White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #166

Transforming The Future Via The True Halls Of Power

Asiatic Dynastic Power Awakens. Benevolent Goals Devoid Of Parasitic Usury

From extensive discussions today starting early morning with the Dynasty Elders, progression towards a meaningful Global reorganization is being achieved. Real people. Real leaders.

What’s coming, with key UN support, will affect all nations. Real issues. Real project needs. Real contributors, getting Real cash soon, for helping effect Real Change. People, Real people, responding when called, will help make it happen.

This will become the forward march of We the People. You – Matter! 

The last few years, out of Public sight, Elders, their wives, Attorneys and Interpreters, have been quietly progressing enormously important agendas re: financing, restructuring, out of public sight.

The corridors of power. What you don’t see.  

Self help, mind power. Not an invisible Higher Power, never there when really needed, is it? That Eureka moment, to realize you’re alone. Just real people. Humble, with a respectful agenda towards our fellow man. Off radar, one agenda to put back so much. 

Today was a good session. Focused consensus. Re-tracking hope, not hopium!

It’s coming. Today was a good day. Progressive and Stage One money is already stockpiled in the US! Positive steps. 

It’s ready when it’s ready; and owes no one. That it’s happening, is all.

Cool nerve, calm hands now. Professionals. Important moves now. This will be the full Global deal released in stages. Huge!

Stay tuned…

464 responses to “Information Briefing #166”

  1. Absolutely Excellent comment on Ivermectin. This is how we should have acted. Quote begins below.

    Dr. Conrad Miller| General Practice39 minutes ago
    Please let me add that a very important study from Chamie et al ONLY looked at excess deaths of people 60 and older in Peru. Peru was one of the first hard hit nations in the Americas to be hit by COVID-19. On May 8 2020 by government decree, the Dept of Defense co-ordinated with another 10 agencies did a massive focused treatment program mostly with ivermectin going house to house in state by state including 10 states in what they called Mega-Operacion Tayta. Excess deaths plummetted in these states. Actually 24 of Peru’s states performed similar programs, 14 of these only doing the above with locally manned treatment. Only the state of Lima, with the nation’s capital inside it, did not participate, instead seizing ivermectin from pharmacies. Very significant decreases of excess deaths in those 60 and over, the population involved in most deaths from COVID-19, occurred in especially the states where the military participated going house to house, also providing food for 15 days to citizens to better encourage isolation for that period of time. Deaths dropped ~75% 45 days after peak deaths occurred in the Mega-Operacion Tayta states, while untreated Lima only simmered at 25% decrease over the same time period as the Chamie paper studied. From May to end of July 2020 one out of every 1000 people 60 and over died in Lima state. Here is the link and then the abstract from that Chamie paper: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3765018

    [note the chart therein of deaths, with Lima state burning like a forest-fire in the background]


    On May 8, 2020, Peru’s Ministry of Health approved ivermectin (IVM) for the treatment of COVID-19. A drug of Nobel Prize-honored distinction, Ivermectin (IVM) has been safely distributed in 3.7 billion doses worldwide since 1987. It has exhibited major, statistically significant reductions in case mortality and severity in 11 clinical trials for COVID-19, three with randomized controls. The indicated biological mechanism of IVM is the same as that of antiviral antibodies generated by vaccines—binding to SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein, blocking viral attachment to host cells.

    Mass distributions of IVM for COVID-19 treatments, inpatient and outpatient, were conducted in different timeframes with local autonomy in the 25 states (departamentos) of Peru. These treatments were conducted early in the pandemic’s first wave in 24 states, in some cases beginning even a few weeks before the May 8 national authorization, but delayed four months in Lima. Analysis was performed using Peruvian public health data for all-cause deaths and for COVID-19 case fatalities, as independently tracked for ages 60 and above. These daily figures were retrieved and analyzed by state. Case incidence data were not analyzed due to variations in testing methods and other confounding factors. These clinical data associated with IVM treatments beginning in different time periods, April through August 2020, in each of 25 Peruvian states, spanning an area equivalent to that from Denmark to Italy and Greece in Europe or from north to south along the US, with a total population of 33 million, provided a rich source for analysis.

    For the 24 states with early IVM treatment (and Lima), excess deaths dropped 59% (25%) at +30 days and 75% (25%) at +45 days after day of peak deaths. Case fatalities likewise dropped sharply in all states but Lima, yet six indices of Google-tracked community mobility rose over the same period. For nine states having mass distributions of IVM in a short timeframe through a national program, Mega-Operación Tayta (MOT), excess deaths at +30 days dropped by a population-weighted mean of 74%, each drop beginning within 11 day after MOT start. Extraneous causes of mortality reductions were ruled out. These sharp major reductions in COVID-19 mortality following IVM treatment thus occurred in each of Peru’s states, with such especially sharp reductions in close time conjunction with IVM treatments in each of the nine states of operation MOT. Its safety well established even at high doses, IVM is a compelling option for immediate, large scale national deployments as an interim measure and complement to pandemic control through vaccinations.

    Note: Funding: This paper received no funding.” compare this to the faulty JAMA study that had average age 37 of participants. See my other posted critique of JAMA study in another comment here

    Liked by 1 person

  2. WhatsApp records allow stalkers to track you online

    What the hell?

    To believe in any future success for Coinbase, you must have faith in bitcoin

    Dogecoin quadruples in price as Elon Musk memes drive cryptocurrency to new record high



  3. This is dedicated to James Darrin and to everyone who holds Vechain. I’m in the fam too! Why do I feel I need to do the robot dance.

    Vechain Fam


    1. lol… that was awesome A Johnson… took the opportunity yesterday, with the latest huge run up, to sell a tiny amount… the amount is way more than my initial investment back and what I sold will make me bill free!…
      still have ” big bags only “…
      Bills were not real big… and I rent, so, no house paid off…
      Now I ride free with ” big bags on me “…

      Tony, thank you!.. you are the man!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Great news! Thanks for sharing. Makes my day to hear such things.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Congratulations James!!!! I’ve been paying debt off too, only one small loan to go and no mortgage. We rent too right now.

        Yes – Tony is the man!! Thank you so much.

        Ps: I played that song for my husband this morning and was doing the robot dance. 🤣 He said I lost it. 😂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Did you just assume my gender? 🚺


  4. Ok, Tony. You’re on a roll. What other crypto projects do you recommend? I’m a believer.


    1. I had several I was going to add to the list, but the prices have moved up and over buy ranges for now, so I elected to just wait.

      I may add one next week, but currently it’s a bit pricey for safe entry. Let me watch it a bit more and we will see.

      I try to always protect the interests of people here by getting them in at ideal prices so their downside risk is minimized. Also, many ERC-20 coins are extremely costly to enter because the GAS fees are murder for small investors. The one counter-balance is that the price increases more than cover those fees, which is why they can get away with it right now.

      Stay tuned.


      1. Check out Harmony one.


    2. Sampson,
      I have been accumulating Siacoin. Great project focused on decentralized storage and data transfer plus just released Skynet, which is a decentalized internet. Top 50 coin. Survived through crypto winter. Charts look great. Low barrier to entry at .05 range. Great yield op relative to most top 100 coins. Coinbase exploring. Available in US on Kracken and Bittrex now.




  5. SEC warns Meta 1 Coin scheme is ongoing despite Court orders

    “…The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has warned that Meta 1 Coin Trust (“Meta1”) continues to operate regardless of the Court’s orders to halt the fraudulent scheme. This becomes clear from the latest status report filed by the regulator with the Texas Western District Court…”



    Very sorry for those of you who may have bought into the META1 con via the Seminar Dave promotions. Hopefully, some kind of restitution can be effected in the future.


  6. Rather than bore anyone with my usual caustic comments, I will let HART do it…


    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hahahahahaha…. and so now the chickens come home to roost


    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ukrainian navy threatens to SHOOT Russian FSB boats near Kerch Strait https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9478169/Ukrainian-navy-threatens-SHOOT-Russian-FSB-boats-near-Kerch-Strait.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Madness Russia will atomise them

    Will they or won’t they?
    Game changer the Khazars will see their Rrrrs.

    Subject: Iran & Russia set to sign comprehensive strategic agreement: TV Report | Middle East Observer

    Once China set their deal with Iran in place it was clear that Russia would soon follow.
    This is a real game changer in the Middle East as now the 3 countries have unity in a strategic agreement which gives Iran the cover of both Russia and China and basically renders American and European influence mute.
    This will have profound ramifications throughout the Middle East going forward as clearly the influence of the Saudis is on the wane and to think any real strikes are still possible against Iran by anyone without response is irresponsible. Turkey will also face a new reality as their dreams of hegemony are now dashed as their influence will be reduced in the region. This will also give impact to Qatari ambitions and influence within the Middle East and beyond.
    This may act to temper the Turkish involvement in the Ukraine as they have troops there training Ukrainians in drone use.



  9. The most amusing (there is schadenfraude humor in this) aspect of the vaccine effort is the sexual transmission.

    Yep. There is an avalanche of reports of the vaccinated and unvaccinated having sex and the unvaccinated partner reporting the sudden appearance of the “COVID rash” over the whole body.

    Now, someone will need to verify, do serology, all the usual medical confirmation stuff, but there’s too much smoke for there not to be fire. I am sure that the viral vector vaccines will be found to be at fault.


  10. Influenza cases in the USA, 2016-2021

    2016-2017: 29 million
    2017-2018: 45 million
    2018-2019: 36 million
    2019-2020: 38 million
    2020-2021: 0.0015 million

    Masks and distancing work. — Fauci

    Actually, they don’t. — Tino1776

    Covid cases in the USA, 2020-2021

    2020-2021: 32 million

    Therefore, we can reach two conclusions, since the influenza number for 20-21 is categorically impossible.

    Conclusion 1 — Virtually 90% of all reported coronavirus cases were false positives. Coronaviruses probably being the usual 10% of total infections. Which means also that all death numbers, CFR number, IFR number, are wrong. The only correct IFR is from Stanford, from serology antibody, of 0.15%. Thus, a nothing burger is a $12 trillion bonfire of hysteria and stupidity. I, for one, will never comply with a vaccine passport for daily activities.

    Conclusion 2 — They, the Usual Suspects, screwed with the influenza test. Immediately, intelligence organizations should get samples of the influenza test kit and see how a world-wide standardized test was inactivated.


    1. Tony and myself will volunteer to try out 20 sample case women for you to see if they come out with more than Goose Bumps. But pre STD check them all first as clear.and clean. Our effort to help humanity.


      1. Shucks, I am having dinner with Kate Upton on that day.


  11. Putin says the New World Order has Flopped

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced on Russian television that the New World Order has failed, and claims that the world is now experiencing the final death throes of a dying elitist regime.


  12. Hello Tony and WHA community,
    Interesting proposed solutions from Dan Larimer. I think its worth the time to watch and listen.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Kerch strait will be closed as of next week until October of this year
    How will that effect Gold Prices?

