White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #186

From Londinium Comes A Message Of Hope

Interesting developments in the Elders Saga. Real world!

The Chinese Elders, US Treasury and UN, along with the World Bank are now close to agreeing to phased steps for initial releases.

1. First Projects are being phased for Africa. Greatest need!
2. London will become the Epicenter for Elders’ Financing and control, as well as both their UN and Commonwealth proliferation.
3. We will assess Crypto holdings. No more can be said until done.
4. A sizeable Global operation is phased to grow once adequate London Infrastructure has been accomplished and funded to cope with the needs forecast. We will be using our existing US Partner Operations to coordinate with the US Treasury and UN. All is yet to be signed off and will take time. US Treasury links is the point of interest. As is the parallel UN. Elders already have key UN roles. As do the Chinese.

While details cannot be publicized, it’s progressing. A step at a time and a huge historical investment.

Trust is earned. Hard earned. NY has been bypassed for Fiscal control. The British Trust wins.
The first steps towards Global rebalancing and a better world. Relationship Banking. Hope for Africa. British Ethics to protect all. British Managed Wealth for the Common People. Zionist shielded.

Green shoots.

Stay tuned.


716 responses to “Information Briefing #186”

  1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The Empire strikes out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      The Fed and Israel are scamming you F brains every year. Get RID! Since Jekyll Island this Zionist Farce has riden your Arse!
      Truly, as a real Allie- Get Rid and WTF up! Repay tham nothing claw back stolen and syphoned T’s.
      The Khazaian Ho has to go! Take back America! Zio Snouts Out!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. john2020vision Avatar

      These Republicans bring us HOPE!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Help us O B Goyim Congressman…you are our only hope.


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          If the Zios and WEF are not stopped, it’s game over for mankind.
          Too late to wake TF up then.


  2. Over 300 COVID-19 Papers Withdrawn For Not Meeting Standards Of Scientific Soundness

    One of Lancet’s studies even caused both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the national government to stop the comprehensive testing of hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness against COVID-19.

    The extensive Lancet study, allegedly based on research fraud, said that the drug increased the risk of heart arrhythmia and mortality for COVID-19 patients.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sigh. And where are the police? Security guards? Of course, WW3 would help too…



  4. Like

  5. Well, alrighty then… it’s a start. We still need a true leak of all the client-lists, but it’s a start…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/esg-anti-human-scam-force-behaviors
    This is the old Bolshevik Revolution playbook updated for today’s globalist technocommunism project.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well put. Another good viewpoint by this author.


  7. Migrants “will be the mighty ones” and “no longer a minority” in Germany. Among children under ten, about 40 percent already have a migration background, according to ZEIT.



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      End of the Aryan nation.Sad and shocking. So wrong!


      1. From Frieda:
        As planned by the Protocols of Zion. Europe to be mongrels easily ruled by Zion.

        And people thought the Nuremberg Laws were evil? They were written to mirror many past cultures who also wanted their nations to protect their cultural heritage. Nothing new by Germany but it stood in the way of the Protocols.



        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Thank you Inge,
          Remind Frieda, the English Aryan stands by to increase the population of Aryan /Teutonic balances as needed. Shoot from the Flute.


          1. I did and she said to me – Das ist John 🙂



            1. john2020vision Avatar



              1. Yes smiling!


  8. https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/dont-mind-janssen-and-vaers-they
    Don’t mind Janssen & VAERS, they are just scrubbing the system!
    So we left off identifying Janssen (J&J) as being the manufacturer soup du jour in this weeks mass deletion with 544 of 750 reports, 125 of which were Janssen death reports!


  9. To Address The Loneliness Epidemic, The Feds Want To Control Your Town And Friends

    On the surface, these six directives may look innocuous, but they present a clear and present danger to the autonomy of our private lives and relationships. The project is potentially so massive in scope that it’s not an overstatement to say it threatens to regulate our freedom of association in ways we never could have imagined.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks James, another good article and be aware of.


  10. https://palexander.substack.com/p/explosive-revelations-dr-david-martin
    Explosive Revelations: Dr. David Martin Accuses CDC, NIH, and Pfizer of Bio-Warfare and Premeditated Orchestration of the COVID-19 Pandemic; “Make no mistake, this is not a theory. This is a crime,”
    Martin: ‘the pharmaceutical giant had patented the spike protein of the Coronavirus in 1990, way before the first COVID-19 case was reported, and questions the narrative of its recent discovery.’


  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    We are all asking the same question.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      God, the perverse DNA which went into creating Feinstein, what an ugly Mutt.
      Ugly by design!


      1. Even worse that a decrepit wreck is being trotted on demand…


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Zio trash needs exposure and Closure.
          It’s good to see some Republicans fighting back. Huge Credit and Hope.


  12. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      He needs to atomise one meddling base and ask Do you want more?


