White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #175

A Report From The Front. Prepare To Defend Your Rear

Salve, Citizens!

Time is short. The reasons why are not possible to share at this time. However, WHA has taken onto its shoulders the responsibility to bring forth from front line positions, true and accurate assessments of situations which our readers may find useful in future planning. Reality balanced, and without any motive to pitch dubious wares or subscription fees.

What’s coming is not what most people are led to believe. But concerning the bigger real issues, what will follow is a series of summaries for those readers endowed with a perspicacious oversight and ability to handle such balanced reality.

So, shortness of time notwithstanding, let us begin.

  • You really do need to pre-think your own family’s life plan for the future changes coming.  Real world truth, at a price. Drone herding is coming as almost ALL global leaders now permeate towards Davos and the Kingdom of the Bald Comic Clown Troll, who seeks to take all, and to then make you happy, or NOT, with nothing! So far, he has the floor, and support among the politicos. Yet the West is now being clearly and clinically circumvented out of the Middle East and Far East. India, with a larger population than China’s, is the fast-growing IT hub for Asia, and a superpower in waiting. One China fears the most. Yet they must coexist, but each concur that America and its hegemony must be phased out of Asia and to simply annex them out where possible. It’s cynical and precise, America by consensus is to go.  As with BRICS, all conclude a US free trade future. Asia is annexing the West. Who is left to prey on? Future US demographics read a bleak picture. Time to reprofile your own futures. Reality checks. How did it work out for Rome once their borders became unenforceable?
  • Sovereign monetary wealth today is either gold/asset backed, or just worthless fiat fake in freefall. What the Zionist Jewish bankers have not syphoned off and stolen, the WEF Swiss gnomes seek to sequestrate from gullible fools. Playing YOU! Word to the wise: Have a metals portfolio and keep it safe. Seek expert advice.
  • You really do need to rethink your banking, your portfolio strategies and balance, and how to protect your assets from bail-ins or tax grabs. Parasite protection. Rethink your portfolio balances. Seek the very best professionals who understand such profound risks and how to avoid the worst-case scenarios if such extreme measures are taken by governments who are desperate to survive at your expense.
  • How do we make sense of a freefalling America, where bribe taking Biden’s own son, drug addict, child molesting Hunter, is found to be a 10% shareholder of a vast new lithium mine in Afghanistan, in conjunction with the Chinese? This explains why the dirty Bidens got America out, to fill the dirty Biden crime family pockets yet again. How many died needlessly for this racket? You wonder why Asia plans to remove America from the Far East and Asia? The stink of Washington corruption carries very far. India and China want you gone! Read up on the Biden lithium filth we post separately.  
  • We now briefly revisit a topic we swore off. Let us, once again, cover the sad truth about Iraqi Dinar pumpers.  Iraq, at best, is a c$4T or max $5T economy. No one in authority gave rights for parties with stolen Iraqi bank note plates to engage in mass printing dinars. But that’s what appears to have happened. There are allegedly Quad Ts of this Muppet Fed junk paper out there. Lunacy if so. No one is going to authorize such paper to be legally revalued to pre-war numbers at the cost to Iraq in trillions of USD. The Iraqi Santa Clause is not coming. Iraq does not possess the reserves nor the obligation to pay off war speculation on its currency. NO one will fund this stupid crap shoot. How many more years will have to go by before this is understood?
  • The all-powerful World Gold Council Chairman for many years was a South Korean Chinese Dynasty Elder, soley entrusted with the knowledge of where the key Family warehouses are, and only he knew the location of the underground bunkers and booby-trapped caves. That family knowledge has been “Bloodline Bond” entrusted to only one current Dynasty family member. Our secret! Right to know only! Secrets we do not share. The Chairman ONLY held the position because the core assets were verified and known to be real. How we now progress “Mongrel Free” to try to safely make good use of those assets, is key. An ever-evolving series of entanglements with a voracious military junta necessitates commensurate care at arm’s length. Also keeping self-serving predatory Americans right out of the loop. Raptors! The Elders are positively guided by trusted and proven London trustees, core and key advisors with a veto block, to protect them from abuse and to guide them safely through the labyrinth of CBDC and unfolding global currency issues. In addition, London shields them from the historical abuses, guile and malignant Zionist/Jewish criminal entrapments of the voracious, utterly corrupt Jewish US Treasury/Fed rackets. Racketeers!  From Jekyll Island onwards they have raped America and the world unchecked. As ever, it’s their plague viral history. It’s also why London has a glass ceiling towards the buggers. Their Oath of Allegiance forcefully entrapping Americans is absurd; an oath to a pestilence and scurrilous roach turd species of Khazarian Mafia! How utterly naive are Americans in Politics?  Oafs swallow! The Zionist and Jewish bankers have looted, scavenged and bankrupted America. Wake TF Up America! Why do real live dummies allow them total oligopoly, criminal control of the US Fed, and Treasury? Jews run the LOT. They own both houses, the media, and the White House. Ridiculous, roach entrapment. For sure as the Afros and Hispanics take over, they will face this species down in the future. Usury Jews used you and took it all. What have they done to the dollar now? It’s worth what? Still the nation sleeps on, devoid of reality. They are being blocked from Elder’s access. Totally.   
Actual Dynastic Elder gold cache. Only a fraction of their total holdings.
  • There are 40 Elder bloodline family unit members, and with their weekly hog fights, positioning needs consummate care. Believe it, with 40 family groupings each presuming their right to draw down 10% of the total wealth for their group alone, once liquidated, from metals. So many rice bowls and so much greed. Trainee Americans? Yet the normal US patriots can be so kind. We segregate them with care. Daily diplomacy versus self-interest. Weevils are Global. It’s a delicate path. We have “Special Plans” but not for disclosure. Ways to beat the system.
  • The WEF and WHO will walk you blindfolded from reality to their sought endgame, if not stopped. Their agenda is anathema to us. They have no compassionate agenda. Nor seek such. They seek only to acquiesce the power of your very being. From the CFR upwards, their position has been, and currently IS clear: Population reduction. Real and clear! That is their core mainline thinking – don’t feed those we don’t need. Don’t be misguided.  Population reduction is real! Planned genocide! They see that no economic herd sized sustainability tables stand up as viable. Doomsday avoidance policies are floundering. Attempting sustainability of ever-growing, non-contributing mass breeding, to them, is pointless. The mass human ostriches just don’t hear or see it, nor handle bad news well. What happens when woke becomes broke? Will you carry them? How? You can’t afford to! Davos is coercing them all. Look at Canada! Unreal. Look at the Woke State of America, complete cuckoo’s nest territory. WEF is bewitching the world. And the methods used center around disruption of the natural inclination to form family bonds and reproduce between both valid sexes.
The rise in this phenomenon is not by accident.
  • Blog sites continue to be assailed with endless GCR fantasies, delusional currency wealth scenarios and conspiracy theorists purport that global debt forgiveness is imminent. For over 20 years now, a concept called NESARA is said to be coming. But funded by whom? No such adoption of this plan has taken place, and it continues to exist in the minds of blogging Moonshiners only! Banks forgiving all worldly debts – sure.
  • As A.I. takes down and clears out vast numbers of soon to be redundant employees, empiric social changes are going to take place.  Tax revenues will collapse as more and more menial and manufacturing jobs are automated. Without taxes, seized to underpin the welfare largesse of socialist spenders, you will fund with what? Socialists and Zionists. None better for bankrupting economies. Bankrupt economies run aground. Unless there is seismic change in replanning the State of Being Human, for the self-centered, delusional beings of today, the future will be one of conflict between the conscientious haves, and the escalating Hottentots. Even the fast-food restaurant chains of the future will be server Free! Supermarkets and Stores increasingly automate checkouts. With growing home deliveries, stores are folding in larger numbers. If you cannot fill a critical role in an ever-increasing technologically based workplace, then there will be no purpose to hire you. For the unskilled and unnecessary, it’s going to get ugly. Have-nots sometimes have nothing to lose. Large groups of such can inflict significant damage if hungry enough.  
  •  Ever-expanding sales of electric cars, trucks and SUVs require fewer parts, and are fast and easy to fix. Huge job losses will follow for manufacturing supply chains and mechanics. It’s coming.  As for oil barons, many saw the light and divested their interests long ago!  If supply chains, tankers and such are untenable, what will become of the price of oil?  
  •  A.I. will hit the mass clerical roles, bookkeeping, administrators, accountants, even law adjudication itself. As A.I. becomes ever more sophisticated, it will self-code and mass program code itself multi-times faster than humans. Programming capacity, thus replacing Programmer coders, will eliminate their errors and costs. Seismic changes. A.I. will be faster and cheaper. Capable also of incredible new concept algorithms and pioneering breakthroughs. Unleashing then a whole new dawn of futuristic technology. Also, Cybernetics. Enhanced people!  Or not? Yes, it IS coming. No, you will not stop it. Enhanced or unenhanced is the next social dilemma. Who will spend on the masses? It does not augur well so far. No one is thinking of sustainable societies. Allow WEF control and it will be draconian. 
  • We are facing an emerging reality future where possibly 40% or more of many jobs will go within the next decade or so. There is no economic forethought of population sustainability, or society ramifications. Each administration simply pushes this toxic bombshell forwards to future incumbents to deal with. State welfare and even retiree packages are unsustainable and bail-ins inadequate.  Your representatives represent only themselves. No one is working for or acting for you! We may as well be on the Titanic. If this lot hits, as is likely, have you got your own family funds sorted, sequestered safely away to swerve the unfolding bank bail-ins and tax grabs? You will need it. Lifebelts will not be thrown. Unless you are earning, you will be left for churning and forget bailouts. Learn now to look after yourself, take responsibility for God’s sake, because if not the cliff edge is looming for Lemmings. 
  • Yes, we are looking for Elders’ support, but it will only be core humanitarian projects and selective, screened sustainable global community financing. We can’t save the world. No one can. Nor will they try with authority. 

