White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #176

Clearing the Rot and Cleaning Out the LOT! Where Do We Start?

Almost 5 years ago I singularly authored, and graphic selected, this full big picture overview report on the past, then present, and the now future events and core issues.  

Little has changed. The same corrupt Political deviants still run free. Law has failed. So much reality needs to be factored in to understand the big picture. Reason beyond inept Politicos. 

The fake Catholic Church Kiddie Fiddlers still feed their Coffers on the backs of a gullible congregation. Wills, seized land holdings and the voracious State sourced income to run Church Schools with a pedophile record second to none which would have stripped any Corporate Licensed Entity of its licenses long ago. The Vatican and Jesuits are UNFIT to manipulate and enrich themselves from State Education Budgets and no one seems to have a clue what to do. So many Neros fiddling while Rome is burning.  

Leaders are still variations of inept and appalling Jerks, while the Sheeple still mindlessly shuffle to oblivion. The report and oversight were ever truer then and is now. 

Who’s in control in this Global Political Sink Hole? 

At least they took down Maxwell. What about the rest?  

Transhumanism can only work if we have Humans left.  

Birth Rates are falling, and new Pandemics are calling. No thanks to Fauci and Gates. 

So, WHA has permitted a re-publishing of this article, with some up-to-date revisions, so we can revisit the issues within and perhaps determine in whatever way one wishes to use, if society is getting better or worse in your immediate vicinity. And based on that determination, you can perhaps plan your way forward with a better understanding of what you may encounter.

Thank you,


All this is needed to give YOU a new life fit for purpose. Freeing YOU from the Cabal and Zionist Kazakh’s Zoo! It’s them – Or You!

Self-Help is Humanity’s only solution! Switching on reality.

Looking at the emergent current human species, most of what can go wrong… has.It will continue until we remove the Khazars. 

Is the only thing which switches on what passes for US Intellect, the question of – “When can I get My Dinars cashed, Food Stamps or Welfare Checks?” First, understand the bigger picture and what YOU can help us all do. From Dinars to false Religions, to UFOs, what do you know? Has Covid taught you nothing? 

Where is your quality of judgment calls with so much bogus nonsense perpetrated as history?

Don’t believe those who practice and flatter to deceive.

Before trying to eulogize powers and actions needed, first even try to understand part of the Big Picture reality Rot problem as all interrelate.

Millenniums of Tribal Warlords, Despots, Feudal Monarchies, Dictatorships, through to the current convoluted mess of an unholy alliance between the scurrilous Vatican Jesuits scheming, and the US criminal Military Industrial Cabal and Criminal Agencies controlled war machine nation, with its attendant Zionist Oligopolies of Banking, Media, Law and Federal/Treasury Zionist infiltrated mass malpractice, which combines to control all. Sloth, greed, duplicity and criminality perverts the entire infrastructure. A truly unholy alliance of Perverts, duplicitous Zio Tapeworms and Zealots sucking this gullible humanity life species dry. Why are Epstein’s Lolita Free riders not in jail? Maxwell now is. 

Parasites and Despots rule, all unchecked. None are fit for purpose. How could a person as loathsome and deeply criminal as Clinton ever have challenged unchecked for the US Presidency, and still, she walks free? Clinton has more baggage than a camel train. But so do most of them.

What of the unreleased volumes of corrupt perverts names attending Epstein’s Island where depraved and loathsome men preyed on these young girls. What happened to publishing the list? When??? Who?  How about naming and shaming, letting Justice free for the world to see? Values? Who needs to be named and shamed? Who are they all? Including dirty Bill Clinton with his 23 plus trips to Epstein’s depravity hole. How can you eulogize this slime as Heroes? Who were the rest? Exposure time for the lot! The Zio MSM protecting their own again. Watergate was the end of US Press integrity.

Who sweeps out these ugly human excreta of an unfit, self-assumed ruling species to initiate a new planetary start? If not, has your whole existence been for nothing?

What can go wrong has. It’s ALL unfit for purpose. Stop- The- Rot!

Crime pays in America. Look at Obama, the Bushes and Clintons. Bribed Biden. Hunter’s crimes. 

Where, among all the Leaders is any one visionary candidate, one with a sense of purpose and recognition of a new direction to enable Man to emerge as a creative new Cosmic Species? Who has an exhibited perception of Justice, Morality and Ethereal Soul Values? Look at the Despotic corruption of the Vatican. Godless! An Evil Perverts Charter. 

Who can lead? Feed needs and not greed.

JFK tried. JFK died!

MLK had a dream. So did Clinton, but his was wet. Daily!

Mandela emerged and saved a nation from an ugly Civil War. Where are the new Mandelas?Certainly not Con Man Soetoro.

Who then as emergent Leaders, possess a collective ethos of values, able to redirect the emergence of a visionary new Global society fit for purpose, to emerge from our blinkered, delusional life, enabling you to take up your role in the greater Cosmos as Kinetic energy aided beings? Transhumanism is coming, but to what end? Who leads as the emerging Superpowers compete? Who is left behind, and how do we address the unholy alliances of Sloth with the current dysfunctional and unworthy misfits in office today?

So much is evolving and leaking. But what is Mankind’s priority list. What is YOURS?

The escalating Military risk of the unelected Deep State raised tensions with Russia and China, leaves America and the world exposed to a narcissistic Elephant Gut Yahoo touring Asia posing like an empowered Caesar, but of such little visible intellect as to fail to understand that it is the Cabal Agency which propounds tensions with Russia and China further. How does it help Americans understand the lies, aggression and mendacity for power, will be paid for by their lives, for Cabal lies?

Trump was trying to build a bridge of understanding with Russia, but like Brutus before him, the knives in his back risked bringing him down protecting Cabal agendas which benefit no one but the Bankers and Vatican. The real enemy is often at home as Emperors found with the Roman Senate. Betrayal and treachery abound.

The new Soviet Satan 2 Stealth missile is of such power that only 12 of their almost unstoppable stealth radar shielding missiles penetrating will suffice to wipe out the entire US. Just one even launched will erase the UK or France. An awesome weapon and more to come. Russia has such advanced and sophisticated robotic and electromagnetic weapons as to negate opposing armies, neutering their electronics and guidance systems. Sitting Ducks to mop up in a Russian Turkey shoot.

Forget the claims and aspirations of the US Skunkworks. That’s Yesterday’s news. Russia may now be one or even two generations ahead of the US, and with a highly refined Soviet secrecy network, keeps its own secrets close for the nasty element of surprise, while the KGB are plundering America’s. Meddle at your peril. Reverse engineering can get the jump on all of you. The US still denies Roswell. Yet Russia’s crashed 7 are on record. How advanced is Russia now? 

Still, they probe and poke the Bear. Despite that, Russia and China are scooping up the entire Middle East and Asian economies, escalating also to South America. China has taken Africa. So why continue this wasteful funding of the nearly 1,000 costly US Hegemony bases no one wants? Apart from a flatulent military and Toys for the Boys. Trillions wasted has got them where? From such waste, you got what? A crippled US economy and a world at war. Homeless, jobless and Washington DC – pitifully Hopeless!

You ran away from Afghanistan as with Vietnam. America has lost the Middle East, China and India will tackle the Far East, and Europe is gone. 

Yet during this allegedly unsettled period for Russia, Soviet Food Harvests are booming with record export sales for Russia. Each major Russian sale is another American loss. Where is truth in a sea of confusion and State lies?

