White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #181

2022 – Out Of The Chaos Arose More Chaos

I am going to invoke dominus privilegium and personally address you in what will be the last briefing for 2022. These are my words, unless described otherwise.

The year comes to an end, and I am sure there is no need to summarize it here, as all of you are experiencing it firsthand in your daily lives. I am quite sure that depending on how each of you are personally situated, the chaos impacts in very different ways. What is most important is that one learns how to adapt ways and means to survive through it all. And this is certainly not going to be a universal approach for everyone. However you are making your way, I hope you are achieving your goals in doing so, the current malaise notwithstanding.

Let us review a few key areas of interest, and briefly discuss what I would like to achieve next year.

The Global Settlements

For those that don’t know, the World Global Settlements are to be the largest financial transactions in the history of Earth. They are designed to achieve the ethical infusion of off balance sheet Asiatic dynastic wealth into world economies, subject to strict oversight and management, by a core team of trustees, including one of our key site contributors.

As most of our readers know, a serious meeting took place in New York last December, which resulted in a failure to agree on terms for U.S. beneficial access. The U.S. negotiators, we are told, have committed a very serious error in failing to accept terms designed to protect the transactions from earlier acts of treachery that could not be allowed to repeat. Now we are awaiting a possible commencement of these monumentally huge transactions via a BRICS framework, which would leave the U.S. to go it alone to compete with a world seeking to move away from dollar dominance.

We have the good fortune of direct contact with the one entity that key Asiatic dynastic Elders consult with on the GS, who recently said the following in an internal discussion:

The potential net consequences now facing America will be draconian. A multipolar split where America loses all dominance. Nations dropping the petrodollar. Ending global reliance upon SWIFT. The end of energy and core commodities priced in dollars. Global suppliers refusing to sell energy or commodities for worthless dollars, demanding the US pay in alternative currencies, or heavily discounting the dollar. 

We face pension funds becoming insolvent. Banks bailing in from clients’ savings – stealing from you. Pensions being reneged upon and income losses in value of at least 30%.  Soaring gas, home heating, health care and food costs. Food shortages, and the collapse of welfare with riots expected as former recipients revolt. 990 plus US warfare bases shut down with no money. Vast fleets at sea not able to buy fuel, or food, or pay for docking. An air force not able to buy jet fuel.

The US has exported jobs and industries. It’s made the Third World wealthy and America poor. Old mother Hubbard has nothing in the cupboard. The world knows the US is run by whores. 

Is this the new incoming domestic Boston Tea Party where the world says, “Enough!”? 

Yet the illegals keep flooding in and crime rises. D.C. is on the take, and corruption rules fools.

What can go so wrong?  The world is cutting D.C. free!  Losing 75% of the world, what then is America’s destiny? War? WWIII? All lose. 

Rethink and plan out of bail-ins. A bail-out for those who can! It IS coming, and when it does hit it will go like Rome. D.C. is incapable of planning through this. Scam city. Every snout seeking a hand out.

Information and knowledge, now, is everything. We [WHA] are forewarned of so much. Heed it.

We have been repeatedly warned that a BRICS GS release will have potentially detrimental economic effects on the already strained, hyper-inflating USD. As BRICS nations continue to expand, and with their currencies possessing hard metal asset backing, the non-metals backed USD may find itself being supplanted in traditional long standing trade mediums. This could result in a Weimar economic condition in the U.S. I have taken steps to personally prepare for this, and I suggest you research how to protect your portfolios from such deleterious events.

As I would like to think: We are in the right place, at the right time, with the right information, and know the right people who deal with the GS on a daily basis. So our updates on the matter will be right from the source, when possible. I don’t think it could get any better than that.

Tales From The Crypto

Some time ago we added a list of suggested crypto ideas as a courtesy to any readers who wished to avail themselves of it, and we will continue to do so free of charge into 2023.

I continue to point out that this sector is truly terra incognita, and will be subject to very extreme volatility, suitable only for risk capital. Recent events have shown why such warnings were given, and continue to be.

I continue to believe that we have not seen the ultimate highs that are yet to come in future cycles. So the extreme volatility we have seen this year, with prices down where they are, should not be taken as a final capitulation or failure of the industry. Far from it! It is, in essence, the price we will pay for a much larger future payoff, with the ultimate goal of transformational wealth accumulation.

This is a time to cost average your holdings, if right for your circumstances. But one must be careful to choose projects which are well researched and have valid use cases, and not borrow funds to buy them. Our list of suggestions is to guide you if needed. There are thousands of tokens and coins. We have presented only 13 of them to consider.

