White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #176

Clearing the Rot and Cleaning Out the LOT! Where Do We Start?

Almost 5 years ago I singularly authored, and graphic selected, this full big picture overview report on the past, then present, and the now future events and core issues.  

Little has changed. The same corrupt Political deviants still run free. Law has failed. So much reality needs to be factored in to understand the big picture. Reason beyond inept Politicos. 

The fake Catholic Church Kiddie Fiddlers still feed their Coffers on the backs of a gullible congregation. Wills, seized land holdings and the voracious State sourced income to run Church Schools with a pedophile record second to none which would have stripped any Corporate Licensed Entity of its licenses long ago. The Vatican and Jesuits are UNFIT to manipulate and enrich themselves from State Education Budgets and no one seems to have a clue what to do. So many Neros fiddling while Rome is burning.  

Leaders are still variations of inept and appalling Jerks, while the Sheeple still mindlessly shuffle to oblivion. The report and oversight were ever truer then and is now. 

Who’s in control in this Global Political Sink Hole? 

At least they took down Maxwell. What about the rest?  

Transhumanism can only work if we have Humans left.  

Birth Rates are falling, and new Pandemics are calling. No thanks to Fauci and Gates. 

So, WHA has permitted a re-publishing of this article, with some up-to-date revisions, so we can revisit the issues within and perhaps determine in whatever way one wishes to use, if society is getting better or worse in your immediate vicinity. And based on that determination, you can perhaps plan your way forward with a better understanding of what you may encounter.

Thank you,


All this is needed to give YOU a new life fit for purpose. Freeing YOU from the Cabal and Zionist Kazakh’s Zoo! It’s them – Or You!

Self-Help is Humanity’s only solution! Switching on reality.

Looking at the emergent current human species, most of what can go wrong… has.It will continue until we remove the Khazars. 

Is the only thing which switches on what passes for US Intellect, the question of – “When can I get My Dinars cashed, Food Stamps or Welfare Checks?” First, understand the bigger picture and what YOU can help us all do. From Dinars to false Religions, to UFOs, what do you know? Has Covid taught you nothing? 

Where is your quality of judgment calls with so much bogus nonsense perpetrated as history?

Don’t believe those who practice and flatter to deceive.

Before trying to eulogize powers and actions needed, first even try to understand part of the Big Picture reality Rot problem as all interrelate.

Millenniums of Tribal Warlords, Despots, Feudal Monarchies, Dictatorships, through to the current convoluted mess of an unholy alliance between the scurrilous Vatican Jesuits scheming, and the US criminal Military Industrial Cabal and Criminal Agencies controlled war machine nation, with its attendant Zionist Oligopolies of Banking, Media, Law and Federal/Treasury Zionist infiltrated mass malpractice, which combines to control all. Sloth, greed, duplicity and criminality perverts the entire infrastructure. A truly unholy alliance of Perverts, duplicitous Zio Tapeworms and Zealots sucking this gullible humanity life species dry. Why are Epstein’s Lolita Free riders not in jail? Maxwell now is. 

Parasites and Despots rule, all unchecked. None are fit for purpose. How could a person as loathsome and deeply criminal as Clinton ever have challenged unchecked for the US Presidency, and still, she walks free? Clinton has more baggage than a camel train. But so do most of them.

What of the unreleased volumes of corrupt perverts names attending Epstein’s Island where depraved and loathsome men preyed on these young girls. What happened to publishing the list? When??? Who?  How about naming and shaming, letting Justice free for the world to see? Values? Who needs to be named and shamed? Who are they all? Including dirty Bill Clinton with his 23 plus trips to Epstein’s depravity hole. How can you eulogize this slime as Heroes? Who were the rest? Exposure time for the lot! The Zio MSM protecting their own again. Watergate was the end of US Press integrity.

Who sweeps out these ugly human excreta of an unfit, self-assumed ruling species to initiate a new planetary start? If not, has your whole existence been for nothing?

What can go wrong has. It’s ALL unfit for purpose. Stop- The- Rot!

Crime pays in America. Look at Obama, the Bushes and Clintons. Bribed Biden. Hunter’s crimes. 

Where, among all the Leaders is any one visionary candidate, one with a sense of purpose and recognition of a new direction to enable Man to emerge as a creative new Cosmic Species? Who has an exhibited perception of Justice, Morality and Ethereal Soul Values? Look at the Despotic corruption of the Vatican. Godless! An Evil Perverts Charter. 

Who can lead? Feed needs and not greed.

JFK tried. JFK died!

MLK had a dream. So did Clinton, but his was wet. Daily!

Mandela emerged and saved a nation from an ugly Civil War. Where are the new Mandelas?Certainly not Con Man Soetoro.

Who then as emergent Leaders, possess a collective ethos of values, able to redirect the emergence of a visionary new Global society fit for purpose, to emerge from our blinkered, delusional life, enabling you to take up your role in the greater Cosmos as Kinetic energy aided beings? Transhumanism is coming, but to what end? Who leads as the emerging Superpowers compete? Who is left behind, and how do we address the unholy alliances of Sloth with the current dysfunctional and unworthy misfits in office today?

So much is evolving and leaking. But what is Mankind’s priority list. What is YOURS?

The escalating Military risk of the unelected Deep State raised tensions with Russia and China, leaves America and the world exposed to a narcissistic Elephant Gut Yahoo touring Asia posing like an empowered Caesar, but of such little visible intellect as to fail to understand that it is the Cabal Agency which propounds tensions with Russia and China further. How does it help Americans understand the lies, aggression and mendacity for power, will be paid for by their lives, for Cabal lies?

Trump was trying to build a bridge of understanding with Russia, but like Brutus before him, the knives in his back risked bringing him down protecting Cabal agendas which benefit no one but the Bankers and Vatican. The real enemy is often at home as Emperors found with the Roman Senate. Betrayal and treachery abound.

The new Soviet Satan 2 Stealth missile is of such power that only 12 of their almost unstoppable stealth radar shielding missiles penetrating will suffice to wipe out the entire US. Just one even launched will erase the UK or France. An awesome weapon and more to come. Russia has such advanced and sophisticated robotic and electromagnetic weapons as to negate opposing armies, neutering their electronics and guidance systems. Sitting Ducks to mop up in a Russian Turkey shoot.

Forget the claims and aspirations of the US Skunkworks. That’s Yesterday’s news. Russia may now be one or even two generations ahead of the US, and with a highly refined Soviet secrecy network, keeps its own secrets close for the nasty element of surprise, while the KGB are plundering America’s. Meddle at your peril. Reverse engineering can get the jump on all of you. The US still denies Roswell. Yet Russia’s crashed 7 are on record. How advanced is Russia now? 

Still, they probe and poke the Bear. Despite that, Russia and China are scooping up the entire Middle East and Asian economies, escalating also to South America. China has taken Africa. So why continue this wasteful funding of the nearly 1,000 costly US Hegemony bases no one wants? Apart from a flatulent military and Toys for the Boys. Trillions wasted has got them where? From such waste, you got what? A crippled US economy and a world at war. Homeless, jobless and Washington DC – pitifully Hopeless!

You ran away from Afghanistan as with Vietnam. America has lost the Middle East, China and India will tackle the Far East, and Europe is gone. 

Yet during this allegedly unsettled period for Russia, Soviet Food Harvests are booming with record export sales for Russia. Each major Russian sale is another American loss. Where is truth in a sea of confusion and State lies?

In terms of visible new Soviet Weaponry uncloaked or hinted at, whilst the US has two or more alleged post Roswell crashed UFO crafts, Russian intelligence tracking sources indicate 5 or more UFOs were allegedly recovered from Soviet territory UFO crashes, such are being reverse engineered in Kapustin Yar, and also have been since the 1960’s. What technology and weaponry from the far greater Soviet Intel Treasure Trove, has now emerged hidden from the West? How far ahead is Russia now? Generations? Russia has a newfound confidence. For a reserved nation, why? Calling that card may now be terminal. Russia has caught up and surpassed the West militarily. They don’t need 1,000 four square meals bases. America has lost the plot, and its pot. America has lost its role now as Global Leader and can only delay the inevitable. America needs to cut its vast military waste costs. Just Butt out! Feed and employ Americans first. On his tour of the Chinese Wall, how he must have wished to ask President Xi – “How can I build one of these across Mexico?”