In terms of visible new Soviet Weaponry uncloaked or hinted at, whilst the US has two or more alleged post Roswell crashed UFO crafts, Russian intelligence tracking sources indicate 5 or more UFOs were allegedly recovered from Soviet territory UFO crashes, such are being reverse engineered in Kapustin Yar, and also have been since the 1960’s. What technology and weaponry from the far greater Soviet Intel Treasure Trove, has now emerged hidden from the West? How far ahead is Russia now? Generations? Russia has a newfound confidence. For a reserved nation, why? Calling that card may now be terminal. Russia has caught up and surpassed the West militarily. They don’t need 1,000 four square meals bases. America has lost the plot, and its pot. America has lost its role now as Global Leader and can only delay the inevitable. America needs to cut its vast military waste costs. Just Butt out! Feed and employ Americans first. On his tour of the Chinese Wall, how he must have wished to ask President Xi – “How can I build one of these across Mexico?”

The smarter Drug traffickers will just tunnel under it, and far worse, supplying not just vast increasing quantities of drugs, but renting out safe passage not just to millions of illegals to pass through, but the day when they start taking money for the Terrorist groups to start bringing both WMDs and even toxic bacteriological WMDs of such power as to kill millions unchecked, for distribution throughout American cities and towns. Plagues unleashed. The US has wiped out entire civilizations throughout Asia. Millions have died, and vast millions are homeless. Stateless and swamping Europe. US Policies have been the biggest F Up the world has ever seen and still they keep on arming and funding this Brutal land stealing, mass genocidal Kazakh Terrorist Ghetto Israe-Hell for its endless Arab aggression programs.

These are no God’s chosen! They are Lying, thieving, murdering Kazakh spawn marauders hidden inside Judaism. Jews always lived at peace in the Middle East, these are Kazakh swine who stole Palestine, who want it all, and like the Zio spawn in the world, nothing is ever enough.

How long before the anti-American Asians organize and set up God knows what distribution tunnels, bringing into America their own fanatics determined on vengeance. Thank God for US Border protection, the ones Gunrunning Obama did not get killed. When will he be brought to account for that? Plus, the vast Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, he allowed into America. Problems grow. Enraging the world is not a smart thing to do. Nor is poking a bear! Without consultation or sense, so much has been done by the Cabal in your name. All greed for Zionist and Agency Demon seed. Payback?

How is the world now a safer place with angry millions – Displaced?

Yet the biggest priority in US conceptual thought, is – “When can I cash my Dinars?”

With such, Empires are lost. Supremacy has been lost to Political and Educational Degeneracy. Welfare now owns the disposable Slaves.

Putin had his “Make my Day Punk” moment when he invited the illegal Usurper Con Man Barry Soetoro/alias Obama to go for it over Syria if he felt lucky, and in turn then gloated at Russian bombers power erasing US Battleships electronics systems as a salutary warning, which sent them scuttling away in terror as sitting Ducks. No heroes there, as with Vietnam.

From such rapid Soviet/Chinese evolution, is evident US confusion. Butt-whipped in Vietnam, the Soviets stole a lead with the first Dog in Space, followed by Russia putting the first man in space, with no comprehension from the US they were about to be outfoxed and outperformed by the Soviets. Russia won the Space race.

It may well now have won the Arms race. Russia has a defense pact with China and an aura of confidence. What gives him such an aura of supremacy now? It’s clear.

We can only progress in our efforts as one people of all mankind to conquer space when we share in costly technologies and create intellectual product R&D for the benefit of all mankind. Otherwise, we fight a pointless, minion species, costly Feudal war. The greatest barriers are the dearth of real Leaders today. Political Skanks now so ineptly rule fools. Few challenge such mediocrities. Why not? None are fit for purpose.

Trillions of critical US and world restoration capital has gone missing, and nothing is done. Now we even have a US approach to the House of Lords from a US WH connected party asking, “Please, can we have our $15T back?” $15T would rebuild America and stabilize the EU. A Debt resolution to ease the confusion. But it’s not theirs. These were funds ‘Created’ under the Pureheart operation, by the US Fed, Treasury and Homeland Security, acting to Treasury appeals to the criminal relinquished Bar License Usurper, illegal Alien Barry Soetoro O’ Bumma, to create $15T of mythical funds to cover over a vast $16T shortfall on the US Balance sheets about to bring the whole US Cabal Ponzi scam crashing to earth. Sleight of hand, and a fast-conjuring fix was actioned out of Congressional, Public or media oversight. Albeit deeply criminal and the worst money laundering case ever. They got away with it. 

Fact, FACT!!! The US Department of Homeland Security, acting in conjunction with the Fed, US Treasury and working with, also sheltering, known Filipino Con Man Wilfredo Saurin, coerced a series of major US and UK banks to create, then Launder, $15T of US funds against an entirely bogus asset of nonexistent AU holdings. A duplicitous scam perpetrated between criminal elements of the Jakarta Indonesian Fed, a complicit Indonesian Bank, Cabal banks in the US and two UK Banks who really should know better. SWIFTS were issued between the Fed, two US Banks of substance, and processed via well-known alleged Money Laundering Bank HSBC and RBS in London to cross pass such funds and reintroduce them in apparent cross balance sheet transfers, enabling them to enhance a depleted Treasury Balance Sheet, confusing the system and Banks colluding from the top in crime. But who now has that $15T? And where is the Chairman, posing under the false pseudo-name of a dead boy, since he fled from Pureheart to a then Scandinavian CIA Safe House, until we again blew that cover, as we did with Herzog? The greatest fear of SIS was that if we expanded it further, we risked shattering the Atlantic Alliance. Let the sleeping dogs – Lie!

Who is enriched with those funds? An approach has been made from the WH to the Lords for help trace them. Please Sirs, we have lost our money. How do we get it back? Can we have a copy of the Discs you hold? Leaders – Children lost in a sea of confusion! No! Not unless this time we both share AND when recovered, it ONLY goes to use fit for purpose! No more Cabal grandstanding. They lost the plot and the Pot. Their move. But on Public watch this time. With integrity! Those who deceive and steal must be brought to heel.

An alcoholic mediocrity Junker was the ineffective Leader of the largest Economic trading block, that of the European Union. He was absurd. A drunken buffoon and a joke. But as are most of them. Merkel is hostage to unstable coalition collaborations in German society, with no clear Leaders. Its borders now overrun and choking with Illegals. Merkel? No clear direction, hindered by ruinous Socialism. As an East German Commie, she was indoctrinated by Leninist dictates, and simply processes a subservient cannon fodder directive to entrapped Germans. Merkel has no clear majority Mandate, and rules simply as the Leader of the largest minority coalition party. Chaos rules fools. Progressive Germans are very frustrated, seeing Illegals flood in as unstoppable aliens robbing and raping. Not unlike Americans under Cabal political rule, entrapped in a Zionist monetary enclave. The EU is a collective Rat Pack of mediocrities. America is not alone. It just has more Rats in power than the rest.

Most EU Leaders are indoctrinated, and power control placed Jesuits, marching to the orders of Rome, and the Jesuit Vatican. But under the Knights of Malta, Masons and Skull and Cross-bone Society, America also rots from within. Indoctrination being ruination. All inept as with the Cabal!

Clearly that very transient species now seeking their future transfer to newly enhanced transhuman aided super beings, will create a new directional species. But, what of the rest? Who decides and what criteria? Who travels the new road, and who is to be left behind? See for God’s sake, beyond your Dinars and Freeloading.

Assume you and your children will be left behind, what then? Do you even start to comprehend the implications of this?

Elongating the lives of the Bushes, Clintons, Bidens and Zio like type trash, will produce a truly malevolent subspecies with unchained havoc! Bush himself bred, but all just kids like Trump, all brain dead. What is the point of enhancing this type of train wrecked misfit, why not delete each such Elite? Bush, Clinton and Trump families are cross marrying Criminal Zionists, or in the case of the Clintons and Trump, entire criminal families. Why perpetuate such an ugly species? What a complete Klutz Kushner is turning out to be. One from another Zio’s criminally convicted family Shite house to the White house.

