White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #168

The Legitimate Dynastic Elders And Goals of Their Releases  

This is a complex, multifaceted, multi-nation, multi-Banking, and Global Power Control Dichotomy. All have their Say and want to be in the final Game play. 

We now have Rockefellers, the Crown via the Committee of 300, and the Elders in full play. Representatives are there right now, as parties try to reach a consensus with so many self seeking special interests. One which will cater for the ever changing new Global Dynamics. With the emergence of Cryptos, Blockchain, the growing Global preference for Euros over USD, and incoming QFS, the Zionist Old Guard is seeking to hook their Claws onto something, or all will be swept away. Their problem in the new world incoming, is there is no real role for them to play or dominate. Nor a need. Parasites are trying as ever to burrow into a new Host! “Hit the Rocks, Fella”, is not what they had in mind. It’s Culture Shocking them. 

QFS can negate their entire control base, as so many accounts would fail the History of Funds Diligence Checks. How was it earned or sourced? Apply this and entire groups of cross corruption will be exposed. They seek control. We are denying it. 

“…We will raise the bar. Imagine…IF, London and the Elders bought a key Sovereign Bank, one which also facilitated Global Crypto Trading, and Metals holdings, and then forced all MTN Trading Profits back into Nation rebuilding; if we denied Offshore Banks access to QFS transfers or MTN profits…”  

Senior GS Trustee

Tough London Ethical Controls. No “Camels” in the tent. Trust! Zio Free!

The U.S. simply is insolvent, and in desperate need of an asset base to underpin its Fake Fed Base, the insolvent U.S. Zio Banks are sucked dry to cover over the cracks in the U.S. Treasury Balance Sheets to continue the Myth of Fiscal probity. We know this! 

More meetings are set for next week hoping to clear issues to be finally signed off soon by all parties. Presidents are waiting. There is a lot we can’t and won’t say in Public. Nor will we show our hand yet. Almost all the Tier One and Tier Two MTN Bank Program Profits (Vast!!!) are skimmed off into their Offshore Accounts daily, evading Taxes and denying nations’ wealth creation needs. This goes to fund an insatiable CRIMINAL Military Industrial Cabal and a vast plethora of Special Interests’ Mercenary Contractor Killers costing between $3K to $5K per man day operating beyond the rule of law, in ruthless Wars created for profits. A Million poor Iraqis died for this. How many poor Syrians have died for this?

Be clear – the ONLY reason the U.S. is in Syria is to steal its oil, and to steal its land. Look at the disgrace and suffering of Palestine. Trump, acting under orders from his Zionist Paymasters, unlawfully gifted Syria’s Golan Heights to the Kushner Crime Family and other Zionists, Cheney and Mossad’s Nutter Yahoo. Hegemony for Money!  There is no Moral Imperative or Honor in using the U.S. Military as body bags for Israeli and vast Zionists’ profits. Mongrel Dogs rented for profit. 

We will raise the bar. Imagine…IF, London and the Elders bought a key Sovereign Bank, one which also facilitated Global Crypto Trading, and Metals holdings, and then forced all MTN Trading Profits back into Nation rebuilding; if we denied Offshore Banks access to QFS transfers or MTN profits. They want amnesties? We want the vast Profits accrued daily to service Human and Ecological needs, not their greed. Putting back. Establishing a Moral Imperative.   

Wait until you see our terms. We will show our real plans only after we first get real control. We are thinking a Century forwards. Inclusive regeneration. Our objectives are going to recycle back Project Profits created by the People, into new Wealth Creating Projects and Token/Cryptos where the profits of good projects are then reinvested back into you, the people, and you all become real stakeholders in a United New Wealth Version Self Generating funds for all nations. Educating nations by Professionals, not Churches and Cults skimming off fees. No 7th Century ignorant Despots loose and demanding. Ethereal values from birth. Quality education for all children to have equal chances. Nurturing values from birth. Educating. Not allowing ever continuing indoctrination from these Mongrels and their Blood Cult Child sexual mutilations. We have to turn the tide over a century.  

Only 40% of all Taxes syphoned off from you actually goes back to fund needs for you. 60% is recklessly wasted on Admin and Bureaucratic Suits. Why? Because it’s “Their” pernicious Law? Not to serve you, but to help themselves. We will be looking to fund Humanity directly to the point of need, and to cut out their waste. Why do we need “Governments”? Incompetent, inept and crooked. Without these mediocrities over 150% more investment can go back to meet needs, without the Half Wits, Clinton sleaze, Nancys and Scammers syphoning from the pot.

What you the people create, we want to put back without Roaches on your back. Rethinking Community Development, its purpose, protective needs and how to secure Communities by the self created Community Pride of We The People protecting its own Community with pride. Where every Person’s Home is YOUR own Sovereign Domain. Your Right to be Free of persecution! To exist safely. To know, that as long as you have Humane values, we will protect your very right to exist.

Those are the objectives of the Elders and London Trusts. To make a Difference! To serve Humanity, not to help themselves.

So much is active on your watch. Vision is alive! These funds need to be used for a good purpose as endowed. To sow the green shoots of hope for Mankind to be Kind. Leaders fit to serve. Service to others is a Privilege, not a Right.

Right…is putting back.

1,389 responses to “Information Briefing #168”

  1. https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/worlds-largest-iceberg-just-broke-antarctica?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    It was inevitable that climate change warrior Greta Thunberg would be tweeting about an enormous ice slab nearly the size of Majorca, one of Spain’s Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, calved off an Antarctic ice shelf and was spotted by satellites this week.


    Dozens of autonomous war machines capable of deadly force conducted a field training exercise south of Seattle last August. The exercise involved no human operators but strictly robots powered with artificial intelligence, seeking mock enemy combatants.


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Given the clearer nature of the recent sell offs and the resilience of ETH, we hereby raise the buy-up-to price for ETH to $5,000.

    Remember, in this asset class, the volatility we said would happen, is happening, and this is the price you will have to pay for being very early in a sector that is still very much in its infancy. So, with your risk capital only, you may consider buying ETH up to the above price.

    Always remember – Fortune Favors the Bold!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love being bold lol. Thank you so much for this update Tony, much appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you ~Tony for adding the pics to the emerging Diana story. We need to expose these Bastards, warts and all. Truth will terrorise them for a change.
      Thank God William is the first born and not Harry.
      Charles will face real lashbacks now also. Shite!
      Let that Bastard abdicate now to William and Kate. The nation does not want him. As for Camilla, even a Gold Lam’e Bag will not hide her shame. They both need to join Harry and the Bolter Hottentot and F off”

      Liked by 2 people

  3. https://bestnewshere.com/anitdote-to-the-contagion-must-read-must-do-everyone-heres-an-effective-way-to-guard-against-the-spike-protein-contagion-caused-by-the-covid-vaccinated/

    Thanks John, excellent article. I am lucky to have all four of these trees in my yard and surrounding me. This is the third time I have read about using pine needles for treatment. The short videos were great. So easy to make the tea.


    1. You get far better real news and Intel on WHA than you do from the MSM.
      It’s like waking up and finding you’ve got a new man each day.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Biffie
      I was very motivated to see when you joined the site. Tino also.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks John and Tony. I like to be in the know about many things. I care deeply about mother earth, humans, the multiverses, and the many lives to come.
        Rock on!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Everyone wants a piece of the action

    Vat?? Somedings for noding?
    Now you tell me.

    It was amateur night.

    Harry And The Hottentot – Take the money and run…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/claim-vaccinated-people-are-being-tracked-in-real-time-via-5g-cellular-and-all-that-data-can-be-hacked-into-to-track-you

    Notice in the video is shows the state of the subject as sleeping. This is really scary and lends creedence to the entire purpose of these vaccines of true.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. https://summit.news/2021/05/19/video-communist-chinese-professor-declares-that-u-s-was-defeated-in-biological-war-with-china/

    What has China unleashed knowingly on America and the world. Is Covid a Chinese WMD tested on the West with worse to come.


    Interesting information for key parties at WHA.
    Just take care with Cryptos for a while with the Chinese, Indian and other issues.
    Residents are limited to what money is outside of their country, and will sell and hold cash outside of China.

    China has banned financial institutions and payment companies from providing services related to cryptocurrency transactions, and warned investors against speculative crypto trading. Under the ban, such institutions, including banks and online payments channels, must not offer clients any service involving cryptocurrencies, such as registration, trading, clearing and settlement, three industry bodies said in a joint statement on Tuesday. China has banned crypto exchanges and initial coin offerings but has not barred individuals from holding cryptocurrencies. Banks in the UK like Natwest now close your account if you are even seen to be trading in Cryptos. Their excuse is money laundering risks. Its getting messy for a while.

    Pretty clear prices are headed down and not up


    Every one of these Bastards is linked to each other. Scammers Incorporated!

    Worth pondering given the current climate narrative.

    Interesting historical evidence questioning todays Global warming realities


    Now this is a story the BBC and MSM tried to cover up and needs Global exposure.

    Princess Diana WAS the Peoples and Worlds Princess. She aspired to be more for her children and to try to give both William and Harry all the love she had to give, and give them an upbringing as normal as possible.

    Diana was not the smartest tool. She had the IQ of probably a 13 year old. Not smart. Still a year above Trump!
    Charles with a lot of bad form, needed a Virgin bride He ruthlessly took this naïve, innocent child, manipulated her into a cold, one sided marriage. impregnated her twice, while all the while carrying Camilla on the side.