The smarter Drug traffickers will just tunnel under it, and far worse, supplying not just vast increasing quantities of drugs, but renting out safe passage not just to millions of illegals to pass through, but the day when they start taking money for the Terrorist groups to start bringing both WMDs and even toxic bacteriological WMDs of such power as to kill millions unchecked, for distribution throughout American cities and towns. Plagues unleashed. The US has wiped out entire civilizations throughout Asia. Millions have died, and vast millions are homeless. Stateless and swamping Europe. US Policies have been the biggest F Up the world has ever seen and still they keep on arming and funding this Brutal land stealing, mass genocidal Kazakh Terrorist Ghetto Israe-Hell for its endless Arab aggression programs.

These are no God’s chosen! They are Lying, thieving, murdering Kazakh spawn marauders hidden inside Judaism. Jews always lived at peace in the Middle East, these are Kazakh swine who stole Palestine, who want it all, and like the Zio spawn in the world, nothing is ever enough.

How long before the anti-American Asians organize and set up God knows what distribution tunnels, bringing into America their own fanatics determined on vengeance. Thank God for US Border protection, the ones Gunrunning Obama did not get killed. When will he be brought to account for that? Plus, the vast Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, he allowed into America. Problems grow. Enraging the world is not a smart thing to do. Nor is poking a bear! Without consultation or sense, so much has been done by the Cabal in your name. All greed for Zionist and Agency Demon seed. Payback?

How is the world now a safer place with angry millions – Displaced?

Yet the biggest priority in US conceptual thought, is – “When can I cash my Dinars?”

With such, Empires are lost. Supremacy has been lost to Political and Educational Degeneracy. Welfare now owns the disposable Slaves.

Putin had his “Make my Day Punk” moment when he invited the illegal Usurper Con Man Barry Soetoro/alias Obama to go for it over Syria if he felt lucky, and in turn then gloated at Russian bombers power erasing US Battleships electronics systems as a salutary warning, which sent them scuttling away in terror as sitting Ducks. No heroes there, as with Vietnam.

From such rapid Soviet/Chinese evolution, is evident US confusion. Butt-whipped in Vietnam, the Soviets stole a lead with the first Dog in Space, followed by Russia putting the first man in space, with no comprehension from the US they were about to be outfoxed and outperformed by the Soviets. Russia won the Space race.

It may well now have won the Arms race. Russia has a defense pact with China and an aura of confidence. What gives him such an aura of supremacy now? It’s clear.

We can only progress in our efforts as one people of all mankind to conquer space when we share in costly technologies and create intellectual product R&D for the benefit of all mankind. Otherwise, we fight a pointless, minion species, costly Feudal war. The greatest barriers are the dearth of real Leaders today. Political Skanks now so ineptly rule fools. Few challenge such mediocrities. Why not? None are fit for purpose.

Trillions of critical US and world restoration capital has gone missing, and nothing is done. Now we even have a US approach to the House of Lords from a US WH connected party asking, “Please, can we have our $15T back?” $15T would rebuild America and stabilize the EU. A Debt resolution to ease the confusion. But it’s not theirs. These were funds ‘Created’ under the Pureheart operation, by the US Fed, Treasury and Homeland Security, acting to Treasury appeals to the criminal relinquished Bar License Usurper, illegal Alien Barry Soetoro O’ Bumma, to create $15T of mythical funds to cover over a vast $16T shortfall on the US Balance sheets about to bring the whole US Cabal Ponzi scam crashing to earth. Sleight of hand, and a fast-conjuring fix was actioned out of Congressional, Public or media oversight. Albeit deeply criminal and the worst money laundering case ever. They got away with it. 

Fact, FACT!!! The US Department of Homeland Security, acting in conjunction with the Fed, US Treasury and working with, also sheltering, known Filipino Con Man Wilfredo Saurin, coerced a series of major US and UK banks to create, then Launder, $15T of US funds against an entirely bogus asset of nonexistent AU holdings. A duplicitous scam perpetrated between criminal elements of the Jakarta Indonesian Fed, a complicit Indonesian Bank, Cabal banks in the US and two UK Banks who really should know better. SWIFTS were issued between the Fed, two US Banks of substance, and processed via well-known alleged Money Laundering Bank HSBC and RBS in London to cross pass such funds and reintroduce them in apparent cross balance sheet transfers, enabling them to enhance a depleted Treasury Balance Sheet, confusing the system and Banks colluding from the top in crime. But who now has that $15T? And where is the Chairman, posing under the false pseudo-name of a dead boy, since he fled from Pureheart to a then Scandinavian CIA Safe House, until we again blew that cover, as we did with Herzog? The greatest fear of SIS was that if we expanded it further, we risked shattering the Atlantic Alliance. Let the sleeping dogs – Lie!

Who is enriched with those funds? An approach has been made from the WH to the Lords for help trace them. Please Sirs, we have lost our money. How do we get it back? Can we have a copy of the Discs you hold? Leaders – Children lost in a sea of confusion! No! Not unless this time we both share AND when recovered, it ONLY goes to use fit for purpose! No more Cabal grandstanding. They lost the plot and the Pot. Their move. But on Public watch this time. With integrity! Those who deceive and steal must be brought to heel.

An alcoholic mediocrity Junker was the ineffective Leader of the largest Economic trading block, that of the European Union. He was absurd. A drunken buffoon and a joke. But as are most of them. Merkel is hostage to unstable coalition collaborations in German society, with no clear Leaders. Its borders now overrun and choking with Illegals. Merkel? No clear direction, hindered by ruinous Socialism. As an East German Commie, she was indoctrinated by Leninist dictates, and simply processes a subservient cannon fodder directive to entrapped Germans. Merkel has no clear majority Mandate, and rules simply as the Leader of the largest minority coalition party. Chaos rules fools. Progressive Germans are very frustrated, seeing Illegals flood in as unstoppable aliens robbing and raping. Not unlike Americans under Cabal political rule, entrapped in a Zionist monetary enclave. The EU is a collective Rat Pack of mediocrities. America is not alone. It just has more Rats in power than the rest.

Most EU Leaders are indoctrinated, and power control placed Jesuits, marching to the orders of Rome, and the Jesuit Vatican. But under the Knights of Malta, Masons and Skull and Cross-bone Society, America also rots from within. Indoctrination being ruination. All inept as with the Cabal!

Clearly that very transient species now seeking their future transfer to newly enhanced transhuman aided super beings, will create a new directional species. But, what of the rest? Who decides and what criteria? Who travels the new road, and who is to be left behind? See for God’s sake, beyond your Dinars and Freeloading.

Assume you and your children will be left behind, what then? Do you even start to comprehend the implications of this?

Elongating the lives of the Bushes, Clintons, Bidens and Zio like type trash, will produce a truly malevolent subspecies with unchained havoc! Bush himself bred, but all just kids like Trump, all brain dead. What is the point of enhancing this type of train wrecked misfit, why not delete each such Elite? Bush, Clinton and Trump families are cross marrying Criminal Zionists, or in the case of the Clintons and Trump, entire criminal families. Why perpetuate such an ugly species? What a complete Klutz Kushner is turning out to be. One from another Zio’s criminally convicted family Shite house to the White house.

Good Juduaism can be a blessing on nations. Truly a number of good, albeit mislead Jews, do seek to conduct themselves as a God’s humanitarian people.

But the Zios are a degenerate curse. To Judaism also.

America has allowed these malevolent Kazakh Zio roaches to breed millions in an orgy of uncontrolled, wanton greed. Now they also own the lying media. Time to de louse the entire Zio infestation house! Good Jews are invited to assist. Who needs these corrupt Temple Money changers?

From God’s house to a rampant louse! Zios are Child and mind rapists in the Temple.

The only finite limit of our abilities is the inability of the nonentity Elites to understand that all human life is born equal, but most are denied equal opportunity. We hold back the emergence of the majority of our species, by the restraints self-imposed by the failing order of a Society lacking vision, integrity, morality, or sense of purpose and direction. Education denied. Guidance denied. Progress denied! So many children’s potential denied.

Every Child should have a right to life, a Right to Love, Protection and a Right to fulfill their full potential and hopes.

But under Cabal and Zio trash rule – denied! These are the true enemies of hope and the destiny of man. All Rights – Denied, as Kazakhs lied, the future for each life form – Died!

Time to De Louse this Godless House under Kazakh subjugation.

A key part of our post release agenda must be to take schools back from the Jesuits and Catholicism, then to create a new, Pedo free syllabus intent on focused education for all the children, and mixed schools will be a key step forwards, to bring back Muslim and Jewish children away from the platitudes of headbangers. All children need to be educated free of Abrahamian diatribe. Who needs the ramblings of a Schitzo Paranoid Delusional, confusing all children? Free children’s minds to grow with culture and reality. Or follow a Nutter and stay in the gutter?

Step up and determine your own children’s futures not as Church grooming fields.

Citizenship and Ethereal values are key for the new world. Education is the key for the future.