Good Juduaism can be a blessing on nations. Truly a number of good, albeit mislead Jews, do seek to conduct themselves as a God’s humanitarian people.

But the Zios are a degenerate curse. To Judaism also.

America has allowed these malevolent Kazakh Zio roaches to breed millions in an orgy of uncontrolled, wanton greed. Now they also own the lying media. Time to de louse the entire Zio infestation house! Good Jews are invited to assist. Who needs these corrupt Temple Money changers?

From God’s house to a rampant louse! Zios are Child and mind rapists in the Temple.

The only finite limit of our abilities is the inability of the nonentity Elites to understand that all human life is born equal, but most are denied equal opportunity. We hold back the emergence of the majority of our species, by the restraints self-imposed by the failing order of a Society lacking vision, integrity, morality, or sense of purpose and direction. Education denied. Guidance denied. Progress denied! So many children’s potential denied.

Every Child should have a right to life, a Right to Love, Protection and a Right to fulfill their full potential and hopes.

But under Cabal and Zio trash rule – denied! These are the true enemies of hope and the destiny of man. All Rights – Denied, as Kazakhs lied, the future for each life form – Died!

Time to De Louse this Godless House under Kazakh subjugation.

A key part of our post release agenda must be to take schools back from the Jesuits and Catholicism, then to create a new, Pedo free syllabus intent on focused education for all the children, and mixed schools will be a key step forwards, to bring back Muslim and Jewish children away from the platitudes of headbangers. All children need to be educated free of Abrahamian diatribe. Who needs the ramblings of a Schitzo Paranoid Delusional, confusing all children? Free children’s minds to grow with culture and reality. Or follow a Nutter and stay in the gutter?

Step up and determine your own children’s futures not as Church grooming fields.

Citizenship and Ethereal values are key for the new world. Education is the key for the future.

Today, chaos rules, led by fools. Nothing changes, it has been this way for Millennia. Even now, why do we not question as a species, the clearly dysfunctional failings of a lost society led by such fools. How did Indonesian passport holder Obama ever clear vetting?

Moses allegedly was lost for 40 years leading his collective tribal rabble, on a journey a non-idiot with a compass, could have tracked from Mt. Sinai in just 11 days. Where are desert signposts when you need them? So, their God lost his way? Really? Do we never learn? History shows no one reads the nation’s Leaders heritage of His Story! How then can we ever learn what to avoid next time if no one recollects the failures of the past, and why? Hubris, the arrogance and pomp of failed Hubris. Look at the sordid criminal Bush family. Degeneracy and corruption overcame all, as they bribed, extorted, betrayed and corrupted their nation. A Traitor’s Crime Family!

Sadly – it worked!

America, from the first Federal breaches of trust, breaches of Treaties, betrayals of the Native Americans, and practiced mass genocide, was a fertile breeding ground for the Mafia, Zio corruption, bribery, extortion, and Luciano who, as with the Cabal today, owned Justice, or at least the Judges and police. The Mob owned the system. All we have done, is merged it, re-clothing whores, Pimps, Shysters and Fraudsters, as Attorneys, Senators or Congressmen. They just re-suited the Trash and cross bred it as Clinton’s and like type.

Currently, so many are in a pursuit of a free handout from the speculative opportunism following the genocide of nations. Entire countries, and ancient civilizations have been wiped out by the deviant Agencies, and Arms plus money supplies funded to ISIS and the like, by the US and Israel. The Middle East has been decimated by Cabal regime change ploys, and the duplicity of the vile Kazakhs seeking their mad conquest for a greater Israel. Millions of innocents annihilated. Who cares? Is there any moral perspective left to any of it? Looking on, looking in, any Ethereal watchers see only degeneracy of a species. Self-serving, none deserving.

Where is hope, humanity and moral conscience in any of it now? It’s a Global dilemma. Humanity is losing its Soul. Japan needs to stop its cruel, mass destruction of annual Mink hunts. Save the Whale, harpoon Trump! Moby Dick is lost at sea.

Reality indicates that the Sovereigns appear likely to currency convert and go to CBDCs first. That in itself will suffice to underpin and capitalize the relaunches.  Banks can just sluice out the ambulance chasing street holders, selecting first those instead, who have shown between the sites, the will and goodness of heart to support Global restoration as a Thinking and Caring Global Task Force, willing and able to create new projects systems and help deliver and install in new or deserving communities. One people, one Global nation of need. We need Hands out across the Oceans, helping brother Man, not hands out as more Gimmes. Time we think as a single human species and feed / house those in real need.

Time, to start to rethink purpose. Funds Fit for Purpose. People willing to help others, not just themselves. What kind of society do we want to emerge? Where is Your voice?

We – The People?

 Restoring nations and civilizations we have so wantonly destroyed. Replacing the Cabal Hegemony bases, with Trade and Educational centers. Humanitarian aid teams. Reaching out to our brother mankind. Atonement for the Millennia of cultures we have destroyed. Successful new integrated redesigned and planned communities can lead the way for others. We need an agenda, a purpose to be a better, more enlightened species. Time to rethink and plan balanced and structured new communities with sound values to enrich all. Time for the US Military and Agencies to F off back home! Go! Stop funding and arming Terrorists. Stop funding regime changes. Look at the carnage caused.

Who will weep for America if the Fanatics come through those border tunnels? Payback? WMDs can take many forms. Each horrific.

We instead need. to educate and liberate.

Truth to break free, to educate and expose false religions.

We did nothing as Lenin emerged, communism thrived, and vast millions died.

Now we sit neutered again as the filth and disgusting despotism of the ugly Cult of Islam can only be eradicated with education, where 9- to 13-year-old girls do not have to suffer arranged, forced marriages of carnal hell to ignorant, mutant 40 to 70 year olds, ending the untold misery and beatings from this medieval and perverse gutter trash.

Time to expose, punish and end the numerous vast numbers of Church pedos. Withdraw their pointless Tax shelters, take back their land holdings for community use, sequestrate the Vatican’s vast manipulated fortunes extracted with the enforcement of the murderous Inquisition and their kind, and end their 2,000 years of lies peddling to a naive humanity blindly following false concepts of Gods which the Vatican, as the known Mafia’s Bankers, does not follow. Close down the Vatican as a false State! Blinkered Nonsense! We need to take away their schools, then we sever their tentacles. These Perverts are bloodsucking nations with their fake Godless Order. 

Explore beyond, think out Ethereal reality, expand each human’s own consciousness, to emerge from this Caterpillar Deep State of most of today’s sub species of non-thinkers and help mankind emerge to fly to a real destiny as Ethereal Beings. It’s time to think and be… More!

As the first of the major PPs start to release, how they are ring-fenced, and kept safe to use accrued profits only to restructure society in achievable steps matters. No more following outdated Mantras of false ideologies.

Just 12 mainly unconnected men, over 3 centuries, attempted to challenge and expand each person’s concept of humanitarian, moral and family values, and to question the purpose of living, to being more. They challenged the Feudal despots, iniquities of each conquered species, false States and raised the concept of human values for all. 12 men converted and lead 1 billion to believe in something more, at terminal cost for many of the 12. Just the concept matters.

Armed with funding, and a valid cross funded agenda, what then could 120 or even 1,200 of you from the sites, correctly focused, achieve today with 7 billion so much in need? Raising the bar is the start. You don’t have to get cashed out from currencies to make a difference. Contributing time while waiting could open so many more personal opportunities, when the projects start. Self-help and helping others in such need is the key to all. Pulling together as one nation of all to put back.

