White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #186

From Londinium Comes A Message Of Hope

Interesting developments in the Elders Saga. Real world!

The Chinese Elders, US Treasury and UN, along with the World Bank are now close to agreeing to phased steps for initial releases.

1. First Projects are being phased for Africa. Greatest need!
2. London will become the Epicenter for Elders’ Financing and control, as well as both their UN and Commonwealth proliferation.
3. We will assess Crypto holdings. No more can be said until done.
4. A sizeable Global operation is phased to grow once adequate London Infrastructure has been accomplished and funded to cope with the needs forecast. We will be using our existing US Partner Operations to coordinate with the US Treasury and UN. All is yet to be signed off and will take time. US Treasury links is the point of interest. As is the parallel UN. Elders already have key UN roles. As do the Chinese.

While details cannot be publicized, it’s progressing. A step at a time and a huge historical investment.

Trust is earned. Hard earned. NY has been bypassed for Fiscal control. The British Trust wins.
The first steps towards Global rebalancing and a better world. Relationship Banking. Hope for Africa. British Ethics to protect all. British Managed Wealth for the Common People. Zionist shielded.

Green shoots.

Stay tuned.


716 responses to “Information Briefing #186”

  1. Please add me to the list of subscribers.

    Thank You,

    Phyllis Liggins Johnson


    1. Hi Phyllis.
      You are already subscribed since April of 2022. Check your spam folder for any missing notices from us.



  2. I have no words…


  3. Complete utter insanity. Ship of the Insane Clown Fools…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Frieda:
    Thank you John for your kind goodwill as we return and hope for always. Our two countries united as one can change the world for better.
    Gott Mit Uns


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Next year thank me at 2 in the morning in London. Then at 3, 4, 5 and 6.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Our 2 countries united as one has my interest. Lol


  5. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Now you are closing in on the real dichotomy facing us Tino.
      A giant Empirical train wreck is unfolding. Rabid claws.
      Be assured, post the Elders GS and BRICs, London strategy will be to default these Zio Fs right out of the game by Crash defaulting the lot. Not just a crash but a head smash and a new game board minus the Mongol Hoards. We can save the rest but must atomise the Khazarian Pestilence. Sorry but, the Ho has to go. Thrown out by the Snout with nothing. A Wailing Wall, the lot nailed on by their Balls. We don’t get a ” Little Bit Pregnant” letting the Yid in! They are an Anal assault on Democracy. Look minus societies blinkered vision at who controls America today. They now ARE the Deep State! All the rest is Kabuki. We know as we play our own Pawns on the board. Who’s who and who’s in the Zoo.
      Time beyond time to Sanitise!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Liked by 1 person

  7. As ever Trump is witch hunted with vengeance.


    So now the Rodents want one of their own in?

    Prince Andrews fat, toesucking wife Fat Fergie has run up c17 millions in a Companies losses yet still syphones money to buy her own 5m house as Andrew crashes.
    Interesting conjecture the Devil is IN the Vatican as Religions collapse. Soul values now are what?


    YES to this Schif t storm for this crap

    Good the treacherous pair need drowning in excreta.
    Its tough on Russia.

    Of course China covets Russia’s lands.

    Dune is coming, Spice will splce minds.

    Dune waiting!

    Carbon credit.


    Dumping on Kayleigh is INSANITY! She’s been BEYOND his brains for years.

    Time to clear the Illegals from the borders.

    NO eyes, no lies, just loving truth.

    Let me share Calm with you.

    Frieda, the day will come. Klein Englanders.

    Frieda, it carried us through. We gift it to you all as Allies. All Aryans and Teutonics stand as one. We will not go into the night.


    It should have been used long ago.



  8. A new verb euphemism has entered the language: To boycott a company on its woke LGBTQ+BBQ+JDUXZetc agenda is to “Bud-Lite them” or to engage in “Bud-Lighting”

    Now, if we can only raise the consciousness of other, much more important issues…

    Liked by 2 people

  9. It will be high time, soon… to:

    Liked by 1 person

  10. https://www.politico.eu/article/covid19-european-commission-ursula-von-der-leyen-pfizer-the-eu-and-disappearing-ink/

    Pfizer, the EU, and disappearing ink
    The European Commission has systematically blocked scrutiny of its COVID-19 vaccine deal with Pfizer. This week’s update to the contract is no different.