  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep. Ivermectin should be first line therapy. As if successful, and known in short order, we avoid more serious chemo. But, alas, the guidelines don’t say so. It’s not necessarily a cure, but damn, for an inexpensive and really safe drug, it’s extraordinary that we don’t use it more in selected cases…

      Liked by 1 person

  14. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    “…Make no mistake, the “Strategy” and all that will develop from it is misguided, overkill, and the death of freedom to speak, write and associate. It is a consequence of the immense Jewish power over the United States government and is in no way justified by developments…”


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      So now he wants to protect the Killers of the Son of God?
      San Hedrin Me Red.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        When Cyrus the Virus comes it will be Pissover.


  15. The best viral insult going round:

    “Do you buy your Bud Light at Target?”

    Liked by 1 person

  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    A Bruce Springsteen video I can enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Next Biden?


  17. Tony is there a reason why the kristallnacht thing was not mentioned in the last briefing? Someone asked me not because they were mad but finds it a key event which has been given fake beginnings and needed clarification. I have to ask you here because I did not know the reason. Thanks for any help on this. C


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I had to keep it as brief as possible, and with the “mandate” handed to me to flesh out a rather complicated subject and do so with the ability to source it if called on, I had to not go into events which were in and of themselves large and complex as to require another entire feature to properly cover the matter.

      We did make reference to dissident elements of the NSDAP existing and how the party had to issue warnings to them to not engage in just what happened on that night. But, after an earlier assassination of party member Wilhelm Gustloff by a Yugoslav Jew in February of 1936, and then the subsequent murder of German diplomat Ernst Eduard vom Rath November 9th of 1938 by a Polish Jew, those dissident elements consisting of party members, gangsters and other rabble, took revenge.

      At 2am in the morning, Hitler was notified of the event and summoned his top ministers to his chancellery apartment – Himmler, Hess, Speer, Goebbels. He ordered them to take whatever actions to immediately stop the violence.

      From interviews of secretaries who were in that apartment that night, they all recalled that…Hess issued an instruction via telex and phone to all party leaders, via his own personal letterhead: “…On explicit orders from the highest authority, there are to absolutely be no acts of arson or outrages whatsoever against Jewish property or the Jewish community…”

      Of the thousands of Jews who were arrested after the event, the vast majority were let go within a few weeks after a more detailed understanding of the events had been arrived at.

      Try as you might to find it, no mention of this 2am meeting at the Chancellery is mentioned in most historical texts. Most mentioning of it starts off with “Hitler ordered a proscription against the Jews in retaliation against the assassinations of top German diplomats”. Total, complete, end-to-end BULLSHIT. He would not have ordered such a thing and then be up all night trying to stop it.

      Gustloff had been key in exposing the key texts of the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which didn’t set well with his assassin. vom Rath…well, he was just a German diplomat.

      Several NSDAP party members, SA, SS and Hitler Youth were kicked out of the party for their rolls that night, and some were forced to pay for damages to Jewish shops.

      I hope that explains why we didn’t add it. The point of the feature was to explore reasons for war then, and how they are repeating now, with the same actors in similar roles conducting similar acts which hopefully will not end up with similar results.

      Be well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Next time, a refined Cyrus will do better.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you we understand and I passed that along. Well explained thank you so much. C


  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Interesting conjecture, but a random helix creating this DNA format is also unlikely. There is a constant underpinning the species. Even if applied in multiple directions and cross interjected.


      1. There is always the interesting hypothesis that the junk-non-coding-DNA directs evolution in broad strokes. In which case, since this DNA is somewhat constant across broad swaths of related species, e.g. primates, we’d end up with almost identical outcomes in disparate corners of the world. A kind of “directed” parallel evolution.

        The biggest current problem is that the rate of mutation is insufficient to account for the observed evolutionary rates. Therefore some other mechanism is at work…


        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          I would personally agree…and that other mechanism would be a life force outside of the physical universe, what we would call the spiritual component.

          I personally believe that both genetic life (physical) and life energy (spiritual) exist as one. With the one organizing the physical as they wish in life cycles. I am agnostic on the idea in that I can’t prove it in such a way as to convince anyone beyond a doubt, but my personal experiences in the area leave me no room to doubt it. And no, drug inducements did not lead me to that conclusion.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. john2020vision Avatar

            It took its time but BLM is now visible.


          2. A long time ago in a room of physicists I suggested something very much along the lines of what you wrote above. Mostly on the heels of someone else’s comment that it was an odd coincidence that the “alleged aliens know were all vaguely humanoid, and the Nordics and Pleiadeans, explicitly so”. About half were visibly shaken, not at the concept per se, but that anyone had the temerity to say it. It’s a raw wire for some reason…


            1. john2020vision Avatar

              2 Issues.

              1.Reverse back to the teachings of the Dogon Tribe in Mali , West Africa.
              Centuries before Telescopes or Astrology, this small Native African tribe knew the detailed constellation of the Syrian constellation. The alignment of the Stars and Planets. How? Passed down between the generations, are histories of the Star visitors. Detailed facts. Pleiadian stories? Nordics? Open minds!