  • We are deeply engaged in Blockchain and new innovative cryptos, project backed and communities sharing in the sustainable wealth created. Not 10 cents Zionist Fed phony CBDCs. More on that later and WHA will have a sound platform for its readers. An input. 
  • The current sad state of Ukraine is only a small element of the evolution now between Hemispheres. American hegemony is doomed. It’s over. Empires end. Usually in ignominy. America has lost the Middle East; it’s now re-aligned with Russia and China. The badly planned Jesuit/Vatican U.S. socialist Eurodollar is unsustainable, bailed only now by poor Germany and the Fed.  Scavenging nations now all in disarray.  All take out, no one puts in. For how long? Britain has walked away from the chaos. It’s not sustainable as is. Nor can poor Germany carry it alone. For how long?  If those banks fail, it takes America down with it. That fine a default line. The Teutonic nations need to form a new alliance and leave the rest. Close the porous borders. Look after your own. Merkel has a lot to answer for. Social Madness. She has brought Germany to its knees. Why mass import a nasty, malignant, child molesting, backwards 7th century blood cult? They are destroying the entire multi-millennial nationhood culture of the EU. Barbarians loose inside the gates. Social Havoc. Political suicide. Be clear when EU Banks fail, the knock-on effect means the cross-lending U.S. Banks and Fed goes with it. 
For $40 Billion This Guy Will Do Anything
  • The world is already re-evolving into new trading hemispheres by planned design. The snout of the West will be Out! India is the sleeping giant arising. With a voice and attitude. China fears India. America will be increasingly annexed out of Asia and its markets. They will weaponize metals supplies to the West. To your detriment. Also, for sure, cost! Think portfolios! Balances. How to credit line and leverage your own portfolios. Think money!
  • Eurasia will go to Asia. What a mess. What a loss. 
  • The EU is unsustainable. Let it find an iceberg. The endless Islamic and African flows will sink it if not stopped. Call it or lose it!
  • Pragmatic thinkers will get past what is coming. Key metals will increase in price and with Chinese market games, ever more so. Select which and track the charts. Make money and safely leverage.  
  • America’s own 10 to 15 years demographics do not profile well for many regions now. The melting pot is boiling. The world is yours, just find the right locations. You came as locusts, take flight again if needed. Doors close.

