White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #168

The Legitimate Dynastic Elders And Goals of Their Releases  

This is a complex, multifaceted, multi-nation, multi-Banking, and Global Power Control Dichotomy. All have their Say and want to be in the final Game play. 

We now have Rockefellers, the Crown via the Committee of 300, and the Elders in full play. Representatives are there right now, as parties try to reach a consensus with so many self seeking special interests. One which will cater for the ever changing new Global Dynamics. With the emergence of Cryptos, Blockchain, the growing Global preference for Euros over USD, and incoming QFS, the Zionist Old Guard is seeking to hook their Claws onto something, or all will be swept away. Their problem in the new world incoming, is there is no real role for them to play or dominate. Nor a need. Parasites are trying as ever to burrow into a new Host! “Hit the Rocks, Fella”, is not what they had in mind. It’s Culture Shocking them. 

QFS can negate their entire control base, as so many accounts would fail the History of Funds Diligence Checks. How was it earned or sourced? Apply this and entire groups of cross corruption will be exposed. They seek control. We are denying it. 

“…We will raise the bar. Imagine…IF, London and the Elders bought a key Sovereign Bank, one which also facilitated Global Crypto Trading, and Metals holdings, and then forced all MTN Trading Profits back into Nation rebuilding; if we denied Offshore Banks access to QFS transfers or MTN profits…”  

Senior GS Trustee

Tough London Ethical Controls. No “Camels” in the tent. Trust! Zio Free!

The U.S. simply is insolvent, and in desperate need of an asset base to underpin its Fake Fed Base, the insolvent U.S. Zio Banks are sucked dry to cover over the cracks in the U.S. Treasury Balance Sheets to continue the Myth of Fiscal probity. We know this! 

More meetings are set for next week hoping to clear issues to be finally signed off soon by all parties. Presidents are waiting. There is a lot we can’t and won’t say in Public. Nor will we show our hand yet. Almost all the Tier One and Tier Two MTN Bank Program Profits (Vast!!!) are skimmed off into their Offshore Accounts daily, evading Taxes and denying nations’ wealth creation needs. This goes to fund an insatiable CRIMINAL Military Industrial Cabal and a vast plethora of Special Interests’ Mercenary Contractor Killers costing between $3K to $5K per man day operating beyond the rule of law, in ruthless Wars created for profits. A Million poor Iraqis died for this. How many poor Syrians have died for this?

Be clear – the ONLY reason the U.S. is in Syria is to steal its oil, and to steal its land. Look at the disgrace and suffering of Palestine. Trump, acting under orders from his Zionist Paymasters, unlawfully gifted Syria’s Golan Heights to the Kushner Crime Family and other Zionists, Cheney and Mossad’s Nutter Yahoo. Hegemony for Money!  There is no Moral Imperative or Honor in using the U.S. Military as body bags for Israeli and vast Zionists’ profits. Mongrel Dogs rented for profit. 

We will raise the bar. Imagine…IF, London and the Elders bought a key Sovereign Bank, one which also facilitated Global Crypto Trading, and Metals holdings, and then forced all MTN Trading Profits back into Nation rebuilding; if we denied Offshore Banks access to QFS transfers or MTN profits. They want amnesties? We want the vast Profits accrued daily to service Human and Ecological needs, not their greed. Putting back. Establishing a Moral Imperative.   

Wait until you see our terms. We will show our real plans only after we first get real control. We are thinking a Century forwards. Inclusive regeneration. Our objectives are going to recycle back Project Profits created by the People, into new Wealth Creating Projects and Token/Cryptos where the profits of good projects are then reinvested back into you, the people, and you all become real stakeholders in a United New Wealth Version Self Generating funds for all nations. Educating nations by Professionals, not Churches and Cults skimming off fees. No 7th Century ignorant Despots loose and demanding. Ethereal values from birth. Quality education for all children to have equal chances. Nurturing values from birth. Educating. Not allowing ever continuing indoctrination from these Mongrels and their Blood Cult Child sexual mutilations. We have to turn the tide over a century.  

Only 40% of all Taxes syphoned off from you actually goes back to fund needs for you. 60% is recklessly wasted on Admin and Bureaucratic Suits. Why? Because it’s “Their” pernicious Law? Not to serve you, but to help themselves. We will be looking to fund Humanity directly to the point of need, and to cut out their waste. Why do we need “Governments”? Incompetent, inept and crooked. Without these mediocrities over 150% more investment can go back to meet needs, without the Half Wits, Clinton sleaze, Nancys and Scammers syphoning from the pot.

What you the people create, we want to put back without Roaches on your back. Rethinking Community Development, its purpose, protective needs and how to secure Communities by the self created Community Pride of We The People protecting its own Community with pride. Where every Person’s Home is YOUR own Sovereign Domain. Your Right to be Free of persecution! To exist safely. To know, that as long as you have Humane values, we will protect your very right to exist.

Those are the objectives of the Elders and London Trusts. To make a Difference! To serve Humanity, not to help themselves.

So much is active on your watch. Vision is alive! These funds need to be used for a good purpose as endowed. To sow the green shoots of hope for Mankind to be Kind. Leaders fit to serve. Service to others is a Privilege, not a Right.

Right…is putting back.

1,389 responses to “Information Briefing #168”

  1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Blockchain ideas, like DATA, will fill the need to make the future “stuff” work


  2. Olympics looking likely to have NO fans as Japan extends emergencies https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9628623/State-emergencies-Japan-extended-Tokyo-2020-chiefs-say-Olympics-held.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Devastating for Japs.
    Coins like ethereum are going to be a lot higher; Jim Bian

    Shame on Martin Bashir, but don't forget original culprit in Diana drama'

    Bashir needs a serious hiding, but Charles? He’s the cause of this.Unfit father, unfit for the role of King!

    Harry and Meghan ‘slept through calls about Philip’s death until police arrived’ – Mirror Online

    2 Bloody Ditsy whimpering Children slept through it all. Pathetic!


    Wow, who was in on this?
    Is Dr. Fauci the Mastermind Behind the Creation of SARS-CoV-2? – Part II – RedState

    Fauci will find if hes caused these problems for Russia, that Ras Putin will have his Ass on a Spike and Yes, Im serious!

    If he is, then Gates is right behind him as he did not act alone, as there are others. And it could be that this whole narrative is hitting the wall faster than people think.
    Russia has quietly stood behind the curtain, it’s said it holds the true culprit (s) as accountable for an attack on Russia and humanity. Just stop and think about this for a moment. Russia’s policy is to hold such a party (s) as accountable, as an attack is a declaration of war. Make no mistake about this.
    I have written before, that in weaponry Russia is second to no one, and quite capable of wiping an opponent into disarray quickly. No one poisons faster! Russia looks at all friends as potential enemies, given the chance, in changing times. It is not without due reason that XI Jinping sent his most trusted man to Russia. No wonder why the Biden crowd wants a meeting fast. Russia is looking at who released Covid into the wild and intends to hold the guilty party accountable. No stone will be left unturned.
    Russia will hold the guilty party to account, with no exceptions, have no illusions about what this means. War by another means be it Covid or a cyber attack is a declaration of war and Russia has declared it will hold the guilty to account, which means a response will come and it will be without notice and swift. The obvious parties are running to declare innocence and blame the other guy. You have to understand Russian mentality to know they will listen to all sides and vet every word and decide based on facts what the truth is. It will not matter what the relationship past or present is, as the attack will be responded to. Watch for warnings to Russian citizens abroad. Travel got a lot more dangerous in certain parts of the world. Look at what is escalating in Europe over the party detained in Belarus as there is much more to the story, behind the curtain.
    Buy popcorn for this to play out as Russia will act as judge and executioner. A military response is coming for the guilty. Will Fauci die for this? Gates?


    Liked by 2 people

    1. ” You have to understand Russian mentality to know they will listen to all sides and vet every word and decide based on facts what the truth is.”… would be nice if that was the normal!


      1. And I mean with every nation.


  3. Another one by crypto teacher with excellent information and insight.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Markets are erratic as Bitcoin crashes today. nose diving.
    Allow for a roller coaster ride. Projections indicate it could fall well below $30K but then bounce back again.
    But is the real value now in Bitcoins anyway at this stage? Short term what may do better?
    Time to juggle.
    No problem having 8 balls in the air, UNTIL you spot 2 are YOURS? Jesus!


  5. https://thefederalist.com/2021/05/28/you-wont-believe-how-activists-pushed-loudoun-county-schools-into-critical-race-theory/

    ” Then the Loudoun NAACP leveraged the Equity Collaborative assessment to trigger an AG investigation and settlement to require critical race theory in Loudoun County Public Schools. All because two teachers used an exercise invented and used by anti-racist and equity coaches across the country. What an absolute scam.”


