White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #150

The Philippicae – What Cicero Didn’t See

After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Cicero, a senator who had no love of Caesar, and did not partake in the assassination, turned his attention to attacking the character of Marc Antony. He felt that Antony was just as much a threat as Caesar, and should have also been done away with.

The written attacks became known as “The Philippicae”, or “The Philippics”. They were intended to rally support of the senate against Antony. It worked, and the senate raised an army, declared Antony an enemy of the state, and commenced to do battle with Antony’s forces at Mutina and Forum Gallorum.

Both battles were victories for the senate, but their key generals, Hirtius and Pansa, were killed, and the armies were leaderless and open for acquisition. The local magistrate of Cisalpine Gaul who assumed command, Decimus Brutus, was one of Caesar’s assassins. Octavian (Caesar’s heir), refused to work with him, and the two armies soon switched loyalties to Octavian.

The senate scrambled to bypass Octavian and retake command of the armies. However, always the clever man, Octavian reconciled with Antony, and along with Lepidus, a military general once aligned with the senate, formed the First Triumvirate. This left the senate defenseless.

Cicero, an intelligent man, gifted orator and talented lawyer, had now become open for proscription, along with many other senators and persons of means. He had not necessarily acted without knowing what he was up against, but in the end, even his careful consideration of all matters simply didn’t work out. He was outmaneuvered by Octavian.

Eventually, Cicero was caught while trying to flee to the coast. He pulled aside his tunic, and offered the arresting legionary his neck, hoping for a swift, painless death. He was decapitated, and his head was staked in the Forum, where patrician nobles took turn stabbing his tongue with pens – a way of expressing their hatred and apparent jealousy for his gifted oratory. His hands were cut off and nailed to the senate house door, as a warning to anyone else who would write against the new triumvirate.

There is a lesson in all that. And it can be boiled down to a simple moral: Don’t take on a fight with an enemy you don’t know well, and especially with a flawed strategy.

But, what was flawed about his strategy? Cicero was not a military commander. He was just a senator, one of many. He didn’t exercise control on the field.

His flawed strategy was not the military conflict, but his instigating the affair with the Philippics, and angering someone (Antony) who still had considerable influence and power with very experienced military units from Caesar’s veteran legions.

Cicero had no such influence on his own, save that via the senate. But, they were not Antony. And soldiers were quicker to follow a military leader they admired, rather than a bunch of bureaucrats they despised.

Cicero had also not judged Octavian’s potential to join Antony, and rally those whom were loyal to his adopted late father (Caesar). He was overpowered and had not the forces to defend himself in such an outcome that had befallen him.

I thank you for your forbearance with this history lesson. I will now make a relevant point with all this.

Last week, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a complaint in Federal Court against the Meta1 Coin operation, and its principals, Robert Dunlap, et al. Long time RV/GCR talk show host and seminar promoter, Dave Schmidt, was also named in the complaint.

Long ago we warned that the law is clear on publicly offering and selling anything in the form of a security that offers a return on investment. In the U.S., such offerings, unless exempted, require a securities license, or at minimum, registration of the investment. The SEC has now stepped in to make that point with respect to the Meta1 offering.

There are many allegations of wrongdoing in the complaint, and we won’t even try to analyze it here. The courts will eventually decide if the allegations are true or not, and in time we will all know just what Meta1 was doing, and what its fate will ultimately be.

Aside from the main allegations, it was alleged in the complaint that:

“…During the SEC’s underlying investigation of this matter, the SEC subpoenaed each of the Defendants for documents and to appear to testify. Each Defendant returned the subpoena to the SEC with the word “Fraudulent” marked on every page. Schmidt refused to produce documents to the SEC, and refused to testify. Dunlap refused to produce documents. He appeared for testimony, but refused to answer several important questions, such as whether he drafted the Whitepaper, claiming at various times the questions were ridiculous, the answers were none of the SEC’s business, and he “[has] no contract with the SEC.” Bowdler produced some documents, but refused to testify...”

The tactic of marking documents “fraudulent”, especially under these circumstances, and claiming that one “has no contract with the SEC”, or other government agency, under such similar circumstances, is often used by persons who take the position that they are “sovereign” or somehow not subject to the jurisdiction of the law because they are now a “secured party creditor” or some such thing.

The courts have repeatedly rejected the claims of people using such arguments, and those who have persisted in using such claims to prevail in a legal case have found themselves either fined for doing so, or jailed after being convicted for crimes when such defenses failed.

As we saw with Cicero, even the best thought-out plans can wither against the unknown and unpredictable. But, it is made even harder when you outright ignore, or blissfully act in ignorance of your opponent’s track record of victory against a tactic you are trying to use in defense. Further, you make yourself a wider target for doing so.

The government considers any use of fraudulent sovereignty claims against their jurisdiction as a sort of Philippic against them, and once you bring such claims onto the battlefield, you are at once in a very precarious position, with almost no defense. The ram has now touched the wall. And, when the opponent is the SEC, there is serious power behind that ram. And claiming that your opponent does not even have a right to ram your wall, after they have, is not going to scare them away, or rebuild the wall.

We will certainly watch with great interest how this case turns out. There are larger issues at stake within this case, but we will leave that for another time.

Moving on…

The adoption and innovation in the digital asset realm continues, and with increasing interest and demand. There is tremendous value all around at this time. Be sure, the buying windows for many of the new up and coming ideas will not last forever.

The upcoming BTC halving and continuing Wall St and other interest in this sector is queuing up to create a potential explosion in value that could be unprecedented. Big interests, exceeding several trillion dollars in combined worth, are continuing to invest in and develop in this sector.

I learned from many years of experience that wealth is best acquired by investing in value, and holding on through any and all volatility, comments, opinions, reasons to vary from that approach. By combining the patience of an investor and the boldness of a speculator, and becoming an “investolator”, you can benefit from such an approach without losing sleep, getting ulcers, betting on chart patterns, reading chicken bones in a bowl, spitting Bacardi on your wife, or wondering which Youtube “analyst” with unknown credentials is the right guru to follow.

Simply locate value, take a reasonable position size based on your personal risk capital, and hold it. Value will create demand. And in this sector, that demand, combined with declining availability in BTC, (which is currently a liquidity reserve that most other alt coins transact in and out of) will force an effect on price. But, timing is critical. Getting in early, ahead of the halving and large capital influx, may have a tremendous affect on the potential future gain.

The last two times the BTC code mandated a halving, many coins experienced severely irrational gains in appreciation. Spectrecoin, Reddcoin and Verge, for example, handed investors profits of $2,000,000, $2,700,000 and $5,000,000 for every $500 ventured. And this was before the kind of significant commercial interests we now see coming into this space.

Similar gains were had with NEO and Ethereum. There were many who saw what was coming, quietly bought and waited, and made millions. Others dithered, questioned, nit-picked over “flaws”, over-analyzed charts, engaged in Pavlovian peer-enforced skepticism, or simply just didn’t know.

Will such gains happen again? I don’t know, but I would guess that the chances are probably better now than they have ever been in the past. Always keep in mind that, at this time, it is not necessary to take huge risks to make potentially huge gains. So, for what I would spend over a weekend in Vegas, I can instead place such resources into something that no slot machine can probably return.

The key is picking good projects. This is where your job to do good homework and research comes into play. There are many resources out there to help you do this, so find one you find agreeable, and stake your claim if you so choose.

In the event that public RV paper exits fail, you now have a hedge, with low buy-ins, should you choose to partake. One that has come along at the right time and probably stands a much better chance than paper returns might. We had always hoped that people could exit their paper before the anticipated run-up in the digital asset markets. But, time is running out for such preferred sequences to take place.

At present, our understanding of what we watch for is as follows:

The Global Settlements remain un-settled. Do not be surprised if such remains so throughout 2020. The opposing party obviously do not fear legal repercussions. Even in these trying times, when the industrial might of our land has come to a near halt, these money-changing, hobnail-toed parasitical vermin refuse to release what is not theirs; depriving the nation of much needed revenue to cope, in a truly sublime display of their contempt for the general welfare.

We continue to watch for private group transactions and the attendant Brontosaur-sized turds that they will deposit once they transact – including any possible public transactions. While we cannot detail such, the groups will proceed first before any public chances can materialize.

If you are in a legit group, continue to maintain silence and obey all admonitions to you concerning confidentiality. Failure to do so could be costly. We understand that legitimate groups are making good progress. However, details simply are not possible to share openly at this time.

With the current epidemiological hysteria, there are some who are convinced that this “crisis” will be used to implement central bank digital currencies. The legal language describing digital wallets/digital dollars in the latest US stimulus bill is intriguing, so the notion of some new form of monetary infrastructure being enabled is perhaps a viable possibility. What this has to do with anything we watch for is still not clear. However, it is interesting to think that releases which parallel the general stimulus payments would probably go unnoticed in form, but the results would be “expected” in such a case and less of a “surprise” if released solely without a public stimulus at the same time. We will see.

The death rate from the current viral outbreak is terrible, but still far less than other natural killers. Remember the tsunami of 2004? It killed c230,000 people in one afternoon. A similar event directed at either of the U.S. coasts would kill millions, and send our economy into a tailspin that would take years to recover from.

Many were not prepared for this recent, rather mild breakout; a love tap compared to what could happen in the future. How prepared do you think most are for a real natural event, one that really has a punch to it?

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, diseases, meteor impacts, terrorist originated biological attacks, etc. Are you ready for such?

As long as we continue to manage the earth with politics and money, we will be left wide open to allowing the least qualified persons to prepare for or manage such events, so you better be self-sufficient.

Always be ready for anything. That way, if you are wrong in your predictions, you can still be right.

We are still waiting for WHR #48 part two. We will post it when ready.

Get ready for a wild ride for the rest of 2020.


You’ve got to expect things are going to go wrong. And we always need to prepare ourselves for handling the unexpected. – Neil Armstrong

515 responses to “Information Briefing #150”

  1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Sent to me earlier. The chatter about what is coming, is now almost always including blockchain technology. XRP tokenizing gold? I was warned that a lot is going on…and a lot is coming. There is no escaping it. Technology is making its presence known in the highest monetary realms. You can go mental trying to understand it all.

    Hang on, because it’s going to be a hell of a wild ride into the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tony!!!

    My computer went down and it took forever for the deliver people to get my new one from NYC. What a mess this state is. Wowie!!!! John is here!!!! This place gets better and better and better.

    Just now getting my cryptos all bought and positions set before the halving and not a moment too soon. Projected profts for myself are 8 figures over next year or so. I am just besidse myself trying to give thanks for my good fortune for being here instead of where I was 5 years back when I was a zap groupie. My how things change when you stop giving those people donations and spend it on yourself for a change. and especially at this time when so much is happening in a new space at around the time when we may see the rv at last!!!!

    I am just so happy that you are still keeping this site up because you are doing what few others are – you bring us news from people like John a BSD who stands shoulder to shoulder with elders and you help us with digital crypto assets and you ask nothing in return. YOu care!!!

    John thank you for being here. You dont have to be but you take time to give us help just like you did when you gave that 50 pounds to the homeless man in the presence of the elders.

    Cannot wait for the day when all breaks loose and there are so many new wealthy people here who will make a difference. Your pal C

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was wondering where you were. Welcome back!

      I have no doubt that you will indeed be retiring a very wealthy man. You have the approach down pat, and you have the steady hand and discipline that goes with the simplicity, and that is all it takes.

      Sure hope you are right about that elusive RV.

      And yes, we are damned fortunate to have John to assist us with all possible news…as accurate as it can be and of an unquestionable source, devoid of any need to play the role of the hustling grifter with a talk show.

      Eight figures? At least! If we are fortunate enough to see releases before the halving and commercial influx from Wall St, then I kid you not; 9 figures is the target. And once that is hit? Watch for bolder plans, longer strides, higher targets that will make this endeavor look like a booth at a flea market.

      Thanks for checking in. Stay close.


  3. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  4. Tony – I think your hometown is in LA but I’m proud of my fellow OC beach goers.

    There may be some hope there after all 😊

    Californians Refuse To Comply – Reopen Laguna Beach Themselves



    1. LOVE IT! That’s the only way to take it back.

      A rolling stone gathers no moss.


      We need to do this for the Vaccines Too. Checkpoints will be coming and real gut checks are on the way.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I have mixed feelings on this kind of thing.

      First, I understand how people want to go out and enjoy their beaches. Secondly, California is run by morons and communists. So, I can understand their propensity to want to act in a severe authoritarian manner.

      But, I would never cause law enforcment that kind of headache. They are dealing with a very delicate situation. They are in contact with the public daily, and if too many of them get sick, who is going to come to your aid if something very bad starts?

      All we would need is one incapacitated police force, and the Guard would have to come in to quell any rioting. That would be tragic.

      So, I take the middle ground here. Go to the beach if you must, but don’t give the police a hard time. They are just doing what their bosses ask of them, and I think the best way to help them is just find someplace else to chill for now.