    If you were wondering why gold soon to be followed by silver is rising fast, ponder no more.
    War is coming to Europe, there is no question, only denial by those parties not listening or watching a nightmare unfold.

    This denial of passage of state or foreign vessels is effectively closing off the Ukrainian ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk to traffic for 6 months. This only the tightening of the vise to the effective Ukrainian declaration of war against Russia.

    If this is not clear enough please watch various video’s of cars leaving the Donbas for Russia for safety. Citizens there understand better than anyone what is coming. Does anyone really think the Ukrainians are creating minefields for fun? Or that their massing of troops or that of Poland is strictly for parade? One can only pray for the many souls who will parish as a result.

    War will bring new realities and some of these realities will come at the expense of personal freedom as we are already seeing in countries like Czechoslovakia as tough rules exist for business openings and civilian movement. And they are not alone. This should be considered as the new normal going forward. The bigger question is whether various governments in Europe default on their debts. War brings opportunities to denounce the past and it is doubtful that the “build back better” crowd will waste opportunity. That is if they get to play in the new realities that war will bring to the continent. Britain could be a big winner if they manage to stay out of the fight.

    There are new realities on the horizon to be faced by Europe that will bring no doubt many unexpected events. And it is becoming more doubtful by the day that tactical nukes will not be used by various parties. As survival of factions will come to be more important early in the conflict.

    Russia will be fully deployed and ready by the middle of next week. You can expect the shooting to start anytime there after. If you were thinking of visiting the eastern part of Europe this spring, waiting is the better part of valor as travel will be disrupted. Even now prudent pilots will give the area a wide berth. And soon any existing flights across and in the region will face cancellations.


    The Human Guinea Pigs are slowly ingesting quantified vaccine risks.
    Where is truth?


    This new Indian Covid variant has Global implications carried by travelers

    Sadly they have equivalent brains

    So what is truth now with Ukraine?

    This will hurt many
    Europeans raise privacy concerns over digital currency

    A fast Crypto buy list for you all.


  14. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/shock-report-week-cdc-quietly-updated-covid-19-numbers-9210-americans-died-covid-19-alone-rest-serious-illnesses/

    SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses


  15. A greater incentive to have no incentive, to colorful people.


    A Johnson when she sees her crypto balance…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Or James Darrin when he saw the price of Vechain over .18 😁

      Liked by 2 people

  16. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-56747158
    The Taliban won.
    Biden retaliates against Putin with new harsh sanctions https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9474725/Biden-hits-Putin-sanctions-retaliation-election-interference-cyber-attacks-Ukraine.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Vlad faces them all off

    Pfizer CEO says a THIRD Covid vaccine may be needed https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9475955/Pfizer-CEO-says-Covid-vaccine-dose-needed-soon-six-months.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    As expected and after 3 shots what the hell is incubating inside us. We ARE the test animals.
    Thousands gather for dung-throwing festival in India as Covid soars https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9473727/India-Covid-Thousands-gather-dung-throwing-festival-cases-200k-day.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    This is devastating poor India.
    Share a bed with that lot. Take me first!
    What the hell is loose in the Third World we worry more about stealing oil and arms sales than humanity. What is truth about the spread now?

    Derek Chauvin confirms he will not testify at murder trial

    So, the Cop Out Gamble.
    If he walks there will be riots.

    Derek Chauvin confirms he will not testify at murder trial https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9474599/Derek-Chauvin-trial-Defense-set-call-final-witnesses.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Passenger collapses at Heathrow ‘after waiting in seven-hour queue’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9472649/Passenger-collapses-Heathrow-airport-waiting-seven-hour-queue.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    It’s not rocket science. Mandate the carrier’s to undertake full diligence checks before any passengers are allowed on board. Stop African and high risk nation flights. Shut the bloody doors. The attendant risks are too high. Lead. Decide, if the evidence is sound take protective decisions. Shut down hobby Tourists if danger is high and muzzle ignorance of reality. Think as leaders or quit. Act.
    None of the royals to wear military uniform at Prince Philips funeral https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9472089/Queen-decides-none-royal-family-members-wear-military-uniform-Prince-Philips-funeral.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Posing Tossers want more?

    Why the Farce to protect this wimping Arse????????????
    Royal experts blast Prince Harry and Andrew’s ‘shameful tantrums’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9474429/Royal-experts-blast-Prince-Harry-Andrews-shameful-tantrums-Philip-funeral-uniform-row.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Totally agree. 2 Absolute Pricks self delusional and both need a serious Arsewhipping . Disgusting. Pathetic.

    Russia Deploys Su-34 Jets To Black Sea Region, US Not To Send It’s Warships There

    There is something for a bigger going on than just the potential conflict between the Ukraine and Russia. They are 2 complete armies now poised within a 50 km radius of the Russian border and 3 paratroop Divisions.
    Addition there is over 300 fixed wing aircraft and numerous helicopters now brought up within a short strike distance within the Russian borders. And in the Belarusian/ Russian border missiles have been moved into forward positions effectively now being able to create a NO FLY zone over Belarus and a strike zone well beyond Belarus within 3 minutes. Poland looks very vulnerable now. I wonder if they realize just how vulnerable they are?

    It is unlikely that all this equipment and manpower is being brought up for a simple fight between the Ukraine and Russia. It would be a kin to bringing a sledgehammer to use on a nail. And yes, it’s very clear that additional sanctions are being imposed by the US and Russia. And to further escalate matters is also just as clear that there will be no meetings between Russia and the United States in the short term. Big telltale sign is the fact that the Russian ambassador of the United States has not returned to the US. And there are unconfirmed rumors of NATO MISSILES being deployed in the western Ukraine pointed at Russia. This a RED LINE for Russia as it means that such missile placement is 5 minutes away from target strike within Russia and does allow for severe damage if not outright risk for Russian sovereign existence. They are being placed into a position of fighting now vs later. As later will be too late as country safety will be in jeopardy. While such activity is madness of the first order, it is occurring now.

    What also is alarming and gives rise to thinking something else is a foot on a larger scale is the resupply of the Russian Pacific Fleet which is being re-supplied with additional missiles and stores and being rapidly redeployed to sea. A resupply is a natural event that occurs; what is unusual is that various ships are taking on additional missiles to what they normally would carry in routine naval operations. This makes one think there’s something much bigger than a confrontation between Ukraine and Russia is a foot. And the Risk of use of tactic nuclear missiles should not be ruled out in Europe. Sadly, it seems the time dialogue is past and the next step is well under way .

    By the end of this month, the ground will be hard enough with the winter thaw having departed for the use of heavy military equipment in the Donbas. And I anticipate that without de-escalation we will witness a broad based conflict between NATO AND RUSSIA and whether it goes beyond, is anyone’s guess. The fact that the US is not sending in their ships into the Black Sea tells us that they have taken the Russian warnings seriously that the ships will be sunk, and this distances the actual US military from NATO. And that SUGGESTS that there is a division within America between the government and military as to the course of escalations going on in Europe. It will not be surprising to see a war break out where the US stands back and a further hint is the carrier forces on both sides of America to protect America. The job and oath of the US military is to defend the constitution and the American people and not to engage in foreign intrigue. America state affairs are another story entirely. And one cannot help but wonder what else is in play beyond what is visible.

    At the same time there are growing signs of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan which may well occur within hours or days of a conflict in Europe. There is a huge build up in the vicinity of Taiwan and there are over 250 Chinese vessels in territorial waters of the Philippines.

    May looks like a most uncertain month full of volatility on a number of fronts.




    BREAKING NEWS 9:54 AM EST — The United States Congress has just been informed by the President of the United States that he’s “declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy” of the United States, posed by specified harmful foreign activities of Russia.”

    “Hostile steps undertaken by the United States dangerously increase the degree of confrontation.”

    Hopefully everyone is paying attention to the serious threat of a Nuclear WWIII taking place in Ukraine. Unfortunately, as with all things American, most have their head up the ass.


  18. It’s all empty virtue-signaling. It’s the deployment of wokeology. It’s sickening and it’s shallow. Yet, millions of people are falling for this new woke virus-style of propaganda?



  19. Today I have forwarded a lot of core graphics to say it all in pictures. All absorbed in seconds.
    But key issues. Need to KNOW!

    Heathrow arrivals facing lengthy six-hour queues as police 'forced to step in&#39

    The madness grows.



    Russian troops paint assault vehicles with ‘invasion stripes’

    Will Putin go for it?

    Russian troops paint assault vehicles with ‘invasion stripes’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9472661/Russian-troops-paint-assault-vehicles-invasion-stripes-Putins-force-grows.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Please listen to and watch this new version of ‘God Bless the USA,’ even better than the 1st…


    What madness is upon us?

    This is real. It will affect family relationships and bounding. It will break down communities. The Sheeple have proven to be utterly mindless. The depth of what is being unleashed will wreak a terrible cost on society.


    1. Today? You mean this morning, late evening. Do you ever sleep?


      1. Only sometimes, afterwards. Lol!


  20. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Jesus…the Aussies are going native.

    Well, excuse the living hell out of the white race, dummy. Are we really supreme? Well, some race on this planet had to be the more advanced now, yes? Circumstances of location had to lead to necessity, which led to the need to innovate at a greater pace in some areas. Is it okay that the white race take a little freaking credit??? I mean at the turn of the 19th Century, the white race just happened to rule the world. Politically, militarily, culturally, economically and scientifically, and in almost every other way. No other race even came close. Africa, India and China were essentially ruled for all practical purposes, with China basically an economic colony of Europe and America. Japan was perhaps the only non-white nation that had significant autonomy at that time.
    The white race had superior weapons, superior armed forces, superior communications, superior transportation, superior agriculture and industry, superior standards of health – superiority in every facet of science and technology. We had the best universities, the only ones in fact worthy of the name; the best engineers, building things that other races could not even imagine. They explored, conquered and ruled.

    Be glad that you are here, availing yourself of the legacy of those “superior whites” you bitch about now. You lifted yourself into a position of influence HERE, not in Nigeria or Somalia, or some other shit pot ancestral land of yours which could not invent an ocean going vessel in 10,000 years. So your ancestors were slaves. Well, booo hooo cry me a river whaaaaaa!! So were mine. So were EVERYONE’S at one point in the past. Some, today, STILL ARE.

    Ignorant, political hack!! You are not the central moral scrutinizer, speaking on the behalf of all on whether or not the US is a “racist nation”, so stop with the fake piety and realize what you have been able to achieve RIGHT HERE.

    Blaming whites is the new way to climb up into a cool status now, isn’t it.

    You want a world were all live at their highest and best? It will only come about when money and politics ARE GONE, and a resource based economy is enabled planet-wide.

    With the technology that those dirty “white supremacists” started to innovate with long ago so you could enjoy the fruits of such which were bestowed on ALL people in the present time.

    So, show some gratitude, stop your sniveling, and do something for others based on your own merits, and not running your dumb mouth to get ahead by whipping up the dummy army you are pandering to for applause.

