White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #175

A Report From The Front. Prepare To Defend Your Rear

Salve, Citizens!

Time is short. The reasons why are not possible to share at this time. However, WHA has taken onto its shoulders the responsibility to bring forth from front line positions, true and accurate assessments of situations which our readers may find useful in future planning. Reality balanced, and without any motive to pitch dubious wares or subscription fees.

What’s coming is not what most people are led to believe. But concerning the bigger real issues, what will follow is a series of summaries for those readers endowed with a perspicacious oversight and ability to handle such balanced reality.

So, shortness of time notwithstanding, let us begin.

  • You really do need to pre-think your own family’s life plan for the future changes coming.  Real world truth, at a price. Drone herding is coming as almost ALL global leaders now permeate towards Davos and the Kingdom of the Bald Comic Clown Troll, who seeks to take all, and to then make you happy, or NOT, with nothing! So far, he has the floor, and support among the politicos. Yet the West is now being clearly and clinically circumvented out of the Middle East and Far East. India, with a larger population than China’s, is the fast-growing IT hub for Asia, and a superpower in waiting. One China fears the most. Yet they must coexist, but each concur that America and its hegemony must be phased out of Asia and to simply annex them out where possible. It’s cynical and precise, America by consensus is to go.  As with BRICS, all conclude a US free trade future. Asia is annexing the West. Who is left to prey on? Future US demographics read a bleak picture. Time to reprofile your own futures. Reality checks. How did it work out for Rome once their borders became unenforceable?
  • Sovereign monetary wealth today is either gold/asset backed, or just worthless fiat fake in freefall. What the Zionist Jewish bankers have not syphoned off and stolen, the WEF Swiss gnomes seek to sequestrate from gullible fools. Playing YOU! Word to the wise: Have a metals portfolio and keep it safe. Seek expert advice.
  • You really do need to rethink your banking, your portfolio strategies and balance, and how to protect your assets from bail-ins or tax grabs. Parasite protection. Rethink your portfolio balances. Seek the very best professionals who understand such profound risks and how to avoid the worst-case scenarios if such extreme measures are taken by governments who are desperate to survive at your expense.
  • How do we make sense of a freefalling America, where bribe taking Biden’s own son, drug addict, child molesting Hunter, is found to be a 10% shareholder of a vast new lithium mine in Afghanistan, in conjunction with the Chinese? This explains why the dirty Bidens got America out, to fill the dirty Biden crime family pockets yet again. How many died needlessly for this racket? You wonder why Asia plans to remove America from the Far East and Asia? The stink of Washington corruption carries very far. India and China want you gone! Read up on the Biden lithium filth we post separately.  
  • We now briefly revisit a topic we swore off. Let us, once again, cover the sad truth about Iraqi Dinar pumpers.  Iraq, at best, is a c$4T or max $5T economy. No one in authority gave rights for parties with stolen Iraqi bank note plates to engage in mass printing dinars. But that’s what appears to have happened. There are allegedly Quad Ts of this Muppet Fed junk paper out there. Lunacy if so. No one is going to authorize such paper to be legally revalued to pre-war numbers at the cost to Iraq in trillions of USD. The Iraqi Santa Clause is not coming. Iraq does not possess the reserves nor the obligation to pay off war speculation on its currency. NO one will fund this stupid crap shoot. How many more years will have to go by before this is understood?
  • The all-powerful World Gold Council Chairman for many years was a South Korean Chinese Dynasty Elder, soley entrusted with the knowledge of where the key Family warehouses are, and only he knew the location of the underground bunkers and booby-trapped caves. That family knowledge has been “Bloodline Bond” entrusted to only one current Dynasty family member. Our secret! Right to know only! Secrets we do not share. The Chairman ONLY held the position because the core assets were verified and known to be real. How we now progress “Mongrel Free” to try to safely make good use of those assets, is key. An ever-evolving series of entanglements with a voracious military junta necessitates commensurate care at arm’s length. Also keeping self-serving predatory Americans right out of the loop. Raptors! The Elders are positively guided by trusted and proven London trustees, core and key advisors with a veto block, to protect them from abuse and to guide them safely through the labyrinth of CBDC and unfolding global currency issues. In addition, London shields them from the historical abuses, guile and malignant Zionist/Jewish criminal entrapments of the voracious, utterly corrupt Jewish US Treasury/Fed rackets. Racketeers!  From Jekyll Island onwards they have raped America and the world unchecked. As ever, it’s their plague viral history. It’s also why London has a glass ceiling towards the buggers. Their Oath of Allegiance forcefully entrapping Americans is absurd; an oath to a pestilence and scurrilous roach turd species of Khazarian Mafia! How utterly naive are Americans in Politics?  Oafs swallow! The Zionist and Jewish bankers have looted, scavenged and bankrupted America. Wake TF Up America! Why do real live dummies allow them total oligopoly, criminal control of the US Fed, and Treasury? Jews run the LOT. They own both houses, the media, and the White House. Ridiculous, roach entrapment. For sure as the Afros and Hispanics take over, they will face this species down in the future. Usury Jews used you and took it all. What have they done to the dollar now? It’s worth what? Still the nation sleeps on, devoid of reality. They are being blocked from Elder’s access. Totally.   
Actual Dynastic Elder gold cache. Only a fraction of their total holdings.
  • There are 40 Elder bloodline family unit members, and with their weekly hog fights, positioning needs consummate care. Believe it, with 40 family groupings each presuming their right to draw down 10% of the total wealth for their group alone, once liquidated, from metals. So many rice bowls and so much greed. Trainee Americans? Yet the normal US patriots can be so kind. We segregate them with care. Daily diplomacy versus self-interest. Weevils are Global. It’s a delicate path. We have “Special Plans” but not for disclosure. Ways to beat the system.
  • The WEF and WHO will walk you blindfolded from reality to their sought endgame, if not stopped. Their agenda is anathema to us. They have no compassionate agenda. Nor seek such. They seek only to acquiesce the power of your very being. From the CFR upwards, their position has been, and currently IS clear: Population reduction. Real and clear! That is their core mainline thinking – don’t feed those we don’t need. Don’t be misguided.  Population reduction is real! Planned genocide! They see that no economic herd sized sustainability tables stand up as viable. Doomsday avoidance policies are floundering. Attempting sustainability of ever-growing, non-contributing mass breeding, to them, is pointless. The mass human ostriches just don’t hear or see it, nor handle bad news well. What happens when woke becomes broke? Will you carry them? How? You can’t afford to! Davos is coercing them all. Look at Canada! Unreal. Look at the Woke State of America, complete cuckoo’s nest territory. WEF is bewitching the world. And the methods used center around disruption of the natural inclination to form family bonds and reproduce between both valid sexes.
The rise in this phenomenon is not by accident.
  • Blog sites continue to be assailed with endless GCR fantasies, delusional currency wealth scenarios and conspiracy theorists purport that global debt forgiveness is imminent. For over 20 years now, a concept called NESARA is said to be coming. But funded by whom? No such adoption of this plan has taken place, and it continues to exist in the minds of blogging Moonshiners only! Banks forgiving all worldly debts – sure.
  • As A.I. takes down and clears out vast numbers of soon to be redundant employees, empiric social changes are going to take place.  Tax revenues will collapse as more and more menial and manufacturing jobs are automated. Without taxes, seized to underpin the welfare largesse of socialist spenders, you will fund with what? Socialists and Zionists. None better for bankrupting economies. Bankrupt economies run aground. Unless there is seismic change in replanning the State of Being Human, for the self-centered, delusional beings of today, the future will be one of conflict between the conscientious haves, and the escalating Hottentots. Even the fast-food restaurant chains of the future will be server Free! Supermarkets and Stores increasingly automate checkouts. With growing home deliveries, stores are folding in larger numbers. If you cannot fill a critical role in an ever-increasing technologically based workplace, then there will be no purpose to hire you. For the unskilled and unnecessary, it’s going to get ugly. Have-nots sometimes have nothing to lose. Large groups of such can inflict significant damage if hungry enough.  
  •  Ever-expanding sales of electric cars, trucks and SUVs require fewer parts, and are fast and easy to fix. Huge job losses will follow for manufacturing supply chains and mechanics. It’s coming.  As for oil barons, many saw the light and divested their interests long ago!  If supply chains, tankers and such are untenable, what will become of the price of oil?  
  •  A.I. will hit the mass clerical roles, bookkeeping, administrators, accountants, even law adjudication itself. As A.I. becomes ever more sophisticated, it will self-code and mass program code itself multi-times faster than humans. Programming capacity, thus replacing Programmer coders, will eliminate their errors and costs. Seismic changes. A.I. will be faster and cheaper. Capable also of incredible new concept algorithms and pioneering breakthroughs. Unleashing then a whole new dawn of futuristic technology. Also, Cybernetics. Enhanced people!  Or not? Yes, it IS coming. No, you will not stop it. Enhanced or unenhanced is the next social dilemma. Who will spend on the masses? It does not augur well so far. No one is thinking of sustainable societies. Allow WEF control and it will be draconian. 
  • We are facing an emerging reality future where possibly 40% or more of many jobs will go within the next decade or so. There is no economic forethought of population sustainability, or society ramifications. Each administration simply pushes this toxic bombshell forwards to future incumbents to deal with. State welfare and even retiree packages are unsustainable and bail-ins inadequate.  Your representatives represent only themselves. No one is working for or acting for you! We may as well be on the Titanic. If this lot hits, as is likely, have you got your own family funds sorted, sequestered safely away to swerve the unfolding bank bail-ins and tax grabs? You will need it. Lifebelts will not be thrown. Unless you are earning, you will be left for churning and forget bailouts. Learn now to look after yourself, take responsibility for God’s sake, because if not the cliff edge is looming for Lemmings. 
  • Yes, we are looking for Elders’ support, but it will only be core humanitarian projects and selective, screened sustainable global community financing. We can’t save the world. No one can. Nor will they try with authority. 