  6. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01442-9

    Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime
    People who recover from mild COVID-19 have bone-marrow cells that can churn out antibodies for decades, though viral variants could dampen some of the protection they offer.


  7. Catherine Austin Fitts interview with Sherri Tenpenny



  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    We’ve lost our effing minds.


    1. The pathetic part of it all is the “white straight male” executives went along with it. This world is so forked up.

      Liked by 3 people

  9. Bitcoin price – live: Ethereum up $1,000 amid ‘highly positive’ outlook for crypto

    No says Switzerland your EU illegals and Wogs can not have free access here. We allowed Muslims on before and they F the country. Now we vet before or show them the door.
    NatWest launches ‘urgent’ cryptocurrency scam alert – BBC News
    Forget Bitcoin and Ethereum: 10 Best Cryptocurrencies Redditors are Buying
    Binance Coin Prediction: Another 26% Rally is Likely
    First results from UK tokamak offers a STEP towards commercial fusion – Physics World
    Prince Harry speaks about how he dealt with Meghan feeling suicidal https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9627905/Prince-Harry-speaks-dealt-Meghan-feeling-suicidal.html? into=native_share_article-top

    What a pathetic attention seeking petulant child. He needs a serious kick In the arse and Markel needs Bitch Slapping. A whining Brat Pack.


  10. https://bestnewshere.com/body-doubles-clones-or-masks-you-decide-must-see-video/
    Hhmmm…does make one wonder. The pics alone are worth seeing.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Dangerously Changing Inconvenient Rules

    In the same vein of rules changes and to recapitulate our premise, it appears that right from the very beginning of his first term in early 2009, Obama leveraged a biosecurity executive order inherited from an outgoing Bush (11 days before Obama’s inauguration) to make substantial rules changes in biosecurity writ large. Those changes eventually permitted the off-shoring of gain of function research relative to the SARS-CoV-2 virus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China. It appears Obama then leveraged an apparent manufactured biosecurity crisis created by a DHS memo issued by Lisa Monaco in 2014 that cited three unrelated incidents as justification for issuing a national “security stand down” at U.S. biocontainment facilities, which created the entities and processes to make the rules changes. The Monaco memo coincides with internal U.S. whistleblowers who, on the same 2014 timeline, shined the light on U.S. gain of function research causing Obama’s administration to halt it and then, in 2015, off-shore it to China and fund it with Fauci’s NIH, et al.


  12. Gobble…gobble…gobble…

    In the end, it’s technological development, and not politics, which gives us all the higher standard of living we all desire.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Good info in this video.

    Side note: Has anyone received an invite from uphold to pilot the XRP MasterCard? In order to participate, you have to sign up for Global ID. Im hesitant to sign up because they want so much personal information.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Liked by 1 person

  15. Period poverty seriously? Why not get rid of the Jones act which hikes the price of everything there by 30 percent more then the mainland.

    Is that the best these idiots can do? The liberals have ruined Hawaii and California. My two use to be favorite places.

    I can’t imagine what the price of ribeye steaks are there now. I noticed a steep increase in meat prices where I live in Arizona.


    Liked by 1 person

  16. “ To the extent that fintechs are able to gain the same direct access to the Fed’s wholesale purchases that ordinary banks enjoy, they can operate more efficiently, and compete more effectively with those banks in providing alternative retail products and services.”



  17. Forget all the GCR and RV plus Currency Wannabe fantasies right now.

    We KEEP telling you all that demonetised CRAP has no backing, nor will such mindless amounts happen. How? With what, Who will bail it?

    Every month more Pumpers or Gurus keep promising you it’s here, how many years?
    The same vacuous promises – hang in and get rich quick. It fails every, time and has now again. All were again promised for May 20th Hello?

    For those who followed our suggestions to dump half or all, and switch to Cryptos, you have recovered all and profited.

    For the desperate who chose not to listen, can we sell you London Bridge, going Cheap? Or Florida swamp land.? Why let a good Sucker pass by unpunished?

    All the US remaining money available is here. Spent! Spent up!

    For the realists, many of you will find, if you recall your notes, excuse will follow excuse because they may NOT be there. Fed hands may be coming on collars.

    Should you getting out before the whole Ponzi scam collapses? Which Suckers will be holding the parcel? Boom!
    Can you even get your notes back, are they even there?

    Even $500 Bucks back now can turn into $5K or more in Cryptos. Or dust in broken dreams. How many don’t question, when is the time to cut your losses? Where is money coming from?

    If the run starts to get out, and your left sucking tail pipes,.what then? When are enough failure excuses enough? Is it more Broker Shite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You decide, its your backside! How smart are you?

    Just a heads up, time to walk? Or miss the Crypto boom? How smart are you? Or not? See what happens if you recall your notes. Or go down if it implodes. Sensible heads?

    President Biden will propose massive $6 trillion spending plan https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9625573/President-Biden-propose-massive-6-trillion-spending-plan.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    The UK is being screwed by faliing EU Eurocrats who cant pay what is owed to the UK now????????????

    Buying into the bitcoin fantasy will cost us dear

    One line of thought.

    New cryptocurrency Chia blamed for hard drive shortage

    Russian Tu-22M3 long-range bombers land in Syria for first time as country’s air force begins training over Mediterranean Sea — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

    Please know that Russia slso has high speed atomic torpedos that can wipe out a coastine. All Naval bases and cities will be gone. But also the new Bombers.

    This is noteworthy. These are powerful state of the art, long range bombers with hypersonic nuclear missile capabilities.
    Today, Putin announced that 70% of all districts have the S400 missile systems fully deployed with the S500 in serial production. He also stated that 85% of all senior active personnel have seen combat experience in Syria. Russia made it a point to use Syria to acquire live field experience. This should not be taken lightly as it means live combat situations have been put to the test and refined. Further, robots tested in live field conditions are in serial production. There are wicked killing machines that communicate at a platoon level with soldiers in the field.
    Whatever comes in the future, know that Russia has been actively preparing for war. War with who and where, only time will show. And we can be certain they will not flinch to inflict punishment as they vividly remember their sacrifices in WWII. Russia will bring for the fights to come. Hit big, hit hard.
    Meanwhile should the meeting actually take place mid June in Geneva between Biden and Putin, I suspect it will be the visible end of the Open Skies agreement since America has already pulled out, with relationships finding a new low. Russia is not going to accept a Biden Socialist Agenda nor entertain any unilateral actions. Russia does not even acknowledge Biden as the legitimate President elected by the people, and will likely treat him accordingly. You should not expect much, even though the media will try to make a big noise.
    Meanwhile rumor is that by this meeting date, sea trials of the Russian Doomsday nuclear torpedo capable of wiping out a vast coastline will be completed. They are dead serious about defensive response that kills.

    Utterly dreadful and we keep letting them in????????????

    Woman is gang-raped during wedding at her home in India https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9624815/Woman-gang-raped-left-hanging-electricity-pole-wedding-home-India.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    WAYNE ROOT: If You Believe 60 Judges Turned Down “Stolen Election,” You’re Either an Idiot, or In On the Fix

    America is finally waking up. You reckon? Walmart cannon fodder vote!

    Watch until the end. Love the aussies.

    Wake the Hell Up this is coming right at YOU All!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pakkies breed like Rabbits
    Can’t someone unleash Paximototus? Job done! Khazars next.


  19. This is a powerful article… so many need to be held accountable!

    ” Because of ivermectin, Capuzzo says, there are “hundreds of thousands, actually millions, of people around the world, from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to Brazil, who are living and not dying.” Yet media outlets have done all they can to “debunk” the notion that ivermectin may serve as an effective, easily accessible and affordable treatment for Covid-19. They have parroted the arguments laid out by health regulators around the world that there just isn’t enough evidence to justify its use.”

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Dominic Cummings’ biggest bombshells: 20 most damning allegations https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9622325/Doms-biggest-bombshells-20-damning-allegations-Cummings-testimony.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    You wonder why I am Apolitical?
    These Tossers are not fit for office. On either side of the pond. At least every 20 years we cull the hell out of ours.
    This crap lot kill by stupidity.
    DC kills for profit.
    AI will overtake the lot.

    At last, why has the obvious taken so long. Taking Fauci for Gitmo waterboarding will get answers fast. Wash his mouth out?
    Tea for two! President Biden will meet the Queen in June during his G7 trip to the UK

    The White House is finalizing plans for President Joe Biden to meet with Queen Elizabeth II during his trip next month to the United Kingdom, his first trip abroad as president.


