White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #176

Clearing the Rot and Cleaning Out the LOT! Where Do We Start?

Almost 5 years ago I singularly authored, and graphic selected, this full big picture overview report on the past, then present, and the now future events and core issues.  

Little has changed. The same corrupt Political deviants still run free. Law has failed. So much reality needs to be factored in to understand the big picture. Reason beyond inept Politicos. 

The fake Catholic Church Kiddie Fiddlers still feed their Coffers on the backs of a gullible congregation. Wills, seized land holdings and the voracious State sourced income to run Church Schools with a pedophile record second to none which would have stripped any Corporate Licensed Entity of its licenses long ago. The Vatican and Jesuits are UNFIT to manipulate and enrich themselves from State Education Budgets and no one seems to have a clue what to do. So many Neros fiddling while Rome is burning.  

Leaders are still variations of inept and appalling Jerks, while the Sheeple still mindlessly shuffle to oblivion. The report and oversight were ever truer then and is now. 

Who’s in control in this Global Political Sink Hole? 

At least they took down Maxwell. What about the rest?  

Transhumanism can only work if we have Humans left.  

Birth Rates are falling, and new Pandemics are calling. No thanks to Fauci and Gates. 

So, WHA has permitted a re-publishing of this article, with some up-to-date revisions, so we can revisit the issues within and perhaps determine in whatever way one wishes to use, if society is getting better or worse in your immediate vicinity. And based on that determination, you can perhaps plan your way forward with a better understanding of what you may encounter.

Thank you,


All this is needed to give YOU a new life fit for purpose. Freeing YOU from the Cabal and Zionist Kazakh’s Zoo! It’s them – Or You!

Self-Help is Humanity’s only solution! Switching on reality.

Looking at the emergent current human species, most of what can go wrong… has.It will continue until we remove the Khazars. 

Is the only thing which switches on what passes for US Intellect, the question of – “When can I get My Dinars cashed, Food Stamps or Welfare Checks?” First, understand the bigger picture and what YOU can help us all do. From Dinars to false Religions, to UFOs, what do you know? Has Covid taught you nothing? 

Where is your quality of judgment calls with so much bogus nonsense perpetrated as history?

Don’t believe those who practice and flatter to deceive.

Before trying to eulogize powers and actions needed, first even try to understand part of the Big Picture reality Rot problem as all interrelate.

Millenniums of Tribal Warlords, Despots, Feudal Monarchies, Dictatorships, through to the current convoluted mess of an unholy alliance between the scurrilous Vatican Jesuits scheming, and the US criminal Military Industrial Cabal and Criminal Agencies controlled war machine nation, with its attendant Zionist Oligopolies of Banking, Media, Law and Federal/Treasury Zionist infiltrated mass malpractice, which combines to control all. Sloth, greed, duplicity and criminality perverts the entire infrastructure. A truly unholy alliance of Perverts, duplicitous Zio Tapeworms and Zealots sucking this gullible humanity life species dry. Why are Epstein’s Lolita Free riders not in jail? Maxwell now is. 

Parasites and Despots rule, all unchecked. None are fit for purpose. How could a person as loathsome and deeply criminal as Clinton ever have challenged unchecked for the US Presidency, and still, she walks free? Clinton has more baggage than a camel train. But so do most of them.

What of the unreleased volumes of corrupt perverts names attending Epstein’s Island where depraved and loathsome men preyed on these young girls. What happened to publishing the list? When??? Who?  How about naming and shaming, letting Justice free for the world to see? Values? Who needs to be named and shamed? Who are they all? Including dirty Bill Clinton with his 23 plus trips to Epstein’s depravity hole. How can you eulogize this slime as Heroes? Who were the rest? Exposure time for the lot! The Zio MSM protecting their own again. Watergate was the end of US Press integrity.

Who sweeps out these ugly human excreta of an unfit, self-assumed ruling species to initiate a new planetary start? If not, has your whole existence been for nothing?

What can go wrong has. It’s ALL unfit for purpose. Stop- The- Rot!

Crime pays in America. Look at Obama, the Bushes and Clintons. Bribed Biden. Hunter’s crimes. 

Where, among all the Leaders is any one visionary candidate, one with a sense of purpose and recognition of a new direction to enable Man to emerge as a creative new Cosmic Species? Who has an exhibited perception of Justice, Morality and Ethereal Soul Values? Look at the Despotic corruption of the Vatican. Godless! An Evil Perverts Charter. 

Who can lead? Feed needs and not greed.

JFK tried. JFK died!

MLK had a dream. So did Clinton, but his was wet. Daily!

Mandela emerged and saved a nation from an ugly Civil War. Where are the new Mandelas?Certainly not Con Man Soetoro.

Who then as emergent Leaders, possess a collective ethos of values, able to redirect the emergence of a visionary new Global society fit for purpose, to emerge from our blinkered, delusional life, enabling you to take up your role in the greater Cosmos as Kinetic energy aided beings? Transhumanism is coming, but to what end? Who leads as the emerging Superpowers compete? Who is left behind, and how do we address the unholy alliances of Sloth with the current dysfunctional and unworthy misfits in office today?

So much is evolving and leaking. But what is Mankind’s priority list. What is YOURS?

The escalating Military risk of the unelected Deep State raised tensions with Russia and China, leaves America and the world exposed to a narcissistic Elephant Gut Yahoo touring Asia posing like an empowered Caesar, but of such little visible intellect as to fail to understand that it is the Cabal Agency which propounds tensions with Russia and China further. How does it help Americans understand the lies, aggression and mendacity for power, will be paid for by their lives, for Cabal lies?

Trump was trying to build a bridge of understanding with Russia, but like Brutus before him, the knives in his back risked bringing him down protecting Cabal agendas which benefit no one but the Bankers and Vatican. The real enemy is often at home as Emperors found with the Roman Senate. Betrayal and treachery abound.

The new Soviet Satan 2 Stealth missile is of such power that only 12 of their almost unstoppable stealth radar shielding missiles penetrating will suffice to wipe out the entire US. Just one even launched will erase the UK or France. An awesome weapon and more to come. Russia has such advanced and sophisticated robotic and electromagnetic weapons as to negate opposing armies, neutering their electronics and guidance systems. Sitting Ducks to mop up in a Russian Turkey shoot.

Forget the claims and aspirations of the US Skunkworks. That’s Yesterday’s news. Russia may now be one or even two generations ahead of the US, and with a highly refined Soviet secrecy network, keeps its own secrets close for the nasty element of surprise, while the KGB are plundering America’s. Meddle at your peril. Reverse engineering can get the jump on all of you. The US still denies Roswell. Yet Russia’s crashed 7 are on record. How advanced is Russia now? 

Still, they probe and poke the Bear. Despite that, Russia and China are scooping up the entire Middle East and Asian economies, escalating also to South America. China has taken Africa. So why continue this wasteful funding of the nearly 1,000 costly US Hegemony bases no one wants? Apart from a flatulent military and Toys for the Boys. Trillions wasted has got them where? From such waste, you got what? A crippled US economy and a world at war. Homeless, jobless and Washington DC – pitifully Hopeless!

You ran away from Afghanistan as with Vietnam. America has lost the Middle East, China and India will tackle the Far East, and Europe is gone. 

Yet during this allegedly unsettled period for Russia, Soviet Food Harvests are booming with record export sales for Russia. Each major Russian sale is another American loss. Where is truth in a sea of confusion and State lies?