  • We are deeply engaged in Blockchain and new innovative cryptos, project backed and communities sharing in the sustainable wealth created. Not 10 cents Zionist Fed phony CBDCs. More on that later and WHA will have a sound platform for its readers. An input. 
  • The current sad state of Ukraine is only a small element of the evolution now between Hemispheres. American hegemony is doomed. It’s over. Empires end. Usually in ignominy. America has lost the Middle East; it’s now re-aligned with Russia and China. The badly planned Jesuit/Vatican U.S. socialist Eurodollar is unsustainable, bailed only now by poor Germany and the Fed.  Scavenging nations now all in disarray.  All take out, no one puts in. For how long? Britain has walked away from the chaos. It’s not sustainable as is. Nor can poor Germany carry it alone. For how long?  If those banks fail, it takes America down with it. That fine a default line. The Teutonic nations need to form a new alliance and leave the rest. Close the porous borders. Look after your own. Merkel has a lot to answer for. Social Madness. She has brought Germany to its knees. Why mass import a nasty, malignant, child molesting, backwards 7th century blood cult? They are destroying the entire multi-millennial nationhood culture of the EU. Barbarians loose inside the gates. Social Havoc. Political suicide. Be clear when EU Banks fail, the knock-on effect means the cross-lending U.S. Banks and Fed goes with it. 
For $40 Billion This Guy Will Do Anything
  • The world is already re-evolving into new trading hemispheres by planned design. The snout of the West will be Out! India is the sleeping giant arising. With a voice and attitude. China fears India. America will be increasingly annexed out of Asia and its markets. They will weaponize metals supplies to the West. To your detriment. Also, for sure, cost! Think portfolios! Balances. How to credit line and leverage your own portfolios. Think money!
  • Eurasia will go to Asia. What a mess. What a loss. 
  • The EU is unsustainable. Let it find an iceberg. The endless Islamic and African flows will sink it if not stopped. Call it or lose it!
  • Pragmatic thinkers will get past what is coming. Key metals will increase in price and with Chinese market games, ever more so. Select which and track the charts. Make money and safely leverage.  
  • America’s own 10 to 15 years demographics do not profile well for many regions now. The melting pot is boiling. The world is yours, just find the right locations. You came as locusts, take flight again if needed. Doors close.

Creative thinking is the future. Foresight, or go with the Sheeple into the night.  Look at the Leaders? Next? Think for your kids now. Who will head off the WEF and WHO? Enhanced or Hottentots? Choose with care. Society is breaking down and there is no telling what it may re-assemble as in the short term.

Be ready for anything.   

Stay tuned.


1,319 responses to “Information Briefing #175”

  1. John,

    Perhaps I missed a recent update, but wondering how things are coming along re:settlements. It appeared things were imminent by your calls to watch the site, yet the outcome is still uncertain. Thanks in advance.


    1. Battles regarding CBDC settlements as they are open to Racketeering Fed BIS recall. Plus no way will we take USD as worthless paper facing collapse. BIS oversight is the Rothschilds family control and nnt acceptable to us. We do NOT want Zionist and Racketeering Jews in charge of world finances. Weevils who need to be ripped out.
      Tropos funds intercepted and stolen by the Fed and Yellen. Marcos funds hijacked. M1 Funds hijacked. Riyardis fund hijacked. Indonesia’s funds hijacked. Golden Lilly gold stolen. We want a Jew and Zionist free solution.
      We are not handing AU to a Rat pack. An alien nation who need ?????????????


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And I thought all that stopped when the war was over, and the Yanks went home.


