White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #181

2022 – Out Of The Chaos Arose More Chaos

I am going to invoke dominus privilegium and personally address you in what will be the last briefing for 2022. These are my words, unless described otherwise.

The year comes to an end, and I am sure there is no need to summarize it here, as all of you are experiencing it firsthand in your daily lives. I am quite sure that depending on how each of you are personally situated, the chaos impacts in very different ways. What is most important is that one learns how to adapt ways and means to survive through it all. And this is certainly not going to be a universal approach for everyone. However you are making your way, I hope you are achieving your goals in doing so, the current malaise notwithstanding.

Let us review a few key areas of interest, and briefly discuss what I would like to achieve next year.

The Global Settlements

For those that don’t know, the World Global Settlements are to be the largest financial transactions in the history of Earth. They are designed to achieve the ethical infusion of off balance sheet Asiatic dynastic wealth into world economies, subject to strict oversight and management, by a core team of trustees, including one of our key site contributors.

As most of our readers know, a serious meeting took place in New York last December, which resulted in a failure to agree on terms for U.S. beneficial access. The U.S. negotiators, we are told, have committed a very serious error in failing to accept terms designed to protect the transactions from earlier acts of treachery that could not be allowed to repeat. Now we are awaiting a possible commencement of these monumentally huge transactions via a BRICS framework, which would leave the U.S. to go it alone to compete with a world seeking to move away from dollar dominance.

We have the good fortune of direct contact with the one entity that key Asiatic dynastic Elders consult with on the GS, who recently said the following in an internal discussion:

The potential net consequences now facing America will be draconian. A multipolar split where America loses all dominance. Nations dropping the petrodollar. Ending global reliance upon SWIFT. The end of energy and core commodities priced in dollars. Global suppliers refusing to sell energy or commodities for worthless dollars, demanding the US pay in alternative currencies, or heavily discounting the dollar. 

We face pension funds becoming insolvent. Banks bailing in from clients’ savings – stealing from you. Pensions being reneged upon and income losses in value of at least 30%.  Soaring gas, home heating, health care and food costs. Food shortages, and the collapse of welfare with riots expected as former recipients revolt. 990 plus US warfare bases shut down with no money. Vast fleets at sea not able to buy fuel, or food, or pay for docking. An air force not able to buy jet fuel.

The US has exported jobs and industries. It’s made the Third World wealthy and America poor. Old mother Hubbard has nothing in the cupboard. The world knows the US is run by whores. 

Is this the new incoming domestic Boston Tea Party where the world says, “Enough!”? 

Yet the illegals keep flooding in and crime rises. D.C. is on the take, and corruption rules fools.

What can go so wrong?  The world is cutting D.C. free!  Losing 75% of the world, what then is America’s destiny? War? WWIII? All lose. 

Rethink and plan out of bail-ins. A bail-out for those who can! It IS coming, and when it does hit it will go like Rome. D.C. is incapable of planning through this. Scam city. Every snout seeking a hand out.

Information and knowledge, now, is everything. We [WHA] are forewarned of so much. Heed it.

We have been repeatedly warned that a BRICS GS release will have potentially detrimental economic effects on the already strained, hyper-inflating USD. As BRICS nations continue to expand, and with their currencies possessing hard metal asset backing, the non-metals backed USD may find itself being supplanted in traditional long standing trade mediums. This could result in a Weimar economic condition in the U.S. I have taken steps to personally prepare for this, and I suggest you research how to protect your portfolios from such deleterious events.

As I would like to think: We are in the right place, at the right time, with the right information, and know the right people who deal with the GS on a daily basis. So our updates on the matter will be right from the source, when possible. I don’t think it could get any better than that.

Tales From The Crypto

Some time ago we added a list of suggested crypto ideas as a courtesy to any readers who wished to avail themselves of it, and we will continue to do so free of charge into 2023.

I continue to point out that this sector is truly terra incognita, and will be subject to very extreme volatility, suitable only for risk capital. Recent events have shown why such warnings were given, and continue to be.

I continue to believe that we have not seen the ultimate highs that are yet to come in future cycles. So the extreme volatility we have seen this year, with prices down where they are, should not be taken as a final capitulation or failure of the industry. Far from it! It is, in essence, the price we will pay for a much larger future payoff, with the ultimate goal of transformational wealth accumulation.

This is a time to cost average your holdings, if right for your circumstances. But one must be careful to choose projects which are well researched and have valid use cases, and not borrow funds to buy them. Our list of suggestions is to guide you if needed. There are thousands of tokens and coins. We have presented only 13 of them to consider.

The Blockchain economy is still very new and struggling to find its legs in a regulatory quagmire of bureaucratic swampiness. But, find them, they will.

