White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #175

A Report From The Front. Prepare To Defend Your Rear

Salve, Citizens!

Time is short. The reasons why are not possible to share at this time. However, WHA has taken onto its shoulders the responsibility to bring forth from front line positions, true and accurate assessments of situations which our readers may find useful in future planning. Reality balanced, and without any motive to pitch dubious wares or subscription fees.

What’s coming is not what most people are led to believe. But concerning the bigger real issues, what will follow is a series of summaries for those readers endowed with a perspicacious oversight and ability to handle such balanced reality.

So, shortness of time notwithstanding, let us begin.

  • You really do need to pre-think your own family’s life plan for the future changes coming.  Real world truth, at a price. Drone herding is coming as almost ALL global leaders now permeate towards Davos and the Kingdom of the Bald Comic Clown Troll, who seeks to take all, and to then make you happy, or NOT, with nothing! So far, he has the floor, and support among the politicos. Yet the West is now being clearly and clinically circumvented out of the Middle East and Far East. India, with a larger population than China’s, is the fast-growing IT hub for Asia, and a superpower in waiting. One China fears the most. Yet they must coexist, but each concur that America and its hegemony must be phased out of Asia and to simply annex them out where possible. It’s cynical and precise, America by consensus is to go.  As with BRICS, all conclude a US free trade future. Asia is annexing the West. Who is left to prey on? Future US demographics read a bleak picture. Time to reprofile your own futures. Reality checks. How did it work out for Rome once their borders became unenforceable?
  • Sovereign monetary wealth today is either gold/asset backed, or just worthless fiat fake in freefall. What the Zionist Jewish bankers have not syphoned off and stolen, the WEF Swiss gnomes seek to sequestrate from gullible fools. Playing YOU! Word to the wise: Have a metals portfolio and keep it safe. Seek expert advice.
  • You really do need to rethink your banking, your portfolio strategies and balance, and how to protect your assets from bail-ins or tax grabs. Parasite protection. Rethink your portfolio balances. Seek the very best professionals who understand such profound risks and how to avoid the worst-case scenarios if such extreme measures are taken by governments who are desperate to survive at your expense.
  • How do we make sense of a freefalling America, where bribe taking Biden’s own son, drug addict, child molesting Hunter, is found to be a 10% shareholder of a vast new lithium mine in Afghanistan, in conjunction with the Chinese? This explains why the dirty Bidens got America out, to fill the dirty Biden crime family pockets yet again. How many died needlessly for this racket? You wonder why Asia plans to remove America from the Far East and Asia? The stink of Washington corruption carries very far. India and China want you gone! Read up on the Biden lithium filth we post separately.  
  • We now briefly revisit a topic we swore off. Let us, once again, cover the sad truth about Iraqi Dinar pumpers.  Iraq, at best, is a c$4T or max $5T economy. No one in authority gave rights for parties with stolen Iraqi bank note plates to engage in mass printing dinars. But that’s what appears to have happened. There are allegedly Quad Ts of this Muppet Fed junk paper out there. Lunacy if so. No one is going to authorize such paper to be legally revalued to pre-war numbers at the cost to Iraq in trillions of USD. The Iraqi Santa Clause is not coming. Iraq does not possess the reserves nor the obligation to pay off war speculation on its currency. NO one will fund this stupid crap shoot. How many more years will have to go by before this is understood?
  • The all-powerful World Gold Council Chairman for many years was a South Korean Chinese Dynasty Elder, soley entrusted with the knowledge of where the key Family warehouses are, and only he knew the location of the underground bunkers and booby-trapped caves. That family knowledge has been “Bloodline Bond” entrusted to only one current Dynasty family member. Our secret! Right to know only! Secrets we do not share. The Chairman ONLY held the position because the core assets were verified and known to be real. How we now progress “Mongrel Free” to try to safely make good use of those assets, is key. An ever-evolving series of entanglements with a voracious military junta necessitates commensurate care at arm’s length. Also keeping self-serving predatory Americans right out of the loop. Raptors! The Elders are positively guided by trusted and proven London trustees, core and key advisors with a veto block, to protect them from abuse and to guide them safely through the labyrinth of CBDC and unfolding global currency issues. In addition, London shields them from the historical abuses, guile and malignant Zionist/Jewish criminal entrapments of the voracious, utterly corrupt Jewish US Treasury/Fed rackets. Racketeers!  From Jekyll Island onwards they have raped America and the world unchecked. As ever, it’s their plague viral history. It’s also why London has a glass ceiling towards the buggers. Their Oath of Allegiance forcefully entrapping Americans is absurd; an oath to a pestilence and scurrilous roach turd species of Khazarian Mafia! How utterly naive are Americans in Politics?  Oafs swallow! The Zionist and Jewish bankers have looted, scavenged and bankrupted America. Wake TF Up America! Why do real live dummies allow them total oligopoly, criminal control of the US Fed, and Treasury? Jews run the LOT. They own both houses, the media, and the White House. Ridiculous, roach entrapment. For sure as the Afros and Hispanics take over, they will face this species down in the future. Usury Jews used you and took it all. What have they done to the dollar now? It’s worth what? Still the nation sleeps on, devoid of reality. They are being blocked from Elder’s access. Totally.   
Actual Dynastic Elder gold cache. Only a fraction of their total holdings.
  • There are 40 Elder bloodline family unit members, and with their weekly hog fights, positioning needs consummate care. Believe it, with 40 family groupings each presuming their right to draw down 10% of the total wealth for their group alone, once liquidated, from metals. So many rice bowls and so much greed. Trainee Americans? Yet the normal US patriots can be so kind. We segregate them with care. Daily diplomacy versus self-interest. Weevils are Global. It’s a delicate path. We have “Special Plans” but not for disclosure. Ways to beat the system.
  • The WEF and WHO will walk you blindfolded from reality to their sought endgame, if not stopped. Their agenda is anathema to us. They have no compassionate agenda. Nor seek such. They seek only to acquiesce the power of your very being. From the CFR upwards, their position has been, and currently IS clear: Population reduction. Real and clear! That is their core mainline thinking – don’t feed those we don’t need. Don’t be misguided.  Population reduction is real! Planned genocide! They see that no economic herd sized sustainability tables stand up as viable. Doomsday avoidance policies are floundering. Attempting sustainability of ever-growing, non-contributing mass breeding, to them, is pointless. The mass human ostriches just don’t hear or see it, nor handle bad news well. What happens when woke becomes broke? Will you carry them? How? You can’t afford to! Davos is coercing them all. Look at Canada! Unreal. Look at the Woke State of America, complete cuckoo’s nest territory. WEF is bewitching the world. And the methods used center around disruption of the natural inclination to form family bonds and reproduce between both valid sexes.
The rise in this phenomenon is not by accident.
  • Blog sites continue to be assailed with endless GCR fantasies, delusional currency wealth scenarios and conspiracy theorists purport that global debt forgiveness is imminent. For over 20 years now, a concept called NESARA is said to be coming. But funded by whom? No such adoption of this plan has taken place, and it continues to exist in the minds of blogging Moonshiners only! Banks forgiving all worldly debts – sure.
  • As A.I. takes down and clears out vast numbers of soon to be redundant employees, empiric social changes are going to take place.  Tax revenues will collapse as more and more menial and manufacturing jobs are automated. Without taxes, seized to underpin the welfare largesse of socialist spenders, you will fund with what? Socialists and Zionists. None better for bankrupting economies. Bankrupt economies run aground. Unless there is seismic change in replanning the State of Being Human, for the self-centered, delusional beings of today, the future will be one of conflict between the conscientious haves, and the escalating Hottentots. Even the fast-food restaurant chains of the future will be server Free! Supermarkets and Stores increasingly automate checkouts. With growing home deliveries, stores are folding in larger numbers. If you cannot fill a critical role in an ever-increasing technologically based workplace, then there will be no purpose to hire you. For the unskilled and unnecessary, it’s going to get ugly. Have-nots sometimes have nothing to lose. Large groups of such can inflict significant damage if hungry enough.  
  •  Ever-expanding sales of electric cars, trucks and SUVs require fewer parts, and are fast and easy to fix. Huge job losses will follow for manufacturing supply chains and mechanics. It’s coming.  As for oil barons, many saw the light and divested their interests long ago!  If supply chains, tankers and such are untenable, what will become of the price of oil?  
  •  A.I. will hit the mass clerical roles, bookkeeping, administrators, accountants, even law adjudication itself. As A.I. becomes ever more sophisticated, it will self-code and mass program code itself multi-times faster than humans. Programming capacity, thus replacing Programmer coders, will eliminate their errors and costs. Seismic changes. A.I. will be faster and cheaper. Capable also of incredible new concept algorithms and pioneering breakthroughs. Unleashing then a whole new dawn of futuristic technology. Also, Cybernetics. Enhanced people!  Or not? Yes, it IS coming. No, you will not stop it. Enhanced or unenhanced is the next social dilemma. Who will spend on the masses? It does not augur well so far. No one is thinking of sustainable societies. Allow WEF control and it will be draconian. 
  • We are facing an emerging reality future where possibly 40% or more of many jobs will go within the next decade or so. There is no economic forethought of population sustainability, or society ramifications. Each administration simply pushes this toxic bombshell forwards to future incumbents to deal with. State welfare and even retiree packages are unsustainable and bail-ins inadequate.  Your representatives represent only themselves. No one is working for or acting for you! We may as well be on the Titanic. If this lot hits, as is likely, have you got your own family funds sorted, sequestered safely away to swerve the unfolding bank bail-ins and tax grabs? You will need it. Lifebelts will not be thrown. Unless you are earning, you will be left for churning and forget bailouts. Learn now to look after yourself, take responsibility for God’s sake, because if not the cliff edge is looming for Lemmings. 
  • Yes, we are looking for Elders’ support, but it will only be core humanitarian projects and selective, screened sustainable global community financing. We can’t save the world. No one can. Nor will they try with authority. 

