White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #186

From Londinium Comes A Message Of Hope

Interesting developments in the Elders Saga. Real world!

The Chinese Elders, US Treasury and UN, along with the World Bank are now close to agreeing to phased steps for initial releases.

1. First Projects are being phased for Africa. Greatest need!
2. London will become the Epicenter for Elders’ Financing and control, as well as both their UN and Commonwealth proliferation.
3. We will assess Crypto holdings. No more can be said until done.
4. A sizeable Global operation is phased to grow once adequate London Infrastructure has been accomplished and funded to cope with the needs forecast. We will be using our existing US Partner Operations to coordinate with the US Treasury and UN. All is yet to be signed off and will take time. US Treasury links is the point of interest. As is the parallel UN. Elders already have key UN roles. As do the Chinese.

While details cannot be publicized, it’s progressing. A step at a time and a huge historical investment.

Trust is earned. Hard earned. NY has been bypassed for Fiscal control. The British Trust wins.
The first steps towards Global rebalancing and a better world. Relationship Banking. Hope for Africa. British Ethics to protect all. British Managed Wealth for the Common People. Zionist shielded.

Green shoots.

Stay tuned.


716 responses to “Information Briefing #186”

  1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      All work is hand in hand with the CIA, FBI,DEA, FED and major Drug Banks. All feed from it.
      One Global Puke bowl. No less Customs at Chicago airport who knowingly clear certain Chinese Cargo flights . The Chicago and Panama Bank Launderettes. Fat Mayors Fiefdom kickbacks. Political filth at its worst. HSBC Powder Providers. The Mafia has always owned it. Now run and rigged by corrupt Political Jews. All are in on it.
      Nothing has changed. How many old Mob Thugs were Jews. Most were. Still are.
      The Plebs are mass ignorant. Herds of Cretins. All Taxed and sheered.
      Ukraine is a disgrace. How many dead or will die? Jew F Kraine!


  2. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Keep your pole away from live wires.


    1. A high-tech civilization requires a lower IQ of 105 just for maintenance…

      This video was as bad as the video of the idiot in South Africa filling a tanker trailer with gasoline, while smoking, and having the whole fueling station, his tanker and 2 other tankers blow up… I wasn’t able to find that particular Act of Stupidity, so I proffer the following in its stead: https://youtu.be/jKu2G0Ex23Y?t=3


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        God Damn it God you burned another one.


  3. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Russians are many things, but stupid isn’t one of them.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Everyone is tired of arrogant US BS.
      US out!


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      And that would be both up marking grades and lowering the bar.


  5. Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Borders we defended, Crooks, Creeps. Wookies, Perves and Freaks we upended.
      All knew if they were Arthur or Marther. Or God help their ears with the backhander they got to keep them straight.

      Liked by 3 people

  6. https://cryptopotato.com/dip-buying-sentiment-slides-as-bitcoin-drops-to-long-term-support/

    What size of dip is coming for Cryptos?


    Comer Drops $5 Million Biden Bribe Bombshell in Letter Threatening Wray with Contempt Over Subpoenaed FBI Whistleblower Document | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor
    Wray is part of an FBI and Agency Thug Plutocracy who treat Americans and the world with disdain. Whores above the Law.
    America cannot recover until hes in jail.

    Contempt on Wray and impeachment articles on Garland in a land where justice seems improbable and beyond reach. So what’s next?



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Did the Gestapo reign back until stopped? And Hung!


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        I hear hung Gestapo were in demand at one time in Munich.


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          With so many War Widows especially well hung ones.


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      This merits reading. Sadly too many won’t make the effort. Which is how the Rot gets in.


  7. I good man died yesterday. To preserve the innocents and few items that may still have some security consequences, we will simply refer to this man as MOHPHD.

    MOHPHD interviewed me long ago at my first California job. Unbeknownst to us both, the company we both would be working for was a dotcom bubble company — brilliant ideas and even a fabulous implementation solution to a problem of network management by yours truly. Unfortunately, in a larger issue, said company’s management was gaslighting all of us in a flip-the-company scam. Karma is a bitch, between lawsuits upon failure and disease, all the owners eventually got theirs in destroyed lives and death.

    The interview was unique in that MOHPHD walked in and point blank told me the problem they were struggling with and if I had any ideas. I was somewhat flummoxed because (to me) the solution was obvious. So I asked for a white board and 15 minutes to get it all sketched out. 15 minutes later I outlined the solution. 5 minutes after that 3 managers and 3 senior engineers came in. I repeated myself. Then MOHPHD took me to lunch with the rest of the physicists. A few days later I started work. MOHPHD would be a part of my life for 25 years after that.