The Blockchain economy is still very new and struggling to find its legs in a regulatory quagmire of bureaucratic swampiness. But, find them, they will.

We will have to be patient, as I am quite certain that once the regulatory framework is worked out, Wall Street interests will not miss out on fee income they desperately need from offering crypto-based products to their millions of clients with trillions of dollars to invest. Once they build easy, one-click onramps for techno-dunces to use, combined with new generational inherited wealth that surveys revealed is earmarked for this new space, we should see a monumental rise in demand for potentially scarce supplies of BTC and ETH, and the many quality tokens which transact on ERC-20 blockchains, along with BTC-settled ETFs. Only SEC incompetence, scam artists, and current economic malaise have delayed it.

The current price volatility is not due to lack of interest or a defect in the technology. Not even close. Bad, unregulated brokerages, are. But, brokerages and exchanges are not crypto. They are essentially mirrors of old centralized monetary systems which have the Federal Reserve to bail out the scams. Crypto has no such backstop, so bad actors will go down and stay down forever. And that is how it should be. It will strengthen the future players who will be forced to operate with greater transparency in order to win the trust of the smarter money that will demand it. So, you will either offer that transparency, or be brushed aside, and not bailed out.

Commercial interests continue to make plans, and adoption goes on. Along side it, we will have to suffer the impacts of scams, bad actors, bad ideas, economic whipsaws, political incompetence and foot-dragging to get to where I want to see us all arrive – life changing wealth accumulation by being early and being disciplined to know we are early and knowing just what is ahead. It will slow us down, but it will not prevent the inevitable. No forward leap into any technological advancement has ever occurred drenched in the effulgence of perfection.

For now, as I write, my personal view is that prices will continue down for a while longer. The margin calls from the FTX debacle are causing forced selling to cover leveraged bets and other similar stupid gamblers’ folly. This is foolishness by greedy players and we can take advantage of it by adding to our positions at discounts, using cash.

Again, we are early, and accumulation is the game right now. It is common in this space for prices to retreat 90% before firing upwards 5,000% and beyond. If you can just buy and hold, think of what awaits you. But, we may see BTC at $12000 and ETH at $500 before we are back on the trip upwards. Bear markets usually end on a very, very ugly capitulation that is sudden and wipes out the last of the weaklings and leveraged death-loving berserkers. We have not seen that just yet. You’ll know, if and when we do.

For now, we will continue to add new quality ideas as they are researched and vetted. And barring that, there is little need for any change of our particular crypto strategy for 2023.

Plans For 2023

We will continue on with the comment section, made available for sharing of information and general discussions. It’s your forum to bring forth anything you consider important, so please do so.

I continue to appreciate the many valuable contributions made by our regular readers on a very wide array of subject matter, and I am very impressed at the genial, dignified tolerance as others present widely diverse views and opinions.

For 2023, I am going to devote less time to my own comments and more to the new portfolios which I have been working on for some time now. I will not go into details on the final shape of the new ideas, which will be presented for your consideration, but rest assured that very careful planning will be done to navigate the uncertainties ahead in the next year, and make available options for you to take advantage of, if you wish. I feel it is important to offer some tangible value to help survive and hopefully thrive amidst new challenges, and not just talk about them. Some practical application, as opposed to merely the theoretical, so to speak. As always, we cannot and will not give individualized investment advice.

And, if the Global Settlements find an optimum environment to proceed, we will certainly be ready to assist with administrative duties pertaining to any post-release related financial products which may be properly made available to our readers.

From all indications, the next year may present some serious challenges, so as I am always reminding you all: BE READY FOR ANYTHING!

I appreciate you allowing my personal indulgence with this message to you. Thank you all for your participation. We will be back after the 1st of January with a new feature and hopefully a lot more.



Happy Holidays From WHA

627 responses to “Information Briefing #181”

  1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    I often wondered why ancient artillery crews were not female crewed.


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha! That’s a desperate banking cartel speaking.


  3. As China and Russia are tearing the face off Americas Petro Dollar, once they get control of the Energy markets via Petro Yuan, BRICS and CBDC’s, America implodes.Boom.
    It will come like a Thief in the Night, and Paul Revere will be consummately absent.
    A Sleeping Giant will go out like Infanticide.
    Get this clear, Big Money is leaving America already. Florida Mansions are selling and going.
    Smart money leaves. China and the Rotts are taking your futures. The Rotts versus Rotten Leaders.
    Chess Masters play out Checkers Rednecks, while filling you full of illegals.
    The Pied Piper calls, and is leaving with your Balls.