  • We are deeply engaged in Blockchain and new innovative cryptos, project backed and communities sharing in the sustainable wealth created. Not 10 cents Zionist Fed phony CBDCs. More on that later and WHA will have a sound platform for its readers. An input. 
  • The current sad state of Ukraine is only a small element of the evolution now between Hemispheres. American hegemony is doomed. It’s over. Empires end. Usually in ignominy. America has lost the Middle East; it’s now re-aligned with Russia and China. The badly planned Jesuit/Vatican U.S. socialist Eurodollar is unsustainable, bailed only now by poor Germany and the Fed.  Scavenging nations now all in disarray.  All take out, no one puts in. For how long? Britain has walked away from the chaos. It’s not sustainable as is. Nor can poor Germany carry it alone. For how long?  If those banks fail, it takes America down with it. That fine a default line. The Teutonic nations need to form a new alliance and leave the rest. Close the porous borders. Look after your own. Merkel has a lot to answer for. Social Madness. She has brought Germany to its knees. Why mass import a nasty, malignant, child molesting, backwards 7th century blood cult? They are destroying the entire multi-millennial nationhood culture of the EU. Barbarians loose inside the gates. Social Havoc. Political suicide. Be clear when EU Banks fail, the knock-on effect means the cross-lending U.S. Banks and Fed goes with it. 
For $40 Billion This Guy Will Do Anything
  • The world is already re-evolving into new trading hemispheres by planned design. The snout of the West will be Out! India is the sleeping giant arising. With a voice and attitude. China fears India. America will be increasingly annexed out of Asia and its markets. They will weaponize metals supplies to the West. To your detriment. Also, for sure, cost! Think portfolios! Balances. How to credit line and leverage your own portfolios. Think money!
  • Eurasia will go to Asia. What a mess. What a loss. 
  • The EU is unsustainable. Let it find an iceberg. The endless Islamic and African flows will sink it if not stopped. Call it or lose it!
  • Pragmatic thinkers will get past what is coming. Key metals will increase in price and with Chinese market games, ever more so. Select which and track the charts. Make money and safely leverage.  
  • America’s own 10 to 15 years demographics do not profile well for many regions now. The melting pot is boiling. The world is yours, just find the right locations. You came as locusts, take flight again if needed. Doors close.

Creative thinking is the future. Foresight, or go with the Sheeple into the night.  Look at the Leaders? Next? Think for your kids now. Who will head off the WEF and WHO? Enhanced or Hottentots? Choose with care. Society is breaking down and there is no telling what it may re-assemble as in the short term.

Be ready for anything.   

Stay tuned.


1,319 responses to “Information Briefing #175”

  1. Alien Contact & UFO Encounters | Are They From Another Dimension?


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes AJ. Multiple Dimensions.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. This is why they are not tracked inter stella approaching. Dimensional wormholes. Beings of light energy have totally different life structures. They are Eons ahead of us. We are Lab studies.


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  3. Liked by 2 people

  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Happy Father’s Day, dad (far right). You were twice the man I could ever hope to be.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Well, his son is exceptional, so that would make dad off the charts exceptional. He has to be so proud and smiling down at you of the kind of man you are that he brought up Tony.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Thank you I appreciate that kind remark.

        Smiling at me? Well, maybe sometimes. Not today. Slept in. Growing up, he told me once he never saw anyone sleeping past 7am that wasn’t sick or dead. He rose early. Never once did I see him sleep in until the day he died.

        He would have liked John. No doubt. Kindred spirits. No tolerance for laziness, goldbricking or wanting something-for-nothing.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Diverse Vibrancy


  6. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Factor again.


  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Yea…and clearly shaking your necessity in society.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t understand the “Bitcoin going to zero” ideology. Tribalism and ignorance. 🤦‍♀️


  8. Vladimir Putin’s veiled threat to ex-Soviet states: You’re part of historic Russia

    This pathetic IDIOT Thief of St Peterburgs Community Funds, thinks he is Vlad the Impaler.
    He puts all of of Free Europe at risk.
    The UK has faced Russia down in the Black Seas. We are helping Ukraine and Finland / Sweden avoid the Commie Bastards clutches. If he wants to grasp a Bulldog by its Tail, good luck with that. John Bull has form.
    We need to rethink Europe not the EU. We need to rethink Commies in Europe and Intern the F lot. Animals. The Czechs are giving 3 hears in jail to theirs. Right move. Without food wil finish it. If Sweden wants to join Nato, it will want Commie Scum handed over.
    Europe needs to be Russian free. The lot out. Putin is heading for a face off.