  3. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  4. Despite Opposition From His Closest Advisors And Supporters, Biden Expected To Roll Back China Tariffs As Soon As This Week



  5. Saudi Arabia Is in Discussions to Join the BRICS Coalition with China and Russia and Move Away from US with Potentially Explosive Consequences



    1. Goodbye petro dollar. Hello rampant US inflation and devaluation. America can’t face this reality Others will follow.
      End games coming? All Empires end- Badly!


  6. https://nationalfile.com/fda-approved-first-oral-blood-thinning-medication-for-children-ahead-of-vaccine-rollout-for-ages-5-11/
    FDA Approved ‘First Oral Blood Thinning Medication For Children’ Ahead Of Vaccine Rollout For Ages 5-11


  7. Judge in Uruguay orders Pfizer to provide complete details on the biochemical composition of its Covid vaccines, including the possible presence of “graphene oxide” or “nanotechnological elements”, as well as evidence of efficacy and safety. He’s given Pfizer 48 hours to provide the information.



  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Happy 4th! Let us remember those who gave us this country and those who are trying to destroy it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Correct, Well said!


    2. Thanks Concorde, it says it all. TRUTH! Wake up the Sheeple.


  10. Only on WHA do you find the touching music we send you. A site of so many facets. Our Humanity.
    Our Respect and Tribute to all of you.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Top 10 Gold-Backed Cryptocurrencies to Buy and Hold for Stabilit

    Exclusive: Former associate says famous names in Epstein’s little black book;

    Ok, Clinton, the Boston Lawyer, who are the top 8? Name! Publish the logs.

    Zelensky’s starkest message for Ukraine yet as Putin takes ENTIRE Luhansk region | Daily Mail Online

    As ever Zelensky want more arms to sell on to Terrorists.
    Slowly the vice wil tighten on the Kikedome.

    We are on track for a currency crisis – and bankruptcy

    Be careful what is coming.



    A total Bum rap for the Democrats. Not one fit for the office.
    What a big Yuk! total crap.

    A majority don’t want Trump to run in 2024, polling shows
    There will be a savage turnout to stop Grifter Shrek Trump.
    Find better, for God’s sake, find better. He’s a Tramp, no Class or Honour. Worse,Thick!
    Start with IQ testing. 11 year olds are brighter. Who needs an Orange Bum again? He mass pardoned multiple serious Convicted Criminal Jews for Bribes. Corrupt! Despicable!
    The world is done with US Trash Class. Hide him with Obama’s Birth Certificate. The one Blair gave Bush 41 from Mombasa.
    No more Fake Flakes. Start vetting, no more Orange Yetis. Are none clean?
    They will go all out to Stop Trump. He’s corrupt, beyond Thick and UNFIT for Office. 4 more Years for that Orangutan?
    Trophy hunter who killed lions and elephants is shot dead https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10980099/Trophy-hunter-killed-lions-elephants-shot-dead-robbers-ambushed-South-Africa.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    CIA Recruiting ISIS Terrorists To Be Sent To Ukraine – GreatGameIndia

    The Global reality of Criminals in Action unleashed as Mercenary Killers. How many will die needlessly on either side for CIA game plays? Pernicious and Evil. The CIA is a vast Criminal Organization. Vile! Crooked and Wrong!

    And no doubt with training and equipment for sale to either side.

    Watch “The Oswald Letter: the most important JFK assassination discovery in 50 years” on YouTub

    As with Roswell, how does any truth surface in America?

    Why the Ukraine War Is a Scam

    “Some 78% of that total was supplied by German and French firms … Alongside bombs, rockets and torpedoes, French firms sent thermal imaging cameras for more than 1,000 Russian tanks as well as navigation systems for fighter jets and attack helicopters.”

    Of course, war is a racket for making money off the death and suffering of people.

    Why not add the country is now sadly so full of sick Degenerates from Zio Scum to the Illegals? Crime is rife, the Government is corrupt, anything goes in a nation of Ho’s.
    Experts warn that the US could soon lose control of monkeypox https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10980519/Experts-warn-soon-lose-control-monkeypox.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Coinbase-backed Vault halts withdrawals as crypto credit crisis intensifies

    Watch your access to Cryptos, it’s getting messy

    Watch this creative girl.

    Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen – Karolina Protsenko – …: https://youtu.be/Oz4FU991k1s
    For Munich Girl, across continents. The next life. Touching Souls.

    My Hope for America and. England to get through what is unfolding. You too Munich Girl.


    I hope so the Bribe taking Scumbag misusing Pardons for the Kushners and other scum

    They could do worse, like Trump!
    Ex-CIA chief says Putin could be killed in secret plot by inner circle https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10957391/Ex-CIA-chief-claims-Putin-killed-f-king-hammer-head-inner-circle-plot.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    It’s time this dwarf Ho needs to go. We have some attack Bulldogs, or Dwarf Toss Him off a high tower . Stalin would have poisoned him
    If he’s deposed Lavrov will go with him. Moscow Elites are done with him and too many Military Officers have died. So many want him gone.


  12. Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, and Worse! The CIA is up to their dirty necks in it. Criminals in Action.


  13. Everyone have a safe and happy 4th of July!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. apartments grosvenor square


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Is this where the party is at?


        1. Sorry misfired.


  14. Industry experts say that at least 50,000 more startup employees are likely to be thrown out this year alone in the name of “restructuring and cost management” while certain startups keep receiving millions in fundings.


  15. Have a great day all July 4th Americans. All be Epstein Invitees.


    1. Same to you John and all here @ WHA!!!


      1. Thank you Fancy Nancy.


  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Scratch 1.


    1. Hunting rifles, 1,000 places a day sold to take down incoming.


  17. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/shellenberger-yes-you-can-blame-biden-high-energy-prices
    But US refineries are already operating at 94 percent of their capacity, with US refineries in the Gulf of Mexico running at 98 percent, which is the highest rate in 30 years. Running refineries at a higher capacity than that risks damaging the equipment. As such, Biden isn’t just wrong, he insulted some of the hardest working people operating in one of the most dangerous industries in America.


  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Limpet mines could be of use here.


    1. Machine gunning drones would be better. Or flame throwing drones.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wild Dogs to steal, rape and mug. Animals!


    2. All their boats are visible waiting on the French beaches. Armed Drones to fly in and Frag the lot.
      Sink the Bastards 200 yards out at sea, message sent. Any arriving, no comfort camps, straight to the planes for Africa. Parasites, YOU keep them. YOU fund them. We are sick of them. We don’t want them Man the Borders, Frag Marauders. Use the Fee Collecting nuisance Human Rights Lawyers for Troops and Civilians Target practice. Sort both. Europe needs a clear policy- Deport.! The lot!