      But. I am but one man, a long way from the beach, who lives on a river in AZ, which is open to the public, and I left CA long ago because it’s run by Bolsheviks. So, good luck out there, and give my regards to OC. I used to hang out at Huntington Harbor years ago. Great food, hot, hot women, and beautiful beaches for sure!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t live there anymore. I live in another left wing socialist state with gorgeous beaches. Mistake leaving Arizona nine years ago. I hope we can leave this rock before it really gets bad here.

        Yes great food for sure and The Beach Boys didn’t write the song California girls for no reason! 😊


        1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

          Well, either you are on Alcatraz, or Hawaii. 🙂

          Good luck! Hopefully soon we will be seeing some fantastic results. I know a hell of a lot is happening. Boy oh boy, is it ever.

          Yes indeed, those Cali girls were something else. I remember making out with my HS girlfriend, Debra, under the Hermosa Beach pier on warm summer nights. Now there was a fine beauty…tall, tan, brown hair, green eyes, dimples…Oh to be young again! 😦

          Liked by 1 person

          1. 😊 you’re still a hottie! 😘


      2. Just for you Tony – beautiful California surfer girls wearing Brazilian cut bikinis. All the girls where I live where these – so it’s not a big thing here but I don’t know if you think it might be too much skin to post here.


        THE SUNRAYS “I Live For The Sun” 1965 HQ


        1. (Sigh) Those were the days. Hope John does not see this vid. He may put a hold on the releases long enough to get through it all. 🙂

          Thanks again!


  5. The Other Andrew Avatar
    The Other Andrew

    Some weeks back an online event happened where the top analyst from the subscriber service called Crypto Capital invited Ron Paul to join him, and in that event they discussed how someday all companies will have their own tokens, and the analyst talked about the Master Token. They would not disclose the name of it in the event, you could only get the name if you paid $3,000 for the subscription service. or, like me, someone who is well connected, and knows where to find out.

    Someone on here some weeks back mentioned this event having happened, and yours truly brought you the name of the token. There were a few posts in reply, and I believe some of you got into DGB before it moved up greatly. It at least doubled or more from the time I got in, and I bought more DGB just a couple of days ago….. and the token goes up…..

    Good for all of you who got into it some weeks back. Can’t tell you to buy now as that is your decision.

    All this wording below was spoken in the conference some weeks back when DGB was still selling for less than a penny.

    The master token was developed by a former U.S. Army person and gives companies access to the blockchain. The core blockchain they use will be used by the chain offered by the master token. It is the longest block chain in the world…. So the chain is fully decentralized…..

    The master token will eventually have a few billion tokens…. So the goal is total infiltration….. There will be a lot of people using it….The Master Token trades for less than one cent now….

    Investing in the master token now is your second chance to make a fortune in the block chain space.

    $100 could end up handing you a half a million dollars in the Master Token…. ( note: this was said when DGB was trading for less than a penny )

    Buy the token now at this crazy low price of less than a penny….

    May 2020 will set off the crypto boom. This is the Bitcoin halving event. The halving event happens once every four years… So you should buy the master token now …….


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Be cautious about overbuying a position in DigiByte. Weiss Ratings gave it a D+. This is not to say it will not be pushed up on irrational speculative frenzy, like may other bad ideas were in the past. Just be reminded to take even positions in a speculative portfolio, and spread the risk out. Very important. So, if you buy into any idea, including Digibyte, do so with caution.

      Weiss Ratings:


      Our Advice Is to Follow 3 Basic Rules:

      Rule #1. Focus your investment dollars on the coins at the top of our list, meriting a grade of B- or better.

      Rule #2. Avoid — or promptly get rid of — any coins you may have that merit ratings of D+ or lower, like Bitcoin Gold (D), DigiByte (D+), Electroneum (E), Nebulas Token (D+) or ReddCoin (D+).

      Rule #3. Don’t touch the cheap imitation coins with a 10-foot pole. We don’t even bother to rate them.


      1. Don’t know about the others, but completely disagree about Digibyte. There is a reason it was one of the first ledger wallet crypto’s.

        They have one of the oldest and longest blockchains in existence, no centralization and 5 cryptographic algorithm mining. They use odocrypt which changes every 10 days. They were one of the 1st to implement segwit.

        The problem is they are truly decentralized so they can’t pay Binance or Coinbase to list them. Or Weiss to cover them.

        Let’s not forget Weiss promoted Holo chain up the wazoo? That’s a big dud. Only 177 Trillion in existence. Better ask who Weiss is getting paid by.

        Agree on the all the other points though. And agree that Digibyte could be a dud. Entire crypto market is a big roulette wheel. I just think from a truly crypto centric standpoint, you can’t get much closer to bitcoin than digibyte, but quite frankly better tech.

        Their Digi-ID is cool too.


        1. That’s fine.

          The point is, and still is, don’t overdo the position based on your finances.

          I doubt very highly that Weiss is paid by anyone to rate anything. They have made their clients very good money. If you have proof of that, I would like to see it. Otherwise, be careful you do not go around claiming that too broadly. It could be libelous.

          Describing Holochain as “a big dud” at this stage, is inspection before the fact and it’s completely wrong in any implication that Weiss clients lost from it in the past. They saw a 258% gain from recommendation date to high. I don’t hold that one, but we are premature to call that idea a failure, but we can gauge viability by the backing, management and use case to level the odds from here to post-halving. So far, number of outstanding coins is not going to be a determining factor until adoption is properly scaled. There is no telling the demand before development is complete.

          I really do not care who buys what, but on this site, as long as I am in charge, the prime directive will be: Don’t overbuy any position, and buy what you feel best.


  6. Good morning! I’ve doing a lot of thinking trying to absorb what it is you great people are doing.

    I don’t know how to ask the right question without sounding ignorant. The country is starting to open up slowly but there is talk about a second wave of the virus coming this fall. So everything gets shut down again?

    My cousin wanted to open his business May 1st but the consequences If he did would pay a fine, jail time and lose his liquor license. In Arizona! This is not just happening in blue states, although my mother in law told me it’s about 50/50 dem and rep now.

    Is the Potential RV of currencies a sign that we the people are winning? Is there a significance to this event then just our pocketbooks?


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      This is a question best left to John to answer as concerns the details of significance other than financial.

      It is my understanding that this is a new rebooting, with fresh resources. As to what happens then, well, if you ask me, the financial system is going to be technologically upgraded, and this should mean more ability for oversight and streamlined transfers. We can debate the good and bad of this, but one thing is for sure: Change is coming.

      I certainly understand about your cousin. It’s very hard on small businesses right now. I hope we will see an easing on these restrictions by end of May.


  7. How does one get every comment emailed to them over here?

    Is it possible to get every comment direct to one’s email box?

    If yes how?


    1. I am not aware of any way to get ALL comments mailed. Only those which you designate by checking the box to have them e-mailed following your specific comment.

      You can subscribe to the comment RSS feed using any good feed reader. Most web browsers have them. So do most e-mail clients. I use Thunderbird, and follow several feeds with it. It’s a great client.

      You can do a Youtube search to find out how to set up and use a feed reader if needed. Or, if you need help with doing so and have a question, I can try to help.

      At present, this site only allows new posts to be e-mailed but I don’t see a way to have every comment mailed. That’s only possible via feed readers.


  8. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We need to strongly defend Mike Pompeo’s right to raise deep concerns on this Covid origin. It simply defies belief that it has no possible link to a Lab escape. If no problem, let it be cleared after due process. Simply establish truth. Admonishing Mike on religion is fatuous nonsense. Mike simply wishes to clarify fact and origin of the virus, as we all do. For a Bat, Rat, Toad, Tortoise, Snake, Dog, Cat and Insect eating nation, why now?

      This mutating virus is a plague on all nations now. And like the Mother in Law, the damn thing, uninvited will stay for ever.
      China has no idea of what’s brewing from this. Reciprocity. Time for Pompeo to erupt, not Xi with a Chinese lie!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. The Other Andrew Avatar
    The Other Andrew

    Lord James of the House Of Lords ( a Westminster friend of John’s ) verifies the reality of the high yield trading programs starting at the 9:40 time mark on the video and if you listen for two or three minutes you can hear about the reality of these programs.

    In the U.S. the agency called the ESSS EEE SEA ( real abbreviation kept from the search engines ) does everything in it’s power to keep the little guy out of such programs. That agency protects the conventional investments industry in the U.S. It is a fascist alliance. England does not have to put up with these gestapo agencies and the people can access a lot of investments that are kept from the common people in the U.S.

    I would not mind piggy backing with the right connections in one of these high yield investments if the currency program does not open up. I could never get involved on my own as I do not have the capital or connections to get accepted.

    Just an idea.

    Cheerio! The Other Andrew


    1. We are getting private conversations from parties thinking we have some special fast track way to bypass control systems. Let me be clear. WE Don’t!

      Everything we do, MUST, and IS, ONLY by the Rules, within Regulatory and Ethical guidelines. Strictly and totally within the law. Which is why, it does all take time, as we have to get approvals and clearances as regulated for each task and stage.

      Also why we turn down any approaches which requires us to bypass, deviating from Laws or Ethics, and why only hard work, focus, and dedication gets us through.

      We stay totally within the Law on everything. As mandated. Full Compliance and Duty of Care Diligence.

      There is no Special Magic formula, we just outwork many others. Hard, grueling hours out-thinking problem issues. Whatever it takes. Which creates hell with any Social life. Dedication saves the Nation. And our word being- Good! Moral fortitude to care for the multitude. Dedicated, ethical responsibilities. Standards by which we have to be judged. The High Ground.


    2. Out of sight, the Backlash is now evolving for China. Already we are being asked to exclude China from any Tenders or Supply Chains. Doors will close. The Silk Road to No- Where? No one taking it. These Commie Czars have crossed the line.

      As Trade diminishes and is forcefully retracked back, how do they sustain home and Foreign investments when capital is tanking in their Banking? Cross firing Debt and Truth is only for so long.

      Two years from now, as with so many of their hastily constructed buildings and bridges, cracks will start appearing. Three years? China’s trouble is starting now. Their lying Commie Subterfuge just killed their own cash cow. Wise words, steer clear, that hole in their Dam is about to appear.

      All that hope and bluster, the Chinese Threat. Watch it all implode when sinking under Debt. Next the fire sales will start. Steer clear, nothing is cheap on a sinking ship. Covid has killed China now. No one trades out from a platform of lies. China’s coming threat, is its own unsustainable Debt.


    3. Who do you think wrote the speech and prepped him for it? They play Stage parts we set. Kabuki theatre, the lot.


    4. Let us contribute hard reality and help you understand what’s in play and what’s real. Lords are acting to scripts written for them for 300 UK pounds a day fees to attend. Bit part Kabuki Theatre State players. Scripted illusions.

      Reality is the Players you don’t see. Behind the veils are the real scenes. The hands which rock the cradle.

      WHA has a good site and supportive contributors, willing safe hands and huge comment input by many of you to help all. Without high and focused input, a site dies. The whole world is a stage, pick which to view.

      Intelligent, focused contributors keeping it real. A journey of like minds together. Caring and sharing a journey of discovery. Real information, is power. Forearmed, for play.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


      Shouldn’t the US Treasury be able to utter its own credit? Shouldn’t banks, who hold the collective earnings and wealth production of our nation, lend money at 0% (except for a fee to cover overhead)? After all, it’s our money yes? Usury is whose idea? Why would the people of a nation acquiesce to such a scheme? Did we?

      In the past, history reveals startling and often hard-to-accept truths.

      Which country in the past, recovering from hyper-inflation and mass suicides, outlawed usury and gave its citizens a system of credit backed by labor and production; gave interest-free loans to buy homes and forgave most of such after families were started? Which nation mandated a 40 hour maximum work week with paid holidays and time off, and paid vacations? Which country provided free education and medical, paid for by the productive capacity which didn’t have to fund a “national debt”? Which country innovated an affordable mass produced automobile, and gave no-interest loans to be able to buy one? Does it sound like a country that put its citizens first? Yes? No?

      Yet, we, in the “land of the free”, labor under circumstances not superior to that country, and support a parasitical system run by whom? Us? Did we vote for it? Who did?

      Remember the past, and use this knowledge to improve the future. Many paid the ultimate price to keep our civilization going until now.

      Hopefully, we are on the brink of a forward thinking humanitarian movement that puts humanity first, and the interests of a relatively few un-elected bloodsucking usury cultists where it belongs: On the extinction list.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You borrow from the Jewish Fed which charges you for notes backed by nothing and skims Ts over time. Always. The Fed MUST go! But now does Trump cut the links when he’s funded by and surrounded by them? Kabuki Theatre again. The lot. It’s a cruel farce.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Finals nails on the Fed cuffin.


  11. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    A recent excerpt from crypto analyst Teeka Tiwari. His take on what may lie ahead in this space:

    “…Just two weeks ago, the Securities and Exchange Commission allowed $130 billion hedge fund Renaissance Technologies to get involved in bitcoin.

    This is big…

    RenTech’s Jim Simons is the highest-earning hedge fund manager in the world, according to Forbes. And his Medallion Fund is famous for achieving the best continuous returns in history. Between 1994 and 2014, it generated average returns of above 71.8%.

    And another major player just came into crypto: Marc Andreessen. He cofounded Andreessen Horowitz, a top Silicon Valley venture capitalist (VC) firm. And days ago, we learned his firm is shifting $515 million into crypto.