We will have to be patient, as I am quite certain that once the regulatory framework is worked out, Wall Street interests will not miss out on fee income they desperately need from offering crypto-based products to their millions of clients with trillions of dollars to invest. Once they build easy, one-click onramps for techno-dunces to use, combined with new generational inherited wealth that surveys revealed is earmarked for this new space, we should see a monumental rise in demand for potentially scarce supplies of BTC and ETH, and the many quality tokens which transact on ERC-20 blockchains, along with BTC-settled ETFs. Only SEC incompetence, scam artists, and current economic malaise have delayed it.

The current price volatility is not due to lack of interest or a defect in the technology. Not even close. Bad, unregulated brokerages, are. But, brokerages and exchanges are not crypto. They are essentially mirrors of old centralized monetary systems which have the Federal Reserve to bail out the scams. Crypto has no such backstop, so bad actors will go down and stay down forever. And that is how it should be. It will strengthen the future players who will be forced to operate with greater transparency in order to win the trust of the smarter money that will demand it. So, you will either offer that transparency, or be brushed aside, and not bailed out.

Commercial interests continue to make plans, and adoption goes on. Along side it, we will have to suffer the impacts of scams, bad actors, bad ideas, economic whipsaws, political incompetence and foot-dragging to get to where I want to see us all arrive – life changing wealth accumulation by being early and being disciplined to know we are early and knowing just what is ahead. It will slow us down, but it will not prevent the inevitable. No forward leap into any technological advancement has ever occurred drenched in the effulgence of perfection.

For now, as I write, my personal view is that prices will continue down for a while longer. The margin calls from the FTX debacle are causing forced selling to cover leveraged bets and other similar stupid gamblers’ folly. This is foolishness by greedy players and we can take advantage of it by adding to our positions at discounts, using cash.

Again, we are early, and accumulation is the game right now. It is common in this space for prices to retreat 90% before firing upwards 5,000% and beyond. If you can just buy and hold, think of what awaits you. But, we may see BTC at $12000 and ETH at $500 before we are back on the trip upwards. Bear markets usually end on a very, very ugly capitulation that is sudden and wipes out the last of the weaklings and leveraged death-loving berserkers. We have not seen that just yet. You’ll know, if and when we do.

For now, we will continue to add new quality ideas as they are researched and vetted. And barring that, there is little need for any change of our particular crypto strategy for 2023.

Plans For 2023

We will continue on with the comment section, made available for sharing of information and general discussions. It’s your forum to bring forth anything you consider important, so please do so.

I continue to appreciate the many valuable contributions made by our regular readers on a very wide array of subject matter, and I am very impressed at the genial, dignified tolerance as others present widely diverse views and opinions.

For 2023, I am going to devote less time to my own comments and more to the new portfolios which I have been working on for some time now. I will not go into details on the final shape of the new ideas, which will be presented for your consideration, but rest assured that very careful planning will be done to navigate the uncertainties ahead in the next year, and make available options for you to take advantage of, if you wish. I feel it is important to offer some tangible value to help survive and hopefully thrive amidst new challenges, and not just talk about them. Some practical application, as opposed to merely the theoretical, so to speak. As always, we cannot and will not give individualized investment advice.

And, if the Global Settlements find an optimum environment to proceed, we will certainly be ready to assist with administrative duties pertaining to any post-release related financial products which may be properly made available to our readers.

From all indications, the next year may present some serious challenges, so as I am always reminding you all: BE READY FOR ANYTHING!

I appreciate you allowing my personal indulgence with this message to you. Thank you all for your participation. We will be back after the 1st of January with a new feature and hopefully a lot more.



Happy Holidays From WHA

627 responses to “Information Briefing #181”

  1. Like

    1. Why is this not a HUGE Media issue? In the UK they would camp outside his home and office. in hundreds!


    1. Like

  2. Let’s see where this goes. After Binance provided a questionable Proof of Reserve audit, if you can even call it that, the run is starting. With 50% of their reserves in Binance coin and Binance USD be diligent.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      At long last, the masses are catching on to the idea of safe self-custody of digital assets.

      Storing such assets in a central hub makes no sense if they are substantial.


  3. Despite Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough, Obstacles Remain – News @ Northeastern

    There’s a lot of hiatus over Nuclear Fusion breakthrough, but real commercial benefits could still be decades away.

    The US achieved a major nuclear fusion breakthrough–but obstacles remain. Here’s why fusion power may still be decades out of reach

    Watch “Audience Were In PERFECT SILENCE When She Performed! BEAUTIFUL!” on YouTube

    My tribute to all the good ladies out there. Quality within matters.
    No life without you.

    The dirt is deep. This is back to our tracking these dirtbags in 2015. All Pigs at the trough and Biden get his lick.

    Clinton’s AGAIN. More Dirt and Clinton Crap. Questionable background for leadership. Pity America.

    Worrying times ahead. Just waves.

    The Spectator: The fall of FTX is just the beginning of the crypto collapse.
    Now here is a Bitcoin upsurge.

    U.Today: Bitcoin Just Surged to $18K. Here’s Why.
    MEP are getting caught in Bribery monitoring.