    1. Does your heart miss a beat when I send you a message?


      1. No it beats faster you bad boy 🙂 Too young to be skipping beats ok?


    2. With you, always.


      1. 50,000 cars descending on Paris and Brussels playing Erika at full blast. Even the streets would be running.,


        1. A private message is on its way to you via Tony, or 10,000 minds will be vibrating sleepless for a week.


  19. Free to listen to…
    All 13 hour long episodes with an ensemble cast that includes
    Ian Holm as Frodo, Micheal Horden as Gandalf and Bill Nighy as Samwise Gamgee.
    An audible adventure I’ve often loved to visit “There & Back Again” & now it’s available all in one spot for FREE! https://archive.org/details/lord-of-the-rings-10/1981+BBC+Lord+of+the+Rings/Lord+of+the+Rings+01.mp


  20. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Give women, and our children the right NOT to have to share Universal toilets. The sonic booms are upsetting the men.
    Seriously it’s a no for families. Enough to put anyone off.

    Buildings must have single-sex toilets, ministers to confirm this week https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10977551/Schools-hospitals-offices-single-sex-toilets-Government-confirm-week.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Enormous 1 billion XRP Unlocked on Ripple Escrow Wallet, 340 million XRP Transferred Prior to That



  22. Hungary: Most Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops!
    Budapest is the new Taiwan — Birth Rate Drop of -22.2%!

    Igor Chudov
    Jul 3

    Interesting news on the birth rate drop front! It turns out that the most vaccinated counties of Hungary have the worst drop in birth rates in 2022! This is a within-country comparison, comparing Hungarians to Hungarians, for the same time period.

    Thanks to my incredible reader “handyman” and Twitter user @overcatbe, I came across two pieces of data:

    Vaccination Rate in Hungary by county as of July 13, 2021 (archive link)

    Change in Birth Rate in Hungary by County for Q1 2022 (archive link)

    I took my time to prepare a map of Hungary with vaccination data as of Jul 13, 2021, with birth rate changes overlaid and listed as BLUE (for declines) or RED (for increases).

    Unfortunately, this data is noisy, as it presents only a single-moment snapshot of vaccination rates, and they are not super dissimilar. To make the comparison less noisy, I decided to pick five MOST vaccinated counties, and five LEAST vaccinated counties. The idea is to compare changes in birth rates among the most divergent counties, eliminating some amount of noise, driven by little-different counties.

    Before I go further, I have to remind my readers: birth rates are always seasonal! Most parents prefer to make a “spring baby”, which often ends up with them making a “summer baby” because conception takes more time than expected. So, never compare adjacent quarters as they are guaranteed to have dramatic changes that are simply seasonality-driven, with differences very repeatable over the years. Only compare quarters of one year with same quarters of another year, please.

    My own birth rate comparison compares Q1 of 2022, against Q1 of 2021. Since they are within-country comparisons, we can be more confident that they are driven by vaccination rates, as opposed to political, economic, or ethnic differences. These people are all Hungarians.

    So, here are the 5 most vaccinated counties, contrasted with the 5 least vaccinated counties.

    You can see that the five least vaccinated counties experienced only a 4.66% drop in birth rates between Q1 of 2021 and Q1 of 2022. At the same time, five most vaccinated countries experienced a 15.2% drop in birth rates! (NOTE: birth rate decline numbers are averaged without weighing by population. Feel free to weigh them by population)

    This is a tremendous 10.5% difference between birth rate outcomes! Put in other words, the birth rate decline in most heavily vaccinated Hungarian counties was THREE TIMES greater than the decline in least-vaccinated counties!

    This is an apples-to-apples, Hungarians-to-Hungarians, same time period comparison! Pretty much the only variable is the extent to which those counties vaccinated their citizens by July 2021, including young people likely to make babies. Again, to remind you: the vaccination rates are a snapshot for July 13, 2021. You can add 9 months to July 2021, which gives you April 2022. Thus, you can see why birth rates in Q1 2022 changed: because of Covid vaccination.

    The result? The more vaccination, the greater the declines in the birth rates.


    For more interesting news regarding drops in birth rates this year, see my series:

    Sweden (dramatic steady decline to -10% this year)

    Taiwan (-23% decline)

    Germany, North Dakota, UK, and Switzerland. (12-13% declines)

    Will Fertility Come Back?
    It is becoming fairly apparent that the 2022 fertility drops are the true “black swans” of demographics, unprecedented in the breadth of countries involved, very large, extremely statistically significant, and very worrying.

    A big question of the day is: is this a temporary situation or will the declines be permanent? If they are permanent, it may lead to depopulation of affected countries!

    The answer is UNKNOWN to me and is also unknown to anyone else. Beware of vaccine advocates saying “birth rate declines are a temporary no big deal, the vaccine is working as expected”. Beware of vaccine skeptics jumping the gun and proclaiming that we will for sure be depopulated. We genuinely do NOT know, yet. The time has not passed yet, for us to know.

    Despite not knowing, we can start worrying right now.

    From other articles, we know that

    Disruptions in female periods after vaccination seem to be mostly temporary (please correct me if I am mistaken)

    The decline in sperm quality seems to be permanent, with a minor rebound around 6 months, and that did not even consider booster doses

    Further vaccination past July or so was extremely extensive, including booster vaccination of young fertile people, possibly further damaging their fertility.


  23. She lays CNN wide open…. loved that…

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Time to open vast sink holes outside every major City . Flush all Woke and Zios down as essential Sanitisation needed. Had we co joined Germany none of this lot would be alive today. Most Europeans want history reversed.
    It appalls us to see both Houses taken over by them. Post WW11 they have owned the Oval Office and all in it. If we do get WW111 any survivors will finish the job.
    Must do! When the Afros and Hispanics do take over, as they will, Clean House! When Europe unites and marches, they will soon change their attitudes facing bolt cutters ( Nutt Cutters!) and 9mms!. .
    Spring Clean the Obscene.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Biden Hits New Poll Lows: Gallup: 87 Percent Wrong Track; CIVIQS: 31 Percent Approval; Independents: 19 Percent Approval; Emerson: Trump Beating Biden by Five

    Who would have thought?
    There is no reality to voting in America. There is, its called Rigging!

    Some Alliance!

    NATURAL gas for Europe from America not going to happen.

    Pilots speak out about vaccine-induced injuries and deaths Tuesday, June 21, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson — rupreparing

    Pilot reality. imagine the state of hard reality with military pilots If a Pilot goes, so do you and ALL on board!

    Former Pfizer Exec Believes Leaky Vaccine Was Intentional
    It is sad that society can so easily be manipulated.

    Crimintern: How the Kremlin uses Russia’s criminal networks in Europe – European Council on Foreign Relations
    Guy goes into a bar in Berwick, La. where there’s a robot bartender.
    The robot says, “What will you have?”

    The guy says, “Whiskey. “The robot brings back his drink and says to
    the man, “What’s your IQ?” The guy says,” 168.” The robot then
    proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical

    The guy leaves, but he is curious…So he goes back into the bar. The
    robot bartender says, “What will you have?” The guy says, “Whiskey.”
    Again, the robot brings the man his drink and says, “What’s your IQ?
    The guy says, “100.” The robot then starts to talk about Nascar,
    Budweiser, the Saints and LSU Tigers.