    If they succeed at passing this, imagine the results if Republicans refuse to hold hearings to confirm the extra 4 judges. We may see many states secede as a result.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/meghan-markle-ready-forgive-royal-23905248

    Markel is ready to forgive? The preening narcissistic Bolter and C list wannabe needs to renounce her title and Sod off..she failed America and failed the UK. No bloody Class and couldn’t cut it.
    It was s good thing to have an American Royal family member and she was well received. They both had a big presence and roles to grow into. Sadly both failed us. So now we pick up the costs of a Bolter and a Tosser. But with attitude.
    Harry has blown it now he won’t be welcomed back. They should both be stripped of titles then see how fast they both get Woken up. Woke and Broke. Posing Tossers. Sad. Harry chose to marry a Bolter with form
    .what a mess.

    Off we go again. Will someone take Boris by the Johnson and walk him over the River Thames bridge Idiot!
    British troops to leave Afghanistan after 20 years and 454 deaths https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9468245/British-troops-leave-Afghanistan-20-years-454-deaths.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    About time. The Taliban will take over again and Trillions plus lives wasted for nothing . Poppy production will thrive. Hopium wins
    Putin snubs Biden over Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9468113/Putin-snubs-Biden-Ukraine-Kremlin-does-not-respond-Presidents-call-peace-summit.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Russia cares nothing for US opinions on its territory or Global expansion. Russia and China are coming. America is going and NATO won’t last 2 days if war breaks out. Islanders calling! Boom! Game over.
    Prince Andrew to wear military attire for Prince Philip’s funeral https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9467689/Prince-Andrew-wants-wear-military-attire-Prince-Philips-funeral.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Kids heh? Scandal ridden Tossers want and want and want. Huge mistake if this scumbag is given anything. Another Tosser like Harry. Who cares if they are even there both have Shamed the family. . See however mighty and however wealthy, Tosser Kids happen to everyone. The Queen needs neither and Harry does not get he’s blown it. As for Markel, Bolt !
    Could Australia take YEARS to open its borders? Health minister says there is ‘no guarantee’ travel will be allowed even after the ENTIRE population is finally vaccinated under strict ‘Zero Covid’ strategy

    ‘Vaccination alone is no guarantee that you can open up,’ health minister Greg Hunt said on Tuesday. ‘If the whole country were vaccinated, you couldn’t just open the borders.’


    Stalag Oz, what a nightmare. Now even the Crims can not get out?
    Russia announces snap live-fire drills in the Black Sea today https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9469575/Ukraine-standoff-Russia-announces-snap-live-fire-drills-Black-Sea-today.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    The US has no right to be meddling or pushing it’s nose into Russia’s back yard. Both US ships will be atomised whenever Russia wishes. The US has got to butt out if meddling no one elected America Sheriff. This just winds up the risk of war. Get TF out the world has had enough of your War games. Russia needs to park a fleet right off America’s coast with China helping sending 50 more. Let America wake up and think a D Day invasion is here. Simply get the hell out.
    Why we shouldn’t worry about Covid vaccine blood clots
    No10 WILL try to make Covid vaccines COMPULSORY for care home staff https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9470407/Government-try-make-Covid-vaccines-COMPULSORY-care-home-staff-Matt-Hancock-confirms.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    This will become Global
    Mysterious dog illness that swept the UK was caused by a CORONAVIRUS https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9470603/Mysterious-dog-illness-swept-UK-2020-caused-CORONAVIRUS.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Even worse if married to them!
    Europeans raise privacy concerns over digital currency


  22. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/far-left-goons-leak-home-address-brooklyn-center-officer-kim-potters-home-online-police-forced-erect-fence-around-home/

    If the guy had been white we would know nothing about it most likely… accidents do happen… if he had complied he would be alive… Ben and Jerry’s will never see a dime of mine!… I can not understand their reasoning other then to fuel racism and the agenda!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Good move. Both of them are hard core Bolsheviks and support communism across the board.


  23. https://greatreject.org/laboratories-cant-find-covid-19-in-positive-tests/


  24. Another Zio Rat Bernie Madoff just died in jail aged 82. Keep him in a petrie jar in each Zio rats cells. Encased in pig skin. . Did ever a species so deserve what comes down.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. They don’t know what they are doing… see below

    “Jiankui had made the first genetically modified babies in the history of humankind. After 3.7 billion years of continuous, undisturbed evolution by natural selection, a life form had taken its innate biology into its own hands. The result was twin baby girls who were born with altered copies of a gene known as CCR5, which the scientist hoped would make them immune to HIV…
    …It turns out that the babies involved, Lulu and Nana, have not been gifted with neatly edited genes after all. Not only are they not necessarily immune to HIV, they have been accidentally endowed with versions of CCR5 that are entirely made up – they likely do not exist in any other human genome on the planet. And yet, such changes are heritable – they could be passed on to their children, and children’s children, and so on.

    In fact, there have been no shortage of surprises in the field. From the rabbits altered to be leaner that inexplicably ended up with much longer tongues to the cattle tweaked to lack horns that were inadvertently endowed with a long stretch of bacterial DNA in their genomes (including some genes that confer antibiotic resistance, no less) – its past is riddled with errors and misunderstandings.

    More recently, researchers at the Francis Crick Institute in London warned that editing the genetics of human embryos can lead to unintended consequences. By analysing data from previous experiments, they found that approximately 16% had accidental mutations that would not have been picked up via standard tests.”


    1. Tino

      I have never known any large new IT system released which did not require extensive pre condition testing, fault modifications and years of debugging. As will vaccines. But consequences now???????????????????


  26. tony I forgot to ask you a question from one of our group members. One of thier kids was the one who is studying blockchain development and they wanted me to ask about that rock group with the member whose mom you went with years ago. You mentione dthis a long tim ago and I could not remember the group. They wanted me to ask you if you could tell me so I can tell them because they want to go see some concerts once the covid thing is over and I thought you might arrange tickets. I dont rmember the group or know if you can do so. But it would be great if you could. Thanks and sorry to bother you. You know these young kids these days. They wanted me to thank you again for referring them to the blockchain development courses. they are enjoying it and see quite a future for themselves with it. Thanks you pal C.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      No problem.

      The group is Hollywood Undead. Yes, I went with the mom of one of the band members for many years. Great gal, and we are still in touch. I have to be careful to protect identities so I have to leave it at that. But, I can say, yes, I was there when they started the band, which was known as “Three Tears”. It later became HU. I remember telling my girl at the time that these boys better go to trade school because they won’t amount to much. “Bunch of troglodytes”, I used to say. Boy, did they EVER prove me wrong, I am glad to say.

      I can get guest passes, so just e-mail me when you see touring reschedule. They will probably play the NYNY area because they are very big there. Have your kids go to this site and sign up for tour info, then let me know the venue and date wanted. Give me at least two weeks notice. https://www.hollywoodundead.com/

      Here is one of the videos they did in Hanover, just so we know what band I am referring to. It’s not my kind of music, but I get a kick out of these guys. From rehearsing in a small room in a Hollywood condo to ever expanding
      music creativeness and other businesses, these guys started with nothing, and continue to enjoy great success. Goes to show, if you want something bad enough, and know you have the skills for it, you can do it.

      Post settlements, I am going to hire them for the afterparty, and John and I will jump into a mosh pit with Aurataya and A Johnson.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh dear me, that sure is some head banger music. I don’t mind a tad of wildness but I am hitting the age where one starts to mellow. NOT too much though lol.

        Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be jumping into anything just now, let alone a mosh pit, said with great regret and a very cheeky smile lol.

        Remember that rotten hell of a fall I had down the stairs Tony? I did a lot of damage to my body, way more than I thought. Life has not been kind to me these past few months. I have only been able to drive on three occasions since it happened due to the amount of pain I’m experiencing. I am not even been able to walk properly at the moment. I am trying a few new things to see of I can get back atleast to where I was physically prior to that shit of a fall but things seem very slow. Doctors want to operate but I will NEVER do that, so I will do what I can do and hope for the best. Sadly, I am not feeling too bright and hopeful these days.

        I hate to be the sad news bringer to the site but it may explain my lack of participation recently. I still read the site every day but just don’t feel like participating most days unfortunately, even though I miss you all a great deal. I just don’t feel like happy, silly, and playful old me lately.

        I do hope everyone here at WHA is well and enjoying all the magnificent crypto energy lately. Stay well guys and gals, you are an awesome group pf people. XXX


        1. I am very concerned, and I am very sorry about such events. Please take care of yourself and keep your spirits up! The human body can perform healing miracles so eat well, take your vitamins and stay in touch okay?

          Liked by 1 person

        2. aurataya13… sad to hear the news… keep your strong will intact… I know all the peeps here are wishing you well!

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Hi Aurataya. Hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself. Miss ya!

          Maybe this could help you your pain. Tensor Rings.


          Liked by 1 person

        4. Hi Aurataya, Sad to hear you are in such pain. I had a lower back sprain for 2 1/2 years and after chiropractic and acupuncture had their chance, I finally fixed it myself. I got really tired of the pain and I just said enough. Used my kitchen counter to pressure down with hands to lift my upper torso off of my hips and jiggled the hips around a bit. I felt my lower back go partially back into place and some of my sciatic nerve pain was lessened. After more time and continuing to do this, I have cured myself of this pain. I also use used a velcro sacroiliac sprain belt to help hold the hips in place better. It worked. I sure hope you can help your body heal too. Point being, it takes a long time. Much good luck.

          Liked by 1 person

        5. Tony, James Darren, A Johnson and Biffie,

          Thank you all so very much for your very kind and most generous responses. You all actually made me cry there for a few moments when reading your beautiful comments. It is so uplifting to me to experience such kindness, care, concern, advice and assistance from beautiful souls such as each of you. Thank you all so much, it means more to me than you could know.

          I’m hoping that I will be okay soon. I really hate being limited like I currently am when I have so much to address each day with the care of my relative. I know I have to take care of myself too and am sort of managing the juggling act these days with a little help.

          My ex partner is staying with us temporarily (god help me lol), to assist with jobs I cannot physically manage at the moment. We have remained good friends and are always there to help each other if the other needs a helping hand with anything. He has been wonderful where the property and yard maintenance is concerned as I cannot even get down into the yard again just yet, let alone continue with the renovations. Those tools keep calling me each day though lol. Nah, not just yet, I must be seriously sensible this time.

          I am trying a new homeopathic treatment consisting of a combination of Hekla Lava and Calc Fluor that I heard about developed by a US GP, Dr Debra Katchen, being quite successful in the treatment of spinal stenosis. I have been on this now for nearly two months and am not really sure if it is helping or not at this point but I will continue and see what happens. I also purchased a decompression bench to see if I can gain some relief slowing stretching my spine. I have only been using this for a few days and some days it does seem to offer slight relief but I must take this very slowly and gently, no 180 flips just yet lol.

