White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform


Information Briefing #180

From Evolution to Revolution. Will The Pending Global Settlements Save Mankind In Time?

The GS is a dichotomy and we need to avail ourselves of its potential for real changes. But perspicacious, malignant interests seek only to corral power towards the vested interests of tribal banking Zionism and the Communist WEF. They will derail it before they will avail freedom for all. We seek to keep you all free.

Unfolding around us and before us, is a Political takeover of our Representative Houses by Dark Forces with malignant intent. It’s not just the deranged and predatory WEF, who openly advocate an intent to sequestrate all, but the sheer scale of Governing powers penetrated by the Davos Assembly, and the Shadow Ringmasters behind them.

As the UK is now in Political freefall, Sunak is a committed WEF attendee, inexperienced in any Corporate Governance, unleashed among a motley bunch of typical mediocrities engulfing Politics today. Merkel homogenized Germany. Its very Soul sold to madcap Socialism. The Hapsburgs were sunk by a Merkelberg.

 The G7 mandate to go Cashless, will leave you powerless and your very families both bereft of assets, beholden to the dictates of Communist aspirations beyond your worst fears. Enlightened minds are traumatized as the Sheeple Sleep. 

The Bidens, BLM, Woke and the Cabal Agencies, bowing to the Pied Pipers of Israel, are dismantling America, along with Zionists gutting it all from the inside. The Jews virtually own all. Bloodsuckers!  You gave them a ‘Safe Haven’; they ensnared you all as Goyim to be taken. Contemptible. Still you sleep. Brain dead. This new ideology is designed to seize, at will, all you hold, with no Court of Appeal. Just to steal. 

The Mother of Parliaments is imploding. The EU is a Socialist quagmire. A collective failed Superstate. Zionists and Israeli Oligarchs have unleased Energy consequences which threaten to implode and freeze economies. Is the West Lost? 

BRICS is coming. With it, the power to face and take down America. The new America bereft of its Buck, who do you think will give a F? Hegemonies bill is coming home. Not Saving Private Ryan, but a Ravaged America Crying. 

Can we use the pending GS to settle and save Mankind from this kind? Be assured from London it is so intended. Have you seen, or realized, what is unfolding around us? Around you?

But, as the acting British Presidency of the G7 nations, Sunak announced yesterday the intent for Banks to progress with CBDCs, allowing Banks to control and manipulate it all. Corrosive chicanery at work again. Sunak is a WEF puppet. So there is little hope of  Democratic integrity there. Left under the auspices of the WEF, and NWO, we are seeing new Pied Pipers leading you all into oblivion. This does not augur well for Mankind. Sunak is a pre-patented WEF Mole, lacking in the real ethos of Soul, instead being the cheaply made deviant R version.  Soros will be one of his handlers in the Turd Chain of the WEF. But, so was Johnson. Why on earth is there such a dearth of integrity? Politics has lost all meaning today, and lost its way. Parliament, the Mother of all Democratic Debating Houses, is in need of serious deep Delousing. Physicians first heal thyselves.

Truss, having only served in office  for 7 weeks and failed, is now availing herself of an unearned and unmerited PM’s Tax Free Pension of £150K a year for life. By such are we ruled.  Unreal vacuous varmints, the lot. I give you the Bidens, Orange Grifter Shrek Trump, the Commie Fake Kenyan, the loathsome Clintons and ever treasonous Bushes.  Where is hope when each deserves the Rope?  

We are under DAILY attack by NWO conspirators, Zionist Bankers, and out-of-control Illegals supported by Soros and his like type Rodents.  Political leaders are in free fall as Democracy fails. Indifference will lose all.

“The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.”

“What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world.”

The American Hebrew, September, 1920

The UK Mother of Parliaments , the House of Commons, is under attack and losing all Democracy. 8 known WEF MP member supporters, lobbied the hell out of MPs to hold off a free vote for Maudant to get Sunak instead in. 

Sunak is a WEF Clone. As his is Father in Law, his primary money source. He’s a Puppet on many strings. Sunak’s Father in Law runs his business operations via Moscow. Russian Mafia territory. Compromised to Hell. The stable lead from the Mother of Parliaments is being dismantled as the WEF and NWO Conspirators take control. Unreal.  As with the US, where is Security now? No Vetting?

We never more needed a tribe of Cannibals with a taste for an Indian.

Rome fell to the Vandals inside. China fell to Genghis Khan and his marauders once allowed inside.  They built the wall to stop it again. 

America fell to the Jews and Zionists. Parliament is failing and falling.  It is appalling.  The EU is falling. Hope will die with the WEF lie.  They will take everything and leave you with nothing. As Zionists have done to America. 

Let’s be clear. With the planned population reductions and asset seizure intentions of the WEF to enslave you all, (and the 6,000 year’s history of the old, depraved Tribal Temple money changers, cross bred with the murdering Genghis Khans Khazarian plains marauders, assimilating as Fake Jews), a new and Vile Rodent Species of  Zionist Assimilating “Jews” takes all with no compassion or mercy. They have only contempt for the Goyim, viewed as cattle to be harvested. Low worth animals. 

Seen On Israeli TV

History repeats itself in cycles and we still never learn. Old Empires are ending, and with it, new Leaders. New Empires emerge, rise, and old ones always fail. Look at Global Demographics. Whether religious, racial, or US Hegemony promoting self benefitting Capitalism, until now. Empires foundered, lost by failing resources, or emerging Barbarian internal anarchy. And along this same model, the West is in trouble again. Bad trouble. Zionism has sucked America dry and still they are asleep. Corruption, Socialism and Zionism has thrived but serving only its own Elites. Now the Reaper arrives with the price. How do YOU position to be safe?

