White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #175

A Report From The Front. Prepare To Defend Your Rear

Salve, Citizens!

Time is short. The reasons why are not possible to share at this time. However, WHA has taken onto its shoulders the responsibility to bring forth from front line positions, true and accurate assessments of situations which our readers may find useful in future planning. Reality balanced, and without any motive to pitch dubious wares or subscription fees.

What’s coming is not what most people are led to believe. But concerning the bigger real issues, what will follow is a series of summaries for those readers endowed with a perspicacious oversight and ability to handle such balanced reality.

So, shortness of time notwithstanding, let us begin.

  • You really do need to pre-think your own family’s life plan for the future changes coming.  Real world truth, at a price. Drone herding is coming as almost ALL global leaders now permeate towards Davos and the Kingdom of the Bald Comic Clown Troll, who seeks to take all, and to then make you happy, or NOT, with nothing! So far, he has the floor, and support among the politicos. Yet the West is now being clearly and clinically circumvented out of the Middle East and Far East. India, with a larger population than China’s, is the fast-growing IT hub for Asia, and a superpower in waiting. One China fears the most. Yet they must coexist, but each concur that America and its hegemony must be phased out of Asia and to simply annex them out where possible. It’s cynical and precise, America by consensus is to go.  As with BRICS, all conclude a US free trade future. Asia is annexing the West. Who is left to prey on? Future US demographics read a bleak picture. Time to reprofile your own futures. Reality checks. How did it work out for Rome once their borders became unenforceable?
  • Sovereign monetary wealth today is either gold/asset backed, or just worthless fiat fake in freefall. What the Zionist Jewish bankers have not syphoned off and stolen, the WEF Swiss gnomes seek to sequestrate from gullible fools. Playing YOU! Word to the wise: Have a metals portfolio and keep it safe. Seek expert advice.
  • You really do need to rethink your banking, your portfolio strategies and balance, and how to protect your assets from bail-ins or tax grabs. Parasite protection. Rethink your portfolio balances. Seek the very best professionals who understand such profound risks and how to avoid the worst-case scenarios if such extreme measures are taken by governments who are desperate to survive at your expense.
  • How do we make sense of a freefalling America, where bribe taking Biden’s own son, drug addict, child molesting Hunter, is found to be a 10% shareholder of a vast new lithium mine in Afghanistan, in conjunction with the Chinese? This explains why the dirty Bidens got America out, to fill the dirty Biden crime family pockets yet again. How many died needlessly for this racket? You wonder why Asia plans to remove America from the Far East and Asia? The stink of Washington corruption carries very far. India and China want you gone! Read up on the Biden lithium filth we post separately.  
  • We now briefly revisit a topic we swore off. Let us, once again, cover the sad truth about Iraqi Dinar pumpers.  Iraq, at best, is a c$4T or max $5T economy. No one in authority gave rights for parties with stolen Iraqi bank note plates to engage in mass printing dinars. But that’s what appears to have happened. There are allegedly Quad Ts of this Muppet Fed junk paper out there. Lunacy if so. No one is going to authorize such paper to be legally revalued to pre-war numbers at the cost to Iraq in trillions of USD. The Iraqi Santa Clause is not coming. Iraq does not possess the reserves nor the obligation to pay off war speculation on its currency. NO one will fund this stupid crap shoot. How many more years will have to go by before this is understood?
  • The all-powerful World Gold Council Chairman for many years was a South Korean Chinese Dynasty Elder, soley entrusted with the knowledge of where the key Family warehouses are, and only he knew the location of the underground bunkers and booby-trapped caves. That family knowledge has been “Bloodline Bond” entrusted to only one current Dynasty family member. Our secret! Right to know only! Secrets we do not share. The Chairman ONLY held the position because the core assets were verified and known to be real. How we now progress “Mongrel Free” to try to safely make good use of those assets, is key. An ever-evolving series of entanglements with a voracious military junta necessitates commensurate care at arm’s length. Also keeping self-serving predatory Americans right out of the loop. Raptors! The Elders are positively guided by trusted and proven London trustees, core and key advisors with a veto block, to protect them from abuse and to guide them safely through the labyrinth of CBDC and unfolding global currency issues. In addition, London shields them from the historical abuses, guile and malignant Zionist/Jewish criminal entrapments of the voracious, utterly corrupt Jewish US Treasury/Fed rackets. Racketeers!  From Jekyll Island onwards they have raped America and the world unchecked. As ever, it’s their plague viral history. It’s also why London has a glass ceiling towards the buggers. Their Oath of Allegiance forcefully entrapping Americans is absurd; an oath to a pestilence and scurrilous roach turd species of Khazarian Mafia! How utterly naive are Americans in Politics?  Oafs swallow! The Zionist and Jewish bankers have looted, scavenged and bankrupted America. Wake TF Up America! Why do real live dummies allow them total oligopoly, criminal control of the US Fed, and Treasury? Jews run the LOT. They own both houses, the media, and the White House. Ridiculous, roach entrapment. For sure as the Afros and Hispanics take over, they will face this species down in the future. Usury Jews used you and took it all. What have they done to the dollar now? It’s worth what? Still the nation sleeps on, devoid of reality. They are being blocked from Elder’s access. Totally.   
Actual Dynastic Elder gold cache. Only a fraction of their total holdings.
  • There are 40 Elder bloodline family unit members, and with their weekly hog fights, positioning needs consummate care. Believe it, with 40 family groupings each presuming their right to draw down 10% of the total wealth for their group alone, once liquidated, from metals. So many rice bowls and so much greed. Trainee Americans? Yet the normal US patriots can be so kind. We segregate them with care. Daily diplomacy versus self-interest. Weevils are Global. It’s a delicate path. We have “Special Plans” but not for disclosure. Ways to beat the system.
  • The WEF and WHO will walk you blindfolded from reality to their sought endgame, if not stopped. Their agenda is anathema to us. They have no compassionate agenda. Nor seek such. They seek only to acquiesce the power of your very being. From the CFR upwards, their position has been, and currently IS clear: Population reduction. Real and clear! That is their core mainline thinking – don’t feed those we don’t need. Don’t be misguided.  Population reduction is real! Planned genocide! They see that no economic herd sized sustainability tables stand up as viable. Doomsday avoidance policies are floundering. Attempting sustainability of ever-growing, non-contributing mass breeding, to them, is pointless. The mass human ostriches just don’t hear or see it, nor handle bad news well. What happens when woke becomes broke? Will you carry them? How? You can’t afford to! Davos is coercing them all. Look at Canada! Unreal. Look at the Woke State of America, complete cuckoo’s nest territory. WEF is bewitching the world. And the methods used center around disruption of the natural inclination to form family bonds and reproduce between both valid sexes.
The rise in this phenomenon is not by accident.
  • Blog sites continue to be assailed with endless GCR fantasies, delusional currency wealth scenarios and conspiracy theorists purport that global debt forgiveness is imminent. For over 20 years now, a concept called NESARA is said to be coming. But funded by whom? No such adoption of this plan has taken place, and it continues to exist in the minds of blogging Moonshiners only! Banks forgiving all worldly debts – sure.
  • As A.I. takes down and clears out vast numbers of soon to be redundant employees, empiric social changes are going to take place.  Tax revenues will collapse as more and more menial and manufacturing jobs are automated. Without taxes, seized to underpin the welfare largesse of socialist spenders, you will fund with what? Socialists and Zionists. None better for bankrupting economies. Bankrupt economies run aground. Unless there is seismic change in replanning the State of Being Human, for the self-centered, delusional beings of today, the future will be one of conflict between the conscientious haves, and the escalating Hottentots. Even the fast-food restaurant chains of the future will be server Free! Supermarkets and Stores increasingly automate checkouts. With growing home deliveries, stores are folding in larger numbers. If you cannot fill a critical role in an ever-increasing technologically based workplace, then there will be no purpose to hire you. For the unskilled and unnecessary, it’s going to get ugly. Have-nots sometimes have nothing to lose. Large groups of such can inflict significant damage if hungry enough.  
  •  Ever-expanding sales of electric cars, trucks and SUVs require fewer parts, and are fast and easy to fix. Huge job losses will follow for manufacturing supply chains and mechanics. It’s coming.  As for oil barons, many saw the light and divested their interests long ago!  If supply chains, tankers and such are untenable, what will become of the price of oil?  
  •  A.I. will hit the mass clerical roles, bookkeeping, administrators, accountants, even law adjudication itself. As A.I. becomes ever more sophisticated, it will self-code and mass program code itself multi-times faster than humans. Programming capacity, thus replacing Programmer coders, will eliminate their errors and costs. Seismic changes. A.I. will be faster and cheaper. Capable also of incredible new concept algorithms and pioneering breakthroughs. Unleashing then a whole new dawn of futuristic technology. Also, Cybernetics. Enhanced people!  Or not? Yes, it IS coming. No, you will not stop it. Enhanced or unenhanced is the next social dilemma. Who will spend on the masses? It does not augur well so far. No one is thinking of sustainable societies. Allow WEF control and it will be draconian. 
  • We are facing an emerging reality future where possibly 40% or more of many jobs will go within the next decade or so. There is no economic forethought of population sustainability, or society ramifications. Each administration simply pushes this toxic bombshell forwards to future incumbents to deal with. State welfare and even retiree packages are unsustainable and bail-ins inadequate.  Your representatives represent only themselves. No one is working for or acting for you! We may as well be on the Titanic. If this lot hits, as is likely, have you got your own family funds sorted, sequestered safely away to swerve the unfolding bank bail-ins and tax grabs? You will need it. Lifebelts will not be thrown. Unless you are earning, you will be left for churning and forget bailouts. Learn now to look after yourself, take responsibility for God’s sake, because if not the cliff edge is looming for Lemmings. 
  • Yes, we are looking for Elders’ support, but it will only be core humanitarian projects and selective, screened sustainable global community financing. We can’t save the world. No one can. Nor will they try with authority. 

