White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #163

The Emerging Realities And Opportunities Of The New Roaring Twenties In A Post-Brexit World

With the UK about to leave the reviled Socialist Communist EU and to Brexit, the UK Economy will boom. Its Global footprint and its potential is huge.

But what may befall America if stripped of its right to a true Democratic vote, by these Self Interest Criminal Enslaving Elites and Zio trash?

Is betrayal of the Founders’ so well conceived Constitutional Rights to ensure you were never again enslaved this way, not your Voting birthright to protect Americans? Also for your own Children? Obama, Biden, the Clintons, the vile Zionists and Nasty Nancy, would enslave you all by their Treason. Albeit whilst still lining their own pockets with their own crooked treachery. How can Obama ever find a solution, he can’t even find his Birth Certificate! This ever Lying, Usurping Chicago Fake Con Man. Such Trash rules fools.

The Election and Vote Rigging scam visible to all is treasonous. If you don’t bring their crooked system down, your endowed rights all end.

With the Chinese Dynasty Elders now close to a UN supported redemption release for the key Elders, the US is so desperate for use of those metals, Cash Pallets and Trusts. But, by focused redemption and hard bargaining, huge things can happen next year. Good things. We will not budge. No way the Cabal way.

For them they bend or it’s their end!

It’s time for Free thinking, not Free riders. Opportunities for WHA. Time to think about Cryptos and to escape the Pariah Zio Trash and oppressive Elites’ cynical taxes.

Imagine what is possible by combining the vast potential of the UK AND its Commonwealth of c2.5 billion people with the potential of a refocused America? The UK has full access to c500M in the EU. It has access to over 1.3 Billion in India. It has access to Asia. Now refocusing on the above and the entire Commonwealth, the UK now has a target Trading market well exceeding 4 Billion people. Even focused up to 5B possible. It needs no one.

It will Thrive free of Socialist dogma and the UK HAS its own Central Bank, OWNED ONLY by the nation, not the Rothschilds shackles of America or EU. The Rotts have no UK foothold. They were removed decades ago.

The world sees the crude and brutal betrayal of America’s wealth creating voters.

Post the emerging Releases, with funds then to underpin key projects by selective UN/ Elders Project Funding, Wealth and Job creation can boom. It will NOT be used to fund Monopoly Games money by cross demonetized notes gamblers. Nor Pumpers or Shyster Promoters. Notes ransacked and stolen from Iraqi banks or falsely printed by US forces, are not of lawful origin. Nor will we fund any such redemptions. You bought it, you sort it!

War Torn Currencies Will Not Be Revalued To Extreme Levels To Fund Speculators

A new world is coming and they are afraid. Free of Zionist Banks or even US Dollars, now able to use the Blockchain and Cryptos in a free Ethernet highway, what is possible now? Cryptos will soon be bigger than the Banks. Free of their rapacious charges also. Even China is preparing to release an unhackable speed of light new Global communications system. US communications, MSM enslavements, and Hegemony is about to end. A new world is emerging but how do we all help shape it?

There are no nations. It’s just a fake illusion. The entire world is only land and sea. The rest is an illusion of Corporate Governance. All to deceive and manipulate you into universal sufferance. Corralling Sheeple. Sequestrate and dominate the gullible.

But – Your Soul was born free, as is our choice to work towards the evolution of a Superior (Humane) Human Being. Free to evolve as Being More.

We need to Defeat the Elites. The real border starts with the Consciousness of the Human mind. Your Soul was born free for a journey of Human Carbon Life Form discovery. Subservient to no one, nor their Fake religions. No God wants pieces cut from the genitalia of your children. It’s Gross!!! Have you no thinking ability? It’s your children! Blood sacrifices are Neanderthal. You need horse whipping to wake you up to cease such a macabre, disgusting cult practice. Incarcerate Shivas! Mind enslaving children to such indoctrinating Cults is abusive and wrong. All are based on false Fallacies. Man created Religions.

A new door is opening. Do you cross the road to an enhanced Crypto meritocracy, or allow this cynical vote rigging to steal the election and derail all the Constitutional values your Democracy aspired to? The Democrats offer you None!

The Presidency is NOT about the Party. It’s about the privilege and honour to represent the face and values of all Americans. Biden does not deserve such a role, ever! Appoint him and you just dismantled the Founders entire ethos, those who so aspired for the Constitution, living values to enshrine, empowering all of you.

“…With the Chinese Dynasty Elders now close to a UN supported redemption release for the key Elders, the US is so desperate for use of those metals, Cash Pallets and Trusts. But, by focused redemption and hard bargaining, huge things can happen next year. Good things. We will not budge…”

In 2021, which road will you take? Thinking for yourself is a good start.

America is about to lose its place as the Global lead power. What then as the new world surges? Bribe Taking Biden, his foul Son, Nasty Nancy plus Chicago Con Man Usurper Soetoro will self enrich themselves only. Ever more rapacious abuse of power. The US Cupboard is bare already. Rifled for decades. Freeloading is ending.

It’s your life, your journey of discovery. Such a privilege to even be alive. Life – is all!

2021 is a new world and destiny for the UK. We broke free of Socialist Hegemony.

But what of our US Allies? Bribe taking Biden lied, your votes denied. Barr in Justice was a Plant only. Justice is ever corrupt. Both Houses self serve only. 10M Jews and Zionists OWN America!!!!!! How can you allow this to be? Israel and Mossad control America. Wake TF up and step clear as the UK has just done with Brexit. Lose your votes, you lose your right to be – Anything! Britain just took everything back. Votes count.

For the UK the future is bright. Biden just stole America’s.

You will do what?

The World is not ruined by the wickedness of the wicked, but by the weakness of the good.

Napoleon Bonaparte

393 responses to “Information Briefing #163”

  1. There’s too much dissinformation relating to Trump and the Troops in Washington.
    Forget Conspiracy Theories. The invasion shook Pense and Nancy knows the Noose waits for her.
    Troops are there to protect the Politicos. Nothing more.
    Trump will be slinking off to Florida and Ignominy.
    There’s no encouraging sign that Trump will stand his ground. We all know the votes were rigged. but the Lying King lacks the brain cells or drive to go for Broke. History again, Heel Spurs will bolt.
    What a shambles.
    Kushner sits there like a Dweeb and the Prissy Princess worries only about her run in 4 years.
    For Gods sake America, find 2 serious candidates. Stop clearing Slop! So long without a JFK.
    Too many wild theories are propounded about Trump. He’s not up to it. A petulant child will retreat to Florida. Sad, Biden is a dreadful option. America so needs quality for 2024. Focus for 4 years and find them.
    4 years of more Dems theft will be devastating for the economy. Pigs smell lunch! Free!
    The Grifter will use his last Free Ride on Wedesday. He promised, he failed. The One Termer checks out.
    One Term, 2 Impeachments, some Legacy?
    Lurid Tabloids gather. Karma ella plots. The Litigation Jackals gather.

    Be warned the world is turning against the dollar
    Is commom sense prevaling in America. Antifa needs to be declared a terrorist orgnisation.
    HUGE! Brother of Arrested Antifa-BLM Activist John Sullivan Turned Him In! — Says His Brother Was “Somehow in Charge” of US Capitol Riots (VIDEO)

    : Dennis Prager: Capitol Siege Was ‘Vile’ but Left’s Suppression of Free Speech Is Worse

    I know it’s long (you can play it back fast), but I really think this is a must watch. Views of a good associate.
    If we lose Free Speech we lose hope.

    GSK won’t commit to redress for children forced into vaccine trials in mother and baby homes

    Society needs this safety valve.

    Scottish independence: If Scotland ‘breaks free’ from UK it faces bankruptcy and EU can’t afford to let it rejoin soon – Jim Duffy

    The Roman Empire didn’t want them. or does the EU.

    Scotland and it’s people, need to Gag that Gobshite Turgeon and be grateful Stoke have carried them for Centuries.
    Free of England then rejected by the EU, this failed nation will sink. Give the English a Free Vote and they are gone.
    Reality there is No Way we are giving up our borders, and Scotland will be dismantled first.
    Get Real does America want to hand back America to the Native Americans?
    Scotland has had 1,000 years and failed. It’s an Arse End nation. Basket cases forever whining. That Gobshite Turgeon does them no favors.
    It’s time for Scotland and England to get close by goodwill and reason together.
    Scotland IS a conquered nation. Even the Romans left. We are not leaving our Islands back exposed, get over it. Scotland will NOT be handed over! As with America!

    Biden and Harris stokes inflation fears.

    They have just saddled you with higher interest rates and DEBTS! Democrats ALWAYS leave you in Debt.
    Trump Really did win the Votes, but he’s just too dumb to organize the clear case and show it.

    How Joe Biden’s stimulus plan shook up global financial markets | Financial Times
    He just cranked up US debt. You pay!

    UK banks ban digital currency deposits: report – CoinGeek

    If the US Banks in Canary Wharf London open up to Cryptos, they will scoop the pot.

    Ex-Trump press secretary Sean Spicer says impeachment isn’t going anywhere;

    This is correct. Shrek is not likely to be convicted.

    WATCH LIVE: President-Elect Biden on his vaccine distribution plan — 1/14/2021

    Shreck thought only as far as keeping his hotels open. Biden is pro active now.

    Covid: UK to close all travel corridors from Monday

    Reality. Close the borders now!

    Britons dash home before Boris Johnson slams UK borders shut from Monday and axes all travel corridors amid fears of new Covid variants from abroad

    Boris Johnson said on Friday that from 4am on Monday all travel corridors will be suspended and anyone coming to the UK must have proof of a negative test in the previous 72 hours.


    Dam right shut them out and shut them Up!
    Ripple Executive Says He Recovered Massive Bitcoin Stash Lost in Crypto Casino
    Good for him.

    Never mind impeachment, there is a good chance Trump will end up in court


    Now THIS is more than Conjecture and the Lying King may be heading to another Big House with free board.
    Is Bubba waiting?


    1. :us: :us: Sidney Powell :star::star::star:Jan 16, 2021 3:11:11 PM 34K
      All indications are that despite the overwhelming evidence of massive fraud, and more evidence available inside the government, and other legal options available, the President is taking no action to protect the Republic. People around him are limiting his information and lying to him about his legal options. The Biden administration will be consolidating power day one and the fascist corporations are already limiting speech and firing freedom lovers. Just look at the military in DC now. Trump did not call them in. And all that for a virtual inauguration that no one will attend?! It’s all about power and global/communist money. You can see and smell the corruption in DC. It’s gone from a swamp to a pure cesspool. There were and have been a lot more people illegally elected than just Biden and Harris.


      1. Posted by Powell… Ratcliffe letter saying the CIA took actions to pressure analysts to suppress information on China interference in the election!
        https://context-cdn.washingtonpost.com/notes/prod/default/documents/6d274110-a84b-4694-96c d-6a902207d2bd/note/733364cf-0afb-412d-a5b4-ab797a8ba154.#page=1


        1. Sadly James the above is correct. Reality, is the Burge King has no Guts for the fight. Nor IQ.
          So correct, the world looks likely to be saddled with Biden. Awful!
          Is this the end of the line now for our hopes in America? Shrek slinks off and Slimeballs win?


          1. Tony and John…. was just told the above is not from Powell,, fake account!…. I got suckered!


    2. [Comment Redacted By WHA]


      1. 💩 should go into the 🚽

        Oh, and don’t forget your napkin! 🧻


  2. UK ‘super-covid’ variant could be dominant in the US by MARCH https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9152539/More-transmissible-UK-coronavirus-variant-10-U-S-states-CDC-says.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Sorry Guys but coming your way and Deaths will spike from March

    No one is being told of true failures. If this is correct Pfizer will kill many worldwide. Do they care?

    Big business wants to fund Republicans to stop Democrat corruption

    Our Gift to all Real American Patriots, the good Americans. Not Political or Banking Zio trash, or Low hanging Sheeple with Vitriol and bad attitude. We know the kind.

    Real People, this is the America we all need to try to save. It’s time to clear out the trash. Add the useless types with the wrong kind of attitude, the pointless begrudgers. Some spring to mind.

    For all Good Americans. this is for you. The Real Patriots. Our Friends across the pond.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Open letter to FBI by international experts demands criminal investigation into lockdown fraud


  4. Situation Update, Jan 14th, 2021 – An astonishing theory: FEMA and the US military will save America at its final hour
    01/14/2021 / By Mike Adams / Comments
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    Today’s Situation Update for January 14th examines the two competing theories for the outcome of the rigged 2020 election. In one outcome, Trump has given up, Biden will be sworn in, and the United States of America will be plunged into a communist-controlled authoritarian police state that silences conservative dissent.
    Another theory is emerging, however, that claims the United States is in a military coup against illegal civilian traitors and that a combination of FEMA and the military will actually save America, not enslave it.
    This theory gained momentum yesterday when Steve Pieczenik appeared on the Alex Jones Show and claimed a military coup was under way to carry out mass arrests against the traitors on or before January 20th. (See video below.)
    During the interview, Alex Jones express skepticism and told Pieczenik sounded like he was spouting nonsense theories that mirrored “Q-tards.” Pieczenik responded with a wager that if Biden wasn’t arrested by the 20th, Pieczenik would never appear again on the Alex Jones Show.
    Pieczenik was a former psychological operations intelligence official with the US Statement Department and helped the United States carry out military coups against foreign nations. The question being asked now is whether Pieczenik is running a psyop on the American people, or if he’s telling the truth.
    It’s not just Pieczenik who holds this view, however. Recent interviews also reveal that Gen. Michael Flynn and attorney Lin Wood are extremely confident that the US military is gearing up to arrest the deep state traitors, essentially implying that the National Guard buildup in DC is actually a trap for traitors. It is factually true that on Inauguration Day, any treasonous lawmakers or deep state actors who show up there will be surrounded by heavily armed troops.
    Trump is able to federalize all National Guard troops by invoking the Insurrection Act.
    But there’s another factor which has emerged in all this: FEMA.
    FEMA is organized as a continuity-of-government (COG) entity, with the power to run the entire federal government in a national emergency.
    President Trump declared a national emergency on September 12, 2018, and that emergency has not been rescinded. The entire 2020 election took place under that national emergency (the “foreign interference” executive order).
    As the theory goes, the civilian government has already collapsed under election fraud, corrupt courts and treasonous actions of the majority of lawmakers, both Dem and GOP. The real government in charge right now is a combination of FEMA and military authority. The election, being fraudulent, is null and void.
    FEMA is run by Peter Gaynor, put in place by President Trump in January of 2020. Gaynor is a 25-year veteran of the US Marine Corps, with special experience in running urban assault troop operations.

