White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #175

A Report From The Front. Prepare To Defend Your Rear

Salve, Citizens!

Time is short. The reasons why are not possible to share at this time. However, WHA has taken onto its shoulders the responsibility to bring forth from front line positions, true and accurate assessments of situations which our readers may find useful in future planning. Reality balanced, and without any motive to pitch dubious wares or subscription fees.

What’s coming is not what most people are led to believe. But concerning the bigger real issues, what will follow is a series of summaries for those readers endowed with a perspicacious oversight and ability to handle such balanced reality.

So, shortness of time notwithstanding, let us begin.

  • You really do need to pre-think your own family’s life plan for the future changes coming.  Real world truth, at a price. Drone herding is coming as almost ALL global leaders now permeate towards Davos and the Kingdom of the Bald Comic Clown Troll, who seeks to take all, and to then make you happy, or NOT, with nothing! So far, he has the floor, and support among the politicos. Yet the West is now being clearly and clinically circumvented out of the Middle East and Far East. India, with a larger population than China’s, is the fast-growing IT hub for Asia, and a superpower in waiting. One China fears the most. Yet they must coexist, but each concur that America and its hegemony must be phased out of Asia and to simply annex them out where possible. It’s cynical and precise, America by consensus is to go.  As with BRICS, all conclude a US free trade future. Asia is annexing the West. Who is left to prey on? Future US demographics read a bleak picture. Time to reprofile your own futures. Reality checks. How did it work out for Rome once their borders became unenforceable?
  • Sovereign monetary wealth today is either gold/asset backed, or just worthless fiat fake in freefall. What the Zionist Jewish bankers have not syphoned off and stolen, the WEF Swiss gnomes seek to sequestrate from gullible fools. Playing YOU! Word to the wise: Have a metals portfolio and keep it safe. Seek expert advice.
  • You really do need to rethink your banking, your portfolio strategies and balance, and how to protect your assets from bail-ins or tax grabs. Parasite protection. Rethink your portfolio balances. Seek the very best professionals who understand such profound risks and how to avoid the worst-case scenarios if such extreme measures are taken by governments who are desperate to survive at your expense.
  • How do we make sense of a freefalling America, where bribe taking Biden’s own son, drug addict, child molesting Hunter, is found to be a 10% shareholder of a vast new lithium mine in Afghanistan, in conjunction with the Chinese? This explains why the dirty Bidens got America out, to fill the dirty Biden crime family pockets yet again. How many died needlessly for this racket? You wonder why Asia plans to remove America from the Far East and Asia? The stink of Washington corruption carries very far. India and China want you gone! Read up on the Biden lithium filth we post separately.  
  • We now briefly revisit a topic we swore off. Let us, once again, cover the sad truth about Iraqi Dinar pumpers.  Iraq, at best, is a c$4T or max $5T economy. No one in authority gave rights for parties with stolen Iraqi bank note plates to engage in mass printing dinars. But that’s what appears to have happened. There are allegedly Quad Ts of this Muppet Fed junk paper out there. Lunacy if so. No one is going to authorize such paper to be legally revalued to pre-war numbers at the cost to Iraq in trillions of USD. The Iraqi Santa Clause is not coming. Iraq does not possess the reserves nor the obligation to pay off war speculation on its currency. NO one will fund this stupid crap shoot. How many more years will have to go by before this is understood?
  • The all-powerful World Gold Council Chairman for many years was a South Korean Chinese Dynasty Elder, soley entrusted with the knowledge of where the key Family warehouses are, and only he knew the location of the underground bunkers and booby-trapped caves. That family knowledge has been “Bloodline Bond” entrusted to only one current Dynasty family member. Our secret! Right to know only! Secrets we do not share. The Chairman ONLY held the position because the core assets were verified and known to be real. How we now progress “Mongrel Free” to try to safely make good use of those assets, is key. An ever-evolving series of entanglements with a voracious military junta necessitates commensurate care at arm’s length. Also keeping self-serving predatory Americans right out of the loop. Raptors! The Elders are positively guided by trusted and proven London trustees, core and key advisors with a veto block, to protect them from abuse and to guide them safely through the labyrinth of CBDC and unfolding global currency issues. In addition, London shields them from the historical abuses, guile and malignant Zionist/Jewish criminal entrapments of the voracious, utterly corrupt Jewish US Treasury/Fed rackets. Racketeers!  From Jekyll Island onwards they have raped America and the world unchecked. As ever, it’s their plague viral history. It’s also why London has a glass ceiling towards the buggers. Their Oath of Allegiance forcefully entrapping Americans is absurd; an oath to a pestilence and scurrilous roach turd species of Khazarian Mafia! How utterly naive are Americans in Politics?  Oafs swallow! The Zionist and Jewish bankers have looted, scavenged and bankrupted America. Wake TF Up America! Why do real live dummies allow them total oligopoly, criminal control of the US Fed, and Treasury? Jews run the LOT. They own both houses, the media, and the White House. Ridiculous, roach entrapment. For sure as the Afros and Hispanics take over, they will face this species down in the future. Usury Jews used you and took it all. What have they done to the dollar now? It’s worth what? Still the nation sleeps on, devoid of reality. They are being blocked from Elder’s access. Totally.   
