White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #169

Financial Re-Sets

A Waypoint To Competent Planetary Management

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

In greater and greater numbers, people are seeing political governments, and the growing numbers of incompetents that comprise it, as no longer necessary to manage the needs of an increasingly technologically managed society. They simply are not trained to do so, and anyone with even a modest IQ can understand that.

Other societies encountered similar situations in the past. There was a day when the last Western Roman Emperor sat on his throne. He was there, but…why? The luster of the Caesar’s robes was long ago worn through. Nobody saw value in the now powerless symbol.

The Empire, long ago divided into East and West, with the West being flanked by its enemies whom commanded far greater resources than any organized Western Roman force could now overcome, possessed almost none of its former influence, much as we see happening with the USA today.

Surrounded by Vandals, Ostragoths, Alamani, and the intermixed within its shrunken border who could manage to get there and squat, the idea of a Roman Empire in the West didn’t interest anyone anymore. The populations which once organized around the Caesars, moved outwards. All the “modern conveniences” of the former Rome (water aqueducts, sewage management systems, food distribution networks, protection, road maintenance, etc.) had ceased to effectively function. So, too, had the need to be there to obtain such things. Similarly, the calls in the USA for “infrastructure expenditures” point to the poor state of such in the present time.

The Eastern Empire had managed to hold on much longer because it commanded control over its culture, military and economic processes with greater skill than in the West, which had faltered from shear overwhelming forces, both internal and external.

Similar to that period of time, the present-day awareness of society managed by a five thousand year-old model of monarchies, presidents, congresses, parliaments, juntas, satraps, potentates, commissars, dictators, kings, etc., will also give way to a more local and efficient center of influence: The individual technically savvy person who commands at their fingers the ability to transact/produce/exist, at will, without the need to have a central parasitical authority (government) to support in the process.

The globally incoming tax increases may be the final straw for many. Also, the arrogant presumption that, “…the hoi polloi will always acquiesce without a fight to such parasitism…” may be incorrect.

Given a viable technological pathway, and by sheer weight of numbers, they will, by natural default, force onto society a method of operation devoid of the need to render unto Caesar what was not his to begin with.

This is the first period in modern history that technology has outpaced the human ability to perform tasks of societal management on the widest influential scale ever known, and the power and influences once reserved for governments, kingdoms, republics are now going to graduate along a wider sphere, with less ability (or need) for centralized command over any of it. Hence, politics will become unimportant, and eventually go extinct.

Like the Western Roman Empire’s collapse, it will not always be orderly or without consequences. But, it will happen if we do not downright destroy it all with a catastrophic war, or have a natural disaster put an end to life on Earth.

One thing is for sure. We cannot continue to survive at optimum levels at the present rate of incompetent management of our resources and technological prowess. Only adherence to outdated, obsolete ways of how we relate to the universe, and, each other, stands in the way of a more rapid-fire implementation of the most logical and effective solutions for delivering to the people of Earth the superior society they are capable of having.

This is where the present efforts by dynastic elders, and their role in the huge transactions they are presently involved in, play a key role in bridging the present to the future. A new way of thinking, entirely centered around building a new civilization, not allowing money-grubbing shylocks to squeeze it.

Be assured, behind the Elders is one very hard focused entity who will not take crap from politicos or even acquiesce to their self-serving laws or practices. Be assured, there is an agenda and it’s a Tsunami coming at the suits.

Once achieved, from this new waypoint of liberating resources for true beneficial progress, the future outlined above can more rapidly be made reality. These efforts continue, and we will bring you news about it when it is possible.

It may seem that nothing is happening, but this is not so. Often, there is frantic progress, followed by sudden halts. Then, just when it looked like prolonged delays were expected, the accelerator is engaged and things move forward again; a dynamic, emotional gamut playing out on an international stage. The pressures and responsibilities of those involved must be formidable.

So, stay tuned.

We have received many reports from readers who have used gains from our suggested digital asset plays to pay off debts, fund schooling for their children, re-invent their lives, etc. Thank you for sharing this. It’s a very satisfying feeling to know we are providing value while asking for no financial compensation in return.

Rest assured, by all indications, the largest gains are yet to be had. The path will be a very volatile one, which is expected when you are early in a new technological space which is forming its running legs. There will be more drama, more “fear”, more “expert opinions”. If you are in for the largest possible wins, simply tune it all out. Time, patience, and prudent risk management is all that is needed.

Strength and Honor.


2,726 responses to “Information Briefing #169”

  1. I am pleased to bring one more IM Doctor Report.

    IM Doc
    August 26, 2021 at 10:04 am
    From one clinician in one practice so this is not dispositive.

    Since the advent of Delta in mid May when we saw the first repeated vaccine breakthroughs I have now in my own practice had 179 vaccine breakthroughs including myself.

    In that same time frame, I have had 14 patients who were previously infected become sick and positive again. Interestingly, in my group all 14 of these were related to having been vaccinated or boostered (on their own by lying to the pharmacy) the week or so before.

    I am therefore not certain how to classify those 14. Partially vaccinated or partially boostered?

    As to patients with previous positive covid illnesses, many of whom with documented IgG antibody tests as positive, and unvaccinated, I have had a grand total of zero become ill so far, even with delta.

    I am evermore relying on my own observations about advice I am giving rather than this constant mishmash of research and public health statements. I am doing this for my own sanity and the sanity of my patients who are quite confused and angrier by the hour.


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Mogadishu 2.0


  3. The Science Lied by Vox Day

    The medical authorities can easily hide the cause of death, but it’s a lot harder to hide the fact of the deaths themselves. And the data clearly indicates that the vaccines are killing more people than Covid ever did:

    A very worrying trend in the UK

    Since the beginning of July, all-cause deaths have risen 12% over 2020 and 9% over the 2015-2019 average:

    59,877 (2021)
    53,435 (2020)
    54,716 (2015-19 average)

    And the gap is widening. For the newest available week (Aug. 13) it was 16% over 2020.

    Observe that despite the terrible, very bad, almost-the-Black-Death Covid pandemic, 2.3 percent fewer people died in the UK in 2020 than was the annual average. And now, thanks in greater part to the miraculous fake vaccines, 12 percent more people will die in 2021 than died in 2020.

    They told you to “trust the science” and the science lied.

    UPDATE: A doctor has serious doubts about the fake vaccines:

    Educated in the sciences, chemistry, pathology and board certified. There is something very wrong with the vaccines and what is going on with the vaccinated folks. Vaccines are usually designed to show the immune system the threat without the disease. Lymphocytes are the work horses of the immune system and they have life-time memory. Passing that memory and immunity on to each successive next generation of lymphocytes. While some lymphocytes only live weeks most live months and some live years. The loss of immunity to Covid in what appears to be six months is extremely troubling and raises the questions about exactly what is in these vaccines.


  4. The original “overpaid, oversexed and over there” contingent. 🙂

    They know it’s just about over for them.


  5. The “Order” decided a long time ago that the Asians were the people they most wanted to survive as they are compliant and follow orders. So from a “big” picture view makes perfect sense. This will be the WEF’s worker class as society is transitioned to AI and robotics.

    The Western nations, however, need to be destroyed at all costs.

    We have had too much freedom and don’t follow orders

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Quantum collapse and quantum reversion to the mean, all closely related to Black Swan events. It simply isn’t going to play out as they think.


  6. Pal3Rid3r — Today at 11:38 AM
    This is…unexpected…

    Tokyo’s Medical Assoc. Chairman holds live press conference recommending #ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.

    Japan’s government is one of the most conservative and cautious in the world. Data is clear. Huge news.



    1. Context: It seems Ivermectin is used liberally outside of Tokyo against the wishes of the central government. But within Tokyo, nobody really uses ivermectin. Thus the Medical Association, with tacit permission to avoid embarrassing the Ministry of Health, went on to suggest, again, to use ivermectin off-label, which is legal both there and here, to give the Tokyo docs an “out”.

      Thus, the fact-checkers are wrong in saying this is false news. They don’t understand Japanese politics, how Japan government works (face saving et other bs), or the ground truth.


  7. Like

    1. Once again Virology 101 is correct and Year Zero Virology is wrong. Who’da thunk that?


    2. And yes, “reinfections” is just PCR bs in the unvaccinated.


  8. Heard this from Steve Bannon’s war room…
    “explosion at one of the Kabul airport gates, multiple casualties including Americans… evacs have stopped for now”…
    I do not listen to Bannon, someone I know did.


    1. But its correct.
      With all those weapons left by retreating Americans, what better use? .


  9. Pedro Obiang: 29-Year-Old Professional Footballer Suffers Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccines, Possible End of Career .