    MOHPHD had lived quite a life. As a child he had memories of crystal cities of an unknown world. He had surprising control of his arterial blood flow and could shut down bleeding from a wound from all but a major artery. He worked on many black projects. He was a participant in the operations that rid of us of major German/Italian terrorist groups in the 80’s. For Texas Instruments he implemented a major financial arbitrage project against Forex — successfully. He created an award-winning and novel spiral support structure with one continuous beam of concrete that supported a major cupola-like building Inspired he said, from those childhood memories.

    Great sadness visited when he lost a son to suicide due to an undiagnosed manic depressive condition.

    MOHPHD was also a very social man, with a house high on the LaJolla bluffs, where before his divorce, I met a litany of famous and not-so-famous scientists that he collected together on a regular basis. It was at one of those parties I would meet Kari Mullis and jointly consult with Mullis on a novel cancer therapy.

    In a particularly amusing incident we drove together up to Manhattan Beach to meet with a brilliant fuzzy logic computer scientist and mathematician. I was somewhat perplexed at the invitation, but I just chalked it up to his somewhat eccentric character. Plus I wanted to meet someone who had been dumb enough to turn down Larry Ellison’s offer to implement the earliest version of Oracle. (That must have stung!) In any event the guy was excited to tell us what he had been working on. Unfortunately, he reached a point where I had to tell him that his conclusion was incorrect, as if he could do what he claimed, then he could solve the Halting Problem — a violation of a fundamental result in theoretical computer science. He challenged that and I showed him the 5 step proof. We were shown the door in a fit of pique. MOHPHD went on to tell during the ride home — “Bob. Thanks for that. I’ve waited 30 years to see someone do that to him…”

    He was extremely kind to me and offered me a room to live in during the 2008 implosion which wiped out the San Diego medical device industry and had thrown me into unemployment.

    In any event, it was a privilege to know him. He passed, thankfully, very peacefully. Given who he was, I would not be shocked if he simply willed himself on, knowing it was his time. May his Spirit journey well in the Beyond.

    I will miss him…


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Life is a carbon life form journey Tino, look what he takes with him as an awareness asset for the Cosmic Data Bank?
      Nothing dies. Nothing is lost.
      Apart from Biden mentally!


    2. Glad you had a chance to know this kindred spirit and shared good memories. Another one who lives in your heart:)


  8. Liked by 2 people

  9. Non-White Leaders in New York City Want Gang Database Abolished because 99.6% of People Registered are Non-White
    Paul Kersey • Thursday, May 25, 2023 • 900 Words
    Imagine a city where we know who all the criminals are & who they interact with…:

    NEW YORK—Advocates recently promoted legislation to clear a controversial New York Police Department of Investigation (DOI) database that they argue keeps tabs on predominately Black and Brown residents in New York.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      As I have intimated so often to you, whilst I have regard and respect for the African and other American categories who do exist, who do good things and who both belong and have a right of respect, and credit, and protection for their role in the nation, their Rights, it’s the wrong lot bringing America and society down, and left unchecked everyone will lose.
      I have good Afro American Partners, I value them, and applaud them. I stand with them for all the good they are, and what they bring to us all. We need to spend more time exhibiting good folks.
      It’s not the colour of your skin, nor the place of birth,

      It’s the values and valour in your heart, or for the bad ones, their Black Souls which need ripping out.
      We cannot stand by and keep seeing our societies depleting values, screaming for Woke, creating badly wired cross genders, and imposing their immorality of the gutters, polluting our nations.

      If we are to save what we have, when do we call it time for the Rubicon Line?

      You cannot evolve a nation polluting from stagnation.
      Too much media focus glorifies torpid Rot, with Welfare grasping value wrecking Gorilla Snot!
      Bullets are made round to go around!

      When a sinking society is degenerating into depravity forsaking all reason,
      Maybe it’s time the West unleashes Hunting Season!

      It’s taken us 7,000 years to evolve towards Democracy.

      Now the Khazarians , Wookies, Wogs and Gender Freaks want to scrap the lot for their Autocracy.
      I believe the wrong sort deserves their Rights.
      Their Last F Rights!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Well said John!


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Thank you. It’s caring.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. https://nationaljusticeparty.com/2023/04/19/jewish-organizations-are-close-to-legally-ending-free-speech-on-the-internet/
    The Supreme Court is currently authoring its opinion on Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, an enormously consequential decision that could radically change how we use the internet.