    FEMA.gov also reveals that Gaynor ran military security for the Camp David Presidential Retreat. From FEMA.gov:
    Gaynor served for 26 years as an enlisted Marine and Infantry Officer in the United States Marine Corps. During his tenure in the Marines, he was assigned as the Executive Officer responsible for the security of Presidential Retreat, Camp David; assigned as the Head of Plans, Policy, & Operations at the Headquarters Marine Corps during the September 11, 2001 attacks; and deployed in support of Iraqi Freedom with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force where he coordinated combat operations in the Al-Anbar Province of Iraq for Multi-National and Marine forces.
    President Trump activated FEMA on January 11th, issuing a new emergency declaration via this presidential order from Whitehouse.gov.
    That FEMA order carries very unusual language that appears to refer to a national emergency event much larger than a simple inauguration:
    Today, President Donald J. Trump declared that an emergency exists in the District of Columbia and ordered Federal assistance to supplement the District’s response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from the 59th Presidential Inauguration from January 11 to January 24, 2021.
    The President’s action authorizes the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to coordinate all disaster relief efforts which have the purpose of alleviating the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local population, and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures, authorized under Title V of the Stafford Act, to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, and to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in the District of Columbia.
    That announcement by Trump invokes the Stafford Act, which is found at this link on FEMA.gov:
    The PDF of the Stafford Act is found here:

    Click to access stafford-act_2019.pdf

    Title V of the Stafford Act contains language that appears to grant the President extraordinary powers during times of a declared national emergency:
    The President may: exercise any authority vested in him by section 5192 of this title or section 5193 of
    this title [Sections 502 or 503] with respect to an emergency when he determines
    that an emergency exists for which the primary responsibility for response rests with
    the United States because the emergency involves a subject area for which, under
    the Constitution or laws of the United States, the United States exercises exclusive
    or preeminent responsibility and authority.
    (a) Specified – In any emergency, the President may –
    (1) direct any Federal agency, with or without reimbursement, to utilize its authorities
    and the resources granted to it under Federal law (including personnel, equipment,
    supplies, facilities, and managerial, technical and advisory services) in support of
    State and local emergency assistance efforts to save lives, protect property and
    public health and safety, and lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe, including
    precautionary evacuations;
    If FEMA turns out to be a defender of America, that would be a huge shock to most patriots, because FEMA has long been thought of as the agency that would round up and exterminate patriots. That’s one reason why this theory is so difficult to parse.
    Note that yesterday, Ready.gov also tweeted out a warning for all Americans to prepare for power outages. And the troops in DC are now being given live weapons and live ammo. What’s that all about?
    Gaynor at FEMA, Miller at DoD
    In addition to Gaynor being put in place at FEMA, Chris Miller was made the Secretary of Defense by President Trump shortly following the rigged elections on Nov. 3rd, when US military intelligence was able to confirm that Democrats and Biden were acting illegally to steal the election.
    DNI John Ratcliffe, we believe, issued a classified report to Trump and the DoD, documenting the foreign interference and cyber war operations carried out against America by foreign aggressors.
    The recent letter from the US Joint Chiefs reveals that the military will only follow lawful orders, and that the military will defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. From that letter:
    …the U.S. military will obey lawful orders from civilian leadership, support civil authorities to protect lives and property, ensure public safety in accordance with the law, and remain fully committed to protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
    …We support and defend the Constitution. Any act to disrupt the constitutional process is not only against our traditions, values, and oath; it is against the law.
    Chris Miller is a patriot and an expert in unconventional warfare. He is loyal to Trump and helped run successful on-the-ground operations in the Middle East. He’s used to being surrounded by the enemy.
    With Miller at the DoD and Gaynor at FEMA, the right assets are in place for FEMA to run C.O.G. operations while the military asserts its authority to protect the Constitution to make arrests of hundreds of traitors and seditious actors on Inauguration Day. Do not forget that all Special Operations Forces now report directly to Miller, and the USMC reports directly to Trump. Gaynor at FEMA can easily coordinate with the Marines because that’s what he did for 26 years in the military.
    According to this theory, the United States would then operate under temporary military authority for a few months, during which more arrests would be made and a new election might be held.
    Trump is merely acting weak right now, the theory asserts, in order to convince treasonous lawmakers not to succeed in convicting him in the US Senate before January 20th. (That ploy, if it is a ploy, appears to be working.)
    Various aspects of this theory are currently being discussed and promoted by people like Robert David Steele, Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, Lin Wood, Gen. Flynn, Dave from the X22 Report and others. Some of these people are considered Q advocates, but not all of them. Each of these people is criticized in various ways, but that’s par for the course these days: Anyone who speaks out will be attacked.
    For the record, I am not endorsing everything these individuals are saying, but there are elements of truth to each person’s knowledge.
    Zoom call with Lin Wood and retired military personnel gives us even more detail
    Yesterday a private zoom call was held with attorney Lin Wood and retired military personnel (with at least one general) providing us with even more insight. One person who attended the call — which I can confirm did take place and was real — put together some notes from the call, offering the following explanation. I can confirm these notes are accurate. However, there is no link to anything because the call was private:
    There are now 250,000 Chinese troops surrounding us, 75,000 in Canada and the rest in Mexico. The generals said if they set foot in this country they will be wiped out swiftly as they are ready.
    The Mayor of Oklahoma City was informed by POTUS on Monday via email that the Insurrection Act has been enacted and arrests will begin in that city. This is the first of many cities this will happen in.
    This election was cyber warfare on our country. A paper was sent to the White House on the voting in 4 states that showed Chinese cyber attacks moving votes from Trump to Biden. They have proof of this now. This is a foreign country involved in our elections so this has been escalated from a domestic issue to an attack from a foreign enemy. This has moved from a constitutional voting issue to a national security issue now.
    The Capitol Building attack was Antifa and BLM driven – all tactical deception as they call it in the military. It’s common practice.
    yes, we are in a full blown Military Operation right now to remove the threats and install our President back in power and control the violence in the big cities. Keep in mind, if the lights go out, and Biden is not President, it’s not China coming in here, it’s us knocking out the lights to weed out the bad guys. Massive arrests will be happening then.
    Yes, we are in a full blown Military Operation right now to remove the threats and install our President back in power and control the violence in the big cities. Keep in mind, if the lights go out, and Biden is not President, it’s not China coming in here, it’s us knocking out the lights to weed out the bad guys. Massive arrests will be happening then.
    Everything they are panicked about is the world finding out about their Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking Rings they have all profited from for decades. The President loves this country and loves the people and is committed to financially restore all that has been lost since Cov19 started.
    We may begin to see things as early as tonight and we are hearing that it will become hot around the 18th-19th.
    Stay in Prayer. Stay in Faith.
    Many patriots think this is all nonsense… and they might be right
    Notably, many patriots completely disagree with this assessment, including Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes who told me on a private phone call that he thinks there will be no one to rescue America other than ourselves. The military, he believes, has been infiltrated and taken over by traitors and communists.
    Alex Jones also publicly expresses strong skepticism toward this theory, believing it’s mostly Q nonsense that’s being used as a psyop to mislead patriots and drive people to their own doom.
    But if Q is such a successful psyop to harm patriots, why did the entire US media and Big Tech giants all ban Q information? If Q was disinfo that was “working” to mislead patriots, wouldn’t they have allowed the Q channels to thrive?
    And why is there a buildup now of 20,000 armed troops in DC merely to handle an inauguration that the Biden team says will be largely virtual? What are all the troops for? There won’t be any significant number of protesters there, as all the so-called “armed protests” announced recently were fabricated by the FBI and promoted by the media so they could stage false flag shootings and blame it all on conservatives and gun owners.
    There is no actual plan from militia groups, conservatives or Trump supporters to attack any capitol building at all. And Stewart Rhodes from Oath Keepers just put out a statement calling for peace, specifically disavowing any armed protests on any capitol building.
    So there are layers and layers of disinformation, false flags and hoaxes coming out of the CIA-controlled media, the corrupt FBI and the authoritarian tech giants. They are not engaged in “casual” censorship; they are censoring like the end of the world might be coming and they have to silence all conservatives at all costs.
    Clearly, something much bigger than a simple inauguration is afoot. But we don’t know for sure what it is.
    Maybe it’s truly a nightmare scenario, and after Biden is sworn in, the Dems will launch military-assisted death squads across America to arrest or execute all Trump supporters. That’s the nightmare scenario that many fear. It’s a communist purge, and treasonous criminals like AOC appear to be calling for it.
    Within a week, we will know the real answer
    If Pieczenik and Wood and Flynn and people like Steele are all wrong, then it will become obvious that the patriot community has been subjected to the most elaborate psychological operation in history. The Q movement will collapse, and people like Pieczenik will be forever blacklisted, exposed as hoaxers and manipulators.
    But if they are right, we will witness the most extraordinary turnaround in the history of our nation, and perhaps in the history of the world. Biden will be arrested, the Republic will be saved and the military will uphold the Constitution.
    January 19th is National Popcorn Day, so grab your popcorn and get ready for thrills either way.
    Listen to my full podcast for a more detailed explanation of all this:


    1. The big question is that of WILL?
      Will Trump actually step up, face down the Traitors and do the job the majority elected him for?
      Having run away from the Draft, will Heel Spurs RUN AGAIN?
      Cowards tend not to make Good Presidents.
      Why is Trump clearing out having promised to fight?
      A Thinking World knows the vote was rigged. So do Thinking Americans.
      Heel Spurs has form for Running- Away.
      This time will he and the Military stand and protect America?
      The trouble as always with Trump, is the IQ to think it through.
      4 years of Biden and Bad Karma ella is too unthinkable.


  5. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    I have linked the list of suggested digital assets to its own page, and you will find this at the top of the home page. I will update it as required and as prices change.

    Hold on, it will be one hell of a ride. But, faint heart never won fair maiden.

    Stay tuned.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    One only has to look into his eyes and see the Prozac is in control

    More “funny business”. Et Tu, Christine?

    Congress, there are already laws prohibiting that kind of thing – funding crime in any way. How about looking into the Biden bribes instead? De-balled eunuchs can’t make an effective move except to vote in pay raises.

    The Neo-Bolsheviks are just getting warmed up with this kind of thing. Swalwell will be issuing reports from the rear very soon.

    Now that’s interesting. I guess it was all in the wrist.

    Oh I hope so! Gobble…gobble….gobble


  7. HUGE: Jovan Pulitzer Releases Report — Confirms Numerous Countries Interfered In the 2020 Election – Millions of Invalid Ballots Inserted Into the Election

    And what will happen now over this ? Democracy failed. Worse Biden got in.

    She’s going to get so much heat

    Biden’s out there trying now while Trump’s ego is dying
    WhatsApp exodus is ‘largest digital migration in human history’

    Their arrogance is their undoing. Will implosion follow?

    As life expectancy falls, we watch the one true miracle of the modern world slipping away from us

    What a mess we are making.

    Former FBI Director James Comey says Joe Biden should consider pardon for Donald Trump

    From a complete Skank who belongs in Jail!

    VIDEO: Hunter Biden out and about with family after dad's certification | Daily Mail Online

    A piece of filth like his father.

    Crypto finally becomes bigger than . . .  the world
    What a challenge?

    Trump’s inner circle in turmoil: Rift with Giuliani, Hicks out and Kushner struggling

    As ever my concerns with this over rated, obnoxious Moron, is how will he handle the downside as he hits free fall.
    His next 4 years may be fighting his crimes. Who will pardon the flatulent Chump? Shtek is crying, his ego is dying.
    Reality is calling on his Karma now.

    By appalling mismanagement, this pathetic and inept apology for a UK Government, has managed to take 50K death for phase 2 of Covid, erase millions of jobs and devastate the economy. sacrificing 500K lives as many operations and care treatments have been put back years, we have saddled the nation with Furlough Debts for a generation, and unleashed a masked public visibly so stupid as to question their very purpose? 50K lives for 500K lives and fiscal free fall? Judgment calls are Balls!

    Savage toll of coronavirus pandemic on NHS waiting lists is revealed https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9149065/Savage-toll-coronavirus-pandemic-NHS-waiting-lists-revealed.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Yes, but the actual Death Rates are still low! And we can treat it! But not the economy we have killed. Genocide of Generations of jobs?

    Up to 30 PER CENT of Londoners have already caught the coronavirus https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9148077/Up-30-CENT-Londoners-caught-coronavirus.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Bombshell revelations as Trump declassifies all FBI documents in Russia probe | Just The News

    But the MSM wont follow up and Biden is still in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dumb Shrek failed to move months ago. Neither up to the job.

    ITALY STOLE U.S. ELECTION – Here’s why they did it…

    An interesting new take for you all. Romans ride free.

    It’s breaking down society.

    this should not come as a surprise as lockdowns will kill more people that the virus when it is all known. The suffering of broken homes and abused women and children and substance addiction will be a burden carried by nations for a long time and reflected in the economies. But for sure it has brought home the stupidity of both Politicians and the so sad mass Sheeple. Mindless morons lined up like Sheep.

    It’s breaking down society.

    This should not come as a surprise as lockdowns will kill more people that the virus when it is all known. The suffering of broken homes and abused women and children and substance addiction will be a burden carried by nations for a long time and reflected in the economies. But for sure it has brought home the stupidity of both Politicians and the so sad mass Sheeple. Mindless morons lined up like Sheep.

    You dont say. We closed all sports, Leisure industries, hospitality and even our Gyms Total lock downs. We wiped outr the economy.
    Now these complete F Brains find our economy is in free fall, Hello??????????
    If this hits the US God help you. No Hairdressers, Nail bars, not even Shrinks open?
    So now our Numb Brains see a problem coming.
    If this farce goes on much longer, there will be a vote for a Leadership contest and mediocre Boris will be gone.

    GDP tumbled by 2.6 per cent in November amid second Covid lockdown https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9150311/GDP-tumbled-2-6-cent-November-amid-second-Covid-lockdown.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Yes, but so does the world..And China will still not allow Scientists in to investigate the cause of Covid. A good place to start.
    Do realise it’s coming YOUR way also. Time for China to ante up. Or for us to close off their trade. Dump their economy and the Chinese Commies will be taken out.

    Britain faces even MORE super-Covid variants, scientists warn https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9150583/Global-surge-cases-fueling-chances-virus-mutate-beat-immune-system.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    NOT a Vaccine: mRNA COVID Vax Chemical Pathogen Production Device
    A clearly drafted and objective analysis of the pending Vaccines.
    Population reduction. Total cell INVASION!
    Views please, Tino etc.

    We poor Brits have a problem.
    Unless vaccinated and certified, we can not enter Westminster. Parliament or the Lords. We can not fly, or enter other nations. Soon hotels will be blocked off, all public areas etc. No access then to Stores, Banks etc. Nor even Dentists. It’s all coming. No vaccine certificate, held on a Public register, and linked on our phones, means we are simply outside the community. Untreatable.
    What’s coming is not good. Pensions funds welcome it for sure. Population and life expectancy reduction.
    An untested product, who knows the future consequences? Be assured, for SURE, they will unfold.

    WhatsApp takes out full page ads asking users to stay

    Way too late Mate!!! You asked for this. Melt down is payback. You deserve it.

    Trump left this sting in the tail. Declassified files … months of reading

    Americas hidden secrets. The world is now reading. You?

    The party seems over!

    Trump plans to fly to Mar-a-Lago morning Biden takes oath of office https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9151549/Trump-plans-fly-Mar-Lago-morning-inauguration-final-snub-Biden.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Pamela is trying but the US Military will never condone it and Trump does not want to anger that Bear. The fact is Assange coerced a sexually confused US serving officer to commit treason. Fact.
    NIH updates its position on Ivermectin for Covid

    This is really good news;
    It is the only thing I will take at this time.
    It is very important that people do their own respective research to get it right for themselves, as the wrong choice could cost one’s life.

    Doctors can now prescribe. The results we see pouring in and they are amazing.

    Interesting timing now that the election is done.


    Couldn’t be more needed

    Trump is taking it to them . Good!

    The parties over and empty offices

    Covid 19 is this your vaccine of choice? Sure about that?


    1. Re Assange.

      “Fact” …………..Bullshit.

      What the hell is this sexually confused sympathy comment for? Sexuality has nothing to do with the work between Assange and Manning. To use those words is nothing more than a vote to make Assange look even more guilty. That really is utter bullshit.