    1. Yea, looking forward to starving and freezing while living in a cardboard box with no pension or SS.


  4. Disinvite the little Shit and see how far his Netflix scam takes him. Markel has no Class. Dump both.

    Prince Harry refuses to say if he will go to his father’s coronation https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11601851/Prince-Harry-refuses-say-fathers-coronation-new-ITV-trailer.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton
    Russia’s war drains Ukraine’s rich list of power
    Mainly Jews thats good.

    Race to overthrow Putin and take crown has begun, says former loyalist

    The Weasel is now surrounded by Shysters and Takers. A hard landing is coming.

    Race to overthrow Putin and take crown has begun, says former loyalist https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11601677/The-race-overthrow-Putin-Kremlin-crown-begun-says-former-Russian-loyalist.html?ito=native_share_article-caption#i-38c1739f014e4222
    Prince Harry’s favorite book at Eton was Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11603059/Prince-Harrys-favorite-book-Eton-Steinbecks-Mice-Men.html?ito=native_share_article-caption#i-54a917dec46b1a92

    Tosser Princes.
    Prince Harry contacted a psychic to reach his late mother Diana https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11603541/Prince-Harry-contacted-psychic-reach-late-mother-Diana.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Damned Brat is out with the fairies
    From a contributor.

    U.S. Forces in Europe Prepare for War With Russia

    How many more times will we stand by while America forces endless wars?
    The Whores of War!

    Someone once wrote or said, that war is politics by another means. One does wonder does that means politics kills and war simply does it better and faster?

    Let’s not sugar coat realities already observed in the Ukraine. The West has Ukrainians using more artillery shells in two weeks than what the US produces in a year. Let that sink in. Is war without a military supply chain to back it up, practical? Sure you can buy shells from South Korea but for how long? So, what does that say about cost? After all war is measured by affordability which makes all wars banker’s wars. Because without credit there can be no war. In a world quickly coming to a liquidity crisis without war trying to beat the clock of fiscal reality is a route of despair as the hourglass of sand will run out before a real sustained war can be achieved, or even hoped to be won.

    Bluntly put, if the 90,000 NATO soldiers in Romania go in, expect 45,000 to be dead in the 1st two weeks. The 16,000 US troops in the Baltics will be dead by the end of week one. And this is without true combat as Russia uses standoff weapon systems. As for actual combat face to face throwing troops without integrated tank commands is a slaughter. Where are the thousands of tanks going to come from to match or overwhelm Russian forces? Yes, Poland is next in sacrifice, but at what cost? Does anyone really think that the entire energy grid of Poland cannot disappear in a day with standoff missiles? Does no one realize that many missiles being used in Ukraine today are actually dated Russian technology and in many cases Russia scales down the technology for the job at hand as not waste money. As much as Western Planners orgasm at the thought of seeing state of the art weaponry being deployed in the Ukraine, so far they have been denied that pleasure. What they have seen is tactical integration of troops not thought to be possessed by Russia; which is why everyone wants to see the Russian real invasion to see, to future plan. Yes, it will come but only when Russia is ready on its’ own schedule and not on a Western one. Because Russians realize that plans need flexibility for the unexpected. So yes, killing a few hundred young Russian troops in barracks is sad but a calculated attempt to cause a premature response which will not be coming. And yes, we all know it was American satellites and other systems manned by Americans that caused the kill. After all Americans under contract in Ukrainian uniforms are deniable. And none of this will change the reality of the fresh killing fields in the Donbas where the Russian meat grinder swallows what is left of a Ukrainian army. The territorial conscripts are not real army but simply cannon fodder.

    And perhaps even more to the point, where is the energy going to come from to back up a mass movement of combat troops with backup while maintaining a semblance of a consumer economy? Does any thinking person plot this out? You can mask failure with a new great reset to usher in a new currency. But what does a failed economic state of affairs say about value of that currency? Yes, i suppose you can seize assets of the public at large and call this yours. But is this not communism? Or shall we call it fascism? Why anyone thinks that a public who’s had the pleasure of private ownership will give up that ownership to own nothing to be happy is a delusion.

    As the wheel of economic turmoil accelerates, so will dial on war increase, in hopes of shifting attention to war over the failure of governments and the central banking systems fostered.


    According to FT – the Japanese-owned platform in the City of London – has been forced to admit “the global energy order is being reshaped” with the inevitable rise of the petroyuan.

    These are Empire-controlled petrodollar freaks – so yes, they are in absolutely freak out mode.

    This shows that everyone and his neighbor has been reading the latest analyses by Credit Suisse superstar Zoltan Pozsar.

    Meanwhile Russia announced it’s reserves will be only in gold and Yuan, no Euro’s and no USD.