    Poor devastated Diana tried to protect the boys, while Charles mentally abused her with cold disdain. He’s some Shit. Protector of what Faith? With Camilla his Groupie from Hell.

    Along comes Martin Bashir, a devious cunning Indian reporter from the BBC Panorama program ,who criminally had bank records forged, and gave poor Diana fake records, then manipulated this poor child into the interview from hell.
    In a cold and ruthless move, he faced her head on against the the Windsor’s machine and she was gone.
    Poor Diana was cut loose. Alone, abused, she was used by so many. It cost her her life. No life!
    The BBC and Bashir have lied and covered up so much.
    Bashir and the BBC have so much to answer for, The DEATH OF OUR PRINCESS. Who Pays?
    The BBC is a disgrace. Bashir conspired to deceive poor Diana
    Bashire need to go on Trial. Conspiracy charges.
    Charles needs to be booted out of succession. Unfit for Office.
    Jail Bashir. Appoint William Regent. Gut the Left Wing BBC. Charles needs to go into exile, as Treacherous Windsors do. Like Edward and Harry next. What a mess.
    We can all get aggressive and demand Justice for poor Diana and William. The BBC covered all this up. Bashir needs to do real time! Hard time! Cons will give him real justice.
    Your voices for Diana? William and Kate are trying so hard. For them?

    Ex BBC boss Lord Hall says he wrong to call Martin Bashir honest https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9600465/BBCs-ex-boss-Lord-Tony-Hall-says-wrong-Martin-Bashir-benefit-doubt.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    How about we all smash into the BBC and Bashir and get justice for Diana.
    Charles won’t escape this shite!

    ANDREW NEIL gives his devastating verdict over BBC interview https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-9602179/ANDREW-NEIL-gives-devastating-verdict-BBC-interview-goes-right-top.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Harry lashes out over ‘unethical’ BBC interview with Diana https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9602087/William-blasts-Martin-Bashirs-deceit-secure-Panorama-interview-Diana.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    William needs all our help and Diana does to. Together we can help raise voices and rip down ivory towers. Diana was badly used by too many abusers.
    Time Charles was faced down and booted out. Let the people have a referendum Charles or William? Charles helped destroy Diana. He and Camilla should be witch hunted out

    Liked by 2 people

  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Not surprised. That’s San Franpsycho these days.

    What an end.

    I am a breast man anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tootsie rolling Tony heh?


  8. https://www.ntd.com/deep-dive-may-19-biden-moves-2-billion-virus-funds-to-the-southern-border_615644.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram

    Soon no one will be able to say Biden has kids in cages… he is building a giant processing station!… while he gives Americans enough to stay on the couch and watch honey boo boo… plan in action!


  9. Liked by 3 people

  10. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Go get’em honey.

    What timing…


  12. Beyond cruel and disgusting. Stop Arming these F Khazar Pariahs!!!!


    Every effort is being made to take down Trump now

    Will only flame guns stop them?
    A promising new vaccine candidate could protect us from multiple coronaviruses – including some that haven’t jumped to humans yet
    ‘We don’t know what they are and can’t explain how they move’: Obama confirms UFO sightings by military are real and says they ‘must take them seriously’

    Barack Obama has confirmed footage of UFOs with extraordinary aeronautical capability to anything in the US military is real, but shot down rumors of a ‘secret’ lab where aliens are kept.


    Obama confirms UFOs but has no idea who they are.
    Bitcoin falls sharply after China signals crypto crackdown

    Clouds coming it seems?

    Fox News host labels Harry the Prince of Woke Social Justice

    Any amusing epitaph yet the gruesome twosome wont relinquish their titles.
    The Can’t Cut It Bolter and the Mental case will last how long?
    The Wannabe Clinton will dump the Chump.Two posing, grasping Wasters.

    Fox News host labels Harry the Prince of Woke Social Justice https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9594637/Fox-News-host-labels-Harry-Prince-Woke-Social-Justice.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    110 direct flights from India have landed in UK since it was put on ‘red list’: Up to 8,000 arrive from Covid-ravaged sub-continent in nearly a month amid fears airports have become ‘super spreaders’ for virus

    This means that up to 8,000 travelers have flown in from the subcontinent despite concern over an Indian covid variant that threatens to undermine the easing of the national lockdown.


    Useless Bastards in Govt here Red List means NO F Flights! Or should. Refuse Landing slots. FFS what does it take to stop these infected Wassocks flooding in?
    Brain dead Border Security here. A dreadful exposure. Well researched. Effective MSM.
    Watch “Did the DOD/OIG Get Correspondence From Congress That Initiated Their “Evaluation” on UAPs?” on YouTube

    Interesting questions.

    PIERS MORGAN: Blame for Indian Fiasco lies with Boris Johnson

    On this I totally agree. Why do we, and our across the pond Allies, continue putting such useless Plonkers in key roles?
    I truly remain A -Political The lot are useless Is there one between DC and London fit for office? . We have none.
    As Russia declines to accept a crooked US Vote Rigged Election for the Left, thank God at least the 2 Militaries talk through back channels to each other.
    Biden is Brain Dead and Harris has alleged “Escort Form”, how can either be the face of America?

    The Kremlin has announced that they will continue to refuse to acknowledge Biden while “there are ongoing legal processes,” even though there’s little prospect that any of Trump’s complaints will be taken seriously by the U.S. courts. Nor will the courts acknowledge any other complaints. Just look at the resistance to a vote review in Arizona. One might think what is the big deal if the vote was honest.

    This should upset the apple cart of the Biden crowd. And this will not be lost on other countries, even China. They do have their back channel communications with the US military and that is the best venue for peace.
    Panic is starting be prepared for possible panic is.
    Bitcoin plunges in value as China starts cryptocurrency crackdown https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9594855/Bitcoin-plunges-value-China-starts-cryptocurrency-crackdown-days-Elon-Musk-warning.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Brilliant performance and not a Covid vaccine needle in sight?


    The greatest attack on freedom of speech I’ve ever seen in USA


    Watch the dips

    So an illegal, Usurping Keyan Chicago Con Man feels he knows what Trump is, but himself does not know if he’s Arthur or Martha.
    From Chicago Bathhouses to the Oval Office, he’s taken how much?

    What can be learned here?


  13. Strong hands people. Hold Hold Hold!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You will see that Cryptos lost 25% today, Panic! Plus last weeks losses. Opportunities or a rough ride.?
        Roller Coaster time for sure.
        Russia is still refusing to recognise Biden.
        Russia has indicated to Mad Yahoo if he continues persecuting the Palestinians he risks war with Russia. Yes Please.!!!!! These Khazars need reigning back. But then America and Russia face off. For Khazars? Always they bring trouble. 6,000 years it never ends. Murdering Palestinians is typical of them. A dreadful species who could do so much good if retracked. Bad seed! They started Genocide the day they arrived in Palestine., Genghis Khans scum loose. If that goes up, what price Cryptos then? Just watch with care. Tread with care. Protect your risks.
        Tricky markets and times.


        1. Yes. Today.

          BTC still up 300% for the year. We will focus on the long term outlook, and short term volatility is the price we will pay for reaching higher plateaus. Like Amundsen, having to eat some of his sled dogs on the way to the South Pole – it’s going to get messy at times, but the goal is there. We protect positions by not overbuying. These types of retracements are expected, and so far have always been overcome and followed by new highs. This is anticipated again. But, yes, by all means, risk capital only in this market.

          Amundsen referred to the location of the canine abattoir as “The Butcher Shop”. All agreed that dog was a fine meal. Today, I dine on a “fine meal” of lower prices on ETH. Those Chi-Coms are good for their annual boogey man crack down rhetoric. Expected from dog eaters.

          Liked by 2 people

    2. Mike

      Tony has practised that with his Dong for many years and secured growth.


      1. So true….

        And if the dong can perform as expected, there are so many great opportunities for it to explore at the moment!


        1. Still have a firm grip on my Dong


          1. Dongs are made round to put around.


            1. Many swinging Dongs around here,,, if you guys break out into a `sword` show no need to post the vid!..

              aurataya13 and A Johnson, calm these boys down!

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I would but I could not find a wide angle lens.

                Liked by 2 people

              2. No way James, I’m enjoying it too much. LOL


  14. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Be hip to the dip.
    On their way to Peter Schiff’s house.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Watched Fauci say, when asked about illegals comin in with Covid unchecked, that it was NOT HIS AREA… and not long ago watched him talk about gun violence being a public health issue…and now I see a vid where he says Covid exposes racism… tell me his is not politically motivated!

    Dr. Fauci: COVID-19 pandemic exposed the ‘undeniable effects of racism’ across the US.


    Liked by 1 person

  16. Crypto pioneer burns billions of dollars in shiba inu-themed currency

    Is Karma coming for Fauci?
    Looks like the media is turning against him.

    10,570 DEAD 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

    Big questions for Tino and Biffie.

    If this is at all accurate, there is more damage from these so called vaccines than from Covid.

    I’ve reported on bitcoin since the beginning. Here’s the harsh truth | Tim Mullaney

    Well worth reading , operate with care.

    Never mind the Bitcoin madness: inflation is a far bigger worry for investors

    Yet more issues tow be aware of.

    Federal investigators warn of rise in cryptocurrency scams

    No question nasty scammers are growing. Sadly.

    The BBC caught again hiding truth yet again to protect these Socialist swine.