    The Guardian: Greek MEP stripped of EU vice-president role amid Qatar scandal.
    More positive Crypto updates.

    U.Today: Investors Are Getting Back into Bitcoin at Highest Level in 2 Years.
    Catastrophic Contagion: Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, & The WHO Just Simulated Another Pandemic (Video) » Sons of Liberty Media

    From a Contributor.

    This is complete rubbish!

    The WHO is a bought and paid for organization with no independence of thought or action. It is truly sad to watch how many people and organizations are being bought and paid for, for the purpose of depopulation by the likes of Gates who have never cared for Humanity. If he gave a shit, he would feed the poor with his money instead of trying to feed everyone with insects.

    With mandatory Vaccine Passports now coming now, watch for further restrictions on future travel and work while politicians get greased with money to mandate so called vaccinations with who knows what in them. Your ordinary coveted national Passport will be rendered meaningless for travel. Frankly, it already has been with so called travel restrictions due to vaccine status. Now it will be made permanent. All this noise about travel restrictions in Europe will get far worse next year. Wait until access to bank accounts is tied in to vaccination levels. Why, because it has been discussed and it is only a sense of political fear of being too early, that holds back such action. Canada witnessed what happens when a government decides to tighten the screws on a particular group like the Truckers who saw their bank accounts frozen and public donations were seized or frozen. This was a wake up call to what government can do, and will do. What does this say about citizenship in Western countries? Is the West really saying goodbye to democracy and freedom? Or was this all illusion that some people are waking up to? Is there a point to existence as a slave when one had freedom? These are questions we all need to ask of ourselves before we can no longer ask. It is like watching the nightly news and being told that people are stealing meat from Walmart to feed themselves in America while being told about many ten’s of billions of dollars being wasted in the Ukraine while ordinary Americans are forced to steal to eat. What logic exists in such actions ? Does such actions serve the public good or other interests? Ancient societies be it in Europe or Africa or elsewhere worked in village like settings where no one went hungry unless they all did. What have we learnt about our fellow benevolence?

    I wager that this will be the West’s undoing as the Collective South says PISS OFF and the sun fades on the West. There will be no place for the WHO or Gates or Soros there. George Orwell never quite imagined the insanity we are seeing and experiencing. And then again perhaps he did explaining that the globe would be divided into 3 zones constantly in conflict with one another. Our memories of times prior to COVID are fading into the good old days and new realities and circumstances come to be.

    As we now approach a festive holiday time with friends and family in celebration, we may wish to reflect on what we truly are thankful for and what we want going forward as opposed to what we will be forced to accept otherwise.


    Real Foreign Relations history.

    What I would like to know is where you get one of the coffee cups.
    I think Putin has it about right. I almost fell off my chair when I read his quote.

    “Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon.”
    “The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board and then struts around like it won the game.”

    ~Vladimir Putin
    Wait for new US aggression. Israel covets this.


    Flame throwers, machine guns, armed Drones and hard Internment Camps will sort the Bastards.
    Wake TF up. Parasites!


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Too late…


  4. The mandate IS unconstitutional.

    The religious exemption IS a Right.

    No pregnant woman needs or requires ‘a booster’.

    Your child was murdered thru your ignorance and their malfeasance.

    The vaxx neither prevents infections, nor prevents spread, nor makes illness less severe.


  5. Now, an Issue of real concern for all of us.
    Be VERY CONCERNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    G20 has now approved a GLOBAL Vaccine passport for all. So much for Freedom’s?
    So coming soon, no up to date vaccine passport, No Travel, despite some countries having just cancelled mandatory vaccines for entry. Now it’s back, because the WEF wants World Power and World control. Creeping, nasty World Unitary Power. One World Government fixed by Design. Power- To abuse. No passport Vacs, no Travel. Mandatory. Electronically tagged!
    Now the real issue for me, is the reality of what comes through that door, BECAUSE IT WILL!!!!!!

    1. There clearly is No Regard for Individual Freedoms or Rights. Despite all the misgivings of the Vacs failures, they pull this? Schwarb, Soros,Fauci, Pearly Gates and Co? You are being railroaded. Nazi style. Waking up the masses is hopeless. Headless chickens, almost the lot.

    2, But Far Worse is the Reality Check of What the Hell this lets loose. Without Public pre advice, what will follow behind, without any Public Consultation, or Safety Body Control, will be Virtual Nano Tech Chips incorporated inside the Vacs, and with it all the Mind Warped Life Control or Life Ending, Anal Schwarb and his Mob at WEF will in build for population controls AND reduction. How controlled was Scumbag Fauci? Who oversaw Gates? This is the vehicle for the 666 Fix and you’re about to be railroaded into it . Goyims to your rail carts!
    Who gave G20 these powers? Who denied yours? Human Cattle Tags!

