White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform


Information Briefing #172

Comes the Hour. Comes the Man

88 BC. General Sulla Arriving in Rome Under Arms to Bring Order. Never the Emperor – Always the Emperor Maker.

Another year is upon us.

What we can disclose at this time is that we cannot disclose anything in great detail. But, rest assured, what you cannot see is looking back at you.

A dynastic alliance, formed to reshape the future without the need for profiting off of human misery, is in possession of the means, the advantage and the guidance to assert itself on the world’s stage.

These alliances are also building in other directions. A recent message for our leading key German supporters is as follows:

Kommt die Stunde.

Kommt der Mann.

Das nächste Mal werden sich Mutterland und Vaterland vereinen und nicht gegeneinander kämpfen

(Comes the hour. Comes the man. Next time, Motherland and Fatherland will unite and not fight against each other.)


While almost the entirety of Earth is laboring under a Kakistocracy which itself is under the influence of a parasitically oriented, international clique of rootless opportunists, the aforementioned alliance is tasked with offering an alternative. Only significant power can overcome a significant problem. Anything less capable of doing so is doomed from the start.

Presently, more details are not possible. Hopefully soon they will be.

But, overseeing all of this is a special collective group also advancing Trans-Humanism planning to have life expectancies reaching to c200 years, so as not to lose such valuable knowledge and wisdom, in order to take humanity forwards to a new level of ethereal and cosmic consciousness. With the applied sciences of those 200 years, what will then be possible? Formal Religions will fail and fall. But, will be replaced by a higher consciousness of being more, and soul values.

So much is unfolding.    

The current scene society is faced with is disastrous – bordering on catastrophic. You all see it. With applied research, you will find the malignant hand of the Goyim enslavers all over it, and their Talpiot tentacles burrowing deep into most critical structures and information hierarchies.  Spying on all they presume to own as masters of the Goyim web; the nations they covet and the damage they do. The tracking oversight knows all.  Scheme as they may, there will come their day. 

Increasing energy and healthcare costs pushing people out of their homes. Pension funds are facing a looming crisis. Most plans were structured for actuarial function up to around 70-75 years. People are reaching into their 90’s and even 100’s in greater numbers. Who will make up the differences?

Military spending is absorbing resources which could provide for the education and healthcare of many who otherwise go without. What good is funding large standing armies when drones and precision nukes have rendered their open maneuvering virtually obsolete? Waste. Ending the Military Industrial Cabal to instead focus on excellence and trade, would lift the world out of poverty.  Trillions are mass wasted in pursuit of warfare hegemony. Why is money not instead focused to aid the living and so needing? 

Why is the unelected Deep State outside of the rule of law and ethics? Once the Petro Dollar fails, who will fund them? 

Banking is being forced to change, as ever more decentralized financial technologies pressure them to become competitive. SWIFT will be gone soon, along with their rip-off fees.

Even the most benevolent political leadership is becoming ineffective by default. Even without all of the conspiracies, the plots, the power struggles, the infighting and debate of which politics is comprised of, its effectiveness when set against superior technological means of societal management is outclassed by miles. Politics is visibly failing, and new powers WILL emerge. 

It’s time for the political horse to be led to the glue factory, and more effective and reliable means utilized to meet the needs of society.

While such will most likely not happen by a sudden burst of sanity on the part of the political classes, the passage of time and the realities of technology and its inexorable effect on the way people live and work, will see to the glue horse’s fate. But this is for future generations to consider. Presently, we are facing a far different reality within which we must survive, notwithstanding the progress in present time.

To close, thank you all for your continuing contributions to our discussion sections. The incredible work all of you are doing to bring together such a wide array of facts and opinions for reader consideration is exceeding our expectations.

Be ready for anything. Always.

Something enormous is in play and moving forwards which will only uncloak when ready; stealthily shielded and being readied to swoop down on the known enemies and poisoners of mankind. 

More when possible.


1,797 responses to “Information Briefing #172”

  1. As Europe sees how fast Europe is cozying up fast to Russia short term, how the EU is waking up to the clear and present danger of Russia, and how the EU is now asking the UK, as a Non-EU Member, but the ONLY Fighting one, to head up the European Military Union to Arm and Deal with the Russian borders threat, open minds, what does it now all mean?

    1. A wake up Call, America is leaving the EU to fail as it runs, It’s OVER for America it has lost the EU.

    2. Germany is now going to have to face the fact, the EU and Euro as we see it, has failed. The Great Socialist Republic is being run into the ground by Brussels and Paris, it has failed. Parasites! The EU Swamp is fast running out of German money and once the vast UK subsidies stop, it IS over. Time to rethink the Stink that is the EU.

    3. Germany must now set up its own large new and Well-Trained, Well-Equipped Army, and Military, join with the UK Motherland TOGETHER, Train Together!!!, Be the BEST Together, do NOT fight Each Other, bring in the Swiss, Austrians, Scandinavians, and Greeks, and open Borders for European trade. Close them hard from Illegals and defend the nations from Eastern threats and Illegal parasites. Note I ignored the French. What is the point of White Flags and Free Lunches with their growing Muslim/Afro Crime Ridden Lawless Ghettos? We need to rethink Europe and next time rule without these Socialist and Commie parasites. Sift out and weed out the trash. Without the Illegals swarming in and the Ghettos plus the Crime which they bring. Keep our girls, Children and Women safe from them all. Back to basics, Think Class and restoration of our Cultures. Clean it up. Sanitise it, and allow in only those vetted by abilities, protect them as cleared, welcome to stay, and the rest, think repatriation to their own nations. Rome let the Vandals in, how did that end up? The EU IS the Failing Socialist nation. Stagnation! Does no one see the expanding Red threat? How did Stalin treat his own? Do we want that? Rebuild Europe with Pride, respect our Women and children, we are NOT a Soros, Melting Pot of Commie People Trafficking, Drug running Mafias and Gorilla Snot.

    A Europe of Culture not Food for a Vulture. Real Europeans do NOT want an Alien Nation! Nor another Red invasion. How did that go down last time?

    As NATO is failing, Quit Wailing and Man Up to defend our Nation States and Continent, not French Incontinence.

    Rethink the Europe we want, Fit for Purpose and our Homelands. Protect the Motherlands! Protect our Right to Be – FREE!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  3. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This man has crossed a serious line. I would go so far as to say that a direct act of violence against him is now justified as a lawful tyrannicide in defense of the freedom of the people of Canada.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. He needs to meet a modern day Vlad the Impaler.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Snowboarding is so cool. I like the music too. Oh, this is about the camera work. 👍


    1. He’s on skis! Wow!


    1. Russia’s Duma recognized Luhansk and Donetsk as independent states today. Putin will probably sign off this week.

      Russia will most likely wait until Ukraine tries to come into those areas then defend those eastern 2 states since they are ethnically Russian.

      Putin has gamed the west. No real reason to move on Kiev. It’s a cesspool and NATO is a paper tiger.

      But lest we forget, Putin is close buddies with Kissinger.