The Chosen One is not coming, nor is Democracy from any State. It’s ALL down to us each to conceive and achieve fundamental change. No more passing the Buck. We each need to take responsibility for all actions and refuse subjugation.

Funds are too finite, and discretion is likely to rule.  Tens of thousands of loose cannons, grasping Wannabes, is not an appealing concept or sight. Money needs to be channeled. It will all be phased to first feed need with organized groups. Priorities will come first.

Elders will cooperate for Selective AU transfers, but only to such groups as can be evidenced as worthy, who will pay for it, and who will use the new platforms to trade up using profits accrued for a fitting agenda. To enhance humanity, ecology and nature. All life is sacred. All living organisms are inter bound as a Cosmic matrix of life. Understanding purpose is phase one. Understanding yours even more so. A true agenda, fit for purpose, fit for all, is what we aspire to.

We at WHA have established a selective Global following. A voice of all people who test the boundaries, and who dare challenge the cause of human despair. The Global contributions daily, show that hope lives, in all of you. We will be considering who from the Readership can help join Response teams to make a difference. If 12 good men can change a world, what can 1,200 of you achieve funded? In the corridors of power, you are read. They fear you are a Real, Thinking Democracy in waiting. People power, growing by the hour. You – are hope!

Free Will – Use it Well! Will you if asked, step up? I will? Only We, The People, can MAKE it happen. Self-help. Your call, or calling? What call will you make?

Thank you, and please be safe.

Stay tuned.


1,204 responses to “Information Briefing #176”

    1. Above is vids of Biden same day speaking… WTF!?


      1. methamphetamine!?!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Joe Manchin Revives Biden’s Agenda, Agrees to Democrat Package of Tax Increases and Climate Spending



    1. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/manchin-and-dems-reach-deal-reconciliation-package-climate-energy-tax-and-healthcare
      The bill, the “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022” is scant on details, though Manchin says the bill will “cut the inflation taxes Americans are paying, lower the cost of health insurance and prescription drugs, and ensure our country invests in the energy security and climate change solutions we need to remain a global superpower through innovation rather than elimination.”

      It “would dedicate hundreds of billions of dollars to deficit reduction by adopting a tax policy that protects small businesses and working-class Americans while ensuring that large corporations and the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share in taxes”

      Hhmmm…and the real truth is….tax payer screwed again.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. This is hands down, my ALL TIME favorite version of this song!!! I needed this Aurataya! Thank you!


    1. Horrific Off the lot!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Australian National Review – Three Large American Multinationals Bought 17 Million Hectares of Ukrainian Agricultural Land

    FYI … wonder what their losses will be?
    Guessing before it is done it will be a complete write down
    Sell them your Dinars fast. Suckers Inc.

    The prince of rigged ballet boxes comes home. Biden is too Stupid to have a conversation with Xi. As for Harris? A Clutz or a Clone Vote Demo.

    Real Escalation is coming for Ukraine. Body bags will expand fast.. Again see the Jews running to Israel. A Ho to steal and go.

    Chechens on the move in huge numbers … back of their shirts says “to Kiev” …. Triple the amount of armor is headed to the Ukraine than before invasion … trainloads of Chinese armor arrived in Russia presumably for war games in August.. nukes in Belarus with intense training by Russia.. multi layered air defense batteries in Belarus as well including s400
    As I wrote long ago, all the Ukraine will be taken and cleansed of Nazi types … kolomsky has renounced his Ukrainian citizenship and in Israel .. presumably he will loot smaller fish there and avoid prosecution in the Ukraine … since he put Zelensky in power and controls the media the end is not far off .. watch for another exodus of anyone who maybe tried for crimes in the Ukraine run to Western Europe
    Power bill for just one month could soar to £500 in January https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11055627/Power-bill-just-one-month-soar-500-January-Russia-cuts-Europes-supplies.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Crazy these energy companies will destroy society they need nationalising and stopping dead.
    Ukraine’s Timoshenko reveals ‘scam of the century’ — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

    So typical. Biden and the Drag Queen thieving at will. Joe gets his 10% kickback via Hunter.
    The Drag Queen and Israeli gets the rest. America gets shafted.


  3. What’s breaking in Ukraine is Hunter and Joe Biden are caught in new 10 % kickbacks to embezzle another $8B in none existent gas funds. The Drag Queen is spotlighted and the other Jew thieves have run to Israel. Another day of Crime with, the Khazar Swine.
    While the corrupt Bidens are hiding.


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Is it any wonder why kids are coming out of colleges in the US in the mental state they do?


    1. Sure hope she got fired.


  5. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I’ve never broken English law before. Let’s have a go.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Nice… the cat can come live here anytime…


  7. https://www.theepochtimes.com/air-force-instructor-fired-for-rejecting-covid-testing-and-vaccine-says-many-more-facing-termination_4605404.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=digitalsub

    Air Force Instructor Faces Removal for Rejecting COVID Testing and Vaccine, Says Many More Facing Termination
    Retired Lt. Col. Sandy Miarecki, who served over 20 years in the Air Force as a pilot, was given …


  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Maybe they will assemble and decide to pay you $3.50 on your dinar? 🙄


    1. With what, they are BROKE?. Iraq can ONLY support what the IMF will allow and that is for Internal Economic needs ONLY!. A few T’s at max. No one is bailing those overprjnted Toilet Paper Pumpers Scam notes Wipe Your * with them, that’s all they are good for. Or us that brain to call them in to sell them to new Suckers, and move into Cryptos instead. Pumpers paper does wall paper also. There’s one born every day. Boo Hoo I was promised by Dinar Rags and Sucker papers. When is Santa coming?

      Liked by 1 person

  9. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  10. Why Crypto Market Is Turning Red Ahead Of A Crucial Week

    Dam right they are his stores feel it and thousands are sanctioned
    No place to be in Russia’s claws, ASOVs now find reality.
    Putin’s torture camps in Ukraine revealed by Polish security forces https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11054637/Russian-prisons-Ukrainians-held-beaten-FSB-officers-unveiled.html?ito=native_share_article-top


    1. What’s the point, he’s too dumb to read it. The big Mutt has the IQ of an 11 year old.


  11. The Barnes Brief: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

    Top News in Brief: Fed raises rates once again…BoJo gives Churchill award to Zelensky…Dems wants Trump indicted…Jones trial sees Judge continue trying to rig the trial by denying evidence Jones apologized…Tamara Lich freed from jail…

    1. “Real world experience has proven that at a bare minimum the vaccine does not work in stopping infection or transmission. This was the original sin and genesis of the fraud.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. People who vax their young boys especially are CRAZY.

      Covid Infection Itself NOT Causing Heart Conditions …

      Tuvali et al, Israel, huge study N=196K cases, N=590K controls, no excess rate of ICD-10-code identified myocarditis in uninjected with natural infection. Counters prior false claims. Can focus on mandated products as source of myocarditis at hand and move forward on management.


      Liked by 1 person

  12. There are NO MORE rocks to hide under. The vaxx kills children in droves, directly and indirectly. Pull the vaxx, pass law to NEVER mandate a vaxx for 100 years and pass law to NEVER rush one ever again.

    The UK Government has quietly confirmed that the Covid-19 vaccines are killing children at an unprecedented rate.


    Shocking figures contained in an official report, published just hours before Boris Johnson announced his resignation as Prime Minister of the UK, reveal Covid-19 vaccinated children are 4423%/45x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children and 13,6333%/137x more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated children.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Let’s see if we get a good image


      1. Given the graph above, anyone that supports vaxxing the young is now aiding and abetting a Crime Against Humanity

        Liked by 2 people

  13. https://rumble.com/v1dbtt3-the-real-story-of-january-6.html
    ”The Real Story of January 6,” a documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Exclusive: In Private, Cassidy Hutchinson Joked About Riot, Called J6 Committee ‘Phony,’ Praised Trump Before Changing Story


  15. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The balls on this guy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good man and right.