          A Johnson, I will definitely have a good look at the link you have provided and thank you for sharing that information. I find that type of information quite interesting.

          James, thank you for the reminder and very sweet wishes.

          Biffie, I am so pleased to hear of your success in treating yourself with the issues you had, that’s fantastic news. I will definitely try your kitchen bench exercise and see how it goes for me. I will follow up on the belt you have mentioned too. I am like you, I believe in finding natural cures for myself without relying on the usual medical type treatments. There is absolutely no way in this world I will allow any doctor to cut into my back and will avoid their pain killers at all costs too, that would just be a big downhill slide.

          Tony, I do sincerely thank you but please don’t be too concerned about me, I usually find a way to bounce back from most things somehow, it just seems like this one will take a little more patience and smart thinking instead of my usual bulldozer, pig headed attitude. And I will continue to follow your advice but certainly need to pep myself up mentally and emotionally and shape up in those areas again. I will stay in touch too, no getting rid of me that easily lol. She’ll be right mate.

          You should see what I look like going up and down the stairs these days, I think I have invented some sort of rather weird looking dance style lol. Ya just have to laugh at yourself sometimes when things get a little tough.

          I sincerely thank you all again for your kindness and concern, you have certainly each lifted my spirit today. Hope you all wake to and enjoy a magnificent day. XXXX

          Liked by 2 people

      2. The mosh pit LOL! Aurataya and I will watch you and John from the sidelines. It’s a girl thing. We don’t want to mess up our hair and makeup.

        Nothing personal against the band but Tony maybe have two big rooms with its own band. The youngsters can go in one room and we oldies can have one.(preferably music no later then the eighties) Lol

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I agree! I went to a few of their shows, one in San Diego and the other in Las Vegas, as a guest. Boy, did I feel out of place. I mean, I knew the crew, and the band members knew me pretty well, but the culture is not quite what I was used to and I don’t drink as much as they do, so I don’t think we were quite on the same wavelength lol.

          But, bottom line, they are all very enterprising in their other lives. They invest well and if they keep it up, they will retire very rich guys. Alimony notwithstanding.

          Okay, so let’s crank up that REO Speedwagon, DEVO and Flock of Seagulls. lol

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Crank up the eighties, I love the Flock of Seagulls, Space Age Love Song. Although I wouldn’t be opposed for select 90’s music. No Doubt, Red Hot Chile Peppers and The Cranberries. 👍

            Good for those guys! Success is not easy in that industry!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Tony – wrong choice of words. I should not have said “opposed”. I just meant I like some of the 90’s.

              Ok now back to our regular scheduled program of how to survive this crazy world.


  27. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  28. Dr. Yeadon is correct.

    The variant argument is pure bullshit. Maximum amino acid sequence change for variants is 27 bases out of 10,000. Completely insufficient to be even clinically relevant at the margin. Therefore also impossible that they do “immune escape” relative vaccines. And no, this isn’t speculation. Anyone pitching top-up vaccines and sky-is-falling variants has malign intent. Again, errors of this magnitude are never innocent.

    So, John, you still want to attach QFS to medical issues and other “court-mandated” issues? Could a more complete system of total coercion ever been devised? Perhaps QFS should do its only proper function, which is guarantee honesty in transactions and toss the uber criminals in jail.


    1. Tino,
      There was a blog a few years back by a man that was given the name “The Keeper of Secrets” of the Illuminati (or Order) by them.

      He was given this name because his spirit was so strong he was one of very few that never split his personality under the horrific trauma based abuse they all endure. This is rare.

      As such he was trained with one of the 12 human elders and lived with one of the 26 parents. He was also protected by Anu. If you have been raised in these families you would have known who Anu, Enlil and Enki were.
      He was trained in and aware of all programs in the various bloodlines. Eventually, they let him out with nothing. He wrote the blog for others that had left. They were called the runaways by people still in “The Order”.

      He spoke once of this new QFS “credit based system” that would be brought out and sold to the people as something needed to save the system and it would be good for everyone. And it will for a short period…then it will turn into hell. There is a reason they call the device inserted in you….”The Quantum Dot” (This blog popped back in my head when John said they had 4 weeks to figure out how to sell it to the people)

      Bottom line…It’s a complete loss of freedoms. Anyone that says different is not being truthful. You will be shut off when they want. Inflation can be plugged into the system. They can raise taxes so much you will starve. You will never keep up. This is also why Bill Gates is investing in Insect farms and the EU just made it legal to sell them. It will be the future protein source for the people left in the tightly packed cities.

      There is a good movie with Justin Timberlake called “In Time” that describes this system. Hunger Games, Snowpiercer and Demolition Man all portray this future dystopia.

      Honestly, look around at the world. Nothing is changing and now it’s being negotiated behind the scenes to give Amnesty to all the people who created this mess.



      1. Was the blog written by someone called The Ruiner? He mentions the parents and Anu. The Ruiner stopped the blog and started a YouTube channel and also has come forward with his identity.

        Q said to trust certain people. Every single one of the people named by Q to trust have done nothing. Now Durhams name is added to the disappointment list. I know it was crazy to believe that there was a plan. I regret giving time to reading Q posts. I just wanted to believe so bad that someone or some people were really doing something to change things.

        I feel more and more each day Trump was put in to “Quell” the conservative masses as the new systems were going to be rolled out.


        Sorry if I sound a bit of a downer. I’m feeling a little defeated today. I let my boss know that I’m not getting the arm jab. He was not happy to hear this. I bet I’m jobless as soon as the noise of the parade of people demanding conformity gets louder the pressure will build on small business to follow the tech giants.


        1. Keezy

          He was also called the Ruiner. He started another blog that basically dealt with spirituality and other non-Order topics and stopped talking about the programs.


      2. HIW
        What’s coming is far worse. Sleep while you can. It will be Catch All. Assets of the Super State. No one will be owed. Everyone will be owned. Draconian powers. Because they can.

        Covid is a dream for them. Total Sheeple domination. Corall to order. Suppression without Representation. Total sequestration at will. A Non Person if perceived a Person of Interest! A Corporate world. Owned by? You will be.

        But now they collude to hide exposure before it spotlights histories of Elites interests. Their non disclosure of historical Criminal exposure. So many Offshore accounts are Tax Evaded? They are mass flagging up.

        Which is why Clintons and others are moving funds to Abu Dhabi with zero tax and no extradition treaty. It’s not Russia it’s QFS. Or OFFS? Oh For F Sake!

        3 weeks to go. How do they hide the Ho? And more? Already they are bust, so how do they fix it? Russia and China are amused watching. It’s a circus now. Which Clowns? A Witches cauldron is playing out. How far will they play out each stage? Rounding up Sheep! A step at a time. They plot.


        1. John,

          What happens after 3 weeks? Final Releases under QFS? Trying to read the tea leaves.

          Should we get excited?


    2. Tino

      Whooaaahhh. MY advising on coming Woke Folk actions, does not mean I am either party to it or agree.
      You simply get the Get Real info from the inside.Politburo strategies from the Zoo.
      Sickening that they are already thinking Amnesty for the Scum who will be mass exposed with QFS isn’t it?
      Many who should walk the Pkand wont, which is why the Clintons and like types are panicking fast and moving bribe funds ot Tax Havens with no US Extradition Treaties. Hiding incriminating evidence fast. The Bush Bribes. The Biden Bribes. It’s a circus.of Depravity. All of it. They rule indifferent Fools.


    3. Tino
      I only report and expose what is coming. Mind sets and minefields.
      Just the messenger. The Get Real view.


  29. https://thefederalist.com/2021/04/13/how-an-immigrant-who-loves-america-fought-the-critical-race-mob-in-her-kids-schools-and-won/

    “The people who are born here don’t even know how lucky they are,” Schifanelli said. “As an immigrant, I lived in a country that no longer exists. And I can tell you that dividing people based on race or religion or any kind of physical, you know, gender or you know, binary nonbinary or whatever 17 different genders, this is all intended to divide and to destroy.”


  30. WHO data shows ivermectin will positively drop COVID mortality 81% if deployed extensively prior and during early infection.

    Notwithstanding the above fact WHO will not recommend ivermectin.

    There is nothing innocent and everything criminal in this failure to act.


  31. CNN executive admits “Our goal was to get Trump out, we lied, made everything up and we did it. Next is Climate Change


  32. JamesDarren, I read about this over on jimstone.is a week or so ago. Dangerous, poisonous stuff. Never a jab here!!


  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Sounds like SOP in my early corporate days. Now, they have to settle? 💱


    1. Times have indeed changed. It was common to come back to the office when I worked in Manhattan years ago and find people humping in their cubicles or on the boardroom table late at tnight. The cleaning staff often had to literally work around such and they never said a word about it else their jobs were gone. With high tech spy gadgets I dont think I would ntry it these days hahaha.

      Our crypto portfolios are looking exceptionally good this fine day and we are looking forwarfd to seeing big J man inform us of his elder cash registers wringing :). That will be a good day for us all on this world.

      Thanks again your pal C.


      1. I am glad things continue to go well for you, and please continue to share your experiences as often as you like.

        Oh yes, the office and work culture of the 80s and 90s was indeed different. Today, you even compliment someone on their pretty dress or hair, and you get threatened with sexual harassment, not to mention accused of assuming gender and pronoun micro aggressions.

        Keep up the good work!


  34. John2020 – thank you so much for these beautiful words. It gave me hope and inspiration. I want to share this video with everyone. This is how I see the world.

    Love is still the answer

    Human lives are the most precious thing in this universe. Irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity, or discrimination, Human Lives need to be protected. The loss of a single human life is a net loss to humanity. Who knows where the next genius comes from to shape and contribute to society. Or what entrepreneur dares and moves technology forward providing new jobs and futures to the youth of tomorrow. We must not think above nationality, citizenship, religion, race, color, language, or any social discrimination. Significantly, the youth must learn to think in a positive manner. The world belongs to the youth, and youth must think positively and should play a more critical role in where this is all headed. And it needs guidance by hands with purpose and not hands of greed or bias or preference.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AJ, that was a beautiful contribution. Thank you.

      I recall some years ago being hugely inspired by this type of video. I always had hope for the world in those days. Unfortunately, I no longer have that hope within me. There is just too much cruelty and pain visible for me to see that such monstrosity can be overcome by the current forces residing and influencing the energy of and upon this planet.

      You are such a beautiful spirit AJ. I do hope the gorgeous light of your soul shines on this earth for a great deal longer. I have come to the realization that I was born into this world in the wrong time, if there ever was a correct time for a nutter like me lol. I still have too many hangups to be a perfect facet of the type of world you have presented in this video. But that’s okay too. I’m trying to chill out and relax these days regarding the errors of the manner in which I have lived this life. Always lesson to be learned by ones errors and real achievements.

      Stay as beautiful as you always are AJ, you have so very much yet to present to and teach this world. XX


  35. Things that make you go HMMM…..

    Very serious amounts of Gold/Silver Bullion and cash money was abruptly removed from the United Kingdom today and shipped to Doha, Qatar without explanation. Fears UK to be NUKED in upcoming Russia-Ukraine war.

