newly elected DA, Alvin Bragg, has ordered prosecutors to stop seeking prison sentences for most offenses, and to downgrade felony charges in cases which include armed robberies and drug dealing, according to the New York Post.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      The Bolsheviks are making it very easy to build a standing army that is able to disrupt and move about without fear of serious consequences. This will embolden their numbers.

      Soros, the Central Committee Lenin of today, is meeting little resistance so far. Those who run our educational systems are seeing to that.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Look on the bright side: We can go up there and start cleaning up without reprocussions! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Someone please post this DA’s address so he can experience first hand the consequences of his actions.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      My reaction, as an unvaccinated citizen:

      Liked by 4 people

    2. Fuck Joe blow Biden!… just read my letter… must be vaxxed or take weekly tests at my own expense… called and told them I would not be vaxxed nor pay for test… and, would not take the swab up the nose it is free… so, we shall see how it goes.


      1. I would never put anything made in china up my nose.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. I am so tired of this gross perv. biden shut up!


    4. Rockville… Why do you have to go and make someone cry?!


  12. The horrific untreatable realities of the vaccine…
    He can’t meet clients. Enter banks. He’s turned away from restaurants, clubs and can’t travel with this. His wife and children are traumatized. Work associates don’t want him in the office it’s horrific.
    It’s so far untreatable he’s on his own Docs can’t help.
    Look at the pics he’s health and fit. Then this? This is what you’re not being told or shown. Way too much State BS stating scare stories. Is this not scary FFS?


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


      For a brief moment I thought I was reading a summary of The Elephant Man.


    2. A definite bummer John. If this were my skin, I would just keep trying all kinds of herbals, strong mushrooms, detox organs, immune building, and bath soaking with many healing elements until something works. Just a thought.


    1. Well, given the French have had mass protests 27 of the last 28 weeks (Christmas), he is begging for trouble. He is violating Sun Tzu, you have to leave the enemy an escape route lest they turn and fight. Interesting that all governments seem to be going off the rails this way.

      Liked by 4 people

  13. Lawsuit Asks Supreme Court to Reinstate Halt to 100+ Employer Jab Mandate

    The lawsuit argues that if the Government can justify the current ETS targeting COVID-19, “why could it not justify the foregoing limiting sugary drink intake by employees as a means to deter heart disease, which for years has been the number one killer of Americans, including Americans in the workforce, and killed two times as many people in 2020 as did COVID-19?”

    Liked by 2 people

  14. https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/covid-passport-microchip-developer-says-chipping-humans-happening-whether-we-it-or-not
    The developer of an implanted microchip that is linked to a COVID vaccine passport says that the mass chipping of humans as a means of verifying compliance is happening “whether we like it or not.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just wait till me and mine corrupt the IT systems that drive this shit….

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Hurry up Tino!! Corrupt away!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh, when it happens, and it will, it will be The Day the Earth Stood Still.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Send me 10 PA’s I can corrupt. Tony too and leave one for you?

            Liked by 1 person

            1. The German milk maiden will do.


  15. https://resistthemainstream.org/mike-pence-takes-supreme-court-action-to-fight-bidens-vaccine-mandate/?utm_source=telegram
    Former Vice President Mike Pence is taking the side of Americans fighting back against the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wonder if he thinks this will help him when he runs for president.


  16. Our OTHER Day Jobs You do not see. O to be a Daydreaming Sheeple if only?

    Subject: January 2022: A Game Changing Moment Between Russia, America and the World — Strategic Culture

    Just one of many Strategic Dilemmas we are dealing with.

    Sometimes, history gives us a chance to watch and help reshape in real time.

    There is no doubt that we live in a multipolar world where China and Russia exist as distinct rivals and challengers to ever weakening and unwanted Self-Serving American Hegemony. The world has had it with America, its Sleaze and Corruption.

    The current weakness of the American parade under Imbecilic Biden and his Commie Obama enablers, only hastens the day of object reality as new observations of their ineptness come into constant daily view, carried by their outdated and obsolete State Departments overreach.