Actual Dynastic Elder gold cache. Only a fraction of their total holdings.
  • There are 40 Elder bloodline family unit members, and with their weekly hog fights, positioning needs consummate care. Believe it, with 40 family groupings each presuming their right to draw down 10% of the total wealth for their group alone, once liquidated, from metals. So many rice bowls and so much greed. Trainee Americans? Yet the normal US patriots can be so kind. We segregate them with care. Daily diplomacy versus self-interest. Weevils are Global. It’s a delicate path. We have “Special Plans” but not for disclosure. Ways to beat the system.
  • The WEF and WHO will walk you blindfolded from reality to their sought endgame, if not stopped. Their agenda is anathema to us. They have no compassionate agenda. Nor seek such. They seek only to acquiesce the power of your very being. From the CFR upwards, their position has been, and currently IS clear: Population reduction. Real and clear! That is their core mainline thinking – don’t feed those we don’t need. Don’t be misguided.  Population reduction is real! Planned genocide! They see that no economic herd sized sustainability tables stand up as viable. Doomsday avoidance policies are floundering. Attempting sustainability of ever-growing, non-contributing mass breeding, to them, is pointless. The mass human ostriches just don’t hear or see it, nor handle bad news well. What happens when woke becomes broke? Will you carry them? How? You can’t afford to! Davos is coercing them all. Look at Canada! Unreal. Look at the Woke State of America, complete cuckoo’s nest territory. WEF is bewitching the world. And the methods used center around disruption of the natural inclination to form family bonds and reproduce between both valid sexes.
The rise in this phenomenon is not by accident.
  • Blog sites continue to be assailed with endless GCR fantasies, delusional currency wealth scenarios and conspiracy theorists purport that global debt forgiveness is imminent. For over 20 years now, a concept called NESARA is said to be coming. But funded by whom? No such adoption of this plan has taken place, and it continues to exist in the minds of blogging Moonshiners only! Banks forgiving all worldly debts – sure.
  • As A.I. takes down and clears out vast numbers of soon to be redundant employees, empiric social changes are going to take place.  Tax revenues will collapse as more and more menial and manufacturing jobs are automated. Without taxes, seized to underpin the welfare largesse of socialist spenders, you will fund with what? Socialists and Zionists. None better for bankrupting economies. Bankrupt economies run aground. Unless there is seismic change in replanning the State of Being Human, for the self-centered, delusional beings of today, the future will be one of conflict between the conscientious haves, and the escalating Hottentots. Even the fast-food restaurant chains of the future will be server Free! Supermarkets and Stores increasingly automate checkouts. With growing home deliveries, stores are folding in larger numbers. If you cannot fill a critical role in an ever-increasing technologically based workplace, then there will be no purpose to hire you. For the unskilled and unnecessary, it’s going to get ugly. Have-nots sometimes have nothing to lose. Large groups of such can inflict significant damage if hungry enough.  
  •  Ever-expanding sales of electric cars, trucks and SUVs require fewer parts, and are fast and easy to fix. Huge job losses will follow for manufacturing supply chains and mechanics. It’s coming.  As for oil barons, many saw the light and divested their interests long ago!  If supply chains, tankers and such are untenable, what will become of the price of oil?  
  •  A.I. will hit the mass clerical roles, bookkeeping, administrators, accountants, even law adjudication itself. As A.I. becomes ever more sophisticated, it will self-code and mass program code itself multi-times faster than humans. Programming capacity, thus replacing Programmer coders, will eliminate their errors and costs. Seismic changes. A.I. will be faster and cheaper. Capable also of incredible new concept algorithms and pioneering breakthroughs. Unleashing then a whole new dawn of futuristic technology. Also, Cybernetics. Enhanced people!  Or not? Yes, it IS coming. No, you will not stop it. Enhanced or unenhanced is the next social dilemma. Who will spend on the masses? It does not augur well so far. No one is thinking of sustainable societies. Allow WEF control and it will be draconian. 
  • We are facing an emerging reality future where possibly 40% or more of many jobs will go within the next decade or so. There is no economic forethought of population sustainability, or society ramifications. Each administration simply pushes this toxic bombshell forwards to future incumbents to deal with. State welfare and even retiree packages are unsustainable and bail-ins inadequate.  Your representatives represent only themselves. No one is working for or acting for you! We may as well be on the Titanic. If this lot hits, as is likely, have you got your own family funds sorted, sequestered safely away to swerve the unfolding bank bail-ins and tax grabs? You will need it. Lifebelts will not be thrown. Unless you are earning, you will be left for churning and forget bailouts. Learn now to look after yourself, take responsibility for God’s sake, because if not the cliff edge is looming for Lemmings. 
  • Yes, we are looking for Elders’ support, but it will only be core humanitarian projects and selective, screened sustainable global community financing. We can’t save the world. No one can. Nor will they try with authority. 