    Authorities in London did a rolling road block along the motorway to allow the tremendous shipment of bullion and cash to get through! 3 armored bullion trucks, 4 unmarked police cruisers, 6 marked police cars and a police helicopter was following in the sky.

    “The Ministry of Finance (MoF) in Russia has released a report that’s fascinating. According to the report, a few hours ago, the top Western bankers have been dumbfounded after a $1.8 billion transfer from Hillary Clinton Foundation was recorded by the Bank For International Settlements (BIS).

    The registered amount has been sourced from the Hillary Clinton Foundation (CF) to the to the Qatar Central Bank (QCB).

    JP Morgan Chase & Company (JPM) facilitated the transfer process.

    It’ still unknown as to why the large amount has been transferred so abruptly.”

    Word on intel circuits is that this bullion and cash was abruptly removed from London over fears the city of London is going to be hit with a nuclear attack by Russia when the Russia-Ukraine war kicks off if NATO intervenes.

    It is also being said on intel circuits that the USA will be hit as well, but no indication as to where, or how many strikes.

    As for the report from Russia’s Ministry of Finance about this being Hillary Clinton-related funds, Intel folks tell me there is no criminal extradition treaty between Qatar and the USA and funds in Qatar cannot be seized through U.S. court orders. So that’s an interesting twist.

    Why would Hillary fear funds being seized by US court Order? Why would she fear possible arrest? With Biden in charge, there seems to be no chance at all of that happening.

    Hal Turner


  36. So again, the question is where have they come from, who is controlling the Drones, and what is their objective?

    Video of UFOs buzzing Navy warship is leaked https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9463375/Video-UFOs-buzzing-Navy-warship-leaked.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    If you want to question Agenda 21 look at the pictures.

    Totally disgusting, we can do much better and we need to.
    If we make oils from this garbage are we green ?

    Navy’s Official Twitter Account Features Bald Eagle Wearing a Mask
    OK A spoof but masking the mindlessness of the Sheeple.

    Hilarious and sad at the same time.
    Were they hacked ?

    Sad and sickening inhumanity.

    Call me a softy but I just have a hard time accepting the process of how this is done. I do not know why this different than the Chinese cutting out organs out of living patients without pain killers to be used in transplants. They both seem wrong.

    Even tiny little Jersey is now bringing in Vaccine passports. You don’t show vaccinated, you don’t land.

    Think what will follow?

    Human lives are the most precious thing in this universe. Irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity, or discrimination, Human Lives need to be protected. The loss of a single human life is a net loss to humanity. Who knows where the next genius comes from to shape and contribute to society. Or what entrepreneur dares and moves technology forward providing new jobs and futures to the youth of tomorrow. We must not think above nationality, citizenship, religion, race, color, language, or any social discrimination. Significantly, the youth must learn to think in a positive manner. The world belongs to the youth, and youth must think positively and should play a more critical role in where this is all headed. And it needs guidance by hands with purpose and not hands of greed or bias or preference.

    Perhaps this is where this will all lead to in the end. And if so one wonders how such a device will interact with current vaccines being served to the public at large?

    Ripple bags another victory in legal battle over cryptocurrency X

    Piers Morgan makes another dig at Meghan Markle as he says Royals should ‘shun Oprah’

    Orpah’s cheap shot at the Monarchy has not gone down well here for her It’s been seen as a low grade slimy attempt to grab Bucks by low lifes

    Jeez, the :Pikeys will strip the lead.

    Prince Philip will be laid to rest English oak coffin lined with lead https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9465555/Prince-Philip-laid-rest-English-oak-coffin-lined-lead.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    How can they????????????????????????
    Russia just faced off with the US and get out of the Ukraine or suffer. Putin will atomise them.

    Russia warns US to keep warships away from Crimea ‘for their own good’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9465705/Russia-warns-warships-away-Crimea-good.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    In a world of mass Pig Ignorance, the Sheeple Public only wake up to War the moment the Bombs rain down on them. Their mass ignorance is profane in itself.

    Today, there were several deaths on the contact line in the Donbas which will be ignored by the MS Media, and I suppose, since people die there every day, no one will pay much attention to the growing crisis and threat of war, Nuclear War.
    I also imagine that media will not tell you that Russia has succeeded in modernizing over 70% of her entire military to current technology. This in of itself is a mind blowing accomplishment. In other words, over 70% of their entire military capability is state of the art, from frigates to missiles to tanks to combat soldiers equipped with hardware. And add to that their rotations in Syria have largely been used to train military personnel from pilots to field personnel. Call it a dress rehearsal for the real thing.
    It is not fulfilling to think that the world could commit itself to regress as a society in such a brutal fashion, however we are watching the world advance to War, possibly even WW111 with arrogant blindness of the consequences. And, yes we read about the distractions of virus threats and the like, while the Agency MSM Drummers drum the March of War. Madness given technology and real problems faced by people if unleashed. However War is a great equalizer of insensibility, stupidity and indifference. No person is left untouched by a war experience, whether indirect combat or indirect.

    In the West there is virtually no preparation for the type of war that seemingly is on the horizon. In the past I’ve written how in Russia and Belarus there have been preparations for War even in small villages, where shelters have been built along with food stores for people to have a chance of survival. Perhaps all the noise that is currently occurring is nothing more than a distraction. However, what if War is truly coming and what are the consequences? No one will be untouched by it’s effect. Yes, Russia is preparing for a real combat as is China. Perhaps all the noise that is currently occurring is nothing more than a distraction. However, what if war is truly coming and what are the real consequences? So I wonder what is it that our own nations are doing to prepare for such a horrible event? Because I can assure you that the West is not as modern as China or Russia in capability and there is no way a US War on 2 fronts can be fought and won. And further it is a delusion to think that escalation to a nuclear ☢️ level will not occur.. Russia and China combined truly believe they will win. They believe that the sheer savery of their first massive attack, will bring America to its knees with a choice of Red or Dead. Russians know how to die. Non care.
    Russia may die, but America will go for sure. Totalled! Be careful picking fights now. America can not win WW111. It will not be fought in Hollywood. America does not have the Psyche for WW111. Out equipped, out armed out numbered, be prepared to fail.
    How did Vietnam go. Mogadishu? Afghanistan? Hello? Russia booted you out of Syria. You now only steal oil from their borders.
    Why give Ukraine promises you can not keep? If Putin does not act, the Kremlin will.Catch 22. But with Nukes! Ukraine for Acid Rain? Where are Real Leaders now?
    > Watch Tulsi Gabbard and her warning

    > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iywKH60NUGg
    > and ponder this.

    > Municipality
    > DECREE
    > 04/05/2021 No. 1482
    > On the organization of urgent burial of
    > corpses in wartime
    > In accordance with Federal Laws dated 06.10.2013 No. 131-FZ “On general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”, 12.02.98 No. 28-FZ “On civil defense”, 12.01.96 No. 8-FZ “On burial and funeral case “, by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated November 14, 2008 No. 687″ On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in municipalities and organizations ”
    > DECIDE:
    > 1. The Department of Housing and Communal Services of the City Hall, the Committee for City Property Management, Architecture and Urban Planning of the City Hall, by April 1, 2021, determine the places of possible burials of corpses in wartime on the territory of the municipal entity “City of Cherepovets”.
    > 2. MKU “Center for the Protection of Population and Territories from Emergency Situations” shall be responsible for interaction with the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Cherepovets for the organization of measures for fixing the places where bodies were found, identifying and documenting those killed in wartime conditions.
    > 3. The Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Mayor’s Office shall be responsible for interaction with the territorial department of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Vologda Oblast on the organization of sanitary and epidemiological supervision in wartime conditions.
    > 4. To recommend to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Cherepovets in wartime and in emergency situations to take measures to organize the protection of public order, as well as, together with the department for the organization of medical care in the city of Cherepovets, of the Department for the organization of medical care and prevention of the Department of Health of the Vologda Oblast to organize work on the identification and documentation of those killed in wartime.
    > 5. The creation and accumulation of material and technical means for the urgent burial of corpses and means of disinfection shall be carried out as part of stocks for the needs of civil defense based on the projected volumes of work on the urgent burial of corpses.
    > 6. The control over the execution of the resolution shall be entrusted to the first deputy mayor of the city.
    > 7. The resolution is to be posted on the official Internet portal of legal information of the city of Cherepovets.
    > The mayor of the city V.E. Germanov
    > Link to Original Russian: Источник: https://mayor.cherinfo.ru/decree/113723-postanovlenie-merii-goroda-cerepovca-ot-05042021-no-1482-ob-organizacii-srocnogo-zahoronenia-trupov-v-voennoe-vrema
    > It is with a profound sense of dread that one reads a small segment of Item #2 above:
    > 2. MKU “Center for the Protection of Population and Territories from Emergency Situations” shall be responsible for interaction with the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Cherepovets for the organization of measures for fixing the places where bodies were found, identifying and documenting those killed in wartime conditions.
    I can assure you Russia will fight and that means both men and women and they will die side by side and yes they accept that civilians will die in abundance but please understand that Russians will not surrender and would rather die first. It is a strange idea to us in the west but it is part of Russian personality that has been cast upon their nation by centuries of conflict.
    So as the drums beat louder remember that here in the west our so called astute governments have done nothing to prepare for war on our soil while Russia has built shelters for her people and created food stores for survival. It is quite a stark picture of how little government cares for us lowly citizens. Because, one thing we can be certain of is that when Tulsi says a war with Russia will come to western soil and not be just fought on Russian soil; that by default, that means nukes will fly. We are coming to a crisis point very much like the Cuban crisis faced in the Kennedy era with a Mediocrity in politicians not seen for long time. What could go wrong?
    It could get worse. The Captain may be flogged yet. Weekly!

    Egypt ‘seizes’ megaship which blocked the Suez Canal https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9466575/Egypt-seizes-megaship-blocked-Suez-Canal.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


  37. No idea about this report… looks legit to my uneducated brain…



  38. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Translation: We literally want to kill you all.

    My resume is on the way…


    1. Biden is in no place to be assuring Ukraine it has their meddling support. This is like Cuba only this time Putin and the Kremlin Hawks will blow your face off.

      Ukraine, Poland and Taiwan are Americas flash points now. Any could cause melt down.
      Biden is too dumb to judge, and the Pentagons Doughnut Butt Desk Warriors don’t get how this will end for them or 350M Sleeping Americas. The Earth will move for sure.
      Biden is a stupid man. Whose jiggling his mouth?
      Ukraine is not your business. Sort Israel!


  39. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/exclusive-former-pfizer-vp-your-government-is-lying-to-you-in-a-way-that-could-lead-to-your-death
    April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews.

    He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.
    Biffie: Definitely a good read.