    Memo suggests BBC plot to axe staff who criticised Martin Bashir https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9589415/BBC-plot-axe-troublemakers-criticised-Martin-Bashir-Princess-Diana-interview.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


    1. bill gates, you dirty bum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-18-osha-employers-mandate-covid-vaccines-liable-adverse-reaction.html
    Employers who mandate covid vaccines may be held liable for “any adverse reaction”
    (Natural News) The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is warning employers that they will be held liable for any adverse events resulting from mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” policies.

    If an employee who was forced to be injected with experimental mRNA gene therapy becomes paralyzed or dies, for instance, that injury or death will be considered “work-related,” meaning the employer will be held responsible.

    In the “Frequently Asked Questions” section of a new OSHA guidance that was issued on April 20, the agency explains that all employers who mandate experimental Chinese Virus shots are required to record any adverse events that result from the injections.

    In response to the question, “If I require my employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of their employment, are adverse reactions to the vaccine recordable?” this is what OSHA says:

    “If you require your employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment (i.e., for work-related reasons), then any adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine is work-related. The adverse reaction is recordable if it is a new case under 29 CFR 1904.6 and meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7.”

    What this means is that employers who try to force their employees to get injected are opening themselves up to lawsuits, worker’s compensation claims and a negatively impacted safety record. Tread at your own risk, employers.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Biffie

      Absolutely right. As it should be.

      Liked by 3 people

  18. Look carefully at this!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  19. John,

    Are the current multilateral engagements you are apart of scheduled to continue until consensus is reached with the goal of sign off for releases by all parties involved? Or, is there a backstop which will allow for convening a separate session at a later date if unable to successfully negotiate terms?

    Attempting to determine the overall sense of urgency with Presidents waiting.


    1. Hmmm,
      A certain President and the US team fly to Washington to meet with the US President and it’s not a health trip.
      I can say no more OK? It’s not a Tourist trip.


  20. Hey John,
    I do hate to discuss too much personal stuff sometimes (not always lol) BUT, remember you recently advised me to use my will to repair my current issues? I’m am pretty sure I do not know how to do that. I gave it a shot the other day and the pain of allowing my mind to take control of my body was seriously painful. If I am worth a comment or a little assistance in your eyes I would greatly appreciate a tad more of your valued advice if time and care permits such.

    I am bloody struggling John, having a lot of trouble even walking properly at the moment. Nothing is working how I expected it would. Not that my current circumstances are your worry at all but a little education for someone not so wise would be deeply and sincerely appreciated. I’m sorry and quite embarrassed to be so needy. XX

    On another note. You know what I found rather astounding last week? You referred to me as “one of our own.” Do you have any idea what that meant to me? To the person that never really felt like they belonged anywhere. All I can say to that is thank you. THANK YOU.

    I’ll probably regret posting this comment tomorrow but who says we cannot be vulnerable in our hour of need? FRIGHTENING STUFF. XX

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aurataya,
      First be yourself. Tough luck everyone else is bloody well taken.
      Lie back, relax, breath deeply, let your body body be at one with nature. Just test your arm and leg movements, wriggle your toes and hands. Let your body respond. Think, just beautiful thoughts, nature, flowers scenery., hot locals.
      Lift arms and legs slowly just a little, to show your in commend.
      Just slowly start to reconnect with your limbs.
      If you can’t, just tell Donk to get off and go jump on a Ru of his own.
      Just get breathing right, a step at a time, small steps. Build back slowly.
      Stop Mud Wrestling Abos and Crocs.
      Check with your Doc for deeper issues . Let them advise.
      Let Donk have a turn on top? Overdoing it?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nice advice John l may like you after all.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. John, not only did you just make me laugh with your sense of humour but also cry with the beauty of your words. Thank you so much for taking the time to share what you have with me here, I appreciate it more than I can express in words.

        I have been to the doc and all they want to do is operate but I am not willing to take that chance. So I am going to do as you have so generously suggested and hopefully come back as superwoman very soon.



        1. Here to serve Aurataya.
          If Ops are strongly, recommended, is it for the best? What’s best for you if it frees you to live better?
          Ops only affect you for weeks. Benefits are for life. Some parts just wear out. Fear of Ops is natural, but benefits are for life. What is best for Aurataya? Quality of life?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. So sorry John, I did not realise you had responded again to my comment.

            John I can’t do it. It is more than one operation. It’s major back surgery, hip, knee and ankle surgery. I cannot go through that now. I have to be on my feet every day caring for my Aunt, I cannot put her in care, she is too vulnerable now. And her bloody cancer may be back as well, will know more next week. I cannot let her down now. I have to be superwoman at the moment and I will be.

            John, both my parents were taken out with medical operations when I was very young, I have a big issue with that. I cannot do it. I must admit, I am starting to become a little concerned. BUT, I bloody tell ya what, when I get this p’d off, as I am now having something trying to control my ability to do what I need and have to do, this is when I gain strength and beat the obstacles aside. I cannot fail.

            Thank you again John for your kindness and time, I do so very much appreciate it. You are a good man and I know that. Thank you John.


        2. Aurataya- have you tried massage therapy for your sciatica?

          Remember Biffie said she cured herself by applying pressure? Well, my mother in law has severe sciatic pain and is going for her second treatment this week. Her friend referred her to the doctor who cured her after a couple of months of massage therapy.

          There are YouTube videos on the subject. I hope you feel better soon.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Also, remember this? https://www.sciatica.com/

            Maybe there is a clinic where you live where Dr. Yeung has taught his minimal invasive surgery. They don’t use the knife. Just an incision where they numb the area. You are awake the whole time.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thank you A Johnson. I will keep this info on file and thank you for sharing it with me again. XX


          2. Thank you so much beautiful, I do so very much appreciate your kindness, care and information. Sweetheart I have very serious spinal stenosis. It was getting better with the youngevity vitamins until I fell down two flights of stairs earlier this year. That fall caused more back issues along with hip, knee and ankle issues. I am riddled with arthritis. I have major bone growth happening in my collar bone now as well and if that gets any bigger then the old doc tells me that will need an operation too due to the pressure on my throat.

            I have had enough of all this health drama. I have decided on this very day I am getting up tomorrow and nothing is going to stop me doing what I have to do. I am not going to let the pain beat me. I used to be such a strong healthy woman and I have gone so far down hill in recent years. BUT, I have had enough and I am going to fight back now and I do not like to lose a battle. Let’s see what the future holds.

            Thank you beautiful. XX


            1. Have you looked into tensor rings Aurataya? It could help relieve a lot of your pain. I can’t say first hand because I have no pain, except for if over do my workouts but it goes away.

              Though my husband has been using them for his aches and pains. The first time, he thought it was maybe a coincidence. The second time was his shoulder and third was his knee. He placed the ring around the area with pain and it went away.

              He just now told me that, he thinks there something to it. He working out on the elliptical and going to the gym to lift some weight this morning.

              It’s Tesla technology and the rings are 144hz. I bought a bunch of them and they were so cheap. I trust the guy who makes them. I can send you a couple for you. I hate to hear that you are so much in pain.


  21. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    From one moment to the next, always be ready to defend yourself. You never know when you will be forced to.

    It’s amateur night. Don’t panic sell. If that’s your plan, to run at every dip, just go play craps and spend it on hookers.

    And yet the sky is still above, and the earth below.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tony, I only watched about 2 mins of that attack video and must admit, I am struggling to take and even witness this crap anymore. The tide must turn.


  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Remember, WHA warned about Bolshevism coming to power. Will our armed forces remember their oath? All enemies…foreign AND domestic?

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Biden Pulls ALL US TROOPS From Israel – Exposing Ally to Jihadists and Regime in Tehran

    Interesting move. But what is truth? Is the US really pulling US troops out of that Kazar Cesspit? Too much to hope for, but Turkey, PLEASE DO GO to Palestines aide. Iran, Syria, Egypt too. Russia, you can help. China too. Armageddon them! Long overdue.
    Luongo: The Coming Apotheosis Of The Banks | ZeroHedge Contributed by an associate.

    I have been writing since mid year last year that when the central banks pull the plug they will go digital because they themselves are insolvent with certain banks having more solvency than they have. And many banks cannot survive without their skimming of on and off balance assets.
    Klaus and his crowd are not the only ones playing for position and it is far from being clear whether they will succeed. In fact their Covid narrative has failed as people wake up and now they are talking about a “good war”. Covid has failed to produce the desired effect. As I have previously written these fools do not understand human nature in their arrogance towards society. Reality is their creditably and that of apostles like Fauci and Gates are rapidly headed for the toilet. Both will be fortunate if they are not arrested.
    Meanwhile many parties are expecting miracles to save their dreams when only work and sweat and guts to try and dare to fail continue to work.
    What a total mess we have which will sort itself out in ways not expected.

    They and China are holding ‘us’ by it’s balls so its no surprise 🙄

    Netanyahu defends attacks, says US knows ‘d**n well’ it would do same https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9584875/Benjamin-Netanyahu-defends-Gaza-air-strikes-says-knows-d-n-same.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Bang take that. Ouch,! How about the World comes to Palestines aid? F disgusting what bribe taking Politicos and nasty Mossad have done to Israel. Disgraceful treatment of Palestinians. Arm Palestine. Disarm these truly vile and nasty Khazars.
    Barbara Loe Fisher: Seeing Through the COVID-19 Spin – How Big Pharma and Government are Spending BILLIONS to Deceive the Public with Misinformation on COVID “Vaccines”

    Big Pharma, Big Questions?