  • We are deeply engaged in Blockchain and new innovative cryptos, project backed and communities sharing in the sustainable wealth created. Not 10 cents Zionist Fed phony CBDCs. More on that later and WHA will have a sound platform for its readers. An input. 
  • The current sad state of Ukraine is only a small element of the evolution now between Hemispheres. American hegemony is doomed. It’s over. Empires end. Usually in ignominy. America has lost the Middle East; it’s now re-aligned with Russia and China. The badly planned Jesuit/Vatican U.S. socialist Eurodollar is unsustainable, bailed only now by poor Germany and the Fed.  Scavenging nations now all in disarray.  All take out, no one puts in. For how long? Britain has walked away from the chaos. It’s not sustainable as is. Nor can poor Germany carry it alone. For how long?  If those banks fail, it takes America down with it. That fine a default line. The Teutonic nations need to form a new alliance and leave the rest. Close the porous borders. Look after your own. Merkel has a lot to answer for. Social Madness. She has brought Germany to its knees. Why mass import a nasty, malignant, child molesting, backwards 7th century blood cult? They are destroying the entire multi-millennial nationhood culture of the EU. Barbarians loose inside the gates. Social Havoc. Political suicide. Be clear when EU Banks fail, the knock-on effect means the cross-lending U.S. Banks and Fed goes with it. 
For $40 Billion This Guy Will Do Anything
  • The world is already re-evolving into new trading hemispheres by planned design. The snout of the West will be Out! India is the sleeping giant arising. With a voice and attitude. China fears India. America will be increasingly annexed out of Asia and its markets. They will weaponize metals supplies to the West. To your detriment. Also, for sure, cost! Think portfolios! Balances. How to credit line and leverage your own portfolios. Think money!
  • Eurasia will go to Asia. What a mess. What a loss. 
  • The EU is unsustainable. Let it find an iceberg. The endless Islamic and African flows will sink it if not stopped. Call it or lose it!
  • Pragmatic thinkers will get past what is coming. Key metals will increase in price and with Chinese market games, ever more so. Select which and track the charts. Make money and safely leverage.  
  • America’s own 10 to 15 years demographics do not profile well for many regions now. The melting pot is boiling. The world is yours, just find the right locations. You came as locusts, take flight again if needed. Doors close.

Creative thinking is the future. Foresight, or go with the Sheeple into the night.  Look at the Leaders? Next? Think for your kids now. Who will head off the WEF and WHO? Enhanced or Hottentots? Choose with care. Society is breaking down and there is no telling what it may re-assemble as in the short term.

Be ready for anything.   

Stay tuned.


1,319 responses to “Information Briefing #175”

  1. Dr. Paul Alexander says what each and every one of us is thinking.


    LIES! Every single COVID policy by Fauci, Birx, Francis Collins, Ashish Jha, Njoo, Tam, Doug Ford, CDC, NIH, PHAC, Health Canada, SAGE (US, Canada, etc.), all, every single one failed! JAIL them!!!!!

    Everything done over last 2 years, every single COVID policy was a fraud, no science, about greed & power, COVID vaccine being the greatest fraud, Bourla, Bancel, Fauci, Francis Collins (4 Horsemen)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Double-masking quadruple vaccinated Anthony Fauci tests positive for SARS-2

    by eugyppius

    In the end neither, neither double masks nor double boosters could save him: NIAID director and un-flushable turd Anthony Fauci, who in 2021 declared that “When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected,” has tested positive for Corona. Like all the other celebrities to catch SARS-2, he is reported to be suffering “mild symptoms,” and he’s on Paxlovid.

    While Fauci has (alas) not been in contact with Joe Biden, he did meet as recently as Tuesday with the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, so there’s some chance that America’s foremost Corona astrologer got a little bit of superspreading in before his hourly antigen test came up positive. The announcement came just in advance of his scheduled appearance before a Senate health committee, where he was expected to report on the State of the Pandemic. Many conspiracy theories are possible here, but I doubt this august incarnation of The Science would deliberately avoid any publicity opportunity at all. On the other hand, we’re probably justified in wondering whether we’d ever have heard about his infection in the absence of such a high-profile cancellation.

    The New York Times intones in conclusion:

    While much of the nation appears to be trying to move on, the coronavirus remains a pervasive threat. According to a New York Times database, more than 100,000 new cases are still being identified each day in the United States — a figure that has stayed roughly flat during June. Many experts believe the number is an undercount because so many people are taking at-home tests whose results are not recorded with public health authorities.