  • We are deeply engaged in Blockchain and new innovative cryptos, project backed and communities sharing in the sustainable wealth created. Not 10 cents Zionist Fed phony CBDCs. More on that later and WHA will have a sound platform for its readers. An input. 
  • The current sad state of Ukraine is only a small element of the evolution now between Hemispheres. American hegemony is doomed. It’s over. Empires end. Usually in ignominy. America has lost the Middle East; it’s now re-aligned with Russia and China. The badly planned Jesuit/Vatican U.S. socialist Eurodollar is unsustainable, bailed only now by poor Germany and the Fed.  Scavenging nations now all in disarray.  All take out, no one puts in. For how long? Britain has walked away from the chaos. It’s not sustainable as is. Nor can poor Germany carry it alone. For how long?  If those banks fail, it takes America down with it. That fine a default line. The Teutonic nations need to form a new alliance and leave the rest. Close the porous borders. Look after your own. Merkel has a lot to answer for. Social Madness. She has brought Germany to its knees. Why mass import a nasty, malignant, child molesting, backwards 7th century blood cult? They are destroying the entire multi-millennial nationhood culture of the EU. Barbarians loose inside the gates. Social Havoc. Political suicide. Be clear when EU Banks fail, the knock-on effect means the cross-lending U.S. Banks and Fed goes with it. 
For $40 Billion This Guy Will Do Anything
  • The world is already re-evolving into new trading hemispheres by planned design. The snout of the West will be Out! India is the sleeping giant arising. With a voice and attitude. China fears India. America will be increasingly annexed out of Asia and its markets. They will weaponize metals supplies to the West. To your detriment. Also, for sure, cost! Think portfolios! Balances. How to credit line and leverage your own portfolios. Think money!
  • Eurasia will go to Asia. What a mess. What a loss. 
  • The EU is unsustainable. Let it find an iceberg. The endless Islamic and African flows will sink it if not stopped. Call it or lose it!
  • Pragmatic thinkers will get past what is coming. Key metals will increase in price and with Chinese market games, ever more so. Select which and track the charts. Make money and safely leverage.  
  • America’s own 10 to 15 years demographics do not profile well for many regions now. The melting pot is boiling. The world is yours, just find the right locations. You came as locusts, take flight again if needed. Doors close.

Creative thinking is the future. Foresight, or go with the Sheeple into the night.  Look at the Leaders? Next? Think for your kids now. Who will head off the WEF and WHO? Enhanced or Hottentots? Choose with care. Society is breaking down and there is no telling what it may re-assemble as in the short term.

Be ready for anything.   

Stay tuned.


1,319 responses to “Information Briefing #175”

  1. Unlike normal clots which are gelatinous, almost jelly-like, these so-called “clots” contain extremely large, complex, repeating structural elements that are clearly being constructed in the blood of the victims who died from these clots.



  2. Worldwide game changers developing.

    1. Putin is simply running out of conventional armaments as his war drags out. Resistance is also killing his senior commanders.
    2. The hard fact is that the Western sanctions are hitting home hard. Reality .
    3. Criminal charges may not be brought against Trump but it’s killing his Global image . His family is in disarray. Self interests at work. Pre the riots we predicted being a known Gutless coward, he would not lead and would hide. Draft Dodger, Heel Spurs Coward, he ran, true to form.Skank Trump.He ran! Cowards do.
    4. The Biden saga runs and the cover up, shameful as it is, is the American way. America’s credibility image is in freefall.
    5. The WEF continues its Global encirclement. Mass Gatekeepers in place, systematic penetration.
    6. Boris Johnson in the UK may not get past this year. His credibility is shot. He’s a liability. Power at all costs.
    7. Nations are sleepwalking into Energy price rip offs. Social consequences this winter will be brutal. Recessions will hit hard. Nations lack Leaders.
    8. China’s Fleets are ever expanding ready for a US face off. They want, and are planning, to get the US out of Asia and the Pacific Rim. New weapons are coming.
    9. The sooner Iran gets its nukes, the better. Goodbye Israel hell and its perversion of America.
    10. Blockchain, Cryptos and CBDCs will be the end of the Petro dollar and US Hegemony. .America???????
    11.When will Americans wake TF up and get rid of this Khazarian and Jewish Mafias total incestuous control of its
    Banking freedom, and get its own Central Bank FFS? Get this Khazarian Mafia OUT of America. Israeli passports in their hand, pack the lot off to their Promised land. Let Iran nuke the lot. Armageddon.
    12. Who will deal with Gates, Fauci, Soros and the Bidens? Who will be next after Biden? Not Trump!
    13.Who can lead America at last? Free of incestuous Jewish Funding. Cease this racket. Wake up. America for Americans. Good people deserve better. Yes, you CAN! Restore America for Good Americans. Or lose it. .