  10. Let me help give you an insight into the probable( If not interceded) changes coming.

    1. CBDCs Once the test runs are completed behind current pioneering Central Banking Models like South Korea, other nations will catch up fast, or lose. China is already on Board and the EU following.

    2. Even the UK is being dragged into this market, the US majors too. Rockefellers are all over it.

    3. That said, once CDBCs become running realities. immediate transfers, no Inter Bank Compliance BS!!!!, no delays and no big bank handling fees, with major projects and asset purchases. who needs banks?

    4. Next point, then who needs to buy dollars? No one.

    5. America was built on Wars, Hegemony, forced dollar use, and Energy control.

    6. All dead right now; Passé.

    7. So when the bedrock of Americas fake economic base has bombed out, what’s left?

    America’s economy is flatlining. But you have innovation to save this nation. But sadly not the Leadership.

    America has conflicting Cadres of grasping power radicals from Antifa, to BLM, to the vast array of Jewish and Zionists oligopolies sucking America dry, through to the great American Life Destroying Succubus, the Military Industrial Cabal. Pompous Asses, Fake Flags, and a steady supply of body bags. Flights out of Afghanistan at $6,500 a head by War Criminal Racketeering Eric Prince. You buy or you die. His time in Atonement will be Eternity. Eternal Souls at a price.

    Frying hopefully. Nuclear heat. Just for you Prince of Darkness! He, Soros, Bush 41, Clintons, Zio Banksters, Adolf, Poll Pot, Genghis Khan, Stalin, Slavers , Pimps, People Traffickers, Drug Traffickers, Child Molesters, and other monstrosities, be assured, Karma is real and Higher Ascended Souls will judge. Always.

    8. The Commie Chameleons who have taken over the Heart and Souls of DC and the Democrats, will infest America like ravaging Locust plagues.

    Tapeworms who will suck you dry for “Their Lick”. America is rotting from the head up. Political Shyster Gimme, Gimme, Gimme profiteers. Payola. Pay to play, or go away. Fundraisers buy your tickets to ride. The Constitution and So Good Founders aspirations for you all, that’s derailed. The Rot set in when the Wild West Federalists were cheating and practicing mass Genocide on the Native Americans, the grubby Corruption of Majors and Policing, the bought Judges, Mafia ownership of Justice, and compounded by the blatant theft of America by the Jekyll Island Zionists, greedy Jews, and the Unaudited criminal Racketeering Fed. America is built on crime and sleaze. How can there be a happy ending. Slavery, drugs prohibition, even Trump’s family fortune was founded on Brothels and Slumlords. Get Real! Wake TF up. There is No Dream!

    Just mass gullible.

    When CBDCs unleash, the Banks tank. First they try to Bail in with YOUR Money. Hello?????

    CBDCs are prohibited for speculative use. Tight controls, no gambling. Funds fit for a purpose. To enhance nations. We are reaching an era where you won’t need Banks. 2M Jews just went incontinent.

    Where is the God of these “Special People” when so many Khazars are dying in Israe hell? Forsaken again?

    The world is changing fast.

    Post CBDCs America loses Global Fiscal control.

    Who wants to Buy your failed Demonetised Dinars, or Zims, when CBDCs are real, here now, and backed by Real Assets? How many gullibles are still holding that crap? How much would you have made from Cryptos?

    Slow learners? Or just Dim Witted? Who will now waste real money on that failed ambulance chase when the world is going paperless? Why buy failed paper? When does it sink in, get OUT!

    The world is out of control.. So control yours. No one else will.

    Read the Tea Leaves all are Thieves. Mind your lives. Think positive. Reach for more. It’s a battle of consciousness out there. So be consciousness and think ahead. Pragmatic thinking. Nothing lasts.


    1. I was a slow learner. I didn’t get into crypto until about a year ago (still way ahead of the curve comparatively). What scares me or more so bothers me, is the thought of what might happen to my grandparents’ savings. They are much older (70’s-90’s) and a lot less eager to jump on the crypto band wagon. Not that technology scares them (it used to a LOT more), but they have been under the mindless control of MSM for so long. They like to be able to go to the bank and pull out some tangible cash.

      I wish I could help them more. My paternal Papaw just died recently. He was retired Air Force. I know the wars were not noble, but he didn’t know that at the time. He fought to protect his wife and 7 children. What she has left is enough for her to survive for the next 10 years… Unless she loses it all because she didn’t exchange it in time. My maternal grandparents. Granddaddy was a teacher and my Granny worked for the sheriff’s department. They have 3 children. You can imagine that they don’t have much for retirement any way. It will be enough, unless they also get left behind.

      Even for someone like me… this transition isn’t easy in the least! I know crypto is the currency of our future. I have everything I can in it now. But all of my bills are still USD. Converting currency back and forth costs me more than my traditional banking fees (which I don’t have unless I get wreckless and overdraw my account).

      I guess it is just wishful thinking that they will get some kind of notice or grace period. They worked hard for their families with pure intentions and don’t deserve to have it all stolen from them (any more than already has by central banking, of course).


    2. John,,, sounds like a lot to accomplish this year… reset going into next year?


      1. I started at 3 this morning talking with Seoul which is 11 their time.
        No info, just hope? Forget all this reset talk.
        Elders and CBDCs first. Let’s get a base.
        Intense efforts and focus is real. I can say no more. We all know the issues.


        1. John,, thank you for what you do say!


  11. The UK government released a report showing that more fully vaccinated people are dying of the delta variant than unvaccinated.

    According to Public Health England, between February 1st and August 2nd, the UK recorded 742 delta variant deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated, 79 had received one shot, and 253 were unvaccinated (8 were unknown).

    In other words, two-thirds of delta variant deaths were in the vaccinated.

    It is also important to note that the delta variant is far less deadly than last year’s alpha variant with a total of 742 deaths over a 6-month period in a population of 67 million.

    Why are the Biden administration and the FDA ignoring Public Health England’s publicly available data showing more fully vaccinated people are dying of the delta variant than unvaccinated❓



    Click to access Technical_Briefing_20.pdf


    Substack (https://chriswaldburger.substack.com/p/bombshell-uk-data-destroys-entire)
    BOMBSHELL UK data destroys entire premise for vaccine push
    The media can read just as well as me (maybe), but somehow it is left to me to report this.


  12. Since this VILE Sub Species of Humanity has arrived in the UK, They have coerced, raped and prostituted young girls from 11 upwards and the thoroughly useless Police knowingly turned a blind eye to it.
    All they want is to catch poor speeders or parking fines. Parasites!

    Pakkies are filth beyond imagination. Mass despised here they are the lowest of the low. Gutter trash crossed with Excreta fed from birth.

    Women are subjected to this. Why are hundreds of these disgusting men not dead?

    Woman is sexually abused by HUNDREDS of men in a park in Pakistan https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9925335/Woman-sexually-abused-HUNDREDS-men-Pakistan-making-TikTok-video-park.html?ito=native_share_article
    The Plebs are awakening at last. So much worse crap has to be stopped.

    Extinction Rebellion descend on London for third day of protests https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9925553/Extinction-Rebellion-descend-London-day-protests.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Not 2 lost Souls, just two Selish comp-lete Ass Souls!

    Harry is a numbskull hiding behind his beard. Weak!
    Markel had the chance to be a Global Ambassador with Noble Royal Class.
    Instead we are seeing a grasping attention seeking Groupie with a Zulu’s Ass.
    Meghan had the chance to be Americas Princess.
    Sadly, she lacked the Class and is now seen as a Horses Ass.
    Harry has so let down his country and family. William has lost his Brother.
    Market will not be forgiven.
    Harry has let down, betrayed and lost his country.
    To us, he’s gone and good riddance. He’s lost his country.
    We have only lost a Cunt.

    Harry and Meghan ‘considered naming royal racist,’ book claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9927115/Harry-Meghan-considered-naming-royal-racist-asked-Archies-skin-colour-book-claims.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    The FDA are right in the headlights now. As for the Commie Socialists in DC, this is so going to backfire. Watch this video. What a corner ot be in. 14 days and it goes to public sample testing.
    Now what Gates wants for sure.

    It’s going to be interesting to see what really happens…

    Erik Prince Is Charging $6,500 a Person to Evacuate Afghanistan on His Chartered Planes – Mother Jones

    Prince of Darkness for sure, what a truly vile and Evil man.

    She salutes mass murders who killed so many Americans. Escorts have No Class.

    The US has had Brain Dead Presidents, Alcoholics, Morons, a Kenyan Usurper and now even a low IQ Jew Converter. After Bribe taking Brain dead Biden, What’s an Escort to lose? America always scrapes the barrel.

    A sad reality

    Exposing Trump and his kickbacks again. Campaign funding?