      Kissinger is about as high up as you go in the brotherhood, geo-politically speaking, and they want nuclear war to depopulate.

      Hopefully it’s just some staged geo-political theatre, but, hard to tell when you are dealing with psychopaths.

      Strange times.


  5. Liked by 1 person

  6. Liked by 2 people

    1. Well said!! Love the truth!!


  7. These performers are deaf and it is absolutely beautiful.

    The person who put together this video with pieces of the performance and syncing it to the music did a really great job. The song is one of my favorites and I’m pretty sure I love all Steely Dan music.

    Bodhisattva – Steely Dan

    Liked by 1 person

  8. We received report this from a balanced, intelligent Czech supporter today.
    Interesting news. Thank you.

    Subject: Rumors abound

    Strange tales of Russian troops peacefully entering the Eastern Ukraine this morning. May or may not be reported in the press. I will confirm on the ground. Meanwhile the capital flow out of Europe into US equities is now up to $150B monthly. The Euro is headed into trouble come April.

    More info will come later.

    We also received kind German emails from Intelligent German readers tracking abuse from other sites stating, ” Ignore that ranting lunatic. He’s just Russian Barnyard Shit, we know what is like to be occupied by that human filth, they are animals”.

    Thank you for the views and your support. Truly we value it. As we do all readers and so many good contributors, we cross read all. Thankfully ours are of good standing, well-mannered and constructive. Good people, all of them. You matter and are respected.

    It is not our policy to cross involve the site with such abusive Troll conduct, and sad to see it condoned anywhere. Nor would we publicly countenance such dialogue. Our role is simply to raise Humanitarian issues and encourage constructive debate. As we do.

    It serves no purpose for any site to demean itself with such parties, nor to lower ourselves to it. With them having at best 5 readers it’s delusional ranting. All have left, what you see is sad. Squatters previously evicted. Hopefully Ukraine stays free. We all see exactly why the Russians need to be kept out of Europe. How did they fare in Chechnya? Afghanistan? Patton wanted to push on and take them out after WW11, to stop what was coming. Stalin killed 20 m of them in purges. Lives we could have saved. It’s sad that East Germans, Poles and Czechs had to endure them post WW11. Hungary and Eastern Europe too. All wanted out. Many of the best left. Good people.
    Does Europe condone and allow this potential invasion or not? Do we stand by our fellow men saving them from oppression? The world has run away. An ugly precedent for Humankind is to do nothing.

    We read what will follow. Poor Ukraine. When the Roman and British Empires left, we both left Cultures behind.
    We see, sadly, what Russia leaves. Lavrov just uncloaked. Sad to see. Ugly ranting is self-serving. All can see. All do see. Wait and see. They now have rope. It’s now watched.

    Is this common sense at last appearing? Not a big ask, is it?

    Putin may be Macho in responses showboating, as Midgets do, but of he launches a war the Global trade consequences for Russia will devastate its economy. Trade deals will be lost for a decade and be hard to rebuild trust.

    No one will win and a lot will lose badly.

    Stop the Boys with Toys and stop Arms deals. Give talks time we can reason through this. It’s achievable. It’s a fine line between reason and open season for macho maniacs. Never before have we all had such killing power. Where is Mankind from a post launch Apocalypse?


  9. Exclusive Bank of England – Ripple & XRP STANDS OUT, Ripplenet Vietnam South Korea, Coinbase Superbowl



    1. John – is there anything you can share regarding the man in the video, who is the co-leader for the working group of the financial depository framework being done for the Bank of England specializing in crypto.

      He is specifically talking about Ripple/XRP


      1. AJ

        At this time I do not want to zone in any singular party until we get the release schedules because they will change everything But also in turn open Pandora’s Box for all of you.
        Also we may need to set up a special approved access code entry system so we keep all you good and deserving parties in the loop, but the ugly Dog Excreta out. Troll free.

        Liked by 5 people

        1. Ok – thank you and understood.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. That sure does bring up an interesting point…that of screening. Amundsen slaughtered the weakest dogs and took 17 to the South Pole, eating the rendered dog meat for his men and the other dogs. It staved off scurvy and ensured they would make it without carrying the weak.

          As we get closer to the next phase in the great act to unfold after the present dog meal is over, the issue of who goes on with us post-releases will be a very valid consideration. Some have already proven unable to associate in a social manner through a written medium without self-destruction; unable to keep themselves from going down the tubes for the most superficial of reasons. Do we want that kind of thing to be enabled further when the real world comes calling?

          Would it be fair to the rest who bear their crosses without complaint?

          Such will be cast off and ignored into perpetuity – no recourse. This is not a mental ward.

          Liked by 4 people

          1. Tony – I wish for those involved the greatest success.

            Liked by 3 people

            1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

              As do I, and all of us!

              Liked by 5 people

        3. John and Tony, I’m definitely ready for that ride. I’ll be available to help those who are not crypto savvy.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Nice to know Dennis. I do ok on some part of crypto investing, but still need direction on some of the rest.


            1. Biffie, just ask, glad to help if I can.


    2. AJ,

      This lawyer has a youtube channel called legal briefs that follows the Ripple v. SEC case. Pretty interesting if you are an XRP holder.

      This is his last video.


      1. Thank you HIW – I appreciate it. I’ve heard of him but don’t follow the lawsuit so closely. What a joke! I’ll give it a listen though.


        1. He seems to think it will be done by August. Earlier if they settle.


          1. The timing is interesting isn’t it? I think they will drag this out as long as they possibly can. My god! It’s so undervalued.
            Good things come to those who wait.

            Maybe I should listen to the video.

            You buying HBAR?


            1. No. Mainly cash. Exited everything in December when we didn’t get the blow off top. Saved myself alot of stress.

              Still trying to get a handle on the market and the cycle changing.

              Been trading in and out of Fantom and Avax and doing some yield farming mainly. Playing relative strength right now.

              I still feel that we have 1 more big dip. I really don’t think the $20k to $30k bitcoin range is off the table yet.


            2. Wish I would have done the same. I did some trading last year and did quite well. Better then I thought but now I have a large tax liability. Almost six figures last year, which is a lot to me. I’m just a small fish. I’m sure millions were made last year, especially with BTC and ETH did very well.

              I like Fantom. I don’t own any though. I’ll check out Avax. Never heard of it.

              Been accumulating a little HBAR and XLM. I think these assets are so undervalued. Long term holds.


  10. I know folks here don’t need anymore convincing regarding the use of BITCOIN but this documentary is interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Many good people are trying Rockville. The SKRs are ready. Good people are united. Credible people Troll free.
    Thank you for publishing.

    Liked by 1 person


    Liked by 2 people

  13. Bartiromo is right!…
    This weekend we learned that the Durham investigators uncovered evidence that shows Hillary Clinton’s team paid operatives to “infiltrate” the Trump Tower and then President Trump’s White House servers to link Trump to Russia.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. False positives my A$$!!! There have already been reports that came out stating that they used HIV particles because the original spike protein wasn’t combining in our bodies due to it’s shape!