  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Racist cops? No. Poorly trained, in many cases, yes. Confusing a stun gun with a real one? How about getting the suspect away from the OPEN DOOR, with the keys still in the ignition, and to the BACK of the car to cuff him.

    What??? You don’t want a free pair of Nikes?



  41. Hi SF Driver, I have had zero issues using Exodus. I’ve been using it since Tony suggested it a few years ago. It’s expensive to trade though, which I have because it’s more convenient sometimes.

    Do you still own Atom? I have several cryptos sitting in my Uphold wallet and unable to move them. Zil and Atom have gone up quite a bit. In the past, I would trade for XRP or XLM, move it to an exchange and rebuy them, but now it’s a big tax liability because of the gains I made.

    Uphold will be offering staking rewards soon for ETH DOT and ATOM but you don’t hold the keys, which concerns me.

    This may be old news. When you are ready to purchase the nano ledger, be sure to use a landline for the contact number. I was a victim of the data breach and luckily, they did not have my cell number. I would have been bombarded with fishing emails and many people got burned. They got my home address, email and landline number. I’m thinking about getting a PO Box for extra protection.

    We moved so all they have is my email address. For the recovery email, I use another email – not my cell number.

    I don’t know how these hackers do it but if they get a hold of your cell number, they can steal your cryptos and more.

    I use my landline for all my on line purchases. It’s just 10 dollars more a month bundling my internet and phone. Most people don’t have landlines anymore but I feel it’s safer. I do a lot of on line shopping.

    We need to be safe out there, especially we crypto holders.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9461199/Putin-spark-war-Europe-invading-Ukraine-ex-ambassador-warns.html

    What’s the difference Russia doing what America has been getting away with for 75 years? Same game just new dogs.
    Harry returns to UK for Philip’s funeral without pregnant wife Meghan https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9459843/Prince-Harry-returns-UK-Prince-Philips-funeral-without-pregnant-wife-Meghan-Markle.html?ito=native_share_article-top to

    Sadly a posing sniveling free lunching Dog. He needs to be packed off back to the manipulative Markel. Rescind both titles neither are fit for their roles.
    Frederick Forsyth Says Government Has Launched “Campaign of Mass Fear” Against British Public – Summit News

    No Frederick they are all at it. Apart from the Third Word like India which it is mass killing.

    Russian artist facing six years in prison for her vagina sketches https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9461287/Russia-Feminist-activist-trial-pornography-charges.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Move to LA with Markel it’s full of them
    DAN WOOTTON: Palace rattled by Andrew comeback https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9461799/DAN-WOOTTON-Palace-rattled-Andrew-comeback.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    There is no softening nor will a comeback be welcomed. He’s a Shit! He’s always been a pompous, arrogant Shit. No one likes him and attempting to move that loathsome Toad back will cause a public hiatus. He and Harry need to be gone No Andrew you will never bee publicly forgiven. He and Fergie deserve each other. Low life’s together. Charles has to stop him . William also.
    As the REAL COVID story unfolds…
    FYI .. research for yourself to understand

    Real world a child just died why, do we not decry its inhumanity. Why is he not hung? The Iranian way, slowly!
    Girl, ‘raped and murdered as she left grandparents’ flat’ in Spain https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9462393/Girl-abducted-raped-murdered-left-grandparents-apartment-Spain.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    The ‘Iron Man’ body armor many of us may soon be wearing – BBC News

    All this just to handle her indoors.Bloody Hell!

    China becomes first major economy to launch digital currency

    The US Treasury and Fed are having palpitations.

    BBC was ‘bombarded with 100,000 complaints’ over Philip coverag

    Good, over 100K real people called in to stop this Free Riding Media BS. Enough!
    Total hype all of it.

    BBC was ‘bombarded with 100,000 complaints’ over Philip coverage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9462867/Prince-Philip-dies-BBC-bombarded-100-000-complaints-TV-coverage.html?ito=native_share_article-top


  43. John – Is there a hard limit on this 4 week analysis? It sounds like a big enough window that bad actors could turn it into 4 months or years if there isn’t something solid in place to prevent an expansion. Thanks.


    1. Pete,
      Right now I even have Nato Admirals and other Sr Military at the hgers level wanting to come on board and help us with the Global rebuild once released.
      The bridge will be crossed. BUT- Once QFS rolls out, the sanitisation checks have huge implications., The history of funds trail will open up and expose the links which paid off the Clintons for the Uranium sale to Russia. Then all their dirty deeds. They and Trumps sordid histories selling Presidential Pardons to criminals. As for the Bushes and Obama? All of DC and Banksters are at it. But now stressed. It can do What??????????
      That is the dilemma. Exposure and then what? Or do have an amnesty for them? Rotten people and deeds shielded again. deeds shielded again? QFS shines a spotlight on you. It IS coming in. Now is the battle line.


  44. It’s now a few days since Philip left for his next journey of discovery.
    The almost 24 x 7 Blarney we are mass bombarded with by a frenzied media is becoming wearing. Too lazy or mediocre to find or disclose real news, this drivel and Pap is what they seek to serve up to justify their mediocre existence.
    How many more times in a day can we say goodbye to Philip and note his being.
    Enough is enough. It’s becoming now sanctimonious Pap.
    Slimebag Andrew seeks to climb back to a role.Denied!
    The Rat Weasel Harry seeks a role. Denied!
    The Bolter stayed home.Good. She deserted her role and right to be here. The Oprah low blow was unbecoming and unforgivable. She achieved only to state her Class- Low! Harry has let down his family.and country.
    It’s time to give Philip dignity by ceasing this pointless media circus drivel. We all Die! You too. Give it and him a Break. Old news! Find new- Real news!
    We feed you a lot each day. Real issues. Life exposed. Life goes on. Until?
    So many issues will uncloak this year. Real issues. Real life. Your journey will be what? Achieve what?


    1. Michael J Hrkman Avatar
      Michael J Hrkman

      Hi John,
      Can you enlighten us on what silver may be worth when QFS is finally turned on??



      1. Michael J Hrkman

        When the dollar tanks, which it will,metals will be safe havens. Expect the dollar to tank 20% to 30% Metals will go up pro rata. At least! A sensible portfolio hold.


  45. Russian Ground Troop Units and Iskander ballistic missiles identified at Ukrainian border by Janes

    No question they are getting ready for something Shock and Awe as America under Bush 43 did to poor Iriqis.Two can play.

    Ontario on Total Lockdown | Armstrong Economics

    Given Martin has a international money following with some subscribers paying millions for info access, one might see this as a negative. Totalitarian State Control coming your way.

    WEF Warns of Cyber Attack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System

    Perhaps the introduction of the QFS will put all of them in their place as they will have to account for their money 💰 and no history, no laundry to wear, and Oh Yes, taxes will be paid.
    And Yes, some of the dirtiest players may well collapse without ill gotten funds and gains.
    The world will be better off to see them gone into the anvils of history.
    With a Quantum Financial System in place the, likelihood of what they suggest is unlikely. We are seeing a race for Agendas in play.

    China admits its Covid jabs are not very effective against the virus in major blow to global health battle

    The director of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Gao Fu, said the vaccines, being used in at least 45 countries, ‘don’t have very high protection rates’ against covid symptoms.


    As with all Chinese knock offs, there’s always a Chink in their products quality.

    Time those Bastards are taught a hard lesson. If they vote for Independence give it to them instantly.
    Withdraw the use of the pound in Scotland. No more subsidies. No more HHS funding by England for the Scots.
    No more funding Scots Schools or roads. Block all TV and Radio frequencies into Scotland.,let them fund their own. No more English jobs for Scots.
    A Border!. Import duties. Shut down the English funded Scots Army regiments. Pay their own.
    Bankrupt in 3 years, the lot,.Back then with begging bowls crawling. No automatic right of travel into England. Stop their flights and trains into England
    Slam the Shutters down hard. Give the Hag what she deserves. Hadrian’s rules. Man the Borders. Starved in a month,
    “I Was Offered $10 Million Not to Do This!” – Jovan Pulitzer on Offer to Walk Away from His Scanning the Ballots Work on 2020 Election Results

    Move over America the 7Billion other planet occupants don’t need you or your wars. The world now focuses on their economies and education . They want their own money not a Zionist Rat Trap which suckered the Americans. It’s over.


  46. Their talking about this in the mainstream news now. We are really close now aren’t we?

    “The Biden administration is stepping up scrutiny of China’s plans for a digital yuan, with some officials concerned the move could kick off a long-term bid to topple the dollar as the world’s dominant reserve currency, according to people familiar with the matter.”



  47. SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2021

    DMX did not OD

    Remember, the only thing you can be certain is false is what the mainstream media says is true. AC points out that the curious thing about DMX’s death isn’t that there were what appear to have been false claims made about him overdosing, but rather, the way the false narrative was instantly pushed worldwide.

    Family member confirms rapper DMX was given the Covid vaccine days before his lethal heart attack, and say the heart attack that led to his death was not from a drug overdose. Even more amazing to me than the fact they killed him with their Umbrella Corporation vaccine, is the fact the Cabal propaganda machine, that is mainstream media reporters, immediately knew he had died from the vaccine, and knew they had to cover it up, and manufactured the drug overdose cover story (sullying his name in death, in the process, to save their mass experiment on the human race). Otherwise, if the story just came in he died from a heart attack, a clueless reporter would report he died from a heart attack alone, and then they’d have waited for more information. Ask yourself, how did the media know immediately that he was vaccinated, the heart attack was due to it, and they needed a made up cover story?

    It’s getting harder and harder for the media to deny the adverse effects of the not-vaccine, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try. — Source: Vox Day


    1. Tino, reasons are fine and empathised. But- the Vaccine passports are coming, and Yes, it’s a choice.
      But travel is not Without- you wont fly out.
      However, your case needs also to include what DARPA is doing, and will do with the Vaccines.
      Todays vaccines I can live with.What follows is potentially daunting.. Leave them with a choice and prepare for the worst. Pollution, waste , the endless cost of the whining Welfarians, and swarming illegals. Who then Breed!
      The Elites think Reciprocity!
      Pre Covid I truly would have considered Sheeply moronic stupidity to be c 20% plus.
      Sadly , masked and mindless, it’s probably 80% plus from their visibly feeble and stupid conduct. Herd mentality? Baaahh.

      Covid is a far less threat than the Elites now. They have seen the Lemmings loose.
      They know resistance now will be less futile than the masses.
      I don’t support what’s coming, but acknowledge it is. Power corrupts and the perception is of Need- Not?
      Covid has changed society. Lock downs especially. Dumb and Dumber Rule.
      Trump, Johnson, Biden, May, Macron- this Crud rules? Russia and China now hover.
      Will they test out Ukraine and Taiwan? Poland ?
      It’s only time before Iran does get its Nukes. Boom Israel! Head on Armageddon.
      The Sheeple are clueless. All on their watch now,
      The Chip will follow the vaccines. 666 will fix the Sheeple. Herded up!