    1. Trump Stole the Golan Heights to Gift to the Kushners and Israelis. It’s not his, or his Presidency right, to steal nations mineral rich lands for Israeli Shysters. As ever, he’s just a Grifter who owes big time.
      A one termer, 30 seconds Shrek. Dangerous.
      Oh how much America needs a smart man for a change.


  13. Tino –

    I emailed Daniel Horowitz at the Blaze about the British vaxed/unvaxed death numbers for Delta, since he’s on a hot streak with vax articles. He was interested enough to look at the table and respond within an hour. And he had a sharp observation about the age effect in the table. The probabilities of death show up like this:

    =50 vaxed .02 unvax .06

    So it appears that the vax is helping older people, but hurting younger people with 50% more deaths. The 4:1 ratio in the totals seems to occur in large part due to the vast difference in case numbers between the young unvaxed and the old unvaxed, at a ratio of 178:5. The substantial number of cases in both groups under 50 suggests that the 50% more deaths is a pretty reliable number, and that the vax really should not be given to people under 50 anywhere that Delta is prevalent. The low number of unvaxed over 50 (only 5000) might indicate we need more cases to get a reliable percent of deaths in this group before concluding that the vax is helping them.


    1. Sigh.

      First let me commend you in taking some action. I scream from the rooftops and am supporting lawsuits but it’s a miasma out there caused by the lying SOBs all across the spectrum.

      Embracing and extending.

      So, first of all, rates are rates. It doesn’t matter, vis a vis the premise the vaxx is bad idea as implemented, that the effect originates out of the young unvaxed. In absolute terms, despite inner rates, you are killing more vaxxed than unvaxxed.

      However, to the extent this claim is true, it only makes the case against vaccination worse. It means despite a boatload of “cases”, the “young” are NOT at risk, that Delta is now equivalent to the common flu. WTF! Other than Elite agenda, WIH are we upending civilization for a virus that would be almost invisible noise without the endless bullshit of testing, distancing, lockdowns. How many years behind is NHS UK now delivering care? How many will die of that.

      Now, lies, damn lies and statistics come into play. At what cost? How many , deaths, serious adverse events, adverse events were there in the vaccinated? If as peer reviewed and then suppressed literature suggests it kills 3 by vaccination and saves 2, it is beyond a failure.


      1. I certainly don’t want to be feeding the other side, but trying to do a closer reading of the data since “they” will look for any means of support and may overreact to too strong an argument against the vax. It’s incomprehensible how so much of the medical profession has surrendered their integrity and refuses to actually practice medicine. So I raise a voice where I can, but this exchange between Kory and Horowitz suggests we’ve got a long way to go.


  14. “IM Doc
    August 25, 2021 at 4:36 pm
    Rachel Maddow was the big instigator of the fish tank cleaner Arizona death last year in the very early part of the pandemic.

    This was of course regarding the use of Plaquenil ( hydroxychloroquine) for the use of COVID. Yet another repurposed drug like ivermectin or fluvoxamine. The initial study about this drug and its use in COVID had all kinds of scandal associated with it all of which came out some months later. But the damage had already been done and the media had already done the dirty work. Multiple other non-USA studies have shown it does have some benefit. I have used this drug safely for decades. I currently have multiple dozens of little old ladies on it without problems for their rheumatoid arthritis. But to hear Rachel and her fellow travelers talk it was as if the person was using cyanide. Like so many things, the dosing and use of the drug should be monitored by a physician it is what I have done for 30 years. I have never, not once, had a complication with this drug.

    But if you remember, the Trump supporter had ingested fish tank cleaner thinking it was full of hydroxychloroquine and his subsequent death was all Trumps fault for pushing it. That is when this previous liberal started to really question anything coming out of that lying Rachel mouth.

    It did turn out later ( and I have not looked for months at any resolution to the story ) that the guys wife actually poisoned him with the fish tank cleaner in a murder attempt. But did Rachel say a word about her gross error of course not. It is all fun and games to these people. And will be until the pitchforks with their names on them start to arrive. The level of anger and bitterness I am seeing in my patients, both Dem and GOP, toward these clowns is rising every day and the boiling point will soon be here. I am trying to give a warning just do not know that anyone is listening.”

    Liked by 1 person

  15. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Money sticks to the hands of angels.


    1. It’s not like those in the White House are any better… Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I’ve been stoned by my government my entire life. I’m ready to send a flaming boulder their way.


  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The saying that they play both sides is true, eh?


  17. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  19. So what is their point?

    Protection against infection after two Covid jabs falls in SIX months https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9924935/Protection-against-infection-two-Covid-vaccines-falls-SIX-months.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    The attention seeking Gobshite Hag is at it again. Gorilla glue her lips!

    Sturgeon says Covid restrictions will be REINTRODUCED if cases rise https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9923917/Nicola-Sturgeon-says-coronavirus-restrictions-REINTRODUCED-cases-continue-rise.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Britain could be out of Kabul in 24 hour after US rejects extension

    Yes, and God help those left behind.

    You mean there are STILL 41% completely Brain Dead idiots in America?

    Biden’s approval rating crashes to 41% amid Afghanistan withdrawal https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9923129/Bidens-approval-rating-crashes-just-41-result-botched-Afghanistan-withdrawal.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Beyond sad, Muslims for you.

    Taliban are killing innocent children, former interior minister claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9924071/Taliban-killing-innocent-children-former-interior-minister-claims.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    US House approves Biden’s $3.5tn domestic budget blueprint

    Biden seems to be run and directed by a Monkey Tea Party. Chimps and Chumps loose.

    China’s digital yuan is a warning to the world.

    Bitcoin price surge means Swedish government now owes convicted criminal £1.2 million

    Daylight robbery.

    Desperate, tragic and terrified humanity.
    Fears of stampede at Kabul airport grow as Afghan airlift nears end https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9924921/Afghanistan-evacuation-Fears-stampede-terror-attack-grow-air-lift-nears-end.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Russia: Vladimir Putin orders nuclear submarines to boost navy forces – but Kremlin vows not to interfere in Afghanistan crisis

    Russia readies for conflict.

    Being You by Professor Anil Seth review – the exhilarating new science of consciousness

    Expanding awareness of being YOU?

    Powerful: Australia Is Leading The Way Into Global Tyranny. Resist COVID1984.

    From a Contributor

    She is spot on and is worth listening to.
    Strangely, as i travel i am learning that the silence i hear from people is simply their determination not to be vaccinated.
    While government sponsored media tells daily about the great numbers of vaccinated people, their closure of public vaccination sites tells another story of a failed program. Add. To this efforts in America to destroy crops with payments of 1.5 x the value of crops under threat of removal of Federal subsidies by the Biden crowd and other similar minded fools will create food shortages. One can almost predict they will say, papers please before allocated food is given out. They should look to Soviet history to see what happens. Yes, many people will be hurt but the guns will come out in full force and it will not be Americans fighting Americans but a American public gunning for the politicians. It will not be different elsewhere.
    When this silent majority is pushed too far, they will stop being silent and become the mob that only blood and chaos will silent, as existing order collapses to be renewed. This fall will see a acceleration of protests that will grow in intensity resulting in change demanded by the public into next year. History will repeat as its’ lessons are never learnt, especially by Marxists or simply inept scoundrels. I fear many parties will be blinded by what they do not see or believe until confronted with these realities. Capital flow is on a hair trigger and will jump faster than one can believe. So expect they unexpected because capital does not judge, it moves. It will be these movements that will surprise people with growth in some countries and contraction in others.

    Top 5 cryptocurrencies to watch this week: BTC, ADA, AVAX, CAKE, ATO

    When Aurataya has Tony reincarnated as an Aussie.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Too freaking funny this right here….”ball tampering” Lmfao 😂

      Liked by 2 people

    2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      It took me all morning to get into that roo suit.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Now Auratays wants to get in with you.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          No offense to our Aussie friend, but I would prefer that octopus lady.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Maybe so does the Aussie lady. 3 some?

            Liked by 1 person

            1. OMG! You guys totally crack me up with your wicked behaviour. But I love it.

              No offense taken Tony. Enjoy.


  20. A source informs me as follows: The US Department of Homeland Security is working on a chip-equipped vaccine passport card for use by Americans for buying ANYTHING.

    It will be integrated into cash registers (like a credit card reader presently is) and in order for the register to even be able to ring up a sale, the card will have to be presented and inserted.

    In the words of one guy “you won’t even be able to buy gasoline without it.”

    Moreover, the card will be updated with any vaccine Boosters they decide to require. No booster means no update which is then classified as “unvaxxed.”

    The assessment within the department of homeland security is that they won’t have any problems implementing this with the liberal left or the useful idiots. As for what they called “The Trump Supporters” it is the assessment of Homeland Security that “there may be a few riots here and there, but in the end, the conservatives do nothing like they always do. Yes, they bitch a lot amongst each other, but in the end, they do nothing.”