  11. A recent study showed that masks caused carbon dioxide poisoning, by increasing carbon dioxide levels ranging from 1.4% to 3.2% while wearing a mask.
    The U.S. Navy cites 0.3% and 0.5% as nearing toxic levels and 0.04% as normal levels from fresh air.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Here we go. More ways for the woke to pick on the norm.


  12. “It became clear as far back as 2016 that two charities, Stonewall and Mermaids, were closely involved in the sudden rise in the number of young people asking for treatment for what was described as ‘gender dysphoria’. They wanted to change their sex.”

    JENNI MURRAY: True scandal over trans children has been laid bare at last
    At last, the truth is out there


  13. Dr. Harvey Risch Schools Maine Medical Board on Big Pharma’s Grip on Journals

    Speaking in defense of suspended physician Dr. Meryl Nass during her medical board hearing, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology Harvey Risch testified to the Maine Medical Board about how the medical journals make their money.

    “Pharma spends a lot of advertising money in medical and clinical journals. And that advertising, just as it does in lay media, creates a dependency on that revenue for the journal,” he denoted

    “Many journals make very little money on the publication process,” Dr. Risch continued. “In fact, some of them are negative even on the publication process.”

    “And so, they’re stuck with having to follow the demands of their funders, the advertisers, lest they lose that advertising budget …”

    Hear more from Dr. Harvey Risch’s testimony on #CHDTV:



    1. It figures. I stopped watching regular tv a long time ago. Most of the ads were pharm drugs and illness and side effects of taking the drugs. Sounds like magazines and journals have the same issue to stay afloat. Their way or no way.


  14. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      As I expected.


    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


  15. https://palexander.substack.com/p/can-human-dna-be-pulled-from-air
    Can human DNA be pulled from air around us? That is, not from a sample taken from you? Yes, scientists Can Now Pull Human DNA From Air and Water, Raising Privacy Questions; is this ethical? consent?


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      It will help the Cyrus Virus zone in and attack. It’s only time to cull these Swine.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Was there ever a Viral Pestilence Ho more deserving to go. We need Russia, China and Iran focused on research to create Armageddon for this lot head on. A war on the Whore.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Creepy, there is no escape.


  16. Three New China-Russia-Iran and Iraq Agreements Confirm The New Oil Market Order | OilPrice.com

    While this is article worth reading in entirety, a major takeaway is that Both Russia and China do understand the value of ports and airports. Especially when Iranian Oil is bought for a 44% discount to stated market pricing.
    Imagine that China is buying 44% below spot and 30% below on Russian oil. Does one not wonder why they are a low cost producer??? This is at a time when The Ship of Fools pays market prices for oil while draining strategic Reserves which can never be replaced at the prices oil was originally bought for. Spending non recoverable wealth on an ill advised conflict with Russia using Ukraine as an expendable proxy.
    Complete delusion rules in America today as not only is spending not sustainable, lifestyle in America is headed for a readjustment as practical realities come home to roost. No nation can afford such differentials in oil cost as energy cost is a function of everything in an economy. Lose that and everything else will be forced to decline in order to compete or even have value in consumption based economies. And clearly the idea of being a low cost producer of anything is lost.
    Following America as the West, will lead to economic wastelands as Economies fail. America is now , sadly, nothing but a Sodomised War Machine, a wasteline of Culture, and lost!


    Russia Claims U.S. Is Creating A Bird Flu Pathogen With A 40% Mortality Rate In Humans | SHTF Plan

    For Gods sake refine it to focus on Kike. East the Host with the most. Ho to go.
    Crazy business.


    Kenyan president backs Pan-African payment system — RT Africa

    America is being Hollowed out.

    FYI … a growing sentiment it seems



    Tess Summers 🇬🇧🇮🇪 on Twitter: “Ireland: 200,000 cows to be culled in order to meet climate targets They want us all cold and starving so that they can have complete control over us. https://t.co/CaITfgvWuM” / Twitter

    Dumb? Having lived there for 3 years, I can assure you, the Cattle are smarter! It needs to be a testing ground for a Modified Cyrus virus. A Dumb animals test before the final refined tweak.


  17. Making some progress

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Inge is helping lift the hinge.


  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Of course.


  19. (Natural News) In a recent appearance on “Ask Dr. Drew,” celebrity journalist A. J. Benza revealed that Jamie Foxx was rendered blind and partially paralyzed after taking a covid-19 vaccine jab that was demanded of him by a film studio.

    Benza reveals that the entire media establishment is lying about Foxx’s condition in order to cover up the truth about vaccine dangers.