Creative thinking is the future. Foresight, or go with the Sheeple into the night.  Look at the Leaders? Next? Think for your kids now. Who will head off the WEF and WHO? Enhanced or Hottentots? Choose with care. Society is breaking down and there is no telling what it may re-assemble as in the short term.

Be ready for anything.   

Stay tuned.


1,319 responses to “Information Briefing #175”

  1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. You think Biden has even the mind of a 7 years old child?
      George Bush 43 was the same.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. How can you reason with Robbing Bastards pointing a gun at you.Sadly all too often the Afros family business,
      Mugging, Robbing, Raping, Drugs and Hookers. Why keep breeding them? . .


    2. The Factor.


  2. Important quote on a retracted paper, illustrating the arbitrary nature of the death count:

    [[Additionally, what the re-reviewers failed to mention was that for each hospital patient who could 1) be tagged with COVID-19 by a flawed PCR test and 2) placed on a ventilator, the hospital received a payment of $100,000 (or more) from the government (in the USA). Thus, in a death attribution process that was completely arbitrary for ~95% of the deaths attributed to COVID-19, there was a very strong financial incentive to classify deaths in this ~95% group as due to COVID-19.]]


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      That was a very short leave.

      I understand. To be under the legionary standard…in the fight…is better than all the wine in Narbo. Even the Londinium legions rarely take leave. Their leader is always on the front lines…as long as we keep the women away from the camp.


      1. Consumption demands volume. Bottles empty.


          1. Welcome back whatever. When you and Biffie came over I was euphoric. We all left a sick and poisoned site now inhabited solely by Freaks and Wierdos. Birds of a feather – Carrion!
            The site needs you Tino, and all parties. One sanitised site, one unsanitary. This site helps all. Good people. Freak free.


  3. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Yet another IMF success story.


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Skewered like a leg of lamb.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  6. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Money changes everything.


    1. Well, we’ll see. I expect a double-cross.


  7. Absolutely dreadful and horrific. Africans and Russians! Time to close all the borders. Animals.

    Man and woman are charged with conspiring to harvest organs from child https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10945317/Man-woman-Nigeria-charged-conspiring-harvest-organs-child.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Bitcoin could stay below $69,000 peak for two years, says Binance boss

    Interesting views for you but look at the swing.

    Britain must be prepared to go to war with Russia

    We are preparing. He will hit us first. Then we F him big time. This is a no win but we will bury the Bastards. So we’ll be dead but so will most of them.

    If proven guilty he needs to be hung in public.

    Ukraine to begin first trial of Russian soldier accused of rape https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10945085/Ukraine-begin-trial-Russian-soldier-accused-rape.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    NATO pushing for Kaliningrad CATASTROPHE by provoking Russia into global nuclear war – DC Clothesline

    A view of one of our contributors.

    War never brings joy; it was never destined to be joyous. And the only peace that comes is to the dead. You get to see all sides. We hold back nothing.

    In a Neocon delusion of winning a war with Russia there can be no joy. Other than realizing if such insanity occurs they will be met in an end in a fiery blaze that will kill many millions of innocents as a result.

    As one watches this insanity and the joyous cheerleaders celebrating this rush to war, one also realizes that everyday life has lost its’ place. Everyday shortages are common place as everything taken for granted becomes a shortage. Even a simple refrigerator is in short supply due to a chip shortage. And diesel shortages loom by September ensuring that food shortages will be reality. Regardless of whether food abundance exists. And forget non essential deliveries as essential goods transportation will take priority. Safety in grocery store parking lots will be an issue and in America expect armed guards … this is already baked in as the flood of the worse comes from poor Central American neighborhoods on purpose flooding unchecked into America.

    After suffering through years of mandated lockdowns and vaccine craze and fear mongering society is fragile as people try to recover a sense of normal. Only to find that normal is a illusion and a distant memory. Society is wresting with challenges that seen in a lifetime. Knowledge and skill is sadly lacking at time when new approaches need to be taken to remake industries and corporations to become revised and renewed engines of prosperity.

    Everything is being found to be stretched out in time with new acceptance of new norms. Leasing a new vehicle can well mean you pay for options that do not work because of chip shortages. While housing construction runs into the reality of shortage that money can not fix, meaning time is extended for all development while costs escalate. No need for rate increases as this will already reduce economic activity, causing recession. But know that rate increases will come regardless, ensuring a higher level of joblessness for years. And with such increases, pressure on the EU and emerging markets will grow causing dislocations and stress, and failure. Japan is already teetering on a road to hell as the Central Bank is the largest buyer and holder of national debt. This is akin to an individual buying their own debt and sayings they are solvent. While ignoring the reality of insolvency.

    Realizing this, the blindness of Neocons is astonishing because the reality is that even if a conflict was winnable it is already lost because the necessary conditions for winning no longer exist, due to the incompetence of political engineering. So madness suggests the nuclear option for which there is no win and just like the rest of things taken for granted, there is no reason to think that is in any better shape.

    Whatever the future may hold for humanity, we can be sure that we will fall into a real near death time, where it will be obvious to everyone even the blind or deaf that we face a death moment from which a rebuilding must take place for society to move forward. And in this day, the neocons with their enablers will be cast from sight as mob rage will find its’ scapegoats and have its’ revenge in blood. One is reminded of the French with their guillotines. And the restaurants that still exist today in Paris, that take their standing from the days that people dined after the guillotines had their day. Only tomorrow, it will be weapons sold by the Ukrainians freely provided by Neocons that will take their toll on the streets of Paris and many other cities.