But worse. There is now a blatant war unfolding between China which covets America, Russia who seeks to derail the EU, and the WEF, who if left to their devices, aspires to enslave Humanity itself, grabbing all assets for its new Cabal, and even seizing their very Souls. The WEF, like the Zionists, seek to aggregate all. Our Sovereign Right to Be Free, is now under attack again. Enslaving all is ugly. Will we ever learn?  The WEF and Zionism are each as pernicious and ugly. For Human kind, a Death Sentence under Despots. Each needs to be stopped! The Sheeple line up for their Vaccines, and are Tax Sheared of all assets. The Treasury and Fed are a fiercely guarded, bloodsucking Zionist and Jewish Conclave, Goyim denied.

Look how they violate and mutilate Palestinians and neighbors. A truly corrupt sub-species of humanity.  They know the petrodollar is dying, and are bailing. As ever, the sinking ship and Rats.

But, even they have their own new worries developing. Advanced Iranian rockets being field tested now by Russia are in use attacking Ukraine, and are helping Iran to logistically increase their destructive power, refining telemetry and distance testing, ready for war with Israel. As China also readies its own forces for Taiwan. Change is coming. Armed force. The will of Xi will not be stopped. A new Ming the Merciless. While America has minger Biden loose, Diaperless.

Havoc is now emerging in the West. First to the life belts as usual, are the Zio Sewer Rats. The smell of Gold, always the Rats arrived. 6,000 years of this pestilence.

Mindless, unaffordable energy scams, racketeering by Oil Moguls, Despot Sheiks and Futures City Slickers Ripoff Racketeering, is no future for Humankind. Their greed, if left unchecked, will cripple the world. Where are our Leaders? All face turmoil and chaos. Bankers ever-scamming. 

Our world, our desperate people, need help and good Leaders to stop these Free Feeding Vultures. That will be a first. 

Energy bills of $4K to $10K are about to hit our homes. Pure, unjustified Greed. It’s not just Russia, it’s greedy opportunists. How many poor Souls will now needlessly die? Retirees and the poor just don’t have it. Nor do they deserve this. Slam Futures Traders and Price Limit suppliers. 

Sending in the Marines with brass knuckle dusters, to Corporates, Despotic Sheiks and Vulture Funds, will soon put manners on these slick, syphoning, opportunist Bastards. They are ugly. Second only to Politicos.  What TF anger response would soon change the ways of the City of London and Wall Street if nobbled hard by controls, and impacted by brass knuckles. Preservation-Of-Societies. Freedom starts by protecting Ours.   Winter is incoming fast. As will be food and heating deprivation. A war on humanity will decimate Human kind. We are not ready.  These reckless prices are simply unaffordable and not justified.  Allowing Arabs to cut back production by 2m barrels a day, creates a false shortfall and exacerbates price racketeering, bringing Arabs vast unearned profits and bringing Hell to those so much in need. We do nothing. Fat Cats don’t care. 

Never mind us funding more of their Whores, it’s time to line up our Gunboats along their shores. As we created and ordained the House of Saud, we can take it away if our voice is loud. 

Don’t Racketeer with our lives. 

Never before, in the history of our Human (Questionable status for some!) history, have we been so close to true Nuclear Armageddon. Abject incompetence rules. Lions led by Mules or Grifters. 

Xi stands head and shoulders beyond all of them so far, even with stressed “Commercial Communism.” He still has a grip on control. They have a grip, a plan, and it’s working for them. 

Xi Jinping Consolidates Power And Plans For The Future, While The West Worries About Mis-Gendering

The EU is a Ship of Fools, fast running aground. The WEF opines as it covets the assets of Swine. Even to its Disneyland comic suits,  America has been ungluing for decades, they have no planning and no fallback. Just “My Lick!”

What is coming next –  At You? Banks, the Fed and Central Banks, have self created their own oblivion. Never more have we needed the rebalancing of Global nations sensitive economies, and an equitable balancing of resources and Risk/Reward management. Fairer divisions and Respect for Caregivers. Human, and Human values. In short, the very ethos of the GS.  

Sadly, the masses are Clueless of what is evolving. Illiterate of reality, or even capable of comprehending their own plight. Gobbling Turkeys who can see only the feed bowl. None think. We have sunk to this. Basket case Banana Republics where Graft and Chicanery rules.  An Autocracy built of Mediocrity. The US totters towards economic oblivion and melt down. The long forewarned dangers of the Military Industrial Cabal, were prophetic, and exposing a vast, Monolithic Empire of Contractors bleeding the life blood out of an entrapped Domestic population, escalating out of control towards a possible face off with China is pending destruction of our planet.  It’s NOT OK, it’s our world. For all to share.  

If the Earth is an incubating world for the emerging Souls of all Mankind, what will it take to make it Fit for Purpose for all of Humankind? 

No Leaders of Standing are Standing Up for Justice. Just Their Enlarged Rice Bowls. Road kill with Road Runner approaching. 

Russia and China’s vote is cast. Ukraine and Taiwan, or a Nuclear blast. Titanic, sails blind again. What Destiny if this Nuclear Genie Breaks Free? Israel’s Armageddon Destiny?

Be ready for anything. There are no assurances of any particular outcome.