    The fact that we have not seen any video from Foxx himself, declaring himself to be healthy and fine, in his own words, indicates that Foxx has suffered a severe medical catastrophe after taking the vaccine jab.


  20. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      It just needs and takes One- Step.!


  21. The Chinese have apparently decided that there is no point in talking to the United States. It would be reasonable to assume that they have reached the same conclusion as the Russians, which is that the governments of Clown World are agreement-incapable.

    China has rejected Washington’s proposal that their respective defense chiefs meet this week, the Pentagon said on Monday. The news comes amid a renewed diplomatic spat between the two countries.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There is something afoot.

      The Air Force bases in my area are maneuvering constantly now. Overhead in the last few days have been Blackhawks, Cobras, Ospreys, C-130s, a few F-18s and some older Hueys. The Cobras fly so low they rattle the teeth out of your head.

      I have increased my MREs, water cisterns, generator fuel and cooking gear as of late. Someone in the West wants a war with Russia and China. And it’s not the general populous.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. The Dark Herald observes horrors beyond your imagination at Disney World, which is to say, trans-princesses for Pride month.

    [begin quote]
    Mickey the Franchise Cannibal Rat is now devouring his own. This is exactly why I was laughing my ass off when various content monkeys started to claim with perfect conviction that Disney was getting rid of the Woke. That was impossible. Not given the board of directors it has and not given Bob Iger’s personal inclinations that he is now too old to successfully hide anymore.

    When we snarl about Pedo-Mouse this is exactly the kind of s we are talking about. It’s not just Princess Poppers greeting the kids at the door. Apparently pixie-dust can now change little boys into little princesses if they have the kind of mother who should have been forcibly sterilized before graduating college. What should be a very special day for a little girl is now the Disney Princess Drag Race. Do you have a perfectly normal little girl? Disney can fix that for you! With the right horrors implanted where cherished memories should have been, she’ll be a fat-shaven-headed bisexual activist before she graduates from grade school! That’s the Disney Magic!!!
    [end quote]


  23. We look forward to the new portfolio Tony and we had quite a laugh reading some of those memes and tweets you shared as you cleared them from your files! lol

    Frieda we share your concerns and wish you the best on your first childs birth.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Glad you enjoyed it. I dumped tons more but did not post them all. It would have taken up the entire thread for a week. I have to say…society has one interesting assortment of views and opinions. Some of them are so wild in imagination that I can only shake my head, and some could probably contribute better things if they would point their energies in a better direction.

      Whatever…the universe does not revolve around me or bend to my will. I just cruise through the solar system on this ball of rock and make my way like everyone else and pay my taxes like the simple citizen I am.

      Liked by 1 person

  24. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



    1. He is just another tool, or is really naive and uninformed.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Democrats! Look how they sorted JFK!. Irish to go!


  25. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Only a SICK DEGRADED EVIL SCUMBAG adult would do this to a child. The Frankfurt School’s legacy of perversion is alive and well on our soil. The legacy of a failure to destroy it in total when the chance was there. The Hitler Youth may have burned down the Frankfurt School, but they let the staff escape, which was a big mistake.

    The faster that CYRUS VIRUS is applied, the better.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/lifestyle/travel/airline-start-weighing-passengers-before-30109627

    Hah love it for sure gross obesity should be charged by the lb of flab. No flab on our tab!
    PolitiFact – Kevin McCarthy questioned whether House should expel Adam Schiff, but didn’t call for his removal – https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/may/30/instagram-posts/kevin-mccarthy-questioned-whether-house-should-exp/

    Take him out and kick him out damn it. Shifty Schiff is UNFIT for Office.
    Check out this article:

    Really? And just what is the US doing sticking its unwanted nose in there?
    China needs to shoot them out of the skies.

    The world is waking up to this pernicious species.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Frieda:
    Thank you again for continuing good will towards us John and I hope all your hard work is having the results you want. I play your German patriotic marches to my husbands delight. Those older West German soldiers did not have the spark and spirit of the former Reich and marched like corpses. Even worse now like half awake drunk men. But those marches are eternally in us.

    We are making progress in many areas to restore pride in nations and people, other areas continue to decline. Italy is showing improvement in many ways but still facing invasions. Once you are done with your African work, and good luck with that!, we await your best efforts in our own lands where they invade and erase our heritage.
    You talk of a cyrus virus needed. ha! Forget lower Africa that place is hopeless. Work on the virus faster. Doing that will calm the world alone. Behave but I love your bad boy humor yes it keeps me smiling.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar


      I need to check your heart beat.