    Enjoy this summer as it will be the last summer that resembles anything close to normal that we have known for some time.

    EU leaders to grant Ukraine candidate status in blow to Putin
    Ukraine needs to be allowed into the EU.,F Putin and F Russia. Round up these animals in the EU.

    We are walking blindfold to a war with Russia. Deaths if so will be in vast millions.

    Sunspot THREE TIMES the size of Earth is facing directly at our planet, sparking fears that it could release blackout-causing solar flares in the near future

    Sunspot AR30398 has doubled in size in just a 24-hour period, sparking fears that this massive sunspot could release medium-class flares in the near future that would cause blackouts.


    Boo Hoo you can’t talk to your Mommie. Nor order take aways.
    Gone fishing… for plastic! Tiny robo-fish that ‘swims’ around picking up microplastics and can squeeze into cracks and crevices could help clean up the oceans

    Scientists from Sichuan University, China have made a fish-shaped robot that can absorb ocean microplastics. It is only half-an-inch long so can squeeze into cracks and crevices in the seabed.


    Good move, good thinking.. Can we have one for Politicos and one for Russians embedded like Crabs in Europe?
    Shared from Sky News: Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall to divorce after six years of marriage, reports say https://news.sky.com/story/rupert-murdoch-and-jerry-hall-to-divorce-after-six-years-of-marriage-reports-say-12638772

    Poor little Rupert thought he was marrying for love. Meet her Alimony Attorneys.


    1. If we get truly clobbered it will not be like the Carrington Event. In 1859 we had barely mastered DC and certain aspects of induction, and heat from induced current in long wires triggered fires.
      This time the induced currents will wreak havocs with all unshielded electronics, including, but not limited to cars, buses, trains, air conditioners, TV sets, medical devices, even cell phones. Planes are essentially Gaussian surfaces, so not much should happen there. A Carrington Event wouldn’t put us back to the era prior to electricity, but it would take out a hell of a lot of chips, during a chip shortage.


  8. https://www.bitchute.com/video/D9NJ34CSYE1M/

    Former WHO Employee, Dr Astrid Stuckelberger on the “Pandemic Treaty” and What’s Really in the Shots


  9. Joe Rogan slams Justin Trudeau for saying that Canadians do not have the right to own a gun for self-defense


    Liked by 1 person

  10. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I am glad he thinks so.

    But compared to what dynastic elders may decide to inject, that’s peanuts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep and WHA will be first to know. After we have first bought. Before the Elders.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Suddenly I feel drunk with power.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I don’t understand British politics very well, but I have to admit, their parliamentary procedures are far more dynamic than ours. Everyone seems to be able to chime in, subject to the oversight of the Speaker. I don’t know how they decide who speaks or for how long. I don’t know why some people suddenly stand up and then sit down, as if they suddenly have to adjust their shorts, but I am sure they do this for a reason.

    It seems the PM addresses the Speaker directly. The other side seems to address the PM.

    There is probably some good history behind how this system came to be, post the monarchical only system. Someday I will have to learn more about this.

    Fascinating stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Just what we need, one solid single point of failure… One System to Rule Them All… Let’s transform a horrific, monstrous oligopoly to a monopoly with all the attendant failure. Technically speaking banks shouldn’t even exist in the modern era. Person-to-person without middle man has been fully possible since the advent of the PC, and with mobile computing beyond easy.


  14. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  15. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  16. So John is that what our child would look like? I saw the picture of the boy templar and had a good laugh. 🙂 You are still a very bad boy talking to a married woman like that. 🙂 But your spirit is appreciated and you are right about the invasion of our respective sacred soils. On European soil the anger is rising. And for quite a while also on English soil as this video from 2016 will attest.

    Good night you bad knight John.
    God save England.
    Kisses from Munich.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The video is right and it’s building. Yes to the little Teutonic Aryan. Exactly that. A DNA match.
      Always that smile is good. Take it with humour. That video was 2016 it’s worse now. They flood in. It’s vile and we hate it. It will grow until we say No! No more! It affects us all.Not just Klein Englanders. We are One. We have huge and complex Settlement issues playing out and the Moscow Thieving Dwarf does not help right now. We are fragging his Oligarchs and his own Mafia thugs. So many fronts and so many issues. Resolution will fund Revolution. A step at a time. We guard all. We see all.
      And with a mischievous smile. Special magic.


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        “…And with a mischievous smile. Special magic.



      2. Heh Munich Girl is your heart up to it?


  17. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Time to make some WHA digital asset portfolio adjustments. Feel free to follow these guidelines if you feel it appropriate for your circumstances.

    Bear markets are valuable in a few ways. One way is to expose by way of varying stresses the strength of the project and its viability. If they have failed to acquire the kind of adoption levels we look for, it’s best to divest ourselves of them now before the next bull cycle. The HOLD positions are suggested because these ideas are developing well but further market weakness ahead in the near-term suggests prudence of further capital exposure to drawdown. Based on observations and the opinions of key market analysts in our good graces, we make the following suggestions.

    XRP – SELL to close. We are exiting this position for a slight gain.

    Stellar (XLM) – HOLD

    VeChain (VET) – HOLD

    Enjin-Coin (ENJ) – HOLD

    Cardano (ADA) – This one is not in our portfolio, but since it is very popular with our readers, it is suggested that you HOLD it at this time, with no further buying.

    Pax Vobiscum

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much Tony.


  18. Good now give these Bastards a taste and hit 50 more. More rockets and more drones. Hit all supply convoys and drone kill all sighted units. Block the roads and rain down hell. Timw to start closing their Embassies soon. Animals.