    Be clear the UK is now fully preparing for a full-on war with Russia. 3,000 plus UK nukes will finish them. They want Europe? Try and die! Of course we will lose the UK . But we will finish Russia. Putin has no idea what he is unleashing, just like Napoleon. Dwarf Tossing!
    Time to wake up and unite Europe to these Monsters. Close the borders and Intern the rest. The Czechs have started. Well done. Commie Czechs Check out fast. Off to jails. Commies out.

    Prepare to fight and beat Russia in a Third World War, says UK general https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10930527/Prepare-fight-beat-Russia-World-War-Britains-general-warns.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Amber needs to be neither seen nor Heard, she’s Shat the nest already. Shes now Box Office unbankable . Hollywood will close all doors. They did for Gibson.

    Heard says Depp’s exes are scared to publicly accuse him of violence https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10931581/Amber-Heard-suggests-Johnny-Depps-exes-scared-publicly-accuse-violence.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Russia-Ukraine war could last for years, say western leaders
    Sadly its profiling that way so far. A huge Russian Cluster F!

    This is good it save lives.

    Footage claims to show 14-battle-hardened Russian soldiers surrender https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10931715/Footage-claims-14-battle-hardened-Russian-soldiers-surrendering-Ukraine-battlefield.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Every reason to round these Bastards up all over Europe.

    Fears that Putin’s spies are ‘active at all levels of British society’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10930811/Fears-Putins-spies-active-levels-UK-society-MI5-spyhunters-alert-Russian-agents.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Watch “Funny jokes! – A man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in stunningly ….-

    Watch “DIRTY ADULT JOKES – A sailor and a marine are taking a piss at a public restroom…” on YouTube

    Viral On TikTok! China Creates ‘Exact Replica’ Of Russian Fighter Jet & It Is Selling Like Hot Cakes — Watch

    China has learned fast and is now selling vast numbers of Arms and weapons of war. Beating America at its own game.

    Alex Mashinsky, Celsius founder feeling the heat

    Fathers day for Tony.



    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Re: Father’s day….

      I looked out my door. She’s still not here. Did you get the right address?

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Yes. Justified. “Stand your ground” allows you to remain in place and bring lethal force against anyone who threatens you with grievous bodily injury or death. In this case, the youth was demonstrating intent to severely assault the man, including the possibility of taking the gun away in the process and using it on him.

      I have been in similar circumstances on two occasions. Fortunately, the opponents saw a Walther .380 pointed at them and wisely retreated to live another day as an asshole.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Late night in Buffalo, some 30+ years ago. Two malfeasants crossed the road to be on my sidewalk. I made the reaching gesture. They crossed back across the road. I got in my car and left in haste.

        I didn’t have gun…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Just like Michael and Enzo the baker!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Oh my…. forgot that scene!


            1. Tino’s version:

              “Leave the finger, take the cannoli.”



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  13. Karl Denniger usually fails at the higher levels in understanding because the fact the events are guided is “tinfoil hat conspiracy” to him.

    BUT every so often anger saves him:

    (Lifted from Vox Day)
    Karl Denninger appears to have finally run out of patience with the “safe and effective” crowd.

    I get it. Nobody wants to admit they were full of crap, especially when it might mean something really bad is coming. Like what happened to both Justin Bieber and his wife. What are the odds two young people both get f’ed by “rare” side effects that are in fact linked to the jabs and its not the jab that’s responsible? If the odds of a “random” hit from such events are 1 in 100,000 for someone of these ages in a given year for both of them to get hit in the same year by said “random” events has roughly a one in a billion chance — in other words you’re more likely to win the Powerball and not by a little either.

    Surrrrrrre that was random.

    The Biebers are not the only ones. The multiple re-infection list is so long among politicians and celebrities you can’t even count it anymore. Never mind the young people dropping like flies of things that almost never get young people. Sure, it does happen that young people “thud” from time to time; I knew someone who fell over from a congenital heart defect he didn’t know he had in his early 30s, and he was the jock’s jock too. But when that happens, at least historically, they always go look for the cause at autopsy and in basically every case find it too.

    That’s not being done now, is it? Nope.

    Let me know when you wake the f up.

    Until then you can f off, especially if you’re one of the assholes who did, or still is, pushing this crap on people. If you formerly were but recant and accept just punishment for every person harmed as a result of your “advice” or worse, fine — but not until. The evidence is that this crap not only doesn’t work it’s dangerous besides. I mean c’mon man — not everyone who uses fentanyl dies, right? Does that mean you should use some today? The NY Health Department claims “safe” fentanyl use is “empowering”, I remind you and they’re the same group of fuckfaces who has been pushing these shots on everyone, including children.

    You really are that stupid, aren’t you?

    You really will let them kill you — and your kids — won’t you?

    [[emphasis added]]

    Liked by 3 people

  14. https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/upstart-autonomous-trucking-industry-texas-king

    In Upstart Autonomous Trucking Industry, Texas Is King
    Defensive drivers take note: Empty cabs are expected to appear in Texas next year


    1. Extremely foolish. One thing is an open sea with lots of maneuvering space, a road is quite another… Well, 3 major wrecks will end this experiment pretty quickly.


    1. The policies are very destructive. It takes decades to recover costs of a refinery. We are not going to add capacity if Administrations don’t commit to stable policies. So the irrationality compounds…

      Liked by 1 person

  15. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Kike faggot wants to introduce drag queen shows in all schools


    1. Time to sweep them out worldwide.
      Sanitize the Sewers.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Predators!… they are emboldened and given power by our admin in DC!

        Liked by 4 people

    2. Liz Wheeler is very good and sharp.

      This forced material is pushing many parents to homeschool which is growing across the nation. No parent wants to deal with this forced ideology material in school while the kids graduate without knowing how to read, write or knowing basic math. “keep them dumb as long they obey the ideology..”

      Liked by 3 people

  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Unimaginably large EU Twat stokes the flames of war by announcing Ukraine as a candidate for inclusion, when it’s not allowed to extend such to a country at war. The EU is not a serious group. It is a homosexual, feminist, Jewish cult hellbent on world domination.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Be assured Ursula is no Dominatrix. The UK and Germany need to think out the next moves. No more limp wrists. Barbarossa 2 with Nukes! Cage in the Commies. The UK is ready for war. Every time they threaten us FU is our message back We will die free and send them to hell. If Mad Vlad wants WW111 go for it, Twat. Then take what comes. 3,000 plus missiles in 7 minutes then the Bombers and ICBM’s. They will kill him first. They will not die for Mad Vlad. Hit the UK and die from the sky. Even Animals get that. He can’t even get Ukraine right, Tosser.


      1. The US has ran away. Nato is clueless. The EU a joke. Only the UK, ONLY Britain is facing down Putin. We will give him his OK Coral. These Bastards need to be stopped. How many are sanctioned and Oligarchs plus Mafia? Rotten to the core. Bastards who only fear strength. Animals. We are ripping them apart in the Tax Havens and London. .Seizures everywhere. Money Laundering Criminals. No fear of Scumbags. The EU needs its own Gitmo for these deranged animals. Intern the lot. Deport or abort! Open our own Gulags. With technology. Microwaves stop Rodents. 2 minutes and cooked.


  17. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    “We will set up a new payment platform that will be independent, to increase and facilitate logistics…we are opening up new corridors…”

    Does not sound like he’s concerned about sanctions.