      I know you don’t like Assange but to make him look like he perpetrated a terrible crime upon a vulnerable gender confused individual is bullshit and you know it. I don’t give a crap what Manning has up her dress, she did what she did because she wanted to. Assange assisted in facilitating that. The bloody end.


      1. Not how the Pentagon or Courts see it. Biden will give him no help. Will Trump pardon him? 2 days to go.


        1. I sure hope Trump pardons him. That would be such an awesome smack in the face. Bring it on.


        2. Looks like that is a big NO John thanks to the slime bag McConnell protecting the swamp.


  8. From next week onwards Americas media will adjust from reporting the meanderings and fantasies of a Serial, Low IQ Liar, to the disjointed ramblings of a Demented Crime Family Stooge under Chinese, a Dope Riddled Child Molesting Son, Obama and Clinton directives. Compromised past his eyes, how did THAT get elected?
    As vaccuous as Obamas Birth Certicate. Does the US know how to Vet?
    Why is the MSM not protecting America?
    America has many good people. What of their rights? Bribe taking Biden will be giving way to Bad Karma ella !
    Again Obama and Clinton Puppet strings, Beyond sad.
    Don’t you miss JFK?
    Imagine a LIve JFK Jr? Or any Quality Straight contender?
    Americans deserve a break now. The GOP really needs to get ready for 2024. The Talent is there.
    But will a clean process still exist then? So sad. 4 years for the Old Guard to rob the store again.
    JFK tried and died. Will no Patriot arise again?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Will any Patriot rise again”
      Yep, General Flynn is the man for that job.


  9. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/open-letter-to-fbi-demands-criminal-investigation-into-lockdown-fraud/
    The letter, which can be fully accessed here, starts off by stating that a the group is requesting a formal investigation be opened into the major policy decisions that were made in regards to lockdowns, and the scientific evidence those decisions were based on.


  10. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  11. Jim Willie Part 1 and 2:


  12. https://www.cityam.com/7-reasons-why-spending-with-crypto-is-broken/
    What a complete and total~ARSE! How history will see him. Real world. The One Termer who saw his Arse!

    Trump ‘orders aides not to pay Rudy Giuliani’s $20K-a-day fee’ as he turns on his closest allies in fury at being impeached for a second time and wallows in ‘self-pity’ at the White House

    Trump expressed disappointment with some of Giuliani’s (left) legal moves in challenging the election results, and did not appreciate his demand for $20,000 a day in the failed push, sources said.


    It really is time to drag out this petulant imbecile and throw away the key.
    Yes, next week he’s fired.
    What Clown fires Rudi with so many litigation cases waiting. It’s like watching a 2 year old freaking. Unreal.
    Wait until the Melania divorce hits. It’s only time. Stormie wants to offload. So does Cohen and more.
    Is this Clown on Crack?
    Truth will be ugly. So many cases queuing up.

    Google News – Beyond Bitcoin: Number two crypto Ethereum is climbing faster and gave rise to the ‘DeFi’ industry that’s netted some investors up to 11,000% in a year

    Twitter, Facebook: $51 Billion Combined Market Value Erased Since Trump Ban

    I wonder if an activist group goes after them in a class action for losses …?
    Both deserve to lose vast markets, and licenses to be withdrawn.

    HUGE: Jovan Pulitzer Releases Report — Confirms Numerous Countries Interfered In the 2020 Election – Millions of Invalid Ballots Inserted Into the Election

    And what will happen now over this ? Democracy failed. Worse Biden got in.


    1. Quoting the MSM as evidence of “Real World” — and Pelosi in particular — is laughable John. Just saying…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m with you Tino!!!


        1. It opens debate. Smile. The sites alive. .


  13. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    This woman is nothing more than a mafia enforcer. And spends too much time under the tanning lamp.

    Good luck with that, mate. You would be more likely to have the Spice Girls gang blow you before that happens.

    Had I been there, there may have been no “almost”.


    1. Tony

      Careful re the Spice Girls, one of them is a Cannibal!
      The others you don’t know where they have been.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Tony, I’ve read all of the white hats reports and cannot believe that they are going to let this happen. I still believe in Trump and their plan. I pray daily for God’s hand to intervene. I await your update on cryptos. Thank you so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would love to see mass force used to arrest Biden, etc. But, the odds are against it.

      I will be creating a link for the list of crypto suggestions very soon and will update it as needed. The response has been very good, and the results so far have been terrific. I expect much more as the year progresses.

      I am just glad that we have a route that actually has produced results for the man on the street, since RVs and other venues of hope continue to suffer from the usual sticky finger release syndrome.

      I am working on a new article for release which will set the tone for 2021. I am a bit slow since I have a finger splint on my left hand ring finger. All the typing over the years has given me a slight case of “trigger finger”. i should be back to full speed in a few weeks.

      Thanks for your comment!


    1. Lagarde has a reprehensible complexion. And, that hair. 🤮

      Liked by 1 person

  15. For Fancy Nancy and all

    The American Political system works on Payola. They serve only to thieve. My lick!

    Biden, run by Obama and the Clintons, is a Puppet, no more.

    They will spend the next year blocking and checking all funds and deposits to see what can be syphoned. As ever, if not bolted down they will freeze and seize it. As Bush did. Nothing changes each are as dirty.

    We had a Congressman deliver a letter to Obamas desk reporting allegations of Biden’s Bribe Taking, and asking for help to recover Falcone’s funds stolen by Bush 41. Obama/Soetoro, did nothing and Biden owed him.

    We asked Obama via another Congressman’s letter, delivered on record, to assist get an American Patriots long overdue funds held to be redeemed. He did nothing bar fill his own pockets. As Rahm does in Chicago. Payola.

    If Biden gets in, expect No anticipated Settlements to happen until they and their support Jackal packs syphon up their own licks on all. Dirty, Grubby and American.

    But, what IF, Pense having not yet derailed Trump, now sees through a fast Impeachment removal and takes temporary charge? Or other ways.
    Armed with a full itinerary of Biden’s criminality, what if he orchestrates Biden’s pre arrest fast?

    What if Pense and others have another Agenda in play?

    Is there yet a Third Way in play? We can but surmise. The removal of Trump and Biden?

    Trump is Nero right now. Just a fat, mentally impaired Coyote howling at the moon. Will the Senators knives strike?
    Will Pense play the Third Way? This is America, Payolas payback? History repeats itself.

    Clint Eastwood struck for a Few Dollars more.
    Or for Pense in a new play?

    Can America be saved from both? Will Pense act to save America from Biden and his crooked handlers?
    A Third Way to save the day? For America? It has synergy. Then you have hope!


    1. ” If Biden gets in, expect No anticipated Settlements to happen until they and their support Jackal packs syphon up their own licks on all. Dirty, Grubby and American.” …

      Just to be clear John… does the above include the current moves that were “very far forward”…
      so, in other words, all the plans and opportunities for this site will be delayed also?


      1. Elders are different. They have their own vast AU and notes. Assaying takes time. Also registering title.
        We are also supporting a US Patriot. We are focused on core deals. Not the Ambulance Chasers. They are going nowhere. Real ones are in process. Off radar.


  16. And for a touch of Oz inspiration during these times. Even though big J with hate it lol.


    1. OMG!. I just tried to upload an Australian video of an Australian group and these twerps are telling me that it is not available to me as an Australian. Go and get well and truly stuffed then. Not sure if you guys on the site are getting this video or not. Hope so, if not, John will be relieved lol. Man, it’s Youthu Yindi, the song is Djapana if anyone is interested.


  17. The Style Council Lyrics
    “Walls Come Tumbling Down”

    You don’t have to take this crap
    You don’t have to sit back and relax
    (You can actually try changing it)

    I know we’ve always been taught to rely
    Upon those in authority
    But you never know until you try
    How things just might be
    (If we came together so strongly, yeah)

    Are you gonna try to make this work
    Or spend your days down in the dirt
    You see things can change
    Yes an’ walls come tumbling down

    (Governments crack and systems fall
    ‘Cause unity is powerful)
    Lights go out
    Walls come tumbling down

    Yes, they do
    (Yes, they do)
    Yes, they do
    (Yes, they do)

    The competition is a color TV
    We’re on still pause with the video machine
    (That keep you slaves to the H.P., yeah)

    Until the unity is threatened by
    Those who have and who have not
    Those who are with and those who are without
    And dangle jobs like a donkey’s carrot
    (Until you don’t know where you are)

    Are you gonna get to realize
    The class war’s real, not mythologized
    And like Jericho
    Yes, the walls came tumbling down

    (Governments crack and systems fall)
    (‘Cause unity is powerful)
    Lights go out
    Walls come tumbling

    (Down) You’ll be too weak to fight it
    (Down) [?]
    (Down) Oh, will you deny it?

    Are you gonna be threatened by
    The public enemies number ten
    Those who play the power game
    They take the profits, you take the blame
    (When they tell you there’s no rise in pay)

    Are you gonna try to make this work
    Or spend your days down in the dirt
    You see things can change
    Walls come tumbling down

    (Governments crack and systems fall)
    (‘Cause unity is powerful)
    Lights go out
    Walls come tumbling down

    (Governments crack and systems fall) Yes, they do
    (‘Cause unity is powerful)
    Lights go out
    Walls come tumbling down

    (Governments crack and systems fall)
    (‘Cause unity is powerful)
    Lights go out
    Walls come tumbling down

    (Governments crack and systems fall)
    (‘Cause unity is powerful)
    Oh, lights go out
    Walls come tumbling down


  18. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    What in the world is going on???


    1. Well, do we really think after the shenanigans of 2016, the doubling down of 2018, that Trump and the Intelligence Services just sat on their ass for 2 years, or did they prepare? And if they did prepare, knowing that half of America is hopelessly befuddled, did they set up a massive self-exposure trap — showing that all front-facing Institutions, from trial court judges to SCOTUS, DoJ to FBI, to Congress, are hopelessly compromised. And if so, then, has the final step been taken? No. Now, taking it a step forward, the Election data shows Germany, China, ITALY got packets of data for vote-flipping. So now, the scope is much larger than the US. Now, just suggesting here, what if the rumors of Pelosi’s laptop, with an evil sellout to China, with massive damage to US National Security — are true? Do we then have a situation where external threats must be taken into consideration and are driving all timing? In which case, do we let the government go thru its motions, even if that means putting in Biden as a fac-totem President on the 20th? Sure. And whose view is more consonant with Reality? Pieczenik? or Pelosi? or CNN’s? Where would you place the metaphorical $1 bet?


  19. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    He has it right. When truth hits them, the Bolsheviks start screeching and come unglued.


    Most likely just security precautions. Not for “arresting the Cabal”. We can’t expect that kind of bold action from politicians in these times. Now, in Roman times…Caesar Trvmp would have half of Congress used as torches.

    I think her plastic surgeon needs to be regulated. Most “funny business” is done using cash. They can’t stop BTC or crypto, and they know it.

    This is how effective “regulation” is.

    Do they look like they are getting ready to arrest “the cabal”?

    No shit. WHA has been saying this for YEARS, gumba.

    Et tu, Brutus?

    Diverse cultural enrichment.
    A modern-day sack of Rome. And the barbarians won’t leave.


    More success in the “funny business” arena.


    As predicted


    1. Dowse him and torch him


    2. Give that F’ing Pakistani migrant to me for one hour. Then we will see how much interest he has in raping a 5 year old child. What a piece of absolute sub human shit. Bullet for this mother. but only after my hour. Sorry to be so rude everyone but this crap is very bloody simply not acceptable in a civilized society. ENOUGH.


  20. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/12/mike-pompeo-cancels-trip-european-condemnation-capitol-attack

    Trump’s finished his credibility worldwide. He needs to leave Palm Sunday sitting backwards on his Ass.

    He’s losing the plot and the lot. Sunk.
    They deserve it
    YouTube blocks Donald Trump’s account for seven days https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9141407/YouTube-blocks-Donald-Trumps-account-seven-days-posted-video-inciting-violence.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    He really knows how to melt down..
    Dr Strange love

    Well let’s see it. It’s getting late now Tarzan

    Proof That the Pandemic Was Planned & With Purpose

    What’s stirring now?
    No10 bows to pressure and vows to trial 24/7 Covid jabs

    Another fine mess for Bonking Boris he promises 24x 7 cover but has no vaccines. Typical; brainless Preppy Boy.

    No10 bows to pressure and vows to trial 24/7 Covid jabs https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9141771/No10-vows-trial-24-7-Covid-jabs-GPs-parts-UK-having-PAUSE-vaccinations.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Expect the rest to be no better in reality

    China’s Covid-19 vaccine is 50% effective, Brazil results show https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9139345/Brazil-researchers-report-modest-50-4-efficacy-Chinas-CoronaVac.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    How about with a bankrupt economy RETARD?

    Matt Hancock warns it is ‘impossible to say’ when lockdown will end https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9141769/Matt-Hancock-warns-impossible-say-lockdown-end.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    The Covid nightmare cripples economies
    A deserving end and Atonement will not be kind.

    Federal government executes womb raider killer Lisa Montgomery https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9141449/Supreme-Court-ALLOWS-federal-execution-womb-raider-killer-Lisa-Montgomery.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    ‘Nuns treated 11-year-old rape victims as if they were prostitutes’: How schoolgirls were among 56,000 mothers sent to hellish Irish homes where 9,000 babies died and bodies were buried in shoeboxes – as survivors slam ‘cop-out’ report

    Girls as young as 12 were among the 56,000 mothers in Ireland’s mother and baby homes, whose harrowing experiences have been laid bare by the disturbing report revealed yesterday.


    The Vatican has so much to answer for VILE Despots!
    Opinion | Here’s the fastest, easiest way to keep Trump from ever holding office again

    The US Administration are determined to bring Shrek down and phobic to stop him now. Beyond hatred.

    Rapid lateral flow Covid tests No10 is using as part of Operation Moonshot can do more harm than good because they are so inaccurate, scientist warns

    Professor Jon Deeks, a biostatistics expert at the University of Birmingham, said he was worried that the Government was telling people the tests are better than they are.


    Who next bans truth about Covid? No Tweeting?
    Never ending trouble for Trump.He’s isolating in La La land watching Television or screaming at Pence and his Staff. He’s mentally unstable, .

    House starts second impeachment of Donald Trump https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9143029/House-starts-debate-impeaching-Donald-Trump-incitement-insurrection.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Be clear Pompeo cancelled his EU tour because no Leaders would meet him
    Trump is trashed in Europe and seen as a fiasco no one wants to be seen with.


    1. Johnny Johnny Johnny. You do love your little thrills don’t you? Must admit, I do enjoy your humour/humor.


  21. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/kirstie-alley-andrew-cuomo-lockdowns?cmpid=prn_newsstand
    Kirstie Alley calls out NY Gov. Cuomo for sudden change on lockdown days before Biden inauguration

    “Thank God Cuomo is opening up New York!!!…..and JUST IN TIME for Biden’s inauguration …..it’s like a Covid miracle …ish,” Alley wrote.


  22. So, John2020,

    With the likelihood that Trump leaves the White House in a few days, does this stop the efforts or transactions expected from the PP efforts or is it imminent?

    Thank you dear!


    1. The Edlers have their own cash pallets and Bullion. Getting enough assay certs takes time but we are on it daily.


      1. ThanK you John, but I think you stated that the other day on my question last week, my question here is about if this thing stops if trump is not in office.
        If you can’t answer I respect that and appreciate your feedback.

        Thank you!


  23. FBI File Dump: Nancy Pelosi’s brother charged with raping underage girls

    “It appears that Nancy Pelosi’s brother Franklin Roosevelt D’Alesandro was charged with rape.