    Prince Harry calls the First Amendment ‘bonkers
    We don’t want this clown or Markel back. Buckle Nose needs to keep it out and the Mental Case Boy needs to get a job meeting his so very limited talents and to find that flipping burgers is also demanding .
    Both need to Shut It and cease their delusional psycho babble. When will her father see his Grandkids? Selfish bastards! Shame!

    Prince Harry calls the First Amendment ‘bonkers’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9585197/Prince-Harry-calls-Amendment-bonkers.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Jeffrey Epstein ‘gave marital advice to Bill Gates’

    As predicted, it’s coming home for Gates. Dozens of meetings???????? Only for One Thing. A vaccine won’t stop this coming to get you Gates.

    Jeffrey Epstein ‘gave marital advice to Bill Gates’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9586249/Jeffrey-Epstein-gave-marital-advice-Bill-Gates-pair-laughed-toxic-relationship.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Shared from Sky News: Bill Gates left Microsoft board as it investigated relationship with an employee 20 years ago https://news.sky.com/story/bill-gates-left-microsoft-board-as-it-investigated-relationship-with-an-employee-20-years-ago-12308842

    Affairs with Staff, Epstein visits and sleaze. The Gates now open to him for sure and what a Drop is waiting
    The whole world will have the needle with him.
    For whom the Bell Tolls?
    Israeli jets bomb Gaza overnight as death toll rises to 207

    Palestine needs to be supplied with hundreds of SAMS. Shoot the Bastards out of the sky.
    Bigger rockets for the Palestinians, 50 times more explosive power, level the illegal occupation buildings, and blow the wall to hell. Rain down 5,000 rockets each night, let none sleep. Mine access to Palestine. Supply anti tank missiles. Arm Palestine!
    Stop funding and arming these murdering thugs.

    Iraeli jets bomb Gaza overnight as death toll rises to 207 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9586775/Israel-Palestine-conflict-Bombardment-Gaza-continues-death-toll-rises-207.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Shared from Sky News: COVID-19: Thousands of British tourists head overseas – some ignore advice to avoid amber list countries https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-thousands-of-british-tourists-head-overseas-some-ignore-advice-to-avoid-amber-list-countries-12308900

    For God’s sake LEAD Wimp Politicos.

    If, big IF you have genuine cause for real concerns over Amber List countries, make everyone aware that Selfish Bastards who refuse to consider risks to our nation, are forewarned you WILL be slammed straight into Quarantine Hotels on return, your passports will be held on return by customs / immigration and cancelled if you fail to pay the c!,700 pounds per head you will pay for your quarantine hotels, and your car keys will be held by the hotels. If you have no assets, and are just bottom feeding Welfare trash abusing the system, we need to have Army camps ready to hold them as with illegals, and after flagging them into the system, tear up all passports from future use. Get tough with selfish and trash.. Raise the bar. Protect the masses of each nation. Passports gone, good luck Who needs you or cares.
    Weak Johnson again let so much crap happen needlessly. Iron fist not limp wrist you pathetic slob. Defend the masses and the nation. Or quit!
    Standards are gone, just look at what crawls the corridors of politics today. Any crap in Monaco and repercussions are instant. As it should be. They keep Monaco clean. The bar is high.

    So why be so F disgusting to Palestinians? Will you ever learn?
    Is there real evidence for Vaccine blindness? Where is truth?
    Some hot girls on page 3 will do it faster.

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken says ‘he’s seen NO evidence’ Hamas was operating in Gaza media building destroyed in airstrike – despite claims that Biden was ‘satisfied’ with Netanyahu’s ‘smoking gun’ intelligence

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday he hasn’t seen evidence Hamas was operating inside a Gaza building Israeli forces blew up Saturday that also housed the AP and Al Jazeera.


    CORRECT!!! This is as bad as Thug Bush 43 mass blasting poor defenceless Iraqis while they blasted innocent civilians and this piece of SHIT and his sick father laughed with Glee.Dam both to Hell and worse.

    Netanyahu and the Khazars are evil Goldless species. These Thugs need to be shot out of the sky. Iran and Turkey need to aid Palestine. Where is the UN ? These disgusting Kazars commit war crimes and land theft daily. Vicious murdering Scum. Vile sub humans. Stop this Genocide! Netanyahu has his slot in hell. Along with Hitler, Gengis Khan, Bush 41 and Saddam. They all deserve eternity in pain. Bush 43 in the idiot section.

    When will people cry enough? Is one Palestinaian Child nothing?
    Israel IS the cause of this !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Secretary of State Antony Blinken says ‘he’s seen NO evidence’ Hamas was operating in Gaza media building destroyed in airstrike – despite claims that Biden was ‘satisfied’ with Netanyahu’s ‘smoking gun’ intelligence

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday he hasn’t seen evidence Hamas was operating inside a Gaza building Israeli forces blew up Saturday that also housed the AP and Al Jazeera.


    CORRECT!!! This is as bad as Thug Bush 43 mass blasting poor defenceless Iraqis while they blasted innocent civilians and this piece of SHIT and his sick father laughed with Glee.Dam both to Hell and worse.

    Netanyahu and the Khazars are evil Goldless species. These Thugs need to be shot out of the sky. Iran and Turkey need to aid Palestine. Where is the UN ? These disgusting Kazars commit war crimes and land theft daily. Vicious murdering Scum. Vile sub humans. Stop this Genocide! Netanyahu has his slot in hell. Along with Hitler,Gengis Khan, Bush 41 and Saddam. They all deserve eternity in pain. Bush 43 in the idiot section.

    When will people cry enough? Is one Palestinaian Child nothing?
    Israel IS the cause of this !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Shared from Sky News: ‘Monster’ cyclone to batter COVID-ravaged India as officials scramble to evacuate hundreds of thousands https://news.sky.com/story/monster-cyclone-to-batter-covid-ravaged-india-as-officials-scramble-to-evacuate-hundreds-of-thousands-12309092

    Poor, poor India

    It’s how we feel coping with the illegals.
    From one free thinking and free speaking Brit to our American Allies, this Limp Brained ever whining Asshole does not have our support and your free to take him and his Bolter any time to Rykers. This way the poor Grandfather can see his Grandkids.
    Ask the Shit what about Grandfather Markel denied to see the baby, you two little arrogant, shameful Snots! The Bolter and the Family idiot!

    PIERS MORGAN: Harry’s attack on free speech makes HIM look bonkers https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9587523/PIERS-MORGAN-Harrys-attack-free-speech-makes-look-bonkers-not-Constitution.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    I feel for attacks on innocent Jews it’s wrong. But for Arabs in the West, it’s their only way to get back at Palestinian attrocities, so Jews everywhere need to tell Nasty Nutter Yahoo Cease your killings! Or we will all be dying next.
    What goes around comes around. 6 M died last time because of hate. It’s not gone away.
    How do you think this will go if catches on? Take your case to Israel and say STOP! Stop killing Palestinians.Stop stealing Palestinians homes. Stop inhumane Gaza brutality. Stop expanding Greater Israel and stop funding Ukraine violence so you can pick up the pieces cheap.
    Stop your Bank Racketeering. Stop your Financial Criminals. Stop rigging the US Presidencies. Stop the MSM lying!.
    Be clear what is happening in Palestine will spread. Anger is building, Hate will follow. Will you ever learn? How many Millenia? How many Exodus repeats? Are you Slow Learners?
    Yes it’s wrong, but so is Palestine! So stop these Khazars parading as good Jews! It’s now a real Jewish problem so step up. Man up! Khazars are hurting Jews. So you die for their Zionist Greed and lies? No one wants that. Let Good Jews be heard.
    We ALL need to protect innocent, Good Jews. No one wants this. .Why are good Jews tolerating these Zionists? Netanyahu is no Moses! Armageddon will be the end game if the killings don’t stop..Zionists are hurting Jews. Good Jews.

    Jenrick blasts ‘racist’ anti-Semitic attacks on British Jews https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9588591/Robert-Jenrick-blasts-racist-extremely-anti-Semitic-attacks-British-Jews.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Fauci is mocked as the ‘Patron Saint of Wuhan’ after DC Mayor declares Christmas Eve ‘Dr. Fauci Day’ | Daily Mail Online

    What a joke! Look at the ridicule building on Fauci? He’s a Pariah just one slime lick behind Netanyahu and Clinton .

    This is same duplicitous fool who was totally wrong on HIV, AND had no remorse in spouting off lies.

    As for credibility ask yourself if nearly 50% of many federal employees in government refuse to be vaccinated having access to much more hard info than the public, why should the public not be guarded in blindly accepting a jab?


    As a reading and thinking public, should we ignore the questions of renowned and respected people like toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., has called on the U.S. government to halt COVID-19 vaccine distribution? Granted some people need or have needed to take the jab to preserve their jobs or careers, however should we not be concerned about their well being? I know of a young 30 year healthy woman who fainted 2 days after taking the J&J vaccine in a coffee shop for no apparent reason. And she works out every day and looks after herself. Perhaps such events are normal for some and it does raise the question of what effects exist longer term. Society owes it to its’ self from a selfish perspective to learn what the true nature of impact is on people before it is too late. We simply cannot afford to have half of the existing population with long term side effects. Nor can we afford to lose half the population as the consequences to the remaining population is far beyond what Fools like Gates and the cult culture imagine. Such a event would produce anarchy on a scale that the so called elites would find is a hunt for them and not the other way around.
    And with a potential collapsing western society you can be sure that China will be patience in waiting it out for their turn to manage and cull the remaining herd of humanity. To think they would extend a helping hand is quite foolish.