    I wish our president had this ability to articulate his views in this way. Statecraft is a lost art in the West. The Jewnited Snakes won’t be producing quality statesmen if we are going to focus on teaching our kids gay fisting techniques or how to sue if proper pronouns are not used, by the 4th grade.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yup…. from forgetting everything to falling of the bike…. its like having a series of literally like “Weekend at Bernies”

      Like the guy on the first comment on this bike clip from Biden “I’ll give it to Joe. He’s consistent when it comes to malfunctioning.” LOL


    2. One problem the West has is zero-day thinking. Current G2 models of what is happening don’t take into account that the line in the sand has been drawn and that it can’t be crossed. Boots on the ground in Ukraine is impossible without uncontrollable escalation. Plus the ground war there IS lost by Ukraine. Anything else is wishful thinking and unicorn farts. The next step there is whatever is left of the Ukrainian forces is to abandon the indefensible plain(s) and drop back to the rivers and allow partitioning, with Z fleeing and a new gov being installed.

      While true that the UK can counter-strike on launch and help devastate Russia, it is just traditional MAD. At best it keeps the Ukraine bullshit bottled locally. At worst missteps put you into nuclear war.

      Sanctions are meaningless when one side views the war as existential. The calculus amounts to 15% of GDP and if anyone is thinking more than that, they can’t do math. They chose to pay that price. Also, they have been preparing for this at least since the 2014 Neuland coup. And I note that Putin has not been removed. So much for sanctions.

      Oligarchical wealth seizure has simply branded the West as hypocrites and anything gained in pressuring Russia has been lost in half the planet voting with its feet for Russia. The damage to international law by the West is incalculable. Just wait until unaligned nations take what they want because they view us Westeners as equally ‘criminal’. The West will be hard-pressed to respond when what is good for the goose is applied to the gander.

      Last but not least, the West is now viewed unabashedly thru a prism of Satanic lenses by all concerned. As far as hearts and minds are concerned, the West is seen as the Enemy of the Good, the Beautiful and the Just. This is NOT reversible anytime soon. This should be earth-shattering worrisome to those that understand the role of this in war.


      1. Wang Wenbin, Foreign Ministry, China June 16, 2022

        Wang Wenbin: On the Ukraine issue, China has always independently assessed the situation on the basis of the historical context and the merits of the issue. We always stand on the side of peace and justice.

        Whereas the US reneged on its word, pushed NATO expansion eastward and brought conflict and confrontation back to Europe, China is committed to dialogue and cooperation for common and sustainable security and called for a balanced, effective and sustainable European security framework. Whereas the US has clamored for a fight “to the last Ukrainian” and fueled the conflict, China has actively promoted peace talks and called on the world to enable negotiations, not fighting, to continue between Russia and Ukraine. Whereas the US has exercised maximum pressure and sanctions, causing the crisis to spill over and spread, China has firmly opposed attempts to politicize, instrumentalize and weaponize the world economy. China stressed that what has been achieved through international economic cooperation over the decades cannot be just wiped out, still less should the ordinary people around the world bear the cost. People will come to their own conclusion as to who is on the right side.

        The US keeps claiming itself to be on the right side of history, but is it entirely confident when saying that? Maybe the US is just whistling in the dark.

        Wang Wenbin, Foreign Ministry, June 16, 2022

        Liked by 1 person

  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Balls hung by steel wire.


    1. It may drop to 10K you have time. Then look at the profits. .


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  20. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    He must have thought the training wheels were still attached.


    1. Like

    2. He’s been off his Trolley for years. Feeble legs. Dweeb and a Twat.


  21. Remember — he wasn’t sick, so the denial was arbitrary


    1. WEF and WHO Tino. Games in play. It’s about power over the masses. Ring fencing the Plebs. Subjugate, Dominate, Exterminate.


      1. Well, we are going to have to eventually ram this behavior down their throats and probably decapitate a few for good measure. Not that I am a fan of the French Terror but perhaps Jefferson was right…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. .Politicos are NO Solution. Twats rule Fools.


  22. Well, it seems our grid sucks…


  23. Glimpses of progress within the system, but only because the damage is so bad:


    Good news – a major Mayo Clinic donor contributed to FLCCC instead this year!

    Liked by 2 people

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  26. Reality is taking leave of its senses…


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      If the BLM types think that America is not a great place for them to dwell, just wait until the Chi-coms take over, if they do.


      1. Not stopped their Breeding and Welfare claims, has it? Look at the size of those Mommas. Rhino arses.


  27. Dr Mike Yeadon
    May 23

    Josh, being from the industry I’m pretty sure I know how this fraud is committed. Not that I’ve ever committed clinical trials fraud, but I’ve spoken to experienced people who are aware of others doing similar things.

    If you want to disappear problematic subjects, here’s how to do it.

    1. Make the trial protocol complicated, especially in the “visits” & “contacts” with the lowest level clinical trials staff. These people are not doctors. This is a nifty way of almost ensuring that there’s a “protocol violation” for every subject & it’s impossible to spot. An example might be to proscribe the time window for a contact call to happen such that it’s hard to get it right every occasion. If a call is made even 5min late, technically that’s a PV.

    2. At some point in the trial, review and note subjects with the required characteristic, such as a positive Covid test. The cheat seeks to exclude the vaccinated who got infected. You do need to cheat overtly around this point because the blinding code is meant to be held by an unconnected organisation. Note though in the whistleblower case, treatment group was left unblinded in Ventavia trials, though this defeats the entire experiment.

    3. A third party is meant to review clinical report forms (CRFs) and check if there are any reasons to exclude subjects prior to database lock (DBL). Once at DBL, nothing can be change & the numeric file goes off to the firm Pre-contracted to run the statistical plan. In the case of the Pfizer agent, they did the clean up. Quite simply, they removed many of the Covid positive subjects who’d been vaccinated themselves & they did it by citing “unspecified protocol violations”. We know they cheated because there’s huge imbalance in numbers removed from vaccinated vs control groups, without which the agent would have shown a negative result.

    The entire “clinical benefit” of “vaccination” was accomplished this way. It doesn’t actually do anything except to poison, injure & kill people.




    1. The situation is mind-numbing. And never, ever forget folks, the German docs stampeded into the Nazi party…



    2. We have graduated too many drones that practice cookbook medicine.



  28. ibelievemedia Avatar



  29. Not quite there yet but it is a start….

    Liked by 1 person

  30. The Guardian: Julian Assange’s extradition from UK to US approved by home secretary.

    Bagged and tagged. I remember his squealing like a stuck piglet wth no dignity or courage when dragged out of the Embassy. Pathetic. The US will shed his mind when they do get him. He is top of the To Do Over list in DC.
    Assange will get to know Terror once sent down. The walls will close on on him, and as for Injections? They will shed his mind. He in going into a War of mental survival. See how far squealing like a stuck Piglet gets him there
    Another one with the courage of Trump. For Assange, Hell is coming. He wont need to suicide himself, Cowards don’t. Yet another last pointless appeal. Yet his Shemale walked free. only in America.


    Yes give 44m innocent Ukrainians the right to be free and F the Russians off. Barbarossa!