    So what you’re seeing is the top hedge fund and top VC firm get into crypto right before the Phenomenon takes off. As I always say, follow the smart money…

    And this is all just the tip of the iceberg…

    We’re on the verge of 500 million stock investors being able to buy crypto with just one click of their mouse. I believe this huge influx of demand will ignite the prices of a handful of coins to levels we’ve never seen before…” ©Palm Beach Group

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I hope soon – we want to get off this rock.


  12. How dare this “haole” women exercise her constitutional rights with a peaceful demonstration. I am livid. This needs to go viral!

    Hawaiian Police Arrest & Torture Protest Leader



  13. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  14. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Shared by John2020:

    Liked by 5 people

  15. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  16. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Here is another photo of key elders and their retinue visiting with John and Lord James in London several years ago. Observe that both are standing together, power with power. It has been said that the mountain does not come to the man. Look where the key elders are. They came to the mountain. Why would they be there? Why not elsewhere? Why next to our London friends? Such power goes where like minds dwell.

    Remember, we are assisted in our understanding by this power. But, that assistance is absent of superfluous egotistic flummery. Rather, it is given as re-assurance that you are not reading fanciful claims by dreamers or “intel providers”.

    You are getting reality, right between the eyes. You deserve nothing less.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well I certainly have had a dose of realty the last few days.

      Gorgeous photo! I zoomed in on each face – such beautiful and kind faces.


      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        Yes, but that guy in the front row, second from the right…He’s getting a little too close to the elder queen don’t you think? 😂


        1. Hes the only one she trusts.


          1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


            Never the Queen. Always, the Queen maker.


          2. She was raised in the temple for her safety. Her father was Gold Minster and was assassinated by the greedy Military , as was her brother. She was herself car wrecked, needing 9 months Intensive Care and Plastic Surgery. She is under intensive Junta threat by the Military wanting the hidden Gold and money warehouses. It’s not easy for her. She is heading up big things for the Elders. 40 key families control the wealth, it’s like rats in a sack. She has the vote for 26. It’s never easy. Only one man stops Lords and Elders groups while he goes down on one knee on the City streets walking with them, with his hands on the Homeless heads, giving them money for food, time to show them someone cares, and hope to go on. That’s far more than money to the Leading Temple Head. To know they each are in safe hands, as each go to their bed. To know one understands. There is good in far off lands.

            Liked by 3 people

            1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

              Good info to know. I can only imagine the challenges that these fine elders face in the region they live in. And despite all that, they keep their humanity, risking all.

              Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you Tony. And thank you John.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Could Bitcoin Really be Heading to $288k? With Plan₿

    “This thing is not a toy anymore, and it’s maybe not an asset anymore as well. It is going to be much bigger than that.” — Plan₿


    Liked by 1 person

  18. “We will shut you down, we will cite you and if we need to, we will arrest you and take you to jail.”
    Wow… people need to sue!


    1. nice to see you again john


      1. Thank you lets see if I can help.


  19. Thanks for all you do

    Liked by 1 person

  20. John, it’s good to see you posting valuable information that is sorely needed on such a credible platform


    1. Thank you Scott. I was asked to contribute to help. The site and hard work was done long before me by so many of you. With the consent of the majority I will try to inform if needed That’s all it will be. Many, many other valuable voices are here.


      1. John In March the BOE released a report on central bank digital currency. If not sensitive are comment on this ?
        The Future of money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSrGS7FCgOM


        1. Lady Liberty.

          Right now we have hugely sensitive Global issues affecting this as a direction. As ever, the problem with any Electronic medium is hacking risk, State seizure and Taxes. Minefields to steer safely though and to protect your liberty, Lady.
          Then the fightback by the Fed and the all powerful Zionist / Jewish Lobbies, are battles raging. Having seized control and manipulated nations now for centuries, this is their Armageddon. When Guile and Stealth, can not control others wealth. Fiscal Democracy? Freeing YOU from Bank Racketeering. The purpose and power of money in your hands. Tony may chose to run some articles which show a lot. It’s a long haul. Power fights back. .
          We are on your side.

          Liked by 2 people

  21. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  22. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Lifting Souls and Spirits for all of you.


  23. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    Hope you are all enjoying a good evening and are well.

    Things have picked up at WHA, and I thank you all for your participation. It’s amazing what a difference in workload having one more Brit on board can cause! lol

    With the increased comments, I am trying to make certain adjustments to optimize the appearance of comments as they appear. With the current format, the comments get squeezed into a thinner body, and the word wrap goes crazy. For those of you on a mobile phone, if you hold your phone along the horizontal axis, the word wrap should correct itself for proper viewing.

    For PCs, I am in touch with Word Press on this and will come up with a fix as soon as possible. I am also working the bug for the R rating video feature which requires a birth date to access more sensitive content. You know, like when a chi-com eats a turtle by ripping it apart with her mouth and slurping it down like a half-crazed Bolshevik?

    We may have to use a different Word Press theme, but I hope that’s not the case since this one is easy on the eyes and easy to manage from an admin point of view. I appreciate your patience.

    Our London White Hat friend is spending a considerable amount of time to assist us with proper understanding of our subject matter, and for that we are very fortunate. One does not get access to the halls of power in a major financial district like London by just asking. We did not start this site to engage in guesswork, or deal with amateurs and shape-shifting circus clowns who become “intel providers” for financial expediency. We did it to fulfill the mission statement. Period.

    As of late, I have been briefed on things that I cannot openly detail, but I can say it would blow your mind if I did. Just know that the activities discussed are very real, the challenges very daunting, and the people working on them very ready and skilled at their respective duties. Keep that perspective, always.

    Stay tuned for the latest. And, as always, be ready for anything.

    The spice must flow.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thanks for all the time and effort you are putting into the site to make is function better Tony, much appreciated. And thank you for the update.

      Oh bugger! I do love getting my mind blown too. Looks like I miss out this time. LOL


    2. Tony – I’m am in awe! Just when I think I have it all figured out about the direction I feel the world is heading and not in a good way, you post this video and it brought tears to my eyes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am happy you were moved by it. 🙂


    3. A damning accusation from Mike Pompeo that Covid did come from the Wujan Lab.
      Huge consequences. Already its cost a quarter of million lives and will quadruple over time. Economies have lost vast trillions and more to come.
      The media will run with that. Suddenly there’s a rabid Chink in China’s smokescreen.


  24. In case people need a place to order currencies quickly, I have used https://www.safedinar.com for mutiple purchases and sales over the last 5 years. They are quick and I have never had a problem with them buying or selling back. You might be able to get dong at your bank relatively quick as well. In the past I ordered and received within 24-48 hours. If we are to move quick, you want to think ahead and be prepared because this COVID crap is effecting everything. The nice thing about safedinar.com is they carry a bunch of currencies like Afghani etc. which at one time was rumored to be in the first basket with Zim, Dong and Dinar, so it’s a one stop shop. I just want everyone to be able to take advantage if we can. It takes an army if we are to stick it up the globalist’s ass. Bill Gates 1st!🖕


    1. An excellent contribution HIW. For reasons of Trustee confidentiality, there are certain issues I am not at liberty yet to release, but your welcome contribution is beyond fortuitous. Yes, if Florida successfully converts this time, be ready for the next steps to co engage and benefit.
      Keep HIW’s comment to hand. Tony may also choose then to also enhance other outlets. Thanks you HIW.

      Liked by 2 people

  25. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    From John2020:

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Beautiful. Thank you for bringing that in. We will remember. It is what we here wait to prove. People like Tony provide these forums while we wait together to help our humanity and our beautiful planet. The wait has been painful at times, but maybe we will be allowed to do what we so desperately want to do. The wait has taught us well.


    2. Your site is taking off. Thanks to all of you.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. That was truly beautiful John and so very true. Thanks for sharing that one with us, much appreciated.


      1. So is the power of love song above Aurataya. Listen to the words, one part? Lol


        1. I think I get your drift there Mr Cheeky. There were a few lyrics that brought a smile to my face LOL.

          You know John, I actually avoided listening to that song until this evening. I do like beautiful songs like that and recognise the beauty in the words but when you’re single it can make you feel a bit alone and sometimes sad, depending on your mood at the time, so I generally avoid them. Unless I have had a few too many drinks and feel like torturing myself and blubbering all night. LOL

          I can only imagine how beautiful it would be to actually be in a loving relationship and share that song together in complete trust and honesty. I have never truly been in love, so don’t really know what it’s all about. I have cared enormously for the partners I have been with and still do but no magical connection on that specific level unfortunately.


    4. So shines a good deed in a weary world…


      Liked by 1 person

    5. Oh heck, I’m a jaded 70 year old and I’m in tears. Thank you, thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tony

        Go pull a hot 25 year old. Then you will be jaded with a real smile on your face. Lol

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Or dead. LOL


  26. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  27. John,
    I wanted to know if you could give me the true landscape of the world economy . Not related to the RV or GS.
    I am amazed at the fact the no one is concerned about adding $4Trillion worth of debt to the $23 Trillion that we already have. At the same time tax revenues will decrease because a lot of businesses are not producing goods and services.

    I thought you had previously mentioned that some banks have huge exposure in the derivative market with respect to oil. How are those banks doing now? The EU has to be in trouble based on the problems Italy had alone,

    Government employees are sitting home getting paid as if money is infinite. That’s local, state and federal employees. I can’ t see how this can go on much longer.

    A bird’s eye view would be appreciated.


    1. Terry

      It’s actually far worse. Even the UK will run up Multi Ts in losses, as will the world because of wrong policies over Covid. We are giving loans or Grants with money we do not have .So we will borrow from the Fed, or Jewish Mafia. Effectively saddling our nations with decades of Debt to repay. All for a virus which takes a fraction of one per cent, for which we are destroying 90% of the economy. So much for Scientific Advisers, Political misfits and the Skanks in Politics. Useless!

      40% of Fleet cars have not been re leased. Travelling is out, Gas /Petrol/ Oil sales are in freefall. Oil Tankers are rotting at sea. Land Tanks are full, no demand. Oil Barns will be signing on for unemployment with JR soon. All the derivatives gambles have fallen apart. Insured losses, how far? Watch that space. Insurers are slippy weasels.

      Restaurants, Pubs, Clubs and all Hospitality events closed. Sports Clubs in perilous financial trouble. Sport Stars mega salaries about to fail. No gate money to fund them..WAGS are hooking for Dimes.

      Air flights re grounded. Anyone travelling is fined heavily here. Locked down!

      Hotels are shut down. Vast millions are not working. Many businesses now will not re open. Stores tenants can not pay their rents. Home builders have stopped.

      Taxes have fallen off a cliff and these lunatics are spending money the do not have. Debts will soar.
      Cheap flights will end. Be prepared for rocketing costs. Planes are mothballed. Who pays?
      Economies are being destroyed.

      The US hidden Military and Agency costs are in vast Ts of waste. All funded by off balance sheet Grey screens. Funny money now compounded in losses reaching infinity. Interest screwed by the Zios. Goats on a Leash.

      The landscape portrayal is desolation don’t you think? Lunacy rules fools. Pass the parcel games with an un-exploded bomb. They are extending loans and throwing in grants. Zio Bankers are in ecstasy. Interest riches. Charging real money for Fools money backed by nothing. A Zio Cults worthless promise to pay!

      So Yes,Terry, When does it crash to earth? The Perfect Storm comes when?


      1. I heard a long time ago that Trump was put in office to manage the bankruptcy of the US Corporation, which includes The Fed. From what you just described, the bankruptcy is happening — which will lead into the new economic system. The criminals own the large corporations which control most everything. That has to change if we are to break free of this slavery.

        I think the Rats intentionally let loose the coronavirus, but Trump is using it to bankrupt them. I hope I’m right.


      2. Thanks for your response John. I have a bad feeling about this. You can’t turn an economy on and off like a light switch.


      3. One more thing. Commercial insurance policies do not cover losses incurred because of a pandemic emergency.


        1. Fully aware which is why Hedge Funds are bricking it now. The nasty scheming Bastards are being made to swallow bad gambles.

          But governments should never have paid stupid loans out. They can not be repaid and the economy is failing anyway. The well is dry for most. It’s you or the Zio’s. They need to go!

          If we can get Florida cleared, we will assess and test the next stage, ONLY if prudent. If the next stage is possible, we will try to help people grab a fast buck and fast track if it stacks up. No details you are in our thoughts. You matter!


  28. Tony, I wanted to thank you for all of the extra time and effort you are putting into the site. I know comments have increased quite a lot in recent days and you have not missed a beat in addressing that. I know you don’t always have a great deal of spare time so please know how much I, and I am sure many others appreciate that. THANK YOU.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, thank you for that mate!

      We added one Brit, and my workload increased 40%. Imagine if we added Lord James as well. I would need to hire a personal sexre…err, secretary.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Maybe we should invite Lord James in that case, your life may sparkle even more. LOL Then again, you may be too exhausted to continue taking such good care of the rest of us. Nah, not such a good idea then. LOL


      2. Do you actually know a Lord James or is that a joke.


        1. I’m starting to feel like who are you people!? And I posted a it’s getting hot video as a joke to Aurataya. Ripping body comment. Was just having some fun but I feel like such a fool now.