Stay tuned for more news concerning the GS as is possible.

Thank you!


1,205 responses to “Information Briefing #180”

  1. Crypto exchange/wallet Blockfi suspends withdrawls. I can’t say it enough, get a hardware wallet and learn how to use it. This is gonna get bumpy. https://twitter.com/BlockFi/status/1590875997351866368?s=20


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    While chronically picking and wiping his nose, and a quick eyebrow groom, Seminar Dave claims that trillions of dollars will be released to humanity…but only after everything collapses. Everything is ready to go but they won’t publicly release a date ahead of time (so wait for the collapse so you can get your funds to spend on whatever is left after riots and mayhem destroy it all). China is ready but the USA is not ready (I guess they are waiting for the collapse).

    He cites such stellar sources as Ben Fulford (who has been missing cabal-death predictions for years), Simon Parks, and the Palladian woman. And he continues to refer to MI6 as M-1-6. Fulford says Musk is a “Satan worshiper”. LOL

    He says your $310 in dong purchases (from him) will get you $7.5M. I hope he has his securities license since making public pronouncements of return on capital requires it in the USA. (Remember he already got called out on the Meta1 matter and spent time in jail on a contempt order after telling a Federal judge that he (Schmidt) was “sovereign”).

    He then goes into the most ridiculous gibberish about crypto currencies that is painfully hard to watch. It’s so tiresome, really. He actually said Bitcoin went down over 500% in the last year. That means BTC would be at a price of -$272,000. What?? Actually, Dave, it’s down about 75% from the high last year. If you are going to consult people on crypto, start with learning how to use a calculator. BTC has NOTHING to do with macro economic forecasting or prediction either.

    So, let’s celebrate the pending total collapse. I’ve never wished for chaos and destruction so badly! You will be responsible for sharing your dong money with millions and millions of others who will be roaming the lands among the detritus of the collapse. Kind of like a “Trick or Treat!” but where you hand out cash instead of tootsie rolls. And of course, those door knockers won’t be armed in the midst of a financial collapse now, right? LOL

    You be the judge about what you just watched.


    1. This low grade fool would not get past 10 minutes with the Dragon families. A Fantasist like the drug ridden Foden.
      * It IS illegal to solicit funds with the misleading naive promises he is making to expedit false Dong sales. All fabricated fantasies.
      Among his * Blathering* he claims representation with the Elders. Not True!
      He Claims involvement with M1. Not true. M1 is a derailed Indonesian getting nowhere.
      He makes audacious claims of Hong Kong. HK has no such money or power. Fact!
      Now he’s into the Palladians. Fantasy!
      This limp brained man is out with the Fairies.
      He is asset stripping desperate families. Fake promises.
      He, and his Cohorts, have no idea how it all works. The Kennedy.M! contract was all reneged on and is today derailed.The funds HAVE been looted and squandered. No such liquid assets exist, Nor Will!
      Foden and the Cabal? Whakkie Backie and power up his nose jobs.
      He rambles about the election. Have you seen the scale of Postal votes again. Hello?
      Rigged electronic counting. Old news. Nothing is ever done.
      BRICS is the doorway to all of this, and will take time.
      Texas is a Fake Brokers blow job. Stay clear.
      He quotes the Lizard People fantasist Another Nutter.
      This is a chain of Limp Brains seeking your money. Lunatic Brokers.
      China owns Vietnam and will never allow the Dong to mass appreciate and bankrupt its industries by making its Exports unbuyable.
      Look at the video.A cluttered basement dweller free loading on the desperate and gullible.
      How are they going to back a new US Treasury Dollar? With what?
      Flakes and Fakes, the lot. Steer clear.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. First time seeing a pilot land a plane after spending almost 15 years travelling for work. Looks pretty cool.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      She can land on me anytime.


      1. A pretty distraction from other serious topics wouldn’t hurt. 😀


    2. You mean sit on your gear stick?
      10M more also wish Lol


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  5. Like

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  6. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    They actually think it was cool.


  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Yet the groomers go untouched for fears of racism accusations against police if they move on them.


    1. This is about scaring people into doing what you are told… do not question just follow and submit!… all in the name of safety and health… your GOV knows what is best for you!


  9. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  10. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  12. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    A heroic cop named Zachary Rutherford saved a young White woman from being murdered by a knife-wielding Black criminal in Baltimore.

    Incredible shooting and incredibly lucky that the woman was physically unharmed.

    Tyree Moorehead, the now-deceased attacker, was convicted of murder when he was 15.

    The mainstream media has described (https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/father-of-anti-violence-activist-tyree-moorehead-speaks-after-son-shot-killed-by-baltimore-police/) Moorehead as an “anti-violence activist” who was “shot and killed by Baltimore police,” deceptively implying that the police shot him for his “anti-violence” activities.

    Moorehead’s father claimed that the shooting was “overkill” and the NAACP claimed that Moorehead was “experiencing a mental health crisis.” Leftists are calling the cop a “racist murderer.”

    Of course they are. Low IQs often can’t discern. What about the girl with the butcher knife to her head?

    The pussified cuck media won’t show this video in full, but we will.

    Shooting was justified. End of story.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bred for the job sadly. Plantation mentality. How many more. Who left the Zoo cages open?