    Massive law changes will see all new homes need an electric car charger from today
    again, with Stolen and occupied lands, the Khazar’s Fake Israelis, will now mass supply Gas to Europe and devastate 20 years of Russian market building, at big costs to Russia’s economic needs.
    A curved ball Putin did not see coming. Palestine’s Gas! Egypt’s Gas. Sequestrated by Khazarian vermin Scorpions under every stone They will hurt Russia,

    Israel-Europe Gas Deal Will Transform European Geopolitics and Energy Security

    Was this the reason objective ?

    All the Gas stolen by the Khazars from poor Palestinian and Egyptian lands, will now be used to destroy Russia’s vast trade base to Europe. Putin did not see this coming.
    Invade the Bastards do the world a favour. .What a curved ball , the Khazars have them by the Balls?



    1. This electrical car idea is not compatible with energy systems as they are. You can’t get there from here, via fossil fuel. The math does not turn. Nuclear fission or fusion or some partial hydrocarbon pseudo-fusion (there are reports) are the only 3 realistic options of achieving the power load required.


      1. Where is the Lithium source for the batteries needed, China will close all doors.. How long before they take Taiwan? Then no microchips, phones or computers.


        1. I guess I will be going long on Texas Instruments and Micron….


  31. A whopping 16-years after I worked on putting the science on solid theoretical footing before resigning for irreconcilable differences with the CEO, they are still using the tech poorly. CEO, who couldn’t stay on the critical path, would die of his long-standing prostate cancer — something that wouldn’t have happened if we took the direct regulatory path. Eventually the assets got sold at bankruptcy and the new company Immunicom came about. This should be frontline therapy in patients WITHOUT chemo or radiation. Once you damage the immune system results will be equivalent to CAR-T and a little better than chemo.


    Immunicom announced the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) have awarded a $2 million grant to support the initiation of its first US-based clinical trial at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. The trial will evaluate the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of the Immunopheresis LW-02 Molecular Ligand-Capture Column for treating patients with refractory, hormone-resistant breast cancers. It will be conducted in collaboration with Dr. Mothaffar F. Rimawi, Professor of Medicine/Oncology and Executive Medical Director, Dan L. Duncan Cancer Comprehensive Center, Baylor College of Medicine.

    The Company’s LW-02 Molecular Ligand-Capture technology, which received FDA Breakthrough designation in 2018, is designed to remove specific factors (sTNF-R1/2) shed by cancer cells that inhibit endogenous tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), a cytokine widely recognized for its tumoricidal behavior. Similar to dialysis, Immunopheresis therapy removes sTNF-R1/2 from plasma, prompting an endogenous TNF-α response to cancer without toxicities that increase the risk of side effects.

    The study will enroll 12 metastatic, hormone-refractory ER+/HER2- breast cancer patients who have failed at least two lines of hormone therapy, and one to two lines of chemotherapy. These patients will receive Immunopheresis LW-02 Column induction monotherapy over a two-week period, then in combination with low-dose chemotherapy for an additional 14 weeks. Throughout treatment, patients will be monitored for reduction of circulating sTNF-R1/2 and adverse events. Objective response and clinical benefit will be exploratory; quality-of-life/clinical function, circulating CT-DNA and tumor cells, and markers of an immunologic response (including in tissue) will also be evaluated.

    “We are honored to receive this grant from the NCI/NIH recognizing the potential of Immunopheresis therapy. This clinical trial is a monumental step for Immunicom to address unmet needs for patients with difficult-to-treat cancers,” said Principal Investigator Dr. Robert Segal, Immunicom’s Chief Medical Officer. “We feel confident that further evaluation of Immunopheresis, both alone and as an adjunct to chemotherapy, will demonstrate that this is an essential new modality for immuno-oncology.”

    Immunicom announced the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) have awarded a $2 million grant to support the initiation of its first US-based clinical trial at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. The trial will evaluate the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of the Immunopheresis LW-02 Molecular Ligand-Capture Column for treating patients with refractory, hormone-resistant breast cancers. It will be conducted in collaboration with Dr. Mothaffar F. Rimawi, Professor of Medicine/Oncology and Executive Medical Director, Dan L. Duncan Cancer Comprehensive Center, Baylor College of Medicine.

    The Company’s LW-02 Molecular Ligand-Capturetechnology, which received FDA Breakthrough designation in 2018, is designed to remove specific factors (sTNF-R1/2) shed by cancer cells that inhibit endogenous tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), a cytokine widely recognized for its tumoricidal behavior. Similar to dialysis, Immunopheresis therapy removes sTNF-R1/2 from plasma, prompting an endogenous TNF-α response to cancer without toxicities that increase the risk of side effects.

    The study will enroll 12 metastatic, hormone-refractory ER+/HER2- breast cancer patients who have failed at least two lines of hormone therapy, and one to two lines of chemotherapy. These patients will receive Immunopheresis LW-02 Column induction monotherapy over a two-week period, then in combination with low-dose chemotherapy for an additional 14 weeks. Throughout treatment, patients will be monitored for reduction of circulating sTNF-R1/2 and adverse events. Objective response and clinical benefit will be exploratory; quality-of-life/clinical function, circulating CT-DNA and tumor cells, and markers of an immunologic response (including in tissue) will also be evaluated.

    “We are honored to receive this grant from the NCI/NIH recognizing the potential of Immunopheresis therapy. This clinical trial is a monumental step for Immunicom to address unmet needs for patients with difficult-to-treat cancers,” said Principal Investigator Dr. Robert Segal, Immunicom’s Chief Medical Officer. “We feel confident that further evaluation of Immunopheresis, both alone and as an adjunct to chemotherapy, will demonstrate that this is an essential new modality for immuno-oncology.”


  32. https://djhjmedia.com/rich/minnesota-to-implement-new-teacher-licensing-requirements-that-teachers-must-demonstrate-marxist-worldview-to-keep-their-jobs/
    The new licensing standards being pushed by the PELSB are geared to embed Marxist ideology and practices like fluid sexual identity, critical race theory, gender politics and more into every Minnesota school.

    What happened to reading, writing, math, and science? Marxism would infect each of these courses of study with the sickness of communism, death, envy, and darkness. Marxism is a death cult everywhere it’s ever been tried. It is the great equalizer, as it makes everyone equally miserable. That’s what equity is.


  33. Like

  34. The total lack of any safety data provides no reassurance whatsoever about use of mRNA vaccines during pregnancy

    Have you ever wondered how come we haven’t heard about how the pregnancies turned out in “Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons”? Well, there’s a reason we haven’t. There isn’t any. — S. Kirsch

    Until proven otherwise, no pregnant woman should be mRNA or influenza vaxxed. Period.

    It is possible, given mRNA vaxx biodistribution, that the offspring of any jabbed woman are damaged at the molecular level. Disturbing reports of neurological and behavioral defects amongst the latest crop of kids from the Tainted.

    I don’t care how much a woman or man is your soulmate. Breed only with purebloods.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. National Security Study Memorandum – NSSM 200

    Implications of Worldwide Population Growth

    For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests


    December 10, 1974

    Click to access Pcaab500.pdf


  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

  38. https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/3yGDnthW

    What part of this are you just not getting? Russia is fully preparing for WW111. The West is Sleepwalking. If he keeps threatening the UK will WILL Nuke him and game on. We know we are gone so we will rip them apart anyway. You fight or get roasted, we don’t care when gone. Man up. These animals only understand force. It’s like Churchill trying to warn Plebs for 3 years. What was coming. Ras Putin is loose! We are right in his face. Bulldogs don’t cower. We F BITE! Dead is dead so we take out most of them. You finish the rest if they cause this. Man up.
    CCP meeting to wipe out US population and US military via mRNA Vaccines

    How did you think this would end?