    He was charged with rape at the age of 20 years old.

    The victims?

    They were aged 11 and 13.

    Yes… they were underage.

    Where was the outcry from the left? Where was the outcry from the feminists?

    It turns out that D’Alesandro wasn’t the only one who was tried.

    He was 1 of 12 men who were tried…


    He was the ONLY one that was able to successfully obtain an acquittal.

    What are the odds?


    1. Absolute ripper. There should be more of this.


  24. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Truth, at last.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. One could not be more spot on than that.


      1. Can someone explain what she just said could not understand a thing


        1. Don’t worry nano22, it was nothing that you need to worry about. Just a joke really confirming what a pack of blatant criminals the IMF are and how little they care about any of us.

          The joke was about bitcoin and how Lagarde is telling the masses to keep away from bitcoin as it is so dangerous so her and all her criminal buddies can slurp it all up and make billions from it and keep us out.

          Try and listen to it again, it’s hilarious, particularly the accent.


          1. Nano 22

            It’s just a spoof sending Lagarde up.
            As ever, what you see on the news is not real.
            But 75M appear dumb enough to have voted for Biden. Or with fake votes maybe not.
            But Shrek standing there chuntering, I won, I won big, is not the answer.
            An intelligent President would have seen that coming and stopped it.
            The Ox in the box WAS warned but as ever failed to act.
            The GOP failed to put up better, so America, and the world suffers from this.
            Karma calls, and Karmella will take his ????
            Only in America.

            Pre Running IQ testing Morons is no bad thing. America has form for this.
            Ford, Bush 43, Trump. America majors with them. Vetting? Are you serious?

            So Yes, its a Send Up of Lagarde. Trumps will come.
            Cartoonists smell lunch.
            But Biden? Too unthinkable. His son, no shame. Only in America.


            1. Far out Johnny, you don’t miss an opportunity to give Trump a bash. Actually, that was not even an opportunity but you took one anyway lol.

              All good, I get your points but it is what it is and will be what it will be no matter what you and I and everyone else hope for. VERY BLOODY UNFORTUNATE TO BE HONEST.



              1. Sorry typo. “Do we go from here”


  25. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/space/galaxy-stars-death-gas-eso-alma-b1785539.html

    One day our own galaxy will die

    What a pathetic attention seeking joke. She has no career she’s a Muppet.
    Hannity warns contents of Hunter Biden laptop will ‘shock the soul of this nation’ | Fox News

    Why the hell was it not released in time to make a difference? Who needs to be held to account?
    Why are BOTH Bidens not charged? Wake TF Up!
    Even now Trump can stop this charade.
    Publicize it and stop Biden being confirmed. Grey matter!

    Banks desert Trump as FBI fear new DC riot – follow li


    So now Chump has lost the Banks.
    Not good news as he has to borrow again to refund Deutsch for supporting his Fake group
    Would you loan this complete Clown $500M?
    His hotels are empty and he’s lost the Golf tournaments support. He’s untouchable. Soon he’s facing free fall.
    All he’s got to look forward to is years of litigation, fake or otherwise, criminal investigations, a rabid press, possible serious Perjury charges, and a family hearing all this who may then defect when the sordid details start.
    Sorry if it offends some. Does truth hurt? Disneyland comics instead?
    Trump is facing real trouble. Support is running as fast as Rudi’s hair dye.
    You elected this? But Biden is worse.
    Video: Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions–Interview With Masako
    The plot thickens

    Trump blamed ‘ANTIFA people’ for deadly Capitol assault during call with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, say GOP sources who also claim president ‘took some responsibility’ for the carnage

    Conspiracy theories suggesting that Left-wing agitators were behind Wednesday’s chaos at the Capitol have been embraced by the president, who was too busy watching TV to help.


    Moment of truth? Trumps lost the plot and soon the pot.
    Even his Bankers have said enough.
    What a Wassock. Just not Man enough for the job. No World Leader will touch him now.
    They just want Shrek hung by the neck. The Crime? Will Moronic Stupidity do?
    That 300lbs Mc D Quad Burgers Whale will come to earth with such a bump. Will they have him out in shame?
    This is playing out on world TV.
    A very concise video for Tino and others to give views on.it affects all your lives, and health. Who gives them the right to depopulate? Watch it


    1. Thanks John.

      Sociopaths unchecked.


    2. Ivanka planning to attend the sniffers imaginary inauguration is absolutely disgraceful. How dare she put her own future ahead of what has been done to her father. Disgraceful little bleached twat. Actually, how stupid is she to think that those traitors will ever let her in if they remain in control. Silly fake little girl.


    1. Thankfully Hal Turner is almost always wrong.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. If that is true then I would say. LOAD UP BABY..


  26. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Bloody good news. They have it right.


    It’s good to be early!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Robert The Bruce Avatar
    Robert The Bruce

    WHA Admin:

    You talked about your pal the WALTHER protecting you.

    Which model do you have?

    I may order some for my army.

    Sincerely, Robert The Bruce – King of Scots



    1. I carry a model PK380. Light and with an easy recoil. Hollow points in the magazine.

      You may wish to stick to broadswords and shields though. Not sure the troops can fend off the Sassenach army and learn how to handle a pistol after a night of drink. lol


      1. I have actually had a go at using a Walther. Benefit of being a pay mistress. Unfortunately, it was from the inside of a truck directed at a tree. Ohhhhhhhhh dear me, the sound in that cabin was rather loud. LOL Scared the begeezus out of me. I did enjoy using a rifle though, was not too shabby either. Oh well, those days are gone.


  28. Much as the quality of information surrounding the Lying King always has to be treated with care, this has to be treated with discerned hope if at long last, real moves do happen to stop the Deep State, and stop Biden. Just as the last choice was Clinton or Trump, Bribe taking Crime Family Biden also has to be stopped.

    America has suffered long enough with the Cabal, so if genuine White Hat Leaders will stand behind Trump, that’s a huge boost to Real World Security.
    It’s not a case of liking Trump, it’s between Trump and Biden, and no choice. Biden is unthinkable.

    This report circulating fast, merits stocking up with food just in case, because chaos will follow and Sheeple will mass panic. Fill up with Petrol/Gas and load up 2 weeks food in case.

    Be prepared for Bank systems runs, ATM blocks, and Internet failings, as well as possible phones down. If this goes down, it may all go down for weeks. Get a radio. It will be restored, just allow for chaos for a few weeks for System changes. If this is activated it’s a good thing. A long overdue clean up.
    No question it’s needed. But is it just conjecture? Be wise, be prepared just in case. A food and bank run could start as early as this coming week end.
    Please, read and absorb all. Hope, for our world this is real. It’s beyond time and you saw the Trump marchers. There is anger and despair. Corruption has been endemic for far too long across America and with World Leaders. Correction is needed. We can only report, and hope. 10 more days truth will be clear. Reality also.

    Just be safe and be ready.

    Our military intel contact is confirming Mr. Fleming’s sources that passed on the Saturday, 1/9 “IT IS HAPPENING” intel below: he is confirming that

    (1) POTUS did sign the Insurrection Act last night Saturday, 9 January and he fulfilled the legal requirement Wednesday, 6 January in his request that Trump supporters “go home in peace . . . We have to have peace; we have to have law and order” (https://www.azcentral.com/videos/news/politics/elections/2021/01/06/trump-attempts-calm-rioters-u-s-capitol/6570920002/ And 10 USC Section 254 is called “Proclamation to disperse” = http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/254 );

    (2) he agrees that the EBS is to be activated for POTUS to possibly use to communicate with We The People, as the fake stream media and social media shut down conservative news and truth telling;

    (3) he agrees there will be much confusion over the coming 10 days until the Wednesday, 20 January Inauguration (if it is not postponed by POTUS & the DoD) and the Inauguration will be in the White House and not in the Capitol Building;

    (4) POTUS survived another assassination attempt as of Saturday, morning 9 January as Juan O’Savin and Robert David Steele stated;(edited)
    The Arizona Republic
    Trump attempts to calm rioters at U.S. Capitol
    In a video posted on Twitter, President Donald Trump called on his supporters to go home peacefully and also said he loved them.

    LII / Legal Information Institute
    10 U.S. Code § 254 – Proclamation to disperse
    [8:03 PM]

    (5) There have been arrests happening overnight last night (Saturday, 9 January-to-Sunday 10 January) in multiple countries by Special Forces (SOF) units in [A] Islamabad Pakistan temporary power outage (Nevada Secretary of State emailing voter rolls to Pakistani intelligence related company, and to stop a $5.4 Billion sale of General Electric to a CCP Chinese corporation), in [B] Rome, Italy temporary power outage early Sunday morning 10 January at the Vatican, while road blocks were part of pandemic but used to help SOF units take care of business (related to the Leonardo data satellites leased to the Vatican that were used by Deep State Vatican, CIA, British MI6 & CCP China to coordinate vote switching from Trump to Biden in the swing states Tuesday-Wednesday 3-4 November 2020; he said his information is that Dr. Charlie Ward’s information still is true that half of the Vatican City’s 650 leaders, about 300+, were already arrested last March 2020 when the 13 satanist bloodline family heads, the Venetian Dark Nobility families, were arrested then), [C] Berlin Germany temporary power outage last night Saturday, 9 January (NOT the 2019 power outage, but Saturday, 9 January fresh temporary outage, administrative related SOF unit collection of equipment related to Scytl / Dominion Voting System / Smartmatic CIA servers seized in Frankfurt);

    (6) His information agrees that the arrests will NOT IMMEDIATELY be the highest profile Deep State folks (Biden Pelosi level) until the latter part of the coming 10 days before the Wednesday, 20 January Inauguration (again if the Inauguration is not postponed)–the arrests will be done in waves and phases by SOF units; (edited)
    [8:04 PM]

    (7) The UK and USA arrests waves could start any time (with power and communication outages) from tonight Sunday, 10 January onward this week–THIS IS POTENTIAL COVER FOR THE RV T4B & SHOTGUN LIQUIDITY RELEASE AS PART OF THIS WAR BRINGING DOWN THE DEEP STATE GLOBALLY;

    (8) He agrees that there will be more massive MOABs of disclosure and declassified documents showing criminality coming out over the next 10 days;

    He says his information agrees with the “IT IS HAPPENING” update below: (edited)
    [8:04 PM]

    [8:05 PM] IT IS HAPPENING!

    Military takedowns and arrests begin this weekend and will continue forward for the next 13 days/nights [until Wednesday, 20 January Inauguration]. Some international raids have already started. Italy has also been found complicit in our election fraud.

    Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tv’s, radios & internet. It will override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time. Do not to be scared of what is coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold.

    DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month. Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities. People [Deep State Antifa BLM] will start rioting once this intel breaks thinking Trump is a military dictator. He [DoD Special Force Units] only has 13 days to put this dog down.

    The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol [Wednesday, 6 January] and was marked by Trump’s broadcast to the people to disband and return home in peace. This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media. Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act.

    Marines and National Guard troops are being moved as needed for the riots that will start after the national release of the intel. The intel will be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that will be several hours long. The system was just checked by the FCC a few days ago alerting ALL media that they cannot block the flow of intel under federal regulations.

    Trump will be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family.

    Trump had to exhaust ALL other means legally before this operation could commence. He gave everyone a fair chance to come clean and they refused.
    [8:05 PM]

    His press release of a “smooth transition” did not include the word “concede” as he has no plans to do so. Rather, there will be a smooth transition of power to his new cabinet, staff and Vice President, General Flynn.

    The rally in DC Wednesday, 6 January was an awesome event! The raids on the Capitol all started with BLM and Antifa members (many from the Philly area) and included Capitol police or those posing as Capitol police. Every day, new information is pouring forth to support this. They opened up the barricades and doors to the Capitol and let them in.

    Also, I just got an update on the Capitol breech. It appears there were some Special Ops members dressed as Trump supporters who went in with the crowd of protesters that were able to secure 20+ laptops w/hard drives with data regarding sex trafficking intel from both, Pelosi and Schumer’s offices.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Well, only you can answer that. But realize that this site actually has no fixed political position. You are free to utter against any opinion. There are many out there who say we are about to see some kind of action against an insurrection. That view is certainly welcomed. There are others who claim it’s a bunch of crap. Like this fellow:


      Whatever the case may be, I don’t know. All I know is that I am prepared for EITHER situation. “Belief” in the rightness or wrongness in future events is useless. Being ready for anything that comes one’s way is better than just believing.

      Just because we allow criticism of Trump does not mean the site endorses such criticism. Not true at all. Feel free to counter any opinion, but be on point and keep it civil. Espousing theories of whatever nature is fine. But, as you have the right to believe in such, others have the right to not believe. Trust me, if I countered every theory I read presented on this site, I would have to ban myself after I reply.

      Personally, I think nothing is going to happen on the 20th except Biden being sworn in. The democrat plebian class is too stoned to be open to any proof of Biden’s criminality, even if Karl Marx himself came down from the heavens and declared it so. If they see any attempt at Trump staying in office, no matter the proof offered, they will go berserk and suffer chemically induced psychosis and claim it was a vision and mandate from Lenin to act.

      Believe what you wish, but don’t complain that this blog is not the place to be because someone does not agree with you. You have just as much freedom to make your little corner of this site anything you want it to be.

      Except, a brothel.


      1. Threats? Twice I averted the real thing. Was cornered by two very large aggressive younger males who were vandalizing a property near my home. I asked them to leave or the police would be called. They instead came at me and cut my only way of escape off.

        One started to advance on me and I told him to “stay back”. He kept coming and pulled a knife, and was going to use it.

        Out came my pal, Walther. Off went the safety and one final warning was given at about 10 paces. He froze. I told him to drop the knife, and run away and never come back. He did. Have not seen him since.

        Second time. I fired a worker who was robbing us blind. He refused to leave, and advanced on me with a hunk of metal pipe. I stood my ground and out came my buddy Walther.

        He stopped, and his rather darker complexion became rather whiteish, very quickly. “One more step, and your tiny brain will be on the wall behind you. Your choice”.

        He left.

        I agree that Trump catches a lot of hell, some of it certainly not deserved. He has a few more days to show his cards. I wish him well and he got my vote both times. Beyond that, there is little more I can do.


        1. WOW! Good on you Tony. Bloody criminals. I do wonder what it would feel like after killing someone though. I think I would be in utter shock. Do you aim to wound or kill in such circumstances?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. When you are threatened with imminent grievous bodily injury or death, you are justified in law to use lethal force in defense of your life. So, you shoot center mass. Trying to hit a leg or arm is not as easy as it looks, and if you miss, you could be dead.

            Both of the persons that attempted to kill/attack me were certified maniacs. The second one was hired by someone whom I fired as well, just for being stupid enough to hire a maniac like that.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Good on you Tony. Yes, I see your point about the limb shot. That is disgusting behaviour to hire an attacker because you fired someone who was stealing from you. They were guilty and then still thought they had a right to come after you. Sick mentality, that’s for sure.


        2. Imclueless Today Avatar
          Imclueless Today

          dam. Good for you sir. I always felt America doesn’t hold criminals liable. You can pillage, rape and plunder all you want and in the end you get a life sentence with 3 square meals. Now i know prison isn’t a super cake walk but I do believe if violent offenders (murderers, rapist, pedos) were put down, crime would drop significantly.
          Which is why no one bats an eye to yank out a knife in the situation mentioned.
          Go dongs!!!

          Liked by 1 person

    2. SF Driver
      Please don’t assume effective and needed political criticism is blind dissent. Blind support for any Politicos is banal.
      They all need to be held to account. If not, you have a Roman Senate. How did that end up?
      The sad choice is Biden or Trump.