      1. …lived by the sea
        And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee


      2. I guess i missed the link…. Opps, my bad.. lol

        It was a video i found regarding paying taxes on Crypto even when you convert from one coin to another coin without cashing out to FIAT USD…!! Anyway, it just caught my attention…. Thx

        I guess i was thinking you did not have to pay taxes as long you would not cash them out into FIAT (USD).



  48. This is what we all have to look forward to with the QFS…..expiring money.

    No saving, no getting ahead…unless you are part of “The Global Controllers”

    Hamsters in a wheel.

    Spend it or it’s gone.

    Plus…we’ll just dip in and take it or shut it off completely if we don’t like your politics, views, obedience.

    A true Shangra La.



    1. HIW

      QFS exposed further to help you.

      All Taxes due will be taken at each stage within the new transactional reporting and tracking system.
      Failure to comply and all the accounts are subject to freezing or seizure.
      Cards will follow. They go if flagged.

      Yes you CAN have savings and speculate. But report and pay taxes, or else.

      Your entire life base will be on public record. Your net worth also. No false claims. Lies die.
      But ,Death Duties and any assets they will take at source direct. The Dead can’t fight back.

      Your QFS network is Global. All tracked. All transfers, have total exposure. Not good to be paying gambling debt habits. All profile. Lenders will have a full life profile on you. All laundry visible.

      But any funds falsely taken from your account, all tracked and taken back.

      The true beneficial owners behind ever corporate account will be declared and known.

      If you falsely front for any third party, you can be frozen out of QFS and cards. A None Person. Nowhere to run or hide. Locked out of money or benefits. Including Health Care if exposed.

      But it stops Benefit Rats earning on the side and falsely claiming. Expendables! Locked down and out under QFS.
      Bribe taking, explain that? It will flag. Red Flag. Live will, play by the rules, you’re ok. If not- Reciprocity.

      There’s much more. Imagine the bad guys? Nightmares coming.


      1. Oh stop it with death duties. Blatant double taxation. Pass on to heirs so there is a chance to build and pass intergenerational wealth. After being taxed (absurdly, since taxes aren’t really funding anything) and forcing people to roughly subsist on1/8th of their production, the other 7/8ths stolen, now we continue to steal, (taxation is and remains theft), from the honored Dead.

        For the rest, it will either be an instrument of extreme despotism or an instrument enabling honest production. We will see whether it becomes a chain to bind or a chain to lift. Time will tell.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tino

          For what it’s worth I’m against Death Duties. But that’s not how the Politicos will rule. One life take all is their mantra.Wrong as it is. Politicos are the new parasitic Bastards. Plus, far worse, the cost of Retirees on State funding only, will be adjusted to need with annual vaccinations for the non Elites.No nations have Pension Pots to fund the masses. Real world, what Political Expediency will be contemplated as unemployment accelerates? Banks alone desperately want to shake off deceased ex Employees ever living, none contributing wives. A huge corporate drain on reserves. We gave them power, they assumed blanket! Covid just emphasised how utterly malleable and thick the Sheeple truly are. The Ruling Proletariat views the ” Useless Eaters” with disdain. Elected to serve, they now serve only themselves. We have created a monster. Contempt evolves and rules. The new Pharose. .


  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The next time you feel like giving a cop an attitude, remember, these are the kinds of psychopaths they have to deal with, and why police are best dealt with in a calm, compliant and businesslike manner. Any disagreements should be taken up in court. Not with a policeman.

    Black Lies Shatter


    1. Note, when the Cops cornered him no mercy then, was there?
      Omar Rag F brain. As it should end!
      This is what is coming in. Why? There is no reasoning with these vile Cults.
      Trump was Right, shut them OUT! Let their Allah take care of them, or a good MOAB should!
      What happened with the Patrol officer? Has he got a wife and kids?
      Why are any here? Big mistake.


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        The officer had three children and a 4th on the way. He was killed instantly with a shot to the head.


    2. Looks like Obama all over again.


    1. As I am fond of saying — No mask in common use, with an average of 2 micron pores, has any chance of stopping a a virus with a diameter of 0.125 microns. Even an N95 mask will allow roughly 500 viral particles per respiratory cycle to penetrate. QED

      Liked by 1 person

  51. John,

    Very much appreciate your updates. Based on your latest post, is it now safe to say Global releases are now contingent on inclusion in QFS? That appears to be a change as I understood it, since you recently stated releases first, QFS to follow. Lots to unpack, but hopeful on the progress.


    1. QFS takes the power off the Zios and exposes corruption which right now has Bankers and Politicos apoplectic
      We are looking at an Amnesty period to clean up the past , because if not, so many walk the plank.
      How do Zios put back what they stole? Even worse pay retrospective taxes?

      If the Elders are paid under QFS, it’s a game changer. A Clean Slate to start for us. Major projects are now in discussion. Key :Elders heading the disbursement process via London. Not DC. Hello? Integrity rules?
      It’s all in play now. Zio melt downs.


      1. Thank you, John. Follow-up question: does this latest development now delay your timeline for releases? I recall a mention of a pilot study group lasting 4 weeks. It appears your update was bullish, and promising, on the progress you’re making towards imminent release.


        1. Samson

          They now have a 4 weeks elapsed time to assess the full impact and suggestions Solutions to sell to the Sheeple? The Zios and Bankers are facing their Dirty Harry moment now. Bang to Rights, almost the lot. The lights are on. How do we switch if Shit Happens to so many? We have momentum to go. Wake up time now. It’s coming.


    2. Ab Irato, please use one username, either this one or the Sampson one. Thank you.


      1. Ab Irato or Sampson Avatar
        Ab Irato or Sampson

        You wish is my command.


      2. Apologies, Tony. There are very much two of us, using the same email address. I’m happy to drop off.


        1. No worries…thanks for letting me know. You can certainly each use the respective username. I have to account for users for internal reasons. I have noted the above.


  52. South African variant can ‘break through’ Pfizer vaccine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9459289/South-African-variant-break-Pfizer-vaccine-new-study-Israel-finds.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Important for you to know the Pfizer vaccine appears hopeless with the South African variant of Covid
    Ukrainians fear a return to the bloodshed of 2014 as Russian forces mass on border

    On the make, on the take.

    End of Tax Havens. Incoming QFS.

    This will mind freak the agencies and Zionists.
    Nigel Farage slams Prince Harry and Meghan over ‘contempt’ for Philip https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9458763/Nigel-Farage-slams-Prince-Harry-Meghan-Markle-showing-contempt-Prince-Philip.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    As I predicted the Empire will seek redress. The scheming Bolter used this Dolt and Is way out of her depth. Stupid child, – Both!
    What happened to Canada after these Clowns got control?

    Canada used to be a country where expression of ideas and opinions was encouraged and appreciated, as many people emigrated to Canada from diverse parts of the Globe bringing culture and innovation creating tolerance.
    It seems clear this country is being changed quickly into a very different society. A Socialist nightmare.

    Just a view Flynn suggests you take it in?

    Subject: Fwd: General Flynn recommends viewing this Video exposing the overhyped and synthetic COVID-19 health emergency used to roll out global medical tyranny.
    In a recent interview, General Flynn encouraged listeners to watch Alex Jones’ 90-minute SPARS 2025-2028 pandemic breakdown and defended the credibility of Infowars’ research and analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The excerpt from his interview is presented here along with a boil down of the full presentation that links a 2017 pandemic ‘exercise’ to exact events that have occurred during the overhyped and synthetic COVID-19 health emergency used to roll out global medical tyranny.

    The Marines say Hell No!

    Subject: Richie Allen on Twitter: “”Camp Lejeune in North Carolina is one of the more prominent US Marine Corps bases. It’s home to 26,400 Marines. 15,100 of them have declined a jab. That’s a massive 57 per cent who have said no thanks.” https://t.co/xraV1dJMFJ” / Twitter
    As US Warship Enters Indian Waters Sans Consent, is Biden Sending ‘Unpleasant Message’ Over S-400s? – Sputnik International

    Why not piss off friends and foes?
    The Biden crowd is out to lunch. India has been turning way from the West for years and this will not cause them to change course, but may indeed cause them to turn away faster.

    Russian Army to set up first military unit armed with strike robots – Military & Defense – TASS

    I saw video’s of the Uran-9 in Syria, where it was battle tested and improved on. It is a scary device as it communicates with field soldiers and its’ fellow robots plus it has AI inbuilt to be able to attack in formations while protecting friends.
    The new gear a number of Russians have integrates these robotic platforms in a platoon level in the field. Mega destructive.

    Makeshift trenches versus ranks of tanks: Russian forces mass on Ukraine border as Western leaders fear Vladimir Putin’s move could trigger all-out war

    As Kiev warned it could be ‘provoked’ by Russia’s aggression, Western nations voiced their fears that Putin’s move could trigger an all-out war, which could drag Nato allies into the conflict.


    What a chance for Russia to show its power and force. America would!

    No it doesn’t. He’s been seen to be a sniveling Creep and no one in authority cares. He’s a Rabbit in the headlights. Road kill waiting to happen.

    There is no respect for this whining, squealing old man. If the US want him he’s a pawn on the board. Assange is old news. Old hat.
    Just read Thick Sheeple and it’s Global.


    1. Russia will Rush In if their borders are threatened. Every time, US funded and US Agency activated trouble.
      Everwhere, meddling the Whores of War!


  53. Robert The Bruce Avatar
    Robert The Bruce

    HIW asked for user experiences with ATOMIC WALLET.

    Viscountess A. Johnson responded with a caution that I fully agree with.

    Stay away from Atomic Wallet. There are a number of things about it that make me uneasy. I care not to go into them, but trust me on this one.

    The Exodus Wallet is so much better. Stick with that one. There are some other ones also that others may have done due diligence on and can recommend them…..

    Unless a wallet is fully open source you never know if there is some viewer or malware or spyware planted in the wallet with someone on the other end who could steal your cryptos. Be aware of this.

    Also, be aware of English travelers who can drop plastic onto your streets. They come over here to Scotland in droves and drop plastic into the water where it heaps up onto the shores and then the English news programs uses the mess to try and disparage the Scottish people.

    Robert The Bruce – King of Scots



    Mike Lindell released a new documentary that offers scientific proof the election was stolen from Donald J. Trump.

    The film Scientific Proof features an hour-long interview with physicist Dr. Douglas G. Frank, who reveals a stunning algorithm used nationwide to control the election.

    The interview was so compelling, Lindell decided to release it separately from his upcoming documentary. Absolute Interference is set for release next week, showing evidence of China’s interference in the 2020 election. The film is a follow up to Absolute Proof, his first documentary seen by 140 million people.

    “When I came out with Absolute Proof all of that data, longitude, latitude, IP addresses,” Lindell said. “Since that time we took teams of people and went overseas and here to validate IP addresses.

    Lindell said the film includes whistleblowers who have since flipped on Dominion. Lindell said the film offers 100 percent “irrefutable evidence” the election was stolen.