  24. https://thefederalist.com/2021/05/17/new-grassroots-group-launches-to-take-war-against-cancel-culture-on-offense/

    A new grassroots group launched Monday to take conservatives on offense against cancel culture. The group, “Unsilenced Majority” aims to target unfair firings, cancellation in education, and corporate political activism by constructing a cohesive nationwide grassroots coalition.


  25. https://thefederalist.com/2021/05/17/with-new-mask-guidance-cdc-once-again-needlessly-punishes-children/

    ” So let’s ask ourselves if we are really going to do this. Are we really going to sit maskless in church while kids younger than 12 breathe through fabric? Are we going to return to our bars and nightclubs unrestricted while children go about their days with faces hidden by masks? Are we going to pretend that it doesn’t matter because experts tell us so?”


  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    You only buy dips with cash that can withstand drawdown periods in this kind of volatile asset class, because you should have only bought with the anticipation of future rise (which has happened after every single 30% drop in BTC). Peter, comments like this show that you play to the brain-dead section to make twitter points. Even the most myopic of dunces can see you coming a mile away.


    1. No truer words spoken. He’s selling his products.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Really

      I’ve been told if you buy One Dip in Tel Aviv and keep on dipping they get very irate?


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Who told you that? Paladin? lol


        1. If only he says. Lol.


  27. Hi John, yes He definitely rocked that exchange with fauci. That man can lie as easily as he breathes.
    I would like to see a video done with all the lies fauci has told since the beginning of this whole plandemic.
    That would be a good watch. What a creep.

    Thanks for bringing so much interesting information in here. I appreciate it.


    1. Biffie
      With what is coming in Banking, Globally, the melt down risk for many if not swerved, will lead to the collapse of both the Cabal and the Big Pharma Cartel. Fauci,Gates and the so called ” Financial Advisors”, all of whom seem to have large Big Pharma Consultancy contracts paying them millions may become accountable. Aso GP practices, most of who also seem to have fat Drug Use contracts as commission for pumping us full of one sort of crap or another, will all come under review as the noose tightens with financial restraints imposed.
      The new world will not be as perceived by many, but a reckoning of consequences as the haves chose not to give any more to the Nots, and the Web Strings see the Spiders dislodged as the whole infrastructure crumbles.
      If there are consequential impacts of the vaccines, in years to come, it’s going to get ugly.
      The Gates divorce is going to attract a lot of adverse MSM and alternative media.
      The wife won’t just be looking to get even..She will want to get everything. Gates’s exposure risk is high.
      As for Fauci, he seems to be a dead man walking. For both, and more, is the day of reckoning profiling ahead?
      We still need a full, real WHO investigation into Wuhan, the true cause and why?
      So much obfuscation. If China has in fact given the world a Dose, big questions!
      If only we had Leaders, not todays exalted bottom feeders.
      When money fails and stops making the world go around, who then puts the spin on what?

      Liked by 2 people

  28. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. There is a reason why the order calls this “The Final Solution”

      Make no mistake, most of the people taking these vaccines will be dead shortly.

      Thus, the huge push to get people to take these anyway they can.


  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The strong acquire the coin the weak sell.

    Even The City has heard the falconer.

    Let’s not do like a Roman.

    Liked by 2 people

  30. _______
    What the hell?

    God was watching over him!


    No question we have an IDIOT on Point Duty, but Labour Socialist Cooper is no better. Same Eeeejits!
    Major cryptocurrency platform says it is adding support for dogecoin

    Convoy of cars shout anti-Semitic abuse through Jewish community https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9584909/Outrage-convoy-cars-driven-Jewish-community-Finchley-yelling-f-mothers.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Now you see the backlash reality. The good, decent and innocent Jewish families in North London who harm no one, and are nothing to do with the Palestinian nightmare, are now being threatened, abused and face real attacks because of the rapacious Khazar marauders in Israel who will steal anything not bolted down, and who are now kicking more innocent Palestinians out of their homes for more illegal Khazar settlements.
    But now the lashback comes home in London, Paris and worldwide.
    For centuries they have done this and always it ends badly.
    If Turkey does come to Palestine’s aid, then Iran, Syria and more will follow. Mercy for Palestinians.
    Always they push it then Karma comes in.
    Good Jews need to stop these Bastards in Israel or 6 M more worldwide face underserved violence
    The US needs to get TF out of this mess then see how fast those Mongrels stop their games. Stop funding and arming them. Let them get a hard taste of reality. These are nasty vermin loose.
    Cryptocurrency Crash! – What is going on? | Crypto News

    Sunak; to hike inheritance tax to help pay UK’s Covid bill

    WTF? We don’t need a F Indian coming with extra taxes to siphon our assets. Stop F spending!

    What’s the Best Cryptocurrency to Buy in 2021? 7 Contenders | Cryptocurrency

    What happens when the narrative does not play to receptive ears?

    Who NEEDS Locking UP?????????????????

    Johnson as ever has been a dithering Clown, but he is a KNOWN IDIOT!

    Will Turkey follow through and actually send troops Palestine so much needs a Champion Right Now. Some to erase the Khazar Bastards.
    America sticks its nose in everywhere. Uninvited. So why not Turkey and Iran both sending their Troops to Palestine. Run these F Khazars right over. The world so needs this. Russia then has to help Palestine
    Hopefully atomizing those Bastards on the Golan Heights So needed!.
    While it sounds more like bluster than reality if only Turkey were to really sent troops into the area, the whole cesspit area could well ignite into a real conflict not imagined. Turkey is not above sending in many of its’ proxy forces currently in Libya and Syria . This is a mess that can become much bigger in a hurry. What a way to remove Khazars. En Masse! Long overdue. Russian S400 killing anything that moves incoming from Israel.
    Peace at last. Rodents removed.



    Good, Rip these Sewer Rats out of there. The MSM wont tell the truth. Let the nations drag them out. Restore Palestine and move the Swine.


  31. The eventual goal of society. The GS is a step in that direction. Unleashing social development.


  32. ANOTHER US Navy UFO video leaks: Excited sailors watch spherical object hover then splash into ocean off San Diego hours after fighter pilot reported seeing them for YEARS over Virginia ahead of report into Pentagon’s handling of sightings

    US Naval personnel had a close encounter with a UFO – this time a spherical object that makes a controlled descent into the ocean off the coast of San Diego in July 2019.


    Reality is that UFO Truth will be forced out soon. Stop Lying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Indian variant more transmissible and will become dominant strain in UK, Whitty says

    This Indian Covid is coming in faster than its Illegals!
    It may delay releases and trigger more lockdowns.
    Like the Mother in Law, it comes for a week and stays forever.

    Digital Yuan: China’s Attempt to Replace Crypto / USD in 2021

    Take Crypto care out there. Beware the Bubble effect?


    Vile, vicious and typical Khazars!
    Iran and Russia MUST now give Palestine far greater power rockets with a hundred fold damage power.
    They must blow Israel to hell away from their territories. Palestine must be given weapons to take down Israeli troops. It’s a new Stalingrad. Invaders! Palestine suffers very badly .

    Both these 2 UK Police officers need to go to jail. Good MSM needs to be unleashed and get them sent down hard. Pigs at their worst!
    ‘Alien’ plutonium isotopes that date back millions of years have been discovered at the bottom of the ocean and experts are rethinking why the dangerous element exists on Earth

    Plutonium-244, one of the rarest elements on Earth, has been recently found more than 5,000ft under the Pacific Ocean. It dates back millions of years, leaving experts perplexed how it got there.


    Move it to Israel?
    Do we, or do we NOT exist as an alternative reality?
    Vaccines ‘less effective at reducing transmission of Indian variant’
    So now we are threatened with increasing death, no thanks to India.

    Vaccines ‘less effective at reducing transmission of Indian variant’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9581581/Experts-warn-vaccines-effective-reducing-transmission-Indian-variant.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Five-month-old baby pulled ALIVE from rubble after Israeli air strike

    This is dreadful
    The Indiscriminate killing by the disgusting, rapacious Gengis Khan mass murdering seed , assimilating Khazars NOT JEWS with NO claim to Palestine !!!, Khazar marauders and their seed have killed 10 of his family and he’s got to grow up asking why?
    Why, why, why must more Palestinas die because they steal their homes to settle more Khazar illegals there. Bastards!!!!
    Wny must more die so they can steal more of their lands? Bastards!!!
    Why have they stolen Palestines Holy City of Jeruasalem? Bastards!!!
    Why are they denying them access to their Mosques? Bastards!!!!!
    Why have the beeen allowed to seize land never granted to them and been allowed to divide Palestinians from Gaza and their people? Bastards!!!!!
    Why are we allowing this Genocide in Gaza again? Bastards!!!!!!!!
    Why is America arming and funding them?????????? Shame!!!!!!!

    When will the Arab world and Iran say NO More? Will Russia or China come to Palestines aid? Why allow America solely to King Make with Israe Hell?
    What is the life of each child worth? Why is America funding death there? Look at how they have Stolen Syrian land again.Lebanese land. Palestinian land.Will it never end?
    Why are they there??????????? Greater Israel will end with Armageddon.No one will shed a tear this time. This is an ugly Cult.
    Is there no shame for the suffering in Gaza? Why are we allowing this?
    When will Palestinians get WMD’s? Who will feel Palestines pain? How much hatred in building in the hearts of Terrified !!!oppressed children? How can they forgive???
    When Iran gets its Nukes, what then? Who will Atomise this Khazar Devil Spawn? What sting will erupt when the Scorpions day comes?