    It goes without saying that nobody—not even the professional hypochondriacs at America’s newspaper of record—expects Fauci to come to any harm from this “pervasive threat.”


  3. Bad Cattitude (a Bayesian data researcher) has an interesting comment:

    “just where did this mRNA tech come from and how could you possibly have had it so quickly?”

    the development timeframes are way past implausible. somebody had an early start.

    pfizer got theirs from bioNtech a previously nothing oncology company that Billy Gates just happened to buy about a third of in late 2019 right before they suddenly had a vaccine tech for pfizer to license into the most profitable drug in human history despite bioNtech having never worked on vaccines before.

    the moderna vaxx used tech and patents straight from NIH to whom they have been playing royalties (possibly to individual staff as well) and the relationship to Peter Daszak and his merry band of gain of function aficionados look like a prime source. Baric at UNC is also all tangled up in this. they likely had the biology/RNA mapped and characterized already and may well have been working on vaccines beforehand. their interest was always in reckless forms of inoculation, not weaponization.

    this could land right in teflon Tony’s lap. Collins too. and their tall tales already look quite threadbare. you can only go to this well so many times…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. https://rumble.com/v18ltyh-foi-health-authority-bonnie-knew-1.4-years-ago-terrible-things-were-happeni.html
    “Safe and Effective” will never have the same ring again. Lawyer forced FOI documents from some of BC, Canada’s Health Authority head Bonnie Henry’s emails regarding serious reactions. These documents prove the highly injured (those in wheelchairs etc) are being left high and dry bu the Canadian government (Theresa Tam) does not care. Seems Bonnie does not either. Emails show others telling her that serious problems are happening from these jabszzz.


  5. https://resistthemainstream.org/north-korean-defector-has-blunt-words-about-left-wing-ideologies-explains-the-reality-of-socialism/?utm_source=telegram
    You know things are bad when a North Korean defector is concerned about the level of indoctrination to which American schoolchildren are exposed. On Wednesday, Fox News published a disturbing assessment of Yeonmi Park, a refugee from the despot regime who came to America seeking freedom.


  6. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG Tony, that was one of the funniest videos I have watched in a long time. What a total bloody ripper. LOL.

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  8. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  9. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The Mile High Club and adoption. Life is good.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Kevin Spacey arrives at court to face charges over four sex attacks https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10921863/Kevin-Spacey-UK-court-charged-sexually-assaulting-men.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    That’s good if he’s innocent he deserves the right to clear his name. If not he goes down .
    Russia ‘invites’ appeal against British soldiers’ death sentences

    Two complete Muppets.
    One a Fat Gutted ex Careworker, tea maker and Butt wiper, who never fought but surrendered because he was Hungry. Asshole.
    The other a wizzened old Wannabe Warriors. no. Posing Assholes not worth the time of day.

    2 Wasters now in play. Idiots.

    Russian MP warns Aiden Aslin, Shaun Pinner to be killed with Brit guns https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10922567/Russian-MP-warns-b-s-Aiden-Aslin-Shaun-Pinner-executed-British-weapons.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    BlackRock Sells Out US Interests For ‘Personal Favors’ In China, Consumer Group Director Says
    They sell out America to enrich themselves via China. Zios and Hymies again.

    It is called treason!



  11. Three months into this war, Ukraine is ravaged. Russia controls major parts of E. Ukraine. Russia’s oil profits are higher than ever. Ruble is strong. Much of the world rejected US/NATO policy. Billions in US funds: gone, who knows where. Untraced weapons are flooding the region. GLEN GREENWALD

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Biden claims states that protect minors from gender ideology are “Ultra MAGA”

    Biden claims states that protect minors from gender ideology are ‘Ultra MAGA’
    “We’re in a battle for the very soul of this nation. And that’s not hyperbole. We’re in a battle for the soul of the nation,” said Biden


  13. Accidental post!… sry!


  14. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/michigan-drag-queen-schoolchildren/2022/06/15/id/1074647/

    Michigan’s first openly gay attorney general says there should be ”a drag queen for every school.”


    1. Like hell. Bullet time.


  15. Waterboard and hang the Bastard.

    ISIS leader Hani Ahmed Al-Kurdi captured in northern Syria https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10922389/Senior-IS-leader-captured-U-S-led-military-raid-Syria.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Channel migrants: Hundreds make the crossing in small boats

    Disgusting the tiny little country is swamped by these scavenging Bastards. Sink the boats, that will stop them. Put dissenters on with them.

    Our fragile alliance over Ukraine is wavering as Vladimir Putin’s forces rampage

    White EU flags again. Only Britain faces down Putin.
    The rest sell their Butts. As usual.

    Bitcoin price crashes further amid warnings it could still go ‘much further south’
    Note and wait., If it crashes to 10K a huge uplift in the bounce. Jerks will knee jerk.

    SVR Major General Shot Himself With Award Pistol In Moscow – Charter’97 :: News from Belarus – Belarusian News – Republic of Belarus – Minsk

    Do not believe this as he was likely suicided. The question is not even by who, but as to why? Because he was one of a handful of people who could trigger embedded Sleeper Cells as part of the old Kremlin guard.

    Was this Ras Putin at work?


    A big YES to dumping this BS. Wogs out!
    Catching Omicron Covid variant ‘does NOT provide immunity from reinfection’, scientists reveal – saying it helps explain the continued rise in cases

    Covid sufferers who caught the Omicron variant will not be protected from catching it again, according to scientists at Imperial College London.


    I have 3 Doctors who have each had Covid and one 3 times. So much for vaccines?


    1. Imperial College only now getting to the reality? When do you shut them down and fire everyone for incompetence?

      The reality since approximately June 2021:

      (1) If unvaccinated, infection provides complete immunity. Everything else is false positives or they didn’t have covid the previous time.

      (2) If vaccinated, the vaccines efficacy is a fraud, 19% max, wanes. Chronic reinfection, with the worst getting a covid variant every six to 10 weeks. We have confirmed viral reinfection in some patients have a count of 8, with 5-6 reinfections for a median at this moment in time.

      AND it’s all a tempest in a teapot because omicron Infection Fatality Rate is 0.05% and lower in the unvaxxed.


  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Good points by Coulter.


  17. Like

  18. “It turns out that a material called graphene oxide has been widely studied and tested in the biomedical industry — and its presence in the experimental COVID vaccines may explain the sudden increase in deadly blood clots around the world.”



    1. The Graphene shards were forewarned 2 years ago.


      1. Indeed they were. However, I and others were relegated to the bit bucket on the topic by the MSM, it’s now a true Revenge of the Nerds incoming. The data will out, and we are looking at some form of polymeric chain reaction in the blood.

        Since folks are dying suddenly we don’t know if these clots are causal. They may be forming simply after death, or maybe a small clot in a life-necessary system (heart conduction system, reticular activating system, pulmonary embolus) is triggering death. Pulmonary embolus is a dangerous and real possibility. A small clot triggers the chain reaction, and within minutes the pressure shunt kills.

        Perhaps all vaxxed should be on low-dose heparin or maybe short-acting heparin just to get them thru the night when a major percentage succumb….