    1. I truly hate being contrarian. I disagree solely on the first item.

      Every Western report of Russian capability and staying power has been wrong. Western G2 was wrong on logistics, troops, rail resupply, attrition rates, Ukraine resistance, Donbass region, ruble, oil, trade relationship to China, trade relationship to India, Mariupol, that stupid island that Ukrainian forces failed twice on, and 0 for 9 (maybe 11) on major war crimes. But they got it right on missiles or lack thereof??? The errors here (if they are errors as opposed to blatant infowar propaganda) are egregious and smacking of woke incompetence and narratives. It is much more likely Russia wanted to get rid of inventory. The idea that Russia ran out of current missiles is simply stupid. The idea that manufacturing capability is insufficient is farcical.

      As always we will wait a few days and see what falls out of the fog of war…


  3. Prince Harry is back on the polo fields of Santa Barbara https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10906929/Prince-Harry-polo-field-Santa-Barbara-public-outing-Queens-Jubilee.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    What is the point of this balding Ginger Tosser?
    Prince Andrew ‘believes his HRH status should be RESTORED’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10909357/Prince-Andrew-believes-HRH-status-RESTORED.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    This complete Arsehole has no sense of the shame he’s viewed with here. He wants, he wants , he wants.
    He deserves a red-hot poker up his Arse and stripped of everything. William needs to put his foot down-his throat?


    1. Not a ghost of a chance in hell. We are still far, far away from GAC or GAI.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Criminal. Useless. IFR of Omicron is below 0.05%. Let’s spawn more variants. The only way out is to stop all mRNA shots. Treat early and well, instead.


  5. Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Administration



  6. Insanity in pathology:

    Cole told Hunter of USAWatchdog.com that he’s met other pathologists who are seeing the [3 ft] clots but “can’t say anything” because they would be fired.

    “But we have all these large organizations and institutions in cahoots together with a narrative attacking anybody that speaks against their giant [vaccine] money machine while they’re harming humanity, and this is the tragedy in all of this,” Cole said. “Doctors are seeing it. Pathologists are seeing it.

    “Too many people are silent, and silence is compliance. It’s time for people to be courageous.”

    Liked by 2 people

  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Belle of the Ball.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Iran ‘dangerously’ close to completing nuclear weapons program

    Good. the sooner they can deal with those Khazarian Usurping Bastards the better for humanity. Sadly, if the sewer rats are taken out, they will mass fire and take out Europe.
    We need to strip the nukes out of the Khazars lair. Neuter them

    Business Losses From Russia Top $59 Billion as Sanctions Hit – WSJ

    What a scorecard for a no win position… Reality is that Russia is now feeling the encircling Western sanctions.

    As energy prices soar, the bitcoin miners may find they have struck fool’s gold | Bitcoin | The Guardian

    Factor this in now.

    Not unexpected.
    Russia fires 1960s missiles after running out of modern rockets: MoD https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10908917/Russia-fires-Cold-War-era-missiles-Ukraine-running-precision-rockets-MoD-says.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead


  9. https://www.businessinsider.com/china-launches-worlds-first-ai-unmanned-drone-aircraft-carrier-2022-6

    China launched the world’s first AI-operated ‘mother ship,’ an unmanned carrier capable of launching dozens of drones


    1. Dogmatic application of technology. Complete failure to understand how and what kind of drones to manufacture. Is it a threat? Sure is. But on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of what *could be achieved* it’s just a 2. Can’t be more specific without giving enemies ideas.


    2. Armed attack Drones. Vast Cluster Kill capacity in thousands. Stealth also.


      1. Nasty for Infantry and Tanks. Swarm Killing zones.


      2. All true. 100% agree. And nasty. And still not the right use of the tech. Not to mention range and staying power issues. (Hence a carrier…)


    1. Brian Cates on above article…. “Pay very close and particular attention to the use of the term “domestic terrorism/terrorist” as it’s being used relative to 06 Jan 21. This is a direct overlay with the use of the same pertaining to the disarming movement and attack on the Second Amendment – all coming from China and its owned U.N.”

      I explain those details as resting on old work in this recent article: https://politicalmoonshine.com/2022/05/30/how-china-may-invade-the-u-s-mainland-and-its-not-what-you-think/


      1. Brian Cates: China and WEF working together hand in hand infiltrated all our US government institutions and corrupted them from the inside out.

        And the evidence of how US government agencies were turned against American citizens to strip them of their rights and liberties in order to turn them into an obedient serf class for the ‘coming New World Order’ is being completely exposed.

        And millions of Americans are not going to stand for this. We are going to #StayAmerican and we are going to roll back and replace all these corrupted institutions.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. That will be a first in 60 years. We hope.

          Liked by 2 people

  10. Dr Naomi Wolf Says Her Legal Team is Suing Pfizer, Reveals CCP National Security Concerns
    “This is a national security breach and we can’t trust our own agencies”



  11. New Study at ‘The Lancet’ Debunks Widely Cited CDC Study Justifying School Mask Mandates



  12. Comment from Brain Cates:
    “Pride Parades” aren’t “about ghey people.” Thats the Trojan Horse. They’re about Perverts dancing in the streets, degenerating society and grooming children. If they had a Slut Parade and it was all hot babes dancing in the streets half naked, simulating sex acts in front of children there would be Outrage! And rightfully so. There’s no place for this sort of thing in a civilized society. This is Regressive.