    The low lifes she has to accommodate, from a Chicago lying Kenyan Usurper, to a Fake vote rigged geriatric who can’t even climb the steps of AF One. How the hell does DC parade that as the face of the nation? The EU will ridicule him. The Orange man was fool enough. Now you send that? America has the PR image of Walmart. Does no one screen these Dopes?
    China reveals god of war;, a stealth bomber that can reach US islands
    John McAfee faces dying in prison for the same thing Elon Musk does on Twitter, says his wife – CityAM
    Stampede for digital currency poses a threat to our banking system


  21. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/johns-hopkins-prof-half-americans-have-natural-immunity-dismissing-it-biggest-failure?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    A professor with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine has said that there is a general dismissal of the fact that more than half of all Americans have developed natural immunity to the coronavirus and that it constitutes “one of the biggest failures of our current medical leadership.”
    No shit Sherlock!…
    “When you make big, overarching statements that we’re going to defund or abolish and dismantle the police department and get rid of all the officers, there’s an impact to that,” he said.



  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    What’s this??? Lack of support? You mean after 10 years of “…we should be at the bank next week…” people are starting to wonder what their donations have bought them? Are the realities of this narrative starting to gain traction? Or, is this a play, a hustle, an angle, a game designed to engender sympathy for the poor underfunded international currency experts?

    Liked by 2 people

  23. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9620151/Dominic-Cummings-launches-assault-Boris-Johnson.html

    What a nasty, sneaky Bitch Snitch Bumbling Buffoon Boris Johnson has trying to bring him down . 2 slimebags together

    Cummings is shredding reputations today in tbe Govt Inquiry.

    1. He’s trashed the Health Secretary Matt Hand on Cock as a persistent liar.
    2. He’s trashed Boris’s Dog Carrie as completely Nutts.
    3. He’s been trashing Johnson for weeks and is trying to get him fired.
    4. He’s trashing The Cabinet.

    This worm is not turning he’s thrashing!
    Useless Boris is being exposed. It’s a torrid day for Chubby Johnson as he’s character trashed before all.
    Sneaky low life backstabbing Zionist Michael Gove hangs in the wings like a lump of Gorilla Snot hoping to get Johnson’s job if blown out. He’s a nasty creep. Both!
    The perfect soup: Dietitians reveal their favourite nutrient-rich packaged option that’s packed full of vegetables and protein

    Two dietitians have revealed their favourite packaged soup you can buy from the supermarket, and not only is it packed full of seven different vegetables and protein, but it only costs $4.50.


    For Ladies who don’t lunch.

    As most know I’m no Charles Fan. But what Harry and the Buckle nosed Bolter are doing is wrong. Most girls would die for her chance. She had a chance to be our joint US/ British Princess. It’s sad she’s let us all down. You too. She had such a welcome here and a 40M wedding a fairytale. A single year and she Fs off. Beyond sad. Both Phillip and William warned Harry to slow down and get to know her first. But he was headstrong and limp brained. She must have a second tongue. Richard the 3rd under Shakespeare offered his kingdom for a horse. Harry just gave up his for a mare.
    Truly, it’s sad she’s let both our nation’s down. No Class and a horse’s Ass.
    She’s got skinny Chicken legs like Obama. Scrawny legs and a Big Ass.

    We can certainly agree they failed the public but Cummings also
    Brad Pitt is granted joint custody of his children with Angelina Jolie https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9621923/Brad-Pitt-scores-huge-victory-war-Angelina-Jolie-judge-awards-joint-custody-kids.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    This is better Justice. She stole him ruthlessly from Jen and the last few years this train wreck faced Bruiser had done to Brad what she did to her own father. This is a truly dangerous shrew and now the Kids get to spend time with their Dad not war games with that mental Bitch. Good for you Brad now get some real hot women and watch her get committed to Belle Vue where she belongs. You put a ring on the finger of that Minger and look what it costs.
    Live well Brad and peace in your head.

    Send her a pic of you in Jen’s bed. A smiling Jen go screw with her head. Payback.
    Biden Tries To Shield China From Trump — But It’s Too Late | Sons of 1776

    This is a Tinkers Tea Party.
    Did you expect anything less ?

    Subject: Wuhan Lab Caught Deleting Files Proving Fauci Funding

    Why the hell is this not sorted by now?

    Why are there no international independent prosecutors looking at this?
    When you see and learn such things the whole narrative of Covid deserves question.



    The demise of the dollar? Reserve currencies in the era of ‘going big’
    Bitcoin: Advert claiming it’s ‘time to buy’ crypto is banned in UK
    ‘It’s wild out there’: crypto firms lure top bankers in price boom
    Bitcoin price to hit six-figures in 2021 despite crypto market crash


    1. Bobby McCormack Avatar
      Bobby McCormack

      Entertainment tonight is another channel. Who gives a rats ass about Pitt & Jolie.


      1. The rats that live in their kitchen?


        1. And George Clooney looking for Brads cast offs.
          Then the Democrats looking for Clooney’s tier 3 cast offs.
          Lighten up it’s a good thing when any dad gets to see his kids with freaks like Joley hissing vitriol.

          Liked by 1 person

  24. Like

  25. http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/1xosL0M77b4/biden-shut-down-wuhan-lab-investigation-probing-covid-19-origins-report
    “I’m not a pro-Republican person,” Brand introduced while talking to Greenwald on his YouTube channel. “I don’t see myself that way. I don’t see myself as conservative, or that I’m in a Trump, or Giuliani, or the kind of media establishments that were reporting on these revelations [about Biden’s family]. They are not my cultural, social, or political allies. That’s certainly not how I see myself.” And then he blasted away: “However, it seems to me — what reason is Hunter Biden sat on the board of an energy company in… Ukraine?” he questioned. “What reason is James Biden sat on the board, or receiving payments from an energy company, in China?”

    “We’re talking about sleaze, corruption, financial misdemeanors, and relationships between corporations, big business, and politicians — let’s face it, unless you’re bloody stupid, you know that’s going on all the time.”

    “For me, revelations that there are financial connections between energy companies in… Ukraine, energy companies in China, and the Biden family are troubling. That should be public knowledge.”


  26. Manhattan prosecutors in criminal probe into Trump Org convene grand jury to consider whether to INDICT the ex-President

    The Washington Post reported that the grand jury will also consider whether other Trump Organization executives or the business itself will be prosecuted.


    The trouble with being a narcissistic Grifter, is that Trump can’t tell the difference between Fact or the Fiction of his numerous lies. Does he skate clear again?
    Will a competent Attorney bring him down this time?
    Life for habitual and serial liars tends to catch up.
    Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin – WSJ

    Why do people doubt that it came from China? It takes this long for confirmations by MSM. What about the role of Fauci? And we are asked to give credence to what this fool says ? This whole narrative is falling apart quickly which suggests the front men will run and hide while the likes of Klaus dreams of new cyber threats to break the economies to achieve a reset.
    Complete madness is destroying the world around us that will lead to decades of work to find a new stability. Every week I discover new and different supply chain problems.


    ASB News / MILITARY〽️ on Twitter: “2020: 🎥 US military vehicles encircled and chased away by Russian military in Syria, Russian soldiers force US occupation vehicle to a stop and point a camera at it, says “smile” laughs Cat and mouse between Russia and US in Syria just doesn’t get old https://t.co/OrOeXhmUTg” / Twitter

    On the 16th of June supposedly Putin and Biden will meet in Geneva. Events like this tell a bunch about the nature of such a meeting if it comes .
    Putin is well aware of who pulls the strings and who does not.
    Why Are Democrats So Afraid of Election Audits?
    If the results are legit, why the care?

    Why Are Democrats So Afraid of Election Audits?

    CBS News on Twitter: “New video from the U.S. Army shows a soldier’s view with night-vision goggles, known as Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binocular. The video was captured during a live-fire training exercise at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington. https://t.co/h06YbmdhCG” / Twitter

    Just like a video game fantasy. Nowhere to hide.

    Top cryptocurrency prices today: Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum
    Bitcoin as a call option
    US bank chiefs express caution over cryptocurrency
    JPMorgan initiates coverage of Coinbase at overweight, says stock can rebound more than 60%

    The whining Bitch gets outed again.
    He’s finished in the UK. Once the Bolter sees he’s no use to her he’s gone.

    She’s a user but he’s a Tosser what a mysogonistic pair of mediocre posers.


  27. QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion

    QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion
    An interesting read here.


  28. Tony thank you so much for all the recent info. We decided to add more to our portfolios and just finished with that this evening. because we dolloar cost average into our positions on the dips our cost per coin goes way down while the returns go way up. Your advice on buying dips has been very good to us! we anticipate by year end we will be seeing incredible numbers.

    We notice that our London friend is very mum about what is going on and we can only assume that what is happening has got to be extraordinary because of this silence. The anticipation over here is elecrifying to say the least! How fortunate for us that you have shepparded and responsibly maintained an environment where our British friend is willing to share the real world playing out which is hidden from our direct vision.