In terms of visible new Soviet Weaponry uncloaked or hinted at, whilst the US has two or more alleged post Roswell crashed UFO crafts, Russian intelligence tracking sources indicate 5 or more UFOs were allegedly recovered from Soviet territory UFO crashes, such are being reverse engineered in Kapustin Yar, and also have been since the 1960’s. What technology and weaponry from the far greater Soviet Intel Treasure Trove, has now emerged hidden from the West? How far ahead is Russia now? Generations? Russia has a newfound confidence. For a reserved nation, why? Calling that card may now be terminal. Russia has caught up and surpassed the West militarily. They don’t need 1,000 four square meals bases. America has lost the plot, and its pot. America has lost its role now as Global Leader and can only delay the inevitable. America needs to cut its vast military waste costs. Just Butt out! Feed and employ Americans first. On his tour of the Chinese Wall, how he must have wished to ask President Xi – “How can I build one of these across Mexico?”

The smarter Drug traffickers will just tunnel under it, and far worse, supplying not just vast increasing quantities of drugs, but renting out safe passage not just to millions of illegals to pass through, but the day when they start taking money for the Terrorist groups to start bringing both WMDs and even toxic bacteriological WMDs of such power as to kill millions unchecked, for distribution throughout American cities and towns. Plagues unleashed. The US has wiped out entire civilizations throughout Asia. Millions have died, and vast millions are homeless. Stateless and swamping Europe. US Policies have been the biggest F Up the world has ever seen and still they keep on arming and funding this Brutal land stealing, mass genocidal Kazakh Terrorist Ghetto Israe-Hell for its endless Arab aggression programs.

These are no God’s chosen! They are Lying, thieving, murdering Kazakh spawn marauders hidden inside Judaism. Jews always lived at peace in the Middle East, these are Kazakh swine who stole Palestine, who want it all, and like the Zio spawn in the world, nothing is ever enough.

How long before the anti-American Asians organize and set up God knows what distribution tunnels, bringing into America their own fanatics determined on vengeance. Thank God for US Border protection, the ones Gunrunning Obama did not get killed. When will he be brought to account for that? Plus, the vast Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, he allowed into America. Problems grow. Enraging the world is not a smart thing to do. Nor is poking a bear! Without consultation or sense, so much has been done by the Cabal in your name. All greed for Zionist and Agency Demon seed. Payback?

How is the world now a safer place with angry millions – Displaced?

Yet the biggest priority in US conceptual thought, is – “When can I cash my Dinars?”

With such, Empires are lost. Supremacy has been lost to Political and Educational Degeneracy. Welfare now owns the disposable Slaves.

Putin had his “Make my Day Punk” moment when he invited the illegal Usurper Con Man Barry Soetoro/alias Obama to go for it over Syria if he felt lucky, and in turn then gloated at Russian bombers power erasing US Battleships electronics systems as a salutary warning, which sent them scuttling away in terror as sitting Ducks. No heroes there, as with Vietnam.

From such rapid Soviet/Chinese evolution, is evident US confusion. Butt-whipped in Vietnam, the Soviets stole a lead with the first Dog in Space, followed by Russia putting the first man in space, with no comprehension from the US they were about to be outfoxed and outperformed by the Soviets. Russia won the Space race.

It may well now have won the Arms race. Russia has a defense pact with China and an aura of confidence. What gives him such an aura of supremacy now? It’s clear.

We can only progress in our efforts as one people of all mankind to conquer space when we share in costly technologies and create intellectual product R&D for the benefit of all mankind. Otherwise, we fight a pointless, minion species, costly Feudal war. The greatest barriers are the dearth of real Leaders today. Political Skanks now so ineptly rule fools. Few challenge such mediocrities. Why not? None are fit for purpose.

Trillions of critical US and world restoration capital has gone missing, and nothing is done. Now we even have a US approach to the House of Lords from a US WH connected party asking, “Please, can we have our $15T back?” $15T would rebuild America and stabilize the EU. A Debt resolution to ease the confusion. But it’s not theirs. These were funds ‘Created’ under the Pureheart operation, by the US Fed, Treasury and Homeland Security, acting to Treasury appeals to the criminal relinquished Bar License Usurper, illegal Alien Barry Soetoro O’ Bumma, to create $15T of mythical funds to cover over a vast $16T shortfall on the US Balance sheets about to bring the whole US Cabal Ponzi scam crashing to earth. Sleight of hand, and a fast-conjuring fix was actioned out of Congressional, Public or media oversight. Albeit deeply criminal and the worst money laundering case ever. They got away with it. 

Fact, FACT!!! The US Department of Homeland Security, acting in conjunction with the Fed, US Treasury and working with, also sheltering, known Filipino Con Man Wilfredo Saurin, coerced a series of major US and UK banks to create, then Launder, $15T of US funds against an entirely bogus asset of nonexistent AU holdings. A duplicitous scam perpetrated between criminal elements of the Jakarta Indonesian Fed, a complicit Indonesian Bank, Cabal banks in the US and two UK Banks who really should know better. SWIFTS were issued between the Fed, two US Banks of substance, and processed via well-known alleged Money Laundering Bank HSBC and RBS in London to cross pass such funds and reintroduce them in apparent cross balance sheet transfers, enabling them to enhance a depleted Treasury Balance Sheet, confusing the system and Banks colluding from the top in crime. But who now has that $15T? And where is the Chairman, posing under the false pseudo-name of a dead boy, since he fled from Pureheart to a then Scandinavian CIA Safe House, until we again blew that cover, as we did with Herzog? The greatest fear of SIS was that if we expanded it further, we risked shattering the Atlantic Alliance. Let the sleeping dogs – Lie!

Who is enriched with those funds? An approach has been made from the WH to the Lords for help trace them. Please Sirs, we have lost our money. How do we get it back? Can we have a copy of the Discs you hold? Leaders – Children lost in a sea of confusion! No! Not unless this time we both share AND when recovered, it ONLY goes to use fit for purpose! No more Cabal grandstanding. They lost the plot and the Pot. Their move. But on Public watch this time. With integrity! Those who deceive and steal must be brought to heel.

An alcoholic mediocrity Junker was the ineffective Leader of the largest Economic trading block, that of the European Union. He was absurd. A drunken buffoon and a joke. But as are most of them. Merkel is hostage to unstable coalition collaborations in German society, with no clear Leaders. Its borders now overrun and choking with Illegals. Merkel? No clear direction, hindered by ruinous Socialism. As an East German Commie, she was indoctrinated by Leninist dictates, and simply processes a subservient cannon fodder directive to entrapped Germans. Merkel has no clear majority Mandate, and rules simply as the Leader of the largest minority coalition party. Chaos rules fools. Progressive Germans are very frustrated, seeing Illegals flood in as unstoppable aliens robbing and raping. Not unlike Americans under Cabal political rule, entrapped in a Zionist monetary enclave. The EU is a collective Rat Pack of mediocrities. America is not alone. It just has more Rats in power than the rest.

Most EU Leaders are indoctrinated, and power control placed Jesuits, marching to the orders of Rome, and the Jesuit Vatican. But under the Knights of Malta, Masons and Skull and Cross-bone Society, America also rots from within. Indoctrination being ruination. All inept as with the Cabal!

Clearly that very transient species now seeking their future transfer to newly enhanced transhuman aided super beings, will create a new directional species. But, what of the rest? Who decides and what criteria? Who travels the new road, and who is to be left behind? See for God’s sake, beyond your Dinars and Freeloading.

Assume you and your children will be left behind, what then? Do you even start to comprehend the implications of this?

Elongating the lives of the Bushes, Clintons, Bidens and Zio like type trash, will produce a truly malevolent subspecies with unchained havoc! Bush himself bred, but all just kids like Trump, all brain dead. What is the point of enhancing this type of train wrecked misfit, why not delete each such Elite? Bush, Clinton and Trump families are cross marrying Criminal Zionists, or in the case of the Clintons and Trump, entire criminal families. Why perpetuate such an ugly species? What a complete Klutz Kushner is turning out to be. One from another Zio’s criminally convicted family Shite house to the White house.