        1. Shard probabilities? Judgment calls predicted this.


          1. Yep. Here and elsewhere.

            Were our warnings listened to? Nope. The bears are coming home to lay claim now. Many, many are going to die and are dieing.


            1. As well as other horrific side effects. Now all coming home.


  19. Another Massive US Factory Torched In The Middle Of The Night!
    There has been another suspicious fire in the nation, and this one took one of the largest egg factories in America.



  20. The National Health Service has confirmed in response to a freedom of information request that ambulance call-outs relating to immediate care required for a debilitating condition affecting the heart nearly doubled in the whole of 2021 and are still on the rise further in 2022. But the most concerning published figures show that they have…

    NHS reveals in FOI that Ambulance Call-Outs for Heart Illness have DOUBLED since Covid-19 Vaccination began among all age-groups


  21. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I am reminded of when the internal combustion engine allowed the automobile to start being viable as a transportation mode. There were about 50 automobile manufacturers that tried their hand at the market. Only a handful survived the century that followed, and some of them just barely. But those that did, made their investors rich beyond belief. We are confronted now with the same situation but in a faster moving ecosystem. Those who see transportation as a service (TAAS) and the EV as the future, despite the many obstacles to overcome, and invest in key sectors within, will no doubt do very well in the future. It won’t be perfect, and it won’t be without huge challenges to overcome. Electric charging systems and cheap energy sources will need to be developed further, and therein lies even more opportunity. We have enough Geothermal energy alone to power 50 earths. If we harness the millions of acres of fresh water run-off from the Canadian Western Rockies every year for hydro-electric power, that alone would be very cheap and provide enough power to charge as many cars as is needed in the entire country.

    But, instead we develop more war machinery for tin-pot scumbags like Zelenskyy to profit from and let usury cripple our society’s ability to make more rapid advancement in key areas of social infrastructure.

    I am hoping to put together a TAAS porfolio very soon to be added to our digital asset one. If only I could borrow John’s PA for a week I could make progress. But she’s always in his pool.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Even the most expensive vehicles need a cooling system and she needs regular servicing with a heavy delivery schedule. Nights too. They wear out too fast Tony but new Models are always coming along. Rotation for the nation. It’s a hard job keeping them serviced but someone has to do it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Well, at least her clothing budget is small eh? lol

        Liked by 1 person

  22. Hi Tony we wanted to ask you about Eth and a specific bottom price you feel is best to buy at. We want to add a significant amount of Eth to our portfolio as we feel that $15K plus is in the cards for the next bull run. Thanks so much your pal C.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I am still rubbing my chin and will reply to you on Friday. I will say that I do not consider a single price as any kind of bottom target, but a range between two prices is more appropriate in a volatile market. Get ready for some interesting times. We long ago warned that this ride was going to be very volatile, so this kind of counter cycle is not a surprise. I doubt this “bear cycle” will be as long as the one in 2018-2020. We are in a much more broader market base and usage and adoption is much wider than before.

      More on Friday.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree…. something tells me the bottom would be from Oct/Nov 2022 to Feb 2023… but again, it is my opinion. I have too much to learn on this crypto world….!! There is practically a new curve/angle popping up in a weekly basis….!! lol


  23. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Obviously, a justified use of force. Moron brings an ax to a gunfight.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Hi Tony. I saw your request for a reference to the population figures I mentioned in my reply to John.

    The figures came from a speech by Chancellor Hitler in 1940 at the Rheinmetall armaments factory to the workers there. The speech outlined a basic cause of the war and that was of course Germany’s construction of a self sustaining economic system that allowed for a high living standard for our people without the need to be dependent on international finance usury. Our system of barter was at that time allowing our labor and factory capacity to be the base of our national strength and not gold or money itself which was the tool of plunder by the international Zionist banking elite. It is doubtful that you will find the entirety of this speech in any college textbook. You may find it archived on line. I have a paper copy from family passed down. I know the speech was broadcast live and to most of Europe and the UK at that time.

    How interesting that the efforts by the elders working with a London dynasty are essentially constructing the same thing in present time but in a modern sense of course. That being a system of economic exchange and capacity that excludes the same Zionist banking cartels from plundering. It seems we have now as you say in the west, come full circle to complete what was attempted in the 20th century but hopefully without the tragic war started to stop it.

    And to John I will say: I received your latest message in private and you are still a bad boy!! 🙂
    With love from Munich.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Special lady, without the humour what is life?
      Without the badness there is madness.
      Does it make your heart flutter?
      Just feel- Alive!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Yep, thanks so much. I did find an audio of it archived on line. I will have a listen later.

      And yes John is smitten with the Germanic kitten. lol

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Her heart flutters.


  25. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Screw the allergy meds

    Liked by 2 people

  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Now that’s truly Roman.


  27. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    While we have people living on the streets…Zelenzkyy gets another billion for his Swiss doggy bag.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And Hunters cut!

      Liked by 3 people

  28. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    As we have stated here…

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Could flat tyres soon be a thing of the past? – BBC New

    Huge innovation.

    Capitol riot hearings: Donald Trump calls inquiry ‘kangaroo court’ in 12-page rant as inquiry hears he was ‘detached from reality’

    The Donald does not like this.

    The Financial Apocalypse Begins

    Are you ready for what is now unfolding? The End Game for the F Khazars, hang the LOT! Roach sentences.

    Bitcoin crashes AGAIN: Cryptocurrency plunges to below $20,200 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10918885/Bitcoin-crashes-Cryptocurrency-plunges-20-200-new-sell-off.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    When panic sets in the bottom feeding credit card gamblers have to sell to meet credit lines. Every chance the drops will continue but what a time to wait a week or two and step in to buy more. Far more chance to make a 50% to even a 100% profit speculating at these prices.
    The stock markets heading for a major bust so time to look again at Cryptos. But unearned income carries risk and taxes. Just get good advice.
    Ukrainian troops and civilians in chemical plant told to surrender https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10918685/Ukrainian-troops-civilians-holed-chemical-plant-told-lay-arms-surrender.html?ito=native_share_article-aboverelatedarticles

    Dead is dead. Their poor families don’t see body bags as heroes. Just lost family and it’s devastating to both sides.
    I take no sides beyond life.
    This is a tragic war which has torn apart nations. It could and should have been handled so much better. It’s made a fake hero out of a Zionist Skank eulogised by fake MSM portrayals to gullible Sheeple.

    Cleaning up Ukraine is no bad thing but how many are now Stateless and how many innocents will die?
    Why has America and Canada been funding 46 plus Bio Labs there? What had to be hidden?

    We have to get US Agencies and DC mongrels out of Europe. Go!
    Rebuild America and rid the nation of its Zionist pestilence. Evil. Loathsome Rodent bloodsuckers infecting any nation giving them residency. Vermin!
    Good Americans also need to be freed from this contaminated Roach infestation
    .America for Americans.
    Kyiv issues list of equipment it wants to win the war with Russia https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10914467/Kyiv-issues-list-equipment-wants-win-war-Russia.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Sure and how many will be sold on to terrorists?
    Only in his 60’s its young for poor Tom to take up Dancing.