    Both France and Germany are wakening up quickly to the reality that a new relationship is needed with Russia and it is not one to be dictated by a Biden / Obama Commie regime that garnishes no respect or even moral authority to give rise to leadership. There are deep feelings within the French establishment that the EU would be better off without NATO and its’ American slant of containment and confrontation. Or US Warfaring for its predatory Contractors brutal self-gain.

    Both Germany and France understand that as nuclear plants start to shut, the only true answer is natural gas from Russian pipes. Recently, we wrote about the importance of the Caspian Gas deal that Europe needs. That deal which benefits Iran, China and Russia, is a done deal and the reality of supply is clear. America was played off the board for European Gas supply with that deal. No one wants Washington dictating or meddling.

    In reality, Russia dominates in any strategic confrontation of Military force, and everyone knows that. The bigger danger would be to demonstrate its’ effectiveness by America invoking a conflict which in the end publicly demonstrate their lack of ability to confront. This would be a deep blow to any mistaken shred of capacity. America has potential but needs time to rebuild itself to hold a very real role in the world. That time is draining away under Corrupt and Rotten Leadership. It’s Presidential Whores.

    New trade routes will open up through the Eastern Block parts of Europe that will lead towards Eurasia. This is impossible to stop and its day is coming. Just like the hold of WEF over politicians will fade, while causing much internal state turmoil and many even the breakup of the EU in its’ present form. The EU is unworkable. So is US meddling. America will have to go!

    Everything changes and we are seeing very real structural change occurring in a failing Europe at a depth not seen in decades. Who can lead a Politicians do not ever succeed? The Rotten to the Core US Federal State itself is facing Break Up.

    Carol Hayes, UK: IVERMECTIN smuggled in chocolate bar saved my life… Hear how doctors would let you die instead of cure you – Whatfinger News’ General Dispatch

    Our crazy world.

    It is pitiful that people are forced to react. In this way to save themselves.
    I imagine that if everyone had access to ivermectin, life might be quite normal.

    Prince Andrew’s hopes of having case thrown out hang by a thread https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10369905/Prince-Andrews-hopes-having-case-thrown-hang-thread.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    No one here has sympathy for him.
    If he’s used a trafficked girl, he’s dead meat.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I pray far too often that the South cecedes! I probably am not weighing all of the possible outcomes correctly, but it would definitely be a welcomed change. America as a “political identity” is F*ed for decades to come, I believe… I just hope the true patriots and good hearted people don’t have to suffer greatly. It’s been obviouse for many presidents now, that we are not truly represented.
      Any person (including Andrew) who uses a trafficked child for ANYTHING should be dead meat! Put their ass in the grinder and feed them to the pigs!

      I would change the world if I could… Until such time, I’ll just walk around as the little cussing ray of sunshine that I am! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  17. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Where is the media, The 5th Estate, to seek this truth? (Sorry, I just remembered who controls it. How silly of me).

    Liked by 2 people

  19. https://thecovidworld.com/vaccinated-women-are-now-lying-about-their-vax-status-as-more-men-see-them-as-infertility-risk/
    Women in New York have started lying about their vaccination status because of widespread perception among men that they are infertile or will bear children with birth defects. One man, who wants to remain anonymous, said:

    “In clubs, they claim they’re NOT vax’d. They say things like ‘Oh COVID is bullshit‘ or ‘I don’t want to try this new experimental shot‘.

    However, after going out with them several times, the women finally admit they took the vax . . . and watch as most potential husbands leave them almost on the spot.”

    The person went on to say that at least two separate women asked him why he would break off relations with them over something like the jab, and he told them:

    “I don’t want defective children and I won’t get closer to a girl who lied to my face from the start.”

    Liked by 2 people

  20. President Trump could have done so much more for this country. But, instead, he was attached, lied to, and distracted for 4 years. He brought way too much drama to this country with his tweets. He was outspoken and he needed to be. Now I believe him to be compromised in so many ways that it would not be good for him to be president again. And if he does become so, just don’t take down DeSantis with him or I believe it could ruin DeSantis’s chance for president in the future.