      The quality choice is neither. But that is also a Global dilemma. Fools rule- Unfit for office fools.

      Trumps dilemma is that for 4 years he failed to remove Deep State Swamp corruption, as he pre election promised.

      Irrespective of Vote rigging, which we believe to be true, the Bushes had themselves used it before anyway in Florida. and the hard truth is that Trump failed to back his mouth, and lost the confidence and TRUST of many.

      How many, with the powers to appoint his choices to to Head State offices, did he jail? Clinton?
      None! 4 years! Unreal! Now he whines.

      The hard fact and truth is that he ran for office with false promises and Karma collected his Butt.
      Soon Karmela will collect his job.

      Appointing Crime Family Dweeb Kushner and his Prissy pampered daughter was tactical ignorance.
      Kushner used him to steal the Golan Heights with Cheney and Mossad and the usual low life’s to profit.

      Conduct unbecoming! But why let mass ignorance ruin delusions? Censor truth.

      Biden’s a Mutt and Americas problem. You keep on electing them.

      Dirty Joe racketeered JFK into office and you got lucky. JFK rose to it. He lifted the bar. He earned Global respect and accolades. Well done JFK!
      Since then a trail of Trash Creatures only, apart from Ron, have held office. Each unfit.

      Apart from his wall, that will be his Legacy.

      America has a depth of talent. Sadly none in Politics. None will immerse in that sordid swap that is American Grifter Politics. Stop electing trash by raising the entry bar. Set at only 12 inches look at what slithers under.

      If you presume to operate on a world stage, be prepared to be challenged by it. To hold others to account means your own turgid apologists in office also. So many sad Bastards and Skanks.

      Peaceful insurrection for a real election was possible before Shrek lost control.

      America has lost the Plot, like the Zionist rigged Treasury which has lost the pot. Your life’s input syphoned.
      To whom? Kushners seek to Cherry Pick from the wreckage. The Zio trash already own America.

      10M of Genghis Khans assimilating spawn scum have mugged 350 M, now left with nothing. Half are trusting Patriots, the other half Welfare grabbers or Political Shysters. Sad. Sordid and now truth is suppressed. Land of the Free- Lunch?

      We commend the good. Do you want to censor views of truth? Or an open to debate site? Does truth hurt?
      Yes, truth is Radical. But it’s the hope for the future. Or like your stolen Central Bank, it’s gone.

      Your hard earned wealth has all been mugged.

      Now your Souls? Democracy is not free. Nor visible with the Democrats. Your speech needs to be.

      Enjoy the site SF Driver it will lift you to new heights.


  29. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/jan/09/bitcoin-boom-threatens-to-turn-it-into-pure-gold
    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55578092 .

    The dragnet is out rioters are going down
    Watch “Is This The Ruler Of The 🌍 World? / Hugo Talks” on YouTube

    Treat with care, just be aware, So far it’s aspiration. But concerning.
    Credibility, look at America for Gods sake. There unreal- Is!


    Ethereum suffers biggest one-day percentage drop since March 12, 2020


    This is only Brexit if Trump goes for martial law it will cause real problems. He just needs to get the corruption arrests started and stop stalling . This is because he failed to move his Butt for 4years and he’s only waking up now
    Bitcoin: be prepared to lose all your money, FCA warns consumers

    Our Financial Services Agency is warning all parties Cryptos could go SouthSeas Bubble if not controlled.

    This is how the bitcoin bubble will burst

    Now they are flagging what if?

    Opinion: How Americans can hold Trump accountable if Congress won’t – CNN

    As pressure mounts, the world sits bemused to see if Trump can get out of this lot?
    Not a Leader will support him, and if he does succeed there will be huge Butt kissing.

    Democrats introduce impeachment article accusing Donald Trump of ‘incitement to insurrection’ and will force vote tomorrow demanding Mike Pence use the 25th Amendment

    House Democrats tried to bring up a resolution Monday that would urge Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to declare Donald Trump unfit for office and strip his powers.


    Democrats control the Senate. No excuse now not to ramrod stage one through fast.
    We know he won’t get taken down by 70% later, but his Legacy will be soured.
    4 Years and he failed. That’s the price of failure.
    10 days to save his Butt, or 4 years of litigation and such dirt awaits. We all want him to get out of this mess, but does he listen?
    This is no way for a Presidency to end. Especially with an ego the size of his.

    This should be key MSM daily talking points. Why not. It merits medical alarm bells .


    1. Great Sasha Stone video. Well worth listening to. Thanks John.


  30. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    Howwww sweet it is!

    Indeed, they will. Dips of this nature are shake-outs. The weak are cast off, the strong pounce on the lower prices. The tiger never chases the fastest prey.

    Never chase. Always let the market hand you better entry prices. The prize lays in the distant future. Only amateurs and dilatants fail to see it.

    Thar she blows!!!!!

    What a great idea! 😎

    Defy the banks with DeFi.

    Peter is a bright guy, but a Luddite through and through.

    The wind blows. The mountain is unmoved.

    Ho Lee Fuk. Wee Tu Lo

    “DeFi” these usury rats. Scumbags de-lux. 90% of mankind’s ills would be gone in an instant if these worms were sent to hell.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Robert The Bruce Avatar
    Robert The Bruce

    This post full of intel is dedicated to Aurataya13 and all of you other lovers of freedom. I need to point out to John2020 that you may need to have a backup power generator ready and some freeze dried food ready to access should you need it over these next weeks.

    Sincerely, Robert The Bruce – King of Scots


    President of My Pillow is on Trump’s team and talks about
    what will happen:


    TRUMP will be PRESIDENT!



    The best redpill video of the weekend. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Please share with any one who may be uninformed from the MSM

    Lt. General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House yesterday.

    He says white hats (good guys, part of special forces) got Nancy Pelosi’s laptop during the breach of the Capitol on Wednesday. He says she’s frantic, and this is why she’s pushing to impeach Trump.


    From Linn Wood – prepare for imminent Blackout. President Trump will be using the Emergency Broadcast System.
    Other message from Lin Wood – Apple is going to do an update on all phones to shut off the emergency broadcast system. This is Nazi Germany 1938. Turn your auto update toggle off.


    Patriots report what you are seeing locally where you are. Here is the National mall at this moment. Keep an eye locally. Is this happening in other cities?



    Prophetic Ten Days Left



    This video is saying that Trump signed the insurrection act at midnight last night from his Intel sources and there’s a no-fly zone in place right now



    I genuinely don’t have any independent intel to verify this allegation, HOWEVER, this man Michael Jaco is a former Navy Seal and according to his sources that has happened.

    I will wait to see how this plays out, there is certainly a military build up in Washington which I can verify as being 100% true!!!










    The PURGE Begins. The Deep State makes it ‘s Play.

    KLW World News is Moving to Patreon.com/KLWWorldNews


    Lin Woods 7th fireside chat has been taken down on several platforms, but I found it in Bitchute.
    PLEASE. Listen via link below:

    Lin Wood Fireside Chat 7 – Communist Takeover, Concentration Camps, Martial Law, Italygate
    Original broadcast on 1/9/21. Lin explains the attempted communist takeover of our country and the attacks on our freedom of speech. The possibility o…






    1.10.21 The Tipping Point Radio POST ELECTION UPDATE #20: Storm Has Arrived, Insurrection Act Signed
    The Storm that has been upon us has finally arrived. With the Traitors fully exposed the Insurrection Act has been signed. It’s time. They will fight,…


    Ex-CIA chief Brennan wants Mao-like public humiliation sessions for Trump supporters
    Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, January 10, 2021 John Brennan was once director of the CIA. He now seems to be gunning for chief of the new Red Guards…



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Trump came in promising to drain the swamp. Keep it real. In 4 years he’s failed. No arrests, empty talk.
      Deservedly he’s lost parties trust. It’s embarrassing.

      Now, back to the wall and 10 days to go, will he or won’t he start the arrests? This Chump has the dirt on Biden.
      As they did with Obama. Both Crooks.

      If this were Putin, Biden’s arse would be in a Gulag cell. Game over. Xi the same. Tony Blair, we booted his butt. Even Thacher got the knock on the door. Out! Theresa May the same. Cameron saw his Ass.

      Trump needs to wire that Tweet finger and dam well perform. Votes are academic He’s still not delivered. and the world sees only empty Bluster. All this media is just Kabuki theater. I WANT Trump to pull this off.

      Start the arrests, or leave. Is that so hard? Do the Job he was elected for, or Go!
      Deliver the scalps or go down in flames and ridcule. All we see is the antics of a Mule.

      Will Trump step up or lose? No arrests, Shrek leaves. Arrests, Biden fails. Can no one get it through to Trump? Arrests now, or leave in shame and ridicule like a Fool. Why are we contesting Moot points?

      No arrests, no second term. Deservedly. Will he man up? DC is riddled with corruption. 10 days start taking them down. Right now he’s got the Global image of Popeye.

      It’s put up or shut up time for him now. 10 more days of his meandering Bluster achieves nothing.

      He CAN still pull this off, or they will! Man up! 4 years and he’s whinnying like a Jackass having its butt whipped.
      Turn this dam mess around. So many are running away from him. He’s showing the IQ credibility of a Hillbilly.
      If heads are taken down he arises as a Hero. Or leave this way, and his legacy is Zero.

      He has time, make them do time. Can they appoint Biden in the Joint? If Trump only fires Blanks what is his point? It’s a mans game. Man up! I WANT Trump to succeed! We all do. His handlers need to help him.

      A one eyed Shrek is not smart. Command is unforgiving.


    2. Hi Robert The Bruce,
      Thank you for the dedication and all the trouble you have gone to in sharing the information you have here. I have a busy day today and also experiencing some serious computer issues with links not working and the like. As soon as I gain some time this evening I will see if I can fix the issues and have a good look at your information. Thanks again. Enjoy a fabulous day.


    3. HI Robert The Bruce,
      Managed for sort the issues out and view some of your links, they are fabulous. It will take me a few days to get through them all as I do not have a great deal of spare time some days.

      I really hope to see all this play out the way it should with Trump in control and all those traitors facing military courts. I am seriously worried about this situation in the US and believe I will become rather exuberant if everything goes to the plan people are suggesting is occurring behind the scenes with those assisting President Trump.

      Sincere thanks again for all the trouble you have gone to sharing all this information Robert The Bruce, it is greatly appreciated.


  32. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    The Bolsheviks are on the move.

    It was not me. I swear.

    BTC is back in buy ranges. Never chase the rising price. Feast ye on thy dip.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. “Trump is dead meat” – John2020

    It’s not over till its over — Tino1776

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Unless he moves that Butt in 10 days it will be. Then he faces 4 years of litigation and criminal issues.
      Cohen and Stormie plus like types. His baggage. Either way its time and shame.
      The media are all to to get him. I sympathise, but right now he’s in an effluent pit past his eyes.
      Most of his own making. If he fails to escape, wait and see what 4 years of every low life on the planet litigating will do.
      Tino, I so hope he pulls it off. Dogs are salivating. 10 days Tino after 4 wasted years.


  34. The nice thing about having matters on the record is one can always look back.

    I, for one, still believe, based on the hysteria of the (D), that Trump will be in Office for his 2nd Term. Otherwise, the insanity-in-progress makes no sense.

    Somehow, we will have to reshoot Die Hard, upgrading it for DJT’s persistent in Office.

    As they say, it isn’t Christmas until Hillary is falling off Trump Tower…. or did I mix metaphors…?

    If I were in charge, just sayin… I’d start with a Brennan/Clapper perp walk and go from there…

    Liked by 1 person

  35. The FBI has a lot of explaining to do. Its riddled with Traitors and Crooks.

    ‘Days are numbered!’ Nicola Sturgeon told to RESIGN as pressure builds on leader | Politics | News | Express.co

    A big YES to shutting up and booting off this vacuous whining Scots Troll. We still have the William Wallace hanging hook in Westminster Place we can mount her on.

    With that Hag gone relationships can normalise. She’s achieved nothing the ego mad Troll.

    Bitcoin holders barred from depositing profits in UK banks

    HSBC need a good smacking for this. Shareholders need to remind them who they work for.

    7000+ troops in Dc

    Watch before it goes down 
    [video src="https://video.parler.com/34/xh/34xhzpA46VNj.mp4" /]


    The hunt is on to Shame him

    That will fall on deaf ears they will do time.

    Tidal Wave of Capital Could Bring Bitcoin’s Price to $14 Million, According
    to MicroStrategy’s Michael Saylor


    Crypto User Loses Over $100K in Bitcoin While Transferring His Wallet |
    Security Bitcoin News


    JPMorgan Predicts $146K Bitcoin Price as Competition With Gold Escalates |
    Markets and Prices Bitcoin News


    He’s convinced: World’s richest man Elon Musk wants to be paid in bitcoin

    SNP demand billions in ‘Brexit compensation’ for Scotland

    Yet another obnoxious Fat Scots Git howling for more compensation. The Dam Romans left us saddled with this crap.
    Banned from the Roman Empire, poor England got stuck with them.
    After 2,000 years is it not time they learned how to make money and work to keep themselves?
    Sheep and Cattle thieves and Hooch producers only.
    Impale him on the Wallace hook in the Westminster hall. Jocks?
    Too many Scots MPs. Boost their own economy or starve. It’s beyond time. It looks like Gobby Sturgeon is for the exit bullet soon.

    Top Republican says Trump committed ‘impeachable offenses’

    Does being a Moron factor?

    Where will Trump go after his presidency ends? I have a few ideas | The Independent

    Now this is a satirical synopsis of what awaits Orange Shrek. Too close to truth.

    Horned rioter is ‘failed actor and QAnon conspiracy theorist who lives with his mother’

    What a pathetic creep. Now he’s got publicity. Mummies boy- Tosser!

    2 Lin Wood Parler before its shut down. Will this filth be cleaned up without Trump? 4 wasted years. He failed to show all this. It would have been a different outcome

    Subject: 2 Lin Wood Parler before its shut down

    If only and we so wish it.

    We await the evidence


    New mutant strain of coronavirus is discovered in Japan https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9131745/New-mutant-strain-coronavirus-discovered-Japan.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    When are these clowns going to get that shutting down flights for 2 to 3 months is needed which we screamed out for last January and dumb politicos did nothing. We let a hundred thousand Chinese loose incubating and now we pay. From all over the world are new strains. Look how the Spanish devastated South America with infections and what we did to Native Americans . Who knows what new strains impact will be? Had the UK shut the borders last year at least 50k would probably still be alive and we could be far forward. Vastly more in America. Shut the borders. Quarantine.
    Our entire system here is factually sinking as we sent an article to show it’s devastating the NHS and spreading fast. We are short on incubators and even oxygen supplies. Sick delivery drivers can’t deliver. Our industries are locked down it’s chaos. Another 2 weeks and we may run out of beds. It’s that real now not theories.
    We now have more dying each week than last year even though treatment is more effective. It’s real and it’s fast moving. Vaccination levels are pitiful and politicos clueless. It’s a global growing pandemic and words won’t fix it. It’s real and it’s bad. We have been on locks downs for months and achieved nothing. Clearly wrong approaches.