          Well nice knowing you all. I’m going to crawl in a hole now.


          1. My darlin, when I read this comment from you I just wanted to give you a big hug. It’s ok, you have not done anything wrong. Your comments and videos were not inappropriate. They were fabulous responses considering the mood we were all in that day. It was heaps of fun and I really enjoyed it. I love mucking around with you and anyone else that wants to join in. And as you can see for yourself John and Tony like to have some fun too.

            Sweetheart, I am just an ordinary person just like I believe you are. I can see Tony and John have offered their responses to bring you up to speed a little more. John and Tony may move in different circles to us but that does not mean we are not worthy of communicating with them or that we should be shy to do that. They are both very down to earth people as you know.

            A Johnson, if you go running away from us I’m am going to track you down and give you a good smack of that hairy butt of yours.LOL Let me assure you that you have done nothing wrong. You are always yourself and that is exactly what I love about you. I cannot cop people who put on all the airs and graces when in certain company. Please don’t be shy, don’t be embarrassed and don’t hide away from us. You are a gorgeous lady with a truly beautiful spirit. I feel close to you because you are natural, kind, intelligent, considerate, loads of fun, down to earth and most importantly, you have a beautiful heart.

            Now heck little Missy, I’m not buttering you up anymore because your head might get too big lol and you know everything I have stated is true so just accept that we all love you for exactly who you are and that is that. NEVER change yourself for other people. ALWAYS be yourself because that is what attracts good people to you.

            Oh, and I personally do not know Lord James either. I also only know Tony and John from being online here at WHA and OWoN. Relax darlin, we are in good company. XXX

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thank you for all your kind words. I don’t know what to say except thank you and that you are a very special person.

              Liked by 1 person

          2. A Johnson

            Your a valued part of the site. Don’t ever feel excluded, each day we all learn more. You matter. You all matter.


            1. Thank you!


        2. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

          Lord James is one of John’s colleagues in Westminster. Get with the program eh? lol


      3. David and I are one. Anything to him comes to me. Who do you think writes the key speeches and plans the show?

        Last time I sat in the VIP Lords oversight area for a key session, LJ had brought a female friend who was so high on weed you could smell it from 10 feet. I brought my son along and he was stoned for 30 minutes even breathing the air. Behind closed doors? Once LJ hinted to her who was ex 9 she was hot to trot.

        Money, power, pheromones, welcome to Westminster. And do they- mone! Joke, play on part words.


        1. I had no idea! I thought you were some well off guys who just wanted to help some people. I did not know it was at this level.


          1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

            A Johnson. For you and others new here, this is a pic of our London friends, from a previous publicly released article on OWoN. Check out the background and you can see where they are allowed access. I have often said we are lucky to have a communication line to such people, because 99% of the stuff we had to read about our subject matter in the past was largely sourced from nutcases, ex-cons, grifters, overnight parvenus, “sovereign” space cadets, and every other chunder head you could imagine.

            Welcome to realistic park.


            1. Well that is a little intimidating for an OC Cali beach girl. How did I end up here?
              Nothing is by chance so has to be a reason I always gravitate to this site.


              1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

                And we appreciate your gravity. 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Tony can you give us a refresh on possible reval amounts that were always thrown around? The range of possibility?


                2. In the past, we were hearing .10 to .47 on the Dong. And anywhere from 1.00 to 3.50 on the Dinar. But, that’s far from certain and even so, possibly subjected to strict individual limits and time windows. People were warned to move quickly once any changes are seen.

                  For now, we will have to wait for any updates on this. Things are moving, and I sincerely wish everyone good luck on any paper exit opportunities.

                  With the coming upward appreciation in key quality digital assets, this would be a good time to get it over and done. Then, other horizons await, and such horizons only come around every so often.

                  Thanks for your question!


              2. I know why you always gravitate to this site my little Cali beach girl. It’s because you love me so much and the other reason is that you cannot stand the thought of missing out on the video that Tony is sharing next week after my request the other day. You know the one that you nominated the Joe Cocker song for? You very simply do not wish for me to be the only one that gets to enjoy it. I’m sick of having to share all the time. I should get my own way sometimes. Ha ha ha ha ha,

                Smile darlin, today is a beautiful new day. XXX

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Aurataya – you know me too well! Lol

                  Liked by 1 person

            2. Lord David James of Blackheath is gutsy too. Read the story in the link or watch the video. Now I understand why John was having the odd spack attack late last year re Brexit!
              You’ll have to cut and paste the link, below.
              Is that you on the far right of the public gallery John?


              1. No, that’s Lord James and the one on the left is the Chinese Dynasty Taiwan Presidents son here for protecting family assets discussions.


              2. Not quite what I meant. In the link (which Tony has made “clickable”, [Thx Tony]), if you scroll down you’ll see a video, marked “VIDEO” in red. The video starts with a long shot, past a standing LJ and the caucus of Lords, to a roped off area (which I presume is the VIP Lords oversight area). Is that you, coach?


                1. No the Royal VIP section are is at the other end which is hidden from TV. Hell, show you Kabuki theatre?


              3. Helen

                New pics will answer all your questions. It will all help you see the bigger real picture.
                But, never doubt, we are humble, polite and real. Also some of us stay off public radar for good reasons.
                The site is about to get ever more interesting. Thank you for responding.

                Liked by 1 person

            3. Remember, all you ever see is Kabuki Theatre.
              The Genies are the Puppet Masters who plan the moves and write the speeches then stay quietly in the background out of Public sight. Old family powers, bloodlines. Need to know only.


              1. Aaah, but is that you in the video marked “VIDEO” in red, in the above link, at the opening shot, sitting on the far right hand side in the public gallery area?


                1. Look at the one with the Taiwanese and Lord J. who keeps it all together? We go out of our way to stay invisible. The hands which rock the cradle. Tony may chose to show you pics in the inner sanctum presenting to the Elders. The real powers. Out of sight, never out of control.


                2. Of course! Let’s revisit an old video we did long ago which contains the pictures you are referencing.


                  Liked by 1 person

            4. The Other Andrew Avatar
              The Other Andrew

              Dear John or Tony:

              What is the name of the building that the room pictured above is in? Pardon my ignorance.

              Thank you.


              1. House of Lords Place of Westminster.


          2. Hey A Johnson, don’t you think it’s cool though, that even at “this level” you have the opportunity to share with down to earth people with good hearts that actually do care about you?

            Liked by 1 person

      4. If, and its always IF with major currency deals, IF, Florida completes this time, as hoped by many, there may, I say MAY, be an opportunity for another to follow. It’s NOT guaranteed, still a gamble, but then a pretty hot one. We can’t advise, just suggest.

        So, IF Florida completes, those able to park up a few hundred bucks in a currency speculation, may see a good return. If so, as it will be a window of opportunity, PLEASE, use those fast profits to get rid of Credit Card and Loan Debts as fast as you cash out. You have nothing if all you have is owed. Once you make the huge mistake of part paying your Credit Cards, you are on a Debt Cycle which will last your lifetime. Often all because of a stupid whim, I want, I want, I want. Stop wanting until you can pay for it in cash. Get CLEAR of Debts. Do NOT use that fast profit to go shopping until you are clear of Debts. Public enemy Number one (Apart from her Indoors) is Debt. Get the Sharks out of your lives. I don’t Forex Gamble it’s a nightmare. But IF Florida clears I may buy just one fast. We will advise you if so.

        New Car sales are c40% down and vast stocks will be discounted to hell to unload them. Second hand cars will crash pro rata. Find out where Car Fleet Leasing companies sell Fleets after 2 years use. You can often get a car with low mileage for 50% off what it would have cost you retail. Use your heads. Buy at trade prices. Keep the money in your pockets. This, Post Covid, is time to reflect. Clear Debts if possible. Switch cards to clear in total every month and don’t buy what you can’t afford.

        Everything will change soon. Covid is here. With consequences but also opportunities. Assess and think smart.
        We will give a clear hint if Florida trades out. Then it lines up the next. That is your window. Take out those cards!

        Good luck.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Thanks for sharing that John. I’m sure many readers will feel a little uplifted by that glimmer of hope you have offered. Great advice re those horrid credit cards and fleet car buys too. Thanks John.


        2. Interesting info and good advice which I very much will heed. So in which currency would you “park up a few hundred bucks”. Dinar? Dong? Both?

          How wonderful to have John here with us.


          1. If I answer that all we are trying to do for you will be claim jumped fast. Let the cards fall.


          2. Reflecting again Spirit 156, IF Florida trades out, I will answer which one, but only after at least $100M of my own money is then parked in it as a speculation. Your choice to gamble then, but if I smell a real move it will increase fast. We will be clear when the Buys are made if it can help you all. But please, if it comes off,. get rid of those cards.
            If we get inside knowledge we will try to help you make many times more gearing up in margin calls.
            White knuckle times until then. .Good luck.


            1. Maybe we will get a good word or surprise this week!




  29. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    To err was Truman.


    1. Help out the newbie. Reinstating a Naval Commander or Captain, is that really the most important issue at hand today? I like Dr. P very much, but Opus 216 seems a underwhelming…

      If I was Trump, I would have requested the resignation of the whole chain of command. But that’s me…


      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        I am going to send him a copy of the turtle-eating Chi-com and tell him to shape up.


  30. Kerry needs to learn how to interview, period. It’s one thing to not be soft on the interview process, but quite another to be so intrusive as to cut the communication of the interviewee and not allow them to get their points across. She does not interview – she debates.


    1. I agree with you there Tony. I stopped listening to her shows due to the fact I found her to be so rude to those she was interviewing. Looks like nothing has changed.


    2. I liked Project Camelot before she went out on her own. The two were great together. I don’t remember his name but he always wore a hat. I stopped listening to her a while ago.

      I’ll give it a listen, only because it’s Paladin but I’m sure I’ll get annoyed. There must be some good nuggets to decipher.


  31. Humor from London:

    Keeping it real.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ok, well no one is touching this one I see. LOL I’ll bite.

      Firstly, just so I can protect myself a little from looking utterly stupid, I am having trouble viewing some of the videos shared here recently. Not sure what’s happening there.

      So, we enter our birth date. I did that but fibbed too. LOL Not sure where that info ends up. So, got the error message first time around.

      Went back and entered my real birthday thinking I was about to be blown away by a certain persons cheeky humour but got the same message again. Now we all know that our Brit most definitely does have a weird sense of humour. Or maybe and most likely, I am as thick as a brick and just don’t get it.

      Ok, I’ll wear the dunces cap today and sit in the corner until someone enlightens me.


      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        It is a problem with Word Press. I am trying to get them to address it.


        1. Thanks Tony.

          And here I was thinking it was some sort of cheeky trick big J was playing on us. I thought that something really crude was going to pop up on the screen after you entered your birthday. OMG, I take the dork cake today.

          That was funny John, thanks. Heck, gave that habit up a long time ago, Don’t miss it one bit either. But to each his own I suppose.


  32. Tony – Your preliminary future plans for this site helping people get out of debt, education etc, will this be open to the public? Would I be able to refer people here?


    1. If we do so, yes. I am planning scholarships to those who demonstrate the need and capability to need such service and act on it, and then become a value to society.

      We will not cater to loafers, goldbricks, mental cases, argumentative dolts or anyone who has an agenda to make themselves the center of importance because they channel Zolton and claim to be sovereign.

      More on this later.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Until today, I never realized how big your vision is and it’s probably just a glimpse.

        From the bottom of my heart Tony, you are truly an extraordinary human being.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I do appreciate your comments. But…the London guy gets all the chicks!! 🤔

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Next time, try speaking with an English accent. Thank me later 😂

            I’m starting to get naughty again. Must control myself.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. OMG SF, that really made me giggle. LOL

            I don’t think we need to worry about the London guy going within ten million miles of the turtle woman. LOL I can’t even use the word “lady” in her case. No lady would do that.


          3. Be assured the 2 words he will not be using are – Eat me!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. OMG. LOL.


            2. We are holding auditions for Eyes White Shut Part 2 very soon. I will actually set that one to PG 13. R is for turtle eating.

              Liked by 1 person

            3. And let us all pray to God that she does not use those words either. Yikes.


  33. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Really good to see the investigators tracking those spying on the Election, trying to prohibit Trumps election, blackmailing Flynn and others, and running an FBI Spy Scam. They have it all tracking back to that lying, conniving Con Man Soetoro now, this ILLEGAL Usurper, when is he going to Gitmo for life? Why are he and Clinton still free? Why is Comey not in jail? When? Now wouldn’t that help the Election campaign and rounding up Biden too?

      Liked by 1 person

  34. https://www.newsmax.com/us/surgeon-general-adams-masks/2020/03/31/id/960679/?fbclid=IwAR3JtisSLrJ_kTOwqjpu6e27a8cYzbJBZt1MyyKwjYiXS7O6Sm0Fb-JIFyE

    “What the World Health Organization and the CDC have reaffirmed in the last few days is that they do not recommend the general public wear masks,” Adams told Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.” “There was a study in 2015 looking at medical students. And medical students wearing surgical masks touch their faces on average 23 times. We know a major way that you can get respiratory diseases like coronavirus is by touching a surface and then touching your face.”