    Russian Ministry of Defense Release on US Biological Activity in Ukraine 06/16/22

    Good stop talking start doing.

    Wild stuff …



    1. I hate to say it, but if Russia is preparing for WW3 one has no farther to look to see the guilty than the nearest mirror. After the fall of the Soviet Union y’all blew it, and then y’all went on to crowd them without justification. And half the planetary enterprise (some 90 nations) have sided with them, so we are going to end up with the two trading blocks of the Great Bifurcation.

      Y’all keep thinking that there is respect or even self-interest in this Ukraine defense. There isn’t. The true majority opinion is that the West is nothing but Clown World. Outside the Halls of Power y;all are dreaming with wishful thinking. Everyone else is voting with their feet.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Led by America, as lost as Moses circling aimlessly. America is finished, now it’s the Void. China now prepares to do a US and take its turn, taking it all. When Empire’s end, it’s ugly. Let by Biden, O-M- God.
        After the FBI interrogation, what hope is left?
        Russia will hit the wall economically. China, in time, will land and trade, asset strip them. Wrong move Ras Man.
        The EU has failed. Asia is coming. The Zios have Butt F America and still the Lemmings don’t get it. Stop this F Oath of Allegiance to Israel Wake TF up. It’s like Allegiance to the Anti Christ. Blood Cults took your Nutts.


        1. Amen. 100%

          From 1982 to 2022 the “official” estimate of transfer of wealth from the heartland is roughly $70 trillion…

          The sad part is that simple nationalism, a Treasury as opposed to the Fed, and a little self-interest, and all of it could be reversed…


          1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

            And I can assure you, such efforts are underway. Especially in Europe. I am not directly involved in such European affairs, but segments of the youth of that continent are organizing against those who are importing the destruction of their culture.

            Here is one such example. This little firebrand, Isabel Peralta, is organizing Spanish nationalists at a brisk pace. Similar efforts are underway all across Europe.

            We needn’t go into the details of whose influence they intend to remove. But these Spaniards mean business.

            And to top it off, Isabel is pretty damned easy on the eyes. If I were a Spainard, and much younger, I would be on the streets with them.

            Liked by 1 person

  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eurofragility by Vox Day

      SHOT: French demand for Russian natural gas has been on the rise for the last four years. The upward trend continues in the current year as well. From January 1 through June 5, 2019, Gazprom’s gas supplies to France totaled 5.8 billion cubic meters, an increase of 5.6 per cent from the same period of 2018. In 2018, Gazprom supplied to France 12.9 billion cubic meters of gas, an increase of 5.4 per cent against 2017 (12.3 billion cubic meters).

      CHASER: Russian natural gas flows to France via pipeline from Germany have ceased. Russia’s Gazprom will reduce gas supply to Italy by 50 percent today, says the energy company Eni.

      I wonder how the politicians in Finland, Switzerland, and Sweden who threw away their nations’ neutrality in order to participate in those stunningly self-destructive sanctions are feeling now? The presumably unintended consequences have boomeranged so horrifically on the neoliberal economies that they could not unreasonably be charged with being Russian agents.

      Liked by 1 person

  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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  41. https://www.kitco.com/news/2022-06-17/Fed-s-Powell-Digital-dollar-could-help-USD-maintain-its-world-s-reserve-currency-status.html
    “Looking forward, rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system that may affect the international role of the dollar in the future. Most major economies already have or are in the process of developing instant, 24/7 payments,” Powell said. “As the Fed’s white paper on this topic notes, a U.S. CBDC could also potentially help maintain the dollar’s international standing.”


  42. 3 years ago, I was standing up for Lavrov against Western ideologies he showed pertinent professionalism against Western Political Donkeys. Sadly how things have changed.. We now nave an obnoxious barking Putin’s Commie Dog needlessly escalating tensions in this ugly war. At what cost? So sad. No one wins from this mess He and Ras Putin have played this so badly. We now have Cold relations. Zero trust. Bad, bad tactics. Idiot conduct. Needless.

    Lavrov taunts Truss for saying Russia must be defeated in Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10926173/Go-Putins-Lavrov-taunts-Liz-Truss-saying-Russia-defeated-Ukraine.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Russia has already ‘strategically lost’ the war for Ukraine | Daily Mail Online

    Sadly Yes, and Armchair Warriors don’t get it. What a cost.

    That’s it game over now for Assange the Pentagon wants his ass at all costs to skin him alive..he helped coerce a US F up Shemale to access Pentagon secrets..the rest is just Academic views..God help him he’s facing hell on earth now. There will military mercy so its pray for a lenient Judge time. like they will let that happen?

    Priti Patel signs an order to extradite Julian Assange to the US

    Priti Patel signs an order to extradite Julian Assange to the US https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10926609/Priti-Patel-signs-order-extradite-Julian-Assange-face-espionage-charges.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Prince William’s letter to girlfriend of Capital Riot cop who died https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10927083/Prince-Williams-moving-letter-girlfriend-Capital-Riot-cop-died-attack.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    I know the Armchair Warriors won’t like if but this is just one patriot Officer who does defending Americans right to a Capital while the Skank Heel Spurs Shrek Coward was too busy taking bribes for presidential pardons from serious criminal Jews jailed in some cases for 25 years as traitors to America but free lunches for Bush and the Kushner Crime family. Loathsome bastards. Well done William it’s called caring.
    Which all of us are here to do. Even when disagreeing.
    Hopefully fat Flop pardon fund taker is never allowed office again..2 disgusting families a disgrace to American Patriots the Coward without the Guts to lead who we predicted would run and hide as he’s done all his life. Leopards and liars.
    Taliban Bastards have crucified these poor people. Scumbags.

    China is coming and they know a sea war wil follow

    Reality RasPutin is leading Russia to the Wilderness


    1. Yeah, well, on Assange this is how the world sees it. The optics remain horrific:

      The UK’s Decision to Extradite Assange Shows Why The US/UK’s Freedom Lectures Are a Farce

      The Assange persecution is the greatest threat to Western press freedoms in years. It is also a shining monument to the fraud of American and British self-depictions.

      Liked by 2 people



  43. Liked by 2 people

  44. Liked by 1 person

    1. Liked by 1 person

  45. No pandemic of the unvaccinated.

    No over-utilization of resources.

    Never overwhelmed.

    Underutilization continues. We are not even at late 2019 levels.


    1. Really, it was, is and remains bs. Never at any time a pandemic of the unvaccinated overwhelming anything…

      Liked by 1 person

  46. The Suddenly aka SADS aka Sudden Death in the Covid Vaxxed keeps happening.

    We urgently need to track back to vaxx lots!

    Remember quality control is poor on the mRNA jabs with uncontrolled factors resulting in error-stack impact creating shots that run the gamut from immediate-kill thru saline-equivalent. Even the simplest analysis shows a power distribution of adverse events by lot when it should be either Gaussian or ideally flat. So the shot matters as much as the biologic individuality. The shots are NOT uniform.