Good Juduaism can be a blessing on nations. Truly a number of good, albeit mislead Jews, do seek to conduct themselves as a God’s humanitarian people.

But the Zios are a degenerate curse. To Judaism also.

America has allowed these malevolent Kazakh Zio roaches to breed millions in an orgy of uncontrolled, wanton greed. Now they also own the lying media. Time to de louse the entire Zio infestation house! Good Jews are invited to assist. Who needs these corrupt Temple Money changers?

From God’s house to a rampant louse! Zios are Child and mind rapists in the Temple.

The only finite limit of our abilities is the inability of the nonentity Elites to understand that all human life is born equal, but most are denied equal opportunity. We hold back the emergence of the majority of our species, by the restraints self-imposed by the failing order of a Society lacking vision, integrity, morality, or sense of purpose and direction. Education denied. Guidance denied. Progress denied! So many children’s potential denied.

Every Child should have a right to life, a Right to Love, Protection and a Right to fulfill their full potential and hopes.

But under Cabal and Zio trash rule – denied! These are the true enemies of hope and the destiny of man. All Rights – Denied, as Kazakhs lied, the future for each life form – Died!

Time to De Louse this Godless House under Kazakh subjugation.

A key part of our post release agenda must be to take schools back from the Jesuits and Catholicism, then to create a new, Pedo free syllabus intent on focused education for all the children, and mixed schools will be a key step forwards, to bring back Muslim and Jewish children away from the platitudes of headbangers. All children need to be educated free of Abrahamian diatribe. Who needs the ramblings of a Schitzo Paranoid Delusional, confusing all children? Free children’s minds to grow with culture and reality. Or follow a Nutter and stay in the gutter?

Step up and determine your own children’s futures not as Church grooming fields.

Citizenship and Ethereal values are key for the new world. Education is the key for the future.

Today, chaos rules, led by fools. Nothing changes, it has been this way for Millennia. Even now, why do we not question as a species, the clearly dysfunctional failings of a lost society led by such fools. How did Indonesian passport holder Obama ever clear vetting?

Moses allegedly was lost for 40 years leading his collective tribal rabble, on a journey a non-idiot with a compass, could have tracked from Mt. Sinai in just 11 days. Where are desert signposts when you need them? So, their God lost his way? Really? Do we never learn? History shows no one reads the nation’s Leaders heritage of His Story! How then can we ever learn what to avoid next time if no one recollects the failures of the past, and why? Hubris, the arrogance and pomp of failed Hubris. Look at the sordid criminal Bush family. Degeneracy and corruption overcame all, as they bribed, extorted, betrayed and corrupted their nation. A Traitor’s Crime Family!

Sadly – it worked!

America, from the first Federal breaches of trust, breaches of Treaties, betrayals of the Native Americans, and practiced mass genocide, was a fertile breeding ground for the Mafia, Zio corruption, bribery, extortion, and Luciano who, as with the Cabal today, owned Justice, or at least the Judges and police. The Mob owned the system. All we have done, is merged it, re-clothing whores, Pimps, Shysters and Fraudsters, as Attorneys, Senators or Congressmen. They just re-suited the Trash and cross bred it as Clinton’s and like type.

Currently, so many are in a pursuit of a free handout from the speculative opportunism following the genocide of nations. Entire countries, and ancient civilizations have been wiped out by the deviant Agencies, and Arms plus money supplies funded to ISIS and the like, by the US and Israel. The Middle East has been decimated by Cabal regime change ploys, and the duplicity of the vile Kazakhs seeking their mad conquest for a greater Israel. Millions of innocents annihilated. Who cares? Is there any moral perspective left to any of it? Looking on, looking in, any Ethereal watchers see only degeneracy of a species. Self-serving, none deserving.

Where is hope, humanity and moral conscience in any of it now? It’s a Global dilemma. Humanity is losing its Soul. Japan needs to stop its cruel, mass destruction of annual Mink hunts. Save the Whale, harpoon Trump! Moby Dick is lost at sea.

Reality indicates that the Sovereigns appear likely to currency convert and go to CBDCs first. That in itself will suffice to underpin and capitalize the relaunches.  Banks can just sluice out the ambulance chasing street holders, selecting first those instead, who have shown between the sites, the will and goodness of heart to support Global restoration as a Thinking and Caring Global Task Force, willing and able to create new projects systems and help deliver and install in new or deserving communities. One people, one Global nation of need. We need Hands out across the Oceans, helping brother Man, not hands out as more Gimmes. Time we think as a single human species and feed / house those in real need.

Time, to start to rethink purpose. Funds Fit for Purpose. People willing to help others, not just themselves. What kind of society do we want to emerge? Where is Your voice?

We – The People?

 Restoring nations and civilizations we have so wantonly destroyed. Replacing the Cabal Hegemony bases, with Trade and Educational centers. Humanitarian aid teams. Reaching out to our brother mankind. Atonement for the Millennia of cultures we have destroyed. Successful new integrated redesigned and planned communities can lead the way for others. We need an agenda, a purpose to be a better, more enlightened species. Time to rethink and plan balanced and structured new communities with sound values to enrich all. Time for the US Military and Agencies to F off back home! Go! Stop funding and arming Terrorists. Stop funding regime changes. Look at the carnage caused.

Who will weep for America if the Fanatics come through those border tunnels? Payback? WMDs can take many forms. Each horrific.

We instead need. to educate and liberate.

Truth to break free, to educate and expose false religions.

We did nothing as Lenin emerged, communism thrived, and vast millions died.

Now we sit neutered again as the filth and disgusting despotism of the ugly Cult of Islam can only be eradicated with education, where 9- to 13-year-old girls do not have to suffer arranged, forced marriages of carnal hell to ignorant, mutant 40 to 70 year olds, ending the untold misery and beatings from this medieval and perverse gutter trash.

Time to expose, punish and end the numerous vast numbers of Church pedos. Withdraw their pointless Tax shelters, take back their land holdings for community use, sequestrate the Vatican’s vast manipulated fortunes extracted with the enforcement of the murderous Inquisition and their kind, and end their 2,000 years of lies peddling to a naive humanity blindly following false concepts of Gods which the Vatican, as the known Mafia’s Bankers, does not follow. Close down the Vatican as a false State! Blinkered Nonsense! We need to take away their schools, then we sever their tentacles. These Perverts are bloodsucking nations with their fake Godless Order. 

Explore beyond, think out Ethereal reality, expand each human’s own consciousness, to emerge from this Caterpillar Deep State of most of today’s sub species of non-thinkers and help mankind emerge to fly to a real destiny as Ethereal Beings. It’s time to think and be… More!

As the first of the major PPs start to release, how they are ring-fenced, and kept safe to use accrued profits only to restructure society in achievable steps matters. No more following outdated Mantras of false ideologies.

Just 12 mainly unconnected men, over 3 centuries, attempted to challenge and expand each person’s concept of humanitarian, moral and family values, and to question the purpose of living, to being more. They challenged the Feudal despots, iniquities of each conquered species, false States and raised the concept of human values for all. 12 men converted and lead 1 billion to believe in something more, at terminal cost for many of the 12. Just the concept matters.

Armed with funding, and a valid cross funded agenda, what then could 120 or even 1,200 of you from the sites, correctly focused, achieve today with 7 billion so much in need? Raising the bar is the start. You don’t have to get cashed out from currencies to make a difference. Contributing time while waiting could open so many more personal opportunities, when the projects start. Self-help and helping others in such need is the key to all. Pulling together as one nation of all to put back.

The Chosen One is not coming, nor is Democracy from any State. It’s ALL down to us each to conceive and achieve fundamental change. No more passing the Buck. We each need to take responsibility for all actions and refuse subjugation.