    This Is the Beginning of the End of Free Thinking Humans, because Evil Intent will take up a Free Pass Ticket to rule. America, despite all the public advocacy, is almost a total Criminal Unitary Power State where unparalleled Political and Banking Corruption goes free, beyond the rule of law. Bitterly tainted, I have seen sadly too many cases of what has befallen America. America Has Fallen, the Goyims will swallow and follow next. Entrapped, life and Rights to Be Kidnapped.
    This, in your lifetime, is where the end started. Who cries freedom for you? It’s been passed.
    The beginning of our Free Human End. History , is Your Story of Abdication of Life and Rights.
    Tags inbuilt will stop you travelling interstate. Not even a Right To Roam. In time, it’s coming home.
    Where is our Alamo?


    1. John,
      When the GS is finished and you and your fellow consultants are organized you should consider your on Title 50. Problems have to be solved. Hoping they go away is not a plan.


      1. Shadow, be assured Post completion, outreach will start. Governments will be bypassed. All are owned and corrupt. No Creative thinking or Cognitive BIg Picture oversight. Vermin seed needs to go into the night. Saving Mankind from Rodent kind. Money will apply solutions. It’s not just the Chinese and Ukrainian Labs. There are more.

        Our AI and strategic planning will factor in creative and focused Rodent removal. Labs will get creative funded projects. Due to tribal inbreeding, it’s a smaller Matrix of Vernim DNA to tick boxes when Cyrus goes looking for Vermin seed. Next time will not be the Passover but Pass Through. Lighting them up. Appliance of DNA science. Weeding out. Just building in safety blocks to stop species cross jumping where possible, and part breeds. Selective, refined targeting.

        Title 50 leaves too many Cop Outs. Selective inbreeding for Weeding.


  6. Disgusting filth keep this trash in America its VILE. F Perverts polluting the minds of our children. Cave their faces in.

    Subject: And people pay money to have this exposure for their kids ?

    This permatan Crook should have been arrested with Bush 41 and Hertzog Interpol arrested Herzog and seized the Bush Contracts along with Herzog’s offshore tax evasion and the BIDEN Bribes. Mueller the FBI Fixer for Bush ordered the Florida FBI not to question Romney or Bush 41. Another Hypocrite piece of Shit.

    Revolution in Germany is stifled.


  7. Finally

    Sam Bankman-Fried is ARRESTED in the Bahamas after American prosecutors filed criminal charges against FTX founder
    The crypto billionaire, 30, was arrested in The Bahamas on December 12
    American prosecutors have filed the charges against the FTX founder
    It’s ‘likely’ that the US will request his extradition following his arrest

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Sneaky bastards..

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Like

  10. Like

      1. WTF is right!…. really,,, WTF?


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  12. Liked by 2 people

  13. https://twitter.com/MurdochMurdoch8/status/1602405677565091840?s=20&t=MjE6jKMfgUT3xl1xO3s5fg

    If this was the nation run by horrible sociopaths I would take it over the bloodsucking opportunism that international finance has been allowed to run on western nations any day. It had to be stopped as there was no profit in banking in a country that focused on people first nor was it going to allow proper management of the Goy stockyard that Europe the UK and USA have become.

    Liked by 4 people

  14. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  15. Like

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I never would involve myself with any crypto firm in an unregulated jurisdiction, especially with a CEO who presents himself in shorts and t-shirts and makes massive donations to Bolshevik causes. This maggot needs to be quartered and the leftovers hung on that hook in Westminster.


  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The smell of amnesty and free everything, carries very far.


  17. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  18. Good morning WHA!! Thank you Tony… but you forgot to remind me of the group photo day! 😀 I’m so thankful for everyone here. Both of my brothers and fams are coming in for Christmas this year so I won’t be on much. Merry Christmas everyone and Cheers to 2023… I usually say it can’t get much worse than 2022, but I’m not feeling as optimistic about it this time around! LOL! 🙂 So instead I want to leave y’all with one of my mottos: “Take a look at your life… you’ve made it through 100% of the shitty and difficult times… There is NOTHING else with that kind of success rate. You’re doing awesome; you’re adaptable and resiliant! Keep that shit up!!” 🙂

    Love to all

    Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      No worries. The camera has not been invented yet.

      Enjoy your holidays.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Remember — There’s no such thing, where URI’s are concerned, as asymptomatic transmission. The effect is down at the 1 per million exposures. Try to redesign society to avoid 300 odd infections per annum inducing 1 (one) death across a whole population IS a definition of insanity.


  20. Bill Gates Caught Admitting ‘Climate Change Is WEF Scam’ to Inner Circle

    He is menace and always has been …These allegations, if true, need rigorous exposre, as does his Epstein history. A sleazy, treacherous Croc.