    1. Sadly Trump is too Mongrel Dumb to lead.
      It needs better. he’s a Jerk. America has far better. He’s too fat to even Jerk Off.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll run for president! 🙂 Anyone willing to help me set up a GoFund me account for my campaigning?!?! John… You can be my VP 😉 😉


        1. Horizontally?


          1. Oh John… You aren’t Kamala! You don’t have to sleep your way to the top! LOL… But my husband’s name is John, so that wouldn’t be difficult (hahaha… Kidding!)


    1. Great article James. I love it when the real truth gets exposed!


  21. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/veteran-journo-resigns-cbc-pens-scathing-indictment-canadian-narrative-shaping-industry
    People want to know why, for example, non-binary Filipinos concerned about a lack of LGBT terms in Tagalog is an editorial priority for the CBC, when local issues of broad concern go unreported. Or why our pop culture radio show’s coverage of the Dave Chappelle Netflix special failed to include any of the legions of fans, or comics, that did not find it offensive. Or why, exactly, taxpayers should be funding articles that scold Canadians for using words such as “brainstorm” and “lame.”


  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  23. So what? Doesn’t mean the antibodies are effective…


  24. Chris Whitty ‘saddened’ by number of unvaccinated Covid victims in ICU https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10369089/Sir-Chris-Whitty-says-saddened-number-unvaccinated-patients-Covid-intensive-care.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Information respectfully shared so now it’s open view time.

    Poor Greece was shafted to hell by Goldman’s and the EU
    Theranos boss Elizabeth Holmes GUILTY of four counts of wire fraud https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10363887/Holmes-jury-resume-deliberations-holiday-break.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    A whole new meaning telling a Baby toddler Mummies in the Can
    Moment mannequin is beheaded in Afghan store on Taliban orders
    Biden and Nancy next? The US does another one but in Orange. All as brainless.

    Moment mannequin is beheaded in Afghan store on Taliban orders https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10365477/Moment-mannequin-beheaded-Afghan-store-declared-offensive-Islam.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    The UK is in danger of becoming a police state masquerading as a democracy

    Thats because the mass Sheeple sadly ARE so bloody offensive to deal with. You have no idea what is coming. Wait until 5G goes on full power. Sadly we will lose the good ones too. We have to allocate the future boosters categorised for use?

    We need a special one for the Zios. A one-month delayed reaction. Given also to all El Al Pilots. Take that from the Gipper.

    Watch “The US Airforce Soldier Who Faced Aliens | Retold” on YouTube

    Rendlesham again.

    Good we need a brain in the Windsor family. Charles has none. As for the Rest OMG!!!!!!!! Harry and his Hottentots? Wannabes. Boring.

    Kate Middleton ‘finds it challenging to mix with world players’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10367597/Kate-Middleton-finds-challenging-mix-world-players-shes-natural-introvert.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Prince Andrew sex abuse hearing starts in New York https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10368235/Prince-Andrew-sex-abuse-hearing-starts-New-York.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    If it does come out albeit alleged that’s he’s banged more of Epsteins groupie Hookers Andrew burns alive in free fall . If he’s played it will come out. Be sure William alone will decapitate him so will Charles.
    England is about to fry his Butt.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. He’s tough when it’s needed. He does a good job but its mainly for TV and staged.


  26. Like

    1. about time!


      1. This was used to inflate numbers rom day 1!….was one part of the plandemic!


  27. Zero COVID — 🤣🤣🤣 — a foolish wet dream of those Who Would Control Us — And impossible to achieve


    1. … but it’s not the vaxx according to blue-check fact checkers…

      Liked by 2 people

  28. Toss Scott Adams off the useful lists. He’s completely lost it.



  29. Tino’s Law: Errors in magnitude by government are never innocent events.

    This is a deliberate creation of a water crisis to increase pressure on populations and food producers.