    Watch more more details to come out later this month



    1. John – I talked to a psychic several years ago and was blown away. I did not tell him anything about myself and out of the blew he said my father is here and gave me a message. He did not know what it meant but I did. No way he could have made something like that up. From personal experience, it is not that out there.


  5. https://www.today.com/food/mcdonald-s-encouraging-customers-get-vaccinated-t218032

    McDonald’s to use packaging to promote COVID-19 vaccines
    The fast food chain is partnering with the White House and encouraging its customers to get vaccinated.


    1. More brainwashing. Guess tv commercials are not enough since most people have turned to streaming services or no tv. Next thing you know they will be adding billboards all over.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Biden will fly in 30,000 migrants from Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti every month – but insists it will rapidly turn away any trying to cross the border: President will visit El Paso Sunday to address historic surge



  7. Liked by 2 people

  8. “Ancient cultures around the world spoke of a vast cycle of time with alternating dark and golden ages; Plato called it the Great Year. Most of us were taught in school that the dark ages were real but the golden age was just a universal myth. However, new scientific evidence suggest this cycle of high and low ages may have some basis in fact and Caltech is hot on the trail!”

    Anomalous Out-of-place Artifacts in our Present View of History

    Liked by 1 person

  9. It stops now. All mandates, all mRNA vaxxs need to go go. NOW.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Totally agree, welcome back, but how.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks.

        Last I looked it is categorically illegal to mandate any substance with a substantial safety signal. This f’er has them across the board. And the official organ of .gov just put out the data. Of course, it seems we have lost the Law the last 2 years…

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Good to see you post again Tino… hope you are well

      Liked by 1 person

      1. What’s good to see Tino, is the community behind you. Valued.

        Liked by 3 people

  10. Cloud coin
    The only digital currency you can store offline as a PNG file.
    No mining, no public ledger, no accounts needed
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    The RAIDA protocol gives CloudCoin physical integrity and makes it resistant to quantum computers.
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    No transactions are recorded. You can own CloudCoins without creating a wallet or account. You simply request new verification keys for your CC files.

    I heard the owner in an interview and thought I would share this.


  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Keep voting no conservative republicans. This guy is just a RINO!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Still after three days, the guy won’t step down. He lost!


    2. Rottenchilds and Soros fund this One World Govt Commie crap, takeover of America!


    3. Also Trump endorsed.


  12. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Congratulations to the first Neanderthal elected to the US Senate.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-kevin-mccarthy-speaker-vote-house-b2255922.html

    As usual, when the going gets rough the Heel Spurs Coward runs away. Politicos Trump is a Dump. Another mental case like Biden
    Next they will be heading West.

    TREASON: Gen. Mark Milley Hid Nuke Codes from Trump – Held Secret Calls with Chinese Defense Officials – Then Surrendered to Taliban and Armed Them with $80 Billion in US Weapons

    Why no Treason charges?

    Now do you not trust such leadership ???

    Not good news facing Ras Putin it seems.

    Putin facing ‘military catastrophe’, former defence minister warns https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11597799/Putin-facing-quick-military-catastrophe-former-Russian-defence-minister-warns.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Sadly, this is why our own PTB are ever more in favour of planned Population Reduction.Too many presumptive F Low Grade Mutants best gone!
    For sure, they have no idea what they wreak. Disposables.
    Moment people break through barriers to see New Year’s fireworks https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11589895/Moment-hundreds-people-break-barriers-New-Years-fireworks-London.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Correct he’s a total Asshole.



  15. Geez, I always thought this was only a dark comedy sci-fi. John Carpenter was telling us something back in the late eighties!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One of the best allegory movies ever…

      Liked by 1 person

  16. https://newspunch.com/world-economic-forum-declares-pedophiles-will-save-humanity/
    The World Economic Forum is now calling for the decriminalization of sex with children, arguing that laws against “age gap love,” more commonly known as pedophilia, “violate human rights.”


    1. An unelected Perverts Commie Coven. Parents have every right to want them Gone!
      Time to build an Appian Way in each nation. 3 Days to die, let them question why?
      Time for strong Leadership.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I never quite understood a Firing Squad… Those being fired upon are just standing there, that’s too easy! Why not let them run around to get some good practice in for our SWAT or Police? If they want easy targets, they can just go to the gun range!


        1. It’s intended to have them blasted by so many bullets and to compensate for those who miss.
          The Squad Commander goes over and shoots the body in the head to make sure he’s no Lazerus.
          Compulsory for all Pervs, Rapists and Kiddie Fiddlers.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. LOL… I get that. I just figure “why waste a training opportunity?” Head shot at the end would definitely be in order!