    Fears for Tom Hanks’s health as appears unable to control shaking hand https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10917157/Fears-Tom-Hanks-health-Hollywood-megastar-appears-unable-control-shaking-right-hand.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, if “poor Tom” is the pedo that it has been suggested he is in some circles, then shake away baby and rot in hell while you are at it.


  30. Pfizer admits to fraud in court

    Their defense to the fraud claims against them is that because the government was in on it, it isn’t fraud. Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson’s attorney, Robert Barnes, isn’t buying the argument.

    Steve Kirsch
    7 hr ago
    You really can’t make this stuff up. You gotta watch this video… it’s only 2 minutes. And it will be a key piece of evidence in my next move which you’ll learn about shortly.

    In a nutshell, Pfizer admits in court to fraud, but says it isn’t fraud because the government was in on it. I bet you never heard that defense before.


    Liked by 1 person

  31. NEWSWEEK, June 15, 2022.
    “China Says Signal From Advanced Alien Civilization Might Have Been Detected”

    “The researchers have identified what they have called “suspicious” signals from space as part of a search for evidence of aliens, and work is ongoing to determine that they might be.
    The signals were detected by China’s FAST radio telescope, also referred to as the “Sky Eye” telescope. AT 1,600ft, it is the largest of its kind in the world, and since 2020 the telescope has been involved in researching alien life.

    On Tuesday, the Chinese state media outlet Science and Technology Daily reported that researchers under professor Zhang Tongjie, described as chief scientist of the China Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group at Beijing Normal University, had found a number of “possible technological traces” from intelligent civilizations elsewhere in the cosmos.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Let’s hope they are friendly.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wouldn’t worry to much. Violence doesn’t scale. So unless there’s a rogue clone race or a rogue artificial consciousness or some vicious artificial intelligence on the loose, they are probably indifferent to us as we are of the occasional anthill in Africa.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Unless they are Galactic Clintons

          Be careful of what you invite in.


          1. One would hope sociopathy would be eliminated, but you are right.

            Excellent Stargate, the Series episode to that effect, complete with population reduction, involuntary reproductive sterilization, covert malignant Green New Deal, a gilded cage towards gigamurder democide.


      2. Probably not for too long after the Chinese race has been dealing with them.


    1. It’s so sad that people didn’t/don’t already realize this. I pre-ordered this book! It arrived last night and I can’t WAIT to read it!!! I went to go watch the documentary with no luck, so it’s book time 🙂


      1. I regret quoting Matt Walsh. At the time I didn’t know of thw woke leanings…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. If you don’t have regrets, then you aren’t human 🙂
          I regret that I liked watching movies with Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, etc.). Just to find out how awful he is. Same with Disney… of course I have personally always been the one to see the good in the movies instead of what some other twisted minds get from them… It happens. But going into a book like this with eyes wide open about what’s really going on behind the scenes feels different. I feel like it could be educational instead of persuassive, if that makes sense.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. That sure makes sense to me. XX

            Liked by 1 person

  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    John would run his Rolls right over them.


    1. Tanks!!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We need Gulags for the lot of them.


        1. Take all Illegals, Roaches and Zionist to Remote wet and windy Scottish Island Gulags. Let them eat each other.
          Organ donors.

          Liked by 1 person

    2. I have a GREAT 4X4 that would do wonders!!


      1. Load it fully first.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I keep telling my husband that we need to do a tripod mounted 50 cal in the back 🙂 maybe one day! LOL


          1. Hire a Blackhawk Gunship and go touring.low life or Zio centers.

            Liked by 1 person

  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    That damned White Supremacy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How else are we going to fill our Vanguard run Jails as Profit centers? Bred for purpose.


      1. Where would we be without the Prison-Industrial Complex…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You have no idea how true that is. Jail contracts?

          Liked by 1 person

    2. There was a discussion (aka finger-pointing) about dems vs. reps… Some dope on Twitter the other day was saying (and I’m parapharasing here): “if you look at the info, the states with the highest crime rates per capita are RED states”.
      My response: “if you even cared about the INFO, you would realize that the states might be RED, but where the highest crimes are committed are in the BLUE cities.”

      I happen to live in one of those states! The cities with the highest crimes are riddled with lib-tards!! My RED city is literally across a bridge from a BLUE city. The shootings alone are 20 times greater over there. Not to mention the theft/assault/etc…

      My favorite: I used to work in said BLUE city. There was a criminal that got shot 6 times by police officers roughly 2 years ago. Cause of death: COVID!! Lead poisoning is more like it! 😀 Narrative, Narrative, Narrative [insert GIANT eye roll here]

      Liked by 2 people

  34. “If the CDC is curious as to why people aren’t listening to its recommendations, it should consider how it bypassed experts to put the matter before a Kangaroo court of like-minded loyalists.”


    Hell, Doctors no longer trust the CDC…

    Liked by 2 people

  35. The NY Times reports that ivermectin doesn’t work (even though it does)

    Except that a study published in JAMA shows that it does, as do multiple peer-reviewed meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Who is telling you the truth and how can you tell?

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Total criminal behavior. The institutions are lost.

    Concise summary of the FDA meeting (Day 1): Went as expected; unanimous approval

    For those of you who haven’t had time to watch the whole thing: unanimous vote to approve the Moderna vaccine 6 to 11 and 12 – 17. Tomorrow is Moderna 6 month to 5 year; Pfizer 6 mo to 4 yrs.


    1. My babies will NOT be touched with a needle… until they are of age and decied they want a tattoo or piercing! LMAO!!

      Liked by 1 person

  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    In Roman times, if this chick was a man, and held such a position of authority, they would be flogged until some answers came.

    The FBI is now, without any doubt, a Marxist inspired, controlled and managed entity.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If I ever get politics fever, just take me out back and shoot me.


      I’d subpoena at this point the FBI director, ask him point blank, and then force his resignation by having a Congressional no-confidence vote. While not legally binding (Congress cannot dismiss and Executive position) it makes all cases before Courts untenable.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Look at how they corrupted the Falcone, Bush 41, Romney case , pure criminality. No less than Mueller himself. .

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hell no, Tino!!! You’d be a bulldog!! So many on here would make the best politicians for 2 reasons:
        1- We’re like John Wayne toilet paper: rough, tough and don’t take shit off of anyone!!
        2- We actually have something called MORALS!!


    2. Does the FBI no if your a male or a female? I can’t answer that question.


  38. The economic actions taken “due to COVID” are responsible for our current state of affairs.

    Guided by the pseudoscience that is Keynesian economics, mainstream American economists in the academy and within the federal government insisted, with the total support of Congress and the White House, that our economic woes would be resolved through extensive money printing and other forms of “aggressive” monetary policy. To the Keynesian, there are no laws of economics, and the entire monetary enterprise can be sustained solely through faith in the system.

    While the Keynesian himself is a True Believer in crackpot economics, their system functions as a means to benefit the already powerful and influential. So whether or not the ruling class actually subscribes to the ideology behind the system is a secondary undertaking, because they are clearly pursuing these policies. — dossier.substack.com

    Liked by 2 people

  39. What was presented as a war on a virus has fully evolved into a fully transparent economic and political war against the American people. And the American individual will be the first to experience the pain, while the institutions that created this mess will be the most insulated from the effects of COVID Mania monetary policy.