Today, chaos rules, led by fools. Nothing changes, it has been this way for Millennia. Even now, why do we not question as a species, the clearly dysfunctional failings of a lost society led by such fools. How did Indonesian passport holder Obama ever clear vetting?

Moses allegedly was lost for 40 years leading his collective tribal rabble, on a journey a non-idiot with a compass, could have tracked from Mt. Sinai in just 11 days. Where are desert signposts when you need them? So, their God lost his way? Really? Do we never learn? History shows no one reads the nation’s Leaders heritage of His Story! How then can we ever learn what to avoid next time if no one recollects the failures of the past, and why? Hubris, the arrogance and pomp of failed Hubris. Look at the sordid criminal Bush family. Degeneracy and corruption overcame all, as they bribed, extorted, betrayed and corrupted their nation. A Traitor’s Crime Family!

Sadly – it worked!

America, from the first Federal breaches of trust, breaches of Treaties, betrayals of the Native Americans, and practiced mass genocide, was a fertile breeding ground for the Mafia, Zio corruption, bribery, extortion, and Luciano who, as with the Cabal today, owned Justice, or at least the Judges and police. The Mob owned the system. All we have done, is merged it, re-clothing whores, Pimps, Shysters and Fraudsters, as Attorneys, Senators or Congressmen. They just re-suited the Trash and cross bred it as Clinton’s and like type.

Currently, so many are in a pursuit of a free handout from the speculative opportunism following the genocide of nations. Entire countries, and ancient civilizations have been wiped out by the deviant Agencies, and Arms plus money supplies funded to ISIS and the like, by the US and Israel. The Middle East has been decimated by Cabal regime change ploys, and the duplicity of the vile Kazakhs seeking their mad conquest for a greater Israel. Millions of innocents annihilated. Who cares? Is there any moral perspective left to any of it? Looking on, looking in, any Ethereal watchers see only degeneracy of a species. Self-serving, none deserving.

Where is hope, humanity and moral conscience in any of it now? It’s a Global dilemma. Humanity is losing its Soul. Japan needs to stop its cruel, mass destruction of annual Mink hunts. Save the Whale, harpoon Trump! Moby Dick is lost at sea.

Reality indicates that the Sovereigns appear likely to currency convert and go to CBDCs first. That in itself will suffice to underpin and capitalize the relaunches.  Banks can just sluice out the ambulance chasing street holders, selecting first those instead, who have shown between the sites, the will and goodness of heart to support Global restoration as a Thinking and Caring Global Task Force, willing and able to create new projects systems and help deliver and install in new or deserving communities. One people, one Global nation of need. We need Hands out across the Oceans, helping brother Man, not hands out as more Gimmes. Time we think as a single human species and feed / house those in real need.

Time, to start to rethink purpose. Funds Fit for Purpose. People willing to help others, not just themselves. What kind of society do we want to emerge? Where is Your voice?

We – The People?

 Restoring nations and civilizations we have so wantonly destroyed. Replacing the Cabal Hegemony bases, with Trade and Educational centers. Humanitarian aid teams. Reaching out to our brother mankind. Atonement for the Millennia of cultures we have destroyed. Successful new integrated redesigned and planned communities can lead the way for others. We need an agenda, a purpose to be a better, more enlightened species. Time to rethink and plan balanced and structured new communities with sound values to enrich all. Time for the US Military and Agencies to F off back home! Go! Stop funding and arming Terrorists. Stop funding regime changes. Look at the carnage caused.

Who will weep for America if the Fanatics come through those border tunnels? Payback? WMDs can take many forms. Each horrific.

We instead need. to educate and liberate.

Truth to break free, to educate and expose false religions.

We did nothing as Lenin emerged, communism thrived, and vast millions died.

Now we sit neutered again as the filth and disgusting despotism of the ugly Cult of Islam can only be eradicated with education, where 9- to 13-year-old girls do not have to suffer arranged, forced marriages of carnal hell to ignorant, mutant 40 to 70 year olds, ending the untold misery and beatings from this medieval and perverse gutter trash.

Time to expose, punish and end the numerous vast numbers of Church pedos. Withdraw their pointless Tax shelters, take back their land holdings for community use, sequestrate the Vatican’s vast manipulated fortunes extracted with the enforcement of the murderous Inquisition and their kind, and end their 2,000 years of lies peddling to a naive humanity blindly following false concepts of Gods which the Vatican, as the known Mafia’s Bankers, does not follow. Close down the Vatican as a false State! Blinkered Nonsense! We need to take away their schools, then we sever their tentacles. These Perverts are bloodsucking nations with their fake Godless Order. 

Explore beyond, think out Ethereal reality, expand each human’s own consciousness, to emerge from this Caterpillar Deep State of most of today’s sub species of non-thinkers and help mankind emerge to fly to a real destiny as Ethereal Beings. It’s time to think and be… More!

As the first of the major PPs start to release, how they are ring-fenced, and kept safe to use accrued profits only to restructure society in achievable steps matters. No more following outdated Mantras of false ideologies.

Just 12 mainly unconnected men, over 3 centuries, attempted to challenge and expand each person’s concept of humanitarian, moral and family values, and to question the purpose of living, to being more. They challenged the Feudal despots, iniquities of each conquered species, false States and raised the concept of human values for all. 12 men converted and lead 1 billion to believe in something more, at terminal cost for many of the 12. Just the concept matters.

Armed with funding, and a valid cross funded agenda, what then could 120 or even 1,200 of you from the sites, correctly focused, achieve today with 7 billion so much in need? Raising the bar is the start. You don’t have to get cashed out from currencies to make a difference. Contributing time while waiting could open so many more personal opportunities, when the projects start. Self-help and helping others in such need is the key to all. Pulling together as one nation of all to put back.

The Chosen One is not coming, nor is Democracy from any State. It’s ALL down to us each to conceive and achieve fundamental change. No more passing the Buck. We each need to take responsibility for all actions and refuse subjugation.

Funds are too finite, and discretion is likely to rule.  Tens of thousands of loose cannons, grasping Wannabes, is not an appealing concept or sight. Money needs to be channeled. It will all be phased to first feed need with organized groups. Priorities will come first.

Elders will cooperate for Selective AU transfers, but only to such groups as can be evidenced as worthy, who will pay for it, and who will use the new platforms to trade up using profits accrued for a fitting agenda. To enhance humanity, ecology and nature. All life is sacred. All living organisms are inter bound as a Cosmic matrix of life. Understanding purpose is phase one. Understanding yours even more so. A true agenda, fit for purpose, fit for all, is what we aspire to.

We at WHA have established a selective Global following. A voice of all people who test the boundaries, and who dare challenge the cause of human despair. The Global contributions daily, show that hope lives, in all of you. We will be considering who from the Readership can help join Response teams to make a difference. If 12 good men can change a world, what can 1,200 of you achieve funded? In the corridors of power, you are read. They fear you are a Real, Thinking Democracy in waiting. People power, growing by the hour. You – are hope!

Free Will – Use it Well! Will you if asked, step up? I will? Only We, The People, can MAKE it happen. Self-help. Your call, or calling? What call will you make?

Thank you, and please be safe.

Stay tuned.


1,204 responses to “Information Briefing #176”

  1. The CDC is promoting online chats about sex, the occult, sex change operations, and activism that are designed to be hidden from parents.


  2. Like

    1. Like

  3. Like

    1. Biden will lick it up.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 🤣 I should not be laughing, but I am 🤣


        1. That Bribe taking Corrupt Thief is your CIC!.
          Demented and Fermenting.


          1. 25th Am proceedings incoming… I hope. However, the supporting narratives are all crashing… I don’t see how he finishes out the year…


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. He’s a Slippy, untrustworthy and two faced Slimy Weasel, being Shapeshifted into power to abuse. WEF bought out!


  5. NewsNow: IMF » Pakistan news

    What a dreadful decision the IMF bailing this lot. It’s like feeding a bloody Hydra. Even nature is saying it doesn’t want them.

    Yep, it won’t be pleasant.

    Shell boss warns of grim winter ahead as Russia cuts off gas supplies https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-11014783/Shell-boss-warns-grim-winter-ahead-Russia-cuts-gas-supplies.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    The WEF 2030 Agenda for you.