    Ukrainian kamikaze drone ploughs into oil refinery inside Russia https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10941085/Dramatic-moment-Ukrainian-kamikaze-drone-ploughs-major-oil-refinery-inside-Russian-territory.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    Good, Well Done York throw the obnoxious Bastard out. Liz hes got to go. William will can his ass. So he should.

    Prince Andrew could be stripped of his Duke of York title https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10940275/Duke-York-dubious-peers-stripped-titles.html?ito=native_share_article-top
    As it should be , this malevolent Dwarf needs Tossing. How many have died because of the ego of a corrupt little Runt? Thief, Fraud and malignant Midget as he is is getting Uppity if not stompted, is cruising for a bruising. Nukes wil kill vast millions because of this RUNT.
    What happened to Rasputin? This small time, overrated Thief is no Rasputin. He was a disposable medicrority in the KGB, and a joke now We are in has face everywhere. If he keeps on mouthing off Nuke threats, there will be a reckoning!
    Stop Bigging Up this Runt, he’s going nowhere. Down if he keeps pushing it. He’s just a Punk Dweeb playing tough. Time to Rat Poison?

    US warns Russia that support for Lithuania is ‘ironclad’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10941373/US-warns-Russia-support-Lithuania-ironclad-Moscow-threatened-country.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Covid‐19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors – Gat – – Andrology – Wiley Online Library

    Thank you Gates and Fauci!
    These two have really screwed up the lives of so many people. People wonder why public distrust is growing of Health Officials and Government; it should not come as a surprise as people wake up to the overreaction and sanctions. Plus, vaccine mandates.

    Utterly disgusting these rotten Cops did nothing while thousands of poor young girls as young as 11 were groomed and Prostituted by these Filthy Pakkies. Scum of the Earth. They should all have been castrated, flogged and mass deported, entire families with them.

    The damning verdict on police who failed Rotherham victims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10941619/The-damning-verdict-police-failed-Rotherham-victims.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Horrific. No joke stay clean and clear. Send it to Russia and Pakistan.

    Austrian man catches Super gonorrhea from Cambodian prostitute https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10941755/Austrian-man-catches-Super-gonorrhoea-Cambodian-prostitute.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Freedom heh the Runt is getting Ass fragged again. Why does this Runt not lead from the Front? How many more must die for his Ego?

    Ukraine deals ‘significant’ blow to Putin with attack on Snake Island https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10940985/Ukraine-deals-significant-blow-Putins-Black-Sea-forces-pounding-Snake-Island-garrison.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    You WILL be executed, Putin’s men in Ukraine tell detained Brit https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10942931/You-executed-time-running-Putins-men-eastern-Ukraine-tell-condemned-Brit.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    2 complete posing Pricks who asked for trouble. The fat clown surrendered because he was hungry. Wassock! The other one is a wizzened Runt too low in ability to make it in the UK.
    Save time and money tell them to top both. Neither of them are worth swapping Russian held assets for. We exchange only for value, not for 2 low life Runts. Top both who cares. Posing Runts now whining. .Fatso is hungry. Not for much longer. Both pathetic losers. Wastes of space keep them.
    Which new Perv are they gearing up for the Gullible? Isn’t it time to close this vile Child Molesting slag heap down?

    Frail Pope is pushed around in wheelchair amid resignation rumours https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10941765/Frail-Pope-helped-feet-weekly-audience-days-speculation-plans-resign.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Liked by 1 person

  19. It’s been a very busy 4 days (all good), so I’m stepping away for some R&R.

    The mRNA shots just terminated a prodigious basket ball player at the age of 25.



    1. I hope you get the needed R&R! It is seemingly difficult to unplug/unwind these days… It’s also posts like these that I really wish there were an [unlike] button 😦

      Liked by 2 people

    2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Legionary Tino is gratefully granted leave.

      The best wine is in Narbo. The cleanest brothels are near the Temple of Venera. For the best stuffed songbirds, go to Antilles’ Bistro just across from the Baths of Caracalla. They are off the menu.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tony posts a 3 sentence parting rest-up message, and I have to google 4 different times to take it all in…

        Hillbilly gets some education!🪕

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thank you Legatus Antonius Maximus… I will probably just sit overlooking the Forum sipping from the fountain of the Acqua Virgo…


    1. What did Trump do in this area?… more refineries,, more pipelines,, energy independent!… as it should be until tech reaches the REAL point of alternatives!

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Like

    1. We’ll make a new version of Night at the Museum called A Night in Kiev.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. 2 Grossly overrated, talentless Zio mediocrities.


    3. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Missouri State Senate Majority Leader Calls Highway Patrol on Eric Greitens After Former Governor Posts Ad with Guns



  22. Miserable little Bastard maybe we need to slide a few real Black Death virus ampules into that place fromr own Germ Warfare labs and cull then down fast. The Runt needs taking down. Hard. Nato has seen the reality of how weak and dysfunctional the Russian Amry is. Sorry folks, but real world.,he will be creamed alive if he takes on Nato. Real world he’s just a Punk whose coming up short. Nato now sees that. Now emboldened. Ugly animals.
    We also have technologies undeclared thanks to reverse engineered crashed crafts. Apart from leading the world in Cyber Warfare if needed, we have achieved breakthroughs in molecular materials construction and weapons development which will frag his Butt if unleashed.
    He may think he’s got edges via Kapustin Yar. We have vast underground bases and labs decades in the making. where real sciences are applied. The Runt is cruising for taking. Little Napoleon will also see his own arse History Runt.

    Putin threatens to deploy new Satan II nuclear missile https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10940009/Putin-threatens-deploy-new-Satan-II-nuclear-missile-reach-UK-just-three-minutes.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    So, the broke Bitch wants to snitch again. She shat the nest, and no one will buy her book. Shes unemployable and becoming ugly. You won’t hear HEARD!