              2. How many Abductees have described both the Grays and the Nordics? Multi-national parallels. Star seeding by Whom? Then you have a DNA base. Interjecting codes for a physical species.

              Too many cases exist for random coincidences. Worldwide cases.

              US Missile bases with inexplicable UFO visitations and Missile Silo Nukes disarmed. A clear agenda. Credible witnesses.

              Too many cases exist in both Sea Entry and exit of UFOs. SFO’s Credible cases. Perfect for hidden bases.
              How many cases of alleged medical Abductee experiments? Why?
              Planetary seeding by Who, and for what purpose?

              What was truly covered by Majestic 12, and who controls the real secrets today?
              The sheer scale of Cover Ups is huge. A mountain of lies and disinformation to subjugate each nation. Exposing Vatican myths. Abrahamian nonsense. Negate the Council of Nicaea’s fabrications.

              Rethink Man! Rethink the purpose of Being!
              The Plan for Man?

              Until we get past the Fake Religions, we are all just lying in the Gutters on our Arse try to make sense of the Stars. We are “”Special” FFS!
              Dimensional awareness, Hello?

              Liked by 1 person

  19. Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Attack, attack, attack, attack, attack.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Hello this is Inge. Setting up to assist Frieda. Do I use her account here or should I set up my own? Thank you and Frieda says hello.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Hi Inge.

      Just use her account please. Simply identify yourself as you do and all will be fine.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        And get ready for zany humour or we will singe more than an Inge.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes Frieda warned me about you. lol


  21. Maybelline did not get the memo.


  22. Of course Russia will escalate attacks. It’s all about Winning. No surprise its cranking up. It’s only time before Moscow moves in for the the kill.


    De Santis is getting screwed for Disneyland.


    If only Tony could pull like this?


    This is a big Chink in their dreams

    As German study finds that “vaccination” causes cancer (!), another study has been rushed out to “prove” that COVID is the cause

    China’s UnionPay Overtakes Visa in Debit Transactions as Global Financial Realignment Continues

    This is the reality of the falling influence and power of the Western system. As settlement mechanisms shift both location and ownership control so does the power of preference for actual currency preferences. The day may well arrive that the centric currency of settlement against which all currencies trade may well change. This has huge implications especially as the BRICS are rising with 80+ nations wanting to join. And it is more likely than not UnionPay will use whatever this produces as a settlement currency.



    Taiwan Says It’s in Talks on Being Brought Under US Nuclear Umbrella – News From Antiwar.com

    Dumbest idea ever. Just the sort of arrogant, Dumb Nuland Zionist grab which can get America Nuked. Zionists like Sewer Rats can not help themselves. China will say F U.

    Taiwan Says It’s in Talks on Being Brought Under US Nuclear Umbrella



    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I actually can’t stand Bruce Springsteen. Dishwater pseudo Americana hickish barndoor country culture slop for the shallow-minded. Bigtime Libtard band leader who wants more anchor-babies to be “born in the USA”.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Just take the Chick droppings


  23. U.S. Government data confirms a 143,233% increase in Cancer cases due to COVID Vaccination

    U.S. Government data confirms a 143,233% increase in Cancer cases due to COVID Vaccination


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Beyond alarming and correlates to our fears.
      5 million years of progressive Evolution faces Fauci , his needles and Human pollution.
      Solution? Death of Fauci and Gates!

      Liked by 1 person

  24. Remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice.



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Sad as it was for all, and millions dead, the next War could well be against America.
      US Hegemony in Europe will have to be ripped out.
      We must break free of the DC Choke Yoke.
      Make Peace with our Neighbours and share values. No more Woke, Disneyland or DC Filth.


  25. No Laughing Matter: John Cleese Holds Line Against Calls To Cancel Scene In ‘Life Of Brian’


    No Laughing Matter: John Cleese Holds Line Against Calls To Cancel Scene In ‘Life Of Brian’
    “…where’s the fetus gonna gestate?”


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Well done, a big YES!


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      So cruel , so wrong.
      There needs to be a Third Category for Gender Benders only.
      Let Freaks ONLY compete with Freaks. Level the Playing Field.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Agreed 100%!


      2. Correct and I have stated similiar thoughts before including that they should have their own bathroom. So 3 seperate bathrooms.

        Liked by 1 person

  26. Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      It takes 5 seconds for a Vaccination.
      Autism is for LIFE!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. True. Even with the EEG-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy, the yield for returning a child to neuro-typical, typically ages 4-12, is only ~33%…

        I spent 2011 thru 2020 doing that therapy or rather guiding other docs in how to do it.


        1. At 40,, my son is going to have another child in about 9 weeks… they are already feeling the pressure of the vaxx schedule.


          1. Tell them that the child is at risk for nothing, and certainly not hepatitis B. So the shot at birth is unnecessary. Beyond that, let them doc shop until they find someone willing to spread the vaxxes out in time, and not on top of one another. That will reduce the chance of autism or other vaxx injury dramatically.