    What amazing things are unfolding. The entire world is breaking out of old machinery and installing the newer versions and we are at the right place at the right time to be taking advanatage of the values of being early.

    Thanks again and we are with you and WHA! Your pal C.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      As always, you seemingly have your act together and know how to ride the tiger. Keep up the good work. I do appreciate your updates and feedback.

      Yes, our English friend is very generous with his time, and despite his 12-15 hour days, manages to spend time here to help us understand what is taking place in the upper reaches of political intrigue and international finance.

      While I am limited in what I can say, rest assured that when the time comes for a proper briefing on the true and legitimate processes playing out, it will most likely be beyond anyone’s capacity to believe it. It has been a series of fortuitous events and a concatenation of miracles that we have arrived at this most fortunate arrangement, found only here. I sometimes have to stop and force myself to realize what good fortune this is.

      All my life I wanted to assist in the most effective way to better the survival chances of our planet, and I am thinking this is probably as good a chance as I will ever be given to do so, and for that I am extremely grateful to share the effort with our many fine readers.

      Yes, you have it right. The blockchain economy is coming. There is no turning back. To refuse to continue with such development would be tantamount, as an example, to dispensing with the present micro processing world of semiconductors and reverting back to vacuum tubes. It just won’t happen.

      Be sure to keep in touch here and do let us know how your kids and their friends are doing in their blockchain training and career path. I hear of amazingly high salaries being paid out to people who are adept at such technical matters. What incredible opportunities the intelligent and ambitious segments of our youth have in their hands today! All I wanted in my hands in my youth was a hot chick and the keys to a Trans Am. I did find that having the latter made the former a lot easier. lol

      Thanks again…

      Liked by 1 person

    2. We sent you copies of the South Korean President Moon video last week in Washington meeting with the US Treasury, Military, UN, Bankers and Flopsie Biden, plus both House Leading Members, as many issues are now clearing. As the most advanced UK Warships, Carriers, Subs and Battleships are all now sailing high speed between Elders countries, docking and collecting, while China is screaming, why? It’s not a health trip. With so many Nuclear Missiles on board armed and ready, China will just have to Shut TF up or go for it and perish. The Brits are giving the lot 2 Fingers. Mess at their peril.

      Moon was in DC signing off certain issues. London is active!!!! We are looking at long term plans.

      It’s all well forward, focused and progressing between the nations and interests.

      You will only get the release statements when ready only via WHA. They already see the phased clearances off record. It owes no one anything. Key clearances are progressing. These are major Global undertakings, and re-alignments of powers. Huge potential when ready. No Brokers, Intermediaries, or misogynistic Grunts involved or sighted. Behind the scenes, no Drama Queens. Out of sight, but very much in full mind. Changes are coming. London has spent the last 5 years building vast underground secure rail connected bomb proof Depositories for a reason. Out of sight, but cutting edge. The questions coming, is who makes the Cut, or is Cut?

      Changes will be seismic. But still the growing issue, is Populations and Pollution. If we can’t feed and educate where is the need? Real issues. Fund and feed who and why? Talking though whose pockets?

      Re-planning by Intelligent design. Everything is being connected. Rethinking purpose and need.
      Educating for what and those we need. Reality planning. Re positioning everything. Asset deployment.

      Life for more will become, if you can’t pay, you can’t play. Freeloaders Gravy trains run dry.
      Rethinking need is now the core agenda. The herd needs feeding – how? Who pays? Why? Real issues.


      1. Can someone please tell me whats going to happen to my Dong?


        1. Cut your drinking and get STD checks?

          China’s currency is fast appreciating .Dongs may follow but nothing like Cryptos have achieved. Is it time for a rethink?
          If the Dong doesn’t rise, new reading material? Or a personal touch?
          Ask Tony for Personal Services recommendations, and use your troublesome neighbours card! Or your bosses?

          Liked by 2 people

        2. This may cause a rise in it.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Jesus Tony my desk just rose and tipped my computer.
            Definite Dong progress there.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. 🤣 I’ll forward it to the Royal Navy task force commander with your compliments, and a note to hurry up so you can buy a new computer.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Talking of Big Pharma I think those screams are Viagra going out of business with Tonys pics. Hell Tony, half those Blow Up plastic apologies for Women on LA wives just got the hots. One creature needs to be in a new film called Mated with Dogs. What a Schnauzer? Stick a bag in its head, or sell facial pics as door posts to scare away burglars. Hows does any guy marry any of them? Beyond airheads of Hollywood. But then, look at the guys?
                Your pics are better than anything seen live in Hollywood. Definitely Dongs moved upwards.

                Liked by 2 people

  29. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-25-superparamagnetic-nanoparticles-delivered-via-vaccines.html
    A study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2014 proves that “superparamagnetic nanoparticles” are successfully delivered into the body via vaccines, and once in the body, they can be used to inject DNA into cells, altering their genetics. The study is entitled Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine.

    Vaccine scientists have been experimenting with magnetic nanoparticles for many years, and they’ve already created techniques to use vaccine injections to deliver nanoparticles into the brain, allowing them to be controlled by external magnetic fields.


  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Bloody marvelous

    Worthless little shit.

    Just some gunshots…


    1. Is there a bigger farce than AOC?… I can’t think of one at the moment… and by farce I mean, piece of excrement!… how does she hold her head up as she walks the halls?… one day, maybe, her deeds comes back to haunt… that would be a great day in history.

      Liked by 2 people

  31. Ban gas boilers by 2025 for net zero but how will we heat our homes?
    Chinese commodity prices fall as authorities warn of ‘excessive speculation’
    Paul Burrell slams Prince Harry over US interviews https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9616735/Paul-Burrell-slams-Prince-Harry-interviews-saying-hes-blinded-Meghan-Markle.html?

    He’s not the first to be swept away by a Chancer Bolter but he’s an IDIOT whose going to see it all end. She has no talent but Grunt ambitions and he’s a stepping stone fool.

    What did he expect when he crossed Ras Putin.
    Putin KNOWS the West is Weak.
    Next they will give his Nuts a Tweek.

    Yes, there’s every indication the Election WAS stolen but where is MSM Truth?

    That is why Biden can’t hold an open Dialogue with China or Russia or ride on Air Force One.
    Even the Military don’t believe him.
    Who protects American Democracy? We care! We want TRUTH!

    Typical Labour Democrat BS. This mindless Muppet wants months off because she can’t cope with life. So – How TF does she expect to advise others as an MP?
    Socialists, strangle the lot at birth! Second only to Zionists as parasites. Who elects this Crap? How about if she can’t cope she resigns? Idiots!
    China’s renminbi hits three-year high against dollar
    Introducing More Merchants Accepting Cardano ADA
    Donald Trump slams liberal US media over Wuhan lab flip-flop https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9617413/Donald-Trump-slams-liberal-media-Wuhan-lab-flip-flop.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Why is this not seriously investigated?

    This will impact hard on the Russian Thug regime. No KGB would have been on board without Putin’s approval.
    Banning Russian flights would torch Putin with the Oligarchs. Time to bring the Dwarf to size and toss him?


    1. Why is it not investigated?… because it involves Fauci… and it will not support the global emergency gene altering jab they are trying to force on everyone!… most knew something was not right with this entire fiasco of a plandemic from the damn start… how many doctors were silenced?… how about our wonderful bought and paid for main stream media?… what if they had actually done real reporting and journalism?… it’s an entire narrative controlled by,,,,?… watching children being molded by a mask is sickening!

      Liked by 1 person

  32. https://thefederalist.com/2021/05/25/transgender-activists-do-not-want-you-to-hear-stories-of-gender-transition-regret/

    “Detransition” testimonies expose what so many parents suspect, but are too afraid to say – that maybe they shouldn’t allow their teen to chemically or physically castrate themselves at the first sign of confusion. As this issue enters more statehouses across the country, we need more journalists digging into what happens when we “blindly affirm” minors. These stories are not “dangerous” or “fearmongering,” they are crucial.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Divide, divide, divide us. How many more things will they come up with to divide and pit us against one another?
      Endless! It’s a weird world we live in right now.

      Liked by 2 people

  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Good. Stick it to the Bolshevik social networks.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Also limit funding from Banking and Zionist parties. Equal opportunities and keep these Zio Snouts out of both houses. No more buying seats or control. Cut the lot off. It’s a nasty, perverse Cult and has no place in the free world. We need more Ampitheatres and that lot pitted against each other, or lions unleashed. Rome controlled them. How about a world Appian Way month, encircle the world with them.
      As they hang there with sad faces Mid April, wailing, Oh God,What a way to spend Easter.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I really wish the Appian Way was a reality with so many so called leaders!… bought and paid for POS scum… they are letting our country float down the river!… it’s more obvious every day… it all needs cleaned out with a fire blaster!