    Amber Heard to ‘write tell-all book’ because she’s ‘broke’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10940093/She-lose-Amber-Heard-write-tell-book-shes-broke.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    second pandemic? what is he saying? does that mean there is another one (planned) coming?
    Am I interpreting this correctly? Who said anything about a second one?
    I wonder if he just let something slip. Not that he knows anything but forces behind him do!
    Needs some arrests don’t you think? What have the Bio Labs told us?

    Dominic Raab plans law to ignore European rulings blocking Rwanda deportation

    Absolutely right ignore the EU and pack them off! Go- Parasites!


    What we KNOW is that Russia is losing tens of thousands of its Troops,. while the Runt dreams. 119 days Ras Putin and still you can’t take it.
    What a mess Runt. How long? What happened to the May 9th end Runt?
    Shared from Sky News: Uvalde school gunman could have been neutralised ‘in three minutes’ and police did not check door was locked, says Texas safety chief https://news.sky.com/story/uvalde-school-gunman-could-have-been-stopped-in-three-minutes-but-response-was-abject-failure-says-texas-safety-chief-12638110

    Cowards, disgraces to Uniforms. Cowards, fire the lot.
    Meet the mites that have sex on your face and nipples while you sleep: Eight-legged bugs live in our pores and may soon ‘become one with humans’, study warns

    Researchers from the University of Reading have sequenced a mite’s genome for the first time, and found inbreeding is causing them to shed unnecessary genes and cells.


    Dream on Tony. Free Riders.


    1. May I suggest a better approach, one that does not involve nukes, interdimensional weapons or billion death collaterals for all the crazies on our side? Because y’all are talking crazy whether you realize it or not.

      Here is the suggestion, yeah it takes longer, but you might wake up one morning to the problem being gone…

      “In fighting those who serve devils one always his this on one’s side; their Masters hate them as much as they hate us. The moment we disable the human pawns enough to make them useless to Hell, their own Masters finish the work for us. they break their tools.” – C.S. Lewis

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Crazy rules Runts and Fools Tino and the Runt invites taking down. He’s near the Rubicon line.
        We have our own underground cities, and Vermin weapons. Look what happened to Napoleon and even Ceaser.
        Dwarf Ras Putin is a Lemming on the Cliff edge. Ready for booting. Punks with Power?


        1. Yeah, but the collateral damage of the Napoleonic campaign was limited. If the mad go MAD, I am well within the reach of a Manhattan detonation.

          I find the rhetoric and escalation by our side severely misguided. And I am too suspicious — I don’t think Russia has been properly evaluated here and NATO will get severely beaten back. It’s a long time since I found WMD from orbit (well, designed a system that did), but you get a feel for things, and I don’t trust “woke” agencies…

          Liked by 1 person

    1. About F*ING TIME!!! I have family property over there… About an hour-ish from here. I certainly hope the rest of the south follows QUICKLY!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  23. A feel good video. I love the very ending of this movie with the Beach Boys song God Only knows.

    God Only Knows – Love Actually

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Brit Flics heh?


    2. I watched “Afterlife of the Party” on Netflix last night… This song was in it, too! Thank you for sharing! It is a WONDERFUL song!!


  24. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Sanctions are pointless when half the planetary enterprise walks away and votes with its pocketbook. Our sanctions are a version of us punching ourselves in the face while saying to Russia “We will hurt you”.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. How solvent will those pocket books be with the coming Recession and Dollar collapse? America faces real issues.

        Liked by 1 person

  25. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Never turn your back on someone walking around in a store holding an ax. Especially a mad tranny.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What is wrong with people! That guy got hurt bad. I hope he’s ok. I am working for a psychologist now and business is booming. Go figure? People are really losing it out there.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I meant to say “Psychiatrist” not a Psychologist.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. If he asks if you like liver with Favre beans, find another job.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. With a glass of Chianti.

          I’ll be out of there faster then you can say Hannibal. That movie was so disturbing.

          Liked by 2 people

  26. “conceive of Watergate as a Cold War-era power struggle between a duly elected president and the national security state, with Nixon as much a victim in the affair as he was a perpetrator.”


    Liked by 1 person

  27. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  28. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    An army of dolts.


    1. Poor refugees… no one has a barn anymore so they can sleep in the hay!!


  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    France: Le Pen’s Party Gets Unprecedented Results in Parliamentary Elections

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She also wants France back and the Wogs out.

      Liked by 3 people

  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    If it works in the open sea against pirate zodiacs, it should work in the Channel.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cannons work better. Hose the F ,lot!


  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    What an incredible revelation. Carstens must have added magic mushrooms to his donut intake.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    John, hold it in.


    1. Nah… just stay in the water and go 😀


  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Oh brother…

    Our enemies must be laughing so hard.

    Liked by 2 people

  34. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    More analysis work ahead for Tino.


    1. At this point I don’t know what Saint to turn to. It’s all clown world. Forget me (I almost cured cancer[sitting on the shoulders of giants] and I can do wonders for PTSD) but it’s not the pedigree they look to — but to go after McCullough and Kory at this point staggers belief.

      Liked by 1 person

  35. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    More like a feral holiday.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I guess talent does skip a generation.


  37. Even Pope John Paul II was guilty — the Vatican Bank had way too many shenanigans under him.

    This current Pope is almost certainly guilty as described below, and of course, the whole bit on his anti-Catholic diktats….



    1. Sink the Chanel Illegal’s boats.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Look at ALL Jesuits, and ask? Despots, the lot!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It happened to Trump he’s just not yet realised it.


      1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ok, that was funny…


  38. Ex-general calls for NUKES to be sent to Kaliningrad https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10936955/Putin-spokesman-says-Russia-NEVER-trust-West-ex-general-calls-NUKES-Kaliningrad.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    Every time they want excuses to nuke. They won’t stop. Patten was right. Finish them post WW11. They are as growing problem. 44m displaced Ukkies already.
    It’s a start now let’s make it Global.