  11. Propaganda


    1. Ignorant, flippin, overpaid freaks. Just stop it already!


  12. Not Earth-shattering, but a good comment


    1. Need to stop glorifying murdering old hags.


  13. Out of loyalty to a character that should have been retired long ago and my memories from high school, I will struggle thru the mess that is Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.

    But I couldn’t help smiling when this latest bit cropped up in the trade rags:


    I’ve said before and I’m saying it now, the attraction of Indiana Jones wasn’t that you wanted to see his movies, it was that you wanted to BE Indiana Jones. Young, mid-thirties, Nazi-punching Indiana Jones. Nobody wants to be old-as-f 80-year-old Indy. Bringing him back to the franchise was a terrible idea… Unless you were planning to obliterate Indiana Jones and the rumors all said the same thing, that, that was what they were planning to do. Indiana Jones would be humiliated by Fleabag for the entire movie then, time travel back to his forties, meet his younger self, and then his younger self would be killed. Banishing Doctor Henry Jones Jr from all of his adventures. Then Fleabag would pick up his hat and have those adventures for him thus cucking Indy, his audience, and all men everywhere.

    LucasFilm actually had the nerve to be surprised when the test screenings bombed. Much to her rage, Kathleen Kennedy was ordered to unfuck the ending.

    The ending was resentfully changed to Indy getting heroically clocked by Fleabag, because he wanted to stay in the past. He wakes up in the present and is bummed about it until Marion walks in with some groceries. At the start of the movie they had been divorced, and that got Butterfly Effected away. So now it’s a happy ending.


    Go Woke, Go Broke and KK must turn a profit for Lucasfilm!


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Whilst we Muse about the Indiana Jones saga, much is not dissimilar to the journey of discovery with the Elders.
      Same Hydras, Wookies and Lookers. Same collusion, Grifters and Scalpers.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      With a smile on my face, a German just married Munich Girl with a possible 50 years to life ticket.

      Joking Lady!


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Make sure that when Inge is tracking comments she comes equipped with a Brit curved ball humour valve. Take nothing at face value. Double meanings are fun to cause coffee losses.
        How to singe an Inge


  14. https://palexander.substack.com/p/urgent-9-year-old-boy-tanner-donaldson
    URGENT: 9-Year-Old Boy (Tanner Donaldson) Denied Kidney Transplant to Save His Life Because He Doesn’t Have COVID Vaccination; his dad Dane is not vaccinated but a match yet Cleveland Clinic
    Children’s Hospital has refused to conduct the transplant surgery; why this insanity at this time?


  15. Like

    1. I watched this video a few days ago. Sad he was exposed to crap like that at such a young age. Speaking of his age, he looks older than I do and he is in his fifties. Being film stars must be very hard on the health.


  16. Go woke Go Broke


    1. Not far enough… the stock needs to go to the basement!

      Liked by 2 people

  17. The BRICS Has Overtaken The G7 In Global GDP – Silk Road Briefing

    From a contributor and valid.

    While this article is dated 2 months ago, it gives a good view into the direction of where the BRICS are headed and the sheer delusion of the so called Rules based order dictated by American exceptionalism failing on a world stage.

    America lost itself by forgetting that the business of America is business and not military adventures to enrich a few while allowing globalism to hollow out the homeland of adequate resources to sustain a leadership role. It has not helped that the rise of Neocons aligned with the military establishment added to the corruption of State to give homage to criminal activity exploiting the world under the banner of American foreign policy. If you ask average Americans they could care less about what goes on in the rest of the world turning more to what happens around them in daily life. American isolationism stems from Americans being America centric and not wanting to adventure the world in a military fashion. It is why since Vietnam proxy armies are used as are mass bombing and land campaigns against poorly equipped armies of nations who stood out as primitive opponents against a vast array of air superiority assets. Just think back to “shock and awe” in Iraq.

    Today, this same misguided and lost mindset of characters wages war against Russia to attempt to see Russia broken up and to feast on some 75Trillion in in ground wealth to continue the parade. Sadly or righteously for this band, Russia over took America in military technology long ago and is well ahead and perhaps cannot be caught being several generations ahead in things like missile technology. The gap across the military sphere of assets is too great to be caught up with by a financially incapable status and corruption which destroys effective use of capital in research or manufacture. Nor does a will exist when thievery and devious thinking rules.