    2. I like Ron DeSantis. I would like him to be our President. There are a few others that are starting to stand out also.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Unlike Trump he both has an education and a lack of Eastern Block Mail Order or Showgirl Wives.
        Unlike Trump, DeSantis has both intelligence and Class. So why not step up?

        Liked by 1 person

  34. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    No doubt highly skilled, well educated, desperately needed in our labor force, right?

    Very good information. On-chain metrics is a key data source in this sector.

    Ding dong…I am the Chinese sandman. Sublime Chi-com sandbagging


  35. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  36. https://realrawnews.com/

    I have no idea if the articles regarding GITMO tribunals, among other things, are accurate from this site, but they are compelling and go into extensive details.

    So far they have covered Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and John Brennan trials. The names of attorneys and JAG flagg officers check out too as I have been researching them as these are posted.

    Based on these postings, Clinton was hanged a month ago after 5 days in trial. Podesta is scheduled for death by firing squad in June and Brennan death by hanging first week of June as well.

    Trump appears to be involved. I have a feeling this is a military intelligence drip.


    1. Sadly, all Hopium. If only.
      It’s just the vacuous Blogosphere. Mouths exhale, brains not switched on.
      If only! Then you would know for sure. DC needs sanitising but it’s all dirty and will not heal itself. One grubby, festering pot.

      Liked by 1 person

  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    John, give it back.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No my Ancestors controlled Cumbria and Leicestershire to keep the Buggers away from London.
      In Combria we blocked their ability to joing up with the Irish and come South to attack. If the Scots broke though York and came South our role was to harass and kill as many as possible to buy time for the Kings army to get ready for attack. Be assured if Mary had anything we took it first. She was locked away in Tutbury Castle which is cold, wet and windy as hell. No place to be . Sounds more like an Insurance job to me. We mugged any Scot first. Rosary beads were no issue. What use were they to her, headless. No time to be a Scot was it. We beheaded her father. See, we keep it in the family. Not quite the Head Job she had in mind. ─

      Liked by 1 person

        1. No question the English know now to control the Scots.
          If only Longshanks had Tanks?
          The weather is dreadful, flies also. Cold, wet and miserable, a Kip of a place to be.
          The Clans are more like Klans, and ever betrayed each other for greed.
          Inhospitable, dour folk, always whinging and always broke.
          So many ugly women, no wonder the Sheep all have sore Butts. .
          But only, a Scot would eat it afterwards.
          England needs to help generate new industries, give their kids a chance.
          Home Rule with these fools?


  38. Sniffer dogs are 94% accurate at detecting Covid https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9610319/Sniffer-dogs-94-accurate-detecting-Covid-deployed-airports.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    About as effective as wives sniffing out Cryptos in divorce settlements.
    Shared from Sky News: Sasha Johnson: Black equal rights activist in critical condition after being shot in the head in south London https://news.sky.com/story/black-equal-rights-activist-in-critical-condition-in-hospital-after-being-shot-in-the-head-12315288

    They all cashed in with their crap. Now someone put a slug in her head. Violence begets violence. People are tired of BLM bullshit. It asks for trouble and it comes.
    Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds ‘will marry in July next year and have sent save-the-date cards to friends’.


    Really Boris, go to your local Pet shop, they will have a better looking range of Dogs. Why pay for a Mongrel like that? It’s only going to end in Divorce anyway.
    He’s got form with Dogs, but why marry them? With Boris the bar is always low.
    China’s chilling warning: Australia will be the ‘first hit’ if the ‘insignificant’ nation meddles in Chinese conflicts – as Beijing boasts of ballistic missiles which can reach Down Under

    Beijing has warned that Australia’s ‘weak and insignificant’ military will be the ‘first hit’ if comes to the aid of Taiwan in a potential conflict.


    A clear warning China is coming for Taiwan. War will follow.
    No one’s safe anymore: Japan’s Osaka city crumples under COVID-19… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9611257/No-ones-safe-anymore-Japans-Osaka-city-crumples-COVID-19-onslaught.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    What a mess Gates and Fauci what have you done?
    Cummings posts damning ‘optimal deaths’ chart from start of pandemic https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9611133/Dominic-Cummings-posts-chart-showing-optimal-Covid-outcome-March-2020-259-000-deaths.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Trust this is true Idiots rule!
    US Secretary of State Blinken leads condemnation of Belarus President Lukashenko after forcing passenger plane to land and arresting journalist as it is claimed KGB agents were on board and MiG-29 ‘threatened to shoot flight down’

    Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, bottom right, is leading global condemnation of Belarus’s president for diverting a plane, right, with bogus bomb threats to arrest a journalist, top left.


    The KGB are up to the neck in this and no air space is safe. I expect it from the CIA, but Putin’s let this happen again. Just like the UK poisoning. Where was Putin in this? Ras F Putin!
    Another Humiliation for Biden: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Unable to Talk to Chinese Military Leaders Despite Repeated Attempts

    No surprise. How do we explain to good Americans this RETARD can not act for you as a World Leader he’s a joke!

    They all know he’s a Ringer! Your not even told the truth.

    Apart from at WHA then some of you freak.

    Be clear big things are coming from South Korea.

    Plan to step with care.
    ‘Smug’ Prince Harry is ‘out for vengeance’, royal expert claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9612725/Smug-Prince-Harry-vengeance-spiteful-attack-royal-expert-claims.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Smug Bastard needs a circular stating I’m the Headcase family idiot. How long before the Bolter tires of this fool?

    It would look very like a bank run: Cryptocurrencies face dangerous times, critics warn

    Cut off their money and arms.
    Heads too would be nice!


  39. https://www.ntd.com/fauci-now-not-convinced-covid-19-developed-naturally-backs-origin-probe_617465.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram

    Infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that he is now “not convinced” that COVID-19 developed naturally, and called for deeper probe into the origins of the virus.


    Everything that is in darkness eventually has to come to the light and it appears little by little light is being shown on the on how the COVID-19 Pandemic really started.
    A U.S. Intelligence report has revealed that three researchers who worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were hospitalized in 2019.

    The State Department previously reported as similar report that revealed that several researcher became sick in 2019 “with symptoms consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illness.”.

    Many are calling for a deeper probe into the origins of the Coronavirus with this newfound report being brought into the public eyes.


  40. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/rand-paul-first-senator-announce-he-wont-get-covid-19-vaccine?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced this weekend that he will not get vaccinated against COVID-19, explaining that he already contracted the virus last year and has “natural immunity.”

    “In a free country you would think people would honor the idea that each individual would get to make the medical decision, that it wouldn’t be a big brother coming to tell me what I have to do,” Paul said in the interview, suggesting that the pressure campaign around vaccines could be an attempt to manufacture consent for other power grabs.

    “Are they also going to tell me I can’t have a cheeseburger for lunch? Are they going to tell me that I have to eat carrots only and cut my calories?” the Kentucky senator said.

    “All that would probably be good for me, but I don’t think big brother ought to tell me to do it.”

    Liked by 1 person

  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I was sampling some of the commentary by the usual mental cases that share “intel” with the “dinar community” and snagged my eye on this particular one from “Judy”.

    Judy Note: Notification at any time.

    Last weekend CMKX, F&Ps, Adjudicated Settlements and PPs payouts & deliveries began moving out of Zurich, Reno, Miami & London.

    Over this last week funds have moved out of Dubai Three to pay out thousands of Tier 3 CMKX and other Adjudicated Settlement accounts.

    According to Fleming, as of Sat. 22 May over 250,000 CMKX packages had been delivered with an NDA, check and debit card. They would not get total liquidity until Tier 4B has gone.

    Well, we do have a lot of CMKX victims here, so let’s ask. Have any of you received a “package”? It’s fine to admit it here. After all, if “Fleming” knows that such a thing has happened despite the “NDA” in the pack, then someone let him know, so why not let us know too!

    Don’t be shy. ⌚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tony

      There are no such funds it’s the usual brain damaged Crocks spouting off. Totally unfounded, no one is bailing that Crock. How many times? What part of- There is no Money- Do these MORONS not get?
      Not happening! Tiresome, howling Bottom Feeders. Forrest Gump bred them.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We certainly have given those claiming to have “received” every opportunity to prove it. None have. How people can make up and spread such false nonsense to continue to give false hope to so many who have invested decades of their lives seeking truth about their funds, is beyond pathetic.

        Liked by 1 person

  42. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The weak continue to sell to the strong…and we thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Bitcoin market appears to be possibly heading down to 20K again as markets panic and slide.
      Bail or wait and buy again?
      Risk and double or risk and ,lose?
      Amber gamblers now.