    Liked by 2 people

  30. The scan of the following insurance companies confirms the initial report of 40% increase or more. For Prudential, they have had a massive 87% increase in death benefits paid comparing the third quarter of 2020 to the third quarter of 2021. Such a detailed breakdown wasnt available for New York Life, but their 2021 year to date (1 Jan to 30 Sept) death benefit payout is up by 27%. Examining Pacific Life documents identifies multiple units. For Pacific Life the year to date claims are up by only 12%. But for a subsidiary, Pacific Life and Annuity, claims are up by over 80%. This is an opportunistic search; more data may be forthcoming.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tino…


      The Gateway Pundit obtained a copy of the email where the ESM stated that there’s a new regulation where all districts are now required to ensure that nurses and coaches can address the treatment and monitoring of students who exhibit signs and symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest.


      1. Great find.

        Statistically, I expect K-12 as the vaxx propagate, roughly 300 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis.

        Liked by 1 person

  31. All please note the massive expansion of the Blog and new entities ever more coming in .The topic range is unprecedented,
    Huge success and thanks to all contributors helping. What a site. What growth. What a need.

    Liked by 3 people

  32. A doc in Illinois… did blood work before jab and after… very interesting…


    1. Good video…good explanation. Tino, you would like this one. This is one of the good doctors.


    1. Thanks James. Great article.




  34. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/all-new-cars-sold-eu-be-fitted-data-recording-black-box
    The system, which will be accessible to law enforcement but not insurance companies, will also be able to catalogue the exact type of vehicle and send the information to manufacturers after an accident.
    Authorities claim the data will be “anonymized,” meaning the information can’t be used to identify the owner of the vehicle, although only the incredibly naive would plausibly believe that.

    For decades, government have been pushing for all cars to be fitted with black boxes that track location data.
    The ultimate dystopian scenario involves giving police the power to utilize similar technology to completely disable the functioning of a vehicle if the driver is deemed to have committed an infraction.

    This doesn’t need to be a criminal offense, if the pursuit of social credit score schemes continues to become more invasive, it would eventually be used as a form of punishment for everything from unpaid utility bills to offensive comments posted on social media.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. A blatant POS liar… evil scum!… lets ALL vote once and make sure that happens… simple…

    “Senator Schumer’s rash, partisan power grab should be seen for what it is—desperation and a failure to do what Joe Biden and Democrats ran on: unify. If this rule change were to pass, the people of Utah and the United States would suffer immeasurably as the Senate devolves into a strictly majoritarian, Lord-of-the-Flies environment. Senator Schumer and his disastrous plan must be stopped.”

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Texas will be proud and loud. No place to be, a Zio Roach roaming free.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wish Texas would bring the rest of the south with it!!!


  37. Hopefully Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Feeding time at the Zoo.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This actually ran on Israeli TV. Bare faced contempt for Goyim. Imagine the outrage if a similar thing were directed at them from the Gentile perspective.


    1. Post the Settlements 2 can play. Stealth drones will spray a new Pesticide!
      When the Rebels launch 50,000 rockets, they will spray down first. Iran will look again. Vermin watch.
      He won’t be wearing a Bloody head when parties are done.
      LA to follow. Then cleaning up NY or is it JY?
      Khazar Skunkville needs a visit. We’ll put a new head on – Armageddon.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      You would not believe who sends these kinds of things to me. A silent minority, but growing.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. They had their say those dirty hypocrites who profess to want peace while standing on our necks. To hell with these dogs. Now let’s let someone else have a say. Equal time? See how they like it when we get around your controlled media? Shove your shabbos up your fat ass!!


  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As with Mussolini, they all need to be hung and not by the Weenie.
      If Covid teaches us anything, we can design a customised gene targeted Roach cocktail to spray, so they all go away. The Labs will be put to work through the night, with the Rats in plain sight. .Designer solutions for human pollutions. Roach Removal Inc. To clear the Zio stink. Save .lives, waste the Roaches. .