    Today’s Silk Roads while started by China as a Chinese initiative to have dominance has created a juggernaut that does not bend to singular dominance. Having experience American boots, the BRICS and the 80 + countries wanting in are throwing off the cost of using Federal Reserve Dollars in trade to have individual freedom based on national efforts and not central discretion of one party. This is simply decentralization at work which is death to centralized control. This is what the fight is about. And oddly the proxy conflict in Ukraine has strengthened Russia while weakening AMerica and NATO while demonstrating the sad state of Western technology. Think about the up to date Patriot missile complex supplied to Kiev in hopes of a demonstrated media event to be dashed by a single missile. No new systems will be supplied to avoid future embarrassment. Only old systems like F16’s will be trotted out for failure. And there are no new funds for thirsty eyes of manufacturers as wallets are empty.

    In today’s theatre of play, western audiences are led by failed leadership where in most cases the majority of the public has no faith in governments or the direction being taken as it is contrary to national or individual gain. It serves only to attempt to hold on to power quickly leaving as other non 7 nations stay their course. With so many nations wanting the BRICS alternative over the past, it is clear that the G7 has already failed in offering any real alternatives worthy of consideration, which tells you what the future trend is. This failure to understand coupled with corruption on a mass scale and lack of moral high ground ( think foreign bio labs etc.) will lead to collapse of relevance as the West stumbles and economies contract.

    Nothing collapses overnight but what is quite clear is that the decline of the Western economies in world trade will continue until there is awaking to cause a change and what nations will look like is likely to be quite different than what they are now because standards of living will decline along with social unrest. With this will be a political shift out of the mess that this brings.



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      As the venomous Mossad Israeli Jews have the US Pentagon straddled with Jewish Generals, expect every chance of a US triggered War with Russia to allow the Zionists to Asset Strip and plunder Russia afterwards. They will kill billions to loot and take. Kissinger could not have been more clear, they see the US as Dumb Palooka Body Bags to take the bullets for Zionist inspired Hegemony policies. Jews lie while Americans die, 6,000 years of the real Foe being the Zionist Ho, until each nation wakes up and expels them.
      Russians will not give up its nationhood, for the Fake Jew PR of Hollywood.
      Washington does not get that this time, mess with Russia into a Nuclear War, and you will be washing the blood from the dead bones of Washington DC. A nation too stupid to lead, has the Nuclear button in the hands of Biden and Woke, when Israel has finished you will be dead or broke.
      You’re way past recall, as ever, the Jews want it all. Body Bags and DC Slags.
      The curved ball reality to peace, is nuclear empowering Iran and even Syria, to rid the world of Demon seed.
      The West will die for the scurrilous Zionist lie. Get Rid- Of the Yid!
      Genghis Khan’s marauding, cross Jew breeding. assimilating HO all need to Go!
      Russia will not go into the night without the mother of a fight.
      Americans simply have no idea, the Zionists have taken them all for Fools, and served it up their rear.
      Now we are on the brink of collapsing in the West,
      Feeding the ravenous greed of the Zionist Pest.
      When will a judgmental world unleash the Cyrus virus.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    If only…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      F Wookies. Atomise and sorted.


    2. Excellent, loved it. So true. Someone needs to pay better attention to those colonized schools they attend.


  19. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    John has a welcome mat at his home that does this.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Don’t run Frieda. Lol
      How to start Munich’s day.


  20. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The junkie was full of junk


  21. Hmmm— explanation of the DeSantis plan and those behind it; spoiler…definitely not MAGA populist — which is the whole point of where we are heading


    Liked by 1 person

  22. Kirsch makes challenge to academic vaccinologists to prove childhood vaccines safe. https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/im-willing-to-bet-5m-that-vaccines?r=14jb45&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
    I’m willing to bet $5M that vaccines cause autism
    I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is that vaccines cause autism. I’ll take on any drug company, individual, or group of investors anywhere in the world


  23. Elon Musk remains a ticket-taker and is just a mechanism for some of the more honest and smart US kingmakers to route around the ossified Deep Statel



  24. Dear God, don’t smite till this one goes on vacation…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Well spotted, worth watching, and naked truth.
      But how do we persuade a Moron that it’s stupid?
      I give you Biden and Trump. A basket case each.
      Look around, it’s profound, the scale of vacant eyed, stupidity abounds
      Morons not worth saving, eat away the resources for those who are.
      The Jewish racketeered Fed Ponzi Usury scam is only a Pyramid scam waiting to burst.
      If and when it does, Man Kind, will not be.


    1. That was so damn funny!


  25. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/unapologetic-jamaican-vacation-rental-owner-says-she-will/

    Sound familiar?
    The owner said she rents to people from all over the world but has had difficulty with most of her Black American clientele. She categorized them as “disrespectful, entitled, unappreciative” and said the reason they are is that they have been spoiled and given too much “free sh*t” in America.