      1. My answer to anyone asking me that, would be: “If you have to ask yourself those questions, you over-bought with funds you are now afraid to lose”.

        Bitcoin down to $20K would make my nipples even harder.

        BTC remains a buy up to $75K. An exceptional deal at any price below that.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. NIce to know about the “buy up to $75k”. When I first started, BTC was around 60k. I wanted to get my foot in the door and now have gotten it in the 30ks. Wild ride. But I am patient. Appreciate all the great tips and education on this site!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thank you, that is much appreciated.

            One key thing to always remember is that we are not really investing in any one idea. We are taking a position within an entire new technology which is going to expand and permeate almost every corner of the modern world.

            The ideas we have shared here offer key uses within that framework, and there is the issue of technologies not even thought of yet which new innovations within the blockchain world will enable. We are truly in terra incognita, and only the bold will see this and hold on until the numbers of people that are currently unable to participate, start doing so.

            As I mentioned in my last fireside chat video, between now and then, there will be volatility; there will be scary articles; there will be all manner of evaluations from almost every angle except one’s sphincter as to why you should run, get out, sell, stay away, be careful, don’t do it, etc.

            One of the most popular excuses now is the “environmental impact” argument, which is promoted by pussies who think that mining BTC is going to destroy the planet. It’s beyond belief that anyone could actually believe that. It’s been proven that the vast majority of such mining is already done with sustainable clean energy methods, yet this environmental canard is constantly being promoted.

            One of the biggest mistakes I made in the 90s was listening to too many blabbermouths who convinced me that “Apple was finished”, and that tech was dead, and that there was no need for the internet, and the gov’t would shut it down, etc.

            Big mistake. It literally cost me millions, and I swore that from that time forward, I would be the final decision maker in my chain of command – I would no longer make any decision based on what someone else said. Right or wrong, the final counsel would be myself.

            With so many people here having had their RV dreams flounder for 2 decades now, we are very fortunate to have this particular opportunity now to get in early in front of a potential wave that is just forming. This particular time will enable one to take relatively small stakes, and turn them into fortunes.

            I know of no other sector that allows such a thing at this time.

            Let’s see what the rest of this year brings.

            Pax Vobiscum

            Liked by 1 person

        2. I bought when sucker was at 5k. Holding on to mine. If it dips to 20k, I’ll hit up bubba for some of that money under the pillow and buy more. Thx for the heads up T!

          Liked by 2 people

  43. Pro-Palestine protesters in London wave hate-filled signs calling Israel ‘the new Nazi state’, claiming ‘Netanyahu surpasses Hitler in barbarism’ and saying ‘stop doing what Hitler did to you’

    One man standing in Trafalgar Square yesterday held a Palestinian flag with a placard reading, ‘Stop doing what Hitler did to you’.


    Exactly the horror and filth of the Nazis is what is done daily by this vile Khazar trash in Palestine’s stolen land.
    You have no idea how many in Europe quietly think Germany should have been given 2 more years to finish the job.
    How are they any different? Dreadful, both of them as inhumane. Each as appalling. Each Wrong! Shameful, this hurts Good Jews. Zionism is the enemy of all mankind..
    Good Jews have always lived in peace in the Middle East. Zionists cause hell and hatred anywhere.
    EXCLUSIVE: Hillary’s Attorney Marc Elias, Her Campaign Manager John Podesta and Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain Are Connected to Democrat Efforts to Stop the Maricopa Audit

    Can no one clean up America?


    What the hell¿????????
    Michael Jackson’s family ‘threaten to sue’ Martin Bashir https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9609461/Michael-Jacksons-family-threaten-sue-Martin-Bashir-interview-King-Pop.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Hopefully the run Bashirs life also. Scheming shit
    IT BEGINS: Fort Campbell Commander Warns Unvaccinated Soldiers No Pass or Leave of Base and Non-Deployable Until Vaccinated

    I wonder how many will resign Hopefully ALL!

    Who benefits from you not knowing this?

    As we watch lockdowns and the like, crushing small and medium sized business with a completely bought and paid for compromised, silent media, one wonders if this is not a political agenda? Now that lockdowns are widely used, does any government official dare to admit the so called vaccines were not necessary? No, they double down in hopes you will never learn the truth and if you do, you are too blind to see what is happening around you. Because if you awaken, you will hold them accountable and they fear that more than anything. As it is we all will pay a price for their folly in the future. And it is remarkable to think that in America states like Texas and Florida are full speed ahead with the low vaccine rates, no mandatory mask wearing and no lockdowns. The lockdown narrative simply has no basis to be credible. And it is equally foolish to think that protocols to deal with this problem remain unchanged and people are being hurt needlessly. And many more people are scared of the wrong things. As I see people on streets with double masks struggling in hot summer weather, it is alarming that they are so afraid of fresh air that they weaken their own immune systems breathing their own air. And I cannot help but wonder about longer term social effects in our communities, as I listen and see lives being destroyed and young people robbed of futures that will never be. To see children being made afraid to play with friends is truly tragic.

    And what of the Chinese communist party who allowed Fauci to spend American dollars on a gain of function research in Wuhan? Where is the accountability?

    Oh yes, there was a demonstration in Toronto this afternoon, care to bet the media will not cover that? As a cyclist volunteered to tell me “fake news” as he laughed as we watched the police ready themselves.

    Russia has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (post-mortem) for a Covid-19 corpse. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but rather a bacterium that has been exposed to radiation and causes human death by coagulation in the blood.

    Covid-19 disease has been found to cause blood clotting, which causes blood clotting in humans and causes blood clotting in the veins, which makes it difficult for a person to breathe because the brain, heart and lungs cannot receive oxygen, causing people to die quickly.

    To find the cause of the shortage of respiratory energy, doctors in Russia did not listen to the WHO protocol and performed an autopsy on COVID-19. After doctors opened arms, legs, and other parts of the body and carefully examined them, they noticed that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, which impeded blood flow and also reduced the flow of oxygen. In the body it causes the death of the patient. After learning about this research, the Russian Ministry of Health immediately changed the treatment protocol for Covid-19 and gave aspirin to its positive patients. I started taking 100 mg and Imromac. As a result, patients began to recover and their health began to improve. The Russian Ministry of Health evacuated more than 14,000 patients in one day and sent them home.

    After a period of scientific discovery, doctors in Russia explained the treatment method by saying that the disease is a global trick, “It is nothing but a coagulation inside blood vessels (blood clots) and a method of treatment.

    Antibiotic tablets
    Anti-inflammatory and
    Take an anticoagulant (aspirin).
    This indicates that it is possible to treat the disease.

    According to other Russian scientists, ventilators and an intensive care unit (ICU) were never needed.Protocols for this effect have already been published in Russia.
    China already knows this, but it has never released its report.

    Share this information with your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends and colleagues so that they can get rid of the fear of Covid-19 and realize that this is not a virus, but a bacterium that has only been exposed to radiation. Only people with very low immunity should be careful. This radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Victims should take Asprin-100mg and Apronik or Paracetamol 650mg.

    Source: https://covid19.rosminzdrav.ru/
    Learn Why Bill Gates is Being Brought Down for Failing
    China’s Takeover


    Liked by 1 person

  44. Trump JR post…
    ” Guys do you think this will end well? The military wants to work with outside tech companies to be able to spy on active duty military personnel and monitor their social media. They need to do this with private companies because the government First Amendment restrictions. Think about the implications of this. What do you think will be viewed as “extremist” in the eyes of today’s woke leftist controlled military leadership? It’s a must watch. https://rumble.com/vhger9-insanity-the-pentagon-wants-to-surveil-our-soldiers.html?mref=i2svv&mc=36we8

    This is the kind of crap you do when you are trying to take over and push thru an agenda not for the people… draconian/socialist/commie crap… take away free speech , make people afraid to say the truth and what is right!

    Liked by 1 person

  45. In the game of life Class rises to the top. the sediment settles to its place.
    Grace Kelly was an Actress with a level of Class. In Monaco she portrayed it. Her films were carefully screened, nothing Trashy or Tacky. Grace made the step up with Grace! Grace had Dignity.

    Williams wife Catherine has accomplished it. Class. As have others.

    All that Markel has achieved, with a Bolting mother, a Bolter also herself, is a career as a bit part Video actress for a low budget Car Head Job porn part, and a Filing Room knee Trembler, Class – Low!
    Many of us opened hearts and minds to give a recycled, mixed race girl a chance to be Americas Royal Duchess.
    We hoped she would rise to it. A part to die for.

    Sadly we just got this head case, Allegedly very Common, a freaking Bitch with attitude, and a money grubbing Trailer Type with its hand out. Beyond sad, she’s let America down also. We see enough of the lwo graders as Tourists, and we’ve seen a few portrayed elsewhere, best ignored. Never mix in a squealing Hog Pen. Class and Crap.