    Further, Homeland Security used the theft of the November, 2020, election as justification for their view on the vax passport. They are openly saying inside the Department of Homeland Security that “if the election was stolen for Biden, the Trump people did nothing. If it were actually stolen, the Trump people would still be rioting to this day. So the fact they aren’t shows that the conservatives are all talk and no action. They will do as they’re told.”

    The source played for me, a recording of a conversation from a Homeland Security guy, that was obviously recorded clandestinely. I personally heard each and every word of the recording.

    Among the other items contained in the recording was mention of an “App” for cell phones that would do the same thing as the chip-enabled card.

    It seems, based upon what I heard, that the intention within the U.S. government is to prevent citizens who decline the vaccine, from engaging in any commerce at all. This would be a complete and total blockade against our being able to even exist in society!

    A kinetic confrontation in defense of our personal liberty, now seems inevitable.

    Hal Turner


    1. Imclueless Today Avatar
      Imclueless Today

      This is scary. Because once implemented, how easy it will be to start excluding groups they decide are not fit. Just like the Germans did during the 30s and 40s. So if they can restrict your purchases under the vaccination guidelines, who’s to say Christians do not get labeled as hate groups and now they are excluded? Or blacks, vets, undesirables.
      Because someone will be making the call and we’re not going to make the cut.


      1. I’ve warned you all this is coming. Huffing and puffing out those chests, you will do what?
        1.They don’t respect or fear you. The Sheeple have proven to be so banal and useless, They may as well have Agenda 21 brands on their foreheads. Have you all forgotten the Yellow Stars? Don’t!
        2. If you have an education and a skill, you have a purpose.
        3. If not, you have ” No Purpose”.In time that will equate to decisions and actions. If they do not need you, they won’t feed you.
        4.Watch what happens to poor Afghans. Rounded up and ???????.
        5. It’s nothing to what is coming. I watch the Sheeple, masked Muppets and ask, why? What’s between their ears has no gears. Unless you feed them, who will? The Gravy train for the Hog Pen is ending. Just time.
        6.What’s coming is wrong, and it’s ugly, but it’s coming. It’s way forward now..No one really believed the masses were so chronically Dumb They do now. Who will sign each Credit Pass to feed a Horses Ass?
        Cash will be gone you will exist on a card, then the Chip. The rest , can you handle it?
        When dissent is spent, and your card does not work, then neither do you.
        Site members get it, But Turkeys don’t !

        Liked by 1 person

        1. What is coming will also carry your blood group and DNA tracker.. All vaccinated will be DNA logged at some stage. All new borns here are Blood Type and DNA tested.All logged on for the future. Full genetic medical problem scanning. So many will have no idea the DNA database has them.Any criminal activity and bang. ID confirmed cameras will track you anywhere. APBs go right out. Nearest interceptor units get your full coordinates, picture, known locations, and arrest warrant.
          All Petrol/Gas stations are camera linked, as are all train and bus stations. All motorway and town cameras. Full facial recognition.Stores and Banks linked in too.
          All new money cards /Chips will be linked. Transactional taxes, and immediate freeze of use for any violations.
          CBDC’s are now testing the way forward.Seoul is field leading. Beijing close behind.
          All spending will be on full public record. Known associates etc. Phone , text or email call links.They have all this.
          All new phones will have listening devices. Some already do. Voice ID trackers too. Soon you will all be captives of the State. Well forward. Your Chips will track you. Also block you. None chipped persons will show for Interceptors. They will arrive and box you in. In Military terms we call it a Brick. A 4 point Brick Protector shield.
          Now 4 points to surround, stop and secure you. All planned out. It won’t be a choice.. You think they care? Law is not on your side. Paid lackeys also. Draconian reality is close. The Sheeple just opened the loch gates. Masked Morons.


  21. Worthy of note too: The Indian Bar Association (IBA) sued WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan on May 25, accusing her in a 71-point brief of causing the deaths of Indian citizens by misleading them about Ivermectin. . . .If a trial in India finds WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan guilty then the WHO Scientist could be sentenced to death or life in prison. Dr Soumya Swaminathan would have to be charged with the threatened criminal prosecution and be found guilty on one of the those charges.

    In the following clip Dr. Peter McCullough, MD. testifies before the Texas Senate and registers his complete astonishment that in contradistinction to the appearance of any other pathogen an effort on the part of doctors to develop protocols to deal with the Covid-infected patient was not encouraged. In other words, guidance on how to treat the Covid patient came from nowhere, not the CDC, not the AMA, not Mayo, not Johns Hopkins. The focus of practically the entire medical community was on the vaccine, not the sick patient. McCullough makes the point that this behavior is completely atypical of the medical community and in fact bizarre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLaEVsg9U9Q

    In short, the CDC, the administration, the medical community, your physician, your pharmacist let 600K plus Americans die via denial of early treatment (hcq ivm) to ensure the EUAs and the rollout of comparatively expensive vaccines, vaccines which are themselves likely a more serious threat to health now and for many years into the future than Covid itself. More egregious in my opinion is the failure of anyone in officialdom to recommend the most obvious thing of all, that we do everything in our power to strengthen our own immune systems. The individual doctors and scientists and citizens who were piping up to this effect on social media were cancelled and then lampooned.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Like

  23. Liked by 1 person

    1. This is way out of control. Thanks James.


  24. Like

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  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    What a shitty idea.

    Liked by 2 people

  27. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    If we work hard enough at it, the Taliban will soon have our nuclear launch codes.


  28. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    These people are chasing us out of Afghanistan…??

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well if you take into account who is leading us at this point… Sleepy Joe is on the same intelligence level as this gent who willingly looked down the barrel of a loaded gun 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. No point trying to grow a brain now.


  29. Brutal father bashes his son, 6, for ‘sitting on another boy’s lap’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9921655/Queensland-dad-bashes-six-year-old-son-gay-brutal-attack.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    It’s a world we need to understand and help raise our consciousness.
    Richard Grenell Provides His Proof That It’s Susan Rice Who’s Really Running The Sho

    Did America elect Radical Left Susan Rice as President?

    Does America WANT Rice running America?
    Filling her Rice Bowl at whose cost?

    Australia is LOST – Report: Kids Ushered Into Stadium For Jabs, Police Making Arrest

    Devastating for Australian families

    Afghanistan: Taliban ‘tortured and massacred’ men from Hazara minority – BBC News

    Why have we unleashed this on innocent Afghans who trusted us? Their poor women and children. Good men dying.

    Why does anyone believe the outcome could be different?
    It is a warring tribal collection of misery which history has shown to be a ready graveyard for conquering nations going back to the Greeks.
    However the way in which Biden and the flock of fools has organized the withdrawal leaving innocent people to die and be tortured is beyond incompetent. History will not be kind to to this current slate of folks in DC.

    B.C. launches proof of vaccination to stop spread of COVID-19 | BC Gov News

    If they use this as means to prevent voting, Canada is lost.
    Capital flow into Canada will dry up quickly

    It will be the same for Australia.

    You seriously think she can be trusted?

    Joe Biden talks up scandal-scarred Susan Rice for domestic policy role

    For more on the New York Post and to download our apps, visit https://nypost.com

    Really, try 20 MOABs and see.
    The Taliban will hit the fan. Atomised.
    Shared from Sky News: Afghanistan: CIA director secretly meets Taliban leader as Joe Biden mulls evacuation deadline https://news.sky.com/story/afghanistan-cia-director-secretly-meets-taliban-leader-as-joe-biden-mulls-evacuation-deadline-12389454

    Please, please, please My Bogeyman Taliban,
    I know that we locked you up in Gitmo,
    I know we abused you badly, but it’s how we deal with everyone.

    Please, please, please let us go safely, our Heroes don’t do dying well. Crying for sure.
    Please don’t make us beg.
    What a Farce, Mogadishu again.
    Butt whipped. Vietnam 2.
    Now everyone knows, this Emperor has no Clothes.
    Slinking off in disgrace. No one will forget this.
    What I Learned While Eavesdropping on the Taliban – The Atlantic

    What and why the west ever went there is crazy.


    Supreme court orders Biden to revive Trump’s ‘remain in Mexico’ policy

    Wow, the Supremes at last are doing something right for America.

    Shared from Sky News: Afghanistan: Hope is all they have left – no good options left for refugees waiting in sewage-filled canal outside Kabul airport https://news.sky.com/story/afghanistan-hope-is-all-they-have-left-no-good-options-left-for-refugees-waiting-in-sewage-filled-canal-outside-kabul-airport-12389737

    The horror story that is both Afghanistan and Islam.
    When will we learn this is an Evil Cult.

    Nightmare times for many.
    Why do we allow such ruthless, ignorant Cults to take over nations?