    Terrifying moment Putin’s missiles hit Ukraine city centre, killing 23 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11016621/Terrifying-moment-Putins-missiles-hit-city-centre-sending-Ukrainians-diving-cover.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead Knowing the killing, Knowing the Killings, knowing the deaths, Putin and his Russians keep on killing the innocents. Animals! Cage to deport the lot in Europe. Animals! Be ashamed to be Russian. Even Nureyev ran away. Wall them in.
    Education is critical to the future of any nation

    If you read this you will realize that lockdowns have decimated education of young child’s who spent the best part of a year or more without schooling.
    The biggest impact is obviously in the poorest nations, especially those with cheap affordable internet. At a time when the world needs educated youth in a ever more complex world the result is opposite.
    Education and development of children from promise to educated character is a foundation builder of tomorrow. Without this the future is shackled by a lack of people capable to lift a nation’s potential. Look only at the gross Morons in both Americas key houses.
    We would do well understand this and develop youth as opposed to letting the likes of Gates who would render youth uneducated for dominance. Even in business the strength of a business’s ability to compete is characterized by its least educated and able staff. While education is not the sole answer, common sense is partially achieved by literacy. Or sadly, become mass American. Nancy, Bidens, or the Bushes. Or as thick as Trump.

    Click to access Learning-poverty-report-2022-06-21-final-V7-0-conferenceEdition.pdf



  6. Just sayin… given the graph below, what do you think the likely future of the planet is…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. DR Paul Alexander:…
    These COVID injections could have never ever worked; Bhakdi said this day 1 & Steele says it; it cannot work because besides they are dangerous, a shot in arm can’t protect against mucosal infection
    They just cannot work based on first principles! It cannot activate local oral-nasal mucosal immunity, secretory IgA; IgA molecule, and the shots in the arms cannot work! it was all a lie!


    “Most attention has been given to virus-neutralizing antibodies, especially circulating antibodies (13–15). However, these can only be effective in the prevention of infection or disease if they reach the mucosal surfaces where the virus is present, and it should be noted that circulating IgA, even in polymeric form, is not effectively transported into secretions (16).”


    1. Like

  8. What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism”?


    …it’s the New World Order…


  9. Everyone knew Biden was out of it before day one… he is just there to place hold while the POS scum run our country into the NWO agenda!… every person in the entire spectrum of GOV is complicit!

    Former White House physician Ronny Jackson says that Joe Biden “won’t finish his term” because “his mind is too far gone.”


  10. LauraAboli:…
    The Club of Rome was clever when they came up with the Climate Change hoax, at the time it was called ‘Global Warming’.

    With their engineered climate ‘emergency’ scenarios, courtesy of weather control technology that they posses, they can implement all their rules and restrictions designed to strip people from their financial independece so that we all end up depending on a miserable universal income, owning nothing, eating crickets and plugged into the Metaverse so we can claim to be virtually ‘happy’!!!


    Leaders to declare ‘climate emergency’ in Pacific Islands Forum statement
    Australia is set to sign up to a joint statement from Pacific Islands Forum leaders that is expected to declare a “climate emergency


    1. There’s no such as a “climate emergency” and even if there was, there is nothing to do about it qua causes. In descending order of impact, the determinants of climate are — Sun, nutation and precession in the Earth- Moon- Sun system, *water vapor* and possibly cosmic rays relative to cloud cover albedo. Greenhouse gases are a 3rd or 4th digit correction representing roughly a 1/100th of degree at best. It’s called math and I’ve done that math back-of-the-envelope style in this very forum. It’s also irrefutable math, as even “forced feedback models” (damn computer models! wrong all the f’ing time) can’t violate buffer principles in thermodynamics.

      So-called “weather modification tech”, on a global basis, to the extent it can do anything at all, just moves heat around, so is a net-zero contributor.

      Lastly remember that “global warming” bull, is a valid theory as an explanation of the temperature of VENUS. The control-crazies coopted the idea to screw with your life here on Earth.

      REMINDER: It is not even as warm as it was during the Roman Empire, so what’s all the fuss? And due to astronomic parameters Earth is more likely to pull another Ice Age long before anybody has to suffer the impossibility of “runaway global warming”.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Canadian Judge Rules It’s Not Unconstitutional to Refuse an Organ Transplant to Unvaccinated People
    It’s not unconstitutional to refuse an organ transplant to people who refuse a COVID-19 mRNA injection, an Edmonton judge ruled this week.

    Annette Lewis went to court seeking to preserve her spot on an Edmonton-based transplant program’s wait-list after doctors told her she would not be eligible because she is unvaccinated.

    “I ought to have the choice about what goes into my body and a life-saving treatment cannot be denied to me because I chose not to take an experimental treatment for a condition—COVID-19—which I do not have and which I may never have.”

    The names of the doctors and the hospital were redacted from Belzil’s decision.



    1. Extraordinary. Irrationality rules the day.


  12. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Protection from the Animals.


  13. I would love to hear your feedback about this. I’m posting this not to spread fear but to bring awareness. Perhaps someone here is able to see if such a thing is possible for implementation. Given what’s been occurring these past couple of years and so many people complying, anything is possible.
    It’s about a social credit system that’s about to be implemented worldwide.

    Some Youtube influencers are already discussing it


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I listened to the first video with Darth Vader.

      My initial reaction is that they can’t even get the entire majority to get vaxxed without causing uproars across the globe. How will they get people to be pigeonholed into such a system in the West without such uprisings which I would assume would be much worse?

      Perhaps John can shed a more accurate assessment on this from his perspective, because I just don’t know much more. Thanks for sharing.


    2. Vince

      This is the big WEF and Cabal Game Play. No big secret. Years, in fact Decades in the making. It keeps the Cabal and WEF in the game and via the BIS in Basle, gives the Zios and Israel total control..Believe it!
      The West will go West. China and Asia will have their own system. But, they will be induced to join over time.
      Politicos all sell out for money and power over the Plebs. Ultimate control.. They resist, switch off their income totally. No food, medicals, transport., no store access, housing, energy, even water. Cut off the Refuseniks Snout.
      Prisons for Criminals or Refuseniks in future, Hell on Earth. Organ Donas and medical experiments at will.
      Children taken from undesirables.
      Then, you got it, selective reduction. Miles of Illegals coming? Straffed! Sorted.
      The WEF and utter Corruption of the US System is bringing us to this. Elites don’t care. They are safe.
      Population reduction! Totally controlled media. You won’t even know.
      Start studying the WEF Agendas All are in line. Hearts and minds.
      Davos has incoming total Domain. Sold out. All Politicos of power , screened and Elected by Davos to comply. Media whitewashing. Influencers. It’s live and it’s incoming. Who will lead revolt? Joe Public is Brain Dead.
      Once you go CBDC’s it’s the trap sprung. Then they own you in total. You will own nothing.! A flick of a switch.
      Micro chipping will follow. Refuse, good luck.


      1. Just a simple view… can see a bit better now why reps like Newsome in Cali and the dipshit up in Canada,, along with so many big headed people in Hollywood go along with the agenda and push obvious wrongs… they all believe they will be protected as “sovereign”… I tend to think they may end up with their heads on a pike though… the modeling and AI is not bringing in to account what is in the hearts and minds of so many.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. John and Tony,
        The U.S. has never had a problem with using Title 50 when facing a threat. I would suggest that when the accounts are settled and we are helping the world help itself create a division to subvert or eliminate threats. It only seems fair that two can play that game. Of course I mean no one harm.


        1. George,
          It needs people of Integrity to implement it and unfortunately the Zios have bought the Bastards out. Israel and Mossad OWN America while Grifting Shit like Trump has pardoned this Scum for Kushner referred bribes.
          Until the lot goes Rott rules Fools. Is war the solution? 5 Millennia has passed and still they infect all they touch. Hell Spawn, the lot! We need to march the Erika Legions in. Implement the Founders wishes.


  14. Really? DID YOU AUTOPSY THEM? Because till proven to the contrary it’s the vaxx…


  15. Like

  16. https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-14-nature-given-human-perfect-air-filtration-system.html
    The World Health Organization has admitted that wearing a face mask can cause breathing difficulties such as hypoxia where the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply.
    On top of those reasons, humans need to realize that they already have an efficient filtration system for millions of years.
    Nature and its genetic biosoftware have given humans a natural mask. Nature teems with examples of its ability to filter things, including the tiniest materials, and it has gifted human beings with a filter to protect themselves from bacteria and viruses.
    The human air filtration system includes nostrils, nasal hair, a vortex-creating topography, tonsils and mucus to trap and process most of the infectious material tossed at it. This open-flow, free circulating respiratory system of the human body is optimized for human life and protects it from viruses.
    The vaccines, masks and social distancing are all fooling around with people’s immune systems.

    The body’s mucus-based air filtration system works closely with the immune system, and including a filter such as a mask in front makes it not only useless but hazardous.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Biffie, all correct.