  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Everyone want’s a piece of the action.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  15. Iran has built a hypersonic missile, top general claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11412319/Iran-built-hypersonic-missile-general-claims.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    A huge Yes for these ruthless, predatory Khazarian bastards posing as Israeli Jews. Its coming and payback..
    Now we just raise Woke

    The Guardian: Russia-Ukraine war live news: Kyiv wary of Moscow’s retreat from Kherson; US general estimates 100,000 Russian military casualties.
    Putin is missing G20 in Bali ‘because he fears being ASSASSINATED’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11412393/Putin-missing-G20-Bali-fears-ASSASSINATED.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    As he should. How many hundreds thousand people are dead because of this ruthless Moscow gang master and his Thugs? As he should. A bullet is too good and he knows it. He’s way beyond redemption. Karma awaits.


  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  17. Official figures published by the UK Government confirm 1 in every 310 people who received a third dose of the Covid-19 injection in England by 31st December 2021, sadly died within 48 days.

    Why have you not drawn-and-quartered your Medical Leaders? Is the joker who banned hydroxy and other effective drugs still at his job?

    Remember, the standard of an effectively safe vaxx is a death rate of 1 per million…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tino

      1. That is NOT publicly revealed and the MSM, as ever, fails to do its job.
      2. We clearly gave too many Wogs a bypass.
      3. Have you see today what passes as a Government here? WEF Flunkies, even now reaching to half wit King Charles. He’s NOT my King! Not his loose woman MIstress Family wrecking Queen Consort. How the mighty, and standards, have fallen.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I appreciate the plug but we are here.


      1. Lol!!! Sorry Tony. Clearly a cut and paste error on my part.

        Liked by 1 person

  19. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LMFAO 😆🤣


  20. Bitcoin has fallen to a 2 year low.


  21. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Seminar Dave says, in his opinion, the old system will have to collapse before the “new one” along with his “private dong exchange” can come forward. If Armstrong’s model is accurate, his seminar attendees will be waiting a long, long time before they get paid.

    It’s all so tiresome.


  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Spot on.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I would like to add to that list if I may, esp. after what has just happened to the FTX exchange and all related to it. 7) Not your keys, not your crypto(get a hardware wallet and learn to use it) 8) Don’t lend or put your crypto on any loan or interest site, if they have your crypto it is by law on their books if something goes wrong.9) Don’t leave your crypto on an exchange. I don’t trust web based wallets either, too easy to hack.10) If you do trade or sell, set aside taxes immediately.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Good points, Dennis.

        I have some of my holdings in Blockchain.com and have been secure there for years. They don’t hold keys. One would have to be very sloppy to be hacked there as there are significant layers of security which must be overcome to get away with such. But it is true that hardware wallets are the most secure. Exodus is also good as they do not hold keys either and a recovery phrase is generated which would be impossible to hack unless the holder is a total moron and leaves such information where a third party can see it.

        So far I have not received any reports from any WHA readers who claimed to have been robbed. So, good work all of you.

        And yes, keep your coin/tokens off of exchanges. Big no-no.

        More comments on the market on Friday.

        Liked by 1 person

  23. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Probably still the smartest one of the lot.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    In war, it’s never angels fighting angels.


    1. The German GOV is a POS!


  25. Financial Times: Donald Trump’s comeback hopes dealt setback as Ron DeSantis steals limelight.

    Good, go for it America does not need more Jewish criminals released for bribes he’s a disgusting Pig of a man..
    deSantis needs to distance himself from that Grifting Crock.
    Decrypt: Over $344 Million Liquidated as Bitcoin, Ethereum Continue to Drop.
    The battle goes on

    Subject: The Truth About Ivermectin Miracle Drug Against COVID

    Makes you wonder how many people could have avoided the dysfunctional last 2 years if this was mainstream, and how many continue to suffer consequences of not making this widespread acceptability.
    “You Have Got To BE PREPARED For What’s Coming…” | Jordan Peterson 2022 – YouTube

    Worth listening to. I fear for our Allies all over Europe and America too.
    How have we got to this mess?

    An American nightmare coming home.

    Is The Love of Money and War is the Root Of All Evil? – A Son of the New American Revolution

    A truly pessimistic look at reality and why things must change before it is too late to avoid a wrong war.

    The Ukranian Israeli Jews will even steal your shoes.

    Ukraine Invokes “Wartime” Laws And Seizes Major Companies | SHTF Plan

    When did seizure or private property become democratic? Does anyone believe that such assets will not be sold in future to fill someone’s pockets??
    Why would any government that claims to be democratic support such a regime?

    This Perp will walk, just like the Bidens.

    Subject: Paul Pelosi break-in shows the Republican Party needs a counterradicalization strategy

    This is dangerous. We need discourse because we need diversity of minds and opinions to challenge our own thinking and perspectives.
    To say such things about people who believe facts or opinions should be welcomed.

    The Americam currency Hegemony is losing ground.
    Wait until BRICS unfolds. Then America will unfold.

    Subject: Turkey Starts Partial Payment In Rubles For Russian Gas | OilPrice.com

    You can bet the Turks will play all sides for advantage as they inch Eastwards in relationships.

    Re: ВЗГЛЯД / В деле о теракте на Крымском мосту появился полковник МИ-6 :: Общество

    Russian intel reports transcribed for you show this mess will hurt when its publicised to BRICS members.

    Ouch! Play with fire and get burned.

    Translation: Former intelligence officer of the United Kingdom Christopher Nigel Donnelly, who is now an adviser to Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, may be involved in the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge. State Duma deputy Andrei Lugovoy (LDPR) writes about this in his Telegram channel, who sent a request to Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov with a request to check Donnelly’s activities for involvement in the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge. “There is a clear British trace in the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge. A carefully thought-out plan of a terrorist operation, multi-movement and coordination – all point to the involvement of Western intelligence agencies acting on the orders of the British government, ”the parliamentarian points out.