  30. Vaccines are worthless.

    Yes, on a population adjusted basis some cases are reduced. but you’ve just seen it’s a blowout on other fronts. Prevalence right now is nil — nothing going on with the super reduced CFR of delta, which is slowly going on 4-fold CFR in the vaxxed. What the hell is going to happen this winter?

    IF you had done NOTHING AT ALL it would be over. Instead we are trying to trade in full blown medical tyranny. It stops now. I’m calling it. The not-vaccine-mRNA-shots need to go. Now.


    1. Word of the Day: Salubrious – Latin, mid-16th century, adjective – meaning: health-giving; healthy.
      Let’s use it in a sentence shall we??
      There is nothing salubrious about any COVID vaccine. Listening to the media, Dr. Crouchy, or the CDC does not seem to be a salubrious habit.


  31. Let’s see what manner of stupid the non-Ezra tweeter is:

    You had confidence in an unproven technology that killed most lab animals, that every regulatory agency failed to approve for 20 years, your confidence in the vaccination was a statistical illusion since you vaccinated into a down slope of an epidemic which made the vaccine look better than it was. As to effectiveness, we know for over-70 it disappears in 2 months, half-life of 68 days for everyone else. The vaccine targets a never isolated virus via an in silico genome. Then against all law it was made essentially mandatory thru coercion via vaccine passports. What could possibly go wrong?

    To make matters more interesting, suspicion-is-turning-to-certainty, you have traded excellent natural nucleotide immunity for transient spike-protein vaccine immunity.

    And NOW you have buyers remorse?


  32. Like

  33. Repeat after me: Masks cannot work — because physics.

    Repeat after me: Masks in common use have pores greater than 2 microns. It is categorically impossible as a matter of physics that they would stop a 0.125 micron viral particle.

    Please note ant-like compliance of the Japanese people with masking, yet…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Please note – Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

      One has to be careful. First, the data doesn’t go to present day. Otherwise, the premise would collapse — 97% compliance and pushing 23,000 cases per day with a near vertical slope. Second, the original low-case load across Asia is almost certainly from exposure to SARS-CoV-1 20 years ago and cross-immunity from coronaviruses in general which are somewhat more endemic there. Also, Japan did not crazy test the masses, so cases cannot be directly compared.



  34. The inventor of MRNA breaks down the bogus approval. Now it all makes sense why there are 2 letters and 2 names



  35. https://welovetrump.com/2021/08/24/oxford-university-study-finds-vaccinated-healthcare-workers-carry-251-times-viral-load-vs-unvaccinated-workers/
    ” A groundbreaking preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, includes alarming findings devastating to the COVID vaccine rollout.

    The study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.”

    ” Vaccinated individuals are blasting out concentrated viral explosions into their communities and fueling new COVID surges. Vaccinated healthcare workers are almost certainly infecting their coworkers and patients, causing horrendous collateral damage.”

    Liked by 1 person

  36. You’re a joke CDC.

    HE’S DEAD JIM! — Dr. “Bones” McCoy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. O<G! Go and get stuffed. That bloke seems like he may well be a pretty good throat expert though. They would never touch a child of mine in this manner.


      1. That was meant to be, OMG!. Sorry. How dare they do this.


    1. No that’s her Older Sister attention seeking. .

      Liked by 1 person

  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Literally paying people to destroy their own country.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Madness.

      Liked by 1 person

  38. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I know what I am doing when I get to England.



    Liked by 1 person

  39. HE’S DEAD JIM — Dr. “Bones” McCoy

    A New York resident died on Sunday morning shortly after receiving the COVID vaccine, but state health officials maintain that “the vaccine is safe,” the New York Post reported.

    The elderly man, who was in his 70s, collapsed about 25 minutes after being administered the COVID vaccine as he left the Jacob Javits Convention Center vaccination site in Manhattan, Dr. Howard Zucker, the New York state health commissioner, said in a statement obtained by the Post.

    The statement from Zucker also suggested “the man did not have any allergic reaction to the vaccine,” as no adverse effects or signs of distress were observed during the 15-minute observation period following his inoculation.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains that severe adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine occur “rarely,” saying the chance of this happening is 10 cases in over 4 million first doses of the drug.

    Zucker said in the statement to the New York Post that first responders assisted the man “within seconds,” but he later died at a nearby hospital. The cause of death has not yet been determined.


    1. So… if he collapsed at 14 minutes 59 seconds, we would say he had an allergic reaction???


      1. No- Scotty beamed him up!


  40. Only a week to go then the window opens for this cruel bunch of Despots, Cowards and disgusting low lifes to activate Genocide, Rape and Repression against millions. For poor Afghans, Hell!
    For America, it is, and needs to be, an end to Foreign ventures. Why keep losing?

    A good, truly brave American Hero, Seal Sniper, Chris Kyle, hit them hard, made a difference, and deserved a good life. He saved so many lives.
    For Chris to be shot down by Eddie Routh in Texas was awful.
    Did ever a man more deserve to be skinned alive?
    But the Taliban will now do this to their own. No Chris Kyle’s there.

    Time to think now of pointless lives lost.
    If reason cannot prevail, save stress and more genocide. More young lives. MOAB the Bastards. Ethnic Cleansing at its best!
    Chris live well, you are not forgotten. Nor many similars.
    Robot wars and Drones now.
    Save lives, take theirs!
    This is what Muslims are! Savages. Child Molesters and Tyrants. Lock them out.


  41. Stock markets are hitting an all time high.
    When do you cash out and wait? Falls follow.
    Cryptos are only just getting started.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. HIW – Would be nice, but I don’t think so. That letter probably refers to the originally named Pfizer vax, but a renamed version has been approved. Of course, the renamed version is identical, and there’s some ridiculous hand-waving as seen below.
      “The FDA-approved Pfizer-BioNTech product Comirnaty (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) and the FDA-authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine under EUA have the same formulation and can be used interchangeably to provide the COVID-19 vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. Therefore, providers can use doses distributed under EUA to administer the vaccination series as if the doses were the licensed vaccine. For purposes of administration, doses distributed under the EUA are interchangeable with the licensed doses.”


      1. Correct — Pfizer has been approved for a BLA in the US.


        1. Even though showing distinct Blood Clotting tendencies.
          “Approved? ” Hello?


          1. Given a minimum of 11K deaths and a possible maximum of 500K deaths, the vaccine is a deadly as the official pandemic numbers.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. They are using wordsmithing. If you open the attachment and read the entire 13 pages, they only approved Comirnaty for a very small use segment that would effect almost no one and covered it’s use under the EUA.

        They aren’t completely stupid. There is no feasible way to give full approval. It takes years to meet all the criteria for full approval.

        They are trying to trick corporations into taking on the liability.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So after reading Tino’s comment, I went back reread that again a few times and it does appear to indicate that the BLA was approved for Comirnaty for 16 and up. It was also approved for EUA in a few small segments.

          The problem is the EUA was extended for the other vaccine which means they will probably continue to just mass produce under the EUA for liability reasons.

          Additionally, if there is an approved medication, then all the other EUA’s by law should have to be pulled. All EUA vaccines should be required to be removed since there is now an approved vaccine.

          There is so much corruption behind this and nothing is as it seems.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I hate being right….

            Liked by 1 person

            1. We love you being right.


  42. Like

  43. Again, why is this NOT national news:

    A nurse explains on the Market Ticker:

    You are thinking the hospital is filled to capacity due to a flood of COVID cases. That might not be the case at all. There is an another explanation that will make sense as soon as it is suggested.

    The beds may be closed because the hospital does not have the staff to take care of the patients who could possibly fill those beds. The hospital could be closed and there may be a multitude of empty beds in those hospitals.

    Short staffing is one thing. Critically short staffing is something totally different. A hospital might push a double ratio for care. But do you think they are going to risk triple or quadruple?

    Can we spell medical malpractice attorney dream for slam dunk litigation and can we spell massive hospital liability risk? Of course we can.

    Nurses along with all the other health care professionals are burnt out and exhausted. Add to that dynamic the vaxx mandates. Hospital staff are beyond fed up. These folks have worked over the last 20 months using just personal protective equipment and standard infectious disease precautions. That approach was just fine for nearly two years, but now these same health care workers must be vaxxed or they can’t work? These front line health care workers have seen with their own lying eyes the COVID vaccine injury fall out. Do you think they want to roll the dice for themselves?

    I am getting offers for up to $55,000 from hospital systems across the country. That’s sign on bonus, relocation expenses and so forth. Salary and benefits are not part of that dollar amount and I am sure there is plenty of time print along with those recruitment offers. The health care organizations are usually hidden by the recruiting outfit. You don’t know where you are applying to until you apply, but I could guess. So I could go work in Texas, Virginia, Indiana – you name it – anywhere across the country.