      Its TRAGIC what is happening in Germany, Sweden and the UK. Each nation needs to plant 1 million Appian Way poles. Then Fill them! Politicos and Zios too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “Send to Londinium for more nails. Rusty ones if possible.”


        1. We need 5 M for our own.


          1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

            Good gods, you are right!


  16. Jim Rockford: We’re all scared to death. I guess that’s a penalty we pay for living in a world where all the price tags end in 99 cents and they sell mortuary plots on billboards next to the freeway. What you do is… you just keep laughing. Just… keep laughing.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar
    1. The Factor at work. Obama should invite them over for dinner.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Does Big Mike Cook?


  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Good gods it looks like someone superglued his eyelids open.


    1. Drugs, drugs and more drugs…

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Ha, I was going to say, Doesn’t this robot ever blink!


  19. Let’s skip crucifixion and just throw him off a Tarpaen Rock equivalent…

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Season 1 episode 1 of the Rockford Files. 1974 TV Season. A young , painfully beautiful Lindsay Wagner in the launch and would have a recurring role a couple of times a year across several seasons. In those days a season was still a whopping 26 episodes not today’s paltry 13 or 6 to 8. James Garner earned his salary, which was notable but not the largest payout. Like with I Love Lucy America mostly stopped to tune in and see what trouble Jim Rockford would get into.

    What people don’t know, about the Rockford Files, is that it was one of the most successful series of all time. With record breaking advertising rates. That somehow posted a loss. Even though there were no special effects of note, no trick camera effects, with the occasional stripped car collision. The series across it’s viability and syndication grossed $125MM. And posted a loss. Funny that, with the Usual Suspects involved…

    Anyway it is a fun romp in memory lane, when everybody was still thin, big cars doing 15 mpg and those long side burns …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Remember watching this show in prime time!….Damn!,,,, does this mean I am getting old?

      Liked by 1 person

  21. https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-26-monkeypox-being-used-to-advance-technocratic-great-reset.html
    Every single country that has reported cases of monkeypox has also distributed the Pfizer jab. And there are only a handful of countries where the Pfizer jab has been administered that haven’t reported a case of monkeypox to the W.H.O.
    What you’re being told is “monkeypox” is really Covid-19 vaccine-induced herpes infection, shingles, autoimmune blistering disease and other ailments brought on by a weakened immune system caused by Covid-19 vaccination.
    According to a scientific study published in 1988, it’s virtually impossible to distinguish between monkeypox and chickenpox. And chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body.
    And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash.

    Shows maps and much more in this article.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mike Adams needs to sit down and stop talking. He’s lost his mind in the opposite direction to most. It IS monkeypox. Serologic evidence is point blank overwhelming.


      1. Good to know Tino.


  22. John Ioannidis (Stanford) in July 2020, published “Infection fatality rates ranged from 0.03% to 0.50% and corrected values ranged from 0.02% to 0.40%”; age-mortality graduated chart below; WE KNEW!
    Again, it was all a lie! They locked us down, closed schools, businesses, all of it, used a fraud PCR false positive test, lied about asymptomatic spread, recurrent infection then; we JAIL them all!

    Dr. Paul Alexander

    Every lockdown, every police was a lie by our governments, and they were all in on it! We investigate and if shown reckless and deliberate, we take all their money and jail them all, all involved, start with Francis Collins and Fauci and Bourla and Bancel.

    ‘This virus is far from being more lethal than previous respiratory viruses and certainly not indiscriminately deadly to everyone. Age and health status played a major role in the outcome of an infection.’


  23. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Good gods. One heartbeat away from the presidency.


    1. An absolute numb scull! Nothing there! Someone should write a book on all her word salads!

      Liked by 1 person

  24. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Clinton talks like he has a hairball.


    1. That’s throat cancer for you…


  25. JUST IN – US issues fifth emergency notice of sale of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, depleting another 20 million barrels of crude oil from the reserve.



  26. The Barnes Brief: Tuesday, July 26, 2022

    Top News in Brief: Jones 1st Sandy Hook trial jury selection commences with plaintiffs lawyers wanting jurors to commit to $100M in damages per person for hurt feelings over mean words…Georgia DA investigating Trump removed from one case of one of the individuals involved, but not the rest of the inquiry…As George Gammon & Burry both warned, a problem of both excess inventory and price inflation continues, as Walmart has to drop prices on overstocked goods due to low demand but core items remain high…nearly half of all Americans cannot save any money…Manchin kills Dem initiative to pass tax hikes or a global tax system…


    1. Manchin, the spanner in the works, who knew this unlikely Congresscritter would ever deserve praise…

      Liked by 2 people

  27. Could there be 2 more attention seeking contemptible Twats..he’s married the new Wallace Simpson
    Banish both to Hell. Just a fakir Hottentot maker. Ginger Afros to go.
    Its already featured here but the world MSM is now picking up on it.

    Subject: Dr. Birx ADMITS To Lying And Manipulating CDC Covid Data During Trump Admin And HIDING It From Trump – enVolve

    She should be in Gitmo along with Fauci

    At last China and Faucci are gett9ng traction. Huge issues. Where is the MSM? Why is Faucci not in jail? Life and with Gay Rapists.

    July 24, 2022
    Special Edition
    A Covid Afterthought

    By: Victor Davis Hanson
    July 22, 2022

    Recently, there has been increasing pressure on China either to produce more data exonerating itself of birthing the SARS-CoV-2 virus or to confess that the pathogen escaped from its secretive biosafety Level 4 virology lab and was human-engineered, showing insidious characteristics not found in nature.

    If the latter is true, and an increasing number of scientists believe it is, the best Chinese case is that some preventable laxity resulted in an escaped gain-of-function deadly virus that has so far not petered out like prior coronavirus epidemics.

    Whether it has been engineered to aid vaccine research or was some sort of dark bioweapon experiment, no one knows. We assume it was released accidentally not because the Chinese Communist Party is incapable of such nefariousness, but only because it apparently had no vaccine to protect its own from its own self-created virus.

    Still, if the virus, as speculated, is a gain-of-function monstrosity, let loose out of criminal laxity, and the sin is compounded by deliberate lying and subterfuge, then consider:

    The Chinese are responsible for millions of deaths worldwide. In essence, they have waged war on humankind and unleashed a weapon thousands of times more deadly than a nuclear bomb.

    But to what degree and why are they exempt from consequences? Do they own politicians, fund university research in the West, contribute to medical journals, and threaten media and universities that promulgate skepticism of the crackpot pangolin or bat theory?

    Ponder further. The lab has been the scene of prior viral breeches. It continues to engage in gain-of-function research. There is a strong possibility that another virus in some year in the future will be accidentally released and we will revisit the present nightmare years. Is that enough to concern us?

    So, what good are the UN, The WHO, NATO, etc. if they cannot “persuade” the Chinese to shut down the lab? Is it not the equivalent, whether intended so or not, of a weapons lab whose continued existence poses an existential risk to mankind?

    And what of our own scientists? Did some approve the transference of sophisticated gain-of-function infrastructure to China? Did Americans in the past give China the know-how to produce mice with human-engineered organs that would make possible such diabolical research?

    In other words, per their redacted emails, did CDC and NIAID top officials, most prominently Anthony Fauci, knowingly aid and abet the sort of research deemed too dangerous and thus illegal in the United States, by routing money and expertise to the Wuhan lab in semi-nontransparent fashion?