      Liked by 1 person

  40. A treasure it most certainly was to me SF. I thrashed that record endlessly. Love it and still do. Thank you.


  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Just those two, and 10,000 rounds, and Cannae would have turned out differently.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Reminds me of the movie where an aircraft carrier gets transported thru time to Pearl Harbor on the eve of the Japanese attack… history would have been surely different…

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Even better if we had reversed the parting of the Red Sea after the Gypsies Dogs were leaving Egypt and saved 6,000 years of Global Roach conduct, we would have averted how many wars? They funded Adolf, and Napoleon for Gods sake, ( The Neocon Bushes were the Zios Bag Men to HItler funding WW11 war and murder) and how many of the 40m dead were they behind in WW11 alone.? How many helpless Russians were ruthlessly murdered by Stalin’s F Bolsheviks, with the stink of their Zio hands all over it.40M more????

        If it had not been for Martial Blucher and his Prussian Cavalry (Russian / Germans, ) coming to our aid at Waterloo, we would have lost the battle and Napoleon would have mass murdered us all We were down to our last half day and about to lose!!!!!!!!!! No mercy. It would have been a very different Europe then. A different world. History lies to you. It’s all contrived and fake! When the Russian German Black’ Flag Cavalry swept down that hill hitting the French from their rear, they changed the battle and we won the War. Rothschilds double dealing funded both sides. Wellington got the Credit, but those Germanic Cavalries saved Europe. We could not have hung out 4 more hours. That tight. . .

        The Russian Mafya Oligarchs with all their Crime syndicates, Brutal People trafficking, Drug running, and mass corruption is mainly that lot. Stinking Zio Roaches. Pollutants again.

        Germany needs to co enjoin with the UK and F that lot off. Leave the EU. Work with the Teutonic nations and turn back the Mussie and Afro illegals. Restore Germany to its own Proud nationhood, Germany for Proud Germans and their Sax Coburg Klein Englander Cousins. Rebuild a Europe fit for purpose together. . Not for Deviant Boy tampering Vatican Socialist Zio collaborating Jesuits, with squalid Commie ways. We need strong Economic Leadership rebuilding Europe, not deviant Jesuit Vatican game plans
        Zio free and our children off a Vatican knee.
        Clean up Europe for a real Victory. Unite and fight for a new world, fit for all. Fit for purpose. .

        Liked by 1 person

    2. From the ex Front line, 10 good men with GPMG’s 5 more on Mortars, well laid out minefields, smoke canisters delivered by mortars also to confuse the bastards, then Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Iran live again.
      Practice training first in LA. De Lous both DC houses. Mow the Ho.
      How many wars were caused and funded by these Whores of Wars? Time for payback.
      10 Blackhawk gunships each firing 2,000 rounds per minute loaned to the oppressed nations for a month.
      Do the job!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Theranos: Holmes found guilty of criminal fraud

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The newborn she will leave behind. Mommies (In ) the Can!.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. This is sad. He got away with murder!

      Liked by 2 people

  42. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  43. Like

  44. Indeed, that was my next topic. 5G. Something to keep our eyes on for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Reading down through the comments below this article, here are a couple:
    Whistle blower nurse from Slovenia….”Number 1 is the placebo, saline. Number 2 is a the mRNA. The number 3 is an mRNA sticker that contains the onco gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. She said those receiving the number 3 bottle will develop soft tissue cancer within two years of receiving the jab.”
    And: I’ve recently experienced Constructive Dismissal after 36 yrs as a Trauma & ICU Nurse & Clinical Nurse Manager UK NHS for refusal to accept, prescribe or administer this alleged therapy or direct my staff to do so if they were of the same opinion but were afraid to articulate their beliefs following extensive research through Managerial pressure or Occupational fear. I am now unemployed, without professional references & for a New Year Treat been advised my lifelong pension has been disqualified. I’ll survive, even if it’s driving a truck but it’s with a broken heart I can no longer practice my vocation to my patients & even more concerning a recent poll has identified 42% of Doctors & 64% of Nurses are actively seeking to leave their positions as soon as practicable. In 2021 we lost 44,000 of 335,000 nursing & care staff. God Help the public who need us & grant self forgiveness to those talented professionals who can continue no further! [show less]

    Liked by 1 person

  46. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Peter Schiff probably dropped a pants load on this one.