            Liked by 2 people

        2. john2020vision Avatar

          And THAT is why it’s so DAMNED Important that your voices here raise the Flag and maintain alerts.
          Post the phased UN linked GS, I WILL use all influence with the Elders, to face America down over this and escalate redress. Guilt needs to face Hard Time, like LIFE! This needs to become a Hague Issue.
          Post the GS, Both Bush 43 and Blair will also feel hands on their collars. Soetoro too!
          As America declines,so will Teflon protection!
          The life of those children deserves consequences.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. john2020vision Avatar

            James, all our hopes are with you and your Son.


      2. Tino and John,,, thank you!


  27. Russia Claims They Collected Evidence of Avian Flu Pathogens with Lethality Rate up to 40% in Humans at US Biolab in Ukraine


    Liked by 1 person

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  28. john2020vision Avatar

    Just where are the big Dinarian Pay Offs these Pumper Puke Bowls have been espousing now for decades? The Pot is Empty, no one is bailing these Fools.
    Dinars are a badge of gullible fool shame and the worst kind of Ambulance Chasing free lunch blood money for Bottom Feeders.
    How many still get mugged each month? It’s an”American Thing”.
    Stolen Plates feeding Pumpers and Masterbators. Dinarian Chronicles, a Klaxon Horn for Clowns. Summon up the Brain Dead.
    Dump you damned Chump.
    Dump, stop the mindless pain and start again. Stop swallowing the Kool Aid for Muppets.
    Time to wipe your Rrrs. of Dinars!
    All that’s left in the Zoo is you. Mug money with no Honey.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      The comforting lie continues to out-sell the inconvenient truth by a wide margin.

      We have 1500 or so on our mail list. Most dinarian sites have 80,000 plus or even more. If even 2% of those on such lists give even $5 a month, that’s $3200 a month in the door, every month.

      Which is why the news is always good, pending, soon, imminent, expected – we are hearing….we are told…chatter is high…they have suddenly gone quiet…banking contacts say this, that, the other…our treasury contacts are hearing…our military guys are hearing…white knights on the job…galactic federation spacecraft are ready to install med beds…NESARA coming…Biden will be removed…JFK is alive and will announce the RV…bond people are liquid…Iraqi dinar is the strongest currency…Warren Buffet has a lot of dinar…Gates has lots of dinar…Bush has lots of Dinar…call centers are on stand-by…banking staff had their vacations canceled… etc.

      That is the tripe promoted to the audiences that RV hustlers play to and profit from.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        A Brain Dead collective


  29. john2020vision Avatar

    Why are they not all arrested and given 25 years to life?
    Again, is there ANY Justice left in America?


  30. Like

  31. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Why are they not all arrested and given 25 years to life?
      Again, is there ANY Justice left in America?


  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    That’s too friendly a welcome.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Let’s see the bill.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Pussy always costs Tony.
      Just give away half of your world and be suckered.
      American Attorneys need to be hung.


      1. Which is why men need to re-learn, again, how to be alpha without standing on their wallets…


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Standing on 2 Boobs is so much better.
          Pre Nups are for suicide Pups. Agree an advance fee per year and if not, a Pigs Ear!
          When a guy sees the cost he will decline. It makes no sense.
          Test out the Pussy but stay on the fence.


      2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        In this case…yes. Notice how when she tries to kiss him on the lips he balks. He knows where that mouth has been on the high priced rent-a-whore circuit. Yea, he just happened to strike up a conversation with her and she just went along with it. More like she gave him her price up-front, and this obvious son-of-a-Turkish millionaire’s playboy son agreed.

        No woman who looks like that would consider that goofy looking bastard as attractive, without considerable payment in advance.


        1. Hahahahaha…. I think the whole con backfired on her… the Twitter feed media is disabled…


  34. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/russia-claims-they-collected-evidence-avian-flu-pathogens/
    The Pentagon in June 2022 finally admitted in a public statement that there are 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

    This is after months of lies and denials by Democrats, the Biden regime and their fake news mainstream media!

    The Pentagon FINALLY came clean.


    1. Let the FOIA wars rip now…


  35. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/all-grooming-pornography-filth-classrooms-goes-back-obama/
    It Was Barack Obama Who First Pushed Teaching Sex Education to Kindergarteners Back in 2007 – He Even Pushed Sex Ed to Kiddies Legislation