    If true, what does that make Dr. Fauci, the supposed viral guardian of America? If Fauci had even a small hand in promoting foreign gain-of-function research that led to the present COVID-19 pandemic and if simultaneously he was de facto our official arbiter of Covid-19 policies, then what sort of existential conflicts of interests did he engage in?

    Ostensibly any policy, any attitude, any protocol that even tangentially was connected to a Chinese origin, and thus eventually an American role in it, would eventually involve decisions made by Dr. Fauci and others?

    Do you get the point? How in the hell is this official still running a multibillion-dollar federal agency entrusted to keep us safe from coronaviruses when he may have promoted or at least agreed to the transference of knowledge and wherewithal that put us in such existential danger in the first place?

    In sum, are we snoozing through the greatest scandal in U.S. history, one that dwarfs Watergate or Russian collusion?

    Has Peter Daszak ever been called before Congress to explain the rerouting of federal dollars to Wuhan, his questionable role in the Lancet “investigation,” and what exactly are his relationships with the CDC and NIAID and Drs. Fauci and Collins?

    A paranoid would almost believe that the Chinese communist government had been partially funding or subsidizing Lancet, given its transparently unethical whitewash investigation of the Chinese lab and exoneration of Western scientists likely culpable in transferring some of the ability to make such a virus to Wuhan.

    Historians soon will grasp that the COVID-19 pandemic destroyed a presidency, blew up a booming economy, created suicidal quarantine and lockdown policies that sent the nation into collective hysteria that fueled the woke insanity of summer 2020, ruined years of the lives of our school-age children, spiked suicide rates, substance abuse, and household violence, radically changed the 2020 election into a 102 million early/absentee ballot nightmare, destroyed over one million lives, perhaps disabled over 10 million, created nonending nightmares for families of the dead and serially sick, paved the way for millions of doses of not fully tested vaccinates whose side effects have crippled and killed Americans, devastated the U.S. labor force and helped create the supply chain/worker shortage, and gave the nation Joe Biden, arguably the worst president since James Buchanan.

    There is something Hitlerian about the birth of this virus, and yet to even write or suggest the above is taboo and deemed dangerous to one’s career.

    Have we in our silence become absolutely unhinged?

    If you do not take an interest

    in the affairs of your government,

    then you are doomed to live under

    the rule of fools.


    Central Bank Digital Currencies Worse Than Bank Accounts and Cash, Says Blocksteam CEO Adam Back – Here?…

    Below are some of the key issues and dilemmas we face with, and for, the Elders assets. Also why, in time, as it does move, a huge step has to be made into Bitcoin and cryptos. Timing. Asset choices.

    Central Bank Digital Currencies Worse Than Bank Accounts and Cash, Says Blocksteam CEO Adam Back – Here’s Why


    The world is cutting him loose.

    Russian animals again. Scum of the earth. Farm animals!
    The Independent: Trump says he wanted to give himself Medal of Honor but was told it was ‘inappropriate’.

    Yes the moronic Narcissist really is this stupid. Orange Chump.
    The Guardian: Is Murdoch tiring of Trump? Mogul’s print titles dump the ex-president.

    Hopefully no one needs this obnoxious Chump as a Zios owned Goffer again. America has 1,000 times better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Trump was making a joke… sheesh…

      Liked by 2 people

  28. Liked by 2 people

  29. Fundamental fact is now ignored by all co-opted players.

    Repeat after me, you are (with certain well-known exceptions and rare ones at that) always immune to any disease you recover from. Period. Double-stop.


    Liked by 1 person

  30. Doctor who monitored miscarriages in women pre- and post-cv substance jab and found they increased, gets sacked

    Unbelievable… They are trying to hide this data and sacking anyone who speaks out! His career has just gone out the window! He is now spearheading ‘Doctors against Mandates’ initiative, a collaboration of Doctors who until now have remained publicly silent. Thank goodness there are still some doctors with morals and values left in the world

    Liked by 1 person

  31. No…. it’s not an outbreak… it’s just a rash of positive in the useless PCR test…


    Liked by 2 people

  32. This is turning into a wonderful story of courage and winning!… and all those who stood silent for fear of losing what they gained,,, shame on them… maybe one day the story will be a wonderful movie… all the silent, complicit closet warriors can put a copy of the movie on the shelf with all their other achievements, which will overshadow anything they may have won…

    Former Olympian Swimmer Says Trans Hate Mob Has “Made My Life Hell”
    “Loads of female athletes have supported my campaigning,” Davies outlines, adding “The problem is that people are worried about trans activists, so a lot of people tend to keep their heads down. Of the 60 people who signed our letter, only four or five had ever put their head above the parapet. The rest of them remained anonymous.”

    Liked by 1 person

  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Careful lady, your overlords in international finance don’t want to hear that kind of talk.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah, Twatter went nutso yesterday calling her a Nazi. Never mind that “Christian Nationalism” is hardly comparable to “National Socialism”….

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Very true.

        One was a severe threat to international banking cartels and was demonized and destroyed by it after proving a nation could both recover and prosper to high degrees using its own system of labor and productive capacity as wealth, as opposed to allowing an embedded tapeworm to enslave it via usury and debt.

        The other, is completely dominated and financially gutted by those cartels and has been convinced that its sons and daughters are to die for the cartel’s very existence. True nationalists would never allow such a thing, Christian or otherwise.

        I am not surprised at the nutso Twitter reaction – a common reaction programmed into the host to protect the illusion.

        ANTIFA gets more respect in the press than any patriotic politician who tries to express love of the US nation.

        Liked by 4 people

  34. Oh yeah, that’s going to work… they’ve lost their minds


  35. Grassley’s stunning and revelatory letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, can be read in it’s entirety HERE:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Brian Cates from Telegram…
      Grassley is starting a congressional investigation of how the FBI HQ tried to browbeat the FBI agents handling the Hunter Biden investigation into labeling it all ‘disinformation’.

      Then that same dirty FBI HQ team went and briefed Congress [Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Warner] that this Biden stuff was all disinformation, then that briefing got leaked to the press to make Grassley and Ron Johnson look like partisan hacks pressing on anyway with their inquiry into Hunter Biden even though the FBI had ‘prove’ it was Russian disinformation.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Thank you James. As with the Falcone investigation alleging corruption by Bush 41, Biden, Romney and Clinton, Mueller then dispatched Agents to Miami to stop Field Agents following through investigating their scurrilous conduct, while Bush had Merkel hide Herzog away in Germany.despite his then Interpol arrest and seizure of the Bush Contract and CIA misconduct from his Safe. Extraditing him alone would bring the lot down. Long overdue.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Thus the lead in to the vaccines yet coming. Be afraid, Very!


  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  37. Cuckooo!

    White House to launch effort to develop next generation of Covid vaccines

    The Biden administration is preparing a sweeping initiative to develop a next generation of Covid-19 immunizations that would thwart future coronavirus variants and dramatically reduce rates of coronavirus infection or transmission, building on current shots whose impact has been mainly to prevent serious illness and death, the White House told STAT. Key federal officials, top scientists, and pharmaceutical executives including representatives of Pfizer and Moderna are gathering for a Tuesday “summit” to discuss the new technologies and lay out a road map for developing them.


    1. NEW – Unvaccinated COVID patients are contagious for LESS time than those vaccinated or “boosted”, a new study published in a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine shows.


      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yep. The old 10-day past fever break is perfect rule for the unvaxxed.

        For the vaxxed, they are unsafe still at day 10.

        Remember, this study is also an over-interpretation of the significance of the PCR. Unvaxxed shed virus at day 10 is most likely wholly non-infective. The same is probably NOT true of the vaxxed.