    Masks also can give the wearer a “false sense of security” and can encourage people to be too close to each other, said Adams, and further, there are still mask shortages nationwide.

    People who are sick should wear masks, said Adams, but acknowledged that if healthy people feel better by wearing a mask, “by all means, wear it” but they should not touch their faces.

    He also insisted the general public should not wear medical-style N95 masks, because they must be fitted properly to avoid infection.

    “There may be a day where we change our recommendation, particularly for areas that have large spread going on, about wearing cotton masks but again the data is not there yet,” said Adams.


  35. The Other Andrew Avatar
    The Other Andrew

    My recent discussion with Tony was too far off the map for the one with 2020 vision to catch it in time I am afraid, but do not fear for I have some material to discuss with him. Here goes:

    In the October 8th OWoN post below we find these words: “The Banks want these first phase deals to clear. Florida has processed a lot of bonds and currencies. Let the negotiations progress. Or you expend your own funds getting resolution. We ask no one for contributions. All self help and self resolution. We do our things our way, and we are not part of the Reno game.”

    I am asking that person with 2020 vision to explain what the “Reno game” is all about and not hold back on describing the negatives if you think there are some, and why go through Florida when things are supposed to be just fine by going through Reno? How does going through Florida resolve the problems that you would encounter if you played the Reno games? Why have lots of bonds and currencies been processed via Florida and not via Reno yet? Thank you and God Save The Queen !!! The Other Andrew

    October 8, 2019 at 8:52 am


    “…The Banks want these first phase deals to clear. Florida has processed a lot of bonds and currencies. Let the negotiations progress…”

    Q: This is October 8 2019. This plight does not look like a 2019 completion based on your summation. THE ‘WATCH EACH DAY” IS MORE LIKE pie in the sky with cherry on top, to those listening. Thank You for your effort in this regards, it is most appreciated. The holiday season cometh soon, yeah I know. Give it to us straight.

    A: Try telling that to our teams traveling back to Florida right now focusing on closures?

    The Banks want these first phase deals to clear. Florida has processed a lot of bonds and currencies. Let the negotiations progress. Or you expend your own funds getting resolution. We ask no one for contributions. All self help and self resolution. We do our things our way, and we are not part of the Reno game. We are tasked trying. Too many are over tasked whining. For those not able to exit sell, why buy?


    1. This is sensitive right now.

      There are very large blocks of currencies and bonds in hopefully closing sequences.

      Reno became a graveyard of Brokers, loose cannons and basket cases. Undesirables moved in.

      Florida has a clean run right now, IF, IF, IF, as ever, the Buyers are real. But, as ever, greed kills deals when unrealistic conversion levels are set. It’s been to the wire before and rolled over. Let’s see next week, if the Fat Lady loses her voice or not.
      We have all links lined up on our side.

      You will NOT be advised until after it’s done and for sure no details. But, if it clears, it rips the restraint doors off the Dinars. While we protected China re the Dongs, not now for sure!

      If Florida clears, it opens Pandora’s box.

      As regards the Cherry on top, try the front line. It’s a fast way to lose yours.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. IF Florida clears will a change be evident anywhere? Forex?

        Can you at least give us the 1st letter of the country?



        1. HIW

          Post Florida, if the Buyers pay out this time, it will have seismic effects upon Forex. Game on!

          At this state I have multi B good reasons to keep it off radar by name. We need it cleared, not unleashing the multi M S*** Flies who always try to free ride. This site will be the first to help post settlements. This and WHR.

          It’s very far forward right now, we just need to ensure the F lady does sing. Give it 2 weeks. Validations just completing now. But, as ever, it’s all for nothing until money clears.

          If so, watch the markets.

          Liked by 1 person

  36. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Do not like to keep making you work Tony… but, you posted my last post so fast I assume you are sitting at the computer right now…
      Skimmed the Forbes article above, part of it screams Vechain to me!.. 🙂
      We shall see!


      1. Yep, and many other ideas as well. Far too many to easily categorize here.


  37. A friend works in the OR at a local hospital… they have had zero known Corona cases to date since the start… they started laying off way back… he volunteered to take lay-off so others that needed it more could work… we talked yesterday and he said he is making more money not working… this entire mess is crazy.


  38. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  39. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Furloughed Workers Don’t Want To Return To Their Jobs As They’re Earning More Money With Unemployment

    “…A person could conceivably earn $1,000 per week on unemployment, depending upon the state he or she resides in…”



    1. I can attest to this.

      My brother is a machine mechanic at an aircraft manufacturing facility. He’s collecting about $4000 a month on a combination of unemployment pay and reduced COVID salary.

      Self employed slugs like me get zip. 😦


      1. Yep, my husband is self employed and we haven’t seen a dime nor the 1200 per person stimulus money.


        1. not do we know of any other business owners who received any money that we know.

          My cousin who owns a restaurant/bar in Scottsdale Az, is about to close his doors is if does not receive the help. This is a family business passed down.

          Also a niece in San Diego who owns a restaurant/bar, another family business passed down is in big trouble.

          Where is all this money to help small businesses?


      2. Zip for me too.


      3. Self-employed that are effected by COVID can apply for PPP funding. Use your schedule C, Line 31 income.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

          Yes, but my business is not affected by COVID, and I would not qualify for the stimulus regardless.


          1. That is my goal Tony. To be in your financial position. Financial Freedom.

            Although, proper planning and not over extending has paid off for us. Who could have known the world economy would shut down. I didn’t see that coming.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I do recall you stating Many times to be ready for anything. Best advise!


            2. It is my hope that many of our readers will achieve this status so they can fulfill their goals and be of good service to others, and not just survive for the sake of surviving.

              The opportunities for such are greater now than ever I have seen in my lifetime. And, for far less risk than before.

              If we do not see releases in these coming few weeks, when the need is greatest, I honestly can’t imagine what they will wait for next.

              Of all the plans I have considered for the future here, I think one of the best is to counsel people to get out of consumer debt, out of the hands of usury sharks, and empowered to weather events like the one we are in now. A good curriculum for such needs to be written up and given freely.

              Let’s get releases through, then a lot of good can be achieved. We are very fortunate to have an information line to the front lines so we can set proper expectations.

              We have a very wide assortment of people here. Most do not post. They are everything from labor to highly skilled professionals. Most are quality people. We have a few trolls who pretend to be friendly while trying to stick a dagger in your ribs. They think I am not aware of them, but I am. For now, I wish to keep them close, and I am sure I don’t need to explain why.

              I have prepped a select list of members for initial consideration of a round table; a board member list of sorts. Once releases are done, there will be no time to “lay around and feel rich”. The truly wealthy who are responsible, work like dogs. But, they do so with a purpose that fulfills them. This crap about being an idle rich person is for the birds. Idle rich are for the most part, mental cases.

              Stay tuned, because the voyage could be about to begin.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Very exciting! Thanks so much Tony!

                Liked by 1 person

              2. Time to come out of long time lurking back to commenting. Tony, John, Paladin,Canauzzie and all commenters thank you all for the time, effort and input in these forums.It has kept me sane in this mad world.
                Ready to be of service in anyway I can to help forge out a Brave New World.
                On Standby x

                Liked by 1 person

                1. I’m going to have fun telling Paladin he needs to come out. Love it!

                  I am so going to wind him up.

                  Liked by 1 person

  40. 😊
    Tezos chooses Chainlink oracles to power its smart contracts



  41. A question for John2020 and or Tony
    I totally agree with the idea to get out of paper into digital assets as you mention. Could someone comment on the precious metals, such as gold and silver and how they will be a life raft through all of this turmoil and how if possible the digital and precious metals will work together as a protection.
    Thank you ever so much.


    1. My thoughts: Precious metals are a security against currency collapse and hyper inflation. Common advice from metals experts say that 10% of your investable net worth should be in a metals portfolio. Seek proper advice from a qualified and experienced person on this. Depending on how high your net worth is may determine the types of metals (coins, bars, etc.) you should hold.

      I assume you mean “digital assets”, like crypto. These are two different classes. Cryptos are volatile and highly speculative and in that environment you can appreciate very large gains, even become wealthy in a relatively short period of time. Metals, by enlarge, can be volatile but are usually considered safe harbors. You should not speculate in that market without proper guidance, and never with the bulk of your savings.

      The same with cryptos. These are for spare risk dollars only. At this time, the prices on many good ideas allow you to risk mere hundreds to potentially make millions. But, these conditions will not last forever. Just as in tech, there was a time to get in good and make a bundle if you knew what you were doing and had the steam to hold on. There are some crypto ideas that are built for the long haul and can be staked for the long haul. But, that’s another kettle of fish that is too complex to cover in detail here.

      John can add more if he likes, and to be sure, his bank account is wayyyyyyyyyyyy larger than mine. lol

      Jim Rickards is pretty good with metals advice and portfolio structure. So is Mike Maloney.

      As for cryptos, if you need expert guidance, consider joining Palm Beach Group, or Weiss Ratings for excellent guidance in the digital asset realm. This is a must for those who are not tech savvy or do not have time to conduct in depth research on their own.

      Hope this helps and I hope I understood your question.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you for a kind response.


  42. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    For those of you with alt coin portfolios, I trust you are seeing some results.

    Overall, since a year ago, mine is up 400% from its lows, with cost averaging factored in. We are most likely at the beginning stages of what could be the run-up of the century. There will certainly be some corrections along the way. So, get ready for some volatility, and those of you in for the long haul can now see what some patience and dedication to the long game will do for you. Datacoin (DATA), one of Teeka’s picks for his final 5, is up 60% alone today; most likely just a little junior high parking lot foreplay compared to what is coming.

    Now. NOW would be an optimum time to get out of paper with some gain of whatever magnitude possible. Even modest amounts diversified from paper into digital assets could mean a difference for so many, especially now when our country and the world is trending towards a debacle from which a recovery may take years.

    Continue to be ready for anything.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Tony. If it had not been for you a good portion of us would not even be seeing results of any kind. Thank you so much.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I truly think the best is yet to come. Hold on!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Me too, if my knuckles don’t explode in the meantime. LOL

          Volatile alright. Far out, crazy stuff this evening.


    2. Uphold is not allowing to transfer XLM. I was so frustrated a couple weeks ago that I sold it for XRP then transferred and rebought it.

      I have since bought more and it’s sitting in my account.

      Tony, do you think it’s safe there? I always transfer my coins to hard wallet.

      I also want to add to my positions. You always say buy the dip. Does it even matter anymore at this point since we are in the beginning of a bull market?

      Last couple years the market kept going down and I continued to buy the dips. I’ve never been in a bull market before.


      1. Uphold is licensed and insured. I am sure it’s quite safe. I don’t keep my XLM there but nonetheless, you should be fine.

        You must really be doing well if you bought dips in the last few years.

        I do not know the specifics of your finances so I can’t really answer that. I also cannot give personal investment advice.

        But, as a rule, you should always buy dips if you intend to add to your position in speculative markets. Never keep buying on the way up, or in other words, chase a rising price in fear of missing out. Buy up to a comfortable amount then wait. If dips present themselves and you want to add, then you can do so.

        I personally do not buy during a fast moving upward speculative market. But, that’s me.

        With prices so cheap, it does not take a lot to make a lot, so there is no need to overbuy a position.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. My God. What would we do without you Tony? I honestly do not believe any of us could ever thank you enough for your level headed guidance. You have offered so much of your time to all of us. You have been so patient, caring and wise in everything you have presented here. Words just don’t cut it when one wishes to express what that means. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thank you, and thank YOU too for participating. Remember, we have some unfinished business, and when we complete it, I will call on you to perform a certain task that I know only an aussie can do. (No, not wrestling a croc. lol). More later!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. No worries Tony. We’ll get there with that business matter. I wrestle with some family members every day so a croc would be easy. LOL


              1. I knew you were someone special Aurataya!

                Liked by 1 person

                1. I think a Roo is looking for a pouch to park his tail. lol


                2. Haha. Your naughtiness always makes me giggle.


        2. I received my uphold debit card. Money has to be there to use it, so I would think my XLM will be fine sitting there. I used it to make a small purchase and works great. I actually paid with XLM.

          I still have a couple more crypto’s I would like to take a position in. Looks like my chance for that is arriving.

          Thank you Tony for sharing your wisdom and being here for us.

          Liked by 1 person

      2. I just got an e-mail from Ledger yesterday that XLM is now on Ledger live. No longer need to use third party wallet to store on your Ledger nano.Good luck!

        Liked by 3 people

    3. john2020vision Avatar

      Agreed Tony

      WHA has been an excellent forum assisting all its readers/ supporters how to develop a protective portfolio, and to cross share both investment and protective strategies.

      The world we are in, is about to change immeasurably post Covid. We have now, a monstrosity released, which will impair humanity for decades, change our social patterns, and impact on living standards for everyone. Now, no one is safe. Especially Elders.