  17. Like

  18. This is some humor for John since I know he loves Erika. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And the little Aryan Kinder Troopers parachuting down after your trip to London 9 months later. Each carrying loaded SMG’s to deal with illegals and Silent release DNA virus release sprays to deal with Zio Rats and Girl molesters. .Self help.
      Saving Germany and good Patriots.
      Yes, Erika has always struck a cord with me. Every one of those Blond little kinder marching together in step to Erika at only 9 months will take some explaining. Mass production German and Klein Englander ingenuity. Time is money. Let’s mass produce from a Munich Goose?


      1. Curved ball humour Munich Girl , watch the heart rate.


        1. Heh Frieda how about we play if for the 5 Miles High Club?


      2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  19. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The trouble with Scotland…is that it’s full of Scots!


    1. Which is why Hadrian walled them in as the EU is now doing with Russia, The EU needs to deport them all. Bio fuel works better as an end solution. Prepare them for Hell.


      1. Like Russians – Animals. Halal the lot. Rebuild the wall.


  20. Word of the day: Eunomy (YOO-nə-mee: ancient Greek) Definition: equal law, or a well adjusted constitution of government.

    Just saying… It was very ironic receiving this one this morning!


  21. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Send him to my neighborhood. He’d simply vanish. The desert is a big place.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Like Russians – Animals. Halal the lot.


  22. I am beyond tired of these neurotic Arsholes in my face in Stores and even in the streets. NUTTERS! In need of a serious head smack. Timid, mindless Mice. Take then in as Lab Rats. Too stupid to be loose alone.

    Commuters and shoppers wear face masks as Covid cases rise https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11013191/Commuters-shoppers-wear-face-masks-Covid-cases-rise.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    How humans may populate the universe in the billions of years ahead | The Spectator https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/how-humans-may-populate-the-universe-in-the-billions-of-years-ahead
    UK Rulers Quietly Published Report Confirming the Vaxxed Account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths | SHTF Plan: Slowly truth is creeping out. Wow! https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/uk-rulers-quietly-published-report-confirming-the-vaxxed-account-for-94-of-all-covid-19-deaths


    Watch “Funny Jokes – When you’re hung like a horse…” on YouTube https://youtu.be/sLKPEn83Kls

    Watch “😁 Funny Joke 😁 – A husband and wife were out when a gorgeous young woman comes over and kisses him” on YouT https://youtu.be/OSK3-dzru1M

    Refine and intensify its DNA capacity to screen and strike. Khazarian removal. Mysterious Ebola-like illness kills three in Tanzania https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11013145/Mysterious-Ebola-like-illness-kills-three-Tanzania.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I’m with you Roger! The American people are sick and tired of the distortion and lies coming out on a daily basis. People wanting answers regarding our corrupt election processes and systems are being persecuted for exercising their freedom to speak freely about critical issues impacting the lives of every day Americans and the very lifeblood of America. Our elections are sacred and what makes each of us equal in the eyes of our Creator.

    “By their reasoning, If the fact that I know or had photos taken with members of the Proud Boys or had contact with members of the Oath Keepers means I am an insurrectionist then Adam Schiff’s association and photos with Ed Buck means he is guilty of the murder of young gay Black men. It’s absurd.”


    Liked by 1 person

  24. Like

    1. Absurd, absurd, absurd. Somehow we made it thru the 60s, 70s,80s, 90s, 00s and the 10s, without EVER having to deal with this nonsense on a daily basis. The correct reply to this IDIOT and MENTAL DEFECTIVE should have been: Yes, dammit, you do look like a man, no I don’t find you aesthetically attractive, now sit down and shut up until I find you a single dorm room and you ex-roommate a more normal roomie.

      Liked by 2 people

  25. You’d never guess from this official Facebook video that this guy was, until July 2019, one of the most senior people at the CIA.

    Now, he’s deciding what we all see and don’t see on Facebook.



  26. At this point it is time for ALL establishment medicine to halt its narrative that C19 vaccines lessen symptom severity. PERIOD. They used this tag line in 2021 to get people to roll up their sleeves; however, now the data is in and worldwide, this is proven FALSE.
    1) transmission and duration is increased within vaccinated



  27. PUTIN: “This is the beginning of the transition from liberal-globalist American egocentrism to a truly multipolar world. A world not based on selfish rules for no other reason than the pursuit of hegemony. Nor on hypocritical double standards, but on the basis of international law and the genuine sovereignty of peoples and civilizations.”



  28. This is an article from 2015 that came to mind in light of the ongoing fight to end abortion.

    Make no mistake, the abortion industry is massive, it feeds the cosmetic, food and organ and tissue industries. This is why they push for it so much, they could not care less about the women involved. It is a horrendous reality that should shame humanity as a whole for allowing it to happen.



  29. https://newspunch.com/jacinda-ardern-left-reeling-as-zealand-police-look-at-investigating-covid-jab-deaths/

    Jacinda Ardern Left Reeling As New Zealand Police Look at Investigating COVID Jab Deaths – News Punch


  30. How Masks Make You Sick Instead of Protecting You


    Using CDC data, no significant differences were found in COVID-19 case growth between states with or without mask mandates, during periods of low or high transmission
    The widespread use of masks did not reduce COVID-19 transmission in Europe, and a moderate positive correlation was found between mask usage and deaths in Western Europe
    An update to a CDC study on school mask mandates, using nearly six times more data, found no significant relationship between mask mandates in U.S. schools and COVID-19 case rates
    In Kansas, counties with a mask mandate had significantly higher COVID-19 case fatality rates than counties without a mask mandate
    One way masks cause harm may be the “Foegen effect” — the idea that deep re-inhalation of droplets and virions caught on facemasks might make COVID-19 infection more likely or more severe


  31. The end is coming for Ukraine.

    Why anyone wants a slice of this is beyond me?

    One only hopes reason finds other parties.

    By WarNews 24/7
    Translated from Greek

    The Beginning of the End for Ukraine in Donetsk: Russian Army Enters Soledar and Seversk After Prolonged Battle – Tons of Ammunition Dumped (videos)
    Fierce fighting north of Slavyansk

    The Russian Army, after last night’s pounding of Ukrainian positions, as a result of the attack it received with MLRS HIMARS, managed to enter Seversk and Soledar a while ago.

    The first light of day showed the extent of the total destruction of Ukrainian armed formations. The Russians, after the surprise blow they received, “emptied” tons of ammunition towards Bakhmut-Soledar-Seversk as WarNews247 reported this morning.

    Sweeping Russian bombings across the front: Harpoon destroyed – Terrible losses for the Ukrainian Army – They reach 1,000 dead!

    The main line of Ukrainian defense is now a thing of the past as Russian forces have captured one of the main hubs of the Ukrainian Seversk – Soledar – Bakhmut (Artemovsk) formation.

    Earlier, in the direction of Artemovsk and Soledar, several Ukrainian Armed formations had retreated after the defeat in the Lisichansk-Severodonetsk axis.

    The Russian Army entered Soledar!
    According to military sources, there has been a significant advance of Russian troops in several directions at the same time.

    According to reports, Russian troops managed to advance towards Soledar, destroying well-fortified positions of Ukrainian troops in the east of the city.

    Eventually the Russians reached the outskirts of the city in the area of Novaya Kamenka and Yakovlevka settlements.

    Russian advance on Slavyansk & Bakhmut: Captured Trypillya, Vladimirovka and Bogorodichne – Ashes of weapons depots with 1,000 M-777 missiles

    Not long ago, Russian army units and Republican People’s Militia forces captured the outskirts of Soledar along with a large NATO ammunition depot.

    At the same time, Russian troops, together with Donetsk and Lugansk units, are advancing along the road connecting Bakhmut (Artemovsk) with Seversk.

    The Russians are about to complete a successful offensive along the Seversk-Soledar front, which will make it possible to control hundreds more square kilometers of Donetsk territory in the coming hours.

    It is the beginning of the end for Ukraine in Donetsk.

    The Ukrainians left Novaya Kamenka
    The Armed Forces of Ukraine have already abandoned Novaya Kamenka seeing their defenses collapsed.

    Russian and allied forces are advancing mainly from the Trypillya region which is located on the border of Lugansk and Donetsk regions.

    It is possible that after clearing Novaya Kamenka, Russian and allied forces will try to capture the village of Stryapovka and then move towards the Bakhmutskoye – Yakovlevka highway

    The Russian Army also entered Seversk
    Russian forces with the call sign “O” opened the way to Seversk after a fierce battle with the Ukrainian Army.

    The decisive battle was fought in a fortress on the western outskirts of Verkhnekamenskoye. After their victory, the Russians entered the city limits of the city of Seversk. According to military sources, the city is expected to come under the full control of the Russian Army in the next 48 hours.

    Now, Russian forces have captured one of the main hubs of the Ukrainian Seversk – Soledar – Bakhmut (Artemovsk) defense arrangement.