  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  37. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/here-are-some-reported-details-debt-limit-agreement/
    Debt ceiling set til 1/1/2025 – which means unknown debt increase – but $4 Trillion is a good estimate…
    Debt Ceiling “Deal” totally scraps the $131BB in cuts to return bureaucracy to pre-COVID levels in favor of what appears to be effectively flat spending (down or up a little) – at the bloated 2023 Omnibus spending level, jammed through in a rush in December
    Debt Ceiling “Deal” abandons work requirements for Medicaid
    Deal abandons our repeal of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act tax-credit crony giveaways – which Goldman Sachs says costs $1.2 Trillion.
    The deal abandons inclusion of the very powerful anti-regulatory REINS Act (which we just passed through House Judiciary as well) in favor of a form of administrative pay-go which is relatively toothless and/or able to be waived.
    The deal abandons full repeal of Biden’s unlawful student loan bailouts – forcing only a re-start to a small number while leaving in place $400 billion+ in loan forgiveness and punting our constitutional duty to the Court.
    The deal keeps full $80BB expansion of the IRS and the 87,000 employees it funds to target poor/minority 3-5x more – except for $1.9BB for this year.
    The deal does claw back $29BB remaining of the COVID unobligated funding which is used as part of the budget games.
    Does nothing for the border. Does nothing regarding pistol braces. Does nothing regarding Presidential overreach. And in many ways kills our leverage to get them through the appropriations process.
    Finally, again… this deal raises our debt ceiling an unlimited amount that is likely close to or over $4 Trillion.
    And there is more in the article.


    1. Tell me the repubs are not just as bad as the demos… our GOV is scum… they act… Oscars should go to politicians

      Liked by 1 person

  38. https://www.facebook.com/reel/800047241562714?sfnsn=scwspmo&s=F5x8gs&fs=e


    Russia will flatten it all


    Imagine how ugly

    At last progress

    A real low now
    Pepe Escobar: Eurasian Heartland Rises to Challenge the West

    As America, sadly, visibly deteriorates and Rots fronm the Head, Europe gets ever loser to Eurasia, and will eventually co enjoin.
    America will LOSE Europe, and evermore Europe, faced with occupying Amrmies and Rapacious US Banking and insane US inspired meddling Laws, want ever more to be rid of the US.
    It’s coming.
    Europe will in time create its own EU Force, and ask the US to leave. To take out its bases, and its Ponzi charging racket of NATO.
    Russia is not a threat to Europe. America, with its 990 plus Foreign bases, is a racket for Hegemoney. While America visibly deterrates at home.
    Infrastructure Rots, WOKE destroys family values, BLM defrauds, and the Zionist steal all.
    This will all end badly. The world ev er more feels the costs of allowing influence and oppression to the Ugly Sisters of Sodom and Gomorrah. Or Whashington AC/DC! Be- Gone!

    And you wonder why China has not spoken to the US at any level for 3 weeks after a sit down with Sullivan? The reality is there is no one to talk to worth talking to from a Chinese perspective. Given trade levels this should be a concern.
    This comes at a time when relationships with Russia and America is nearing the point of no dialogue, and one might forecast Embassies maybe closed in the future. And not just in America. The world is Awoke, the US is Broke.


    Interesting conjecture.



    There will be so many guys buying. Lawyers will all get screwed.

    They will skin him alive



  39. This is a link that works for the Dr. Martin vid I posted earlier… very interesting…
    Here is a link that works for the Dr Martin vid above… very interesting! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hveIX7g-eiA&t=83s

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks James. I was having trouble getting the rumble one to play.


  40. john2020vision Avatar

    The current Vote reading even before the Vote Rigging, real world, is as follows:
    Biden 40%
    Trump 28.6%
    De Santis 18.2%
    Kennedy 5.3%.

    To be so low gives Kennedy no chance.
    Can De Santis come with a surge or get steam rolled.
    How much will Trump’s baggage weigh him down?
    If the Dems throw in Trannie Obama or Clinton, they walk it.
    The numbers, all hype apart, do NOT look good for Trump. No De Santis.
    I was surprised how low Kennedy came. I expected higher.
    Media hype apart, and as so much litigation is now pending, Trump has a mountain to climb.
    Every dumb, Rhino Assed Welfare Rat out there will vote Biden. Too dumb to work, but they vote.
    America is so broken. So sad. It needs a Civil War. Erase the Grunts.
    How long can Thinking Americans ignore this decline to the Swine?
    Dreams don’t sustain nations, and 990 plus bases are eating you alive.
    The US and WHO will imprison you all. Abdication of a Free Thinking Nation.
    America is fast going West.
    European bloodlines, rethink and return. A real crash is coming.


    1. I do not find the numbers relayed as credible. Biden barely polls 42% in New York state, where he should dominate. As to the rest, amen!


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Factor in that the Dems will always get 40% plus from the masses. That’s ever a constant. In reality come election day it will be higher. Especially when rigging gets to work.
        1.Trump v Clinton the Dems were confident Clinton was home. Big shock.

        2.Trump v Biden Trump was confident he was not a One Termer. Big Shock.

        Trump is not an experienced DC Election Orchestrator. Worse, he is, and will remain forever- Thick.
        Postal votes and riggable counting machines gift corruption.
        Welfare Wogs gift Poison Ivy votes. Welfare Wogs contribute nothing, No Pay should have No Say.
        Illegals now with votes? It’s Academic but you are poisoning your own well.

        I found the Kennedy vote to be lower than anticipated.

        De Santis splits Trumps support. That was higher than expected.