      It’s going to affect jobs, working patterns and have a downside effect on all economies. The cost burden will be felt. Customs and cultures will have to change to survive. For the naive and stupid, it’s only time before they fall foul of this appalling virus. China- how could they? Reciprocity is coming!

      Having this forum enables the readers to build a small economic lifeline of hope and economic protection against what is to come. Well done, all of you. Nothing out there, will NOT be affected by Covid. Economies especially. Social distancing is here to stay. Watching the panic invading the space of half wit Muppets is amusing. They show no sense of discretion if you pass within even 10 feet of them in a supermarket Isle. For the brain dead blocking shoppers while they meditate forever which items to buy or not, a couple of coughs can jump a Pleb 20 feet in a non second,Sorted! We need variations on a tape recorder to pay at will to. Innovation to wake up the nation.

      Extra security will now impact shopping practices and prices.
      Visions of Bankers out of toilet papers screaming in agony having to use a $100 dollar note. OMG – then a second?

      Cryptos while a labyrinth of confusion, is a way to help readers build a careful nest egg to cope with the wobbly world unfolding.
      The UK is about to extend Lockdown into June already. Millions will lose jobs and income. For many, will you?
      The site may well become a life raft of hope, for many, to cope.
      To dodge a bullet as Day Traders.
      Life, will change for all. Creative thinking will help those now sinking.
      Time to rethink life and income needed. The site will become a beacon of light for many. Hope.

      Liked by 2 people

    4. As markets are locking down ever more, jobs are crashing, companies and BANKS are facing freefall, Cryptos offer an escape route for those able to handle it, and a life raft for those needing help and guidance.
      This could now for the time for the site to guide you all through the night.
      There are so many platforms offering top tips, many dangerous pumping crap to the gullible, but as a site forum you can help each other. No jobs, no income, step out together. What’s to lose?
      It’s new world world coming fast. Talk strategies together on site,self and group help. It may be the only income source left for many. You have the time, learn a new skill. Plan a new life, test the waters. Discuss- How!

      Liked by 3 people

    5. Really good news for all Americans to see exoneration coming for for General Flynn. A US Patriot besmirched by Arch Traitor Clinton Crime Partner Comey. When will Comey be charged? Flynn deserves Justice and FBI Traitor Comey deserves a rope and your voices matter! Truth needs a home not just a Crypto Buck.

      Liked by 3 people

  43. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  44. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    “…we are about to deploy an enormous gigantic fiscal stimulus… ”


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Holy cow. Even the IMF spokesperson sounds like the Bene Gesserit spokesperson from Dune.

      IMF and CHOAM (Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles). At least CHOAM kept the spice flowing. IMF brags about shrinking the economy.


      1. Finding just the right scene. Sometimes you truly outdo yourself!


  45. Disgusting Chi-coms. Working on COVID-20 now. Filthy Bolsheviks.

    General MacArthur should have nuked all of them once they came over the Yalu. To err was Truman.


    1. OMG! I cannot even watch that video after seeing that image. And I am restraining myself one hell of a lot from even commenting further as my anger will make me express words that are not appropriate here.


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      This picture is so nauseating I fear Tony will be so shaken he will be appealing for someone to hold his Dong while he recovers his equilibrium.


      1. Looks like Tony may come close to doing that himself from the position he ended up in after falling off that bar stool. LOL


    3. I just lost my dinner. This is almost as bad as the woman who ate the baby birds right out of the nest.


      1. OMG spirit156! I had to turn that video with the baby bird off before I knew what ended up happening.Now I know. When I saw how that witch handled that defenseless little bird I could not take seeing any more of that. You mean to tell me she ate that poor creature alive straight out of the nest? My God! And people wonder why I hold the opinions I do. That type of behavior is so utterly grotesque. Sorry, I just do not wish to be near people who behave like that and who consider that acceptable.

        Liked by 1 person

    4. Tony, I know I’m being an absolute child but is there any way of covering that image on the video above. It is absolutely freaking me out. Every time I have to scroll past it I am utterly repulsed to the extreme. I cannot handle that sort of thing. I just want to puke every time I see it.

      No worries if it’s not possible. I’ll just have to wait until it moves down the page more. Sorry if I seem like a complete nutter.


      1. Yes, I will edit it. I agree. That disgusting slurping reptile eating chi-com is getting to me too. Give me a bit.


        1. Thank you so much Tony.


  46. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    To remind everyone, and new readers:

    To enter a comment, you will find the field for doing so at the END, or bottom of the thread. Simply scroll down to the bottom to find it. I have set the limit for comments to 60 per page so the scrolling is not too burdensome.You can reply to any comment by clicking on the “Reply” button immediately after the comment and doing so.


  47. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    To: aurataya13

    From: john2020vision

    London’s tribute to Aurataya so near, but? Life’s a Bitch. And then there’s Clinton!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Via my Coinbase alert today

      Etherium ( ETH) is up 11.32%
      Litecoin ( LTC) up 11.25%

      So are more. .
      Good luck with them.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Because of the extreme sensitivity, we can not expose a major currency RV being assembled for hopeful exchange.


        If allowed to proceed, it would, then be untenable to leave poor Iraq floundering rudderless without its own currency. Precedence opens Loch Gates.

        Pre Covid we were sensitive to the impact on Chinese investors, if we inflated Dong values.

        Now, it needs to be a serious focal payback for the US. It merits response in the pocket. It also impacts on the Chinese liquidity to escalate Warship production. Thinking smart outside the box.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. homemembership Avatar

          Could this possibly be something sooner than later?


          1. john2020vision Avatar

            If a certain nation RVs the pressure for others will be unstoppable, then China risks getting run over if Dongs inflate. But, there are those who aspire for an inflated Dong.


    2. John, how dare you post this video for Aurataya. This is not RV/GCR news! Lol

      Sorry couldn’t help myself.

      My phone acting up – May get this twice

      Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Believe me, twice sounds good to Aurataya.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You didn’t get my joke. A reader here stated they come here to read rv/gcr and crypto news. Ha ha


          1. Well, it will be the most titillating RV/GCR related information they get anywhere. LOL

            Liked by 1 person

          2. john2020vision Avatar

            I got it. I came here on my own terms. Freedom.
            But- with curved ball zany humour.

            Liked by 1 person

        2. I would love to respond to that comment but Tony would turf me out if I did. LOL


      2. HAHAHA A Johnson. Too right Sis. It is absolutely disgraceful that I am subjected to such naughtiness, particularly first thing in the morning. I have no idea why I attract this type of attention. LOL

        And you are correct. This most certainly is not RV/GCR related, and that is all I am in this group for. I have no time for shenanigans. Haha.

        OMG! You cannot tell me it’s not nice to have some fun and be a bit playful from time to time. It makes life so much more enjoyable as far as I’m concerned. I have my cheeky buddy back now and he always brightens my days. Let’s all enjoy some lighter moments. Life is serious enough most of the time. Tony, will keep us under control. Well, I’m not the one that needs control. I know exactly who the trouble makers are and it’s A Johnson and John2020vision. Tony, you keep an eye on those two, they look like serious mischief makers to me. LOL

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So we have the monetary RV GCR news and the sexy RV GCR news.

          I say bring on more sexy RV GCR news with that guy in it. 😂

          Liked by 1 person

      3. Don’t blame the phone little Missy. I know you have watched that video John posted for me about 20 times already. LOL

        Liked by 1 person

        1. 21 times! 😂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Hot in here!

            Liked by 1 person

    3. Tony – I don’t know what is going on but my post was suppose go with the disgusting girl eating turtle video. I clicked rely under it your post. I swear


      1. Try again. I am looking into this.


    4. OMG John, did you really have to do that to me you big tease? Heavens above, please allow me a few moments to regroup. LOL I had to walk away from the computer for a while after my first viewing. Had to get the heart rate back down to normal. Haha.

      Heck, if that had been me, and I wish I was as lovely as that pretty young lady in the video, that guy would have had the collar ripped right of his neck in a big hurry. LOL

      I must say thank you for starting my day in such a heart pumping manner. Geez, I had better ask Tony to delete this video in case I have an urge to watch it again later this evening. LOL Hmmmm, maybe not. Please don’t delete it Tony. Do I need to beg? Hehehe.

      Enjoy a magnificent day everyone. XX


      1. Aurataya- I think that was a teaser video of Tony.

        You did tell him recently to take off his mask, glasses and shirt! 😂

        He’s not fooling us! Tony you got a ripping body! Ooh LaLa

        Liked by 1 person

        1. OMG A Johnson, you are completely cracking me up today. So much fun.

          And Tony thought I was the one that was most likely to lose control and misbehave. LOL

          And btw Missy, you are not allowed get carried away with all those ripping bodies because you are married. Haha. I’m allowed to do whatever I like as I am single. Haha. Although, this old bod needs a bit more energy to keep up with the mind these days. LOL

          Liked by 1 person

          1. LOL – my husband would just shake his head and call us crazy girls. He’s used to my goofiness.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. That made me giggle. I like the sound of your hubby. Nice when they can chill and allow us silly women to have some harmless fun. Trust is the key.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Over 30 years together Aurataya and still going strong!

                Liked by 1 person

                1. That is so beautiful. Good on you both.


  48. Huge news!

    “WASHINGTON DC – In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task Force has, effectively, dumped the Bill Gates/CDC/WHO predictive contagion model, and is now working with the real data.“



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Gates has a lot to answer for, and a testicular garotting wire will speed up information flow. On Epstein also!


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        As the Oxford University vaccine testing races ahead, 6 Lab monkeys tested with it did not get the Covid disease despite heavy exposure. Mankind pulls together to beat this thing. China has a lot to answer for. Retribution and Reciprocity. .Human testing soon.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Does anyone have xm radio? I was trying to find the interview and it dawned on me why xm radio? Why not announce this in a press conference for all to hear. I tried to sign up fo xm radio but it says “cant find your location”.

      It should not be this difficult for big news like this to find. I’m starting to have my doubts about this.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Here is the interview on Breitbart with the surgeon general. My husband found it.



        1. This will be the last time I post anything about the virus. I thought it was important to share, even though the original article was sensationalized, to hear the surgeon general state that the original models are overblown and they no longer follow them. He said their numbers are much lower.

          Here where I live, The governor is scaring people because they are following the “models”.


          1. Please, let’s leave COVID-19 for another platform. WHA is what I rely on for RV/GCR/GS/crypto related discussions. Is that fair of me to ask? Thank you.


            1. I can appreciate your feelings on this. We won’t go full blown COVID-19 here. But I can’t really censor such either. It’s been pretty light so far.

              All we can do as street people is practice guidelines to keep from getting it, or spreading it. The rest, the policy, the politics, the medical decisions, etc., are in the hands of medicos and politicos.

              But, you are correct that this is not a COVID-19 site and I am quite sure that such won’t become a main focus.

              Hang in there. We may be in for some good news very soon.


              1. C-Coronavirus
                Ovid-From the Roman family name Ovidius, which was possibly derived from Latin ovis “a sheep”

                Coronavirus “Sheep” 2019

                Lambs to the slaughter…Oh how they must be laughing.


              2. Tony, I sure hope and pray you’re right. The World needs relief soon, and I feel terrible for all the average folks out there living paycheck to paycheck.


                1. john2020vision Avatar


                  The current economic stability risks tail spinning out of control soon if the lock down continues. There is a Rubicon line not to cross. Do so and half the world faces not having jobs, not pay checks.

                  The quandary is, how do we protect 1.5 Billion jobs balanced against half a million dead, false figures when you compare normal flu figures? A fraction of 1% for WHAT?
                  The danger of letting Salaried Scientific Advisers loose with power. Muppets ego tripping on Podiums while Rome burns. Headless chickens and Numpties rule Fools! If the Banks fail what then?


            2. TM – Did you read what I said that it would be my last post, so why would you say “is it too much to ask”

              There is more to life then just RV/GCR news. I’m more focused on the cryptos, which I believe is all tied in anyway. Looking at the crypto market, there is a lot to get excited about.

              Also, Tony’s right, the topic is pretty light here.

              You have a nice day and sorry if I upset you.


              1. AJ, not upset at all. I need this site as a release from all the COVID coverage. I know it’s impossible to interpret my tone by my post, but I wasn’t attacking you in any way. Just a general request among virtual friends.


                1. 🤗❤️


                2. Aww. That was so nice to see how your conversation wound up there A Johnson & TM. Such wonderful people gather here. Thank you.


  49. China starts major trial of state-run digital currency.

    “…China will begin trialing payments in its new digital currency in four major cities from next week, according to domestic media…”



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      The RVs we’re closing in on are new Gold Backed USD. Your “Associate” and I are progressing it daily. Those will change all dynamics but more later. So much is evolving now, and our Dynasty Elders are desperate to return to >London. Good things are coming, Elders too!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I do like the sound of progress! And, gold backed progress on top of it.

        Good show! Looking forward to more! Our regards to the elders, and be gentle with their queen. 😉


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Shes acquired a strong Brit vinegar taste. Coded! Lol


      2. Good to hear from you. Brits aren’t that bad after all. Don’t be a stranger.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. How do you bring about an asset backed currency when the Fed is now committed to printing $6T and hyper inflating the dollar?