    The people at the highest levels funding and giving the orders to Organize/ Support this trash think its just as nauseating as I do. They’re not doing it to support shit, they’re doing it to break down society. I question the intelligence of anyone who cannot discern this for themselves.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I went to hear Jesse Ventura speak about his time running for governor and the experience of the 3 letter agencies grilling him for info on who put him up to running. He was not happy. This was back in the early 2000s in Phx.



  14. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/exclusive-truth-january-6th-documentary-premieres-today-gateway-pundit-narrated-political-prisoner-jake-lang-inside-solitary-confinement-must-watch/
    This film is historical in the fact it was co-produced and narrated by January 6th Political Prisoner Jake Lang from solitary confinement. Lang is arguably one of the most persecuted January 6th defendants and political prisoners in America today.


    1. Well said Ron Watkins, and I hope you get the votes. But its a Global problem also. One of indifference.
      The Leadership we need to encourage. Non Zionist funded.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. The most stupid action in the list:

      6/9/22 Irrigation water was canceled in California (the #1 producer of food in the US) and storage water flushed directly out to the delta.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3504388-pentagon-chief-calls-on-world-to-unite-in-response-to-russia-breaking-global-order.html

    The West is United to stop Russia
    Energy crisis breakthrough: Japan to harness ‘limitless’ power with huge undersea turbine

    Japan has the intelligence to harness the enormous energy power of the oceans

    Putin’s forces deliberately targeting wheat to torch harvest: Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10906621/Putins-forces-deliberately-targeting-wheat-fields-shells-torch-harvest-Ukraine-says.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    What s nasty piece of work.

    It’s never ending beware
    Monoclonal antibody for cancer

    Anti-body breakthroughs for cancer.
    Quite the breakthrough

    Click to access cancer-trial-using-monoclonal-antibody-finds-remission-in-every-patient.pdf


    Always I think of Munich Girl. How to reduce the Vermin species. Time to rid Europe of the Zionists and Bolsheviks. Vermin cleansing.

    The Englanders will help you with the new crop. Rethink new Teutonics. Rebuild. Reclaim our lands. Our nations!


    1. John! And just how many of our Germanic women will you personally rebuild with? lol You are such a bad bad boy!! Overpaid oversexed and over there!? lol But yes you have it right. Europe must stand up for her heritage and cease this destructive influx of Muslim and African military age men who can not even read and write in their native language. We know who is behind it. And we are slowly rising to anger in enough numbers to deal with those who are trying to destroy us. Please will you help us? We watch and read your words and hope your settlements will bring to bear the solutions and help us rid the ourselves of WEF and other such evil groups. We hope with the huge economic power behind your London trust that you can pressure nations to cease this useless destructive migration and allow us to continue to contribute to the world as a sovereign people and not forced to act as a welfare catastrophe in the making. We are watching!

      Okay back to bed.
      Hugs from Munich!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh Munich Girl. As many as possible, waste not, want not. Angel kinds.

        But Germany is a dilemma. Merkel has sadly opened the Lough Gates and flooded the country with vast millions of totally unsuitable scavengers, this human flotsam is overrunning the EU. The UK too.
        Has Germany learned nothing from the Turks Crimes, Drug Trafficking, People Trafficking and Prostitution rackets?
        Where are the inherent Cultural standards and nations pride?

        You educated Einstein! Bismark raised the bar.
        Defended by Manfred Von Richthofen, the guile and acumen of Rommel. You flew high!
        Beethoven , the Spiritual values of Eckhart Tolle, and Literacy of Goethe. A great Germany, a great people.

        You’re not alone. It’s a Global pandemic. Since JFK, America has been transformed by the Bush 41 Criminal Cabal and its Criminals in Action Agency. The sordid sleaze of the Clintons, a Kenyan Commie Usurper, via a low character, banal low Grifter, a Shrek type Skank loose, through to the degeneracy of the Bribe taking Bidens.
        A nation 60 years in freefall. Post Thatcher the UK has been led only by Mediocrities. It shows! Sadly. We all have to wake up and stem the tide. NATO is just an American Game play to profiteer from Arms contracts , America Runs under pressure. America is Israel’s Bitch. Fact! Owned, Butt reamed and ridden by them. Muzzled Dogs. Mongrels.
        It’s time to rethink outside the box, and call it now. Raise the bars and defend our Sovereign heritage.

        With the Elders, we have the dilemma of which viable Settlement Medium, declining a Failing Fiat Petro Dollar and the risk of the Zio Trash Bankers predicated to Hijack and snatch at will if not ring fenced. The Political Carrion besiege us weekly with grasping hands and mercurial Self Interests. All declined. We need none of them, nor will we align with them. Blockchains, Cryptos and entirely new Ships of State are emerging. Zionist Free.
        Forget the EU. It’s failed. Rethink new alliances. Define and Defend our Teutonic rights. Aryan rights, to be free. Reform and rethink a new Europe. One fit for purpose and safe for its own. Protect our Cultures, lands and ideologies. Reset the bar. Not be dictated to by a Mongrel , scavenging Zionist Shrew. Khazars snouts out. Defend our own with pride. Bring in our Nordics, Teutonics and Aryans. Become one of all Defend our nations rights to be free and the future of our own to be free in their own lands, Motherlands, Not Pawns on a board for the Khazars and Soros hoard.