        Come the day, Real World, Bluster Guts will face a c45% hard core Dem vote plus the rigging.
        Reality, it’s the 10% swing between each which will sort it.
        Dems will have a large scale Electoral machine to get them out and to the Polling Booths. Plus massive Postal Vote rigging. Counting Machine fixes will happen. Florida was rigged for Bush 43. It’s always been just Who in the Zoo screws you.

        Bottom line expect either side to get c45% from their parties, but the Republicans are in numbers decline as Wogs Breed and Illegals grow.
        It needs it all on the line this time for the republicans to organise.
        Is there the focused infrastructure and Will?

        The apparatus may fail Trump. He’s too thick to handle the detail.
        Bannon ” Mind of a 12 years old Child !”

        Reality is that party machinery will become the Battle Ground akin to a new Civil War.
        Chump may be outgunned. Dems will be heavily organised. Chump has no Infrastructure.
        All the usual US Razzamataz will play out, but it will come down to Bums in the Voting Booths and Bums mass rigging the cards. Dem corruption will be huge. Mr. Thick cannot match it. He lacks the Infrastructure and detailed thought process. Europe sees him as Mr Thick, a Putz and a Joke.He’s a picture of ridicule, the Orange Yeti.
        All Polls apart, organisation will define the nation. He does not have command of, nor understand the fine details to win. I for one, will not be surprised to see him lose again.
        He is not a Party Insider─ so lacks Infrastructure mass support.

        As predicted, when he called for mass Insurrection, he Ran and Hid, Cowards do. He exposed his colours and Butt. That will cost him next time.
        All the semantics will come down to Floating Voters.
        He lacks mass Republican support. He’s not a Made Party Man Just a Grifter Made Good- Once.
        Malleable Biden will be “”Managed”. Demos have a far more sophisticated “Corruption System!.
        Plus a visible Puppet in play.
        It’s sad for America, it’s sad for the world, that this Orange * unt is the best you can front.
        Of course, of the 2 we want Chump to win, but reality is he faces ignominy and the Dems machinery.
        All indications are- he will get hosed again.
        Corruption? America is built on it.


  41. Hat-tip to JimmyChanga:

    Special Guest Nurse Anne On
    The Catastrophic Fallout From The BioWeapon
    Injections – Cancers, Strokes, Heart Attacks,
    Kidney Failure Exploding In New York Hospitals

    Want to know whats really happening in US hospitals right now? Listen

    [audio src="https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_052623_hr2.mp3" /]
    (length 1 hr)


  42. Lifted from Anonymous Conservative. I met Bill Gates briefly on a trip to Boeing which dovetailed with Microsoft having some corporate shindig. Upon meeting him, all I have to say is I agree with Vox Day == that I have serious doubts he was responsible for MSDOS or even Level 2 TRS-80 Microsoft BASIC as a programmer. (Plus, Micro-crap, as we in the field refer to most of the stuff Microsoft produces, just continues a trend set 50 years ago Some decisions I see in their software make me cringe. I once lost 16 hours on a trivial issue because a resource, claimed to be owned and locked — in the programming sense — wasn’t at all because the OS would routinely steal it… sigh)

    Given Gate’s family connections, inherent level of sociopathy, and I’m sure Vox Day’s comment makes sense: AC’s scenario would certainly go a long way toward explaining why Bill Gates the face of all things Clown World these days. I don’t know about you, but I tend to doubt he has any particularly strong attachment to Africa, vaccines, or farming. He’s basically a creepier, sexually ambiguous Elon Musk playing the role of Smart, Successful Billionaire, as even the old stories about his supposed programming chops tend to strike one as little more than a charade.

    Moving on::

    Anonymous Conservative BEGIN QUOTE

    Today’s lesson in espionage – Bill Gate’s little foreign f***toy, who Epstein tried to blackmail him over, knew Anna Chapman. It changes everything. The story was Bill Gates competed in a Bridge tournament, and he was so impressed with the intellect she displayed, he had an affair with her, and she, little star struck ingénue was so awed by his star power, he was able to get her in the sack. Epstein crossed paths with her by chance, when she was seeking $500,000 to set up a Bridge-oriented website, and while he did not give her the cash, he paid for her to attend computer programmer school, and let her stay in his apartment in New York City for nothing. Then he later tried to blackmail Gates into putting money into a JPMorgan charitable fund using his knowledge of the affair.

    What really happened? This girl knew Anna Chapman. She was a spook. Moreover, a trained honeypot spook, probably. They probably met in honeypot school. Bill Gates runs Microsoft. His software is on everyone’s computers. Years before this, he was probably approached, or connected with someone, probably with relation to bridge. A bridge connection. Supposedly you never want to simply send your infiltrator in cold, looking to compromise someone, or get something, because they first have to fight to gain trust, and your meeting may always seem unusual and provoke suspicion. You first insert another person, beyond reproach, who never tries to compromise the target, or get anything out of them. They build trust and a bond with the target, and then you then insert the compromiser through them, using an introduction and some social capital (Here is my friend…), so the compromising agent has some social capital going in, and the target will never wonder how they met, or if there was an ulterior motive. Gates probably has another agent in his circles somewhere who introduced them. I would assume she was part of a massive operation, specifically targeting Gates, maybe hoping to get him to insert someone into Microsoft at some point, maybe someone who could get a backdoor into Windows, if they could get deep enough. Impossible to know how it worked from here, beyond he was a target, and was so important it was probably impressive in scope once she got in with him.