    After this defeat, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be fortified in the last line of defense as WarNews247 has already said for days.

    This is the axis Slavyansk – Kramatorsk – Druzhkovka – Konstantinovka – Avdeevka.

    There are reports that the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is now withdrawing units from Seversk, leaving the defense battalions to defend the city, supported by nationalist Battalions.

    The battle is now lost for Ukraine in the wider region. Russian forces are advancing from several sides simultaneously, both towards the Seversk and Soledar region, and from the Ugledar region.

    Fierce fighting north of Slavyansk
    Russian war correspondents speak of heavy fighting north of Slavyansk which does not stop for a minute.

    “At the moment there is an implacable standoff, in which Russian and our allied Armed Forces are advancing slowly but steadily from Izyum towards Slavyansk.

    From the east and south we are constantly liberating settlements. But in the north things are different. Our forces are literally fighting for every few meters.

    In the forests on the front from Izyum, the fighting does not stop. Artillery drops several dozen tons of ammunition during the day. The enemy suffers colossal losses, but immediately replenishes its rather “fragile” units with new forces.

    At the same time, Ukrainian paramilitary formations have a tangible numerical superiority in this area. In addition, the forests that our army must enter are littered with mines.

    Under these conditions, the Russian allied forces must literally “gnaw” through the enemy’s defenses, recapturing every forest zone and clearing.

    However, the attack of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and Donetsk-Lugansk in this region does not stop for a minute.

    Numerous videos, charts, maps and photos a source:
    Lunacy on display

    The combo in power in Washington actually “supports” the unification of Britain, Poland, Ukraine and The Three Baltic Midgets as a separate alliance from NATO/EU – aiming at “strengthening the defense potential.” That’s the official position of US Ambassador to NATO Julian Smith. Is this the next crowd to meet the Russian meat grinder of artillery? What’s in it for the Poles? They are finally expressing disgust at the Bandera worshipers loose in the Ukraine. It there is traction to this capital exodus will be very real!

    How dumb is this? Why would Britain want to shoulder the burden of the Baltic Midgets who suck at any tit availed? None have been able to build their own economies and suffer an exodus of any youth at all capable. To say they are part of anything that they can contribute to, is a bad joke. At best they are flyover countries, unless you are tourist.

    Has the political class in Britain fallen so low as allow itself to used as pawn, a pawn that is as expendable as the rest or as the Ukraine is being hallowed out to last Ukrainian? If and when a wider conflict occurs will Brits be so willing a sacrificial lamb to slaughter? If so, for whose and what gain of their citizens?

    If this is reality, it is no wonder the so called Global South is running away for the Collective West who seems to be imploding upon itself. Truly tragic for citizens of the West who are zombies as their world is being turned upside down and will in the future be less abundant than in the past. Even in places like Germany, 1st generation Turks are leaving headed for South America in search of a more prosperous existence than is seen in Europe. When counties like Argentina ( has its’ own issues) is seen as a better bet than Germany, you know Germany is in trouble.

    The weather may be hot now but it’s a breeze compared to the megadrought heatwave of 1540 https://inews.co.uk/news/1540-megadrought-heatwave-beg-for-rain-1739942
    US successfully tests hypersonic missile amid concerns America is falling behind Russia and China

    Joe Biden: I will use force to stop Iran getting a nuclear weapon

    Not if Russia or China supplies it you won’t. Big YES to Iran getting nukes to deal with Israel. Thats c5M. It’s the other Global c10m we then need to sort out.
    The Zio DNA virus is so needed. Total them.

    Bitcoin Shatters 1,000,000,000 Address Milestone As Pressure on ‘Diamond Hand’ Crypto Holders M…

    Bitcoin Shatters 1,000,000,000 Address Milestone As Pressure on ‘Diamond Hand’ Crypto Holders Mounts: Glassnode

    During RIMPAC 2000 USS Buchanan missile destroyer was hit by 3 Hellfire missiles, 3 Harpoon missiles and a GBU-24 LGB but still stayed afloat. She had to be scuttled with 200 lbs of C-4. – The Aviation Geek Cl

    Watch Queen + Adam Lambert perform 'Nessun Dorma' in Ital

    Putin raids prisons for soldiers after massive losses in Ukraine

    Correct put the lot on the front lines and guards behind to shoot any deserters.

    Two Brit meddlers whining. If too stupid to know the consequences, they do now The Fat one surrendered because he was hungry. 2 Runts caught

    Putin’s thugs are ‘preparing an execution site’ for British pair https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11011341/Vladimir-Putins-thugs-preparing-execution-site-British-pair.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


  32. SOURCE:

    Föhse et al.: The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses

    Researchers confirmed that BNT162b2 (Pfizer) vaccination of healthy individuals induced effective humoral and cellular immunity against several SARS-CoV-2 variants. “The BNT162b2 vaccine also modulated the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli. The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger. In conclusion, the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses”…


  33. The Barnes Brief: Wednesday, July 13, 2022

    Top News Summary: fleeing Sri Lankan president ends the decades-long Rajapaksa family dynasty in the South Asian country of 22 million because he went along with Great Reset environmental agendas…ICE ordering a right to abortion for detainees creates impending Constitutional crisis…Bolton brags about his coup plotting on CNN live…1/6 committee finishes with a whimper…double digit inflation in core expenses like food and fuel bring 9%+ official inflation rate…Biden called the Holocaust “an honor”…Zelensky considers replacing Ukrainian statute to Russian leader Catherine the Great with a Ukranian gay porn star…Uvalde footage exposes poor police handling of the school shooting…


  34. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Note you don’t get that with today’s Politicos.
      But we DO want to Murder the lot of them.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Et Tu, John?



  35. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Establishing bases with security perimeters, Hotel accommodations, cars, private security. And the British taxpayer is funding his own invasion.

    Enoch was right.


    1. Horrendous and we Brits hate it. No one wants or voted for this, nor would. We need to Hallal the bloody lot.


  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Right out of the Bolshevik/ZIonist playbook. Baffle them with bullshit and call it science.


  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  38. “Doom Loop”: Arthur Hayes Reiterates $1 Million Bitcoin Price Prediction

    Positive thinking?

    World Population Day: India will overtake China in 2023, says the UN

    The Indians are smarter. China fears India.

    Putin due in Tehran as US says Iran to supply drones to Russia

    Game changer for Israel. And America!

    US Activities in Ukraine are a Smoke Screen for Clearly Criminal Bioresearch | New Eastern Outlook

    This really lifts the curtains and bar.

    Atlas may shrug at questions about this for now, but a day is coming when US activities in criminal bio research will be questioned by an audience not willing to forgive or forget. As it is now enough information exists to question the real origin of Covid which is not China. What will be the price of such deception and harm ???? When empires fall actions not questioned become questioned and parties are tasked with accountability that is often beyond comprehension to become a record in history books. The same holds true for criminal thievery of people’s money be it private or country. A thief is free to steal until held to account and then the weight of inaction is also borne by enablers who are tainted with the same smell.

    Mickey Rourke says exactly what we’ve all been thinking about Tom Cruise’s entire career

    Hes an egotistical make up layered Punk.

    Which? Lol

    Neil Woodford retreats from relaunch plans as investment company is wound up

    Another would be Master Fund Master goes bang.

    Trump sought to mount ‘armed revolution’, militia ex-spokesman says
    Is the net closing on the Orange Chump?
    The magnificent euro is holding up remarkably well (for now)

    What a world when the messed up failing EU can still run over the Dollar.

    Boris Johnson’s property portfolio: where will Boris and Carrie live after Downing Street?

    Save money and just take her to the Dog Pound. What a Mutt. And the mouth on it? The price of thinking with his Johnson.

    Belgorod: Russia’s giant new sub built for nuclear war
    Imagine what the hell that will do to any of us?

    Nato and EU sound alarm over risk of Ukraine weapons smuggling

    At last they are waking up.

    Monkeypox could become ‘endemic’ if urgent action isn’t taken, experts warn

    Next Pox Vaccines.

    Nearly 90% of Texas Republican delegates support a vote for independence – LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

    Texas is 4 times the size of the UK with its own coast and vast resources. Why does it need to carry DC and the shitheaps?
    Go Texas, Go.

    Texas is the only state that can more easily leave the union than others.
    Ask yourself what this means for the rest of the states without TEXAS.

    Shared from Sky News: Capitol riot hearing: White House brawl, ‘a call to arms’, Twitter worker’s fears about Trump tweet https://news.sky.com/story/capitol-riot-hearing-white-house-brawl-a-call-to-arms-twitter-workers-fears-about-trump-tweet-12650989

    Repeating what I have said many times, Trump IS and always has been, a bullying, Blowhard Gutless COWARD.A liar and a Skank. Thick as a brick and Narcissistic. Beyond his low limited THICK IQ.
    Was he guilty, Hell YES, but no one is charged in DC.
    They don’t need this Crock in 2024. Time to look for far better. Thick is not for America!