    Why has every country wanted them gone? Why have they been allowed to steal Americas wealth?
    Why are they Americas biggest Spying threat?
    When Iran get Nukes., will the mad Khazar Dogs then be muzzled?
    Well done all Protesters in London this week end. Palestinians have RIGHTS!

    Protesters march through Hyde Park in solidarity with Palestine

    Good to see there is a Social Conscience at work in London. Well done all Protesters. Stop these Khazar Vipers. Shame the Bastards!

    Protesters march through Hyde Park in solidarity with Palestine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9581879/Thousands-protesters-march-Hyde-Park-solidarity-people-Palestine.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Watch “Audience Were In PERFECT SILENCE When She Performed! BEAUTIFUL!” on YouTube

    A nice few minutes break for you all.

    Watch “Somewhere – (There’s A Place For Us) – West Side Story” on YouTube

    There’s a place for all of you.

    Watch “Exchange between Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci” on YouTub

    ForTino and Biffie

    Go for him!

    Watch “Dave Allen on Religion” on YouTube

    Dave tells it as it is.



    1. Thanks John. Dave Allen was always a huge favourite of mine.


  33. Cardano ADA hits $2 today!! Cardano is just getting started. Lots of irons in the fire. Here’s the latest timeline update from them. Smart contracts Alonzo hardfork will be the main catalyst. https://youtu.be/5mPC4uLMdEw

    Liked by 2 people

    1. HIW

      Now you have the reality. Their country was ruthlessly invaded in an ILLEGAL War based on a fake WMD report.
      A Texan Limp Brained Snot wanted only to prove to “His Daddy” that he was no One Termer and he could use the one sided Military Power of America to bully a Defenceless nation. A million Iraqis died from this pernicious and cruel genocide. A vile war, like Vietnam. There, you raped the nation, prostituted its children, dropped still ever toxic chemical weapons, and ran away in terror when they came for you. You ran! Crying! Screaming as cowards and what a fate you left to its betrayed.people. What of the mass children you impregnated? What Scum!
      Hollywood Heroes. Lies! Vietnam will stain and stink as Shame forever. Where is Hollywood real truth? As with Iraq,.All fake BS propaganda! A shameful war. Infamy lasts!

      Iraq was another needless and vile war. Shameful. War Criminal Leaders are the reality . Bush and Blair belong in the Hague. As do the Cabal.

      Iraqi Dinars were mass printed from seized plates.
      Why should poor Iraqis be brought into play to pay everlasting costs and capital debts of its racketeered currencies.? This paper serves only to pay the greed of the Military, its,Agencies and speculating low level Grunts who cared nothing for the brutal genocide of its nation, but only to free ride for a fast Buck.
      Hah, didn’t work did it? Gimme the money? We don’t care how. Just Gime, Gimme,Gimme.
      Iraq, from a sensible strategic planning position, would be well advised to declare the lot Demonetised War issues and to torch it all. Start again with a new currency, based on its actual economy, IMF supported,and an amount which it can sustain. Burn the speculators. Carry none!

      Rethink Iraq.


  34. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Here is some Vivaldi to end our week. If there was ever a reason for Vivaldi…

    It’s rare to see such classic beauty in a young woman these days. No ink, piercings, blue hair, etc.; I miss these natural beauties which used to grace the beaches of my youth.

    Hope you have all appreciated the subtle news as of late. Stay tuned…


  35. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  37. Watch “President Ronald Reagan’s Best Debate Moments” on YouTube

    Ron or Biden you chose?

    Watch “Donald Trumps hair fell OFF!” on YouTube

    Watch “Dave Allen’s thoughts about Adam and Eve” on YouTube

    He was a real comedian. The best.

    How can Charles answer? He was too busy banging Camilla.

    Charles returns to work after Harry’s claims about his parenting https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9578931/Prince-Charles-returns-work-sons-claims-parenting.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    He’s a treacherous piece of shit. He needs a “6” interview!

    Martin Bashir quits BBC amid Princess Diana probe https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9579811/Martin-Bashir-quits-BBC-amid-Princess-Diana-probe.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Why the hell are armed Drones not sinking them mid channel?

    Nearly 200 migrants crossed Channel yesterday https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9579785/Nearly-200-migrants-crossed-Channel-yesterday.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    These are the IDIOTS we have to contend with in Ireland. Basket cases. Beyond hopeless.

    Creationist Christian Edwin Poots elected new DUP leader https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9579847/Creationist-Christian-Edwin-Poots-elected-new-leader-Democratic-Unionist-party.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    When it’s Jewish MSM Ownership it’s not murder when Palestinians die. What a dreadful, inhumane Cult. What is the price for the life of a child? Yours?


  38. John,
    If the QFS is close, why would financial remittance cryptos even have a purpose in the near future?

    Bitcoin was created around the time of the last crash because of all the money printing as a sound money. Ripple is a way to transfer money quickly. Nano, Litecoin, Monero, Dash, all only have purpose mainly as a medium of exchange. I could see some of the smart contract ones having use, but the space feels much smallet in a QFS world.

    Wouldn’t the internationally recognized credits of the QFS make these obsolete if they are based on measurable commodities and can be transferred quickly in the digital space?

    Unless, there is something I’m missing about this QFS.


    1. HIW

      At this moment we do not yet have the sophisticated infrastructure in place for Global QFS.

      Compounding this a major, very large asset conversion is playing out with a nation where the President and the Asset Owners will not accept anything less than fully cleared USD’s into their own Central Bank Accounts, to be credited to our major asset owners. for Global structuring and re investing. A Whale sized deal. We have to go backwards to go forwards. Then to multi-track, rack and stack all of them. Multi tasking and multi challenging.

      But then, how to convert to QFS? But safely!
      Right now, all the markets are a 3 shell game.

      But who can call which will survive, or which are the Sleepers?
      But then, which are we backing, all in time?

      We are strapping the lead reigns on a whale right now. Not yet for disclosure.
      Everything has its role. A new Season is upon us. Open Season!

      Only, explained after completion. Strict Non Disclosure. Protecting the Golden Goose.


  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 3 people

    1. The America we all knew is disappearing fast. Invaded by undereducated Hispanics and crime gangs. Also with a catastrophic Muslim surge with its 7th Century Despotic Cult, facing of under educated Afros in vast millions, deprived and angry, no Central Bank , the Fed run only by Zios and Jews, what the hell is left of the Founders America? Yet this lost, unfolding nation in freefall, sits on its arse blowing Goldfish bubbles. The only Western nation with a Ph D in mass stupidity. Throw in visibly increasing gross obesity, funded by welfare. Are you mad?
      Take off those rose tinted glasses,.Look around you.Look at Washington DC, and start getting there. Wake up America!
      Great country, what happened?


      1. America we all knew was disappearing, but there are so many waking up, and I am not talking about the WOKE crapola, people are waking up to that mess also… I see more and more everyday using common sense now… more and more states and cities are enacting common sense to counter the crap coming from our so called GOV… I think the jury is still out on the outcome… feels like the tide has turned and light is starting to shine on the rats more and more… just an observation from a tiny corner of the America… guess we shall see what unfolds…

        But, hey, did you know the POS CDC just said it was OK to go outside without a mask on?… what a revelation!…
        Think peeps are waking up to the politically controlled CDC also…

        Thanks to Tino for real science and facts from day one!


  40. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/may/13/eu-citizens-arriving-in-uk-being-locked-up-and-expelled

    This is a culture shock for the EU, no more free border access to the UK.Good!
    No more access to Albanian criminals, Romanain thieves. and Eastern Block trash.
    If your visit is not visa cleared , you’re not staying.
    Israeli ground troops attack Gaza as air force bombards targets and officials order EVERYONE living within miles of the border to go to bunkers – after tit-for-tat death toll climbed to 110 including dozens of children

    The military said just after midnight air and ground forces were attacking the Hamas-run enclave. Rocket barrages from Gaza swiftly followed.


    Any excuse and the Kazars swarm in. Arm Palestine for Gods sake! Russia helped keep Syria free. Russia and Iran need to help Palestine. The entire Arab world needs to stop this!

    What, criminal investigations of Trump? Is the Grifter not squeaky Clean? His life may change.
    The green cryptocurrencies that want to solve Elon Musk’s crypto climate concerns

    Watch “Jim Carrey as Joe Biden (he’s good at it, and look very alike)” on YouTube

    Carey finds a new career. Spoofing Biden as the village idiot.

    Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats (VIDEO)

    So now Fauci wants to Lab Produce more Kazar Zionists.

    How sick are people?


  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Thank you, Elon! Keep running your mouth…just love the lower prices.

    War is a dirty business. One minute you are alive, the next you are in Elysium.