      Liked by 2 people

  14. The Mirror: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘won’t join Charles on balcony in slimmed-down coronation’.

    Nor should the Bolter and half Witt grifters be seen again all titles should be stripped and nationality too. Markel be gone!
    iNews: Police defy human rights outcry to press ahead with facial scanning technology.

    Correct this is coming at us all
    Telegraph.co.uk: Was Sweden right about Covid all along?

    Big credibility questions for scientific Advisors and who destroyed our economies?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Since Washington Wants War So Badly Why Doesn’t Washington Simply Attack Russia? – PaulCraigRoberts.org
    With the US telling the world that Putin will invade this week; while Putin is undoubtedly more inclined to keep the mystery going. He has won insofar as the West is abandoning Ukraine. Even Zelensky is challenging the US and others to show proof of a Russian invasion this week! Who controls the fate of the world? Are the politicians even capable of situational awareness or are they following a agenda of globalists and foreign influence? Can anyone explain why China supplies the chemicals that allows Mexican cartels to make drugs to kill people? These drugs are rampant in North America with people dying daily. Even if Putin enters Ukraine, he will most likely stop by taking the East which is predominantly Russian in ethnically. The likelihood of him bombing Kyiv does not appear to be very high. And the noise about insurance being cancelled for flights into the Ukraine will hurt who? Perhaps making people believe that this is war zone this week. Time is on the side of Putin, and he has proven to Ukraine and its people that the West is not about to defend them, and that NATO is weak. Putin has achieved his goal – the West ran with its’ tail between its legs. As all it has is PR and not real force. And this is not lost on other countries.

    If the West dared to try to remove Russia from SWIFT, we are looking at an incredible rise in commodities and expanding the shortages. Even car production is dependent upon metals like platinum, which come from Russia. Energy prices will rise sharply in Europe, and I do not see how Germany can afford to turn off the gas from Russia. This is one giant mess and it seems that either these morons are intentionally slapping Putin in the face and begging for him to invade so they can escape the COVID nightmare they have created, or we truly have the most unqualified group of world leaders in all recorded history. The EU is on its’ last legs as far as the Euro goes in terms of endless debt creation. And where that goes is really an unknown but the window of time is closing quickly causing real desperation as the narrative of the WEF falls flat and fails. Leaving politicians holding the bag of failure.

    The reality is that there is panic in the West (globalist club, think WEF and their spawn) withdrawing from Ukraine and the wealthy in Ukraine rushing to get their capital out to the USA for safe-keeping. Does this capital flow not help the USD? All Putin has to do is sit back and watch the West collapse further and he is very smart. Why invade and allow the West to escape COVID consequences, using Russia as cover? Believe me, the Russian model is full of corruption and crooked oligarchies and with Putin enriching himself. Sadly, how different this is from what the West has become is really tragic. As wealthy Ukrainians flow their wealth out from the Ukraine, they weaken themselves from ongoing control of economic sectors allowing new capital too enter with a prospect of return. Zelensky understands he needs to break the control they have to have any chance of changing the narrative and direction. And their capital flow now, will not doubt entice them to run to London in the end with their loot into welcoming arms like many parties before them. This opportunity will enable the likes of China,Turkey and Russia and perhaps western capital to create some much needed prosperity in a country which has stagnated for decades. And if so, a failed state which is much like a 3rd world country will have a opportunity to grow and leave miserable conditions behind.

    Rome fell because of internal weakness and the Barbarians could smell the weakness which drove them to sack Rome. Today, we have the same situation in the West. Thus the West will fall; it has at best 10 years remaining, unless we change the course and path we have been on. There is a desperate need to regroup, rethink and rebuild while the time still allows. And that also means no elitist control of this agenda which is not for our personal gain as the public. The true state of public wellbeing has been waning for some time. The upcoming changes will be frightening to many people but we will succeed in creating a new path forward as our brother’s brother and not their keeper. The WOKE movement is dividing and weakening as the curtain lifts on the likes of Trudeau and his minions doing the bidding of the WEF. Day by day the divide between ordinary Canadians and this group within government grows with rising public numbers. What the truckers have started is becoming a decentralized Grassroots Movement. Yesterday, I personally saw how the police are being used to counter protests. Such tactics always fail and enthusiasm was not there with the police in what they were doing.

    However, there is future drama coming that should be anticipated. The other day i wrote about upcoming Russian nuclear exercises which will not doubt be fearsome and taken advantage of by delusional actors. Previously i have on occasion written that the delusional bunch is all about PR and not the substance they and their handlers want to see in their hands. What they want is control of the nuclear weapons which currently they do not have. Cheyenne Mountain is closed and not open to them. And thus, while they can threaten all they want they cannot back up their threats without this control. This is the battle, that this all is leading up to. Watch the drama unfold in coming days and weeks because we will no doubt see a near death moment before it is all done and is over. Because Russia knows this as well and it is not in their Interest if this bunch gains control. Just like it is not in their interest to conduct a massive invasion of the Ukraine and bail out the mess it is.


    Liked by 1 person

  16. These are now heightened tension confusing times. Boys with Toys and all it will take is one side to miscalculate and overreach. Then we would have Boys with Toys hitting the Nuclear Buttons. No sane person wants this.

    But worldwide, sadly, the low IQ of the Sheeple is too bad to be true. We have refined the art of breeding Stupid Peasants or Pissants, but when once we placed these low life forms into industry, it’s now highly automated, and lowlifes Grunts instead ended up in Government. Look at what’s leading today in total dismay, Klutzes rule Mutant Fools. The KGB used a party intended for Dwarf Tossing as an Agent, and now he’s President.

    So back to old philosophies, when you get overstocked, unleash wars and cut them to lower numbers for us. Downsizing.

    But now we have Nukes, Illegals, BLM, ANTIFA, Woke and Mediocrities in power.

    America now has Bolting Markel and a posing Dope, Oprah eating for 4, Biden, and None Awoke to the S*** Coming down. Unreal. The EU is a floating Turd Factory, Johnson a flapping Turkey in the UK, and Russia getting Uppity. What a mercurial Pot. Witches’ Covens.

    Timing is everything. America has no appetite for war and runs away. Always! The world has no more stomach for American war games inside others borders. Take it to America.