    Use GOOGLE to translate the whole piece with juicy details of Mr. Donnelly’s so called “intelligence” and teaching career (in Sandhurst )with specialization in… Russia,

    This clearly is a negative for the UK, if this is proven out. Whatever intel the Russians have will be shared with all BRICS members and the SCO. One can be sure of this.
    Fascinating and scary at the same time

    Russia orders troops to withdraw from occupied Kherson https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11408421/Russia-orders-troops-withdraw-occupied-Kherson.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    A good sign it will save more of these farmyard animals being killed. Russian Pussies. Now no one fears them
    Putin has lost face.


    Trump is a Ho who needs to go.

    Sorry BUT Trump’s hand picked mediocrities is the cause of the GOP failures. No one wants that flatulent Crock pulling strings.


    1. Sorry. That’s wishful thinking that defies the odds. All 73 toss-up races went (D) in a statistically impossible swing. Somehow I think Trump didn’t have much to do with that… from a stats perspective you’ve had another election stolen, that’s all.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Errata: Misreported, *34* races were toss-up. All went (D). That is still a 1 in a billion outcome.


  26. It seems now its down to 4 seats to decide the Senate. They will be focused on vote rigging and fixes. Beyond sad it came down to this. Shit elects shit.
    Never in the Founders days. Is there no respect for history?

    Liked by 1 person

  27. For Munich Girl.

    When you find the animal, think as Field Marshal Blucher would have done. No mercy! None! Those linked also.


  28. When Trump warns De Santis not to run what does that tell us?

    Ignorance- Wants to rule again!
    Shrek does not realise he’s mentally challenged.


  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Congratulations to the idiots in Pennsylvania who elected a moronic Neanderthal to the US Senate, over a medical doctor.

    AOC now has an intellectual equal in the congress.

    I feel like John Wilkes Boothe who said, “Anything to chase away the blues”, when offered drinks after the South surrendered.

    Get ready for massive tax hikes and more illegals. It’s just about over.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think people need to take an IQ test to qualify to vote. So disappointing and Arizona isn’t looking so good at the moment. Can’t sleep. Staying up until the results come in.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The red wave seems not to be happening, the Grunts and Welfare wannabes vote.


      2. Sadly that would disqualify both houses. But maybe no bad thing.


    2. I feel the same way about Oregon. Governors race not called yet. The ENTIRE state voted red but Portland and Eugene and the very northwest tip of oregon. What a sad mess that the states wishes get stifled by those areas every year.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It’s sadly like that in MANY states! The more densly populated BLUE cities somehow amass the vote. Properly ticks me off!!!


  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    They (Senate staff of Paul’s) should hire Tino as an expert consultant.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Elect Paul and support him.

      Liked by 2 people

  31. Election Day in America!

    San Fran DA won’t turn over Pelosi attacker to ICE because of “sanctuary city” status.

    Trump gets massive tune-in live to speech believing he will announce, then let’s everyone know big announcement coming next week.

    Baris will be live on election day for members.

    More than 1200 lawsuits have filed across the nation against vaccine mandates, with more than 800 against employers.

    Ukraine seized more private companies as it becomes a near full-scale fascistic state.

    Feds seized over $3 Billion in crypto related to Silk Road.

    DOJ’s “monitoring the vote” statements trigger response from state officials that cannot include poll watching.

    Early election day votes show massive GOP edge so far.


    1. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/america-first-legal-publishes-litigation-documents-revealing-cdcs-mask-guidance-schoolchildren-motivated-political-polling-rather-science/
      Evidence that the CDC’s mask guideline policies for school children were motivated by political polling rather than science was revealed in the third batch of damning documents obtained by America First Legal (AFL)


  32. Clown world


  33. Apparently Pelosi has announced travel to Egypt for COP27 (some conference).

    The meme going around is “She has to return to the tomb she was was excavated from every few years”

    Liked by 3 people

  34. Suddenly, again, and again…


    1. Hopefully she wasn’t injured in the faint, and hopefully the Docs will work her up and make sure there are no clots/PE… and of course, a full workup of the heart…


      1. Update: She was not injured and the hospital cleared her. No clot. Just a “sudden” faint… OMFG! Sure, healthy women faint randomly all the time!


  35. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    We’re fooked.


    1. Beyond and the Zio filth have done that to you. They will run. The EU does not want them. They are a Pestilence! Human Crabs! Finish the damned job. Use the Appliance of Science. Ukrainian cocktails. Infestations in any nation. They stole your dreams.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. 5 Billion will be switching to BRICS 350M of you will be left for the Zios to screw.
      What part of this train wreck does La La Land not get?
      It’s ALL coming unglued. Then they will bail in you and all you have.
      You are the Goyims in the Zios Zoo
      Germany post WW11. Now soon you? The world is leaving.

      Liked by 1 person

  36. UK Researchers: “Paradoxically, despite the success of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, vaccine confidence has significantly declined since the onset of the pandemic”
    To the surprise of nobody, it turns out that the campaign to increase vaccine uptake via social exclusion, threats, lies and firings has reduced public confidence in vaccination across the board


  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    They had months to prep and check the machines. Now, they are pulling this Marxist crap.