Funds are too finite, and discretion is likely to rule.  Tens of thousands of loose cannons, grasping Wannabes, is not an appealing concept or sight. Money needs to be channeled. It will all be phased to first feed need with organized groups. Priorities will come first.

Elders will cooperate for Selective AU transfers, but only to such groups as can be evidenced as worthy, who will pay for it, and who will use the new platforms to trade up using profits accrued for a fitting agenda. To enhance humanity, ecology and nature. All life is sacred. All living organisms are inter bound as a Cosmic matrix of life. Understanding purpose is phase one. Understanding yours even more so. A true agenda, fit for purpose, fit for all, is what we aspire to.

We at WHA have established a selective Global following. A voice of all people who test the boundaries, and who dare challenge the cause of human despair. The Global contributions daily, show that hope lives, in all of you. We will be considering who from the Readership can help join Response teams to make a difference. If 12 good men can change a world, what can 1,200 of you achieve funded? In the corridors of power, you are read. They fear you are a Real, Thinking Democracy in waiting. People power, growing by the hour. You – are hope!

Free Will – Use it Well! Will you if asked, step up? I will? Only We, The People, can MAKE it happen. Self-help. Your call, or calling? What call will you make?

Thank you, and please be safe.

Stay tuned.


1,204 responses to “Information Briefing #176”

  1. If I ever used a dating website this kind of crap would tell me who NOT to date…
    Think you could sum up most all of these 31 genders into one category–> next mass shooter…
    Dating Website Match.Com Has Option For 31 Genders

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Money is finite and carefully controlled. Priority allocation needs only. Remember the last IMF allocation only gave most nations between $5B up top $100B to sustain their economies.
    There IS NO MONEY! Nor is it coming from Western sources. The Fed and US Treasury are broke. The cupboard is bare, stolen blind by Jewish Bankers, Zionists and Cabal Skip Rats.
    Iraq can only sustain a maximum economy of up to $5T. Yet there are “Allegedly ” F wits sitting on hangers of that grossly,. criminally overprinted garbage, still fantasising their ship will come in. Why? No one has earned that right! Least of all them
    I watched with oversight as Generals, Brigadiers and Agency crooks flooded into Reno for their grasping hands, greedy redemption’s. None got paid, including the Admiral. Apartments , Flights and hotel costs were paid cross selling Dinars, cross firing, in hope they could bail and redeem from profits hiding their misdeeds. It never came, now there are black holes. Overstayers dare not leave.
    Every year the same blatant, baseless pumping from Dinar Rags.Fake- All of it. Pumping half wits.
    If and when Iraq is allowed to draw down any capital allocations, it will be for pre approved economic use only. Not for funding free riding skp rats and money laundering, or to crime sources. Allocations to Iraq will be a few B at a time for trade sources. Only! Monitored by Compliance. Ambulance Chasers,blood money scalpers, and Reno rats denied. The deluge of falsely printed Quad Ts sold for grasping wannabes is fantasy. Hype, all of it. Tomorrow is not coming. No one needs or will sustain a bunch of Global parasites with grasping claws. Debating is like talking to a sponge. None can grasp it’s failed. No one in authority is allocating shortfall needs Global capital to Ambulance chasers and Hustlers. Who cares? Pay it to the 1 Million Iraqis families this Bush illegal war genocide killed. Bush and Blair should both be hung in The Hague. War Criminals. .Like Soros.
    As Rednecks wail, Ahh want Maaah Money. Pathetic. You got taken and shaken by Bush 41, and his Pumpers. Mugged. Dinar Gurus are for Grunts. Bottom feeders and Whackos. Wise up and cash out. Start again, this time start smart.
    Get your snout- Out. Trying to get your notes back will be interesting., every attempt is delayed. You’re not losing millions, that’s lunatic talk. Take back your few hundred or few thousand bucks and restart clean. 20 years you got nowhere. Nor will you. Call it, call your notes. Get real. Follow WHA on cryptos. At least you trade. You just all got laid. Said with respect, start again clean. Life is too short, abort. Decline more excuses and Fake promises. Cryptos are live., warts and all. Dinars are dead! Leave.Get real. Self help, or get help!


    1. So much vacuous noise on the system, endless whining., it’s time to call it. List it as Illegal War losses and burn the lot Let Iraq start new and clean. Let Speculators get burned. Poor Iraq got destroyed. Genocided!. Blood money, all of it. Ugly. Free Iraq from this ugly farce. Iraq owes no one. Go with BRICs and 2 Fingers to the lot. Give them a taste. Iraq is now with Russia and China. America has blown the lot. Saudi too. Bonfire or Toilet paper. Real money for real causes. Fund Iraq not parasites. Pay for the 1m murdered poor Iraqis. Shock and Awe vanity. War Crimes! End US Hegemony. Ugly, all of it.


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    Legendary Trader Who Called 2018 Crypto Collapse Issues Bitcoin (BTC) Warning as US Dollar Goes Parabolic

    Western Europe on SUICIDE WATCH as food, energy collapse gets worse by the day… how many will starve or freeze this coming winter? – NaturalNews.com

    USA & EUROPEAN UNION DECIDED TO BLOCK RUSSIA AND ARREST THE RUSSIAN ASSETS AROUND THE WORLD AND NOW USA & EUROPEAN UNION ARE FACING A COMPLETE DISASTER, SHOWING THAT THE POLITICIANS STUPIDITY IN OTHER WORDS IS DOING WHAT THE NEW WORLD ORDER WISH – DICREASE HUMAN POPULATION, AS CLEARLY TOLD BY BILL GATES IN 2011 – FIRST THE PLANDEMIC/FRAUDEMIC AND NOW WITH THE RUSSIAN BLOCKAGE!!! NO GAS, NO FERTILIZER, NO NECESSARY THINGS FOR FOOD PRODUCTION, FOR INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION!!! HUNGER WILL REACH STRONGLY THE EUROPEAN UNION AND USA!!! BESIDE THIS, SOME GOVERNMENTS ARE DICTATING THE KILLING OF DUCKS, CHICKENS, PIGS, COWS!!! Western Europe is on suicide watch as virtue signaling nations tore down their fossil fuel infrastructure (and nuclear power plants) to appease the “greenies.” Now, countries like Germany, France and the UK are facing an energy catastrophe as Russia steadily reduces natural gas outflows from pipelines like Nord Stream 1, which is also scheduled to be taken offline in just five days for “routine maintenance.” Many European nations are worried that Nord Stream won’t be turned back on, believing Russia will find an excuse to keep the pipeline offline for an extended period of time. This would be catastrophic for nations like Germany, which depend heavily on Russian gas to generate electricity and power domestic industry. From our story today: “This step is a complete disaster for the European Union. It is basically signing a death warrant for all European economies.”

    God Bless!!!
    Tories ‘will shred each other to pieces in bitter leadership race’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10993115/Liz-Truss-cuts-short-G20-trip-jet-London-join-race-Tory-crown.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Scumbags wars

    From a contributor also tracking the products of Kapustin Yar and reverse engineering from UFO crashes.

    If you’ve been reading what I’ve been writing, then you know I’m quite fascinated with the logistical nature of integration of systems and cycles both current and future in business to understand the ability to predict outcome of plans and anticipate actions and thus watch the various integration that Russia has achieved on a battlefield, for clues and lessons. The only other country that has similar capability of understanding a battlefield in real time is the United States. Acting upon such knowledge is quite different. Understanding a battlefield is no different then what we are asked to understand in business today in muddled waters.

    However, it seems that the Russians have achieved a mastery that could only be derived from technology that is beyond what other parties find possible. It may have something to do with their success in reverse engineering various space objects that they have found.