    I have a question. Would you take a revolver with three chambers loaded (jabb numbet one, jabb number two and booster shot) … Put it in your mouth and pull the trigger three times? For $55,000? For $100,000? For $500,000? For $1,000,000? Well would you?

    My answer is hell no. The “wise ones” who run these health care systems have now set up a situation where they will not be able to hire staff/ recruit at any price.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why is this NOT national news?… because the POS MSM are a treasonous bunch of scum!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Your too polite James.
        Don’t be Diplomatic.


  44. ‘They can’t arrest us all’: Horse-mounted protesters steal the show at Australian anti-lockdown rally (VIDEO)

    This protest was actually really good. It was calm and quite peaceful. Only six arrests. There were families present as well as elderly with aids and disabled in wheelchairs. Such a lovely change to the usual violence displayed here recently. Did we make a point? YES. Was it enough? Probably not but the winds are changing. There is always a starting point.

    The police are following up on this one after the fact ensuring money is raised for the govt kitty so I will not be too daring with details but on the day they were quite laid back and agreeable for those wishing to share their voice in a peaceful manner were allowed to do so.

    We are growing some balls but some of us wish to do it carefully. GO AUSSIES!

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Australian Truck Drivers Vow To Block Every Major Highway In Radical Anti-Lockdown Strike

    Go Aussies. About bloody time we started to show some balls.

    Thanks too HIW, you mentioned this yesterday but I am a bit slow and just caught up.


  46. Please all note Tony got up at 3 this morning to make sure you all got the Global news ahead of most markets.
    Great work Tony.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I won’t mention she kicked you out failing the third?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          That happens when I request a different route and the answer is “no”. 😈


          1. LOL. Naughty boy.


        2. Two is enough for one morning lol.


  47. It’s getting hard in Bongo land.

    Dangerous new COVID strain found in Israel – Israel National News

    How long before border closures?

    So much also for Israel’s, we are Gods chosen ones. The BS cretins swallow heh?
    Now their God has forsaken them? Nations have done that for 6,000 years booting them out.
    No one in Europe wanted them back. So now even Palestine /Israel is trying to cull them? The cruelty towards Palestine and boming of Syria will piss many off.
    As for Zionists?

    Taliban’s special forces outfit providing ‘security’ at Kabul airport | FDD’s Long War Journal

    This is their best fighters. Interesting that this is the case. Ragheads, unreal!


    So, America Ran Away- Again!!! and left a heavily armed Terrorist Army? What is the point of the Pentagon to allow this?

    Subject: It’s Worse than We Thought: Taliban Seized 75,000 Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons and 200 Aircraft in Afghanistan Leftover by Biden Admin –UPDATED

    How does one say stupid? While this is disaster given what is known, the true extent of future problems and sequences is awful, if this any indication of what is to come.

    No wonder Russia is going flat out to close and arm all borders with Afghanistan. Greece has already finished their wall with Turkey and are actively patrolling with armed troops to stop the influx expected.

    The Biden notion that Afghans can go to neighboring countries to apply for sanctuary in America is a outright lie. It will never happen as there is no way to vet these folks with certainty.

    Meanwhile the Taliban says they will enforce a August 31 deadline to have troops leave.

    Brutal and vicious terrorists. Just like Israel.

    Taliban captures and executes well-known Afghan comedian https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9920117/Taliban-captures-executes-known-Afghan-comedian-told-jokes-dragged-away.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    BOOM: “On A Scale of 1 to 10… I Would Say It’s a 12!” – Jovan Pulitzer On the Seriousness of the Audit Results in His 197 Pages in Arizona Audit Report

    Apparently a bad ass report. But this is America. They will run away from it.

    Exclusive: Military Troops Now Report Being Forced to Wear ‘Arm Bands’ to Prove Vaccine Status – Becker News

    Segregation never ends well.

    Please find time to go through the website below, it’s like a refresher course:

    Afghan resistance army headed by Sandhurst-trained ‘lion cub’ DENIES it is negotiating surrender after Taliban claimed they had defeated them in battle

    Ex-Afghan soldiers – many trained by Western troops – have joined forces with local militia from a base in the Panjshir Valley, north-east of Kabul.


    We need to arm and fund him fast.
    Shared from Sky News: Afghanistan: Exit deadline extension ‘unlikely’ as situation gets ‘more dangerous’ – defense secretary https://news.sky.com/story/afghanistan-exit-deadline-extension-unlikely-as-situation-gets-more-dangerous-defence-secretary-12389179

    The cruel genocide of the Taliban is a warning to stop taking in Muslims anywhere.
    RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Meet Sleepy Joe and Kamala – the Lord and Lady Gaga of politics

    RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Millions of US television viewers saw Sleepy Joe experience yet another embarrassing senior moment.


    How long is this FARCE to go on?
    Bitcoin back above $50,000 as recovery continue

    Anti-Taliban resistance group says it has thousands of fighters

    Arm THEM fast!

    Afghanistan: Exit deadline extension ‘unlikely’ as situation gets ‘more dangerous’ – defense secret

    What’s the problem, with this vast array of Taliban now visible, reverse orders and shoot the bloody lot. Use silencers so they don’t run away.
    A 5 day Turkey shoot sorted.

    China’s crypto crackdown delivers windfall to global bitcoin miners

    From China- opportunities.

    Two Top Virologists’ Frightening Warnings About COVID Injections: Ignored by Government and Big Media – Global Research Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

    From a contributor

    I really wonder about believing in any organization that takes money from Bill Gates to approve any vaccine where he has an share interest through his foundation.
    Has no one heard of “conflict of interest”? Sadly, it seems many Health authorities and governments are a complete failure in protecting the public. Sadly, the individual is left to learn and critically determine what is best for themselves knowing that the accepted norms of authority no longer serve in the best interests of the individual. Perhaps it has always been this way, but it cannot be clearer than it is now, with this current health related narrative. As the old saying goes, a footstep taken is not a footstep returned. And each person defines themselves with the comfort of their own footsteps.
    And you wonder, why I keeping telling people that confidence in government is falling at a fast clip? This will be the undoing of currencies and nations and supply chains, when the public loses confidence. At that point, people will turn to other means to settle value for their labor ignoring government and their respective currencies. Trade will build new highways of access and settlement as it has in the past. Once people lose confidence in the relationship between government and the public interest, all bets are off how fast society is altered. And when this occurs government is no longer in control of forces unleashed by their actions. Contrary, to governmental beliefs as society historically always turns on them. Nor is the economy staid any more as it is altered and shaped by the surrounding forces that have been unleashed. These new realities are already well underway globally which becomes clear in view across many nations.
    With this comes chaos and social change as history teaches us, and nations and societies fall from grace to be replaced by a new order; that often replaces the hands behind the curtain as usually mob rule launches its’ ugliness to produce the new order, without definition.
    Since all of this is in motion, the real question is how well people cope with what will come in times ahead. As Voltaire wrote, the only constant in life is change.

    Dreadful carnage is this erupts. If so both we and the US need to fly 50,000 back in and shoot the bloody lot. Wipe the scum out.

    Kabul flights on ‘war footing’ as deadline for Afghan evacuation looms https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9921165/US-ramps-Afghan-evacuations-Taliban-warn-red-line.html?ito=native_share_article-top


  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    A classic explanation of what followed after we allowed Bolshevism to remain intact in the mid 20th century. The price has been dreadfully high.



  49. Well, we (as in contrarian docs all over the planet), the mRNA jab’s poor target choice of the spike protein, blew out regular acquired immunity against the nucleocapsid and gave us poor spike protein immunity and ADE.

    Public Health England releases “Technical Briefings” every couple of weeks.

    The latest Briefing shows Vaccinated are dying at 434% the rate of unvaccinated people.

    679 deaths / 73,372 cases = 0.00925421
    0.00925421100,000 = 925 deaths per 100 thousand

    390 deaths / 183,133 cases = 0.0021296
    0.0021296100,000 = 213 deaths per 100 thousand

    Click to access Technical_Briefing_21.pdf

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We contrairians were right.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Thank you!!!


  50. John was right all along.



    1. Trump was lied to. Point blank. By Scott Gottlieb, MD (spelling?) his Medical Adviser that then landed squarely on the Pfizer Board. I just don’t have the smoking gun transcript. Even now, unless someone like me was allowed to brief the President, it would be just wall-to-wall bullshit from the CDC, FDA and NIH.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Tino – maybe he “was” lied to. What about now? If we know, he knows.


        1. No — he doesn’t. He is still ring-fenced by too many people with agenda’s. He thinks the vaccine is good and mandates are anti-freedom. As I mentioned before it would take 3 of me, briefing him 24 hours straight to break him down and rebuild him to get it. If he knew, he would be disavowing the vaccine at the warp speed that created it.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Three people 24 hrs a day huh?