  47. The COVID death data from Massachusetts shows vaccinating kids is INSANE.

    The FOIA death data shows that no child aged 5 to 11 in Massachusetts died in 2020 or 2021 from COVID. Zero. Zip. Nada. The FDA is approving vaccines for “emergency use” when there is no emergency. — Steve Kirsch [emphasis added]

    Liked by 1 person

  48. More Than 40 Churches and Pro-Life Groups Have Been Attacked, But You Wouldn’t Know It from Mainstream Media



  49. https://news.yahoo.com/study-shows-hydroxychloroquine-zinc-treatments-210300816.html
    A new study shows that the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine touted by former President Donald Trump increased the survival rate of severely ill coronavirus patients.


    1. Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Stella Emmanuel and many other members of America’s Frontline Doctors took an immense amount of heat for standing by their claims about HCQ/Zinc’s effectiveness in combatting COVID-19. They held firm and they are being proven right.

      Dr Gold was sentenced to 60 days in Jail
      9500.00 fine
      12 months supervised probation
      Give up all guns
      Must ask permission to obtain credit
      For the misdemeanor of entering the capitol


      1. Is she appealing? It is clear that this is excessive punishment for a misdemeanor of no consequence.


  50. The Insanity of Non-Sequitur


  51. Why is an obvious pedophile not in jail?

    Why are we humoring anyone who uses weird pronouns “they/their” as opposed to clocking them across the head with a 2×4?


    1. It’s a darn shame as well. His portrayal of Barry Allen was good. Why has Warner Bros. not fired his sorry ass??? Oh, and he is obviously a little Cuckooo for Coco Puffs…



  52. https://thefederalist.com/2022/06/17/christian-graphic-designer-defends-right-of-all-americans-to-be-protected-from-compelled-speech/
    The state of Colorado has banned people from talking about weddings unless they say only what the state of Colorado demands.
    When the case of Lorie Smith, a Christian graphic design artist who declined to create websites for same-sex celebrations, goes before the Supreme Court, it won’t be just her rights at stake — and it won’t just be the rights of Christians.

    Liked by 1 person

  53. Where is the floor for bitcoin? Urgent questions to ask about crypto |
    The big question, Where is the Base for Bitcoin now?

    Biden Adds Yet Another International Failure As Officials Privately Admitting That He Screwed Up Terribly With Russia – enVolve

    Sorry, Biden IS a Screw Up what did you expect? No other Corporate Entity would allow such a total misfit to continue in office. Nor his VP – Escort Harris. They shame you and America

    A total disaster ….


    How long is your COVID vaccine good for? You can soon find out, thanks to a new test that informs patients of their immunity’s ‘magnitude and duration’ | Fortune

    The big Covid question.

    Dozens of teenage girl sex slaves rescued from Nigerian ‘baby factory’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10924199/Dozens-teenage-girls-rescued-Nigerian-baby-factory-used-sex-slaves.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    What desperate and dreadful lives for these poor girls.


  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Finally had some time to share some thoughts on the current crypto scene.

    Rather than try to divinate some magical bottom number or date of a reversal of the present market, I would rather focus on what is going on overall behind the drama and the panic of shortsighted players.

    Two critical areas, adoption and demand, are most important when trying to ascertain the future direction of these highly speculative projects in the crypto space. And in both areas, from all I have personally seen and heard, the direction is continuing to be upwards and quite strongly so. I could just leave it at that, for I personally see no other metric that the long-term value investor needs to justify placing his risk capital in play. But I will expand a bit.

    Why, then, are prices retreating to such low levels? From what I have been able to deduce, the reasons are quite simply based on large scale forced liquidation of assets, including BTC and ETH, to cover losses in other sectors which where triggering forced margin calls across all other asset classes. I will not go into the specifics in each sector or the mishmash of the Celcius matter. I personally had no assets on that platform and never did we suggest using it. You can read all about it elsewhere and any details given here would just be repetitive work, which I have little time for.

    So, given the above reasons for the price reversals, we can safely determine that they are not from any failure of growth or declining adoption. Quite the contrary. Both of these metrics continue to grow and in ways that are at times very hard to keep track of. The sectors of commerce that are open to adaptation of blockchain technology are so many as to defy the ability to categorize it all.

    We therefore can thank our financial systems frailty and recessionary fears for the panic selling we see accompanying the forced liquidations across the sectors. Where does this lead?

    It leads us back to the same set of rules as before, with no change needed.

    Again, you do not panic sell into a falling market. This is the donkey move; the amateur hour play; the shriek of the over-spender who sees visions of his kid’s college money evaporating (which should have never been in play), or the wife’s kitchen remodel funds no longer there and the builders are already expecting payment. Etc. It’s the domain of the leveraged speculator who thought he was a god after watching a Youtube video. You get the idea.

    This is a time when the smart player accumulates (within his personal ability). The goal is to increase the quantity of coin or tokens in quality projects. The present time prices, or the total amount of unrealized losses or gains one has at this time are of little consequence overall. It is way, way too early in the development of this sector to conclude that price has anything to do with the continuing adoption and development that is going on. Again, the largest gains are still out on the horizon, and to get to that horizon, we will have to endure a lot of very rough seas and constant assaulting of your nerves while you avoid the urge to try to “trade” or “catch the bottom”, or “call the top”.

    For the purposes of our list of ideas, we remain as before. We will hold the best ideas, offload those which show signs of failing development or promise, and will be adding more in the future. No other approach is needed. You may adjust your approach as you see fit, but under no such circumstances will we play fast and loose with our approach. If you wish to train as a Kamikaze, that’s on you.

    What i want most for all is to arrive at that point in the future, when BTC is $450-500K, and ETH is $10-15K and we issue a suggestion to take the entire portfolio to cash at that time. I want to see as many of you as possible reach that level of wealth that is truly life changing. In ways that trying to catch tops and bottoms won’t usually work. Such price levels for these two highly liquid linchpins of the industry will most likely carry most other selected quality altcoins skywards with them as well, adding to the magnification of results.

    I know of many players right now who are down on paper, some of them millions of dollars. They don’t flinch. Most of them know what is ahead. To sell now, like bailing out on tech in the 90’s when the Fed raised rates then and sent the markets reeling, could be a disaster. Imagine getting to that point and realizing what you could have had simply by keeping your hand off the mouse. Keeping your positions sizes rational within your budget will keep you from getting ulcers while you let time and technological application across a broad front do the hard work.

    For now, the road looks good, the present price action notwithstanding. Major players continue to line up.

    Alchemy Pay is working on a payment system.

    Paypal is continuing to integrate crypto into their systems.

    Earlier this year, Electric Capital, an early-stage venture fund focused on crypto, released its annual report on blockchain developers. This report analyzes over 160 million lines of code across the blockchain space. It found the number of monthly active developers in the space grew 75% since the start of 2021. Through the first five months of this year, venture capitalists have poured roughly $20 billion into the space, and is on track to eclipse the prior year’s numbers.

    Just last month, multibillion-dollar VC firm Andreessen Horowitz launched its fourth crypto fund totaling $4.5 billion. It believes we’re entering the golden era of blockchain-powered Web 3.0.

    …and on and on.

    Ethereum continues to dominate the application development space, and is used in around 3,000 projects, the most of any other competitor. Along with Ethereum’s strong fundamentals, it will soon switch its consensus method used to validate blocks from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake. This is anticipated to become quite a boost to its adoption, over and above the already impressive level.