    Liked by 2 people

  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    They vote.


    1. Look at the size of these Mommas? Paid how? By who?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        You mean post releases no “feed the ghetto” program?

        Liked by 1 person

    2. My god, I am so totally over disgusting, disgraceful behaviour like this. Why on earth does the woman at the beginning of the video not have any clothing on her lower area in a bloody restaurant? Give me back a civilized society any day. God help this world.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. As some doc mentioned, the majority are now dazed and confused, they are “emotionally inert”. There is enormous pent-up energy and it will blow. And it will blow towards the controllers, because thru it all, despite the video, most understand “it ain’t your neighbor” that set this all up.

        Beyond that, relative to the sensible, Most People Are Idiots.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Worse is when we marry one.


          1. I don’t think you would ever be mislead enough to marry along such lines John.


    3. The Factor at work.

      Liked by 2 people

  41. Canada to Announce Suspension of Vaccine Mandates – AFTER Trudeau Busted Crossing Border w/COVID Infection

    Justin Trudeau caught Covid in California then crossed the border into Canada, defeating the purpose of his own petty restrictions. Today the government is set to “suspend” it’s mandates until further notice to apease pressure from the airline and tourism industry.

    Liked by 2 people

  42. MOSCOW, May 29 (ANI/Sputnik): The Russian Parliamentary Commission for investigating the work of US biological laboratories in Ukraine is planning to discuss information from the Russian Defense Ministry regarding alleged US laboratories in Nigeria, the country from where the current monkeypox outbreak originated, Konstantin Kosachev, one of the commission’s co-chairs, told Sputnik on Saturday.

    Igor Kirillov, the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense of the Russian armed forces said on Friday that there are at least four US biological laboratories in Nigeria.

    “The commission intends to discuss the defense ministry’s information about the possible involvement of US bio laboratories in the emergence of monkeypox,” Kosachev said. (ANI/Sputnik)


    In the LIST OF LABS, two Nigerian labs are funded by Canada.


  43. “💉 According to Fox 16 KLRT in Arkansas, half of the state’s active covid cases are now breaking through in the fully-vaccinated. The reporter interviewed a very sweet but positively puzzled little old lady who just tested positive — after getting five safe and effective shots. FIVE SHOTS.”


    Liked by 2 people

  44. “The vaccine efficacy is terrible, with the “vaccinated” group having in some cases more COVID-19 cases when compared to the placebo group.”


    Liked by 1 person

  45. “Far from “The Science,” changing, their post-COVID actions can be explained by political signaling and lying to suit their needs.”


    Liked by 1 person

  46. Biden ‘really aware’ of massive stock slide, Jean-Pierre says

    He doesn’t know what bloody day it is.

    We are watching. Issues like this send the Elders underground. It derails momentum. It’s time the US Nuked that bastard. Why not???????????

    South Korea says North completed prep for new nuclear test https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10912931/South-Korea-says-North-completed-prep-new-nuclear-test.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Damned right they should hit back.It will run. Sadly.

    ‘Ukrainian missile’ hits military base 40 miles inside Russia https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10914343/Ukrainian-missile-hits-military-base-40-miles-inside-Russia.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    More than 15,000 millionaires expected to leave Russia in 2022/3

    Somewhere, in an American world which is still permeating a Kansas ideology, Dorothy has left the tracks in America with its perceptions of Russia. Pure Disneyland rules again.
    Russia is comprised of a simple mass brutalised Peasantry, many just banal animals, an Elitist bunch of Hawk Commissars surrounding Putin, and a criminal Elite of varied types of Skank, Grifter Oligarchs like Trump, only smarter Much! Not Shrek lumps!
    Now, Real World, the unwarranted Ukraine invasion having upset the West, and being ostracised out of Global Banking Markets, facing the risk of losing all if sanctioned, the Russian Sewer Rats are now seeking to jump ship, taking with them all their ill-gotten gains, a huge part of its economy. Their liquidity.

    If that goes, Rasputin runs aground. Without their money there is no Honey. If so, for most Russians it’s then back to sucking Gorilla snot to survive. From the murderous rampage overthrow of the Czar, Communism under Lenin, ,WW11 and the mass genocides of Stalin’s purges, Russia has bled. Life is cheap. As are its Thugs. We see them in London, Monaco and Paris with their dead faces, ugly tattoos and cheap tack taste. ( That’s only their wives and whores). Mafiosa type thugs.
    Russia is now in a face off conflict with the West. Thousands are already sanctioned, and their Global Banking is under determined attack from London, the most powerful Financial City on Earth with its Global reach takes all. Putin, as the conspiratorial Thief of the St Petersburg Community funds, THIEF! and his vice like grip for his Feudal Warlord cut of the Mafia and Oligarch funds, has vastly enriched himself and his Consorts from his ultra-corrupt regime. But now the game is cranking up as the Sanctions net has started to ring fence them for Corruption. Living off Proceeds of Crime, and Money Laundering. They are having Yachts, Mansions, Planes and Bank accounts frozen worldwide. No Heros, just cheap Criminal Thugs on the run. Russia is getting ring fenced. and the walls are closing in.
    Even the Russians are running out as they see it folding. .What a mess, and now they threaten to annihilate Europe .Madness. No Style. No Class, Just a circus Dwarfs horses Ass. He dreams he’s Napolean but he will get Blown apart. Dwarf toss him!

    Shanghai’s Censors Can’t Hide Stories of the Dead
    No protests from poor Shanghai’s medical help denied dead.
    Sir Mick Jagger tests positive for Covid
    Bitcoin crashes to almost $20000 in crypto meltdown

    Be careful out there.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. If only I had enough money to buy 5 Bitcoin… I could own a small country by this time next year! 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I am scrambling right now to get funds in place to buy at least 10. I don’t think we will see sub 25K BTC again for a long, long time. When in Rome…

        John is right about banks. They are the most turgid cesspool of excreta that was ever excreted by the worst excreters in existence. They will dig up every little rule in the book to delay, hinder, stop, slow down or otherwise prevent a timely wire if they can find a reason to keep such cash on their books. Once they see the exit as crypto related, they start their dirty tricks. It’s not my personal banking institution, of which I am well situated and enjoy problem free transactions. This is a third-party bank, and full of vermin.

        Buy what you safely can. In a few years you will not regret it. The Whales are lining up to take what the weak and foolish are selling in fear. Like fleecing sheep. They must really laugh at plebians.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. If only!… would love to be gobbling up mountains of quality Crypto right now… John, strap a saddle on those elders and ride em cross the start line!