    Be assured the condemnation of Trump is real and not just in America. He’s created a monster legacy now. Forget 4 more years this week will be hard pressure for him. He created a shambles and ran away. Heel Spurs true to form.
    He’s Persona non Grata worldwide now.
    We criticise , you recoil and it comes to pass.
    Be clear we want Trump far more than Biden, but as we keep stating with so many good Americans it’s sad Trump is leading anything.
    The bigger worry is 4 years under Biden. That’s a world dilemma.
    And Yes, it IS a world issue with implications. China and Russia will play Biden and Soetoro off the board. As for Harris, are you serious. 2 bad weeks ahead.
    Trump attempted a coup: he must be removed while those who aided him pay | Robert Reich


    Sorry Folks, but you are about to see Trump maligned as the worst President ever. It will affect the multiple litigations unfolding and witnesses allegations.
    What is truth for a Serial Liar?

    This is real and Trump is in a lot of real trouble now. Politically he’s dead meat. His legacy is that of a deranged lunatic.
    But I’ve been telling you that for years. Now the world is telling you. Will he get through 2 weeks?

    WhatsApp New Privacy Policy👆
    Trump attempted a coup: he must be removed while those who aided him pay | Robert Reich


    Sorry Folks, but you are about to see Trump maligned as the worst President ever. It will affect the multiple litigations unfolding and witnesses allegations.

    What is truth for a Serial Liar?

    This is real and Trump is in a lot of real trouble now. Politically he’s dead meat. His legacy is that of a deranged lunatic.
    But I’ve been telling you that for years. Now the world is telling you. Will he get through 2 weeks?

    The Terminator just called him out
    Proud Boys leader Nicholas Ochs seen smoking in Capitol is arrested https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9131803/Proud-Boys-leader-Nicholas-Ochs-shared-photo-smoking-Capitol-arrested-Hawaii.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    They asked for trouble. They just got it.
    Now, will Trump? He really has to up his game fast. If he can
    MAGA rioter, 30, pictured carrying zip-ties is identified https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9131713/MAGA-rioter-30-pictured-carrying-zip-ties-paramilitary-gear-identified.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    So many are going down for this.


  36. For the next 4 years Trump will be waking up to a Mad Max bit part every day.
    The next time he asks a Stormie type to Eat Me Baby, it will be a Canibal!
    Just humour folks. His naive arrogance deserves no less.

    Also No Auratarya, I applogise if I failed to comment, your a valuable site asset. respected and not overlooked,
    With at best 3 to 4 hours in bed, work pressures are high.
    Then I have to go home dam!
    I joke! But not the 3 to 4 hours.
    We poor Saddos have to work. Who else will?
    I do see all your comments. .Be assured its not missed.
    All contributors, thank you. All are read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your kind words John, much appreciated. Catch up soon.


  37. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Where did we find such men?

    Mask me baby.

    Bloody hell…???

    Hold on…she’s going to buck.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Intel reports are circulating alleging the Vatican’s been raided for Child trafficking and Pedo offences.
    About time and if not,. when? End that nonsense of Papal immunity. Pervs serve- Time!

    Return all Vatican land holdings to the Nation states. Their scam must end. Tax All Catholic Church collection incomes. Take them out of schools. Sequestrate the lot.

    Seize all Church pedo files.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Supposedly from Ted Nugent:
    Dear Vice President Biden,
    Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of Trump supporters.
    I remember four years ago my President Trump also called for unity. I remember how Congressional members of your Democratic Party responded by boycotting his inauguration. I remember how you and your Democratic party cheated and used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on my President Trump’s campaign. I remember how you and your Democratic Party created a fake Russian dossier to try and impeach my President Trump. I remember how your speaker of the house ripped up my President Trump’s beautiful State of the Union speech on National TV. I remember how you and your Democratic Party tried to impeach my President Trump over a Ukraine phone call. You accused my President Trump of pay to play. Come to find out Joe, it was really you and your son Hunter.
    I remember how you and your Democratic Party blamed my President Trump over a pandemic that he had nothing to do with. I remember how you and your Democratic Party encouraged rioting and looting of my great United States of America. I remember how you and your Democratic Party used the media to spread lie after lie about my President Trump. I remember how you and your Democratic Party stole the election from my President Trump. This Trump supporter remembers all that Joe, and will NOT be unifying with your Democratic Party. Your abject criminal dishonesty is treasonous. You belong in prison along with the rest of the Swamp.
    Ted Nugent
    “””Everyone keep this going””” Please!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  40. The next 2 months will be interesting. Days even. It’s Trumps Rubicon line.

    We all know the election was a scam. He’s done what? He’s got time, about 10 days. His move, but his Global standing is in free fall.
    So many rumours, and until sited as actioned, just that. As plausible as Trumps promise to Drain the Swamp.

    Argue all we like about voters, but the Dork came well short of his promises. He lost many votes because he lost trust. His move, he’s got 2 weeks.

    I for one hope he pulls it off. If not his Litigators will!

    Has Shrek got the neck to go for it. What’s he got to lose?
    But has he got the Military support?

    Is Super Fib a Damp Squib?

    2 to 4 weeks will tell all. What will he do in 10 days that he’s failed to do in 4 years?
    World Leaders have switched him off. Litigators line up like Alligators.

    His communications lines are being cut by the Jews News everywhere.

    Right now Trump IS the one legged man in a Butt kicking contest. They are coming for him with steel toecaps.
    This is his Alamo, so does he run up the white flag, or fight like a man?

    The world is watching. If he leaves whining like a Bitch, where were the arrests in 4 years?

    Is the Lying King on the line? It’s starting to look like a Train line, and those Big Lights are getting closer at speed.
    He wanted attention, he’s got it. But, is he up to it? 2 weeks, nowhere to hide now.

    Many of us want him to win, but how now? The Dweeb Kushner and Prissy Daughter are no fighting phalanx, and most are deserting him like Adolf in his bunker screaming at the moon as the Allies closed in.

    Reality TV is live. Will he be- Fired? His impeachment call starts Monday. They won’t get the final vote, but they will give him his place in history. His moves all week. The world is watching. Worse, for him, judging.

    Who is thinking for America, and its so trusting people? What a fake media sham. Jackals.


    1. Watching Trump right now is like backing a 3 legged Mule in the Kentucky Derby. At least they both have the same mentality.
      Has he just blown the lot?
      So many of his aspiring Litigators, perchance to dream now?
      A Legacy as the most Stupid President ever? Can he avoid that in 10 days?
      He just elevated Bush 43.
      America does not need this.
      Through all the turmoil now to come, please have faith America DOES have many excellent people, we ALL suffer from Politicos shortcomings. Your not alone.
      Imagine 4 years of Biden? Worse his Puppet Masters.
      Pray hard time.


  41. [video src="https://video.parler.com/34/xh/34xhzpA46VNj.mp4" /]
    What’s it all for?
    Pathetic like scavenging pack rats. No organization from the Jenners practice just a money grab.

    Elderly patients left queuing around the block in freezing cold https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9129713/Elderly-patients-left-queuing-block-freezing-cold.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    No wonder Americans are turning off Biden and crowd to over 51% now and growing fast .. Google is being dumped for DuckDuckGo and people are dumping WhatsApp for signal .. The Jews News censors face a wipe out. Time these Zios were ramrodded out.
    We all need to switch. Leave a pile of festering poo and debt for them to fund. Payback,


    We have had this from numerous sources now.
    Time will show if correct or not, just be aware.


    Just received this message from someone at national level with links to Don Jr.
    ❗My guy close to Jr. JUST messaged this:

    Military takedowns and arrests begin this wknd and will continue forward for the next 13 days/nights. Some international raids have already started. Italy has also been found complicit in our election fraud. Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tv’s, radios & internet. It will override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time. Do not to be scared of what’s coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold. DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month. Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities. People will start rioting once this intel breaks thinking Trump is a military dictator. He only has 13 days to put this dog down.

    The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol and was marked by Trump’s broadcast to the people to disband and return home. This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media. Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act. Marines and National Guard troops are being moved as needed for the riots that will start after the national release of the intel. The intel will be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that will be several hours long. The system was just checked by the FCC a few days ago alerting ALL media that they cannot block the flow of intel under federal regs. Trump will be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family. Trump had to exhaust ALL other means legally before this operation could commence. He gave everyone a fair chance to come clean and they refused. His press release of a “smooth transition” did not include the word, “concede” as he has no plans to do so. Rather, there will be a smooth transition of power to his new cabinet, staff and Vice President, General Flynn.

    The rally in DC was an awesome event! The raids on the Capitol all started with BLM and Antifa members (many from the Philly area) and included Capitol police or those posing as Capitol police. Every day, new info is pouring forth to support this. They opened up the barricades and doors to the Capitol and let them in.

    Also, I just got an update on the Capitol breech. It appears there were some Special Ops members dressed as Trump supporters who went in with the crowd of protesters that were able to secure 20+ laptops w/hard drives with data regarding sex trafficking intel from both, Pelosi and Schumer’s offices.

    The Vatican is being raided as we type.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG! I hope this is real info and not another tease. Thank you for sharing this.


  42. I had to share this. It put a big smile on my face.

    Jamiroquai – Stillness in Time (Official Video)
    Search the spaces of your mind to find the stillness of time

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You bet I’m praying.


  43. So… 5 days ago both my wife and I fell ill. Nice 101F fever, all the usual flu symptoms.

    No. We didn’t bother to get COVID tests. They are meaningless, suffer no prognostic purpose, and we’d be going to the hospital anyway if our O2 saturations dropped. Isn’t it wonderful that I can get an O2 saturation off my phone sensor?

    Within minutes of the fever, HCQ+Zinc+Z-pack. In my case, also indomethacin (just in case it was a SARS variant), with no budenoside available — we substituted monteleukast and levoceterizene.

    So here we are with fevers finally tapering after a typically 5 bad flu days. O2 saturations never fell below 95%.

    Amusingly, there was a newscast piece about the “stressed hospital system”. A quick call to an insider informed me that the so-called “stressed system” had ample capacity and total census was within bounds of the last 3 years flu season. The slight increase in hospitalization was due to the insanity of having to admit precautionarily folks that were COVID positive to get 3 days “prequalification for remdesivir”. Most were being discharged the moment the docs felt they were not at risk for progression.

    Liked by 2 people

  44. A lot going on and don’t want to miss a thing, subscribing.

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Hi Tony, I thank you for help on selection of cryptos. Should we add on to our alcoins or wait for correction. Thank you and J2020


    1. Hi Dan, great question.

      For now, I would suggest you do not buy any idea we shared if it has gone over the buy-up-to price on the list.

      I am going to create a new linked page to keep that list up to date and easier to find. Been meaning to do it but been busier than a blind beaver in a petrified forest.

      All the buy-up-to prices are current except for BTC and ETH, which were raised to 40K and 1400 respectively.

      I would not suggest buying BTC right now. ETH is still in a good buy range. Check all the others against the list before adding more.

      Just ask here if you have any specific question on a safe buy price if you need help.

      Good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

  46. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Are you all prospering so much that your fingers fell off?

    Sure is quiet out here. Are you all stunned?


    1. I’m still as loud as usual lol. Prospering is not freaking me out but what is happening to President Trump sure is.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hi Tony,

      We are still all here. Trying to keep it together and not get overwhelmed with all the negative information floating around. For sure we at least know what is happening out there. But we need to keep our mental health in a good place as well.

      Thank you as always for all the great tips on cryptocurrency. I have recovered from my investment mistakes and made some money based on your suggestions. I like our style here of hodl.

      Here is wishing you good health and prosperity in this new year.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awesome to hear!

        Yes indeed…the long game is where the true wealth is. We are at the right place at the right time at the right price.

        No matter how severe the volatility…now is not the time to panic sell or frantic buy. Just get in at the right price and wait for time, Wall St FOMO and the built-in irrational price actions to take it all to the stars.

        Not all ideas will make it, but it only takes a handful that do and suddenly your life takes a huge turn for the better.

        Why else would we even do this if not to get a result? Too many years chinwagging about currencies has been wasted. No more.

        From now on, we stand our ground here and hold to the last.

        Then we get drunk and go to John’s house for a party. 😵 🍾

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Only it’s not a bottle you have to bring to Johns parties. He also thinks Twins are good. Keeping it in the family.


        2. Don’t start the party without me and don’t forget to wear your dancing shoes! lol


        3. Heck, you buggers cannot have a party and get drunk without me. But I don’t think John is speaking to me at the moment so probably won;t get an invite lol. Someone will have to sneak me in somehow.


    3. Remember a while ago Tony I mentioned I had a go at a little trading? Well, I ran away with my tail down as I seemed to be terrible at it after seeing the dollars fly out the door. I decided not to let it beat me and jumped back in to have another go. Doing okay lately and have made back what I lost plus some. Just wanted to try and make some dollars on the side so I did not have to touch my crypto as I’m not able to do my regular work these days. It;s killing me though being locked out of making any moves between 8am Sat to 10am Monday lol.


      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        Be disciplined, and never let your emotions guide your trades.

        I don’t trade anymore, but today it’s easier than ever with the advanced tools available.

        Keep up the good work!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you Tony. You are absolutely correct, emotions were what brought me down last time but not this time. Don’t really want to trade as it does stress me quite a a bit but seems to work as an answer just know until I find another income avenue. Thanks again for all your guidance.


  47. John, I read your updates below in response to Sampson’s questions. I’m still not clear on the situation with the “Big Battalions”. Do these transactions come under the “few Elders and PP positions that are very advanced” or are they “nowhere”?

    Also, will a change in administration in DC cause further delays or will it have no affect on contracted groups? Many thanks.


    1. John F

      The Elders are very far forwards.

      The Elders have their own Gold, plus Note – Cash pallets in T’s all USD,

      That can be brought back into the system, once fully agreed for us. It will move to London for safety and integrity and away from Fed, Wall Street and US corruption. American hegemony is over. Trust has gone! All!.

      The key London Trust headed by the most Senior Lords and key power figures, will administer and preside over its integrity. Infrastructure Projects of benefit to many nations will commence.

      A whole new approach will be taken towards Cryptos, with new innovations to benefit many of you.

      In addition, the many thousands of Elders Trusts which were take over and manipulated by voracious Agency and Pariah Banks, plus truly evil Crime families like the Bushes and Clintons, and the deeply corrupt bagmen like Greenspan, are all under review. Those funds need to be back working for the people as intended. Not racketeered by Zionist Bankers.

      As we convert assets to Cryptos ,away from that US Treasury / Fed Zionist Jewish racket, we can start the Global recovery in such steps as can be achieved. Wealth creation projects will be encouraged in many societies.

      Education will be a key dynamic.

      One core issue will be the Ethereal and UFO revelations disclosed over time. It’s always been strongly objected to in order to maintain and perpetuate the Vatican lie and their Jesuit foothold in the WH. Both Clinton and Trump are ex Jesuit scholars.

      What does that tell you?

      There is one key ex Military PP still in play as they brought genuine funds in from Elders also.

      Iraq has a finite capital limit as to its size as an economy. The military use of the plates captured, and Agency racketeering mass selling to the desperate, greedy or gullible, won’t end well for many. No one is bailing that crock. Such funding as is necessary to underpin Iraq’s new economy, is all that is, or will be, affordable. Torch the rest. Take it up with the Promoters and Pumpers. Iraq is not being saddled with that hype. War looting and racketeering is not a Lawful basis to establish History of Funds Ownership Title, and that whole turgid mess will come to a head.

      A Clean Up is starting. We will NOT be using Elders funds to bail demonetized currencies.

      You bought it, you sort it. Read up on the South Seas Bonds fiasco and end game.

      Had those funds been in Cryptos? Most of the key Brokers, Pumpers and Wannabes have left Reno, including the Chinese elements. Parties we advised to get out have, and are recovering in Cryptos under WHA oversight.

      WHA is the platform now. Truth givers.