    BTC will have another halving in about two years and rallies in the past usually start about a year before this event. So, from present level, if they hold, we would anticipate surpassing the last highs by some margin.

    With multiple credit card companies starting to offer BTC cash back rewards, brand recognition will continue. Future adults will be inheriting trillions from their progenitors, and nearly two-thirds of this age group prefers digital assets to traditional hard assets.

    As for what I personally feel are bottom targets for BTC and ETH…well, if I had to say, I think ETH MAY see $500-750. BTC, $15,500- $18,500. This is dependent on many unknowns and unpredictable events so please do not use these figures in your planning.

    I usually buy lightly on the way down from the highs, and increase the amounts as the price goes down. The idea being to acquire more coin/tokens at better prices to cost average the placement. This makes future “bear cycles” less impactful, and is far less stressful than trying to time tops and bottoms with huge sell and buy orders based on chart patterns. But, please. Find your own approach suited to your needs if need be.

    So, with the understanding that the above is certainly not investment advice, and that there is no surefire way to predict the future, let’s see what happens.

    Fortune favors the bold!

    Finally, know that pending the conclusion of a significant project, I intend to add a new portfolio to the site. Maybe even two more. We will see. As we await the hoped-for societal benefits stemming from the Global Settlements, which eclipse anything else by so wide a margin that most calculators don’t work to total it all, we will do what we can to provide value to our ranks so that we can empower the bold. Doing so will enable such people to have a more positive effect on their environment. And that is truly needed.

    Pax Vobiscum

    Liked by 4 people

    1. WOW! Tony, thank you so much much for sharing the information you have in this message.

      I know your personal time is quite limited these days which makes it even more generous of you to take the time and go to the trouble you have to share as you do with us all here. THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH.

      I think the best lesson you taught me was never to become emotional when dealing in crypto. You were spot on and I am so very happy to say that was one lesson I did learn.

      All the very best to you Tony in all of your ventures these days. Thank you again for managing the website as brilliantly as you do and offering all of us so much assistance in navigating so many areas in our lives and this world. You really are a fabulous man and one that has impacted my life to an incredible extent in many ways. THANK YOU.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Thank you! And thank you as well for your participation and contributions.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Sage advice from a wise man who uses a sound and true process.

      Liked by 3 people

    3. Thank you for being here for us. I hope those bottom prices for BTC and ETH happen. Most likely, we will not get another chance to get in that low. What an opportunity! 🤗

      Liked by 2 people

    4. Thank You for your wisdom! I printed this to reread many times, as often as necessary, as I fall into the nervous bottom seller category at times. There is no substitute for experience. Have a great day!!

      Liked by 1 person

    5. Thank you well received here and our numbers bear out this approach. Accumulation continues and now at bargain prices. C

      Liked by 1 person

  55. Friendly skies, my a##!!!
    easyJet flight in emergency landing after captain falls ill

    An easyJet flight was forced to issue a Live Squawk 700 alert during the early hours of this morning, Sunday, June 12, after its captain fell ill during the approach to Edinburgh airport in Scotland. Flight EZY6938 was subsequently forced into making an emergency landing as it arrived from Heraklion airport in Crete.


    1. It questions the safety and air risk of even co pilots nowadays..If one , or both passes out, game over. How competent is the back up Co Pilot? Easy Jet cut all corners as a Bucket Shop Airline. .As will others. Fitness screening today? Disasters waiting to happen.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Copilots, at least in my experience chatting with high performers, are good enough.

        But a double-failure of both humans at the stick is certainly dire….


    1. That was gone years ago. So much for US vetting, Harris too!


  56. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. What a rambling Prat!


  57. Update worth watching or noting

    China and Russia are deeply colluding on core Global Hegemony issues. They have seen both Nato and the US faiiled to support Ukraine If China uses North Korea to attack South Korea as a Blind move, leaving them to both Invade Taiwan and attack the US bases in Soth Korea, it all kicks off.

    3 new cauldrons … 200,000 + dead Ukrainian soldiers and a coming Russian mobilization which fits with moves China will make in July …. Total Ukrainian active soldier losses must be over 350,000 if you take into account wounded troops .. in the chemical plant there are 800 or so foreign mercenaries trapped with around 2000 Ukrainians and they are holding 500 civilians as shield ….. really dumb … it will end the same as Mauripol. The Zelensky comedy/tragedy parade should be over by mid September when a new Government is in place. Expect current regime participants to seek refuge quickly as a result. As soon as this happens, in short order the port of Odessa will be cleared of mines placed by the Ukrainians and grains will move but to who will be the unanswered question until then.

    You have seen nothing yet with turmoil as when China moves on Taiwan, all attention will shift instantly and we expect Russia will close out their SMO ( special military operation) by the end of August, isolating what rump is left of Ukraine from the Black Sea. They will not directly attack Odessa but seal it off by land. Remember so far Russian forces are very limited in the Ukrainian where at the start the Ukrainians out numbered the Russian forces 4 to 1 …. The Chechens have offered up 150,000+ troops ready to move, if needed.

    If you need to upgrade or acquire new technology, you should do so in early summer because i anticipate supply of everything from Taiwan will cease as will Chinese supply to the West. … meaning fall supply of gadgets will be thin …. The signs have been clear to anyone watching shifting Apple production away from China to Vietnam and the stock piling of parts.
    As for Asian in particular Chinese investments, expect losses. No doubt all Pacific related nations will be new risk calculations. And do expect some real proxy losses as naval battles are already being well detailed .
    And if you are flying near these active conflict zones, be prepared to alter travel plans if need be, to stay safe. Air carriers will give a wide berth to affected areas.

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  58. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Vibrant Diverse Enrichment


  59. Vladimir Putin loses 53rd colonel in Ukraine war as Russia’s military toll grows

    What part of this are we not getting? So many dead, is it worth it? Where is Putin in the front line? The Ukkies will keep fighting for freedom. So many dead it’s sad and wrong. Pariahs now.

    Bitcoin news – live: Crypto collapse continues as BTC losses top 70%. Wow!

    This is putting the spotlight on Gates


    Rocket Man is battling.
    The Guardian: Russian spy caught trying to infiltrate war crimes court, says Netherlands.

    Russia is exposed yet again on long term deception plotting. Now Europe fears them even more. Europe needs to get all Russians out of Europe. Deport the lot. Sanitize them out. A dangerous Vermin like Zionists. Putin brings home what a dangerous species they are.
    Not fit for a civilized world. Animals. Even Stalin tried to kill most of them. Criminal Mafias and Oligarchs.


  60. Pocahontas wants to ban the tracking of ballot mules’ location data! Bill is co-sponsored by Sens. Bernie Sanders and Ron Wyden.



  61. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. They need guns!… but that will probably get the attention of MSM and our wonderful GOV… how dare they try and protect themselves!

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  62. For good or ill, Ukraine on the ground has lost. Even at the previous attrition rate, Ukraine was going to lose. At the newly admitted rate, it’s over. Whether or not the MSM, Western PTB or armchair warriors wish to admit it or not.

    Ukraine now admits much higher losses.

    Sanctions have undoubtedly injured Russia severely, but those saying Russia would endure them because Russia views this conflict as existential were correct. The Great Bifurcation into two major trading blocks is now coming into focus as a side-effect. Furthermore, the sanctions disrupted energy and agriculture, compounding the pandemic inflation, further damaging Western economies.


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