    In modern warfare what is critical is understanding the location and movement of battlefield units in real time and further the nature of eminent movement by those battlefield units. To that end in the past I have written about how Russia has tested in real time laser capability using their MIG 31S IN NEAR SPACE. For that special suits for pilots were developed allowing them to actually exist in space in these special planes and in re-entry to the atmosphere. This is a defense laser system to destroy inbound nukes in near space. The tests were successful and no doubt are well known to various intel agencies at a senior level. Even if such information is denied to the public. Russians tend to demonstrate systems as to their function as opposed to keeping it tucked under the pillow. And by doing so, serial production of such weapons is never far off. One hears rumors of particle beam technology not far off.
    > I also have written about the various missile complex systems whether they are Kalibers, Zircons, onyx, Daggers, Iskanders, Petrel etc. and their potential as realtime hypersonic missiles without equal. However, it seems the Russians have gone beyond all others in EMP technology reducing the size of devices to be places in their hypersonic missiles for battlefield control and dominance. And while an amazing accomplishment, it is scary as to it’s impact. While EMP is not new as a weapons system going back 1965, what is new is the ability to encapsulate such a generator in a tiny area that is remotely activated and not by impact. Normally one thinks of a high level explosion to cause a EMP pulse that is wide spread but this is at ground level, and of localized area impact. The Russians call this “Alabuga”.

    > Imagine a hypersonic delivery by a missile to a location of choice and then a detonation of a controlled size rendering a strategic area void of all electronic or electrical devices. One such missile could disable a military base of aircraft, silo based missiles or even a tank formation rendering all such equipment as useless. Leaving all such human forces with no ability to fight. Can you imagine a multiple launch of hypersonic missiles to all European military bases at once? One could dispatch the entire ability of all military forces at once. Or how about rendering a refinery mute? Could this be a final solution to the madness of Neocon hegemony or Davos globalist dreams? One does not destroy the populace but instead renders the war mongers into the hands of a public mob who does the bidding that all mobs do. Interesting times are breeding interesting equations of dominance. No doubt we will learn of other such gems in the arsenal of various nations in the future.
    Warren Buffets warning.

    Is THIS why T. rex had tiny arms? Fossil of a new carnivorous dinosaur with similarly short forelimbs suggests they helped the giant beasts grip each other tightly during SEX

    A new dinosaur has been discovered by palaeontologists at the Ernesto Bachmann Paleontological Museum in that had tiny arms like the T Rex, suggesting their size provided a function.


    Yep we have many in Parliament like this, the Senate too..


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Boy they sure shot the living shit out of this guy.

    His IQ must have been sub 70 to get out and run like that when 15 cops are behind you with guns drawn.


    1. See what’s coming as 350 MPs jockey for power and position in the new Leadership election.
      Backstabbers Inc. .


  5. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Meanwhile, tens of millions of acre-feet of water runoff from the Canadian Rockies into the ocean before we harness it for use before allowing it to do so. The North American Water and Power Alliance was designed to prevent the kind of thing we are seeing now. Instead, we spent the money we could have used to make it happen on the Vietnam War.

    All the environmental wackos who were against it because it would harm some bug species, or displace by eminent domain a few desert dwellers, now have to face the fact that they may have to pay extreme amounts for their future water and power or face continuing brownouts. And then there is the fact that such a system, if built back then, could now be powering your EV charging stations cheaply and without limits.

    Dumb all over.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Hodlers of the world…unite!!

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  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Ben Fulford will be all over this.


    1. Poor Abe. Update: Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been pronounced dead after an assassin with a homemade shotgun fired several shots from behind, hitting him in the left chest region.

      Shinzo fell to the ground, where he could reportedly be seen bleeding from the neck. After being rushed to the hospital, Abe fell into cardiac arrest and was unable to be revived.


  9. https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel
    FACT: there is no FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine available in the United States today.

    FACT: On August 23, the FDA granted full approval for a COVID-19 vaccine to Pfizer-BioNtech for a specific product sold under the brand name ‘Comirnaty’

    FACT: Four months later Cominarty is still NOT on the market. Why?
    Pfizer is likely refusing to make it available, while continuing to sell a product under EUA, which fully protects the drugmaker and grants zero legal recourse to the patient.

    In order for Pfizer to be granted legal liability protection for their fully authorized Comirnaty shot, they must first secure full approval for the children’s version of their COVID-19 shot.

    FACT: The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which was passed into law in 1986, provides a legal liability shield to drug manufacturers if they receive full authorization for all ages.

    FACT: Pfizer needs approval for children so that it can protect itself from lawsuits.

    Once the Pfizer vaccine is fully approved for kids, then Pfizer gets liability waiver on all age groups. At that time, they are done. They can market the COVID vaccine products and face no liability when it kills or disables you.



    1. Unfortunately, for Pfizer, blanket immunity will fail as fraud can easily be proven. You simply don’t get immunity if you lie. Also the judiciary is finally finding the cajones to read the EUA fine print that it has ignored, which will result in all mRNA vaxxes going the way to extinction. And then watch as the SHTF as Courts rule the vaxxes neither safe nor effective nor mandatable by extension. Watch the losses then and the domino effect re colleges (and endowments at risk) and corps (let me show you what happens when I cram your mandate up your ass — how many dollars are you going to vomit?)

      The opponent gets to vote, and we are coming out swinging.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Can not put into words how much I want to see this happen Tino… full on frontal assault with mass carnage all over the place!


        1. A Florida pediatrician was removed from her position on a state board last week after advocating for equitable access to COVID vaccines for kids under 5.

          Lisa Gwynn, MD, president of the Florida chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, was notified last Wednesday that she had been removed from her position on the board of Florida Healthy Kids Corporation, a public insurance provider for children.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. “Let West Try To Defeat Us On Battlefield… We Haven’t Started Anything Seriously Yet”: Putin In Fiercest Warning Since Invasion



  11. Like

  12. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And people wonder why birthrates are falling in Western countries.


  13. NEW – Israeli cohort study involving 196,992 unvaccinated adults found “no increase in the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis” after COVID infection.



    1. That pretty much blows out of the water the trope that myocarditis is a disease of the unvaccinated and of COVID…

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Fauci Just Canceled $1.8 Million In Grisly Beagle Experiments After Fake Fact-Checkers Lied To Save His Behind



  15. You Know What Would Deter More Shootings Than Red Flag Laws? Executing Mass Killers Quickly


    Liked by 1 person

  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  17. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Hope they do not let the GOV back them down like Canada!


  18. Judge in Uruguay suspends injections of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine in children under age 13 until certain “conditions” are met, including contract disclosure.



  19. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  20. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Never heard of him.


  21. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    So, it looks like he’s not doomed to repeat it, so far. Time will tell.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    He was a fine actor.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The little Bolshevik owes.


    1. Backwards and twisted thinking has spread like a virus across this world.

      Liked by 1 person

  24. Good hope beyond the Dope!

    Pound rises in value after it emerges Boris Johnson will resign https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10990775/FTSE-100-rises-1-2-pound-jumps-sharply-City-traders-hope-end-political-turmoil.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    The whole EU rejoices Johnson was pushed out. London is savage with indiscretions. Shit like the Senators would not survive here. Not clear screening for election.

    Europe’s press hail downfall of ‘unscrupulous’ Boris Johnson https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10990881/Boris-Johnson-resigns-Europes-press-hail-downfall-Brexit-PM.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    For sure China is a huge and growing threat.
    Ras Putin is howling with Glee. He may be next.

    Kremlin and EU gloat at Boris Johnson’s demise https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10990921/Kremlin-gloats-Boris-Johnsons-demise-saying-doesnt-like-dont-like-either.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Johnson is cooked. Democracy in the UK Unlike the US Twats do get lambasted and fried here. Only America eulogises Shit.