    It also explains why Epstein let her stay in his apartment when she came to New York (and met her friend Anna Chapman) and why he paid for her to go to computer programmer school. Epstein was pure intelligence [spy], and he likely knew exactly who she was and who she worked for. So he probably planted her somewhere in a controlled apartment, probably put up with cameras and microphones being monitored by his bosses, and a controlled school, where his intel handlers could get a good, long, multi-year look at her, maybe with an eye to turning her, or at least building a legend on her. Epstein contacting Gates about her probably was not so much a case of “I know about your affair,” but was probably more along the lines of, “I know you got compromised by a Russian agent.”

    The whole world is now a masterclass in intelligence operations, because they are everywhere, starting on your first day of kindergarten – assuming you don’t count the monitoring inside your house before then.

    And always remember, spies use sex to infiltrate. Women have limitless options, so even model-tier guys will be ignored by them. If an even half-way, kind-of-pretty girl ever suddenly seems obsessed with you, something is amiss.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      So the Redhead is a Spy?


      1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


    2. Epstein is turning out to be much more of a rabbit hole than everyone thought. His claws are deep and extensive. No doubt he was used to get the goods on many.


      1. And we still don’t have the client list… come on folks… leak it!


  43. Like

  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This will ensure the best employees remain on the job.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Sure, and how many Resource Depts will stop hiring Blacks? Get real.


      1. New York is an At Will State. I would appeal the ruling and if they don’t get the hell out of there.


        1. Equinox is the most over-priced athletic club around. The idea of the place is really to get affluent 30-somethings in the same place in the name of healthy activity and provide a sexual marketplace.

          But serves them right. They should have fired her after the 4th tardy… Of course, the fact that the idiot judge didn’t set aside the verdict or give a directed verdict is just astonishing. I’m not a lawyer, so I’m probably missing some finer point of NY law,,,


      2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        That was my point, lost in vague sarcasm. None will stop.


  45. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Well now…Jew owned or not…this has me in a forgiving mood.


  46. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

  47. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/fluoride-lawsuit-against-epa-alleged-corruption-shocking-under-oath-federal-statements

    Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA: Alleged Corruption, Shocking Under Oath Federal Statements
    “Hu said his findings were comparable in magnitude to the impact of lead exposure…”


  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  49. https://www.facebook.com/reel/728698845630352?sfnsn=scwspmo&s=F5x8gs&fs=e


    Meghan Markle: Duchess of Sussex is the discredited face of America
    Markel needs whiplashing across the face daily for 3 months with a wet Turd.
    What a F Mongrel Harry got headjobbed by. Another F Actress took him to the Cleaners.
    She lacks the Class or Decorum to carry off Royal Duties.
    No Grace Kelly, just LA smelly. Grace Kelly made it, Markle just bolted. Boring. A Turkey flapper.
    She could have been Americas Princess of Hearts, not its just a flapping Wannabe Tart. We gifted her that.
    It’s 90% likely the ManChild will divorce it. Both the Mother and Daughter are Bolters. The Man Child has no Role. Ginger Tosser whining is boring.
    She was accorded care and goodwill by the UK.
    All this Protection BS is just that. Stop F Attention seeking and they walk freely.
    Pumpkin face cant not stand not being the centre or attention.
    1. Your F ugly from many angles, and those pathetic boney straggly legs have never seen a days work out, just sitting on that very fat Arse.
    2. In 5 more years that Drag Hag effect will become clear to all. What then, the Pound?

    The Hag is a Drag.
    LA Please, swerve it. 2 sad Assholes.


    Over reach and hubris have befallen many a nation in decline as an empire. In this case the bluff is being called on the Federal Reserve Dollar by outing a declining American economy.

    If this were to happen, one must ask whether Western ratings would be what they are.

    For example, one must assume that great economies produce a great deal of steel consumed by industry and for export purposes. In this case, America is 4th in size and is dwarfed by China. One might question and speculate that even with all of its’ problems India has a larger economy than America. Can we even believe what Western rating agencies say anymore?

    In so doing, it becomes clear that a separation of value is coming and it sure is not going to be upwards.



    1. Truely a sad situation. So unfair and dangerous. No telling what they will come to school with.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Worse what your kids will come home with


  50. Like

    1. Yep… same thing is true of indomethacin. At first sign of symptoms indomethacin reduced viral replication more than 1,000x. We knew this in 2005 if memory serves. Also monteleukast and levoceterizine. And in the early pandemic a nursing home came up with a 100% survival combo, will see if I can dig it up. We should all preserve it for future reference.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Tino. No telling what they will throw at us next. Sheesh!