    She complained that they “start fights with each other” late at night and said they expected the same treatment in Jamaica that they receive in America, “They think that they can come to Jamaica and can get the same free shit here, and they are nasty about it.” She continued making it clear that she is not saying all Black Americans are the same.


  26. Thanks Tony for posting this video from Robert by Putin. The world sees what is going on here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I am glad you found it valuable knowledge. We have been warning of the rise and re-birth of Bolshevism in the West. Even the Russians now admit that their past had to deal with this scourge of humanity. And it gives some clarity as to why Germany tried to erase it from the continent. We gave those miserable c–ksuckers 11 billion dollars in WWII, and now look what we are dealing with?

      Vlad didn’t mention the Frankfurt School…perhaps fearing that giving credit to Germany for throwing those roaches out of their lands would create confusion in the minds of the witless drones who got their history from Steven Spielberg.

      Liked by 1 person

  27. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    One wrong move and the GS will be put on hold for another 10,000 years.


    1. How far will they go to stay in power?… Nukes?… looking at the blatant, obvious, control state the US is in right now, using tactical nukes will be coming I would think… how far will they go to stop the GS?… as far as they need to it looks like


    2. This is a deterrent move. It’s a clear message that Russia will respond in kind if the Retards try an area-clearing weapon.

      It is the US that can’t be trusted at this point with nukes. But within the halls here, everyone is very truly terrified about the use of nukes. This is looking like a war-theatre move given locations.


  28. US struggling to explain images of its destroyed hardware inside Russia — RT World News

    From a contributor

    What is the point of struggling to explain the use of American or European equipment on Russian soil? Call for what it is, because spin is meaningless. Yes, America spends money it does not have depriving its’ citizens for the glory of war in dreaming of defeating Russia and breaking the country up to feed upon its’ natural wealth. Recent colored maps announced define the intent beyond a shadow of doubt galvanizing the Russian public to stand behind their leadership in a fight for their existence.

    Any thinking person already has realized that Ukraine is a proxy army to fight for NATO and America in a war against Russia with the battlefield being Ukraine, engineered by Neocons in America. A proxy is really nothing more than a mercenary for hire that has been hired. Historically, mercenaries have always been used in conflicts. Equipped by their masters to fight as opposed to wasting citizen lives. Ordinary Europeans and Americans have no interest in a fight with Russians. And frankly any attempt to secure of enlist such a military call up would cause mass uprisings.

    Should anyone be surprised that Ukrainian pilots are actively being trained in America to fly F16’s? Yes, American Air Force Generals have said this will not change anything. However this is not relevant because F16’s can and will carry Nukes to strike Russia soon. Those Ukrainian pilots are on a one way path to their death to escalate the fight.

    While it maybe adequate for now to ignore the nuclear dust spreading across Poland into Germany. Will it be so easy to overlook a nuclear attack on Crimea or some other part of Russia? And should we not see this as a direct escalation that will force Russia to retaliate in response? While this sounds like some crazy movie script, the danger is very real with insane Neocons at the helm in America and elsewhere. Do you know that power has been cut off to the largest nuclear plant in Europe with 9 days of diesel fuel left to keep the water cooling the rods? Does no one understand the danger and risk to Europe? Or should one assume that the past meltdown was acceptable because this could be much worse.

    When you see people out of fear and apprehension buy gold dory bars to secure momentary monetary value, it is clear that beyond fear of war lies an apprehension of far worse. Because in a time of so called tactical nukes being authorized one might imagine that all manner of debt and currency may well be defaulted upon blaming war and uncontrollable circumstances and not the irresponsible actions of politicians. Ask yourself when have you ever witnessed a politician admitting they were wrong? And as for gold, i can attest that my family’s burial of gold coins dating back to Czarist times has never been recovered and has served mute to preceding generations. Even land has not seen recovery to what it once was. It is why even today in certain parts of Italy and France one finds gold coins and the like from times past and lives given from forgotten history.

    Should history choose to respect itself in teaching and repeat; the outcome for a Ship of Fools will more than likely follow historical consequences as opposed to creating new courses of history.



    We all hope so. The sooner he bolts on that Gold Digger the better


    Way past time these Traitors do time

    Just to keep Munich Girl laughing


  29. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Of course…she’s special and was oppressed.


  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Hang in there MG. We are not far behind.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Hell your ahead but lie better.