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      If we can clear the Elders priorities London has ever more authority and freedom then.
      We know what is needed across Europe. In all our nations.
      If Real Project Funding can then be allocated for Germany, and others, the big question will be, will 100,000 Germans march for and with us? Plus the Bands and Erika.
      Will they rise, will they stand? It’s the only way to keep your Land.

      Pride and belief inside. Is the heart there? Any city with 100,000 Patriots bearing down on it, will rise to the Call, or see each nation fall. It’s the same across all our countries. Do we all Stand for our Land?
      Is your Homeland worth Defending? Patriots, defend it or lose it. Will they march and lift the nations? This will not be invading any nation, but uniting to keep them free.
      MLK marched for Freedom in America. To be Free in their own land. Will they March, will they Stand? Freedom is Not Free. Will they fight, to keep that right?
      Have they got the Pride and Will?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Frieda:
        We would suggest you consider Italy as a starting post. They are far more organized along national lines and one video posted earlier showing their men openly challenging to ANTIFA to come and fight. ANTIFA are communists and we know who backs them yes? Germany is in need yes but our country is tied down by a past so badly misunderstood that any attempts by our real men to organize openly against the destruction of our lands would be stopped by our useless girly men politicos who take orders from Jewry.
        But you are the leader of your effort and we respect that John. Do as you must and we will remain patient and do what we have to do here. Apologizing in advance if we talk ahead of things outside our knowing and that was not the intention. Only you know of what you are doing in the details and we do not know but only try to align with it.
        WE once showed the world that a country can come back from deep hopelessness using only the labor and resources it has joined with their brightest minds and without going into debt to bloodsuckers of nations. You by all we see are attempting to displace these inhuman parasites and get countries the world over to do the same and there is no more noble a cause for man than to free his fellows from such predation.
        God bless you John and all who work with you.
        And now I have to rest as Inge is making me stop dictations for today. And yes my heart is beating and faster when you make me laugh and smile! 🙂
        Gott Mit Uns

        Liked by 1 person

        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


          Please know that your concerns are understood, as are the concerns of all here. As you can see and has been demonstrated, all have a voice here who are here. As such, WHA is what the readers make it, in large part.

          Know that changes are coming to WHA and I will be shifting my focus to hopefully benefit the readership as we wait for the big players to reveal to us what they have been working on in such secrecy for so very long. Whatever the readership feels is important to share, can be shared here, and I will not attempt to suppress anyone’s feelings or opinions on appropriate topics.

          I think all here have done a fantastic job in pointing out the true sources of harmful elements which undermine humanity’s basic desire for peace and security. And as a German you no doubt must feel some pride in your ancestors’ struggle for self-determination as a nation. I am quite sure that those who are working on the GS want that for all the nations of the world, to be who they want to be and at the same time get along with all who are also unique and deserve to be left as such.

          For now before I shift my work focus here, I hope you and all the rest who follow our work will feel welcomed and encouraged to contribute and participate. It is not easy dwelling in a free space which sometimes forces people to see and hear things they have been sheltered from by a social veneer of fake varnish, but the alternative is far more harmful – to sell them on a façade set up to sooth their hurt feelings or shelter their poor sensitivities from the harshest of life’s horrors will not equip them to deal with it. Only to run from it.

          You of all people, as politically active and determined as you are, certainly are aware of this, as are those working on the GS, who did not get to their stations in life by playing patty cake-patty cake.

          Take care of yourself, stay in touch, and know that we will bring forward as much information on the key subject matter we are fortunate to be in tune with, as we can. Our readers deserve to know just what kind of world we live in. One only learns that by looking in places where some try to hide from you. You work hard for what you believe in, and are one of the most active of our readers in political activities. I hope more will do so, no matter their country or nationality.



    1. And it definitely should be banned.


  28. john2020vision Avatar

    If only this were the Cyrus Virus
    Ho who need to go!


  29. Never forget. They lied. We knew in 2005 that SARS was affected by HCQ


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Sadly thats been true for decades.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        It’s going to become a Western Pandemic.
        Health care cannot cope, will not cope and will be empiric with consequences.
        Society risks imploding akin to the Great Plague. Who will store the bodies or fund the funeral costs?
        Families will not cope.
        Who knows the fertility costs as yet? Or dare you question?


  30. This is gripping!… extremely healthy athlete commits suicide after his vaxx injuries… his owns words are here…
    10 SWIMMERS collapsing suddenly dying and one killing themselves, having taken the mRNA technology COVID based gene injection; why is the media silent?