          Liked by 2 people

          1. James

            We have to get the Settlement medium/ Currency right first.
            No way are we allowing AU to be sold for worthless Petro Dollars about to crash. Nor for a Federal Reserve Currency which could be syphoned and stolen overnight, as per the Tropos SWIFT interception theft. We have already declined certain key US Banks, and we will not allow Khazar Banker scum into the equation. The devil, as ever ,is in the detail.
            Moving, then Credit lining the vast asset, is a Political nightmare as we refuse Political control. The US and Khazarian , Israeli controlled banks are blocked right out, as are the Agencies. .We have a Glass Ceiling strategy. No Zio Whore comes through that door. Sanitised! Only feeding the Political trash on our terms is another nightmare zone. Battlegrounds as we negate and decline their laws. Paying through the State only 30% gets to the End users, the rest is wasted or syphoned. We don’t need the State and can fund direct, both more and with syphoning control locks. It’s a War Zone of retribution. We don’t need Them! Nor want them. They lose the power and control. Confusion and fury as they are bypassed. Cutting out the State and Zio Snout. .Direct need delivery policies. Why would we want to waste 70% of our hard earned profits feeding the tentacles of the State? If We pay, We Say. Not well received. A tangled web James. Saying No to each grasping Ho. Feed need not greed. It’s a convoluted web. So penetrated with Gatekeepers. Rotten with Special interests. Rotten people.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. John,
              I think it’s time that you bring Tommy Shelby on board to sort.


            2. John,, I can only imagine the intricacies involved,, along with the POS scum sucking rats riddled through out the system… sitting here in my tiny corner of the world putting out a one-liner is in no way meant to trivialize the undertaking going on in the circles way higher than I travel in,,, way way way higher!… thank you for the detailed response!


        2. I honestly do wish I was better off financially. I’m not young (I wouldn’t say I’m old really), and I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way. C’est la vie! Life, children, you name it… I want to enjoy life with my kids and not just sit and watch it roll by. I’m not drowning in debt, but like most people, I have some. I don’t like being like most people… I TRY NOT TO BE, honestly! I bought .01 BTC, because it’s what I can unquestionably afford right now. Hindsight is DEFINITELY 20/20!
          Thank you and John (and SOOOO many others on here) for all of your information and due dilligence!


      2. If you owned a Cunttree there would be endless Bitcoins gifted to you.

        Sorry play on words. Perverse humour.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I believe we are all a little perverted at times! If I just posted my boobs on a blog every day… oh well. Those damn morals always get in my way! 😀


          1. Don’t give him any ideas.

            Liked by 1 person

  47. Liked by 1 person

  48. As always, while we don’t know it was the vaxx, it was the vaxx.

    Democratic U.S. Rep. Sean Casten’s 17-year-old daughter, Gwen, died Monday morning at the family’s Downers Grove home, his office and police announced.

    Downers Grove police went to the Casten home about 6:50 a.m. Monday after receiving a call about an unresponsive teen, the department said in a news release. Gwen was dead, first responders determined, and the DuPage County coroner’s office was called. Her death is under investigation.

    Casten’s office released a brief statement Monday night. “The Casten family requests privacy, and we will be issuing no further comment during this heartbreaking time,” the statement said, in part. A spokesman for Casten, who serves the 6th District and is seeking reelection this year, declined to comment further.

    A recent Downers Grove North High School graduate, Gwen Casten was an honor roll student and an Illinois State Scholar. She was active with the Downers Grove North Empowerment Club and the student newspaper, the Omega.

    Last year, she and her father wrote about the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol for the Omega.

    Gwen also was a leader with the student-led March For Our Lives gun control group.


    1. Liked by 1 person

    2. Like

  49. A so called ‘ethics professor’ from Norway has claimed that pedophilia should be classed as an ‘innate sexuality’ and taught in schools.



    1. I bet!! Touch my kid (inappropriately, of course) and see what happens!! I really love how Summit News put it: “Queer Ethics Professor” 😀 That REALLY sums it up!!

      Liked by 3 people

  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 4 people

  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    It’s good to have gas.

    Liked by 4 people

  52. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Adoption and adaptation by traditional financial firms in the works. Speculators speculate. Innovators innovate.


    Ha, almost had you.

    Liked by 2 people

  53. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Based Brit.


  54. John I did see your reply to my last. My this chat page moves so fast I can almost not keep up with the conversation at times! Tony you have created a monster I think. 🙂

    I understand John the problems you made very clear in your effort. Simply to keep the bank claws off the entire project you have designed. So true! They have done enough damage and it is truly time to remove them from the process and direct such valuable and limited resource to society needs and not the pockets of loan sharks. Pigs all of them. A cult that calls us soulless and cattle. They have no idea what is building to counter such sick thinking towards the majority of people they call their slaves.

    Forgive my work schedule but we do read WHA and follow your work. Thank you for such kind and sincere offerings of spiritual alliance and good will between our nations. We wish it could have been such in the last century but international finance was just too large to overcome and we were wrongly set against each other while they rubbed their little hands together and counted their war profits.

    Germany only wanted its lands back. 85 million Germans had to occupy an area of about 600,000 sq kilometers. England and her then empire of 46 million occupied lands of about 40,000,000 sq kilometers, France’s 37,000,000 goverened and occupied some 10,000,000 sq kilometers. Only Danzig was to complete the rightful reclaiming of territory needed to get back into our grasp the ethnic Germans who were wanting to live under German law once again and not under increasingly Polish military juntas who did nothing to protect Germans within their controlled lands.

    Germany in the period of 1600 to about 1650 was torn into several factions and disorganized by internal strife to properly come together under one banner to assert itself as one nation and this kept us a splintered sectarian country for 300 years. Only when we were united in 1933 and kicked the shit eating bolsheviks and communists out and rid ourselves of predatory banking and international financial cartel vultures did our troubles begin.

    We sincerely hope that your efforts to as you say “ringfence” those same interests out of your plans will not cause a backlash which would be joined by the press and other dogs to do as was done to my country in the last century. I hope you have plans to keep intact your organization against those who want to steal the resources as you mentioned. They are clever. They will control the press to make a monster out of anyone who stands against their foul plans for continued access to their cheap slave labor which is kept in check by their control of usury and taxation by controlling almost all central banking on the earth. Your mission is not going to be easy. You know this.

    God help you John because those who will oppose you are well practiced in getting the world to embrace and kiss the feet of those who oppress and hate them. I do not know when you will start your planned projects but I fear if not soon then who will do so when your generation passes? Are there any in the next who will be so adept and wise in their understanding as you who has the confidence of the dynasties of the east? You have told us you alone have their confidence in the guiding of vast trillions in assets. My God. How can they stop to eat for weeks at a time when such a person as you alone have their future in your cousel? Are they mad??

    Know this. At this time a wave of European patriotism is building. Anger is also a part of it. Seeing our lands populated by people who hate us and can not write their own names on paper is causing our ranks to swell up. Be assured John you (and all of us) have only so much time to set the course and bring about by peaceful means what will be done through other means if the destruction of our culture, our country and our sacred values continues.

    Thank you again and I am sorry for this long message. I finally got a day off after working 10 days straight to meet company targets in this ever increasing screwed up supply chain disaster we face in manufacturing. So I took the time to write more. 🙂

    With affection and love from Germany.
    Long Live Sacred Britian. Long Live Sacred Germany. Long Live Sacred Europe!

    PS. You are still a bad boy!! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. But the last is the part you like.


      1. Munich Girl

        Be assured, we have it all well in hand, but dealing with the Third World is??????
        Calm nerves, cool temperament, Diplomacy. The easy and obvious things are not viable or would be long since done. There are highly intricate Geo Political issues in play. Very sensitive.