    For the first time a few days ago, we sadly saw a rough Bully loudmouth Commie playing on a public stage in Lavrov and that’s sad. Until last week he was an articulate and sophisticated sensible Advocate speaking. A man who encompassed Trust with calm words. He was the polished front of that KGB Thug led bunch of Oligarchs, Russian Mafia, Corrupt majors all on the take controlled by a Midget Ringmaster taking his cut with his Money Laundered, until this week when his hidden Yacht bought with his crooked money, was filmed and exposed as the KGB Rat ran for cover, from sanctions. Bolsheviks, if they are not murdering the Czar’s poor family, or poisoning opponents, their Mafia scum are running Drugs, people trafficking, forced Prostitution peddling, or cross breeding some coarse, low life Russians who are certifiable Swallowers. We saw enough post WW11 as the vile, worst kind of animals were unleashed, when they raped anything with a pulse in West Germany and the Eastern blocks. The poor Hungarians, Poles and Czechs. Being poured over by that unwashed, rotten teeth, uncaged scum in Commie uniforms loose. Someone bred Merkel. Who or what? No wonder the Russian Mafia are so much trouble worldwide. We see them loose, with their visibly cheap and tacky Bling-laden wives or Hookers, in Monaco, London or Paris. Tattooed lowlifes with Rented Ape bodyguards, totally lacking Class. Subhumans. We saw enough post WW11. So yes, there is concern about them spreading back into Europe. It’s more than failed Ukraine. Now it’s London for the Oligarchs and Spiv Zionists, Turkey or Monaco. Germany does not want them and has suffered enough. Nor does it deserve them. Who does?

    If the US wants these War Games, why does America not go head-to-head between Washington DC and Moscow? No one else wants it. It’s the US behind NATO. Go DIRECT! No more Whores Wars. You fight -You Die. Bolsheviks? Failed humanity. The EU has at best 10 years left before melting down. The same for America.

    What then? The Zionists want Ukraine. Russia wants to weapons test. What happens to humanity?
    Who now dies for more Agency lies? What of the Ukrainian citizens who want none of this? A Russian Shock and Awe? A warning to the West. Why should any die?

    If Russia goes for this, it hands China Taiwan and South Korea on a plate.

    If Russia crosses the line, it will have vast Global trade implications as nations recoil.
    But the Truth is – It’s ALL subjective and so far, may ALL be Fake News. Let’s all wait with calm heads and pursue reason. If Putin crosses this line the Oligarchs and Henchmen will get lobotomized with repercussions,

    A Season to Reason? Wait let truth play out. Wait.


  17. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Next time, try for the jugular.


    1. Balls will stop him in one!
      Then the throat or eyes.


  18. Ghandi, somewhere, is smiling…


    1. Well done Canadians SHAME on Police SHAME! PIgs?


  19. Like

  20. The reality is that 1% not complying is all it takes to crap out the Great Reset nonsense. The example is stark. The Trudeau convoy narrative holds no sway. What’s nice, is we don’t even have to shoot the bastards…


  21. US warns of Russian cyberattacks, congressman says invasion is coming https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10507257/US-warns-Russian-cyberattacks-congressman-says-Putins-invasion-inevitable.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    It’s all a test of nerve now as the ageing Bully is seen to be ailing and led by a Senile clown

    Once it breaks free. It replicates. Dominates then annihilates.
    BREAKING BOMBSHELL: New Details From Durham Report Reveal Lawyers Tied to Hillary Campaign Spied On Trump WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT!

    This is the sort of ugly conduct you expect from the Bolsheviks or Zio trash. Why are the Clintons Teflon?

    Is this not treason? How does anyone believe they MSM narrative when you understand it is to control your understanding of a pitched narrative over the truth?



  22. https://www.ibtimes.com/425-fully-vaccinated-washington-residents-died-covid-19-3-weeks-3396000
    425 additional breakthrough deaths were recorded among vaccinated people aged 14 to 105
    Of the deceased, at least 118 people had pre-existing medical conditions
    Nearly 1,400 fully vaccinated people have now died of COVID-19 in Washington


  23. MSM…. ENEMY NUMBER 1….
    ” If not for media, passing years would have enlightened Canadians on what “progressive ways” in government really mean.”


  24. John,

    Are you hoping to get the elders back to the table this week to move forward with signing agreements?


  25. Charles and Camilla to be crowned side by side

    Were so tainted a couple ever so undeserving of the Crowns, Bloody ridiculous and a travesty a Tosser and a Bike.

    Andrea Bocelli, Lei Jia, Lang Lang – Forever You and Me

    For the Chinese Elders.

    Royal Navy aiming to become a global leader in hypersonic weapons

    New Arms Sales

    On board Putin’s £73million superyacht

    The hypocrisy of a KGB Thug, his mistresses and his bribe taking, he’s another corrupt Commie weasel.
    Now he runs before Justice takes it from him. Skank! Corrupt boys Toys. The rewards of corrupt Commies.

    Thomas Renz – The Coverup Phase Has Begun, The Evidence Will Bring Down Big Pharma & Fauci

    The commitment of many of you may be answered soon. Loss of ALL Asset and Life without Parole.

    The lawsuits are coming, and it will be bigger than tobacco was.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Liked by 1 person

  28. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Was that young tail worth it?


  29. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10503341/Russias-troops-position-ready-invade-Ukraine-Norway-military-chief-warns.html

    Will he or won’t he? Does he need the debt mountain of keeping that corrupt shithole around Russia neck?
    Russia ‘to invade Ukraine Wednesday’ as Brits told to evacuate country https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10503627/Foreign-Office-tells-Britons-Ukraine-commercial-means-available.html?ito=native_share_article-top


    If Putin goes for it, that’s a Soviet build up inside European domains. It’s more Boys with Toys and who will fund Ukraine then? It’s a bottomless money pit of despair and corruption
    It’s not worth the UK fighting for it and the EU isn’t capable.
    Putin wants to test and show his toys as a Bully Dwarf Tossing
    UK Government data suggests the Fully Vaccinated Elderly & Vulnerable have developed AIDS and the young are not far behind them – The Expose
    I don’t know the truth in this or the facts but its mind blowing if even part correct.
    It also is why so many unvaccinated people refuse to have sex with vaccinated partners.
    What the heck happens when AIDS partners have children? What will happen to children whose parents deal with this reality? What have we done to our societies and how many people have a clue of how to detox in time to avoid this. This is nothing short of crimes against humanity.
    Look at the details of Putin’s mega Yacht. So bought on a Government Employees wage or kickbacks from his corruption? A no brainer unless you have none.
    Puke In runs away to stop them taking his criminal toys. Money laundering by Puke in.

    On board Putin’s £73million superyacht https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10505803/On-board-Putins-73million-superyacht-spotted-sailing-German-shipyard.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


  30. Interesting view on Russia/Ukraine in this video


    Liked by 1 person

  31. Latest numbers out of Scotland show that the vaccines aren’t really doing much…

    The Expose headline reads “Deaths among Triple Vaccinated increased by 495% in January with the Vaccinated accounting for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Cases, Hospitalisations & Deaths since December.”

    What is stunning is looking at the triply vaxxed bars (the brown bars):

    case declined 40%

    deaths increased by 5.95X

    Hat tip to Kirsch


  32. Not for the faint of heart. 😪

    Mother of Eight Chained Up in Shed, CCP Denies Human Trafficking, A True Story


    1. In related news on mask mandates — https://www.bloombergquint.com/gadfly/did-mask-mandates-work-the-data-is-in-and-the-answer-is-no

      Not that we didn’t know this for 40 years or so…


  33. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/nebraska-joins-call-convention-states-amend-us-constitution
    The Nebraska Legislature in its resolution, similar to other states, put forward changes that will “impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress.”