    Nothing special, just US and them – Perspective Magazine

    When Britain and the US unite and work together the world is a better place. Together we all gain.
    Since the Jews took over control, America has really gone right down the hole
    Anglo American values matter. Unite the West and out with the Jew pest as ever screwing the nest.
    It’s such a phobic Blood Cult. Cutting pieces from your child is inhumane. Dreadful sad Cult practices.
    Goyim beliefs are truly evil. God is for all, not a hairy cult seeking to rule all. Neanderthal beliefs. It’s a fake Cult!
    It needs to be stopped. Wall Street Crime from the Swine? Godless, and part Dickless. Barbaric fools.
    Russian soldiers locked in basements for refusing to fight in Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11528485/Russian-soldiers-beaten-locked-basements-refusing-fight-Ukraine.h3tml?ito=native_share_article-top

    This is a dreadful Russian abuse of its troops.

    All the true horrors and costs of war are playing out in Ukraine. But crooked Zio Rat Zelenski and Moscow Thug Rasputin do no fighting or dying. No honour with thieves. It will get far worse.

    Bakhmut begins to resemble First World War horror of Passchendaele https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11528981/Bakhmut-begins-resemble-World-War-horror-Passchendaele.html?ito=native_share_article-top


  21. The Financial times today is reporting that investors are withdrawing record levels of Cryptos and coins from Exchanges. Safety Panic. Game changers. How many Exchanges will now fold?


  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And now the TNT Dinar show gets into the Christmas RV dollars act…


    1. In London that’s a straight ticket to Jail statement.But that creature has been before.
      So in January where was Santa?


  23. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Congratulations NASA for your return to translunar flight capability. Very impressive flight. First launch of the new stack, followed by a translunar flight in one go.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They gave a lift to Santa and the Tooth Fairy to bring your Dinars.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well done America for the latest NASA success. It’s needed.Very well done to all.
        I valued the old days with JFK to reach for the Stars. Not the current Slags who can’t even wipe their own Rrrrs. Unclean hands all for backhanders. Slags in power. Good Americans are still there and many on WHA. You matter. Your Americas hope. Also the West needs you. Sadly NOT the current Dem Slags like the Bidens, Soetoro and Clintons. Or Flatulent Trumps.
        The Dems needs a new JFK. The GOP even more. Bad times are coming. Instead we have Thieves and Whores on a greasy pole. Ban Lobbyists and clean up America. Raise the bar again as with the new NASA flight.
        Don’t let America go into the night.
        Raise the bar and get it right. Well done NASA.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. With 1969 tech? Can we get any more retro…?


          1. Unreal wheres the money gone?


          2. A fair point…as far as outward design is concerned, but the insides of the capsule are quite a different story. The 68K computers with rope core memory are of course gone, and so are a lot of the old power cells. Solar panels and advanced onboard computer processing allowed that craft to fully on its own fly out and back un-crewed. Something that could not have been done on the Apollo CSM. That is why Apollo 8, the original flight to the Moon had to have a crew, and they were willing to risk their lives to prove that craft could make it there and back.

            The lunar lander is expected to be a lot different that the original one. Larger and far more redundant in both propulsion and of course on board data processing.

            If mankind does anything that is positive, it’s his exploration vibe. We are just colonizers, even on the Moon. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Send the Jews they will colonize anything.


              1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

                I can almost guarantee that the next American to step onto the surface of the Moon will not be white, male and possibly not even straight. Granted this is not something that should even be listed as a test or qualification, but times have certainly changed, and optics creep up to be just as important as the abilities of the crews in the minds of PR men.

                I am looking forward to more “we didn’t land on the Moon” psychosis.


              2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



            2. I see your point. But launch-track-return was 1969 tech even IF contents, packages, electronics and avionics were 5 generations more sophisticated. I should have been more precise.


              1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

                Launch-track-return tech is mostly mathematics and physics. The universal language and probably won’t be changed.


                1. Nothing like me on a day where I am too much in my head.

                  Yes to math but you do things differently if your tech is different.

                  We launch from Florida to get rotational boosting, but for example, if we had electrograviics, we would launch from anywhere we wanted because we could, more or less, thumb our nose at gravity.

                  Electrogravitics went dark (black project) in the 1950s so we are stuck with chemical rockets and with inertial trajectories. And additionally, trajectory, depending on whether someone is on board, has to be low-exposure to Van Allen belt radiation exposure. By now electrogravitics should have been dominant. We should have already opened up the solar system with nuclear vessels moving a fair fraction of c.


                2. Very true. We are lagging in our technical advancement. We should be far more advanced from where we are. I agree there are better modes ahead.

                  NASA made serious misjudgments. Space Shuttle was a disaster. Declared “fully operational” after only 5 flights, it never was fully researched until the very end, after killing 14 of our best.


  24. Bannon is now claiming Trump profiles as Hitler. Same raging, phobic mentality and low IQ.


    1. Really? Come on now. Track record alone, exactly how many wars did Trump trigger? Avoid? Let’s stop hyperbolic silliness.