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          When the entire Fiscal Top is a Zionist Criminal Cabal Regime, in turn reverse owning Presidential and House seat bids, they are impervious to Accounting principals, Law, or morality. Their entire Fiscal monopoly is nothing but a Kabuki Theatre mind game, backed by lies, bluff and subterfuge. The lot is just a Zio Roach operation to leach off and thieve from a so gullible Public, until a Real Treasury and OWN American Central Bank is set up, to protect America’s people from these scurrilous , subversive Vermin. Why does America not have its own Central Bank to serve the people? Have you any idea how much this devious species have siphoned off and stolen from you over the last Century? The UK ejected the Rothschild’s Roaches decades ago. As did France. Our first task was to De Louse our Counting House. Only Zionists and Jews are allowed to hold Top Treasury and Fed roles. A ruthless cult monopoly denying all Patriotic Americans. How long must Americans bleed while they feed? They leave you bereft of your own hard earned and deserved wealth. They will print, not for need, but Zio greed as they game you all. . Looking on, looking in, it’s so sad.


      4. Glad you’re over here. Keep fighting the good fight.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you Shadow. We will try.


    2. Just a side note… stuck out to me big time… local news here (pop about 15k) just had a segment on food traceability… talked about tracking from birth to table via Blockchain… did not mention Vechain…
      I am sure this report was somewhat brought on because of Covid… just wanted to share… change is coming fast!

      Liked by 1 person

  50. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Didn’t he predict 180 thousand btc by the end of this year?


      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        Maybe, not sure. I think that’s possible, but I think 75-80K more realistic.

        If BTC performs like that, imagine what the select quality alt coins will do? Lives are going to change most likely, and for the price of a weekend in Vegas. Now, if we can only get the paper exits to happen BEFORE this!

        Now that would be a stimulus package!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. My favorite alt coins are Xrp xlm ada xtz link dgb and zil

          Bring it on the alt season!!

          I’m so happy to be in this journey the WHA. You have helped so many to change their lives.

          Thank you

          Liked by 2 people

          1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

            Very kind, thank you!

            I think we are just getting warmed up in that area. Just wait and see!


    2. The humour still visible on WHA is commendable. As are the real characters.

      So let’s start helping by giving you a potted overview of multi issues to help kick start you with multi facet realities.

      But the overview, as always, is to keep it real and our feet on the ground. Most else, is an illusion. Be careful of false Prophets.and statistics. Trust your own judgement. It got you this far. First factor in this Covid fiasco with China, is now a Global reality, which will NOT end, it will re appear each year, ever more mutating, so, mask up where needed. Do wash those hands regularly, Socially distance from false Currency Scammers, Politicos, Get Rich Quick Scams, and Gurus. Especially without humour. Be safe for life now, Covid is here!

      Please, don’t drop your guard ever now. Live life, love it, don’t lose it.

      The US and UK are facing the reality of the vast Trillions in lasting economic damage China has unleashed. Beyond that the irreparable life losses and families impaired. It will devastate the poor Third World and YOU need to think about where you go on vacation now. What is lurking! 2020 vision Heh? We seek, we try.

      The UK and US now have to think about restoring key industries and deserved Financial Penalties for what Xi and his Commie Gang Masters have unleashed and covered up. We need to seriously rethink denying their Redemptions, denying their Bonds access, denying Chinese asset withdrawals, and sequestrating what is here. It’s time to think again about about escalating Chinese wealth taking our Jobs and building warships to use against us. Protect OUR Jobs!

      Between the US and UK, we have the best Universities and Science Parks in the world. Time to combine, outplay the Swine and build a better world for all. A vision of Excellence for all. Yes- WE- Can!

      China has been a Salutary lesson. Xi and his Commie Con need to be brought to heel! We must face up to this Mongrel Pup and his Commie Czars.
      Reparation to help each nation!

      China now will change the whole dynamic of redemptions. The Chinese Elders and their wealth will now run a mile from Beijing. They fear, not revere them!

      Vast wealth owed to Elders now needs to be assigned to us for cross ethical use to rethink and aspire to jointly build a new world for Man Kind where we are kind!.A new Global Constitution? Is there a better time than now to review Ethereal Reality. Aspiring to be more, to be Human, and make Science work for us- All!
      To rethink money. Time to END the Treasury /Fed Racket siphoning hard earned wealth out of America. You make, they take, how is that real?

      The reality of the Settlements and part RV’s:

      1. There is a special negotiation ongoing between the Elders and London. Covid has not helped. But its real and has synergy. Also, purpose.

      2. There are large funds owed to a good US Patriot and parties seek to settle. US Infrastructure and hope. Real people. Not greed.

      3. There is a vast deal evolving between Sovereign Hereditarys, and combined US, UK parties. All Seeking US and Global harmony. Not to feed Zionist or Cabal Greed!

      4. There is a large Currency RV playing out and NO!! We will not expand at this stage. It’s very sensitive but we are all trying.

      We all have to lobby together to get those jobs back from China now. Sack the CEO’s, not our people.Chinese knock offs which don’t work. How smart is that now?
      Time to Think Smart, with a Heart. Protect our Home lands, and a Shrine for Queen of Hearts, Dolly Parton.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. The above is verified authentic.

        Thank you all for your courtesy and let’s keep the discourse civil and respectful.

        You want news from the front? Let’s earn the time it takes to bring it to us.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Aurataya and I are going to really have to behave ourselves here from now on. 🤣

          Liked by 1 person

          1. john2020vision Avatar

            Don’t wish that on Aurataya John has mercurial humour.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. NEVER. LOL

            Liked by 1 person

        2. Thank you John2020 and thank you Tony. OMG, I feel so much better.
          Onward and upward. : )

          Liked by 1 person

      2. So we have a lovely new member here at WHA. I wonder who this saucy young man is? LOL I’m already quite impressed. Haha. Sorry, just mucking around again.

        Big huge WELCOME john2020vision. I was so sad yesterday with everything that had occurred in the last couple of days that I could not even respond in a message on either site. But today I am smiling again. I class you as my good buddy. You have been so kind and caring to me and I will never forget that. You do drive me nuts on some subjects but I’m sure I do that to others too. We are all individuals, have different beliefs and passions and we can only express that in the manner which feels appropriate in any given moment under whatever conditions are applicable.

        Today is a very good day. ;-))))))


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          I always try to be kind and respectful to all people.
          As long as they understand that inside that velvet glove, is an iron fist for Fools.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I know you do John and I appreciate that. I also know you are very passionate in relation to some subjects, as we all are and that’s ok in my opinion. You have a lot to share and you give a great deal. I’ll let you off the hook a bit because I know you have a good heart. ;-)))))))

            We all just need to learn to hear each other, respect each other and always try to understand the other persons perspective, even when it can seem like it comes from another realm. We have all walked different paths and each of us has something to offer. It may be very different in some cases but there are always jewels to be found if we look closely enough and care enough to see them.

            Hey, I just realised (good example right there) too, I have someone that spells like me here at WHA now. Yippeeee. ;-))))))


      3. The Other Andrew Avatar
        The Other Andrew

        Is it possible that even the most legitimate currency exchange programs that were routed from Hong Kong through Reno are really controlled by the Chinese commies and no one can expect anything from those programs that were run through Reno? Even those exchange programs that were thought to be the most legit, are now under suspicion of being commie TRAPS to get your currency or bonds because those who were and are pulling the puppet strings stretching to Reno out of Hong Kong are really lap dogs of Xi or people working for him? All those programs were really just commie financial warfare against the American people?


        1. Who thought this? Under suspicion by who? Most Americans are not involved. Numbers of LEGIT participants are small.

          Possible? Sure.

          Probable? No

          That was fun.


          1. The Other Andrew Avatar
            The Other Andrew

            Let me clarify what I meant by “the American people”. I meant those who were involved from the United States and I did not mean everyone or most Americans. Lots of money was generated for the commies by those who did get involved if the commies were holding the puppet strings.

            This is under suspicion by me. That is what I meant.

            I realize what I brought up is something that no one wants to consider, so I will shut up now about this and I hope “j” can give us some insight, if he has any, as he sees Florida as a safer place to be connected with.

            Thank you for making this a safe place that allows open discussion without fear of being put down.


            1. No worries.

              I just wanted to make sure I was understanding the source of those concerns so I could answer correctly.

              Put down for making a comment? Never.

              Only lame horses, three legged sled dogs and Zio bankers are put down around here.

              Now that I know those suspicions were yours, I can safely say that the Chicoms are not running any traps in Reno concerning the legit transactions.

              I am sure our London friend would certainly let us know if that were the case.

              The only time I put anyone down is if they are too heavy. That, or they act like first class snarky assholes.

              Fortunately, that kind of thing is very rare around here.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. The Other Andrew Avatar
                The Other Andrew

                Thanks for
                giving us
                this hopeful
                reply and I
                that you are
                with the right
                people who
                know what is
                going on in
                the real world
                of GCR matters.



  51. The Other Andrew Avatar
    The Other Andrew

    This is posted as a gift for our resident XRP focused investor.
    I hope you find it interesting.

    The Ripple/XRP Currency RESET: The Financial Climax Has Arrived


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you sweety! I’m assuming you are referring to me?

      I just finished listening to the fruit of this mans labor. He did a great job with all the dot connecting and his research in just an hour long video and for it to make sense to the listener, like myself. Really great information.

      Now if the video was not meant for me, please disregard this post. 😆


      1. The Other Andrew Avatar
        The Other Andrew

        Yes darling! I was referring to you.
        Glad you enjoyed the video.



  52. This is from OWoN…. It seemed important

    Unknown and everyone,

    I, of course, would not speak for John. And although Unknown specifically asked John, I feel compelled to reply. This may or may not effect all of you.

    John will likely NOT return here. Those who wish to continue asking him questions should take into consideration they may never get a response.

    As far as your questions go I will simply say this.

    Currencies, I have contacts on the front lines, ones John are in contact with, others who he is not. It is extremely unlikely that any trade could happen without me knowing. However I do not ask my contacts for updated and rarely talk to them about currencies. Why ride the roller coaster? Of all the info released, has ever there been one success story? This is not to say it won’t happen cause I believe it will. It will come like a thief in the night. Quietly and catching most off guard. I do not want branded as someone “in the know” as I have no ego to inflate. If something happens, I will know and pass it on if safe to do so. I will not give updates. When has one come to fruition yet anyway? So I will not speak of these.

    PPs, John deals direct with his clients on these. I am not in contact with them, nor will I try. So who I do talk with may or may not know of releases. So I will not speak of these either.

    As to why John may not return, I will not air dirty laundry publicly, nor share information said privately. Read the last couple comments sections including this one and you should be able to extrapolate from that.

    So anyone who is here for John alone might as well leave now.

    I want to take OWON in a different direction. Information sharing and free speech, which is what it was supposed to be. I am currently working on a new website which will mark the new beginning. OWON will shed a lot of its history, a lot. New videos and reports will be based on current and historical events with looking to the future. To raise awareness. I am involved with others on projects that have been taking priority. Once streamlined it will open up more time for me to spend on getting OWON straightened around and producing content.

    I will answer any questions that you all have. I will not speak of John and why unless he wishes to, directly or indirectly.


    1. Some things were obvious, for some time now.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        Such as?


      2. Tony really? why would you ask a question for which you know full well know, that you too had your skepticism and doubts? May think somehow you kept that opinion to yourself Ummm, close to your vest huh! I’ve been around this “stuff” since August 2001. So, since you ask the question, why not let’s see what your opinions are and have been for some time now….am listening.


        1. You are such a retard. And, impudent in the extreme.

          I had doubts? About what?

          When did I ever speak to you in private about any doubts concerning anything?

          Any doubts I spoke of where about the things that were obviously con job related, such as prosperity programs, and other NESARA-like bullshit.

          It’s time you left.


    2. I don’t like this at all. Something is really off about this person speaking for J. And with innuendo. And if the comment made it on to OWON, who allowed it without some predicate. Maybe I am off base, but this is really suspect.
      Surely there will be clarification.


      1. The person speaking, but not for John, was Canauzzie, the owner of OWoN. The comment link is here:


        WHA is not affiliated with, but merely worked through OWoN since we sourced John as a legitimately linked contact in international finance who worked with key elders and with key GS parties. He posted his information at OWoN, and that alone was the extent of our relationship. Since he is not going to post there any longer, that decision is between John and OWoN.

        I do have my own feelings on how things transpired there, but never was I in doubt about John’s involvement in, or the legitimacy of, his knowledge of events reported on concerning the financial aspects we watch for. Not all of what John knows was openly shared, and I am sure that if you knew it, you would appreciate his input even more than in the past.

        He was very generous with his time. He never once ignored any of my private communications, and answered them promptly and clearly. I kept his confidences at all times, and will continue to do so.

        In the end, it would seem that free speech was free for everyone, but not for John. I am at a loss to explain why such a contentious posture was directed at him. I am in the dark as to any communications that may shed light on that. So, for now, I am going to leave it at that. It’s not our battle. Life is what life is, and sometimes it’s hot and the emotional ranges run the gamut.