    Smash both their Arms Depots and Food supplies and they fold. How many are lost now?
    Deaths involving COVID in UK pass 200,000, ONS says

    And side effects?

    Majority of Wall Street Investors Expect Bitcoin To Plunge to This New Low: Survey

    Worth knowing

    Majority of Wall Street Investors Expect Bitcoin To Plunge to This New Low: Survey


    The Speaker has ordered the Scotts Gits out of Parliament. As ever, mindless Trash.
    More deaths, now woman lose lives. Sad.

    Ukraine: First female Russian soldier is killed in war https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11010589/Ukraine-female-Russian-soldier-killed-war.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Afghan migrant who raped and assaulted children in France says it is ‘normal’ in home country | Daily Mail Onli

    Filthy disgusting ANIMALS. Castrate and execute the lot. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11009309/Afghan-migrant-raped-assaulted-children-France-says-normal-home-country.html


  39. Like

  40. Interesting. The 1.6 gigahertz signal found on SkinWalker Ranch during ‘events’ has now been detected at other similar sightings by equivalent personnel within DoD.


    1. Love that show, it really shows were not alone and far less superior.


      1. I have a sneaky suspicion that the 1.6 ghz signal is akin to a the signal of a garage door opener. It sets in motion the whole “portal” mechanism. The rest of the uap’s are drones moving into position to help whatever (or whoever) is getting ready to make a “jump” somewhere. We are just too ignorant of the mechanism to take advantage of it. I bet a careful excavation of the mesa would reveal ancient mechanisms.


  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Shove it up your ass, you slimy Gefilte-fish-looking cunt. Time to go Tora Tora Tora on the Torah, if that’s what you say it preaches.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Every nation everywhere wants them out. Always it’s the same. We show them mercy and these Khazarian fake assimilators take everything. It’s a virus species. It needs a total Global :Purge. Like weeds, leave any and they return to grow. Wake up time. It’s a Toxic human plague. Weed killers.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Let our Bulldogs off their leashes. Attack! Only way to deal with them.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Pri??? like this are making me turn back into what I was raised to be but tried hard not to be. SO BLOODY BE IT BRO. Let the fight begin.

      Liked by 1 person

  42. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Dramatic, moving and deeply human, ARMSTRONG offers the definitive life story of Neil Armstrong: from his childhood in Ohio to his first steps on the Moon, and beyond.

    Where did we find such men?


  43. BREAKING: A study that observed two school districts with different masking policies in North Dakota found that masking had NO impact on case numbers.

    So why did they mask our children for the last two years?



    1. Psychological warfare… These poor kids couldn’t see the smile on someone’s face. I (maskless) would see babies in stores with their masked parents. They would gravitate to me because they could see how happy I was when I talked to them from afar. My son was so young (Pre-K and K) these last two years that he didn’t have to wear a mask. The teachers/admin realized that they would be spending all day trying to get them to wear the mask rather than actually teaching them. My daughter was in middle school through all of this mess. I told her she didn’t have to wear one if she didn’t want to and if she got in trouble, the school could call me. She said most of her teachers didn’t want them to wear one either, so she was covered (while being uncovered, LOL)!

      Again, my son was in kindergarten last year. I was visiting with one of the mom’s after school one day. She said when she picked up her son the day before, he wasn’t wearing HIS mask. The 5yo told her that he liked his friend’s mask better and the friend liked his mask better, so they switched; like they each had each other’s favorite bag of chips at lunch! 😀 I love kids so much!! They will find a way… ALWAYS… to make me laugh. I gave her some research that I found on the masks (both psychological and physical health). Her son didn’t wear masks any more. I gave the same info to all of the admin… it got really lax really early in the school year.

      Our immune systems need the little everyday germs to become stronger. My sister in law made everyone wash their hands before you could hold my nephew when he was born until he was pretty close to walking. He was one of the sickest babies I knew. Aside from gaining the knowledge of who/how many would comply; I feel strongly that one of the reasons they tried to mask us is because of the respiratory illness(es) that the masks cause. Let’s not forget what most of the BIG symptoms of COVID are respiratory ________ (cough/shortness of breath/weazing/etc.). Aren’t these also s/s of an upper respiratory infection, allergies, cold, flu, etc? It’s all way to convenient and it gets my blood boiling.

      I’m not sure about the rest of the country, but here, they would “let” the kids quit wearing masks right before it turned cold. Which of course is cold and flu season. So when a bunch of them got sick with the cold/flu, that was a reason the masks were working. Fortunately I personally know all of the admin and most of the teachers. They have a lot more common sense than the school board and without telling the school board to “shove it” basically told the kids they didn’t have to wear masks any more. I’m so thankful for our bubble. I hate what some of these kids are going through.

      *sorry for the rant… it’s been a morning!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Your rant was wonderful!

        Liked by 2 people

  44. Informed Consent people, let’s get it back:

    Liked by 2 people

  45. Really, how could this be?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Simple fix. Execute the rapists. Then pivot off “racial insensitivity” to toss all of them out of the country in lieu of execution.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Animals stop letting them in. Deport the lot.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Set up the next Appian Way. Illegals and Zios,do the ,lot.

        Liked by 1 person

  46. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  47. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Remind me to never mess with a Brit marching band.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How to deal with the Irish.


  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Don’t make me laugh. They will indict Jack The Ripper before they would Hunter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The way things are presently one could sacrifice a child to Moloch on the White House lawn and not get arrested…


  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This is the kind of “art” that is coming out of Hollywood. And Hollywood is run by who..?


    1. Thank you so much!! I feel bad for Walter now, though! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  50. It is on day’s like today I might support a limited tactical nuke exchange provided it obliterates Manhattan, downtown DC, Chicago and LA. It would knock sense back into survivors along with an extermination of all the demented folks on either side of the divide.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bat Shit Crazy and they Educate? Oh MY F God! That sort runs Biden too. Totally F in the head.


      1. You Club innocent Seal Pups to death and let complete F Ups like this walk and talk crap? Paid by Whom?
        Save the Seals, Club THAT!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I’m with you Tino!!! If we could isolate and annihilate this scum, I would be so for it! I know I’ve mentioned the need for James Bond before… But I recently watched No Time To Die. There was a biological weapon that was genetically targeted.


    3. Creator…save the innocent children!!


  51. Liked by 1 person

  52. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Your overlords speak.


    1. My “overlords” are fixing, once again, for extermination. Only this time all the goofy versions of the Talmud and other pretentious literature will follow into the Long Dark Night. When one is thrown out of 190 historical jurisdictions over a 5000 year timeframe and you don’t learn the lesson, the debate between Bad Seed or misguided Stupid tends to favor one side rather strongly. Not advocating any Final Solutions, but the pendulum is again gaining momentum and one has to wonder if anything will stay hands this time around…


      1. Now you are all getting it and well said. It’s a Roach in our Soup of Life. Stomp it Out!


        1. Only one way to deal with a Locust swarm. Next time no mistakes. Mankind cannot live with this Pestilence. It will come again, end it! Designer DNA viruses, and round ups. Apply science next time.12 Tribal DNA’a plus cross bred collateral damage. Technology to sort Vermin out.

          Liked by 1 person

  53. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. No different to the Bushes and Clintons. Same vermin seed.

      Liked by 1 person

  54. Pig-to-human transplants show promise after success in two patients https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11006735/Pig-human-heart-transplants-promise-success-two-New-York-patients.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Love to see how the Jews and Zios deal with this. Pigs heart to live Sir?
    Political differences apart, now armed with ever more rockets and armed drones, a fighting for its life nation, will see a lot of dead guys as a price to pay. Russians robot fighting machines will fall to drones. Thousands of new rockets will take out Russian troops and munitions. Attack the tanks.
    Its already a wasteland of blasted Russian tanks. Hit their food and ammunition supplies. Hit supply columns. Hit their water. Night vision Drones give them no sleep. Night attack with more mortars. Locate their supply trucks. Straffe from behind. Mine the roads, IEDs Missile bombard, and use weaponised virus attacks. Mass infect. Vermin tactics. Camera Armed Drones to locate and kill all their Officers. It soon becomes an army of headless chickens.
    It’s War.- Give them one.
    Doodle bug them every night. Endless Drones. Buy ever more armed Drones. Train more Weaponised Drone pilots. Put thousands up at night. Stink Bombs! Lol.
    Million-strong army of Ukrainians takes on Vladimir Putin’s troops https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11003691/Million-strong-army-Ukrainians-takes-Vladimir-Putins-troops-hope-regaining-ground.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Elon Musk Reveals CIA Likely Using Twitter As A Military Grade Psy-Op To Brainwash the Masses And As Many As 90% Of Users Are Bots – enVolve

    If this is true then he is right to walk on buying a pig in a poke Is it not way overdue for that Biden Pig to get the Poke? Have you no shame? FFS get rid! We blasted Johnson out.