    State lawmakers reached a compromise with an amendment that would let the call expire in February 2027.

    Nebraska state Sen. Steve Halloran, a Republican who sponsored the resolution, told Fox News that he believes an “overreach on the part of the federal government” is driving states to push for change.

    “The Founding Fathers had anxiety that that might happen,” Halloran said. “I don’t believe they imagined that it would get to this point.”

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Lee Ritz, MD

    I’ve got to get something off my chest, so buckle up for an overdue rant.

    I can’t begin to describe the disdain and contempt I have for highly-credentialed MD’s with large platforms who are suddenly jumping on Team Reality about COVID. /1

    I’m so glad you finally “discovered” natural immunity. Could you have opened your mouths before ppl lost their livelihoods? Or when regular MD’s were being castigated as being conspiracy theorists for discussing something that was completely noncontroversial prior to 2020? /2

    Maybe now you can admit that denying NI has caused massive distrust of all health officials. You knew you were lying, we knew you were lying, and it makes us wonder what else you’ve lied about. Congrats, you’ve actually birthed a new generation of true anti-vaxxers. /3

    Speaking of things that all MD’s knew to be true prior to 2020, can we discuss the uselessness of cloth masks for respiratory viruses? Can you see how much damage has been done, especially to children, because of your acquiescence to this nonsense? /4

    You have forced us to gaslight ourselves by engaging in BS COVID theatre like taking the mask on and off between bites and sips on an airplane. You don’t seem to care about the consequences. /5

    The true believers are living lives of neurotic hypochondriasis, clutching hand sanitizer and wearing multiple masks at all times, even when in cars alone or outdoors. /6

    You can pat yourselves on the back for fostering mental illness in so many people. Our next generation will suffer greatly, but at least you didn’t have to go against the narrative./7

    Speaking of the narrative, you and your pals in the garbage media acted like Mean Girls sitting at the popular table, coordinating attacks (“devastating takedowns” you might even say) against scientists who actually did have courage and wisdom, like the authors of the GBD. /8
    You never uttered a peep of concern when fellow MD’s with different opinions were silenced, censored or terminated. When has this ever been acceptable in medicine? Providing HC is nuanced and individualized. We learn from each other, but you can be proud of preventing that. /9

    Could you have popped your heads out of your groupthink bubble long enough to criticize an addled politician who was trying to practice one-size-fits-all medicine without a license? Perhaps you could’ve cautioned that “more” is not better, and might actually be harmful? /10

    Maybe someone could’ve criticized the whole “pandemic of the unvaccinated” narrative? Perhaps mandating a vaccine that doesn’t stop infection or transmission doesn’t make that much sense? /11

    Could you have cautioned these idiot politicians and journalists that healthy young people, especially males, who have already recovered from COVID and received (mandatory) vaxxes might be considered in a different category from obese, diabetic 80 year olds? /12

    Maybe when you saw the laptop class making all the rules, while the working class was taking all the risks, you might’ve discussed the unfairness of the COVID caste system you were helping to create? /13

    To the OB/GYN’s who pressured young pregnant moms to take the vaxx, even when they were very reluctant to, I hope you’re proud of yourselves. YOU know for certain there will be no long-term side effects. Oh, and how exactly do you know this? /14

    To the pediatricians who demanded that young moms not allow their new babies to be able to see their unvaxxed grandparents, I hope you’re proud of causing stress and family division during what should be a time of joy. /15

    Especially when the young mom came down with COVID two weeks after her booster, but the grandparents with natural immunity were still negative. Oh, and the babies barely had the sniffles, BTW. /16

    Thanks also for not speaking up about the harms done by delaying medical screenings and treatments. For not speaking out about the increase in abuse and addiction. For not allowing even the slightest discussion of early therapeutics. /17

    Your myopic focus on one pathogen and one “treatment” has caused unimaginable harm. Good job being lackeys for career politicians and bureaucrats! /18

    If we are getting out of this mess it won’t be due to MDs. They’ve abdicated their roles because most no longer are in practice for themselves and must rely on CMS dollars. Whoever pays the salary makes the rules. /19

    Getting back to normal will be due to truckers and regular workers standing up tor our rights, rather than cowardly MD’s speaking up in time. /20

    It will be because the powers that be finally pushed parents too far and the mama bears are waking up to the devastation that’s been done to their children.

    To these people, I say thank you.
    To the silent physicians, I say shame on you. /21

    Liked by 2 people

  35. Be careful to weigh carefully all the fake Ukrainian news out there.
    Its still all to play for and still nothing decided for sure let it play out.
    Media fake news can not be trusted,they hype up war and deaths for news. Mercilessly. Political scumbags are in it for sound bites, and the Zio trash are in it for profits. Scum, the lot! Fake Jews!, Trump is surrounded by them , ]ackals, the lot.
    JewKraine is not with the cost of keeping the dump afterwards, but if it keeps the Ziotrash and Khazars off Russia’s doorstep, got for it.House them free in the Gulags. Israel covets the place for when Iran blows them out. Delousing.
    The UK should not lose Troopers lives for Jewkraine. Not one.
    So far Russia is just board positioning and threatening. Stopping NATO putting bases in there. Worth dying for? Hell no! Wait and see. If Puke In goes for it the Oligarchs will get a hard Anal soon. Karma?
    Puke In wants to show off his toys. At what life cost? All lives are human and many will be lost. That is sad.

    My wish – No war negotiate. No lives wasted. On any sides. No WAR! .


    1. My wish too John.





  37. new Israel myocarditis data

    Nutshell — over 80 times more myocarditis. Especially after 2nd dose.


  38. Still Iffs, but time will soon tell
    Does Russia move on Ukraine, or not soon? Time tells all.
    Russia wants to use its Hi Tech Arms Toys and frighten the hell out of the US. If they go for it, they take it.
    But who will pay then to keep that Rathouse going? Zios rounded up and off to the Gulags.

    China has to move for Taiwan and South Korea then. America will run or loose the lot.
    New power games are in play..
    The US has lost the Middle East. Within months Iran will have its own Nukes. Russia and China will
    missile shield Iran. Iran will remove Israel. Boom, gone.The Middle East wants Israel gone, Boom. Gone! .

    China has South America now.
    China and India will,take the Far East. The US fleets have no chance. Lunch!
    NATO will crumble.Insolvent. So will the EU. The EU has to deal with its illegal swarms of Africans Muslims- Hard

    What then for Australia? Tinnie Town. .

    The Federal US will fail. As will the Fed. Banks also. Texas needs to go it alone. CA will as Luny Town.
    Does BLM and the Afros take that crumbling nest? My lick?
    Jews will run.To where? Merkel lost the plot.
    A world in free fall. Going where? Germany, Switzerland, ,Austria and Scandinavia need to unite. Also help Greece. Leave the EU.
    The rest? Failed States. Big Dogs are coming to change the Board. BLM and ANTIFA run America. Into Hell!
    This is no longer Checkers! Who will next put the US in Check?