  31. 3 stars
    3 ribbons

    Follow the breadcrumbs


  32. Jeremy from Geeks and Gamers had a great stream of the DeSantis announcement (linked video starts after the announcement ended). As Barnes and Baris have been saying for months, Trump is branding DeSantis as a RINO swamp creature based on who his donors are his congressional record (pro war, TPP, cutting social programs, etc.) Whether or not you personally see DeSantis in this light, it seems to be very effective and I don’t see how DeSantis converts enough voters who already say they are for Trump (who is polling around 60% now).


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Tino has read it right. De Santis just can’t get the Poll numbers he needs to beat trump.
      Sadly, that leaves that vacuous tub of lard to run but he’s a better choice than Biden.
      The real sadness is none are fit for America.
      4 years of that Fake Orange, Narcissistic, Heel Spurs Draft Dodging Coward will leave America ever further behind the new multi hemisphere world coming. No time to font a Grifter or Butt Lifter if Mike Obama appears. We need Patriots not Trannie Queers.


  33. Killing Floor: Firsthand Witness Attests Hospital Deliberately Hastened the Deaths of COVID Patients
    “So if your patient is diagnosed and called a COVID patient, [you get more money]. Then, if your patient goes through certain treatment protocols, remdesivir, ventilator, et cetera, et cetera, each one of those, you’re going to get an additional amount of money.”


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Greedy, horrific, shameful, and sad. Heads need to roll!


  34. NEW – Google is using its virtual monopoly as a search engine to “elevate liberal views, stifle conservatives and manipulate children,” according to a new report.

    Harvard Ph.D. researcher says: “They think they’re gods.”



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Complete failure of Government, but America has none.


  35. Metabiota, the US company funded by US Department of Defence’s Threat Reduction Agency (“DTRA”) to operate biolabs in Ukraine, was founded by Nathan Wolfe who is linked to the Global Virome Project, EcoHealth, World Economic Forum and Jeffrey Epstein.
    Wolfe, directly and/or through Metabiota and its sister non-profit Global Viral, is not only been funded by various branches of US Department of Defence but, is also funded by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca and CIA venture capital company In-Q-Tel.  And this is merely scratching the surface of those backing the biolabs in Ukraine.


    Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        We need Iranian and Russian Labs to help us rid the planet of Viral vermin.
        Too many of the Bastards are now Agency, WH, or even Pentagon. Like assimilating Crabs they need burning off.

        Liked by 2 people

  36. Fever Carrying Mosquitoes Studied In Ukraine BioLabs Used To spark Dengue Pandemic In Cuba‼️

    “The facts of the use of Aedes mosquitoes as biological weapons, exactly the same species with which the US Pentagon worked in Ukraine, were recorded in a class-action lawsuit by Cuban citizens against the US government and were submitted for reviewing of the signatories to the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons.”



  37. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Why TF is there no Cyrus Virus?


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Because Dr Mengele was chased out of his office before it was perfected. lol


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Find 10 more
          Use Replicators.

          Liked by 1 person

  38. Tough New Hate Crime Law Has Irish Fearful Their Luck’s Running Out On Free Speech
    Ireland is on the verge of passing the most aggressive hate crime law in the European Union, which includes the first legal protections in the EU for transgender individuals.


  39. How in the world could they deny her in the first place?… our AMA needs flame thrower!…
    14-year-old Yulia Hicks was denied a kidney transplant (by Doctors at Duke University) as she was not vaccinated, FOX covered it extensively; Berenson now reports he has word she is getting a kidney

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My brethren have lost their way. Too many rules, too much lack of common sense, ignorance of informed consent, adhesion where none should be… It’s a mess. Thank you politicos, insurance and cowardice.

      It doesn’t even make medical sense. Vascular rejection is just one facet of transplant graft rejections. And I therefore mandate a vaxx that is known to have endless vascular complications because a one-dimensional COVID worry? How f’ing insane is that?


  40. Clown circus… how can this be possible today?… who really runs our country?


    1. Look up idiot in the dictionary and it will have several pages of pics.


  41. https://www.israelhayom.com/2023/05/24/israel-concerned-iran-will-begin-enriching-uranium-to-near-weapons-grade-purity/

    Beyond hope so someone has to step up and stop these vermin taking all. Huge Yes to Iran


    Great Replacement Update / Garbage Haul Edition: Illegals Are Trashing The Rio Grande. Wait Until They Move Into Your Neighborhood | Blog Posts | VDARE.com

    What a disaster on the American border. What? Its all over the UK and Germany too. Cage and return the Bastards and if vast lines helicopter gunships and cannon shred the lot.
    Beyond sad and it should be alarming to every American. So is any wonder now that the Major of New York complains about all the migrants let into hotels in New York? In some hotels they are 50% full with these folks and regular folks refuse to stay in these hotels. Does anyone blame them? Who wants to visit New York ?