            This is coming from a person who saves dryer lint for fire kindling 🙂 and all of the veggie pieces I don’t use in a recipe to make vegetable broth.


  17. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/worst-ever-look-back-nancy-pelosis-disastrous-record-speaker-house-failures-decent-human/
    Most radical pro-abortion Speaker in US history
    ** Supported abortion up to the birth of the baby
    ** Supporter late-term abortion
    ** Frequently corrupted Bible verses to push her demented vision for America
    ** Ten times Nancy Pelosi repudiated her Catholic faith
    ** Pushed vicious lies – she knew were not honest – about President Trump and Russia
    ** Used government aircraft as a private taxi for family and friends
    ** Worst spender in US history
    ** Created the worst inflation rate in 40 years
    ** Left economy in shambles – worst bond-stock markets since 1871
    ** Increased taxes on working class
    ** Slandered the Tea Party
    ** Slandered Trump
    ** Slandered Trump voters
    ** Secretly decreased security at US Capitol on Jan 6th
    ** Refused National Guard on January 6th
    ** Lined up a film crew for January 6th
    ** Led war on fossil fuels
    ** Responsible for energy prices at record highs
    ** Pushed radical energy policies
    ** Worst gas prices ever
    ** Broke government
    ** Supported open borders
    ** Support sex education to grade schoolers and toddlers
    ** Pushed “voting rights act” to destroy elections in the US forever
    ** Pushed Obamacare – raised healthcare costs to record levels
    ** Led the Defund Police movement
    ** Supported BLM 2020 movement and riots
    ** Got rich with insider trading
    ** Escorted her family around the globe with her to seek business deals for personal wealth
    ** Perpetual liar

    These are just a few we can remember off the top of our heads.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yahoo!!! No more liz chaney or n pelosi!!! Except in the background and in others ears and to coerce others with dirt they have on them. Sheesh.

      Liked by 2 people

  18. So, Big Yawn what happened to the skies opening January 2nd for Okie Chump, Right Charlie, and that vast linked chain of failing Mommas and Flosom Pencil Dicks on Whakkie Bakkie?
    Show us the money losers. You said- Again!
    Losers Fantasists and Flakes. At least they can earn something in a Homos Whorehouse for Bums.
    Ben Dover! Wastes of Space, the lot.


    1. He’s like herpes, John. Once he arrives, he always shows up when you least expect it, and leaves nothing but the fear of showing up again.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Pencil Dick has no idea what it takes to get Forex Screen systems into a Bank, the Compliance, Systems Field Testing and levels of risk Banks will take on the currency.
        It’s Jungle Bunny Paper, start with Zero?
        We have Wakkie Bakkie Rope a Dope Okie,
        The Galactic Ambassador from a high density , low value Welfare type Estate in Arizona,
        A Spanish based ex London Bank Bag man married to a Circus Lady accustomed to Clowns.
        The ugly ex Jail Birds still getting Free Dinners!! from Suckers,
        Ragged Assed Broker Fantasists still Credit Surviving in Reno after losing the plot and lot,
        Some Lower versions of Herpes are curable, but the Reno lot proven Stupidity is for life.
        Now the Jerk above tells us another 24 hours.
        Living Proof, you can’t cure Stupid.
        But, it’s America. Look at Washington DC. Most AC/DC.
        So, in 2 more weeks when still nothing shows,
        Who cries time out in the Land of the Ho’s?
        Leave those types to the derelict old site , Russian Farm Animals, a Snail Farmer and Tokyo Rose.
        It seems like Herpes they are with us forever. Whacko’s who can’t close.


        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          Pencil dick has yet another outbreak:


          1. De F lussional.

            Liked by 1 person

  19. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hilarious! Both videos. Instead of sitting there laughing at the guys crack, I would have already been out the door in two seconds. Gross!


      1. Good decision because everyone knows Crack Kills!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes and that crack is an eye killer!


    2. Now Me I would have slipped onto the towel fast lying face up waiting for her to drop right onto the Gear stick facing up. Shimmied in faster than Danny de Vito. .

      Liked by 1 person

  20. MOSCOW, Dec 29 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law prohibiting the forced collection of biometrics, as well as discrimination against citizens who refused to hand it over, follows from a document on the official portal of legal information.

    The new law establishes the legal basis for processing biometrics for identification and authentication using the Unified Biometric System (UBS) or other information systems.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Good, objective reporting again on this. All the facts matter.


    1. Mark Moss also says that Bitcoin will be the only one to survive.


      1. Has anyone heard of cloud coin?


        1. Not me Biffie but do share. 🙂


  21. https://brownstone.org/articles/research-studies-affirm-naturally-acquired-immunity/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
    160 Plus Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Great article and good studies. Nice to know so many are studying this medical mess. I especially like #66.