  39. Big Crap could break fast here.

    PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS as it will not be publicly known. The one trick ponies that pass for western leadership fail to understand history and geography let alone what this means. And this is super scary.
    > Russia has ALREADY deployed 240 hypersonic missiles that are armed with 25 megaton nuclear bombs. (The bomb dropped on Hiroshima was a 15 kiloton bomb {1000 kilotons = 1 megaton}.
    > One of those 25 megaton bombs on a Russian hypersonic missile is 166.6 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima). Does anyone understand what this means if this comes to war?
    > This changes the power structure of the world, since those new missiles cannot be knocked down by any known missile defense system. Those missiles have been spread out to land bases, ships, submarines and bombers around the world – and are ready to launch at a moment’s notice. And there is no magic known defense system that can stop them if and when unleashed. Does this sound like a country that will bend over for the WEST?

    Today there was a 9 hour meeting in Berlin where the Ukraine basically and clearly said they will not comply with the MINSK Agreement and in so doing have by action told France, Germany and Russia they march to another master and are not going to honor their written agreements.

    Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has accused his Ukrainian counterpart Dmitry Kuleba of lying “with a straight face” and compared his statements to those of Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels.

    Speaking at a press conference in Moscow on Thursday, Lavrov recalled numerous public statements by the Ukrainian official that his country would not comply with the Minsk agreements – documents signed in 2014 and 2015 meant to serve as a road map for the resolution of conflict in eastern Ukraine.

    As an example, Lavrov brought up Kuleba’s recent claim that Kiev would not engage in direct dialogue with the two breakaway regions Donetsk and Lugansk, since such dialogue is allegedly not covered by the Minsk agreements.
    > “Well, you see, this is definitely the school of Goebbels, and maybe even surpasses the art of the chief propagandist of the Third Reich,” Lavrov said. He explained that “to tell a lie with a straight face,” to reject internationally approved agreements and at the same time not to worry that the Western countries would pull you back, “is a quite comfortable position for the demagogues who are now defending their case, trying to rewrite the Minsk agreements.” Sadly, i doubt the West is capable of understanding what Lavrov said.

    > Previously i noted that the two breakaway regions have requested that the Russian Duma ( equivalent to Congress or Parliament) acknowledge the regions as independent. This will be heard on Monday the 14th. Should this occur, the regions could ask for protection from Russia against foreign parties. It would more than likely be extended. This clearly would change the situation on the ground and the region would have a Russian umbrella of protection from Ukraine and its’ handlers and foreign military on the ground in the Ukraine. Will the west at that MOMENT test fate and attack knowing full well that Russia will react in defensive capacity? In the interim, watch for a possible false flag as so called infamous “white Helmets” are active in the region. And it is clear Russia can make the area of these regions a no go zone without a single Russian soldier stepping outside of Russian soil.

    > Time will tell what happens. However we should keep in mind that Russia has no interest in taking over the Ukraine to fix the mess people like Cookies Nuland and others created and continue to exploit. Ukraine has a huge financial hole and Russia has no interest in draining its’ reserves or resources to bail out the citizens of the Ukraine at the expense of their own citizens.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. time for that 4th glass of wine!

      Liked by 1 person

  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    UK: Prince Charles to Unveil Statue of Medieval Jewess Loan Shark

    Meanwhile, notable historical British figures are having their statues toppled by Bolsheviks.


  41. US ‘believes Putin has DECIDED’ he will invade Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10503325/US-believes-Putin-DECIDED-invade-Ukraine-invasion-week.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    They have all been told. They now need to be told, both nations. If your Arse is not on a plane out by Tuesday do not call us or the Embassies, we will not waste time or money pulling out shit for brains. You chose to go, get out or get wasted, how thick are you? Dumb shit dies in Ukraine. Do not whine to us. What do we do. Boo boo? You called it down you pay the price do not call again shit for brains needs to be the message. Leave or be used as road fill. Afghanistan still has hundreds trapped whining. Don’t take their calls they are collateral roadkill.
    It’s the road end for brain dead. Or end up in the Senate?


  42. Can we use this to scare Putin to death?


    New infrared image shows ‘swarm’ of flashing ‘Tic-Tac shaped’ UFOs chase four US Navy destroyers off California coast at 70mph and hover over them for WEEKS – with at least one falling into the water: Mystery deepens as Navy fails to identify it
    US ‘believes Putin has DECIDED’ he will invade Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10503325/US-believes-Putin-DECIDED-invade-Ukraine-invasion-week.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Not looking good for Ukraine if reports are to be believed


  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    No… build it higher.

    Liked by 1 person

  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  45. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Wait until the states start declaring it legal tender, one by one. Wait until the SEC gets its head out of its sphincter and approves an ETF settled in BTC. Wait until more countries follow El Salvador’s bold move. Wait until Wall St brokerages allow custody and transactions of cryptos and crypto products…

    Early is good.

    Liked by 2 people

  46. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    And let’s not forget his brother…another winner in Canadian politics…


  47. Ontario Police Pay Visits to Supporters on Facebook – Freedom Convoy 2022


  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  49. US President Joe Biden says American citizens should leave Ukraine now

    Yep, as ever, when the going gets tough, Run Away. You always do. WW11, forget Hollywood BS, that’s Pap. We were forever ripping you out of Foxholes cowering and terrified. If medals were awarded for Cowardice, you would have got them all. They were notorious for running.
    Boris Johnson takes hard line against the Kremlin after Emmanuel Macron compromises on Ukrain7

    So the Brits become the Spartans and tell Putin enough, this is the line. Cross it, we fire.
    The Problem is, it’s our 800 against his 100K.
    We lose? Not really
    We loose the Nukes how stupid is that for Rasputin to walk into?
    His move try and die, it’s simple enough. Stupid also.
    The Season for Reason seems lost. Sad times. This is no answer for anyone. Escalation at what cost to each nation.

    Russia’s warning on nuclear war reminds world there’s a worse outcome, says expert

    Yes, Puke in, we know the cost and you’re causing it.

    Pfizer, FDA Lose Bid to Further Delay Release of COVID Vaccine Safety Data • Children’s Health Defense

    Now the WHO Say NO Team are Leading.

    Let’s see what they are hiding

    Big Pharma is about to be sued out of existence because……. | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

    One might want to exit these stocks while one still can. Will Gates become a Minus $1T Hot Air?

    Big Pharma is about to be sued out of existence because…….

    Sad for Germany
    German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) has brought Greenpeace’s boss Jennifer Morgan into the German government. It will soon be time to just turn the lights out on Germany, and hence all of Western Europe. Our sense is Eastern Europe offers more trade centric opportunities.

    Morgan, an American, has been brought in to the Federal Foreign Office as a special representative for international climate policy. This climate conspiracy states that Jennifer Morgan, despite being an American, will later become Secretary of State.