    The inside story of Russia-Iran-India connectivity

    The trade routes spelling the wealth of tomorrow. The UK and Germany need to be in on this. F the US meddling off.


    It is what I have told you before … he will
    Never return to duty

    Watch “Tom Tiffany gets point of order for asking questions about Hunter Biden Case #hunterbiden #shorts” on YouTube


    TIME to expose him


    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      For sure WHA brings it to you daily. If only the MSM did.


  42. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Once we all go multi currency keep the Temple Changing F’s out of the process.
      We need a worldwide red flag on Jew access anywhere.
      No Jew Shrews syphoning from the process is real news. Jew are bad news.

      Liked by 1 person

  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The Left side of the House sounds like a McDonald’s.


  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. Thanks Tony for posting this video from Robert by Putin. The world sees what is going on here.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        I am glad you found it valuable knowledge. We have been warning of the rise and re-birth of Bolshevism in the West. Even the Russians now admit that their past had to deal with this scourge of humanity. And it gives some clarity as to why Germany tried to erase it from the continent. We gave those miserable c–ksuckers 11 billion dollars in WWII, and now look what we are dealing with?

        Liked by 1 person

  45. john2020vision Avatar

    A thought for the day for Munich Girl
    I know you can’t spend much time standing on your feet,
    So contribute via your laptop from a lavatory seat.
    But be careful the Crabs in there can jump 6 feet.



    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Oh man… lol


    2. Oh you are so bad! 🙂 My assistant had to explain the crab part as I was not understanding on how crabs would get into a toilet.

      With my doctor and husband getting on my back for not resting I have to sometimes go find my laptop which they hide. You and the readers here are doing a very good job of all so please excuse my not being around but 4 more months of this then I begin motherhood in full. 🙂 My assistant Inge will be watching for content and reporting to me when away. So behave John! But also keep up your important assignments as we know how critical it is.
      Gott Mit Uns


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        I pre-warned you when dealing with the macabre realities of life and not so kind Humanity that curved ball humour is needed to keep sane. Always jokes with an angle. No false Gods
        Our focus is 24 x 7. No pressure? Lol Multi Dimensional Chess if needed. A huge game plays out daily.
        No place for Fools or Limp Wrists. Real world is not for the naive.
        I see ever more the pain and hopelessness facing poor Germany. As I do with Channel Crossings and bottomless Wog flows.
        I alluded to you the standing of Blucher, the Hapsburg’s and Bismark’s. Rommel and more.
        The moves over the last 2 weeks with the Treasury, UN ,Africa and Elders are Green Shoots of hope. Innovation but happening. Now it’s all debating again.

        Although they will start with 2 African nations, all will flow via London and the full Infrastructure Control Command Centre will be via London.
        Think Blucher, Bismark, the “Special English families ” still cloaked but empowered who will lead.
        Real Knights to deal with Unwanted undesirables who will build resources to man and block the borders.

        We will be looking to reject and reverse the ridiculous Human Rights Act. Including to revoke and Poke the Wogs, not go broke. Torching the Boats will stop their games. Time to fill the Banana Boats and return Skid Row Bums. No more hotels, straight to the Camps. Time to review the WEF and Socialist Free Riding trash. A Big Stick is coming. Let it all play out, it takes what it takes.
        Tell Inge be careful what you singe.
        Now remember, 6 feet! 2 metres. Lol.
        Your cause and need is ever in mind. You all are.
        And always, the humour. Never at face value.

        Liked by 2 people

  46. Funny…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      A Maga Don?


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  48. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  49. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Orangu tantis.

      Liked by 1 person

  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Just another grifting hustle.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      The Pentagon has lost track of Ts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      They let the Zios in! A Roach cannot stop itself.

      Liked by 1 person

  51. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Put him on a cross.