  42. https://inews.co.uk/news/scientists-fear-possible-delay-end-lockdown-uk-cases-india-variant-triple-one-week-998811 and

    Wait for it another delay because India’s mutation is loose and racing away.
    Ethereum price shoots to new all-time high as experts make $20000 prediction

    The Brits face down RAS Putin

    Now he’s really going to piss her off this will get ugly

    Good luck with this I hope he can cover his legal bills

    Greed rules!
    BREAKING NEWS: Police raid Romelu Lukaku’s birthday party in Milan https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-9574503/Inter-Milan-Police-raid-Romelu-Lukakus-birthday-party-Milan-fine-23-guests.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Covid police are arresting everyone it’s easy fines to rip us off again
    Editorial: No amount of airstrikes will end the conflict between Israel and Hamas

    We Brits and the US are guilty as hell of throwing millions of poor Palestinians out of their homes and stealing their Homeland , because Post WW11, no European nations wanted these fake Kazarian Jews back at any price, nor did the US want them.

    We stole Palestine’s land in a deal with Rothschilds, and we sent this poor nation to hell.

    The more they kill these poor Palestinians, an ever greater hatred builds across the Arab world and Global views of Pariahs will build up. America must stop funding and arming these Kazars.

    Mossad already has plans in situ to cause mass destruction across America if it does not get its way.
    You have a wild animal by the tail. All they touch they destroy. America needs to think with care of the end game here. You have seen 9/11 and it caused mass panic across America. The Middle East lives with it daily.
    Arabs will think new WMD’s and it wont end well for America. These Kazars will take all the gain. You will get the pain.

    Israel is a cruel Pariah State, its ruthless greed will bring on Armageddon. .No one will shed a tear.

    There are many good and valued Jews across the world, who are in no way to blame for Mossad or the Kazars. We must respect and protect the good Jews. This will not end well. Arabs will unite and with Russian and Chinese backing, may bring forward the final solution. Was there even any other end game for them? Are all the nations wrong who expelled them? It’s time for Russia, Iran and China to step up, lance this vicious Carbuncle of Despots. No Palestinian Child should be raised in such terror, Are yours? .


    Liked by 1 person

  43. It’s a tiny island.
    So remote it has its own language, spoken nowhere else in the world.
    And per the World Property Journal, Trump has “quietly purchased” a $19 million complex there…



  44. Like

  45. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The roots of this pestilence were planted mid last century…and we watered the roots. The plant is poisonous and we are doing very little to pull it out of the soil.


    1. Thank you for sharing Tony. This is horrible. But this society (in US) is headed on that direction and the future does not look promising, it is pretty bad. We can be the next south Africa, indeed.


  46. Article from February- interesting…



  47. https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/Magneticcovidvaxarm-1:6?src=open
    Hmm…check out this short video.

    Daily pass for school from MicroSatan


  48. https://populist.press/cop-who-murdered-ashli-babbitt-is-an-immigrant-and-black-lives-matter-militant/

    Cop Who Allegedly Murdered Ashli Babbitt is an Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant


  49. https://www.cityam.com/john-mcafee-close-to-bankruptcy-as-he-fights-crypto-fraud-charges/

    Greed from hero to Zero.

    This is the danger every guy faces with a one sided marriage contract. They were only married 12 years she came in with nothing. Now she is trying to grab the crown Jewell’s. The worst contract and guy ever enters into.
    With a 50%, divorce rate are we mad,?
    Dozens more Covid dead wash up on the banks of the Ganges https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9567303/Dozens-Covid-dead-wash-banks-Ganges.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    They wonder why it’s exploding in India?
    This unhygienic filth is coming at the world as they travel. Quarantine ship rules!
    Benjamin Netanyahu declares a state of emergency in Lod https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9568875/Benjamin-Netanyahu-declares-state-emergency-Lod-mayor-warns-civil-war-erupted.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Understand SS Kazars, your invasive and ruthless repression and theft of their nation will never be forgotten. Now their tickets travel further and with increased warheads real revenge is coming.
    Just wait until their Labs start to release viable WMDs. One viable virus will take out a million. The Egyptian plague will come. Good Jews need to leave. Go to welcoming nations and live in peace. You are a good people
    These repressive Kazars have Karma to pay karma is a Bitch
    Violence erupts in London as pro-Palestine activists clash with police https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9568769/Violence-erupts-London-pro-Palestine-activists-clash-police.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Now the truth is getting out and the Kazars don’t like it.
    Palestinians will never stop and Iran plus Syria will come into it
    Husband of wife killed in Greek burglary ‘begged’ men not to hurt her https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9569819/Greece-burglary-murder-Husband-begged-thieves-not-hurt-family.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Dreadful our world is sick.
    Scale of Covid-19 pandemic could have been prevented, panel says https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9570497/Scale-Covid-19-pandemic-prevented-panel-says.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    All this is correct we were screaming at Johnson to stop Chinese flights in February. He dithered like a big girls blouse for 6 months
    Israel vows more attacks to bring ‘total, long-term quiet’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9569675/Israel-heading-scale-WAR-warns.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Both Iran and Syria will send ever more rockets and the Vengeant Mullahs in the Bekar Valley are fanatical it’s only time before they get, or get sold WMD s then Israehell gets torched.
    . Israelis will keep stealing land and brutalising Palestinians. Children grow up brutalised and hating. Israel really needs to humanise fast or they will wreak hell.
    Covid can cause erectile dysfunction months later, study claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9570097/Coronavirus-Covid-cause-erectile-dysfunction-months-later-study-claims.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Jeez this will stop the uptake if advertised. What No Lead in my Pencil? Take it away
    Ellen DeGeneres to END her talk show after 18 seasons https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9570853/Ellen-DeGeneres-END-talk-18-seasons.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Her time was up years ago. This pointless, Talentless , grossly overrated misfit has no role in this modern world and no class for sure.
    She’s well past her sell by date and reflects a certain type we well know.
    How did she ever emerge from La La land as anything?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ……and her production company never paid on time. Always three months or more late for a 350.00 dollar backdrop.


    1. Fork Disneyland! “The happiest place on earth” my ass. (That’s what it says on the sign at the entrance) So many fond memories growing up as a kid and adult. What a shame! I could care less if I ever visit there again.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Ah yes…Disneyland in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s.

        Always a great place to meet hot chicks and suck face when the ride you were on got to a dark place. I don’t think I ever saw half the pirates in the Caribbean. lol 🦜🏴‍☠️

        Haunted Mansion was the best. Just the two of us…I heard the ride…I didn’t see it. 🙄

        I once got thrown out of Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln because I shouted out “Bang!”, during a brief quiet moment in his speech. (I was dared).

        A guy that used to hang with us thought he was a real lady killer. He told us that he could walk a certain way, and stare a certain way and attract a girl just by doing that. We thought he was nuts. He walked up and down between the Matterhorn and It’s A Small World for about 15 minutes, and we were laughing so hard we nearly pissed our pants. All he attracted was an old lady who needed to know where the bathroom was. We never laughed so hard.

        I would not go near the place now. It’s an Ellis Island for third-world retards.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. LOL Tony!! Where were you when my friends and I were 16 years old and too young to go to the clubs, so we went to Disneyland to meet guys. LOL!!


          1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

            I was on the Voyage Into Inner-Space, seeing how far I could get my tongue into Bonnie Brown’s throat. Definitely an E-Ticket ride!


            1. You would not even get passed a feely with us 16 year old girls. We were definitely G rated. ….sort of


              1. We would not have tried…we were well aware that 16 would have gotten us 20 back then!


    2. Time to cancel the Disney channel.

      Liked by 1 person

  50. We are moving towards resolution of so many closing issues now with the Elders, that detailed reality of what will follow with a QFS history of funds list just came home with a bang, and Leaders want a certain bank replaced fast as the Lead Bank Issuer. QFS leaves all skidmarks and identities publicly exposed, so a fast profile reformatting history is taking place. Believe it! Details you don’t need to know, just that it’s being sorted.

    Once activated, the list of project needs is insurmountable. A step at a time.

    Daily I see so much need, and daily I see so much Greed.

    12 Good Men once tried to give is a guideline list of 10 commandments.

    It seems still not to have even yet sunk in. Yet so much makes sense. Do we re start there?

    Where do we start? Children needed values we can live by. How do we reshape man to be Kind?
    Do you think Politicians can grasp the 10? Ever?

    It starts there. It cover most. Why are Human values not more important than a fast Buck?
    Is the love and smile on the face of a happy child not priceless?

    Real value , is what we Gift to them in values. For life to have meaning, not to be demeaning.
    These funds need to make a difference. Stewards of Probity with care. Not for Bar Stewards of sleaze.
    Who leads? What values?

    I was asked what will be the terms for approval. I gave them this. Is it so bad a place to start again?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Brilliant! Thank you John but it’s seems to me that we have a long way to go to with what should be a “knowing” and not be a piece of paper to tell us so. But good start. Bravo!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Excellent place to start!… power in the hands of leaders who are for humanities real needs while promoting love and kindness for all will be earth shattering!… that alone will be a real change!

      Liked by 1 person

  51. Jeezzz…. This is crazy…. 8-0

    Internet Computer is already one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies with a market cap of $45 billion – just two days after launching

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wait until both Syria and Iran really come in behind Israel. Iraq too.
      Iran will give them 100,000 rockets with ever bigger warhead.
      The Leaders in Lebanon are working on WMDs. andone Syria backed by Russia recovers the Golan Heights, THEIR Land, they will rain down hell daily. Palestine will never give up. This will bring more Arab support.,

      Arm Palestine to stop these Kazar Swine.


  52. Wonder if Coke is going to speak out about the UK also?… and will baseball sanction the UK?… funny…



  53. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    He’s a p—y machine.

    This should be good.

    Why prolong the inevitable?
    Holy mackerel. I hope there were no people in that building.
    The Arabs and the Jews…
    No laughing matter, is it.