    The entire problem with this climate agenda is they are ONLY focused on eliminating fossil fuels and in Germany they are also against nuclear. If you burn wood that still releases CO2, so it is impossible to eliminate CO2 and stay warm in winter. So unless Fusion power is a reality in short order or some other technology, one an anticipate a lower standard of living in Europe as a result. And one imagines this will hugely affect the German automobile industry. It is doubtful that there will be much reception to BMW thinking gas engines need to exist for some time.

    Because Morgan is an American, she will initially occupy the post of a special representative. She will then later become State Secretary in the Federal Foreign Office. Morgan is receiving German citizenship to become Secretary of State. She has ZERO experience in military or geopolitical affairs. She has been the head of Greenpeace since 2016. She will prepare the annual world climate conferences. Her only focus will be to end fossil fuels in Europe.

    We have a hard time believing continental Europe will be investment positive in the foreseeable future. This may in turn cause the British economy to come to life if a different tack is adapted as they no longer need to follow Europe. Wen will watch what happens in capital flow.
    > Please take the TIME to read It’s not my text, but because it’s VERY IMPORTANT FOR US to know… I copied it to pass on to you…
    > “It is not Trudeau’s choice to step down or to attempt to stay. It is the decision of the World Economic Forum (WEF). This is a critical decision which will affect the entire world. This is not a battle for just Canada, it is a battle for the World. This is the first domino of corruption and if it falls, the entire plan of the WEF fails because all the corrupt dominos will fall if they are forced out of power. Leaving them in power really is simply a short respite for the People.
    > Frankly, the WEF cannot afford for Trudeau to step down. If he falls, Biden falls, Australia falls, New Zealand falls and all of Europe falls. Then the rest of the world joins in.
    > The sane world is crazy not to make Ottawa the hill they will die on and not give in. It is an opportunity unexpected. Probably an opportunity that will not come again.
    > The Truckers are truly the People’s Army. Where else could you quickly assemble such a strong, younger Army to possibly confront the Globalist Tyranny Army? It is an Army everyone else can join and get behind. Half the Globalist Tyranny Army will desert them and join the Truckers if they appear to succeed in Ottawa.
    > Truckers can win, this but it will take support from everyone. There is a window of opportunity that will not stay open forever. Time is not on our side.
    > The WEF is not going to go without a fight or without having great fear that they will be smashed by this world-wide movement. Even then the WEF members will be sorely afraid of ending up like Mussolini hanging in the Milan Square and will fight to avoid that.
    > I think people greatly underestimate the overall importance of Ottawa and underestimate the difficulty of overcoming Trudeau. He and the WEF simply cannot afford to lose. I fear also that the People of the world cannot afford to lose in Ottawa. It will likely be the People’s last battle if they lose Ottawa.
    > I do not agree that this is only about a non violent confrontation. I don’t think the WEF will fold because of a lengthy non violent protest of a few thousand truckers. They have been working on this tyranny plan for 100 years. I think they will fold only if they are clearly weaker in strength than the People’s Army. Whether it is non violent or violent confrontation, for either way to succeed requires great power standing behind the Truckers with obvious reserve waiting behind them. This means the WEF must act now before the People’s Army grows too large with strong reserves. I expect action by the WEF soon to squash this uprising. This is not about Trudeau, this is the WEF plan in place around the world. Everyone must be ready to heavily support the Truckers and step into the battle if they are attacked.”
    The reality is the amount of protests across Canada is growing, not diminishing. This is especially true as more and more Canadians and other people around the world realize and learn what this is really about and the Pawn that Trudeau really is. Even long time die hard liberals are turning away from what Trudeau represents as they realize the truth of what he symbolizes. The liberal party is no more as it has become an extension of the WEF agenda. And it is clear that his support within the party is minimal at best and the cracks are clearly showing. Just listen to the 2 liberals who have broken ranks in recent days. Trudeau is both weak and a fool. He has listened to Schwab who could care less about Trudeau as all that matters to him is force his economic theories on the world. And he does not care about you or what you want.

    This no longer a simple Canadian expression of saying no but a growing grassroots event that is inspiring the world to stand up for freedom. Whether a natural born Canadian or a immigrant from another country, people have always seen Canada as a refugee from tyranny and enslavement and a beacon of FREEDOM and many people have given their lives so that Canadians can be free, and we have been blessed by their sacrifice. It is now our time and turn to stand for Canada, one and all, and not give in to the boot of tyranny of politicians acting on behalf of the WEF. If you still doubt, listen to the video made back in 2017 where Klaus Schwab brags about how he controls Trudeau and other members of cabinet. His lips tell all!
    > https://rumble.com/vtlk9h-klaus-schwab-brags-of-penetrating-most-major-world-governments….html

    This is a serious international plot to FORCE by undemocratic means, the economic philosophy of one very sick man with visions of Marxist grandeur. This is no conspiracy theory. This is the best-organized plot to take over the world far beyond anything ever played out in a James Bond movie.

    You may not know the Police in Ottawa took away the fuel and other supplies from the Truckers, only to find out that volunteer Firemen were returning the same supplies as they legally are entitled to do so and there is nothing the police can do. If we do nothing and do not take a stand and give support we will fail ourselves, our relatives, our neighbors and friends, our country and all those around the world that the Truckers have inspired including us to talke action.

    The choice is yours to make.

    Boys with Toys want to play War Games. People die.

    I’ve always been a Laverov supporter when Diplomatic and balanced. Yesterday was a Brutal, coarse Russian Bolshevik Thug with No Finess loose. Sad, no time for this.
    Nor was it needed. Wars cross borders. Now is no time to be Nuke Angy. Nor to die for Ukraine. NATO bases are not fair game Ukraine is a faceoff War Game. Will it cross borders?
    This is not looking good.

    Goodbye Israel if so.


    This is drone that was downed in the Donbas .. look at the markings
    From a Contributor

    Remember how the Russians recently forced a Ukie drone to land in Belarus? That just happened again, but in the LDNR. Russia is using its’ jamming capability to protect the Donbas similar to what is being done to protect Syria from further Israeli missile strikes. People should note that lines are hardening with actual war with clear messages of red lines.

    Check out the markings the Ukronazis painted on the lower side of its wings of the drone.

    This reconnaissance drone, the Lelekka, was supposed to be the ne plus ultra of the Ukie aerospace production. So whatever nostalgic of the Third Reich painted these crosses, they were not silly teenagers, but the military entrusted with the operation of this very important (for the Ukies) drone.

    And you wonder why Zelensky’s approval rating is 23%? Ordinary Ukrainians want not any part of his nonsense or war with Russia. They like many others before them just want the opportunity of a better life for them and their loved ones. This of course is being denied by the so-called interested parties who supply weapons and do not contribute to the building of Ukrainian society or the wellbeing of people. Why is not the supply and arming of then Ukraine not considered a genocide? How many Ukrainians will it take to die for such imperialism? I suggest to you that the Ukrainians are expendable to the last one in the eyes of those supplying weapons and that is truly a travesty. One that has been repeated many a time before. One might imagine that their money might be better spent on their own citizens but that is only in movies.