        Liked by 2 people

  16. Looks like Gates is trying to ensure his synthetic eggs are the only thing available. They’ve already targeted corporate hatcheries, it looks like backyard flocks are next.



  17. Authorities rounded up and arrested Vietnam’s health minister as well as the mayor of the nation’s capital, Hanoi, based on an alleged $170 million dollar scheme involving coronavirus test kits, reports the public security ministry. While Vietnam’s government seeks to cleanse its government of corruption associated with the pandemic, a pandemic profit machine involving bribery, grossly marked up COVID-19 test kits, and crooked officials has now come to light. Little was discussed in the West, and the Public Security Ministry now is coming for Ngoc Anh as he allegedly was “violating regulations on management and use of State assets, causing loss and waste” while he was supposed to be serving the people of Vietnam as minister of science and technology.

    Warrants have been issued by others, including the mayor of Hanoi, Nguyen Thanh Long, for “abusing positions and powers while performing official duties.” Furthermore, a statement on the Vietnam Ministry of Public Authority website declared, “After being approved by the Supreme People’s Procuracy, the Ministry of Public Security has implemented the decisions and orders in accordance with law.”

    According to the allegation, the scheme involved the bribing of health care officials so that the COVID-19 test kits could be sold to hospitals and Vietnam regional center for disease control offices at exorbitant prices totaling $172 million. If the allegations are true, $34 million of the total was associated with the bribery scheme.

    Multiple media are reporting on the convergence of drugs and health care products, power, and politics during the pandemic, including the New York Times, Washington Post, and South China Morning Post.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. SADS is just gaslighting. It’s the mRNA shots. Period.

    To wit — anyone who has gotten the mRNA shots, at a bare minimum needs, every 3 months for the next 2-3 years, to be tested with :

    and (just once) a Left Ventricular function test for baseline.
    Do an EKG for good measure every 6 months.

    If you are going to get clobbered I expect it near-term, not long-term.

    We don’t have any good markers for antibody to conduction channels so it is my hope that subtle arrhythmia will show up in the EKG.

    Run, do not walk, to the doctors if mild persistent symptoms of any kind develop. Persistent here means *any* increasing symptoms of 1 week duration, or 2 weeks without improvement. So if you feel like you are getting a cold, but there are no sniffles and low to no fever, get thee to thy doctor.


  19. In Midst of Energy Crisis, Mysterious Explosion in Texas Takes One of World’s Largest Fuel Plants Offline



  20. According to Statista (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1196071/covid-19-vaccination-rate-in-europe-by-country/), Portugal has the highest vaccination rate of any country in Europe aside from the tiny island of Malta. Nearly every adult is vaccinated in this nation of 10.3 million, 94% of all people (including young children) have received at least 1 dose, and 70% have received boosters. In fact, the New York Times ran an article (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/01/world/europe/portugal-vaccination-rate.html) about Portugal last year, noting that “there is no one left to vaccinate” there.
    Yet, Portugal now has the highest case rate and COVID death rate per capita in Europe and the second highest COVID fatality rate in the world behind Taiwan, according to Our World in Data (https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/portugal).



  21. Justin Bieber has facial paralysis; his wife Hailey Bieber had recently suffered a stroke due to blood clot in brain…



    1. Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Remember this false chica:

      Playbook never changes…

      Liked by 2 people

  22. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Zelenskyy will soon be in one of his mansions, counting the billions we gave him.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Along with the rest of the Jewish/Zionist Crime Mafia. How many countries have evicted them?

      Liked by 1 person

  23. No one is stopping them there is no effective leadership


    It’s clear China is ready to attack US backed Taiwan any time and ready to fight America. It’s coming

    For God’s sale Netflix dump this loathsome pair of grasping self promoting bloody misfits. They have no appeal a C list actress and a mental child.


  24. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    What about his boogers?


  25. Like

  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    And to think, this industry is still in its infancy.


  27. Liked by 2 people

  28. Like

  29. The mandates simply have no effect whatsoever on viral spread. They only add cost and compliance with Clown World.


  30. Misinformation? Whistleblower Exposes Disinformation Board

    Whistleblower says DHS Disinformation Governance Board planned to consult and coordinate with social media outlets to help decide how information is featured.


  31. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Committee Liars EDITED OUT FOOTAGE of Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland’s Death from FROM KEY WITNESS TESTIMONY



  32. Starts at the 2:38 mark.



  33. Post-Jubilee, Harry and Meghan’s Feud With the Royals Is Uglier Than Ever

    Harry bought the farm when he married that bloody Freak. Idiot!