    1. Men, psychologically, are what we do. To be as diminished by the vaxx, and not have any support structure that understood the depth of the impact, the outcome was somewhat inevitable.


  31. Like

  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I hope the Elders are aware of fallout shelter locations.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Only max 5 can fit in each Public Lavatory.


  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  34. Send back ALL Illegals.

    Reverse Engineering Truth.

    What can go wrong WILL!

    Post RV we will come again!

    This is pretty accurate

    Game over soon. Big Busts

    We keep warning you of this. Its impossible!

    20,000% Increase in Retinal Eye Damage Following COVID-19 Vaccination – Vaccine Impact

    It’s never ending.

    And you wondered why people have Vision issues ???
    Just do not tell them it was the jabs, because they will not believe


    Scientists prove Graphene Nanobots are in the Covid Jabs & are being transmitted from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated – The Expose

    Crazy business! What did you expect?

    Scientists prove Graphene Nanobots are in the Covid Jabs & are being transmitted from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated

    The WHO Will Have Authority to Mandate Vaccines Globally

    Expect no less.

    It is insane to allow interest groups to direct such narrative via mandated vaccines.
    Watch for the BRICS to lead the charge to Kick out the WHO from their countries. The Agencies too!




    Go for Biden

    China can not bail you.

    The best news for time for America to rebuild is the liquidity crisis already underway in China. And the bad news is that with this comes unemployment which means the government there will seek means to divert attention away form domestic troubles and civil unrest.

    Why China Can’t Pull the World Out of a New Great Depression

    © William Engdahl 16 May, 2023

    Over the past two decades since China was admitted into the WTO, its national industrial base has made unprecedented strides to emerge as the world’s leading economic producer in many major areas. The academic debates over whether China’s GDP is larger than that of the USA are misplaced. GDP is largely worthless as a measure of a real economy. When measured in real physical economic production, China has left the USA and everyone else in the dust. Therefore, the future course of industrial production in China is vital to the future of the world economy. Globalization of the world economy made it so.



    1. On China’s industrial production, give me a break.


      Our buildings literally do not fall over:

      Or cities without people… in a country that wants to drop its population by 25%…

      I tried to find pictures of the railroad disasters and the road washouts but Google has them scrubbed. What’s the point of a bullet train if its rail routinely washes out?

      Not a single pre-cursor chemical for drugs is at a level of acceptable purity. Even actual drugs are not quality acceptable. We are having drug shortages in the United States and point blank refusing to accept China-made drugs.

      Electronics? What electronics? We’ll talk about that when and if they annex South Korea. And good luck with that, since that’s not going to play out according to script.

      Social credit idiocy and surveillance AI? Unsurprisingly much blander than advertised, generally economically crippling and a useless, better-sleep-for-the-dictator nonsense that is a lot trouble which the average man routes around.

      Organ transplants? You got me there, then again we don’t do live-human-organ-harvesting. That alone is reason enough to burn Beijing with a 10-megaton warhead and then hit it again, just to be sure.


  35. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  36. Like

  37. Disney and Pixar’s “Elemental,” an all-new, original feature film set in Element City, where fire-, water-, land- and air-residents live together. The story introduces Ember Lumen, a tough, quick-witted and fiery young woman, whose friendship with a fun, sappy, go-with-the-flow guy named Wade Ripple challenges her beliefs about the world they live in. Directed by Peter Sohn, produced by Denise Ream, and featuring the voices of Leah Lewis and Mamoudou Athie as Ember and Wade, respectively, “Elemental” releases on June 16, 2023.

    Call me a conspiracy theorist, but a Disney movie naming the 2 main characters after XLM and XRP?

    The brotherhood is providing a tell.


  38. To hell with all the modern s***.

    To Catch a Thief with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly is entertainment tonight.


  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    During the course of administering the site I have been sent, collected, or otherwise in some fashion acquired a great deal of memes, pics, posts, archived tweets, etc. I sometimes share it, and other times defer certain content simply to not be overtly crude or harsh. Not everything I personally post is endorsed, believed in, wondered about or even cared for. I just feel we all should take in the social vibe to be aware of just what your fellow earthlings are on about.

    I was going to purge the cast-off rejected content as I get ready to administer the new portfolios (which are getting closer to release), as there will be less time for me to engage in commentary or manage heavy inflows of such media at times. That I will leave to all of you while I bring alternative paths for personal opportunity if one should care to partake.