    Now read this how the Ukrainians are getting ready for a false flag event much like was tried by the so called “white helmets”.


    Frankly, it is time the so-called WEST got their butts out of the Ukraine and found some courage to fight in the open instead of using proxies as shield for cowardice, if they really want to fight head on. It will not matter in the end, because Russia is not a 3rd world country, and it will not allow the people in the Donbas to be slaughtered. It is far more likely that those foreign parties/advisors will share similar body bags along with the Ukrainians that have chosen to die early.

    Russia has deployed MiG-31K’s armed with the Kinzhal hypersonic missiles in Kaliningrad. The Russian A2/AD “lock” over Belarus and the Baltic Sea is taking shape. Good. The more Iskanders, Kalibrs, Kinzhals, Bals, Bastions, S-400 and Su-35S/Su-30SM2 are deployed in and around Belarus and Kaliningrad, the more mental sanity we can expect from the local nutcases and their overseas masters. But then again can the blind see or deaf hear? I sure hope so because there will be no winners only losers otherwise.

    Tony’s favourite weather girl.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


      All I need now is my government issued crackpipe, the releases, and BTC to 100K and I will die a happy man.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Funny Tony… what stuck out to me is,,, the crackpipe you can get courtesy of your GOV with haste,,, the releases and BTC to 100K, which will do very good things for everyday people, are being blocked by the same GOV.

        Liked by 1 person

  50. https://leftfootforward.org/2022/02/the-uk-is-on-the-road-to-an-elected-dictatorship/
    In functioning democracies, only parliament can dissolve itself, but that is set to change with the “Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill”. It gives the Prime Minister the unfettered power to dissolve parliament without a vote in the House of Commons and “court or tribunal may not question” the Prime Minister’s decision. The power to dissolve parliament was at the heart of the English civil war, which resulted in the execution of King Charles I in 1649.


    1. James most of them now are. Post Covid the Politicos and WEF are asking why even bother giving the Sheeple a vote, most are to dumb to even cross the road alone. The Chattering Classes and Stupefied Masses are the dilemma nowadays James. Politicos Slimy and Slick or Sheeple Thick as a Brick, what choice? At best 20% on either side are fit for purpose. Pointless masses and the point has not been lost. So the TPTB now ask why feed those we just don’t need? Extremism versus mass stupidity faces off. Our Health Care is now 2 to 4 years operation backlogged. So why are we paying so many whinging Doctors not to work?
      WEF have almighty influence and that’s no good thing. Sickening reality. Not a good time to be Human James. Humane has no voice. Look at the slime which passes for Leaders? Most of them! Trump was an Ox in the Box.Biden too bad to be true.Johnson a posing Flake. Macron, think Gibbon, and Germany is free falling.
      Where is hope when run by a Dope?


      1. John,, I see a power grab… what if these laws were in place already?…here is another quote from the article…

        ” The above is part of a long line of new laws which undermine democratic rights. For example, the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill criminalises people’s right to demonstrate. The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021 enables individuals authorised by the state to commit murder, torture, rape and other crimes with immunity from prosecution. Now parliament itself is being disempowered. The Prime Minister is taking powers enjoyed by medieval absolute monarchs. The road to elected dictatorship is being constructed. ”

        What if it was illegal to demonstrate already?… everyone would be vaXXed 100% , probably already chipped!…

        And on and on all over the world with the tyranny rules and the laws attempting to be installed… look at the new laws trying to be put in place in Aussie land for one example… I see a tyrannical moves all over the world and the above looks like part of it to me… Canada?
        Now you can take my simple thoughts and add a nickel and you will have a nickel… it just seems like a plan the world over.


        1. James, sadly it IS the plan. For many Leaders at the Think Tank forums, Bilderbergers, WEF, Tri Laterals, Royal Institute, CFR etc,they now ask, Why do we even need these F s with endless Welfare Costs, Health Care costs, free loading on cigarettes, booze and Clicking hips? Non Contributors, Burning or Boozing our money away, F wasters! Worse they feel these Fs vote in Socialists / Democrats, then saddle us all with ever more bills funding scavengers who will live forever. Is a Collective Elders Council of High Achievers ruling these Mutts worse than the Crap running the shows today? Those who have to pay really want a say. Like WHY?
          I defend none but raise the issues for you of what may emerge. We’ve tried Democracy look at the state of it
          We’ve done the Feudals and beheaded a King. Look at the US FFS, Why?
          Then look at the Sheeple, BLM and the Zio Filth preying on all as the Roaches they are. Then ask Why?
          It’s ALL failing James. Who pays? Why?
          Or the Zios who want all the Goyims dead or enslaved.
          Nothing is working James, so what next? Purpose of Sheeple? The Big Issue coming.
          Start with IQ? Raise the bar?
          Then need? That is coming for sure. Who will pay , or care?


  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    In Roman times, when something like this rose to power by virtue of lineage, they usually wound up chopped up and thrown into the sewers. They knew that what a man appeared to be, there was a lot more of him. Real men refuse to be led by regressive freaks created to weaken the links which keep a culture strong and viable.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, this knocks to the 99% probability mark that the greatest radioactive calamity the Nation will ever see will occur in the next 3 years…

      And yes, he would have ended up disappearing…

      Liked by 2 people

    2. What has this world come to? Unbelievable.


    3. In the interview, Brinton also expressed frustration with people who judge him for “lik[ing] to have sex with animals.”


      1. Well have you seen some of those wives? Jeez, open the Zoos.


    4. Love that one Rockville2.


  52. Will nobody rid me of this troublesome research head?


    1. In Roman Times, he too would have died. Only very publicly, in the Forum, with his head on a pike afterwards, as a message to future generations on what not to do…

      Liked by 1 person

  53. Canada now freezing the money donated thru the other fund platform…. but you can use BTC and donate straight to them…

    Just as Mark Jeftovic exclaimed last week, this proves bitcoin’s use-case, and just as we anticipated, it looks like a crypto-based crowd-funding platform Tallycoin remains as a method for Canadian truckers re-route their donations to help support the people on the front lines of the protest.

    Anybody interested in the new platform can donate as little as a single Satoshi (presently, about 2,400 satoshis make up $1), and the fundraiser has a target of 2,100,000,000, and has raise 1.594 billion Sats so far (around $700,000).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I want to see how a Canadian judgment works on a US company….


  54. If you watch this excellent 5 min vid, notice something she did not mention… the only person wearing a mask is the one doing the reporting in front of the camera…


  55. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Don’t be late for work. Your taxes support this.


    1. You have uncovered the next Biden pick for a high ranking office!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Good grief. I just do not know what to say anymore.


  56. Good info


    Liked by 1 person

  57. https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/02/10/biden-nuclear-official-is-kink-lecturing-beastiality-rolepayer/
    EXC: New Biden Nuclear Hire Is Drag Queen Who Wears Stilettos to Work, Discusses Sex With Animals, And Calls NIH Chief ‘Daddy Fauci’.


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