      Also excellent Health and Covid contributions by Tino and others.

      John F, all that others crapola circulating, has no money sponsors. Prosperity Funds looted by venal Promoters will have to be addressed in Law. Neither Santa nor Custer are coming. We will not bail them.

      Please, all look to get onto Signal and off Whats app and Google. It’s time to end the Zio censorship and abuse. Crash and trash that lot. Facebook also. Move away from them. 2021 rethink and reposition from it all.

      Getting your notes back from Reno may not be so easy. The South Seas bubble?


      1. Thank you John


  48. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Idi Amin Warnock is heading to the US Senate. That we elected such a Marxist is indicative of what our schools are turning out.

    Remember when Kathy gave us all head?

    Jesus, not again. Was not a 737 Max, but still…

    Hester rocks. I am curiously aroused by that woman.

    Please…LET IT AFFECT THE PRICE in the short term. Please!!! Bargains at this stage would be awesome.

    No word if the injection was a royal pain in the ass.

    How does it feel to be early? Enjoying the worm? Morning worm? lol

    Banking and the IRS – Herpes and Aids would be an improvement.

    Why is this man not PM?

    Faggot Bolshevik chased out of the airport. This putz is over-rated.

    Now that’s British!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They were all great links Tony, caught most of them last night when not able to sleep.


  49. With growing lock downs and kids off school, demand for lap tops and note books is off the chart. Huge shortfalls are coming. Stores are out of stocks,.and supplies are not coming. This may last 2 years. Get new models where you can. Its getting desperate now. Growing shortfalls. Get back ups fast. If you can.


  50. Flare Networks Announces Litecoin Airdrop, Plans To Bring DeFi and Smart Contracts to LTC and XRP

    “Flare Networks is announcing plans to integrate with Litecoin, bringing decentralized finance (DeFi) and smart contracts to the cryptocurrency’s platform.”

    Liked by 1 person

  51. Stay-at-home dad is arrested for stealing Nancy Pelosi’s lectern https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9129299/Stay-home-dad-36-history-drugs-arrested-stealing-Nancy-Pelosis-lectern.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Deep State Deep Shit just dropped on these clowns as we predicted.
    What happened with Trump’s corruption arrests? See our frustration?


    How to live away from Tacky Caribbean dives
    Covid IS buliding now and its bad.

    Boris Johnson begs families to stay home as death toll hits record https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9127837/Boris-Johnson-begs-families-stay-home-Chris-Witty-appears-TV-ad-new-campaign.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    America’s Color Revolution – PaulCraigRoberts.or

    Paul has had the time to focus on a well considered article and very much worth your time to read.
    Great article worth reading. How Americas dream died and what will become of the poor Mugs within. Trump was the last chance to break free and it failed. A JFK with a brain could have worked.
    It’s over for Free Americans now . Sorry if truth hurts. You just lost America.
    Read and think.


    They want Trump to suffer now. At any cost.
    Read the Paul Roberts article also

    Lindsey Graham begs Biden to order Pelosi not to impeach Trump again https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9128473/Lindsey-Graham-begs-Joe-Biden-order-Nancy-Pelosi-not-impeach-Donald-Trump-again.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Scientists warn measures are too ‘lax’ and demand even stricter rules https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9128929/Scientists-warn-current-measures-lax-demand-stricter-rules.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    What the hell is coming at us?
    Police confront anti-lockdown mob chanting ‘take your freedom back’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9128921/Covid-clash-Clapham-Common-Police-confront-anti-lockdown-mob-chanting-freedom-back.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Protests are building there will be blood

    Can he save it in time?

    Stick it to this runt hard.

    The Jews News stranglehold on truth is here
    Subject: Ian Lyne on Twitter: “Lt. General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House yesterday. He says white hats (good guys, part of special forces) got Nancy Pelosi’s laptop during the breach of the Capitol on Wednesday. He says she’s frantic, and this is why she’s pushing to impeach Trump. Pls RT https://t.co/Dx2WSaCSlk” / Twitter

    Dirty Nancy has reasons to freak. What will be exposed now?

    Italygate, part II: Obama and Renzi accused of being the masterminds of the US electoral fraud – La cruna dell’ago

    We’ve heard this for weeks. Where is the action?

    This is an important Trump message update for all.

    Trump fighting from a secure location, did not concede

    Following Wednesday false flag “storming” of the Capitol Building — staged by left-wing Antifa / BLM instigators who dressed up as MAGA supporters — we witnessed the final act of betrayal against our constitutional republic as members of Congress flipped against truth and voted to accept the fraudulent Biden electors, making Joe Biden the “president-elect.”

    Under the cover of night, the treasonous US Congress voted to install CCP puppet Joe Biden into the White House, confirming his fraudulent slate of electors as accepted.

    A few hours later, Trump issued a statement about a “transition of power.” Here it is:

    ‘Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again.’

    This statement is being widely interpreted by the media to be a concession statement from the president. However, it is no such thing.

    Trump did not concede at all. He did not congratulate Joe Biden and he did not say he would leave the White House.

    When he says, “the end of the greatest first term,” that makes perfect sense, since Trump’s second term would begin on January 20th. So his first term is ending.

    Don’t worry Facebook medics.. covid isn’t real, the hospitals are empty and figures are being over inflated.

    I have covid, I guess there was only so long I could shield from the inevitable. I have spent last night in resus along with half of Nottinghamshire. That’s not even my obs machine, it belongs to the person I’m doubled up with in my resus bay as there is no more space to put anyone needing resus care.

    The NHS is overwhelmed.. but they will still care for you. The staff will still flog themselves shift after shift and double up bed spaces to make sure if you’re having a heart attack, a stroke, you’ve broken your ankle on the ice or someone’s crashed in to your car. They’ll still magic free drugs from thin air to help you. And fortunately, even if you comment on every single post on the Derby Telegraph page with your own facts and theories that you’ve shared from your mate Alan, who you once drunkenly snogged in Scream, that let’s face it, haven’t been through the best peer review process … then yes, they’ll still treat you too.

    I’m still in the very early days of it and it’s causing me to have mast cell crisis. But lots of oxygen, some hefty steroids and I’m back in my own bed for now. The risk of overwhelming viral load by being admitted is greater at the moment than the risk of ongoing mast cell crisis and anaphylaxis at home. And the bed should go to someone that needs constant oxygen, for now I don’t, so we’ll wait until that point if it comes.
    ‘I’ve made £100k’ – meet the Bitcoin investors cashing in their profit


    Good luck guys
    Stay-at-home dad is arrested for stealing Nancy Pelosi’s lectern https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9129299/Stay-home-dad-36-history-drugs-arrested-stealing-Nancy-Pelosis-lectern.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    What a Moron he’s going to pay for this

    The Capitol Was STORMED! Everything You Need to Know

    Friday evening was Big Tech’s version of Kristallnacht. The Twitter accounts of President Trump, Sidney Powell, Gen. Michael Flynn, and scores of other brilliant people who I followed were summarily terminated.

    America suddenly began to feel like China.

    Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, etc. all acted in concert.
    Companies that collectively control the information flow for 3 billion people. Companies, without which, modern life is impossible. These companies have just announced they are in control of the US political system. Even Trump’s mass email service canceled him (which happened to me twice in 2019).

    And to think that Kamala Harris hasn’t even taken power yet.

    To his credit, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who is a Leftist (but not a Globalist) condemned Facebook and Twitter for blocking President Trump.

    When I first began publishing ForbiddenKnowledgeTV in 2010, I was a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal, who’d existed my whole life in an exclusively Liberal bubble but because there was no way I could support Hillary Clinton, I was able to overcome my lifelong anti-Trump and anti-Republican bias to appreciate the good things he had to say and to vote for Donald Trump.

    Almost immediately after making my new views publicly known, Google demonetized my site by more than 80%.

    Although I didn’t connect the two events at the time, the unrestricted war that has since been waged against those who support Trump over the past 4 years has proven that these two are connected.

    This includes the latest False Flag “storming” of the Capitol being blamed on Trump but incited by Antifa, as anyone can see in the numerous videos taken at scene – though the FBI will deny this.

    This purported “storming” of the Capitol is now being used to enact Chinese-style de-platformings from social media, with de-bankings sure to follow – if Michelle Obama gets her way.

    More importantly, this False Flag is being used to muddy the uncharted fraud that stole the election from Trump – and the 80-120 million Americans who voted for him.

    I don’t understand the depths of my friends’ and family’s demoralization, that they are celebrating this; that they cannot see that a coup d’état against our Constitutional Republic is under way; that they are cheering the handover of the United States to China and the Globalists!

    It’s become more than clear that Big Tech is not in the business of making money via the services they provide to their users. They are so vastly wealthy, they don’t need money. Their real currency is the control of the human mind.

    They seek to corral the zeitgeist of the global population and to transform it into their One-Party Rule, like that of the CCP.

    The absolute power held by these tech giants has corrupted them absolutely. They are one with the Deep State. It is long past time to put them in check, assuming this is even possible.

    JP Sears has done a hilarious piece about it all. We’re going to need all the humor we can get over the next few years.


    1. Well hearing this news I will change my tune toward you (for the moment anyway lol) and wish you a speedy recovery John. I honestly do wish you well even though you drive me utterly crazy where Trump is concerned.

      I know you will need to rest so if you could somehow arrange for Tony to be kept in the loop regarding your health status he will be able to advise us if and when appropriate, if that is not rude to ask of you or someone close to you please.

      Cheers big boy, take it easy. I’ll be thinking of you. And if you need to hear how magnificent President Trump is during your recovery just give me a holla lol. Actually, that might be the perfect pill to enable you to recover at a much speedier rate. Nurse Slayer on duty. LOL


      1. Aurataya, John does not have COVID. The person in the article does.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Bloody hell, am I thick or what? Man, that bugger needs help setting out his comments properly then. He scared the crap out of me with that comment. Heck, now he knows how to break me down easily lol.

          Ok, that looks like I am allowed return to annoying him with how wonderful President Trump is then. LOL

          You are a bugger John. Thanks Tony.


  52. John,

    Can you provide any insight into releases for PPs? I know its been awhile and this site is moving in another direction, but when, if ever, will releases for U.S. PPs become a reality? There are those of us in PPs who hope to make a difference in the World with the proceeds that still cling to hope.

    Thank you in advance.


    1. Sampson

      First we have to clear complex special interest issues between the Elders, UN and Treasury/ Fed with additional Military/Agency overlaps. Many Pigs at the trough.

      Forget all the open market rhetoric its BS. The Elders have their own assets and currency. The rest have none.
      There are a few Elders and PP positions very advanced. Not Reno. The rest are nowhere.
      Reno and Florida are blown. No sign of anything real there now.

      No one is going to print vast T’s to bail BS notes printed to order to take advantage of broker markets.

      Toilet paper in many cases. With Trump gone expect nothing from Biden’s crew. He is run by Obama and Clinton and they will spend the first year stealing anything not locked down hard. They are salivating for their licks.

      America is in free fall. Chaos rules fools. Biden will be a disaster for Americans. A Moron’s vote.


      1. Thank you very much, John. Politics aside (although interdependent), do the PPs finally settle this year? Been watching this site for awhile now, per your recommendations, for the dam to break and wondering “what is realistic to hope for”?

        Lastly, is Reno and Florida still in play for the big battalions? Thank you, sir.


        1. The help you get from WHA to rebuild in Cryptos is priceless for you. How many years has Reno been?

          Those with a brain need to think recall, and if concerned sell as best you can. If you can, because if that dam bursts ????????????At the tail end of that crap shoot, you just may find a lot of black holes and big questions. Reinvest in Cryptos and start again is an option. Or dream on with the gullible. Fake Gurus, fake promises. Fake noise on the system. Your call. It profiles like a dead hippo rotting in a waterhole. You want to drink that Kool aid?
          Your call. Time for smart money to review now and think, don’t you think? I never bought into that mess..

          We can’t advise, your call. Smart money will think. How many years of this bust?

          Just a respectful suggestion, your call. You asked. Magic mushrooms won’t bail it. Or sell part and spread your risk. Cryptos are live and growing. Or a dead end watering hole? How many broken promises and false dawns?

          If Overstayers are sent home. can you even get out? Have you done your diligence? Risk management.
          Feeding desperation or greed needs a live. visible market to go on. Hello? Just think that’s all.

          I can’t answer for you on any part of the game, nothing is visible. The only Play I see is monopoly money. But the Gurus find suckers every day it seems . More reborn. Your call, for how many more years?

          Had that money been in Cryptos? That’s all I can indicate. No advice, your call. How much longer before the recalls start? Stampedes? Is it a South Seas bubble? Read how that went. Just an observation, no more. Is that Hippo Koolaid? Rose water it’s not.


      2. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


        The “change in direction” will be away from Dinarian concerns and all the fantasy claims of NESARA and the like.

        The PPs John is helping with via his position is very much a real world operation and it’s such things as this, and what may stem from the successful completion of his work there, that we will be focusing on. So, don’t worry that such will be excluded. It will not be. It will very much be a larger part of our reason for even having this site in the first place.

        I hope that clarifies the matter.


        1. Thanks to you and John, both.


  53. Great News for Bitcoin QAnon announces #GESARA #NESARA, FISA courts approve …


  54. You all need to take up Signal and come off Whats app its about to totally compromise all your files.
    Get off Whats app.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. ‘Make him a commoner’ – Queen urged to remove Harry from royal line of succession
    https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1381258/prince-harry-news-line-to-throne-british-royal-succession-the-queen-royal-poll-results Toss out this Tosser become Markles Puppet you Muppet

    A guide to brown fat – and why it could hold the secret to weight loss
    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/body/guide-brown-fat-could-hold-secret-weight-loss/ Fighting flab

    UK to ban travel from 11 more countries amid South African variant fears

    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/08/trump-incites-anger-among-acolytes-let-down-by-lack-of-support Double standards
    Women fined £200 over eight-mile trip to Derbyshire beauty spot – Derbyshire Live
    https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/news/local-news/women-fined-200-over-eight-4870157 This is the BS police apply now

    Coinbase cryptocurrency traders continue to face frozen funds for weeks

    BREAKING NEWS: Twitter PERMANENTLY bans President Trump
    ——— They are cutting off his lifelines so they corner him like a caged rat.you know how this will end BREAKING NEWS: Twitter PERMANENTLY bans President Trump https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9128103/Twitter-PERMANENTLY-bans-President-Trump.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    1. I almost never post but read everyday on this site and others. Many people bring good information here to help everyone understand what is to happen next. I have inside info I believe to be true. I am told Trump will be in for another term. Much will happen in the near future. Much has been planned in advance for this time as Trump knew this was coming. Another post stated why the left is trying to impeach again. Read it and you will understand many sealed indictments being opened now will bring arrests to thousands and imprison and death to many. The evil will be removed, the lies corrected, and then you will see we will have another chance to bring this country up again. Never be complacent as our enemy will be at out gates always. This country was founded on Christian values and if we stand for those values we will never be defeated. Right now our enemy is inside our gates, in our schools, in our political world, in our banking system, in our government offices, in the medical and pharmaceutical industry, in the media and move industry. Pay attention and you will see. Be ready to support our President Trump as this battle is far from over.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Stuff twatter. President Trump has Parler and Gab.

      Many online are stating that Parler has apparently crashed with so many people around the world trying to join to hear from President Trump. The commies and now going all 1984 with Parler too but it can still be accessed. LOL


    3. Far Left Activist John Sullivan from Utah Who Was Arrested for Storming the US Capitol Is Released without Charges — Organized Antifa Event in Area at Same Time as “Stop the Steal” Rally!