      Phobic? It isn’t paranoia when They are out to get you. Raging? You’d rage too if simple truths when uttered were deliberate misinterpreted. After 6+ years of investigations, a billion dollar org gets nailed for circa 1.6 million tax avoidance/misspend on a transfer that Trump knew nothing about. Oh the Crime, the Inhumanity! It’s an f’ing rounding error. It’s a fine tacked onto the yearly filing.

      And what constitutes “low IQ” in this context? Trump knowledge and judgment encompass the majority of his errors and we can argue to the cows come home whether a couple advisors that weren’t Benedict Arnold’s would have steered matters to an infinitely better outcome.


      1. Smiling I gave Tinos heart exercise for the day.


        1. LOL. Trump’s no saint. But the man is not responsible for millions of deaths and he was lied to across the board by his Advisors. Hitler and his sociopaths were a unified malevolent operation.



  25. A gorgeous, artistic and classy band. This song is amazing.

    Duran Duran – Ordinary World Live
    (A Diamond In The Mind)

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Remember this song from the late 70’s? I feel so old.

    Pretenders – Stop Your Sobbing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AJ
      See how your contributions can lift the site? And sad Tokyo Rose has gone into the night. No place for Commies or Basket cases.


      1. That’s a very kind thing to say. Thank you John


    1. Sure, the hole in the Ass we will ream you lot when payback comes. Cyrus the Virus needs to take you all. Hell spawn, no more to be born. DNA is the best clean up way. Let it sweep the world. Your DNA, boom! None will shed a tear. The Ho will flow.


  27. They have to gather around something better than diversity and they are. It is beginning.


  28. Liked by 1 person

  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This is really a non-issue. She voted with Biden 95% of the time, and she will certainly not caucus with the Republicans.

    Liked by 2 people

  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Okie, or his post mortem facsimile, continues to pump the RV for Christmas.

    It’s so tiresome.


  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Arrest Michael Herzog and he will take the lot down.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I agree with her terms

      Liked by 1 person

  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    That’s politics!


  33. nice

    Liked by 3 people

  34. Full text of Xi’s signed article on Saudi media

    Xi signs up for energy from Saudi. Expect Iran, Iraq and Syria also.

    The US has lost the Middle East. Afghanistan and Vietnam are with China. All Americas vile Hegemony past has blow the US right out. Apart from NATO cover the EU thinks of the US as Sleazebag low life land. Everywhere you go, America is the Ho. Lives lost for what?
    Once it goes multi polar, as is coming, the US will free fall. Welfare will simply run aground. Pensions, with Bail Ins coming, good luck with that. Pension Funds are gutted from the inside with Fees and Commissions, Bonuses. Robbed blind, Ignorance rules Mugs.

    America is now in the rear view mirror. So is the West at large. When people like Merkel admit that they entered into the Minsk accords to buy time to train and arm the Ukraine to attack Russia as a NATO/American proxy, thinking nations ask themselves about what such countries have become? Because in global relationships such actions do not build trust, or confidence, or preferred dialogue; the relationship is only financial and transactional.
    The West is faltering in its ability to project warmth in relationships over that of others who appear to speak and act different. One should not think that Africa is not incensed that free fertilizer supplied by Russia is being denied to them by the West. This is not the way to build relationships. And WEF/ Gates depopulation agendas clearly send the wrong message. Losing Russia for raw materials is dumb but to lose Africa is stupidity is the arrogance of fools. The game is up. Washington DC has cost and lost the world

    Ignoramuses like Trump and Biden lead to disaster. BLM are you for real?





    Liked by 1 person

  35. https://informedchoicewa.org/news/its-here-the-vaxxed-vs-unvaxxed-study/
    Overall, the more vaccines a child received, the higher the incidence of health issues, ranging from asthma to weight disorders.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Like

    1. It’s pye in the Sky. Funded by who?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That AI executive order was signed a few months before the shutdown and made official in 2020. Coincidence?


        1. Non Contributors, Non Taxpayers, are NOT getting a Free Run. NOT!
          The incoming system will expose and close you. No one will fund Welfare cases.
          BLM and Woke will choke. Big Money is not Slush Money for Losers.
          Wealth Creators will not Subsidise. Populations will depend upon wealth to support them.
          Socialism is a Killer. Kill it, or them? Which is better?
          Be prepared to see numbers reduce. Money rules.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I thought the welfare people would be receiving UBI. So who is it for? I don’t understand John. I sure hope it’s not me! I don’t want it or need it. They can’t force on people can they? I’m hoping my investments will free me/us, to certain extent of course.


            1. When the GS is sorted, we will rethink Project and Asset backed Cryptos, then you can be brought in on the ground floor. Sorted. Wasters can go into the night. We will be looking at Beneficial Society Project Funded Cryptos / Coins keeping it Zio free, Bank skim off free, and putting wealth earned back to those deserving. BRICS will protect you from expected Bail Ins. New Global systems will help keep you safe, and focus funds to serve need. We will block out Wall Street and Zio greed. WHA will be heard. You are read.
              Woke, Zios and BLM can go choke! It will be to serve need, not greed. Integrity will rule.