    She couldn’t handle Decorum and Class. William and Prince Philip advised Harry not to marry her. His Johnson ruled the fool. Now the Fool is a Media Puppet. When they are done with him, where then? .
    Market has neither the acumen or Class to achieve a high role in Politics. But, as we have seen to date, she gives an impression she appears to know how to Couch Cast. Bottom feeders?
    Harry’s father gave up his Princess for a Mares Ass. It’s a Windsor trait.
    Thank God William will save the Monarchy. The Markel Union is going where once she realises she’s married to a whimpering Dimwit with the Persona of a Pumpkin.? Cinderella will chase a new Political Fella. Hapless, hopeless Harry will head home. To what? Markel has blow the UK. Cut both loose. Tinsel Towns 5 minute wonders will implode when LA tires of this talentless, grasping, free loading pair . 5 minutes of fame and a life of shame.
    Karma always collects.


  46. file:///C:/Users/13047/Downloads/Telegram%20Desktop/ea20200706_deutsche_bank_consent_order.pdf

    ” The Department has determined that Deutsche Bank failed in various respects to
    meet these obligations fully with respect to three different customer relationships: one direct
    customer relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and entities related to Mr. Epstein; and two dollar clearing/correspondent banking relationships with foreign banks, FBME and Danske. Each will
    be addressed in turn.”
    “Deutsche Bank shall pay a penalty to the Department, pursuant to New York
    Banking Law §§ 39 and 44, in the amount of one hundred fifty million U.S. dollars
    ($150,000,000.00). The entire amount shall be paid to the Department within ten (10) business
    days of executing this Consent Order. ”

    Deutsche gets caught and pays a fine!… quietly… no one goes to jail, again… how many times have we seen this in the big banks?… corruption to the max!

    how much drugs do we see being caught?.. so how much gets by and sold?… massive amounts… who launders that money?… I remember one big bank getting caught ( allowed to be caught) laundering drug money -moneyhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/apr/03/us-bank-mexico-drug-gangs
    common sense will say they all do it, or most… they pay a fine and move on… our financial system.


  47. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    What crash?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. At the pace they are going, they will all be worth those prices again before long.

      Alot of lower highs and lower lows.

      The technicals are not looking great right now.


      1. I hope they do. It would be an unimaginable gift to buy another round at those prices.

        For now, the wise person who does not fret over weak prices, will hold. Of course, this assumes they used money set aside for speculative ventures of this nature, and not funds which should not have been placed in such a highly volatile market.


    2. Hi Tony.

      Thanks for the reassurance.

      This also happened last year. Nothing new. Fact is the world is changing. Just hold on for the ride. Been in this situation last year also. I just ignored the news. And them came back when it was better. Worse thing you can do is panic right now.

      It is of-course a different kind of fight in the crypto world. Newer technology. Greener approach? New use cases are fighting for dominance. You place your bets on some and hope that they get to the top.

      Tony, thanks for showing us your perspective on how to pick them. The rest of the decisions are ours. Hope to see life changing gains hopefully soon. Until then just keep working the 8 to 5 jobs.


      Liked by 2 people

      1. You have it right.

        You do not place funds into this kind of market, and then run at the first sign of high volatility. Otherwise, why bother? You take your place, then hold on for the end goal, or total collapse.

        Our end goal is something you cannot see on a chart, or be discerned from technical analysis. Oh no. Those are simply tools to speculate on what the price may do over a certain timeframe. It’s no guarantee of any future price at all.

        For now, our goals and the reasons behind it are probably way outside the mind of the quick-buck-only crypto participant. This is why they place so much emotional energy into their trades. They are in and out for the buck, and don’t see the longer term value in the creative energy which these ideas represent over the longer haul.

        Just as nobody saw the smartphone or laptop until the technology enabled these ideas to become reality, there will come a time when the blockchain economy will advance to a point where many of the ideas we hold will most likely be in such high demand that Wall St interests will clamor for the fees that selling such will make possible.

        So, for now, the prices, up or down, are not really important. The key thing is to have a piece of the action. Just like having a piece of the tech sector action in the 90s, mattered. Despite the crashes and volatile swings of that period. Look at those values now.

        I don’t think we will have to wait as long for the blockchain sector to reach extremely higher levels, but as I have repeatedly written, the journey will be very volatile, up and down, and you will survive it by using only risk capable funds and having the courage to hold on through what is essentially a normal process of highs and lows.

        As we are not teaching “trading” here, we won’t be concerned with chart analysis and trying to decided when to sell. That’s for the traders. We are holding for maximum valuations, which buying and selling won’t accomplish.

        There will be a time when it will be very obvious to exit many of our positions. However, we have not even come close to that time. When we do, you will know.

        Of course, along the way, if a certain goal has been reached, and you need the cash, there is no shame in exiting. It certainly is better than having one’s funds in dongs and dinars, which have not moved at all in what, 20 years?

        Thanks for your comment!

        Liked by 1 person

  48. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-21-non-gmo-foods-being-grown-in-human-sewage-sludge-and-glyphosate.html
    Certified organic foods cannot be grown in biosludge
    Important to this entire discussion is the fact that USDA certified organic foods cannot be grown in biosludge, and they cannot be sprayed with glyphosate, a toxic weed killer herbicide.
    Additionally, USDA certified organic always means non-GMO, since genetically engineered crops are not allowed to be certified organic under current USDA rules.

    Yuck. Non-GMO Project Verified just not healthy.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    During our last fireside chat, I mentioned that we could expect “scary news” to hit the newswires concerning crypto. The goal is to get you to run scared, and it worked with many on the other side of that “news”. The whales love a bargain.


  50. Cryptocurrency holders take on central banks at their peril

    1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code | Soren Dreier

    Makes one pause and reflect. Interesting, but where will it go?


    Will truth, as ever, DIE in America? Look at how they covered up the Usurper Soetoro? America is the Wallmart of integrity.

    No wonder more and more international players are questioning the legitimacy of the Biden crowd. When countries like Russia raise such issues, you know there is a creditability problem in foreign policy

    China’s Rush Into Africa, Explained. – YouTube

    Did you know this?
    Why does anyone trust such a country ?
    They will enslave Africa left unchecked. There is no interest in helping the people of Africa to find sovereign wealth or strength without the boot of China.

    EXCLUSIVE! Papadopoulos Exposes Deep State – “Nothing Is Going to Stop What’s Coming”

    The worlds Achilles Heel is stupidity.

    Better on this channel
    Shared from Sky News: Israel-Gaza conflict: Shocked girl ‘hasn’t spoken a word’ since four siblings and mother were killed https://news.sky.com/story/israel-gaza-conflict-shocked-girl-hasnt-spoken-a-word-since-four-siblings-and-mother-were-killed-12313121

    How can any poor Souls live in Gaza next to these Bastards?
    Wake up Public Opinion.
    Russia, Iran and Turkey please arm Palestine and all countries surrounding this evil Pariah State.of assimilating, marauding low life Khazars.

    Mentally unstable Cummings may get Johnson going- Out!

    Big danger emerging for The Chump. So many parties can flip on the Glutton Grifter and here is one.
    Barack Obama was a ‘parasite’ who sucked the Democratic party dry to get re-elected and was so arrogant he believed he would have beaten Trump if he could have run for a third term, new book claims

    Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Trump hits shelves May 25.


    This is the arrogance of the Chicago Con Man Usurper.
    Martin Bashir ‘put listening device in Diana’s Kensington Palace flat’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9607181/Earl-Spencer-believed-Martin-Bashir-planted-listening-device-Dianas-Kensington-Palace-flat.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    What a cruel and ruthless Bastard Bashir was putting poor Diana through this to manipulate and interview which would destroy her and the free fall afterwards.
    Diana suffered through her own treacherous Prick Charles and shameless Camilla. The Queen and William do tremendous jobs and Catherine is an asset. We need to protect them and be thankful poor Diana’s life left us with William
    Bashir and the BBC lying cover up needs exposure. The BBC needs to lose its licence fee and it’s Left Wing BS!
    Bashir belongs in jail and the BBC a major fine and savage cash cut backs. End it’s arrogant grandstanding. It’s no loss to lose it. We don’t need it’s Left Wing Fake news.
    Let the Cons deal with Bashir.
    If only Charles too. Diana was ruthlessly trashed by this fake Defender of the truth 2 faced husband.
    Shame for what was done to Diana. Let Bashir lose his pension. Diana lost her life? Charles and Bashir both need booting to hell.
    That is justice
    I don’t pity that whining Tosser Harry or his attention seeking manipulative Bolter user! Both head cases. Markel has no Class. She’s no Grace Kelly just LA smelly
    Jail Bashir and don’t sent Harry back here. The Bolter will boot him when the money runs out and Fake Hollywood tires of this second rate misfit pair.
    Thousands of pro-Palestine protesters take over central London streets https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9607675/Thousands-pro-Palestine-protesters-central-London-streets-second-weekend.htmlito=native_share_article-masthead

    Yes,Yes Yes Israel is a Khazar mafia terrorist state. Boot them out and give it back to Palestine. No one wants them.
    Dr Fauci Spent $400K To Conduct Secret Experiments Transplanting Scalps Of Aborted Fetuses Onto Living Rats | GreatGameIndia

    Why does anyone listen to this warped minded fool ?