    The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will
    try it one more time. He goes back into the bar. The robot says, “What
    will you have?” The guy says, “Whiskey,” and the robot brings him his
    whiskey. The robot then says, “What’s your IQ?” The guy says, “Uh,
    about 50.”

    The robot leans in real close and says, “So, you people still happy with Biden?

    We warned you these Khazarian Mafia Israeli Bastards have a big agenda
    If they are allowed to take Ukraine and bring in Nukes Armageddon follows. Scurrilous vermin as ever. Don’t ignore rats they breed.
    Look what they have done to Palestine. Vermin seed!
    3 New Jersey Mayors and 5 Rabbis Among Those Arrested in Federal Inquiry – The New York Times

    Scumbags at work always. Wise up-, shape up and Deport the F lot. Pack the lot off. Then arm Iran.
    The Long, Ugly Antisemitic History of “Jews Will Not Replace Us” | November | 2021 | The Jewish Experience | Brandeis University
    Antisemitism Uncovered: Myth – Jews Are Greedy
    ЈЕВРЕЈИН ДРЖИ КОНЦЕ У РУЦИ – Collections Search – United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    Israel will soon have to choose between China and the US
    The Two Types of Goblincore – Tumbex


    1. That’s easy. Israel will choose China thinking it can do there what it did to the U.S. Of course, it won’t play out that way because the US is a “high-trust” society so we fell in hook, line and sinker. China is a lower trust society, with a trust index even lower than Israel’s. So, in point of fact, China is impervious to their manipulations and will eat China’s lunch. But Israel doesn’t see that, so it will go all-in, and be eaten alive.


    2. As to leaky vaccine, they knew it couldn’t work. mRNA tech is simply not mature. Also, whenever one installs new code, it has to go in with a full checksum and regulatory proteins and shutdown code. No such function was present in the shot, and it doesn’t auto-magically happen.

      AND one other factor that CANNOT be minimized. Quality control of the mRNA jabs is suffering error stack tolerance problems in manufacturing. Sort the adverse events by lot number and you get a hyperbolic power curve, the tell-tale sign that manufacturing doesn’t know what it is doing. Essentially, forcing everyone that takes the shot to having played Russian roulette.


    1. Amen, sadly, to that. It’s the F Kikes!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. The Ancient Greeks were more sensible on all of this…

      Liked by 1 person

  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  27. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Many feel this way, I am sure. A grave error to have left European Communism, and its helpers, intact, when we had the army there to get rid of it. General Patton was right.


    1. The above I totally recognise. Once America like the UK was innovative and creative. Now it’s just gone F Native!


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  28. https://conservativebrief.com/fbi-intel-62605/
    The FBI’s former head of intelligence has made a startling admission during an interview this week that dovetails with the Biden administration’s new “Disinformation Governance Board.”

    In an interview with Just the News, retired Assistant Director for Intelligence Kevin Brock said he is confident that the 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton used “contrived information” to fabricate the ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ narrative that has been debunked as a hoax, adding that it was more than just a “political dirty trick.”


  29. WATCH: 10 Minutes of Democrats Denying Presidential Election Results (2000, 2004, 2016)
    Priceless. But when real election fraud is challenged, it’s ‘insurrection’ – jail without trial.
    MUST WATCH: 10 minutes of Democrats denying election results. pic.twitter.com/bJRbzEcIO2

    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 23, 2022


    1. Liked by 1 person

  30. Like

  31. Truth in an Empire of Lies by Vox Day

    A young German journalist is denounced, deplatformed, demonetized, robbed, and sentenced to prison in absentia, all for the crime of violating the Satanic Narrative on Ukraine.

    The controversy around Lipp began in March when one of her videos explaining the history and the context of the war went viral.

    In Lipp’s viral video, she said, “you need to understand that Russia has been asking for eight years that the Minsk agreement be upheld. Ukraine did not adhere to it, nor did they approach the Donbas region in an attempt to come to agreement. Instead, they have been bombing the outskirts of the Donbas region for eight years. They are shooting at civilians, who now also have to live in completely shot-up houses. Very many people have died here,” Lipp continued.

    In the video, Lipp alleged that the Donbas citizens who overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine in 2014 had been, “thankful that Russia finally did something”.

    Lip added, “Finally, the people here have been liberated from the terror that they’ve been experiencing for the last eight years,” under continuous shelling by the Ukrainian military.

    Soon after the video went viral, Lipp’s YouTube channel was closed, her PayPal account was blocked, and the Ukrainian government labeled her a “terrorist”.

    Last month, the journalist received a letter from Germany’s prosecutor’s office which states that she now faces three years in prison for supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    This comes after German authorities closed down her bank account and her father’s bank account without warning.

    In a recent interview, Lipp explained, “The letter says that, for example, I say in my Telegram channel that the population of Donbas supports the fact that Russia has launched a special operation.”

    “I also said that for several years Ukrainians have been killing civilians in the Donbas, and that this is genocide and it turns out to be a crime for Germany, so they took 1,600 euro from my bank account and didn’t even tell me about it.” Lipp said.

    According to Lipp, the German government has declared her guilty and she will not be able to defend herself in court.

    It’s now time for Americans, Germans, and all the other denizens of the post-West to ask themselves the obvious question: “Are we the baddies?”

    When people don’t go to jail for burning down entire city blocks, but are sentenced in absentia for merely reporting what they observe on the scene, something is deeply and disturbingly wrong. And how fragile, how obviously false, is a Narrative that dares not permit the simple reporting of observable facts?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is what I am pre warning you of with CBDC’s. There will be Totalitarian control and abuse with no process for appeal. Once the Khazarian BIS have oversight control, Directive Control!!!, on CBDC’s, if inside that loop, one Intel phone call and we will be able to close you down anywhere on the planet if under CBDC control. .Excellent for dealing with Crooks and Shiflies, but if you’re a genuine, needed proactive Lobbyist , one call will erase your banking and capital support lines and erase you, Cards Too! Big Brother at its worst.
      We don’t need the BIS Khazarian Skunks for this. CBDCs should stand alone or have Global oversight by a selected International screened Representative Ethical Group. Independent! The BIS will be the Jews and Deep State Agencies Stassi central command. BIS – SS! As above the strategy will be to take out your family’s banking and cards also, total authoritarian rule. No appeal or explanation, just cut off. There will be no Meritocracy of oversight. All one Shitfly control. One call or insiders memo contact, and sanctioned out. It’s 2 or 3 years away but it’s coming.
      Security of assets post Elders conversion is hugely taxing. The Khazars and Deep State will steal them blind if not factored out, The Evil Weevils will burrow deep. Jackal Central! It taxes us deeply.