    ‘Russian general is killed by US-donated missiles in Ukraine’ as ANOTHER massive explosion hits | Daily Mail Onli

    Many, many more will die. How many NCOs also now? How many Ukrainians?

    Worst of Selling and Liquidations Likely Over for Bitcoin (BTC), Says Macro Guru Lyn Alde

    Worst of Selling and Liquidations Likely Over for Bitcoin (BTC), Says Macro Guru Lyn Alden

    Watch “Daily adult joke : they found themselves standing before the pearly gates” on YouTube

    Watch “Daily adult joke: after I showered, I forgot to put on my panties!” on YouTube

    Definitely too young for Tony but he will try.

    Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da – Beatles – Violin Cover – Kar…:

    Both he and the Bolter so much each need the hardest wake up kick h the Arse
    The Gruesome twosome freeriding Bastards.

    Prince Harry shares tips for achieving ‘peak mental fitness’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11005905/Prince-Harry-promotes-mental-health-coaching-mental-fitness-new-short-film-BetterUp.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      “Definitely too young for Tony but he will try.”

      Nah, 16 will get you 20.


      1. Didn’t stop Clinton.


  55. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This arrogant, psychotic drone is truly a product of our educational system, which is deliberately tearing at the fabric of what a civilization uses to sustain itself.


  56. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    As an un-vaxxed person, I’ll say that this lady can take her first, second and third flying fornication at the Moon. I am over 50, too.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Not taking any mRNA jabs, not when 96% of the deaths are all in the jabbed. Plus already survived omicron with flying colors.


  57. A safety step that would be both injurious and useless. All Nazi-era mentality and crap.


  58. Paramedics say they transferred few COVID-19 patients during the early stages of the pandemic — despite media claims that hospitals were overwhelmed — but since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines they’ve seen a rise in heart attacks, strokes, and chronic infections.

    “If I hadn’t heard about COVID all day, every day in the news, I don’t think I would have known that anything was any different,” said Greg McTague, a paramedic of 25 years from Penticton, B.C. “It seems clear to me at this point, the vaccines are causing a lot more harm than the actual virus.”

    In response to an anonymous testimonial by an Atlanta, Georgia paramedic, who claimed to be seeing a huge increase in cardiac-related calls for vaccinated men aged 18-30, the Western Standard put out a call on Twitter to see if paramedics were experiencing something similar.

    The Western Standard heard from more than a dozen healthcare workers, including six paramedics, three emergency dispatchers, two nurses, two firefighters, and an embalmer.

    All said they’d begun seeing an increase in medical conditions, such as heart attacks, strokes, chronic infections, and women with menstrual issues, after the vaccines were rolled out. But they said a culture of silence in the healthcare industry, particularly among doctors, was preventing the issues from being openly discussed.

    Many healthcare workers said they feared they would lose their jobs for speaking out. The Western Standard chose to showcase the stories of three paramedics, one of whom chose not to share her identity.


    1. Immeasurably more, and the NHS is clueless how to react. A Tsunami of side effect is erupting. Less Transhuman, more Sub Human. Horrific. What has been unleashed?


  59. “high vaxx looks suddenly associated with higher risk” https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/relative-excess-deaths-in-the-most?

    What “suddenly” doth thou speak of?


    1. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/the-safe-and-effective-narrative

      The “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart
      Here is my list of over 40 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor. I’d be surprised if the narrative doesn’t fall apart soon. It’s now unravelling quickly in the UK.


    2. Docs going off the deep end. This is what happens when you lie, obfuscate, prevaricate, outright lie about the data and about an mRNA jab that neither prevents disease nor prevents transmission.


  60. Like

    1. Not another Shit Wave?????????? We need mobile Gallows!

      Liked by 2 people

  61. Like

  62. Sri Lanka: Canary in the Environmentalist Coal Mine

    Analysts mention excessive government debt, lack of foreign exchange, political corruption, the Covid-19 pandemic, and other factors, but one of the most serious was the government’s sudden order, in April of 2021, banning all import of chemical fertilizers and requiring that all farming be organic within 10 years. The result has been drastically reduced crop yields, plummeting exports, rising imports, and skyrocketing inflation.

    Radical environmentalism’s rejection of modern industrial and agricultural techniques is a recipe for starvation on a mass scale. It’s time for the world to turn its back on it.



  63. Like

    1. Last thing we need is the Weasel Sunak kept by his Heiress wife. Weasels and Polecats?
      Moredaunt of the 2 but Tugenhadt would be best. None are top choices. Look at Biden or Trump, an orange Shrek Chump or Pedo Pete gone senile. It’s a global delimama. Mediocrities steal;Democracies.


  64. Lincoln National, insurance company, fifth-largest life insurance company in US, reports a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021; why? COVID vaccine?
    Yes, Yes, Yes!!! it’s the vaccine. Where is the evidence-based medicine world (EBM)? Where are these stalwarts of evidence? Are they bought out, drunk on their research grants from Pfizer and NIH? –Paul Alexander


    1. Insurers will be the Klaxon Horn Tino. When they pay out, Truth gets out!


      1. We keep following the numbers, it doesn’t look good across all of Western Civ.


        1. You’re info and views are key here.

          Liked by 1 person

  65. “A report that was quietly published by the UK Government, just hours before Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation, reveals that Covid-19 deaths have risen dramatically among the triple vaccinated population in England over the past couple of months whilst declining drastically among the unvaccinated population.

    With the most recent figures showing the vaccinated population in England accounted for a shocking 94% of all Covid-19 Deaths in April and May, and 90% of those deaths were among the triple/quadruple vaccinated population.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m quad so fingers x.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. For some reason it skews towards younger ages. I suspect as we get past 40 or so it has to do with how much error tolerance has cropped into the cells. Alternatively, as best second hypothesis, those of us with high mRNA lysis capability, we clear the damnable mRNA shot before it corrupts everything.

        Certainly having inflammatory, heart and coagulation markers measured every 3 months is prudent. With exceptions, the vast majority of sudden deaths are clot associated.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. We employ millions of Clots here.


  66. Canada plans a nitrogen policy like the one fueling farmer protests in Netherlands:

    This is the destruction of farming and ranching as a hostile takeover of human food production.

    “The Government of Canada has set the national fertilizer emissions reduction target of 30%, which is part of the commitment to reduce total GHG emissions in Canada by 40-45% by 2030…”



    1. Nitrogen policy. If there ever was a non-problem, nitrogen and its compounds have zero or near zero impact on the atmosphere.

      Liked by 4 people

  67. https://www.disclose.tv/id/1546787708076523523/
    ‘Sex is NOT limited to male or female’: Fury over new World Health Organization gender guidance
    EXCLUSIVE: New WHO guidance will go ‘beyond’ binary approach, it says Health experts have slammed the move, saying it is ‘unscientific’ and ‘worrying’ Comes amid concerning rise in use of woke gender-neutral language in the NHS Sex is ‘not limited’ to being male or female, the World Health Organization will say in new guidance


    1. Just don’t limit it between Germany and England. A game is in play

      Liked by 1 person

      1. England to Score 6.

        Liked by 1 person

  68. Russia Bans Jewish Agency

    Russia instructs the Jewish Agency to halt all operations amidst mounting anger towards “Israel”, its stance towards Ukraine and its aggressions in Syria.

    The Jewish Agency has been instructed by the Russian government to stop all operations inside the nation, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

    The order comes amid growing tension between “Israel” and Russia over “Tel Aviv’s” support for Kiev and its leader, Volodymyr Zelensky, in the continuing conflict in Ukraine.

    Russia’s foreign ministry requested an immediate end to the assaults on Syria on Monday, describing the Israeli attacks as intolerable.

    Source: The Jerusalem Post


    Liked by 1 person

    1. We support this with Syria. .Israel out. Israel out of Ukraine too.

      Liked by 2 people

  69. The sudden, unexpected ‘unknown’ is the new
    killer…! What a mystery indeed! Someone please call Sherlock!


    Deaths with unknown causes now Alberta’s top killer: province
    Alberta is reporting an unprecedented increase in ill-defined and unknown causes of death in 2021.


    1. Do the damn autopsies!

      Liked by 2 people

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