      “John Sullivan, a noted leftist leader from Utah, stormed the US Capitol with fellow activists on Wednesday.
      John Sullivan is a Black Lives Matter goon from Utah who was flown into DC during the planned “Stop the Steal” rally.

      In August John Sullivan threatened to “rip President Trump from the White House” during violence in Washington DC. Sullivan was flown to DC for the protests.”


  56. Robert The Bruce Avatar
    Robert The Bruce

    Here is more for you dear Aurataya13:

    Thanks for your complements. I hope to live up to them. I am sorry you are under a draconian law that prevents you from accessing some information. Have you tried the TOR browser?

    Here is more for you below, and thank you for sticking up for TRUMP while others bash:

    Sidney Powell (Trump’s amazing lawyer) says that despite the fact that they certified the electors, President Trump still has the full power of the foreign interference E.O. to toss out the whole thing.

    Lin wood ( another lawyer working for Trump) also says Trump will be in for the next 4. Despite what you are hearing. He has the sworn affidavit from Italy from how they rigged the numbers for Biden which was delivered to Trump, Gohmert, Flynn and to the senate and house members at 1:12 pm the day before yesterday, before they certified the election. So they knowingly certified a fraudulent election.

    Also yesterday before president Trump spoke, they and 25 other American citizens filed a grand jury investigation which is given to them in the US constitution.

    It has been used 8 times in our history with a 100% success rate.

    Unless Trump concedes, which he has not done despite what the news is saying… Biden will not be the president on January 20th.


    Let General Flynn lift your spirits dear Aurataya13: https://welovetrump.com/2021/01/07/general-flynn-says-trump-will-be-president-the-next-4-years-in-interview-with-alex-jones/?utm_source=website_link_trending2


    Listen to what Simon Parkes has to say in the following video. It seems to match what was discussed above. I believe that TRUMP has a very effective TRUMP card up his sleeve: https://www.bitchute.com/video/-R6q70LTidY/


    Your friend, Robert The Bruce – King of Scots – Spider Watcher In Chief ( Joke for John2020 )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My sincere thanks is offered to you again Robert The Bruce. You have been so kind in sharing information and links, thank you. I just watched the General Flynn video, it was absolutely amazing. I have great respect for General Flynn, he is an amazing man.

      I did try Tor a while ago but it seemed to block me from viewing some of the websites I tried to visit at that time. I will definitely look at this again as soon as time permits. Have to start making several changes in these areas instead of just sticking in my same old patterns. I’ll get there.

      No worries at all re supporting President Trump. I am absolutely horrified with what has happened to him since being elected President. And his treatment lately is beyond utterly disgraceful. I think I know more about politics in the US than I know of my own country these days. I feel very strongly about what is happening in the US and do not wish to see your country taken over completely by the traitors.

      Wake to an enjoy a magnificent day Robert The Bruce.


  57. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Of course. Shitter didn’t ban all the incitement to riot from Marxine Waters, Commie’laHarris, Annihilate-ya Pressly or Nutsy Pelosi.

    The media cuddles up to Biden/Harris, and laughs at this kind of thing.

    And to think, Wall St has not even entered. Better buy a truss, because when they do, you will want to grab onto that train and you want your balls along for the ride.

    The Bolsheviks in the press and media are effecting their proscriptions.

    Where are all these supposed secret arrests, military moves, light worker armies, Trump “storms”, QFS watermark ballots? Q? Hunter’s laptop in possession and still no indictment? Who is in charge, the Marx Brothers or just Marx?

    And then some…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry it looks like i posted a link to my own computer and I can’t see how to delete the post. Can you delete the post for me please.


      1. Done.

        Shucks, I was hoping it was the Playmate of The Month.

        Liked by 1 person

  58. For a couple days, the political class has been in an ever-growing cacophony, screeching for President Trump to leave office IMMEDIATELY.  Now, I have found out why . . .

    For over a year, various individuals have been pointing out a historically large number of “sealed cases” on the Dockets  in all 94 federal district courts.

    Sealed cases are nothing new; but the shear volume of such sealed cases has caught the attention of many court watchers: Over one-hundred-thousand (100,000) such cases and growing.

    It is a tad bit unusual for there to be a sealed case.  Those types of things usually happen when civil actions are filed involving trade secrets or proprietary information when corporations have litigation.  Sealed cases also happen when juveniles are in the federal criminal justice system, which is rare.  

    One other type of sealed case is when a Grand Jury has Indicted someone, but the government doesn’t want that target to know, so as to prevent them from fleeing, and also to prevent them from either destroying evidence or tampering with witnesses.

    It is that last type that these 100,000+ cases SEEM to consist of.  But because the cases are sealed, absolutely everyone in the court system is sworn to keep such info quiet, and they do.

    Minutes ago, a former colleague of mine from my years working with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, informed me that Assistant US Attorneys in EVERY federal district have spent the past two days unsealing Indictments and walking them into Magistrate offices to secure Search Warrants and Arrest Warrants. HUNDREDS OF THEM.

    According to my source, these are the Warrants to go after the big shots.  The heavyweights.  The “elite” on everything from child trafficking, to child rape and even murder.  

    I doo not have first-hand knowledge of any such massive effort to unseal Indictments and obtain arrest warrants, so I cannot speak to this claim form personal knowledge.  I am relying on what a former colleague has told me, and I trust this person.

    If this information is accurate, THAT would explain why the entire political class, current and former, is coming out of the woodwork demanding President Trump leave office — or be removed from office – immediately.

    We could very well be on the eve of an incredible amount of legal activity that may . . . just may . . . change things in our nation forever.

    Hal Turner

    Liked by 1 person

  59. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    As expected.

    Of course.

    All attempts to regulate crytpo are simply to be able to track gains for taxes. Every one wants a piece of the action.

    This Bolshevik is the epitome of political storefront dummies. She will be president one day.

    In chaos, you can always count on lawyers to win big.

    The Bolsheviks are prepping their proscription lists.

    Liked by 1 person

  60. We must impeach Trump and bar him from holding office again. Now | Corey Brettschneider

    4 to 5 dead from his shambolic power grab. Now the whole world is queing up to tell this Clown YOUR FIRED!

    Piers Morgan ends friendship with Donald Trump and calls him ‘deranged monster’ – Mirror Online

    Piers is being too kind.
    Melania call him worse.

    Donald Trump’s Final Days

    Now he tries to pardon himself.

    Trump slammed for saying HE called in the National Guard to quell riot

    They Lying King too Dumb to be true.

    Trump slammed for saying HE called in the National Guard to quell riot https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9124523/President-Donald-Trump-blasts-heinous-attack-Capitol-calls-national-healing.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    PayPal, Coinbase Invest in Crypto Tax Automation Startup TaxBit – CoinDesk

    WhatsApp forces users to agree to share private data including phone number with Facebook

    Censorship by the Jews News.

    Beast from the East 2 fears as Scotland wakes up to snow amid Met Office weather warnin

    Ugly weather.

    DoJ confirms email accounts breached by SolarWinds hackers

    Serious deterrents are needed for hackers. Cryptos worst nightmares.

    Bitcoin tops $40,000 as investors seek hedge against inflation

    Capitol riot: Democrats seek Trump’s removal from office

    Theres so much hatred and contempt for Trump voting him out will get a majority. He willl leave vilified and ridiculed.

    More Republicans say they will object to US election result
    They have a case but Trump may be long gone.

    Trump did NOT concede… Lin Wood explains “many traitors” to be arrested shortly… final list of confirmed traitors acquired last night during congressional vote

    It is all too late now?

    “The Stink of His Family Is Nearly Impossible to Get Off”: Jared and Ivanka’s Final Chapter in Washington Demolished Their Future

    Now this from a cultured nation like the UK, is an issue we can empathise with. We see the Kazarian Mafia assimilating Fake Rodent Jew Crime families like the Kushners, manipulating Shrek to grant them Presidentail pardons for crimes, working in turn with Netanyahu and Kushner to illegally steal Syrias Golan Heights territory for its vast mineral wealth holdings, having Jarhead, sneerigly refered to by key Arabs as the Clown Prince, acting for Trump, to gain a Peace Accord shielding Irael from its pernicioues crimes and land theft, and its abuse of Palestinians forced to the Gaza concentration camps by vile Khazars, denied use of their own lands.
    He’s installed a vaccuous daughter for God knows purpose to run activites she’s ill prepared for, and to block a key role from core Professionals.
    Europe sees he and his family as a Tacky Joke. Shrek walking like a lumbering great Mc D gutted Klutz ahead of the Queen for the Guard of Honour in London is yet another of his ignorant, crude and low class lack of cultural procedures. No one missed it, and his second visit, bring his ammassed extended family, UNIVITED, to graps Statesmanship standing back home, but ever more showing a Disneyland .family gawping like Trailer Trash at the vast array of historical Artifects and huge wealthy holdings of the Palaces and history of a real Empire..They came across as Beverly Hillbillies.
    JFK brought you Class and Camelot. JFK was respected and flew the flag high. JFK earned respect.
    Trump is a product fresh from the Stye. The world stage is unforgiving.
    So too, is America now.
    His latest escapade in DC will be his legacy. The mental kingdom of the Klutz. Cheap. Tacky and Whacky!

    US Capitol riots: DoJ warns national secrets may have been stolen

    The MORON posing in this seat will do real time for this. His fine will be high. His Jail Time will be the most they can give him, and those black SUVs will arrive anytime over the next 2 weeks, possibly even at 5 in the morning, when they will drag him out cuffed as they find him. Naked Ok, they will parade him as is. Hundreds will pay for this.
    5 people now have died. The world has recoiled, it’s been a huge prestige blow to America.
    Kushners will pay for this. Untouchables. Trumps kids can forget running. This shame will be permanent.

    Over the next 2 weeks there will be a concerted effort to throw Trump out- Fired!
    He can forget running again. He blew his own case. He failed to fight to win. Pussy Whipped.

    He’s now persona non grata in all political circles. Loser is his Epitaph now.

    The scale of this will be seismic for him. Lives were lost. When the litigation starts for his own past foilbles, Jurys will have issues.

    Whoever this clown is in the Chair, No Judge will give you mercy. Your going to the Pen for hard time. Bubba is waiting. There will be a bonus price offered to Christen your butt. Carry your Vaseline.



  61. “Now, Congress has certified the votes. A new administration will be inaugurated on Jan. 20,” Trump said. “Serving as your president has been the honor of my lifetime, and to all of my wonderful supporters, I know you are disappointed, but I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning.”


    Sounds like conceding to me…. when Trump says our incredible journey is only just beginning he is saying he will run again in the future… himself and/or his family… intel peeps take that to mean he has some HUGE bomb to drop!…
    There is no big proof… server in Germany?… Q?… the entire list of intel peeps?
    Horseshit!… NWO incoming!


  62. Like

    1. Nice to see the real facts starting to come out HIW. Thank you for that post.

      I am more than a little weary reading all the absolute poisonous crap being put out and then posted here from the MSM vilifying President Trump. It’s as though he has created all the wrongs in the rancid American political system.
      People may think I am delusional, but I will say this here on this board. You haven’t seen or heard the end of President Trump yet. Watch this space!

      As the President Of The United States POTUS has achieved more for the world and the USA in particular, in one term, than that treacherous waster Barry Sotero along with his mate Michael, could have ever dreamed of in a string of terms, never mind the 2 wasted terms he used and abused. An African immigrant pretending to be a US citizen. So, tell me again, why is his Birth Certificate locked away from the world so no one can see that he was born in Kenya.
      Ask yourself this question, do you really believe that President Donal Trump would have endured the constant hatred and all the negative press from every quarter, to finally throw the towel in?

      I am going to put a link up here, which I believe will and should stir the minds of the receptive thinker. Whether you agree with it or not, you may well find yourself at least wondering, just how this is all going to end. Not I would suggest as the MSM are crying out for his blood but by the tables about to be turned for the benefit of all the world.
      This is the start of the link as a taster:


      If you find yourself worried right now, ask yourself these questions…
      1) Why would Trump (a man hated by those who are falsely claiming the presidency) approve the use of hangings and firing squads AFTER the election in which he seemingly “lost”?

      2) Why are they pushing SO hard to impeach a president that supposedly leaves office in 12 days?

      3) Do you really think Trump leaves office without playing ANY of his Trump cards? Do you think his EOs (especially on foreign interference in the election) were just for funsies?

      4) We were warned of a necessary “scare event”. What does this seem like to you? We were told that only at the precipice will people find the will to change. What does this seem like to you? We were told POTUS would be isolated from making arrests for optics.

      (Source: https://threader.app/thread/1347585919742857216)

      Just thought it appropriate to put something up that offers some support instead of the continual negative rhetoric. I guess we will all know for sure in the very near future what the outcome really is going to be. I feel confident Donald Trump hasn’t/wasn’t purposely placed to save the Republic of the USA.
      By the way per chance anyone may think I am a deluded Republican supporter, far from it, I am a UK Citizen.
      Posted for balance.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Should have proof read before posting, just a small amendment at the end of the above post.
        I feel confident Donald Trump hasn’t/wasn’t purposely placed by his backers to waste these four years but to start the fight to save the Republic of the USA.
        God Bless The USA.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much for sharing that link JT57. I am desperately hoping that the information is true.


      3. JT57
        The site has gone out of its way to keep Trump in office,Warts and all. Biden has been fully exposed, his associats also.
        We still stand by Trump being a far better alternative than Biden.

        But a truly effective President- No!

        JFK was. Trump is just a Chancer, not anywhere near the quality needed for the role, and ONLY git it to keep Clinton out. We “Realists” keep it real.. There is no harm in publishing multi-site views of warts and all, That way gets a balanced truth.

        Including yours.

        It also shows his support team we are watching.

        Washington is a feeding trough of Slime. Expended belts in the Beltway.
        Look at how we take it to Johnson in the UK. Mini Marcon also.

        Caustic wit puts manners on them.

        Most of the adverse articles have been earned. Thick skins are the first pre requisite of Politics. Trump took it to IQ also.
        What did Trump to to dismantle the Deep State?

        How many corruption arrests? History will not be kind. Why did he illegally award the Syrian Golan Heights to Israel for Kushner and associates to rob its mineral wealth. To pardon Kushner Criminal family members.

        He’s a sleaze as the next 4 years of litigation will expose. His real problems have yet to start. Do we stop that truth?
        Tony will be out fast to remove unacceptable articles, be assured.

        Your as welcome to fly the flag for Trump. It all balances out.

        It’s also why the site is ever growing No one will help you spill your coffee faster than us. Free speech? Within reason.

        Just watch what we take to Bribe taking, Child sniffing Biden and Nancy. Free speech. We watch all. Make your voice heard as you just have. All others the same right. Tony monitors. We all do. Tino also flies the flag high for key issues. All are read. Including you.


      4. Q?… and all the other guru/intel/little birdie peeps… I see a lot of them resetting, moving the bar now!… as much as anyone I want the above to be true, but here we sit with the Pres resetting and prepping for AFTER Biden is in… have to wonder!… comment below lifted from another thread… said what I am feeling…

        “After years of being strung along, once again, for the 1000th time, we are told to “wait” and see the “big” plan. Sit quietly and wait and see! All I have seen is the DS grow more powerful and get away with horrendous crimes! Now, we are being told to wait, yet again! Wait until when? Until we have every single God given Right stripped from us? Wait until our children and grandchildren are slaves and have no idea or memory of what America once was? Is that how long we wait?”

        Liked by 1 person

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