        We press on.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks Tony. I went over there and caught up. It was contentious in there a few days ago, but I didn’t even imagine that comment came out of Canauzzie. John is just John and has always been. People have to get past their issues with his delivery and appreciate what he brings. He is one on one with the worst criminals on the planet, yet he maintains constant communication and takes the time to answer questions. His information has always been an important piece of this puzzle for me. I stopped going to OWON on a regular basis because it is just too busy over there. I would rather come here to see John’s info and get your comments. This is unfortunate at this late date in the process that we would lose access to John’s information. It has taken it’s toll on so many by now. But I feel that John genuinely cares about all of us who watch for his information, so maybe he miss us too and will show up someplace. So that is my amateur psychology for the night. LOL

          Thanks again for hanging in there with us. I have been here since you started this blog. I just don’t say very much.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. You brought up some very good points.

            Yes, indeed. Banking cartels are not interested in cooperating in any endeavor which deals with freeing resources for the common man at their expense. Such freed people don’t tend to get jacked by these money-grubbing parasitical chosen people, with 18% credit cards and mortgages that cause you to pay 3 times the price of a house in interest over the term of the loan.

            He’s still in the fight, but currently not accessible. Perhaps now he can devote more attention to more important matters.


            1. I appreciate WHA and OWoN very much!… Tony, J and C are goodhearted people!

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Thank you, that was very kind.

                I am reminded of how we can sometimes lose sight of just what those in positions of extreme responsibility have to endure to accomplish goals. Their contributions are sometimes overlooked in the heat of battle, or their person subjected to pillory for the most superficial of reasons. Some reflection, directed to the more important aspects of one’s contributions, can re-establish appreciation of what one has gained despite all differences and hardships in the journey.

                History, again, teaches us.

                Liked by 1 person

        2. We don’t have to go to every fight we’re invited too!


    3. Well I for one am bummed. He was a trusted source in my opinion real time information regarding currencies, bonds, and PPs. I compared what he said to other information I was hearing elsewhere which has helped me hold hope and keep my faith.
      My only distaste was for the OWON site lately to be a sole focus on Covid which was merely the doings by the 10 people who are always posting there.
      Tony, maybe you can ask him to come here every once in a while?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Many people are sharing the same feelings with me in private.

        If I truly wanted any information on an epidemic, it would be simply on how to avoid getting it. The rest – the policy arguments, the causes, the this, that and the other, cannot be solved by blog blatherings. I am healthy. I wish to stay that way. End of my concern. I prepped for such things. My emergency rations were there. Fuel, water making, protection, spare cash, power generation capabilities, all in place long before. Gloves, masks, hand sanitizers, etc., in stock. Would me consistently arguing about COVID help any of you? No. Not my area of expertise. Even if we knew the real causes – weapons lab leak, wet markets, bat soup, would that knowledge keep you from getting it? Even if we knew why about any of it, what would you do with that knowledge? Impress some girls at a cocktail party?

        Learn from this and never be tempted to feed off of your emotions when it comes to such things as an epidemic. Be human the solver, not human the problem.

        As for asking John to come here, already done. It’s up to him. He’s a very busy guy, so I can’t fault him for declining if he does.

        We still have excellent currency information sources, but the GS was John’s unique involvement. I do hope we can convince him to share more on this in the future. The GS is a key event that has massive impact on our fiscal health as a nation and world economy. People who are directly involved, and not just delusional about it, are rare to access.

        In any regard, the spice must flow.

        Liked by 1 person

  53. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  54. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting that a “white Horse” is in this picture.


  55. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for sharing. That’s so cool! Of all the years growing up there, I did not know it existed.


    2. Nice vids Tony…. May I ask a question….
      How do you feel about the VeChainThor Wallet For Android?…
      Ledger Wallet?…
      Or is something out there better?

      Thanks in advance, Tony!


      1. Thor for holding VeChain is just fine. I have not heard anything bad about it.

        I do not use Ledger, but those who do say it’s fine. I am sure it will be quite good and secure.

        I really can’t say if anything is better or worse comparatively speaking. I would suggest going to Youtube and viewing some of the many user reviews there.

        Thanks for your comments!


  56. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  57. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  58. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. I wonder what’s going on.

      After 146 years, Rockefeller family is exiting the oil business



        1. I really like this guy Kevin Cage. One of my favorite XRP deep divers.


          1. I commented in the wrong place…. again


        2. Worries? Or shifting. 🤔


          1. I think it would be safe to say worries?


  59. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    5G Does Not Cause COVID-19
    By Jeff Brown

    April 24, 2020



  60. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  61. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Another “awakened” guru in Club Fed.

      More to follow.


      1. Trump Is The Man Avatar
        Trump Is The Man

        You are wrong Tony and this isn’t the first time. If you are NOT sure of what you are posting, PLEASE don’t do it at all. What’s posted above about Awake in 3D is a lie. You clearly don’t have the whole picture, and just pieces of info just like most people. You have your “sources”, but so does a million other people waiting for this “miracle”. Others have higher “sources” than yourself in the pecking order and lot more pieces of the puzzle than you.

        Dinar Daily is a hit and miss site (sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong) and it’s a very SAD website full of people with venom and hate towards anything tied with this impossible thing or “event” (whatever you want to call it) that never seem to pan out. You believe in it right? Then why you hang around in a place like Dinar Daily? It is a mystery to me.

        You should be ashamed of yourself and take this garbage off your site. Your site is supposed to be a good and positive site that helps others and not the other way around. Awake in 3D doesn’t sell anything like the gurus or collects donations etc. He’s not a guru. He’s just a man exercising his free will just like yourself and posting what he thinks is true and accurate related to this so called “event”.

        He has a perfect track record. He’s a good man with a good reputation and respected by many involved in this impossible “event”. All this BS started because he’s recently posting his opinion about the impossible miracle on his Twitter account and one Dinar Daily troll nut that doesn’t have anything positive to do with his sad life decided to lie and post a pathetic “hit piece” if you want to call it that.


        1. Oh stop with the hysteria. It wasn’t I that was wrong, it was whoever posted that information at Dinar Daily. We reported it, and someone else claimed that the convicted baloney hustler was not the same person. So, we left that information up so people could know there was a dispute. Quite frankly, I really don’t care and it’s not important just who some other “Awake in 3D” is or isn’t.

          Dinar Daily is not a site we endorse, but merely one that has posted information on a subject we watch from end to end. Name one site that is ALWAYS right? Not even you can attest to that, so come down off your throne.

          Don’t assume just how much of the “picture” I have. You can not know the answer to that, because I DO NOT detail all the information I possess, even to those close to me. I know how to keep a confidence and, when told I have to, I do. Anyone who has real knowledge would not post it openly in full detail on any site, so don’t go around evaluating the matter as if you know what’s what. Again, you can not possibly know what I know to assess if someone else knows “more”.

          Ashamed? Don’t even start with that juvenile finger pointing as if you have the right to order me around. That’s a common trait found in these new age types who learn to meditate, read a few books, and now think they are superior over all the “unenlightened” who do not, and act with a retarded air of phony invincibility.

          And to be honest, your point of contention that the real Awake is not the jailed con man, is of minor importance. What is important is the kind of person the con man was, his act, his phony front, his targeted audience and the final outcome. Sounds just like another recent case, yes? For a bunch of people who flail around with claims of being awakened, there sure are a lot of them being taken to the cleaners by con men who dwell in their ranks.

          You’ve had your say.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Tony I don’t know who awake in3d is or most of them in dinarland. Obviously he/she is not one of them, but I appreciate you being updates here because many of these people are a bunch of cons.


    2. Awake in 3D is NOT Sean David Morton. I personally know the person behind Awake in 3D and have known him for years. He has a similar first name. He is an honorable person who is only seeking the truth. He does not put out hopium intel.


      1. Thanks for bringing that to our attention.


    3. The Other Andrew Avatar
      The Other Andrew

      From the article above:
      “[Sean David Morton] is a serial fraudster with a long history of perpetrating financial crimes and wasting precious time and resources of the government and the courts.” — U.S. Attorney General on Sean David Morton.

      Here is what I would like to see:
      “Nancy Pelosi is a serial demonratic fraudster with a long history of wasting precious time and resources of the government and the courts and the tax payers.” — U.S. Attorney General on Nancy Pelosi

      P.S. The word pandemic is nothing but “dem” surrounded by the word “panic”. Take a look and you will see it. LOL…. On the other hand, it is not a laughing matter at all. 😦


  62. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Who is speaking? Tony? If it is Tony, then I’m excited. I think.


      1. NO you are not excited spirit156. Please behave you naughty gal. LOL
        OMG, so sorry, I cannot help myself sometimes. HAha.


    2. Thank you Tony!


    3. So nice to hear your gentle voice again Tony. Now heck, will you give us a bloody pic before all of us gals go nuts?

      So sorry, I know I;m being cheeky. It’s been a full on day in the land down under and I am letting loose. God help you. LOL

      Thanks for the video Tony. Such beautiful water. I love being near water, so soothing.

      Over and out for now as I have had a few drinks. LOL


      1. LOL!! You’re funny when you have a few drinks.

        Tony’s a lady’s man. He knows how to drive us girls crazy. 😂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you sweetheart. That’s not the case all the time though. LOL

          My second pic request might send the girls crazy if Tony is game. LOL He said he was compliant so we will have to see how compliant he really is. Hahahaha


      2. Oh behave. lol

        Okay, but since I am in Californication, I have to comply with the law. Excuse the wild hair, but I have not been able to get a haircut for almost 2 months.

        Easy on the firewater!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. There’s our Tony! Exactly how I pictured you. 🤣

          Just grow it out and wear a man bun. 😂

          With this lockdown, we should see how long our hair can grow. Mine is below the waste, all one length. At this rate it’ll be below my butt soon. I’ll have to change my name to crystal gale. 🤠

          Liked by 1 person

            1. 🤣😆


          1. Or hairy butt. LOL


            1. Since I put on a few pounds, I think hairy big butt would be more appropriate these days. Lol


              1. LOL A Johnson. I would not worry about a few pounds. Most men I have ever known like a bit of meat in the region. One quote I heard was, “you have to have something to hang into.” Hehe.

                Liked by 1 person

        2. That was really generous of you to share your pic Tony, thank you. Compliant is good too. hehe. So nice to see you, or the little we can see of you anyway. Haha. Now, can we please have another similar shot WITHOUT the glove, sunnies, mask and t-shirt? LOL That would really assist us all, or the ladies of the group anyway, in properly and fully connecting with you in the manner we should be. LOL Just joshing and being silly. haha.

          Re the hair comment. You know what the American Indians say….Having longer hair makes a person a great deal more aware and sensitive. Maybe let you hair get a bit wilder and longer and see what happens. LOL But if not, I am a very good hairdresser ;-))) Never been trained, just a natural talent I seem to have.

          Yep, enough firewater for now. Just let go a bit last night after a very intense day. Currently in a battle for a property and I do not like to lose when it comes to real estate, particularly one I want. Quite restless at the moment as I just have so many plans running through my head about what to do with the property to turn it into the most peaceful, environmentally friendly, relaxing and productive little sanctuary. All the basics are there I just have to create my vision and I am absolutely bursting to get started. But, it’s not mine just yet. Fingers crossed.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. “ Now, can we please have another similar shot WITHOUT the glove, sunnies, mask and t-shirt? ”

            Just for you Aurataya! 😂

            Joe Cocker – You Can Leave Your Hat On (LIVE in Dortmund) HD – YouTube

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thank you Darlin. LOL

              That song gives me an idea. We could do a group video chat to prepare Tony for the new pic he is going to send us. You could be in charge of the music, playing this song for him in the background, just to create the right mood. I would not be able to accept any tasks during the video chat as I would have to have myself on a blood pressure and heart monitor in case I started having a heart attack or something of the kind. LOL.

              Ok, I’m going to try and stop being so naughty now. Haha. Thanks for letting us have some fun Tony. Although we are serious you know. LOL LOL

              Heading off for another round of the battle with this house I’m trying to get my hands on today. Catch ya all soon. Enjoy a fab day.

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  63. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  64. Unbelievable!

    CDC’s failed coronavirus tests were tainted with coronavirus, feds confirm
    A federal investigation found CDC researchers not following protocol.


    “Now, according to investigation results reported by The New York Times, federal officials confirm that sloppy laboratory practices at two of three CDC labs involved in the tests’ creation led to contamination of the tests and their uninterpretable results.”


  65. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  66. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    As predicted, the Texas federal judge issued a bench warrant in response to a contempt motion brought by the SEC against former Rep. Senator David Schmidt and Robert Dunlap.


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    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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      1. Flower child girl and tree coin guy should take notice.


  67. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Sauce for the goose. They won’t be able to ever pay it in most cases ever again.


        1. Good luck with that.

          Not sure a planet that is geared as a prison for usury slaves will go along with such a thing. Wars have been fought to preserve such systems. We were suckered into several of them.


          1. When it’s said and done, the sheer weight of the debt will scream for it. I hear other nations are forgiving debt? This president does not want a Federal Reserve, only a Treasury. The Fed is already broken so all that debt that they say we owe…..well just not so, it will all fall back on them. It is their debt not ours. It’s their system, it’s their debt!


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