              Liked by 1 person

  37. God made Man and Woman. Samuel Colt made them equal. Time to resurrect the idea of the Armed Young Female.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That needs to be a point of arrival. Traffickers too.

        Liked by 2 people

  38. Rem-death-is-near (Remdesivir) is undergoing a desperate rebrand because of how poorly it is doing. The R is a **failed** drug in search of an indication. It was a disaster in Ebola. It is still a disaster in Covid. The double-blind RCTs on the R were a total failure. On the evidence it should NOT be used at all.



    1. They WANT the bodies and in Millions. It’s coming.
      Then Billions!


  39. Nuremberg effect, as the shots are solely risk without benefit, she fulfilled her oath to do no harm.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unsung Heros.

      Liked by 1 person

  40. As I suggested , long Covid is a suspect construct. Much more likely is that patients with covid that suffer major inflammation have pre-existing conditions that flare into to some chronic condition and are being completely shunted down the wrong diagnostic pathways.

    Anyway, this just broke:


  41. Liked by 1 person

  42. Keep your eyes on Twitterfiles… incoming…

    Liked by 2 people

  43. Time for 500 angry Rednecks and Mutts to arrive at Schmidt’s home screaming where is my Money you piece of Schmidt?

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Like

    1. I have declined, refused my 4th and battles are in progress. If 3 can’t get it right, 4 can send me into the night. Not happening. Quantified risk.


  45. Nothing would surprise me anymore. I’m not sure if I shared this video already.


  46. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The mysterious dinar RV news continues. Okie is so sure of it, he is quoting tax rates.

    I, for one, would never broadcast such things, especially near the holidays during such hard economic times, unless I had unmistakable eyes-on proof of this. It’s very cruel to lead people on like this, otherwise.

    Let’s watch some more. 🤓


    1. He’s done this SHIT for decades. He’s the cuckoo swiss clock piece. Muppet. A redneck for Belle Vue


      1. A Monkey needs to come out of his Butt whistling Dixie.


        1. It needs a torque wrench bending over the Morons head.


    2. This is Okie’s delusional clone posting now. The old oil man sailed off into the great unknown last year.


      1. I had heard that. Just as well.


  47. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  48. Liked by 3 people

  49. Malone kills the doubts: the vaxx is gene therapy

    Liked by 1 person

  50. Time to mount the offense again. It must become the Law of the Land, that any legal or lawful transaction MUST be processed by banks and cards.

    Liked by 3 people

  51. Thank you Tony.

    We look forward to meeting the new year with both feet on the ground and prepared. They new portfolio idea sounds great and we will be happy to see it! Thanks again for another year. Your pal C


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Thank you too. You certainly came up with some real zingers this year. I still laugh at that Beatles redux. lol Hope your gang up there in New York are doing well.


  52. World Economic Forum Declares ‘Jesus Is Fake News’ and ‘God Is Dead’ – News Punch

    Anal Schwab and his WEF Thugs wants to take aeay YOUR God and have you serve him. Megalamania. They want to take your Souls.

    This crowd is seriously short of the barrel.
    The essence of life lives in each person and it is not for their ability to take that away as they create nothing but grief for people. Just like all other communists that preceded them and like in the past, dumb disciples who follow their balderdash will come to learn that they too will experience governmental failure as the whole essence of the concept is doomed to fail. It has always failed and it will continue to do so. Sadly, societies pay the the price.


    Exactly the standards of American Lawyers. Scum of the Earth.

    Subject: Former FBI Lawyer Who Approved FISA Warrant To Spy On Trump Helped Censor Hunter Biden Laptop Story | The Daily Caller

    And you wonder why trust is diminishing in media or government ??

    You wonder why so many mindless Gobshites in the Public walk around blowing bubbles. Shit for brains.

    Feds Pay Journalism Group $5M To Create Software To Turn People Into Anti-‘Misinformation’ Bots | SGT Report

    Smells and sounds like what happens on a communist or socialist state. With critical thinking capability is short supply since it it is not taught. One can only assume that the focus is on brain washing. The question becomes whether such activity will be seen as realistic as economies sink into the gutter. With enough pain not seen or felt before one might consider that reality will be be a blowback not expected or seen.
    In any case we are living through times where many countries are changing into something quite different from their recent past.



    It was always coming. Arming Iran is to flatten the Zio trash. Now Iran can take on, and soon OUT, the Khazarians.
    Nukes to go Flatten the Tel Aviv Ho. .Khazarians have no place in the Middle East. Just like in the world, a Pestilence. Destroy the nest and torch the rest.

    Expendable Chump
    Kremlin offers ‘military support’ to Iran and North Korea for weapons https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11523051/Kremlin-offers-unprecedented-military-support-Iran-North-Korea-return-weapons.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    This at last will end America / Israel’s terrorism in the Middle East. Israel needs sorting head on..