    1. You did not expect it? Funny, the world did.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. It’s happening all over Maricopa County and in some places in NJ… Crazy thing, before the 2020 election I couldn’t name ONE county in AZ and now I know Maricopa all too well!!

      Liked by 1 person

  38. Like

  39. No. No amnesty. Nuremberg 2.0 all the way. Responsible parties must hang.


    1. Sadly there NO Moral and Just Governments Tino. Even less if WEF get their way.
      Systematic failure.


      1. Then we will have to eliminate the opposition thru strategies and variants of “death by a thousand cuts”.


        1. A thousand deaths work better.
          There has to be blood to Blood it all. No reasoning with Wogs or Socialists.


          1. Repeat Guy Fawkes for the WEF and don’t fail!
            Post the GS Tino, we go multi hemisphere and try to re deploy the good Americans to suitable Western nations. They may have to move their Ass and families. Or be eaten by Hottentots.

            Pick the bones out of that? Cooked first?
            Don’t try to flog Dead Whores.


            1. Yep. Travel may definitely be in the future


  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually… if they WIN it will probably be Civil War II 😦


      1. Markel has a car sticker saying she’s voted for them. What better reason not to?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Markel can take a long walk down a short pier for all I care 🙂


  42. Dr. Deborah Birx – who often appeared in front of COVID-19 task force briefings on behalf of the Trump administration – has admitted to doctoring data associated with the government’s response, as well as quietly altering the Centers for Disease Control advice without authorization, according to her own book.


    1. Let’s get her into custody and take our 72 hours to charge her with appropriate crimes…

      Liked by 1 person

    2. manslaughter


  43. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/07/ex-south-korean-leader-plans-give-up-dogs-kim-jong-un?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=news_tab

    They will eat them
    Just Stop Oil eco-zealots blockade key roads across London https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11368187/Just-Stop-Oil-eco-zealots-blockade-key-roads-Central-South-West-London-29th-day-chaos.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Shiba Inu Price Prediction for 2030: Will the Coin Reach


    Just Stop Oil eco-mob spark M25 rush-hour chaos AGAINl https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11402293/Just-Stop-Oil-eco-mob-spark-M25-rush-hour-chaos-scale-gantries-second-day.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton

    Armed force is needed and internment
    Paul Hogan ‘falling apart’, desperately wants to return to Australia https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11400185/Paul-Hogan-falling-apart-desperately-wants-come-home-Australia.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Sad for all
    Russia says it ‘may’ test its Satan-2 missile before end of year https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11402605/Russia-says-test-unstoppable-14-storey-high-Satan-2-missile-end-year.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton

    The Satan missile is devastating
    China will focus on preparing for WAR, Xi Jinping declares https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11403145/China-focus-preparing-WAR-Xi-Jinping-declares.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton

    Sadly this is reality

    This one will catch you.

    The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning. – Santa Monica Observer

    Weird folks. Why is he not in jail?

    Disgusting low lifes.

    Paul Pelosi charged with possession of child porn as #MemorialDay trends

    Are all Democrats drug users?
    Crazy stuff if true as to how and why they are in office.

    What´s Really in the Covid “Vaccines” ‣ Dr Mark Trozzi


    Crazy stuff

    Polls OPEN on Election Day as Americans decide who controls Congress https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11403485/Polls-OPEN-East-Coast-whats-expected-blowout-Election-Day-Republicans.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    How many fake votes can the democrats and Russians squeeze through and still claim it’s credible?
    Walk the walk

    How to keep your heart healthy


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      That would keep my hard healthy alright.


      1. Did you mean to say heart, beyond LOl


          1. I will start billing for keyboards soon…

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Lol Tony. Sigh – Youth and Beauty.


  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    No longer seen? All the previous crypto-boogerman talk was just talk. Now they will cheer it on so Wall St can enter with a clear moral high ground. With trillions of dollars of potential new fee-based business to tap into, they will not pass up that sugar teat.

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Merle Haggard – Are the Good Times Really Over (I Wish a Buck Was Still Silver)


  46. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Trump v. Clinton 2024?


    1. What a circus! Deja vu? Anyway, Trump is coming back. Me thinks


      1. Funny is she trounces him the shame will kill him.
        Also, unlike Trump Clinton has a brain albeit warped and would use WH power tp take him apart.
        It’s like electing a female Lex Luther. If she gets in Trump will see his fat Arse.


      2. Trump is definitely not perfect but for sure much better than what we currently have right now. I think we may have hit the bottom with this president.

        Liked by 1 person

  47. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. And how did it end up?


    1. Sadly our Police are useless.


  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  52. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    4chan reports Russians attacked British sub in their waters. Then, this.

    Hope it’s not true.


    1. Loved it

      Liked by 1 person

      1. One Billion to go.


    2. That was so… Darwinian.

      Saving grace, given the power and current involved, death arrived in microseconds. He didn’t suffer.


  53. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  54. “”Scientists tracking climate change have found Europe is seeing temperatures increase at more than twice the global average, and is experiencing a rate of warming higher than any continent on the planet.””

    In two words: horse manure

    The idea that Europe, as a big chunk of the globe, can increase or has increased, except as a statistical accident, twice the global average, is a thermodynamic impossibility. You see, there is this pesky thing called the atmosphere, and this other pesky thing called the ocean, and the heat WILL get moved around. The more interesting thing is where the goddam extra heat is coming from? So, in the absence of aliens and space mirrors and volcano’s it sure ain’t coming from the Sun. That leaves corrupted data, manipulated data, systematic error and plain lying. You pick.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. No hiding for a Biden

    Subject: Hunter Biden’s Secret $40 Million In Russia – GreatGameIndia

    Talk about democratic privilege. Where is justice ??