    Boris Johnson speech LIVE: Get all the latest news and updates https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/live/article-10990349/Boris-Johnson-speech-LIVE-prime-minister-resigns-today-tory-party-leader.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    A whole new meaning to a pain in the Rrrrs. Should be fried alive.

    Victims speak out as predator who targeted straight men is jailed https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10991631/Victims-speak-dangerous-sexual-predator-targeted-straight-men-jailed.html?ito=native_share_article-top


  25. A team of physicians has called for a ban on the gene therapy COVID-19 vaccines in response to new unsettling pharmacovigilance signals from VAERS regarding the use of the COVID vaccines on women of reproductive age.



  26. Following his dad’s steps, Justin Castro’s government is funding a booklet being sent to schools across the country that teaches children to be wary of people who champion “free speech.”


  27. We desperately need to see relative death rates in vaxxed vs unvaxxed by age, risk pool and to split that by vaxx type.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The powers that be are not going to let that happen if they can prevent it!… they know… many docs and nurses know… hospital administrations know… I am sure many wish they had never got on the shot bandwagon… so many are stuck now.

      Liked by 1 person

  28. R&B singer Macy Gray reacted to the woke transgender mob threatening her over saying that men cannot get a surgery to become a woman, proclaiming, “be whatever you wanna be, and f**k off.”

    “all of you coming on my page, threatening me and calling me names — just [because] I said something you don’t agree with — be whatever you wanna be, and [fuck] off,” Gray tweeted on Wednesday. On Monday, the singer told Piers Morgan, “just because you go change your parts doesn’t make a woman.”

    “If you want me to call you a ‘her,’ I will, because that’s what you want. But that doesn’t make you a woman, just because I call you a ‘her’ and just because you got a surgery,” Gray added. “Women go through just a completely unique experience. And surgery or finding yourself doesn’t change that. Being a little girl is a whole epic book, and you can’t have that just because you want to be a woman,” the singer affirmed.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Johnson, at last has accepted for him, it’s over. Time for this torpid Ho to go. If only Biden next. Britain still has Democracy. The Zio filth stole Americas. Johnson OUT but who next? Liz Truss who screwed an Admiral and got caught, or Penny Maudant? Of an outsider like Tuggenhardt? Game on.


    1. Response for AD re currencies.

      Let’s dispel the fantasies.
      Dongs are an official traded currency and have been devalued twice for Vietnam’s Industries to stay competitive and protect jobs. Up valuing the Dong would destroy China’s vast investments and exports. Not happening!
      Brokers ambulance chasing fantasies. Cash out and with research and guidance invest in India’s fast emerging markets. Avoid Chinas.

      Dinars are a Con,. The country at best can justify a base market of c5T. Maximum. No more. Iraq can’t carry it. Mass racketting has resulted in Boiler Room Pumpers and Crooks selling overhyped Junk paper, backed by nothing,.to the Naive, desperate and greedy, taking them all out as Suckers. Neither Custer nor Iraq is coming to your rescue. The IMF wont bail it, or you, Cut and run. Dreamland for fantasists.Sorry, but? Printing plates pumped by Racketeers for the gullible. .Unlike Clinton’s possible HPV,s Dinar Dreams will die. Both Toxic. Run before it gets your Pecker !
      Dreams are not reality. There is no free ride. Cut and rethink a new avenue. Unearned income is hard.
      Sorry but there is no Silver Lining to a Dinar scam. Barking Dogs. War crimes. . The hardest part is letting go of failed dreams. How much has it now cost you? If only, you had bought Bitcoins.
      Recover by getting out and rethinking new ideas. Wiser now. It’s like marrying a Ho and thinking it’s real. Wise up and walk.
      .Said with respect and truly, understanding. Tough love and care. Start again not building on quicksand. .

      Liked by 3 people

      1. John,
        Your response seems to be targeted for the general public. Do you have any input for those of us that are in private groups that turned in currencies more than 7 years ago? It’s been really quiet for a while. Thank you for you time.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Sky Pilot.
          Sadly the roof has fallen in for them all. No money to bail anything. No will, nor interest. No one is bailing them.
          Sell out and get out. If you can even recover them. So many were used in desperation to cover Reno living costs dreams. Those rented apartments did not come free. Heartbreak is coming for many. Most in Reno lost it all and are living hand to mouth in rented apartments. Homes gone, families blown. Fantasies imploded.They turned you over to live. Some live in fear of retribution and the knock on the door. .There is nothing in progress to redeem any of it. Sorry .Fact. You all got hyped and scammed. It’s not happening. Fake news and fake promises, all false hype. False excuses and Flakes. Many who asked for their notes back have received nothing One giant puke bowl, all of it. Wake up time. Recall your notes and bail. Your call. How do you think they have been living?

          Liked by 1 person

  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Presented as a point of view.


    1. Defending a tainted creep? Find better.


  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Eurasia must be laughing at the West.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They are laughing so hard they are crying… and probably wetting themselves!!!


    2. Eurasia IS laughing and as is every normal male.


      1. If someone thinks this is about inclusion they are full of WOKE piss!… this admin cares nothing about the LGBTadxcvbnmkopasdwerjqz blah blah blah so called community… they are about tearing America down!.. making a nation weak at its roots!


  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    I think a Mossberg pump action with double 00 buckshot would have stopped it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sorry for the dup. But great minds think alike…


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        No worries. John loves target practice. 🙂


  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  34. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Boris is starting to bore the news desk.


  35. Liked by 3 people

  36. Liked by 1 person

  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Russia orders Jewish Agency to stop all operations in country – exclusive

    Dramatic order given to Jewish Agency by government officials in Moscow • Israeli government considering next steps

    I think we may have found an executive order from Putin that John might support.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Preferably if pinned on them with Bayonets. Drive the lot to the Gulags asap.

      Liked by 1 person

  38. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    They are validating what Tino has been telling us all for months and months now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If only it had been designed just for Zios! Redesign and get it right.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. roelph tomas de villanueva Avatar
        roelph tomas de villanueva

        “If 12 good men can change a world” John2021, a 12×12 vertical and horizontal redesign can get it right. Let us all unite in one accord to establish universal peace to all human kind. Many thanks to all WH.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. And legal-wise, the hornet nest cum briar patch they have created for themselves will soon come home to roost. All the damnable Prep Act immunity is about to crater on the rock reefs of fraud. To wit this excellent Denninger summation:

      …No, our due process system is not perfect. Not by any means. But it beats sticking our heads in the sand, which is what we have now.

      It has now been admitted by Dr. Birx that it was hope, not fact, that she and others — including President Biden — peddled with regard to the jabs being “proof” against getting or transmitting the virus. Inducing someone to do a thing by making a materially-false statement that they rely on, and then get burned as a result, has a formal, legal name: Fraud.

      Not only did the “Task Force” commit this act, the silence of the manufacturers, who’s products were being knowingly misrepresented, also quite-arguably constituted fraud. Again — this is not my assertion that the government and manufacturers lied — it is Dr. Birx who made the statement that their reliance was “hope” and not evidence, and Birx admits that she knew that the trials were not designed to, and thus couldn’t, show whether or not jabbed people could get or spread the virus. In other words everyone who was an alleged “expert” knew this and made intentionally false statements.

      Don’t take my word for it, listen to her words yourself.

      Fraud, particularly when someone makes billions of dollars by utilizing it, no matter who they enlist in doing so, is supposed to get you indicted, charged, tried and imprisoned. Well? [END QUOTE]

      Well? Shall we put them ALL in jail across Western Civ? Technically it is Crime Against Humanity, and the proper penalty is Death by hanging or firing squad, at dawn, nationally televised. Children and young adults in 50 nations are being found dead in their beds. Nations that have stupidly gone on to vaccinate the under 12 are seeing everything from death to seizures to rashs to organ failure to constant respiratory infections, not to mention the fertility aspect. The future of the race itself has been damaged…


  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  40. Cryptocurrencies are not the new monetary system we need

    A massive hit to Germany. Huge. I’m sorry to see this. We could be facing 3 years of depression and recession hang in there. It’s Global not personal. We are simply running out of running money.
    Time to get creative. Motherland and Fatherland brainstorm it together.