        Liked by 3 people

  38. The Atlanta-area prosecutor who has been probing actions by former President Trump in Georgia after the 2020 election has been disqualified from investigating due to a conflict of interest.

    According to The Hill:

    The ruling was a stunning rebuke to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and came after a judge found that a conflict of interest barred Willis and her office from investigating state Sen. Burt Jones, one of the sham electors.

    The district attorney last month hosted a fundraiser for a Democratic candidate who went on to win his party’s nomination and will now face off against Jones, whom Willis had identified as a target of the grand jury’s investigation.

    “This scenario creates a plain — and actual and untenable – conflict,” Judge Robert McBurney of the Superior Court of Fulton County wrote in his Monday order disqualifying Willis from pursuing Jones. “Any decision the District Attorney makes about Senator Jones in connection with the grand jury investigation is necessarily infected by it.”

    “An investigation of this significance, garnering the public attention it necessarily does and touching so many political nerves in our society, cannot be burdened by legitimate doubts about the District Attorney’s motives,” he wrote.


  39. This freaking mini Adolfo is a freaking cancer for society….

    Anthony Fauci Says If We Could Do It Again, COVID-19 Restrictions Would Be ‘Much, Much More Stringent’


    1. It helps to remember that doctors stampeded to the Nazi Party and implemented every goddam policy of the Reich out of which we ended up with the Doctor’s Trial at Nuremberg and informed consent. And had today’s doctors abided by their ethical duties the whole of the pandemic-imposed constraints would have collapsed overnight.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. How many were hung at Nuremberg? Same as.


        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          I don’t know.

          Did anyone check? lol


          1. The doctors’ trial (officially United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al.) was the first of 12 trials for war crimes of high-ranking German officials and industrialists that the United States authorities held in their occupation zone in Nuremberg, Germany, after the end of World War II. These trials were held before US military courts, not before the International Military Tribunal, but took place in the same rooms at the Palace of Justice. The trials are collectively known as the “Subsequent Nuremberg trials”, formally the “Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals” (NMT).[1]

            Twenty of the twenty-three defendants were medical doctors and were accused of having been involved in Nazi human experimentation and mass murder under the guise of euthanasia. The indictment was filed on 25 October 1946; the trial lasted from 9 December that year until 20 August 1947. Of the 23 defendants, seven were acquitted and seven received death sentences; the remainder received prison sentences ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment.


            1. We need this again on a much bigger scale!


              1. You bet. With more executions this time. And with a parallel effort of making Informed Consent an absolute in the law such that “mandatory” and “vaccine” can’t be in the same sentence in any context.

                Liked by 2 people

            2. Thank you Tino. Pertinent info.
              Why not America now?


  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    How about a conveyor belt for Zionist bankers which ends at this point?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lawyers too! Plus Politicos. Crime families also.

      Liked by 2 people

  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Hollywood’s mission in full. This is how the few control the many.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So this isn’t a movie for children. I watched it, also. It’s a typical “ghost” agent who finds out that the people he’s working for have done something wrong. He has proof and wants to expose it, so he now becomes the hunted. They kidnap a little girl, he goes to rescue her. There is definitely violence. There is a reason this stuff is rated. And I’m sorry, but MA (mature audience) doesn’t just mean 18 and older! It means MATURE!!!!!

      But you can’t stop there… There is violence in EVERY super hero movie out there. It’s when people have a difficult time distinguishing Right/Wrong or Good/Evil, that it seems to cause a problem. The video games don’t make people shoot someone else, just like the toddler that’s obese didn’t drive himself to McDonald’s every day.

      Sorry… soapbox… but if “you” can’t determine that it’s wrong to shoot people for no reason, then you should just stick to the nature channel. Well, except for Shark Week 😀 that gets bloody, too! LOL!!!!!


  42. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This thieving Yenta can really lay on the bullshit.


    1. Stolen Tropos ACATS! Master Zionist Rodent Thief


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


        1. They modelled her???????????????????

          Liked by 2 people

  43. Returning to regularly scheduled programming…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We know masks do not work,,, we know this!… our GOV is an enemy!… he also said we did not do lockdowns well enough!… we know lockdowns did more harm than good!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Why is he not in the Appian way?


    3. I’m ready to shoot people in masks… They are the “weak-links” in the chain!

      Liked by 1 person

  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Critical advice on avoiding Monkey Pox.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So I had to listen to this twice… He said “butt hole” 6 times and “butt” once 🙂 While I do appreciate the message; I couldn’t quit laughing. Thank you, Tony, for sharing this message!


      1. He had me in stiches. I had a mouth full of coffee when I opened that, and I struggled to get it down my gullet as opposed to all over my 3rd or 4th keyboard now since I started WHA.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. There’s another Harlem preacher that tore in to his congregation and its “uppity blackness” and how there wasn’t the remains of a single civilization in Africa anywhere. What the hell did they have to be proud of as group according to him?

          Liked by 1 person

  45. The Vatican scammers got scammed Rope the Dope Pope?

    Pope ‘secretly allowed investigators to bug London broker’s telephone’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11045583/Pope-secretly-allowed-investigators-bug-telephone-belonging-London-based-financial-broker.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Rishi and Liz at war over China: Sir Iain Duncan Smith ‘surprised’ he claims to be tough on Beijing | Daily Mail Online

    Fake Tosser posing as WEF owned Slimy Sunak sells out to China.

    Larissa, three months of torture in the SBU dungeons in Kharkov – Donbass Insider

    Read and think.

    A very sad story, repeated many a time. Europe will one day soon find that the same perps who undertook such bizarre behavior towards their own people will flee to Western Europe with the same ingrained mentality. This will add greatly to the cost of refugees. And this is no different than what has happened before many a time. Spoke to a Syrian refugee who had a harrowing tale of escape via Kuwait as result of a war no one wanted.
    Today the youth of Ukraine are mandated to go to youth camps to be indoctrinated just like Hitler did to German youth. Did anyone factor the upcoming social and economic cost of such youth?
    Sometimes one does wonder tragedies can continue to painted as just when so many people are displaced or killed.



  46. ….Biotech is being seriously investigated as a means of broad social control on a global scale. This isn’t just to achieve military objectives. This is the redefinition of basic sociopolitical activity on this planet as something subject to unprecedented, clandestine military action, using a novel paradigm that has seen very little coverage in the media.

    This is the story of the century. There should be dozens of investigative journalists digging into the implications of the neuroweapon paradigm and the capacity of modern bionanotechnology to strip human agency and privacy rights away. Where are they? I can’t be the only one who’s seeing this and is shocked by the implications.

    The New World Order want to have people’s bodies monitored and manipulated, to make sure they’re incapable of dissent, to manipulate their systems of value, their agency and autonomy, and so on. I mean, none of this is new, even. Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote frankly about the intentions of the Overclass fifty years ago, to manipulate people’s minds and bodies and create a controlled serf caste. This stuff has been decades in the making. They were seriously considering it before the technology to do it even existed. And yet, very few people are speaking out on any of this.

    This matter needs to be brought up, constantly, with friends and family, until people finally understand that—hey—this isn’t science fiction. This is reality. They’re really doing this to us.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Vaccines are only the advance markers Tino. Softening up Plebs Compliance.
      Once adjusted to taking the shots as directed, the regularity can be built up and become the Plebs norm. Like mass produced Farm Turkeys, then they will swallow anything fed. Selection of, and reprogramming of the masses will advance. As is now.
      Then it becomes a refined and pre- planned agenda. Selection for enhancing, or markers for disposing. Graded Stocktakes. It IS Personal. Cattle farming. Selective processing. Evolution is the primary solution. But selective only. Selective enhancements, and screened garbage disposal. it’s long in planning but incoming. Jabbed by design. Grading the Swine. The Fickle will swallow – anything.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks. Agree 110%. Not my original thought. The post was lifted from Spartacast 3.