  51. What could possibly go wrong? H/T to a Russian on private locals board:

    “Microsoft, Visa, and other national and global companies will participate in the upcoming pilot project of the Brazilian central bank digital currency, the digital real.” ( https://reclaimthenet.org/microsoft-and-visa-to-assist-brazils-cbdc-plot )

    “The USAID-sponsored, Visa and Google assisted Diia app not only forces Ukraine into a digital ID panopticon, it encourages them to snitch on fellow citizens, reporting them as Russian collaborators so they can be arrested and disappeared.

    Yale-trained Mykhailo Fedorov of Ukraine’s ministry of digital transformation was on hand to sell Diia as the future of ‘e-governance’. Fedorov previously oversaw Ukraine’s partnership with FTX, which saw $60 million in ‘aid’ disappear in Kiev. […] Fedorov thanks U.S. taxpayers for serving as the first social investors of Diia.

    Host Kara Swisher jokes that AI is going to destroy humanity, then complains the U.S. public will never accept an app like Diia. USAID’s Samantha Power reveals Estonia, Zanzibar, and Colombia are launching similar ‘e-gov’ apps alongside USAID.

    Google, Visa and U.K. government are also Diia sponsors.

    Visa Executive Chairman boasts Diia also offered financial incentives for Ukrainians to get vaccinated….

    Last year Ukraine awarded its national peace prize to Visa’s incoming CEO.

    These people are genuinely overjoyed that Ukraine, by 2030, will be totally digital.

    They say it will be the first cashless society and dependent on remote learning. They say this model is humanity’s future. No regard for the obliterated nation — maybe because BlackRock gets to rebuild?”

    ( https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1661048191465160705.html ; https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1661037114711060481.html ; https://twitter.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1661058940086501403 ; https://twitter.com/anyaparampil/status/1661037114711060481 ; https://archive.ph/omhQY ; https://archive.ph/HZPuf ; https://twitter.com/MikeBenzCyber/status/1661081970246574081 ; https://gab.com/_Prometeusz_/posts/110424945673762310 )


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      4 years too long! She already got a life sentence, the poor mother.
      Thank God she slammed 5 into him. Hopefully Hollow Heads and Dum Dums.


      1. The guy died on the court room floor. Too fast.

        She unfortunately died of pancreatic cancer 15 years later…


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Now she lives, with her daughter in harmony and rapture.
          Now he pays, with no escape. Remember if the Soul cannot die, bar intercession,
          Imagine the Richter scale of Pain and Terror Atonement will bring.
          There will be No Mercy or Plea Bargaining. Payback is real!
          First he sees Playback,
          Then he gets Payback! No place to be, its Karma Destiny
          The True Shit Chute!

          Liked by 1 person

  52. Like

    1. Love James Woods… so much common sense/reality, wrapped in an intelligent package with wit and humor… was looking down thru his posts and saw this one… https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1659752455364825088

      Liked by 1 person

    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Dig enough holes and plant them back on the plantations as Fertilizer.


    3. john2020vision Avatar

      All invited to become fast tracked Democratic Senators.


  53. https://palexander.substack.com/p/dr-pierre-kory-and-dr-paul-alexander Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Alexander interviewed by the giant Laura Lynn while we were in Washington DC and here at Hagerstown Maryland; we were asked to come talk for the US truckers & talk to the
    US House and Senate; we did get to US Senators and Congressional members; there were 15,000 trucks and vehicles here at this stop


  54. https://palexander.substack.com/p/biden-admins-40m-anti-terrorism-program
    Biden Admin’s $40m ‘Anti-Terrorism’ Program Targets Breitbart News, Conservatives’; Documents uncovered by the Media Research Center (MRC) revealed the Biden Administration used a $40 million grant
    program of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ostensibly earmarked for anti-terrorism purposes, to target conservative organizations and media, including you, me, Breitbart News.


  55. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Get down…get down…yea…get down.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Bunny hunting?


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Afro athletics training, a Bunny Hop?


  56. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Fat bitch is worthless.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      A F Mossad front seeking Zio seeking to take Jewkraine as the new Greater Israe Hell and cross import more Khazarian Mafia with all their Crime, degeneracy and filth they will bring.
      So much a pity the West is just so F Dumb and sees nothing.
      They Assimilate, integrate all while Fools just Masterbate!
      Amalgamate and drive these F out!
      The best of American’s come back to the European Motherlands. Feudal oppression is gone and let’s have this Khazarian Shit Gone! Come home and let’s build better.
      No EU land for Nuland. Bad Jews News.

      Liked by 1 person

  57. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Deport them all.


  58. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Frankfurt School in session…

    Liked by 1 person

  59. Liked by 1 person

  60. https://www.uncoverdc.com/2023/05/25/catastrophic-loss-of-control-data-breach-in-ny-elections/

    This article explains the manipulation of the NY voter’s database. You can inject votes without ballots.


  61. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I thought he was OUR president.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Obama pulling Bidens strings.


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Arse Bandits the lot.


    3. Is there anybody running who hasn’t kissed that wall?? Sheesh!!


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