  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Salve Citizens

    Rumors are circulating that KuCoin may be in financial trouble and the exchange may begin blocking withdrawals.

    We have no idea whether these rumors are true or not. However, given the heightened credit risks emerging across the crypto service space, we want to be extra cautious.

    So we recommend you immediately remove any coins you’re holding on KuCoin.

    Keep your coins OFF OF EXCHANGES!!

    As over-leveraged concerns face the harsh realities for their reckless foolery, we do not want to get caught up in the detritus of this clearing out of the garbage projects and kamikaze margin callers. Move your coins to your hardware wallets immediately. Keep them there.


  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  34. https://www.outkick.com/new-york-city-mayor-says-he-will-mandate-covid-vaccines-for-children-this-fall/
    There’s no possible reasonable or rational justification for this decision – so it’s completely unsurprising that New York is leading the way with yet another tremendously incompetent mandate.


  35. “The Bank of the United States is one of the most deadly hostilities existing, against the principles and form of our Constitution. An institution like this, penetrating by its branches every part of the Union, acting by command and in phalanx, may, in a critical moment, upset the government. I deem no government safe which is under the vassalage of any self-constituted authorities, or any other authority than that of the nation, or its regular functionaries. What an obstruction could not this bank of the United States, with all its branch banks, be in time of war! It might dictate to us the peace we should accept, or withdraw its aids. Ought we then to give further growth to an institution so powerful, so hostile?” –Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 1803.


  36. Experts are invariably wrong today.


  37. Already post Covid we are seeing a drop in numbers attending Spectator Sports , Shows, and Cinema. People just will not pay the high admission prices as energy prices and living costs soar. It’s leading to panic in the Entertainment Sector. Who will pay for the grossly overpaid prima donnas? Joe Pubic is walking away. How will Hollywood survive? Sports stars? Theatres? Costs are too high. Restaurants will take a real beating. Recession is coming. Winter could be bad. Who will now fail? Health Care can’t cope. Do we need war to get the numbers down? What happens when the PetroDollar fails? It’s coming. Can Putin take a winter without a win? Funded by how many lives? 3 Tricky years ahead.


  38. Russian warship: Moskva sinks in Black Sea – BBC News

    They blew up their own Flagship for God’s sake? NATO so much wants their war. They want Russians dead. Gone!

    Putin humiliated after navy sinks one of its OWN ships in latest calamity | World | News | Express.co.uk

    You fear these Clowns?


    Putin news: ‘Glory to Ukraine!’ Zelensky’s troops shoot £5m recon drone out of sky | World | News | Express.co.uk

    It keeps getting worse.



    Here’s What’s Needed for Leading Ethereum Rival To Surge by 700% and Reclaim All-Time High: Coin Bureau Host

    Crypto Analyst Michaël van de Poppe Issues Bitcoin Warning, Updates Ethereum Outlook As Markets Dive

    Crypto Analyst Michaël van de Poppe Issues Bitcoin Warning, Updates Ethereum Outlook As Markets Dive

    California trucking prepares for shake-up under independent contractor law AB5 – FreightWaves
    This will shut down California

    Germany seizes Russian LNG tankers – media — RT Business News

    The battle is on after Rusia seizes Westers assets, Germany hits back. Its ugly.

    How is this legal? This is arbitrary and serves to exemplify that the rule of law is nonexistent in a game of hegemony.
    Are they not worried by regular maintenance starting of the 10th, for fear it will not be turned on after completion on the 21st?
    Such actions will not serve to cause dialogue or relationships that embody a business-like relationship. Thus, we can expect more frail relationships with serious economic and social stress.

    German lawyer Reiner Füllmich: COVID-19 vaccines were designed to experiment on the human race – NaturalNews.com

    A hugely interesting Covid case from German Lawyers.

    Putin forces will struggle to occupy Ukraine after ‘bombing the s*** out of infrastructure’ , says Ben Wallac

    As Putin is running out of ancient hardware, how will he cope when new Ukranian supplies arrive from the world in their support? More missiles, more mortars, more mines more armed killer drones, more bullets, more anti-aircraft missiles, more ship missiles.
    The new weapons flying into Ukraine will Kill more Russians. What happens when he runs out of Russians?

    Zelensky and Putin, aghast. A warrior? As if. Watch this clip.

    Supreme Court Targets the Real Enemy
    The Deep State is beyond the law and President.,

    If the one claiming to be a charity relief worker is genuine, he deserves to be sent home. Mercenaries on either side., money grabbing killers, hang the lot.

    Two more Brits facing death penalty on ‘mercenary’ charges in Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10975657/British-aid-worker-military-volunteer-face-death-penalty-mercenary-charges-Ukraine.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Ha, nice one Ras Putin.

    New Russian banknote impossible to withdraw after Western firms leave https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10975495/Russias-new-100-rouble-banknote-impossible-withdraw-ATMs-Western-firms-pulled-out.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    1. As I predicted and was predictable, two can play ‘seizure’. And yes, having set the precedent, it is absolutely legal for the other side to do it. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Welcome to the mirror side. Y’all have nobody to blame but yourselves.


      1. Tino

        The Intel battle is on to take and scuttle Russia all over the planet now.. They have built Empires with money laundering. Now we are House Cleaning. All proceeds of Racketeering, Fraud and Corruption. We have over 3,000 Intel Analysts assessing and tracking the Bastards all over the planet and seizing their assets. Scumbag swatting. 3,000 little Pattens loose.


        1. Seems to me Putin is doing things that do not fit in with the WEF plans… so take anything from anyone who sides with Russia or, take all from anyone connected to Russia, in anyway, even if they are not supportive of Putin, take their stuff anyway… you can get by with filling your house with ill gotten gains ripped from the system as long as you are going along with the plan… billions upon billions going to Ukraine,, can we track and trace all that?… are all those weapons going to stay in Ukraine?… just my pee brain putting together all that has been shown right here at WHA


          1. Post was before my first cup of coffee… my PEA brain still in sleep mode!


  39. Like

  40. Hungarian MP Links Drastic Fall in Birth Rates to Mass ‘Vaccinations’ Against Covid

    The number of births in Hungary decreased this year by 20 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

    Why are birth rates plummeting in the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, Hungary, and Taiwan — nine months after mass covid vaccinations❓



    1. Because the mRNA jabs have damaged uterine linings, damaged eggs, and made 1 in 5 women infertile.


  41. Germany Labels Journalist ‘Criminal’ And Seizes Her Bank Accounts For Reporting From Ukraine

    They closed her YouTube channel, blocked her PayPal account, and sentenced her to three years in prison without trial for interviewing Ukrainian citizens in the Donbas.