            Does he live in a cave?

            Liked by 1 person

    2. AJ

      That’s why Tony moved fast to get me onto the site and look at how 2 years have gone.
      Comments doubled, multiple excellent level contributors, and sadly OWON has now hit zero as the valued parties thankfully followed. For me seeing them appear on site was a huge relief. They all make such a difference. Huge credit to them. I value them highly. As I do all contributors.

      It’s the key site to read nowadays. So much more is coming. Tony’s Editorial policies helps you all,.It keeps it real. A lousy Editor kills any site dead. It’s not for egos, or those with Dreamland agendas. It needs focus, realists, a sense of Global reality, domestic shortcomings and a sense of both ironic and perverse humour.
      WHA has huge potential yet. It’s your site, for all of you. You all make it happen and worthwhile. .

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Well, I know there were issues with you and OWoN John and that is your business with OWoN. I appreciate what you have stated but I still have to say that Canauzzie was a very good man to me. He guided me in certain instances and offered me a chance to learn from him which I will always appreciate. Don’t hate me for having a different experience to you in this matter. I will always remember a person that was kind to me, and Canauzzie was.


        1. No issues. Between us we raised the bar high in the early days. It made the site. That took 2 of us. Each put a lot in. Good for you. It is what it is.
          I have always maintained a discrete silence on that issue, and left silently. So much hard work went in by both.
          Support is the answer. No one has raised issues. Discretion has ruled. It still has a great library. Historic.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. That was actually a very sweet comment and one I personally and many others, I’m sure greatly appreciate.

            Even though you guys experienced difficulties it does not take away from what was achieved, as you have noted. I do believe it may be time for you to let go of that experience and move forward. Sorry if that statement seems too bold.

            You may not wish to hear this, and it is stated from my personal experience, but Canauzzie is quite a smart and brilliant man in many ways. He always had a kind word for someone feeling vulnerable but he would also give one a good clip around the ears if they acted like a smart arse. I liked that about him. I learnt a lot from him and will always appreciate the moments we shared.

            I think it may feel a little different where men are concerned with disagreements. You know, the macho thing lol. For me, even if I am offended at the beginning of a disagreement, I will always dwell on it and attempt to ascertain why such happened. I usually end up being the one that needs to apologize as there always appears that there was a lesson for me to learn from such an experience. I never hesitate to own up to being the one in the wrong, if after assessment ,I end up drawing that conclusion. I am more than happy to learn from those a great deal smarter, more experienced and wiser than me. I think in many cases it comes down to the approach one takes in dealing with such a situation.

            It’s all good. We have these experiences with others and hopefully, when a harmonious connection does not continue, each party will reflect upon that and ascertain what may have been done differently. Sometimes those issues remain unhealed but hopefully we each possess the capacity to honestly reflect.


  51. Un-freakin-believable — and they walk among us.


    1. Tim Osman = Moron! “Pfizer vax is 95% effective at all variants including the ones it creates”

      If it’s CREATING them, how is it PREVENTING them?!?! You have GOT to be $#!TTING ME!! Isn’t that the point of a vaccine?! Immunity so you don’t catch it? Those getting the vaccine are the ones whose bodies are “creating” the variant. I’m certain this is absurd vax brain talking… he got the jab and it’s effecting his ability to reason beyond a toddler’s mentality 🤪

      Liked by 2 people

  52. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Finally, a practical use for bankers.


    1. But re circumcise them first and stitch with barbed wire.


      1. Wait until the Battle of the Beltway when Real Americans surround the place and Render the Federalists.
        First close the Airports so none can run.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. No way! For decent crops one must apply love and nurturing. No way does a banker have that. I would put crops from those buggers in the pig pen. Poor little piggies lol. Shit, had better watch that move, they may eat me alive if I dare enter the compound without protection lol.


  53. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Welfare roll reduction – Roman style.


    1. The English are game to adopt this culture.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Did I mention that this is an NIH funded study…?


  54. https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2021/08/boris-johnson-s-government-has-no-sense-decency-or-shame

    Led by a scumbag what do you expect?
    For God’s sake, for the world’s sake, arm and supply him plus fund him.


    Escorts know how to score big.


    The hard real truth of Afghanistan and why the Military Elites fear Assange

    Raab is a selfish Brat who needs to go.

    Look at how the Brits go out to save their own. No Benghazi betrayals here.
    The Brits brought them home. Our Boys. None left behind.
    Why is Clinton not in jail for Benghazi?

    Subject: SAS in dramatic desert raid to save troops from Taliban


    Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Microbiologist Explains COVID Jab Effects

    An article worth reading if considering a jab or two.
    I honestly am very concerned about what happens as more people are vaccinated and develop problems or are more able to be sick.
    Although i was told the other day there are several drugs now in the pipeline to counter the effects of current vaccinations.

    Good then in time a top American may emerge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d like to run for president of the US! I have a B.S. in anatomy and I am an appointed notary for the state of Louisiana (it’s a 5 hour exam and MUCH different than being a notary in any of the other 49). Just a couple of qualifications, possibly. However, I smoke regularly, drink responsibly, own guns, and I have no finances to back me. I also have 3 children (the two I birthed are unvaccinated) so lack of sleep is something I’m used to 🙂 Anyone want to be my VP?! Wouldn’t that be a change? Our country run by a plain Jane nobody!! Or if someone else would like the top seat, I’ll be a second. Either way, I’m ready to take our country back!! Maybe I should start as governor; I get a little ambitious sometimes! LOL!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Good on you amlakenka.

        May I ask one question of you? What is the number one priority for you on this day?


        1. Sorry, I stuffed your name up there. “amladenka.”


          1. I’m still learning to navigate this site and I have a very busy schedule so I have to do days of catch up sometimes. I never saw your reply 😦

            My number one priority is the CONSTITUTION. We need to get back to it and our FREEDOMS. When we are again a “free country”, only then will the dust start to settle. These mandates are ridiculous! Let people be free to choose what is best for them! I damn sure am not going to let Joe or his Hoe suggest anything about how to raise my children… I’ve seen how theirs have turned out.

            That’s where I would start 😉 Thanks for asking Aurataya… and now that I have found a niffty little way to see newer posts, I won’t have to search the entire briefing for new comments 😀


  55. Karl Denniger, reproduced below, says everything I want to say and more:


    So the FDA has “fully approved” the Pfizer jab for Covid.

    In doing so standing alone they have broken the law and thus have irrevocably destroyed their authority and any reason for anyone to ever do anything based on them ever again.

    Let me explain.

    Under black letter law an EUA is illegal if there is an alternative that is considered safe, effective and available. This was the reason the FDA did not (for 18 months!) run the studies and evaluate them on other early-intervention drugs for Covid-19. We all know what they are. I’m living proof they work too, as are millions of others worldwide.

    But, more-importantly, this “full approval” voids all other vaccine EUAs for Covid-19. That is, under the law the Moderna and J&J instantly became illegal to offer or use within the United States.

    The makers can apply for full authorization, of course, but the EUAs are void as of this morning and under black letter law cannot be administered to anyone in the United States as they are now unlicensed and unlawful products in human beings until and unless they are given full approval themselves. No medical provider can offer or administer any other than the Pfizer Covid-19 shot in the United States as of the moment of that approval.

    You can bet the law will be ignored; note MRNAs stock price this morning. It should have instantly been cut in half.

    In addition the FDA broke the law itself when it issued the “approval.” The law requires a full hearing and the data from the full set of trials; the trials are not capable of being completed until early 2022 by the original submissions and they deliberately did not hold the hearing. This is a black letter violation of the law as well, but nobody cares.</i.

    As for me, I don't give a crap.

    I've been infected, 98% certain it was Delta (because that's all that's circulating right now in the US where the index case I got infected by came from, and I know who it was) and am recovered. I hit it with meds immediately and I'm fine. I know, scientifically, it was Covid-19 and not some other virus as I now have IgG antibodies and did not for the previous 18 months which I know factually as I repeatedly tested myself.

    There is thus exactly zero medical benefit I can derive from the jabs.

    I will walk without fear into a Covid-19 ICU unit right now without any PPE on whatsoever. I have no fear of this virus because as with every other viral infection of note including those that are much more-dangerous than Covid, such as measles, prior infection and recovery produces durable and stable immunity in essentially everyone who has a competent immune system, and I do. Those of you who trust the jabs to be equally effective to an active infection and recovery are free to come with me. I will bet my life that I'm sterile immune to the virus as a result of said infection and recovery. Are you willing to place the same bet, given the many known failures to protect by the shot, including Jesse Jackson and his wife, both of whom are in the hospital with Covid-19 despite being vaccinated in a very public spectacle in January of this year?