    Tunisia to abandon Islam as state religion in new draft constitution https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10938665/Tunisia-abandon-Islam-state-religion-new-draft-constitution.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
    Ukraine’s arsenal of weapons on the Dark Web – uncut-news.ch

    Full oversight so you get the total view. Zelensky! All
    Zionist crocks of Shit!

    This is global travesty that will haunt the world for a long time. The fact that the West ignores the fact that the Ukraine is easily the world’s largest arms dealer of Western weapon systems is beyond belief. This negates any creditability to what the Ukraine is all about. This is plain gun smuggling in plain view with Western blessing. And a shameful stain for all the world to see. There is no moral or righteous high ground to allowing this to take place while Ukrainians die in vain, and the world suffers the wrath of sanctions that do not work. And it does great harm to any hegemony aspirations as a world watches events unfold.
    ‘Russia simulating missile attacks on Estonia’ says defense minister https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10939111/Russia-simulating-missile-attacks-Estonia-warns-Baltic-States-defence-minister.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

    If they hit Estonia NATO needs to unleash technology we are keeping under wraps and evescerate the bastards in a 200 miles kill zone. Neutron them.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Dear God, does nobody read even their own guidelines for diagnosis of heart conditions?



    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      That made my heart skip a beat.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, good news is that any judge will blow that one out the water without any issues. Truth is always a defense.

      Liked by 1 person

  40. https://www.rt.com/news/557512-brussels-nato-protest-economy/

    ‘Stop NATO,’ protesters chant at massive rally in heart of EU


  41. https://www.rt.com/news/557349-jail-uk-george-floyd/

    UK takes next step towards jailing people for thought crime
    As the UK jails an ex-police officer for making fun of George Floyd, it goes beyond fighting racism and towards throttling freedom of speech


    1. All Western Nations need to reset to pursue real crime. George Floyd died because he was stupid, consumed a lethal mixture of drugs, and was surrounded by personnel that would not have been able to reverse the drug mixture because none had the requisite training to spot.


      his brother just shot and killed a mother of six…

      Liked by 2 people

    1. You might as well, there is excess capacity at this point there.


  42. May God save England


    1. Always! And the rest of us too!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. God is an Englishman take it for granted.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. The country is now full to overflowing with Wogs, Wookies, and low life illegals of all species. Unwanted and here.
      It’s coming to a head and will blow. Pakkies and Muslims with nasty attitudes need sorting hard. They bring us only crime, Child Molesting and a massive drain on Welfare and Health Care. It’s our country and we want it back.
      2,000 years of our Culture is being stolen and swallowed by an Alien Zio and Wog Vulture.
      It’s OUR Land and it’s time You Wogs were banned and panned.
      Change is coming, and when ready, your will hear our Drums as We are Coming!
      It will sweep Europe, the dirt with it. Teutonics and Aryans unite, these are Our Lands,. our Families and our Rights.
      Unless invited, you will go into the night. Study History, we have Form!.

      Liked by 3 people

    4. I have told you the answer. Munich Girl. Breed our own.

      Unite and Fight.

      Liked by 2 people

  43. The Guardian: Russian emails appear to show ‘network’ holding $4.5bn assets linked to Putin.

    The witch hunt is on worldwide to locate and seize every Russians assets of proceeds of Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering. The Moscow Thief in Chief will be hounded mercilessly. We have thousands of experienced Financial Intel Analysts locked and. Focused and sifting through vast Intel files to identify and seize their laundered funds..see Putin jumping in fury is a Russian Leprechaun who’s had his funds, yachts and money confiscated. Just like Capone. We are getting to the little Bastard and all his crooked Cohorts. No bad thing. Mafiosi scumbags feeling heat.
    Daily Mail: Crypto industry on edge as bitcoin hovers over key $20,000 level after dropping to $17,500.

    Is it heading now for 15K or even 10K? Calm nerves buying times. Waiting time? Panic will spook the amateurs.

    NATO is coming for Ukraine now they see how disorganized and pathetic Russia truly is. A real war across all borders is now an escalating risk. Putin has opened Pandora’s Box now with huge attrition building

    Threaten all they like, Russia is being walled in. Commie Karma
    We thought Homer was the biggest Dork, until we saw Trump. No question, Shrek leads the field for Moronic stupidity. Only in America. Walmart Trump. Packaged low lifes.

    Little Ras Putin as they seize his gold.


    1. NATO will get its ass kicked. And there is no scenario where if NATO goes in this doesn’t escalate into an exchange of strategic weapons. Stop the insane MSM and fire the damn intelligence analysts which got this f’er wrong since the start. The Russians are playing a weak hand to deliberately draw the West in. They deliberately deployed 2nd string and hired 3rd string. Do you really believe a Nation with full C5ISR down to the individual trooper acts goofy if not for ulterior purpose? Plus, the West has already lost heart minds literally everywhere except in their own echo chambers. The old saying of not believing one’s own press really applies here. The West has literally no strategic victories in this affair. It has lost ground every week since pushing back the decapitation attempt push at Kiev. Red grows on the map every week. The West lost this. Only in the modern era does the losing side claim its winning when it has been forced to draft women.

      Liked by 1 person

  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Now the Elders can get wallets. No worrying about KYE. (Know Your Elder). 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very interesting. Why allow an obvious money laundering route unless for tracking purposes.


  45. All Canadian & US Police & Military (and elsewhere) COVID injection refusers must be reinstated immediately with all their pay, back pay, positions, ranks, backpay, pension disruptions, leave etc.

    The COVID injections is a farse, a failure, completely ineffective and harmful; we have thousands of military & police now vaccine injured, walking around; again, we hold Fauci & Bourla to account

    Dr. Paul Alexander

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a Global dilemma now Tino. Who boots the suits?