      Liked by 2 people

  22. Cleveland Clinic researchers, led by physician and infectious disease specialist Dr. Nabin K Shrestha, conducted a large retrospective cohort study
    In a bombshell finding (but not surprising given growing data), the risk of COVID-19 increased with time since the most recent prior COVID-19 episode, and importantly, with the number of vaccine doses previously received.


  23. Bills NFL football safety Damar Hamlin collapses in game against Bengals; Dr. Ramin Oskoui cardiologist called me & sent me some data; Dr. McCullough has been screaming about this; JJ Watt
    “I watched the play live both as a fan and a cardiologist and I saw blunt neck and chest trauma, a brief recovery after the tackle and then a classic cardiac arrest. I have communicated to one of the most experienced trainers in the world and we agree that it was a cardiac arrest in the setting of a big surge of adrenalin. If Damar Hamlin indeed took one of the COVID-19 vaccines, then subclinical vaccine-induced myocarditis must be considered in the differential diagnosis. We have been told he was successfully defibrillated on the field and has been intubated and is not spontaneously breathing which is consistent with anoxic encephalopathy. The nation prays for his complete recovery.”


    1. This was a topic of conversation at dinner last night. My father “wants to know what’s really going on. Of course all of the ANTI-VAXXERS are ‘screaming’ that it’s the vax.” [He turns to his significant other who is a nurse] “So my daughter here…”

      I replied, “I don’t scream about it. No one listens when you scream. I just talk about what I have found during my OWN information searches… eventually people will hear and see and I’ll get to say ‘I told you so’.”

      Fortunately, it has really started to get to that point with my mom’s side of the family… siblings, also.

      I firmly believe in the after life. I really wish some of my loved ones who have passed recently would just come back and shake the shit out of the rest of us… The truth shall set you free! LOL

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Correct Amladenka but that takes refining mental processing. Enlightenment, the Final Frontier.

        Liked by 1 person

  24. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11585719/DoJ-concealing-documents-lay-bare-Hunter-Jim-Bidens-payoffs-China-Russia.html

    EXCLUSIVE: Justice Department is concealing 400 pages of ‘sensitive documents’ laying bare payoffs and gifts to Hunter


    1. Why is he not charged?


      Liked by 2 people

  25. A speaker of the house needs to be elected that is not in the pocket and puppet strings of the pelosi gang. A true GOP. Not a RINO!

    Liked by 2 people

  26. https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-prevent-protect/
    This is a link that was in the article that John posted on XBB.1.5 What you should know.
    Some very good information in this link to treat illness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have to keep Tino safe.

      Liked by 3 people

  27. XBB.1.5 – What You Should Know
    Highly mutated and immune evasive variant spreading rapidly

    Could Ukraine’s drone attack on Russian ships herald a new type of warfare? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/01/could-ukraines-drone-attack-on-russian-ships-herald-a-new-type-of-warfare
    WW11 started with Poland.Will 111?

    Subject: Hal Turner Radio Show – 15,000 Active-Duty Troops from Poland on the front lines in Ukraine!

    Once this widens it will be difficult to put the war genie back in bottle. While hesitant to raze the Ukraine, Poland may well find itself an exception to be made a example of.

    Happy New year to you !

    FYI .. unchecked England is gone. All these Pakkies and Wogs are killing our Island
    We need a Muzzi and Zio virus asap
    WAR FOOTING: Biden Regime Provided Real-Time Sensitive Targeting Information to Kill Russian Generals

    A crash dummy in charge of a ship of fools is bound to run aground. Do not think the 300 Russians killed in their beds today were not US targeted. We wait for the Russian response. There is no way the attack would have come otherwise and it makes for the greatest one day loss so far away from front lines.


    WAR FOOTING: Biden Regime Provided Real-Time Sensitive Targeting Information to Kill Russian Generals
    Is The United States Poised To Lose The Second Cold War? – A Son of the New American Revolution

    Sometimes, one has to look far into the horizon to see what comes. Yes, the WEF is finished! History will write 2022 was their high point. Because with waning US hegemony the globalist plan to use America as the battering ram against Russia first and then China has shown itself to be a hollow threat. Unless the ship of fools led by crash dummy wants a nuclear exchange in which case they will lose regardless, and more than their heads. And the majority of the world will not wept. Countries like Switzerland have already awakened to the ills of unchecked immigration and have started to revolt by limiting such foolishness to the point of being willing to severe relationships and treaties. They will not be the last as nations seek to survive. Even in places like Florida, real money is starting to think about moving. When billionaires tell you they are leaving, and leaving behind their over priced mansions, one should take note.
    Yes, there will be a rest within the next decade as a new order comes into being as various players race for positions on the board from Indonesia to India to China and of course Russia. This in turn causes a fierce realignment of nations and interest.
    Already, it is clear that money is repositioning itself to ride out the storms coming because of the change of hegemony. The fact is that Western arms have failed to perform against Russia. And contrary to propaganda by western media the rest of the world sees through the fog being fed to the West.
    Choices are simple as to what train one wants to board just as it is practicable how the world will change as a result. As we enter this new year, forget the the past, keep the memories and plan for the future realities that will come even if we deny their occurrence.

    Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum: The New Fascism – Slay News

    The WEF lost its’ potential when it became apparent America could not win against Russia. Even a nuclear exchange will not change the reality. However, this sad pretense of leadership will continue to force absurd policies and threats whenever they can until the day they too are history. Marxism is failure of ideology and this grand vision of a failed philosophy will also end in failure, simply because it failed to take into account human nature. The notion that you will own nothing and be happy is absurd. And to think that China and Russia will roll over for such failed philosophy is naive at best. As is the rank of followers who were conned or bought off to join in a senseless parade.
    The question will be how the public will hold this crowd to account?

    Announcement: Collapsing Conspiracy Cover-Ups?, by Ron Unz – The Unz Review

    A promising future denied to America and the rest of the world.

    Why TF is the world so IGNORANT?

    Subject: The PfizerGate Scandal: A Shocking tale of a Global Government Plot to hide the COVID Vaccine’s Immune System Destruction – The Expose

    Crazy business

    The PfizerGate Scandal: A Shocking tale of a Global Government Plot to hide the COVID Vaccine’s Immune System Destruction

    The High Cost Of Blowing Up The World: Ukraine & The 2023 NDAA |

    Insanity on steroids

    How COVID Vaccines Cause Cancer

    How does one say enough ?


    How COVID Vaccines Cause Cancer
    Wait A Second! Merkel Did What? | ZeroHedge

    No One believes NATO or any European leader any more!
    As for American foreign policy, it is in tatters. If China takes the global hegemony lead, it will be due to sheer incompetence and stupidity of a West that allowed unfit leadership to exist. Putting the western world we have known to rest. It matters not in country hegemony or corporate existence, incompetence destroys standing



  28. The Daily Sceptic (https://dailysceptic.org/2023/01/01/unprecedented-vaccine-disaster-an-interview-with-professor-masanori-fukushima/)
    “Unprecedented Vaccine Disaster”: An Interview with Professor Masanori Fukushima
    On November 25th there occurred a singularly rare event in the ongoing COVID-19 saga – truth was spoken to power.

    Liked by 2 people

  29. https://postmillennialnews.com/7YNuOO

    California ‘sanctuary state’ law for ‘trans kids’ takes effect
    “No questions asked, no real mental health assessment, minimal
    diagnosis, and no parental consent.
    Wiener originated the bill in January of 2021 and it passed the California legislature over the summer. Weiner has also brought forward bills that relaxes laws for the sex offender registry, puts biological males in women’s prisons, and has worked to decriminalize those who infect others with HIV after not telling them of their positive status. Weiner also supports public heroin injection sites and decriminalizing prostitution.


  30. Kaira McCallum, JP filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court over Britain’s harsh #vaccine mandate.


    UK judge removed from bench after opposing government on COVID-19 vaccine | Frontline News


  31. Growing rumours that Ellon Musk may run to split the Presidency vote, it didn’t stop Soetoro as a non natural born, at least Musk knows his Gender. A Trump / Biden face off is too bad to be true. America badly needs Clean Skins in the race not 2 Skanks.
    It’s worrying that either runs again, each belongs in Jail. Deservedly, both Scumbags.
    Many Americans have the ability, just non front running in Politics. The GOP needs to boot Trump.
    Selling Pardons pardons to Convicted Jewish Criminals, he is not fit for Office. A Loathsome Slag.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Get Trump and Biden to follow.


  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Putin wishes us a happy new year, and won’t allow gay pride parades and lessons on the joy of gay anal sex being taught to children in the Donbas, ensuring their national existence, while the West can’t define what a woman is.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Putin’s video above enlightens. Well worth watching.

      Liked by 1 person

  33. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/excerpts-democrat-english-dictionary-updated-2023
    Here are just a few:

    Ableism: the idea that ability, competence, achievement, and merit are somehow better than their opposites. A disgusting remnant of a White, patriarchal society that must be eviscerated with all due haste.