    ‘BIDEN SOLD US’ Marco Rubio leaves Biden STUNNED with ‘China money’ DIRTY…witness admits all – YouTube
    Biden the Bushes, Clinton, Obama and Trump. Treacherous Bastards the lot! .

    If Hunter is ever charged then Biden will go down as well . … money greases many hands

    Shock Swiss Study Shows All COVID Vaccine Recipients Have Some Heart Damage | Fellow American Daily

    What have they done????????????

    My goodness what had been done to society at large ?

    Record Surge of Infections in Children

    Scary stuff, Childs do not need these shots.

    Video that touches on human existence and its; struggle through centuries to find peace on the path of life.

    Xi Jinping May Invade Taiwan to Shift Blame for Economic Turmoil: China Economic Analyst
    Believe it.

    With real estate down $2.4 trillion it is likely the whole place is under water meaning a correction that will send many ripples before any invasion of Taiwan . A sign of reality is that those who can are getting out

    Is the Paul Pelosi Story the New Jussie Smollett Fraud, or the new Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal? Or Both? – Root For America

    He asks the right questions


    TSA Extends the Ban on Unvaccinated Travelers Entering the US Until Next Year – One of the Last Countries to follow the Guideline Along with China
    Why is it taking so long to expose human filth?

    MASSIVE Ukraine Press Release Exposes Entire Biden Crime Family! – © RTS | Real Truth Seekers’ UNCENSORED Video Platform

    If you did not see this before then watch this as you will learn what the Ukraine is about ..

    ‘World’s most advanced’ humanoid robot Ameca says she’ll have working legs in less than a YEAR, in ‘jaw-dropping’ new video

    The robot – which has been designed by British company Engineered Arts – revealed that engineers are working on ‘prototype legs’ which should be ready within the next year.


    Send her to Tony.
    This young lady says it all in 4 1/2 minutes. And we remain silent

    From Harvard no less.

    Stumbling Towards ‘Principled’ Armageddon | Al Mayadeen English

    German is sick of America. Early steps to leave.

    Good article worth reading to understand how global events are taking place and why. In Germany we are witness to clash of Political puppets like Sholtz being countered by German Industrialists who have shown they are taking charge and no the Neo liberals/ Neocons of DC or the WEF. These industrialists have always maintained their no so secret lines of communication with both Russia and China. Oddly if Germany breaks free it will be because industrialists said no to the balderdash to save themselves and the German people. We will likely see coming clashes over the immigrant problem in days ahead.

    Chinese President Xi To Visit Saudi Arabia By Year-End | ZeroHedge

    The moves to boot America out of the Middle East and shaft the dollar.

    It is all part of paving the way for BRICS membership next spring and decoupling from USD… then what of obscene printing of fiat dollars??? Rumor is that India is holding discussions about national currency payments to boost bilateral trade.
    > https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/chinese-president-xi-visit-saudi-arabia-year-end
    > Chinese President Xi To Visit Saudi Arabia By Year-End

    Liked by 1 person

  56. “The most important video of the year was filmed in 1983”
    ex cia frank snepp describing their disinfo process

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow. Thanks Pete for sharing. Not only can you not believe the news, the fact checking can be flawed as well. Shameful manipulation! Caused the deaths of many and much more chaos.


  57. Now Facebook is planning to fire even more workers than Twitter did:

    Just over a week ago, Meta CFO Dave Wehner confidently stated that the not-so-giant tech firm will basically freeze headcount and limit new hiring…

    With the shares down 36% since then (and is down over 70% this year), something has apparently changed extremely fast.

    The Wall Street Journal reports that, according to people familiar with the matter, Meta is planning to begin large-scale layoffs this week. As of the last earnings, Meta had over 87,000 employees (and has never seen a quarterly decline in headcount in its 18 year history)…

    The WSJ sources say that layoffs are expected to affect many thousands of employees and an announcement is planned to come as soon as Wednesday, with company officials having already told employees to cancel non-essential travel beginning this week.


  58. The cumulative info to date shows that all government interventions were a complete and abject failure. The outcome data as measured by death started to rise from the moment interventions began and has continued to rise until the present.

    Millions of lives were not saved. In fact, an elderly selective virus, that had a maximal IFR slightly worse than the flu for the majority, was transformed by governments into a catastrophic medical and economic disaster.

    Metatron ran the numbers. Read the upshot here https://metatron.substack.com/p/no-lives-matter-verdict?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=579085&post_id=83073094&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email


  59. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Iran, India and Saudi will weigh in then so will South America. Russia is already in. America has Japan by the throat, but there are many in the EU who want to see the US and its Fed dollar gone.
      The EU is self serving and duplicitous. It will move to running with both, but once London kicks in big time with large scale BRICS Forex, the dollar scam will then collapse once the Brits pull their finger out of the Fed Dike. You are seeing the start, of the Beginning of the End, for America. NATO is all you will have left . At some stage, as Eurasia develops, which it will, the hemispheres will part. Land locked Eurasia will become one, bound by Trade and Common interest Money rules, even fools. With South America gone to BRICS, the EU co-enjoined with Asia, there is no way the Far East will allow Japan to be a remaining Trojan Horse for America. They will either assimilate,or there will be war and China will annihilate them. Japan will co- enjoin to live. London will co-exist as HK does as Bankers for China, but London will become Bankers to Eurasia as only London has the vast Merchant Banking and Forex it needs. Only London has the Culture to link. Time to think?