    Here we go again

    Ras Putin has more problems now with Stolen grain.

    Check Bidens, both

    No could it needs to read MUST . He’s only been a greasy self-serving runt of a leader. Unfit and untrustworthy. His father is the same. He’s ratted on his wives. Ratted on fiancés and ratted on girl friends. All the trends of Zio trash.
    GRANDPA BURST IN TEARS | Coldplay – Fix You | Vio…: https://youtu.be/5dEY90Uggtw
    Letter to the U.K. Gov from 76 Doctors

    Please note with Great Care!
    Letter to the U.K. Gov from 76 Doctors
    As predicted, they would all go for the obnoxious sack of Gorilla Snot. He spent his life being fired as a Reporter and Minister, because he’s frankly a mediocre Wanker!
    Trump, Johnson Bush 43, Biden we need to Vet and stop such mediocre crap ever getting to office. Even a Kenya Indonesian Usurper Chicago Con Man sneaked into office illegally in the US. With a fake Wife Trannie.
    Crap like this and the Zios Free Ride the lot out. Clear them all OUT! Another fake HO to go. 5 more have resigned today. Bumbling Boris just get – OUT!

    Boris Johnson news LIVE: Get all the latest news and updates https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/live/article-10986469/Boris-Johnson-news-latest-PM-fights-stay-Downing-Street-Rishi-Sunak-Sajid-Javid-QUIT.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    HIMAR system: The new US weapon being used by Ukraine against Russian targets

    The game is weapons testing for Arms Sales and thousands will die. Why? Life matters!

    Cryptocurrency broker Voyager Digital files for bankruptcy protection


    The sooner the better, obnoxious mediocre Twat!

    Are we all going to die?

    https://dailyhodl.com/2022/07/05/can-bitcoin-support-eight-billion-people-macro-expert-lyn-alden-predicts-how-btc-can-scale-globally/ https://dailyhodl.com/2022/07/05/can-bitcoin-support-eight-billion-people-macro-expert-lyn-alden-predicts-how-btc-can-scale-globally/


    1. Like

  41. Heard part of Georgia guidestones attacked and toppled this morning.. Hope this is true.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Agent provocateurs caught on camera at the Netherlands anti-green agenda protests.
    Are they trying to pull stunts to make the genuine demonstrators look bad?


  43. Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud

    “In an interview with The Defender, Jackson’s lawyer said Pfizer argued the lawsuit, which was filed under the False Claims Act, should be dismissed because the U.S. government knew of the wrongdoings in the clinical trials but continued to do business with the vaccine maker.”



    1. So, let me get this straight, the defense for the provable crime, is that since the government knew I was committing fraud, I should be found “Not Guilty”? Am I getting this right?

      Liked by 1 person

  44. David Campione Avatar
    David Campione

    If I may, I published a UFO Space Craft Identification Manual, by David Campione, it is on Amazon.com. About a year ago I upgraded this manual with color daytime photos of ET space craft. All photos are copyrighted and were taken in the mid 1960’s. I am doing my part on exposing what the people within our United States Government have been covering up for decades. The information is compiled from my father’s UFO research began in 1948 and I grew with his knowledge and collimation of his work. I also produced a Flying Saucer documentary in the 1992 that earned me the EBE award for the best UFO documentary in the world at that time. There is always hope and as Tony said, people have to step up. I have been doing my part much to chagrin of the people within our Government, since 1971. It is tough but you have to be tough and take no crap from these people. When you have God on your side, you can accomplish anything. So, step up, individually or as a group and make great changes while we still can and make a one small difference at a time and the rest will fall into place.

    Liked by 1 person

  45. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/oil-us-reserves-head-overseas-gasoline-prices-stay-high-2022-07-05/

    Oil from U.S. reserves sent overseas as gasoline prices stay high
    More than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a historic U.S. emergency reserves release to lower domestic fuel prices were exported to Europe and Asia last month, according to data


  46. NEW – Vaccinated toddlers in Pfizer’s trial were more likely to get severely ill with COVID than those who received a placebo.



  47. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. What is coming will smash the existing rotten Zionists. We can wait and seal their fate. Zionist Bankers are the worst of Viral pestilences. The lot needs to go. As they do to the poor Palestinians as they brutalise them and steal their land. No mercy. Khazar Scum, the lot. We will not deal with Zionists in the mix. Vultures. 15 m need to GO!. .Free deportation to Uranus. Leave none behind. They are worse than Covid. Where is Paul Revere?

      Liked by 1 person

  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  49. https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-05-scientists-make-solar-panel-also-produces-hydrogen.html
    Scientists from KU Leuven in Belgium have recently developed a solar panel that converts moisture in the air to produce hydrogen. This allows the solar panels to generate electricity through sunlight and to power heating systems using the resulting hydrogen.
    Researcher Jan Rongé commented: “Twenty of these panels produce enough heat and electricity to get through the winter in a very well-insulated house, and still have electricity left over,” he added. With regard to the risks of the highly combustible gas leaking and subsequently exploding, Rongé commented that “the risks of accidents [involving hydrogen] are no greater than with natural gas.”


  50. Thank you for the new article. We did not see this before as we spent little time on owon. Anyone with eyes can see that j2021 has been correct about those he called “tapeworm species”. They are everywhere a minority but seems to hold control over the majority and protected by laws that allow them to do as they please because they are special and only their suffering is real. We are cattle. Insects. Slaves. They hate us and want us to interbreed ourselves into a mass of retarded mongrels so they can rule with ease. The results of the mass immigration patterns forced only on European settled nations bear this out yes? Do not take my word. Look.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Good find Concorde. Correct! The Sheeple wont wake up.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Eyes like Pissholes in the snow.Hell Spawn.


    2. Just 15M of this Vermin loose has created this Global nightmare. 15M Ho to go! Karma, what comes around goes around. Consequences will follow. 15M Vermin seed or 7B plus? Each Ho has to go! A solution targeted by design. Homing in on Original Sin. No secrets stay buried. Interbred ugly. Zio Spawn.

      Liked by 2 people

  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Who follows if so?


    1. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/07/05/beginning-of-the-end-for-boris-two-top-cabinet-officials-resign-over-sleaze-scandal/

      Johnson is a sleazy and slimy piece of shit. Even he can’t hide from this it’s total no confidence. He has to go before more damage. They will mass attack now. Akin to Brutus


      1. Worse crime of all he bangs then marries ugly women. Unforgivable,. Lol.
        What a Tosser. They will all fear their seats so hes on the plank at sea now.


        1. He will have a sleepless night then wake up looking at Carrie with horror. Was he drunk? Wheres a paper bag when you need one No justice. What a Tosser. All will betray him.


    2. God knows none fit the role. Nor did he.


  52. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Be brave.