    Liked by 2 people

  47. No catastrophe… at all… like… none at all… nope… nada…


  48. Egos heh LOL
    Now Sandra Bullock in her heyday.?
    Ingrid Bergman anyday.


  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    As we earlier reported they would do. Get ready for BTC supply shock in 2022.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ve seen reports that only 6% of BTC is available for trading on exchanges. Supply shock with a short squeeze is bound to happen soon.


  50. Well, MedPage finally took The Step. I guess I was finally over the target. I stopped typing when the ban-hammer notice came up. I was going to point out the experience in Japan, Uttar Pradesh, Peru and Mexico City with ivermectin, and of course, the 63 (64?) papers where the treatment effect was clear.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The only thing that should be banned is twitter. Just need a new platform that is truly fair and honest.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. A lot of people on Twitter are going to Gettr… I’m already on GAB and I really like it… Similar set up as Twitter, but no one has cut off my account yet 🙂


  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  52. Like

    1. Supreme Court answers our questions:
      In a Supreme Court case decision in 2013 – Pathology vs Myriad Genetics, Inc – the United States Supreme Court ruled that you cannot patent human DNA as it is ‘a product of nature’. However, at the end of the ruling, the Supreme Court wrote that if you were to change a human’s genome by mRNA vaccines (being used currently) then the (altered) genome CAN be patented.

      This means that everyone who has had the ‘vaccine’ is now technically ‘patented’. Anything that is patented is ‘owned’ and comes under the definition of ‘trans human’.

      All people who are legally identified as being ‘trans human’ do not have access to Human Rights or any Rights granted by the State. That is because they are not classified as anything 100% organic or human.

      Therefore, technically, anyone having this ‘vaccine’ can no longer have any access to Human Rights. There have been a few legal papers discussing this recently, so there should be clarification on this soon. As of now, the high court ruling stands.

      Full Supreme Court Ruling


      1. No access to Human Rights?
        Try marriage, that does it.


  53. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/01/03/president-joe-biden-promises-us-allies-will-act-decisively-russia/
    Meghan and Harry are sending Archie, two, to Californian nursery teaching ’emotional literacy’ and ‘how to be kind’ and his classmates have no idea he’s royal, fellow parent claims

    The Duke, 37, and Duchess of Sussex, 40, who live in a $14million mansion in Montecito, California, often pick their son up from school, a fellow parent told The Mirror.


    Markle needs the crazy farm.
    Testing chaos continues in race to get swabbed before school return https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10364001/Testing-chaos-continues-race-swabbed-nation-returns-work-school.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Another fiasco
    Ministers say ‘nothing in data’ to force new Omicron curbs in England https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10364151/Ministers-say-data-force-new-Omicron-curbs-England.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    More utter chaos

    The Pig wants to feed again, and the other Pig wants to hide.
    Andrew is under siege here. Blown to hell. Magic, the pompous Prick is getting roasted.

    How would lying Trump know what is Truth?
    Raise the BAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Like- NOT???????????????
    China plots ‘take over’ of Latin America with new ‘action plan’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10364663/China-plots-Latin-America-new-action-plan.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Do the same for Iran and Syria to flatten Israel if needed. Ugly predatory Khazar killers.
    Rina Oh claims Epstein and Maxwell ‘shopped her around’ at Mar-a-Lago https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10364153/Rina-Oh-42-claims-Epstein-Maxwell-shopped-Trumps-Mar-Lago-members-club.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    It’s getting round to Trump
    Hundreds of wild white-tailed deer in the US are infected with COVID https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10364889/Wild-white-tailed-deer-infected-COVID-come-contaminate-water.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    A whole new meaning to Oh Shit
    Biden STUCK on Air Force One while stairs are dragged through snow https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10364665/Biden-boards-Air-Force-One-snow-Jen-Psaki-cancels-press-briefing.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Is it hard to field a Retard?
    Covid-tracking scientists in France spot ANOTHER variant https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10365005/Covid-tracking-scientists-France-spot-variant.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Sounds like the Soetoro Obama AC DC variant to me