    Dr. Fauci: a God-like figure who actually exists, and selflessly serves humanity in the blessed name of “science.” Hallowed be His name and peace be upon Him forever and ever. Amen.

    Extremist: someone who disagrees with a Democrat.

    Fascist: someone who disagrees with a Democrat.

    Illegal aliens (more properly called “undocumented immigrant”): downtrodden and oppressed, these people must be allowed free access into our country and the freedom to go wherever they like, in any quantity, without restraint. They bring much needed diversity and skill sets to our land.

    Man: though there is no currently agreed on definition for this amorphous term, all can agree that testosterone-fueled toxic masculinity — and the patriarchy — are very bad things indeed.

    Woman: there is no currently agreed on definition for this amorphous term.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Biffie
      Add that a Democrat, sadly post JFK, is someone who perverts Democracy and Children.
      Obumma doesn’t know if he’s Arthur or Marther, the Clintons were disgusting, Nancy’s husband got bashed up by a Homo he invited home. Bribe taking Biden and loathsome Son Hunter, belong in Jail., and the party is riddled with low and loathsome scumm and scammers .
      As for illegals and Crime, rapes etc, hello?
      Sadly, how America has changed.

      Liked by 2 people

  34. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/top-15-visited-stories-gateway-pundit-year-2022/
    I especially like this one:
    3. REPORT: Tens of Billions of US Dollars Were Transferred to Ukraine and then Using FTX Crypto Currency the Funds Were Laundered Back to Democrats in the US – November 12


  35. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-fireworks-new-years-eve-2022-queen-ukraine-sadiq-khan-nicola-sturgeon-judi-dench-b1050207.html

    A colossal fireworks display.

    Be CLEAR, Trump paid no Taxes because he made no Profits, he’s a Loser as we keep stating. A Grifter, Delusional and a Skank. Trump has a lower IQ than Forrest Gump, and less Ethics.
    It mystifies us all in the West why he’s still even in play. He’s a Shyster and Creep.
    Don Jr lost money and the Kushner’s Crime family used him to steal the Golan Heights and to free multiple long term convicted Jewish Criminals for money. Truly a disgusting low life. The Founders would turn in their graves. He’s repulsive.
    This is the Scum and human filth we are letting loose as Illegals here. We need a Public one week hunting license, shoot all we can and no retribution. Sweden and the Czechs need to clear the Russians out. Degrading Human Farmyard filth.

    Boy, 13, is allegedly raped at hotel for refugees in Waltham Forest https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11388857/Boy-13-allegedly-raped-hotel-refugees-Waltham-Forest-man-30s-arrested.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Beyond interesting to read again an article I created and authored so many years ago. Still nothing has changed, but look at how we were challenging reality.
    Now the torch has passed to WHA.


  36. Confidential documents reveal that within months of receiving the initial doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, some individuals are developing Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED).
    And as if that weren’t alarming enough, official documents also prove that a mysterious form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is also appearing in a disturbing number of recipients just five months after their initial injections.

    Confidential Pfizer and Government Documents confirm ADE, VAED, and AIDS due to COVID-19 Vaccination have led to Millions “Dying Suddenly” & still counting


  37. Check out this interview with Gerry Vanden Bossche – he has been developing vaccines for decades and he is very concerned about this one, says we are setting humanity up for disaster. He is putting his reputation on the line. It can be found on YouTube – Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic or go to http://bit.ly/GeertV


    1. This guy is a frickin weasel, liar, fraud, and even when he “retires” he is not going away. Like n pelosi and obummer, he will just be in the background.


  38. Selective Depopulation critical thinking. Visibly services are now failing and the system is tanking. We can’t afford Hotels, homes, Health care, Education and Crime waves, resulting from the masses of unwanted illegals.
    Nor the mindless, bubble blowing vacant eyed and mindless Grunts believing they are going to be freely availed of Trillions in a reset for fund their Dumb asses, and to pad more Welfare Butts.
    There is no money, nor Will to fund the Grunts. Nor intent.
    A month from now, look back at the Cretins and put the lot on Whackie Bakkie.
    Why waste time thinking or debating Grunt fantasies. Mutts. They need Santa on Coke. So not happening.
    Even retirees soon face a Come to Jesus meeting and funds depleting fast by living too long.
    Factor in the Jabs are now a political tool to Off the Wasters by refining selective jabs.
    The Vaxxes negate the need for more taxes. Even a 20 % Grunt reduction will ease pressures.
    Grunts dreaming rights as they get called into the night. Pension funds Execs will welcome the need not to feed. Vacuous empty cranial space leaves these delusionals taking up Air time. Change is in progress, how to Cull.


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