  53. Can you list the cryptos you think will be worth to own going forward?


      1. Hmmmm.. No XRP ? A sure bet there!


        1. For now, off our list. It could return but that remains to be seen. It was on the list for a while.


        2. Hey Gary, in my opinion, XRP has great potential, Crypto right now is in a very dark place. This FTX contagion hasn’t even started yet. The big players i.e. Digital Currency Group, Genesis, Cumberland Global, Gemini, Bitfinex etc.all are going to fail. Then it will be Tether. Most crypto’s will be destroyed. I have sold a huge portion of my crypto( and harvested a tax loss) and moved into precious metals, esp. Silver. But I will hold a bag of XRP, as I think it will be used with the banking system. You need to get out of the banks, have cash, crypto that will actually be used, and have it on a hardware wallet, have precious metals, food, water, guns and ammo. All just in case. There are many scenarios that may play out, you need to be prepared. Here is a video with talk between a crypto expert and a metal expert you will like. https://youtu.be/-JqyhSfQq7U


          1. I agree with much of what you’re saying Dennis. I’m pretty well set myself for the big shake up that’s coming. Can’t be soon enough for me …..bring it TF on ! 😉

            Liked by 1 person

  54. It was Pence who gave the ok to Birx’s subversions. It was Pence who helped convince Trump to lockdown. It was Pence who pushed the panic.


    Liked by 1 person

  55. https://sarahwestall.com/fda-plans-to-ban-homeopathic-medicines

    FDA Plans to Ban Overwhelming Safe Homeopathic Medicines in Favor of Big Pharma
    “The truth is that homeopathic medicines are overwhelmingly safe. One review of safety data from 17 countries between 1978 and 2010 found a total of just 1,159 adverse events. This equates to an average of just over 50 cases per annum across all 17 countries from which studies were conducted. Contrast this record of safety for homeopathic medicines with adverse events from FDA-approved drugs. From 1978 to 2010, there were more than 3.5 million serious adverse events and 571,398 deaths, according to the FDA’s database.”

    Liked by 1 person

  56. Thanks to both of you (John and Tony) for always keeping us updated with realities and the potential options or consequences of what’s about to unfold.

    Looking forward for the new opportunities that might arise as part of this process especially during the dark times that we will be facing.

    Glad to be here and learn from the vast knowledge that WHA brings constantly…!!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s highly unlikely that enough of the I want MY Lick Sleazebag Dems will switch to Trump, and enough Republicans see what a Blowbag Gaping Mouthed Grifter he is to decline to vote for him again. A guy who can’t even get an erection, tried to lead an insurrection, then ran for the Can to hide, which we warned he would. The sad Heel Spurs Coward will only split the Republican vote.
      Shyster,Grifter, Coward., Stormy and Hooker funder, is not fit to lead America. Nor the world, We will forever ridicule him. The Mutt has the mouth of a Vagina when he opens it All the Class of a Horses Ass. No Thoroughbred, just a Mule!
      Give America a Chance, not a Chancer! That Ho needs to go. Hopefully Jail comes for the Bum.
      America needs New Blood NOT Deadwood. Trump is just an Anal discharge. Time to find a Leader with IQ. America is abundant with Good, why settle for Crud?
      That Chump can ‘t Make America Strong Again.
      Time to plan, time to dream. Time to hope. Just not with that visible Dope.
      Tough times are coming. Who needs a Bums rush?
      Trump or Biden? NEITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!


  57. Amused to see the Rodents have trashed the Trump Monkey on a Chain. Rented Dogs.
    He unethically, for Bribe money, released so many convicted Jew and Khazar Crooks, the Kushner Crime Family cashed him out. Too dumb to see he was a Pawn being played. Another Clown who let America down. Clean up the Zoo.


  58. See the lead in pic, following Egypt, another leading Empire who failed to damn well finish the job. 6,000 years of Vermin seed Gypsies Dogs loose.
    They have stolen and trashed America. The world now needs Iran to torch the nest and finish the rest. Then the earth can breathe clean air again. If ever a nation needed fumigation. Remove the cruel and malignant Khazarian Swine from Palestine, and let Arabs, and the world, be free.
    Best news of the year is Russia arming Iran. Turning the tide. Neutrons to go.
    Covid showed the way, now time for Cyrus the Khazar Virus to Passover taking out the lot.
    10M Rat Ho to go in America. DNA is the way. Fumigate the world of this pestilence.
    For them, the world will not be enough. Rodent virus. Get the Labs to work. Selective DNA.

    Liked by 1 person

  59. Thank you Tony for the year ending update. Looking forward to this next year. Especially because I am finally retiring. Been a long time coming. Seems I have spent my life working. Now I can finally have a life.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Thank you as well! Congratulations on your retirement. Stay healthy throughout!

      Liked by 1 person

  60. Great lead in ,but how many can handle stark truth? Luckily we have the best on WHA. Free thinkers. No blinkers. The incoming end of Empires feeding Vampires.


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