    But rather than delete it all, I will simply post it here…as irreverent, rude, insulting, hard to experience, triggering, traumatizing or offensive it may be. If you are hurt by this, then I would imagine you just showed up. So, let us dispose of these.

    The Empire thanks you for your service.
















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  42. Lifted from Erin Elizabeth:

    If you want an idea of the dark & sinister forces behind the war on Hydroxychloroquine – just look at what they are doing to Dr. Didier Raoult in France.

    Dr. Raoult administered HCQ/Ivermectin + Azithromycin to sick covid patients – in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration in 2013 (23),

    He published the results of his work with the data public & auditable.


    The results show he reduced deaths by 70% – treating 23,172 patients, and on the numbers he saved around 900 lives amongst those he treated.

    So you’d think he’d be in line for a medal, but instead the malfeasant & corrupt health bureaucrats in France -who let thousands die so they could push Big Pharma’s experimental shots – want to see him punished”. — Craig Kelly


    1. Like

  43. Like

  44. john2020vision Avatar

    America, sadly, is totally subjugated to Israel and Jewish Claws. They syphon the life blood out of the natIon. Oath of Allegiance FFS! Exodus- the Lot! Come Eurasia, they are gone!


    1. I have never wanted a continent to come so badly.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Or Dolly and 10K of her kind Lol


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Time to expand Bavaria.


          1. john2020vision Avatar

            Be assured, behind Closed Doors, there is a depth of dialogue when the time comes to separate the lot from their Claws.
            Total sequestration of all of their assets, and Deportation, or the Rail Track station.
            China has ways of dealing with Dissidents. We will align cognitive dissidence of the Faeces species. All Ho to go!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. john2020vision Avatar

              Only ablution can remove this pollution.


              1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  45. In time, we will make these doctors and surgeons pay… one way or another…

    These crimes will be recognized, will be acknowledged, and given restitution is impossible, justice will be served.


  46. Like

    1. The Factor and it’s coming to an area near you! Join O Bama and say section 8 housing!


  47. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Ad don’t you say anything about it, goy.


  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And who owns both??


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Vermin seed. How many nations Deported them?
      Abort not deport. Hit the Demon seed.


  49. I think, methinks, that it is time to truly start Nuremberg 2 with this bunch of utterly retarded, dare I use the word — scientists….

    COVID outbreak at CDC gathering infects 181 disease detectives
    Nearly all of the attendees were vaccinated, but 70% said they didn’t mask.
    by BETH MOLE – 5/30/2023, 1:03 PM


    1) No Stupid, the PCR test is useless as a screen, none of you have COVID
    2) Let’s us say, arguendo, you do have COVID, do you want to admit that given vaxx status???
    3) You have to know that masking is completely ineffective. So who the F gives if 70% if them didn’t mask. Is this some cult ritual response — a mea culpa – I got sick because I didn’t mask bs?


  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Racism…it has to be racism.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There is a reason why European fairy tales are appealing. Precisely because the characters you seen in them ARE European!!!


  51. The next company to get targeted….


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      The entire West is now targeted Tino. Goyims to go!


  52. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Scratch one Ukrainian tank and all but one crispy crew. I think it’s a German-made Leopard 2. At that range, you can’t miss.


  53. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Nothing like adding insult to injury…


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Zio Jews despotic Claws!


    1. h/t our Discord channel


  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. And this is the mild public takedown. I got a few messages and live-streams from friends out West. Let’s just say if it were possible to melt a bitstream across Wifi and laser streams, it would have been a scientific first. The anger in voices for the woke pos that is the Dial of Destiny is extreme. Even with the ‘unf’ed ending…

      What a tragic ending to the Indy franchise…


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Its gone the way of Kike Central.


        1. Like

          1. john2020vision Avatar

            Above is correct unless Cyrus gets there first.


  55. Jew F Kraine Israel covets this poor nation’s lands. As do the a Khazarian Mafia behind its Zionist Puppet


    England simply NEEDS to get RID of the free loading Scots, Welsh and Irish.
    They are nothing but bottomless Welfare Pits. Enough is enough. Let them keep themselves. Cut their hooks.



    Interject REALITY FFS wake up- the Gullible Fantasists. Man Made! Myths!

    Truth on Bio Labs coming out on the BIden, Obama and the funding by America

    Slowly the seriously dumbed down West is getting the truth.

    Talk about losing Global creditability as a nation in all manner of affairs.


    YES we will forgive when he ditches the Bolting User. She’s no Cinderella just an ugly sister.


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