    The date with a Neanderthal that led to a million Covid deaths | News | The Times

    Trump and Biden are proof.

    Dementia warning symptom that impacts your walk identified in new study
    We’ve already seen tbe Trump Chump Walk. Bidens?

    Russia now threatens poor Sweden and Finland. Disgusting animals. They need rounding up, interning and throwing out of Scandanavia. The Czechs jail Commies. Castrating is a start. Stop then breeding more. a dangerous virus in the West. Animals.

    Mystery over Finland’s president cancelling dinner with Swedish King https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10902225/Swedish-King-Finnish-president-rushed-Baltic-island-hours-Putin-issued-veiled-threat.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    The Man child will lose his daughter next. He’s too thick to understand any of it.

    Trump turns on Ivanka and said she had long checked out after election https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10904155/Trump-turns-IVANKA-said-long-checked-election.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    About time only 75 years too late.

    NASA joins the hunt for UFOs with study into ‘unidentified phenomena’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10903253/NASA-officially-joins-hunt-UFOs-study-unidentified-aerial-phenomena.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Too bad to be true and they presume to rule

    Rishi ‘lost the UK £11BILLION by failing to insure huge debt stocks’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10903181/Rishi-Sunak-lost-UK-11BILLION-failing-insure-huge-debt-stocks.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Stop encouraging these useless, posing muppets. Firing Squad! Fake Soldiers. Idiots!

    Wife of British fighter captured by Russians slams ‘absurd trial’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10904465/Wife-British-fighter-facing-death-penalty-Donetsk-slams-absurd-cynical-trial.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    It’s time the Windsors took this bag of shit out of circulation. He and Fat Fergy, the Duchess of Pork need packing off to a Devils Island. A gruesome freeloading twosome. 2 Loser daughters also.

    Prince Andrew faces more questions as he allegedly owes couple £1.6m https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10904499/Prince-Andrew-faces-financial-questions-1-6million-debt-tries-sell-18m-ski-chalet.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    View at Medium.com
    3 Ways To Keep Your Crypto Safe

    Just more key security for you. You matter!


  34. FBI ‘Purging’ Employees With Conservative Views: Rep. Jordan
    “Multiple whistleblowers at the law enforcement agency had come forward alleging retaliatory actions…”


  35. Like

    1. Ridding starts there. Who funded it? Name and try?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. There’s even a convenient BioWarfare Treaty the US has under which we can slam them!

        Liked by 1 person

  36. Like

    1. A Muppet presumes.



    Liked by 1 person

  38. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I was wondering why so few Brits are in space.


    1. We are too busy helping Munich Girl; see the stars.

      Liked by 1 person

  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    I can’t even get 10 years use out of a refrigerator these days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, some smart dudes in antiquity.


  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This is the most powerful man on earth?


  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Another screeching harpy mental case. Who would want to breed and make a family with these psychotic witches?


    1. After a good shellacking, send it to Belle View for 6 months in a straightjacket, gagged and injected with enough to have it drooling for life. Works on Biden.


  42. Gaslighting! All of it! By exclusion, it can only be the vaccine!


  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Really, remind me again, who is it that fills all the Jails?


  44. And the incidence keeps rising…


    1. Followed by the UK. Germany, Holland . Spain and Scandinavia. How would the Cohorts have dealt with them?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        It was part of the reason the Flavian Ampitheater was built.


  45. Ukrainian journalist confronts Russia’s Sergei Lavrov with grain theft claim

    One kind or another of Russian Mafia Thugs.

    The energy in nuclear waste could power the U.S. for 100 years, but the technology was never commercialized

    How America needs a new JFK

    We are squandering the chance to build a post-Brexit industrial superpower

    All correct with Dog Turds in power hope is lost.

    Damned right, stop selling the filth now. Smokers stink. Breath like ash trays. Ban the muppets.

    Children ‘could be banned from buying cigarettes for LIFE’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10899443/Children-banned-buying-cigarettes-LIFE-radical-plans.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Shanghai to lock down 2.7 million, a week after easing Covid restrictions | China | The Guardian

    Shanghied again. Poor Chans.

    Britain funding ‘hypersonic weapon demonstrator’

    Damned right two can play.

    Russia’s economic slump will wipe out 15 years of gains – IIF | Reuters

    Only, Plebs don’t see how Putin’s hurting Russia now.

    Concern grows as two new Omicron sub-variants spread across US

    Tough on America. Hang in guys.

    Ministry of Defense acquires government’s first quantum computer

    Big Brother is now here. Catch all!

    AstraZeneca Covid-19 Antibody Drug Found to Cut Risk of Severe Disease

    Interesting if True.

    They keep losing Snr Officers. This war apart from Nukes is Un Winnable! The Knee Jerk of a Jerk!
    It need not be this way. Sad, MAD and Bad. Oligarchs and the Russian Mafia Joint Putin Evils.
    Putin loses two more colonels in Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10899649/Putin-loses-two-colonels-Ukraine-One-Russias-youngest-commanders-latest-killed.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Now the greenmailing Bitch gets payback. Nasty grasping WHORE!