        1. Look at the abysmal lack of quality incumbents in Politics today. How can you expect nations to thrive if Lions are led by Donkeys? Jackasses- The lot.

          Liked by 3 people

    2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Regarding “creating a monster”.

      I think you are right Frieda. It’s amazing that I can even find time these days to read the day’s posts once. I can hardly keep up with it all. And I have plans for even more content of value to our readers, but am struggling to work it all in.

      Say, when you have a moment in your busy life, can you shoot me a reference to the population per sq ft data in your comment? I thought I was a real history nerd, but that information surpasses what I know and is pretty key in understanding even further the precursors to the disaster of our millennium.

      Danke schön!

      Liked by 1 person

  55. It was brought to my attention that dinar talk-show host, convicted felon and MLM hustler, Tony Renfrow, and his brother Ray, are pressuring their members to donate on a regular basis. They have told their listeners that only those who donate regularly will get some kind of advanced notice of the dinar revaluation. Others won’t get such notice.

    Well, how about that angle?

    So, to those who are listening to these bozos, we will make the following statement:

    IF, by some concatenation of miracles; some assemblage of the most incredible odds in favor, that the Iraqi dinar publicly revalues in such a way that all who hold that paper walking around on the street will be able to just walk into any bank and get $3.50+ per dinar, liquid cash in their account, then WE WILL POST SUCH A NOTICE HERE FOR FREE. Simply sign up on our e-mail list and we will broadcast such an event with as much notice as possible.

    WE will bear the expense for such a notification for you.

    We are in a position to know the right people who work at the highest level of international banking and sovereign finance to know for sure if such a thing is going to happen. HOWEVER…

    Know that we have been repeatedly warned that such a thing is highly unlikely to happen.

    So, in the meantime, while the TNT dinar show charges their listeners to hear regurgitated news on Iraq that one can get for free if they simply look for it, we will make it easy for you to get what they charge for, free.

    If you know someone who is sending money to the Renfrows, help them get off that useless donations racket and save their funds for something better.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Here they would be arrested in a week. Instant force.

      Liked by 2 people

  56. UK All-Cause Mortality data indicates that the vaxx is a ticking time bomb that activates, statistically speaking, five months after boosting.

    Office data published by the UK Government showed that the vaccinated population in England had a higher mortality rate per 100,000 than the unvaccinated population. Our analysis found that it takes approximately 5 months from receiving the Covid-19 vaccine for that elevated mortality rate to be realised.


    1. Damning Stats the Governments are missing.


  57. Hold what you have and buy more if your budget allows. Adoption is the key metric the long-term minded wealth builder watches, not the present time prices. Filter all that nonsense out. Blockchain and cryptographic technology is here to stay, and as economic situations deteriorate, panic will accelerate which will present some fantastic value for those with cash to take advantage of the tokens/coins that the traders and gamblers will sell so they can cover their margin calls and keep the wife from filing for divorce. The whales/institutional buyers are watching and smiling at the incredible value they are getting. They know the gamblers act in the moment. The smart ones act with the future in mind.

    More later…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Tony!

      Liked by 1 person

  58. Her people.


  59. Hahaha!! What a bomb.


    1. Did you say Bum?

      Liked by 1 person

  60. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2022/06/12/exclusive-prince-andrew-wants-hrh-status-reinstated-recognised/

    Unreal, the Fat, obnoxious, self centered Twat thinks he’s Teflon and wants his train set back. His brother, Jug Ears, half wit Charles is now meddling in Rwanda and risks a new confrontation with Parliament while Charles son Harry, lives cocooned in California with hls C lister Slope nose Actress thinking she’s the next Pelossi.
    Apart from William, this dysfunctional family risks ending the Monarchy. Only William can save them. Charles risks Parliament smashing him to earth. The nation, We the People, want these endless Illegals stopped and sent back. Now Jug ears is meddling out of his depth. Inviting a face down he will lose. The Queen must be told No, do NOT reinstate obnoxious Andrew, he’s a shit for life.
    Windsors, unreal.
    Infrared video shows Ukrainian drone bombing Russian troops https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10911131/Infrared-video-shows-Ukrainian-drone-bombing-Russian-troops.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    As predicted Drones are killing ever more Russians.
    Pitchforks Soon In Europe? | ZeroHedge

    So many weapons donated to Ukraine have been sold leaving their people die. Will Zelensky end up like Mussolini?

    This is the sad reality of Europe. Only those people awake and aware will have a chance to slide through the coming winter without measured grief.
    It is like the Ukraine who over the weekend called up Reservist women aged 16 o 60 to go to the front lines of the Donbas to die. Why? Because the Ukrainian army has been sacrificed for monetary gain by selling weapons so nicely donated for free being sold to anyone who can pay without concern. How this plays in the future in European cities and beyond will be a horrid sad tale of woe, when the so called “pitchforks” come out. Because you will see the same weapons so eagerly supplied to the Ukraine used on European streets by the gangs who have been buying them.
    One imagines if there was honor or morality or even common sense in these so called unselected leaders who have abandoned all responsibility to citizens, they would resign. However, since this is not the case, a repeat of the French Revolution will come to haunt Europe soon enough, coupled with years of maniacal immigration which will root in violent expression. It is no longer a question of if only a question of when. Leaving one to wonder what new horizons will find Europe in the future. This is why capital flow is increasing out of Europe before it is stopped as currency and capital flows will be curtailed at some point.

    Absolutely right William face the Swine down, Out is OUT! Send Charles with him. Tossers to go!

    Prince William ‘made “him or me” ultimatum’ over Andrew’s comeback https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10911661/Prince-William-ultimatum-Andrews-aborted-royal-comeback.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Financial Times: Binance halts bitcoin withdrawals after Celsius blocks all redemptions.
    Department of Defense Admits There Are 46 US Military Biolabs in Ukraine – Slay News

    And how many more are there in places like Poland etc. ? How many in Europe and Asia? Why? How dirty is the research?

    Its coming.

    Restaurant chain trials robot waiters to help address staff shortage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10911461/Restaurant-chain-Bella-Italia-trials-ROBOT-WAITERS-help-address-hospitality-staff-shortage.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Good to see him forced out. Hot poker next!
    The Telegraph: Prince Andrew banned from Order of the Garter public appearance after intervention by Charles and William.
    Correct clear his name or jail him.
    Oscar-winner Kevin Spacey, 62, will appear at UK court on Thursday https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10912089/Oscar-winner-Kevin-Spacey-62-appear-UK-court-Thursday-charged-four-sex-attacks.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘Social Credit is coming and it’s all part of The Great Reset plan’ – The Expose

    The WEF are plotting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘Social Credit is coming and it’s all part of The Great Reset plan’



    1. John – thank for the information from Dr. Coleman. I hate to say it but I can see what he is talking about come to fruition. Most people have absolutely no clue and that’s the problem!


  61. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  62. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2052297521000883#bib19
    14-fold reductions in excess deaths with IVM use in Peru, then 13-fold increase after IVM restricted


  63. “(BlackRock and Vanguard] own companies that are at the speartip of pushing for vaccine passports, and also that stand to profit greatly from making and controlling and orchestrating the vaccine passports,” said Kennedy.



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