      1. Like

      2. In a recent CT school confrontation between the administration and the students lacrosse team. The school told the girl’s lacrosse team to wear masks. The team laughed its ass off and went home. The school folded literally 35 minutes after the last player got in their parents car. Practice was held without masks the next day.

        Liked by 2 people

  46. Like

  47. NATO Wants World War
    That’s the only possible conclusion, which makes it obvious that the neocons – who have been banging the drums for war with Russia for years – are in full control of US, EU, and UK foreign policy

    Vladimir Putin’s allies have threatened Lithuania after the NATO country blocked EU-sanctioned goods from reaching the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. Moscow warned of ‘very tough actions’ against the country after deliveries of coal, metals, construction materials and advanced technology were stopped from entering the Russian territory, fuelling fears of an escalation of the Ukraine war.

    The Lithuanian chargé d’affaires in Moscow was told that unless cargo transit was resumed in the near future, Russia reserves the right to act to protect its national interests.

    The Russian foreign ministry said: ‘We consider provocative measures of the Lithuanian side which violate Lithuania’s international legal obligations, primarily the 2002 Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the European Union on transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the Russian Federation, to be openly hostile.’


    1. Russia’s totally inept invasion of Ukraine has put it very much In Play. There is now a War on to get the money behind that whole Cheap Russian Criminal Regime. Akin to Capone. Putin is now seen to be a Cheap Punk for taking
      He is so out of his depth. He and Lavrov misjudged the temperature, and have misjudged the markets. We have the full intel reports on Putin, via his early days in London. A mediocrity. his entire Corruption riddled Oligopoly is under intense review. Punk baiting. He’s in trouble. As was Ca[pone. The Spooks have his books.


      1. Sure. Putin is in trouble. It hasn’t changed one damn thing on the ground. And nobody in Russia is going to reward the West for targeting its leader by removing him.


        Every single claimed failure of Russia from logistics to antiquated missiles has been shown to be false or misleading, 0 for 11 on war crimes, sanctions have not removed Putin, the ruble is not rubble, Russia has turned to China and the jury is out on whether the China will have the upper hand there. And Russia red keeps spreading on the map as of 0100 today. And Ukraine drafts women.

        I wish I was that inept.

        Have Ukraine fall back to the rivers, partition the region into 3 republics, and put an end to the escalation which the West has no goddam ability to control. We have economic catastrophe to deal with and having a war at the same time (a potential nuclear one no less) is beyond unwise.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Apologies. Further investigation reveals that this young one DID die, but not of the mRNA jabs.

      However, the second half guarantees the first half WILL occur…

      Liked by 1 person

  48. Like

    1. He fears the backlash risk now to his mortality. He knows he’s put himself in play. Epstein cost him his marriage. Will this forage cost him his life?

      Liked by 1 person

  49. Liked by 1 person

  50. Like

  51. Like

  52. Liked by 1 person

    1. Good find Tino and noted.


    2. If they haven’t already seen Jurassic Park, then I fear there is no hope! 😀


  53. “America is now the only country in the world that allows for experimental mRNA injections for kids under 5 years old.”



  54. “Evidence continues to mount of a coordinated effort to provoke what the media is fond of calling an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021.”



  55. Putin loses 55th colonel when attack helicopter ‘explodes in fireball’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10935481/Putin-loses-55th-colonel-attack-helicopter-hit-missile-explodes-fireball.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    This is so not going how Putin hoped. How many stooges now?

    Ukraine war: This secret unit’s tanks are virtually invisible, and soldiers have one job – to steal the enemy’s vehicles

    Have they stolen 400 Russian Tanks?

    Some downer.

    Ukrainian Nazis Burned 50,000 Tons of Grain in Mariupol – 21st Century Wire

    It’s never ending.

    While no one has clean hands in Ukraine, this is reality of the Zelensky crowd and their enablers ..

    UNLOCKED: What Russia Thinks Will Happen Next – by VBL

    Russia has planned for what is unfolding. The West has not. Everyone who is half awake understands this reality.
    The Rubicon line has been set and crossed with the West. There is no going back, ramp up the Walls.

    Get all Russians out of Europe. Intern and Deport, New rules and new thinking. Get real, get Soviets out.

    Ukrainian forces destroy Russian artillery with British howitzers https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10933951/Ukrainian-forces-destroy-Russian-tank-two-infantry-vehicles-British-howitzers.html?ito=native_share_article-top

    These invading animals are losing lives.
    Crypto industry braced for fallout after weekend meltdown

    Expect more panic knee jerks yet.

    Putin will start war with Nato if he wins in Ukraine, says dissident

    If he does he will see his Arse.


    It’s called COWARDICE!

    Liked by 1 person

  56. It’s not just Twitter that is the problem. If you are a parent and you start speaking out that your child was killed by a vaccine, if you have another child, Child Protective Services will take that child away from you.

    Long, and heart breaking


    Liked by 1 person

  57. ” Build back better “?…
    In recent years, more women and couples have come to depend on Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABM) for family planning—and for good reason. As more becomes known about the dangers of pharmaceutical contraceptive drugs and devices, FABMs provide the effective, empowering, side-effect-free alternative that couples have been searching for.

    Unfortunately, the Biden administration is attempting to illegally rescind the Affordable Care Act’s mandated coverage for FABM instruction—so much for “choice,” right?


  58. Either they are phenomenal and corrupt actors, or they really are useless, stupid, ignorant skinsuits with degrees. Either way, they got to go…


    1. How does this woman face anyone?… does she live in a cocoon?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. They are just evil James. It’s a form of malignant narcissism at best.

        Liked by 2 people

  59. Us, tin hat fashionistas, kind of new this from the beginning! But once more, there is now confirmation!

    Gene Therapy: Study finds mRNA COVID Vaccines enter liver and then alter DNA


    1. Words above the gene therapy link are from Laura Aboli of Telegram.


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