    Virginia Giuffre accused of sexually assault at Epstein’s direction https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10899771/Prince-Andrews-accuser-Virginia-Giuffre-accused-sexually-assaulting-woman-Epsteins-direction.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    He took the Bolter, dissed his nation, sold us out fo Oprah for Judas Silver, tried to set up the new Court of Pumpkin headed Slopenose in Airhead County, dissed his Father in Law, waved 2 Fingers to us all, now his family steer clear of this Nincompoop and his Wallace Simpson grasping freak.. This C lister Wannabe has failed and she will be brought to earth. Once Netflix see its 2 naked Muppets, watch it fold. Pathetic. 2 narcistic, scheming C Listers soon with Butt Blisters!
    She could have been Americas Princess, but lacked tbe Class and is out on her Ass.

    Furious’ Prince Harry wants apology from royals https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10899767/Furious-Prince-Harry-wants-apology-royals.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Two Britons captured by Russian forces ‘are sentenced to death’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10900819/Two-Britons-captured-Russian-forces-sentenced-death-fighting-Ukraine.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    BS they were 2 Foreign Fighters , both thick. Each posers who know the risks now whine like Bitches.
    Look at the Fat F! Who surrendered because he was hungry. He’s about to get a gut full of lead. Eat that Asshole. Neither Hero’s ,2 Muppets who must hope they exchange them for captured Russian. Swap the Russians and leave the Muppets. 2 total losers.
    I’m hungry, slap, the sound of Johns hand bitchslapping the Creep. Not impressed 2 pathetic posers both losers.



    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”

    Liked by 3 people

  47. Canadian Attorney General Announces Citizens Do Not Have “The Absolute Right to Own Private Property”



    1. This is the kind of **** where, if someone shot him in the forehead, we should raise a monument to the shooter.

      Liked by 2 people

  48. Liked by 3 people

  49. mRNA shots induce prion disease at a 1-2 per million rate, which unto itself is a stopping condition for vaxx distribution.



  50. UK’s NHS Scrubs The Word “Women” From Ovarian Cancer Guidance To Be More “Inclusive”; Report



    1. Remember, Go Woke Go Broke.

      Remember, any organization that goes woke is incapable of doing its primary mission.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Any Guy who goes Woke can’t Poke!


  51. They know that people’s opinion and behaviour is easily controlled by the media but they need to control all of it and censor any discenting voices.



  52. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2022-06-07/youth-blood-harvesting-another-conspiracy-theory-vindicated-fact
    The same corporate media now reporting on the blood harvesting phenomenon has long painted it as “conspiracy theory.”


  53. https://thefederalist.com/2022/06/08/missouri-attorney-general-investigation-uncovers-systemically-racist-curricula-intrusive-surveys-in-public-schools/
    Today the Missouri attorney general announced subpoenas of seven school districts in response to parent complaints of racist instruction and intrusive surveys administered to their children allegedly without prior parental notice. Attorney General Eric Schmitt’s office also posted Wednesday a public database of open records investigations into 49 Missouri school districts that uncovered the systemic abuse of public schooling for political purposes.


  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    General Lee would know how to handle WEF, with this kind of ethos.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. Beyond nightmare list of studies just forwarded to me. It is utterly horrific. These entries have been deliberately ignored by the mainstream media. And alt-docs can’t follow everything…



    1. Thanks for sharing Tino. #13 is very bad!


  56. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220608-china-s-drone-carrier-hints-at-swarm-ambitions-for-pacific

    And there you have it. Chinese swarm policies with weaponized drones. Cheap mass killers

    When are the Plebs going to get it? Mass cheap holidays to mass infected nations with totally unstable airline carriers and erratic flights means mass stupid get dumped and still they flock like cattle then whine when it happens to them. Cattle stay at home until the flight mess stabilises it may be 3 more years now. Or Ferry and drive if you’re not too stupid to do that. Sadly the airport’s are full of the worst levels of bottom feeders and its ugly. Cheap booze, cheap sun and coach cattle. Buy trouble life will burst your bubble. Sorry but the games changing fast and no money is not funny. Stay home drones until the visible mass flight chaos is sorted. Or have money to bail. Insuring is full of weasel insurers. You whine again. You know the airlines are mass cancelling flights and mass dumping. So many mindless Turkeys go at all cost then get lost. Coach tourist flights are tiny margins and mass dumping now escalates. Airlines are understaffed and need years to rehire and train . It’s chaos. The system is bust and bottom feeders no longer matter. Expendable Turkeys. Way too many Forest Chumps out there. It’s going to get worse. You get dumped no one cares..you have no rights and no flights.
    Cheap booze flights really need swerving for a year or two. No fine dining for the broke and whining. Buy trouble and they burst your bubble.


  57. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I think a Vickers .303 at 30 yards with a slight windage adjust would suffice.


  58. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  59. How many have to die before we wake up?


  60. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Ding dong I am the Chi-Com

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  61. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  62. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


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