  52. “…This tells me that the United States is being coaxed into becoming the new Sodom and Gomorrah…”


    1. Some Old Testament fire and brimstone on DC may just be what is needed…


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      It reached that decades ago. No one there gives a F. It’s a Me, Me, Me my lick mass, and I feel for the good ones surrounded by so many gratuitous brain dead Fs.
      America is now a Juggernaut heading downhill with its breaks failing and DC Dumb F’s asleep at the wheel. It’s like watching a Chaplin era silent movie farce with Hollywood Jews all taking it up the A? Long gone are the Founders wishes or values. Washington DC is the Pits. The decadence of Rome with no one home. In CA, and in Washington AC/DC Sodom is here.
      The good ones please, rethink your role in that emerging Shitheap.
      Your own Ancestors were motivated to leave and resettle.
      For the good ones, many here with us, get the Blinkers off.
      The world is yours.


  53. Soon the world will know that the Russian military operation in Ukraine was a massive clean up operation. The global elites were using that country as their dirty operations centre, from biolabs, to drugs, to human trafficking… you name it, it was happening there.



    1. While I wasn’t surprised that the Empire That Never Ended had all sorts of corruption there, I was surprised by the extent of biolab construction. Frankly there is basis there for causus belli along with all the other action, most notably the insanity of Neo-Nazi and Nuland’s coup.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Note American inspired and funded. With Biden kickbacks and Faucis dirty hands.


  54. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. Christianity , so called, after about 100 AD is just another man centered organization . It has had a few people that had been born again and had Christ living in them ,but the organizations have not had Christ reigning . That is an inward thing , not outward . Today, its much worse and the Modern church is by and large soul based and controlled by and for men . Christ is seated at the right hand of God in heaven since his resurrection and also alive, in born again men and women. When Christ returns , he will be reigning over the earth for a 1,000 year( the millennium ) before the creation of the new heaven and new earth . ( future events). I have seen all the postings of Christ being just another one of the dead prophets and such . Those comments are nothing new .Real Christ centered life is a relationship with a person , Christ . God does nothing outside of the son and all things are summed up in and by the son . I realize most people don’t believe that. That is why they are called non believers . Today however, if you hear his voice ( and you will know it when it happens) do not harden your hearts , but received him, in you. Time is short . I am posting this at his direction because he loves you all, very much .


  55. The Biden administration is set to end familial DNA testing at the US-Mexico border, which has been key to preventing the fraudulent entry of many illegal immigrants and mitigating child trafficking



    1. Furthermore, even with comorbidity, the under 70 death rate was something like ~0.5%, e.g. 3x the flu. At some point, we have to tell the pandemic fear-mongers to FO.

      It took omicron to infect me and I’m a triple-comorbidity. I walked out among the alpha and delta infected and not a damn thing happened. Omicron did put my heart rate at 100+ but wife and I waltzed thru the infection in 2 weeks with HCQ, indomethacin, monteleukast and levoceterizine and of course, azithromycin.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        The Gods do not want that redhead left for dead. They gave you the ride and pass.


        1. I thank the Gods everyday…


          1. john2020vision Avatar

            Higher ascended Soul Guardians are along for the carbon life ride.


  56. Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      With Atonement there is no escape. There are No Special People, and Abrahamian Myths are just for the Feeble Minded. He, Soros, the Bushes,Clintons, and Zio Jew Freak Show running DC, the Cabal and the Agencies, face an Ethereal Reality none conceived. Too late to be sorry now.
      Soros and Kissinger can not live forever, but they can Atone for it forever.

      Liked by 2 people

  57. https://summit.news/2023/05/22/migrants-turn-german-city-of-plauen-into-no-go-zone/
    Now, the mayor of Plauen is desperate as crime and violence soar in his city due to migrants dominating the city center, harassing pedestrians and committing serious crimes, including a case of attempted manslaughter.


  58. Fairfax County Schools Moves To End K-12 Free Speech With ‘Bias Incident’ Tattling System

    READ: https://thefederalist.com/2023/05/24/fairfax-county-schools-moves-to-end-k-12-free-speech-with-bias-incident-tattling-system/
    A bias incident is anything and everything that an administrator, usually a so-called “equity” officer, claims it is


  59. NEW – Outdoor apparel brand The North Face has partnered with a “drag queen” yelling “COME OUT” to sell LGBTQ+ apparel to kids.



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  62. Parents Sue Elite Schools For ‘Indoctrinating’ Their Kids With DEI ‘Bait And Switch’


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  63. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/the-next-pandemic-disease-x-even
    The Next “Pandemic” DISEASE-X ‘Even Deadlier’ than PSYOP-19 is Coming, Warns WHO


  64. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/breaking-prof-sucharit-bhakdi-stood
    BREAKING: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Stood Trial in Germany, Facing Charges of “Incitement of the People.” He Has Just Been Acquitted of ALL Accusations!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fantastic precedent. Well done Germans. Keep poking the authorities in the eye.

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