    1. Newfound RESPECT for Queen Elizabeth. Going thru some documentaries about her family and her reign. One tough cookie. Even if only half that was said about her is true. Many would buckle from the challenges she had to face both as a reigning monarch and as a daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, grandmother, etc.


      1. MN

        She’s been the most devout and Iconic Monarch ever, a truly dedicated inspiration to many.
        Every woman should be proud.
        William will hopefully carry the torch.
        Unfortunately, the half wit Charles may douse it first.
        Elizabeth deserves all respect.
        The Public will never forget Diana, Or Charles! He and the HO both need to go!


        1. John2021,

          You know what they say. She broke the mold. 🙂



  54. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/05/11/pfizer-asks-uk-regulator-approve-vaccinations-teenagers-following/

    This is dangerous.

    Tucker Carlson: Anthony Fauci let the coronavirus pandemic happen, why isn’t there a criminal investigation? | Fox News

    Raises an appropriate question. Heat is growing for Fauci

    Dr. Fauci’s Entire Career and Reputation Now Hinge On This One Video… – Revolver

    Fauci has a lot to answer for along with Gates. Why is he still free?

    The return of casual sex: Boris Johnson gives the green light for overnight stays for first time this year, with rules on kissing and hugging relaxed from May 17

    Casual sex will be allowed again for the first time this year as part of the Government’s latest lifting of lockdown measures, with people from different households allowed to meet inside from Monday.


    Really, Boris thinks we distance from Social Bonking? Dumkoff!
    ‘Civil war is brewing’: Serving French soldiers send Macron another chilling warning following earlier letter from retired generals calling for military action against ‘Islamists’

    A group of serving French soldiers have published a new open letter warning Emmanuel Macron that the ‘survival’ of France is at stake after the President made ‘concessions’ to Islamism.


    Islam is tearing the West apart.
    An Areshole started his games on London Bridge. He should have been thrown over into the River Thames. The rest with him.
    Hopefully the French do riot against the Muslims because Macron has lost the plot. Islam needs to be stopped- Dead!

    What the hell has been released? Why won’t China allow the WHO team into China to investigate the Wuhan Labs?
    Israel warns it has only just begun as it unleashes new air strikes in Gaza after overnight attacks | Daily Mail Online

    These Kazar Mafia animals posing as fake, assimilated Jews, will keep stealing land and murderking poor Palestinian children in ther own homes. Palestne needs and deserves the weapoms to fight back.https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9565261/Israel-warns-just-begun-unleashes-new-air-strikes-Gaza-overnight-attacks.html
    Vaccine passport will be on the NHS app from NEXT WEEK

    Without this you will not fly, stay at hotels , attend conferences, or attend events soon.
    You can decline. But then you live outside of the herd.
    The State is rapacious. Uncaring.

    Vaccine passport will be on the NHS app from NEXT WEEK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9564321/Vaccine-passport-NHS-app-WEEK.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Immediate Use of Ivermectin Medicine Globally Can End COVID-19 Pandemic: Scientists | The Weather Channel – Articles from The Weather Channel | weather.com

    Thinking Doctors.
    One imagines this will get wider exposure. Please help it.

    Government to ban ‘abhorrent and coercive’ gay conversion therapy
    For any human born with a different or cross divided genetic or Gender nature, or find ourselves enlosed in a body where Michael Fitpatrick feels he really should be Patrick Fizmichael, life will not be easy.
    Life has evolved, and we are no longer Queer Bashing,. but understanding and empathising will take time. As Man kind is developing Man needs to be Kind. To understand.
    We need to rethink Genders, and change false Church double standards, two faced agenders.
    We are who we are. Differences need time to understand We did not have the change to design our own DNA or Genders. Change agenders change what?
    Maybe the biggest change needed is our OWN consciousness. Do WE need the therapy?

    Government to ban ‘abhorrent and coercive’ gay conversion therapy https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9566027/Government-launches-consultation-banning-abhorrent-coercive-gay-conversion-therapy.html?ito=native_share_article-top


  55. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Well, if Chinese and Russian paratroops ever land here, they won’t need to worry about quarter-mastering food in the advanced guard units. They can eat off the fat of the land.

    Fund moms.


    Liked by 1 person

  56. Are we in the twilight zone? This just can’t be real.

    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to OK hugs between households on May 17 – Reuters

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The definition of insanity… sheeplings will be sheared!… Boris can take his Vaxx passport and tie a string to it, swallow the string then pull it put his arse@!… why is a vaxx that has killed more people than all other vaxx combined in the last 20 years being shoved so hard?… and that is with reported numbers, what are real numbers… and the death percentage, what is that real number… CDC has said it’s way less… no one uses the real numbers!… I have a better chance of dying from a plane falling out of the sky… take all the real science info we have learned over the last year and a half, if you put all the together and shared it on national news every minute, like they do with the fear porn, masks would have been gone as would lockdowns long ago… look at FL!… Fauci is in the neck deep… as is our leaders… what is the real goal?


      1. Forgive the grammar errors please…. where ARE the edit button?… got to learn to slow down…


        1. I would love to enable that feature, but it’s not offered for readers to self-edit.


          1. James with volumes of work we all hit this. Relax, we get it.
            Time is money..

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I know Tony… just making fun of myself… have a wonderful day bud!

            Liked by 1 person

              1. But did he have to be playing with the 5 fingered widow at the same time\?

                Liked by 1 person

  57. Absolutely Must Hear! You’ll find out once you open link. Very encouraging.


    Liked by 2 people

  58. https://thefederalist.com/2021/05/10/biden-hhs-passes-anti-science-rule-change-to-redefine-sex/

    The new guidance reverses Trump-era rules defining “sex” as grounded in one’s gender assigned at birth.


  59. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Wait until someone puts VX or Sarin in one of those rockets.

    Godfrey rocks.

    What about dinar?

    Since when does a bank “Ponder” over fee income?

    Liked by 1 person

  60. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/scottish-independence-nicola-sturgeon-snp-b1844878.html

    I for one dare not say F Sturgeon because I fear she will take me up on it.
    Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID In 2015 ‘To Cause Enemy’s Medical System To Collapse’ | ZeroHedge

    Some people might imagine the Chinese with traitors within America conspired to use the virus as a weapon against the West. If not, then it sure would make for a great movie script.


    The Gobshite Socialist parasite gets called out and ridiculed.
    Biden’s $90 Billion Bailout to Tehran

    For the last 5 years while I have been building goodwill and reason with Iran, I have noted the deluge of CIA agents flooding in to meetings with the Republican Guards heads trying to fill their boots witht every energy and wealth producing contract going.
    The Criminal Intelligence Agency at work.
    Bush 41 was up to the neck in it with the KGB until the found he was too crooked to deal with.
    General Betrayus gave up the secrets for a bang. Pathetic.
    Its all about 2 faced rats buying in. Body bags for Dumb Americans and Profits for the Cabal, Contractors and CIA.
    I am sure the bagmen are traveling. Perhaps a New system is needed that makes every movement of capital transparent to all parties. No Liars Charter? OMG ?

    Biden’s $90 Billion Bailout to Tehran

    Up to half of Covid cases in London could now be Indian variant https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9561595/Coronavirus-HALF-Covid-cases-London-Indian-variant-data-suggests.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    A whole new wave is coming at us.

    Not sure if China’s Yuan can give confidence
    150 rotting bodies of ‘Covid patients’ wash up on the banks of Ganges https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9562131/150-rotting-bodies-Covid-patients-wash-banks-Ganges.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    More sad allegations on India

    As the Khazar Zionist steal more Palestinian land, as Parasites do, tnhese Pariahs are now disturbing Arab Holy Sites as well as stealing homes.
    There is dissent What a surprise?
    The sooner Syria, Egypt and Iran move against this tyrannical Khazar vermin in the better. Russia and China must protect Iran and Syria. Israel needs booting out of all occupied territories, head first and the US must stop arming and funding these vile Pariahs. If Iran and Syria invade there will be no mercy. These are not real Jews, wake up! I know many good Jews they are not like this. Good Jews need protecting and welcoming everywhere. Good Jews, we are with you a kind and good people. Assimilating Zionist Khazars you are not. You hurt good Jews. Jews are not Zionists.
    Moment a pet TIGER is seen roaming around a Houston neighborhood https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9562019/Moment-pet-TIGER-seen-roaming-Houston-neighborhood-man-manages-lure-home.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Nutters need horsewhipping

    Harry you damn mental case look what you and the Bolter have done. Stupid little boy. Grow Up!

    Epstein knew the type. He’s going to get screwed for free now. This will hurt she will be ruthless and dirt will come out as now.
    Explosions heard in Israel as Hamas claims to have fired rockets https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9562739/Explosions-heard-Israel-Hamas-claims-fired-rockets.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    It’s vile, try living as a Palestinian brutalised. Your home’s torn from you. Denied access to families in Ghaza. Denied basics and refugees in your own land. Tent cities and Khazar ruthless brutality masked from the world by Zionist Mafia press and MSM owners. They muzzle truth. We need to barbed wire muzzle the lot of them. Disgusting Pariahs Good Jews are not like this nor are Jews Zionist . Zios are assimilating Genghis khan animals and their Parish spawn is loose in the world. Education needs to remove them

    Just look at this now with Pfizer. What the hell is going down Here, apart from YOU?

    Restrooms Signs

    Liked by 1 person

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