    Of course she will she’s Zionist Tax Excreta


  54. Liked by 1 person

  55. So, we are looking, insurance-detected, at roughly 187K excess deaths of non-COVID origin. 12 sigma is a non-trivial signal.

    Remembering that COVID deaths are 10-fold over-estimated due to the bs PCR test, in the US COVID probably killed 80,000. Let’s be conservative and add in the full first wave without adjustment and say 120K died.

    So… the cure is pointblank worst than the disease.

    Let’s be blunt: Rationally, the mRNA vaxx is a total failure. To the psychotic sociopaths, it’s just more democidal killing. So, now the gloves come will come off. Remember that families are genetically related. Will fathers and grandfathers, when they realize (and they will) they have been conned with deadly consequences to their families (multiple deaths), just sit on their asses? No. They won’t. Not in the midWest, there will be retribution.


  56. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Ok folks…

    As John predicted below (and I warned), the death rate is climbing.

    The first US shoe has dropped. The first Euro shoe dropped a while back but was viciously suppressed. In Germany, the death rate of the vaccinated is twice that of the unvaccinated.



    1. From the original report:

      We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business not just at OneAmerica, the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. The data is consistent across every player in that business.

      Davison said the increase in deaths represents huge, huge numbers, and thats its not elderly people who are dying, but primarily working-age people 18 to 64 who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.

      And what we saw just in third quarter, were seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic, he said.

      Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic, he said. So 40% is just unheard of.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It is going to blow up… how are they going to be able to keep ignoring?… someone will jump ship and get out in front of the incoming hell storm… “We did not know, we were just following orders”… can anyone see a way they will be able to cover this?… what kind of excuse will Dr Death Fauci give?… I hope it rains down on them like blistering tar!

        Liked by 3 people

        1. If everyone is dead….who will be left to protest and complain. 50% of the population dropping like flies end society. It’s Mad Max time then. 10% to 20% send us back to the stone age.

          Liked by 1 person

    2. If we factor in that Covid is NOT the KIller predicted, and Omicron is ore like O My God what a waste of Space,
      WHY are they dying and who is Lying?
      My combern is that we are unleashing side effects based on assaulting every facet of our metabolism and the “Vaccines ” are negating our hereditary DNA defences. multiplying 50 times the alternative and serious non covid risks. We are under attack everywhere now What have we unleashed?
      Madness. With no preventive screening or monitoring, expect non screening activating thousands of needless deaths, because of systematic REGLECT of cover.
      How many will die for the Great Covid Lie?
      Hen pecked by Her Indoors? Is there a worse death? A Nagathon?

      Liked by 1 person

  58. Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989 (including both the idea of mRNA vaccines and the original proof of principle experiments) and RNA transfection. Dr. Malone, has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times. Since January 2020, Dr. Malone has been leading a large team focused on clinical research design, drug development, computer modeling and mechanisms of action of repurposed drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Malone is the Medical Director of The Unity Project, a group of 300 organizations across the US standing against mandated COVID vaccines for children. He is also the President of the Global Covid Summit, an organization of over 16,000 doctors and scientists committed to speaking truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An excellent interview. Top notch. Remember, Dr. Malone has deep roots in the traditional medical science world, and that colors some of the responses. He WILL and MUST accept that what used to be institutions that were usually trustworthy are hopelessly CORRUPT and taking orders from outside. Once he accepts that, he could be the most powerful voice, even greater than what he has achieved to date.


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