        Liked by 1 person

  47. Like

  48. Shove it where the sun don’t shine. Good for them. Keep up the resistance kids. Hamper them at every turn. Remember, even if you fail and take a fine, while they were wasting time with you others slipped thru the net. Make the work for it.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. Stop the hysteria on BA.5. No crisis. Nada. None. Zip. Butkus. IFR about half the regular flu.

    Take it from the hospitals involved.



  50. Laura Aboli: “The war on food is part of the larger war to conquer the world. It is now patently obvious that it is an intentional attack.”

    Great article…



    1. Add Water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  51. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/caught-michigan-news-channel-posts-results-primary-election-not-another-week/

    CAUGHT: Michigan News Channel Posts Results to Republican Primary Election — That’s Not Until Next Week!!


  52. COVID-19 Jab Does Not Work. Here’s Why

    We are seeing the ECB. Euro, EU and WEF all appoaching potential collapse. It just needs Germanys people , Italys too, to say enough and follow the UK to withdraw and the whole pack of crooked cards comes down. ,

    Subject: ECB’s Long Journey Into Currency Collapse Just Got A Lot Shorter | ZeroHedge

    Trust what is evolving ready to march once cleared. .We KNOW!

    Read this carefully to understand not the problem but the opportunity.

    For years this bloated bureaucracy called the EU has dictated to counties over their sovereignty. The ECB is a paper tiger who by dictation buys the debt of nations who lost their ability to find arm’s length buyers for their debt and in many cases can never repay the toxic pile accumulated by the ECB.

    So quite contrary to to Klaus and his many minions wanting a reset to give themselves absolute control there is another possibility. What if a country or two days says enough and walks, leaving the ECB stuck with worthless paper debt accumulated over time? Imagine a Italy saying “” piss off “ and returning to the Lira or Hungary. Solvency at the expense of the ECB takes on new definition. Because there national currency has greater value than the Euro by comparison. If London figures this out the forex crowd will realize the opportunity to recapitalize the British banking system at the expense of the EU and the ECB. All the globalized crowd of Klaus and company have is paper backed by air and dictate without any real public support. Rumor is he does not sleep well, imagining a pirate vessel on the horizon. Like Zelensky his days are numbered as is the farce of Central Banks the way they are structured. Nor are Central Bank Digital Currencies the solution as in the case of the ECB they are worthless. So why should anyone exchange their labor for a worthless coin? Revolution comes by far less a effort.
    The future may well be quite different than is planned.

    The Appian way so they stay away!

    This ever Whining Ginger Minger and his buckle nosed Mongrel Markel, will stoop to anything to grasp their grubby dollars.
    He constantly betrays his family and country. C!. He and the Bolter, are 2 low lifes money grubbing at any price. Shallow, low, each a Media Ho.
    He will not be forgiven, Traitor, whining Welp. Weak Ginger Minger and when she’s done with you as she will be, don’t come back. 2 despicable Rhodents.
    What a Tosser! When failing Net Pricks realise they have no market, they will get tossed as Tossers do! A disgusting pair.
    Prince Harry’s memoir ‘has been written and signed off by lawyers’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11044715/Prince-Harrys-bombshell-memoir-manuscript-finished-signed-lawyers.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Re: The Appian way so they stay away!

      “Looking squarely ahead, brave and joyous, at the world. The squads march to work. All that matters to us now is Via Appia. It is our destiny. That’s why we’ve become one with Via Appia in no time at all. We know only the word of our Commander. We know only obedience and duty. We want to serve, to go on serving until a little luck smiles on us again. Hurray!”



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  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This, from a woman who asked if NASA could drive a Mars rover to where Neil Armstrong first walked on the Moon.


    1. And let’s not forget the Congresscritter that thought Guam would tip over. The patience of the Admiral testifying that day was a sight to behold.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Or the Elders of whom some seriously think that moving AU to London to Credit Line and trade for Income will tip over the planet. These are realities we face weekly. Leaders? Who screens them? We have to reason with Low Lobes.


  55. Vox Day says it all at once

    Three young Canadian doctors die just days after their hospital begins administering Vaxx Take Four

    Dates of death: July 17, 18, 20.

    Look at how close together the dates are! All three died in a 3 day period just days after they gave the 4th shot. All are young doctors. You can see from their pictures. All three at Trillium Health in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

    One can’t exactly say that it’s a pity, much less a tragedy. No one deserves to experience the fullness of the Vaxxine Experience more than medical doctors, except, of course, for those who were responsible for making, selling, and mandating the Covid not-vaccines.

    And while we don’t know it was the vaxx… it was the vaxx.

    Depopulation was the goal from the start and the globalists are now openly waging war on fertilizer and human fertility alike. And if you still can’t see that, well, you’re simply not very smart.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Depopulation Tino will become self- serving. If WEF succeeds then God help you all. The will to slash by Billions is strong. We have destroyed the Atlantic ocean floors and plastic pollution floats everywhere.
      Thinks Tanks concur we can’t afford growing Social Welfare costs or excessive growing Non Contributors.
      Bush 41 called it ” Useless Eaters” so who acts on it?
      There is No Money. The drain is not a bottomless pit. What was evolving in the Labs of Ukraine following Wuhan?
      How many more are tasked and funded? Who wishes to reduce the Zoo?


      1. We have done nothing of the sort to the Atlantic Ocean floors. Nor does it matter, as sediment will cover it in a couple years and that’s that. Which adviser writes these reports? Fire him.

        The denominator in all these cases (either area or volumes) is so goddam large that it is the veritable tempest in a teapot. Is there plastic, is it floating and are there a couple Sargasso seas of it. Sure. Is it collectable and disposable and recyclable. Sure. Tragedy of the commons, a well known economic condition, is the reason it sits floating. Is it an “environmental catastrophe”? Only in an extremely limited sense. If you want it picked up, add a flat fee to all plastic product, and pay a righteous sum per ton of plastic returned to shore.

        There is, and remains, no issue whatsoever, with having billions on the planet. The planet can comfortably support 15 to 20 billion if need be. The problem, if it is a problem, the sociopaths can’t manage that number because absent force and coercion they have nothing to contribute. The fact the sociopaths consider it a problem is only because there is a heave-ho of the sociopaths into the dustbin of history coming.

        The Think Tanks are not places of independent thought. You will never, ever get a solution out of reports by shallow minds. When put to the test (pandemic) they came up with useless anti-human ideas that were destructive of people and economy. The idiocy of course reaches comic proportions the more academic the place. See our volcano tsunami exchange.

        Additionally, the economy as it is presently run, is in a performance coffin corner due to over-control and over-regulation. The solution is obvious but will never be allowed because it would mean freedom for everyone and an end to sociopathic dreams.

        Of course, they will fight to the bitter end and still end up here:

        Liked by 2 people

  56. Hi. Just thought I would let those who knew Arizona that her husband recently passed away.


    1. Deepest condolences to Arizona. RIP.



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  58. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And those money grubbers just keep on grubbin’.


    1. Say No and G F yourselves.


  59. Sorry Munich it will slow up next time.

    Woman, 73, is impaled by 100-pound SAILFISH that leapt from the ocean https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11044115/Maryland-woman-73-impaled-groin-100-pound-SAILFISH-leapt-ocean.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Top 10 Cryptocurrencies to Buy Before 2023 to Get Rich

    British holidaymakers ‘should shun France if they’re not welcomed’


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