    Again, this nasty little Grunt with so much Wuhsn explaining to do between himself, Gates and Soros.
    No wonder Fauci has sold his properties ready to cut and run.

    When does Fauci get investigated?

    This is what happens with Irish builders lol

    Liked by 1 person

  51. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/caught-red-handed-cdc-changes-test-thresholds-virtually-eliminate-new-covid-cases-among?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    The CDC is demonstrating the beauty of having a “disease” that can appear or disappear depending on how you measure it.

    To be clear: If these new policies had been the global approach to “Covid” since December 2019, there would never have been a pandemic at all.

    Liked by 1 person

  52. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/total-tyranny-well-all-be-targeted-under-governments-new-precrime-program?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+zerohedge%2Ffeed+%28zero+hedge+-+on+a+long+enough+timeline%2C+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero%29

    In the same week that the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously declared that police cannot carry out warrantless home invasions in order to seize guns under the pretext of their “community caretaking” duties, the Biden Administration announced its plans for a “precrime” crime prevention agency.


    1. What book?


    2. Just don’t hire a cannibal as a PA!


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        What about a PA who likes to read a lot of books?


        1. I will read it out to her over her shoulder in mIssionary.

          Liked by 1 person

  53. Good video for anyone who needs encouragement.



    1. In the midst of all this… one of our picks is currently up 128% at the moment.

      Keep your risk capital based positions within your tolerance and let time and the inevitable forward technical progress on planet earth do all the work.


      1. I saw that! I own that one. It’s parked safely in my hard wallet.


  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Do as a whale.


    Liked by 1 person

  55. Harry says family tried to STOP him and Meghan from leaving https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9602999/Harry-says-family-tried-STOP-Meghan-leaving-going-end-life.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Apart from showing what a pair of whining , self ingratiating Arseholes they both are, it’s devastating the monarchy and Harry may get iced out soon where does he go to freeload with no title and her too,? The press own him now and they will eat them both alive. Stupid little boy. I want my Mammie. He needs a Soother still! Immature child!
    This in NOT what Diana would want.
    Markles brought nothing but damage the attention seeking Minger this will wipe her out as a Royal now. Common little Bolter did it to her father and ex husband. She can’t handle Class but Kate can? Markle had such a chance. No Class
    Canadian Bitcoin ETFs rattled by crypto tumult
    Dr. Christiane Northrup Gives New Details on COVID Vaccine Shedding/Transmission, Especially Among Women | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News

    Is this the only thing hot women will shed now for Tony?

    A video worth listening to, regardless of what you think about these so called vaccines.
    Sometimes, I really wonder if critical thinking can be taught or learnt without pain?
    I fear that we have no idea of the real damage will be with these shots down the road, for some people. As always, each of us needs to think about we put into our bodies. Whether it is food, shots or drugs. And like most things, each of us must be ready to accept real information and assess whether it is acceptable. And it just awful, that people are being put into positions of having such shots just to work. And I am sure that not long from now, such organizations will find themselves on the receiving end of lawsuits and damage claims. Frankly, I will not buy any stock of any company that has such a policy.

    IAF Personnel Are in Russia on S-400 Missile Training As Delivery Nears
    If Russia sells S400s to India, why not Palestine, Syria, Iran and Iraq? Egypt? Blast these ruthless land stealing Khazars to hell.
    As I wrote many months ago, India will receive the S400 to balance against China. Training their personnel in use of this system is a good sign of an upcoming announcement of delivery.

    Level the MIddle East playing field. Level Israe Hell! See how fast the bullying stops then. American weapons are doing the killing!

    Prince Harry claims Charles told him he would suffer same problems as him | Daily Mail Onli

    Thank God William was the first born not this complete imbecile!

    Immigrant gangs plague Denmark and the only solution is deportation: former immigration minister | The Truthseeker

    This will spread everywhere. These bloody WOGS need sending back. Bag, Tag and Frag the lot! Freeloading trash.

    Sooner or later all of Europe and the UK will be forced to do this. Sadly, it likely will be at the point of a gun.
    Shared from Sky News: Martin Bashir’s Diana interview: Police to assess BBC’s Bashir Diana interview report as minister says it raises ‘issues of governance’ https://news.sky.com/story/martin-bashirs-diana-interview-police-to-assess-report-for-significant-new-evidence-12312427

    At last Bashir belongs in jail and an end to BBC Left Wing Prima Donnas. Jail all who covered it up. They are all a disgrace. Let the Cons deal with Bashir Real Justice!
    6 year for Bashir in Belmarsh. Naked face down! .
    Twitter users accuse Harry of being a ‘one-trick pony’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9603901/Twitter-users-accuse-Harry-one-trick-pony-slams-family-again.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    This is the hard truth he’s a whining missfit married to a bolting Headcase Hottentot cashing in bitching. They will eat him alive. Plus the Hottentot with Chilli and fries. Misfits!
    Harry’s long road to therapy https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9603803/Harrys-long-road-therapy.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    What a Wassock. Was a hard kick In the arse never tried,? Wet little Bitch?
    Harry’s explosive new series reveals new insight into Sussexes’ home https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9603919/Prince-Harrys-explosive-new-Oprah-series-reveals-new-insight-Meghan-Markles-14m-home.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    This is how an unemployed mentally unstable misfit and a small time C Grader cable TV Actress live having bolted on everyone and failed roles people would die for. Why do we give them any respect 2 F Wasters?
    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thought Oprah interview would help https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9603581/Prince-Harry-Meghan-Markle-thought-Oprah-interview-help.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Reconcile after that? Both mental!
    NASA’s Curiosity rover is on the cusp of discovering salts on Mars https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9604933/NASAs-Curiosity-rover-cusp-discovering-salts-Mars.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Correct the F Zionists stole everything else
    Up to 8 MILLION may have died of Covid around the world, WHO warns https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9603927/COVID-19-death-tolls-likely-significant-undercount-WHO-says.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Then the test is working and they can try for one billion next
    Africa and Pakistan will profile high but poor India has it now.
    Pro-Palestine, pro-Israel protesters clash in Times Square

    Face it, the Muslims now usurp everything, One lied his way to the WH. What a Con Man.
    So next they will come for you over Palestine. You will do nothing. Cut and run.

    More Good News on Ivermectin
    It would not be surprising that more people will using this, even if you have taken a jab, as more information comes out that people who got these shots still get Covid.

    “A scientific review funded by the WHO found ivermectin reduced COVID-19 deaths by 75%. It also increased viral clearance. A meta-analysis of a greater number of studies found a 68% reduction in deaths”


    Cryptos and Non Privacy.Risks.

    There’s also growing allegations of funds lost via coinbase read their reviews. Big questions there.
    Does this look like Covid care to you?
    Not a mask in site only for the little people. Not one for Nancy?

    What the Irish taoiseach told Biden that got him worried about China https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9604723/What-Irish-prime-minister-told-Biden-got-worried-China.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    When even the Irish prefer China to America it says it all


    1. Good gods…Carstens seems to have eaten every Krispy Kreme within 100 miles of his house.


  56. VET now on uphold! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Where’s my homie James darrin? Sing it with me! 🎵 big bags only – got my big bags homie….. 🎵 🕺🏻

      (Gosh – I’m so silly today)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Love it!
        .. but right now a Coinbase listing is not gonna move the price!… might be a long slow crypto summer… we wait and watch… I have my “big bags”…lol… I’m singing!… feel good… great group here!

        Liked by 1 person

  57. https://www.theepochtimes.com/scott-atlas-lockdowns-not-only-heinous-abuse-of-power-they-also-failed-to-protect-the-elderly_3822917.html?&utm_medium=AmericanThoughtLeaders&utm_source=Telegram&utm_campaign=ATL-Atlas&utm_content=5-19-2021

    “Stay-at-home.” “Distance learning.” “Essential travel only.” In the fight against COVID-19, widespread restrictions on human activity became a norm in 2020.

    But now it’s clear from the data that lockdowns not only had devastating effects on much of society, but they also failed to protect the most vulnerable, says former White House COVID advisor Dr. Scott Atlas. “There’s a big reason why lockdowns were never recommended in prior pandemics.”


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