    1. What did I tell you is coming?


      1. You called that one! `100%


        1. I am totally blocking the Elders conversion until this is sorted to protect them.


  42. Seems Peter Schiff having some banking problems. Chickens always come home to roost. Sad. https://apnews.com/article/crime-caribbean-puerto-rico-peter-schiff-1bc94510a5037b80425d1f76a25071cd


  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I think we found John’s next PA.


    1. Good hip action and knows how to organise a good banging.


    2. ooohhhh, I want one (of both)….


    3. Good Stance for knee trembling for sure.


  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Imagine being raised by this. Speaking of a future child they will bear like it was some kind of business transaction.

    Then, there are worse:


  45. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    June 30, 2022 at 8:39 am Edit
    For all of you have a good weekend and 4th July.
    Tony just hopes for a Weak End!

    Funny you put it that way…I needed a little break. 🙂


  46. Crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital plunges into liquidation

    Putin’s cousin and Russia’s second-richest man sanctioned by UK | UK News | Sky News

    The clawed grip of Russia’s Thief in Chief shows how his family are pursued for Corruption worldwide.

    Other views from the Ukraine front. Open minds.

    The sooner this tragic affair is over the sooner this country can get back to rebuilding… one does wonder what still remains in store for Ukrainians as their banks are systematically being looted by corruption ensuring that Russia will have to consider bailing out the financial system to prevent societal collapse when the fighting is over. One be sure that all the enablers and photo fans will become distant and silent. And Ukrainians will once again learn they are expendable, badly betrayed by Zelensky and his minions.
    A very tragic affair that has been played many a time, whether it was Iraq, Afghanistan etc. and each time memory is short. This western disease in long overdue to be vaccinated as it simply does not work. The result is angst not love. It is a time for change where we become a brother’s brother and not a keeper.

    By WarNews 24/7
    translated from Greek

    We have a significant development in Lisichansk as the Russian special forces became involved with mercenary forces. According to Russian military sources, there are 14 mercenaries dead and 12 prisoners.

    The mercenaries come from different countries. The Russians report that there will be developments in the coming hours as “their countries of origin are quite interesting” meaning that they are Americans, British, French, etc.

    Let’s not forget what exactly the New York Times revealed about the involvement of NATO commandos in Ukraine.

    Military engagement of NATO commandos with Russians in Ukraine: Russian bases hit with HIMARS – NATO puts 300,000 troops on alert

    Chaotic scenes are recorded in the Lisichansk region . Units of the Ukrainian Army are desperately trying to break the suffocating siege of Russian forces and escape from the city to Seversk.

    Ukrainians count more than 1,000 dead in battles inside and outside the city of Lisichansk. The “Right Sector” has heavy losses while many are also prisoners.

    Features are the videos you will see. Ukrainian forces try to escape from Lisichansk and shoot videos. Then they fall into an ambush and a battle with Russian paratroopers ensues.

    In the fourth and the remaining videos, Russian drones locate Ukrainian military phalanxes trying to leave Lisichansk. An artillery barrage follows.

    Watch videos from the moment of the escape

    Chaotic scenes – 5-7,000 Ukrainians trying to escape
    Lugansk Ambassador to Russia Rodion Miroshnik said Ukrainian soldiers were desperately trying to escape from Lisichansk.

    “Groups of soldiers leave Lisichansk and try to cross to Seversk, where they are observed gathering.

    Residents of the area say they are seeing the beginning of the withdrawal of Ukrainian armed formations from Lysichansk.

    Yesterday they tried to cross from Verkhnekamenka to Seversk, but lost several phalanxes from the blows of the allied artillery and the Russian forces.

    Subsequent attempts to break into our defenses were made through Belogorovka.

    The reserve units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are moving away and trying to find ways to escape from Novodruzhevka, Privolye and Shepilovo. They all leave for Seversk.

    “According to sources, up to 5-7 thousand Ukrainians can be transferred to Seversk , ” Miroshnik said.

    12 mercenaries captured in Lisichansk
    More than 10 foreign mercenaries have reportedly been captured near Lisichansk.

    Lugansk forces arrested more than 10 foreign mercenaries near Lisichansk trying to escape the besieged city. This was reported by Russian media, citing Lugansk Deputy Assistant Interior Minister Vitaly Kiselev.

    “We caught 12 people near Lisichansk of different nationalities, different countries. “In the near future, I will tell ou exactly how many of them and from which countries these mercenaries are,” says Kiselev.

    The captured mercenaries also reportedly took part in the battles in Rubizhne and Severodonetsk.

    Kiselev noted that foreign mercenaries, according to the Geneva Convention, are not entitled to the status of a fighter or a prisoner of war.

    The Russian army killed 14 mercenaries
    The Russian Defense Ministry said that the Ukrainian administration is trying to stop the chaotic flight of Ukrainian military units in the Lisichansk region.

    According to the Russian YPAM:

    In order to retain the personnel of the first battalion of the 72nd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the settlement Volcheyarovka, a “detachment” of the Nazi formation “Right Sector” was sent to these positions.

    This unit was destroyed by Russian artillery.

    Control of Ukrainian troops in the direction of Lysychansk is lost.
    The commander of the 115th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost control of his units, which led to the irreparable loss of 80% of the personnel and about 70% of the equipment of the 138th Battalion of this brigade during the battles.

    On June 26, during the fighting, 3 km from the Lisichansk oil refinery, Russian units destroyed two groups of mercenaries carrying out a sabotage and reconnaissance operation with a total of 14 soldiers.

    The first group was “international” and consisted of citizens of various European countries. The second – included only mercenaries from Georgia, who were part of the so-called “Georgian Legion”.

    In the ranks of this formation fight mainly criminals.

    The killed Georgian fighters are involved in the brutal torture and killing of Russian soldiers near Kyiv in March this year.

    “The Russian Ministry of Defense has information about every mercenary involved in the abuse and killing of our soldiers. “We found them and punished them,” said Defense Ministry spokesman Lt. Gen. Igor Konashenkov.