      London has centuries of Cultural relationships with the world. America has none. It will profile like an ageing Ho to the new world, and Europe plus Asia will block it out. Self interest will rule. Hegemony will neither be forgotten not forgiven. It will be the final straw for the poke. A Mongrel Dog cut loose as the new Afro Hispanic groups challenge for their Licks, on the ageing carcass on the failing Body Politics of a declining America. As the Vandals looted Rome. so too is it coming for you in the declining States. With only the Culture of a Vulture, how can it survive?
      Those able, need a new Food Table. Thinking time. A new Zoo or go down with the Swine?
      The Afro Hispanic alliances will gorge it bare. What is the future, try to envision despair?
      Mad Max time? Endemic Political corruption is scuttling the Mothership. Does it become a Plague Ship? What a mess. Now the Orange Moron may run again. How far has it all fallen. From the Founders to this Fool. Empires Heh? The UK has recovered and rebounded from the loss of its Empire. The US cannot even conceive of what is profiling. The Zios are your Trojan Horse.

      Liked by 1 person

  60. If you have any crypto on the FTX exchange get it off. I would also get sell any FTT tokens if you have any. Maybe Solana too. A lot of stories swirling around that SBF may be running a Celsius style ponzi with his crypto business. These things happen fast. Get your crypto off of exchanges. I hope it’s nothing, but be safe. https://coingape.com/can-ftx-and-alameda-be-the-next-big-crypto-insolvency/


    1. It will become bad for Germany and many others. The UK had only 2% exposure to Russian energy. Even that we have replaced. Merkel failed to plan. That Commie was a Clown.
      Munich Girl will have to fly to London for Central Heating.

      Jokes apart, real Leadership would result in our expanding North Sea exploration, LNG Tankers and Pipelines coming to your aid and Sharing. Helping our Brother Aryans and Teutonics in times of need.
      Freeze dry the Wogs and burn them as logs. Sorted.
      Once the BRICS GS proceeds a Multi Mult Multi tasking key Elders Chair in London, will reach out to you to rebuild as one, Mother and Fatherlands united, hands across the nations, the Pedo Vatican gone, and Rome rebuilt with us as one. Italian style and culture we need to protect. Respect. Greece also. Each home of the Arts, Culture and Classics. The culture of the Brits will be there for you. Post the GS, as the English post war faced down the Raping Russians to protect you as one, the heart and speed of the UK will be with you. English education, Culture and respect for all of you. As soon as the GS and BRICS Alliance can start, we act. Albeit hugely complex dealing with Special Interests right now, we see all. The eye of the Brits will seal the fate of the so-called Holy See of Rome. Despots snout out. It will remain only as a Museum. Shims gone.
      Post the GS, we will unite as one, those deserving. Borders will be sealed, Wogs returned. Money will talk. Nations will march for change. Europe will unite and fight for each right to be, Free.
      This is way, way bigger than the Gimmes.
      The Soul of Mankind, not the Are Souls of DC or connivery of Tel Aviv. Time to take back, and the Zios sack!

      Liked by 1 person

  61. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 3 people

  62. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Stand by for the accusations of “antisemitism”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Only in upside-down world do we allow an avowed Enemy of the US finance political candidates. Eventually someone with nothing to lose will take the knucklehead out…

      Liked by 1 person

    2. This piece of human excrement mass killed Jews to steal their assets. War criminal who needs to hang.


    3. More power to DeSantis and I hope he has good security. Soros and party will do anything as we have seen.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Bind,Gag and ship Soros to Moscow. As they did with Eichman. Two can play. Soros needs to pay.

        Liked by 1 person

  63. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The struggle is only beginning.


  64. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/11/who_has_really_been_running_our_country.html
    On the day that Joe Biden was sworn into office, he signed dozens of extensively radical executive orders. Then the Biden administration began populating the federal government and the federal Judiciary — including the new Supreme Court vacancy — with hundreds (probably thousands) of the most extreme anti-American people imaginable.

    The administration has re-crafted an enormous number of laws and regulations — often illegally — to push the hard-left, woke, LGBT agendas throughout business, government, education, and society in general. U.S. foreign policy, including the hideous abandonment in Afghanistan and unhinged Ukrainian response, has clearly been coordinated to weaken America and strengthen our enemies. Our military is being emasculated — and proselytized to consider patriotic Americans as the enemy.

    The Biden administration ignores our immigration laws and welcomes millions of illegal aliens to swarm across our southern border, and then methodically ships them to cities across the country (and even gives them cell phones to use).

    The administration’s aggressive “green new deal” is paralyzing our transportation system and causing crippling inflation never seen in this country before. Federal agencies, spearheaded by the Justice Department and FBI, have viciously become weaponized against conservatives, at the same time allowing “Antifa” and other left-wing hoodlum groups to terrorize citizens at will.

    As many have observed, it’s a controlled demolition of America.

    All of this destruction is being attributed by our political establishment to a man with obvious dementia who can barely read through a single sentence on a teleprompter, can’t remember names, and cannot discuss anything of substance.


    1. James,
      Sadly correct and I truly feel for Americans. You’re either suffering from Cabal Rot, Zio trash, or Rubbish like the Biden/ Obama mediocrity. The idea of Trump is unthinkable. An Orange Blimp Shrek. Someone is pulling the plug.


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