    1. Well, Hello Robert the Bruce. I had to look up what a Viscountess was. I must say, I am honored that the King of Scots would give this old SoCal beach girl a title like that. Ha ha. Kidding aside, thank you for the most unusual (in a good way) but kind compliment. I got kick out of it.


    2. Jeez Robert the Bruce

      That Plastic is English Condoms used for self protection by the English and to stop creating an even bigger Social Welfare burden for we English every time we pass though those city Haggeries, get a skinful, and get laid by all those Sturgeon look alikes.

      Innocently accosted by them on nights out, not wishing to be seen dead taking those back to our Hotels. They cross breed, can’t keep themselves as a Tinkers Kip, and want Independence believing they can next scrounge more off the EU. A Sturgeon BAG Pipe dream. How? Why would the EU want this failed Squat? Every year they overspend, it’s time we said No More to the Sturgeon Hag buying votes!

      The plastic is the Tourists with a Scots skinful being waylaid by them.

      Look across the Seas at Ireland, its Celtic Cousins Cities own dirt and and pollution. Bathing once a month does what? Celts in Kilts? The smell of BO everywhere. But Scotland, its ever malingering Social Welfare whining, there’s forever a Bruce Loose in the Hoose.
      Blaming the poor English. Ever the Scot. Forever whining, a delusional lot.

      Step us the Bruce , please cut us loose. If we lose you lot there will never be another Labour ( Democrat) Government elected in England again. It has its attractions.

      Joking Bruce you Blame a Brit, you cut me loose.

      And for the Record- NO, I don’t want to cut you loose. I want better communication, economic planning, and ability to live better on our small Island together. Reasoning in goodwill together. Not 7M Scots alcoholics clinging to a rock in the Atlantic. Improve the female Stock, stop cross breeding with your sheep. Still I suppose after a Scots skinful the Sheep do look better than the Home Stock.

      Also, for the record, you do have a few good looking women, and that’s when we don’t use plastic.

      Och Aye the Bruce. Off to Hoch Magandie.

      Liked by 1 person

  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Everyone has their vision of the future. Beck shares his.


  55. AND you wonder why people are angry? When Leaders are Bottom Feeders!


    This treacherous betrayer needs to cut his links and stay with the neurotic Bolter

    The Camel Jockey needs to be told head on now to show his kidnapped daughter is alive and let both his taken daughter speak to the media or else. If not the world needs to go in there and free her.
    Anthony Pompliano on Peter Thiel’s warning about Chinese weaponizing bitcoin


    One use for the Muzzies


    Will it work on Biden, Trump and Bush 43?

    Philip’s funeral could be Harry’s chance to repair ‘deep damage’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9456591/Prince-Philips-death-Philips-funeral-Harrys-chance-repair-deep-damage-Oprah.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    The Bolter of course has bottled it.
    What a dreadful Mongrel he’s tied himself to. Manipulative, MeGain lacks the Class to ever be a Royal. Harry sadly lacks the brains or character both need to go. Harry has lost the public support.
    William knows it time to go alone.
    Harry is a whining pitiful User and Me Gain will eat him alive
    Putin’s threat to the West is laid bare in new footage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9456521/Ukraine-says-provoked-Russian-aggression-conflict-area.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    This could escalate


  56. Hi Tony, can you translate j2020 Latest update. Currency reset ?


    1. John would be the one to elaborate further, since he is more knowledgeable about what is truly going to transpire than I am.

      But, in the meantime, I would say this. The economies of the world are digitizing at a rapid pace, and that includes the financial transfer systems. The new blockchain economy will lead to more efficient and streamlined processes. Otherwise, why bother?

      Included in this new landscape, will be the ability to more easily and efficiently track funds from beginning to end. There will be no such thing as using the new transfer systems to commit crime and then make the funds invisible as to final location. Each step will be trackable.

      Good-bye to funds that suddenly vanish without a trace. Such cartel theft will be impossible now.

      As for a “re-set”, one thing that you didn’t see in his comment was any notion of a fat payday for currency speculators. We may indeed see values change, but it’s not really being done with the goal of providing millions to speculators on the backs of countries with were destroyed beforehand.

      John will have to fill in any more blanks in terms of specifics, if he wishes.

      But, know this. The numbers involved in the processes he is dealing with, are huge. Larger than anything you could imagine. Mind-blowing in the extreme.

      The goals are key support for re-building after decades of plundering by a small international clique that considered the planet their personal fatted cow to flense at will.


  57. So how does a layman on the street survive this QFS transition?

    Western currencies are going to be devalued based on past disclosures. The dollar, euro, pound etc. will probably take 50% haircuts. I’m assuming some of the asian currencies will move up.

    Gold and Silver…revalued overnight? Slow transition higher?

    Cryptos? Do they fit in? Or become obsolete?

    Where does a WHA reader go to survive this transition?


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      1- Don’t use funds for criminal purposes.
      2- Not sure any devaluation would be that extreme. Consider about half that, if you ask me. With new financial resources being brought on line (which many mainstream analysts know nothing about) the outcome is very hard to pin down.
      3- No idea, but always a good idea to have a metals portfolio.
      4- Not only do they fit in, they are going to be the IN that everyone want’s to FIT. Those with key use cases will be around a long time and in serious demand. Others, won’t make it and were never any good to begin with. Remember how many car makers were in the USA when the automobile was the new frontier of the industrialized world? How many now?
      5- I would suggest focusing in on asymmetric gains within the crypto and TaaS sectors. And, any other technologically up and coming sectors which will be key to the new economies. Encompassed within such, are the far reaching effects of how such will change the way we do everything. Think – Uber, DoorDash, Air B&B, Tesla, etc., etc. The opportunities are so incredibly abundant that you cannot help but make yourself wealthy in the shortest amount of time these days.

      The only thing that will stop one is an inability to shed old customs and beliefs and accept that our society is going to keep adapting new and more efficient ways of doing almost everything. Therein lies the opportunity.

      The transitions will be hard on those who are not willing to do the work required to stay informed in key areas where opportunity is laying all around just waiting for those to pick it up and use it.

      In the education department, forget your liberal arts degrees. Those who can acquire technical skills in the blockchain and transportation sectors will be in huge demand and will command large salaries.

      The lazy and hyper critical complainers of the world will get nowhere.

      That’s my take.


      1. Thanks for your take.

        By the way, thanks for the VET reco. I looked at it originally when first recommended below 1 cent and thought how the heck will 100 billion coins get any real value and passed on buying.

        Subsequently, I read the recos again about 6 weeks ago and started looking at the charts for some of them. I could not believe how good the VET chart was. I bought as much I could get and am about double now. It shows no real signs of slowing down. It’s surfing the bollinger bands.

        Probably the best chart in crypto.

        Partnerships with walmart, mastercard, salesforce. Good stuff.

        I wish I would have bought earlier, but no crying in baseball…as they say. 🤑

        Liked by 1 person

  58. I discovered this today on Trading View and found it interesting.

    I have been asking myself why no one puts all these crypto sites together so you can trade in one place. Low and behold, someone did it. You can link all of your exchange accounts through the API’s into 1 system and trade in 1 place. Then all your tax data is already connected. The ability to trade between exchanges is coming soon as well, per their website FAQ’s. This is really slick.

    Is anyone using this?



  59. Does anyone here use the platform atomic wallet?

    I’m thinking about using their staking options but don’t know much about them.

    Any user experience comments would be appreciated.


    1. HIW – I stake in exodus and ledger. I had issues with Atomic. I’ll never use that wallet again but many people do with no problem.


  60. Like

  61. The key position taken at the end of the week is how to now reposition the Elders releases as part of a Global major QFS release, bringing Finance Ministers into the fold, Regulators also, and the vast Political issues.

    It’s going to have enormous implications.

    Total transparency !!!!! Plus full retribution consequences.

    QFS has an obligation to Diligence Check History of Funds to detect illicit funds, links to any known criminal sources, and where determined, for ALL QFS account holders other funds where linked to Bad Histories, to be blocked and seized. The Lot! Think the names?

    Offshore Banks face real issues here. How do you bring undeclared, Tax Evaded Funds like Romneys and Bushes with the Falcone theft, into the new system? The Clinton, Biden bribes?

    Once we find a problem with your Offshore Accounts, your complete network of On Shore accounts flag up to be blocked and seized. The delay now is the Politicos who WILL flag! Almost all Senior Bankers will flag! Panic.

    There are “Issues!”. A Clean Up Amnesty is under review. Or the Top Command Fries! Rotts and the Zios are Apoplectic. How dare we sequestrate what they have stolen over centuries?

    Many Elders Cash Pallets are “Undocumented” it’s a Collective.

    As for Nazi Gold, stolen by the Japs who hid it for the Nazis, then moved it and had it stolen by the Koreans, while Yes, we can re smelt it, and do!!, but what is the history of None Criminal sources? Masking Issues!!!

    Once QFS goes in, Zios lose Millenia of Theft in Banking. Worse, control. Yellen is in mental free fall. Fed- To the Dogs?

    This is the time to now release the Settlements combined together with QFS, and to start CLEAN again. As with Bretton Woods. Re Funding- The Swine? Unlocking Zionist claws? We are at the new Rubicon Line. Setting free the new Destiny. While a Zio Roach screams, “What About Me?”. As it backs to the Mitterrand Agreements., the Guillotine seems a suitable solution to cleanse this Human pollution. Roach free QFS? Re-settled in Uranus?

    We have final emoluments agreed, it’s now the release mechanisms and QFS won’t wait long. The Pilot Study group has been tasked to agree solutions and answer in 4 weeks. Deals are done, it’s now- How!

    The UN has a new Major Role to play orchestrating Projects between the nations now. Re-building Need. The Elders have a key Committee role. QFS is coming.


  62. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    It’s good to be early!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is my celebration video to us WHA early investors.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Loved that AJ. So refreshing to see people so happy. Thank you.


        1. I loved it too! Music and dance bring people together.


      2. Me too SF Driver!


  63. Not everyone is asleep at the wheel. Link below.

    This is in response to the inane move of the Orange County Board of Supervisors to vaccinate all children against COVID without parental consent thru a mandate.

    This effort is a complete violation of informed consent, and is against both International, Federal and State law.

    And this lady lets them have it with both barrels:


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Why are nations putting the safety of their children and fertility of their young at needless risk? Big Pharma and this paranoia needs to be stopped. Is it not enough that we have destroyed economies with this CHINESE Virus?


  64. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    No justice, no fleece.

    The way of the future…

    Little Miss Bee Stings is really annoying.

    This will add moon to the moon.

    Liked by 1 person

  65. An airline stewardess came up with the term. And it’s perfect. A mask is an oppression compliance ritual.

    Airlines, wake up! Go back to non-recirculated air (for f sake! You ARE flying thru the ATMOSPHERE!), which will do more for viral elimination. Hell, bleed in some ozone, which is viricidal as hell.

    Liked by 1 person

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