    There you have it.[END QUOTE]

    Liked by 2 people

  56. Let me ask you a cogent question, key to all right now.
    Why do you need So Called Governments, what experience or qualities do any possess for the roles they hold?

    House of Commons, of c400 maybe 50 are passable.
    House of Lords now c850. Why?
    A Third are Liberals, anachronisms of a bygone age. 300 totally pointless. Yet drawing good money for no shows.
    Civil Service Retirees.Value little. so 50 more useless.
    Political Hacks who can’t cut it in the Commons and whose parties give them a Peerage to be rid of them. Pathetic and about a hundred ( 100) of these Buggers. Useless.
    Hereditaries, at least 50 are pointless and useless.
    Religions, about 30 of these Creeps hold seats. Why?
    Sleazy, slimy Party Donors who bought Seats, Fixers, about 100.
    So from c850 only about 220 have any point or purpose. That’s about right. Then Half of them, or more, don’t even turn up.
    The ” Old Guard” out of Public view quietly runs the show. Thank God. England’s saving grace.
    So much deadwood needs to go. Same in the Commons.
    At least 80% need culling out.
    Politics is NOT working. With a mass Public also simply too stupid to vote. Welfare handout basket cases. Why allow them a vote? They contribute nothing.
    Look on and in, then look out from inside. Seats and Heads need to go.
    Both sides of the pond need a Turkey Shoot!

    Titles for Tossers?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Well stated.

      Liked by 1 person



  58. Do you need more proof not to elect Numbskulls?

    Not one since JFK has been even close to what is needed.
    Time to sort it don’t you think? We sort ours fast. 22 Committee, vote of No Confidence and gone!
    The moment Trump opens his mouth, it’s hard not to read his as a clear Twat!
    He’s clearly carrying the 90% the Tri Lats want gone.


    1. Why do I sense a kind of Jimmy Hoffa scenario coming with him? Hoffa would not give up when powerful men said “no more”. He wound up sleeping with the fishes.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. The political scene is owned in America. No one gets “elected”. Trump somehow did but now they know better. And all JFK did was throw massive orgies and womanize in the WH. Unfortunate that a solid, moral candidate cannot and will not be elected by the people. No, those in power will not allow this to happen.


      1. True. JFK got more p—y than Frank Sinatra.


  59. Pakistani collusion with the Taliban caused this nightmare.
    Let the refugees head into Pakistan. Let them feed Muslims.
    The West needs no more.
    As Trump is now a Jew., it explains the land theft and mass Israeli support. America has enough problems.
    Will the lying King admit what he’s done to Christian Americans?
    And stop taking your money for false flags?
    Did he circumcise?
    Magnifying Glass job? Stormie told us he slobbers, tiny Chipolata Weenie and a 30 seconds man.


    1. Not a visual I needed before coffee. 😖


    2. Actually, I will object to a portion of your statement here John. And it may be considerate of you to consider others who may well not be overly endowed. They are out there you know and they are still men no matter what you say. Actually, I believe you may need a women’s point of view from time to time to wake you up.

      A large penis does not make one more of a man in my opinion. It may well thrill some women in a temporary fashion but maybe you need to learn about the other side of this matter. And of bloody course I am going to be the one to share that with you lol.

      My first relatively serious partner, not my first click by the way lol, was not well endowed at all but a gorgeous man in many ways. In fact, I was a tad shocked upon my first view lol. BUT let me tell you something. Man oh man that was some seriously good sex. Possibly, being the way he was, other avenues of adventure were seriously pondered upon and superbly mastered, I might add.

      So do not be fooled. A big penis is not everything. In fact, there is so much more involved than that if you care to ask a women who actually gives a shit about the person inside of that male shell.


      1. I am sorry to those here at WHA if my comment above seems vulgar. I do not mean to offend anyone, just simply stating my opinion to the comment offered. Yep, looks like I am not too lady like I suppose.


  60. The miserable, failure to act or fight for NATO in Bosnia and no action in Afghanistan says end this shower and save the money. Nato is a farce. Fat expense accounts for flatulent Desk Jockeys.
    End this rip off.,Useless.


  61. Tony, if you have a moment one day, I would be curious to know your opinion regarding Sicily?

    There seems to be some incredibly cheap real estate there at the moment and have been wondering if that may be due to a particular issue there. I have no idea about this part of the world and would greatly appreciate your opinion as I know you probably have knowledge of this area.

    I was wondering, a little down the track, if a big lifestyle change may be good for me. Not sure if I could get there without a bs vaccine or would actually be brave enough to adventure there but the property prices there are so enticing and to be honest, driving me nuts with the renovation opportunities on offer.

    I found a gorgeous piece of land, with staggering views which included a house, which most definitely needed work but it was only sixty four thousand euro. Utterly magnificent spot though.

    Thanks in advance Tony if you have any time available to share your opinion.


    1. Tony
      You may care to mention Mafia neighbours, crime practices. and “Collections” to Aurataya.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha..it’s funny, last night before I retired, I read her request, and was going to suggest that you give her the rundown on Sicily instead, since you have quite a bit more experience in international business affairs and such, than I do.

        But I think you hit the key points.

        I have no experience with and have never been to Sicily yet. I do intend to visit it one day, so I will certainly give my impressions then. If I live through it. 🙂

        I do have a small quantity of Sicilian blood in my ethnic makeup, which probably explains why at 12 years old, I told my grandmother I wanted to be a hitman when I grew up.

        My ass still stings from that mistake. More on this later.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So, she took it to mean you would hit on many women.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

            She probably would have hit me harder if that were the case. lol

            Liked by 1 person

            1. No No Gran I was not saying Hit Me Harder I was asking how can I stay Harder?
              Well not by fantasising on Clinton or Nancy for sure.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. You two are a total pair of cheeky buggers when you get revved up lol. But I certainly enjoy it.


        2. Heavens, that burst that bubble then I suppose. It is such beautiful land there.

          One property I found had the most awesome land calculating to 3 hectares, two houses that seriously needed work but I am the gal for that. It was in Palermo and quite isolated. The views were absolutely amazing. I really liked the feel of the properties on offer there, nothing like I have known before. Nothing like a good change.

          Bugger! Looks like it is back to the drawing board for me then. I don’t think I desire to stay in Aussie much longer, I need a change.

          Bye bye Sicily by the look of these comments lol.

          Good old Grandma hey. I bet she was a wonderful woman to know.


          1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

            Some time in the future, remind me to tell you how Charles Bronson almost caused me to make a very bad career choice. Grandma would not have been happy.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. OMG! Really? Seriously looking forward to hearing this one. I always liked Charles Bronson.

              Heck, no way could you have lived that life Tony. Heavens, if you did, I could have hired you on a couple of occasions lol.

              Your Grandma sounds like she was a very good influence in your life. Wish I could say the same for the rotten old beast I had for a Grandma.Sorry to speak so dreadfully of the dead but it was what it was. And I am not the forgiving, easily forgetful type lol.

              Is Grandma still alive Tony?

              Hey Tony, if you have time one Friday down the track, we could have your Charles Bronson story as our Friday message, accompanied by a wonderful video of course. Up to you.


              1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

                She passed in 1994 at 97.

                I will see if I can find time for the Bronson story.

                Liked by 1 person

                1. I realised that I had asked a stupid question about your Grandma still being alive about 5 hours after posting it. My apologies. WOW! 97 is a good age to reach.

                  Look forward the hearing that story Tony. Only when you have time, that’s fine. Thank you.


      2. Okay, I am taking the hint lol. Looks like that was not such a good idea after all. But I would not have to be involved with undesirables would I?


    2. Wrong Island.

      Investigate Sardinia. It has all the problems of Sicily but reduced 50%. Remember that the 3rd world has landed on both islands, but again Sardinia not as bad as Sicily.

      Sicily has the Mafia, but you won’t have to worry about il pizzo unless you open a front-store business. Sardinia has its own flavor of the Mafia, but it’s the usual gambling, prostitution, commercial licenses, drugs stuff and if you steer clear, they steer clear. It’s a police-Mafia detente of a sorts.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much Tino. I will certainly have a look at your suggestion.

        Heavens, I am quite the uneducated type when it comes to these areas by the look of it. Is one not able to reside in such areas and keep to themself? I do not wish to be involved in any criminal affairs and just seek a peaceful, isolated life somewhere really beautiful.

        I most certainly would steer clear lol. Heavens, now you all have me a tad worried. I intended heading off on my own but now a little hesitant knowing what may be around the next corner.


  62. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    There will be a test on this next week. This is key to humanity’s future survival. Critical.


    1. Looks like I will certainly fail that test. OMG!


    2. 44 Magnum.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Test passed.

        Liked by 1 person

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