    Several videos at Source:
    Sweden and Finland formally invited to join NATO as alliance tells Russia to withdraw from Ukraine ‘immediately’

    This is now showing that Europe has had it with the Bolsheviks and a full face off is coming. From Putin down, the Russians threats of Nukes has resulted in full War Planning and a real risk of WW111.
    Be assured, if WW111 happens, the US will also be mass hit. ICBMs will come over the Arctic Pole., Bombers and giant Russian subs will plaster the US from all Coasts. This will be 9/11 x 10 million!. Europe would not listen in 1937, then 2 years later it came. This is our 1937. We are listening and not again. America will just sit on its arse and be so unprepared if this comes. No one will wait. This time you take it. Or prepare. Moods have changed. Losing 50% to stop Russia may be the price. Or 100% if we wait.Thinking is changing.
    Ukraine was badly timed for Russia. There was no need for this ugly war. Russia was getting all concessions re NATO. I was working with them on Eurasia. We were planning a real econoic future together. Real World, not MSM or Desk Warriors.
    This war is a knee jerk by a Jerk. Now detente is over. We face a new Stalingrad. We have to win. Nukes change everything. First strike wins. China will not fight for them if we hit first.
    After Ras Putin an his Mobsters have threatened the West with Nukes, the mood has changed. There is now EU unity with tensions high, and every chance this time he will get a full pre emptive mass smashing to try to reduce his capacity by c80%.
    We know it will be bad, very bad but 80% less a makes sense. Don’t procrastinate, annihilate. When facing a Rabid Dog, attack first. When dealing with animals – Kill . Right now it’s shadow boxing, but getting ready for war. Fingers are now on triggers. The G7 have united.All are manning up. WW11 caught the brain dead out. America for sure will have no idea as missiles rain down on NY, DC, Miami, Denver, Chicago, Texas and West Coast. All will go. Boston will think its a new Tea Party as their Arse sees the Stars.
    Think the unthikable. Europe will not wait for you if it hits out. NATO is now ready for war. Full training everywhere. You really should have taken these Bastards out in 1945. This was always coming.There is a growing mood here to pre empt. US opinions and procrastination wil count for nothing. A brain dead Dummie like Biden excludes you. Diaper man.. The EU and UK is fast approaching Patten time. The UK is mass arming fast. The EU will follow. More US Bombers have arrived in the UK. War is becoming imminent now post blatant Russian threats to nuke..Bastards.
    This is no longer Hollywood, and the next 3 years is the risk window. One more wrong move by Ras Putin and it can go up. The US will be dragged into this, for once a US Homeland war. 9/11 was mind freaking. Imagine what 50M dead will do. The CFR wants population reduction. Just other people. Woke will get woke fast. Read reality here at WHA Real World. Read the deaths, Read the EU anger. We are all arming Ukraine to bugger Putin. It’s about far more than slimebag Zelensky. Real lives, real deaths.
    Real escalation. . .

    Amber Heard is investigated for allegations of perjury in Australia

    Talking of Dogs. .

    Amber Heard is investigated for allegations of perjury in Australia https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10967729/Amber-Heard-investigated-allegations-perjury-Australia-Johnny-Depp-trial-loss.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    700 Million Worldwide Will Die From CV19 Vax By 2028: Greg Hunter Interviews Dr. David Martin

    Have a listen to this WHA is so far ahead. Why die Brain dead?
    Over 40 Rights Groups Call on UK to Free Julian Assange – IFJ

    Images may be subject to copyright.

    Ever more this is building.
    Top 10 Best Altcoin to Buy in

    Ever more support grows for Ukraine.

    Richard Branson tours bombed-out Ukrainian airport, meets Zelensky https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10968195/Richard-Branson-tours-Ukrainian-airport-meets-Zelensky-talks-support-Kyiv.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Pounded to hell they are running away. Wait until the vast new Ukraniane arms arrive. Armed Drones, Bombs,missiles and big guns.

    Stalingrad. How many dead?

    Russia ABANDONS Snake Island https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10968523/Humiliation-Putin-Russia-ABANDONS-Snake-Island.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Lies surface.
    Now if this were Munich Girl she would pull out a Combat Knife and carve a 100 Lbs strip off the lardheap.
    We need a flying Pig Tax where obese are made to pay for 2 seats. Too much time troughing.

    Tom Lee’s Fundstrat Warns of Big Bitcoin Sell

    Boris Johnson calls on NATO members to ‘dig deep’ and warns Vladimir Putin the alliance is becoming more dominant | World News | Sky News

    For sure Russia has united all in this Shit Storm. Britain and Germany have enough vast manufacturing capacity to supply enough arms. We need Germany freed to help.

    Nanqiang No. 1: China Completes Testing Of ‘Revolutionary Aircraft Design’ That Is Hypersonic & Unmanned — Reports

    The way forward twice the speed of Concorde is coming.

    Crypto crisis: how digital currencies went from boom to collaps

    Every chance another trough can take Bitcoins down to c$15K before it swings back.

    Not since Hitler has a nation suffered this.

    Russian missile strike on apartment block kills ten Ukrainians https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10971627/Russian-missile-strike-apartment-block-Odessa-kills-ten-Ukrainians.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    SEC Chair Gary Gensler Singles Out Bitcoin, Says BTC Only Crypto He’s Willing To Label a Commodit

    SEC Chair Gary Gensler Singles Out Bitcoin, Says BTC Only Crypto He’s Willing To Label a Commodity

    Liz Truss defends plans to cut British army by nearly 10,000 troop

    Dont misread this. More drones, more missles, lasers, and more dealths. Technology will mass kill.

    He’s heading to Bellmarsh and they will dissentangle his mind.

    ISIS Beatle nicknamed Jihadi Paul ‘to be deported to Britain’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10970281/ISIS-Beatle-nicknamed-Jihadi-Paul-deported-Britain.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Putin issues fresh warning to Finland and Sweden on installing Nato infrastructure | Nato | The Guardian

    Russia now has only itself to blame, It’s opened ip a cost shit storm as the EU is mass cranking up Military spending and Russia can’t match it. Stupidity!! A one legged man in Ass kicking contest. Dwarfs? Idiot thinking!

    Crypto Analyst Reveals Big Downside Target for Ethereum, Predicts Bitcoin Bottom Scenario –

    Crypto Analyst Reveals Big Downside Target for Ethereum, Predicts Bitcoin Bottom Scenario

    LUNC’s +107%, and USTC’s +320% rise in past 55 hours could mean

    Laughing, nice one Runt Putin

    It would be ‘disgusting’ to see Boris Johnson naked, says Putin https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10968723/It-disgusting-Boris-Johnson-naked-says-Vladimir-Putin.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


  47. Everything the Biden admin does is about taking away individual power…

    SEC’s New ESG Rule Hurts America’s Small Farms & Ranches

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The latest SCOTUS ruling essentially crushes this kind of stupidity. Nobody needs to comply. The SEC wont dare take action.


    1. Sadly James this is true and part of WEF policy. I am totally opposed.
      I have already forewarned on the dangers of incoming CBDC’s which Tino has picked up on. Huge if you’re an innocent good Guy on the wrong end. There will be no appeals process. It’s being designed to shut out Ambulance Chasing Attorneys and bury Bastards who deserve it, but the BIS is a Khazars fake front, and they plus Israel will totally abuse it. Central control really should not be with a rigged Khazarian Mafia front. Rodents will run riot, We don’t need the BIS, we need Ethical, good Global Partners to protect your real rights. Not Zio Scumbags.

      Liked by 2 people

  48. New Hampshire Governor Vetoes Ivermectin Bill

    “It certainly seemed like a convenient way to bury a veto of a bill that won support from the vast majority of Republicans in New Hampshire,” JR Hoell, co-founder of the conservative watchdog group RebuildNH, told The Epoch Times.


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