    Liked by 1 person

  53. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/bank-of-england-calls-tougher-crypto-rules-plunge-111646580.html

    Damned right he was lawfully killed in his prison break out attempt. Shoot them all. Cease being apologists for trash.
    Very odd’: Trump’s 80 seconds deciding where to put his glass of water

    The dumb F is almost as brain dead as Biden

    Bitcoin Flashing Major Bottom Signal, According to Economist Alex Krüger – But There’s a Catch


    These narcissistic free riding parasites ran away when denied photo access to manipulate the Queen.
    Ukraine – the situation (July 5, 2022) – Asia Times

    An interesting perspective from one of our own frontline Observers of Ukraine.
    Remember that the Russian forces are still outnumbered 3 to 1 by Ukrainians and that they have yet to use much of the modern hardware they possess to control the front lines. I expect that soon there will be some more field testing of such weapon systems that have been improved upon after initial testing in Syria and further refinement. There has only been limited glimpses of such systems so far. In some of the most recent fights the directed forward control of artillery is actually controlled by robotic systems in advanced forward positions attacking while giving coordinated direction to artillery in a support role. Think of a Minnie tank flushing out troops while in real time directing artillery in a support capacity, while maintaining a safe fire control area for itself. There are no soldiers doing this. This is why surviving Ukrainian soldiers ran away and refuse to return as there is nowhere to hide only a place to die.
    Given that order and repair is quickly being brought to bear in territory freed those areas will blossom quickly and act to contribute to the Russian economy. Things like demolished bridges are being repaired in days and not weeks or months as ready supply is brought into repair as quickly as the areas are secured. Further fertilizers and seeds are being supplied quickly to restore crop yields. This confirms the Russian intent to minimize the destruction, as to rebuild quickly. I doubt the rest of the Ukraine will fare as well. There is a ever growing sentiment in the Kremlin by hard liners to demonstrate to the WEST what lies in store for them, if they continue to prod Russia.
    Anti-missile systems in Kiev supplied by America, if actually provided may learn that certain hypersonic missiles do not just travel from great heights and have a inherent ability to alter speed and direction and can hit a target horizontally and not just vertically, once unleashed. Some of these missiles are quite capable to actually enter a railway tunnel in flight before exploding. And there are certain missiles that work in pairs to draw fire and destroy it.
    It is the same type of software used in Drones being tested as wingmen for piloted planes. Due to cost and manpower SU57 planes will be covered by drones that act act as WIng men with a pack mentality in attack and a defensive hunt and kill mentality when attacked. This software is actually able to share real time data with multiple Points of an analysis and sharing of fire solutions. This is done to build redundancy in the event one node is damaged allowing for alternative direction by another drone. This also allows for coordinated ground support where integrated communications exist typing both air and ground with satellite feed giving complete battlefield coordination and understanding. This is most complete IRS integration i have seen to date, on a actual combat field basis. Thus, was recently applied in the Donbas by a squad of SU57 accompaniment.



  54. Hi Tony, hope all is well with you. Thanks again for being there for us, as well as J 2020. The comments by J about people want to cash in their Dinars makes me wonder does J 2020 know their are many of us who hold a small amount of VND and or dinars that are not trying to become wealthy from it, only hoping we can make enough to pay off our homes, cars. We have not heard anything on the VND for quite some time. I understand the site wants to move on, although there are still many that hold on hoping. Thank you J 2020 for all you do.


    1. Hello. All going better than I deserve, thanks. I hope it’s going well for you too.

      We have been told that a public RV of currencies to levels that will create instant millions of liquid cash, or even SKR proceeds for some future benefit, will not be in the cards.

      John will have to explain more on this as international finance, and national currency issues are within his area of expertise, and not mine.

      Thank you!


      1. Give me a day or two please.


  55. The blonde witch from Australia, who sold her soul to the devil a long time ago, is following orders from her puppet masters and is trying to convince us all to eat bugs.
    As far as I am concerned, she can shove them where the sun don’t shine… (forgive my vulgarity, these people make me sick)


    Liked by 2 people

  56. Pilots can’t fly because they suffered adverse effects from the covid jab (or they died because of it) and pilots who don’t get the jab aren’t allowed to fly because it’s mandated. It doesn’t get much worse than that!



  57. Covid was weaponized. Post Settlements 2 can play. Solutions by design. Mortal! Long overdue.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Nobody can play with the bio-toys. It cannot be done safely. It is an article of faith that there will always be a remnant of the immune. So the risk of wiping out the global population is high. Vaccine tech is poor to begin with and absolutely dangerous to life and fertility on the particular mRNA platform. It will boomerang.


  58. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/two-and-3-year-old-kids-with-seizures
    Two and 3-year-old kids with seizures is “the new normal”
    I’m getting multiple reports from my nurse friends about kids 2 and 3 years old having seizures. It is ONLY happening on vaccinated kids, and symptoms start 2 to 5 days after the COVID vaccine.


  59. “Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were urged to cover up the fact that the world’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years, it is claimed.”



  60. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/people-crafting-us-policy-arent-america

    The People Crafting US Policy Aren’t In America
    We aren’t supposed to think about it at all. Who, for example, is surprised to learn there is a large and active Ukraine lobby in Washington?


  61. Hi John and Tony,
    Thank you both for updating and reprinting this message.

    So much presented here I absolutely agree with. I still receive an education from such words of wisdom and truth. There are so many points raised in this article that deserve further conversation, unfortunately I personally just do not possess the free time to participate in that at the moment.

    So many times I gain inspiration from that which is shared here at WHA. The inspirational words that uplifted me today were shared in this article.
    “The Chosen One is not coming, nor is Democracy from any State. It’s ALL down to us each to conceive and achieve fundamental change. No more passing the Buck. We each need to take responsibility for all actions and refuse subjugation.”

    Thank you everyone. Stay well and strong. You are all in my heart and thoughts. XX

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Auratays,
      It’s a lot to take in. Thanks for your early reply. These are part of the hundreds of issues we have to factor in daily.
      If an independent nation issues its own CBDC I’m damned if I see why the BIS, a Rotten Child creation, should be allowed to have oversight over nations and cause the F Up they have already done to America.
      The BIS failed to intercede and assist recover the Fed intercepted stolen Tropos funds taken by Yellen from the Wachovia account. Intercepted and the SWIFT funds stolen. Wachovia Bank has been investigated for money laundering. The BIS were given Carte Blanche proof of the Tropos theft and declined to act. They ran away.
      How can this Zio Fake Front be allowed to reign supreme over Sovereign Banks? It’s a Rothschild’s Thieving Zio Bastards Charter. We will not sign off for our Elders clients to release valuable AU for these Zio Rats and their Gut Rotten Cohorts to sequester those funds after clearance. Animals! Rodents of the worst kind!
      The whole point of CBDCs was to give nations free Sovereign control of their own Central Banks again . As the US does not even have one, but dares intercede with others who do, the scheming dead claws of the Khazar Scum are behind all of it. If those Bastards are allowed to control them, it’s a Cabal Stitch Up again and useless Political Wimps will do nothing They have stolen America blind and the Third World. Parasites. We need Vermin removal. Israel is a Vipers nest plotting and scheming. An Ablution cesspit needing flushing away. For God’s sake China and Russia Nuclear Arm and empower Iran. This is Epicenter of Khazars marauders Rabid infection .They are NOT Jews. FFS Planet Earth wake up!
      CBDCs must not fall under Zionist control.. Open the Gulags and Siberian mines. Clean out this Inhuman garbage. Look at both Houses riddled with them and all US MSM under their LICE Vice like control. Genghis Khans Scum of the Earth. Doing nothing begets what is coming. WEF and the Cabal are Evil. Oh if only for a Zio Designed targeted Virus. . They are ruthless and growing sweeping up all. .Why is Humanity so utterly Stupefied? So NO to these Zio Ho’s! Or face enslaved Planet Earth. They will take it all.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Rather see the massive AU be left in a cave than give more power to the POS scum oligarchy trying to enslave and control the world.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. They need that AU James ever more desperately. We can and will wait them out. Scumbags,the lot. Nothing is happening until we are satisfied the funds are safe. The US has still not recognised we do have other options and will swerve the US if needed. That will cause freefall for the USD. We are not taking their crap and we are beholden to no one. These assets are to aid Mankind not racketeer.

          Liked by 1 person

      2. I agree John. Thank you for your lengthy reply.


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